HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Agenda Packet 040803CITY OAF ATediSCADERO TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2003 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Chairperson Scalise Vice Chairperson O'Malley Board Member Luna Board Member Clay Board Member Pacas APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call COMMUNITY FORUM: A. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Five -Year (1999-2003) Implementation Plan ■ Fiscal impact: There is a minor fiscal impact associated with public noticing and consultant and counsel review for consideration of the Redevelopment Agency Five - Year Implementation Plan. ■ Executive Director recommendation: Board: 1. Review Progress Report on Redevelopment Agency Five -Year (1999-2003) Implementation Plan; and 2. Adopt draft Resolution affirming the Redevelopment Agency Five -Year (1999- 2003) Implementation Plan. B. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT: C. ADJOURNMENT: ITEM NUMBER: RA A -t DATE: 04/08/2003 Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadck Office of the Executive Director Five -Year (1999-2003) Implementation Plan RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Review Progress Report on Redevelopment Agency Five -Year (1999-2003) Implerncnta_=ol Plan; and 2. Adopt draft Resolution affirming the Redevelopment Agency Five -Year (1999-2003) Implementation Plan. DISCUSSION: In July 1999, the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (Agency) adopted a Five - Year (1999-2003) Implementation Plan. Pursuant to California Redevelopment Law §33490, the purpose of the Agency's Five -Year Implementation Plan (Plan) is to: • Outline the specific goals and objectives of the Agency for the project area • Outline the specific programs, including potential projects and estimated expenditures proposed to be made during the five years covered by the implementation plan, and • Provide an explanation of how the goals and objectives, programs, and expenditures vjrll eliminate blight within the project area and implement the requirements of Health anti Safety Code § 33334.2, 33334.4, 33334.6, and 33334.13, pertaining to housing. California Redevelopment Law §33490 requires that the Agency, at least once within the five- year term of the Plan, conduct a public hearing and hear testimony of all interested parties for the, purpose of reviewing the Redevelopment Plan and the corresponding Implementation Plan f, -,y each redevelopment project area within the jurisdiction and evaluating the progress of the redevelopment project. Following a review and public hearing on the Plan, the Board shall adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) affirming the Plan or refer the matter for further p,,,.blie hearing(s), consideration or amendment. ITEM NUMBER: RA A-1 DATE: 04/08/2003 Anal The overall goal of the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero is to eliminate constraints to private investment to ensure continued growth of industrial, commercial and residential development. In the implementation of the goal, the Agency will, from year to year, make recommendations regarding specific projects or public improvements to be undertaken. The adopted Five -Year Implementation Plan (Attachment 2) identifies and prioritizes the activities of the Agency and sets goals for program development and specific projects. The current Plan calls for the prioritization of Agency activities in four areas: 1. Improvement of the Downtown Area 2. Employment Generation Projects 3. Expansion of the Atascadero Library 4. Housing Programs Projects are to be selected according to the following criteria: 1. Projects that meet the objectives of the Plan, 2. Projects that directly and immediately leverage new development in the downtown area, 3. Public improvement projects that improve historical infrastructure deficiencies, 4. Housing programs to meet the following needs: (a) Rehabilitation (b) Replacement housing needs (c) Neighborhood residential conservation and preservation; and, 5. Projects that meet the City's economic investment guidelines. On March 11, 2003 the Redevelopment Agency approved various changes to the voting requirements necessary to initiate or carry out redevelopment activities. Pursuant at to California Redevelopment Law, these changes are considered "minor changes" which the Agency and City Council may ratify following a joint public hearing. The Agency Board and City Council will review these changes in a joint public hearing scheduled for Tuesday April 8, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. The report "Redevelopment Implementation Plan Mid -Term Update" (Attachment 3) summarizes the goals, programs and projects contained in the Redevelopment Agency Five -Year Implementation Plan and provides an update on each activity. FISCAL IMPACT: There is a minor fiscal impact associated with public noticing and consultant and counsel review for consideration of the Redevelopment Agency Five -Year Implementation Plan. ITEM NUN1BER, RA A -i DATE: 04/08/2003 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt an amended Resolution affirming the Agency's Five-Ycar (1999-?,00:" Implementation Plan 2. Direct staff to return with modifications to Apency's Five `��car Plan 3. Refer the issue for further public hearing(s) and ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution 2. Redevelopment Agency Implementation Plan �. Redevelopment Implementation Plan Mid -Term Update DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO AFFIRMING THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FIVE-YEAR (1999-2004) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN WHEREAS, The Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Atascadero adc a Redevelopment Plan in July of 1999; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Redevelopment Plan contains an Implementation Plan guide the conduct of Agency activities over a five-year (1999-2004) period; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Five -Year Implementation Plan Outlines the specific goals and objectives of the Agency for the project area; and WHEREAS, the Five -Year Implementation Plan outlines the specific programs, including potential projects and estimated expenditures proposed to be made during the five years covered by the implementation plan; and WHEREAS, the Five -Year Implementation Plan provides an explanation of how the goals and objectives, programs, and expenditures will eliminate blight within the project area and implement the requirements of California Health and Safety Code §33334.2, 33334.4, 33334.6, and 33334.13 as they pertain to housing; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code ("HSC") §33490 requires that the Agency, at least once within the five-year term of the plan, conduct a public hearing and hear testimony of all interested parties for the purpose of reviewing the Redevelopment Plan and the corresponding Implementation Plan for each redevelopment project area within the jurisdiction and evaluating the progress of the redevelopment project; and WHEREAS, California Health and Safety Code ("HSC") §33490 requires that a public hearing must take place no earlier than two years and no later than three years after the adoption of the implementation plan; and v WHEREAS, this public hearing has been noticed pursuant to E'-attfoyn l� Code §6063 and was posted in at least four permaner:i places a7ithin the project area c a of three weeks; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency cooducted a public :hearing i:._d .,a.6. es._r,,:, _ of all interested parties for the purpose of reviewing the Redevelo=en.t plan ar„.ca t_ corresponding Implementation Plan for each redevelopment project area withirs. the 'Rtriseicr C and evaluated the progress of the Redevelopment Project, Redevelopment I Jars_ and Implementation Plan. Plan. NOW, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency Implementation Plan is hereby affirmed. PASSED AND HEREBY ADOPTED by the Redevelopment Agency Board of the of Atascadero this 8t” Day of April 2003 by the following vote: AYES: Agency Members: NOES: Agency Members: ABSENT: Agency Members: ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, BOARD SECRETARY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPY OF ATASCADERO Wendy Scalise, Chairperson APPROVED AS TO Roy A. Hanley, AGENCY COUNSEL ATTACHMENT 2 Redevelopment Agency Implementation Plan The Agency shall prepare and adopt an Implementation Plan every five years pursuant to Section 33490 of the California Community Redevelopment Law. hl addition to meeting the provisions of Section 33490 of the California Community Redevelopment Law, the Agency shall include any and all projects that have yet to be completed from a prior Implementation Plan. The initial implementation plan, summarized below, may only be amended by amendment of the redevelopment plan. Such amendment shall fall within the scope of an addition or change in major capital projects as described in California Redevelopment Law. This initial implementation plan shall expire five years after the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan; thereafter the Agency shall, by majority vote of the Agency Board, adopt an implementation plan in conformance with Section 33490 of the Health and Safety Code, or amend it in the manner provided herein. Section 710 — CRITERIA FOR PROJECT SELECTION The overall goal of the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency is to eliminate constraints to private investment to ensure continued growth of industrial, commercial and residential development. In the implementation of the goal, the Agency will, from year to year, make recommendations regarding specific projects or public improvements to be undertaken. Projects are to be selected according to the following criteria: 710.1 Projects that meet the objectives of the Plan. 710.2 Projects that directly and immediately leverage new development in the downtown area. 710.3 Public improvement projects that improve historical infrastructure deficiencies. 710.4 Housing programs to meet the following needs: (a) Rehabilitation (b) Replacement housing needs. (c) Neighborhood residential conservation and preservation. (d) Development of new, affordable units. 710.5 Projects that meet the City's economic investment guidelines. Section 720 — GOALS. OBJECTIVES AND PROGRAMS FOR INITIAL PLAN The Agency's goals and objectives for the initial Implementation Plan for the Atas_ Redevelopment Project shall be as follows: 720.1 Improvement of the Downtown Area which is generally bounded by Highway Highway 41, Bajada Avenue and Rosario Avenue. Potential projects include the followi-.g: Financial and technical assistance to Main Street program, Business Improvernen District or other merebant/owner based downtown improvement organization. The Agency will support the Main Street program and assist the community in i-ts involvement. Main Street is a broad-based community effort aimed at revitalizir­,,; downtown with existing physical and people resources. The Agency will provide financial support necessary to stimulate community involvement. Improvement of El Camino and Traffic Way intersection. This project includes the development of downtown compatible uses at each corner. Improved public infrastructure and streetscape accentuating an entrance to downtown. Improvement of the Carlton Hotel as a focal of downtown. This project includes the revitalization of the Carlton. The Agency may desire to participate in the revitalization �c stimulate private investment. Agency participation may include public improvements, parking improvements, facade improvement, fee waivers, loans or other means to stimulate the revitalization of the structure. Improvement of public parking facilities in the downtown. This project includes.��� creation and improvement of downtown parking facilities. One parking area will be th,F interior of the block where the Carlton is located. This parking will require removal of a garage structure, surface improvements and landscaping. Parking will also be developed, on the City owned lot that was originally purchased by the Business Improvement District. Additional facilities will be developed to enhance the business opportunities downtown and located so as to encourage pedestrian oriented public spaces. Expansion of entertainment facilities in the downtown including the expansion of thc, existing movie theater. The Agency will encourage and target entertainment facilities 1111 the downtown to encourage public gatherings and informal uses of public spaces. Encouragement will include marketing for targeted uses, assisting in project planning an.,, other activities to promote private investment. The Agency will also encourage thP. expansion of the existing theater complex in the downtown. The goal will be to continue to have the complex a community focal point, draw people to the downtown and expan."_ the experience they have, maintain the facility in the downtown. �J 4 Redevelopment of the Junior High School Site to enhance employment in the downtown. The School District has from time to time contemplated relocating the Junior High School away from its current site, the City also has a goal of relocating this facility. The property is in the downtown area, generally flat with utilities and good access. It could be a significant improvement to the downtown area. The Agency could participate to insure the property was strategically planned to enhance the downtown experience and capitalize on the atmosphere created as the focal point of the community. Agency participation in addition to planning could include needed public improvements, and strategic investment or involvement to stimulate private investment in a way that will enhance downtown. Addition of anchor tenants to increase activity in the downtown. This project will include the Agency assisting in the attraction of major downtown tenants to stabilize the retail mix. The Agency may assist in marketing, planning and investment consistent with the Redevelopment Plan to capture tenants that will attract people to downtown. These tenants would include restaurants, entertainment and retail that attract people by their name of business practices. Improvement of and additions to the downtown streetscape. This project includes the improvement of public infrastructure to promote a downtown pedestrian atmosphere. Improvements include new sidewalks, street trees, landscaping, benches, waste cans, signs etc. Palade Improvements in the downtown to capitalize on Atascadero's character and improve the retail/pedestrian atmosphere. In this project, the Agency would work with individual property owners to improve the exterior appearance of buildings. Consistent with the Downtown Master Plan, a design theme will be promoted to accentuate the Atascadero Colony and improve the pedestrian, retail climate. Participation will include facade easements, loans, designs, fee waivers etc. Elimination of incompatible land uses that detract from the downtown. Through this project the Agency would relocate land uses that detract from the downtown, pedestrian atmosphere. The Agency would assist businesses in finding more suitable locations including the development of nodes where the businesses could benefit from a common location. Certain uses in proximity to the downtown will be targeted for relocation. Aggregation of sites and buildings for a major employment. office or retail user. The Agency will assist major employers in locating suitable sites. This may include joining multiple properties to provide an appropriate sized parcel. The Agency will first look to the downtown area. Elimination or relocation of residential uses which are not consistent with development of downtown area in the long run. The Agency will assist in the relocation of residential uses away from the first floor in downtown. Residential uses on the first floor block pedestrian movement in retail areas. The Agency will provide for relocation benefits v us consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and assist property owners with tdcvelc-. �. strategic plans for property usage that will enhance the downtown experience. Location of a major additional public activity center. (E.g. medical center, offices, or other such facilities). This project furthers the development of downtown encouraging major activity centers in the downtown and removing uses that drain energy from downtown. While it may be too late to have the main Post 0"-"'I-.-' downtown, there are other potential uses like a North County Government Center would bring more people to the area. The Agency would promote and assist :in effort. Development of Palma as a retail/pedestrian corridor to connect City Hall to Traffic W downtown corridor. The City Hall is a focal point in downtown and is office to ma., potential shoppers. An attractive connection to downtown will provide a benefit in both directions. Enhance the Sunken Gardens area and encourage entertainment, eating and pedestria-_ uses surrounding the area that would promote its unique character. The Sunken Garda -- is a unique focal point with great visual appeal. The Garden itself can be improved to encourage more visitors and enhance the downtown. A variety of projects are possibbc from the refurbishment of the fountain to other improvements including flower gardens. The Agency would also encourage projects around the Sunken Garden that would bene from the location like restaurant uses. Atascadero Creek Pedestrian Crossing/Lewis Avenue Bridge. Investigation ansa construction of pedestrian and/or vehicular crossing of Atascadero Creek to conne�'; entertainment facilities with the downtown core. 720.2 Employment Generation Projects Meeting the objectives of the Pla-. as contained Section 210. 7203 Expansion of the Atascadero Library 720.4 Housing programs including the following: (1) Rehabilitation (2) Replacement housing needs (3) Neighborhood residential conservation (4) Development of new, affordable units. `1 "Y ATTACHMENT 3 Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Mid -Term Update on the Five -Year Implementation Plan The Agency's goals and objectives for the initial Implementation Plan for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project include four main areas: 1) Downtown improvement; and, 2) Employment generating projects; and, 3) Expansion of the Atascadero Library; and 4) Housing activities. This report describes the strategies contained in the Redevelopment Implementation Plan to achieve each adopted redevelopment goal, a list of progress points, and a suggested or planned set of next steps to work toward and achieve each redevelopment goal. Goal #1 Improvement of the Downtown Area STRATEGY 4 1: Financial and technical assistance to Main Street program Business Improvement District or other merchant/owner based downtown improvement organization. PROGRESS POINTS: Completion of Downtown Revitalization Plan in 2000 Established the Main Street Program, then turnkey to membership for independent administration and management Invested over $180,000 to date in Main Street and Downtown revitalization planning Assignment of Agency/City Liaison Guide and assist Main Street in downtown revitalization activities NEXT STEPS: Continue financial and technical support to Main Street to revitalize downtown Expand downtown revitalization activities and Fice-fear Implementation Phar Mid -Term Update STRATEGY # 2: Improvement of EI Camino and Traffic Way intersection. This projec' includes the development of downtown compatible uses at each corner. Improved public infrastructure and streetscape accentuating an entrance to downtown. PROGRESS POINTS: Approval and funding for investment in street, sidewalk and streetscape beautification Acquisition of blighted property N. E. corner for future development or possible assembl}� Review and pursuit of opportunities / proposals for redevelopment NEXT STEPS: Construction of streetscape improvements Summer of 2003 Review and pursuit of opportunities / proposals for redevelopment STRATEGY # 3: Improvement of the Carlton Hotel as a focal point of downtown. This project includes the revitalization of the Carlton. The Agency may desire to participate in the revitalization to stimulate private investment. Agency participation may include public improvements, parking improvements, facade improvement, fee waivers, loans or other means to stimulate the revitalization of the structure. PROGRESS POINTS: Approval and funding for investment in street, sidewalk, streetscape improvements and beautification and El Camino Real traffic calming and Public Parking development. Acquisition of blighted property N. E. corner for future development or ross'ib'_r assc n:bi.',' Review and pursuit of opportunities / proposals for redevelopment NEXT STEPS: Develop Cooperative Downtown Marketing Campaign Assist in Market Development Assist with Employment Development Services/Referrals Capture Carlton employees as customers in the downtown area. - 2 -. FiNe-Year Implementation Plan Mid -Term Update STRATEGY # 4: Improvement of public parking facilities in the downtown This project includes the creation and improvement of downtown parking facilities. One parking area will be the interior of the block where the Carlton is located. This parking will require removal of a garage structure, surface improvements and landscaping. Parking will also be developed on the City owned lot that was originally purchased by the Business Improvement District. Additional facilities will be developed to enhance the business opportunities in downtown and located so as to encourage pedestrian oriented public spaces. PROGRESS POINTS: Creation of Public Parking Inventory and Map Refurbishment and landscape improvements of City Parking lot at Palma and Traffic Way Programming and Planning for new Public Parking located between Traffic Way and Entrada Ave. Initial evaluation of future parking development NEXT STEPS: Commence construction of additional parking spaces in downtown: Summer of 2003 Continue to explore parking development and maximization Participate/ assist Main Street in Parking development and management STRATEGY # 5: Expansion of entertainment facilities in the downtown including the expansion of the existing movie theater. The Agency will encourage and target entertainment facilities in the downtown to encourage public gatherings and informal uses of public spaces. Encouragement will include marketing for targeted uses, assisting in project planning and other activities to promote private investment. The Agency will also encourage the expansion of the existing theater complex in the downtown. The goal will be to continue to have the complex a community focal point, draw people to the downtown and expand the experience they have, maintain the facility in the downtown. PROGRESS POINTS: Site-specific consideration for multi-plex theater development Economic analysis and feasibility study of downtown retail and entertainment projects Coordination and support for initial Century Plaza renovation project Recruitment and retention activities for downtown entertainment, shopping and dining proj ects NEXT STEPS: Facilitate the approval process for Century Plaza redevelopment project anchored by new multi- screen theater facility Increase recruitment activities to locate other entertainment, dining and shopping uses to the downtown area. -3- Five-'V,nir Implementation Pbt;t Mid -Term Update STRATEGY # 6: Redevelopment of the Junior High School Site to enhance emplovmer,` in the downtown. The School District has from time to time contemplated relocating tl-.-. Junior High School away from its current site; the City also has a goal of relocating this facility. The property is in the downtown area, generally flat with utilities and good access. It could be a significant improvement to the downtown area. The Agency could participate tc insure the property was strategically planned to enhance the downtown experience ?,- capitalize on the atmosphere created as the focal point of the community. Agen :,� participation in addition to planning could include needed public improvements, and stratFai, investment or involvement to stimulate private investment in a way that will enha= downtown. PROGRESS POINTS: Currently not in the RDA work plan NEXT STEPS: Explore feasibility of campus re -location sites, funding, timelines etc. STRATEGY 47: Addition of anchor tenants to increase activity in the downtown. This project will include the Agency assisting in the attraction of major downtown tenants t stabilize the retail mix. The Agency may assist in marketing, planning and invesurnerra consistent with the Redevelopment Plan to capture tenants that will attract people to downtown. These tenants would include restaurants, entertainment and retail that attract people by their name of business practices. PROGRESS POINTS: Site-specific consideration for downtown retailers Multiplex theater anchor for downtown retail development Economic analysis and feasibility study of downtown anchor retail and entertainment 'projects Coordination and support for initial Century Plaza renovation project Recruitment and retention activities for downtown entertainrnent; projects NEXT STEPS: Continue effort to recruit anchor -quality tenants to the downtown area. Support assembly of development sites suitable for anchor users 4° Fice-vear Implementation Plan fid -Term Vpdate STRATEGY #8: Improvement of and additions to the downtown streetscape. This project includes the improvement of public infrastructure to promote a downtown pedestrian atmosphere. Improvements include new sidewalks, street trees, landscaping, benches, waste cans, signs etc. PROGRESS POINTS: Community Consensus reached for streetscape design elements Programming and planning completed for $500,000 in downtown improvements Construction summer of 2003 Construction drawings, bid package and contract award NEXT STEPS: Complete Construction Summer 2003 Identify Phase 2 and Phase 3 areas Replace existing streetlights with prototypical new lights Replace trees as needed Add street furniture as interim enhancement STRATEGY 49: Facade Improvements in the downtown to capitalize on Atascadero's character and improve the retail/pedestrian atmosphere. In this project, the Agency would work with individual property owners to improve the exterior appearance of buildings. Consistent with the Downtown Master Plan, a design theme will be promoted to accentuate the Atascadero Colony and improve the pedestrian, retail climate. Participation will include fapade easements, loans, designs, fee waivers etc. PROGRESS POINTS: Private sector initiated improvements such as new paint, awning, planters, signage and window decoration are commonplace Agency research into Fapade improvement assistance, loan and rebate programs in process Public -Private partnership with Mid -State Bank being developed to fund a program Marketing and education about design guidelines and principals Prevailing wage ramifications of public assistance impeding development of City/Agency funded program NEXT STEPS: Recruit and relocate pedestrian oriented businesses to downtown Encourage privately initiated improvements, Condition development to improve facades and provide enhanced off-site improvements Identify phase two public improvements Encourage Main Street to facilitate private -sector cooperation and investment - 5 Five -Year implementation F!tir Jaid -Term Update STRATEGY 410: Elimination of incompatible land uses that detract from the downtowi Through this project the Agency would relocate land uses that detract from the downtown, pedestrian atmosphere. The Agency would assist businesses ir. finding more suitable loca': --.r_ including the development of nodes where the businesses could benefit from a cc, T rncr. location. Certain uses in proximity to the downtown will be targeted for relor.atior�. PROGRESS POINTS: Acquisition of property to remove adult bookstore from the downtown Acquisition of vacant property in the downtown NEXT STEPS: Identify priority list of incompatible land uses for evolution or eliminat.al Identify funding sources for acquisition and elimination Support and facilitate private sector projects that eliminate incompatible land uses STRATEGY 411: Aggreaation of sites and buildings for a major employment, office or retail user. The Agency will assist major employers in locating suitable sites. This may include joining multiple properties to provide an appropriate sized parcel,. The Agency wiii first look to the downtown area. PROGRESS POINTS: ECR property acquisition encourages assembly of adjacent sites, Pursue identification of possible downtown assembly sites. Developer refers to site assembly opportunities in the Redevelopment Project area NEXT STEPS: Encourage and solicit developer -sponsored assembly. Acquire site(s) to spur new development. Perform additional "vision" planning of particular areas/blocks Consider adoption of specific plans Consider performing EIR's and traffic studies ahead of time to facilitate -Jeveloprnent -6- 2__�' Five -fear Implementation Plan Mid -Term Update STRATEGY # 12: Elimination or relocation of residential uses. which are not consistent with development of downtown area in the long run. The Agency will assist in the relocation of residential uses away from the first floor in downtown. Residential uses on the first floor block pedestrian movement in retail areas. The Agency will provide for relocation benefits consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and assist property owners with developing strategic plans for property usage that will enhance the downtown experience. - PROGRESS POINTS: Currently not in the RDA work- plan Agency needs substantially greater financial resources to bear the cost of State mandated relocation requirements NEXT STEPS: Identify residential uses hindering downtown development Identify willing owners investors who can pursue this goal STRATEGY # 13: Development of Palma as a retail/pedestrian corridor to connect Cit Hall to Traffic Way downtown corridor. The City Hall is a focal point in downtown and is office to many potential shoppers. An attractive connection to downtown will provide a benefit in both directions. PROGRESS POINTS: Support for recruitment of farmers market to downtown Used as focal point of Community and Main Street events NEXT STEPS: Determine circulation impact Prepare design of area Consider conversion to diagonal parking and one-way traffic on East and West Mall. .; 1 Five -bear :ginpiementation ;P'9, -ti Mid -Term Updnte STRATEGY # 14: Location of a major additional public activity center. (E.Q. medic7_ center, county offices, or other such facilities). This project furthers the development of downtown by encouraging major activity centers in the downtown and removing uses that drain the energy from downtown. While it may be too late to have the main Post Gffic': downtown, there are other potential uses like a North County Government Center that vvc; bring more people to the area. The Agency would promote and assist in this effort. PROGRESS POINTS: Identification of assembly site suitable for such development(s) Solicitation of developer interest NEXT STEPS: Continue to identify sites Solicit developer interest Identify projects to meet goal (County offices, etc.) STRATEGY 4 15: Enhance the Sunken Gardens area and encourage entertainment., eatin-, and pedestrian uses surrounding the area that would promote its unique character. The Sunken Gardens is a unique focal point with great visual appeal. The Garden itself can be improved to encourage more visitors and enhance the downtown. A variety of projects are possible from the refurbishment of the fountain to other improvements including flower gardens. The Agency would also encourage projects around the Sunken Garden that would benefit from the location like restaurant uses PROGRESS POINTS: Identification of decorative streetscape components that be incorporated %etre Sunken Garden enhancement NEXT STEPS: Build community support for project Solicit community input into design Assemble project team Review previous design products Commission design Identify funding -8- Fire -Year Implementation Plan Mid -Term Update STRATEGY # 16: Atascadero Creek Pedestrian Crossing/Lewis Avenue Bridge. Investigation and construction of pedestrian and/or vehicular crossing of Atascadero Creek to connect entertainment facilities with the downtown core. PROGRESS POINTS: 5200,000.00 of Federal Funds has been allocated for Lewis Ave Bridge for preliminary design and environmental review Preliminary conceptual design for pedestrian bridge as part of Century Entertainment center project NEXT STEPS: Work with the community and property owners to Identify exact location of bridge landings Identify funding if part of public creek way enhancement project Secure additional funding from SLOCOG and other sources Estimated total cost between S800K and 51.5 Mil. depending on design Goal #2 Employment Generation Projects STRATEGY # 1: Encourage and facilitate projects that result in new or expanded employment opportunities. PROGRESS POINTS: Several completed and pending projects have and will provided new and expanded employment opportunities including: The Carlton, Downtown Cinema Project, Century Plaza Walgreen's, Albertson's Center, and other commercial and mixed use projects along ECR and Morro Rd. NEXT STEPS: Continue business recruitment effort, site assembly opportunities, and highest and best land use advocacy. Five Fear ,�mplementafion Nan, Mid "term Update Goal #3 Expansion of the Atascadero Library STRATEGY # 1: Provide for a modernized and expanded library facility in Atascaderc PROGRESS POINTS: Agency / City support for initiative to return library to downtown / city r;en.te Encouraged the City to implement a development impact fee for the library NEXT STEPS: Identify suitable location in the downtown core area Goal # 4 Housing ProVrams in the Redevelopment Project Area STRATEGY # 1: Develop Redevelopment Agency housing programs to include the following: 1) Rehabilitation program for existing housing stock (2) Develop replacement housing program for housing units lost a result of redevelopment activities (3) Residential neighborhood conservation PROGRESS POINTS: Assisted the Public Works Dept. to complete public sidewalk installation in conjunction with extensive landscape improvements made by the owner of 5323 ECR to realize ECR beautification and improve accessibility to a multi -family, affordable housing development (Las Casitas). Research into developing housing rehabilitation program To date, no projects have requested funding Support mixed use projects with residential components Conducted statewide research into inclusionary and in -lieu affordable housing 'jrograr s L. use as examples for development of a City inclusionary and in -lieu affordable housing programs progra- , policies and ordinance. RDA Plan amended to allow for housing funds to support development of new, affordable waits NEXT STEPS: Create tracking system for Housing Unit production in Project Area and monitoring and enforcement of Agency Inclusionary Ordinance Identify land for acquisition for residential unit development Partner with Non-profit and for profit housing developers to create affordable SF and MF units in the project area 4.� 10- a E