HomeMy WebLinkAbout071211 - Agenda Packet 071211 ARCHIVE COPY „n in V0 CITY CLERK CITY OF A TASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, July 12, 2011 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California City Council Closed Session: 5:00 p.m. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 5:00 P.M. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Govt. Code Sec. 54956.8) Property Address: 5901 East Mall, Atascadero, CA City Negotiator: Wade McKinney, City Manager Negotiating Parties: Robert E. and Elise G. Olson Under Negotiation: Instruction to negotiator will concern price and/or terms of payment. 4. CLOSED SESSION --ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION -- REPORT REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Fonzi ROLL CALL: Mayor O'Malley Mayor Pro Tem Kelley Council Member Clay Council Member Fonzi Council Member Sturtevant APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATION: 1. Employee Service Awards A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken. DRAFT MINUTES: Council meeting draft minutes are listed on the Consent Calendar for approval of the minutes. Should anyone wish to request an amendment to draft minutes, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and their suggestion will be considered by the City Council. If anyone desires to express their opinion concerning issues included in draft minutes, they should share their opinion during the Community Forum portion of the meeting.) 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes —June 14, 2011 ■ Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of June 14, 2011. [City Clerk] 2. May 2011 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact. $2,220,254.96. ■ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for May 2011 . [Administrative Services] 2 3. Employer Paid Member Contributions to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) ■ Fiscal Impact. None. ■ Recommendation: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A, authorizing employer paid member contributions for permanent full-time employees in the local safety member category, and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B, authorizing employer paid member contributions for permanent full-time employees in the local miscellaneous member category. [Administrative Services] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Any members of the public who have questions or need information, may contact City Clerk Marcia Torgerson who is available during normal business hours at 470-3400, or mtorgerson(C-_atascadero.org.) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (PBIA) (FY 2011-2012) Confirmation of Annual Assessment ■ Description: Request for Council to confirm annual assessment for downtown PBIA. ■ Ex Parte Communications: ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (Fiscal Year 2011-2012) at $0.00. [City Manager] C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Placement of Sewer Service Charges on the 2011-2012 Property Tax Rolls ■ Fiscal Impact: None. The City will bill $1,752,199 in sanitation service charges for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution placing sewer service charges on the 2011-2012 property tax rolls. [Public Works] 2. Strategic Planning 2011 - Update on Council Goals ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Provide feedback or additional direction if necessary; and, 2. Receive and file this report on the progress being made relative to the City Council's three goals. [City Manager] COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) 1. Mayor Tom O'Malley: Mayor O'Malley requests discussion and possible action regarding the Atascadero Unified School District's potential move of Atascadero Junior High School. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor O'Malley 1 . City / Schools Committee 2. County Mayors Round Table 3. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 4. League of California Cities — CITIPAC Board Member 5. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 6. SLO Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) Mayor Pro Tem Kelley 1 . Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Committee 2. Atascadero Youth Task Force 3. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 4. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 5. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) 6. Homeless Services Oversight Council Council Member Fonzi 1 . Air Pollution Control District 2. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 3. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 4. SLO Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) - alternate Council Member Sturtevant 1. City / Schools Committee 2. Community Action Partnership of SLO County 3. League of California Cities — Council Liaison 4 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager a. Commission Attendance Reports F. ADJOURNMENT: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the July 12, 2011 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on July 5, 2011, at the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 5'"day of July, 2011, at Atascadero, California. Victoria Randall, Deputy City CI rk City of Atascadero City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. unless there is a Community Redevelopment Agency meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. in which event the Council meeting will commence immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council meetings will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Regular Council meetings are televised live, audio recorded and videotaped for future playback. Charter Communication customers may view the meetings on Charter Cable Channel 20 or via the City's website at www.atascadero.org. Meetings are also broadcast on radio station KPRL AM 1230. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Mayor 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council. { ` ITEM NI IMRFR• A - 1 ` ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 n"n'min, n R �j 1818� Im � 1878� CITY OFATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Tuesday, June 14, 2011 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California City Council Closed Session 5:15 P.M. Community Redevelopment 6:00 P.M. Agency Meeting: City Council Immediately following the Regular Session: conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 5:15 P.M. Mayor O'Malley announced that the Council is going into Closed Session at 5.15 p.m. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT — None 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 1 of 12 7 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 a. Conference with Labor Negotiators(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Wade McKinney, City Manager Employee Organizations: Atascadero Firefighters Bargaining Unit; Atascadero Police Association; Service Employees International Union, Local 620; Mid-Management/Professional Employees; Non-Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees 4. CLOSED SESSION -- ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION -- REPORT City Attorney Don Davis announced that there was no reportable action taken. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: Immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting Mayor O'Malley called the meeting to order at 6:18 p.m. and Mayor Pro Tem Kelley led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Fonzi, Sturtevant, Mayor Pro Tem Kelley and Mayor O'Malley Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk /Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Acting Police Chief Steve Gesell, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, and City Attorney Don Davis. CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 2 of 12 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call MOTION: By Council Member Fonzi and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Kelley to approve the agenda, with the following amendment: Move Item #C-4 to before the Public Hearings. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes — May 24, 2011 ■ Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Meeting Draft Action Minutes of May 24, 2011 . [City Clerk] 2. April 2011 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $1,722,298.36. ■ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for April 2011. [Administrative Services] 3. Temporary Road Closure — Hot EI Camino Cruise Nite 2011 p Y ■ Fiscal Impact: No net fiscal impact. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution authorizing temporary road closures on Friday, August 19, 2011, for Hot EI Camino Cruise Nite 2011. [Community Services] MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#A-3: Resolution No. 2011-039) UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Wade McKinney gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following citizens spoke during Community Forum: Ron Rothman, Steve Martin, Constantino Santos, Ann Ketcherside, Mike Brennler (Exhibit A), David Broadwater, Jim Shannon, and Tom Comar. Mayor O'Malley closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 3 of 12 S ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 Item #C-4 (moved from Management Reports) 4. Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan - Council Briefing: US 101 / Del Rio Road Interchange Improvements ■ Fiscal Impact: Potential cost to the City is unknown. ■ Recommendation: Council authorize staff to begin discussions with Walmart Inc. and The Rottman Group regarding the phasing and funding of improvements for the US 101 / Del Rio Road freeway interchange. [Community Development] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Ellen Berkowitz, Robert Winslow, Ann Ketcherside (spoke twice), David Broadwater (Exhibit B), Randy Lawrence, Icey Hagedorn, David Pecci, Jeanne Ponek, Kelly Long, Mitch Paskin, Lynn Hunter, Karyn Sturtevant, Armondo Heredia, Lauren Yancey, Tino Santos, Alise Mullen, Darla Henderson, George Schroff, Marilyn Pasfaloff, Don Gooding, Jim Shannon, Wesley Dodds, Mike Brennler, Tom Comar (spoke twice), Ron Rothman (spoke twice), Ron Walters, Bob Wilkins, Fred Frank, and Cindy Sasur. Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Kelley and seconded by Council Member Clay to authorize staff to begin discussions with Walmart Inc. and The Rottman Group regarding the phasing and funding of improvements for the US 101 / Del Rio Road freeway interchange, and return to the Council with options to consider. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Mayor O'Malley recessed the meeting at 8:19 p.m. Mayor O'Malley reconvened the meeting at 8:30 p.m. CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 4 of 12 1L ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Apple Valley Assessment Districts ■ Ex Parte Communications: ■ Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2011/2012 will total $39,620 for road/drainage system maintenance and $31,850 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in Apple Valley. ■ Recommendations: Council 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 — Apple Valley, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 —Apple Valley; and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 — Apple Valley, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 —Apple Valley. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Kelley and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 — Apple Valley, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 01 — Apple Valley; and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 — Apple Valley, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 01 — Apple Valley. CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 5 of 12 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. 2011- 040, #2: Resolution No. 2011-041, #3: Resolution No. 2011-042, & #4: Resolution No. 2011-043) 2. De Anza Estates Assessment Districts ■ Ex Parte Communications: ■ Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2011/2012 will total $38,923 for road/drainage system maintenance and $13,335 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in De Anza Estates. The City General Fund will contribute $1,466 for the fiscal year 2011/2012 for half of the maintenance costs of the trails and open space. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 — De Anza Estates, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 — De Anza Estates; and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 — De Anza Estates, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 — De Anza Estates. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Fonzi and seconded by Council Member Clay to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 — De Anza Estates, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 03 — De Anza Estates; and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 6 of 12 12 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 03 — De Anza Estates, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscalY ear 2011/2012; and, 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 03 — De Anza Estates. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. 2011- 044, #2: Resolution No. 2011-045, #3: Resolution No. 2011-046, & #4: Resolution No. 2011-047) 3. Woodridge (Las Lomas) Assessment Districts ■ Ex Parte Communications: ■ Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2011/2012 will total $23,639 for road/drainage system maintenance and $81,300 for landscape and lighting maintenance. These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in Woodridge. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 —Woodridge (Las Lomas); and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas). [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Kelley to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2011/2012; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas); and, CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 7 of 12 13 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 201112012; and, 4. Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2011/2012 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 —Woodridge (Las Lomas). Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. 2011- 048, #2: Resolution No. 2011-049, #3: Resolution No. 2011-050, & #4: Resolution No. 2011-051) C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Historic City Hall Project Bid Awards: ACH-08 Historic Repair & Rehabilitation; ACH-12 Rough Carpentry; ACH-16 Elevator; ACH-17 Fire Protection; ACH-18 Plumbing; ACH-19 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) ■ Fiscal Impact: $12,631,527 in budgeted City Hall Project Funds, including funding from FEMA, CalEMA and the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Reject protest from Spectra Company and award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with, Diani Building Corporation in the amount of $10,099,669 base bid, plus add alternates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12 and 14, totaling $465,000, for the ACH-08 Historic Repair & Rehabilitation construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 2. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with, Diani Building Corporation in the amount of $277,920 for the ACH-12 Rough Carpentry construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 3. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Republic Elevator, in the amount of $276,320 for the ACH-16 Elevator purchase and installation services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 4. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Alpha Fire Sprinkler Corporation, in the amount of $259,841 for the ACH-17 Fire Protection design and construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 5. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Scott T. Murray Plumbing, in the amount of $403,000 for the ACH-18 Plumbing construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 6. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Santa Margarita Construction, in the amount of $849,777 for the CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 8 of 12 14 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12111 ACH-19 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 7. Authorize the Director of Public Works to file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder upon satisfactory completion of each project. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Jim Wilkins Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Kelley and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to: 1. Reject protest from Spectra Company and award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with, Diani Building Corporation in the amount of $10,099,669 base bid, plus add alternates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12 and 14, totaling $465,000, for the ACH-08 Historic Repair & Rehabilitation construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 2. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with, Diani Building Corporation in the amount of $277,920 for the ACH-12 Rough Carpentry construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 3. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Republic Elevator, in the amount of $276,320 for the ACH-16 Elevator purchase and installation services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 4. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Alpha Fire Sprinkler Corporation, in the amount of $259,841 for the ACH-17 Fire Protection design and construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 5. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Scott T. Murray Plumbing, in the amount of $403,000 for the ACH-18 Plumbing construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, 6. Award bid to, and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Santa Margarita Construction, in the amount of $849,777 for the ACH-19 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning construction services for the Historic City Hall Project; and, CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 9 of 12 15 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 7. Authorize the Director of Public Works to file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder upon satisfactory completion of each project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Contract No. 2011- 015, #2: Contract No. 2011-016, #3: Contract No. 2011-017, #4: Contract No. 2011-018, #5: Contract No. 2011-019, & #6: Contract No. 2011-020) 2. 2011-2013 Operating and Capital Budget ■ Fiscal Impact: The total revenues are budgeted at $40,012,320 and $27,497,880 for fiscal years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 respectively. Total expenditures are budgeted at $52,118,990 and $37,446,380 for fiscal years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 respectively. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution adopting the budgets for the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 fiscal years and delegating to the City Manager the authority to implement same; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution amending fiscal year 2010-2011 budget; and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution adopting the fiscal year 2011-2012 annual spending limit. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Jim Shannon Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council member Sturtevant and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Kelley to: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution adopting the budgets for the 2011- 2012 and 2012-2013 fiscal years and delegating to the City Manager the authority to implement same; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution amending fiscal year 2010-2011 budget; and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution adopting the fiscal year 2011-2012 annual spending limit. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. 2011- 052, #2: Resolution No. 2011-053, &#3: Resolution No. 2011- 054) CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 10 of 12 is ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12111 3. LAFCO Sphere of Influence and Municipal Services Review Updates - Memorandum of Agreement with San Luis Obispo County Update ■ Fiscal Impact: The Sphere of Influence Amendment would not have any fiscal impact on the City, and does not obligate the City to annex the area. ■ Recommendation: City Council adopt Draft Resolution A, authorizing LAFCO to update the City's Sphere of Influence and Municipal Services Review and authorize the signature of the updated Memorandum of Agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo. [Community Development] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: William Everett, and Jim Wilkins. Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to adopt Draft Resolution A, authorizing LAFCO to update the City's Sphere of Influence and Municipal Services Review and authorize the signature of the updated Memorandum of Agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2011- 055) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Mayor Pro Tem Kelley announced that the Thelma Vetter Trust made a $100,000 donation towards the Charles Paddock Zoo. The money is being directed to create a red panda exhibit. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mayor Pro Tem Kelley 1. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) — Members are asking Atascadero about our Stimulus Programs. Council Member Fonzi 1 . City of Atascadero Design Review Committee — is working very well and seems to be a productive process. CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 11 of 12 17 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: City Clerk-Parks and Recreation Commission vacancy City Clerk Torgerson announced that Charlie Joslin resigned from the Parks & Recreation Commission due to a change in location of his place of employment. She stated that she had started advertising for applicants and will notify the Council when the interviews are scheduled. F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor O'Malley adjourned the meeting at 9:52 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk /Assistant to the City Manager The following exhibit is available for review in the City Clerk's office: Exhibit A—Atascadero Loss History, submitted by Mike Brennler Exhibit B— Letter to City Council, submitted by David Broadwater CC Draft Action Minutes 06/14/11 Page 12 of 12 18 ITEM NUMBER: A - 2 DATE: 07/12/11 i 1918 ^ 1979 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Department May 2011 Accounts Payable and Payroll RECOMMENDATION: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for May 2011. DISCUSSION: Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 5/12/11 Checks # 28766 - 28800 $ 20,035.96 Direct Deposits 231,405.89 Dated 5/26/11 Checks # 28801 - 28830 19,240.84 Direct Deposits 232,989.11 Accounts Payable Dated 5/1/11 - 05/31/11 Checks # 128703 - 129031 & EFTs 949 - 962 1,716,583.16 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 2,220,254.96 FISCAL IMPACT: r II funds is 2 220 254.96 Total expenditures for a $ , CERTIFICATION: The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands..--- Rachelle Rickard, Director of Administrative Services ATTACHMENT: May 2011 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 1,716,583.16 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 949 05/03/2011 RABOBANK, N.A. Payroll Vendor Payment 45,593.86 950 05/03/2011 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 83,735.50 951 05/03/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 11,998.49 952 05/03/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 1,352.55 128703 05/04/2011 ALLSTATE WORKPLACE DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 4,273.10 128704 05/04/2011 CSAC- EIA Payroll Vendor Payment 1,157.21 128705 05/04/2011 MEDICAL EYE SERVICES Payroll Vendor Payment 1,617.25 128706 05/04/2011 PREFERRED BENEFITS INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 8,943.65 128707 05/04/2011 SDRMA Payroll Vendor Payment 129,795.98 128708 05/06/2011 A&T ARBORISTS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 128709 05/06/2011 AIRGAS WEST Accounts Payable Check 113.94 128710 05/06/2011 A-JAY EXCAVATING, INC. Accounts Payable Check 24,764.17 128711 05/06/2011 ALL SIGNS AND GRAPHICS, LLC Accounts Payable Check 571.77 128712 05/06/2011 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC Accounts Payable Check 177.00 128713 05/06/2011 AMERICAN MARBORG Accounts Payable Check 53.69 128714 05/06/2011 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO INC Accounts Payable Check 715.9 128715 05/06/2011 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 531.0.s 128716 05/06/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 880.15 128718 05/06/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 766.66 128719 05/06/2011 ATAS COMM REDEV AGENCY Accounts Payable Check 31,133.00 128720 05/06/2011 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 647.40 128721 05/06/2011 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 1,150.00 128722 05/06/2011 ATASCADERO TRAFFIC WAY STORAGE Accounts Payable Check 576.00 128723 05/06/2011 ATASCADERO WASTE ALTERNATIVES Accounts Payable Check 100.00 128724 05/06/2011 DAVID ATH EY Accounts Payable Check 26.70 128725 05/06/2011 AW DIRECT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 219.04 128726 05/06/2011 B.W.S. DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 673.14 128727 05/06/2011 BASIC CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS, LLC Accounts Payable Check 4,988.59 128728 05/06/2011 MATHEW L. BAXTER Accounts Payable Check 252.00 128729 05/06/2011 BEACON GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 125.00 128730 05/06/2011 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 160.00 128731 05/06/2011 ERIN M. BRZYKEY Accounts Payable Check 18.00 128732 05/06/2011 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP Accounts Payable Check 25,609.21 128733 05/06/2011 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 337.7 128734 05/06/2011 ROCKY J. BUSBY Accounts Payable Check 216.Ov 20 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 128735 05/06/2011 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 300.00 128736 05/06/2011 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 60.00 128737 05/06/2011 KATHLEEN J. CINOWALT Accounts Payable Check 161.00 Accounts Pa 128738 05/06/2011 CITY OF PASO ROBLES A CCou Payable Check 395.74 128739 05/06/2011 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Accounts Payable Check 35.00 128740 05/06/2011 COAST RIDERS POWERSPORTS Accounts Payable Check 178.00 128741 05/06/2011 COASTAL COPY, LP Accounts Payable Check 59.21 128742 05/06/2011 COASTAL REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 813.24 128743 05/06/2011 COLONYAUTO SERVICE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 192.92 128744 05/06/2011 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 487.13 128745 05/06/2011 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 66.78 128746 05/06/2011 CULLIGAN INDUSTRIAL WATER SYST Accounts Payable Check 160.00 128747 05/06/2011 MATTHEW J. CURRY Accounts Payable Check 150.00 128748 05/06/2011 D4 ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 112.50 128749 05/06/2011 DANIELA. DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 570.50 128750 05/06/2011 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 52.17 128751 05/06/2011 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Accounts Payable Check 357.00 128752 05/06/2011 DRIVE CUSTOMS Accounts Payable Check 178.75 128753 05/06/2011 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC Accounts Payable Check 2,725.19 128754 05/06/2011 EDA DESIGN PROFESSIONALS Accounts Payable Check 9,450.00 128755 05/06/2011 EIKHOF DESIGN GROUP, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,062.00 128756 05/06/2011 RYAN ENFANTINO Accounts Payable Check 40.00 128757 05/06/2011 EVOLVE TECHNOLOGY GROUP Accounts Payable Check 4,876.00 128758 05/06/2011 FAILSAFE TESTING Accounts Payable Check 876.30 128759 05/06/2011 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 501.16 128760 05/06/2011 FASTENAL CO. Accounts Payable Check 93.20 128761 05/06/2011 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 221.13 128762 05/06/2011 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 216.00 128763 05/06/2011 FITNESS APPRAISAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 4,550.00 128764 05/06/2011 FLUID RESOURCE MANAGEMENTINC. Accounts Payable Check 1,176.00 128765 05/06/2011 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 103.84 128766 05/06/2011 WARREN FRACE Accounts Payable Check 300.00 128767 05/06/2011 FRAZEE INDUSTRIES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 37.81 128768 05/06/2011 GALLS,AN ARAMARK COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 33.26 128769 05/06/2011 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 1,391.98 128770 05/06/2011 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 315.33 128771 05/06/2011 GROUND UP DESIGN & CONST. MGMT Accounts Payable Check 2,285.07 21 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 128772 05/06/2011 CHRISTOPHER GUZMAN Accounts Payable Check 150.00 128773 05/06/2011 RALPH DOUGLAS HARBOTTLE Accounts Payable Check 658.00 128774 05/06/2011 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT& COPY Accounts Payable Check 778.33 128775 05/06/2011 MELINDAA. HARTMAN Accounts Payable Check 296.40 128776 05/06/2011 HARVEY'S HONEYHUTS Accounts Payable Check 115.17 128777 05/06/2011 HEWLETT-PACKARD Accounts Payable Check 6,391.26 128778 05/06/2011 HOME DEPOT Accounts Payable Check 1,393.15 128779 05/06/2011 JENNIFER R. HORN Accounts Payable Check 175.20 128780 05/06/2011 ERIK W. HUBER Accounts Payable Check 54.00 128781 05/06/2011 EVELYN R. INGRAM Accounts Payable Check 357.00 128782 05/06/2011 INTERSPIRO, INC. Accounts Payable Check 146.55 128783 05/06/2011 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 6,123.23 128784 05/06/2011 J. CARROLL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 92.36 128785 05/06/2011 CAROL D. JANSSEN Accounts Payable Check 201.00 128786 05/06/2011 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 128787 05/06/2011 JK'S UNLIMITED Accounts Payable Check 3,304.03 128788 05/06/2011 KEY TERMITE & PEST CONTROL,INC Accounts Payable Check 140.00 128789 05/06/2011 MELISSA LAMAR Accounts Payable Check 43.3 128790 05/06/2011 LANDSCAPES BY STACH Accounts Payable Check 690.00 128791 05/06/2011 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 752.50 128792 05/06/2011 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. INC Accounts Payable Check 1,999.89 128793 05/06/2011 LEHIGH HANSON Accounts Payable Check 250.10 128794 05/06/2011 JAMES R. LEWIS Accounts Payable Check 538.00 128795 05/06/2011 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 7,377.00 128796 05/06/2011 MAINLINE UTILITY CO. Accounts Payable Check 572.00 128797 05/06/2011 MARTINELLI LANDSCAPE CONST INC Accounts Payable Check 1,751.83 128798 05/06/2011 BECKY MAXWELL Accounts Payable Check 114.64 128799 05/06/2011 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 500.00 128800 05/06/2011 MEDWORKS MEDICAL CENTER, INC. Accounts Payable Check 95.00 128801 05/06/2011 METROPCS WIRELESS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 100.00 128802 05/06/2011 MICHAEL BRANDMAN ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 91,174.50 128803 05/06/2011 MID-COAST MOWER & SAW, INC. Accounts Payable Check 18.01 128804 05/06/2011 MILLENNIUM CONSULTING ASSC. Accounts Payable Check 26,117.09 128805 05/06/2011 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 113.66 128806 05/06/2011 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 30.36 128807 05/06/2011 DAVE MUEHLHAUSEN Accounts Payable Check 20.00 128808 05/06/2011 N COUNTY WOMEN'S RESOURCE CTR Accounts Payable Check 6,194.00 22 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Vumber Date Vendor Description Amount 128809 05/06/2011 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC. Accounts Payable Check 8,163.25 128810 05/06/2011 O.C.TANNER Accounts Payable Check 474.67 128811 05/06/2011 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 385.04 128812 05/06/2011 ONTRAC Accounts Payable Check 11.50 128813 05/06/2011 TARA ORLICK Accounts Payable Check 37.23 128814 05/06/2011 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 159.68 128815 05/06/2011 PACIFIC COAST GYMNASTICS CENTE Accounts Payable Check 126.00 128816 05/06/2011 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 279.72 128817 05/06/2011 PAPE KENWORTH Accounts Payable Check 40.18 128818 05/06/2011 PASO ROBLES FORD LINCOLN MERC Accounts Payable Check 6,685.29 128819 05/06/2011 PC MECHANICAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 13,656.74 128820 05/06/2011 DEAN PERICIC Accounts Payable Check 627.93 128821 05/06/2011 PERRY'S ELECTRIC MOTORS&CTRL Accounts Payable Check 5,180.32 128822 05/06/2011 PERRY'S PARCEL&COURIER SVC Accounts Payable Check 119.10 128823 05/06/2011 PFEIFFER PARTNERS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 33,082.03 128824 05/06/2011 JASON M. PLATZ Accounts Payable Check 38.00 128825 05/06/2011 PRINT AND COPY SOLUTIONS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 8.66 128826 05/06/2011 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 472.18 128827 05/06/2011 REED&GRAHAM, INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,159.84 128828 05/06/2011 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 1,119.90 128829 05/06/2011 RACHELLE RICKARD Accounts Payable Check 300.00 128830 05/06/2011 ROB DAVIS BACKHOE Accounts Payable Check 3,470.00 128831 05/06/2011 MICHELLE R. ROGERS Accounts Payable Check 336.00 128832 05/06/2011 ROSS[ &CARR ELECTRICAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 6,878.36 128833 05/06/2011 MICHAEL D. SAMANIEGO Accounts Payable Check 77.00 128834 05/06/2011 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 940.10 128835 05/06/2011 SANTA LUCIA SPORTSMEN ASSC INC Accounts Payable Check 179.20 128836 05/06/2011 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE& SAFETY CO Accounts Payable Check 412.10 128837 05/06/2011 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES Accounts Payable Check 1,590.00 128838 05/06/2011 JOHN C. SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 178.50 128839 05/06/2011 SLO COUNTY AUDITOR-CONTROLLER Accounts Payable Check 274,919.00 128840 05/06/2011 SLO COUNTY SIGNS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,047.86 128841 05/06/2011 DAVID L. SMAW Accounts Payable Check 171.00 128842 05/06/2011 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY Accounts Payable Check 522.36 128843 05/06/2011 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN Accounts Payable Check 588.23 128844 05/06/2011 MICHAEL STORNETTA Accounts Payable Check 446.00 128845 05/06/2011 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 2,588.00 23 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 128846 05/06/2011 SUPERIOR CRANE &TRANSPORT Accounts Payable Check 924.00 128847 05/06/2011 RONALD R.TARICA Accounts Payable Check 260.00 128848 05/06/2011 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 217.60 128849 05/06/2011 TESCO CONTROLS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,390.00 128850 05/06/2011 THE KIPLINGER LETTER Accounts Payable Check 58.00 128851 05/06/2011 RUSS THOMPSON Accounts Payable Check 300.00 128852 05/06/2011 TOSTE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,400.00 128853 05/06/2011 TRINITY QUIK LUBE Accounts Payable Check 4,432.86 128854 05/06/2011 URBAN FUTURES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 28,148.18 128855 05/06/2011 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS Accounts Payable Check 2,608.34 128856 05/06/2011 IWINA M.VAN BEEK Accounts Payable Check 38.00 128857 05/06/2011 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 1,900.74 128858 05/06/2011 VIDEO PALACE Accounts Payable Check 7.04 128859 05/06/2011 WAYNE'S TIRE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,435.52 128860 05/06/2011 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 42.76 128870 05/12/2011 CHEVRON &TEXACO BUS. CARD SVC Accounts Payable Check 3,885.17 128871 05/12/2011 FLEET SERVICES-76 FLEET Accounts Payable Check 3,497.2;: 128872 05/12/2011 FLEET SERVICES-TESORO FLEET Accounts Payable Check 8,319.45 128873 05/12/2011 SHELL Accounts Payable Check 885.09 128874 05/12/2011 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS Accounts Payable Check 3,797.11 953 05/13/2011 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT Payroll Vendor Payment 714.46 128861 05/13/2011 ATASCADERO FIRE EMPLOYEE ASSN. Payroll Vendor Payment 720.00 128862 05/13/2011 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 40.00 128863 05/13/2011 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 1,050.00 128864 05/13/2011 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC. Payroll Vendor Payment 2,601.72 128865 05/13/2011 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 8,994.61 128866 05/13/2011 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Payroll Vendor Payment 598.86 128867 05/13/2011 SEIU LOCAL 620 Payroll Vendor Payment 798.28 128868 05/13/2011 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 Payroll Vendor Payment 311.61 128869 05/13/2011 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 Payroll Vendor Payment 1,911.20 954 05/17/2011 RABOBANK, N.A. Payroll Vendor Payment 43,025.10 955 05/17/2011 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 84,616.96 956 05/17/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 11,042.64 957 05/17/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 1,398.42 128875 05/20/2011 A& R CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 1,092.00 24 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check lumber Date Vendor Description Amount 128876 05/20/2011 AGP VIDEO, INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,200.00 128877 05/20/2011 AHS-BANDSTAND Accounts Payable Check 1,275.00 128878 05/20/2011 AIR-RITE REFRIGERATION Accounts Payable Check 140.00 128879 05/20/2011 AMERICAN MARBORG Accounts Payable Check 53.73 128880 05/20/2011 AMERICAN WEST TIRE &AUTO INC Accounts Payable Check 2,263.59 128881 05/20/2011 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS-WEST Accounts Payable Check 246.00 128882 05/20/2011 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 440.79 128883 05/20/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 102.45 128884 05/20/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 408.64 128885 05/20/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 688.27 128886 05/20/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 427.06 128887 05/20/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 89.60 128888 05/20/2011 ATASCADERO HAY& FEED Accounts Payable Check 117.02 128890 05/20/2011 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 2,640.40 128891 05/20/2011 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 460.00 128892 05/20/2011 ATASCADERO TESORO Accounts Payable Check 56.96 128893 05/20/2011 B.W.S. DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 700.68 128894 05/20/2011 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC. Accounts Payable Check 160.31 128895 05/20/2011 MATHEW L. BAXTER Accounts Payable Check 162.00 128896 05/20/2011 BERNARDS Accounts Payable Check 76,930.57 128897 05/20/2011 BERRY MAN, INC. Accounts Payable Check 587.75 128898 05/20/2011 BURTON'S FIRE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 363.1 1 128899 05/20/2011 ROCKY J. BUSBY Accounts Payable Check 54.00 128900 05/20/2011 CA BUILDING STANDARDS COMM. Accounts Payable Check 83.70 128901 05/20/2011 CALPORTLAND Accounts Payable Check 2,180.15 128902 05/20/2011 CARGILL MEAT SOLUTIONS CORP. Accounts Payable Check 2,430.00 128903 05/20/2011 JOSEPH M. CARRO Accounts Payable Check 204.00 128904 05/20/2011 CENTRAL COAST BRIDE Accounts Payable Check 995.00 128905 05/20/2011 CENTRAL COAST R & R LOCK Accounts Payable Check 15.00 128906 05/20/2011 CENTRAL COAST SEAFOOD Accounts Payable Check 824.40 128907 05/20/2011 CITY OFATASCADERO Accounts Payable Check 4,903.67 128908 05/20/2011 COAST ELECTRONICS Accounts Payable Check 777.95 128909 05/20/2011 COASTAL COPY, LP Accounts Payable Check 196.14 128910 05/20/2011 COASTAL REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 192.34 128911 05/20/2011 CORELOGIC INF. SOLUTIONS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 100.00 128912 05/20/2011 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 1,405.20 128913 05/20/2011 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 132.78 25 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 128914 05/20/2011 MATTHEW J. CURRY Accounts Payable Check 125.00 128915 05/20/2011 DAKOS LAND SURVEYS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 128916 05/20/2011 DARRYL'S LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 17.33 128917 05/20/2011 CALEB M. DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 562.00 128918 05/20/2011 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 101.96 128919 05/20/2011 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Accounts Payable Check 917.00 128920 05/20/2011 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES Accounts Payable Check 2,277.00 128921 05/20/2011 DISH NETWORK, LLC Accounts Payable Check 91.99 128922 05/20/2011 DOCUTEAM Accounts Payable Check 42.00 128923 05/20/2011 DOGS TAGZ Accounts Payable Check 250.00 128924 05/20/2011 ASHLEY H. DOOLEY Accounts Payable Check 198.00 128925 05/20/2011 ED'S FLY MEAT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 99.00 128926 05/20/2011 EL CAMINO CAR WASH LLC Accounts Payable Check 40.00 128927 05/20/2011 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 240.00 128928 05/20/2011 EWING IRRIGATION GOLF INDUSTRL Accounts Payable Check 42.63 128929 05/20/2011 FDM SOFTWARE LTD. Accounts Payable Check 290.40 128930 05/20/2011 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 727.4,' 128931 05/20/2011 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 779.5( 128932 05/20/2011 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 144.00 128933 05/20/2011 FIRST STRING SPORTS Accounts Payable Check 698.05 128934 05/20/2011 FLUID RESOURCE MANAGEMENT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,802.50 128935 05/20/2011 ROBERTA FONZI Accounts Payable Check 68.00 128936 05/20/2011 KEN FORMAN Accounts Payable Check 10.00 128937 05/20/2011 FRAZEE INDUSTRIES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 77.90 128938 05/20/2011 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 717.74 128939 05/20/2011 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 459.32 128940 05/20/2011 STEPHEN GESELL Accounts Payable Check 179.00 128941 05/20/2011 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES Accounts Payable Check 350.00 128942 05/20/2011 GLENN'S REPAIR & RENTAL Accounts Payable Check 1,136.46 128943 05/20/2011 GOLDING CONCRETE SAWING Accounts Payable Check 400.00 128944 05/20/2011 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 5.82 128945 05/20/2011 H.D. PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 54.13 128946 05/20/2011 HAMNER, JEWELL&ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 3,874.50 128947 05/20/2011 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 160.74 128948 05/20/2011 HARVEY'S HONEYHUTS Accounts Payable Check 993.3,1 128949 05/20/2011 HELPING HAND HEALTH EDUCATION Accounts Payable Check 40.01 128950 05/20/2011 HINDERLITER, DE LLAMAS Accounts Payable Check 900.00 26 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 128951 05/20/2011 HON Accounts Payable Check 1,101.83 128952 05/20/2011 ERIK W. HUBER Accounts Payable Check 54.00 128953 05/20/2011 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Accounts Payable Check 473.17 128954 05/20/2011 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 1,429.76 128955 05/20/2011 INTOXIMETERS Accounts Payable Check 102.16 128956 05/20/2011 JIFFY LUBE Accounts Payable Check 178.03 128957 05/20/2011 JK'S UNLIMITED Accounts Payable Check 2,585.62 128958 05/20/2011 BOB KELLEY Accounts Payable Check 16.50 128959 05/20/2011 KPRL 1230 AM Accounts Payable Check 320.00 128960 05/20/2011 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 63.83 128961 05/20/2011 LEHIGH HANSON Accounts Payable Check 1,181.31 128962 05/20/2011 LOS PADRES COUNCIL Accounts Payable Check 140.00 128963 05/20/2011 MAYLINE GROUP Accounts Payable Check 1,664.17 128964 05/20/2011 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 427.27 128965 05/20/2011 MICHAEL W. MERCHANT Accounts Payable Check 262.50 128966 05/20/2011 MID-COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,280.00 128967 05/20/2011 MID-COAST MOWER& SAW, INC. Accounts Payable Check 53.46 128968 05/20/2011 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 560.77 128969 05/20/2011 MPI DOCUMENT MANAGMENT Accounts Payable Check 84.56 128970 05/20/2011 DAVE MUEHLHAUSEN Accounts Payable Check 10.00 128971 05/20/2011 RAYMOND L. MULLIKIN Accounts Payable Check 228.00 128972 05/20/2011 NCI AFFILIATES, INC Accounts Payable Check 335.00 128973 05/20/2011 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 284.63 128974 05/20/2011 JOAN O'KEEFE Accounts Payable Check 419.12 128975 05/20/2011 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 32.14 128976 05/20/2011 PACIFIC AUTO GLASS Accounts Payable Check 294.62 128978 05/20/2011 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 17,731.79 128979 05/20/2011 CASEY J. PATTERSON Accounts Payable Check 1,335.00 128980 05/20/2011 PC MALL Accounts Payable Check 3,214.37 128981 05/20/2011 PENFIELD& SMITH ENGINEERS INC Accounts Payable Check 2,375.13 128982 05/20/2011 PHOTO STOP Accounts Payable Check 224.35 128983 05/20/2011 PLANT DOCTOR Accounts Payable Check 3,700.00 128984 05/20/2011 JASON M. PLATZ Accounts Payable Check 76.00 128985 05/20/2011 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 630.21 128986 05/20/2011 VICTORIA RANDALL Accounts Payable Check 15.55 128987 05/20/2011 REGAL GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC Accounts Payable Check 931.00 128988 05/20/2011 ROB DAVIS BACKHOE Accounts Payable Check 6,200.00 27 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 128989 05/20/2011 S.W. MARTIN &ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 11,083.33 128990 05/20/2011 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 964.20 128991 05/20/2011 SAN LUIS SECURITY, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,008.00 128992 05/20/2011 SCHENBERGER, TAYLOR, Accounts Payable Check 9,000.00 128993 05/20/2011 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO Accounts Payable Check 244.99 128994 05/20/2011 SLO COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER Accounts Payable Check 216.51 128995 05/20/2011 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF Accounts Payable Check 43.00 128996 05/20/2011 DAVID L. SMAW Accounts Payable Check 114.00 128997 05/20/2011 SMITH PIPE& SUPPLY, INC. Accounts Payable Check 10,138.81 128998 05/20/2011 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN Accounts Payable Check 589.28 128999 05/20/2011 STATEWIDE SAFETY& SIGNS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,869.60 129000 05/20/2011 BRAD STEVESON Accounts Payable Check 105.00 129001 05/20/2011 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 54.13 129002 05/20/2011 TESCO CONTROLS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 530.00 129003 05/20/2011 MARCIATORGERSON Accounts Payable Check 1.53 129004 05/20/2011 TW TELECOM, INC. Accounts Payable Check 784.00 129005 05/20/2011 IWINA M. VAN BEEK Accounts Payable Check 57.0" 129006 05/20/2011 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 181.0 129007 05/20/2011 WELL SEEN SIGN COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 37.89 129008 05/20/2011 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 123.73 129009 05/20/2011 WILKINS ACTION GRAPHICS Accounts Payable Check 21.26 129010 05/20/2011 WYSONG CONSTRUCTION CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,409.56 129011 05/20/2011 ZOO MED LABORATORIES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 507.29 129015 05/23/2011 U.S. BANK Accounts Payable Check 20,152.88 958 05/27/2011 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT Payroll Vendor Payment 714.46 129016 05/27/2011 ATASCADERO FIRE EMPLOYEE ASSN. Payroll Vendor Payment 720.00 129017 05/27/2011 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 40.00 129018 05/27/2011 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 1,050.00 129019 05/27/2011 AXA EQUITABLE Payroll Vendor Payment 520.12 129020 05/27/2011 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC. Payroll Vendor Payment 2,601.72 129021 05/27/2011 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC. Payroll Vendor Payment 175.00 129022 05/27/2011 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 8,994.61 129023 05/27/2011 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Payroll Vendor Payment 633.65 129024 05/27/2011 SEIU LOCAL 620 Payroll Vendor Payment 812.6" 129025 05/27/2011 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 Payroll Vendor Payment 311.6 129026 05/27/2011 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 Payroll Vendor Payment 3,911.20 28 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of May 2011 Check Check Vumber Date Vendor Description Amount 959 05/31/2011 RABOBANK, N.A. Payroll Vendor Payment 43,930.01 960 05/31/2011 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 84,759.10 961 05/31/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 11,431.83 962 05/31/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 1,396.44 129027 05/31/2011 ALLSTATE WORKPLACE DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 4,273.10 129028 05/31/2011 CSAC- EIA Payroll Vendor Payment 1,157.21 129029 05/31/2011 MEDICAL EYE SERVICES Payroll Vendor Payment 1,625.33 129030 05/31/2011 PREFERRED BENEFITS INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 9,157.01 129031 05/31/2011 SDRMA Payroll Vendor Payment 131,544.68 $ 1,7167583.16 29 30 ITEM NUMBER: A -3 DATE: 07/12/11 191<i I r lr 'T 1070 CAD Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Employer Paid Member Contributions to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A, authorizing employer paid member contributions for permanent full-time employees in the local safety member category; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B, authorizing employer paid member contributions for permanent full-time employees in the local miscellaneous member category. DISCUSSION: On June 28, 2011, Council adopted Memorandums of Understanding for all four employee groups and a resolution for the non-represented professional and management workers and confidential employees. The agreements adopted included an employee contribution of 4.7% toward their cost of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). The next step in implementation of these employee contributions is the adoption of two resolutions authorizing employer paid member contributions, one for miscellaneous members and one for safety members. Employer and employee contributions are as follows: Miscellaneous Safety category category Employee paid 4.7% 4.7% Employer paid + 4.3% + 3.3% Total employee required contribution 9.0% 8.0% ITEM NUMBER: A - 3 DATE: 07/12/11 FISCAL IMPACT: None. The adoption of these resolutions is an administrative component to the adoption of the employee agreements on June 28, 2011 . Those agreements resulted in savings to the City of nearly $300,000 annually. ATTACHMENTS: 1 . Draft Resolution A -- for Safety Member Category 2. Draft Resolution B -- for Miscellaneous Member Category 3 Attachment 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING EMPLOYER PAID MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PERMANENT FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES IN THE LOCAL SAFETY MEMBER CATEGORY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has the authority to implement California Government Code Section 20691; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has a written labor policy or agreement which specifically provides for the normal member contributions to be paid by the employer; and, WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedures to implement California Government Code Section 20691 is the adoption by the City Council of the City of Atascadero of a Resolution to commence said Employer Paid Member Contributions (EPMC); and. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has identified the following conditions for the purpose of its election to pay EPMC: • This benefit shall apply to all permanent full-time employees covered under the Local Safety Member category as defined by CalPERS. • This benefit shall consist of paying 4.3% (four point three percent) of the normal member contributions as EPMC. • The effective date of the Resolution shall be July 2, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero elects to pay EPMC. as set forth above. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: 33 CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Tom O'Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torp-erson. C.M.C.. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney 34 Attachment 2 DRAFT RESOLUTION B RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING EMPLOYER PAID MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PERMANENT FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES IN THE LOCAL MISCELLANEOUS MEMBER CATEGORY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has the authority to implement California Government Code Section 20691: and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has a written labor policy or agreement which specifically provides for the normal member contributions to be paid by the employer; and. WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedures to implement California Government Code Section 20691 is the adoption by the City Council of the City of Atascadero of a Resolution to commence said Employer Paid Member Contributions (EPMC); and.. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero has identified the following conditions for the purpose of its election to pay EPMC: • This benefit shall apply to all permanent full-time employees covered under the Local Miscellaneous Member category as defined by CalPERS. • This benefit shall consist of paying 3.3% (three point three percent) of the normal member contributions as EPMC. • The effective date of the Resolution shall be Jul, 2. 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero elects to pay EPMC, as set forth above. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the forecyoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the followina,roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: 35 CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Tom O'Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 j-rouxocu *]81 1 79 1978__� Atascadero City Council Staff Report — City Manager's Office Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (PBIA) (FY 2011-2012) Confirmation of Annual Assessment (Request for Council to confirm annual assessment for downtown PBIA.) RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the annual assessment for the Downtown Parking & Business Improvement Area (Fiscal Year 2011-2012) at $0.00. DISCUSSION: The City of Atascadero established a Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area in 1986 (Chapter 11 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) for the purpose of acquisition, construction or maintenance of parking facilities, decoration of public places, promotion of public events, and general promotion of business activities in the downtown area. The formation and operation of a Business Improvement Area is governed by the California Streets & Highways Code (Section 36500 et. Seq.). The assessment was reduced last year to $0.00 as a stimulus program to encourage downtown businesses. An annual draft Resolution of Intention, declaring intent to levy annual Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area assessment, and the holding a public hearing is still required by the California Streets & Highways Code for the City to continue to levy and collect the assessment. The City Council adopted a draft Resolution of Intention on June 28, 2011, and set a public hearing for July 12, 2011 to receive public comment. Following the public hearing, it is staff's recommendation that the Council adopt the proposed Resolution. Adoption of the Resolution constitutes the levying of assessment which is recommended to be zero. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVE: The City Council may direct staff to amend the Resolution before adoption. ATTACHMENT: Draft Resolution 37 36 ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CONFIRMING DOWNTOWN PARKING AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero established a Downtown Parking and Business Improvement District consistent with Section 36500 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California: and; WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to set the assessment at $0.00 to provide a stimulus to downtown businesses in this time of unprecedented economic downturn, eliminating the need for a report in accordance with Section 36533 of the Streets & Highway Code of the State of California, and. WHEREAS, the City Council did fix a time and place for a public hearing on the levy of the proposed assessment for fiscal year 2011-2012; and, WHEREAS. on July 12, 2011, the City Council conducted a public hearing at the date and time for such purpose; and, WHEREAS, the City Council did not receive the required number of protests for the levy of such assessment. RESOLVED: NOW, BE IT RE S 1. That the City Council of the City of Atascadero does hereby confirm the assessment at $0.00 torovide a stimulus to downtown businesses in this time of unprecedented economic p p downturn pursuant to the Streets & Highway Code of the Stateto of California. On motion by Council Member and seconded buy council Member the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted following roll call vote: 391 ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: ADOPTED: . 2011 CITY OF ATASCADERO Tom O'Malley. Mayor ATTEST: Bv: _ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Brian A. Pierik. City Attornev 40 ITEM NUMBER: c - 1 DATE: 07/12/11 r'nu�ls` �Gl 1818 1978 r City Council Agenda Report Staff Report— Public Works Department Placement of Sewer Service Charges on the 2011-2012 Property Tax Rolls RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution placing sewer service charges on the 2011-2012 property tax rolls. DISCUSSION: The Atascadero Municipal Code provides for the collection of sewer service charges on the general County tax bills. Charges have been collected in this manner since the County Sanitation District was dissolved in 1984. The attached Draft Resolution has been prepared to accomplish the necessary collection through the 2011-2012 property tax bills. There is no increase in the sewer service rates. A Notice of Public Hearing has been published noticing this action. The relevant area of discussion during the public hearing is whether or not the property owner is responsible for all or any portion of the sewer service charge that is listed on Exhibit A of the Draft Resolution. Any questions or concerns received during the public hearing should be referred to staff for resolution prior to submitting the charges to the County Auditor by the July 22, 2011 deadline. FISCAL IMPACT: None. The City will bill $1,752,199 in sanitation service charges for Fiscal Year 2011- 2012. ATTACHMENT: Draft Resolution 41 42 Attachment 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING SERVICE CHARGES TO BE ADDED TO THE 2011-2012 PROPERTY TAX ROLLS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Ataseadero (hereafter referred to as Citv Council) has duly held a public hearing concerning the addition of the 2011-2012 service charges to the 2011-2012 property tax bills:. and, WHEREAS. due notice was given to the public in accordance with Section 5473 of the Health and Safety Code; and, WHEREAS, at said hearing the attached report marked "Exhibit A" containing such charges was duly received by said council: and. WHEREAS, at said public hearing opportunity was given for filing objections and protests and for presentation of testimony of other evidence concerning same; and, WHEREAS. it is in the public interest that this body adopt the charges and determine and confirm the report presented at the hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, 13E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows: Section 1. That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. Section 2. That the City Council hereby adopts the service charges set forth on the attached report marked "Exhibit A" which is hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth; and the Citv Council hereby determines and confirms the report containing such charges as set forth in said "Exhibit A' and hereby further determines and confirms that each and every service charge set forth in said report is true and accurate and is in fact owed. Section 3. That the charLies as so confirmed and determined and adopted shall appear as separate items on the tax bill of each parcel listed in said report. and such charges shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary County ad valorem taxes are collected, and are subject to the same penalties in the same procedure and sale in case the delinquency is provided for such taxes. Section 4. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this resolution and said Exhibit A with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 5. This resolution is approved by at least a two-thirds vote of said Council. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO Tom O'Malley, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C.. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney 44 EXHIBIT A Due to the length of the Exhibit, it has not been reproduced as an attachment, however, it may be reviewed in the office of the City Clerk. 45 i 46 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 07/12/11 ,I Atascadero City Council Staff Report- City Manager's Office Strategic Planning 2011 Update on Council Goals RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1 . Provide feedback or additional direction if necessary; and, 2. Receive and file this report on the progress being made relative to the City Council's three goals. DISCUSSION: As part of the City's annual strategic planning process, the City Council adopted goals on April 12, 2011. The goals adopted at the meeting were.- 1. ere:1. Pursue Economic Development 2. Enhance Public Safety 3. Stabilize the City's Finances This report provides an update on the progress being made to date. The action plans that are attached to this report, highlight goals and values for each of the initiatives. The values were developed by the Council as the guiding principles for implementation. Progress on thegoals is noted on each sheet. FISCAL IMPACT: None. The two-year budget is based on the goals developed through the strategic planning process. While there is no direct impact as a result of the approval of this work plan, future budgets will be based on these goals, and specific projects may require the expenditure of funds or additional resources. 47 ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 07/12/11 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Pursue Economic Development Action Plan 2011-13 2. Public Safety Action Plan 2011-13 3. Stabilize the City's Finances Action Plan 2011-13 4E ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 07/12/11 Pursue Economic Development Action Plan 2011 -13 Goals • Retain and Expand Local Businesses • Encourage Residents to Shop Locally • Attract More People to the Community • Attract New Businesses • Create Local Jobs Values • Spend Time on Good Investments • Focus on Hot Spots • Leverage Resources 9 3 • Move at a Quick Pace • Involve Partners Tourism - Continue to Develop Atascadero's Tourism Market Implement the Atascadero Tourism Strategy (In Progress) Consider creation of an Atascadero Hotelier's Association financed by a Business Improvement District. Proceeds would be used to market hotels and provide support to them during major events. (In Progress. In discussions with hoteliers) Develop the Atascadero Wine Association and create additional ties between the community and wineries. (Completed. The Association is formed and marketing is underway. Members will be opening a tasting room downtown this month and are being included in events) Remain active in the San Luis Obispo Visitor and Conference Bureau and cooperate with regional advertising/promotions. (Ongoing) Redesign www.VisitAtascadero.com to focus on the components outlined in the strategy (Completed) 49 ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 07/12/11 Participate in Savor the Central Coast (September 2011) Create distinct hotel packages and cross marketing with regional events. (Completed. This will be an ongoing process for all major local and regional events.) Develop a social media presence to develop tourism. (Fall 2011) Create and maintain a tourism master calendar that includes regional events. (Fall 2011) Existing Projects Walmart /Annex Project o Complete Final Environmental Impact Report and staff reports (In Progress) o Public hearings Summer 2011 (Postponed to Fall 2011) o Caltrans interchange improvement coordination (Spring 2012) o Expedited building permit review process (Summer 2012) Eagle Ranch o Begin preliminary environmental review process (In Progress) o LAFCo municipal service review / memorandum of agreement update (Completed) o Public workshops and meetings (Fall 2011) o Council selection of preferred project alternative (Winter 2012) o Begin Environmental Impact Report process / Notice of Preparation (Winter 2012) Stimulus Programs o Downtown fagade and signage program (Ongoing) o Commercial permit fee relief (Ongoing) o OED outreach and assistance programs (Ongoing) o Dormant Permit program extension decision (Fall 2011) Permit Processing Enhancements o Business Permitting Roadmap (Completed. The roadmap is online and is being used as a helpful tool.) o Design Review Committee (Implemented) o Signage / Business District appearance outreach program (In progress) 50 ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 07112/11 Commercial Hot Spots Hoff Property o Continue to meet with the owners to discuss design and development alternatives. (In Progress. The owner is currently searching for tenants on the property for a build to suit project.) o Market the site to potential businesses looking to locate in the community. (In Progress) o Provide site design assistance (Ongoing. Assistance is provided as requested and staff is in contact with the project architect.) Kmart Center o Develop alternatives to access for the corner of the property, and potential design plans. (Completed. Options will be presented to the Planning Commission and Council in Fall 2011.) o Meet with Center owners and businesses to discuss long-term success of the shopping center. (Fall 2011) Home Depot Center o Continue to aggressively market site for hotel and retail use. (In Progress. The economy is proving very challenging for this site but staff continues to aggressively pursue options.) ❑ Colony Square o Market site to potential businesses. (In Progress) o Continue to investigate and implement additional parking options. (In Progress. Angled parking along El Camino to be installed by Fall 2011. The new configuration will result in over 60 spaces.) o Complete the pedestrian bridge connecting Colony Square to the Sunken Gardens. (In Progress. Bridge to be completed October 2012.) o Work with developers to move forward on additional project phases. (In Progress) Traffic Way Industrial Area o Develop initial planning/design for high-tech business park. (Summer 2012) o Work with existing businesses to facilitate expansion and modernization. (Summer 2012) Morro Road o Complete work at the new entrance to the Zoo. (Completed) o Complete the Lake Park frontage improvements. (Fall 2011) o Seek tourist oriented businesses for development along Highway 41. (Spring 2012) o Implement wayfinding signage along Highway 41. (Spring 2012) 5� 52 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 07/12/11 Public Safety Action Plan 2011 -13 Goals • Enhance Public Safety Services • Maintain Emergency Preparedness Values • Spend Time on Good Investments • Focus on Hot Spots • Leverage Resources • Move at a Quick Pace • Involve Partners Emergency Planning Maintain appropriate Emergency Operations Center o EOC Improvements near completion. We are addressing some connectivity issues which are anticipated to be resolved by the end of July. All improvements were made possible by leveraging grant funds. (In Progress) Update Hazard Mitigation Plan (In Progress) o Completion expected Fall 2011 Ej Maintain Emergency Operations Plan o Updated plan and approved by Council Summer 2011(Completed) Complete the DTR Trailer (In Progress) o Progressing as funds allow o Aggressive fundraising continues with this multi-year project Technology Maintain Current Technology o Staff researched and identified a cost effective measure designed to maintain the functionality of APD/AFD's current radio/computer interface 53 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 07/12/11 (cost savings approximately $100,000). (Completed) o Staff is preparing the staff report allowing Council to accept State funding to upgrade our 911 system. (In Progress) o APD/AFD are currently reviewing the next generation MDC's (In Progress) o Police and Fire are working collaboratively to ensure the City is prepared for the upcoming requirements to narrow band our radio systems. (In Progress) Investigate Technology Solutions to Aid Core Services o Internet controlled surveillance camera has been purchased and is operational as of 6-15-11. The camera will be primarily positioned near the pedestrian tunnel to deter juvenile nuisance crimes and address perceptions regarding the level of safety enjoyed in the immediate area. The camera also captures portions of Sunken Gardens. The cost of one to two additional cameras will be included in the project costs for the pedestrian bridge that will expand coverage to include the majority of Sunken Gardens as well as the Colony Square parking lot. These cameras will be moved in the event of crisis-driven event sending real- time images to Atascadero's Emergency Operations Center. (Completed) o APD has purchased five 40mm ballistic, less than lethal, launchers that will be deployed in patrol vehicles following training. This technology is proven to be more effective than what is typically deployed by the vast majority of police departments in California (grant funded). (Completed) o APD has conferred with our records management vendor and is planning to upgrade our system to allow data sharing with neighboring agencies as well as increasing functionality (grant funded). (In Progress) Training Maintain Appropriate Training Levels o APD Personnel leveraged State funding (CAPOST) to the fullest extent through the last quarter. (Ongoing) Investigate Grant Opportunities for Training o Staff applied of an OTS grand to train staff on accident and fire response to electric vehicle emergencies. Notice of award fall 2011 (In Progress) Leverage Resources with Other Agencies o APD continues to assist other agencies with special events with the expectation that they will return in kind. (Ongoing) o APD has agreed to participate in a county-wide approach to gang enforcement by contributing personnel to periodic gang enforcement operations within the County. (Ongoing) 5�' ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 07/12/11 o Auto & Mutual Aid agreements have been updated. (Completed) o A new operations agreement and contract with the USFS has been executed. (Completed) Eagle Ranch - Monitor Eagle Ranch Planning Process for Public Safety Impacts The Public Works Director has included both Police and Fire Chiefs in key decision germane to public safety concerns as the proposed project plans evolve. (Ongoing) Focus on Core Services Maintain Adequate Patrol Levels o Both new police officers successfully completed field training this quarter bolstering the ability to deploy an adequate number of patrol officers throughout peak hours. (Completed) o One of two Community Response Officer positions has been temporarily redeployed to Patrol to ensure adequate core service delivery. (Ongoing) o Several alternative shift positions were instituted this quarter to increase the number of patrol officers working during peak hours. (Completed) o One new dispatcher completed training and another was hired during this quarter. (Completed) ❑ Fire Season o In preparation for the 2011 fire season, all seasonal firefighters have been hired and trained. The seasonals will start July 2,d. (Completed) o All regular fire staff have completed mandatory wildland fire safety and refresher training in preparation for the upcoming fire season. (Completed) The Fire Department was successful in obtaining a no-match staffing grant, saving the City $200,000 plus over two years. (Completed) _i Biannual meetings between the police and fire departments' leadership continue and are producing positive results. (Ongoing) 55 56 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 07/12/11 Stabilize the City's Finances Action Plan 2011-13 Goals • Maintain a Conservative Budget • Develop Revenue r • Keep Council and Staff Informed About Financial Condition • Maintain a Strong Finance Team • Oppose State Takeaways • Manage Reserves Values • Spend Time on Good Investments • Focus on Hot Spots • Leverage Resources • Move at a Quick Pace • Involve Partners a 7 Budget -I Maintain Council Budget Policies (Ongoing) g) o Adopted fiscally responsible two-year budget in compliance with Council's fiscal strategy. -- Insure Appropriate Fees and Subsidy Policies (Ongoing) o Staff continues to review fees and subsidies to determine appropriate levels. Identify Positive Opportunities (Ongoing) o Staff is continuously looking for opportunities to positively affect the City's financial condition. o Economic development efforts have been key to opening up these opportunities and have been beneficial. Balance the Budget with Increased Revenues, Reduced Expenditures and Reserves (Ongoing) o The strategic use of reserves in the budget was enhanced by the reduction in expenditures and the increase in revenues, where possible. �I 57 ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 07/12/11 Continue Economic Development This goal is addressed under the previous action plan, "Pursue Economic Development." Implement a More Expansive Volunteer Program Continue current successful volunteer programs in the Police Department, Zoo and other departments (Ongoing) o Volunteer programs continue to be an important part of many departments. Implement expanded volunteer program o Staff is continuing to look for no-cost options to ease heavy workloads. The City has participated in a variety of programs in conjunction with other agencies. These programs provide the City free labor hours, while providing the volunteer with valuable experience. Continue Monitoring and Reporting of Financial Information on a Regular Basis Current reporting levels are appropriate. Provide a mid-cycle budget update to the City Council. (June 2012) o A mid-cycle budget update will be provided to Council in one year. Provide a mid-year budget update to the City Council. (January 2012 and January 2013) o Mid-year budget updates will be provided in a timely manner. Provide routine financial reports to the City Council on a quarterly basis (February, May, August, and November). (Ongoing) o Quarterly reporting continues to be an important part of keeping the Council informed of the financial condition of the City. The last report included data through the quarter ended March 31, 2011. These reports provide an executive summary of the activity over the course of the quarter and give the Council information on how close the actual revenues and expenses are to budgeted projections. Provide bi-weekly expenditure reports to department heads to track expenses. (Ongoing) 56 ITEM NUMBER: C - 2 DATE: 07/12/11 o Expenditure reports are provided to all departments for review and tracking. Items of concern are addressed immediately. Conduct monthly budget meetings with department heads to review expenses of the previous month. (Ongoing) o Department heads continue to meet with the Administrative Services Director on a monthly basis to review activity. In this way, any areas of concern or unexpected expenses can be discussed and a solution can be formulated. Provide monthly disbursement reports to the City Council. (Ongoing) o Monthly disbursement reports have been going to Council. The most recent report, May 2011, was provided in tonight's agenda package Provide detailed investment reports to the City Council on a quarterly basis. (Ongoing) o Quarterly investment reports have been going to Council. The most recent report, quarter ended March 31, 2011, was provided for the May 10, 2011 Council Meeting. Provide timely updates to the City Council if there are material changes to revenues, expenses or the City's financial outlook. (Ongoing) o Staff will continue to update Council with any changes to projected revenues or expenses. The fiscal year 2010-2011 audited financial statements and report will be provided to Council in December 2011. Continue Fighting State Takeaways with the League of California Cities and the California Redevelopment Association Monitor State Budget implementation. (Ongoing) o Staff continues to monitor activities at the State level that affect the City's fiscal position and operations. The City, along with the California Redevelopment Association and redevelopment agencies across the State, still contend State budget solution for Redevelopment is unacceptable and illegal. Staff will continue to update Council as new information is available. Continue engaging in legislative lobbying concerning the State budget (Ongoing) o The City stays involved with the League of California Cities and the California Redevelopment Association to have the local voice represented at the Capitol. 59 ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 07/12/11 Reach out to community organizations for awareness of issues; make them effective coalition partners (Ongoing) Educate the public; engage them when appropriate (Ongoing) SC ITEM NUMBER: E—5a DATE: 07/12/11 City of Atascadero Quarterly Commissioner Attendance Report April through June, 2011 Parks & Recreation Commission April 21St May 19th June 16th S` cMt ) Barbie Butz A(E) P Meeting Susan DeCarli A(E) P Cancelled Susan Greenaway P A(E) Meeting Charlie Joslin P P Cancelled Jerel Seay P P Meeting Bill Wachtel A(E) A(E) Cancelled Tom Zirk P P Planning Commission April May June Stn 19th 3rd 17th 7th 21St )avid Bentz P P I A E Len Colamarino P P Meeting Meeting P Meeting Len Colamarino P P Cancelled Cancelled P Cancelled Christian Cooper P P Meeting Meeting p Meeting Mark Dariz P P Cancelled Cancelled P Cancelled Dennis Schmidt P P Meeting Meeting P Meeting Beth WingettP P Cancelled Cancelled p Cancelled P = Present A = Absent A(E) = Excused Absence 61 61