HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2011-005 RESOLUTION NO 2011-005 aw A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT AND LAND USE MAP AMENDMENTS (GPA 2009-0025 / PLN 2009-1328) TO CHANGE THE HIGH DENSITY LAND USE DESIGNATION TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 20 UNITS PER ACRE (Citywide) WHEREAS, Program 1 1 of the 2007-2014 Housing Element identifies a density increase on sites in the High Density Land Use Designation in order to accommodate the shortfall of sites from the previous planning period, and, WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65584 09 and 65583(c)(1) (AB 1233) requires that the City must demonstrate that the rezones to accommodate the shortfalls of RHNA sites from the previous planning period will be completed within one year of the beginning of the planning period, and, WHEREAS, The State Department of Housing and Community Development has required that the rezoning for increased density be completed concurrently with the Housing Element adoption in order to find the Housing Element in compliance with State Housing Wrr Element Law for certification, and, WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in the public interest; and, WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with the adopted General Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs and the overall intent of the General Plan, and WHEREAS, proposed amendment is compatible with existing development, neighborhoods and the environment, and, WHEREAS, proposed amendment will not create any new significant and unavoidable impacts to traffic, infrastructure, or public service impacts, and WHEREAS, proposed amendment is consistent with adopted EIR and mitigation monitoring program, and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to, and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject General Plan Amendment application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said general plan amendment; and, City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-005 Page 2 of 7 err WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 studied and considered General Plan Amendment 2009-0025 (PLN 2009-1328), after first studying and considering the Proposed Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council, at a Public Hearing held on January 25, 2011, studied and considered General Plan Amendment 2009-0025 (PLN 2009-1328), after first studying and considering the Proposed Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and, NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council takes the following actions SECTION 1. Findings for Approval of a General Plan Land Use Element and Land Use Map Amendments. The City Council finds as follows 1 The proposed amendment is in the public interest. 2. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the adopted General Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs and the overall intent of the General Plan err. 3 The proposed amendment is compatible with existing development, neighborhoods and the environment. 4 The proposed amendment will not create any new significant and unavoidable impacts to traffic, infrastructure, or public service impacts 5 The proposed amendment is consistent with adopted EIR and mitigation monitoring program. SECTION 2. Approval. The City Council of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on January 25, 2011, resolved to approve a General Plan Amendment and Land Use Map Amendment consistent with the following: Exhibit A General Plan Land Use Map Change; and, tr.r City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-005 Page 3 of 7 Table Error! No text of specified style in document.-l. General Plan Land Use-Maximum Potential Development Y' RR/RE/SE 0 1 0 4 unit/acre gross** 2.5 10 ac 9,340 4 ac 3634 du 9630 pp SFR-Z 1 0 unit/acre gross** 1.5 2.5 ac 655.2 ac 652 du 1728pp SFR-Y 2.0 units/acre gross 1 0 ac 1,579.5 ac 2831 du 7503pp SFR-X 4 0 units/acre net* 0.5 ac 472 7 ac 1380 du 3658 pp MDR 10 units/acre net 0.5 ac 217 1 ac 1116 du 2958 pp HDR Minimum 20 units/acre net 0.5 ac 303.0 ac 3801 du 10 070 pp —Maximum 24 units/acre net GC 20 units/acre net 0.3 FAR 292.1 ac 194 du 514 pp Sc 0 4 FAR 41.8 ac D 20 units/acre net 3 0 FAR 62.3 ac 55 du 146 pp MU 20 units/acre net 0.3 FAR 66.6 ac 208 du 551 pp CPK 0 4 FAR 82.9 ac CREC 10 units/acre net 0 1 FAR 6 7 ac IND 0 4 FAR 65.2 ac AG 01 0.4 units/acre gross** 2.5 10 ac 43.9 ac REC 501 7 ac PUB 0 4 FAR 1,1174.3 ac OS 277 4 ac Total 15,182.6 ac 13,871 du 36,7Q58 D Land Use Designations 1. Residential Land Use Designations High-Density Residential (HDR) These areas are intended for a minimum of 20and a maximum of 24, multi-fairuly residences per acre,including mobile homes parks. The minimum lot area is 0.5 acres net, although smaller lot sizes may be allowed through a planned development overlay process. Zoning standards require adequate parking, setbacks, landscaping, on-site recreation areas, individual storage, and building and parking area screening from abutting lower density single-family areas. Maximum densities shall be reduced based on lot slopes. All development within this district is subject to appearance review The corresponding zoning districts are RMF-20, P and L with appearance review required. No City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-005 Page 4 of 7 �rrr 2. Mixed Use Designations This section provides a description of each of the official mixed use land use designations and the corresponding zoning districts. The mixed use districts are primarily commercial districts where multi-family residential uses may be appropriate on a conditional basis. General Commercial (GC) This designation includes office,neighborhood,retail and tourist commercial zoning districts. Office areas allow a range of professional,business, and administrative service uses with small scale retail uses. Mixed-use development with attached multi-family residential up to 20 du/ac may be conditionally permitted by zoning. Neighborhood commercial areas accommodate daily shopping and service needs of surrounding residents, with businesses such as small markets, convenience stores,drug stores, salons, and other personal services. Neighborhood convenience centers should be concentrated at intersections of collector or arterial streets. Retail commercial zoning districts are provided to meet both the comparison and convenience shopping needs of residents in the City and surrounding area. The intended principal tenants of retail commercial areas include specialty and department stores, and supermarkets. Retail nodes should be located at the intersections of arterial streets(including state highways) and mayor collector streets. A master plan of development is required for prime undeveloped commercial sites to prevent fragmented development from occurring that would comprise the retail potential of these sites. Mixed-use multi-family residential development maybe conditionally allowed up to20du/ac based on zoning. Exclusive development of multi-family may be allowed along the El Camino Real corridor provided they are located on mid-block infill lots that are not best reserved for commercial development. Along Morro Road,mixed use multi-family and commercial projects are permitted in the GC land use provide a commercial or office use is provided along the street frontage. The tourist commercial zoning districts provides for uses that serve the traveling public, such as motels,restaurants, automotive services, and other compatible uses. Tourist commercial nodes are appropriately located along Highway 101 interchanges. Corresponding zoning districts are CP, CN, CR and CT with appearance review required. Downtown(D) This designation allows a mix of retail, office,restaurant,personal service,commercial and residential uses. To encourage pedestrian orientation,businesses are encouraged to occupy small lots with sidewalk storefronts, and residences are allowed on upper floors. Mixed-use multi-family residential development is conditionally allowed up to 20du/ac, higher densities may be approved through a planned development process. Design and parking standards are different from other areas to encourage a development pattern consistent with a historic Downtown. Development within the Downtown will be consistent with the Downtown am Revitalization Plan and support the Atascadero Main Street Program. City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-005 Page 5 of 7 sro Corresponding zoning districts are DC and DO with appearance review required. Mixed Use(MU) This designation is intended to encourage a mix of retail,office and residential uses within individual projects to encourage pedestrian orientation and create a synergy between housing and goods and services needed by surrounding residents. Housing can occur alongside or development overlay that will establish a master plan of development for the site and all mixes of uses. The maximum residential density shall be 20 du/ac. The corresponding zoning district is a MU/PD overlay in a CR or CP district with appearance review required and a Planned Development Overlay Commercial Recreation(CREC) This designation allows private recreational land uses,including private parks for active and passive recreation,playgrounds,playfields, swimming pools, and golf courses as well as tourist recreation such as RV parks. Multi-family uses such as mobile home parks may be conditionally allowed up to a maximum residential density of 20 du/ac The corresponding zoning district is LS, OS, and P with appearance review required. trot Goal LOC 4. Provide for a strong and distinctive Downtown Area. Policy 4.1 Cooperate with the Atascadero Main Street Organization to promote downtown as the City's cultural, entertainment, and commercial center, and to concentrate governmental facilities downtown. Programs: 1 Provide mixed-use/pedestrian scale zoning and development standards for the downtown Encourage government, arts entertainment, recreation, business facilities and residential uses to be mixed in multi-story buildings with sidewalk orientation and recessed or off-site parking 2. Continue to implement the Main Street Program and the Downtown Revitalization Plan 3. Develop a master plan for the Sunken Garden and surrounding block to establish the area as a vibrant dining, community gathering area and civic destination 4 Integrate Atascadero Creek and Stadium Park into the function and experience of Downtown 5 Encourage the relocation of the Junior High School to an area outside of the Downtown 6 Mixed-use multi-family residential development is allowed up to 20du/ac, higher densities may be approved through a planned development process fto City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-005 Page 6 of 7 a' On motion by Council Member Kelley and seconded by Council Member Fonzi, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote AYES Council Members Clay, Fonzi, Kelley, Sturtevant and Mayor O'Malley NOES None ABSENT None ABSTAIN None ADOPTED January 25, 2011 CITY OF AT CADERO By- Tom O'Malley, ayo ATTEST am Marchi McClure Torgerson, C.M.0 , Cio C erk APPROVED A TO FORM. Brian A. Pienk, City Attorney am City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-005 Page 7 of 7 Exhibit A: Figure 11-2: Official General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment GPA 2009-0025 ♦raauraaaa■aaauaauaaaaa■■■■■■■■u■■aaua■aaaaaaauraaaaruuuaa♦ r ♦� Land Use Designations MDR Medium Density Reside_.._ 04., _.._ 0 HDR High Density Residentiai t(Wb?p�yr}!Wac&Max 24 units/ac) • r s • •�■■■a rr■■■■■■■a arrr■■a rraaa■r■ara■aara a aarr■arraa a rr■aar■ ■ar♦ City of scad !ro figure II-Z General Plan Land Usi Diagram ; UVW 6/15/7002 ✓�" . a..�. ..,.<. + %. w ha UeyM w•faC+er+Uw w ,i✓ � .mac.+crwr sxn�L"u..ca.w..m. �.. Prae.w,w[P..nrp esw,es e M,-iCgO A.rv-�•w twWaw �.-+�' "'°""�'"k �waa+a:x,d wrers=a �+s yr.�o-