HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2005-089 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-089 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2003-0108 (MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT) ON APN 056-131-015, 17, 018, AND 019 (8870 West Front Rd, 8760 Portola Rd Richard Shannon - West Front Properties) WHEREAS, an application has been received from Richard Shannon — West Front Properties (5070 San Benito Road, Atascadero, CA 93422) Applicant, and Colony Associates (4100 West Alameda Avenue, Suite 103, Burbank, CA 91505), Property Owner, to consider a project consisting of: a general plan amendment from GC (General Commercial) to GC/MDR/SFR-X/HS(General Commercial/Medium Density Residential/Single-Family Residential-X); a zone change establishing PD-23 (Planned Development #23) zoning text; a zoning map change placing PD-23 over the project site; a zoning map change from CR (Commercial Retail) to CR/RMF-10/RSF-X/PD23fHS (Commercial Retail/Residential Multi- Family-10/Residential Single-Family Residential-X/Planned Development #23/Historic Overlay); a CUP (Condition Use Permit) placing a Master Plan of Development over the project site; and a vesting tentative tract map for a 46 lot subdivision on a 13.35-acre site located at 8870 West Front Rd and 8760 Pormla Road (APN 056-131-015, 17, 018, and 019); and, i`. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that the site's General Plan Designation be changed from GC (General Commercial) to GC/MDR/SFR-X (General Commercial/Medium-Density Residential/Single-Family Residential-X); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that the site's Zoning District be changed from CR (Commercial Retail) to CR/RMF-10/SFR-X/PD-23/HS (Commercial Retail/Residential Multi-Family-10/Residential Single-Family-X/Planned Development Overlay #23/I-Iistoric Site Overlay); and, WHEREAS, the PD-23 requires the adoption of a Master Plan of Development, approved in the form of a Conditional Use Permit; and, WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 2005-0165 were prepared for the project and made available for public review in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Zone Change application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 2 of 52 hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said Master Plan of Development; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on September 6, 2005, studied and considered the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2003-0108), after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on September 27, 2005, studied and considered the Master Pian of Development (CUP 2003-0108), after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero takes the following actions: SECTION 1. Findings for Approval of Conditional Use Permit. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan and the City's Appearance Review Manual; and, 2. The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Title (Zoning Ordinance) including provisions of the PD-23 Overlay Zone; and, 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use; and, 4. The proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character or the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development; and, 5. The proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element; and 6. The Master Plan of Development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area; and 7. The characteristics of the proposed commercial uses or their immediate vicinity do not necessitate the number of parking spaces, type of design, or improvements required by code and that reduced parking will be adequate to accommodate on the site all parking needs generated by the proposed commercial uses; and 8. The proposed 48-foot high hotel building will not result in substantial detrimental City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 3 of 52 effects on the enjoyment and use of adjoining properties and the modified height will not exceed the lifesaving equipment capabilities of the Fire Department; and err 9. Benefits derived from the Master Plan of Development and PD-23 overlay zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing requirements; and, 10. The proposed gas station use meets all site development and location requirements of the Atascadero Municipal Code related to such uses. SECTION 2. Findings for Approval of Height Exception. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The proposed hotel project includes a 3-story 48-foot tall building that will not result in substantial detrimental effects on the enjoyment and use of adjoining properties and that the modified height will not exceed the lifesaving equipment capabilities of the Fire Department. SECTION 3. Findings for Approval of Tree Removal. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The trees are obstructing proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal, as certified by a report from the Site Planner and determined by the Community Development Department based on the following factors: ■ Early consultation with the City; ■ Consideration of practical design alternatives; ■ Provision of cost comparisons (from applicant) for practical design alternatives; ■ If saving tree eliminates all reasonable uses of the property; or ■ If saving the tree requires the removal of more desirable trees. SECTION 4. Approval. The City Council of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on September 27, 2005, resolved to approve Conditional Use Permit 2003- 0108 (Master Plan of Development) and Tree Removal Permit subject to the following: EXHIBIT A: Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program EXHIBIT B: Master Plan of Development/Site Plan EXHIBIT B-2: Alternate Site Plan EXHIBIT C: Arborist Report EXHIBIT D: Tree Protection Plan EXHIBIT E: Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan EXHIBIT F: Preliminary Landscape Plan EXHIBIT G: Retail and Gas Station Elevations EXHIBIT H: Business Park Elevations EXHIBIT I: Retail Elevations 1%W City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 4 of 52 EXHIBIT J: Hotel Elevations EXHIBIT K: Duplex & Courtyard Site Plans ' EXHIBIT L: Duplex Home Elevations EXHIBIT M: Courtyard Home Elevations EXHIBIT N: Color Boards 1 EXHIBIT O: Color Boards 2 EXHIBIT P: Color Boards 3 On motion by Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Pacas, Clay, Scalise, O'Malley (4) NOES: Council Member Luna (1) ABSENT: None (0) ADOPTED: September 27, 2005 CITY OF ATASC B y: We d S 'se, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City 6erk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Patrick L. EnriIt ity Attorney i% City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 5 of 52 EXHIBIT A: Conditions of Approval I Mitigation Monitoring Program-PD-23 GPA 2003-00051ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2004-0088/(CUP 2003-0108) Master Plan of Development Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fire Department GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPemit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-00052CH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Temporary CAC4Attorney Occupancy F0:Final �uPary Planning Services 1. The approval of this zone change and use permit shall become final FM PS and effective following City Council approval. 2. The approval of this use permit shall become final and effective for FM PS the purposes of issuing building permits thirty(30)days following the City Council approval of ZCH 2003-0058 and ZCH 2003-0088 upon second reading, unless prior to the time,an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9-1.111(b)of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The Community Development Department shall have the authority BP/FM PS,CE to approve the following minor changes to the project that(1) modify the site plan project by less than 10%,(2)result in a superior site design or appearance,and/or(3)address a construction design issue that is not substantive to the Master Plan of Development. The Planning Commission shall have the final authority to approve any other changes to the Master Plan of Development and any associated Tentative Maps unless appealed to the City Council. 4. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for twelve BP/FM PS (12)months after its effective date. At the end of the period,the approval shall expire and become null and void unless the project has received a building permit. 5. The applicant shall defend,indemnify,and hold harmless the City Ongoing PS of Atascadero or its agents,officers,and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by the city,or any of its entities,concerning the subdivision 6. All subsequent Tentative Map and construction permits shall be BP/FM PS,CE Consistent with the Master Plan of Development contained herein. 7. Phasing Condition: Phasing of the various uses on Lots 3-12 BP/FM PS,CE (Hotel and Business Park)are as follows: 1.0 Project owners agree to complete construction of the Hotel and Business Park buildings and obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for same,prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy for any of the rrr Residential units. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 6 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:FireDepartrnenl GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Permit CE City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Temporary CA C4 Attorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy 2.0 Once the hotel and business park is 75%complete (framed and waterproofed)as determined by the Community Development Director and a signed contract with the hotel operator is provided to the City,the project owners have the option of obtaining a Performance Guarantee,acceptable to the City,to ensure the completion of the Hotel and Business Park. Should project owners choose to do so,the requirement for obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy in Section 1.0 for Hotel and Business Park shall be deemed satisfied. 3.0 Lot number 3 shall be marketed by project owners as a restaurant use for a period of not less than 2 years from opening and operation of the hotel. 4.0 The applicant shall implement the approved restaurant marketing plan from project approval through two years from the opening and operation of the project hotel.The applicant shall submit quarterly progress reports to the Community Development Director demonstrating due diligence in marketing the restaurant site for development. If a restaurant use is not secured by the applicant at the end of the marketing period, a final report shall be submitted to the Community Development Director documenting the final results of the marketing plan and requesting that retail use be permitted on the restaurant site.The Community Development Director shall make a final determination within two weeks of the applicant's request. 8. All exterior elevations,finish materials,and colors shall be BP PS consistent with the conceptual elevations as shown in the Master Plan of Development(EXHIBIT B)and shall include the following, subject to staff approval: ■ The single-story courtyard homes shall incorporate clapboard siding appearance on all elevations. ■ Final hotel design shall be consistent in architectural style and detailing of the retail buildings. ■ All exterior material finishes(siding,trim,doors,windows,light fixtures,garage doors)shall be durable,and high quality. • Ropfing shall incorporate the 3 types of mission tile within the residential homes per Exhibit M. ■ All trash storage, recycle storage,restaurant service enclosure/area and air conditioning units shall be screened from view behind architecturally compatible or landscaped enclosures. ■ All stucco finishes shall be of smooth appearance or similar with the exception of the noted portions of the hotel building where stucco texture samples shall be submitted for staff approval prior to City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 7 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure + PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village Lcensa FD:Fre Department GP:Grading Peart PD:Police Departmenl PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Permit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Temporary CaC4Attorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy application. ■ Final color selection for the project shall be per Exhibits M, N,&O. 9. All site work, grading, and site improvements shall be BP/FM PS, BS,CE consistent with the Master Plan of Development as shown in EXHIBIT B, sheet 5, with the following exceptions: • In the case that a joint access easement cannot be obtained from the parcel to the south,the project shall be redesigned consistent with Exhibit B-2. ■ The parking space located closest to the adjacent sidewalk, in the parking court adjacent to the park, shall be deleted and additional landscaping shall be included. ■ The sidewalk along Coromar Court shall be extended along lot#28 to lot#45. ■ A minimum of 2 feet landscape/planter area shall be provided between all pavement and proposed fencing,walls, or residential units. ■ 4-foot width of turfblock shall be added to the driveways adjacent to lots 45, 46 and 40, 41. ■ The applicant shall construct$1,500.00 of off-site landscape buffering on the adjacent parcel, referred to as the Smith property. 9.A. If the project utilizes the access alternative shown in Exhibit B- BP PS 2,then the Tentative Tract Map, Grading and Drainage Plan and Landscape Plan shall be revised consistent with Exhibit B-2. 10. All property development shall be per the minimum setback BP PS dimensions shown on the`typical layouts"shown in the Master Plan of Development Exhibit B,sheet 12,with the following exceptions: ■ The courtyard homes and/or porches shall be setback a minimum of 5 feet from the parking court. • Guest parking spaces shall be setback a minimum of 2 feet from structures,fencing,and walls. 11. A final landscape and irrigation plan shall be approved prior to the BP PS, BS v�ya,, issuance of building permits and included as part of site City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 8 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure y PS:Planning Services Bl:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Frtm Fire Depaent GP:Grading Permit PD:Police DepaMnent PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPermt CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Temporary CA Uy Attorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy improvement plan consistent with EXHIBIT B,sheets 7-11,and as follows: ■ All areas shown on the landscape plan shall be landscaped by the developer prior to the final of any single building permit for each parcel. ■ The perimeter residential and commercial privacy walls shall be constructed per Exhibit B with the appearance of decorative stacked stone or stacked stone veneer,smooth stucco(not textured)or split face concrete block walls(earth-toned colors to match or compliment project colors),and pre-cast concrete column and wall caps. ■ The low screen and/or retaining walls between West Front Road and the commercial gas/fast food/retail building shall be constructed with decorative stacked stone or stacked stone veneer. ■ All retaining walls are to be constructed of dark earth-tone split face block with split face cap. Ir✓ • Special pavement shall be added within the internal street intersection. ■ Special paving treatment shown at the Coromar Court entrance shall extend to the 1st residential driveway. • Street trees shall be provided along maximum spacing of 30 feet on center,prior to occupancy of the units. • The applicant shall be required to provide landscaping within the Caltrans right-of-way,consistent with the City/Caltrans approved landscape and irrigation plans. • Buffer planter landscaping shall be comprised of evergreen conifers and shall be extended to include the entire landscape planter between the residential and commercial uses. Conifers shall be spaced to provide a solid visual barrier between the residential uses and the hotel. ■ Street and open space trees shall be minimum 15-gallon size and dpuble staked. ■ Commercial-grade bicycle racks shall be provided adjacent to each commercial building including the hotel. ■ Pocket park play equipment shall be per Exhibit B commercial grade and subject to staff approval. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 9 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Sery m BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fre Department GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Permit CE:City Engineer F:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Tenporary CA City Attorney 0i F0:Final Cocupancy 12. The developer and/or subsequent owner shall assume GP PS responsibility for the continued maintenance of all landscape and BP common areas,consistent with EXHIBITS B&F. 13. All project fencing shall be installed consistent with EXHIBIT B, GP PS sheets 5,9,and 10 subject to the following modifications: BP ■ The masonry screen wall shall be constructed as depicted in EXHIBIT B,sheet 5 with decorative stacked stone or stacked stone venner columns and matching cap,as shown,shall be 8 feet tall, and shall include the following,subject to staff approval: o Stucco finish shall be of smooth appearance or similar or similar. o The masonry wall shall be painted a dark earth tone color. ■ Residential fencing shall be as shown on sheet 5 and shall be 4 foot tall solid screening with 2 foot lattice. Open space fencing shall be a maximum of 3 feet. 14. Affordable Housing Requirement: GP/BP PS,CA Project Site: The applicant shall deed restrict a minimum of 6 residential units for 30 years,prior to or concurrently with the final map,as follows: ■ 1 units at the very-low income rate, ■ 2 units at the low-income rate, • 3 units at the moderate income rate. All units shall be distributed throughout the project,subject to staff approval. Future 5-Lot subdivision: The future,subdivision of the site shall result in compliance with the most current City Council policy regarding affordable housing deed restriction or payment of in-lieu fees,prior to or concurrently with the final map. 15. Workforce Housing: Prior to recordation of final map,the applicant BP PS shall enter into a legal agreement with the City to reserve 1/2 of the units for sale to residents or workers within the City of Atascadero, including the affordable units. The agreement shall include the following provisions: City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 10 of 52 Conditions of Approval I Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fire Deparlrnent GP:Grading Permit PD:Police DepaMnenl PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Pennit CECgEngineer Fl:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Temporary ca City Momey Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy ■ The units shall be offered for sale to residents or workers within the City of Atascadero for a minimum of 60-days. During this time period offers may only be accepted from Atascadero residents or workers; ■ The applicant shall provide reasonable proof to the City that at least one of the qualified buyers is a resident or worker within the City Limits of Atascadero; ■ The Atascadero resident or worker restriction shall apply to the initial sale only; ■ The applicant shall identify which units will be reserved;and The City Attorney shall approve the final form of the agreement 16. The proposed pylon shall be consistent with the sign detail shown BP PS in EXHIBIT B,Sheet 16,and shall include the following,subject to staff approval: ■ The sign shall be a maximum of 50 feet tall. �11rr►` ■ Signage size shall not exceed as follows: 100 square feet: Major Tenant 30 square feet minor tenants 200 square feet maximum per sign face This condition shall supersede mitigation measure AES-5. 17. Commercial center tenant signage shall be as shown in EXHIBIT B, BP PS G-J.All signs shall meet the size requirements of the Municipal Code. 18. A Tree Protection Plan shall be prepared for encroachment within GP PS the drip line of native trees located on or adjacent to the subject BP parcel.The applicant will contract with a certified arborist to monitor all activity within the drip lines of existing native oak trees. 19. The emergency services and facility maintenance costs listed BP PS below shall be 100% funded by the project in perpetuity. The gervice and maintenance costs shall be funded through a community facilities district established by the City at the developer's cost. The funding mechanism must be in place prior to or concurrently with acceptance of the final maps.The funding mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer, and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any final map. The administration of the above mentioned funds shall be by the City. Developer agrees to participate in the community facilities district and to take all steps reasonably required by the City with regard to the establishment City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 11 of 52 " Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:FireDeparlrnent GP:Grading PemYt PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP.Building PerrrA CE:City Engineer FC Feral Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Terrwnary CA City Attorney occupancy Fa.Final Occuloancy of the district and assessment of the property. a) All Atascadero Police Department service costs to the project. b) All Atascadero Fire Department service costs to the project. c) Off-site common City of Atascadero park facilities maintenance service costs related to the project. 20. All tract maintenance costs listed below shall be 100% funded by BP PS the project in perpetuity.The service and maintenance cost shall be funded through either assessment districts or a Home Owners Association established by the developer and subject to City approval. The district or association must be in place prior to, or concurrently with acceptance of any final maps. The district or association shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer, and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any Final Map. The administration of the above mentioned funds, and the coordination and performance of maintenance activities as follows,shall be the responsibility of the district or association. a) All streets, sidewalks, streetlights, street signs, roads, emergency access roads, emergency access gates, and sewer mains within the project. b) All parks,trails, recreational facilities and like facilities. c) All open space and native tree preservation areas. d) All drainage facilities and detention basins. e) All common landscaping areas, street trees, medians, parkway planters, manufactured slopes outside private yards, and other similar facilities. f) All frontage landscaping and sidewalks along arterial streets. 21. Prior to final map,the applicant shall submit CC&Rs for review and BP PS approval by the Community Development Department. The CC&R's shall record with the Final Map and shall include the fpllowing: a) Provisions for maintenance of all common areas including access, parking,street trees,fencing and landscaping. b) A detailed list of each individual homeowner's responsibilities for maintenance of the individual units. c Individual unit's responsibility for keeping all trash receptacles City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 12 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure r PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FID:FiireDepatnent GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPernH CE,City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Tegmrary CA,City atlomey Occupancy F0:Foul Occupancy within the unit's garage. d) A provision for review and approval by the City Community Development Department for any changes to the CC&R's that relate to the above requirements prior to the changes being recorded or taking effect 22. All mitigation Measures listed in the certified Mitigated Negative BP PS Declaration prepared by Padre and Associates shall be implemented and adhered to. 23. All tree removals shall be mitigated per the requirements of the BP PS Atascadero native Tree Ordinance.All trees located on the future 5- lot subdivision shall be preserved. City Engineer Project Conditions 24. The project applicant may apply for a reimbursement map for off- On going CE site circulation improvements made to the Santa Rosa/US 101 interchange and frontage roads. The amount of reimbursement credit based on actual construction costs subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and Administrative Services Director. The reimbursement area and reimbursement amounts shall be determined by an additional traffic study that demonstrates a nexus for all parcels included in the reimbursement area. Drainage: 25. Submit calculations to support the design of any structures or GP,BP CE pipes. Closed conduits shall be designed to convey the 10-year flow with gravity flow, the 25-year flow with head, and provide safe conveyance for the 100 year overflow. 26. Provide for the detention of the 50 year developed storm runoff, GP, BP CE while metering out the 2 year undeveloped storm runoff. 27. Drainage basins shall be designed to desilt, detain and meter GP,BP CE storm flows as well as release them to natural runoff locations. 28. The drainage basins shall be landscaped with native plantings. GP,BP CE .r 29. A mechanism for funding and maintenance of the storm drain GP, BP CE facilities shall be provided. 30. Show the method of dispersal at all pipe outlets. Include GP, BP CE specifications for size&type. 31. Show method of conduct to approved off-site drainage facilities. GP,BP CE *NW City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 13 of 52 Conditions of Approval I Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure V PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fire Department GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPermt CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-00052CH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Ternporany CA city Attorney occupancy F0:Final Occupancy 32. Concentrated drainage from off-site areas shall be conveyed GP,BP CE across the project site in drainage easements. Acquire drainage easements where needed. Drainage shall cross lot lines only where a drainage easement has been provided. If drainage easement cannot be obtained the storm water release must follow the exact historic path, rate and velocity as prior to the subdivision. 33. Applicant shall submit erosion control plans and a Storm Water GP, BP CE Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The Regional Water Quality Control Board shall approve the SWPPP. 34. The Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan details offsite grading GP, BP CE to collect offsite storm water and pass it through the site. This grading must be approved by the offsite property owner in a recorded easement. If the easement can not be obtained all grading along the west property line must be keep onsite. Traffic Mitigation: GP, BP CE 35. A Traffic Impact Study was produced for this project by Omni- GP, BP CE Means. In the study there are recommended mitigation measures. Listed below are conditions to implement the mitigation measures: A. Santa Rosa Interchange Install signals on the interchange at the intersection of the north and south bound ramp heads. Remove both 4 way stops. B. West Front Street/Santa Rosa Road Intersection Make this intersection right in and right out only with the construction of a median. This Improvement shall be reviewed by Caltrans Park and Ride Staff. C. Old Santa Rosa Road/Santa Rosa Road Intersection Repave and stripe intersection and Old Santa Rosa Road to a Rural Local Road Standard(401). D. Por ola Ave Driveway(Gas Station) This driveway will be right in and right out only.A physical barrier will be place to restrict this movement. These are improvements that are not identified as needed improvements in the City of Atascadero Circulation Element and the Growth Mitigation Program. Therefore, the growth mitigation fee does not cover the improvements. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-059 Page 14 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Serkes BL:Business BS:Building services West Front Village License FD:FireDeparinrent GP:Grading Permil PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Permit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:rerrporary CA City Momey Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy Public Improvements: GP,BP CE 36. West Front Street Frontage Improvements GP, BP CE Improvements to include two (2) travel lanes, one (1) turn lane and a five foot bike lane. An AC curb shall be constructed on the north-east side of West Front. Curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be constructed shall be constructed on the south-west side of West Front. No parking will be allowed on West Front Street. The existing south bound lane asphalt surface is failing. The road shall be repaired to correct this deficiency. This may be a reconstruction, grind and repave or resurfacing. The Project Improvement Plans shall address this condition to the approval of the City Engineer. 36.A. The project shall install a raised, left turn restriction median GP, BP CE barrier in the southern most driveway. The barrier shall prevent both entering and exiting left turn movements.The City Engineer may waive this requirement through demonstration by a traffic engineer that left turn movements can be safely accommodated. �ltlr► 37. Portola Ave. Frontage Improvements GP, BP CE Improvements to include two (2) travel lanes and a bike lane. Curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be constructed on the south side of Portola Ave. 38. All public improvements shall be constructed in conformance GP,BP CE with the City of Atascadero Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings or as directed by the City Engineer. 39. A mechanism to provide for the funding and maintenance of GP,BP CE lighting, street improvements, special paving surfaces, sewer, storm drain, common area landscape, open space, and hardscape shall be provided. 40. The on-site residential streets shall be improved consistent with GP,BP CE the Tentative Tract Map. The streets shall be marked with "No Parking" signs within the cul-de-sac. All residential streets shall be improved to City Standards. The City Engineer shall approve any deviation from the standard curb and gutter. 41. All Utilities shall be underground on Portola Ave. and West Front Road and within the project. Sewer 42. A mechanism must be provided to fund the maintenance and GP,BP CE future replacement of all sewer mains throughout the project area. The developer shall establish a benefit maintenance City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 15 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure *Y' PS:Planning services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fre Department GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Departmenl PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Parrnit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:TenWrary CACly Attorney Occuparq F0:Final Occupancy assessment district, or similar funding mechanism, approved by the City, to provide sufficient funds, on an annual basis, to pay for the maintenance activities on the sewer mainline and related facilities within the project area. 43. Applicant shall pay sewer extension (Annexation), Connection GP, BP CE and Reimbursement fees (if applicable) upon issuance of building permit. 44. Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims GP, BP CE located below the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover of the public or private sewer serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve. 45. Gravity mains within the subdivision shall be eight (8) inches in GP,BP CE diameter. 46. All sanitary sewer(SS) mains shall terminate in manholes unless GP, BP CE extension of the main, at some later date, is anticipated. If r extension of a SS main is anticipated, said SS main may terminate in a cleanout providing the next downstream manhole is less than 300 linear feet from the cleanout and that the point of termination is not a reasonable location for a SS main angle point or intersection. STANDARD CONDITIONS: 47. Prior to final map recordation, the applicant shall provide a GP,BP CE detailed cost analysis and breakdown of all maintenance required and the amount to be billed to each property annually. The analysis shall include scheduled maintenance including slurry seals, overlays, etc. The analysis shall include administrative fees. 48. The applicpnt shall enter a Subdivision Improvement Agreement GP,BP CE with the City of Atascadero prior to recording the final map. 49. In the event that the applicant is allowed to bond for the public GP,BP CE improvements required as a condition of this map,the applicant $hall enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement with the City Council. 50. An engineer's estimate of probable cost shall be submitted for GP,BP CE review and approval by the City Engineer to determine the amount of the bond. 51. The Subdivision Improvement Agreement shall record GP,BP CE concurrently with the Final Map. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 16 of 52 Conditions of Approval I Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure Y PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:FireDepadmenl GP.Grading Pemvl PD:Police Deparbrnent PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPenrit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-00051ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Terrporuy CA:City Attorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy 52. The applicant shall enter into a Plan Check/Inspection GP, BP CE agreement with the City. 53. A six(6)foot Public Utility Easement(PUE)shall be provided GP,BP CE contiguous to the West Front Road and Portola Avenue property frontages. 54. The applicant shall acquire title interest in any off-site land that GP,BP CE may be required to allow for the construction of the improvements.The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions.The applicant shall also gain concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress and egress is affected by these improvements. 55. Slope easements shall be obtained by the applicant as needed GP, BP CE to accommodate cut or fill slopes. 56. Drainage easements shall be obtained by the applicant as GP, BP CE needed to accommodate both public and private drainage facilities. tier 57. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for review GP, BP CE in conjunction with the processing of the parcel map. 58. The final map shall be signed by the City Engineer prior to the GP, BP CE map being placed on the agenda for City Council acceptance. 59. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall pay all GP, BP CE outstanding plan check/inspection fees. 60. Prior to recording the map,the applicant shall complete all GP,BP CE improvements required by these conditions of approval. 61. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall set GP,BP CE monuments at all new property corners.A registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by certificate on the parcel map,that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. 62. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall submit a GP,BP CE rrap drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tbntative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein.The map shall be submitted for review and approval by the City in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 63. All existing and proposed utility,pipeline,open space,or other GP,BP CE easements are to be shown on the final/parcel map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements,they shall *AW be noted on the final/parcel map. The applicant..shall show all City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 17 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Buildup services West Front Village License FD:Fire Department GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Depart ent PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPernit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Terrporary CA,Uy Attorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy access restrictions on the finallparcel map. 64. Prior to recording the parcel map,the applicant shall have the GP,BP CE map reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies(cable,telephone,gas,electric,Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company indicating their review of the map. The letter shall identify any new easements that may be required by the utility company. A copy of the letter shall be submitted to the City. New easements shall be shown on the parcel map. 65. Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall GP, BP CE submit plans and supporting calculations/reports including street improvements,underground utilities,composite utilities,and grading/drainage plans prepared by a registered civil engineer for review and approval by the City Engineer. Atascadero Mutual Water Company 66. Before the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall GP,BP CE submit plans to AMWC for the water distribution facilities needed to serve the project. AMWC shall review and approve the plans before construction begins on the water system improvements. All water distribution facilities shall be constructed in conformance with AMWC Standards and Details and the California Waterworks Standards (Code of Regulations Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 16). 67. Before the start of construction on the water system GP, BP CE improvements, the applicant shall pay all installation and connection fees required by AMWC. Subject to the approval of AMWC, the applicant may enter in to a "deferred connection" agreement. 68. Before issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain a GP, BP CE 'Will Serve" letter from AMWC for the newly created lots within the subdivision. 69. The applicant shall bank the water meters serving Lots 14-25 GP, BP CE keeping them within the Coromar Court right-of-way. 70. Water mains and appurtenances not accepted for operation and GP, BP CE maintenance by AMWC shall be isolated from the AMWC system with detector-type cross-connection control devices. All cross- connection devices shall conform to AWWA and California Department of Health Services standards. 71. The applicant shall provide AMWC with easements for those GP, BP CE water mains and appurtenances proposed for operation and maintenance by AMWC that are constructed outside of publicly *4W maintained right-of-ways. The minimum width of these City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 18 of 52 " Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure '�► PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fire Depadrnent GP.Grading Peni6 PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP.BuildingPemrt CE:C4 Engineer Fl:Final Inspect on WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Temporary CP:C4Aflomey Occwarq F0:Final Occwarq easements shall be 20-feet or as directed by AMWC. AMWC shall review and approve the form and content of these easements before recordation. Water mains constructed within these easements shall not pass beneath, and shall maintain a minimum of five feet of clearance from, any structure, retaining wall,footing,or foundation. 72. The applicant shall relocate the existing 6-inch water line that GP, BP CE crosses Lots 1-3 into the Portola Road and West Front Road rights-of-way. 73. The applicant shall submit a hydraulic analysis with the first plan GP, BP CE check submittal of the water system improvements for the project. The analysis should take into account the fire flows required by the Uniform Fire Code and requirements of the California Waterworks Standards. The applicant is responsible for designing and constructing water system improvements that will provide water at pressures and flows adequate for the domestic and fire protection needs of the project. 74. The applicant shall obtain a separate landscape-irrigation GP, BP CE meter(s)from AMWC for the common areas within the project. 75. Before construction of the water system improvements, AMWC GP, BP CE shall review and approve the irrigation plans for the common areas within the project. The irrigation plan submittal shall include the following: o Landscape irrigation meter location and size. o Backflow prevention device type, location, and manufacturer o Flow and precipitation rate for each circuit o Irrigation schedules including schedules for establishment period and post establishment period o Total anticipated water application per circuit per month for both schedules o Total landscape water application. o Use drip irrigation where ever possible o A check valve shall be installed on the lowest head in each sprinkler circuit PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS 76. Provide Portolla Road Traffic Control evaluation. 77. Eliminate non-tax generating uses, similar to Dove Creek project. 78. Provide deeper earth tone colors on business park %W buildings. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 19 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:FiireDeparVrent GP:Grading PermA PD:Police Department PO-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Permit CE:City Engineer Fl:Final GPA 2003-00052CH 2003-00582CH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Te pfarcton CkUy llorner rtpo2ry CA Uy Pltomey Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy 79. Stripe center line of Coromar Avenue and add stop sign at Via Tortuga 80. The sign locations and maximum height are approved as proposed. As part of the construction permit process, applicant shall provide an analysis of the brightness and glare of the pylon signs. The final design and analysis shall be brought back to public hearing for review and approval. BP PS, BS,CE AES-1 Mitigation Measure AES-1: The following landscape mitigations shall apply: a) Landscaping of Caltrans ROW required; b) Development shall be buffered with an informal landscape theme, meandering pathway,and compatible project fencing; c) The project shall include landscaping of all common areas, including slopes,streetscapes,residential front yards,and street trees;and, d) All on-site retention basins shall be designed, constructed, and maintained as jurisdictional well while allowing the basins to function as engineered for storm water management. Mitigation Measure AES-2: The proposed homes shall include the use of earth-tone BP PS, BS, CE AES-2 paint and roof colors designed to blend with the surrounding semi-rural environment and reduce the potential for reflected light and glare. Mitigation Measure AES-3: Only pedestrian pathway (bollard style) lighting is BP PS, BS,CE AES-3 proposed. However, if exterior street lighting is proposed, it shall be limited to intersections only and designed to eliminate any off-site glare. All exterior site lights shall utilize full cut-off, "hooded" lighting fixtures to prevent offsite light spillage and glare. Any luminaire pole height shall not exceed 20-feet in height, limit intensity to 2.0 foot candles at ingress/egress, and otherwise 0.6 foot candle minimum to 1.0 maximum within the private street. Fixtures shall be shield cut-off type and compatible with neighborhood setting,subject to staff approval. In addition, individual exterior home-owner lighting shall be restricted through CC&R's and individual lot deed-restriction to prohibit high-intensity lighting in excess of one- foot candle, limited in fixture height to not exceed 10 feet, and utilize full cut-off, "hooded"lighting fixtures to prevent offsite light spillage and glare. Mitigation Measure AES-4: To prevent impacts to visual resources associated with BP PS, BS,CE AES-4 the Wilson Property,Mitigation Measure 13I0-8 shall be implemented. Mitigation Measure AES-5: Two pylon and monument signs shall be constructed BP,GP PS, BS,CE AES-5 according to the City of Atascadero's Sign Ordinance. Where principles uses are shopping, offices or industrial complexes, freeway oriented signs are allowed a maximum of one (1) square foot of sign per lineal foot of building frontage, not to exceed sixty (60) feet, whichever is less (section 9-15.005ii). For gas station `rlgiri City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 20 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Budding Services West Front Village License FD:FireDepartrnent GP.Grading Perm! PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPernit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Temporary CaCity Attorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy canopies, a maximum of twenty(20) square-foot signs with logos and color banding on no more than two(2)sides are allowed(Section 9-15.005iii). As per Section 9-15.005a(2),one(1) monument sign is allowed per 200 lineal feet of street frontage, not including street frontage adjacent to residential zones, up to sixty (60) square feet in size and up to ten (10) feet from the natural grade. Monument signs must be landscaped in a manner that incorporates the sign into the surroundings(section 9-15.004h). Mitigation Measure AQ-1: During construction, the applicant shall implement the BP,GP PS, BS,CE AQ-1 following standard construction equipment mitigation measures for reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) and combustion emissions (diesel particulate matter) shall (see section 6.3.1 of the Air Quality Handbook): a) Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications; b) Fuel all off-road and portable diesel powered equipment with ARB certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (non-taxed version suitable for use off-road);and, �Irr►' c) Maximize, to the extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment meeting ARB's 1996 and newer certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesel engines. Mitigation Measure AQ-2: This measure focuses on reducing ozone formation from BP PS, BS,CE AQ-2 project-related ozone precursors, NOx and ROC. The primary source of these emissions would be ROC released during application of paint to the proposed residential and commercial structures. The rate of ozone formation is greatest during periods of clear weather, low winds and high temperatures. Based on air quality monitoring at the Atascadero station, peak hourly ozone levels occur from May through September. One of the following measures shall be implemented to prevent exceedances of the State 1-hour ozone standard: a) Paint shall not be applied from May through September;OR b) Paint emissions shall not exceed the 185 pound per day significance threshold (88 gallons per day based on 2.08 pounds VOC per gallon);AND C) Paint emissions shall not exceed the 2.5 ton per quarter significance threshold (2,403 gallons per quarter based on 2.08 pounds VOC per gallon). d) The use of pre-coated materials, or naturally colored materials and high transfer efficiency painting methods (e.g., HVLP, brush/roller, etc.) to the maximum extent feasible would reduce the amount of paint used and facilitate compliance with the thresholds. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 21 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:FiireDepartment GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Depad rnent PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPerma CE:City Engineer Fl:Final Irspectbn WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Tenwrary CACiyAttorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy Mitigation Measure AQ-3:Prior to the City issuing a Building Permit for the project,the BP,GP PS, BS, CE AQ-3 applicant shall provide to the City project grading and buildings plans that contain the following required PM10 mitigation measures. In addition, the applicant shall designate a person or persons to monitor, during construction, the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust offsite. Their duties shall include holidays and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and finished grading of the area. a) Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible; b) Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. Reclaimed (nonpotable) water should be used whenever possible; C) All dirt stock pile areas should be sprayed daily as needed; d) Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project revegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities; e) Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established; f) All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD; g) All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used; h) Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site; I) All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with CVC Section 23114; j) Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site;and, k) Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 22 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building services West Front Village License FD:ReDeparlment GP:Grading Pernll PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPerrrit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Temporary CACity Atlomey Occupancy Fa Fuad Occupancy Mitigation Measure AQ-4: Prior to any grading activities at the site,the applicant shall GP PS, BS,CE AQ-4 ensure that a geologic evaluation is conducted to determine if naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) is present within the area that will be disturbed. If NOA is not present, an exemption request must be filed with the District. If NOA is found at the site, the applicant must comply with all requirements outlined in the Asbestos Air Toxics Control Measure (ATCM) for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations. This may include development of an Asbestos Dust Mitigation Plan and an Asbestos Health and Safety Program for approval by the APCD. Mitigation Measure AQ-5: The applicant shall only install APCD approved wood BP PS, BS, CE, AQ-5 burning devices in the new dwelling units consistent with APCD Rule 504. These FD devices include: a) All EPA-Certified Phase 11 wood burning devices; b) Catalytic wood burning devices which emit less than or equal to 4.1 grams per hour of particulate matter-which are not EPA- Certified but have been verified by a nationally-recognized testing lab; C) Non-catalytic wood burning devices which emit less than or equal to 7.5 grams per hour of particulate matter which are not EPA- Certified but have been verified by a nationally-recognized testing lab; d) Pellet-fueled woodheaters;and, e) Dedicated gas-fired fireplaces. Mitigation Measure AQ-6: The applicant shall comply with AB 3205 Requirements for BP PS, BS,CE AQ-6 Gasoline Dispensing Facilities. Prior to construction, the applicant shall provide information to the APCD indicating whether hazardous materials or certain equipment or processes will be used in or at the facility. Such uses may require a permit from the APCD and/or a Hazardous Materials Business Plan. The City of Atascadero will not issue a final certificate of occupancy until the applicant or future building occupant has complied with the provisions of the law. The law may also impose certain public noticing requirements for a facility that handles hazardous materials and is located within 1,000 flet of the outer boundary of a school(kindergarten through 12th grade). Mitigation Measure AQ-7: Prior to construction,the applicant shall obtain a Combined BP,GP PS, BS,CE AQ-7 Authority to Construct/Operate, issued by the APCD and the San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health Service (EHS). As part of this, the District will run a health- based screening level risk assessment for the facility, following the California Air Pollution Control Officer's Association (CAPCOA) guidelines. Depending on the District's screening risk determination, the applicant may be subject to throughput City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 23 of 52 Conditions of Approval I Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Ser*.es BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village Uunse FD:FireDepadnent GP:Grading Perml PD:Porce Departrnent PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPemit CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Temporary CaCity Attomey acupancy F0:Final Occupancy limitations or may be required to submit a more refined Health Risk Assessment. Mitigation Measure AO-8: Prior to the City issuing a Building Permit, the applicant GP, BP PS, BS, CE AQ-8 shall incorporate the following into the project design: a) Traffic calming modifications to project roads, such as narrower streets,speed platforms, bulb-outs and intersection modifications designed to reduce vehicle speeds, thus encouraging pedestrian and bicycle travel; b) Easements or land dedications for bikeways and pedestrian walkways; C) Continuous sidewalks separated from the roadway by landscaping and on-street parking. Adequate lighting for sidewalks must be provided, along with crosswalks at intersections; d) If the project is located on an established transit route, improve public transit accessibility by providing transit turnouts with direct pedestrian access to the'project; e) Street shade tree planting; f) Outdoor electrical outlets to encourage the use of electric appliances and tools; g) On-site bicycle parking for multi-family residential developments; h) Cable to allow telecommuting, teleconferencing and telelearning to occur simultaneously in at least three locations throughout the home; i) Shade tree planting along southern exposures of buildings to reduce summer cooling needs; j) Roof material with a solar reflectance value meeting the EPA/DOE Energy Star®rating to reduce summer cooling needs; k) Building energy efficiency rating by 10% above what is required by Title 24 requirements. This can be accomplished in a number of ways(increasing attic,wall,or floor insulation,installing double pane windows, using high efficiency home heating,cooling,water heaters,and appliances,using efficient interior lighting etc.); 1) Outdoor electrical outlets to encourage the use of electric appliances and tools; m) Walls and attic insulation beyond Title 24 requirements; n) High efficiency gas or solar water heaters; o) Built-in energy efficient appliances; P) Double-paned windows; q) Low energy street lights(i.e.sodium); City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 24 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:FireDepannent GP.Grading Pernd PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPern'A CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Tenporary CACilyAttorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy r) Energy efficient interior lighting; S) Low energy traffic signals(i.e.light emitting diode); t) Door sweeps and weather stripping if more efficient doors and windows are not available;and, U) High efficiency or gas space heating. Mitigation Measure BIO-1: Initial rough grading operations and vegetation removal BP PS,BS,CE BIO-1 shall be conducted prior to, or after,the typical migratory bird nesting season (March 1 — August 1) to avoid any potential impact to migratory bird nesting activity. Therefore, initial grading should be conducted between the months of August and February. Mitigation Measure BI00-2: If Measure BIO-1 is infeasible, pre-construction surveys BP PS,BS,CE 13I0-2 shall be conducted prior to any initial grading activity and vegetation removal to identify any potential bird nesting activity,and: a) If any nest sites of bird species protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act are observed within the vicinity of the project site, then the project shall be modified and/or delayed as necessary to avoid direct take of the identified nests,eggs,and/or young;and, b) If active nest sites of raptors and/or birds species of special concern are observed within the vicinity of the project site,then CDFG shall be contacted to establish the appropriate buffer around the nest site. Construction activities in the buffer zone shall be prohibited until the young have fledged the nest and achieved independence. Mitigation Measure BIO-3: Prior to any earth disturbance, exclusionary fencing shall BP PS,BS,CE BIO-3 be erected at the boundaries of all construction areas to avoid equipment and human intrusion into adjacent habitats. The fencing shall remain in place and be maintained throughout construction. Mitigation Measure BIO-4: Several measures are included within the Arborist Report BP PS,BS,CE 6I0-4 prepared by A&T which outline methods of minimizing potential impacts to existing oak trees which would remain within the property at completion of the proposed project. These measures include following,as stated within the Arborist Report: a) '? The proposed fencing shall be shown on the grading plan. It must be a minimum of 4' high chain link, snow, or safety fence staked at the edge of the drip-line or line of encroachment for each tree or group of trees. The fence shall be up before any construction or earth moving begins. The fencing shall be placed at the edge of the drip-line or further as measured from the actual trees. The owner shall be responsible for maintaining an erect fence throughout the construction period. The arborist(s), upon notification, will inspect the fence placement once it is erected. Ver After this time, fencing shall not be moved without arborist City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 25 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL,Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fire Departrnent GP:Grading Permit PD:Police DepaNnenl PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Pernd CE:CiyEngineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Terrporary CA City Attorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy inspection/approval. If the orange plastic fencing is used, a minimum of four zip ties shall be used on each stake to secure the fence along with tie wire or other suitable material intertwined through the top. b) Soils within the drip-line that have been compacted by heavy equipment and/or construction activities must be returned to their original state before all work is completed. Methods include water jetting, adding organic matter, and boring small holes with an auger (18" deep, 2-3' apart with a 2-4" auger) and the application of moderate amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. The arborist(s)shall advise. C) All areas within the dripline of the trees that cannot be fenced shall receive a 4-6" layer of chip mulch to retain moisture, soil structure and reduce the effects of soil compaction. d) All trenching within the drip-line of native trees shall be hand dug, augured or bored. Prior to any trenching, all utility paths under the drip lines shall be marked by the owner and subsequently air spade to expose all roots without damaging them. Conduit/piping shall then be placed over/under all roots greater than one inch in diameter. The trench can then be re-buried without the need to cut any large roots. e) Grading should not encroach within the drip-line unless authorized. If grading is necessary, construction of retaining walls or tree wells or other protection measures may be necessary to insure the survivability of the trees. Chip mulch 4-6" in depth may also be required in these areas. Grading should not disrupt the normal drainage pattern around the trees. Fills should not create a ponding condition and excavations should not leave the tree on a rapidly draining mound. f) Any exposed roots shall be re-covered the same day they were exposed. If they cannot, they must be covered with burlap or another suitable material and wetted down 2x per day until re- buried. g) Pervious surfacing is preferred within the drip-line of any oak tree. Permeable pavers shall be used for the sidewalk under the drip- line. Arborist(s)will advise. h) Vehicles and all heavy equipment shall not be driven under the trees, as this will contribute to soil compaction. Also there is to be no parking of equipment or personal vehicles in these areas. r All areas behind fencing are off-limits unless pre-approved by the arborist. i) The existing ground surface within the drip-line of all oak trees shall not be cut,filled,compacted or paved, unless shown on the grading plans and approved by the arborist. D No liquid or solid construction waste shall be dumped on the ground within the drip-line of any oak tree. r k) An arborist shall be present for selected activities and pre- City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 26 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning services BL:Business BS:Building services West Front Village License FD:Fre Department GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Perri CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Temporary Ca City Attorney Ocupancy F0:Final Occupancy construction fence placement inspection. The monitoring does not necessarily have to be continuous, but observational at time during the above activities. It is the responsibility of the owner(s) or their designee to inform us prior to these events so A&T can make arrangements to be present. The following activities shall be monitored: 1) trenching within the drip-line; 2) curb footing excavation;and,3)sidewalk grading. I) An on-site preconstruction meeting with the Arborist(s),Owner(s), Planning Staff, and the earth-moving team shall be required for this project. Prior to final occupancy, a letter from the arborist(s) shall be required verifying the health/condition of all impacted trees and providing any recommendations for any additional mitigation. The letter shall verify that the arborist(s) were on site for all grading and/or trenching activity that encroached into the drip-line of the selected native trees, and that all work done in these areas was completed to the standards set forth above. m) Class 4 pruning includes—Crown reduction pruning shall consist of reduction of tops, sides,or individual limbs. A trained arborist shall perform all pruning. n) All landscape under the drip-line shall be drought tolerant or native varieties. Lawns shall be avoided. All irrigation trenching shall be routed around critical root zones, otherwise above ground drip-irrigation shall be used. o) All utilities shall be placed down the roads and driveways and when possible outside of the drip-line. The arborist shall supervise trenching within the drip-line. All trenching in these areas shall be hand dug. As stated above in the trenching mitigation, all paths shall be marked by the owner and air spade prior to any digging. Mitigation Measure BIO-5: The applicant shall develop and submit an oak tree BP PS,BS,CE 113I0-5 replacement plan to the City of Atascadero to ensure that the project is in compliance with the City of Atascadero Native Tree Ordinance. As such, native trees removed during project implementation shall be replaced. For every 6" diameter at breast height (dbh) or greater of deciduous oak tree removed, two 5-gallon, locally grown native oaks of the same-species shall be planted. For every 6"dbh of other native tree (as listed in City Ordinance Number 350) that is removed, one 5-gallon, locally grown tree of the same species shall be planted(Atascadero Native Tree Guidelines). Mitigation Measure BIO-6: Upon project completion a final status report shall be BP PS, BS,CE 13I0-6 prepared by the project arborist, and submitted to the City of Atascadero, certifying the project was in compliance with the mitigation measures included in the A&M arborist report and those measures which will be included within the proposed Oak Tree Replacement Plan,as described above. Mitigation Measure 6I0-7: All existing native trees on the Wilson Property shall not GP PS,BS,CE BI0-7 be removed or significantly impacted as a result of project implementation. Mitigation Measure BIO-8: The applicant shall ensure that the three wetland areas BP,GP PS,BS,CE 13I0-8 City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 27 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:FireDeparlment GP:Grading Permit PD:Police Departmenl PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Pernit ce City Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-00052CH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 To:Temporary CA.City Attorney Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy are designed,constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the 404 Permit issued by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers for the project. Mitigation Measures CUL-1. Because the Colony house is largely intact with few BP,GP PS,BS,CE CUL-1 modern alterations and the cluster of structure and trees retains a setting of the organization, vies, and tranquility of the Frandsen and Wilson households and is regarded as an important part of the early history of Atascadero, an Historic Overlay Zone shall be required on the Wilson Property to protect it from any adverse impacts from the current and future projects. Any construction and/or subdivision on the site shall be consistent with the Secretary of Interior standards for rehabilitation of historic structures. Mitigation Measure CUL-2: Should any cultural resources be unearthed during site BP,GP PS, BS,CE CUL-2 development work, the provisions of CEQA -Section 15064.5, will be followed to reduce impacts to a non-significant level. Mitigation Measure CUL-3: Any additional mitigation measures recommended by the BP,GP PS, BS,CE CUL-3 project cultural resource consultant, resulting from completion of Phase II testing or +' from on-site monitoring of earth disturbance activities shall be forwarded to the City in the form of a mitigation monitoring program for site development, and shall be incorporated into the proposed project prior to project approval. Mitigation Measure GEO-1: The applicant will implement Mitigation Measure HWQ-1. BP PS, BS,CE GEO-1 Mitigation Measure GEO-2: A soils report and geotechnical investigation shall be BP PS, BS,CE GEO-2 submitted as part of the building permit process. Any measures identified in this report shall be incorporated into the conditions of approval. Mitigation Measure HAZ-1: Prior to grading activities at the 1-acre parcel of the BP,GP PS, BS,CE HAZ-1 former gasoline station} the applicant shall prepare a Contaminated Materials Management Plan(CMMP)to be implemented during excavation or grading activities. The CMMP shall include procedures for the proper and safe handling and disposal of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils. Petroleum hydrocarbon-containing soil with Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) concentrations in excess of 100 milligrams per kilogram'ishall not be used for backfill material on-site and shall be transported to a properly licensed landfill or recycling facility. The CMMP shall be submitted to the City and the County of San Luis Obispo Division of Environmental Health for review and approval prior to initiation of grading activities. Mitigation Measure HAZ-2: Mitigation Measure HAZ-2: No water wells will be BP,GP PS, BS,CE HAZ-2 constructed at the project site without the express written approval of the Regional Water Quality Control Board. �r City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 28 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fre Department GP:Grading Pemrt PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPernrt CE:Cily Engineer Fl:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Temporary CA C4 Attorney occupancy F0:Final Occupancy Mitigation Measure HAZ-3: The gas station shall be constructed and operated in BP,GP PS, BS,CE HAZ-3 accordance with current state UST specifications including double-walled tanks, piping and dispenser catch pans. The applicant shall obtain appropriate UST permits from the County Environmental Health Division, the local Certified Unified Program Agency(CUPA)for the proposed UST installations. Mitigation Measure HWQ-1: The applicant will prepare and implement a Sediment BP,GP PS, BS,CE HWQ-1 and Erosion Control Plan(SECP)for the proposed project. The SECP will include: a) Slope surface stabilization measures, such as temporary mulching, seeding, and other suitable stabilization measures to protect exposed erodible areas during construction,and installation of earthen or paved interceptors and diversion at the top of cut of fill slopes where there is a potential for erosive surface runoff; b) Erosion and sedimentation control devices, such as energy absorbing structures or devices, will be used, as necessary, to reduce the velocity of runoff water to prevent polluting sedimentation discharges; c) Installation of mechanical and/or vegetative final erosion control measures within 30 days after completion of grading; d) Confining land clearing and grading operations to the period between April 15 and October 15 to avoid the rainy season;and, e) Minimizing the land area disturbed and the period of exposure to the shortest feasible time. Prior to construction, the applicant will develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submit a Notice of Intent to comply with the NPDES "General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activity (99-08- DWQ). The SWPPP will include provisions for the installation and maintenance of Best Management Practices to reduce the potential for erosion of disturbed soils at the Project site. Mitigation Measure HWQ-2: The developer is responsible for ensuring that all BP,GP PS, BS,CE HWQ-2 contractors are aware of all storm water quality measures and that such measures are implemented: Failure to comply with the approved construction Best Management Practices will'result in the issuance of correction notices,citations,or stop orders. Mitigation Measure NOI-1: The applicant will construct acoustic sound walls to BP,GP PS, BS,CE N0I-1 mitigate elevated noise levels to the residences. The noise barrier will extend in height (minimum of.6 feet) so that it breaks the line of sight between the noise sources and the receivers. The sound wall shall have a continuous structure and extend in a linear fashion parallel to the property line interface with the service station/retail facility and hotel and the residences (townhomes and single family residences)along this boundary. The location of the sound wall is shown in Figure 2- City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 29 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village License FD:Fre Department GP:Grading PerrrA PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:BuildingPerrd cECity Engineer FI:Final Inspection WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Temporary cacayanomey Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy 2. Aesthetics treatment, including landscaping of various shrubs, will be applied to the sound wall to mitigate visual concerns. Mitigation Measure NOI-2: All construction activities shall comply with the City of BP,GP PS, BS,CE N0I-2 Atascadero Noise Ordinance for hours of operation,and as follows: Construction activities shall be limited to the following hours of operation: • 7 a.m.to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday • 9 a.m.to 6 p.m.Saturday No construction on Sunday Furthermore, particularly loud noises shall not occur before 8 a.m. on weekdays and not at all on weekends. The hours of construction may be modified by the Community Development Director upon a determination that unusually loud construction activities are having a significant impact on the neighbors. Failure to comply with the above-described hours of operation may result in withholding of inspections and possible construction prohibitions,subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. A sign shall be posted on-site with the hours of operation and a telephone number of the person to be contacted in the event of any violations. The details of such a sign shall be approved by staff during the Grading Plan/Building Permit review process. Mitigation Measure PUB-1: Applicant will pay all Development Impact Fees per City BP,GP PS, BS,CE PUB-1 requirements. The emergency services and facility maintenance costs listed below shall be 100%funded by the project in perpetuity. The service and maintenance cost shall be funded through a community facilities district established by the developer subject to City approval. The funding mechanism must be in place prior to or concurrently with acceptance of any final maps. The funding mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any final map. The administration of the above mentioned funds shall be by the City. a) ? All Atascadero Police Department service costs to the project; b) All Atascadero Fire Department service costs to the project;and, c) Off-site common City of Atascadero park facilities maintenance service costs related to the project. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 30 of 52 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village Liner" FD:Fire Department GP:Grading Permd PD:Police Department PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Pernt CE:City Engineer FI:Final Inspectbn WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO:Ternporary CA,City Ariomey Occupancy F0:Fnal Occupancy Mitigation Measures TRA-1: The following mitigation measures have been identified BP,GP PS,BS,CE TRA-1 and/or the equitable share has been calculated: A. Santa Rosa Road/US 101 interchange: Install traffic signals and consider coordination with nearby and future traffic signals. As a result of cumulative traffic growth within the vicinity of this interchange and the existing substandard design of this tight diamond interchange, the existing all-way stop controlled intersections are forecasted to degrade to unacceptable LOS "F" conditions during the PM peak In addition, the projected traffic volumes during the PM peak hour period meet Caltrans'Peak Hour Warrant 11 (Urban Areas)for both intersections. A queuing analysis was performed along Santa Rosa Road between the two future signalized ramp heads. It was determined that there is not adequate space between the two ramp intersections to accommodate traffic signals at this location. However, if these traffic signals were coordinated, traffic flow would be improved. A detailed analysis would be required. Ultimately, this substandard interchange needs to be improved to Caltrans' current standards. Therefore, it is recommended that the City and/or Caltrans conduct a Project Study Report (PSR) for this interchange to determine future improvements. r These future improvements may include consideration of roundabouts and/or re-aligning surface streets in addition to the recommendations made by OMNI-MEANS. Based upon Caltrans' Guide for Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies (June 2001), the equitable share responsibility was calculated during the PM peak hour period. Based upon the project's contribution to the PM peak hour traffic growth at this intersection, the project's "fair- share"of improvements at the intersection of Santa Rosa Road/West Front Road/US 101 SB On Ramp is projected to be 43.5% [259/(1,652-1,056)].At the intersection of Santa Rosa Road/East Front Road/US 101 NB Ramps,the project's"fair-share"of improvements is projected to be 31.4% [176/(2,011-1,451)]. With recommended improvements at these intersections, the AM and PM peak hour LOS are projected to operate acceptably. B. Project Driveways: It is recommended, and was assumed during this analysis, that the Portola Avenue/Driveway #1 operate as "right-turn- only"intersections. This is a result of the close proximity to the Portola Avenue/West Front Road intersection. It is further recommended that acceleration and deceleration lanes be installed that comply with the City's development standards. Based upon the forecasted traffic volumes at these locations, the acceleration and deceleration lanes should be a minimum of 50 feet for the eastbound right turn lane. For the West Front Road Driveway#2 and West Front Road/Driveway#3, the acceleration and deceleration lanes should also be a minimum of 50 feet. C. Santa Rosa Road/E/ Camino Real Intersection: Provide for dual northbound left turning movements on EI Camino Real to City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 31 of 52 " Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business BS:Building Services West Front Village license FD:FireDepadment GP:Grading Perri l PD:Police Depadrnent PD-23 Master Plan of Development BP:Building Pernt CE:CkyEngineer Fl:Final Inspec(pn WW:Wastewater GPA 2003-0005/ZCH 2003-0058/ZCH 2003-0088/CUP 2003-0108 TO,.TerrWrary CA:CityAltomey Occupancy F0:Final Occupancy accommodate the forecasted increase in traffic volume at this intersection. Implementation of the proposed mitigation measure is forecasted to result in acceptable CS through Year 2025. Under Year 2025 Base plus Project Conditions, the project's 'fair share" of improvements at the intersection is projected to be 8.9% [93/2,947- 2,235)]. 'r r '�rrY City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 32 of 52 EXHIBIT B:Master Plan of Development/Site Plan elwcW180 0 OseIV 30V711A1N08-41S3M-GZ0#0k; V a CL w a 2 fg EL C3 A CA �c LU zi ns ROAD ' ToLi POR IL U) Aa *w City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 33 of 52 EXHIBIT B-2: Alternate Site Plan Re I oc-vt ad xv- t driveway � .....� ._...., blew _ driveway New Acco"t v Park i' 1 c � Z `— El a` CMEM mi-TIM I Ell Exhibit B-2 (CUP 2003-010$1 Alternative Site Plan low City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 34 of 52 EXHIBIT C: Arborist Report A & T AR80RRISTS <a P.O.BOX 1311 TEMPLETON,CA 93465 (805)434-0131 9-02-05 Richard Shannon,Peabody and Plum Realty West Front Village Project,Atascadero,CA This report is in regards to the proposed development at the comer of Westt Front Street and Portola Road in Atascadero,California. The property consists of gently sloping grasslands with blue oaks(Quercus douglassi),white oaks(Quercus lobata)and one toyon(Heteromeles arbutifolia). There are 18 native trees on the site. Originally all but two were planned to be removed, however,with plan changes,two or three additional trees will be saved. Total number of removals is 13 with a total diameter of 196 inches. Two mature trees will need to be removed from the site. Tree#1 is a 31-inch diameter live oak that is in very poor condition. There is severe tip die back and heavy infestation of scale. The tree is also in the middle of the planned convenience store. Tree#17 is a 35-inch diameter live oak that has had a massive past failure on the South side. The tree has severe heart rot and would pose a severe hazard to any nearby construction. Trees#2-10 are located near and within the proposed entrance off of Portola Road. There were discussions regarding saving some of these trees. Options included changing the entrance location to accommodate the trees. Problems arose due to the freeway off ramp location and site distance requirements. Therefore,these trees will need to be removed. Trees#15 and 416 are located in the backyard of one of the homes. The plans show one tree to be removed, however,these trees are fairly close together and both may be able to be saved. The tree removal form reflects saving both of them. It is the owners'(or designee)responsibility to inform us of any changes that will encroach into the drip-line of any oak tree so we may apply any necessary mitigation measures. Tree Rating System A rating system of 1-10 was used for visually establishing the overall condition of each tree on the spreadsheet. The rating system is defined as follows: Ratine Condition 0 Deceased I Evidence of massive past failures,extreme disease and is in severe decline. 2 May be saved with attention to class 4 pruning, insect/pest eradication and future monitoring. err° City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 35 of 52 EXHIBIT C: Arborist Report I 3 Some past failures,some pests or structural defects that may be mitigated by pruning. 4 May have had minor past failures,excessive deadwood or minor structural defects that can be mitigated with pruning. 5 Relatively healthy tree with little visual structural and or pest defects. 6 Healthy tree that probably can be left in its natural state. 7-9 Have had proper arboricultural pruning and attention or have no apparent structural defects. 10 Specimen tree with perfect shape,structure and foliage in a protected setting(i.e.park,arboretum). The following mitigation measures/methods must be fully understood and followed by anyone working within the drip-line of any oak tree. Any necessary clarification will be provided by us(the arborists)upon request. 1. Fencing: The proposed fencing shall be shown on the grading plan. It must be a minimum of 4'high chain link,snow or safety fence staked at the edge of the drip- line or line of encroachment for each tree or group of trees. The fence shall be up before any construction or earth moving begins. The fencing should be placed at the edge of the drip-line or further as measured from the actual trees. The owner shall be responsible for maintaining an erect fence throughout the construction period. The arborist(s),upon notification,will inspect the fence placement once it is erected. After this time, fencing shall not be moved without arborist inspection/approval. If the orange plastic fencing is used,a minimum of four zip ties shall be used on each stake to secure the fence along with tie wire or other suitable material intertwined through the top. 2. Soil Aeration Methods: Soils within the drip-line that have been compacted by heavy equipment and/or construction activities must be returned to their original state before all work is completed. Methods include water jetting,adding organic matter,and boring small holes with an auger(18"deep,2-3'apart with a 24"auger)and the application of moderate amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. The arborist(s)shall advise. 3. Chip Mulch: All areas within the drip-line of the trees that cannot be fenced shall receive a 4-6" layer of chip mulch to retain moisture,soil structure and reduce the effects of soil compaction. 4. Trenching Within Drip-line: All trenching within the drip-line of native trees shall be hand dug,augured or bored. Prior to any trenching,all utility paths under the drip lines shall be marked by the owner and subsequently air spade to expose all roots without damaging them. Conduit/piping shall then be placed over/under all roots greater glen one inch in diameter. The trench can then be re-buried without the need to cut any large roots. 5. Grading Within The Drip-line: Grading should not encroach within the drip-line unless authorized. If grading is necessary,construction of retaining walls or tree wells or other protection measures may be necessary to insure the survivability of the trees. Chip mulch 4-6"in depth may also be required in these areas. Grading should not City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 36 of 52 EXHIBIT C: Arborist Report disrupt the normal drainage pattern around the trees. Fills should not create a ponding condition and excavations should not leave the tree on a rapidly draining mound. 6. Exposed Roots: Any exposed roots shall be re-covered the same day they were exposed. If they cannot,they must be covered with burlap or another suitable material and wetted down 2x per day until re-buried. fi. Paving Within The Drip-line: Pervious surfacing is preferred within the drip-line of any oak tree. Permeable pavers shall be used for the sidewalk under the drip- line. Pavers shall be of the interlocking variety and have a minimum of Ip%void space. All areas within the drip line of tree#I i shall have pavers. 8. Equipment Operation: Vehicles and all heavy equipment shall not be driven under the trees,as this will contribute to soil compaction. Also there is to be no parking of equipment or personal vehicles in these areas. All areas behind fencing are off limits unless pre-approved by the arborist. 9. Existing Surfaces: The existing ground surface within the drip-tine of all oak trees shall not be cut, filled,compacted or pared, unless shown on the grading plans and approved by the arborist. 10. Construction Materials And Waste: No liquid or solid construction waste shall be dumped on the ground within the drip-line of any oak tree. 11. Arborist Monitoring: An arborist shall be present for selected activities (trees identified on spreadsheet)and pre-construction fence placement inspection. The monitoring does not necessarily have to be continuous but observational at times during the above activities. It is the responsibility of the owner(s)or their designee to inform us prior to these events so we can make arrangements to be present. The following activities shall be monitored: • Any trenching within the drip-line • Curb footing excavation within the drip line • Sidewalk grading within the drip line 12. Pre-Construction Meeting: An on-site pre-construction meeting with the Arborist(s),Owner(s),Planning Staff,and the earth moving team shall be required for this project. Prior to fowl occupancy,a letter from the arborist(s)shall be required ?verifying the health/condition of all impacted trees and providing any recommendations for any additional mitigation. The letter shall verify that the arborist(s)were on site for all grading and/or trenching activity that encroached into the drip-line of the selected native trees,and that all work done in these areas was completed to the standards set forth above, 13. Pruning: Class 4 pruning includes-Crown reduction pruning shall consist of reduction of tops,sides or individual limbs. A trained arborist shall perform all pruning �1ir✓ City of Ataseadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 37 of 52 EXHIBIT C: Arborist Report r 14. Landscape: All landscape under the drip-line shall be drought tolerant or native varieties. Lawns shall be avoided. All irrigation trenching shall be routed around critical root zones,otherwise above ground drip-irrigation shall be used. 15. Utility Placement: All utilities shall be placed down the roads and driveways and when possible outside of the drip-line. The arborist shall supervise trenching within the drip-line: All trenching in these areas shall be hand dug. As stated above in the trenching mitigation,all paths shall be marked by the owner and air spade prior to any digging. All trees potentially impacted by this project are numbered and identified on both the grading plan and the spreadsheet. Trees are numbered on the grading plans.Tree protection fencing is shown on the grading plan. Trees to be removed have red flagging tape and trees to be saved have yellow tape. Trees#15 and#16 have both color tape as the plans don't show exactly which tree is planned to be saved,however,both may be able to be saved. Trees are numbered on the North side with a an aluminum tag. The included spreadsheet includes trees listed by number,species and multiple stems if applicable,diameter and breast height(4.5),condition(scale from poor to excellent), status(avoided, impacted,removed,exempt),percent of drip-line impacted,mitigation `err required (fencing,root pruning),construction impact(trenching,grading)and individual tree notes. If all the above mitigation measures are followed,we feel there will be no long-term significant impacts to the remaining trees. Please let us know if we can be of any future assistance to you for this project. Steven G. Alvarez Certified Arborist#WC 0511 Chip Tamagni Certified Arborist WE 6436-A City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 38 of 52 EXHIBIT C: Arborist Report ,. p pi H C U)w V)i y w r W N c 0 LL Z CL W CL_ C m OL OL CL OL O CO m CO U) !� 0 U m W _ a. _ l4 co L L L C j N ca con n. = u) = _ > ` O6 a o � z ozv > > g CL o W 0) 44'i � a w x@44 d Y 04 2 CD O yr Q � � 0ci Of Wt a LL ti ti '►- I U) a 03 cm 3 p N c~i c c c_ c c c c _c c c c c c = c_ c ; „ h P- z Q TJ O fl O O O O 'O a {7 'D U D r p k' v o a m ca ca ca ca m w �c c�a su to c c ca 0 v C? V C7 (a C7 CJ C7 C� C7 (9 C7 C) U (9 C? O W � ` r r • • w JQ OO O` o` p\ p ve � o\ P p �p p o _a LLJw eD o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 c7 O O o o M M N O T O fJ r �- r- r- r- r- �- — r- — V d o� uti za Cr- a ' Uy W Q etUJ p N to LO M M W (0 M N M . . W . M v7 NW) z ~ � � d Z = �- to 4n p N to e- tp h V t0 r O to u7 N W W d o a t� N N N M N tD y W — O x O O X O O X O x O O O O X X O X ri N W J 7 J J Q J J Q J Q m m J J O O J 0 W r ru ILL J J J J J J J J u n n r n o V- # �r N M st to tC ti 00 W Q !- !' r r• m r T- F- City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 39 of 52 EXHIBIT D: Tree Protection Plan x CDf Zxt �r J a a ra �� s s �`� ROA D City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 40 of 52 EXHIBIT E: Preliminary Grading and Drainage Plan cu 'r t � ➢i1 � `,aI L::' m �� 3 C � L k ht"v " - 15 �p�r •t k 11 ' yy 1 ' If 1 9 F�a tl� I T I f.. 'e t.. i L fy i I t 141, 9 2 5 �� , 1 1 l 11 IN 1 JA r .I .,•TAY%Wil r;�, I i 'TA Ac al Marl MIAMI .1i Lijil� rayl tJi 1• � W>• St :�i_!t ,�'„>;t .:Y �� �f• il�i7egl}' ' ` NKM HME 1� ■I r 3 -, i�� � a Vs T 11- � fir. �. �► j'rmow �� a .rtu * • • A ! s- ��.'r,�:M 3 .�+.71k 'lam yt,5ff tt�� yµ/ .90 t sii'dlr+.'M� fi^ Vis, r �f:t � i�tl t � f s r►. * Will �~s vlf'O• ���f.lNlri;iqt H�.it� alf AM �4 �, �� �r+► V tl �t ..�t, rot, �In ,2-f �G- 6.3 sT ��� �• ,!, Ott M.i I City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 42 of 52 ~ EXHIBIT G:Retail and Gas station Elevations erwo feJ`a�epe�se�y 99V- 1A 1N08J 1S9M-8Z0k0k - Q 0 CO W S cy— CO rz— t2 w cis V A rF' O mc4, a;S4a4.dd 1 � � City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 43 of 52 EXHIBIT H: Business Park Elevations elwOP180 `a9pe3se1V 9OV77/A INO&=f 1S9M-810";. pill I 1 Ei t W 4 i il' I i it i� E bbb � e 0 4 LU W }} S O o c • sg y4 w w€ I Ilk LU IR 4 E J� i IL 1t 14 Aftw City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 44 of 52 EXHIBIT 1: Retail Elevations h4A E :j - W Z Y g 3 � Y \ c V ' d 1 W i � + V W J v 4r, 0 8 i a IF v FiR R EdRRa 4'44 4'4'ddd�dn�H OI-AAAA Imlimm0 O� City of&tas ea o Resolution x.»0!089 Page«o£ EXHIBIT Hae Elevations **AW Tip | ji � � }/ �� °\ 5 � ¥ � i J, \/\ - - : . : ■ &�� �� | �� � � � ■ �� � / -p . m: � �\\w� ��� ^ � � ^\ \ � I-■ � City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 46 of 52 �Mr .7 city of A 0.7,005-089 SO Olt qLge 41 Of 5*1pupiex Plans and Sam . qEq)VO111A.ILN e! I UWJ ago wjepe�% oil X11 IA City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 48 of 52 EXHIBIT L: Duplex Horne Elevations err` L 2 e � € G ............. 0 Ell l f E n a� City of Atascadero Resolution No.2005-089 Page 49 of 52 EXHIBIT M:Courtyard Home Elevations °�1rr � 6 I � ' i <� m tl� r 5CIA ' I 1 6 ' 9:•! on 1 :, ! ■ IVA Ia �� 010 a !d4��3.. � v :� pYY■ 2>1=1 4 i � nrniil� 3 ' b fAB ew 11 LL.�All 7171 • pal l' 1st M - ,�' I� - e ice. • ,�. w c � r 1 1 1 1 4 8 :rrsiMMMMa sir �r all stall 3 9:9 MA lI wi ell .� �, r X! • :i Ulu *`' il Y oIL7,71 NJ fill Al smommom t An ta all all ill ■n