HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2011-004 RESOLUTION NO 2011-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2009-0025 (PLN 2009-1328) THE 2007-2014 HOUSING ELEMENT ADOPTION (Citywide) WHEREAS, the State requires that City's Housing Element be updated every five years to analyze housing needs and establish goals, policies, programs, and quantified objectives to meet the identified needs, and, WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero is listed on the 2009 update schedule as determined by the State of California, and, WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in the public interest; and, WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with the adopted General Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs and the overall intent of the General Plan, and WHEREAS, proposed amendment is compatible with existing development, neighborhoods and the environment, and, ir■.r WHEREAS, proposed amendment will not create any new significant and unavoidable impacts to traffic, infrastructure, or public service impacts, and WHEREAS, proposed amendment is consistent with adopted EIR and mitigation monitoring program, and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to, and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject General Plan Amendment application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said General Plan amendment; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 studied and considered General Plan Amendment 2009-0025 (PLN 2009-1328), after first studying and considering the Proposed Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council, at a Public Hearing held on January 25, 2011, studied and considered General Plan Amendment 2009-0025 (PLN 2009-1328), after first studying and considering the Proposed Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and, City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-004 Page 2 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council takes the following actions SECTION 1. Findings for Approval of a General Plan Amendment for the adoption of the 2007-2014 Housing Element update. The City Council finds as follows 1 The proposed amendment is in the public interest. 2. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the adopted General Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs and the overall intent of the General Plan. 3 The proposed amendment is compatible with existing development, neighborhoods and the environment. 4 The proposed amendment will not create any new significant and unavoidable impacts to traffic, infrastructure, or public service impacts 5 The proposed amendment is consistent with adopted EIR and mitigation monitoring program. aw SECTION 2. Approval. The City Council of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on January 25, 2011, resolved to approve a General Plan Amendment consistent with the following- 1 Exhibit A Draft 2007-2014 Housing Element rrr City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-004 Page 3 of 4 rr On motion by Council Member Kelley and seconded by Council Member Fonzi, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote AYES Council Members Clay, Fonzi, Kelley, Sturtevant and Mayor O'Malley NOES None ABSENT None ABSTAIN None ADOPTED January 25, 2011 CITY QF ATASCAD RO X41 By- Tom O' ley, Mayo ATTEST Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.0 , C' Clerk APPROVED A TO FORM, Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney Mrr City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2011-004 Page 4 of 4 rrr Exhibit A Due to the length of the exhibit, it is not included as an attachment. However, it may be read in its entirety in the Office of the City Clerk �.r City of Atascadero Housing Element 2007-2014 Adoption Draft: Resolution B Exhibit A City of Atascadero 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 www.atascadero.org Prepared by: Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc. 983 Osos Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element This Page Intentionally Left Blank Adoption Draft Page 1 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table of Contents A. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................5 1. OVERVIEW................................................................................................................... 5 ...... ......... 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION............................................................................................... 6 3. CONSISTENCY WITH OTHER GENERAL PLAN ELEMENTS...................................................................................7 B. EVALUATION OF PREVIOUS HOUSING ELEMENT........................................................................10 C. POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT TRENDS ........................... 1. POPULATION ................... ............ ................................................................................................ ..22 .................. 2. EMPLOYMENT............................................................................... ...........23 D. HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS..............................................................................................................26 I. HOUSEHOLDS..........................................................................• .........................26 2- HOUSING UNITS....................................................................................................... 3. HOUSINGA CONDITIONS .................... ... ........ ................. ................................................................................29 .. 4. HOUSING AFFORDABILITY ................. ................................................................. ............................... ........... ..31 5. AT -RISK UNITS.......................................................................... --.32 ................................................................... E. SPECIAL HOUSING NEEDS.....................................................................................................................34 1. SENIOR HOUSEHOLDS................................................................................................ ...34 .................................. 2. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ... .................................... .................................... ........ ..........-........................... ..36 3. LARGE FAMILIES AND OVERCROWDING..........................................................................................................37 4. SINGLE -PARENT HOUSEHOLDS.................................................................................... ...................... ............38 . 5. PERSONS IN NEED OF EMERGENCY SHELTER..................................................................................................38 6. FARMWORKERS...............................................................................................................................................38 F. HOUSING RESOURCES............................................................................................................................40 1. REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ALLOCATION......................................................................................................40 2001 —2006 Regional Housing Needs Allocation ..........................................• ...........................40 ...................................... 2007 — 2014 Regional Housing Needs Allocation............................................................................................................ 41 2. SITE INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS..................................................................................43 ................................. VacantSites...................................................................................................................................................................... 43 UnderutilizedSites...........................................................................................................................................................44 3. REMAINING 2007-2014 REGIONAL HOUSING NEEDS ALLOCATION.................................................................45 4. INFRASTRUCTURE RESOURCES........................................................................................................................46 5. FINANCIAL RESOURCES...................................................................................................................................47 6. ADMINISTRATIVE RESOURCES........................................................................................................................48 G. CONSTRAINTS ON HOUSING PRODUCTION....................................................................................53 1. GOVERNMENTAL CONSTRAINTS.............................................................................................. .53 ....................... 2. NON-GOVERNMENTAL CONSTRAINTS.............................................................................................................75 H. HOUSING ELEMENT GOALS, POLICIES, AND PROGRAMS..........................................................78 I. REFERENCES ................................... AppendixI............................................................................................................................................. AppendixIl...................................................................................................................................... ........... 108 .................. . Appendix III............................................................................................................................................... ........ 110 ............ Appendix IV.......................................................................................................................................... ..... 112 .................... Appendix V ....................... ...................... ................................................. ....... .............. ......... ..........................._......._.... 114 AppendixVI................................................................................................................................................................... 116 Adoption Draft Page 2 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element List of Tables V-1 Evaluation of Previous Housing Element 9 V-2 Trends in Population Growth 21 V-3 Trends in Population Age 21 V-4 Trends in Race and Ethnicity 22 V-5 Industry Trends in Atascadero 23 V-6 Trends in Occupations 23 V-7 Class of Worker Trends 24 V-8 Trends in Households 25 V-9 Trends in Household Income Groups 26 V-10 Housing Problems for Extremely Low Income (ELI) Households 27 V-11 Trends in Housing Type 27 V-12 Housing Units by Age 28 V-13 Trends in Housing Tenure 28 V-14 Multi -Family Housing Rental Rates, March 2009 29 V-15 Monthly Owner Costs as a Percentage of Household Income 30 V-16 Gross Rent as a Percentage of Household Income 30 V-17 San Luis Obispo County Income Limits 30 V-18 San Luis Obispo County Maximum Sales and Rental Prices 31 V-19 At -Risk Assisted Housing Units 32 V-20 Special Needs Population 33 V-21 Senior Households 33 V-22 Senior Households by Income Group 34 V-23 Senior Housing Facilities, 2009 34 V-24 Persons with Disabilities by Type 35 V-25 Employment Status of Persons with Disabilities 35 V-26 Household Size by Tenure in Atascadero 36 V-27 Overcrowded Households 36 V-28 City Share of Regional Housing Needs, 2001-2006 40 V-29 City Share of Regional Housing Needs, 2007-2014 42 V-30 Summary of Vacant Parcels 43 V-31 Summary of Underutilized Parcels 43 V-32 Remaining RHNA Analysis, 2007-2014 44 V-33 Disposition of Home Loans 46 V-34 General Plan Land Use Designations and Zoning District Comparison 54 V-35 Zoning District's Permitted Land Uses 55 V-36 Residential Zones Development Standards 56 V-37 Downtown Zones Development Standards 57 V-38 Parking Requirements 62 V-39 Planning and Development Fees 63 V-40 Development Fees for New Housing 64 V-41 Proportion of Fee in Development Cost for a Residential Development 64 V-42 Permit Processing Procedures 65 V-43 Timelines for Permit Procedures 66 V-44 Constraints on Housing for Persons with Disabilities 68 Adoption Draft Page 3 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element V-45 Strategies to Address Energy Conservation and Global Climate Change 72 V-46 Summary of Quantified Objectives, 2007-2014 89 V-47 Vacant Parcels 93 V-48 Potential Vacant Parcels to be Rezoned 107 V-49 Underutilized Parcels 111 List of Figures V-1 Median Home Sale Price, 2002-2009 29 Adoption Draft Page 4 November XX, 2010 Cihj of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element A. Introduction 1. Overview California planning law provides more detailed requirements for the housing element than for any other element of the General Plan. The State Legislature has found that "the availability of housing is of vital statewide importance and that the early attainment of decent housing and a suitable living environment for every California family is a priority of the highest order." The housing element establishes policies for the community to ensure safe, decent housing for its current and future residents. Article 10.6 of the California Government Code requires each city and county to analyze housing needs and establish goals, policies, programs, and quantified objectives to meet the identified needs. The analysis must address all economic segments (extremely low-, very low-, low-, moderate- and above moderate -incomes) of the community, the City's share of the regional housing need, and the housing needs of special groups such as the elderly, disabled, homeless, large families, and single parents. The City must either identify vacant or re - developable sites that can provide sufficient housing to meet these needs or include programs in the housing element to identify additional residential sites. Housing Elements are subject to State review and certification. The City of Atascadero prepared a draft Housing Element in 2002 that was not certified by the State but last had an Element approved by HCD in 1994. This Housing Element includes the following information as required by State law: 1. Analysis of Atascadero's housing needs. 2. Information on the existing housing stock, including the number, type, cost, tenure, and structural condition of the units. Analysis of land available to accommodate unmet housing needs. 4. Analysis of potential barriers to housing development, including governmental and non-governmental constraints. 5. Information on existing subsidized or below market -rate housing units. 6. Information on energy conservation opportunities for housing construction or rehabilitation. Specific goals, measurable objectives, policies, and programs to address the housing allocation, as required by the County Regional Housing Needs Plan. Adoption Draft Page 5 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Major housing issues and opportunities identified in Atascadero include: Adequate sites for the development of housing for all economic segments of the community. Since the previous Housing Element was not certified by the State, this includes sites for the previous and current Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). 2. Incentives to encourage private market and non-profit development of affordable housing. 3. Integration of affordable housing into new above -moderate income residential projects or payment of fees in -lieu of affordable housing inclusion. 4. Special needs of seniors and families. 5. Maintenance of existing standard housing, rehabilitation of substandard units, and removal and replacement of substandard housing that cannot feasibly be rehabilitated. Financial resources and programs to help subsidize development, maintenance, and rehabilitation of extremely low, very -low, low-, and moderate -income housing. Local governmental constraints on the production or rehabilitation of housing. 2. Public Participation Government Code §65583(c)(6)(B) requires the City to "make a diligent effort to achieve public participation of all economic segments of the community in the development of the housing element." Accordingly, this document incorporates input received from the general public, City Council, and Planning Commission of Atascadero. The City facilitated a series of stakeholder interviews on June 9, 2009, and a public workshop on June 16, 2009, to solicit input by citizens from different geographic areas and economic segments in the City, financial and real estate professionals, decision -makers, and others to provide policy guidance. The main issues brought up during public comment were: • Modification of second unit ordinance - City should make it easier to permit manufactured homes/modify the ordinance to allow larger units. Also second units should be easier to permit. • Create an RMF -20 zone to increase the maximum density for Downtown and the mixed use commercial. • Consider extension of second unit amnesty. • Cap fees for second units and affordable units. ■ Work with Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) to reduce meter fees for second units. Adoption Draft Page 6 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element ■ Create policies for Redevelopment Agency (RDA) funds. The public was notified of opportunities to comment on the Housing Element at a Planning Commission meeting on September 1, 2009 and a City Council meeting on September 22, 2009. The main issues brought up by the Planning Commissioners were: ■ Make goals and objectives in housing element quantifiable. ■ Make balanced use of RDA funds. ■ Create a program to use RDA funds and inclusionary set-aside funds to assist very low and low-income households. ■ Don't use City funds to fund housing element programs. ■ Suggest having design guidelines for multi -family housing. ■ The current fee structure provides no incentive for affordable housing. ■ Is there overcrowding in low-income neighborhoods? ■ Suggest a new amnesty program for second units. Can affordable second units be credited towards the RHNA? ■ Can blight be addressed using RDA funds? There is a need for a formal housing rehabilitation program. ■ Water fees are too high and are not applied equally to different types of construction projects. The main issues brought up by the public were: Address housing for the temporarily and permanently disabled including SROs, studio apartments and group homes Address transitional housing for persons in recovery The City also held a series of workshops with Tierra West Advisors, Inc. to develop priorities for the Redevelopment Agency low and moderate housing funds. Public workshops were held on February 28, 2008 and April 29, 2008. To ensure that the interests of low- and moderate -income residents were represented in the Housing Element update process, the City specifically sought interviews with representatives from Habitat for Humanity, Transitional Food and Shelter, People's Self Help Housing, the San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund, and the El Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO). Representatives from low- and moderate -income housing organizations including non-profit housing development firms and homeless service groups were also mailed notifications for the Planning Commission and City Council hearings. Input from the interviews, workshops, and hearings is incorporated in the Housing Element. The Housing Element is posted on the City's web site (www.atascadero.org). 3. Consistency with Other General Plan Elements Adoption Draft Page 7 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element State law requires that the General Plan and all of its elements comprise an "integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement of policies." The goals, policies, and programs of this Housing Element are consistent with the goals, policies, and programs contained in other elements of the General Plan. The Housing Element is Chapter V of the existing General Plan. Adoption Draft Page 8 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Adoption Draft Page 9 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element B. Evaluation of Previous Housing Element The previous 2002 Housing Element sought to increase affordable multifamily units, primarily to accommodate larger families and the increasing number of senior citizens. To a considerable extent, the City has been successful in achieving this objective (Table V-1). (An analysis of the 2001-2006 Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) is included in Section F, Housing Resources.) The goals and policies contained in the previous Housing Element were generally appropriate to meet the housing needs of the City. However, this updated Element builds on that foundation, while taking into account that the City is substantially developed and relatively few (though significant) prospects remain to increase housing opportunities. This Element contains specific implementation programs, quantified objectives, and an aggressive below market rate housing program. Another priority of this Housing Element is conservation and rehabilitation of existing homes. Table V-1 indicates what has been achieved and which programs should be carried forward or deleted. However, to improve on the implementation and usability of the document some of the policies and programs have been reworded or combined with other programs. Table V-1 Evaluation of Previous Housing Element Program Summary Quantified- Achievement Further Progress s z ' r O,blectwe Needed' Goal 1: Promote diverse and hi§h quality housing opportunities to meet the needs of all segments of the community. Policy 1.1— Encourage steady production of new housing, including mixed-use projects in commercial land use areas, to meet the needs of all household ipes in the Ci . Program 1.1 - 1. Designate adequate Adequate sites The city designated This program will be sites and implement programs to help to meet 2001- approximately 42.1 acres revised and continued in meet the City Regional Housing Needs 2006 RHNA for multi -family residential the 2007-2014 Housing Allocation. development at 16 du/ac Element. Program 1.1 - 2. Continue to allow mixed 1 Very Low, 8 Not met City to use RDA and in - residential and commercial development Low per year lieu fee set aside money in the Downtown Zoning District. to assist building owners in converting upper floor residential space to deed restricted lower income units. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. Program 1.1 - 3. Continue to allow small 10 Moderate per 38 Moderate units This program will be lot single family homes in planned year constructed continued in the 2007 - developments in multi -family areas not 2014 Housing Element. appropriate for large complexes - Adoption Draft Page 10 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Program,Summary . ' Quantified Achrevemerit Further Progress' ' s, > ; Ob�ectrve Needed - Program 1.1 - 4. Amend the Zoning 10 Moderate per 13 Moderate units The zoning ordinance Ordinance to allow single family year was amended. development at densities of 4 -units per 2 Low units acre in the SFR -X zoning district through This program will not be a Planned Development process. carried forward. Program 1.1 - 5. Require the use of 5 Low units per Approved Woodlands This program was specific plans for residential projects of year Specific Plan implemented. The City 100 or more units. will require ongoing 2 Very low implementation. 5 Low This program will be continued in the 2007- 34 Moderate 2014 Housing Element. Program 1.1 - 6. Adopt an ordinance to N/A Not adopted This program is not allow the use of Specific Plans deemed necessary and throughout the City to facilitate the will not be carried production of affordable housing via such forward. means as reduction in setbacks, shared parking, and mixing of uses and housing types. Program 1.1 - 7. Continue to allow 3 Very low Ongoing — The City This program will be manufactured housing and group housing allows modular housing revised and continued in in accordance with State law. units on single family lots the 2007-2014 Housing and permits them as Element. secondary units. Program 1.1 - 8. Support the extension 20 Very low 20 Very low approved This program has been and expansion of sewer service along implemented. It will be both the North and South ends of EI 6 Low 7 Low approved revised and continued in Camino Real to serve higher density the 2007-2014 Housing residential areas by allocating the funding 16 Moderate 25 Moderate approved Element. necessary through the City's Capital Improvement Program. City sewer service was extended along the North and South ends of EI Camino Real. Policy 1.2 — Encourage a variety of high quality housing types in multi -family areas. Program 1.2 — 1. Allow planned This program is not developments with detached units on deemed necessary and individual lots or airspace condominiums will not be carried on commonly owned lots. forward. Program 1.2 — 2. Update the zoning Not updated This program is not ordinance to require private open space deemed necessary and and on-site common recreational facilities will not be carried to be provided based on project size. forward. Goal 2: Increase home ownership opportunities. Policy 2.1— Promote development and construction of new housing units for ownership, especially by low- and moderate -income families. Adoption Draft Page 11 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Program Summary Quantified Achre�ement Further Progress Objective: Needed Program 2.1 - 1. Offer a 35% (percent) 1 Very low per 8 Very low (permits This program has been density bonus for projects that include year issued since 2000)127 combined with an deed restricted very low-, low-, and entitled since 2000 update of the density moderate -income housing. 4 Low per year bonus ordinance to 19 Low (permits issued bring local regulations in since 2000) / 19 entitled compliance with State since 2000 law. 1 Moderate (permits issued since 2000) / 1 entitled since 2000 Program 2.1 — 2. Continue to encourage, 5 Low per year 16 Very Low (issued Continue City's where suitable, Planned Unit since 2000) inclusionary housing Development (PD) Overlay Zones, 12 Moderate per policy, which requires particularly the PD -7 zone of small lot year 5 Low (issued since that all PD projects subdivisions, for single-family ownership 2000) include affordable units in the RMF -10 and RMF -16 zoning or pay in -lieu fees. districts 12 Moderate (issued since 2000) This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. Program 2.1 — 3. Adopt an affordable Ordinance not adopted This program will be housing density bonus ordinance that revised and continued in establishes procedures for obtaining and the 2007-2014 Housing monitoring density bonuses. Element. Policy 2.2 — Promote and encourage availability of new housing units to first time homebuyers. Program 2.1 — 1. Participate in the 2 Very low units Not complete This program will not be Mortgage Credit Certificate program to per year carried forward. assist first time homebuyers. Program 2.2 — 2. Adopt an inclusionary 3 Very Low per Although units have been This program will be housing ordinance that would require a year approved through the continued in the 2007 - fixed percentage of units within inclusionary policy, an 2014 Housing Element. residential and commercial developments ordinance has not been to be reserved as deed restricted adopted. affordable units or an in -lieu fee to be collected. Require new residential development of vacant lots to participate in the in -lieu fee program. Goal 3: Ensure that an adequate amount of rental housing exists. Policy 3.1— Ensure that the proportion of low and moderate rental housing is not significantly reduced. Adoption Draft Page 12 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Program Summary Quantified: ; :.. Achievement FurtherRr'ogress" Qblectrve :Needed Program 3.1 — 1. Continue to work with 2 Very low units Not complete 1. Staff is currently non-profit agencies, such as the County per year implementing a Housing Authority and Peoples' Self -Help downtown affordable Housing, to convert existing units for low- housing program using and moderate -income families using RDA funds for the available programs such as CDBG. conversion of existing second floor units to 55 - year deed restricted low and very -low income units. 2. The City is also assisting new buyers for California Manor to maintain the affordability status of the existing units. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. Program 3.1 - 2. Adopt an ordinance that 3 Very low 58 second units issued The ordinance was would allow second units in all single- income units per since 2000 (7 deed adopted. This program family zoning districts. year restricted Moderate) has been implemented. Program 3.1 - 3. Amend the Zoning 3 Very low units The Ordinance was The Ordinance will be Ordinance to conditionally allow vertical per year updated to allow vertical revised to allow vertical multi -family residential in General mixed-use with a PD. mixed-use on the Commercial land use designations and to 4 Low units per Horizontal mixed-use second floor with a CUP allow mixed-use developments. year projects require a only. Conditional Use Permit, PD overlay, map change This program will be and a General Plan revised and continued in Amendment. No deed the 2007-2014 Housing restricted affordable units Element. have been constructed to date. Six mixed-use residential unit permits have been issued since 2000. Program 3.1 - 4. Amend the Zoning N/A The ordinance was This program has been Ordinance to calculate maximum adopted. implemented. allowable densities in multi -family districts based on dwelling units, instead of bedrooms. Policy 3.2 — Prioritize construction of additional assisted housing units. Program 3.2 — 1. Continue to work with 3 Very low 23 total units since 2000 This program will be non-profit agencies, such as the County income units per revised and continued in Housing Authority and Peoples' Self -Help year 19 Low-income senior the 2007-2014 Housing Housing, to construct new units for low- units constructed with Element. and -moderate income families. SLO Housing Authority 4 for sale very -low- income units were constructed with Habitat for Humanity Adoption Draft Page 13 November XX, 2010 City of A tascadero General Plan Housing Element Program Summa Quantifieds Achievement Further Pro ress: ,ry 9 Ol�ective Need`etl Program 3.2 — 2. Encourage developers N/A to work with agencies such as CHFA and HUD to obtain loans for development of new multifamily rental housing for low income households. Coordination is ongoing The City is also assisting new buyers for California Manor to maintain the affordability status of the existing units. Goal 4: Protect and conserve the existing housing stock and neighborhoods. Policy 4.1 Encourage conservation and preservation buildings of historical and architectural sl nificance. Program 4.1 — 1 _ Update the Zoning N/A Ordinance to require maintenance and repair of housing. Program 4.1 — 2. Utilize routine code N/A enforcement to identify housing maintenance issues and expedite rehabilitation of substandard and deteriorating housing by offering technical assistance to homeowners and occupants. Program 4.1 — 3. Continue to participate $30,000 and 14 in federal grant programs, such as very low units CDBG, to obtain loans and/or grants for per year housing rehabilitation. Apply an appropriate amount of the City's annual share of CDBG funds toward rehabilitation of existing housing units. Program 4.1 —4. Expand code N/A enforcement and neighborhood preservation programs to eliminate areas of blight and nuisances from existing neighborhoods. Program 4.1 — 5. Amend the zoning N/A ordinance to restrict the quantity and location of vehicles that may be stored on residential lots. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. and sound housing, including places and The City has adopted maintenance standards as a component of Title 12 and Title 8. Ongoing Completed / Ongoing Ongoing - The City hired a Code Enforcement Officer in 2004 to enhance policy implementation capabilities. Completed / Ongoing This is handled through the building code and enforcement and various health and safety regulations. No update to the zoning code is necessary. This program will not be continued in the 2007- 2014 Housino Element. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. This program will not be carried forward. Implementation will occur through code enforcement. Policy 4.2 -Encourage conservation and preservation of houses that have historical and architectural significance. Program 4.2 —1. Implement the Historic Site (HS) overlay zone to help preserve and protect historic Colony homes. Program 4.2 — 2. Maintain a GIS based map of protected sites. N/A N/A Completed / Ongoing Completed / Ongoing This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Adoption Draft Page 14 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Peogram'S_ ' ' -- ry Quaritrfed Achievement FuitFier Progress _ . Objective Needed Element. Program 4.2 — 3. Allocate in the Capital 6 Very low units Not Completed This program will be Improvement Plan a portion of the RDA per year revised and continued in housing set aside funds to rehabilitate the 2007-2014 Housing existing housing stock within Element. Redevelopment Project Areas. Program 4.2 — 4. Include in the Capital N/A Completed This program will be Improvement Plan RDA street and revised and continued in infrastructure improvement projects to the 2007-2014 Housing benefit existing high density residential Element. areas. Policy 4.3 - Encourage attractive architecture and site landscaping that respect terrain and native trees. Program 4.3 — 1. Update the Appearance N/A Not Completed This program will not be Review Manual to require the creative carried forward. use of high quality architecture and site landscaping to reduce the perceived density of projects. Program 4.3 — 2. Update the Zoning N/A Completed This program is not Ordinance to require specific deemed necessary and percentages of multi -family sites to be will not be carried landscaped with long term maintenance forward. agreements. Program 4.3 — 3. Establish a density N/A Policy implemented. No This program will be bonus program for multi -family residential ordinance adopted. combined with an projects with superior architecture and update of the local landscape elements that clearly exceed density bonus the minimum requirements of the regulations in applicable Appearance Review Manual compliance with State provisions. law. Program 4.3 — 4. Continue to require that N/A Completed / Ongoing This program will not be native trees be preserved and carried forward in the incorporated into multi -family projects to 2007-2014 Housing the highest extent possible. Element. Program 4.3 — 5. Continue to maintain N/A Completed / Ongoing This program will be the sliding density scale for sloped lots in continued in the 2007 - the zoning ordinance. 2014 Housing Element. Policy 4.4 — Protect housing affordability where it currently exists. Program 4.4 — 1. Develop and adopt a No net loss of Not Completed - This program will be Zoning Ordinance provision to prohibit affordable units Ordinance in place to revised and continued in replacement of lower cost housing with limit condominium the 2007-2014 Housing higher cost housing, unless, (1) the lower conversions of existing Element. cost units can be conserved, or (2) an rental units. equal number of similar units are included in a new project. Goal 5: Encourage energy conservation measures in new and existing homes. Policy 5.1— Continue to make residents aware of available energy saving techniques and public utility rebates. Adoption Draft Page 15 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Program 5.1 — 1. Continue to provide N/A handouts on energy requirements, particularly with emphasis on remodels and additions. Program 5.1 — 2. Continue to informI N/A residents of home energy saving techniques. am Ongoing - The City has adopted a memo of understanding with SLO Green Build and will continue to provide information on sustainable building practices to the public. Ongoing rurtner r'ro9 resp.' Needed This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. Policy 5.2 — Encourage solar and other innovative energy designs when consistent with State and local ordinances. Program 5.2 — 1. Continue to strictly enforce the State energy standards of Title 24. N/A Completed / Ongoing — The four -unit Habitat for Humanity development project completed in 2007 included photovoltaic panels. Atascadero will implement AB 811 and provide an assessment district for homeowners wishing to install solar panels, which will allow them to spread the cost of the system out over a number of years on their annual tax bill thus reducing upfront cost. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. Goal 6: Improve housing opportunities and living conditions for people with low and moderate incomes and those with special needs. Policy 6.1— Ensure that all persons regardless of race, religion, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, or color have equal access to sound and affordable housing. Program 6.1 —1. Maintain zoning Ongoing Ongoing standards for use permits, planned developments, and residential accessory uses to allow housing for special groups, such as seniors and disabled persons. Program 6.1 —2. Develop a program of N/A incentives including density bonuses and reduced development standards for senior housing projects. Program 6.1 — 3. Cooperate with non- N/A profit housing and social service agencies and pursue grants for providing housing opportunities for special needs groups, such as the homeless and battered women. Program 6.1 — 4. Cooperate with non- N/A profit groups and local religious organizations to allow the temporary use of churches as homeless shelters. Not Completed Ongoing Ongoing — The City approved plans and allocated funding to EI Camino Homeless Organization for the This program is not deemed necessary and will not be carried forward. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. This program will be revised and continued in the 2007-2014 Housing Element. Adoption Draft Page 16 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element ProgramSummary Quantified .'; Achieuemerif`: = FurtFier Progress O,ble_ctive. Needed construction of an EOC homeless shelter in 2004 (not constructed). Program 6.1 — 5. Continue to support N/A Ongoing - Supported This program will be local motel voucher programs for through CDBG funding revised and continued in temporarily displaced persons. allocations the 2007-2014 Housing Element. Program 6.1 — 6. Ensure full compliance N/A Ongoing This program is being with the American Disabilities Act, and implemented through continue to enforce the complementary the building code and provisions of the International Building will not be carried Code. forward Policy 6.2 — Encourage lending institutions to provide loans for projects for special needs groups, including one - parent households. Program 6.2 —1. Earmark RDA set aside Tax Increment Completed The use of RDA funds funds for housing projects. available - has been incorporated $115,000 in other programs. This program will not be carried forward. Policy 6.3 - Encourage multi -family projects that provide affordable housing. Program 6.3 —1. Develop policies to N/A Completed This program has been reduce or waive impact fees for implemented. Policy in affordable housing projects. place to pay impact fee costs using RDA funds for affordable housing projects within the RDA. Policy 6.4 - Encourage the development of multi -bedroom units for families. Program 6.4 —1. Create incentives for 3 Very low- Encouraged unit This program will not be construction of three-bedroom rental income units per construction through the continued in the 2007 - units. year Planning Commission 2014 Housing Element. and Planned Develo ment process. Policy 6.5 - Ensure that persons with disabilities have adequate access to housing. Program 6.5 —1. Evaluate the Zoning N/A Ongoing This program will be Ordinance, and amend it as necessary, revised and continued in to ensure ADA compliance and remove the 2007-2014 Housing governmental constraints on the Element. production of housing for persons with disabilities. Program 6.5 — 2. Require all new N/A Ongoing - Required by This program is required residential development to comply with all State Law by State law and will not applicable ADA provisions. be carried forward in the Housing Element. Goal 7: Expand housing assistance efforts. Policy 7.1— Support rental assistance programs. Program 7.1 — 1. Participate in Federal N/A Ongoing This program will be and State housing assistance programs revised and continued in and apply for available funding as the 2007-2014 Housing appropriate. Element. Program 7.1 — 2. Target the City's CDBG N/A Ongoing - The City This program will be Adoption Draft Page 17 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Pror Pr Summary Adoption Quantified Ac�heverxent Further Progress Ob�octrveNeeded entitlement share toward the housing supports CDBG finding revised and continued in needs of low-income and special groups. for lower-income home the 2007-2014 Housing rehab projects and Element. assists through CDBG finding for the construction/design/rehab of low-income group livinq/dav care facilities. Program 7.1 — 3. Seek County staff N/A Not Completed This program will be support, or hire a staff person, to revised and continued in administer rental assistance programs. the 2007-2014 Housing Element. Program 7.1 — 4. Coordinate with N/A Ongoing This program will be agencies such as HUD and Farmer's revised and continued in Home Loan regarding available housing the 2007-2014 Housing assistance. Element. Program 7.1 — 5- Encourage and support N/A 19 Senior housing units This program will be expanding the role of the San Luis were completed in revised and continued in Obispo Housing Authority in Atascadero. partnership with HASLO the 2007-2014 Housing in 2005. Element. Goal 8`. Decrease non-governmental constraints on housing production. Policy 8.1 -Encourage interplay between lending institutions, the real estate and development community and the City to better understand and address non-governmental constraints and facilitate production of affordable housing. Program 8.1 — 1. Continue to facilitate N/A Ongoing — The City This program will be understanding of the impact of future participates in monthly continued in the 2007 - economic employment and growth on Chamber of Commerce 2014 Housing Element. housing needs among financial, real Round Table meetings. estate, and development professionals in formalized settings, such as the Economic Round Table. Program 8.1 — 2. Work with financial N/A Ongoing This program will be institutions to identify and mitigate any continued in the 2007 - constraints on access to financing for 2014 Housing Element. multifamily development, and explore the use of CDBG or HOME funds as seed money to encourage lenders to finance multifamily projects. Program 8.1 — 3. Use Redevelopment N/A Assistance and This program will be Agency funds to leverage State and information continues to revised and continued in federal funds (including, encouraging the be made available. the 2007-2014 Housing use of private financing mechanisms, to Element. assist in the production of affordable housing. Funding mechanisms that should continue to be explored include the HCD Multifamily Housing Program, federally subsidized Section 221 (d)(4), Section 8 or Section 202 programs, Community Development Block Grants, tax-exempt bond financing, HOME funds, administrative fees collected by the County Housing Authority, and favorable financing made available through financial institutions to assist low- and moderate -income households. Policy 8.2 — Help lower development costs where feasible, especially for low and moderate income housing—un—its- ousingunits. Adoption Draft Page 18 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Program Summary Quantified _ Achievemenf,, Further Progress . ,. Ob�ectwe Needed' Program 8.2 — 1. Continue to monitor and N/A Ongoing Staff will develop an evaluate development standards and ordinance to make the advances in housing construction use of manufactured methods. homes easier for secondary units based on square -footage of popular models and new construction materials used by manufactured home companies. This will be revised and continued in the 2007- 2014 Housing Element. Program 8.2 — 2. Develop a mechanism N/A Ongoing - In 2005, staff This program will be to track the affordability of housing developed a new revised and continued in projects and provide annual reports to the planning entitlement and the 2007-2014 Housing Planning Commission and City Council. building permit program, Element. which integrated affordable housing tracking so that the City's affordable housing resources can be effectively managed and tracked. Goal 9: Decrease governmental constraints on housing production. Policy 9.1— Review projects in as timely a manner as possible, while maintaining adequate public involvement and fulfilling the appropriate requirements of State and local laws. Program 9.1 — 1. Continue to consolidate N/A Ongoing This program will be all actions relating to a specific project on continued in the 2007 - the same Council or Commission 2014 Housing Element. agenda. Program 9.1 — 2. Continue to review N/A Ongoing — The City This program will be minor modifications through an amended the Zoning continued in the 2007 - adjustment procedure, and more Ordinance to allow 2014 Housing Element. substantial changes through conditional reduced rates and faster use permit. timeframes for minor cups. Program 9.1 — 3. Continue to review and N/A Ongoing Council will look at an revise local review procedures to ordinance to streamline streamline the process. opportunities and permitting for modular units as second units and consider "stock" second unit building plans that have been pre -approved by the City. This program will be continued in the 2007- 2014 Housing Element. Program 9.1 — 4. Provide HCD with an N/A Ongoing This program will be annual status report, including progress continued in the 2007 - toward meeting regional housing needs. 2014 Housing Element. Adoption Draft Page 19 November XX, 2010 Gty of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Program Sum,inary S Quantified Achievement Further,Progress t Oblectwe Neetled ' Program 9.1 — 5. Continue to maintain N/A Ongoing The City allows stock pre -approved stock development plans to residential building streamline the plan check process. permit plans for projects of any scale and is considering stock plans for secondary units. This program will be continued in the 2007- 2014 Housing Element. Goal 10: Ensure an adequate supply of land for new housing production. Policy 10.1— Encourage infill and intensification in areas suitable for housing within the USL. Program 10.1 — 1. Update the zoning N/A Not Completed This program will be ordinance to allow only residential and revised and continued in accessory uses on existing vacant the 2007-2014 Housing residential land. Element. Program 10.1 — 2. Maintain zoning N/A The City currently allows This program will be standards that provide for a range of for Planned Development revised and continued in housing densities in various zones. Overlay Zoning Districts the 2007-2014 Housing to allow greater densities Element. in some residential zones and allows Planned Development projects to include secondary units on residential lots as applicable. Policy 10.2 — Consider revising the Zoning Ordinance to allow mixed use projects outside the downtown area. Program 10.2 — 1. Update the Zoning N/A Complete - Ordinance This program has been Ordinance to conditionally allow mixed- adopted implemented. use and multi -family projects up to 16 units/acre in the General Commercial land use outside the downtown, including areas along south EI Camino Real, Morro Road, and the Dove Creek project site. Adoption Draft Page 20 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element This Page Intentionally Left Blank Adoption Draft Page 21 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element C. Population and Employment Trends 1. Population The Atascadero population grew 14 percent from 1990 to 2000 and is estimated to have reached a total population of 28,590 in 2008. Growth in Atascadero mirrored that of San Luis Obispo County, which grew 14 percent from 1990 to 2000 and is estimated to have grown 9 percent from 2000 to 2008. See Table V-2 for detailed population information for Atascadero and surrounding communities. Table V-2 Trends in Population Growth 1990 2000 2008 Number Number Change Number Change Atascadero 23,138 26,411 14% 28,590 8% Paso Robles 18,583 24,297 31% 29,934 23% San Luis Obispo 41,958 44,174 5% 44,697 1% San Luis Obispo County 217,162 1 246,681 14% 269,337 9% Source: U. S. Census, 1990 and 2000 and DoF E.5 Report, 2008 Age Characteristics As of 2000, Atascadero had a median age of 38.2, slightly above the median for San Luis Obispo County at 37.3. There was substantial growth in the 45-54 and 55-64 year age groups from 1990 to 2000, while the population in the 25-34 age group decreased by 26 percent for the same period. The percentage of children under 15 years of age decreased slightly, which accounted for 25 percent of the population in 1990, down to 20 percent in 2000. See Table V-3 for additional information on age trends in Atascadero. Table V-3 Trends in Population Aae Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 Adoption Draft Page 22 November XX, 2010 1990 2000 Number Percent of Number of Percent of Percent Change Age Group Persons Total . Persons Total < 15 5,826 25% 5,389 20% -1% 15-24 2,831 12% 3,562 13% 26% 25-34 3,934 17% 2,892 11% -26% 35-44 4,146 18% 4,713 18% 14% 45-54 2,201 10% 4,518 17% 105% 55-64 1,601 7% 2,293 9% 43% 65+ 2,599 11% 3,044 12% 17% Total 1 23,138 100% 26,411 100% 14% Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 Adoption Draft Page 22 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Race and Ethnicity The Atascadero population was 89 percent white as of 2000, a slight decrease from 1990 when 94 percent of the population was white. There was an increase in the percentage of people who selected "other' or "two or more races" on the U.S. Census. The increase in "other' is due in part to a new 2000 Census category that allows respondents to identify themselves as two or more races. Of the total population, 11 percent are Hispanic in origin. Refer to Table V-4 for detailed figures on race and ethnicity. i abie v-4 I rends in Race and Ethnicity 1990 2000 Race/Ethnicity Number Percent Number Percent White 21,757 94% 23,451 89% Black or African American 260 1% 623 2% American Indian 270 1% 247 1% Asian or Pacific Islander 262 1% 336 1% OtherlTwo or More 589 3% 1,754 7% Total 23,138 100% 26,411 100% Hispanic (all races) 1,972 9% 2,783 11% Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 2. Employment Industry employment in Atascadero was spread over a number of sectors in both 1990 and 2000. From 1990 to 2000 the total number of jobs increased 6 percent from 11,555 to 12,284. As of 2000, the Education, Health, and Social Services industry accounted for the largest share of Atascadero employment, accounting for 25 percent. The Retail trade is the second largest industry, offering 12 percent of the jobs in spite of a substantial loss in jobs in this industry from 1990 to 2000. The Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodation, and Food Services industry experienced the largest percentage growth from 1990 to 2000, adding 871 jobs, an increase of 383 percent. See Table V-5 for additional information on industry trends in Atascadero. Adoption Draft Page 23 November XX, 2010 Cihj ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-5 Industry Trends in Atascadero _Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 In 2000, 33 percent of Atascadero residents held managerial/ professional jobs. This represents a shift from 1990 when sales and office positions were more prevalent. Managerial/ professional occupations increased 34 percent from 1990 to 2000, growing from 2,997 to 4,015 jobs. Occupations in the services sector also increased from 2,124 to 2,428 jobs during this period, an increase of 14 percent. Occupations in sales and office, and farming, fishing, and forestry experienced decreases for the period. Table V-6 provides additional information on occupation trends. .Table V-6 Trends in Occupations .1990_ 1990 2000 Percent Number Percent Number Percent Employment Sector Change Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and _4,015 _33% .34% .Sales and Office .3,437 mining 294 2% 139 1% -53% Construction 1,236 11% 1,221 10% -1% Manufacturing 931 8% 747 6% -20% Wholesale trade 296 3% 408 3% 38% Retail trade 2,047 18% 1,502 12% -27% Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 688 6% 649 5% -6% Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing 636 5% 598 5% -6% Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management 798 7% 979 8% 23% Educational, health and social services 2,573 22% 3,041 25% 18% Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation 227 2% 1,098 9% 383% and food services Other services 879 8% 875 7% 0% Public administration 950 8% 1,027 9% 8% Total 11,555 100% 12,284 100% 6% _Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 In 2000, 33 percent of Atascadero residents held managerial/ professional jobs. This represents a shift from 1990 when sales and office positions were more prevalent. Managerial/ professional occupations increased 34 percent from 1990 to 2000, growing from 2,997 to 4,015 jobs. Occupations in the services sector also increased from 2,124 to 2,428 jobs during this period, an increase of 14 percent. Occupations in sales and office, and farming, fishing, and forestry experienced decreases for the period. Table V-6 provides additional information on occupation trends. .Table V-6 Trends in Occupations _Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 The distribution of class of workers in Atascadero remained similar from 1990 to 2000. As of 2000, the private sector employed 60 percent of Atascadero workers, the government sector Adoption Draft Page 24 November XX, 2010 .1990_ 2000 Percent Persons Percent _Persons Percent .Occupations of Residents Change -Managerial/Professional 2,997 26% _4,015 _33% .34% .Sales and Office .3,437 _30% _3,064 25% -11% _Services 2,124 18% 2,428 20% 14% .Construction, Production, Labor -2,771 24% 2,705 22% -2% _Farming, Fishing, Forestry 1 226 2% 1 .72 <1% -68% _Total 1 -11,555 _100% 1 .12,284 100% -6% _Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 The distribution of class of workers in Atascadero remained similar from 1990 to 2000. As of 2000, the private sector employed 60 percent of Atascadero workers, the government sector Adoption Draft Page 24 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element employed 26 percent, 14 percent were self-employed and less than one percent were unpaid family workers. Refer to Table V-7 for trends in class of worker. Table V-7 Class of Worker Trends Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 Adoption Draft Page 25 November XX, 2010 1990 2000 Percent Number Percent Number Percent Employment Sector Change Private wage and salary workers 6,909 60% 7,408 60% 7% Government workers 3,137 27% 3,190 26% 2% Self-employed workers in own (not incorporated) business 1,455 13% 1,665 14% 14% Unpaid family workers 54 <1% 21 <1% -61% Total 11,555 100% 12,284 100% 6% Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 Adoption Draft Page 25 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element D. Housing Characteristics 1. Households Household composition and size are often interrelated and are indicators of the type of housing appropriate for residents of Atascadero. The majority of householders in Atascadero are 35 to 65 years old. This age group represents 63 percent of householders in Atascadero. From 1990 to 2000, the number of householders under the age of 35 decreased, reducing the percentage of householders in this age group from 28 percent to 17 percent. The percentage of family households fell slightly from 73 percent in 1990 to 71 percent in 2000, while the percentage of single persons increased slightly over the same period. The average household size dropped slightly from 2.7 in 1990 to 2.62 in 2000. The data indicates some maturing families in Atascadero with children beginning to leave the home. See Table V-8 for detailed figures on household structure in Atascadero Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 Household Income According to the U.S. Census, the median household income in Atascadero increased 39 percent from $35,140 in 1990 to $48,725 in 2000. The largest increases were in the $75,000 to $99,999 and $100,000 or more income brackets, each increasing over 100 percent for the period. The $50,000 to $74,999 income category also grew, while all income brackets below $49,999 decreased. Refer to Table V-9 for trends in Atascadero household income groups. Adoption Draft Page 26 November XX, 2010 Table V-8 Trends in Households 1990 -2000 Change Numbe1 Percent .' Number. P_ ercent in Hhlds Avg. Household Size 2.7 2.62 Householders < 35 yrs 2,389 28% 1,650 17% -31% Householders 35-65 yrs 4,466 53% 5,968 63% 34% Householders 65+ yrs 1,629 19% 1,913 20% 17% Household Types Family Households 6,189 73% 6,812 71% 10% Married Couple 5,077 82% 5,286 78% 4% Other Families 1,112 18% 1,526 22% 37% Single Persons 1,753 21% 2,094 22% 19% Other 542 6% 625 7% 15% Total 8,484 100% 9,531 100% 12% Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 Household Income According to the U.S. Census, the median household income in Atascadero increased 39 percent from $35,140 in 1990 to $48,725 in 2000. The largest increases were in the $75,000 to $99,999 and $100,000 or more income brackets, each increasing over 100 percent for the period. The $50,000 to $74,999 income category also grew, while all income brackets below $49,999 decreased. Refer to Table V-9 for trends in Atascadero household income groups. Adoption Draft Page 26 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-9 Trends in Household Income Groups Income Group 1990 2000 Percent Households Percent Households Percent Change Less than $10,000 834 10% 619 7% -26% $90,000 to $14,999 825 10% 480 5% -42% $15,000 to $24,999 1,193 14% 1,066 11% -11% $25,000 to $34,999 1,405 16% 1,175 12% -16% $35,000 to $49,999 1,951 23% 1,560 17% -20% $50,000 to $74,999 1,568 18% 2,407 25% 54% $75,000 to $99,999 519 6% 1,147 12% 121% $100,000 or more 262 3% 1,044 11% 298% Total Households 8,557 100% 9,498 100% 11% $35,140 - $48,725 - 39% Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 Low and Extremely Low -Income Housing Needs Lower income households (earning 80 percent or less of median household income) generally have higher incidence of housing problems and overpayment (paying 30 percent or more of income for housing costs). Table V-10 shows what percentages of low and extremely low- income households have housing problems as well as those overpaying for housing. Extremely low-income households earn 30 percent or less of median household income. Of the 9,531 households in the City, 897 households (568 renters and 329 owners) have household incomes less than 30 percent of median income (about 9.4 percent of total households). As Table V-10 illustrates, these households have a high percentage of housing problems and some have high housing cost burdens with those overpaying ranging from 16 to 26 percent. As shown in Tables V-15 and V-16 the overpayment figures for the entire Atascadero population range from 33 to 47 percent. The RHNA for Atascadero estimates 106 very low income housing units will need -to be constructed between 2007 and 2014. Based on State law methodology, the City estimates that 50 percent of its very low-income housing allocation are extremely low-income households. Therefore, it is projected that 53 households will be in the extremely low-income category. Adoption Draft Page 27 November XX, 2010 2 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-10 Housinn Prnhlams fnr All I nwar Innnma Hni mcahnlric Source: uHAS uataboox Housing Units Housing Type and Age The majority of Atascadero homes are single-family detached. The variety of housing types has remained similar over the period from 1990 to 2000, with slight growth in single-family homes, both attached and detached, and slight decreases in mobile homes and other housing types. Table V-11 shows trends in housing units by type. _Table V-11 Trends in Housing Type Renters Owners Total Households Housing Income <= 30 Percent MFI (Extremely Low Income) 568 329 897 • With any Housing Problems 90.5% 85.4% 88.6% • With Housing Cost Burden > 30% 90.5 84.3% 88.2% % With Housing Cost Burden > 50% 77.3% 66.6% 73.4% Household Income >30% to <= 50% MFI 706 247 953 % With any housing problems 78.99/o 55.5% 72.8 % With Housing cost burden > 30% 76.1% 55.5% 70.7% Household income > 50 to <= 80% MFI 749 853 1,602 % With any housing problems 51.9% 46.9% 49.3% % With Housing cost burden > 30% 48.7% 46.9% 47.8% Source: uHAS uataboox Housing Units Housing Type and Age The majority of Atascadero homes are single-family detached. The variety of housing types has remained similar over the period from 1990 to 2000, with slight growth in single-family homes, both attached and detached, and slight decreases in mobile homes and other housing types. Table V-11 shows trends in housing units by type. _Table V-11 Trends in Housing Type .1990 2000 _Housing Type Units _Percent _Units _Percent -Single-Family Detached _5,968 _67% _6,797 _69% -Single-Family Attached 233 _3% _441 _5% -Multiple-Family 2-4 Units _836 _9% _862 _9% -Multiple-Family 5+ Units .1,199 .13% _1,200 _12% _Mobile Homes _587 _7% _507 _5% _Other (e.g., R.V Park) _83 .1% _44 <1 % _Total Units _8,906 _100% _9,851 _100% Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 According to the U.S. Census, 41 percent of Atascadero's housing stock was built after 1980. Housing construction slowed from 1990 to 2000. There were 1,357 units constructed during this period, down from 2,696 in the 1970s and 2,672 in the 1980s. See Table V-12 for a breakdown of Atascadero housing units by year constructed. Adoption Draft Page 28 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-12 Housing Units by Age _Table V-13 Trends in Housing Tenure Year Built Units Percent 1990— March 2000 1,357 14% 1980 —1989 2,672 27% 1970 —1979 2,696 27% 1960 —1969 1,274 13% 1940 —1959 1,301 13% 1939 or earlier 533 6% Total 9,851 100% Source: U.S. Census, 2000 Tenure and Vacancy Housing tenure refers to the occupancy of a housing unit - whether the unit is owner -occupied or renter -occupied. Housing tenure is influenced by demographic factors (e.g., household income, composition, and age of the householder) as well as the cost of housing. Only 3 percent of Atascadero's housing units were vacant as of 2000. This was slightly less than 1990, when the vacancy rate was 4 percent. It is generally accepted that a vacancy rate of 5 to 6 percent is healthy, thus Atascadero's low vacancy may be an indicator of problems with housing affordability and overcrowding. Among occupied units, the percentage of owner -occupied homes increased from 63 percent in 1990 to 66 percent in 2000. See Table V-13 for detailed figures on housing tenure. Source. U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 3. Housing Conditions City staff conducted a visual housing conditions survey in June 2009. To complete the survey, the City randomly selected and evaluated 200 properties and found that all but three were structurally sound. The three that were found not to be structurally sound required only minor repairs. The survey was conducted through a windshield assessment that rated the physical condition of a unit in one of the following categories: - Foundation, - Roofing, - Siding/Stucco, Adoption Draft Page 29 November XX, 2010 _Table V-13 Trends in Housing Tenure _Tenure .1990 _Number _Percent 2000 _Number _Percent _Occupied Units _8,484 _96% _9,531 _97% Owner _5,370 _63% _6,249 _66% Renter _3,114 _37% _3,282 _34% _Vacant Units _391 _4% _317 _3% _Total _8,875 _100% _9,848 _100% Source. U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 3. Housing Conditions City staff conducted a visual housing conditions survey in June 2009. To complete the survey, the City randomly selected and evaluated 200 properties and found that all but three were structurally sound. The three that were found not to be structurally sound required only minor repairs. The survey was conducted through a windshield assessment that rated the physical condition of a unit in one of the following categories: - Foundation, - Roofing, - Siding/Stucco, Adoption Draft Page 29 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element - Windows, and; - Electrical. Housing Costs According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the median home price in Atascadero was $201,600. Current information (provided by the California Association of Realtors) on home sales indicates that Atascadero experienced a dramatic increase in sales prices from 2000 to a peak of $456,028 in 2006. Prices have since steadily decreased to a median sales price of $279,500 for the first quarter of 2009. Prices are expected to remain flat or continue falling for the remainder of 2009. From 2002 to present, Atascadero prices have consistently remained below the San Luis Obispo County median. See Figure V-1 for a comparison of median home prices in Atascadero and San Luis Obispo County from 2002 to 2009. es. Figure V-1 Median Home Sale Price, 2002-2009 Source: California Association of Realtors According to the Census, the median contract rent was $628 in 2000. According to the San Luis Obispo County Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary, current monthly rental prices in Atascadero range from an average of $830 for one bedroom units to an average of $1,281 for three bedroom units. See Table V-14 for complete rental survey data for multi -family rental properti Table V-14 Multi -Family Housing Rental Rates, March 2009 Unit Type # of Units Average Monthly. Rent Monthly Rent Per Square- Foot. in Survey Adopti Median Home Sales Price $600,000 Highest Average tyr Studio 0 e± n/a n/a n/a n/a $500,000 n/a 1 bedroom 120 603 sq ft $600 $990 $830 $0.86 $1.64 $400,000 2 bedrooms 726 898 sq ft $750 $1,275 $916 $0.91 $1.34 $1.02 rr? � $300,000 N SLO County $200,000 Atascadero $100,000 $0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: California Association of Realtors According to the Census, the median contract rent was $628 in 2000. According to the San Luis Obispo County Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary, current monthly rental prices in Atascadero range from an average of $830 for one bedroom units to an average of $1,281 for three bedroom units. See Table V-14 for complete rental survey data for multi -family rental properti Table V-14 Multi -Family Housing Rental Rates, March 2009 Unit Type # of Units Average Monthly. Rent Monthly Rent Per Square- Foot. in Survey Adopti Floor Area Lowest Highest Average tyr Studio 0 e± n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 bedroom 120 603 sq ft $600 $990 $830 $0.86 $1.64 $1.40 2 bedrooms 726 898 sq ft $750 $1,275 $916 $0.91 $1.34 $1.02 rr? � Source: California Association of Realtors According to the Census, the median contract rent was $628 in 2000. According to the San Luis Obispo County Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary, current monthly rental prices in Atascadero range from an average of $830 for one bedroom units to an average of $1,281 for three bedroom units. See Table V-14 for complete rental survey data for multi -family rental properti Table V-14 Multi -Family Housing Rental Rates, March 2009 Unit Type # of Units Average Monthly. Rent Monthly Rent Per Square- Foot. in Survey Adopti Floor Area Lowest Highest Average Lowest Highest Average Studio 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 bedroom 120 603 sq ft $600 $990 $830 $0.86 $1.64 $1.40 2 bedrooms 726 898 sq ft $750 $1,275 $916 $0.91 $1.34 $1.02 on Draft Page 30 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element 3 bedrooms 25 1,034 sq ft $1,100 $1,375 $1,281 $1.10 $1.31 $1.24 Overall 871 861 sq ft $600 $1,375 $915 $0.86 $1.64 $1.08 _1Duwcc.0an guns uuwpu uuuwy ivium-ramny r -lousing rcenrai purvey Summary, zuug Overpayment According to federal government standards, paying over 30 percent of income for housing costs is considered to be overpayment. In Atascadero, overpayment is particularly problematic for renters with 1,504 households (47 percent) overpaying for housing. Among homeowners, 33 percent were overpaying for housing according to the 2000 U.S. Census. See Tables V-15 and V-16 for monthly housing costs a percentage of household income for home owners and renters. Table V-15 Monthly Owner Costs as a Table V-16 Gross Rent as a Percentage of Percentage of Household Income Household Income Number of Households 2000 Percent Number of Households 2000 Percent Less than 15 percent 1,462 27% Less than 15 percent 354 11% 15 to 19 percent 791 15% 15 to 19 percent 508 16% 20 to 24 percent 765 14% 20 to 24 percent 482 15% 25 to 29 percent 631 12% 25 to 29 percent 373 12% 30 to 34 percent 579 11% 30 to 34 percent 182 6% 35 percent or more 1,177 22% 35 percent or more 1,322 41% Total 5,405 100% Total 3,221 100% Source: U.S. Census, 2000 Source: U.S. Census, 2000 4. Housing Affordability Housing affordability in Atascadero can be inferred by comparing the cost of renting or owning a home with the income levels of households of different sizes. Table V-17 shows the annual income ranges for extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate -income households. Table V-18 shows the maximum affordable monthly rental payment based on the standard of 30 percent (as defined by HUD) of monthly household income going towards housing costs. The table also displays the maximum home sale price affordable to households by income category and unit size. Homes priced at the 2009 median of $279,500 for Atascadero are affordable only to households in the upper end of the moderate income range. Thus home ownership is out of range for most moderate and all low-, very low- and extremely low-income households. Average rents are affordable for moderate income households but are unaffordable without overpayment or overcrowding for households earning at the extremely low-, very low-, and low-income levels. Table V-17 San Luis Obispo County Income Limits Persons in Family I Extremely Low I Very Low I Low Moderate Adoption Draft Page 31 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element One $14,900 $24,800 $39,650 $59,450 Two $17,000 $28,300 $45,300 $67,950 Three $19,150 $31,850 $51,000 $76,450 Four $21,250 $35,400 $56,650 $84,950 -Source: HCD and San Luis Obispo County Department of Planning and Building, 2009 Table V-18 San Luis Obispo County Maximum Sales and Rental Prices *Notes on Maximum Rent Figures: 1. These rent limits include allowances for utilities as determined by the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo 2. Rent limits are updated when the State issues its annual update to median incomes, generally in April of each year. " Notes on Maximum Sales Prices: 1. Homeowner association (HOA) dues are assumed at $150/month 2. Mortgage financing assumed at a fixed rate for 30 years (per HSH Associates) is 5.74% 3. Actual sales price limits will be determined by the County on a case-by-case basis. -Source: HCD and San Luis Obispo County Department of Planning and Building, 2009 5. At -Risk Units State law requires that Housing Elements include an inventory and analysis of assisted multi- family housing units "at risk" of conversion to market -rate housing. The inventory must account for all units for which subsidies expire within the planning period for the Housing Element update. The potential loss of existing affordable housing units is an important issue to the City due to potential displacement of lower-income tenants and the limited alternative housing options available for such persons. It is typically less expensive to preserve the affordability of existing units than to subsidize construction of new affordable units due to the rising cost of land and construction. In Atascadero, there are 95 units in a multi -family rental property at risk of converting from affordable units to market rate (see Table V-19). California Manor currently offers 95 affordable units for low-income seniors. There is currently a purchase agreement in place for the sale of the property. The City is working closely with the potential new owner to obtain State Low -Income Tax Credit financing in order to maintain affordability. The potential new owner has proposed Adoption Draft Page 32 November XX, 2010 Studio 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom Maximum Affordable Rent*: Extremely Low -Income $372 $425 $478 $531 $573 Very Low -Income $619 $708 $850 $1,558 $2,124 Low -Income $743 $850 $956 $1,062 $1,147 Moderate $1,363 $1,558 $1,752 $1,947 $2,102 Maximum Affordable Sales Price-: Extremely Low $30,000 $37,000 $44,000 $51,000 $57,000 Very Low $63,000 $75,000 $87,000 $99,000 $110,000 Low $96,000 $110,000 $129,000 $146,000 $159,000 Moderate $193,000 $224,000 $254,000 $285,000 $309,000 *Notes on Maximum Rent Figures: 1. These rent limits include allowances for utilities as determined by the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo 2. Rent limits are updated when the State issues its annual update to median incomes, generally in April of each year. " Notes on Maximum Sales Prices: 1. Homeowner association (HOA) dues are assumed at $150/month 2. Mortgage financing assumed at a fixed rate for 30 years (per HSH Associates) is 5.74% 3. Actual sales price limits will be determined by the County on a case-by-case basis. -Source: HCD and San Luis Obispo County Department of Planning and Building, 2009 5. At -Risk Units State law requires that Housing Elements include an inventory and analysis of assisted multi- family housing units "at risk" of conversion to market -rate housing. The inventory must account for all units for which subsidies expire within the planning period for the Housing Element update. The potential loss of existing affordable housing units is an important issue to the City due to potential displacement of lower-income tenants and the limited alternative housing options available for such persons. It is typically less expensive to preserve the affordability of existing units than to subsidize construction of new affordable units due to the rising cost of land and construction. In Atascadero, there are 95 units in a multi -family rental property at risk of converting from affordable units to market rate (see Table V-19). California Manor currently offers 95 affordable units for low-income seniors. There is currently a purchase agreement in place for the sale of the property. The City is working closely with the potential new owner to obtain State Low -Income Tax Credit financing in order to maintain affordability. The potential new owner has proposed Adoption Draft Page 32 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element to rehabilitate the apartments using the tax credits. Renovations will include the installation of a new roof, concrete siding, energy-efficient appliances, carpet, linoleum, cabinets, countertops, HVAC, and lighting. According to the purchase agreement currently in place for California Manor, the acquisition cost for the facility is $11,500,000. Renovations costs are estimated at approximately $5.5 million, including construction, design, relocation, and soft costs. If LIHTC financing is not approved, the City may consider assisting in maintaining affordability of the units by contributing in -lieu fee funds or working with the new owner to pursue alternate low-income housing funding sources. Potential funding sources may include Community Development Block Grants and HOME program funds. In the case that buyer currently under contract for the property is not able to obtain funding, other potential buyers with access to low-income financing may include People's Self Help Housing, based in San Luis Obispo or Affordable Homes, based in Avila Beach (HCD list of qualified entities). Table V-19 At -Risk Assisted Housing Units Development Address Units Affordable Units Elderly Units Non- Elderly Units Current Owner Subsidy Date Deed Restrictions Expire Options for Renewal California 10165 EI 95 95 95 0 California USDA 2006 The new Manor Camino Manor A Rural owner of Real Limited, Dev. the facility under Loan is pursuing sales financing to contract maintain with unit Micon affordability Real Estate Source: City of Atascadero, 2009 Adoption Draft Page 33 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element E. Special Housing Needs Certain members of the population encounter unique difficulties in finding affordable housing due to special circumstances. Special circumstances may be related to one's employment type and income, family characteristics, medical condition or disability, and/or household characteristics. Table V-20 lists special needs populations. This section discusses the housing needs for each group and identifies the major programs available to address their housing and services needs. _Table V-20 3ecial Needs Grou _Senior Households _Disabled Residents -Single-Parent Households _Large Households _Residents Employed in Farming _Homeless" ecial Needs Populations _Owner _1990 2000 _Total _Number _Percent _Number _Percent _1,629 _19% _1,935 20% _4,075 _18% _8,178 29% -1,096 _15% _1,565 23% _1,008 _12% _941 _10% _<294 <2% -<139 _<1% _92 _<1% _184 _1 '[Note: To be updated after the full 2009 EOC Report is released] _Source: U.S. Census, 1990 and 2000 and EOC 2009 1. Senior Households As illustrated in Table V-21, 1,935 Atascadero households (20 percent) were headed by seniors (persons age 65 years and older) in 2000. The number of seniors is expected to continue to grow as the percentage of residents in the 55 to 64 year age range increased by 43 percent in the period from 1990 to 2000. In Atascadero, more than 80 percent of senior householders were homeowners in 2000. _Table V-21 Senior Households _Source: U.S. Census, 2000 Adoption Draft Page 34 November XX, 2010 _Owner _Renter _Total _Householder by _Number _Percent _Number _Percent _Number -Percent Age _Total 65 and over _1,449 23% _486 _15% _1,935 20% 65 to 74 years _810 _56% 221 _45% _1,031 _53% 75 to 84 years _502 _35% _198 A1% _700 _36% 85 years & over _137 _9% _67 _14% 204 -11% 64 and _Total under A,799 77% 2,796 _85% _7,595 _80% -Total (all ages) _6,248 -100% _3,282 _100% _9,530 _100% _Source: U.S. Census, 2000 Adoption Draft Page 34 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element As of 2000, 49 percent of senior households in Atascadero earned low or very -low incomes. Refer to Table V-22 for a breakdown of senior households by income group. _Table V-22 Senior Households by Income Group Facility _Renter _Owner _Total _Very Low _64% _18% _30% Low _14% 20% _19% _Moderate and Above -Moderate 22% -62% -51% _Total _100% _100% _100% _Source: CHAS, 2000 Seniors typically have special needs due to disabilities, health care needs, and fixed incomes. Seniors may also require assistance with domestic chores and activities such as driving, cooking, cleaning, showering, or climbing stairs. For elderly people who live alone or don't have relatives to care for them, the need for assistance may not be met. As of 2009, there are eight residential and group care facilities offering 146 units in Atascadero. The facilities offer a range in level of assistance and community structure. Refer to Table V-23 for a detailed list of senior housing facilities. Table V-23 Senior Housing Facilities, 2009 Facility Capacity Location Atascadero Christian Home 78 8455 Santa Rosa Road Casa Castano 6 7680 Castano Road Country Living Senior Home 8 4930 Sycamore Road Garden View Inn 15 7105 San Gabriel Road Ingleside Assisted Living 15 10630 West Front Road Palomar Place 6 8891 Palomar Place Paradise Valley Care 6 9525 Gallina Court Park Place 12 9435 EI Bordo Avenue Total 1 146 Source: CA Department of Social Services In meeting the needs of the increasing elderly population, the following factors must be considered: • Limited remaining sites suitably zoned for senior housing; • Decreasing State and Federal funding to provide additional housing for seniors; and • Physical and/or other restrictions that may limit seniors' ability to maintain their own health and the condition of their home. Adoption Draft Page 35 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element 2. Persons with Disabilities Persons with disabilities have special housing needs because of employment and income challenges, the need for accessible and appropriate housing, and higher health care costs. A disability is defined broadly by the U.S. Census Bureau as a physical, mental, or emotional condition that lasts over a long period of time and makes it difficult to live independently. The 2000 U.S. Census defines five non -work disabilities: sensory, physical, mental, self-care, and go - outside -home. Table V-24 shows the number and percentage of persons with disabilities in Atascadero, including those who have been institutionalized. _Table V-24 Persons with Disabilities by Type -Total disabilities for people 5 to 64 years -5,668 -69% -Sensory disability -309 _5% -Physical disability -1,289 23% -Mental disability _1,112 20% -Self-care disability -400 _7% -Go-outside-home disability -709 -12% -Employment disability _1,849 _33% .Total disabilities for people 65 years and over 2,510 -31% -Sensory disability _498 20% -Physical disability -916 _37% -Mental disability -310 -12% _Self-care disability 281 -11% -Go-outside-home disability -505 20% -Total disabilities for all ages -8,178 -100% -Source: U.S. Census, 2000 As shown in Table V-25, Atascadero has 4,387 non -institutionalized disabled residents, representing 15 percent of the population. Thirty seven percent are employed with a disability, 34 percent are not employed, and 29 percent are seniors. -Table V-25 Employment Status of Persons with Disabilities -Number -Percent Age 5-64, Employed Persons with a Disability Age 5-64, Not Employed Persons with a Disability -Persons Age 65+ with a Disability _1,602 _1,522 _1,263 -37% -34% 29% _Total Persons with a Disability -4,387 -100% Source: U.S. Census, 2000 Adoption Draft Page 36 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element 3. Large Families and Overcrowding A household of five or more persons is considered to be a large family. In 2000, 10 percent of Atascadero households had five or more persons. Large households may experience difficulty in finding suitable units, particularly renter -occupied households, which are much less likely to find three or more bedroom units. See Table V-26 for household size by tenure for Atascadero. Table V-26 Household Size by Tenure in Atascadero _Source: U.S. Census, 2000 Overcrowding is defined as more than one person per room not including kitchens and bathrooms. Overcrowding can occur when housing costs are high relative to income where families must double up or reside in smaller units, which tend to be more affordable, to devote income to other basic living needs. This is often a problem for large families but can also occur in smaller households when income is too low to afford adequate housing. Overcrowding also tends to result in accelerated deterioration of homes, a shortage of off-street parking, increased strain on public infrastructure, and additional traffic congestion. However, as illustrated in Table V-27, in 2000 in Atascadero 1.7 percent of owner -occupied households were overcrowded and 2.3 percent of renter -occupied households were overcrowded. Overcrowding is not a significant issue in Atascadero. Table V-27 Overcrowded Households Owner Occupied 1-4 Persons 5+ Persons Total Owner Occupied Renter Occupied 5.610(65%) 2,979(35%) 638(68%) 303(32%) 6,248(66%) 3,282(34%) Total 8,589(90%) 941 (10%) 9,530 _Source: U.S. Census, 2000 Overcrowding is defined as more than one person per room not including kitchens and bathrooms. Overcrowding can occur when housing costs are high relative to income where families must double up or reside in smaller units, which tend to be more affordable, to devote income to other basic living needs. This is often a problem for large families but can also occur in smaller households when income is too low to afford adequate housing. Overcrowding also tends to result in accelerated deterioration of homes, a shortage of off-street parking, increased strain on public infrastructure, and additional traffic congestion. However, as illustrated in Table V-27, in 2000 in Atascadero 1.7 percent of owner -occupied households were overcrowded and 2.3 percent of renter -occupied households were overcrowded. Overcrowding is not a significant issue in Atascadero. Table V-27 Overcrowded Households Owner Occupied 6,248 units Percent 0.50 or less occupants per room 4,127 66% 0.51 to 1.00 occupants per room 1,959 31% 1.01 to 1.50 occupants per room 104 2% 1.51 to 2.00 occupants per room 48 1% 2.01 or more occupants per room 10 <1% Percent Overcrowded by Tenure 162 (1.7°/x) total overcrowded owner -occupied units Renter Occupied 3,282 units Percent 0.50 or less occupants per room 1,781 54% 0.51 to 1.00 occupants per room 1,283 39% 1.01 to 1.50 occupants per room 117 4% 1.51 to 2.00 occupants per room 80 2% 2.01 or more occupants per room 21 1% Percent Overcrowded by Tenure 218 (2.3°/x) total overcrowded renter -occupied units Total 9,530 _Source: U.S. Census, 2000 Adoption Draft Page 37 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element 4. Single -Parent Households As of 2000, 23 percent of Atascadero households are single -parent families, 70 percent of which are headed by women. Housing problems for this group can be significant. Any household with only one person able to earn wages is at a significant disadvantage in the housing market and single parents may have to take more time off from work to care for their children. Single - parent households are at a higher risk of becoming homeless because of lower incomes and the lack of affordable housing and support services. Planning for housing development to serve single -parent families may require on-site child-care facilities. Housing needs of single -parent households is an important issue in Atascadero. 5. Persons in Need of Emergency Shelter State housing element law requires the analysis of the special housing requirements of persons and families in need of emergency shelter and identification of adequate sites that will be made available with appropriate zoning and development standards, and with public services and facilities needed to facilitate the development of emergency shelters and transitional housing. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, there were approximately 184 homeless persons in Atascadero. More recently, initial data from the 2009 San Luis Obispo County Homeless Enumeration Report estimates a homeless population of 282 in Atascadero. Of the total estimate, 73 are estimated to be children. Atascadero's homeless population represents 7 percent of the total number of homeless persons in San Luis Obispo County, which is estimated at 3,829. The total Atascadero population is just over 10 percent of the total County population. (See Table V-2). Atascadero participates in local efforts to assist the homeless and those in need of temporary shelter. El Camino Housing Organization, a non-profit organization that addresses homelessness issues, has created a homeless shelter that utilizes a religious facility in the City to serve approximately 30 persons per night. 6. Farmworkers The number of farmworkers in Atascadero is difficult to quantify as U.S. Census data frequently underestimates this population. However, according to 2000 U.S. Census data, 139 members of the Atascadero population were employed in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining. This represents approximately one percent of the total population. From 1990 to 2000, the number of residents working under this Census category decreased 53 percent. Although there are very few agricultural parcels in the city, Atascadero is surrounded by land devoted to agricultural uses, including vineyards. The need for farmworker housing is expected to grow with the increase in the amount of land in the region devoted to vineyard and wine making operations. However, many farmworkers may be housed on-site at agricultural operations outside Atascadero. Farmworker housing is allowed in the Residential Suburban zoning district as an accessory use to agricultural operations. Because of the limited need for Adoption Draft Page 38 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element farmworker housing, the City anticipates that the overall approach to affordable housing will address this need. Adoption Draft Page 39 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element F. Housing Resources As part of housing element law, the State has adopted a process for determining each local jurisdiction's fair share of regional housing needs. The process begins with the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) meeting with each regional council of governments to determine the need for new housing in that region. The regional council of governments is then required to determine the share of the housing need that should be assigned to each city and county in the region. The allocation includes a share of housing needs for all income levels (California Health and Safety Code Section 50079.5): very low income (less than 50 percent of the area median income); low income (50-80 percent of median income); moderate income (80-120 percent of median income); and above moderate income (more than 120 percent of median income). 1. Regional Housing Needs Allocation SLOCOG and HCD determined that the County has a need for 4,885 new housing units during the period from January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2014. SLOCOG allocated shares of this need to cities by calculating each city's share of the projected increase in the number of jobs and households during that period. This is called the regional housing needs allocation (RHNA). Cities are not expected to actually produce this number of units; it is assumed that housing production will be carried out primarily by the private sector and will be affected by market conditions and other factors beyond a city's control. However, the City must create conditions through zoning and land use policies that would allow the private sector to construct the targeted number of units. Cities can employ a variety of strategies to meet their RHNA housing production goals, as provided in Government Code Section 65583(c)(1)). Because the City did not adopt a Housing Element for the previous period, the City must identify adequate sites to meet the current and the previous RHNA. For the previous period from January 1, 2001, to December 31, 2006, Atascadero's share of regional housing needs is 1,713 units (Table V-28). For the current planning period January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2014 Atascadero's share of regional housing needs is 462 units (Table V-29). 2001 - 2006 Regional Housing Needs Allocation Table V-28 illustrates the 2001-2006 RHNA (1,713 units) and the units permitted and/or constructed during that timeframe (1,339 units). After accounting for permit activity since 2001, the City has a remaining RHNA of 788 units. There are 505 very low and low-income units remaining. Adoption Draft Page 40 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-28 City Share of Regional Housing Need, 2001-2006 -becono units constructed and approved were classitied by income category based on square footage. According to the San Luis Obispo Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary, typical rent in Atascadero is approximately $1.09/sf. Affordability was determined by multiplying the cost per square foot by the square footage of a second unit. Source. CA Dept. of Housing and Community Development, SLOCOG, City ofAtascadero As required by Government Code Section 65583(c)(1) (A) and 65583(c)(1)(B) the "adequate sites" program (Program 1.1-1, Section H) must commit the City to accommodating 100 percent of the shortfall of very low- and low-income units for the 2001-2006 planning period through rezoning parcels to high density residential zoning (minimum 20 units/acre). Further, the rezoned parcels must allow multifamily residential uses "by right". In addition, the law requires that the sites selected for rezoning can accommodate at least 16 units per site. When relying on programs to accommodate the regional share for the very low- and low-income households, the law requires that at least 50 percent of the low- and very low-income regional housing need be accommodated on sites designated exclusively for residential uses. The City has included Program 1.1-1 to rezone approximately 25 acres from 16 units per acre to 20 units per acre (minimum density) to make up for the 505 very low- and low-income unit shortfall from the 2001-2006 planning period. The program must be implemented within one year of housing element adoption (Government Code Section 65584.09). The City has developed a list of sites that could potentially be rezoned from 16 units per acre to a minimum 20 units per acre to meet this State requirement. The list can be found in Appendix III. Rezoning these sites from 16 units per acre to a 20 unit per acre minimum will accommodate for both the previous RHNA shortfall and the current RHNA shortfall (refer to Tables V-28 and V-32). Per Appendix III, the total number of units that can be accommodated once the 20 units per acre minimum standard is established is approximately 700 units. The total RHNA requirement (previous and current) is 651 units (505 units and 146 units). 2007 - 2014 Regional Housing Needs Allocation Table V-29 illustrates the 2007-2014 RHNA (462 units). There have been 143 units constructed/ approved within the planning period and an additional 17 second units. Six units were designated as very low-income housing, four of which were part of a Habitat for Humanity project. These units were completed and approved for occupancy in 2008. The other two units were permitted as part of a larger -scale residential development. The development project was approved with a density bonus and the applicant was conditioned to deed restrict 20 of the units as very low-income for a 30 -year period. Permits for the remaining 18 affordable Adoption Draft Page 41 November XX, 2010 Very Low Low Moderate Above TotalTotal 2001 - 2006 RHNA 343 239 343 788 1,713 Units constructed/approved 31 22 55 1,202 1,291 Second units co nstructed/a pp roved* 0 24 24 0 48 Unaccommodated 2001-2006 RHNA 312 193 264 0 788 -becono units constructed and approved were classitied by income category based on square footage. According to the San Luis Obispo Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary, typical rent in Atascadero is approximately $1.09/sf. Affordability was determined by multiplying the cost per square foot by the square footage of a second unit. Source. CA Dept. of Housing and Community Development, SLOCOG, City ofAtascadero As required by Government Code Section 65583(c)(1) (A) and 65583(c)(1)(B) the "adequate sites" program (Program 1.1-1, Section H) must commit the City to accommodating 100 percent of the shortfall of very low- and low-income units for the 2001-2006 planning period through rezoning parcels to high density residential zoning (minimum 20 units/acre). Further, the rezoned parcels must allow multifamily residential uses "by right". In addition, the law requires that the sites selected for rezoning can accommodate at least 16 units per site. When relying on programs to accommodate the regional share for the very low- and low-income households, the law requires that at least 50 percent of the low- and very low-income regional housing need be accommodated on sites designated exclusively for residential uses. The City has included Program 1.1-1 to rezone approximately 25 acres from 16 units per acre to 20 units per acre (minimum density) to make up for the 505 very low- and low-income unit shortfall from the 2001-2006 planning period. The program must be implemented within one year of housing element adoption (Government Code Section 65584.09). The City has developed a list of sites that could potentially be rezoned from 16 units per acre to a minimum 20 units per acre to meet this State requirement. The list can be found in Appendix III. Rezoning these sites from 16 units per acre to a 20 unit per acre minimum will accommodate for both the previous RHNA shortfall and the current RHNA shortfall (refer to Tables V-28 and V-32). Per Appendix III, the total number of units that can be accommodated once the 20 units per acre minimum standard is established is approximately 700 units. The total RHNA requirement (previous and current) is 651 units (505 units and 146 units). 2007 - 2014 Regional Housing Needs Allocation Table V-29 illustrates the 2007-2014 RHNA (462 units). There have been 143 units constructed/ approved within the planning period and an additional 17 second units. Six units were designated as very low-income housing, four of which were part of a Habitat for Humanity project. These units were completed and approved for occupancy in 2008. The other two units were permitted as part of a larger -scale residential development. The development project was approved with a density bonus and the applicant was conditioned to deed restrict 20 of the units as very low-income for a 30 -year period. Permits for the remaining 18 affordable Adoption Draft Page 41 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element units in the development have not yet been issued and are likely to be approved in the current planning period (these are not included in calculations in Table V-29). Nine of the second units approved were considered affordable to low-income households. Affordability was determined by multiplying the typical Atascadero rental cost per square foot (as determined by the San Luis Obispo Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary) by the square footage of the unit and comparing it to San Luis Obispo County maximum rental prices by income level (2009). After accounting for permit and construction activity since 2007, the City has a remaining RHNA of 302 units. An analysis of vacant and underutilized sites available to meet the RHNA is discussed below. (According to State law, vacant and underutilized sites can only offset the current RHNA (2007-2014) not the previous RHNA (2001-2006).) Adoption Draft Page 42 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-29 City Share of Regional Housing Need, 2007-2014 )econa units constructea ana approved were classitied by income category based on square footage. According to the San Luis Obispo Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary, typical rent in Atascadero is approximately $1.09/sf. Affordability was determined by multiplying the cost per square foot by the square footage of a second unit. Source. CA Dept. of Housing and Community Development, SLOCOG, City of Atascadero 2. Site Inventory and Analysis Local governments can employ a variety of development strategies to meet their RHNA housing production goals, as provided in Government Code Section 65583(c)(1)). In addition to identifying vacant or underutilized land resources, local governments can address a portion of their adequate sites requirement through the provision of second units. This section summarizes the vacant land inventory, underutilized sites, and second unit potential. Vacant Sites Table V-30 shows a summary of vacant land in Atascadero. A complete list is available in Appendix I. The table shows that there are 601 vacant parcels on approximately 1,980 acres suitable for residential development that have the capacity to accommodate approximately 1,169 homes at 80 percent of maximum buildout for the multi -family parcels and 100 percent buildout for the single-family parcels where one house per lot is assumed. The 80 percent buildout factor is based on historical trends and the assumption that development standards combined with unique site features may not always lead to 100 percent buildout. There may also be political barriers to full development. The Vacant Multi -Family and Mixed Use Property map in Appendix II illustrates that most of the undeveloped residential land in Atascadero is designated for single-family housing. However, a significant number of multifamily units could be constructed on land designated for medium and high-density residential use. The construction of 18 affordable units since in 2001 in High Density Residential areas demonstrates that the 16 -units/ acre facilitates low- income housing development. Currently, the zoning ordinance requires a conditional use permit for multi -family developments consisting of 12 or more units. Adoption Draft Page 43 November XX, 2010 Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Total 2007 - 2014 RHNA 106 74 88 194 462 Units constructed/approved 6 0 0 137 143 Second units constructed/a pp roved* 0 9 8 0 17 2007 - 2014 Remaining RHNA 100 65 80 57 302 )econa units constructea ana approved were classitied by income category based on square footage. According to the San Luis Obispo Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary, typical rent in Atascadero is approximately $1.09/sf. Affordability was determined by multiplying the cost per square foot by the square footage of a second unit. Source. CA Dept. of Housing and Community Development, SLOCOG, City of Atascadero 2. Site Inventory and Analysis Local governments can employ a variety of development strategies to meet their RHNA housing production goals, as provided in Government Code Section 65583(c)(1)). In addition to identifying vacant or underutilized land resources, local governments can address a portion of their adequate sites requirement through the provision of second units. This section summarizes the vacant land inventory, underutilized sites, and second unit potential. Vacant Sites Table V-30 shows a summary of vacant land in Atascadero. A complete list is available in Appendix I. The table shows that there are 601 vacant parcels on approximately 1,980 acres suitable for residential development that have the capacity to accommodate approximately 1,169 homes at 80 percent of maximum buildout for the multi -family parcels and 100 percent buildout for the single-family parcels where one house per lot is assumed. The 80 percent buildout factor is based on historical trends and the assumption that development standards combined with unique site features may not always lead to 100 percent buildout. There may also be political barriers to full development. The Vacant Multi -Family and Mixed Use Property map in Appendix II illustrates that most of the undeveloped residential land in Atascadero is designated for single-family housing. However, a significant number of multifamily units could be constructed on land designated for medium and high-density residential use. The construction of 18 affordable units since in 2001 in High Density Residential areas demonstrates that the 16 -units/ acre facilitates low- income housing development. Currently, the zoning ordinance requires a conditional use permit for multi -family developments consisting of 12 or more units. Adoption Draft Page 43 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-30 Summary of Vacant Parcels Zone Land Acres' # of Parcels Density*" Infrastructure Residential Multi -Family - 16 Infrastructure 15.43 Use 16 units/acre parcels Residential Multi -Family - 10 du/ac du/ac 20 Residential Multi -Family — 16 HDR 32.41 17 16 units/acre 451.64 361.31 Yes Residential Multi -Family — 10 MDR 8.16 5 10 units/acre 74.15 59.32 Yes Residential Single- Family — SFR -X 1.28 6 1 unit per 6.00 6.00* Yes LSF -X parcel Residential Single -Family — SFR -Y 16.29 42 1 unit per 42.00 42.00* Yes LSF -Y parcel Residential Single -Family— SFR -X 9.77 19 1 unit per 19.00 19.00* Yes RSF-X parcel Residential Single -Family — SFR -Y 60.27 63 1 unit per 63.00 63.00* Yes RSF-Y parcel Residential Single -Family — SFR -Z 70.18 48 1 unit per 48.00 48.00* Yes RSF-Z parcel Residential Single -Family - RE 1,767.71 392 1 unit per 394.00 395.00* Yes Re Commercial Professional GC 7.56 9 16 units/acre 120.94 96.76 Yes Downtown Commercial D 6.12 6 16 units/acre 97.88 78.30 Yes Total 1,979.75 601 1 1,309.61 1,168.69 * Parcels in single family zones are not calculated at 80% as density is calculated per parcel rather than per acre. **Density for some parcels has been reduced due to slope. Source: City of Atascadero, 2009 Underutilized Sites The City has also identified underutilized sites that have potential to be redeveloped (see Table V-31 for a summary and Appendix V for a complete list). The list includes 54 sites totaling approximately 50 acres. The number of units which each site could potentially accommodate would depend on the redevelopment scenario for each individual site. This unit number would be determined during future site-specific planning. The underutilized sites are shown on the Underutilized Multi -Family and Mixed Use Property map in Appendix VI. Table V-31 Summary of Underutilized Parcels Zone Land Use Acres # of Parcels Density* Infrastructure Residential Multi -Family - 16 HDR 15.43 15 16 units/acre Yes Residential Multi -Family - 10 MDR 15.00 20 10 units/acre Yes Commercial Professional GC 16.68 12 16 units/acre Yes Downtown Commercial D 3.29 7 16 units/acre Yes Total 50.41 54 *Density for some parcels has been reduced due to slope. Source: City of Atascadero, 2009 1 One parcel in this zone allowed 2 units Adoption Draft Page 44 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element 3. Remaining 2007-2014 Regional Housing Needs Allocation As Table V-32 shows, all but 146 units of 2007-2014 RHNA can be accommodated by the vacant land and the second unit potential. The potential for second units was determined based on historic second unit building trends from 2001 to 2008. Affordability for second units was determined by multiplying the typical Atascadero rental cost per square foot (as determined by the San Luis Obispo Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary) by the square footage of the unit. Based on these analyses there is realistic capacity for 38 second units within the planning period. The City needs to identify approximately 7.3 acres to rezone or upzone to 20 units per acre to meet the shortfall. Under State law, half of this acreage needs to be zoned for residential use only. Further, the rezoned parcels must allow multifamily residential uses "by right". In addition, the law requires that the sites selected for rezoning accommodate at least 16 units per site. The City has included Program 1.1.2 to rezone for the 146 unit shortfall. The City has developed a list of sites that could potentially be rezoned from 16 units per acre to a minimum of 20 units per acre to meet this State requirement. The list can be found in Appendix III. Rezoning these sites from 16 units per acre to 20 units per acre minimum will accommodate both the previous RHNA shortfall (refer to Table V-28) and the current RHNA shortfall. Per Appendix III, the total number of units that can be accommodated once the 20 unit per acre minimum standard is established is approximately 700 units. The total RHNA requirement (previous and current) is 651 units (505 and 146). Table V-32 Remaining RHNA Analysis, 2007-2014 Second unit potential has been calculated based on historic second unit building trends from 2001 to 2008. ** Based on vacant land in the HDR, MDR, GC, and D zones. Source: SLOCOG, City ofAtascadero Adoption Draft Page 45 November Xx, 2010 Very Low Low Moderate Above Total Moderate 2007 - 2014 Remaining RHNA 100 65 80 57 302 Estimated Units Accommodated by 0 0 595** 579 1,169 Vacant Land Second Unit Potential* 0 19 19 0 38 Remaining Units to be Accommodated by Rezoning 100 46 0 0 146 (only very low- and low-income units Second unit potential has been calculated based on historic second unit building trends from 2001 to 2008. ** Based on vacant land in the HDR, MDR, GC, and D zones. Source: SLOCOG, City ofAtascadero Adoption Draft Page 45 November Xx, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element 4. Infrastructure Resources Infrastructure adds to the cost of new construction (e.g. major and local streets, water and sewer lines, and street lighting). Water and sewer service capacity is discussed below. Water Service Water service in the City is supplied by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC). AMWC manages the water supply that consists of 17 active wells that pump from the Atascadero sub -basin of the Paso Robles Ground Water Basin and both riparian and appropriated Salinas River underflow. Maximum well production is 12.9 million gallons per day. AMWC service area encompasses hundreds of undeveloped parcels, AMWC's future plans include a reliable water supply for an increased population. With approval of the Nacimiento Water Project, the AMWC has been allocated an additional 3,000 AFY, with a flow rate of 3.48 million gallons per day (mgd). The Nacimiento Water Project broke ground in 2007 and the construction of the infrastructures needed to deliver water to the Atascadero area is planned to be complete by 2010. Given the existing water supply and that which will result from the Nacimiento Water Project, the existing water supply is not a constraint to growth in the City and is available for all vacant zones within the City. However, as a result of the Nacimiento Water Project connection fees, water rates will increase gradually2 to help pay for the cost of the additional water source. The cost of water service is a disincentive for the development of affordable housing. Program 1.1-12 is proposed by the City to work with AMWC to explore possible options to ease the burden of water service fees for second units and other affordable housing projects. Wastewater Residential development in the City of Atascadero relies on both the City's wastewater treatment facilities and on-site septic systems. Approximately 50% of Atascadero's residents use the Collection and Treatment service. The City's Wastewater Division maintains a 2.39 million gallon -per -day (mgd) wastewater treatment facility, over 40 miles of pipeline, and 13 wastewater -pumping stations. The treatment plant operates at approximately 60 percent capacity, which results in an average daily flow of 1.4 mgd. Minor upgrades have been approved for the treatment plant facility,3 but no expansions are planned for increasing the treatments capacity. z Water rates are planned to increase by 8% (net) per year over four years beginning on January 1, 2008. There are two more years of 8% rate increases. After that, water rates will increase based on inflation or other typical increases in operation and maintenance costs (i.e. increase energy costs, treatment chemical costs, labor rates, etc.) (Source: pers. comm. John Neil, Atascadero Mutual Water Company General Manager, July 22, 2009.) 3 Headworks/Barscreen project approved during the 2009/2011 Budget (City of Atascadero, 2008). Adoption Draft Page 46 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Average daily flow for residential use is 100 gallons per capita per day. Based on the average household size of 2.02 persons, the daily flow is 0.0002 mgd per household. The average daily flow of the projected housing need (RHNA) is well within the capacity of the upgraded wastewater treatment system. 5. Financial Resources Residential Financing The availability of financing affects the ability to purchase or improve homes. In the Atascadero area4 1,031 applications for conventional mortgage home loans were received in 2007, of which 60 percent were approved by lenders and accepted by applicants (see Table V-33). The remainder of applications were denied, withdrawn, closed due to incompleteness, or approved but not accepted by the applicants. Tnhla V-14 nicnnci+inn of I -I I n Total Applicants Percent Originated Government Assisted Home Purchase Loans 7 43% Home Purchase Loans 1,031 60% Home Improvement Loans 290 50% wu, uu. i winu 1v1U1LVC1VV L11ac1UJU1C MGL UdLd, LUU/ Reflecting the City's high housing costs, there were very few applicants recorded for government assisted home purchase loans such as VA, FHA, and FSA/RHS, given the sales price limitations on these programs. Most applications for home purchase loans were filed by upper income households, an expected result given the high price of housing in Atascadero. Throughout the County, the approval rate was over sixty percent among upper income applicants, but lower for low- and moderate -income households. Redevelopment Agency/Tax Increment Financing According to HCD; the Housing Element should identify redevelopment funds available to the Low- and Moderate -Income Housing Fund (LMIHF) and how the funds will be utilized during the planning period. As of June 2009, the City has approximately $3.9 million in the LMIHF. The City anticipates collecting approximately $825,000 per year through the 2013/2014 fiscal year, totaling $8.1 million in funds. With each year's spending plan however, a balance of $7 million is anticipated at the end of the 2013/2014 fiscal year. According to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.12, the agency must use any unexpended and unencumbered LMIHF that exceed one million dollars or the aggregate amount of tax increment deposited into the low -moderate fund over the preceding four fiscal years. If the City identifies such a surplus before the end of the fiscal period, then it must use the funds or transfer the funds to the local housing authority. Programs 4.3-1 through 4.3-5 provide policy guidance for fund disbursement to qualifying projects. 4 HMDA is based off census tracts. The census tracts that cover the City of Atascadero also encompass the unincorporated area surrounding the City and portions of the City of Templeton. Adoption Draft Page 47 November XX, 2010 Cihj of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Inclusionary Housing In -Lieu Fee Funds The City's inclusionary housing program offers the option of paying a fee in lieu of building affordable housing for projects of 10 units or less. Fees deposited into the account may be used in the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of affordable housing. As of June 2009, the Fund has a balance of $320,000. 6. Administrative Resources EI Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO) ECHO is a non-profit organization serving the homeless population of Northern San Luis Obispo County. ECHO operates five shelters out of local churches, offering temporary beds and hot meals to those in need. The organization also assists those in need with obtaining permanent housing and developing the skills necessary to lead a more stable life. The Atascadero shelter operates out of First Baptist Church and can accommodate up to 30 persons per night. Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) The EOC provides a wide variety of social services in San Luis Obispo County. Their divisions are Homeless Services, Head Start, Health Services, and Energy Conservation Services. EOC operates the Maxine Lewis Memorial Homeless Shelter and the Prado Day Center in San Luis Obispo. They also operate Head Start and Migrant Head Start programs and two health centers in San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande. The Energy Conservation division provides weatherization and home repairs throughout the County. Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is an international non-profit organization dedicated to partnering with those in need of safe and affordable homes. Habitat for Humanity has constructed over 300,000 homes for families around the world. The San Luis Obispo County Habitat chapter has been active since 1997 and is involved in several development projects throughout the Central Coast. In 2008, Habitat for Humanity constructed four very low-income homes in Atascadero. Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo County (HASLO) The Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo County was created to provide housing assistance for the County's lower-income residents. The Housing Authority administers the Section 8 rental assistance program and manages public housing developments. The Housing Authority also administers the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program, Security Deposit Program, and other programs. Currently, the County Housing Authority provides 278 Section 8 vouchers to households in Atascadero and 121 households are on the waiting list. In 2005, the City of Atascadero partnered with HASLO to develop 19 housing units for very low-income senior households. People's Self -Help Housing (PSHH) Adoption Draft Page 48 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element People's Self -Help Housing is a diverse, nonprofit organization committed to furthering opportunities for decent, safe, affordable housing and support services in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties. PSHH has two primary programs - Self Help Homeownership Program and a Rental Housing Development and Construction Services Program. Since its inception in the 1960s, PSHH has developed more than 1,000 homes and 1,200 rental units and assisted in the rehabilitation and repair of more than 3,000 housing units. PSHH has constructed 15 affordable home -ownership properties and currently owns and operates Atascadero Gardens, a 17 -unit affordable rental complex. The purchase of this building prevented a pending conversion to market rate units. PSHH also provides free seminars to residents on the Central Coast including those aimed at first time homebuyers and foreclosure prevention. Transitional Food and Shelter Transitional Food and Shelter is a charitable organization operating throughout San Luis Obispo County. The organization provides emergency shelter in motels and apartments in the North County, renting to homeless persons who are sick and/or disabled. The program provides relief for those who cannot be accommodated in more traditional homeless shelters. Other Resources Many programs within the State of California exist to provide financial assistance to the City and to individual developers for the development, preservation, and rehabilitation of residential development, primarily affordable units. The Department of Housing and Community Development identifies and provides detailed information on the grants and loans available for affordable housing, which include: Affordable Housing Innovation Program: This program provides grants or loans to fund the development or preservation of workforce housing. Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods Program: Provides grants and loans to first- time low and moderate -income buyers. www.hcd. ca.gov/fa/begin CalHome Program: Provides grants and loans to very -low income homeowners. www.hcd. ca.gov/fa/calhome Emergency Housing and Assistance Program Capital Development: Provides deferred payment loans for capital development activities for: emergency shelters, transitional housing, and safe havens. www. hcd. ca. gov/fa/ehap/ehap cd. h tm 1 Emergency Housing and Assistance Program Operating Facility Grants: Provides grants for: emergency shelters, transitional housing, and supportive services for homeless individuals and families. www.hcd. ca.gov/fa/ehap/ Adoption Draft Page 49 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Enterprise Zone Program: Provides incentives such as sales tax credits and operation deductions for business investment. www. hcd. ca.gov/fa/cdbg/ez/# EZ Federal Emergency Shelter Grant Program: Provides grants to fund emergency shelters and transitional housing for the homeless. www. hud.gov/offices/cpol'homeiess/programs/esg/ Governor's Homeless Initiative: Provides loans for the development of supportive housing for homeless residents who suffer from severe mental illness. www.hcd. ca.gov/fa/ghi HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Provides cities, counties, and nonprofit organizations with grants and low-interest loans to develop and preserve workforce housing. www. hu d.gov/offices/cpd/afforda blehousing/programs/home/ Housing Assistance Program: Provides grants to assist housing payments for extremely low to very low-income housing. www.hcd. ca.gov/fa/hap Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Program: Provides grants and loans to finance the construction, repair, and purchase of rental units for farmworker housing. www. hcd. ca. gov/fa/fwhg Multifamily Housing Program: Provide deferred payment loans to fund the construction, repair, and purchase of permanent and rental units for supportive housing. This includes housing for low-income residents with disabilities, or those who are at risk of homelessness. www. hcd. ca. gov/fa/mhp Office of Migrant Services: Provides grants to assist in seasonal rental housing and support for migrant farmworker families. www. hcd. ca. gov/fa/oms Predevelopment Loan Program: Provides short-term loans for financing low-income housing projects. www.hcd. ca.gov/fa/polp State CDBG Program Economic Development Allocation, Over the Counter Component: Provides grants to create or sustain jobs for rural low-income workers. www. h cd. ca. gov/fa/cd bg/e con dev. h tm I State CDBG Program General, Native American, and Colonias Allocations: Provides grants to fund housing, capital improvement, and community projects that benefit lower-income residents in rural communities. www.hcd. ca.gov/fa/cdbg/gennatamcol.html Adoption Draft Page 50 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Workforce Housing Reward Program: Provides grants to cities and counties that approve permits for new workforce housing going to very low to low-income households. www. hcd. ca.gov/ a/whrp Adoption Draft Page 51 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element This Page Intentionally Left Blank Adoption Draft Page 52 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element G. Constraints on Housing Production Government policies and regulations impact the price and availability of housing and, in particular, the provision of affordable housing. Constraints include residential development standards, fees, and permitting procedures. Providing infrastructure and services also increases the cost of producing housing. This Chapter addresses potential governmental and nongovernmental constraints and focuses on mitigation options available to the City. 1. Governmental Constraints Although local governments have little influence on such market factors as interest rates and availability of funding for development, their policies and regulations can affect both the amount of residential development that occurs and the affordability of housing. Since governmental actions can constrain development and affordability of housing, State law requires the Housing Element to "address and, where appropriate and legally possible, remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing." LAND USE CONTROLS The City's primary policies and regulations that affect residential development and housing affordability include: Title 9 (the City's Planning and Zoning Regulations), the General Plan, the Atascadero Downtown Revitalization Plan, the Appearance Review Manual, development processing procedures and fees, on and off-site improvement requirements, and building codes. In addition to a review of these policies and regulations, an analysis of governmental constraints on housing production for persons with disabilities is included in this Section. Planning and Zoning Regulations Title 9, the City's Planning and Zoning Regulations, allow residential development in one agriculture zone, 4 residential zones, 2 downtown zones, 4 commercial zones, 2 industrial zones, and 3 recreation and public zones. The maximum residential density allowed is 16 units per acre. Title 9 does not include specific development standards for the Rural Residential zone that is identified on the Zoning Map. Program 1.1-8 has been proposed to codify the Rural Residential zone into Title 9 and include zoning standards that distinguish it from the Residential Suburban zone. Agriculture (A) Zone. This zone is established to protect, preserve, and encourage agriculture on suitable land. Agriculture related residential uses are permitted including single-family dwellings, primary family housing, and farm labor quarters. The A zone corresponds to the Agriculture (AG) land use designation of the General Plan. Adoption Draft Page 53 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Rural Residential (RR) Zone. This zone is established for large lot single-family residential uses. Second units are permitted by right in the RR zone, subject to specific development standards identified in Chapter 5 of Title 9. The maximum allowable density is 0.4 units per acre. The RR zone corresponds to the Rural Residential (RR), Rural Estate (RE), Suburban Estate (SE), and Agriculture (AG) land use designations of the General Plan. Residential Suburban (RS) Zone. This zone is established for large lot single-family residential uses. Second units are permitted by right in the RS zone, subject to specific development standards identified in Chapter 5 of Title 9. The maximum allowable density is 0.4 units per acre. The RS zone corresponds to the Rural Residential (RR), Rural Estate (RE), Suburban Estate (SE), and Agriculture (AG) land use designations of the General Plan. Residential Single Family (RSF) Zone. This zone is established to provide for single-family residential areas within the urban service line. Second units are permitted by right in the RSF zone, subject to specific development standards identified in Chapter 5 of Title 9. The RSF is divided into 3 categories based on minimum lot sizes, RSF-X, RSF-Y, RSF-Z; and density ranges from 0.5 - 2.0 units per acre. Density may be increased to 4 units per acre with a Planned Development in the RSF-X zone. The RSF zone corresponds to the Single -Family Residential (SFR) land use designation of the General Plan, which includes the sub -land use designations SFR -Z, SFR -Y, SFR -X. Limited Single Family (LSF) Zone. This zone is established for single-family residential where raising of farm animals is not allowed. Second units are permitted by right in the LSF zone, subject to specific development standards identified in Chapter 5 of Title 9. The LSF is divided into 3 categories based on the minimum lot size, LSF -X, LSF -Y, LSF -Z; and density ranges from 0.5 - 2.0 units per acre. The LSF zone corresponds to the Single -Family Residential (SFR) land use designation of the General Plan, which includes the sub -land use designations SFR -Z, SFR - Y, SFR -X. Residential Multiple Family (RMF) Zone. This zone is established for apartment, condominium, and townhouse development. The maximum allowable density for areas designated Low Density Multiple Family Residential (RMF -10) is 10 units per acre; for areas designated High Density Multiple Family Residential (RMF -16) is 16 units per acre; and for hillside areas the density ranges from 1 -16 units per acre depending on average slope (density exceptions exist for group quarters and nursing facilities). The RMF zone corresponds to the Medium -Density Residential (MDR) and High -Density Residential (HDR) land use designations of the General Plan. Downtown Commercial (DC) Zoning District. This zone is established to enhance the economic viability and pedestrian -oriented character of downtown. Residential uses are permitted on upper floors in the DC zoning district. Home occupations and live/work projects are also encouraged in the DC zoning district. The maximum allowable density is 16 units per acre. The DC zone corresponds to the Downtown (D) land use designation of the General Plan. Downtown Office (DO) Zoning District. This zone is established for professional and other office uses close to the services provided in the DC zoning district. Residential uses are Adoption Draft Page 54 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Bement permitted on upper floors in the DO zoning district. The maximum allowable density is 16 units per acre. The DO zoning district corresponds to the Downtown (D) land use designation of the General Plan. Commercial Professional (CP) Zone. This zone is established for limited retail shopping and personal service facilities. It allows mixed-use with residential up to 16 units per acre with Planned Development approval and/or a General Plan Amendment. Caretaker residences are also permitted conditionally. The CP zone corresponds to the General Commercial (GC) and Mixed Use (MU) land use designations of the General Plan. Commercial Retail (CR) Zone. This zone is established for a wide range of commercial uses to accommodate retail and service needs, however, it does conditionally permit caretaker residences. It allows mixed-use with residential up to 16 units per acre with Planned Development approval and/or a General Plan Amendment. The CR zone corresponds to the General Commercial (GC) and Mixed Use (MU) land use designations of the General Plan. Commercial Service (CS) Zone. This zone is established for light manufacturing and large lot service commercial, however it does conditionally permit caretaker residences. The CS zone corresponds to the Service Commercial (SC) land use designation of the General Plan. Commercial Tourism (CT) Zone. This zone is established for limited commercial uses for Highway 101 travelers, however, it does conditionally permit caretaker residences. The CT zone corresponds to the General Commercial (GC) land use designation of the General Plan. Industrial Park (IP) Zone. This zone is established for light manufacture and large lot service commercial, however, it does conditionally permit caretaker residences. The IP zone corresponds to the Industrial (IND) land use designation of the General Plan. Industrial (I) Zone. This zone is established for heavy manufacture and industrial uses, however, it does conditionally permit caretaker residences. The I zone corresponds to the Industrial (IND) land use designation of the General Plan. Recreation (L) Zone. This zone provides suitable locations for recreational facilities, however, it does conditionally permit caretaker residences. The L zone corresponds to the RR, RE, SE, SFR, MDR, HDR, Public Recreation (REC), Public Facilities (PUB), and Open Space (OS) land use designation of the General Plan. Special Recreation (LS) Zone. This zone provides suitable locations for recreational facilities on land in private ownership. This zone also provides for residential uses where intensive recreational activity may not be appropriate. The maximum allowable density for residential is 0.7 unit per acre (sewer not available) or 1 unit per acre (sewer is present). The LS zone corresponds to the Commercial Recreational (CREC) land use designation of the General Plan. Public (P) Zone. This zone provides suitable locations for public and quasi -public facilities, however, it does conditionally permit single family and caretaker residences. The maximum allowable density for residential is 0.4 unit per acre. The P zone corresponds to the RR, RE, SE, SFR, MDR, HDR, CREC, REC, PUB, and OS land use designation of the General Plan. Adoption Draft Page 55 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Planned Development (PD) Overlays. The City has established 30 overlays (PD 1 - 12 and 14 - 31) to allow for special use standards that differ from those established by the underlying zone. The maximum allowable density is 16 units per acre. Planned Development Overlays are typically used to allow for individual lot ownership units in multi -family zones and clustered residential development in rural areas to achieve minimal environmental impacts and reduced infrastructure costs. Table V-34 summarizes the General Plan land use designations and the zoning districts that either allow by right or conditionally permit residential development. Table V-34 General Plan Land Use Desi nations and Zoninq District Comparison General Plan Land Use Designation Density Corresponding Zoning Districts RR/RE/SE 0.1 - 0.4 unit/acregross' RR, RS, P, L SFR -Z 1.0unit/acregross' RSF-Z, LSF -Z, P, L SFR -Y 2.0 unit/acre gross RSF-Y, LSF -Y, P, L SFR -X 4.0 unit/acre net RSF-X, LSF -X, P, L MDR 10 unit/acre net RMF -10, P, L HDR 16 unit/acre net RMF -16 P, L GC 16 unit/acre net CP, CR, CT Sc (0.4 FAR) CS D 16 unit/acre net DC, DO MU 16 unit/acre net CR, CP: MU/PD overlay) CREC 10 unit/acre net LS, P IND 0.4 FAR I, IP AG 0.1 - 0.4 unit/acre ross RR, RS, A REC L, P PUB L, P Notes: 1. Density is adjusted by performance standards in this land use designation. The maximum density may be lower based on the application of performance standards. 2. The maximum density sets a limit to the number of units that may be developed in each land use designation. The General Plan also sets minimum lots size areas that are allowed through the subdivision process consistent with the "Elbow Room" principle. The minimum lot sizes are more restrictive than the maximum densities in order to reflect historic small lot development densities and to allow for new planned development projects that incorporate smaller lot sizes with innovative design concepts. Table V-35 summarizes the housing types permitted by zone. Each use is designated by a letter denoting whether the use is permitted by right (P) or conditionally permitted (CUP). Adoption Draft Page 56 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-35 Zonina District's PermittPrf I and I Icac Land Uses A RR RS RSF LSF RMF DC DO CP CR CS CT IP I L LS P Single-family P P P P P P 2 P 2 P dwelling -- - -- — — -- P CUP Multiple family dwelling- p2 p2 __P p2 CUP' CUP' Livelwork X/ ro'ects Secondary residential P P p p units Residential accessory P P PP P P - - _ __ P uses Temporary dwellin P P P P P P Mobilehome dwellin P P P P P Pe — - Mobilehome developments CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Primary family housingP -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Farm labor P quarters Home occupations P P P P P P P P — -- __ p Caretaker residence CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP cup CUP CUP Residential care, s 6 -- P P P P P — — — — CUP clients Residential care, > 6 CUP CUP CUP CUP P — — -- — - -- CUP clients Organizational houses CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP — — — Skilled nursing -- — —P P CUP -- facility , <_ 6 -- -- — -- -- -- -- -- -- -- clients Skilled nursing facility , > 6 — — --— CUP CUP CUP -- -- -- -- -- -- -- clients Retirement hotel — -- -- -- -- CUP -- — — P P — -- — -- -- -- Senior citizen housing-- — — - CUP6 Notes: 1. RSF-Y only, see Section 9.6106 2. RMF Zone — CUP required for projects over 12 units. DC and DO Zones - Residential uses allowed only on second and third floor, except sites north of Olmeda Avenue. If project is required to provide a unit in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act, the handicapped accessible unit may be located on a first floor. A first floor unit shall be located in a non -storefront location within a tenant space. 3. Permitted use if the residential quarters are located on the second or third floors. 4. Conditional Use Permit required if the residential quarters are located on the first floor. 5. A skilled nursing facility is a board and care home for residents, where no medical care is provided, and is subject to all applicable standards for multiple family dwellings. 6. Use allowed only on sites north of Olmeda Avenue. 7. Use allowed only with a PD as part of a mixed-use project. A General Plan Amendment may also be required. 8. First unit only. Adoption Draft Page 57 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-36 provides development standards for the residential zones and Table V-37 provides the development standards in the Downtown Zones. Minimum parcel size and setback requirements in Atascadero are not unusually strict and are not considered a constraint to the development of affordable housing. The height limit in residential zones has proven not to impede development or discourage density. The Hidden Oaks Apartments and Southside Villas condominium projects, 90 and 86 units, respectively, achieved densities over 20 units per acre while meeting the 30 foot, two story height restriction. The Emerald Ridge condominium development, approved in 2004, also met the height requirement while achieving a density of 18 units per acre with 132 units on 7.3 acres. A waiver of the two story height restriction is possible on a project -by -project basis as part of the Conditional Use Permit process (Zoning Ordinance Section 9-4.113). Program 19 is proposed to amend this section of the Zoning Ordinance to allow this waiver with a Minor Use Permit. Table V-36 Residential 7nnPs nPvalnnmont Stnnrinrrlc Development Zone Standard RS RSF LSF RMF X YZ X Y Z Min lot size (acres) 2.5 - 10 .5 1 1.5 - .5 2.5' 1 1.5 - 2.5' .5 Max Height (feet) 30 ft. max. 30 ft. 2 stories max. Setbacks (feet) Front 25 ft. min Exceptions for shallow lots, flag lots, sloping lots, and variable block. Side 5 ft. min Exceptions for corner lots, key lots, small corner lots, accessory buildings, common wall developments, zero lot line develo ment7, access easements. Principle residential building - 10 ft. min Rear Accessory building - 5 ft. min Interior Principle residential buildings - 10 ft or'/z height of taller of 2 buildings Accessorybuilding- 10 ft. some code exceptions a I Notes: 1. Depending upon conformance with performance standards set in each zone. 2. Smaller lot sizes allowed with a Planned Development. 3. Smaller lot sizes allowed for PD projects, including condominiums and mobile home developments, provided that the overall density within the project conforms with Section 9-3.17 (RMF Zone - Density). 4. Except for 2nd story dwellings over commercial and industrial uses. 5. Two dwelling units, and/or their accessory garages constructed on adjoining lots with minimum building code separation. 6. A group of dwelling units on adjoining lots may be established so that all units about 1 side property line. 7. Whichever is greater. Adoption Draft Page 58 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Tahle V_37 nrWintrrern 7nncc nn%,nln.,.r,er,+ c+.,.,,+.,.,+ Historical Preservation To promote the conservation, preservation, protection, and enhancement of Atascadero's historical and architecturally significant structures, the City adopted a Historic Site Overlay (HS) zone. The standards are intended to protect historic structures and sites by requiring new uses and alterations to existing uses to be designed with consideration for preserving and protecting the historic resource. Given the quality of Atascadero's historical and architecturally significant structures, and the contribution of these structures to the image and quality of life in Atascadero, the historic preservation policies and regulations are reasonable and appropriate and do not pose an unreasonable constraint to residential development in the City of Atascadero. Sensitive Resources The City adopted a Sensitive Resource Overlay (SR) zone to protect areas with special environmental resources and to protect areas containing unique or endangered vegetation or habitat. The purpose of these standards is to require that proposed uses be designed with consideration of the identified sensitive resources, and the need for their protection. Development that falls within a SR overlay zone does require additional measures to ensure environmental protection, which can add to the cost of development. It is in the best interest of the community, and also is mandated by State and Federal laws to protect sensitive environmental resources. The City's regulations do not pose an unreasonable constraint to residential development in the City. Mobile and Manufactured Homes Adoption Draft Page 59 November XX, 2010 DC DO Min lot size No minimum Density 16 du/acre 1 16 du/acre Setbacks Minimum and maximum setbacks required. See Section 9-4.103 for setback re uirement, allowed ro ections into setbacks, and exceptions to setbacks. None allowed, except for building insets As required by Section 9-4.106 when designed to accommodate outdoor eating adjacent to a residential zone, none Front and seating areas, and except for East required otherwise. and West Mall between EI Camino Real and Palma Avenue, where a minimum of twenty 20 feet is required. Sides each None required Rear None required Creek 20 ft. Height limit 45 ft. not to exceed 3 stories; 25 ft. 18 ft. on the west side of EI Camino Real' Off-street See Section 9-4.114 for residential uses As required by Sections 9-4.114 et seq. parking and for development east of Atascadero Creek. All other uses - none required. Notes: 1. Between Atascadero Creek and lot line common to Lots 19 and 20, Block H -B, Atascadero Colony Map. Historical Preservation To promote the conservation, preservation, protection, and enhancement of Atascadero's historical and architecturally significant structures, the City adopted a Historic Site Overlay (HS) zone. The standards are intended to protect historic structures and sites by requiring new uses and alterations to existing uses to be designed with consideration for preserving and protecting the historic resource. Given the quality of Atascadero's historical and architecturally significant structures, and the contribution of these structures to the image and quality of life in Atascadero, the historic preservation policies and regulations are reasonable and appropriate and do not pose an unreasonable constraint to residential development in the City of Atascadero. Sensitive Resources The City adopted a Sensitive Resource Overlay (SR) zone to protect areas with special environmental resources and to protect areas containing unique or endangered vegetation or habitat. The purpose of these standards is to require that proposed uses be designed with consideration of the identified sensitive resources, and the need for their protection. Development that falls within a SR overlay zone does require additional measures to ensure environmental protection, which can add to the cost of development. It is in the best interest of the community, and also is mandated by State and Federal laws to protect sensitive environmental resources. The City's regulations do not pose an unreasonable constraint to residential development in the City. Mobile and Manufactured Homes Adoption Draft Page 59 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element State law requires that mobile and manufactured homes be allowed in residential zones. These units cannot be regulated by any planning fees or review processes not applicable to conventional single-family dwellings. However, the architectural design of manufactured or mobilehomes can be regulated by the City. Under the City's zoning regulations mobilehome developments are permitted with approval of a Conditional Use Permit in all residential zones. Individual mobilehome dwellings are permitted by right in all single-family residential zones (RS, RSF, LSF) and in the Agriculture zone. The City's zoning regulations address manufactured homes in section 9-6.142 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. In order be in compliance with State law, the City should clarify that the terms "mobilehome" and "manufactured home" are essentially the same and should be considered a single-family dwelling and permitted in all zones that allow single-family housing. Manufactured housing can be subject to design review. Program 1.1-5 is recommended to bring the zoning regulations in compliance with State law and to encourage a variety housing options within the City. Mixed -Use Development Atascadero encourages mixed-use development in the downtown districts (DC and DO). As stated in Title 9: The downtown zoning districts are intended to develop an attractive, pedestrian -oriented, and economically successful downtown area by providing for a mixture of commercial, office, and residential land uses... The development of mixed-use projects provides more housing opportunities by permitting residential uses on the upper floors. Mixed-use development also enhances economic viability, pedestrian -oriented character, and the overall downtown environment. Table V-36 provides the development standards for mixed-use developments in the downtown area. In addition, mixed- use is allowed in all areas with a General Commercial land use designation. The approval of a vertical mixed-use project in a Designated Commercial Zone requires a Zoning Change (PD Overlay) and Conditional Use Permit approval. Horizontal mixed use (which is limited to 50 percent residential development) requires a Condition Use Permit as well as a General Plan Amendment, map change, and PD overlay. The approval process for these projects can take from three (3) to twelve (12) months depending on the complexity of the project. Program 1.1-7 has been proposed to streamline the permitting process, encourage the development of vertical mixed-use projects, and provide greater housing diversity. The City's has adopted the Downtown Affordable Housing Program to facilitate and encourage the development of mixed-use projects, particularly for lower income workers and families. The program is in the preliminary implementation stages. Under the program, Redevelopment Agency (RDA) funds will be used to offer long term low-interest loans in exchange for deed restricted low- or very low-income units for 55 years. This program will target existing Adoption Draft Page 60 November XX, 2010 Ci ty of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Downtown buildings and existing vacant residential units located Downtown that are in need of repair or could be converted to include deed restricted affordable units. Secondary Residential Units To encourage establishment of second units, State law requires cities to either adopt an ordinance authorizing second units in residentially zoned areas, or, where no ordinance has been adopted, to allow second units if they meet standards set out in the State law. State law requires ministerial consideration of second unit applications in zones where single-family dwellings are permitted. Local governments are precluded from totally prohibiting second units in residentially zoned areas unless they make specific findings (Government Code § 65852.2). Second units can be an important source of affordable housing since they are smaller than primary units and they do not have direct land costs. Supporting the development of second units expands housing opportunities for very low-, low-, and moderate -income households by increasing the number of rental units available within existing neighborhoods. Second units are intended to provide livable housing at lower cost while providing greater security, companionship, and family support for the occupants. Second units, or secondary residential units, are defined within the Atascadero zoning regulations as residential occupancy constructions (R) with a kitchen and full bathroom that is accessory to the primary unit and intended for permanent occupancy by a second household. Second residential units provide quarters for independent living areas, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation facilities. Second residential units are permitted by right in the single-family residential zones (RS, RSF, LSF). Second units are also allowed in single family planned development overlay districts only when consistent with an approved Master Plan of Development. Second units are subject to all development standards of the underlying zoning district and/or planned development overlay districts, with a few minor exceptions: Floor Area. The total floor area shall not exceed 800 square feet on lots with a net area of 0.5 acres or less. The total floor area shall not exceed 1,000 square feet on lots with a net area greater than 0.5 acres. Private Open Space Requirement. A second unit shall have a minimum private open space area of 250 square feet. No portion of an open space area shall have a dimension of less than 10 feet in width. Attached Second Units. If the second unit is attached to the primary dwelling, each shall be served by separate outside entrances. Second units, whether attached or detached, are considered as single-family units for purposes of determining impact fees. Parking requirements for second residential units are shown in Table V-38. For a second unit to be approved, it must be served by a public water system and the City sanitary sewer system or an engineered septic system (depending on lot size), and allow for the installation of separate utility meters. Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) establishes the water connection fees and these have been identified as a constraint to the development of Adoption Draft Page 61 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element second residential units due to the disproportion of fees to actual development costs.5 Program 1.1.12 is recommended to establish a program that would address second unit fees and create an incentive program to encourage the development of second units. (See Section F - Housing Resources (Infrastructure Resources - Water Service) for additional information on water service from AMWC.) Group Homes and Residential Care Facilities The Lanterman Development Disabilities Services Act declares that mentally and physically disabled persons are entitled to live in normal residential surroundings. A State -authorized, certified, or licensed family care home, foster home, or group home serving six or fewer disabled persons or dependent and neglected children on a 24 -hour -a -day basis is considered a residential use that is permitted in all residential zones. No local agency can impose stricter zoning or building and safety standards or require variances on these homes than those required for homes in the same zone. The City's Planning and Zoning Regulations accommodate housing for group living situations. Residential care facilities serving six or fewer residents (small) are permitted by right in residential zones. Residential care facilities serving more than six residents (large) are permitted by right in the RMF zone and conditionally permitted in the RS, RSF, and LSF zones. See the section below Housing for People with Disabilities, for additional discussion on housing for special needs. Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing State legislation SB 2 requires jurisdictions to permit emergency shelters without a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) or other discretionary permits, and transitional housing and supportive housing must be considered residential uses and must only be subject to the same restrictions that apply to the same housing types in the same zone. Transitional housing and emergency shelters are considered residential care facilities under Title 9. Both are permitted uses in all residential zones and are held to the same development standards as single family units, provided that six or fewer persons occupy the structure. Transitional housing or shelters that offer services to seven or more persons are permitted uses in the RS, RSF, and LSF with a Conditional Use Permit, but permitted by right in the RMF zone. Program 4.1-4 is proposed to identify sites for emergency shelters as required by State law. 5 City of Atascadero, Planning Commission/City Council meeting, June 16, 2009. Adoption Draft Page 62 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element BUILDING CODES AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS Building codes and site improvements can also increase the cost of developing housing, particularly affordable rental housing. The following examines the City's building codes and site improvement standards. Building Codes and Enforcement Atascadero implements the 2007 edition of the California Building Code and other model construction codes, with amendments adopted by the California Building Standards Commission. These model codes establish standards and require inspections at various stages of construction to ensure code compliance and minimum health and safety standards. Although these standards and the time required for inspections increase housing production costs and may impact the viability of rehabilitation of older properties, the codes are mandated for all jurisdictions in California. The City has also adopted an ordinance requiring fire sprinklers in all newly constructed residential units, adding to the cost of construction. The ordinance was instated for the protection of Atascadero residents because there are some locations in the City where emergency response times for fire personnel are over 10 minutes. Most residential sites in Atascadero are in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone. With the very hot summers in Atascadero and abundance of dry brush and native vegetation located in the residential zones, there is a high potential for fire. The installation of fire sprinklers adds approximately $2 per square foot to the cost of construction of single-family homes. The additional cost is likely to be passed along to the homebuyer as part of the final cost of the home or to renters in the form of a higher monthly rental price. The added cost does not pose a significant constraint to the construction of new units and second units. Aside from this ordinance, the City has not adopted local amendments to the model codes that increase housing costs (the Plumbing Code has been amended to address large -lot development with septic systems). Building inspectors are responsible for ensuring that proposed projects meet State and local codes. Site Improvements The City of Atascadero, along with other agencies, requires the installation of certain on- and off-site improvements to ensure the safety and livability of residential neighborhoods. On-site improvements typically include private or shared driveways, parking areas, drainage, sections of underground pipe, swales, ponding areas, and amenities such as landscaping, fencing, open space, and park facilities. Off-site improvements typically include: • Sections of roadway, medians, bridges, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes; • Sewage collection and treatment; • Water systems, including lines, storage tanks, and treatment plants (Atascadero Municipal Water Company); and • Public facilities for fire, school, and recreation. Adoption Draft Page 63 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element The costs of on- and off-site improvements, which average about $35.00 per square foot for single family residential construction and $28.00 per square foot for multi -family residential construction are usually passed along to the homebuyer as part of the final cost of the home. The on- and off-site improvement standards imposed by the City are typical for most communities and do not pose unusual constraints for housing development. Parking Standards The City's parking requirements are based upon unit type and size. As shown in Table V-38, parking requirements are typically two spaces per single-family residential unit. Multi -family residential units generally average 2.25 spaces per unit after accounting for guest parking. Tahla V_3R Parkinn Raniiiromonte Land Use Parking requirement Single-family dwellings(including mobilehomes 2 spaces per du, except 1/du on lots < 4,000 s.f. in area Second unit 1 covered space for each 1 bedroom unit 2 covered or uncovered for 2 or more bedrooms Multifamily dwellings (including condominiums and attached ownership dwellings) 1 bedroom unit: 1.5 spaces 2 bedroom unit: 2 spaces, each add. bedroom: .5 space Guest parking: 1 space per 5 units, or fraction thereof Skilled nursing facility 1 space per4 beds Group quarters 1 space per bedroom, plus 1 per eight beds The City has several exceptions for parking. Bicycle parking may substitute parking spaces in lots with 20 or more spaces. A bicycle rack providing for at least five bicycles at a ratio of one bicycle rack for each 20 spaces is allowed. For compact car spaces, lots with 20 or more spaces may substitute compact car spaces for up to 20 percent of the total number of spaces. For motorcycle parking, lots with 20 or more spaces may replace regular spaces with motorcycle spaces at a ratio of one motorcycle space for each 20 spaces. In certain situations, parking requirements may be reduced or waived. This includes some alternative parking arrangement options: Tandem Parking. Tandem parking permitted for single-family dwellings and individual mobilehomes upon meeting appropriate performance criteria. Parking Districts. Parking requirements may be modified within a parking district where adequate parking is provided within the limits of the district and the parking requirements of a new use are accommodated by the parking district. Shared Peak -Hour Parking. Where two or more uses have distinct and differing peak traffic usage periods the required number of parking spaces may be reduced through conditional use permit approval. On -Street Parking Adjustment. In the case that a new driveway eliminates on -street parking spaces, the requirement for off-street spaces may be adjusted. o Planning Commission Modification. The required parking standards may be modified through Conditional Use Permit approval by the Planning Commission. Adoption Draft Page 64 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element PERMIT PROCESSING AND FEES Development Fees The City charges various fees and assessments to cover the costs of processing permits and providing services. Impacts fees are also charged to cover the cost or providing municipal services or mitigating project impacts. These fees are summarized in Table V-39. The total amount of fees varies from project to project based on type, existing infrastructure, and the cost of mitigating environmental impacts. Atascadero does not control school and water impact fees. These services are managed by separate districts. Adoption Draft Page 65 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-39 Planning and Development Fees* Fee Category Fee Amount Service Fees (cost recovery) - Adopted September 8, 2006 Administrative CUP Review $605 pera lication Minor CUP Review $1,155 pera lication Major CUP Review $3,205 pera lication Variance Application $1,605 pera lication Development Agreement $7,500 deposit, plus additional fees staff charges, etc General Plan Amendment $5,735 pera lication PD Zone Chane $5,405 p r application Rezoning Ma or Text $2,865 pera lication Tentative Parcel Ma $2,865 pera lication Tentative Tract Map_$3,400 per map, plus $144 per lot over 15 lots Annexation $7,500 deposit, plus additional fees staff charges, etc Lot Line Adjustment Review $1,295 pera lication Lot Merger $910 perapplication Temporary Occupancy Review $345 pera plication (Residential) Planning Review/Approval of Building Permit Minor $70 per application Major $35 erapplication Affordable HousingUnit Fee Process $285 pera lication plus $190/unit and any plus legal costs Environmental Review Environmental Impact Report Review 10% of contract consultant amount of City staff review Capital Facilities Fees - Adopted June 30, 2007 SFR MFR Law Enforcement Facilities $574 $334 Fire Protection Facilities $950-$955 $516-$550 Fire Aerial Response Vehicle -- $242 Circulation System $5,597 $2,822 - $5,597 Storm Drainage Facilities $777 - $2,000 $314-$499 General Government Facilities $1,036 $1,036 Library Expansion Facilities $532 $323-$418 Public Meeting Facilities $1,084 $660-$852 Parkland $4,775 $2,906 - $3,754 Open Space Acquisition $1,660 $1,011 - $1,305 Sewer $573 plus admin fee of $5 plus $1210 extension fee Planning and development fees display current rates at the time of publication. Fees are subject to change at the discretion of the City Council. Please check with the City of Atascadero Community Development Department for a current fee schedule. Source: City ofAtascadero, 2009 City records provided examples of fees charged on new housing projects (see Table V-40). Fees collected by the City in the review and development process are limited to the City's costs for providing these services, and approximately 48 percent of development fees are imposed by agencies outside the City's control (i.e. school district impact fees and water connection fees). Adoption Draft Page 66 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-40 Development Fees for New Housinq Development Fee Category Single Family Unit MultkFamilly Unit Building fees $3,000 - $4,000 $4,500 - $5,000 Planning fees $400 $800 School District - Atascadero Unified School District $6,000 $4,000 Water Connection - Atascadero Mutual Water $19,600 $13,700 Company Impact Fees $16,900 - $18,200 $11,700 - $14,550 Miscellaneous $1,000 $2,000 Total $45,900 - $48,200 $34,700 - $38,100 1. Assumes a 2,000 square foot single family dwelling with the impact fee at $2.97 per square foot. 2. Assumes a 1,300 square foot multi -family unit with the impact fee at $2.97 per square foot. 3. Meter installation and connection fee rates are based on meter size. Meter installation fees start at $1,180.00 for 5/8" meter. Connection fees (system impact fees) range from $19,600.00 for 5/8" (residential) meter to $31,250.00.00 for a 1" meter. Connection fees for apartments, duplexes, and mobile homes are 70% of the fee charges for single- family residences. Source: City of Atascadero, 2009 Development fees make up approximately 16 to 20 percent of a home purchase price (see Table V-41). The City of Atascadero fees are comparable to those of surrounding communities. Table V-41 Proportion of Fee in Overall Development Cost for a Typical Residential Development Development Cost for a Typical Unit Single Family Multiple Family Total estimated fees $45,900 - $48,200/unit $34,700 - $38,100/unit Estimated sale rice/value $293,700 $195,000 Estimated proportion of fee cost to overall development cost/unit 16% 20% Inclusionary requirements and fees also add to housing development costs. In 2003, the City Council approved an Inclusionary Housing Policy for all developments requiring a legislative approval i.e. Zone Change or General Plan Amendment. The Policy requires an in -lieu fee of five percent of the construction valuation of the market rate unit within a project that does not provide 20 percent of the units as affordable. All inclusionary units shall be deed restricted for a period of 30 years. All residential projects under legislative approval are subject to the inclusionary requirement as follows: o Projects of 1-10 units: pay in -lieu fee or build units. o Projects of 11 or more units must build units or receive a Council approval to pay in - lieu fees. The Inclusionary Housing Policy requires that all affordable units in single family land use areas be designated for moderate -income households. The distribution of affordable units in multi -family and mixed-use commercial land use areas area: 20 percent very low-income, 37 percent low-income, and 43 percent moderate -income. Affordable units must be constructed at the same time as the market -rate units and affordable units must be physically distributed throughout the project site, rather than concentrated in one area. To ensure compliance with these requirements, a construction timeline detailing the development of affordable units and a site map must be approved by the City Council. Adoption Draft Page 67 November XX, 2010 Cihj ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element With City Council approval alternatives to on-site construction or payment of in -lieu fees for inclusionary units may be allowed, including: off-site construction, land dedication, or combinations of construction, fees, and land dedications. As an incentive to provide affordable units, all inclusionary units shall be treated as density bonus units that are not counted as part of the maximum density entitlement of a site. As an increasing number of inclusionary units move toward construction, the development community has raised concerns regarding the financing and resale of these units. In an attempt to mitigate some of these financing issues, the City Council approved an equity -sharing program for the moderate -income homes. The equity - sharing program calls for the home to eventually be re -sold at the fair market value, with the City receiving its share of the sales proceeds to re -invest in affordable housing. An Affordable Housing Funds Policy was adopted by the City in 2008 for allocation of Redevelopment Agency housing set-aside funds and City affordable housing in -lieu funds. The intent of the Policy is to guide both the Community Development Department and the Redevelopment Agency in evaluating projects and proposals that request financial assistance from the City's affordable housing in -lieu and Redevelopment set-aside funds. Fees deposited into the account may be used in the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of affordable housing. As of June 2009, the fund had a balance of $320,000. Permit Processing Housing production may be constrained by development review procedures, fees, and standards. Residential projects proposed in Atascadero may be subject to design, environmental review, zoning, subdivision and planned unit development review, use permit control, and building permit approval, which together can take up to 24 months for a single family or multi- family projects. Table V-42 displays the review authority required for various plaruzing decisions and permits. Table V-43 displays the typical timelines for approvals and permits for the City of Atascadero. Minor residential projects typically take from one to three months from submittal of the application through completion of the approval process. Larger residential projects can take six to twelve months. Permit processing is a time consuming and costly process, especially for integrated projects such as those involving elements of affordable housing and mixed-use. The City has proposed Programs 6.1-1 through 6.1-6 to continue to review and revise procedures to streamline the permitting process. Table V-42 Permit Processing Prnr mrii irAcz Adoption Draft Page 68 November XX, 2010 Role of Review Authorit Type of Decision Director or City Staff Planning Commission I City Council Zoning Review Administrative Decision Appeal Armeal Administrative Use Permit Decision A eaI Variance —Appeal Recommend Decision Appeal Zoning Map Amendment Recommend Recommend Decision Design Review Approval Decision Appeal Appeal Planned Development (Master Plan of Development required) Recommend Recommend Decision Condition Use Permit Recommend Decision Appeal Subdivision Maps Recommend Decision Appeal Adoption Draft Page 68 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Source: City of Atascadero, 2009 Table V-43 Timelines for Permit Procedures Type of Approval, Permit, or Review Typical Processing Time These time periods begin when a complete application is submitted and are extended when additional information is requested by the City. The timeframes below are target issuance date—when the applicant can expect a decision on their application. Zoning Review Administrative Concurrent with building permit Administrative Use Permit 1-3 months Variance 1-3 months Design Review Approval Concurrent with building permit Planned Development Review 6-12 months Condition Use Permit, minor 1-3 months Condition Use Permit, major 3-6 months Zoning Amendment 3-6 months General Plan Amendment 6-12 months Subdivision Maps 3-6 months aource: ury orHrascaaero, zuug Ministerial Review Planning review of ministerial projects, such as building permits, are reviewed concurrently with building, fire, and public works. The City offers pre -project meetings to discuss zoning compliance and building code requirements to ensure that the process is streamlined. Planning review of routine over the counter permits is limited to tree protection when trees exist on-site and are within the area of development. Design Review The Atascadero Appearance Review Manual was adopted by the City Council in 1987. The Manual includes direction regarding the relationship of buildings to the site, relationship of buildings and the site to the adjoining area, landscaping, building design, maintenance, and parking. The purpose of Appearance Review is to ensure that the architectural and general appearance of buildings and grounds are in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Appearance Review takes place at the staff, Planning Commission, and City Council level in conjunction with the building permit and planning processes. Projects do not go to the Planning Commission or City Council for design review only. Multi -family building permits are reviewed at the planning department staff level for form and massing, site design, and minor architectural details. Design review for master plan developments of 12 or more units is conducted by the Planning Commission. However, any parcels rezoned as a result of implementation of Programs 1.1-1 and 1.1-2 will not be subject to any discretionary actions for project approval. The Commission reviews proposed developments for form and massing, architectural detailing, pedestrian links, and integration with the existing neighborhood. Planned developments are initially reviewed by the Planning Commission and then by the City Council. The plans are Adoption Draft Page 69 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element reviewed for form and massing, architectural detailing, sense of community, integration with the existing neighborhood, and streetscaping elements. The Appearance Review process does not appear to have a significant effect on housing affordability. Staff will continue to provide educational materials and training for the Planning Commission and City Council regarding the function and scope of Appearance Review to ensure it is not inadvertently used to reduce housing units. Environmental Review Process/Precise Plan A considerable amount of larger -scale developments in the City occur through the use of Precise Plans or other applications that trigger environmental review. Precise plan approval is required when a development or use of land is listed in a particular zoning district as an allowable use and when it is determined by the Director that the project is not eligible for a categorical exemption pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21084 and the State EIR Guidelines. State regulations require environmental review of discretionary project proposals (e.g., subdivision maps, precise plans, use permits, etc.). The timeframes associated with environmental review are regulated by CEQA. In compliance with the Permit Streamlining Act, City staff ensures that non -legislative proposals are heard at the Planning Commission within 60 days of receipt of an application being deemed complete. Precise Plan applications are reviewed and approved by staff concurrently with the building permit review. HOUSING FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES California law requires jurisdictions to analyze potential and actual constraints on housing for persons with disabilities, demonstrate efforts to remove impediments, and include programs to accommodate housing designed for disabled persons. Review of the Municipal Code, permitting procedures, development standards, and building codes revealed the following findings: • The City enforces Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations that addresses access and adaptability of buildings to accommodate persons with disabilities. The City also requires compliance with the 1988 amendments to the Fair Housing Act, which requires a minimum percentage of dwelling units in new RMF housing projects to be fully accessible to the physically disabled. No additional accessibility standards above State and Federal law are required. • In downtown zones, where residential uses are limited to the upper floors, a handicapped accessible unit may be located on a first floor if a project is required to provide a unit in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, subject to development standards. Process for Reasonable Accommodation Accessibility improvements to existing structures, such as a ramp, are usually handled ministerially by City staff. The City implements reasonable accommodations through the enforcement of building codes. The City does not have a specific reasonable accommodation policy or ordinance. Table V-44 reviews zoning and land use policies, permitting practices, and building codes to ensure compliance with State and Federal fair housing laws for persons with Adoption Draft Page 70 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element disabilities. The City has proposed Programs 4.2-1 through 4.2-2 to ensure continued compliance with ADA standards and reasonable accommodation in residential development. Table V-44 Constraints on Housinq for Persons with Disabilities General Does the City have a process for persons with disabilities to The City allows for reasonable accommodation for persons with make requests for reasonable accommodation? disabilities in the enforcement of building codes and issuance of building permits. But, the City has not specifically adopted a reasonable accommodation policy or ordinance. Program 4.2-2 is proposed to address this policy issue. Has the City made efforts to remove constraints on housing for There are no special permits or requirements for homes or persons with disabilities? development for disabled persons in zones where the use would be otherwise permitted. In most cases, these developments are permitted use. Does the City assist in meeting identified needs? The City applies Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to accessibility upgrades. The San Luis Obispo Housing Authority recently completed a 19 -unit retirement hotel, which contained ADA compliant units. Zoning and Land Use Has the City reviewed all its zoning laws, policies, and practices Yes, the City has reviewed the land use regulations and for compliance with fair housing law?practices to ensure compliance with fair housing laws. Are residential parking standards for persons with disabilities Section 9-4.114 of the Planning and Zoning Regulations (Off - different from other parking standards? Does the City have a street parking required) mandates the provision of disabled policy or program for the reduction of parking requirements for parking spaces in accordance with California Building Code special needs housing if a proponent can demonstrate a (part 2 of Title 24) Chapter 11. The parking requirements also reduced parking need? allow flexibility if an applicant can demonstrate a lower parking need. Does the locality restrict the siting of group homes? No What zones allow group homes other than those allowed by Group homes (referred to as residential care facilities in the State law? Are group home over six persons allowed? Planning and Zoning Regulations) of six or less individuals are allowed by right in all residential districts. They are allowed in the Public (P) zone with a Conditional Use Permit. Facilities with greater than 6 persons are permitted, by right, in the Residential Multiple Family (RMF) zone and in the single-family residential zones [Residential Suburban (RS), Residential Single Family (RSF), Limited Single Family (LSF)] and the P zone with a Conditional Use Permit. Does the City have occupancy standards in the zoning code that No apply specifically to unrelated adults and not to families? Does the land use element regulate the siting of special needs No, there is no minimum distance required between two or more housing in relationship to one another? special needs housing. Permits and Processing How does the City process a request to retrofit homes for Atascadero allows residential retrofitting to increase the accessibility? suitability of homes for people with disabilities in compliance with ADA requirements, as permitted in the 2007 California Building Code. Does the City allow groups homes with six or fewer persons by Yes right in single-family zones? Does the City have a set of particular conditions or use Group homes (or residential care facilities) with greater than six restrictions for group homes with greater than six persons? persons are permitted, by right, in the RMF zone and in the single-family residential zones (RS, RSF, LSF) and the P zone with a Conditional Use Permit. They are subject design review and are required to be incompliance with the same parking and site coverage requirements as multi -family uses. What kind of community input does the City allow for the Group homes (or residential care facilities) with greater than 6 approval of group homes? persons are permitted, by right, in the RMF zone. No other planning approval is required in the RMF zone other than to ensure that the development conforms to the standards of the Development Code. In the single-family residential zones (RS, RSF, LSF) and the P zone a Conditional Use Permit is required. The Conditional Use Permit provides the public with an Adoption Draft Page 71 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element ENERGY CONSERVATION Planning to maximize energy efficiency and the incorporation of energy conservation and green building features contributes to reduced housing costs. Energy efficient design for sustainable communities reduces dependence on automobiles. Additionally, maximizing energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions. In response to recent legislation on global climate change, local governments are required to implement measures that cut greenhouse gas emissions attributable to land use decisions (see discussion on Global Climate Change below). The Housing Element programs can support energy efficiency that benefits the market, the environment, and the long-term health of the community by: • Establishing a more compact urban core, bringing residents close to work and services, therefore reducing automobile trips and reducing emissions; • Implementing passive solar construction techniques that require solar orientation, thermal massing, and other energy efficient design standards; and • Encouraging the use of solar water heating and photovoltaics. Executive Order S -E-05 initiated the first steps in establishing greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in California. This was followed by the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), which required the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish reduction measures. There are several areas where programs for energy conservation in new and existing housing units are supported by the City: • Through application of State residential building standards that establish energy performance criteria for new residential buildings (Title 24 of the California Administrative Code). These regulations establish insulation, window glazing, air conditioning, and water heating system requirements. The City also instituted the City Council adopted Energy Conservation Initiative in 2001. • Through appropriate land use policies and development standards that reduce energy consumption. The City of Atascadero's General Plan is based on the Smart Growth Adoption Draft Page 72 November XX, 2010 opportunity to review the project and express their concerns in a public hearing. Does the City have particular conditions for group homes that No, the City does not have special standards for group homes will be providing services on site? regarding services oroperation. Building Codes Has the locality adopted the Uniform Building Code? Atascadero has adopted the 2007 Califomia Building Code, which incorporated the 2006 International Building Code. No amendments have been made that affect the ability to accommodate persons with disabilities. Has the City adopted any universal design element into the No, the City has no adopted universal design standards at this code? time. Does the City provide reasonable accommodation for persons Atascadero allows for reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities in the enforcement of building codes and the with disabilities in the enforcement of building codes and issuance of building permits? issuance of building permits. It does not have a specific reasonable accommodation ordinance. Program 4.2-2 is ro osed to address this otic issue. ENERGY CONSERVATION Planning to maximize energy efficiency and the incorporation of energy conservation and green building features contributes to reduced housing costs. Energy efficient design for sustainable communities reduces dependence on automobiles. Additionally, maximizing energy efficiency reduces greenhouse gas emissions. In response to recent legislation on global climate change, local governments are required to implement measures that cut greenhouse gas emissions attributable to land use decisions (see discussion on Global Climate Change below). The Housing Element programs can support energy efficiency that benefits the market, the environment, and the long-term health of the community by: • Establishing a more compact urban core, bringing residents close to work and services, therefore reducing automobile trips and reducing emissions; • Implementing passive solar construction techniques that require solar orientation, thermal massing, and other energy efficient design standards; and • Encouraging the use of solar water heating and photovoltaics. Executive Order S -E-05 initiated the first steps in establishing greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in California. This was followed by the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), which required the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish reduction measures. There are several areas where programs for energy conservation in new and existing housing units are supported by the City: • Through application of State residential building standards that establish energy performance criteria for new residential buildings (Title 24 of the California Administrative Code). These regulations establish insulation, window glazing, air conditioning, and water heating system requirements. The City also instituted the City Council adopted Energy Conservation Initiative in 2001. • Through appropriate land use policies and development standards that reduce energy consumption. The City of Atascadero's General Plan is based on the Smart Growth Adoption Draft Page 72 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Principles of encouraging infill and reuse of existing land and infrastructure. The Land Use, Open Space, and Conservation Element include goals to preserve a greenbelt around the City, encourage mixed use infill development, revitalize of the Downtown Core, and encourage compact development with a pedestrian scale and trails. • Through the implementation of the City Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program and County Neighborhood Preservation Program; which often includes attic and exterior wall insulation, door and window repair or replacement, weather stripping and caulking, duct insulation, and water heater blankets in rehabilitation projects. • Through the implementation of AB 811 by providing an assessment district for homeowners wishing to install solar panels. The program allows the homeowner to spread the cost of the photovoltaic system out over a number of years on their annual tax bill, thus reducing the upfront cost. • City environmental review may also require measures to reduce energy consumption. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) provides a variety of energy conservation services for residents and provides several other energy assistance programs for lower income households. These programs include their Energy Watch Partnerships and the Charitable Contributions Program. The Energy Watch Partnerships help residents lower their energy bills and promote cleaner energy production. Through this program, PG&E has extended the reach of effectiveness of energy efficiency programs, and provided information about demand responses programs, renewable energy and self -generations opportunities. The Charitable Contributions Program provides millions of dollars each year to non-profit organizations to support environmental and energy sustainability. Projects include residential and community solar energy distribution projects, public education projects, and energy efficiency programs. The goal is to ensure that 75 percent of the funding assist underserved communities, which includes low-income households, people with disabilities, and seniors. PG&E also offers rebates for energy efficient home appliances and remodeling. Rebates are available for cooling and heating equipment, lighting, seasonal appliances, and remodeling (cool roofs, insulation, water heaters). These opportunities are available to all income levels and housing types. Energy Consumption Residential water heating and HVAC systems are major sources of energy consumption. With the application of energy efficient design and the use of solar power systems, home heating and cooling can be operated in a more efficient and sustainable manner. Active Systems use mechanical equipment to collect and transport heat, such as a roof plate By encouraging solar energy technology for residential collector system used in solar water and space heaters. heating/cooling in both retrofits and new construction, passive Systems use certain types of building the City can play a major role in energy conservatio materials to absorb solar energy and can transmit that energy later, without Adoption Draft Page 73 November XX, 2010 Gty of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element There are two distinct approaches to solar heating: active and passive. The best method to encourage use of solar systems for heating and cooling is to not restrict their use in the zoning and building ordinances and to require subdivision layouts that facilitate solar use. Residential water heating can be made more energy efficient through the application of solar water heating technologies. Solar water heating relies on the sun to heat water, which is then stored for later use. A conventional water heater is needed only as a back-up. By cutting the amount of natural gas needed to heat water by 50 to 75 percent per building, solar water heating systems can lower energy bills and reduce green house gas emissions significantly. The City has the opportunity to implement solar technologies with the help of recent legislation. The Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007 (AB 1470) has created a $250 million, ten-year program to provide consumer rebates for solar water heating systems. The City has actively promoted solar technology by implementing AB 811. The City is considering an assessment district for homebuyers wishing to install solar panels. This will allow homeowners to spread the cost of the photovoltaic system out over a number of years on their annually tax bill, thus reducing the upfront cost. Global Climate Change There are significant areas where Atascadero can do more to encourage energy conservation in new and existing residential development to reduce the demand on energy. There are a variety of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies that can be integrated into land use decisions related to housing. Table V-45 lists strategies to address energy conservation and global climate change, developed by the California Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Action Team. As an active member of Local Governments for Sustainability, Atascadero is also participating in an effort to inventory and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through these and other conservation measures, the City seeks to help minimize the percentage of household income required for energy costs as well as minimize the production of greenhouse gases. Programs have been included to incorporate newly adopted State energy efficiency standards and to encourage alternative energy efficient technologies. Adoption Draft Page 74 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Tahle V-45 StrntPnIPS trl Artr4racs PnPrny r rincanin4inn nnr4 (,Inhnl r lim fn r'hn.,.,o Action Team Project Design/Mitigationto Comply Housing Element Strategy with Strategy Building Energy Efficiency Standards in Residential development projects have Ensure all new development is in Place and in Progress: Public Resources the potential to achieve a greater compliance with CEC energy efficiency Code 25402 authorizes the reduction in combined space heating, requirements as they are updated. CEC to adopt and periodically update its cooling and water heating energy building energy efficiency standards (that compared to the current Title 24 apply to newly constructed buildings and Standards. additions to and alterations to existing buildings) Smart Land Use: Smart land use Specific strategies include: Encourage compact residential strategies encourage jobs/housing Promoting jobs/housing proximity and development. proximity, promote transit -oriented transit oriented development development, and encourage high- Encouraging high-density density residential/commercial reside ntiaVcommercial development development along transit corridors. along transit/rail corridor. Green Buildings Initiative: Residential development projects could The City has made some efforts towards Green Building Executive Order, S-20-04 increase energy efficiency percentage encouraging green building. In 2006 the (CA 2004), sets a goal of reducing energy beyond Title 24 requirements. In addition, City signed a Memorandum of use in public and private buildings by 20 the project could implement other green Understanding with SLO Greenbuild. In percent by the year 2015, as compared building design (i.e., natural daylighting 2007 the City Hall permit counter installed with 2003 levels. and on-site renewable, electricity a kiosk with SLO Greenbuild information generation). and information on environmentally friendly construction methods and materials. California Solar Initiative: If feasible, the project could install The City could access the incentives that Installation of 1 million solar roofs or an photovoltaic cells or other solar options. will be made available and provide equivalent 3,000 MW by 2017 on homes information to developers, to encourage and businesses; increased use of solar the installation of solar roofs on new thermal systems to offset the increasing residential development. demand for natural gas; use of advanced metering in solar applications; and The City has actively promoted solar creation of a funding source that can technology by implementing AB 811. provide rebates over 10 years through a declining incentive schedule. ., vamv uq --uml,arnei rwiecuun Hyency, uiimare ,vcoon i eam, zuvi 2. Non -Governmental Constraints The availability and cost of housing is strongly influenced by market factors over which local government has little or no control. State law requires that the housing element contain a general assessment of these constraints, which can serve as the basis for actions that local governments might take to offset their effects. The primary non-governmental constraints to the development of new housing are land, construction costs, and environmental constraints. LAND AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS The cost and availability of capital financing affect the overall cost of housing in two ways: first, when the developer uses capital for initial site preparation and construction and, second, when the homebuyer uses capital to purchase housing. The capital used by the developer is borrowed for the short-term at commercial rates, which are considerably higher than standard mortgage rates. Construction financing is sometimes difficult to obtain for multifamily construction, which poses a significant constraint on the production of affordable housing in Atascadero. Adoption Draft Page 75 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Land costs include acquisition and the cost of holding land throughout the development process. These costs can account for as much as half of the final sales prices of new homes in small developments or in areas where land is scarce. Land costs in single-family residential neighborhoods of Atascadero range from $125,000 to $570,000 per acre.6 Among the variables affecting the cost of land are the size of lots, location and amenities, the availability and proximity of public services, and the financing arrangement between the buyer and seller. Construction costs vary widely depending on the type, size, and amenities of the development. According to local construction company sources, construction costs for typical single-family residential buildings range from approximately $80 to $175 per square foot. ENVIRONMENTAL AND PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS The following potential physical and environmental constraints may affect development regulated by the City by limiting the development potential and/or adding mitigation costs to a project: Environmental Constraints Several special status species are known to occur in Atascadero, including: dwarf calycadenia, Douglas' spineflower, Hardham's evening -primrose, Jared's pepper -grass, Kellogg's horkelia, Oval -leaved snapdragon., rayless aphanactis, round -leaved filaree, Salinas milk vetch, Salinas valley goldfields, shining navarretia, and straight -awned spineflower. The City also protects unique vegetation communities that support sensitive species, including wetlands. Wetland habitat types are considered a vegetation community of special concern by the CDFG because of substantial statewide losses. The presence of special -status species and plant communities of special concern may affect development regulated by the City by limiting the development potential and/or adding mitigation costs. The grasslands, riparian habitats, and tracts of undeveloped land provide habitat for a diverse selection of resident and migrant wildlife. Eighteen special status bird and mammal species are known to occur in Atascadero. Barriers to wildlife movement and migration and the removal of raptor nesting sites are to be avoided in future development. The occurrence of any of these species on a site could pose constraints to a housing project. Preservation of natural flora and fauna is a basic community goal and native trees are valued community assets. The City has established regulations for the installation, maintenance, planting, preservation, protection, and selected removal of native trees within the City limits through the adoption of the Native Tree Ordinance. A tree removal permit is required for the removal of native trees (as defined by Chapter 11, Native Tree Regulations) and for pruning of the live canopy in native trees in excess of 25 percent of the existing canopy area. In addition, for each residential building permit issued, the planting of one five -gallon native tree is required. The mitigation requirements may become cumbersome for high-density projects, as G A review of realtor websites in June 2009 provided 13 vacant lots for sale within the City. Land costs were estimated from this sample. Adoption Draft Page 76 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element tree replacement may be required on-site that is at the sole expense of the applicant. However, native and drought tolerant landscaping may be used to meet landscape requirements and does not specifically add costs above standard Zoning Ordinance landscaping requirements. Physical Constraints Several physical constraints may occur in the City. Parcels with steep slopes may have constraints associated with landslide hazards, grading costs, and access requirements. Landslides are relatively rare in the developed portions of the City, as compared to in the hilly, undeveloped areas. Stationary noise sources near potential sites for development may pose constraints. For example, traffic on U.S. Route 101 exceeds acceptable noise levels. Housing may be limited within 500 feet of U.S. Route 101 under CEQA, due to the health hazards of siting sensitive uses near urban roads with over 100,000 vehicles per day unless appropriate mitigation can be identified and implemented. Operational noise sources near potential sites for development may pose constraints as well; such as the Southern Pacific railroad tracks that run north -south through the eastern portion of the City. Residential uses adjacent to the railroad tracks have the potential to be exposed to noise that exceed acceptable noise levels, although noise incidences are temporary (dependent on railroad operation). In addition, low- lying areas of the City may be subject to flooding during a 100 -year storm (See Figure IV -1 in the Safety and Noise Element of the General Plan). Adoption Draft Page 77 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housine Element H. Housing Element Goals, Policies, and Programs The following goals, policies, and programs have been established to address housing issues in Atascadero and to meet State law housing requirements. Programs generally include a statement of specific City action(s) necessary to implement a policy or goal and identify the City department or other agency responsible for implementation, the quantified objectives (where applicable), and a timeframe for completion. Goal HOS 1: Promote diverse and high quality housing opportunities to meet the needs of all segments of the community. Policy 1.1: Encourage new housing, including mixed-use projects in commercial land use areas, to meet the needs of all household types in the City. .Programs: 1. To comply with State law requirements (Government Code Section 65583(c)(1) (A) and 65583(c)(1) (B), the City must meet the unaccommodated need from the previous planning period (2001-2006). This requirement is in addition to the requirement to identify sites to accommodate the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the new planning period (2007-2014) (see Program 1.1-2). The jurisdiction may not count capacity on the same sites for both planning periods. To address the 2001 - 2006 RHNA, the City shall amend the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance, as necessary, to provide adequate sites for 505 very low and low- income units at a minimum of 20 dwelling units per acre "by right' (without a Conditional Use Permit or other discretionary action) on certain sites or in certain zones. At least half (50 percent) of these sites shall be zoned for residential uses only. The sites rezoned must be able to accommodate a minimum of 16 units per site. To facilitate housing production, the City will focus on sites from 1 to 5 acres in size. Currently, a specific plan is required on sites that will be developed with 100 or more housing units. The parcels rezoned as a result of this program will not be subject to this requirement. The applications can be subject to design review as long as the project does not trigger the CEQA review process. Adjacent uses and densities and the availability of services and transit should be considered when evaluating sites for higher density housing. A list of potential vacant sites for rezoning from 16 units per acre to a minimum of 20 units per acre is included in Appendix III. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: At the time of Housing Element adoption (anticipated in December 2010). Quantified Objective: 505 units (Programs 1 and 2 total 651 units) 2. In order to meet State law requirements (Government Code Sections 65583(c)(1) (A) and 65583(c)(1) (B)) to address the 2007 — 2017 RHNA, the City shall amend the Adoption Draft Page 78 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance, as necessary, to provide adequate sites for 146 very low and low-income units at a minimum of 20 dwelling units per acre "by right" (without a Conditional Use Permit or other discretionary action) on certain sites or in certain zones. At least half (50 percent) of these sites shall be zoned for residential uses only. The sites rezoned must be able to accommodate a minimum of 16 units per site. To facilitate housing production, the City will focus on sites from 1 to 5 acres in size. Currently, a specific plan is required on sites that wil be developed with 100 or more housing units. The parcels rezoned as a result of this program will not be subject to this requirement. The applications can be subject to design review as long as the project does not trigger the CEQA review process. Adjacent uses and densities and the availability of services and transit should be considered when evaluating sites for higher density housing. A list of potential vacant sites for rezoning from 16 units per acre to a minimum of 20 units per acre is included in Appendix III. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Within three years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: 146 units (Programs 1 and 2 total 651 units) 3. Continue street and infrastructure improvement projects to benefit existing high density residential areas. Funding Source: General Fund, Redevelopment Agency, Public Works Department Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 4. Continue to require the use of specific plans for residential projects of 100 or more units. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 5. Continue to allow manufactured housing and group housing in accordance with State law. In order be in compliance with State law (Government Health and Safety Code Section 18500), the City should clarify that the terms "mobilehome" and "manufactured home" are essentially the same. Manufactured housing placed on a permanent foundation should be considered a single-family dwelling and permitted in all zones that allow single-family housing. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Within two years of adoption of the Housing Element Adoption Draft Page 79 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Quantified Objective: 20 units 6. Support the extension and expansion of sewer service for the Eagle Ranch annexation area by allocating the funding necessary. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council, Public Works Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: 100 affordable units Continue to allow mixed residential and commercial development and promote second- and third -story residential development in the City's downtown zoning districts. Taking into account market conditions and development costs, the City will provide, when possible, developer incentives such as expedited permit processing and fee deferrals for units that are affordable to lower income households. The City will publicize these incentives on the City's website (www.atascadero.org) within one week of a confirmed decision to make them available in a timely fashion. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: 20 units 8. Adopt a Rural Residential Zone in the Zoning Ordinance consistent with its designation on the Zoning Map and standards that distinguish it from the Residential Suburban zone (to facilitate the development of a variety of housing types). Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Within three years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: n/a 9. Continue to encourage, where suitable, Planned Unit Development (PD) Overlay Zones, particularly the PD -25 zone of small lot subdivisions, for higher density attached or row -house style housing in the RMF -10 and RMF -16 zoning districts. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: 75 units 10. Adopt an affordable housing density bonus ordinance that establishes procedures for obtaining and monitoring density bonuses in compliance with State law. Following adoption the City shall regularly update the ordinance to be in compliance with Government Code §65915 and develop an outreach program to ensure its successful implementation. The City should consider exceeding State requirements if projects meet City housing goals, such as compact high density housing, architectural quality, or green building. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Adoption Draft Page 80 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Commission, City Council Timeframe: Ordinance adoption — within two years of Housing Element adoption; updating ordinance for compliance with State law - ongoing Quantified Objective: 25 units 11. Update feasibility analysis of inclusionary housing policy to reflect current market conditions. As part of the feasibility study explore options to streamline and clarify the various options available to a developer. The City will also evaluate impacts to market rate housing related to current market conditions, project applications, estimated affordable housing requirements, fee collection, and actual construction of affordable housing units. If the policy presents an obstacle to the development of the City's fair share of regional housing needs, the City will revise the policy accordingly. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Within one year of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: n/a 12. Adopt an inclusionary housing ordinance that requires residential and commercial developments to provide deed -restricted, affordable units or an in -lieu fee. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Within two years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: 70 units 13. To encourage the development of second units, the City will evaluate the development standards and update the Zoning Ordinance for second units (secondary residential units). For example, the City will explore incentives such as reducing fees and eliminating the covered parking requirement for a secondary residential unit. The City will also work with Atascadero Mutual Water Company to investigate the possibility of reductions to water connection fees for second units and consider an amnesty program that would reduce or eliminate fees for unpermitted second units. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Public Works Department, City Council Timeframe: Within one three years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: 40 units 14. Continue to maintain Chapter 12 of the Zoning Ordinance (Condo Conversion Ordinance) in order to reduce the impacts of condo conversions on lower cost rental housing. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objectives: n/a Adoption Draft Page 81 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element 15. Adopt an ordinance to allow vertical multi -family residential on the second floor in General Commercial land use designations with a Conditional Use Permit and horizontal mixed-use subject to a PD and General Plan Amendment Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, City Council Timeframe: Within three years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objectives: n/a 16. Continue to work with non-profit agencies, such as the County Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity, the San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund and Peoples' Self -Help Housing, to preserve existing affordable housing and to pursue funding for new units for extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate -income families. Funding Source: General Fund, CDBG, Tax Credits Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: 50 units 17. Continue to encourage developers to work with agencies such as the California Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to obtain loans for development of new multifamily rental housing for low income households. This will be accomplished by working with appropriate non-profit organizations, such as People's Self Help Housing and the San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund to identify opportunities. Specifically, the City will: • Contact potential affordable housing developers. • Identify funding opportunities and pursue financing. • Assist in preparing applications for funds. • Provide regulatory concessions and incentives, as necessary, to encourage and facilitate the construction of affordable housing. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 18. Continue to contract with the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority for administration of the Section 8 housing voucher program. The City utilizes this relationship for program implementation and income verifications, and will apply for additional Section 8 vouchers, as appropriate. Funding Source: HUD Section 8 Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, City Council, Housing Authority Timeframe: Ongoing, when eligible Quantified Objective: n/a 19. Amend the Zoning Ordinance to establish minimum required densities in the medium and high density residential zones to preserve the limited supply of multi -family zoned land for multi -family uses. Adoption Draft Page 82 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Within three years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: n/a 20. Amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow a waiver of the two story height limit in the RMF Zone through the Minor Use Permit process. This option applies to projects that are not using the Planned Development option. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Within one year of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: n/a Goal HOS 2: Protect and conserve the existing housing stock and neighborhoods. Policy 2.1: Encourage conservation and preservation of neighborhoods and sound housing. .Programs: 1. As new projects, code enforcement actions, and other opportunities arise, the City will investigate ways to meet its housing needs through rehabilitation and preservation of existing units (see also Program 4.3.3 for potential rehabilitation funding). Utilize code enforcement to identify housing maintenance issues and expedite rehabilitation of substandard and deteriorating housing by offering technical assistance to homeowners and occupants. Funding Source: General Fund, Redevelopment Agency, CDBG Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Public Works Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: 30 units 2. Continue to participate in federal grant programs, such as Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), to obtain loans and/or grants for housing rehabilitation. Apply an appropriate amount of the City's annual share of CDBG funds toward rehabilitation of existing housing units. Funding Source: CDBG Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: 25 units 3. Continue to maintain the sliding density scale for sloped lots in the Zoning Ordinance. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Adoption Draft Page 83 November XX, 2010 Cihj ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Quantified Objective: n/a 4. Allocate funds in the RDA housing set aside to rehabilitate existing housing stock within Redevelopment Project Areas with special emphasis on the Downtown Commercial zone. Funding Source: Redevelopment Agency Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Within a year of housing element adoption Quantified Objective: 40 units 5. The City shall continue to monitor the status of subsidized affordable projects, rental projects, and mobile homes in the City and provide technical and financial assistance, when possible, to ensure long-term affordability. This will involve contacting owner/operators of subsided projects annually to determine the status of the units and their potential to convert to market -rate. If projects are at -risk, the City will maintain contact with local organizations and housing providers who may have an interest in acquiring at -risk units, and, when feasible, keep track of and apply for funding opportunities to preserve at -risk units, and assist other organizations in applying for funding to acquire at -risk units. Funding Source: General Fund Responsibility: Community Development Department Timeframe: Contact owners/operators annually and ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a Policy 2.2 Encourage conservation and preservation of houses that have historical and architectural significance. .Programs: 1. Continue to implement the Historic Site (HS) overlay zone to help preserve and protect historic Colony homes. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 2. Continue to maintain a GIS based map of historic buildings and sites. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a Goal HOS 3: Encourage energy conservation and sustainable building measures in new and existing homes. Policy 3.1: Continue to make residents aware of available energy saving techniques and public utility rebates. Adoption Draft Page 84 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element .Programs: 1. Promote environmentally sustainable building practices that provide cost savings to homeowners and developers. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 2. Make available in the Community Development Department brochures from PG&E and others that detail energy conservation measures for new and existing buildings. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 3. Continue to strictly enforce the State energy standards of Title 24. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 4. Continue to implement AB 811 by providing an assessment district for homeowners wishing to install energy efficiency improvements. This will allow the homeowners to spread the cost of the photovoltaic systems out over a number of years on their annual tax bill, thus reducing the upfront cost. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a Goal HOS 4: Ensure equal access to sound, affordable housing for all persons regardless of race, religion, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, or disability. Policy 4.1: Support equal housing opportunities and enforcement of State and federal anti -discrimination laws. .Programs: 1. Cooperate with non-profit groups and local religious organizations to allow the temporary use of churches as homeless shelters. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 2. Continue to support local motel voucher programs for temporarily displaced and extremely low-income persons. The motel voucher program is funded through the City's CDBG funding. Motel vouchers are available to aid residents experiencing Adoption Draft Page 85 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element emergency situations, such as a house fire, in finding temporary housing. The City works with non-profit organizations (such as Loaves and Fishes) to aid the residents in need and provide technical support for the motel voucher program. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 3. Continue to allow group housing (residential care facilities) in accordance with State law. Additionally, the City will update the zoning regulations to clarify that both small (6 or fewer) and large (7 or more) residential care facilities are permitted by right in the Residential Multi Family (RMF) zone. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 4. Amend Zoning Ordinance to comply with SB 2, permitting emergency shelters without a conditional use permit or other discretionary permits in the Commercial Service (CS), Commercial Park (CPK), Public (P) zoning districts, or other appropriate zones or sites. These three zoning districts have sufficient capacity to house emergency shelters with over 74 acres available. The Zoning Ordinance can include locational and operational criteria for homeless shelters such as: Hours of operation; Provisions for operations and management; and Compliance with County and State health and safety requirements for food, medical, and other supportive services provided on-site. Such criteria should encourage and facilitate homeless shelters and transitional housing through clear and unambiguous guidelines for the application review process, and the basis for approval. In addition, the City will amend the zoning ordinance to define transitional and supportive housing as a residential use subject to the same standards that apply to other residential uses. The City will solicit input from local service providers (e.g., EI Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO)) in the preparation and adoption of the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to ensure that development standards and permit processing will not impede the approval and/or development of emergency and transitional housing. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Within one year of housing element adoption Quantified Objective: n/a Policy 4.2: Ensure that persons with disabilities have adequate access to housing. .Programs.: 1. Continue to ensure full compliance with the California Disability Guidelines and enforce the complementary provisions of the Uniform Building Code. The Zoning Adoption Draft Page 86 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Ordinance will be evaluated on an ongoing basis and amended as necessary, to ensure ADA compliance and remove governmental constraints on the production of housing for persons with disabilities. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a Pursuant to the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and the requirements of Chapter 671, Statues of 2001 (Senate Bill 520), the City will establish a policy or ordinance to provide reasonable accommodations (i.e. modifications or exceptions) in their zoning laws and other land use regulations and practices when such accommodations may be necessary to afford disabled persons equal access to housing. The purpose of the reasonable accommodation ordinance or policy is to remove constraints to the development, improvement and maintenance of housing for persons with disabilities. The City will promote its reasonable accommodations procedures on its web site and with handouts at City Hall. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: December 2011 Quantified Objective: n/a Policy 4.3: Leverage redevelopment set-aside funds with other State and Federal loans and grants, to assist in providing affordable housing, preserving existing housing, and rehabilitating unsound housing structures. (This policy assumes that housing set aside funds are not affected by State budget take aways.) .Programs: 1. Consider developing a first-time homebuyers program to enable lower-income households (up to 80 percent of AMI) to purchase their first homes. Assistance could be provided in the form of a loan secured by a deed of trust. Funding Source: Redevelopment Agency Set -Aside Funds Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Within three years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: 5 units 2. Leverage redevelopment housing set aside funds and partner with developers on projects funded with HOME funds, tax credits, and other financial assistance programs for construction of houses affordable to lower-income households. Financial assistance to developers could include payment of impact fees and write down of land costs. Funding Source: Redevelopment Agency Set -Aside Funds Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: 40 units Adoption Draft Page 87 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element 3. Consider establishing a housing rehabilitation program that provides loans and rebates to income -qualified households to correct Health and Safety Code violations and make essential repairs and retrofits. The maximum loan limit could be $20,000 with 0% interest and could be limited to lower-income households (<80 percent AMI). Eligible home improvements could include structural systems, plumbing systems, weather proofing, and exterior repainting. The City would develop an outreach program to advertise to City residents that the program is available. Funding Source: Redevelopment Agency Set -Aside Funds Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Within three years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: 75 units 4. Continue to use the Affordable Housing Participation Checklist and corresponding ranking system to evaluate and prioritize affordable housing developers and projects in the City. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 5. Establish a program to assist building owners in converting upper floor residential space in the downtown to deed restricted extremely low-, very low- and low-income units. Funding Source: Redevelopment Agency Set -Aside Funds and In -lieu Fees Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Within three years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: 10 units 6. Work with nonprofits and identify funding to address the housing needs of extremely low-income households and totally and permanently disabled persons. Funding Source: Redevelopment Agency Set -Aside Funds and other funding sources, as appropriate Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency Timeframe: Identify funding sources annually Quantified Objective: 5 units Goal HOS 5: Decrease non-governmental constraints on housing production. Adoption Draft Page 88 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Policy 5.1: Encourage interplay between lending institutions, the real estate and development community, and the City to better understand and address non- governmental constraints and facilitate production of affordable housing. .Program.: 1. Continue to facilitate understanding of the impacts of economic issues, employment, and growth on housing needs among financial, real estate, and development professionals in formalized settings, such as the Economic Round Table. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Redevelopment Agency, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 2. Continue to work with development community to identify and mitigate any constraints on access to financing for multi -family development. The City will conduct regular stakeholder meetings with members of the development community including representatives from local non-profit housing organizations, developers, and real estate brokers to solicit feedback. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a Policy 5.2: Help lower development costs where feasible, especially for low- and moderate -income housing units. .Programs.: 1. Continue to monitor and evaluate development standards and advances in housing construction methods. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 2. Continue to track the affordability of housing projects and progress toward meeting regional housing needs. Reports should be provided semi-annually to the Planning Commission and annually to the City Council and the California Department of Housing and Community Development_ Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a Goal HOS 6: Decrease governmental constraints on housing production. Adoption Draft Page 89 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Policy 6.1: Review projects in as timely a manner as possible, while maintaining adequate public involvement and fulfilling the appropriate requirements of State and local laws. .Programs.: 1. Continue to consolidate all actions relating to a specific project on the same Council or Commission agenda. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 2. Continue to review minor modifications through an adjustment procedure and more substantial changes through a conditional use permit. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 3. Continue to review and revise local review procedures to streamline the process. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 4. Continue to maintain pre -approved stock development plans to streamline the plan check process. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 5. Provide pre -application technical assistance to affordable housing providers to determine project feasibility and address zoning compliance issues in the most cost- effective and expeditious manner possible. Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 6. Provide, when possible, developer incentives such as expedited permit processing and fee deferrals for units that are affordable to lower income households. Atascadero will promote these incentives to developers on the City's website (hftp://www.atascadero.org) and during the application process. Adoption Draft Page 90 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Ongoing Quantified Objective: n/a 7. The City shall establish policies, standards, and procedures that encourage and facilitate the development of single -room occupancy units (SROs). Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Timeframe: Within two years of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: n/a 8. The City shall review impact fees and the capital facility fee schedule to reduce fees and barriers to housing development, particularly affordable units. (See also Program 4.3-2 for the potential use of Redevelopment Agency Set -Aside Funds for fee waivers.) Funding Source: General Fund Responsible Agency: Community Development Department, Public Works Department, Planning Commission, City Council Timeframe: Within one year of Housing Element adoption Quantified Objective: n/a Adoption Draft Page 91 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element _Table V46 Summary of Quantified Obiectives. 2007-2014 -Program _Objective _Income Level _Extremely Low _Very tow Low Moderate Total _New Construction 1.1-1 Adequate sites: 2001-2006 _10 _164 _331 _0 _505 _1.1-2 Adequate sites: 2007-2014 _10 _90 _46 _0 _146 _1.1-5 _Mobile and group homes _5 _0 _15 _0 20 -1.1-6 _Expand sewer service _0 -15 _35 _50 _100 _1.1-7 2nd & 3rd story units downtown 2 _3 _5 _10 20 -1.1-9 _Encourage higher density _0 _0 25 _50 _75 _1.1-10 _Density bonus _0 _5 _10 _10 25 _1.1-11 _Inclusionary ordinance _0 _5 _15 _50 _70 1.1-12 _Encourage second units _0 _0 20 20 _40 _4.3-1 -First-time homebuyer _0 _0 _0 _5 _5 _4.3-2 _Leverage set-aside funds _3 _7 -15 _15 _40 _4.3-5 _RDA funding for upper story units 2 _3 _5 _0 -10 -4.3-6 Extemely low income and 2 _3 _0 _0 .5 disabled _New Construction Subtotal _39 -3021 5521 2201 1,111 _Rehabilitation _2.1-1 _Code enforcement rehabs _5 _5 -10 _10 _30 2.1-2 Participate in grant programs 2 -3 _10 _10 25 2.1-4 -Downtown commercial rehabs _0 _5 _10 25 _40 _4.3-3 -Repairs and retrofits _0 _5 _35 _35 _75 _Rehabilitation Subtotal _7 _18 _65 _80 _170 Preservation 1.1-15 Work with non-profit partners 2 3 1515 25 Preservation Subtotal 21 31 151 51 25 Conservation 1.1-15 lWork with non-profit partners 3 2 15 5 25 Conservation Subtotal 3 2 15 5 25 _Totals _44 _315 _617 _300 _1,276 Adoption Draft Page 92 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Adoption Draft Page 93 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element I. References California Association of Realtors, Atascadero and San Luis Obispo County Median Home Sales Prices, 2002-2009 Center for Universal Design, Principles of Universal Design, www.design.ncsu.edu/cud/ January 27, 2002 City of Atascadero, General Plan, 2002 City of Atascadero, Housing Element Draft, 2002 City of Atascadero, Planning and Development Fee Schedule, 2008 City of Atascadero, Title 9, 2008 County of San Luis Obispo, Continuum of Care (CoC), County homeless figures, 2006 County of San Luis Obispo, Department of Agriculture, 2007 Market Rental Rates by Bedroom Count in Atascadero, May 18, 2009 - June 17, 2009, www.craigshst.com, retrieved June 17, 2009 San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) 2007-2014, Regional Housing Needs Plan, 2008 San Luis Obispo County Multi -Family Housing Rental Survey Summary, 2009. Prepared by Dyer Sheehan Group, Ventura, California. State of California, Department of Finance, E-5 Report, 2008 State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), Median Family Income and Household Income Limits, 2009 State of California, Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, 1969 State of California, Government Code 65915, Density Bonus Program State of California, California Building Code, 2007 State of California, Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations State of California, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA),1969 State of California, Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act (AB 1470), 2007 Adoption Draft Page 94 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element State of California, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Action Team, 2007 State of California, Proposition 46 - Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act, 2002 State of California, Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), 2006 State of California, California Coastal Act, 1976 United States, Bureau of the Census, SF -1 and SF -3, 1990 United States, Bureau of the Census, SF -1 and SF -3, 2000 United States, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2000 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS), State of the Cities Data Systems (SOCDS) 2000, retrieved from http://socds.huduser.org, retrieved July 2009 United States, Civil Rights Act of 1968, Title VIII - Fair Housing Act, amended 1988 Adoption Draft Page 95 November XX, 2010 Appendix I City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V47 Vacant Land Inventory APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% du/ac Site Constraints Vacant Residential Parcels - RMF -16 029-253-008 5596 Tunitas 1.10 HDR RMF -16 8 unitslacre- 8.84 7.07 Slope and drainage 029-271-001 4711 EI Camino Real 1.67 HDR RMF -16 16 units/acre 26.76 21.41 Slope 030-101-053 8959 Curbaril 0.87 HDR RMF -16 16 units/acre 13.85 11.08 030-281-014, 015, 016 6709, 6725, 6735 Atascadero Ave. 0.72 HDR RMF -16 16 units/acre 11.53 9.23 030-283-007, 008 6905 Nava oa 1.89 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 30.20 24.16 030-341-017 6855 Santa Lucia Rd. 0.21 HDR RMF -16 12 unitslacre'* 2.53 2,02 Access way too narrow for multiple units without easement 031-241-019 8391 Ama oa Ave. 0.35 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 5.54 4.43 031-244-010 8065 Ama oa Rd. 0.25 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 3.94 3.15 045-311-014, 015, 016 Woodridge Multi -Family 5.85 HDR RMF -16/ SP -1 16 units/acre 93.54 74.83 CUP currently required for SP - 1 045-321-021 9355 Avenida Maria 1.95 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 31.21 24.97 045-321-022 9405 Avenida Maria 0.98 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 15.60 12.48 049-042-018 1155 EI Camino Real 5.54 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 31.60 25.28 Slope 049-042-025 1055 EI Camino Real 1.81 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 28.97 23.28 049-151-011 2705 EI Camino Real 2.40 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 38.32 30.66 Slope 049-151-056 23455 EI Camino Real 1.95 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 31.27 24.74 Slope 049-151-063 2535 EI Camino Real 2.48 HDR RMF -16 16 units/acre 39.71 31.77 Slope 049-151-009 2605 EI Camino Real 2.39 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 38.23 30.58 Subtotal 32.41 451.64 361.31 Vacant Residential. Parcels - RMF -10 029-105-014 5655 Capistrano 0.54 MDR RMF -10 3 unitslacre- 1.61 1.28 Slope, access to stadium park 030-292-065 6340 Alcantara 1.21 MDR RMF -10 7 unitslacre** 8.50 6.80 Slope, creek 030-373-020 6910 Nava'oa Ave. 0.50 MDR RMF -10 10 units/acre 4.96 3.97 030-491-013, 019, 020,001 9105 Principal Ave. 5.39 MDR RMF -10 10 units/acre 53.86 43.09 031-231-003 7900 Curbaril 0.52 MDR RMF -10 10 units/acre 5.22 4.17 Trees Subtotal 8.16 74.15 59.32 Vacant Residential Parcels - LSF -X 028-051-005 3880 Se erado Ave. 0.07 SFR -X LSF -X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-051-035 4205 Arizona Ave. 0.20 SFRA LSF -X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-061-049 4965 Arizona Ave. 0.12 SFR -X LSF -X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-272-003 5715 Hermosilla Ave. 0.17 SFR -X LSF -X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-371-015 6920 Santa Ynez Ave. 0.62 SFR -X LSF -X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-142-031 7503 Curbaril Ave. 0.10 SFR -X LSF -X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Subtotal 1.28 6.00 1 6.00 Vacant Residential Parcels - LSF -Y 028-213-001 21 Cabrillo Ave. #PR21 0.02 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-215-017 5225 Mercedes Ave. 0.56 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-215-021 7000 Cemetery Rd. 1.06 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-341-009 5230 Ensenada Ave. 0.34 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-355-010 5235 Mercedes Ave. 0.56 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-361-034 5350 Ensenada Ave. 0.38 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-381-002 5327 Magnolia Ave. 0.23 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-233-008 6625 Marchant Ave. 0.57 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-242-036 7695 Constancia Ave. 0.09 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-301-056 6650 Marchant Ave. 0.73 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-332-002 5650 Aguila Ave. 0.45 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-332-004 5710 Aguila Ave. 0.21 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-351-017 7325 Tecordia Ave. 0.53 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 96 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% Site Constraints du/ac 028-341-011 5320 Ensenada Ave. 0.06 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-354-009 5295 Magdalena Ave. 0.21 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-142-027 7955 Carmelita Ave. 0.45 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1,00* 031-061-035 7455 Tecorida Ave. 0.53 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-061-037 7655 Tecordia Ave. 0.55 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-061-015 7755 Tecorida Ave. 0.48 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-062-021 7575 Atascadero Ave. 0.40 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-062-004 7500 Tecorida Ave. 0.35 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-062-001 7400 Tecorida Ave. 0.39 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-161-004 8075 Curbaril Ave. 0.67 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-133-001 8235 Lar a Ave. 0.22 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-133-003 8209 Lara Ave. 0.41 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-141-040 7205 Curbaril Ave. 0.20 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-141-030 7215 Curbaril Ave. 0.17 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-114-001 8370 Alta Vista Ave. 0.20 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-112-005 8405 Linda Vista Ave. 0.38 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-112-014 7805 EI Retiro St. 0.40 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-112-013 7855 EI Retiro St. 0.42 SFR- Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00- 031-113-003 8423 Alta Vista Ave. 0.33 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-124-001 6800 Navarette Ave. 0.37 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-023-025 7322 Santa Lucia Rd. 0.13 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-021-007 5961 Chau lin Ave. 0.44 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-012-018 5880 Corta Ave. 0.35 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-012-019 5900 Corta Ave. 0.28 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-021-008 5965 Chau lin Ave. 0.49 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-352-028 7175 Atascadero Ave. 0.33 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-352-004 7150 Tecorida Ave. 0.38 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-062-022 7555 Atascadero Ave. 0.40 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-062-006 7505 Atascadero Ave. 0.61 SFR -Y LSF -Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Subtotal 16.29 42.00 42.00 Vacant Residential Parcels - RSF-X 030-413-008 8535 EI Dorado Rd. 0.48 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-413-009 8525 EI Dorado Rd. 0.45 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-413-014 5575 Santa Fe Rd. 0.30 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-413-015 5525 Santa Fe Rd. 0.31 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-413-017 8500 EI Corte Rd. 0.29 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-413-021 5545 Santa Fe Rd. 0.29 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-413-022 5555 Santa Fe Rd. 0.20 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 0301113-024 5515 Santa Fe Rd. 0.19 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-013-025 8520 EI Corte Rd. 0.17 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-381-027 9495 Avenal Ave. 0.29 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-033-047 3868 Orillas Way 0.25 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-033-051 3876 Orillas Way 0.52 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-111-035 8755 Coromar Ave. 0.57 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-121-005 8780 Coromar Ave. 0.97 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-121-037 8660 Coromar Ave. 0.47 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-181-039 8585 Atascadero Ave. 1.30 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-181-040 8587 Atascadero Ave. 1.17 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-182-008 8630 Mirada Ln. 0.52 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-231-021 8620 Atascadero Ave. 1.03 SFR -X RSF-X 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Subtotal 9.77 19.00 19.00 Vacant,Res d.ential.Parcels - RSF-Y 028-021-004 4541 Sycamore Rd. 0.31 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-021-018 4755 Sycamore Rd. 0.24 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-021-021 4559 Sycamore Rd. 0.32 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-141-002 4070 Estrada Ave. 0.32 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 97 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% Site Constraints du/ac 028-161-033 4640 San Vicente Ave, 0.55 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-162-016 4660 Viscano Ave. 0.36 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-182-005 5670 San Pedro Ave. 0.32 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-261-022 4665 San Ardo Ave. 0.50 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-281-013 4250 Dolores Ave. 1.11 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-281-015 4815 EI Verano Ave. 0.99 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-292-013 4675 Navidad Ave. 0.82 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-311-029 4945 Dulzura Ave. 0.69 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-311-037 5400 Rosario Ave. 0.46 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-311-038 5457 Bajada Ave. 1.16 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-322-001 5125 Rosario Ave. 0.37 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-322-036 5060 Alamo Ave. 0.15 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-331-006 5155 Rosario Ave. 0.37 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-332-001 5265 Barrenda Ave. 0.25 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-062-031 5360 Barrenda Ave 0.10 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-105-007 7140 Serena Ct. 2.71 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-105-023 7150 Serena Ct. 4.21 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-105-032 5495 Mercedes Ave. 0,42 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-105-035 7110 Serena Ct. 1.06 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-105-038 7130 Serena Ct. 1.23 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-121-008 5350 Maleza Ave. 0.97 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-131-002 5365 Maleza Ave. 0.58 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-131-033 7400 Castano Ave. 0.97 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-141-007 7470 Castano Ave. 0.38 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-142-031 9315 Curbaril Ave. 0.10 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-142-034 7470 Cortez Ave. 0.22 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-171-003 7350 Sonora Ave. 0.72 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-222-018 5660 Encima Ave. 0.92 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-241-036 5305 Fresno Ave. 2.36 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-371-031 7120 Valle Ave. 0.52 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 029-371-032 7128 Valle Ave. 0.57 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-031-009 9045 Curbaril Ave. 1.44 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-031-012 9065 Curbaril Ave. 1.71 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-041-006 9025 Curbaril Ave. 0.70 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-041-005 7521 Sombrilla Ave. 0.75 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-051-021 9017 Junipero Ave. 0.84 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-051-035 7950 Valle Ave. 0.92 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-061-055 8981 Juni eroAve. 1.04 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1,00* 030-071-062 8980 Junipero Ave. 0.69 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-111-024 9084 Palomar Ave. 1.89 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-381-001 9100 Palomar Ave. 3.26 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030422-010 8500 Pino Solo Ave. 0,68 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-441-025 9505 Vista Bonita Ave. 0.29 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-261-005 8475 San Francisco Ave. 0.55 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-261-023 8255 San Francisco Ave. 0.36 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-261-028 8215 San Francisco Ave. 0.39 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-311-002 8655 Azucena Ave. 0.63 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-072-009 3430 Traffic Way 1.08 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-072-010 3450 Traffic Way 1.02 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-075-005 4550 San Anselmo Rd. 1.81 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1,00* 056-162-042 10150 West Front Rd. 0.98 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-162-046 10300 West Front Rd. 1.01 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-162-047 10250 West Front Rd. 1.01 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 98 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% Site Constraints du/ac 056-162-048 10200 West Front Rd. 1.01 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-171-043 8333 Atascadero Ave. 0.99 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-211-037 1 10085 Atascadero Ave. 3.03 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-211-038 10075 Atascadero Ave. 3.25 SFR -Y RSF-Y -10h 1 1.00 1.00* 056-281-009 8705 Marchant Ave. 1.41 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-312-007 9015 Lake View Dr. 0.18 SFR -Y RSF-Y 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Subtotal 60.27 63.00 63.00 Vacant Residential Parcels - RSF-Z 030-161-002 5171 Vega Ave. 2.23 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-181-056 5525 Vega Ave. 1.47 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-251-022 5205 Venado Ave. 1.42 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-251-023 5250 Ardilla Rd. 1.40 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-251-030 5055 Venado Ave. 0.84 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-251-032 5105 Venado Ave. 2.82 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-261-011 5650 Ardilla Ave. 0.73 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-261-019 5350 Ardilla Rd. 1.05 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-311-002 5105 Chaplin Ave. 2.68 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-311-005 5305 Chaplin Ave. 1.36 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-391-002 8525 EI Corte Rd. 4.85 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030A41-002 9425 La Quinta Ct. 0.14 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030A41-003 9435 La Quinta Ct. 0.15 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030A41-004 9445 La Quinta Ct. 0.15 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030A41-005 9455 La Quinta Ct. 0.16 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030A41-006 9465 La Quinta Ct. 0.15 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030A41-007 9475 La Quinta Ct. 0.16 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-441-008 9485 La Quinta Ct. 0.15 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030A41-009 9495 La Quinta Ct. 0.19 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030141-016 9500 Vista Bonita Ave. 1.00 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-441-024 9550 Vista Bonita Ave. 2.48 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 030-441-026 9450 Vista Bonita Ave. 1.26 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-091-006 5455 Encino Ave. 0.56 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-091-008 5475 Encino Ave. 0.55 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1unit 1.00 1.00* 031-091-009 5470 Chau lin Ave. 1.96 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-091-017 5165 Atajo Ave. 0.35 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-092-016 5460 Encino Ave. 0.29 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-101-003 5775 Encino Ave. 0.42 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-101-006 5875 Encino Ave. 0.43 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-101-011 5820 Chau lin Ave. 0.44 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-102-017 5870 Encino Ave. 0.32 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-103-001 6040 Navarette Ave. 2.77 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-191-009 6370 Navarette Ave. 1.78 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-192-017 6300 Navarette Ave. 7.22 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 031-202-008 8250 San Marcos Rd. 1.60 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-221-070 3975 Monterey Rd. 1.62 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-012-041 3862 Ardilla Rd. 0.91 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-013-025 3861 Ardilla Rd. 1.70 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-014-004 3955 Marico a Rd. 2.52 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-014-005 3825 Marico a Rd. 1.96 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1 1.00* 054-051-013 9060 Ramage Ave. 2.62 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-051-068 4590 Portola Rd. 1.56 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-061-071 9190 Santa Lucia Rd. 2.42 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-072-060 6500 Portola Rd. 1.30 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-072-072 8680 San Marcos Rd. 1.48 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-072-073 6760 Portola Rd. 1.11 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-072-078 6150 Portola Rd. 3.85 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-085-048 7300 Portola Rd. 0.88 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 99 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% dulac Site Constraints 054-085-050 7470 Portola Rd. 0.74 SFR -Z RSF-Z 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Subtotal 70.18 49.00 49.00 Vacant Residential Parcels - RS 055-451-030 11650 Santa Lucia Rd. 9.56 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-451-031 5000 Llano Rd. 27.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-041-015 4300 Santa Cruz Rd. 2.73 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-041-009 5900 Santa Cruz Rd. 1.25 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-122-010 3375 Falda Rd. 1.98 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-112-005 4745 Del Rio Rd. 5.71 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-073-057 3675 La Luz Rd. 1.02 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-073-046 3625 La Luz Rd. 1.01 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-073-053 3305 La Luz Rd. 0.98 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-302-029 3070 Falda Rd. 1.48 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-152-031 3207 EI Camino Real 0.89 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-152-039 5555 La Uva Ln. 1.55 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-131-004 7015 Sycamore Rd. 2.35 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-132-010 7270 Sycamore Rd. 0.94 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-132-035 7190 Sycamore Rd. 1.18 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-412-010 7725 Gabarda Rd. 1.53 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028Al2-012 7825 Gabarda Rd. 0.83 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-412-013 7875 Gabarda Rd. 2.00 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-412-014 7925 Gabarda Rd. 1.68 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-412-015 4355 Tampico Rd. 3.53 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-401-004 11975 Viejo Camino 4.16 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-481-008 8230 Los Osos Rd. 2.46 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-461-003 8330 San Diego Rd. 4.62 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-271-001 8985 San Rafael Rd. 25.88 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-312-015 14400 EI Monte Rd. 4.42 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00- 050-312-017 14055 Santa Lucia Rd. 2.83 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-362-009 13055 Cencerro Rd. 4.45 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-362-006 10105 San Lucas Rd. 3.06 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-362-011 10355 San Lucas Rd. 4.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-361-008 10300 San Lucas Rd. 4.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-302-039 3300 Falda Rd. 0.83 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-371-006 11655 Atascadero Ave. 3.00 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-341-003 9140 San Diego Rd. 2.39 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-431-009 9128 San Diego Rd. 5.06 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-302-009 8910 Ortega Rd. 4.80 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-302-012 11140 Atascadero Rd. 0.25 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-451-004 9014 San Rafael Rd. 1.31 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-441-013 10529 Colorado Rd. 1.45 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-481-007 8199 San Dimas Rd. 2,27 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-391-001 8400 Toloso Rd. 41.02 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 2 lot subdivision potential 056-402-010 8255 San Diego Rd. 1.93 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-411-019 8250 Toloso Rd. 2.01 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-491-030 8305 Los Osos Rd. 2.49 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-231-007 9945 Old Morro Rd. East 2.01 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-231-039 8200 San Rafael Rd. 1.56 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-451-002 10050 Old Morro Rd. East 4.46 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-151-056 8165 San Gabriel Rd. 3.87 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-042-002 2655 Alturas Rd. 5.13 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-271-002 2555 Alturas Rd. 6.86 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-201-044 10330 San Marcos Rd. 2.09 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-301-027 10410 San Marcos Rd. 3.39 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 100 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% dulac Site Constraints 054-301-019 10555 Escondido Rd. 4.32 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-121-026 6730 Los Gatos Rd. 4.05 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-121-035 6950 Los Gatos Rd. 1.29 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-371-005 8955 San Rafael Rd. 1.88 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-371-006 8965 San Rafael Rd. 1.99 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-151-036 8255 San Gabriel Rd. 2.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-361-013 13660 Palo Verde Rd. 22.61 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 3 lot subdivision potential 055-361-017 13680 Palo Verde Rd. 7.31 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-361-016 13640 Palo Verde Rd. 7.93 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-361-015 13620 Palo Verde Rd. 4.97 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-361-021 13730 Falcon Rd. 24.00 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 2 lot subdivision potential 055-361-019 13600 Palo Verde Rd. 6.13 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-361-009 13700 Falcon Rd. 8.48 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-362-005 14005 EI Monte Rd. 3.88 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-312-013 13090 Cencerro Rd. 4.31 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-324-016 13000 Cencerro Rd. 2.73 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-182-006 14255 Santa Ana Rd. 5.43 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-172-003 9805 Corona Rd. 5.25 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-183-004 14400 Santa Ana Rd. 2.30 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-162-016 9605 Santa Cruz Rd. 1.96 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-162-021 13950 Santa Ana Rd. 5.68 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-161-004 9250 Santa Cruz Rd. 4.79 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-091-025 8900 San Gregorio Rd. #2 0.19 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-101-002 8875 San Gregorio Rd. 2.03 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-091-004 8800 San Gregorio Rd. 2.33 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-012-025 8200 San Gre ono Rd. 4.77 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-081-001 8550 Santa Cruz Rd. 2.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-321-020 8060 Santa Cruz Rd. 1.07 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-011-010 8050 Santa Cruz Rd. 2.39 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-182-017 1200 Garcia Rd. 4.04 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-182-004 955 Ro a Ct. 2.14 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-172-012 7425 Santa Cruz Rd. 3.78 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-172-013 7705 Santa Cruz Rd, 2.91 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-182-005 7270 San Gregorio Rd. 1.56 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-251-001 13780 Old Morro Rd. 1.16 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-243-001 13820 Old Morro Rd. 0.44 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-053-005 10655 San Marcos Rd. 2.63 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-053-001 10675 San Marcos Rd. 1.54 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-251-017 2340 Monterey Rd. 2.65 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-092-044 1335 Garcia Rd. 6.29 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-181-013 7020 San Gregorio Rd. 0.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-181-012 1555 Garcia Rd. 0.60 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-181-010 1505 Garcia Rd. 1.15 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-092-041 1300 San Ramon Rd. 2.09 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-131-043 1855 San Ramon Rd. 1.50 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-131-052 6020 Del Rio Rd. 1.40 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-131-058 6010 Del Rio Rd. 8.46 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-131-066 1505 San Ramon Rd. 2.29 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-111-022 13350 Santa Ana Rd. 1.39 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-101-012 8365 Del Rio Rd. 7.88 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-111-023 13300 Santa Ana Rd. 5.19 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-111-020 8315 Del Rio Rd. 5.06 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-101-016 13600 Santa Ana Rd. 3.24 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-202-013 5800 Bolsa Rd. 5.11 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-242-012 7065 Llano Rd. 2.59 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 101 November XX, 2010 City of A tascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% Site Constraints du/ac 055-431-001 12405 Santa Lucia Rd. 3.13 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-431-011 12455 Santa Lucia Rd. 1.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-462-005 12503 Santa Lucia Rd. 1.22 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-462-006 12577 Santa Lucia Rd. 2.49 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-462-008 12645 Santa Lucia Rd. 1.05 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-462-012 12655 Santa Lucia Rd. 0.48 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-462-013 12675 Santa Lucia Rd. 0.51 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-462-002 12571 Santa Lucia Rd. 1.51 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-462-010 12579 Santa Lucia Rd. 1.01 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-431-004 11905 Santa Lucia Rd. 3.91 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-231-002 12125 San Marcos Rd. 5.06 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-231-018 11965 San Marcos Rd. 4.81 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-181-009 11950 San Marcos Rd. 4.36 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-181-008 12000 San Marcos Rd. 2.39 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-171-016 12250 San Marcos Rd. 1.98 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-171-004 12260 San Marcos Rd. 2.38 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-231-013 11805 San Marcos Rd. 2.84 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-181-022 11800 San Marcos Rd. 8.36 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-251-006 13750 Old Morro Rd. 3.11 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-331-005 12400 Old Morro Rd. 2.41 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-252-014 11085 San Marcos Rd. 5.19 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-242-010 13790 Morro Rd. 2.96 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-252-016 13750 Morro Rd. 2.24 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-242-035 11255 San Marcos Rd. 4.86 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-242-034 11275 San Marcos Rd. 4.28 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-242-006 11285 San Marcos Rd. 1.85 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-191-003 11500 San Marcos Rd. 3.37 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-201-008 10900 San Marcos Rd. 3.84 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-201-002 10950 San Marcos Rd. 2.30 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-151-019 9450 Laurel Rd. 5.56 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-030 10900 Vista Rd. 8.81 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-031 10890 Vista Rd. 3.04 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-032 10880 Vista Rd. 2.26 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-010 10845 San Marcos Rd. 1.44 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-033 10870 Vista Rd. 2.84 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-036 10840 Vista Rd. 1.48 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-035 10850 Vista Rd. 1.45 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-038 10820 Vista Rd. 1.70 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-039 10810 Vista Rd. 1.59 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-040 10800 Vista Rd. 1.86 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-029 10910 Vista Rd. 11.80 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-261-004 13600 Morro Rd. 15.58 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-041 10930 Vista Rd. 7.80 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-024 10945 Vista Rd. 7.79 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-023 10905 Vista Rd. 3.17 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-019 10825 Vista Rd. 1.74 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-052-010 10785 Vista Rd. 4.40 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-052-011 10775 Vista Rd. 6.01 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-020 10835 Vista Rd. 3.20 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-054-001 10645 Realito Ave. 5.43 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-311-042 10565 San Marcos Rd. 1.46 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-311-003 10475 San Marcos Rd. 2.44 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-102-006 8425 Sierra Vista Rd. 1.71 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-022-012 11505 Santa Lucia Rd. 2.08 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-041-013 10560 San Marcos Rd. 6.92 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-041-015 9610 Laurel Rd. 4.68 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 L 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 102 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max dulac 80% du/ac Site Constraints 055-041-018 9710 Laurel Rd. 3.60 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-281-012 10800 Portal Rd. 2.60 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1,00* 054-281-001 9800 Laurel Rd. 21.68 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 2 underlying legal lots 054-181-019 10955 Santa Lucia Rd. 44.28 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-262-005 10735 Santa Lucia Rd. 7.99 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-201-013 6720 San Gabriel Rd. 0.52 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-201-022 6852 San Gabriel Rd. 2.51 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-201-037 10205 Escondido Rd. 4.74 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-322-012 10055 San Marcos Rd. 2.33 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-334-001 8760 Sierra Vista Rd. 1.33 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-331-013 8300 Casitas Rd. 1.33 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-331-005 8720 Sierra Vista Rd. 0.96 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-341-022 6750 Lomitas Rd. 2.01 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-341-006 6910 Lomitas Rd. 3.06 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-442-004 6250 Lomitas Rd. 3.91 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-051-006 11400 Santa Lucia Rd. 16.43 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-451-011 6170 Llano Rd. 11.10 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-451-033 6805 Lomitas Rd. 3.36 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-451-018 6525 Lomitas Rd. 3.08 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-451-020 7200 Nudoso Rd. 3.03 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-451-019 6435 Lomitas Rd. 3.07 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-122-017 9415 Balboa Rd. 4.11 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-122-005 12705 Santa Ana Rd. 3.51 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-251-022 6805 Llano Rd. 4.74 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-251-012 9700 Corriente Rd. 7.86 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-041-011 8005 Balboa Rd. 4.12 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-121-020 2460 San Fernando Rd. 3.19 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-121-013 8315 Balboa Rd. 2.22 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-121-002 12600 Santa Ana Rd. 1.02 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-121-007 12750 Santa Ana Rd. 2.46 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-043-002 8505 Balboa Rd. 4.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-211-001 12350 Santa Ana Rd. 0.92 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-121-017 12400 Santa Ana Rd. 0.83 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-262-021 9405 Corriente Rd. 4.07 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-262-013 9800 Serrijon Rd. 8.49 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-262-001 9900 Serrijon Rd. 7.29 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-281-006 10005 Serrijon Rd. 4.62 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-281-007 10150 Serrijon Rd. 6.97 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-281-008 10750 Serrijon Rd. 8.56 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-251-003 5400 Telocote Rd. 9.76 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-291-001 10300 Serrijon Rd. 2.07 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-291-002 10260 Serrijon Rd. 0.97 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-291-008 10220 Serrijon Rd. 2.83 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-291-009 10200 Serrijon Rd. 6.03 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-291-004 10100 Serrijon Rd. 7.25 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-291-005 9950 Serd'on Rd. 7.27 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-291-010 6255 Llano Rd. 36.9 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 6 lot subdivision potential 054-251-002 5755 Llano Rd. 30.10 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 7 lot subdivision potential 054-171-034 10400 Serri'on Rd. 44.31 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-231-005 3130 San Fernando Rd. 2.92 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-142-009 6075 Condo Rd. 2.10 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-191-004 6079 Del Rio Rd. 0.33 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-171-033 9950 Santa Ana Rd. 1.19 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-121-032 6653 San Gabriel Rd. 4.66 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 103 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max dulac 80% Site Constraints du/ac 054-121-042 6545 San Gabriel Rd. 3.84 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-121-004 6150 Los Gatos Rd. 0.86 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-281-005 2145 San Fernando Rd. 1.95 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-051-001 2155 San Fernando Rd. 7.47 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-141-004 7275 Balboa Rd. 4.70 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-153-009 8105 Graves Creek Rd. 0.89 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-131-011 9300 San Marcos Rd. 2.12 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-131-003 6755 San Gabriel Rd. 7.54 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-122-013 6199 Los Gatos Rd. 0.30 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-142-012 9330 Carmelita Ave. 1.85 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-132-071 9735 San Marcos Rd. 3.92 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-132-066 7980 Bella Vista Rd. 1.60 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-086-013 7470 Bella Vista Rd. 2.04 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-086-005 7110 Bella Vista Rd. 0.94 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-132-014 8697 San Marcos Rd. 2.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-211-038 2945 Ramona Rd. 4.09 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-043-012 3695 Ardilla Rd. 0.73 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-043-011 3685 Ardilla Rd. 1.36 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-043-023 3720 Marico a Rd. 4.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-043-006 3625 Ardilla Rd. 5.81 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-043-013 3715 Ardilla Rd. 0.62 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-043-018 3761 Ardilla Rd. 1.02 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-051-044 3640 Ardilla Rd. 2.60 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-091-009 3660 Ardilla Rd. 3.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-061-012 9360 Santa Lucia Rd. 7.83 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-013 12610 San Marcos Rd. 5.77 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-015 12550 San Marcos Rd. 7.37 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-010 12575 San Marcos Rd. 6.78 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-003 12649 San Marcos Rd. 2.54 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-017 12680 Cabazon Rd. 2.78 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-005 12708 San Marcos Ct. 2.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-012 12620 San Marcos Rd. 2.03 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-020 12430 Madrone Rd. 3.41 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-023 12607 Cabazon Rd. 7.41 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-017 12450 Madrone Rd. 3.86 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-011 12612 San Marcos Rd. 4.07 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-015 12630 Cabazon Rd. 4.22 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-027 12616 Cabazon Rd. 3.39 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-014 12628 Cabazon Rd. 6.82 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1,00* 055-115-012 12412 Pecos Ct. 3.08 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-011 12610 Cene al Rd. 3.82 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-003 12605 Cene al Rd. 3.42 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-002 12635 Cenegal Rd. 5.28 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-007 12485 San Marcos Rd. 3.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-010 12630 San Marcos Rd. 7.81 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-002 12625 San Marcos Rd. 2.68 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-023 12420 San Marcos Rd. 2.17 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-012 12624 Cabazon Rd. 2.63 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-016 12660 Cabazon Rd. 3.63 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-173-027 13705 Santa Ana Rd. 5.70 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1,00* 050-301-002 14600 Santa Lucia Rd. 27.2 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 4 lot subdivision potential 050-203-002 9675 Otero Rd. 4.63 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-241-006 10025 Corona Rd. 4.70 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-241-007 10075 Corona Rd. 5.48 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 104 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% Site Constraints du/ac 050-241-010 10200 Corona Rd. 7.16 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-201-006 5700 Bolsa Rd. 6.48 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-201-007 5600 Bolsa Rd. 6.73 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-242-016 5500 Bolsa Rd. 7.32 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-192-018 10100 Corona Rd. 4.44 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-192-016 10050 Corona Rd. 3.84 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-192-015 10000 Corona Rd. 5.99 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-192-008 6445 Alta Pradera Ln, 2.58 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-192-006 6425 Alta Pradera Ln. 2.84 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-192-021 6452 Alta Pradera Ln. 6.36 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-192-002 6305 Alta Pradera Ln. 5.39 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-192-019 6255 Alta Pradera Ln. 6.78 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-014-005 3825 Marico a Rd. 4.75 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 028-411-027 9552 Curbaril Ave. 0.30 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-191-045 6780 San Gabriel Rd. 4.84 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-291-022 10620 Portal Rd. 2.87 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-192-030 10480 Portal Rd. 4.19 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-151-062 2555 EI Camino Real 2.24 RS SE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-341-008 13410 Palo Verde Rd. 0.96 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056411-026 10125 Old Morro Rd. East 1.67 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-261-013 8925 San Gabriel Rd. 9.97 RS RE 2 units 2.00 2.0* 2 underlying legal parcels, 8 parcel subdivision potential 054-111-053 9775 Santa Lucia Rd. 2.52 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-111-052 9845 Santa Lucia Rd. 2.43 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-311-021 43 Palo Verde Rd. #PR43 0.45 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-014 12719 San Felipe Ct. 2.78 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-021 12410 Madrone Rd. 3.38 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-006 12475 San Marcos Rd. 3.65 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-014 12600 San Marcos Rd. 5.82 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-006 12715 Escabroso Ct. 6.70 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-013 12620 Cabazon Rd. 5.36 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-011 12721 San Felipe Ct. 5.01 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-022 12617 Cabazon Rd. 3.78 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-005 12655 San Marcos Rd. 4.45 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-008 12515 San Marcos Rd. 10.46 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-025 12612 Cabazon Rd. 2.97 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-022 12440 San Marcos Rd. 2.07 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-015 12723 San Felipe Ct. 3.35 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-014 12419 Pecos Ct. 3.68 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-007 12648 San Marcos Rd. 6.70 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-026 12614 Cabazon Rd. 7.01 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-017 12720 San Felipe Ct. 1.75 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-018 12434 Madrone Rd, 4.45 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-020 12270 San Marcos Rd. 8.37 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-006 12601 Cenegal Rd. 4.41 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-017 12640 Cene al Rd. 4.41 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-028 12604 Cabazon Rd. 4.78 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-004 12362 Puente Rd. 2.80 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-353-011 9137 San Diego Rd. 2.76 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-353-010 9135 San Diego Rd. 2.76 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-353-012 9139 San Dieqo Rd. 2.75 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-353-013 9141 San Diego Rd. 2.50 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-353-022 9110 San Rafael Rd. 2.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-353-021 9120 San Rafael Rd. 2.65 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Adoption Draft Page 105 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% Site Constraints du/ac 054-192-023 6456 Alta Pradera Ln. 3.65 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-192-032 10470 Portal Rd. 3.97 RS RE 1 ,it 1.00 1.00* 054-192-033 10460 Portal Rd. 3.96 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-192-035 6474 Alta Pradera Ln. 3.40 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-032-069 3425 Marico a Rd. 2.71 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-009 12555 San Marcos Rd. 9.97 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00- 055-114-010 12325 Puente Rd. 3.64 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-006 12650 San Marcos Rd. 3.43 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-001 12655 Cene al Rd. 4.62 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-024 12300 San Marcos Rd. 2.70 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-008 12644 S San Marcos Rd. 4.93 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-020 12500 San Marcos Rd. 4.88 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-007 12342 Puente Rd. 4.61 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-009 12640 San Marcos Rd. 4.09 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-016 12415 Pecos Ct. 4.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-008 12346 Puente Rd. 4.77 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-009 12335 Puente Rd. 3.98 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-016 12470 Madrone Rd. 3.51 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-019 12708 San Felipe Ct. 1.57 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-021 12460 San Marcos Rd. 3.04 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-013 12416 Pecos Ct. 5.35 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-018 12650 Ceneqal Rd.2.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-019 12436 Madrone Rd. 4.21 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-012 12701 San Felipe Ct. 1.52 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 -100- 055-113-018 12712 San Felipe Ct. 1.67 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-302-011 11170 Atascadero Ave. 0.25 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-353-023 9080 San Rafael Rd.13.99 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-441-021 10765 Colorado Rd. 0.49 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045-441-025 10825 Colorado R. 1.03 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 045441-034 9056 San Rafael R. 4.04 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-102-058 5255 Carrizo Rd. 2.66 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-122-028 3050 Arena Rd. 1.48 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-271-024 2027 Alturas Rd. 2.41 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 049-281-016 2139 San Fernando Rd. 3.24 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-021-037 9030 La Canada Ln. 4.43RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-021-047 9092 La Canada Ln. 5.13 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-131-032 7705 Balboa Rd. 3.18 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 050-131-033 7805 Balboa Rd. 2.77 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-032-070 3500 Marico a Rd. 1.53 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-032-072 3556 Marico a Rd. 1.84 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-091-026 5255 Cascabel Rd. 4.43 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-092-026 5150 Cascabel Rd. 2.58 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 054-191-042 6730 San Gabriel Rd. 3.64 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-002 12726 Rojo Ct. 2.42 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-013 12717 San Felipe Ct. 1.50 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-113-016 12722 San Felipe Ct. 3.82 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-005 12382 Puente Rd. 3.92 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-011 12618 Cabazon Rd. 3.64 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-021 12621 Cabazon Rd. 4.51 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-114-024 12600 Cabazon Rd. 3.96 RS RE -1unit 1.00 -loo- 055-115-001 12707 San Marcos Ct. 2.13 RS RE 1U71U71 F 1.00 1.00* 055-115-002 12711 San Marcos Ct. 2.47 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-115-003 055-115-004 12713 San Marcos Ct. 12714 San Marcos Ct. 2.06 3.24 RS RS RE RF 1 unit1.00 1 unit 1 nn 1.00* 4 nn* Adoption Draft Page 106 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Max du/ac 80% Site Constraints dulac 055-116-004 12657 San Marcos Rd. 8.13 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-116-015 12490 Madrone Rd. 3.39 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-025 10950 Vista Rd. 19.90 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 055-161-044 10458 Morro Rd. 15.20 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00- 055-341-009 13025 Old Morro Rd. 3.86 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-371-045 8875 San Rafael Rd. 5.34 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-371-046 8895 San Rafael Rd. 6.16 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-371-047 8905 San Rafael Rd. 5.01 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* 056-371-048 8935 San Rafael Rd. 3.25 RS RE 1 unit 1.00 1.00* Subtotal 1 1,767.71 1 1 394.00 1 395.00 Vacant Mixed -Use Parcels 8725 Arcade 0.70 GC CR 16 units/acre 11.20 8.96 6600, 6780 Morro Road 1.50 GC CP 16 unitslacre 24.00 19.20 6955 Morro, 7955 San Andres 1.20 GC CP 16 unitslacre 19.20 15.36 7205 Morro, 7105 Atascadero Ave. 0,92 GC CP/CR 16 unitslacre 14.72 11.78 7100 Morro 0.41 GC CP 16 unitslacre 6.50 5.20 7200, 7250 Morro 0.50 GC CP 16 unitslacre 8.00 6.40 7475 Morro 0.71 GC CP 16 unitslacre 11.41 9.13 7575 Morro 0.76 GC CP 16 unitslacre 12.16 9.73 7900 Morro 0.86 GC CP 16 unitslacre 13.76 11.01 Subtotal 7.56 120.94 96.76 Vacant Downtown Mixed -Use Parcels 029-322-012 5802 Traffic Way 0.39 D DC 16 unitslacre 6.30 5.04 Slope 030-181-055 5730 EI Camino Real 0.18 D DC 16 units/acre 2.92 2.34 029-344-029 5930 West Mall 0.09 D DC 16 units/acre 1.38 1.10 029-347-031 5901 A East Mall 0.11 D DC 16 units/acre 1.83 1.46 029-347-030 5901 B East Mall 0.06 D DC 16 units/acre 0.92 0.73 029-361-018 6905 EI Camino Real 5.28 D DC 16 units/acre 84.53 67.63 Subtotal 6.12 1 1 97.88 1 78.30 TOTAL TBD 1,309.61 1 1,168.69 auiyie ramuy rarceis are not caicuiaiea at =/b or maximum density as the maximum is established per parcel rather than per acre. "Reduced densities based on slope. Adoption Draft Page 107 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Appendix II Adoption Draft Page 108 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element This Page Intentionally Left Blank Adoption Draft Page 109 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Appendix III Table V-48 Potential Vacant Residential Rezone (by right) Parcels - HDR -16 to HDR -20 APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density (after rezoning) Max du/ac Site Constraints Vacant Residential Parcels 029-271-0014711 EI Camino Real 1.67 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 33.40 Slope 030-101-053 8959 Curbaril 0.87 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 17.40 030-281-014, 015, 016 6709, 6725, 6735 Atascadero Ave. 0.72 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 14.40 030-283-007, 008 6905 Nava'oa 1.89 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 37.80 031-241-019 8391 Ama oa Ave. 0.35 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 7.00 031-244-010 8065 Ama oa Rd. 0.25 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 5.00 045-311-014, 015, 016 Woodridge Multi -Family 5.85 HDR RMF -16/ SP -1 20 unitslacre 117.00 CUP currently required for SP -1 045-321-021 9355 Avenida Maria 1.95 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 39.00 045-321-022 9405 Avenida Maria On. 98 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 19.60 045-321-020 10785 EI Camino Real 1.98 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 39.60 049-042-018 1155 EI Camino Real 5.54 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 110.80 049-042-025 1055 EI Camino Real 1.81 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 36.20 049-151-011 2705 EI Camino Real 2.40 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 48.00Slope 049-151-020 2453 EI Camino Real 1.93 HDR RMF -16 20 -units/acre 38.60 Slope 049-151-056 23455 EI Camino Real 1.95 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 39.00 Slope 049-151-063 2535 EI Camino Real 2.48 HDR RMF -16 20 units/acre 49.60 Slope 049-151-009 2605 EI Camino Real 2.39 HDR RMF -16 20 unitslacre 47.80 TOTAL A 34.99 699.75 . rie vvuuuriuge Protea has an approved specific pian so no new UUP would be required on this site. Adoption Draft Page 110 November XX, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element This Page Intentionally Left Blank Adoption Draft Page 111 November XX, 2010 City of A tascadero General Plan Housing Element Appendix IV 7 w M 1 0 1. CITY of ATAsCADERO M w 0 .1 Housing Element IF RHMA Opportunity Sites Adoption Draft Page 112 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element This Page Intentionally Left Blank Adoption Draft Page 113 November XX, 2010 Appendix V City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element Table V-49 Underutilized Land Inventory APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Site Constraints Underutilized Residential Parcels 028-192-051 5225 Barrenda 0.95 HDR RMF -16 12 unitslacre* Slope, 6 underlying parcels, historic home 029-082-029 5530 Traffic Way 0.61 HDR RMF -16 12 unitslacre* Slope, 2 existing units 029-252-005 5750 Traffic Way 0.54 HDR RMF -16 12 unitslacre* Slope, 1 existing residence 029-252-013 5710 Olmeda Avenue 0.63 HDR RMF -16 12 unitslacre* Slope, 1 existing residence 029-322-022, 023, 024 5825 Ridgeway Ct., 5825, 5855 Rosario Ave. 1.11 HDR RMF -16 8 unitslacre* Slope 030-121-003, 004 7298, 7312 Santa Ysabel 0.96 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 030-191-011 6320 Atascadero Mall 0.95 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 030-201-008 6260 Santa Ynez Avenue 0.77 HDR RMF -16 16 units/acre 1 existing residence, 2 large oak trees 030-271-025 5905 Venado Ave 1.09 HDR RMF -16 12 unitslacre* 030-341-006 6843 Santa Lucia Ave 0.56 HDR RMF -16 12 unitslacre* Colony home 030-341-013 6370 Atascadero Mall 1.26 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre Owned and used by a church 030-341-015 6915 Santa Lucia Road 0.65 HDR RMF -16 12 unitslacre* 045-351-008 10850 EI Camino Real 3.79 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 049-042-013 1195 EI Camino Real 0.68 HDR RMF -16 16 unitslacre 1 existing residence 049-042-026 1075 EI Camino Real 0.89 HDR RMF -16 16 units/acre 029-081-005 5540 Tunitas Ave. 0.78 MDR RMF -10 8 unitslacre* Slope, colony home 029-081-011 5534 Tunitas Ave. 0.56 MDR RMF -10 8 unitslacre* Slope, colony home 029-082-037 5537 Tunitas Ave. 0.66 MDR RMF -10 5 units/acre* Slope, 1 existing residence 029-082-042 5529 Tunitas Ave. 0.74 MDR RMF -10 7 unitslacre* Slope, 1 existing residence 029-252-001 5715 Rosario Ave. 1.10 MDR RMF -10 7 unitslacre* Historic home 029-252-026 5705 Rosario Ave. 0.77 MDR RMF -10 5 units/acre* Historic home 029-301-035 5035 Palma Ave. 0.64 MDR RMF -10 10 unitslacre Historic structure 029-322-019 5800 Ridgeway Court 1.26 MDR RMF -10 5 unitslacre* Slope 029-322-020 5785 Rosario Ave. 0.98 MDR RMF -10 7 unitslacre* 2 existing residences 030-101-006 8787 Curbaril Ave. 0.91 MDR RMF -10 10 unitslacre 030-101-053 8959 Curbaril Ave. 0.87 MDR RMF -10 10 unitslacre 1 existing residence 030-101-045 8950 Pueblo Ave. 0.70 MDR RMF -10 10 unitslacre 2 existing residences 030-292-021 8155 San Andres Ave. 0.74 MDR RMF -10 10 unitslacre Creek at rear of property, 1 existing residence 030-292-022 8225 San Andres Ave. 0.73 MDR RMF -10 10 unitslacre Creek at rear of property, 1 existing colony home 030-292-023 8355 San Andres Ave. 0.74 MDR RMF -10 10 unitslacre Creek at rear of property, 1 existing residence 030-292-047 8495 San Andres Ave. 0.63 MDR RMF -10 7 unitslacre* Creek at rear of property, 1 existing residence 031-222-001 7500 Curbaril Ave. 0.64 MDR RMF -10 7 unitslacre* Adjacent to creek reservation parcel - creek setbacks, 1 existing residence 031-222-002 7600 Curbaril Ave. 0.52 MDR RMF -10 10 units/acre 1 existing residence 031-222-018 8200 Santa Ynez Ave. 0.51 MDR RMF -10 7 unitslacre* Adjacent to creek reservation parcel - creek setbacks, 1 existing residence 031-231-004 7880 Curbaril Ave. 0.51 MDR RMF -10 10 units/acre 1 existing residence Subtotal 30.43 Underutilized Mixed -Use Sites 3705 EI Camino Real 1.39 GC CR 16 unitslacre 1 existing residence 3725 EI Camino Real 1.40 GC CR 16 unitslacre 1 existing residence 3745 EI Camino Real 1.86 GC CR 16 unitslacre 1 existing residence 3755 EI Camino Real 2.00 GC CR 16 unitslacre 1 existing residence historic home Adoption Draft Page 114 November Xx, 2010 City of Atascadero General Plan Housing Element APN Address Acres Land Use Zone Density Site Constraints 8700, 8705 Arcade 1.40 GC CR 16 units/acre 5 existing residences 9000, 9050, 9100 Gusta and 9005, 9015 EI Camino Real and 9006 La Linia 3.00 GC CR 16 units/acre Welding and scrap storage 6500, 6520 Morro Road 1.70 GC CR 16 units/acre 6500 — vacant, 6520 — 3 offices 8795 Morro Road 0.80 GC CR 16 units/acre 1 existing residence 8580 Morro Road 0.60 GC CR 16 units/acre 1 existing residence 8650 Morro Road 0.60 GC CR 16 units/acre 1 existing residence 8722 Morro Road 0.67 GC CR 16 units/acre 1 existing residence 7890, 7900 Portola 1.26 GC CR 16 units/acre 2 existing residences Subtotal 16.68 Underutilized Downtown Mixed -Use Parcels 030-191-001, 021 6090, 6040, 6060 EI Camino Real 0.40 D DC 16 unitslacre Abandoned gas station 030-191-033 6300 EI Camino Real 0.34 D DC 16 units/acre Drive-through restaurant and parking lot 030-191-030, 031, 016,017 6320-6340 EI Camino Real 1.08 D DC 16 units/acre Fire site—three remaining small retail buildings 029-347-020 5901 East Mall 0.17 D DC 16 units/acre 1 historic structure 029-323-025 5915 EI Camino Real 0.08 D DC 16 units/acre 1 residential unit could be gained under the RDA funding ro ram 030-181-033 5860 EI Camino Real 0.35 D DC 16 units/acre 6 offices and parking lot 029-323-017 5625 EI Camino Real 0.87 D DC 16 units/acre Laundromat and large parking lot, 1 historic structure at corner of lot Subtotal 3.29 TOTAL 50.41 u u"al ,Oo UaaO VII 0 upu. Adoption Draft Page 115 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housing Element Appendix VI Adoption Draft Page 116 November XX, 2010 City ofAtascadero General Plan Housine Element This Page Intentionally Left Blank Adoption Draft Page 117 November XX, 2010