HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 022808 Special Meeting Approved May 13, 2008 Atascadero City Council Community Redevelopment Agency Planning Commission SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Affordable Housing Strategy Study Session MINUTES Thursday, February 28, 2008, 6:00 P.M. Mayor Brennier called the meeting to order at 6 04 p m ROLL CALL. �r. Present: Council Members Clay, Luna, Beraud and Mayor Brennler Redevelopment Agency Board Members Clay, Luna, Brennler and Chairperson Beraud Planning Commissioners Jack, Marks, Heatherington, Fonzi and Chairperson O'Keefe Absent: Council Member / Redevelopment Agency Board Member O'Malley; Planning Commissioner O'Grady and Vice Chairperson Slane Others Present: Deputy City Clerk Victoria Randall Staff Present. City Manager Wade McKinney, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Deputy Executive Redevelopment Agency Director Marty Tracey, Associate Planner, Kerry Margason, and City Attorney Representative Greg Murphy Joint Meeting—Minutes 02/28/08 Page 1 of 3 Approved May 13, 2008 STUDY SESSION Facilitated by Regan Candelario and Mike Garcia, Real Estate and Redevelopment Consultants of Tierra West Advisors Community Development Director Warren Frace explained the purpose of the special joint meeting is the City's effort to develop an Affordable Housing Strategy This meeting, facilitated by consultant Tierra West, is an opportunity to hear comments and concerns regarding affordable housing in Atascadero Redevelopment Agency Deputy Executive Director Marty Tracey described the timeline of the Affordable Housing Strategy process and announced the next Community Meeting is scheduled for March 5th and the second study session is scheduled for April 29th Mr Tracey stated it is expected that the recommendations will go before Council and Redevelopment Agency on June 10, 2008 Regan Candelario and Mike Garcia gave a PowerPoint presentation on affordable housing issues in California and answered questions of the Council, Commissioners and public PUBLIC COMMENT Joanne Main asked if Redevelopment Agency funds can be used throughout the town Kelly Gearhart asked if it is better to have development inside the Redevelopment Area or outside Joanne Main asked how developers can participate in this effort. Unidentified member of the public asked if projects can be located outside the Redevelopment Agency area and, if one has property they think would benefit the Agency, whom should they contact. John Lauffer, representative of ECHO, spoke on the homeless shelter and said they would like to be part of this redevelopment effort and expand their operation closer to center of town Ken Shapiro, of People's Self-Help Housinannounced a tour/open house of Santa Barbara's new 12-unit facility on February 2991h, 9h at 11 am Mayor Brennler closed the Public Comment period. Council / Board Members and Commissioners broke into three groups to discuss their view of the perfect affordable housing project in the City of Atascadero after which they shared the project categories they developed with the public Regan Candelario said they will continue to brainstorm ideas and might work on am prioritizing the categories at a future session Joint Meeting—Minutes 02/28/08 Page 2 of 3 Approved May 13, 2008 At 7 45 p m , Council / Board Members and Commissioners returned to the table for further discussion before the public PUBLIC COMMENT A representative of Habitat for Humanity said he is looking forward to more of the kinds of projects Habitat for Humanity did on Traffic Way and is glad to see process moving forward John Knight (of RRM) said one of the best ways to develop affordable housing opportunities is to work with entities experienced in this area such as People's Self Help Housing, Housing Authority of San Luis Obispo, and Habitat for Humanity Mayor Brennler closed the Public Comment Period. At close of meeting Mike Garcia led group in Plus/Delta Exercise — to discuss positives about tonight's session and ways it could be improved upon Positives • Commissioner Heatherington having potential, small groups • Commissioner Marks We're on the same page • Commissioner Fonzi Good room layout • Council Member Clay very educational • Mayor Brennler• good informal setting Things to change • Commissioner Heatherington Stop providing water in plastic bottles, don't lose the dynamic/momentum of tonight • Council Member Clay Need more opportunity for brainstorming • Mayor Brennler Do exercise early on to help percolate ideas earlier • Mike Garcia PowerPoint difficulties ADJOURNMENT The City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Planning Commission adjourned at 8 05 p m to their next regularly scheduled meetings MINUTES PREPARED BY Victoria Randall Deputy City Clerk UW Joint Meeting—Minutes 02/28/08 Page 3 of 3