HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Agenda Packet 0608048 lticl �1d1 �l ,�1979 CITY OFATASCADERO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA TUESDAY, June 8, 2004 6:30 P.M. Atascadero Lake Pavilion 9315 Pismo St. Atascadero, California ROLL CALL: Chairperson O'Malley Vice Chairperson Pacas Board Member Luna Board Member Clay Board Member Scalise APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call COMMUNITY FORUM: BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, the Board Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Board Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Board may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes — May 11, 2004 ■ Board Secretary recommendation: Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency special minutes of May 11, 2004. (Board Secretary) B. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT: Wade McKinney, Executive Director C. ADJOURNMENT ITEM NUMBER: RAA -1 DATE: 06/08/04 CITY OFATASCADERO COMMUNI TY REDEVEL OPMENT A GENC Y DRAFT MINUTES TUESDAY, May 11, 2004 6:30 P.M. Chairperson O'Malley called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Board Members Clay, Luna, Scalise, Pacas and Chairperson O'Malley Absent: None Others Present: Board Secretary Marcia McClure Torgerson, Recording Secretary Grace Pucci Staff Present: Executive Director Wade McKinney, Board Treasurer Rachelle Rickard, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Police Lt. John Couch, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Redevelopment Specialist Marty Tracey, Deputy Public Works Director Geoff English, Deputy Community Development Director Steve McHarris, Associate Planner Kelly Gleason and City Attorney Roy Hanley. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Board Member Luna and seconded by Vice Chairperson Pacas to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. RDA Draft Minutes 05/11/04 Page 1 of 4 1 ITEM NUMBER: RAA -1 DATE: 06/08/04 COMMUNITY FORUM: Ann Ketcherside asked for clarification on when the public is permitted to address an agenda item. Chairperson O'Malley closed the Community Forum period. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Chairperson O'Malley requests the Board reconsideration of Item B-1 of the April 27, 2004 meeting as follows: 1. Redevelopment Plan Amendment: ■ Fiscal impact: There is a minor fiscal impact associated with public noticing and consultant and counsel review of the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan. ■ Staff recommendation: Board consider and approve the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan and forward a recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council to hold appropriate hearings and amend the Redevelopment Plan. (Executive Director) Executive Director Wade McKinney gave a brief explanation of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment and answered questions of the Board. Chairperson O'Malley expressed his support for a unanimous vote on this item in the future. Board Member Scalise stated she believes eminent domain is an excellent tool and will not be used too liberally. She thinks eminent domain is necessary to help businesses thrive in the downtown and she is in favor of a unanimous vote. Board Member Pacas stated that current and future downtown business owners could see this as a threat to their property or business. Board Member Luna agreed with Board Member Pacas' comments. He questioned how a boarded up building in the downtown is not blight and how it could be considered a conforming use. Board Member Clay indicated he would have preferred to have a super vote, but could support a unanimous vote. RDA Draft Minutes 05/11/04 Page 2 of 4 2 2 ITEM NUMBER: RAA -1 DATE: 06/08/04 PUBLIC COMMENT Ann Ketcherside made the following comments: 1) she is concerned that the words "eminent domain" are not mentioned in the agenda, 2) eminent domain is state law and not appropriate for local consideration, and 3) something should be done about people who let their buildings get rundown, but eminent domain would make it possible to legally take someone's property away. Eric Greening stated he agrees with the concerns raised by Board Members Pacas and Luna, and thinks eminent domain would be perceived in the business and residential community as a threat to legal conforming uses. Eric Koberl stated he disagrees with the previous speakers and that the business community does not fear eminent domain; they see it instead as a tool to eliminate blight. Joanne Main asked to hear from staff how eminent domain is being used by other agencies. She sees it as a tool to help with the development of the downtown and is not intended to harm businesses. Chairperson O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. Chairperson O'Malley asked City Attorney Roy Hanley and staff to comment on questions raised by the Board and during the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Board Member Scalise and seconded by Board Member Clay to make the change to the Redevelopment Plan and approve the amendment to allow an eminent domain proceeding with a unanimous vote from the Board. Motion failed 3.2 by a roll -call vote. (Luna, Pacas opposed) (This motion needed a 4/5 vote for approval.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes — April 13, 2004 ■ Board Secretary recommendation: Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of April 13, 2004. (Board Secretary) MOTION: By Board Member Luna and seconded by Board Member Clay to approve Item #A-1. Motion passed 5:0 by a voice vote. B. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT: Wade McKinney, Executive Director RDA Draft Minutes 05/11/04 Page 3 of 4 33 ITEM NUMBER: RAA -1 DATE: 06/08/04 1. Sale of Agency Owned Property: ■ Fiscal impact: Increase revenue to the Agency of approximately $65,000. ■ Staff recommendation: Agency Board approve draft Resolution authorizing the sale of Agency owned property located at 5905 EI Camino Real, and adjacent vacant lot located at 5915 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California to Carlton Hotel Properties, LLC subject to the terms and conditions as presented. (Executive Director) Executive Director Wade McKinney gave the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENT — None MOTION: By Board Member Clay and seconded by Board Member Scalise to approve the draft Resolution authorizing the sale of Agency owned property located at 5905 EI Camino Real, and adjacent vacant lot located at 5915 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California to Carlton Hotel Properties, LLC subject to the terms and conditions as presented. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. (Resolution No. RA2004- 001) C. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson O'Malley adjourned the meeting at 6:54 p.m. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Grace Pucci, Recording Secretary RDA Draft Minutes 05/11/04 Page 4 of 4 4 4