HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 090886 'CINDY WILKINS DEPUTY CITY CLERK • NOTE: THERE WILL BE A CLOSED COUNCIL SESSION AT 6 :45 P.M. , FOURTH FLOOR CLUB ROOM, FOR PURPOSES OF DISCUSSING LABOR NEGOTIATION ISSUES. AGENbA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOORP . ROTUNDA ROOM 'SEPTEMBER, '8,,"1986 7: 30 P. .M. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call City Council Comments COMMUNITY FORUM - (Only 15 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum at the beginning of the agenda. Citizens are requested to keep remarks under 5 minutes, and that a speaker person speak in behalf. of groups. ) • ** Certification of Appreciation - To be presented to Escuela Del Rio for Their Participation in Landscaping the "Welcome to Atascadero" Sign located on El Camino Real at the Highway 41 Offramp ** Proclamation - Acknowledging International Literacy Day - September 8, 1986 A. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of August 25, 1986 2. Proclamation - Acknowledging Erosion Control Month - September 15 - October 15 , 1986 3. Proclamation - Acknowledging the Month of September, 1986 as United States Constitution. Observance Month • 4. Council Authorization for Mayor to Enter into Agreement with Robert M. Jones for Interim City Attorney Services Beginning September 9, 1986 1 0 0 • 5. Approval of Proposed Resolution 102-86 - Travel Policy for Individuals Traveling on City Business 6. Approval of Camino Card Parlour Business License Change of Ownership from Shirley Butterfield to Mary Johnson 7. Approval of Tentative Tract Map 20-86 - 8305 Coromar Road - Subdivision of 3. 50 Acre Parcel into 6 Lots of between .50 and .71 Acres Each - Molina/Twin Cities Engineering 8. Approval of Lot Line Adjustment 9-85 - 9095 La Linia - Adjustment Between 2 Existing Parcels - Meyers/Volbrecht Surveys 9. Approval of Lot Line Adjustment 11-85 - 4370/4390 Rosita Avenue - Adjustment Between 2 Existing Parcels - Jewell/ Costiloe/Dan Stewart & Associates 10. Authorization to Begin Bid Proceedings for 1986/87 Road Overlay Project 11. Authorization to Begin Bid Proceedings to Purchase Dial A Ride Bus 12. Approval of Proposed Resolution 101-86 - Prohibiting Parking of Vehicles 6 Feet and Greater Within 100 Feet of Intersection On. El Camino Real, From San Anselmo to San Gabriel Roads • B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Assessment District Number 4 - Separado/Cayucos Sewer Project A. Motion Accepting Staff Report on Financing of Proposed Assessment District B. Proposed Resolution 99-86 - Approving Revised Boundary Map and Revising the Description of Public Improvements C. Proposed Resolution 100-86 - Approving Engineer ' s Report on Proposed Improvements, Appointing Time and Place for Hearing Protest to Said Improvements and Calling for Construction Bids 2. Ptopos'ed Resoolutlot104-86- - Approving the County of San Luis 0 ispo Solid Waste Management Plan C. ' UNFINISHED BUSINESS Proposed Resolution L03-36 - Compensation for City Clerk and • City Treasurer Positions (Cont'd from 7/28/86) 2 • 2. Proposed Resolution 98-86 - Amending Sections of Resolution 9-86 - Amapoa Tecorida Development Impact Fee (Cont'd from 8/25/86) D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion on Request for Proposal and Advertisement for City Attorney Contract 2. Policy Amendment to Time Extensions for Building Permit Applications E. ATATCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Coinc l will recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors) 1. Developer Request for Special Consideration on Sewer Fees (The Board of Directors will adjourn and reconvene as City Council) • F. COMMUNITY FORUM G. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager • 3