HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 032806 - Joint Meeting Approved 4/25/2006 SPECIAL JOINT 19�s ' 19 STUDY SESSION SCM, Atascadero City Council Atascadero Planning Commission Atascadero Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES Tuesday, March 28, 2006, 5 30 p m EAGLE CREEK PROJECT **,,,,,. Mayor O'Malley called the meeting to order at 5 30 p m ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Clay, Luna, Scalise, Pacas and Mayor O'Malley Planning Commissioners Fonzi, Jones, Kelley and O'Keefe Parks and Recreation Commissioners Ausman, Butz, Jack, Livick, Sechrist and Chairperson Mathews Parks and Recreation Commission Student Representatives Buck- Moyer and Solkshinitz Absent Planning Commissioners Porter, Slane and Beraud Parks and Recreation Commissioner Castaneda Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson, Deputy City Clerk Grace Pucci Staff Present. City Manager Wade McKinney, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Police Chief John Couch, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Deputy Public Works Director CC/PC/PRC Special Joint Study Session Minutes 03/28/06 Page 1 of 5 Approved 4/25/2006 r Geoff English, Deputy Community Development Director Steve McHarris and City Attorney Patrick Enright. JOINT STUDY SESSION EAGLE CREEK PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project consists of a General Plan Amendment that includes the conversion of the existing Eagle Creek Golf Course into a residential and recreation use Preliminary plans indicate that two (2) additional single-family dwellings are proposed and the remaining Eagle Creek Golf Course would be converted into a sports field The applicant will be making a 10-15 minute presentation and responding to questions of Council and Commissions Jamie Kirk, applicant's representative gave the presentation and answered questions of Council Members and Commissioners COMMENTS Parks and Recreation Commission ■ Facility should be affordable and available for youth groups ■ Lighting of facility should be prohibited ■ Cell tower should be positioned to not interfere with view shed of neighbors ■ Scheduling for use of sport facility is important. Planning Commission ■ Compatibility with neighborhood is important. ■ Impacts to neighborhood must be considered including noise, traffic, drainage and runoff from parking lot and Astroturf area City Council ■ Concern that this does not become another residential subdivision ■ Assurance that facility will be maintained ■ Concern with the loss of the golf course, which was offered originally as a benefit to the community and neighbors ■ Football is a winter sport and may generate a need for lighting ■ Must preserve and enhance gateway to Atascadero ■ Preserving residential nature of neighborhood must be addressed • Mitigation of any potential problems such as traffic PUBLIC COMMENT Bill Wilson's concerns included ability to control use of parking lot, solid fence along property lines is necessary but neighbors should be permitted to keep their own fences, and noise CC/PC/PRC Special Joint Study Session Minutes 03/28/06 Page 2 of 5 Approved 4/25/2006 Terry Fox stated he decided to live at Eagle Creek Court because of the golf course and he would like to see it replaced with something that looks equally as nice He questioned the elevation of the proposed stadium and maintenance of the facility Zonk Thompson, President CCYFL Youth Football, expressed his excitement about having a football field for youth and indicated there would be no need for lighting as he schedules the games to correspond with daylight yours Brian Bach's concerns included controlling parking, crime, appropriateness of this use for the location, safety of young children crossing the freeway to get to the sports facility, and use of Santa Barbara Road for access to the parking lot. David Tissue was concerned with the term `recreational use" and how restrictive it would be O W Smith's concerns included noise and problems from children given that it is an older group living in the neighborhood, and the number of times the property has changed use He would rather see homes than a sport facility George Gerard stated he bought his home because he wanted to live near the golf course, and he does not want to live next to a football field Doug Chertchow stated he likes the oaks, open space and golf course, and had purchased his home for those amenities He does not want to see a football stadium at that location, it is important to retain the open space Ray Gould indicated he purchased his home because of the golf course and because the development was to be gated He wants the golf course to remain Marian Styler's concerns included material for bleachers, are restrooms proposed and who will control their use at night, will there be play structures or park equipment, will festivals, etc be held at the facility, and the site should be appealing from the freeway Joseph O Brien stated that if he gets his easement back it will not do him much good because a stream runs through it and he can't get to it. He suggested keeping the facility as a youth golf course Jerry Osario, Atascadero Youth Football League President, remarked that it is difficult to find fields in Atascadero This type of field with a minimal payment for use would help out with the teams' other needs Scott Cop expressed his support for a football field at this location, as it is much needed and any concerns that arise can be mitigated in the planning process CC/PC/PRC Special Joint Study Session Minutes 03/28/06 Page 3 of 5 Approved 4/25/2006 IVAW Karen Harper's concerns included changing the zoning to remove the outdoor recreation services restriction could open the site to RV parks, etc , and the number of cell towers that will be permitted on the site Richard Moen spoke in support of retaining the Eagle Creek Golf Course, and suggested the Council consider the possibility of the City managing the golf course (Mr Moen spoke at the Community Forum period of the City Council meeting) Mayor O'Malley closed the Public Comment period Commissioner Kelley stated this would be a great opportunity for Atascadero to get a good recreational field, which the General Plan supports He noted that the applicant has been very generous to the youth of the community, and this will be a top notch field Student Representative Buck Moyer expressed concern about how long this would be maintained as a football field, which is much needed She also pointed out that the property isn't flat and would require a lot of heavy machinery to grade Student Representative Solkshinitz had concerns regarding what activities would be permitted at the facility in other seasons, and spoke of the need for some passive recreation nearby as there will be children who may be there to watch a game Mayor Pro Tem Pacas stated this is an inappropriate area for a football field that has the potential to interrupt traffic on the freeway, may need lighting, and could create noise issues for the area Other areas are currently being looked at for a field, and the city should look at working with the schools for a more appropriate site Council Member Scalise remarked that she was sensitive to the homeowners' issues, and the CC&R's should be looked at. At the same time she is sensitive to property rights and what an individual can do with their property, and would like this to come back with some alternatives Council Member Luna expressed sympathy with those who invested in homes in this area and agrees that this is premature This is open space and should stay open, he stated he was not in favor of going forward with this, and that other alternatives should be considered Council Member Clay indicated he liked the idea of a play structure as well as a jogging track. He explained that fields aren't used very often, and are a minor use as far as the number of hours they are in use He stated he supports this and that it should go back to the Parks and Recreation and Planning Commissions to come up with something that would work. Mayor O'Malley spoke about the need to mitigate any issues that come up such as traffic, access, gateway and neighborhood transitions, but stated this was worth looking CC/PC/PRC Special Joint Study Session Minutes 03/28/06 Page 4 of 5 Approved 4/25/2006 at He suggested the project should come back to the City Council after another try and see if it is worth moving forward There was Council consensus for this proposed project to come back to the City Council as a public hearing once the applicant has worked on addressing the concerns raised, and with some alternatives. ADJOURNMENT Mayor O'Malley adjourned the meeting at 6 30 p m The City Council, Planning Commission, and Parks and Recreation Commission adjourned to their next regularly scheduled meetings MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY Cyrac-ej�Pucci, Deputy City Clerk CC/PC/PRC Special Joint Study Session Minutes 03/28/06 Page 5 of 5