HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2010-075 RESOLUTION NO 2010-075 aw RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE PROPOSED 2010 BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN (City of Atascadero) WHEREAS, according to the State of California Streets and Highways code (891.2), each jurisdiction and regional transportation agency is required to adopt a bicycle transportation plan every five years in order to apply for and receive grant funding for bicycle transportation projects through the BTA program, and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, Atascadero, CA directed staff to develop a Bicycle Transportation Plan to be implemented Citywide, and, WHEREAS, a committee representing members of the public, City staff, and key stakeholders assisted in development of the proposed City of Atascadero 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan, and WHEREAS, the proposed City of Atascadero 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan contains all of the mandatory elements required by the State, including existing and proposed bikeways wrr and bicycle facilities, the projected number of bicycle commuters, list of priority projects, funding strategies, and educational programs, and WHEREAS, public outreach was conducted prior to adoption of the City of Atascadero 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan, and WHEREAS, an Initial Study and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration 2010-0006 were prepared for the project and made available for public review in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to, and, WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Atascadero convened on October 21, 2010 at a properly noticed public meeting to review and consider the proposed City of Atascadero 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the protect, and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on November 23, 2010, studied and considered the proposed Bicycle Transportation Plan, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the wr. project; and, City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2010-075 Page 2 of 3 ow NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby resolves to take the following actions SECTION 1. Findings for Approval of Bicycle Transportation Plan The City Council finds as follows 1 The City of Atascadero 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan is in conformance with the adopted General Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs and the overall intent of the General Plan, and, 2 The City of Atascadero 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan will not be detrimental to public health, safety and welfare of its citizens SECTION 2. Approval. The City Council of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on November 23, 2010, hereby resolves to approve the 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan as shown in Exhibit A. On motion by Council Member Beraud and seconded by Council Member Clay, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote rrr AYES Council Members Beraud, Clay, Kelley and Mayor Fonzi NOES None ABSENT Council Member O'Malley ADOPTED November 23, 2010 CITY.Q�ATASCADER j 1 B • iC Roberta Fonzi, Mayor ATTEST V)�U,4 Uy, Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.0 , City C rk APPROVED A O F RM. +�•+ Brian A. Pienk, City Attorney City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2010-075 Page 3 of 3 +rr Exhibit A:City of Atascadero 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan Due to the size of Exhibit A, it is not attached to the Resolution. However, it may be viewed in its entirety in the Office of the City Clerk OW am RESO No. 20010-075 Exhibit A At' ascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan Draft 10/26/10 Pedaling from 2010 to 2025 O10Z-iagwaadaS MEW uopul-iodsue.iy apkqj oaapeasmV uoljlleo:) alaAalB A}uno:) ods1go slnj ueS'aalonla uea s}uauauaanoE) Jo Ilauno:) O�S'zanbselan e1sla9 seddeZ allw silaew Ono(] oupeweloD ua3 oaapeaseiy jo Ails 'Ouluue3 aa}luuar oaape:)sejy }o Aj!D 'Iu21uN ajnj oaapease}y Jo AID 'JOIAel allle:) o.iape:)seld }o Aj1: 'Aaaa y:) Ape,is oaape:)seIV Jo AID 'Aayjy P1Aea uoissiwwoD uol}eam� pue s1led oaapemejd :01 sjueyl Jeu011ippd Aajp>I qo8 Ael:) Aaaaf pneaa8 ua113 saagwaVy 1i:)uno:) AalleA,O wol Wal-oad aoAew lzuod ejaagoa aoAew :1i:)uno:) Aj!:) oaapemejd sJuawaspalmoupv Contents 1. Plan Description.................................................................................. 4 Purpose........................................................................................................ 4 Background.................................................................................................. 4 Advantages..........................................................................................6 Recommendations....................................................................................... 6 2. Infrastructure...................................................................................... 7 Existing Infrastructure.................................................................................. 7 Proposed Improvements.............................................................................10 ShortTerm............................................................................................................... 11 LongTerm................................................................................................................ 11 3. Policies.............................................................................................. 14 NewDevelopment..................................................................................... 14 Maintenance.............................................................................................. 15 Educationand Safety.................................................................................. 16 PlanUpdates.............................................................................................. 17 4. Plan Development............................................................................. 17 Outreach.................................................................................................... 17 Relationships to Other Plans.......................................................................18 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 2 S OIOZ .mgwajdaS :ue1d uopuliodsueuy aphig ojapeoseiy tti................................................................................... uope}S aj!g :81 ain2i j 017 .................................................................. sageO pue s.iaN:)o3 aj!g :Lt ainsl j 017 ........................................................................................... i:)eu n :91 aan8! j 6£...................................................................................... Tea plead :St a.in8! j 6£..................................................................................... saxog al!g :tit ain2i j 8£ ........................................................... uoilez!lauuey3 jo saldwex3 :£t ain2!j L£ ........................................................... uoi}ezllauueyO jo saldwex3 :Zt ainSi j 9£ ........................................................... uoi}ezilauuey:) jo saldwex3 :IT a.in.2! j S£................................................................ suoi}e:)!}!:)adS dool aj!g :OT a.in2! j VE ............................................................................. slogwAS mo.iaeys :6 aan8! j ££........................................................ suoije:)!}!:)adS Aemaj!g III ssel:) :8 a.ino!j Z£ ......................................................... suollmil gads AemaM!g II sseD :L aingi j TE .......................................................... suoije:)q!:)adS Aemajlg 1 ssel:) :9 aingi j 0£........................................................................... devu uo!s!IIoj aj!g :S aing!j tiZ.................................................. Weigel(] 8u!uoZ oaapemejd jo AllO :ti a.insij £Z .............................................. wea;�e!a ash pue3 o.iape3seIV jo AllO :£ a.in2i j TZ................................................................. suo!jeupsaa Al!unwwoO :Z a.in2! j £t ................... sa!}!1!:)ej Ou!SueyJ pue 9u'MJed aPA:)!g 41!m sa!}!Ipej :t•t a.inSij Zt....................................................... sap!1pe j pasodoad pue 2uilsix3 :t a.in2! j saingi j 6Z ..................................................... jaoM of uo!}e}.iodsueal jo sueaW :tb alge1 ZZ.................................................................. suolleuilsaa Al!unwwo:) :£ alge1 IT •••••••••••••......••• sjso:) pajepossd pue ainpn.ilseilul pasodoad :Z'Z 2 t'Z alge1 6 ................................ sa!1!I!:)ej Su!8uey:) pue Su'Ved aPA31g gullslx3 :t't algel 8 ....................................... sjsoO pa}el:)ossd pue ainpn.ilse.ilul 8u!}slx3 :t algel salgel Zb........................................................... sdogslaoM A}ajes apA3!g :8 xipuaddd 6£................................................................ sweJSOJd Sullied al!g :L xipuaddd IE......................................................................... sa!}!l!:)ej apA)!g :9 xipuaddd 0£ ................................................... s:)!jsi}ejS gsea:) pajelall apA)lg :S xipuaddd 6Z """"""""""""""" sa}ewils3 aajnwwo:) ue!a}sapad pue aPA:)l8 :t, xipuaddb SZ......................................................................... sa:)anoS 2u!pun j :£ xipuaddd TZ """"""""""""' suolleu!}saa Al!unwwo:) pue '8u!uoZ'asn pue3 :Z xlpuaddd OZ...................................................................... sjuawa.ilnbab b'lg :t xipuaddd sa:)ipuaddd 1. Plan Description This section of the Bicycle Transportation Plan contains the information necessary for decision makers and citizens to understand its scope, intent, and impacts. Those seeking specific detail regarding Plan projects, policies, and development, may refer to sections 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Purpose The purpose of this Plan is to provide a blueprint for the development of a comprehensive bicycling system that facilitates bicycle transportation by community members, from children to seniors, both within the city of Atascadero, and to and from neighboring cities. The Plan also aims at enhancing opportunities for recreational bicycling, with the dual goals of encouraging recreational cycling by residents and making Atascadero an attractive destination for tourists. Adoption of the Bicycle Transportation Plan demonstrates that the City of Atascadero is committed to bicycle transportation and will make the City eligible for various federal, state and regional grants in connection cycling related projects. Beyond that, adoption of this Plan will be an important first step in establishing Atascadero as a Bicycle Friendly Community and obtaining recognition as a place where bicyclists are welcome and safe on the roads. The Bicycle Transportation Plan is not a spending initiative or program of projects. Plan approval does not require the City of Atascadero to develop or fund projects or policies included in the Plan. Background The growing interest in bicycle riding throughout the United States is evident almost everywhere. Local and national efforts such as new bike specific development plans, bicycle infrastructure, encouragement activities, Safe Routes to Schools program, and the emergence of powerful regional bike organizations indicate a transition in Americans' attitude towards cycling for transportation and recreation. The City of Atascadero is well aware of this phenomenon and, by this Plan, is continuing the process of positioning itself to participate in it and to take advantage of Atascadero's unique suitability for bicycling. The Bicycle Transportation Plan has been created through the diligent efforts of the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition and citizens interested in improving the bicycling environment in Atascadero. Without the sustained efforts of the involved organizations and citizens, this Plan could not have been developed (section 4). Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 4 g OZOZ.iagwa;daS :ue1d uoijea-iodsuejy @pA:)ig wapeaseiy 'weJOoJd luawanoJdwl ('OyWO) Alllenb JI`d pue uolle,IllW uolls@Suo0 T66T • '(V31S[);:)V A:)ual:)IIJ3 uolleliodsueji aaelinS lepowJaluI T66T • 'PV aid ueDID 066T • :.Sulnnollol aql }o uoseaJ Aq 'algellene osle Die salliunlJoddo Oulpun j leaapa3 •llsueJl @lel Jo 'aIlq e apu 'llenn of asooga ognn s.iasn Jo} saoeld lualuanuoa aJow pue Ja}es Die speo.i 'laneJl }o sapow Ile Jo} Ouiuueld pool 2uiSeanoaua Ag •saplgan Jolow }o uollanpaJ aql Aq panoJdwl si Alllenb JIe pue 'saseaaaui_ lJonnlau uoilelJodsueJl aql }o Alpede:) lleaano aql 'suolldo uolleliodsueJl aJow aneq aldoad uagM •uollelJodsueJl allgnd jo siasn pue 'salllllgeslp gllnn slenpinipul 'sJoluas 'uaapllga 'slsll:)A:)lq 'suelJlsapad 'slsiJolow Buipnlaul 'sJasn Ile alepowwone of pou2Isap aq slaaJls Ile legl ADllod pal}lpo:) (SSET 9d) LOOZ jo lud slaaJlS alaldwo0 aq1 -luy slaaJlS alaldwOD LOOZ agl pue 'uoilelsloal SLE OS luaZ)aJ '(N33) weJ2oJd uolle2Il!N pue luawaauequ3 IeluawuoJlnu3 'BuplleM pue oulpAalg Jol lulJdanlg ZOOZ agl 'L661 ui lunoaay uollelJodsueJl a1:)A:)1g alels aql jo luawgsilgelsa aql 'day uollelJodsueJl apk)iEj eluaopleO V66T agl o} sjuegl 'Ianal alels aql uo anal sI slgl 'sluawanoJdwi uoilelJodsueJl al:)A:)iq Jo} algellene salllunlJoddo 2ulpun} algeaaplsuoa }o Allllgellene ui salelsueJl gJIgM 'SulpADIq jo luawa2eJno:)ua aql 2UIJOAe1 snsuasuoa Ieallllod e sI aaagl 'pjlgl •OulplJ apAalq aJow 2ui2eJnoaua pue slslpAa Jol sJa2?uep ouizlwluiw }o asod.ind aql Jo} Ile—sa11i1i:)ej 2ullslxa jo aoueualulew panoJdwl pue tui lied apAalq aJow glinn 2uole 'sgled laoils-}jo pue salnoJ aNlq pol ieW 'spJenalnog alaAalq 'sauel aluA:)lq ajes jo sapw aJow Jo} aalsap a 2ulssaJdxa Die sluaplsaJ 'AlunOD aql ui salllunwwo:) Jaglo pue 'oJapeasely ul •Aluno:) aql lnog2noagl suoilipuoa 2uipAalq panoJdwl Jo} 2ulleaonpe We Jana uegl sJagwaw Allunwwoo aJow 'Alluanbasuo0 -Ilann se apAalq Ag alnwwoa wow 'uolleaJaaJ Jol apAa sluapisaJ wow sd -Aluno:) odslgp slnj ueS ui uoll:)lpslJnf AJana ui luawdolanap ui AlluaJJn:) osle Die sueld Jalsew alaA:)ie -salgod osed pue ' 'gaeag owsld 'odslgp slnj ueS jo sailiD aql ul pue Ianal AlunoO aql uo sueld Jalsew alaAulq jo lenoJdde aql Aq paauapina sI Allunwwoa SuipunoJJns aql woJ} lJoddns 2uiseanul •Aluno:) odslgp sinj ueS ui pue sallp 2uuogg2Iau ui 2uluueld AennaNiq pue 2ulpAo pool jo AJolslq e sI aJagl'puo:)aS -JaglJnj lI gulpuedxa ui lsaJalul s,uollelndod aql pue dlgsaapiJ apAalq Ieaol paseaJaul Allueoipu0ls seq q:)ignn 'Jelndod ApeaJle sI oJapeasely punoJe pue ui SuilaAalq leuolleaJaaJ 'osld •spoogJogq0iau algenll pue 'luawuoJlnua 'glleaq ui polsaJalul uoilelndod e Sulneg se Mann se 'AgdeJOodol asJanlp pue alewip pllw e gllnn Allunwwoa pazls Jallews a guiaq apnpul asagl •Allunwwoa Alpu@pj-apAalq e jo sainglJlle Auew seq Apewle oJapeoseld '1sJ13 :sJopej jeJanas of sluegl 'asn apAaiq Suiseanul ui suleS Jofew alew of paslod spuels oJapeDsely • 1993 Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Recreational Trails Program ( RTP), • 1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA21), • 2005 Safe Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), All of the laws and programs mentioned above call for renewed commitment to bicycle travel. Already, these laws and programs are delivering over a billion dollars in bicycle, trail and pedestrian projects nationwide, and thousands of miles in new bicycle lanes, sidewalks, multi -use trails and other non -motorized enhancements. Eligibility for state and federal active transportation grant programs depends on having an approved Bicycle Transportation Plan. For example: As a result of not having an adopted bike plan, the City of Atascadero had previously been ineligible for any of the $7.2 million allocated annually by the State of California's Bicycle Transportation Account, while neighboring cities with bike plans received funds to provide improvements to their infrastructure. From the Bicycle Transportation Account alone, $64.8 million in funds have been allocated to cities throughout California since 2001. Most street improvement projects funded by SLOCOG either are conditional subject to proposed bicycle and pedestrian improvements or candidate projects are more competitive if they include bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Advantages Growing demand for cycling facilities, maintaining its unique small-town rural character, the importance of promoting energy-efficient, non-polluting forms of transportation and establishing Atascadero as a destination for active, outdoor -oriented tourists are four important reasons for adopting a Bicycle Transportation Plan. Additionally, encouraging bicycling and walking as transportation will help obviate increasing motor vehicle traffic problems in Atascadero. This Bicycle Plan can additionally enhance the enjoyment and quality of life for the residents of Atascadero. Since walking and bicycling are some of the most popular forms of recreational activity in the United States (with 84% walking and 46% of Americans bicycling for pleasure), it can be extrapolated that at least 21,000 residents in Atascadero will occasionally walk, and close to 11,500 will bicycle, purely for pleasure. Last, but certainly not least, is the matter of safety. Improving safety for cyclists is the single most effective way to encourage people to use bicycles for transportation and recreation. Addressing concerns about safety through physical and program improvements is another major advantage of the Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan. It has been proven that providing bike lanes also improves road safety, reducing traffic speeds and providing an increase margin of safety for motorists. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 6 L OiOZ iaquiaadag :ueld uolae:iodsueuy @j:)4:lg wapeaseiy •sAennpeo.l Ouole suds a}noa aIlq Aq Aluo paijiluapl si pue suelaisapad ao C;o'' salalgan JOJOW glln^ saloAalq Aq asn paaegs ao} sapino.Id •a}no.1 aillq e se o} pa.I.laja�j -III sselD eu,oa e>,!e m ala -%enng2iq ao laaa}s e e 2uole lanea} aIlq Aeon-auo aol sauel alalgan aolow aqj apislno auel pajpuais pue paduls r e sapinold -auel a� q a se o} paaaajaa •II ssel:) suer 0508 II MID 1V91 D+p+�++�tl -Aenngoiq ao jaaaIs /pue woa} pa}eaedas Alalaldwoa Am jo lg2la paned a uo lanea} alaAalq JOJ sapinoad .Ileal asn -l}lnw ao gjed 31!q e pollen Alsnoiaen A ssep filed OX18 I sselo -ueld aql jo uollaas slaafoad aq} ui papnlaul osle aae 2ullaed olaAalq of s}uauaanoadwi leuoi}ippy •aauuew }uaaaj}lp e ul 2ulNlq alowoad Minn pue 'salgdei2owap lua.la}}lp }o suaaauoa aqj sassaappe 'suoa pue sold sll seq gae3 •aanlana}sealul alaAalq jo saiaoOalea aofew aaagl 10 auo o}ul I1e1 Mm veld aq} ul pasodo.ld slaafoad lealsAgd jo Aluofew aql •(saeaA SZ of S) uaaa}-Ouol pue (saeaA S of ti) uaaa}-j.Iogs :sauoOalea Aaewud onn} olid ua�oaq aae ueld aq1 ul papnlaul s}aafoad lealsAgd a.Inlnl Ilb 'uolleaaaaa pue uollelaodsueal anlpe @Ie}lllaej II!nn 'palaldwoa uognn 'jegj slaafo.Id nnau a1}laads asodoid pue oaapease}y inogOnoagl aanlanalseilul ueulsapad pue alaAa!q juaaam jo Aao}uanul ue apinoid of sl ueld aqj jo uollaas sIaafoad e }o uol}uajul aql aanj:)najsea}ul•Z •ua.Ipllga loogas pue suazl}la aoluas :ueld agl jo salaelalpuaq luel.lodwi se pal}lluapl uaaq aneq sdno.l2] aaglo onnl 'saapl.l leuollealaaa pue saalnwwoa }lnpe q}lnn Suol`d weld e juawaldwi of snjadwi Aieualad aqj se saljla pue sunnol .ino jo uollsaguoa al}}eal pue 'A;!Ilgenll '/dales Inoge suaaauoa pada seq allgnd aql •saieis pailun pue ajejS 'uolgai aql ul Oui llenn pue SullaAalq aol Al!unwwoa lapow e se oaapeasely gsllge}sa dlaq Mm ueld aqj woaj suoljepuawwoaaa.2uljuauaaldwj •sapejBdn pue aaueua}ulew aol soullapinB pue Bullaqaew wsunol 'swe.IBoid uolleanpa Alojes apnlaul suol}epu@wwoaaa Aallod •saaanos Bulpun} leuiaixa JOI anljl}adwoa pue alglsea} aq o} p@Be�:)ed pue pauBlsap aae s}aafoid asagl •(sae@A ST 01 S) wj@I-Buol pue (sae@A S 01 T) uaaal-plus/hogs uaannIaq unnop uajoaq we sAem llenn ao sAennallq nnau se Bans sIuauaanoidwi ain}anaiseajul •(E uolPas) salallod pue (Z uoljaas) aanlanalseajul :ueld aqj ul suollepuawwoow jo sadAj pullslp onnl aae aaagl suol}epuawwonu Existing Infrastructure Atascadero has already shown certain leadership in encouraging healthy active transportation choices. Infrastructure projects such as share -the -road signs, bike lanes, multi -use paths, and sidewalks exist in various locations throughout the City with special attention paid to providing safe routes to schools, destinations, and the downtown area (as indicated in Figure 3). Most projects have been funded through grants from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments: Transportation Enhancements program, Safe Routes to School program. Completed projects are listed in the table and figure below (Table 1, Figure 1). Table 1 Existing Infrastructure and Associated Costs Table 1 Recently Completed Projects That Include New Bicycle Facilities Approx. Segment From To Type of Improvement Length (mi) Year Cost* Along the Salinas north eastern Class I Bikeway & Multi -Use Prior to De Anza Trail River & Railroad Atascadero Trail 3.5 2000 Chalk Mountain Class I Bikeway & Multi -Use Prior to Jim Green Trail Golf Course Loop Trail 1.3 2000 southern city Santa Barbara Prior to EI Camino Real limit Road Class II Bike Lane Segment 2.0 2000 State Highway Prior to EI Camino Real San Diego Road 41 Class II Bike Lane Segment 2.3 2000 San Jacinto San Anselmo Prior to EI Camino Real Avenue Avenue Class II Bike Lane Segment 0.3 2000 Olmeda Avenue /Railroad south Prior to Traffic Way Downtown of San Jacinto Class II Bike Lane 1.1 2000 Capistrano Union Pacific Prior to Avenue Railroad Downtown Class II Bike Lane 0.5 2000 Railroad Bridge EI Camino Real North ECR North ECR Constructed New Bridge 0.1 2005 Graves Creek North Bridge North Ferrocarril Ferrocarril Constructed New Bridge 0.1 2005 Santa Barbara EI Camino Real San Diego Road Road New Bike Lanes 0.5 2007 1,100,000 Constructed New Bridge with Lewis Ave Bridge East Mall Capistrano Bike Lanes and signage. 0.1 2007 $4,000,000 Added Class 11 Bike Lane Traffic Way Entrada Via Road Striping and Signage 0.5 2007 $600,000 Added Class 11 Bike Lane Traffic Way Palma North Palma South Striping and Signage 0.1 2007 $1,000,000 EI Camino Real Rosario State Route 41 Added Class II Bike Lane 0.6 2009 $1,000,000 Added Class 11 Bike Lane San Andres Road Navajo Road San Marcos Striping 0.3 2009 $1,000,000 Class II Bike Lane Striping, Santa Rosa Road US 101 lAtascadero Widened Shoulder, Signage. 1 0.3 2010 $ 550,000 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 8 OZOZ-mgwaadaS :uela uopejsodsue iy apig onpeoseiy saljgpe3 2ul2ueqD 'saannogS,Q swooaasaa 'si:)E% aN!g wAg a;enud suoidweqD sa!l!1!aej 2u!2ueqD 'siamogS 2 swoojlsaa 'Sj3e�i a1l0 WAg ajenud ssauIij Apauu@N Wea a3!g jueanejsaa / 1!ejaa 12 Jaleagl a!no1N ajenbS AuoloD slaea aN!g (dogS a�!g) I1elaa uew-N S�Oed a�!g poo3 ise3 / jueineisod 'if s,IjeJ x09 aqj u! joef onaa3 aalsel sl:)eb a�!g BuiddogS 1!elaa P!`d DIN saaNaol aj!q j01 apla pue died •ap!a puy lied ejegjeg ejueS sialool q!g j01 op pue �jed (luegjnD Ie AemOD4 aq; 01 lxau) ap!b pue lied s!nl ueS sa!j!!!ae3 Ou'SuegD'swooJIsaa 'sPeb 0�!g AI!1!Z)e3 ailgnd aalua:) Allunwwo:) lied AuoloD sJOe'd aI!g loops loogoS uo!jenu!luoD ON laa ":)ea aj!g loops loogoS Allunwwo:) u!elunoA j1egJ sa!j!llae3 Su!2ueq:) 'sjannogS �? sw0oaJsab 'SIDE% aj!g loops 100q:)S gSIH oaapeDseIV sa!jll!oe3 Ou!2ueqD 'si@mogS -Q swoojIsaa 'sj:)ea a�lg loops q9!H joiunf ojapeaseiy si!aea 91!g loogos Ajejuawal3 pa AaJajuow Ajeluawa13 esoa ejueS AJeluawa13 laugeg ueS AJeluawa13 01!uag ueS spe'd q!g A}!l!ae3 :)!ignd 11eH AID Wed DIM Aj!I1ne3 allgnd Ajejq!l onpeoseiy sl:)ea a1!8 spla!3 s}iodS a!lgnd Pla!3 pJOAly s�laea aillg Ted a!lgnd lied a�el spea a�!g Aj11pe3 :)!ignd u0!1!ned sped aj!g spla!3 s:podS pue Ted a!lgnd died �aaaD ewoled S�oea aj!g u01jaasialul / Jaaj}S AeM al}}ej1 slaeb ail!g Al!l!ae3 a!lgnd ooZ silaea a�!g �Jed allgnd suapjeS ualunS Aj!1pe j aphig }o adAl adAl ash / �u!pl!ng uo!jeaol sall!I!aeq 9u!5ueq:) Pue 21J!�aed apkg9 Ou!ls!x3 I'b' algpl Sal�l1l7-j BuldueyJ Nue duIjJtfd dlJnJ!a nu!4:)!nj VT algpl Proposed Improvements Infrastructure projects that would increase safety and access for transportation and recreational bicycle use are outlined in this subsection. Proposed improvements have been identified through community feedback at public workshops, via email and direct communication. Additional feedback from City Staff has helped identify gaps in current infrastructure and ensure that improvements are aligned with Atascadero community values and development priorities. Short-term, 1 to 5 years (Table 2.1), and Long-term, 5 to 15 years (Table 2.2), timelines break all projects in two major categories of priority. Short-term projects are those of high priority, which could be pursued immediately, and are likely to receive grant funding. Long-term projects are often associated with community expansion, future improvements to bikeway connectivity, and often require greater regional funding coordination. Streets and Highways Code Section 831.2 requires project prioritization for bike projects. All projects have been ranked, but ranking does not strictly dictate the order of construction. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 10 0joZ .aagwaldaS :ULId uopu:podsue.i L ala ig osapeasely lenoiddy sueille7 annbai IIIM. ST -1 Ueld o!dl3ads g2nojgl sjlwll Al!:) OulweD 13 a2pps 000'000`T$ S -T 9 paulwjalap aq of sloogos sIeli@Ijy/sjol3a110J laajO e11N ejues 000'000`T ST -T S' Ueld o!j!oads g2nojgl ssedjapun peon ojape3sei uoll3auuoO 000'000'T S -T OZ paulwjalap aq of TOT Aenng21H '8 goueN a12e3 TOT / g3ueN a12e3 -OOZ $ ST -T ueld 31}loads g2nojgi uoll3auuo3 Ilej peoN lae}eN Ues uolI3auuo:) 000'OOL-Z$ S -T T'T paulwjalap aq of a2P!N elsanO'8 sllwll Ileal g3uMd a12e3 peon onpeosei AID wagIjON a1!8 II sselJ IeaN OulweO 13 000`ZT9 ST -1 0'9 asn-!IInW palilssepun I1ejla2p!N eisanO pueN a12e3 uoll3auuOD -OOZ$ -2 punoj2dwe0 / TV @InoN ajej IleJl a2pIN e}san0 4so:) jeaA (Iw) 412UBI u014e3lllssel 011V ojja:) woad Juawsa 000'000'Z ST -T OT -9 III -1 sse10 sloogos slelja;jy/sjoj3a11oO (sl3afojd 10 slso:) pa4epossd pue s;uawanojdwl wjaj-;joys pasodoad T -Z algel uollenulluoO) sl3afojd 100935 of sajnoN ajes 000`089$ ST -T T'T asn-IIInW pagissel3un anuany IljegjnD doo3 Ileal ezuy a4 (1MN) 18 1 MID pau!gwOD peojin uolun o11loed 000'OOL`T$ ST -T S'Z asn-!}InW paljisseloun sllwll L}IJ anuany OIul3ef ues (1MN) q 1 sselD paulgwoJ peojl1eN uolun DiPoed 000`005 ST -T T 11 sselO ouejlsldeO Ae/v\ 0ljjej-L peon el 000`000'T ST -T Z"0 I sse10 peoN ajowe:)A (Janla seupleS rano a2pug uOAueD A130d ielnDlgan-uou asn pim) — MON I!jegjnO OOS`Z9Z$ OT -T S'£ II sselD peoN esoN ejueS Tb ajnoN ajej peoN ojapeosely OOb'TL$ OT -1 0'T asn-!IInW pawssel3un (dool) aile3 ojape3sei IleJl a�e3 ojape3seiy 73 1 sselD paulgwoO a�e3 ojape3seI 000`£LT OT -T £'0 asn-!}InW paljlssel3un IJedwnlpe} ilaaj0 oiape3sel J0Pauu0D '8 I sselO paulgwoJ Wd wnlpe3S 000'LS£$ OT -T L'Z asn-!}InW paljlssel3un /,jessaaau alagm slaalls :)pgnd uo aq IaaaJ ojapeoseIy Ilpm lnq ;o Bled smollod Allejau@O Ipej peoN laugeg ue .pI ajoweoAS/NN do ;so:) jeBA (Iw) 449ual uol;eal;IsselO suej;le ol wojj ;uawsas •xojdd s4so:) palel:)ossy pue s;uawanojdwl wjal-Suol pasodoad Z•Z olgel lenoiddy sueille7 annbai IIIM. slso:) paleioossy pue a pn.ilsejlul pas0a0jd Z'Z 'T'J algal s;3afoad 000'000`T$ S -T 9 III -1 sselJ sloogos sIeli@Ijy/sjol3a110J loogos of sajnoN ajes 000'000`T S -T S' I sselO sl n jo Al!:) leaN oulweJ 13 IeaN OulweO 13 10 pu3 000'000'T S -T OZ III -1 sse10 sajnoN sajnoN 2uldljjS/a2eu2!S -OOZ $ a�lg }o pu3 @N!9 }o 2uluul2a8 ajnoN aI18 pa}eu2lsaa 000'OOL-Z$ S -T T'T II sse10 sllwll sllwll sloafOJd ainso10 deE) aue-1 Aj!J ujaglnos AID wagIjON a1!8 II sselJ IeaN OulweO 13 000`ZT9 S -T 0'9 II sse1J sllwll sllwl3 AID uaalsaM *a2eu2!S -OOZ$ AID uja}se3 pue 2uldplS Tb ajnoN alejS 4so:) jeaA (Iw) 412UBI u014e3lllssel o woad Juawsa ajewlxojdd suej;le slso:) pa4epossd pue s;uawanojdwl wjaj-;joys pasodoad T -Z algel slso:) paleioossy pue a pn.ilsejlul pas0a0jd Z'Z 'T'J algal OR den sajno�j 9�i8 � T ONIUV:)SVIV fo All:) t .r,i4 y�x CITY of ATASCADERO0:-? o Facilities Map _E 3. Policies The overall goal of the Bicycle Transportation Plan is to make bicycling a safe and convenient alternative to driving. The policies listed below will ensure that the City continue to: • Increase safety and livability • Reduce bicyclist accidents • Mitigate traffic and parking congestion • Facilitate affordable mobility • Attract tourists • Encourage healthy transportation choices. Specifically, each policy will provide the City with a blueprint to aid in the development of a comprehensive bicycle system that facilitates active transportation by community members, from children to seniors, both within the city of Atascadero, and to and from neighboring cities. New Development Policies P1: The City shall update the Engineering Standard Specification to include bikeway improvement standards for streets and Class I pathways including surface materials, signage and striping. P2 New development projects that construct, reconstruct, or reconfigure existing roadways shall provide bikeways as prioritized and illustrated on the Figure 1, wherever feasible. P3: Whenever new development is adjacent to a school, community center, or commercial center, development should include Class I pathways to the center/school/facility. P4: The City should take full advantage of current regional, State, and Federal bicycle and pedestrian grant funding programs for bikeway projects. P5: The Municipal Code shall be updated to require bike racks for short term and long term bicycle parking for all commercial and multifamily residential uses with a parking ratio consistent with the California Green Building Code. P6: Parking lots, park and ride lots, and transit centers should, when feasible, provide bicycle parking for commuters. The City should work with SLOCOG and RTA to identify funds for bicycle parking. P7: The City shall work with local schools to establish enough bike parking to Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 14 g OTOZ aagwaldaS :veld uopul iodsue.iy oaapeasmv alaA:)Io 'SaUel laneJI ayj y}IM SUOIe paulelulew aJe salllllae} aillq jeyj vans sauel aiilq apnpui of papualxa sl aaueualulew Ouldaanns }aaJls aJnsuo pinoys A}lD ayl :8Td 'aJow pue sa}eJS a2euleJp Alpuaiij apAaiq 'sleu2ls }e swalsAs uol}aaIap apAalq 'sAeMa�lq II sselD 2ulsson sauel UJnl-ly,IJ JO }ial aney }ey} SUOIiaaSJalul le uoilezil@uueya 'daaNdn Ilauals pue 2uldlJls 'Als 'IuauJaned 2ulpnlaul 9 xlpuaddd ul paglJasap saullapin2l of 2?ulpJoaae paule}ulew pue palanJlsuoa aq lleys sAemaj!q III pUe `II 'I ssel:) II'd :LTB a:)ueua}uleW 'veld leJauaE) oJapeaseIV ayl ui weJoelp slleJl pue Aennaj18 ayl pue }uauaa13 uol}elnaJlD ay} yilM ivaislsuoa 'slleJl Aluno pue A}lD posodoJd pue OUlIslxa o} suolIaauuoa apinoJd pinoys slleJl yaue)l @ISe3 'uollexauue aJninj ay} Jo} ueld a!3!aadS ay} ul pal}lluapl pue pauueld aq IIIM AjJadoJd yaued @ISe3 ayj uo slleJl pue sajnoJ apA:)ig :9Td 'alglssod uayM sa}noJ aiilq Oullslxa pue SJUauJanoJdwi Oullslxa of iaauuoa o} uol}lsueJl pinoys sauel al!q MaN 'salJepunoq A}JadoJd }e AlldnJge pua jou pinoys sauel @j!9 :STd 'sa!}!I!aej Bui lied pue syled 'sauel ailiq yllM UMOJUMOQ ay} ulyllM IaneJ} pue ssaaae aIDA:)iq 00ue03 :tiTd 'Bullnwwoa apAalq a2eJnoaua of }uawdlnba pue say}op 2ulJo}s pue sul2ueya Jol sa!l!I!aej apnpul of juawdolanap Mau a2eJnoaua pinoys A}lD ayl :ETd -Jany seulleS ayj Ouole uo}aldw@i of oJapease}y woJ} uollaauuoa alnoJ alaAalq e ysllgelsa of 'sueJlle:) pue AjunoD ods1gO slnl ueS 'JO:)OIS se vans 'sapuaL9e Jayio y}lM aleulpJooa pue 2ulpun} Maas lleys Ai!:) ayl :ZTd •alglssod JanauayM slaafoJd leuol2aJ yllM pa}eulpJooa aq pinoys slaafodd IIeJl pue Aenna>llq Ieaol :TTd A}lnul}uoa alnoJ azl}lJolJd pue sa}noJ ap/blq ul sdeO ajeulualla pinoys A}lJ ayl :OTd weJgoid }uauJanoddwI lellde:) ayj gullepdn pue Oullgwasse uayM pa}lnsuoa aq Ileys Ueld DIM ayl :6d •seaJe uollexauue 10 MalnaJ Al!:) ul padaplsuoa aq pinoys sal}lunlioddo uelJlsapad /apA:)Iq }o Malna�l -veld sly} yllM }ualslsuoa aq lleys suol}exauue aJnlnj Ilb' :8d uol}elndod }jets/}uapnis ayl }O %OT lse@l }e alepouauaoaae and pedestrian pathways should be maintained as part of the City row maintenance efforts. - The City should encourage local cycling and service groups to aid in maintenance or bicycle and pedestrian facilities. - An "adopt a trail/lane" program could be implemented to provide recognition for all maintenance related community service efforts. - If necessary, trail maintenance programs administration may be contracted to a local organization or bicycle advocacy group. Education and Safety P19: The City shall install directional signage to assist community members in their effort to find streets with bicycle facilities or identify locations where there is a change in the type of facility (e.g. where a Class I ends at an intersection and a Class 11 start on the other side, signage shall indicate to user what courses of action are available to them). P20: The City should consider the establishment of a Rack for Plaques program where community members donate funds for the purchase of specific bike parking racks in designated locations in exchange for special recognition on those racks to assist in meeting bike parking requirements. P21: All community events where over 500 attendees are expected should provide bike parking for at least 10% of the expected turnout. - Temporary bike parking can typically be contracted to an outside organization. Ex: Bike Valet services may be hired the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition (SLOCBC) at a minimal cost to the event organizers. P22: The City shall work with SLO Regional Rideshare to provide Transportation Choices Programs to City employees. P23: The City should encourage safer cycling through Bicycle Education Workshops. The SLOCBC currently teaches a two part series of workshops to teach adults safe bicycle riding, provides one hour lunchtime sessions to businesses, schools and more. The School District shall be encouraged to provide bike and pedestrian safety programs at schools within City limits. The City may participate in bike rodeos or assemblies, organized walk/bike to school day events, and Safe Routes to School Activates. Collaboration with SLO Regional Rideshare, SLOCOG Safe Routes to School, SLOCBC, PTA and other organizations should be conducted to locate additional grant funding and volunteer support. P24: The City should require Bicycle Confidence Workshops (offered by SLOCBC) or another equivalent program, to all people ticketed for bicycling illegally. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 16 z l OIOZ jagwaidag :ueld uopeliodsueay ala6alg ojapeoseiy y:)eaazno -alapease}y ui sa!l!unlioddo uoI}eljodsue,I} anlJae OUISeDJ:)UI U1 pajsa.Ia}u1 suazi}!o leaol pue '}uaual.Iedap juauadolanaa A}!unwwOD '1uaua}aedap sjaoM a!lgnd ay} Aq pals!sse 'uolssiwwoO uoljeonag pue slied oaapeasejy aqj jo aauep!ng ay} .Iapun OZOZ Jo .Iawwns pue Su!.Ids Bu!.Inp padolanap uaaq seq Ueld uo!le:Iodsueal aloAolg s,oaapease}y }uawdolanad ueld •ti •s}!ua!l Aj!D o}ul paxauue sl gaue�j a12e3 aal}e ueld uo!}elAodsueal apAz)!g aq} olui pajeaodioaui aq pinogs ueld a!j!aadS 1aafo.Id aqj ui paipluap! a.Ie ga!gm sajno.I a>I!q pue sl!ejl gaueg al9e3 :ZFd '(SOOZ) luaual.IedaQ 21u1.Iaau19u3 A}unoD sin -I ueS aqj Aq pa.Ieda.Id ueld sAema>I!g Ajuno0 se gans sueld leaol pue '(SOOZ) ueld uo!}elaodsueai leuolga�{ aqj se gans sueld leuo!Daa ql!m }ualslsuoa aq Ilegs ueld uo!leliodsue,Ii alDAD!g o.Iapeaseiy aql Wd •saeaA Ajuam} jxau aq} .Iano slseq ej!dea aad a uo uo!lanpai junipugls e Maas pue 'slanal }uap!aae pa}elaa apAa!q .Iol!uow Alieln2a.I llegs }uawliedop silaoM a!Ignd AID aql :6Zd •uaaauoa leninw jo sonss! Ile ajenlena pue apnlau! o} D!lgnd Ieaau@S aqj pue suollez!ueBAo A}!unwwoa 'sa!}!Iedp!unw Ieuo!L9aI pue Ieaol uaamlaq uo!}eu!p.Iooa azlualxew pinogs alepdn ueld :8Zd - ndu! a!lgnd Ouljej!Ipe} pue }ua}uoa ueld 2u!lepdn }o l.Iolp aqj q}!m }jejs A}!D is!sse of pags!lgelsa aq llegs dnoa2 .Iaplop lets y - 'saeaA an11 A.Iana po epdn aq llegs ueld uolleliodsue.Il alaAa!g aql :LZd sa}epdn ueld •oaapease}y ui ws!anol aIDADiq pue'.Ou!ae.I alaAa!q 'Bulllem'Suij!q Ou!lowoad (Aep Ileal leuo!leN AIDPOS 2uWH ueauawV'e!uaoj!leD jo inoi u@2wV TullaAD vsn 'Al!unwwo:) ssaullaM aql 'gnID aN!g OIS :xa) swei2oid pue sIuana jaoddns of saaq}o q}!m Alan!}eaogelloa jAom Aew Aj!O aql :9Zd •umolumop Su!ppq aaaawwoO }o .Iagweg0 aqj le pue al!sgam neaang saoI!s!A pue aauaaa}uOD aq} uo uo11euaao}u1 OUIIaAa ajes 2u!p!noid Aq sls!ano} ol OUIIUAJ .Iadoid alowoad pinogs AID agl :SZd A stakeholder group of local citizens have worked to update Atascadero's 2000 Bicycle Transportation plan with the goal of having the improved plan approved by the end of 2010. Special guidance regarding potential political hurdles, cycling encouragement programs, and infrastructure ideas has been provided by the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition. In May of 2010 the Parks and Recreation Commission, with assistance from the SLO County Bicycle Coalition, conducted a public workshop to better understand current demand for a Bike Plan, discuss its potential benefits, and receive input regarding specific projects and policies Atascadero residents care about most. Over 20 participants were present at the pubic workshop. After the workshop, the stakeholder group began moving forward with updating the content of the plan and integrating ideas for improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. A public hearing conducted on September 28th at a joint meeting of the Atascadero City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission provided additional opportunities for public feedback before the completion of a Final Draft of the Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan. Relationships to Other Plans As an Element of the General Plan, the Bicycle Transportation Plan has the comprehensive scope and jurisdictional authority required to coordinate and guide the provision of all bicycle related programs, projects and facilities affecting the City of Atascadero. While many current planning efforts provide recommendations regarding one element or aspect of the bicycle networks; the task of the Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan is to ensure consistency between all of these blueprints, while attending to planning for areas of the City not already targeted by other studies. The studies or planning efforts listed below have been reviewed and consulted, studied for consistency, and where appropriate, folded into Atascadero's Bicycle Transportation Plan: City of Atascadero General Plan (2002) The 2002 update of the General Plan addresses the planning and design of bicycle facilities in Atascadero. It makes specific recommendations meant to improve cycling conditions throughout Atascadero. Recommendations include: (a) a comprehensive network of on and off road bike routes to encourage the use of bikes for commute, recreational and other trips, (b) provide trailheads to improve access to the Salinas River and historic De Anza Trail. San Luis Obispo County Bikeways Plan (2005) Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 18 6l pjpZ iagwaadag :veld uopel.rodsueiy apA:)i8 onpeaseiy •slol apl�l pue Need pue's}uawaauequ3 Aem@N!g pue 2ulpAalB 11lsueji leuol9aa 's}uawanoadwl Ilsueal AID 'wea2ald suolldo alnwwoD A.le}unIOA :se vans palanea} sallw aplgaA gjlnn pa}elaosse uol}nllod .Ile aanpaa of suolldo pue spoq}aw le.lanas spuawwoaaJ ueld ald ue@ID s,Pu}sla loiluoO uoljnllod ald A}unoO OIS aql (100,7) upld alb' una10 AjunoD odslgp sln7 unS sgjed ueu}sapad papauuoa.la}ul ales pue sdo}s apld pue a1l8 's.lannogs 'siapol 'spec ajlq apnpul of slesodoid juawdolanap nnau aSeanoaua pue '@Iel.ldoJdde aaagnn laneal uela}sanba pue SullleM a}owoad of suol}eul}sap .lagjo .lo seaae aluaas 1aauuoa ao gBno.lgl lanea} galgnn 'sllejj asn lllnw pue uoljeana.l 'sllennpaeoq jo }uawdolanap aqj aSemmua 'suol}eul}sap uol,eaaaaa jogjo ao sewe aluaas of laauuoa .lo gSnojq} IaneJl }eqj sAennaj1q l ssel:) }o juawdolanap aq} aBeinoaua 'uol,9a.l aqj InogBnojq} Aenn-jo-IgSla peo.11lej pauopuege pue AeN\-}o-sigOIH Aennpeoi pue 'llej 'Allpn Sulsn sezue leuoilea.laaa aofew jaq}o pue 'sa2leluoij lelsoa aleudoidde Suole sAennajlq l sselO pue asn-ljlnw dolanap o} sueld ansind 'walsAs uel.11sapad pue Ileal 'Aenna�lq A}unoa -aaJul 'paIaauuoa,laIul anlsuagajdwoa a ule}ulew pue aleaaa :oj sal}lunwwoa paalp pue sIuawanoidwl uel.l}sapod pue alaAalq apnpul dill aqj ul sleoS snolaeA 'OEOZ JeaA aql ggnoaq} Ajuno:) OIS ul uolleliodsuejl aoj uolsln aq} soulllno (JODOIS) sIuawuA@AOD }o IlaunoOodslgO slnl ueS aqj Aq padolanap (di2]) ueld uollelaodsueal leuolOaa aql (OTO,7) unld uoljo7 iodsuoal lnuol6ad Apno0 ods/go s►n7 unS •suollalpsunf asagj ul sa!l!I!ael Aenna�lq pauueld ao qullslxe o} suollaauuoa Aaj OuIAj!luapl Aq suollalpsunf aaq}o Aq paiedaid sued Aennaillq sluawlldwoa ueld aql -Aluno:) paje.lodaoaulun aq} InogOnoaq} swei2oid pue saijgpej jaoddns se Mann se salllllaej }aaajs Ilo pue uo gjoq sapnpul jegj walsAs Aennaillq e Ouldolanap aoj }uladanlq aqj sapinoid ueld sAennaj!E] AjunoD odslgO slnl ueS aql Appendices Appendix is BTA requirements To be eligible for Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) funds, a city or county must prepare and adopt a Bicycle Transportation Plan (BTP) that addresses items A -K in Streets and Highways Code Section 892.2. Below is the list of requirements, along with the page number on which the requirement is met. Requirement and Location A. The estimated number of existing bicycle commuters in the plan area and the estimated increase in the number of bicycle commuters resulting from implementation of the plan (p. 29). B. A map and description of existing and proposed land use and settlement patterns, which shall include, but not be limited to, locations of residential neighborhoods, schools, shopping centers, public buildings, and major employment centers (p. 21, 22, 23, 24). A map and description of existing and proposed bikeways (p. 8, 12). D. A map and description of existing and proposed end -of -trip bicycle parking facilities. These shall include, but not be limited to, parking at schools, shopping centers, public buildings, and major employment centers (p. 9, 13). E. A map and description of existing and proposed bicycle transport and parking facilities for connections with and use of other transportation modes. These shall include, but not be limited to, parking facilities at transit stops, rail and transit terminals, ferry docks and landings, park and ride lots, and provisions for transporting bicyclists and bicycles on transit or rail vehicles or ferry vessels (p. 9, 13). F. A map and description of existing and proposed facilities for changing and storing clothes and equipment. These shall include, but not be limited to, lockers, restrooms, and shower facilities near bicycle parking facilities (p. 9, 13). G. A description of bicycle safety and education programs conducted in the area included within the plan, efforts by the law enforcement agency having primary traffic law enforcement responsibility in the area to enforce provisions of the Vehicle Code pertaining to bicycle operation, and the resulting effect on accidents involving bicyclists (p. 30, 42). H. A description of the extent of citizen and community involvement in development of the plan, including, but not limited to, letters of support (p.17). I. A description of how the bicycle transportation plan has been coordinated and is consistent with other local or regional transportation, air quality, or energy conservation plans, including, but not limited to, programs that provide incentives for bicycle commuting (p. 18). J. A description of the projects proposed in the plan and a listing of their priorities for implementation (p. 21). K. A description of past expenditures for bicycle facilities and future financial needs for projects that improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters in the plan area (p. 8, 11). Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 20 E _ , CITY Of ATASCADERO,_; .4. m� Destinaiton Map CD _ .. cn Table 3 List of Community Destinations Destination Project Type Status • San Benito Elementary Schools Complete • Monterey Rd Elementary • San Gabriel Elementary • Santa Rosa Elementary • Chalk Mountain Community School • Del Rio Continuation School • Atascadero Junior High • Atascadero High School • Los Padres National Forest Parks & Recreation Complete • Pine Mountain • Chalk Mtn Golf Course • Heilmann Grove • Atascadero Lake Park • Stadium Park • Paloma Creek Park • Heilmann Grove • Heilmann Regional Park • Colony Park Community Center • Atascadero Library • Vons & Rite Aid Center Grocery Complete • Albertson's Center Drug Store • Food -4 -Less Center Retail • Spencer's Center • K -Mart Center • Adobe Plaza • Downtown Retail / Restaurants Complete • Colony Square Retail/ Restaurant Under Construction Movie Theater & Mixed Use Office & Residential • Eagle Ranch Future Hotel, Tourist Planning App. in Progress Mixed Use Development Commercial, Residential • Walmart & The Annex Future Retail Planning App. in Progress • Mission Oaks Retail Complete • West Front Mixed Use Retail/ Restaurant CUP Approved Business Park & Residential • Holiday Inn Hotel Complete • Fairfield Inn Future Hotel CUP Approved • Meridian Office Complex Medical Complete • Moresco Plaza Office Complete • Home Depot Center Retail Phase I constructed • Dove Creek Commercial Future Retail CUP Approved Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 22 i Nix CITY of ATASCADERO�`y n o S Landuse Mai p $� LO "Zo dew buiuoZ II a` Odl(lv:)Sviv fo AlID 5Z OiOZ iagivajdaS :uela uogejjodsue.iy ap :)qj wapeaseiy '6u[wweJ6OJd dllS le!uua!q 6uunp pawweiboid s! 6uipunl an!I!Iadwoa '9ODMS g6noagl paaa}s!u!wpy •slDafoad JuawaDuequa uo!}eliodsu2JI auo1e-pue1s ajeaja uegj aagjea s}Dafoad uo!leliodsuea} jeln6aa of s}uawa:)uequa ppe of pa6e.inoaua aje sIauIs!p 'aaegs s,alels aqj ao3 •zooz u! wea6oad (b'31) sa!j!n!jay luawaauequ3 uo!}eliodsuejl a}ejS aql pags!loge (DiD) uo!ss!wwOD uo!leliodsueal e!uaol!leD aqj aau!s Alan!snpxa pasn uaaq aneq euaIua leaapal aql swnasnw uo!leliodsueallo luawgs!lgels3 •zz AI!n!IDauuoa je}!geq 6u!u!eIu1ew al!gm Al!le:pow a}!IPI!^^ pasnea -ap!gan aanpaA pue }louna Aemg6!q of anp uo!lnllod aaIem ssaappe of uo!;e6!}!w lejuawuoa!nu3 •tt gDJeasaa pue 6u!uueld leDI60l0aeq:)ay •oz 6uis!IJanpeaoopino40 lenowaJ pue loaluo3 •6 (sl!eaj a�!q/pad aol asn /uo!saanuOD 6uipnpu!) aop!aao:) Aeml!ea pauopueqe to uo!4enaasaad •g (sa!;!l!ae} peoal!ea auo;s!q 6u!pnpu!) sa!}!l!Del uo!;eljodsueal a!aols!y to gegab I uo!jenaasajd aiaoIs!H '9 uo!leD!l!lneaq a!uaDs jaglo pue 6u!deDspue1 S (saaJuaa awoDlam pue Isunol 6u!pnpu!) swea6oid Aemg6!q Duois!q ao D!ua:)S b sa4!s DuoIs!q/D!uaDs pue sJuawasea D!uaDs to uo!l!s!nbDV E s}s!laADiq pue sueulsapad aol sa!l!n!}ae leuo!}eDnpa pue Alales to uo!s!nad z sapAD!q pue sueu;sapad sol sa!;!}!Dello uo!s!noad L :501106a1ea anlamj 6u!mollol aqj u!gl!m aq Ism sIDafoad •aldoad to aagwnu lsa}eaj6 aqj of I!lauaq lsa}eaa6 aqj ql!m j!lauaq al!l-lo-Aj!lenb e aneq pinogs sIaafoid aq1 •swa4sAs uo!4e:PodsueJl aDel.ins o4 pa4elai AI;D@a!p aq jsnw pafoid aq} pue 'uo!le6q!w paa!nbaa pue sIaafoid uoile:podsueal lewaou paa:)xa Isnw slaafoad •sa!;!l!pel uo!le:podsuejl punoae ao u! 'al!l-lo-Aj!lenb 6u!auequa Spafoad juawanoadw! lej!dea pa;elaa uo!lel iodsuea} jol aae spun} Iuawaauequ3 uo!le:podsueal leaapa3 :Xj!j!gA1j3 }Da(ojd •s!seq elnwaol a uo uo16aa aqj of pajeaolle s! weaals anuanaJ si41 •uo!laaload D!uaDs pue 's;uawaauequa Jop!aJOD 'uo11e611!W leJuawuoa!nua 'uo!I!s!nbae puel 'uo!lenaasaid Duols!q 'sa!j!lpel alaAa!q se gDns 'saq!n!jae paseq-Al!unwwoa of paiaaj!p s! wei6oid 6uipunl 31 aq1 •q:)Iew se suo!lnq!4UOD pu!�-ul pue spun} leaapal aagjo 1!waad suo!leln6ai juaajnD -o/,oz 6u!u!ewai aq; aol alq!suodsai s! aosuods 1aafoid aqj pue '}soa Iaafoid agllo o�oog sAed Juawwan06 lejapal agj'sasea Isow ul •apew uaaq aneq saanl!puadxa jaale 6u!punl an!aDaa sjosuods 6uiueaw 'sa!l!n!IDe luawasangw!aj p!e-leaapal paAap!suoD We slaafoid 31 -Ilam se spafoad IuawaDuequa uo!leqjodsueal aol saaegs dllS aelnbaa sj! to %o7-o�oS swea6oid AIleD!dAj DORMS 'sa!I!n!Iae 31 uo asn aol spun} wei6oid uo!}e:podsueal a:)elanS s}! to luaaaad uaj apse Jas isnw sa}e}S '9070-1S Aq pawwej6ojd pue sa!aua6e uo!lelaodsueal @leis Aq pa6euew s! wei6oid aq1 •II!q uo!leliodsuea}}xau ql!m pawnsse si aseDADUI uy •600z g6noagl wei6oid aqj o} pa;ea!pap spun} paseaaau! AjjueD!l!u61s m-V313JVS -meds uado 6u!leu!w!la pue sa!;!unwwoD 6U!Iuaw62JI SIDafo.id uoilDnj;suOD Aemg6!q to shall@ an!je6au lasllo o; ssaa6uOD Aq z66T ui paleaJD sem wei6oid sIuawaauequ3 uo!}eljodsueal aq1 •aan}anajsealui uo!leliodsueal to spadse le}uawuoa!nua pue :)!;aglsae 'auois!q 'lejnj!na 6UTAoidwi Aq saDuauadxa uo!le}aodsueal aauequa pue saa!ogD lane@; puedxa o} s;aafoad paseq-Al!unwwoD papunl Allenpal aje 5a11!n!Iae (31) 4uawaauequ3 uo!le:podsuejl (31-dllS) wea6oad Iuawanoidwl leuo!6ab . (31-dlll) wea6oad Juawanoadwl uo!le:podsueal leuo!6aaaa1ul . 31 Sat�in/lay4uauraaunyu3 uo/4n4.10Sunal Inaapaj sa:)anoS 6uipunj :£ xipuaddy Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) The Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) is to increase the number of children in grades K-8 walking or biking to school by removing the barriers that currently prevent them from doing so. Barriers include lack of infrastructure or inadequate infrastructure that poses a safety hazard, or lack of outreach programs that promote walking/bicycling through education and encouragement for children, parents, and the community. Project Eligibility: Eligible projects fall under the category of infrastructure (capital improvements), or non -infrastructure (education, encouragement, enforcement). Infrastructure projects must be located within a two-mile radius of a grade school or middle school. Eligible applicants include state, local and regional agencies. Non-profit organizations, federally recognized Native American Tribes, school districts, hospitals and public health departments can partner with state, local and regional agencies as their responsible applicants. Administered through Caltrans Local Assistance Competitive Federal funding cycle complete. Future funding cycle structure unknown. Additional information found at: http://www.dot,ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/saferoutes/saferoutes.htm Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) This new Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), under SAFETEA-LU, replaces the Hazard Elimination Safety Program (HES). The new program provides a transition period that allows States to fund projects that were eligible under the old HES Program until such time that an annual 5 Percent Report, describing no less than 5 percent of public roadway locations with the most severe safety needs, and a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) have been developed and implemented by the State. The intent of HSIP is to significantly reduce public roadway fatalities and serious injuries. The emphasis will be at locations that are data and strategically driven. Project Eligibility: For a project to be eligible for HSIP funds, the project must be on any public road, publicly owned bicycle, pedestrian pathway, or trail. Projects must identify a specific safety problem that can be corrected or be improved substantially. Administered through Caltrans Local Assistance. See http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/hsip.htm Recreational Trails The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funds annually for recreational trails and trails -related projects. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) administer the RTP. The Department's Office of Grants and Local Services administer non -motorized projects and the Department's Office of Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division administers motorized projects. See http://www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=1r+32c, State State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) These funds are not historically used for bicycle specific improvements, except in the case of STIP TE — regional & local projects only (see Fed TE information above) STIP funding is used for major highway and regionally significant projects that can include bicycle improvements. Interregional Transportation Improvement Program OT/P) These funds are not historically used for bicycle specific improvements, except in the case of ITIP-TE projects. These funds are for Transportation Enhancements of Statewide significance such as the De Anza Trail, Atascadero-Templeton Connector, etc. Transportation Development Act (TDA) Approved by the Legislature in 3.971, the Mills-Alquist-Deddeh Act or SB 325 created the Transportation Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 26 LZ pZpZ -iaquiaadaS :ueid uo!jea.iodsuejy wopesmV -s}ueld algel!ns jagio pue saga} }o 6u!lue!d aqj g6noagl Al!lenb a!e anoidw! pau6!sap SIDDfOJd -- Ajlsajod uegjn pue adeDspueg Aemg6!H . :sauo6aleo aaagl ui papaeme aje s}uea6 pue'sIuawaaJ6e JueJ6 panoadde aqj sials!u!wpe suealle3 •sa!}unOD uaaglnos £i pue uaagljou Sri s,e!woJ!IeD uaamlaq I!!ds glnoS/q:pON 09/047 e su!eju!ew 1£-y of @pew s! Idwal}e ue 'wej6oad aqj 6u!punj ul •(VOID) 1Dd Al!lenC) IeIuawuOa[nu3 e!uJOJ!IeD aql aapun jo} pa]IeD as!nnJagjO sl legm anoge pue aanO uo!le6!l!w pue JuawaDuequa JeJuawuoa!nua ap!noad 4snw wea6oad s!ql aapun papunj slDafOad Al!lnel uo!;e:podsueJl Mau e }O uO!IDna;suo:) ao AI!Ipel uo!le:podsuejl 6u!ls!xa ue 4o uo!jeDypow aqj }o pedwi jejuaiuuoa!nua aq} o; palelaa AllOaa!pu! ao Alp@j!p aq jsnw s}aafoid alq!61!3 •sa!l!I!pe} uo!lellodsueil a;els pa!}!pow ao Mau Aq pasne:) SIDedwi jejuawuo.l!nua aq4 ale6!l!w of sluafoid joj suo!}ez!ue6ao 1!4oaduou of pue sa!Dua6e jejuawuaanO6 jeaapa} pue 'alels 'le�ol o} sjuea6 ao} aea/, gDea uoill!w oz$ jo !ejol e saa}}o 11 •6861 ui aan}ejs!6aq aqj Aq pags!lgelsa sem wea6oad uolle6!l!w pue Iuawaouegu3 !ejuawuOa!nu3 aql W33 Lana oad uo/�n /�/W pun }u9WaDuequ3 /n�uaWuoa1nu3 iu;q-a6edqaMe}q/eiq/sulea6oad!eDO�/bg/nO6•eD' Op•MmM//:d4lq :je punoj uo!lewaoju! !euo!;!ppy •aago;Dp u! pa:)unouue DIDAD 6u!pun} an!j!4adwOD sAema�!q jo aDueualu!ew pue juawanoadwj . 6u!uueld . sAemal!q 6u!Is!xa UO suO!I!puOD snopiezeq}O uo!;eu!w!13 . Ianea; apAD!q }O ADua!DI}}a pue Alajes aqI anadw! 01 SODIM)p jOajuO»!}4eaj jo uo!leI Ie;sub I. sap!gan I!sueal D!lgnd UO salj!j!pe} 6UTAJJe7-a!OAD!e . s6u!puel pue SIDOp Aaaaj pue 's!eu!wjal i!sueji pue I!ea 'sjo! ap!a-pue-lied 'saaIuaD juawAoldwa le 6u!�jed apAD!q aanDaS . 6ullnwwoD apAD!q 1equalod of siauaeq Ianeal 6UTAOwaJ s/,emal!q MaN . sJOpuaOD uo!je:podsueJj JOfew 6u!naas shma� !q maN . aq; 'ol pa;!w!i 4ou aae }nq apnpu! stew SjDafoad y18 sau06aIeD IDafOAd •sueJI12D pue A:)ua6y 6u!uueld uo!lelaodsueal jeuo!6a�j a;e!adoidde aqj Aq panoadde uaaq seq pue z•168 uOIjDaS apO3 sAemg6!H pue sIaaalS ql!M sa!!dwoD legl ue!d uo!jeliodsueal apAO!e e jdope pue aaedajd }snw AjunOD ao Aj!O e 'spun} b'18 joj a!q!6!la aq of spun} vio .lo} Aldde o; aiq!6!!a aae sa!juno:) pue sa!l!D :01!q!6113 wnJ6oJd •wej6Oad `dl8 aqI aals!u!wpe (3yg4) s.laau!6u3 aDuejs!ssy JeDOq IOuIs!Q aq4 pue aDue}s!ssy !eDO� 10 uo!sln!Q aqi u! (Nde);!un saijq!Ded apAO!e aql •sA@InWWOD apAD!q AOJ aDua!uanuoD pue Aja}es anoidwl ;eql sjDafoid AjunOO pue Aj!D io} spun} ajejS sap!noid (y18) wej6Oad juno»y uo!;ellodsueal DIDADIe aql d7a Tlaawjo �uno»y uo/�bVO sural ado .)18 '11-01Oz Ad pue O1 -600z Ad u! (xel seE) se umou� osle'vinH) JDV xel aasn Aemg6!H JO aaegs IeOOJ agijajap }eqj slesodoid apnpu! suo!jeaaq!jap ja6pnq a}els ;uaaan3 •sa!}!Ipe} al!q 6u!pnpu! 'sIOafoid uo!;eljodsueal jo} uO!}aJDS!p ,suogp!psunf aqj le pasn aae spun} asagl •Allenuue uo!l!!w ooS$ A!a}ew!xoadde of lenba 'xel se6 sJuaD-81 aq} }o sjuaD-£z•£ anlaOaa � lluaa.lnO sa!junOD 'suO!}uangns (vinH) IOy xel aasfl A q6!H se umou� os!y suo.14uangnS xn_L sb9 a�D�S •SIDafoid pea pue snq pue 'uo!le:podsuejlDilgnd'saD!nJas }!suej Al!unwwoO 'sa!;!I!De} apAD!q pue ueu;sapad 'sa11!n!IOe wei5oid pue 6u!uueld 6u!pnpu! 'swea6oad U011e1Jodsuejl 4o Ajauen ap!M e spun} Val :Al!l!q!6i13 IOafOJd sasodind uo!le:podsuej; ssew pue bu!uueld uo!jeliodsueal ao} pasn aq Aluo ue:) 6u!pun} d1S aql •@Dueuaju!ew pue uo!IOnj;suoo 'speoi pue Sj@WIs JeDO! J04 pasn aq ueO dlq aqj pa!3s11es aae se paau D!lgnd 6u!p!nOad 'punct (V_LS) aDuels!ssy I!sueal ale;S aq} pue '(dlq) punct uo!le:podsueal IeDo� aqj pags!jgejsa Val -sued uo!jellodsueal jeuo!6aa q;!m 6uiAldWOD sasodind ;!suej;-uou pue I!suea; aoj 6u!pun} sap!noid mei s!ql •(Val) }Dy juawdolana4 • Resource Lands -- Projects for the acquisition, restoration, or enhancement of watersheds, wildlife habitat, wetlands, forests, or other natural areas. • Roadside Recreational -- Projects for the acquisition and/or development of roadside recreational opportunities. Additional information at: http://resources.ca.gov/eem/ Petroleum Violation EscrowAccount Grant opportunities from this fund are available through the Bicycle Facilities Unit (BFU) of Caltrans in the form of BTA grants. Office of Traffic Safety Grants (OTS) Competitive Grants issued by the Office of Traffic Safety on a regional/local level. Search for Local grant information on the website at: http://www.ots.ca.gov/Grants/defau[t.asp Safe Routes to School Program (SR2S) Assembly Bill (AB) 1475 (Soto — 3.999) called for Caltrans to establish and administer a program to fund bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements for children in grades K-12 using federal transportation funds. Senate Bill (SB) 10 was later enacted to extend the sunset date of the program from January 1, 2002 to January 1, 2005. Subsequently SB1o87 was signed by Governor Schwarzenegger to extend the program for three more years. In 2007, AB 57 was enacted which eliminated dedicated funding and required that funds compete against other safety programs in the annual State Budget process. Project Eligibility: To be eligible for SR2S funds, the project must be located on any state highway or on any local road. Projects must correct an identified safety hazard or problem on a route that students use for trips to and from school. Up to 10 percent of the project's cost can fund a non - infrastructure component that supports the infrastructure project. Only cities and counties are eligible to compete for funds. Competitive funding cycle completed. Status of next funding cycle is unknown. Additional information at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/saferoutes/saferoutes.htm Local/Regional Traffic Mitigation/Impact Fees These one-time fees may be imposed on new developments to pay for fair -share improvements and facilities required to serve it or otherwise reduce the impacts of new developments in a community on a regional level. While a number of jurisdictions actively collect local impact fees, to date, regional traffic impact fees have not been pursued within the San Luis Obispo region. General Funds Jurisdictions can use General funds for bikeway improvements as outlined in their Capital Improvement Program. Sales Tax Increase Local Option Sales tax: This can be used to improve bikeways, this is up to the Jurisdiction to decide to do, promote, and prioritize funds from. San Luis Obispo, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach, and Morro Bay passed Local Option Sales tax measures in 2oo6. Regional Option Sales tax: Throughout California, more and more regions have turned to a more stable funding, locally -derived, source for transportation projects. Nineteen counties (representing 85% of the population) have passed voter measures to increase the local sales tax, most typically, by o.5%. In 07/o8, over $4.513 was generated for transportation purposes in these regions. Currently, these measures require a 2/3rd majority vote and the funding may only be used for projects and programs in the approved Expenditure Plan. A similar measure in the San Luis Obispo region would generate $20M -$25M Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 28 6Z OiOZ .iagwaadas :ueld uoiaej_iodsuejy apii zq8 ojape:)mV Sg %£'o g£ %£ t + �iSL + %9 S + Sb9 + 000z-o66z �IeM DIDADi8 uen'jDnal'J2D saa;nwwOD IeIol saea� :000z o} o66z woa j 6ui�IeN\ pue 6uilaA:)i8 ui a6ueHD %S•i SLi %S•o zg %g -z6 69ztt 9Sort 000z %z•z o'iz %6•o ooz %£•t6 5V7OT zz'itz 066z MeM DIDAD19 uen'�Dnal'aeD saajnwwOD le;ol aeaA uogejjodsuea;}o WJ04 yaea 6uisn aldood jo aagwnu Je;o; aq; sa;eDlpul jagwnu gae3 :Japlo pue saeaA gt saajaoM aoj jaoM o; uol;eliodsueal4o sueaA a -SLoz ui ueld uoi;e:podsueal apAaig aq;40 a;epdn aq; ui pazip;n aq Ipm 6ugenn pue BUIIDAo o; saauaeq pue saaioga uol;ejjodsuea; 6ulpae6aa jjodaa y •saaioga uol;e:Podsuea; 12DOI 6uipjebaa gaaeasaa leuoq ppe g;lnn pie o; suoi;eziue6ao ;i}ojd-uou pue ;uawuaano6 leaol q;lnn a;eulpjow o; sued oaapeDse;y }o AID aq; uoi}ewaojui pape;ap ajow jo Al!l!gelieneun aq; o; an(] •(£dS :£ alid tiewwnS) 000z pue (£dlS :£ apd adel AaewwnS) o66z woad e;ea snsu9D sn uo paseq aae ueld siq; ui pa;p se oaapeDse;y ui JJoM o; 6ui;nwwoD sueu;sapad pue s;slpAa Jo jagwnu aql sa}ewlls3 aa}nwwo3 ueIJ4s8p9d pue apA:)i8 :1i xipueddy ,veld ald ue@ID pa;dope s;i o; 6uipao»e spun} asoq;}o asn aq; s;Daalp aDdd A;unOD odsigo sln-1 ueS aql •6uiuueld asn puel pue ';isuej; Uawa6euew puewap Ianea; se Bans 's;l}auaq Aj!lenb jie g;lnn sal;lni;De 6uluu2ld pue s;Dafoid uol;eliodsuea;}o 6uipunj aq; ao} pasn aq /yew spun] asagl •886t }o ;Dy JIV uealD eivaoj!IeD aq;}o suolslnoad aq;;uawaldwi o; kessaaau swel6oid snolaen punj o; a6aegDans uoi;ea;sl69a aplgan e pa;uawaldwl seq (aDd`d)Pu;s14 loa;uoD uoi;nIpd aiy AjunOD odsigo sm-1 ueS aql 99 z8b Spun_4uol4n4Uauaa7u.il - bb» 43V.riy ubal) bluao IIDD •600z Ajenuef ui pa;uawaldwi aq o; aseanui xe; lan};uaD £-z e panoidde Al;uaaaa epenaN ui AjunOD aogseM •sal;lun:poddo 6uipun} leaol apinoJd pue Janal leuoi6aa e ;e pa;uawaldwl aq uea aseanul xel hand y asnaaaul xbl janj •6ulpun} le;uawalddns 6u1;e6i;sanul pmpaennao} 6uinow spuawwoaaa did ozoz aql •ssaa6ojd /pue apew;a/Ajou seq uol6aa odsigp sink ueS ag;'xe;sales uol;do leuol6ai e ansind AIDAIssaJ66e pue AIDA;ae o; anul;uoa sal;unOD 6uiulewaa aq; jo Auew a11gM •ae;)A aad uoda�j uois11100 PanIonuI aloA019 dHO E m r. •.•.r,•L•i 6002 - LOOZ a - i suoisilloo o� !s J ONIGV:)Svlv fo Alli z N �iYv_' gip` . .�•.fu�%wlY 6fi pjpZjagwa;daS :uu!d uopea.iodsue-il a!z)A:)io wapeasuay •nnolaq g a aas •WaH jad aa}jn6 loo} -z e gl!nn;aa} S pue 4aa} h iseal le aq pinogs auel al!q agjjal}n6 ou q}inn jaw4s e up •pa�jew aae sliels 6ui�aed aaagnn;aa} S }o wnwiuiw e saainbaa WaH aqj_ •sa.inlDnilsea}ui apAa!q jagjo uaaMlaq A;!nuijuoa ap!noid sauel asagl -app o; ajagnn }o s4sipAa ao} uo!;!ui}ap pue S;SIIDAa }o Al!l!gissod }o sIsuolow of uo!leD!pui ue apinoid saue� •Ianeal DIDADiq AeM auo jo} papua;ui aye pue sAenng6ig ao slam;s uo sapAaiq ao} paduis sauel we asagl •pa;I!iwad sisiaolow pue suep}sapad }o snnoI}-SSOJD pue 6u!�aed ap!gan q;inn inq pa4iq!goad suepIsapad ao sap!gan aoJow Aq Janea; g6noagl q�!nn sapADiq }o asn anisnpxa-!was jo anisnpxa aqj .io} pau6isap Aenn-}o-;g6ia palap;sW e apinoad jegj sAenn@�!g :11 sselD 1-96 ajn6! j'a:)lnW aas'sanejeap u6is Jo� :aloN paper {:u!W) -• Paned 4iP!PA {'�'!W) .8 • -..-_- p�uea J. i-�!W) .,7. , ,Z • r .: 44 pqr Jk� uoileai}pads Aemq!q I ssep 9a •nnolaqa� aas •eaae ap!nn 1001-zt}o wnw!u!w e 6ui�ew apis gaea uo papeJ6 ;aa} z wnwiu!w e q;!nn ap!nn }aa} g aae sluawaa!nbad •paziwiuiw slsiaolow Aq snn011-ssoao g}inn sueialsapad pue sapAa!q }o asn anisnlaxa aqj ao} pa}eu6isap Aeon-}o-}q6u pa}eaedas Ala;aIdwoa e ap!noid jeq; shmaj!e :1 ssep suoijea!}pads lenueW u6!sao Aenng6iH q}!nn Jua}sisuoa aje sad/} ssep 6uinnoIIo} aql sadifl ssvID fo suo *gla(j sai}ili:)e:j apA:)i8 :9 xipuaddy Figure 7 Class II Bikeway Specifications IMotor Vehicle Lanes M w'� I ir k Yh!ii Pare Bike !!!! Dike Parking One Lane Vert cal Curb (1) MARKED PARKING MIA Curb Motor Vehicle Lane> 13' is recommended where there issubstantial parking or turnover of parked cars is high (e.g.comniedralareas). (2) PARKING PERMITTED WITHOUT MARKED PARKING OR STALL 5' Min. Motor Vehicle Lanes —� + Bike Bike Lane Lane iwth (3) PARKING PROHIBITED V itho(it C.ortw} Gutter) err h1atorVehicle Lanes d'Min. 4' -�- Bike Bike Bike I f Lane Lane (4) TYPICAL ROADWAY IN OUTLYING AREAS PARKING RESTRICTED Note: For pavement marking guidance,see the MUTCD and California Suoolement. Section 9C.04 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 32 s£ oToZ iagwaadaS :ueld uopeipodsue.iy @pA: j oaapeasmv •sap!gan ao;ow se paads ae1!w!s !ane ; }q6!w s;s!ID/tD!q aaDgnn sauel II!gunnop uo Jo sa11!1!Dej a>I q PD;eD!Pap ap!noad of alenbape }ou s! glp!nn Aennpeoi aq; aaagAA suo!}eDol u! pasn AIIeD!dA; aae snnoaaegs Duel aqj ul apu o; aDeld Isaq aqj s;s!lDAD!q of a;eD!pu! snnoajegs •SIS]IDAD!q q;!nn auel aqj aaegs pue aas o; padxa pinoqs s;suoiolnl •snnoJaegs aq; Dano anuP Ips ueD lsuo;ow e 'sauel a>l!q alejedas IOU we /tagl •peoi aq; }o sDlna bu!ls!xa aq; aDao}u!aJ jeq} spua6Dl ;aaa;s-uo We 's6u!jaew Duel PDJegs se unnouJ osle 'SAAOd2IVHS •auel a>I!q pada;s e Jo} q;p!AA Juap!}}nsu! s! DaDgl ajagnn sal!gowolne q;!nn pDaegs Aennpeoa e sluasDadaa nnoaaegs eori ul pa}ou SV :sMojjegS •pajJan!P s! D!}}e.q al!gowolne DI!gnn enol} o; Dy4eaj aIDA:)iq Molle jegj SIDaJIS ssoJD le s6u!I!d aq lg6!w aldwex3 •slsil:)AD!q 04 UDn16 s! aDuaaD}ajd D!}}eJ; g6noagl g6noglle III ssep of ael!w!s sap/v!q pue sal!gowo4ne pm pajegs Aennpeoa y :paen9lno8 apk)i8 (?r•�) 81.8 (Vo) v63 (VJi 18c a tN ,3 N � �3 8 3NVl 3N19 �f No) omm NO) 0'77d (y")) 9rtZJ ('d)) `ut7td _....... -...... ..... _ lIX3 I S31J.I71A 0321JOlON 1H HO338D K/ 1Sf1W isnii A3l]H3A N01Ln9HSnd NONp N3hIB0 BLlOW uwa34Ic LSjif\iU S31DA01EI e6 sapitpe-q iiloA�t&.iu{ sutl(5 A3o7eMUDi 9 VIii1L11) "fdo) Z•76 ca»iilj ]3H z�i lig.91t;. 1 -lira. < > :'1:iA ' 4'lIM<w> (i, l0 8 iaa4gi scwwocj ajoAarg Jo) sueig ou uivAl 'E-66 a3nL1/� friu:cnic-� m a,n �.; papwuic sc ' I Doi>i :ay cf7L ❑JL1}S S.Y:t1i13; suo!jeD! j!DadS a6eu6!S Aem;)I!g III ssep 8a :apnlDu!ab ink u! UMOgs suolldo a6eu6!S •sAenna�!q III sselD ao} PapuawwoDDa IOU aae s>Ilennap!S 'aDe}jns peoa good ao D!}4eaj q6!q se gDns sa;noa aDgjo Dano sa6e;uenpe of anp solnoi paaaajaad AIlensn aae asagl •sisuoiow ao sueli sopad gj!nn pajegs aae pue sAennpeoi 6uole su61s ajnoa a>l!q Aq pajeu6!sap /tens-}o-jg6u e ap!noad jeq; sAenna>l!8 :III MID Figure 9 Sharrow Symbols Bike Loop Detector: A Bike Detector tells the signal when a motor vehicle or bicycle is waiting for the light to turn green. Bike - specific pavement markings indicate where to position the front wheel in order to change the signal. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 34 n cf u I i i Isim o ,' i 'u;kf S t> rarer EE mta.... 1..... } , a E 3 'y ,v ; 3' y f E- �Vi t 1 _ d N n i&5In} $tgmaef�rn} (B.Sin} Bike Loop Detector: A Bike Detector tells the signal when a motor vehicle or bicycle is waiting for the light to turn green. Bike - specific pavement markings indicate where to position the front wheel in order to change the signal. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 34 S£ ()I OZ aagwaadag :uejd uopLjjodsueay ajo6aig oaapeaseiy 'Dij}ea}jo} Ala}es pue Al!l!gisin 6uileaa:) jo} }saq uoipsod auel aado.id ay} o;ui s}sil:)ADiq }aajip t-iz sain ij ui unnogs se 'peoa a41 uo s6uijaew 'sigl }o asne:)ag -apiyan a o} Aljeliwis si :)ij}eal ui anegaq of lsipAaiq e ao} Aem lsa}es aqj ,SalDigan„ sapA:)iq saapisuo:) apo alaigaA eivaoj!IeD asneDae •uoiIDasaalui ue 46na4j paInoi si ajDADiq aqj moq sanJonuJ :uoi;ezilauueqD (ur OZ) WLU [ul t) ww u! 99) (u! nz wG b wwa (ur i) ww (up o6 w,w p9aJ [u 0 uuw SZ -010. 1 IZ) wula ('u! 0 0 wLU 09Z .................................... suoiJeDljoads door al!q or ainVi Figures 11, 12, 13 Examples of Channelization Pocl. Crost �+ I /" sing KE - 4' mill. 'SII * 1 4, 1ANE RIKF.. (1) RIGHT -TURN -ONLY LANE Peri. Crnssing -t t 1 I ypical path of through bicyclist. LANE 1 RIKF. Typical path of I E 161K I E (3) OPTIONAL DOUBLE RIGHT -TURN -ONLY LANE f' A Crossing MIKE Typical path I min. I of through bicyclist. 1 ` r LANI, F F3IKF (2) PARKING AREA BECOMES RIGHT -TURN -ONLY I...ANE t'ed. Cro33inq LANE RIKF. Typical path of through bicyclist, t LANE BIKE (4) RIGHT LANE 13ECOMES RIGHT -TURN -ONLY LANE Note: For bicvcle lane markings, see the MUTCD and California SUDnlcment, Section 9C.04. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 36 L£ OZOZ .iagwajdag :ueld uo!;e:podsuej L ap6aig o.iapeaseiy IL%410 c 0"o of 2 POMI mmys PA4 tot Lmyrin"j rA aght. ftwndvily kary Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 38 6£ OiOZ iagwaadas MEW uopea_iodsueal, @pADIg o-lapemew jDeZj�ead ST ain ij -A;D aq; o};soD jewiuiw ;e 6uilaed aliq ailgnd aseaaaui o; pasn aq ueD wei6o.id ,sanbeld q}inn s�Dea„ y ,slaej }o saldwexa aae nnoIa8 •s;uana leuads ;e pue 's;ol 6ui�aed ui 's�jennapis uo s�aea sapnpui 6ui�aed i.uaa;-:poqS :6uilaed 91i8 WJD-L :PoqS swea60Jd 6ulIJed ali8 :L xipuaddy x08 a�i8 r ain i_q •uoi;DasJa;ui ue;e do pananb sea 10;uoa} aq;;e aaeds leuoi;ippe q;iM s;sipAoiq sapinoad ;I •suoi;Dasaa;ui ;e s;sipAa jol Ala}es apinoid o; Aenn jaq;oue si xoq aliq y saxo8 ali8 Faure 16 U -rack (This rack type is NOT recommended) Long Term Bike Parking: Long-term parking includes bike lockers (on public or private property) and bike cages (private property only, such as work sites). Other long-term bike amenities include showers, changing rooms, and/or indoor bike parking. These services can be provided by an employer or can be a private enterprise such as Bike Station, a company that provides services and parking for a fee. See examples of long term parking below in diagram/photo 5-12. Figure s I Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 40 4V OiOZ uagwaldaS :ueld uopE!jiodsuejy ouapeasely •aa} a6eAo}s e 01 JDafgns aq Aew pue �Doj alqe:) @JDADiq piepue;s e glinn aDeds a6eAols Ano ui Ao 'ainjeaj u6is '�DeA zqq e 01 3! DOJ 1(!M am do 1! jDid o; ;a6ao} noA 41 •sa>!q jnoA 61.11jDajoid le sljadxa aAe SJaajunjon s,uO'I!IeOD aqj pa�Aed s,?I!q 000'S -C Aano q}!M •asea pm pauAn}ai st a�iq aq; pue 6e; �DagD wiep Aiaq; sAaa}unjOA Ano pueq Akiwis /age a�iq Aiag� anau�aA o� gsinn /�ay� uagM •;uana aq}}o uoileAnp aq} Aol;off aAnDas eql ui pa�Aed lInjoie:) si ajiq Aiagl •aIiq Aiaq; of pa;e:)ojje Aagwnu aqj 6u1gDjew 6e} �DOgD wielD e uan16 si Aapu gDea 'JenuAe uodn jeoa e a�q Isnf sliom f 's;uana A;!unwwo:) o} lepad of ajdoad Ao} Aaisea j! 6uilew ;e pawie uOl;!IeOD apAD1.0 AjunOD OIS aq} Aq papinoAd DDINDs 6ul�Aed a�!q unA Aaalunlon e si �aleA a�ie OU 6u1M.led PleA 81!8 ao14Ir441U Mee asunol pue leool lo} sa>llq lewa.i'sauossaDoe'S sales alnwu:oD OT/9T/8 pue aloAolq 'siledal apAolq aa};o suolleool uopelsa)j18 awns •sdlal alnwluoD .inoA ueld o; uollew.>o;ul poop #oj s#azejgjje#1 ;;;els In;dlay pue Ajpual.lj :uoljejsaNl8 OT/TZ/8 `sjnoq 6u!lejado 1uDluanuoD UOjjeu �odsue#1 !uollel.jodsuejl o!Ignd of ssasoy 8a1leu#az1v u1 MIS jXaN Buguasajdatj .'sleluaJ aloAolq asn-pa.ceils • #a;ua'— 3lEsua�l aillg o#OgsjjjH :apinoid suDllelsD>f!9 3solU 1nq !Sal1!uaul0 pue upljej9- BMlg saolnjas anblun sapinold uopeool uopelsa�l8 yoea 'uonlppe uI of uoljepo sue#i slgoW uol;e ado;o savoy h{!ep r,ay1 joj uopelsa>j!p leool .lnoA;o abed ail; >jDagD 'noA ao; lualuanuoD aaoui OT/T£/8 sl 6UI>{aed;o poylaw 1e4M uo uDl;ewJo}ul avow pug oy •bul>lAed ainoas o1 ssaDoe jnoq-tq Ao; sd14sAagwaw pled pue 'uope.+ado o#ogs111H ;o s,inoq a!ay1 bul.inp 6upped Dai; Ja;;o suollelsa>jls Auew ul qny Supped i l a)ilq uado of slgoW •algepao;;e pue 1u DSUDAUDo'aldwls s,1I 'noA aAaas of ajgellene sl uojlelsa>j!9 OT/T£/8 'Aep aql uo; a>l!q jnoA aaols of Doeld ares e pDau Aldwls noA ao '>{aom o; 'uo!le:wodsue.11 o!lgnd of a>l!q jnoA app noA . aq/aqm #a110 aW11 MIMI – a#at{ >:D!lo oseald aadolanap;Daroid uollelsa>l!© OLLlO#.d dlys#agtu BW lellua;od a aae noA II - pagan DD pue ainoas sl aplgan jnoA r pjlgAl#e3 cuogslllH legl painsse aq ueo noA pue sall!lpej mo ;D Duo le a>llq ,noA u011e-Ise)JIS )Ped -X)ISED SDAIJ ,SISIJ)AD a ew 01 Sa:)WW PajeIDJ PUE Bulled ��� - • ' OT/i£/8 alDAoiq ainoas ua;Ao saRlRoe; Jno •walsAs uolle-podsuejl ay} ;o 1Aed le,j6alu! ue aq of sanlleujalle jaq;o puc bujpAD!q 6upgeua {' 's.la uaD jsue>1-a !a sa e.lado ue 'suG!sa sue d uol;esa l 3 1. � 1 P 'suoljdo uealo aldoad 9A16 04 6uDj#Oen sr uorjejsa)j!S MOIIVS58M18 nt7A iaa�ss '. OTDZ•8'6 *uoilie Isiq gi a Appendix 8: Bicycle Safety Workshops The SLO County Bicycle Coalition has a variety of workshops designed to meet the needs of all types of community members. STREET SKILLS WORKSHOP In this workshop you will learn how to take on the road with confidence. Learn simple yet innovative techniques to ride safely, get noticed, and gain the respect of motorists. Find out the typical scenarios that usually lead to a crash and how to avoid them. Learn about your legal rights on a bike. We'll then take it on the road where you'll get to put your new techniques to immediate use, such as how to negotiate an intersection and how to take charge around all of those cars. We guarantee that after you leave this workshop you'll feel more empowered about taking on traffic. Workshop duration: 4.5 hours RIDE RIGHT WORKSHOP Get more in-depth training on bicycling in traffic. Learn how a simple thing like lane positioning can make a big difference in how you are treated in auto traffic. Beyond that, we'll show you basic road mechanics like how to change a flat, adjust your brakes, and even adjust your gears. Workshop duration: 5 hours BROWN BAG SEMINAR Interested in having a presentation on bicycling at your place of business, club, or community group? Our one-hour seminar is a great way to introduce bicycling to yourfriends or colleagues. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan: September 2010 42