HomeMy WebLinkAboutRA 2011-005RESOLUTION NO RA 2011-005 'm RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, IRREVOCABLY ALLOCATING FUNDS FOR CONTRACT SERVICE FOR BLIGHT REDUCTION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Atascadero (the "City") has adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area (the "Redevelopment Plan"), and, WHEREAS the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (the "Agency") and the Agency Board of Directors ("Board") is vested with responsibility pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Part 1 of Division 24 of Health and Safety Code of the State of California) (the "Law") to implement the Redevelopment Plan in the Project Area, and, WHEREAS, the City and Agency have declared blight elimination and economic development to be a top priority; and, WHEREAS, the City has commenced a number of activities to reduced blight and promote economic growth (the "Contract Service"), including but not limited to Economic Development — services may include but are not limited to providing an Office of Economic Development; implementing a Fagade Improvement Program, providing Site Design Assistance, executing a Permit Fee Waiver Program, conducting Economic Development Studies, implementing a Sign Program, and providing other economic stimulus programs in the Redevelopment Area Tourism, Marketing and Promotion — services may include but are not limited to advertising, conducting special events, supporting the Visitors & Conference Bureau, providing a Tourism, Marketing and Promotion Program, and providing other tourism, marketing and promotion services Downtown Maintenance and Beautification — services may include but are not limited to providing a higher maintenance level in the Sunken Gardens, maintenance downtown streetscape and landscape, downtown tree trimming services, Sunken Gardens fountain maintenance, steam cleaning of the downtown sidewalks, street sweeping in the downtown core, trash pickup and other extra maintenance Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No. RA 2011-005 Page 2 of 4 services in the downtown core, provision and maintenance of holiday .ra enhancements, and other downtown maintenance and beautification services Administration — includes administrative costs related to the provision and funding economic development, tourism, marketing, promotion and downtown maintenance and beautification. Services may include, but are not limited to legal fees, invoice payment; record retention services, audit services, and other administrative services, and, WHEREAS, the Contract Service addresses the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area and will be of benefit to the Project Area in that the Contract Service will alleviate blighting conditions, attract additional tourists and assist with improving physical aesthetics, and, WHEREAS, the Agency, which was established in June 2000, is tasked with eliminating blight in the Redevelopment Area by creating fobs, improving properties, and attracting new businesses through marketing and business attraction efforts, and, WHEREAS, the Agency is given certain legal abilities that provide a revenue stream for these activities including collecting tax increment and issuing financings, and, �rrr WHEREAS, the Agency has used these revenues to purchase properties, build capital projects, and implement programs that market and develop the community's economy; and, WHEREAS, the Agency commissioned an Economic Strategy and Economic Feasibility Study in 2007 and a tourism studv in 2008 (the "Studies") to best determine how efforts of the Agency would be carried out; and, WHEREAS, the City established the Office of Economic Development (the "OED") in December 2008, to increase revenues through economic development, stimulate the City's economy implement the Studies, and carry out the Agency's mission of eliminating blight and creating economic prosperity in the redevelopment area, and, WHEREAS, the OED has engaged in several stimulus programs to grow the City's economy and entered into agreements for facade improvements, grant programs for signs and building permits, loan guarantees, and the participants in these programs need continued support and administrative assistance, and, WHEREAS, the OED is both creating and coordinating tourism and marketing efforts to ow promote travel to the community as a family destination in the central coast of California, and Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No. RA 2011-005 Page 3 of 4 the OED has entered into agreements for providing these services including advertising online, through TV and radio, publications and proactive social media and web -based initiatives, and, WHEREAS, the OED is aggressively working to streamline the City's permit process and serves in an "ombudsperson" capacity assisting projects through the development process, and WHEREAS, the OED promotes the business community and has developed programs to both retain existing business and attract new business to the community; and, WHEREAS, the Agency implemented a Business Stimulus Program in June of 2009, serving businesses both citywide and specifically in the downtown zone, and, WHEREAS, the Agency's Business Stimulus Program includes a comprehensive marketing campaign, fee relief, streamlined permit processing, a business -friendly website, implementation of a revised downtown fagade program, wayfindmg signage, an investment in parking in the downtown, affordable housing/building rehabilitation, and, WHEREAS, the Contract Service is consistent with and will promote the Agency's Implementation Plan, and, WHEREAS, Section 33126(b) of the Law dictates that the Agency may contract with any other agency, for the furnishing of any necessary staff services associated with or required by am redevelopment and which could be performed by the staff of an agency; and, WHEREAS, the Agency desires to enter into a binding contract ("Contract") with the City pursuant to which the Agency will irrevocably commit Agency monies to provide funding in the amount of $5,621,180 00 (the "Agency Funds") because the Contract Service will directly benefit the Project Area, and, WHEREAS, a staff report to the Agency at its meeting held on January 14, 2011 (the `Staff Report," incorporated herein by reference), which sets forth fact supporting the findings made in this Resolution pursuant to the Law, has been prepared to accompany this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero 1 That the Agency reaffirms its financial commitment to the Contract Service activities and desires that these activities move forward in a manner that will most effectively provide the foregoing benefits to the Project Area. Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No. RA 2011-005 Page 4 of 4 2 That the Board approves the expenditure of the Agency Funds set forth in the too Contract, between the Agency and the City and submitted to the Agency in connection with consideration of this Resolution. 3 That the Board directs the Executive Director of the Agency to execute the Contract with the City irrevocably committing the Agency Funds and the Agency Loan to the City for the Contract services and requiring that the Agency Funds be held in a separate account (Economic Growth Account) 4 That the Board directs the Executive Director of the Agency to segregate five million six hundred twenty-one thousand one hundred eighty dollars and no cents ($5,621,180 00), within the Agency's accounts to be held in a the Economic Growth Account upon execution of the Contract governing the use of and accounting for the Agency Funds IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution will become effective upon the effective date of approval by the Agency's Board of Directors On motion by Board Member O'Malley and seconded by Board Member Sturtevant, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote AYES Board Members Clay, Kelley, O'Malley, Sturtevant, and Chairperson Fonzi NOES None ABSENT None ADOPTED January 14, 2011 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGEN OF ATASCADFRO By Roberta Fonzi, Chairperson ATTEST Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C , Board Secretary APPROVED ASO FORM Brian A. Pierik, Agency General Counsel