HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 122810 - Special Meeting Agenda Packet 122810 {fe ARCHIVE COPY CITY CLERK CITY OF ATASfo* CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA N DA Tuesday, December 28, 2010 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California City Council Special Meeting: 6:00 P.M. Community Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting: Immediately following the conclusion of the City Council Special Meeting Joint City Council / RDA Special Meeting / Study Session: Immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Kelley ROLL CALL: Mayor Fonzi Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley Council Member Clay Council Member Kelley Council Member Sturtevant .:� PROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call A. DISCUSSION OF MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO TEM POSITIONS B. CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION: 1. Council Appointment of Mayor — The City Clerk will accept nominations from the Council Members 2. Council Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem — The new Mayor will accept nominations from the Council Members C. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The newly elected Mayor will be assigning committee members to the following committees): Air Pollution Control District (APCD) Atascadero Youth Task Force City / Schools Committee (2) County Mayors Round Table Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) Finance Committee Homeless Services Oversight Council Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) League of California Cities — Council Liaison League of California Cities — CITIPAC Board Member (appointed by League of CA Cities) S.L.O. Council of Governments (SLOCOG) S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) Appointments made by other entities: Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Committee (appointed by the Governor) Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) —alternate (appointed by City Selection Committee) D. ADJOURNMENT TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING. 2 �1914 � � r� .� � .d 197�� �.SCAD P CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA I Tuesday, December 28, 2010 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: Immediately following the conclusion Of the City Council Special Meeting ROLL CALL: Chairperson Kelley Vice Chairperson Clay Board Member Fonzi Board Member O'Malley Board Member Sturtevant APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call A. BOARD REORGANIZATION: 1. Board Appointment of Chairperson — The Board Secretary will accept nominations from the Board Members. 2. Board Appointment of Vice-Chairperson — The new Chairperson will accept nominations from the Board Members. B. ADJOURNMENT TO JOINT CITY COUNCIL I COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING / STUDY SESSION 1 2 SPECIAL ,JOINT MEETING Atascadero City Council Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Strategic Planning 2011 — Phase ##1 Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Special Joint Meeting follows the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting which follows the conclusion of the City Council Special Meeting at 6:00 P.M. City Hall, Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California AGENDA ROLL CALL: City Council and Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Strategic Planning 2011 — Introduction of Strategic Planning Effort • Fiscal Impact: None • Recommendations: City Council/RDA Board take the following actions: 1 . Reaffirm the City's Mission Statement; and, 2. Review the Environmental Scan prepared by staff; and, 3. Develop a preliminary list of discussion issues. ADJOURNMENT: The City Council and Community Redevelopment Agency will adjourn to their next regularly scheduled meetings. 1 2 DATE: 12/28/10 1878 r- Atascadero City Council/Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Staff Report - City Manager's Office/Executive Director Strategic Planning 2011 RECOMMENDATIONS: City Council/RDA Board take the following actions: 1. Reaffirm the City's Mission Statement; and, 2. Review the Environmental Scan prepared by staff; and, 3. Develop a preliminary list of discussion issues. DISCUSSION: Introduction: The purpose of strategic planning is to anticipate the future, envision what the organization must become in order to operate effectively with that future, and make plans for moving the organization from what it is to what it needs to become to be successful. The Strategic Plan identifies strategic issues, establishes broad goals, and states general priorities. In Atascadero the strategic planning effort was first initiated in 1997 as an effort to develop and coordinate organizational priorities on a Citywide basis. The City Council annually reviews, updates or revises the City's Strategic Plan. Typically in the odd numbered years following the election, the City Council creates two-year goals as part of the strategic plan which is used as the foundation for developing the City's budget. In the even numbered years, the Council meets to check progress of the plan and provide any steering corrections necessary. 3 DATE: 12/28/10 The 2009 -10 strategic planning effort produced a mission statement, which is: The City of Atascadero is committed to building community by fostering an outstanding quality of life with excellent public service, stewardship of the environment, preservation of our heritage and promotion of economic prosperity. Supported by three City goals which are: • Grow the City's Economy and Pursue Economic Development • Enhance Public Safety • Stabilize the City's Finances In 2010, the City Council conducted full revision of the City's Strategic Plan focusing on the City's current and future constraints and opportunities, re-establishing priorities, developing plans for implementing City Council goals and strengthening the City's financial strategy. The 2011 process with be similar in that the major review areas will be spread over three Council meetings, culminating in a Strategic Planning workshop. The 2011 Strategic Planning Process Staff will cover the strategic planning process over the course of several meetings from now through February 2011 , leaving the final workshop January 28 and 29 to concentrate on Council goals and their implementation. Phase 1. December 28, 2010 During the first phase staff will present: • An overview of the Strategic Planning Process • The Planning Horizon (Time covered by the Plan) • The current Mission Statement • An Environmental Scan As part of this first meeting the Council will be asked to: • Take Public Comment about Strategic Planning and the issues to be covered • Reaffirm or modify the City's Mission Statement • Review and accept or modify the Environmental Scan (staff has prepared a draft for Council review, Attachment 1) • Develop a preliminary list of issues that need to be discussed (Issues already identified by Council are included in Attachment 2) 4 DATE: 12/28/10 Phase 2. January 11, 2011 In the second phase staff will present: • Economic information affecting the City • Information on the City's financial condition • A five-year financial strategy • Labor and personnel issues facing the City As part of this second meeting the Council will be asked to: • Review the City's financial condition • Provide policy direction on the five-year financial strategy • Take Public Comment regarding issues to be reviewed • Add to the list of Council review issues Phase 3. January 25 In the third phase Staff will present: • City's General Plan goals • Economic Development Strategy goals • Current City Council goals • Review specific community development policies As part of this third meeting the Council will be asked to: • Take Public Comment on goals to be considered • Create a list of What the City does well? • Create a list of What the City does not do well? • Complete the list of issues for Council review Phase 4. January 28 & 29 In the final phase the Council will meet in a day and a half session beginning Friday evening and going through all day Saturday. At this session the Council will: • Take Public Comment on goals to be considered • Consider the information developed in the first four meetings • Develop future scenarios • Discuss the list of issues • Reaffirm, modify or establish new goals • Develop action items and implementation steps for Council goals. 5 DATE: 12/28/10 The diagram below illustrates the Strategic Planning Process: t Planning Horizon � a tatement. � 4 Enteron � s M x h §e i a ltl Labor Planning Horizon The Planning Horizon is the timeframe toward which the entire planning process is geared. It is established by determining the period of time for which the future can be predicted with relative accuracy. The Planning Horizon also represents the timeframe within which the action plans developed later in the planning process will be implemented. The Horizon for this Plan has been set at three years so that it fully encompasses the two year budget and provides follow up direction for the out year. Mission Statement (Current) The City Council adopted the following Mission Statement at their regular meeting on February 24, 2009: The City of Atascadero is committed to building community by fostering an outstanding quality of life with excellent public service, stewardship of the environment, preservation of our heritage and promotion of economic prosperity. Does the City Council still agree with this statement? 6 DATE: 12/28/10 Environmental Scan The purpose of the Environmental Scan is to identify those formal and informal groups that affect and influence the environment we operate in and to identify trends that will impact our organization. Groups are divided into four categories: customers/clients, regulators, resource providers, and competitors. Consideration is given to past trends and whether or not they will continue in the future. The Environmental Scan produces sensitivity to those groups that affect the work environment. This effort results in awareness of the conditions, demands, constraints, and impacts we may expect in our work environment in the future. A draft Environmental Scan has been developed by staff (Attachment 1). Current Issues The City Council has typically started the strategic planning process with a list of current issues important to the community. The list is developed by the City Council and helps to ensure that everyone's projects and concerns are discussed when evaluating current realities or establishing future scenarios. A preliminary list has been identified by the City Council and is included in this report (Attachment 2). FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1. - City Council Strategic Planning 2011 - Environmental Scan Attachment 2. - City Council Strategic Planning 2011 - Issues 7 8 Attachment 1 City Council Strategic Planning 2011 Environmental Scan The purpose of the Environmental Scan is to identify those formal and informal groups that affect and influence the environment the City operates in and to identify trends that will impact the organization. Groups are divided into four categories: customers/clients, regulators, resource providers, and competitors. Consideration is given to past trends and whether or not they will continue in the future. The Environmental Scan provides sensitivity to those groups that affect the work environment. This results in an awareness of the conditions, demands, constraints, and impacts we may expect in our work environment in the future. Who are our customers/clients? Clients are the recipients or users of our services. The users or recipients of the services of the City of Atascadero are: ■ Assessment Districts ■ Business ■ Chamber of Commerce ■ Construction Industry ■ Employees & their Bargaining Groups ■ Facility Users ■ Homeless ■ Main Street Board ■ Motoring Public ■ Nonprofit Groups ■ Real Estate Industry ■ Residents ■ Schools ■ Seniors ■ Special Interest Groups ■ State Hospital ■ Tourists ■ Transients ■ Water Company ■ Youth 9 DATE: 12/28/10 The trends we see in our clients are: ■ Assessment Districts ✓ Higher level of service ✓ Organized ✓ Local ✓ Concerned about money ■ Businesses ✓ Expect help ✓ Viable voice ✓ Better organized ✓ Believe City is supportive ✓ Increased influence ✓ Competition continues with neighboring communities ✓ Struggling ✓ Mix is changing ✓ Want more promotion from City ✓ Business leakage continues to increase ✓ Capital remains hard to access ✓ Local stimulus programs ■ Chamber of Commerce ✓ Influence ✓ Manager doing a good job ✓ Improved relations ✓ Energy affected by the economy ■ Construction Industry ✓ Devastated by the economy ✓ Connected ✓ Trying to figure out the world ■ Employees & their Bargaining Groups ✓ Tentative ✓ Concerned about future ✓ Grateful to have a job ✓ Want recognition ✓ Stretched ✓ Improved involvement ✓ Knowledgeable on the issues ■ Facility Users ✓ Want more for less ✓ Expectation of City to waive fees for non-profit groups ✓ Increased use 10 DATE: 12/28/10 Homeless Advocacy Groups ✓ Organized ✓ Visible ✓ Advocates are active ✓ Shelter issue is big ✓ Political ✓ Need money ■ Main Street Board ✓ High maintenance ✓ Disorganized ✓ Not clear on goals ✓ Resources are an issue ■ Motoring Public ✓ Need services ✓ Upset about road condition ✓ Isolated traffic areas ✓ Need for traffic calming Nonprofit Groups ✓ Looking for more resources ✓ Looking to partner ✓ Looking to City for leadership and money ✓ Rely heavily on tax dollars ✓ More sophisticated Real Estate Industry ✓ Anxious about the economy ✓ Connected ✓ Influence community ■ Residents ✓ Expect more with less ✓ Skeptical of government ✓ Like community and environment ✓ Same-to-more involvement ✓ Getting older ✓ Approved school tax ✓ More computer usage ✓ More informed 11 DATE: 12/28/10 • Schools ✓ More stable ✓ Easier to work with ✓ Aging facilities ✓ Declining enrollment ✓ Financial situation declining ✓ Likely victimized by State ■ Seniors ✓ Volunteers ✓ Numbers are increasing ✓ More concerned about social and political issues ✓ More active ■ Special Interest Groups ✓ More vocal ✓ More groups ✓ More organized ✓ Grass roots ✓ Use Internet ✓ Issue generated ✓ Polarized ✓ Financially strapped ✓ Political ✓ May be energized by Wal Mart hearings ■ State Hospital ✓ Continued partnerships ✓ More communicative ✓ Labor unrest ✓ Impacted by State budget ✓ May combine Fire with Cal Fire ■ Tourists ✓ Big opportunity ✓ Have higher expectations ✓ Numbers are increasing ✓ Many headed to wine country ■ Transients ✓ Increased numbers ✓ Increased calls for service 12 DATE: 12/28/10 ■ Water Company ✓ Status quo ✓ Continue to be successful ✓ More helpful to City ✓ Concerned about future water supply raised rates • Youth ✓ Need activities ✓ More involved in electronics ✓ High percentage graduating and going to college ✓ Driving problems ✓ Lots of teenage drinking ✓ Congregating in Sunken Gardens 13 14 DATE: 12/28/10 Who are our regulators? Regulators are those individuals or groups that establish or enforce controls, limits, or boundaries on what we can and cannot do. The individuals and groups that regulate the City include the following: ■ Air Pollution Control District (APCD) ■ California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) ■ Cal Trans ■ Citizens ■ County ■ Federal ■ San Luis Obispo Council of Government (SLOCOG) ■ Special Interest Groups • State ■ Unions 15 DATE: 12/28/10 The trends we see in our regulators are: ■ Air Pollution Control District (APCD) ✓ New Green House Gas regulations ✓ New unfunded mandates — details unknown at this time ✓ Our representatives will need to be more vigilant • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) ✓ Invading local control ✓ Inflexible ✓ Increased requirements; SWMP, Basin Plan ✓ Political staff ✓ Affecting individual property owners ✓ Our representatives will need to be more vigilant ■ Caltrans ✓ Inflexible ✓ Slow ✓ Have intersection issues in the City ■ Citizens ✓ Interested and continue to monitor what we are doing ✓ Fiscally concerned ✓ Expectations exceed current abilities ✓ Position becoming more polarized ✓ Unwilling to pay for services ✓ Web provides more info ■ County ✓ Try to exercise a lot of control ✓ More responsive ✓ Services are getting expensive ✓ Management structure in flux ✓ More concerned about environmental issues ✓ Reducing institutional knowledge ✓ Hungry for funds ■ Federal ✓ More local contact ✓ Slow to release funds ✓ Few actual Federal dollars available for Atascadero ✓ Difficult working relationships ✓ Congressman is accessible 16 DATE: 12/28/10 ■ San Luis Obispo Council of Government (SLOCOG) ✓ Increased influence on funding and policy ✓ Politically complicated ✓ Increasing influence on regional planning ✓ Growing ✓ More rules on funding ✓ Reduced funding ✓ Our representatives will need to be vigilant • Special Interest Groups ✓ Numbers are increasing ✓ Vocal ✓ Using technology ■ State ✓ More audits ✓ Promised support of cities — no show ✓ Budget crisis for the foreseeable future ✓ More unfunded mandates ■ Unions ✓ Varied in communication with their employees ✓ More concerned about where we spend our money ✓ More concerned about fairness ✓ More concerned about staffing 17 18 DATE: 12128110 Who are our resource providers? Resource providers are those persons, groups or agencies that provide the City with capital, personnel, equipment, expertise or other support to assist the organization in fulfilling its mission. Resource providers to the City include the following: ■ Businesses • Cal Poly ■ Caltrans ■ Chamber of Commerce ■ Colleagues ■ Consultants ■ Contract City Attorney • County ■ Cuesta College ■ Employees • Federal • Media ■ Nonprofits (includes Service Groups) ■ Other Cities ■ Professional Organizations ■ School District ■ State ■ Utilities ■ Vendors • Volunteers 19 DATE: 12/28/10 The trends we see in our resource providers are: ■ Businesses ✓ Some businesses closing ✓ Having problems getting tenants ✓ More optimistic about downtown ✓ Sales tax down ✓ See City as more "Business Friendly" ■ Cal Poly ✓ Provides interns ✓ Potential Americorp opportunity • Caltrans ✓ Difficult to work with ✓ Slow processes • Chamber of Commerce ✓ Greater partnership ✓ Improved relations ✓ More active with City ✓ More organized ■ Colleagues ✓ More open to share ✓ More tradeoffs ✓ New or less experienced group • Consultants ✓ Hungry ✓ Expensive ✓ City has increased dependency due to reduced staffing ■ Contract City Attorney ✓ Reliable ✓ Responsive ✓ Thorough ✓ Assertive ✓ Provides variety of staff ■ County ✓ Financially tight ✓ Turf ✓ Reduced services ✓ More North County political leverage 20 DATE: 12/28/10 ■ Cuesta College ✓ Financial decline ✓ Reducing classes ✓ Small business center is closed ■ Employees ✓ Maximizing skills ✓ Seek more information and training ✓ Get more involved in the organization ✓ Good initiative ✓ Retirements are affecting institutional knowledge ■ Federal ✓ Less cooperative ✓ Less money ✓ Deficit is a threat ✓ More arants - tied to collaboration ✓ Non-funded mandates ✓ Continue with jobs ■ Media ✓ Need information ✓ Willing to talk ✓ We need to use more as a resource ✓ Increased listeners on radio ✓ Frequent turnovers ✓ Newspaper industry in decline ✓ Internet news and blogs increased • Nonprofits ✓ Membership is declining ✓ Older members ✓ Could do a lot ✓ Lack of coordination ✓ Minimal resources provided to City ✓ Looking for funding • Other Cities ✓ Cooperative ✓ Informal ✓ Paso turf issues ✓ Less stability ✓ A lot of turnover - so not as strong of a resource 21 DATE: 12/28/10 ■ Professional Organizations ✓ Better ✓ Stronger ✓ More sophisticated ✓ Better computer connects ✓ Trying to survive ✓ Increased alternatives to conferences • School District ✓ Budget crisis ✓ Limited resources ✓ Good relationship with City ■ State ✓ Less money ✓ Assistance shrinkage ✓ Good resources to Fire Department ✓ Not sympathetic to cities ✓ Continued financial instability ✓ Budget problems ■ Utilities ✓ More programs ✓ Increasing partnerships ✓ High interest in conservations ■ Vendors ✓ Hungry ■ Volunteers ✓ Expanded use into non-traditional areas ✓ More volunteers ✓ More needs for recognition ✓ Higher skill levels ✓ Higher regulations for training and liability 22 DATE: 12/28/10 Who are our competitors? Competitors are those groups or agencies that provide similar services to those provided by the City or compete with them for resources. Competitors with the City include the following: • County ■ Other Cities ■ Private Sector ■ Special Districts • State 23 DATE: 12/28/10 The trends we see in our competitors are: ■ County ✓ Have more money ✓ Better pay ✓ Very bureaucratic • Other Cities ✓ Similar financial condition ✓ Paso is aggressive ✓ Broader revenue base ✓ Receive Atascadero's sales tax leakage ■ Private Sector ✓ Leaner ✓ Salesmanship ✓ Change with times ✓ Recreation and meeting facility services ® Special Districts ✓ Minimal competition ■ State ✓ Competing for employees ✓ Competing for road dollars ✓ Taking local revenues 24 Attachment 2 City Council Strategic Planning 2011 Issues In Atascadero the City Council has typically started the strategic planning process with a list of current issues important to the community. The list is developed by the City Council and helps to ensure that everyone's projects and concerns are discussed when evaluating current realities or establishing future scenarios. The following is a preliminary list of issues identified by the Council.. • Economy • Permitted land uses in commercial zones • Labor relations • County Redistricting Plan • County Tax Split Agreement • Paperless agendas • Prioritize ADE Hot Spots 25