HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 091005 Approved October 11, 2005 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Mid Year Strategic Planning Workshop MINUTES Saturday, September 10, 2005 Pavilion on the Lake, Atascadero, California Welcome and Check in Mayor Scalise called the workshop to order at 8 35 a.m and welcomed everyone, stating that strategic planning workshops are a good practice She explained how these workshops have assisted the Council in dealing with complex issues that face them, and they enable the Council to give staff direction on policy issues Mayor Scalise asked for a roll call and for Council and staff to introduce themselves for the benefit of the audience, and announce if they had any time constraints Council Member Pacas stated that she was very unhappy with the draft sample of the plaque for the Sunken Gardens as she does not want her name associated in any way with the project. She also said that she thought it was a waste of money to create a plaque at all Council Member Luna concurred with Council Member Pacas' comments He added that he could support a plaque with the history of the Gardens, but with no names on it. Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley stated that he likes the plaque and if someone does not want their name on it, that's fine, but he would like his name on the plaque Mayor Scalise said that she likes the plaque and would be proud to have her name on it. Council Member Clay stated that he likes the plaque There was Council consensus that a plaque should be created for the Sunken Gardens which includes the history of the Gardens, and will include only the names of those Board Members who would like to have their name on the plaque. �r CC SP Minutes 09/10/05 Page 1 of 5 Approved October 11, 2005 Mayor Scalise announced that Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee will be in Atascadero for the Hurricane Relief Drive, on Thursday, September 15th from 1 00 — 5 00 p m in the Albertson's parking lot. She asked that City officials and staff rotate attendance to show support. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Clay, Luna, Pacas, O'Malley and Mayor Scalise Others Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Assistant to the City Manager/ City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Police Chief John Couch, Community Development Director Warren Frace, and Deputy Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency Marty Tracey COMMUNITY FORUM Eric Greening, expressed his concerns with road maintenance as it relates to pedestrian and bike paths He also urged the Council to include the North County Transit Plan in their discussions concerning circulation within the north county Mike Goodman, shared with the Council the problems his son and daughter-in-law are having with the sale of their deed-restricted property He stated that the affordable housing program is unclear and he doesn't feel it is fair for them to end up with a loss on the sale of their property Kelly Goodman, 5900 Teresa St., stated that she and her husband bought their deed- restricted property two years ago They now want to sell the property, and are aware that the property across the street from them recently sold for fair market value, but they are being told that they must sell at the affordable housing value She explained that if they sell at the affordable housing value, they will lose money Mrs Goodman said that she feels this is unfair and that she is getting different answers from City staff members She asked for the Council's help Joanne Main, Chamber of Commerce, thanked the Council for attending the Chamber Business Visitation Program All of the attendees are learning from the business owners the difficulties encountered when starting a business in Atascadero This creates an opportunity for solutions to be found to improve the situation in the future CC SP Minutes 09/10/05 Page 2 of 5 Approved October 11, 2005 Progress of Council Strategic Initiatives The City Manager and Department Heads will present a PowerPoint presentation and discussion on the progress made on the City Council Strategic Initiatives The Strategic Initiatives are 1 Enhance Public Safety 2 Improve the City's Financial Condition 3 Construct the Youth/Community Center 4 Continue the Emphasis on Road Maintenance 5 Repair the Historic City Hall Building City Manager McKinney presented to the Council, in a PowerPoint presentation, accomplishments that have been made this year reflecting the strategic initiatives of the Council Department Heads answered questions of the Council Council Member Luna asked for public information concerning evacuation after a disaster Also, he suggested including bike paths in the Highway 101/41 improvements and our road maintenance program Council Member Clay stated that Atascadero still needs a pool, and the school pool has been closed for the last 2 years He asked staff to look into joint use of the school pool Mayor Scalise called for a Recess at 10.00 a.m Mayor Scalise resumed the meeting at 10.20 a.m Affordable/Workforce Housing Program This section will include a discussion of the City's Inclusionary Housing Program Implementation of the program has revealed challenges which impact the viability of the units The discussion may include topics such as the deed restrictions, financing and optional inclusionary housing methods Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report, including options to solve the evolving problems with this program The Council agreed that this is a good program that needs to be fixed There was some discussion about the need for a full time employee to manage this program There was Council consensus to continue with the existing program. Staff was also directed to bring back to the Council, within 60 days, an amended program, Option 3—A Silent Second plus Equity Sharing Program with a Sliding 30-year Scale. There was also Council consensus at the end of this workshop for staff to bring back a separate solution for the 10+ existing affordable housing issues that currently exist CC SP Minutes 09/10/05 Page 3 of 5 Approved October 11, 2005 '%° Condominium Conversions This section will include a discussion of the impact of condo conversions on the rental and affordable housing market, General Plan policies and the City's position relative to potential conversions Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report, explaining the increasing amount of condo conversions and the loss of rental numbers There was Council discussion on this issue, including their understanding of the motivation behind condo conversions and the negative effect limited rental properties can have on the community There was Council consensus to direct staff to bring this issue back to the Council with proposed options. Mayor Scalise recessed the workshop for lunch at 12 00 p.m Mayor Scalise resumed the workshop at 12 40 p.m. Emergency and Fire Options for High Hazard Buildings and Buildings Over Three Stories This section will include a discussion of the options to deal with the emergency response to current and proposed multi story and special occupancy structures The discussion may include concepts such as mutual aid with the City of Paso Robles, additional fire equipment, building restrictions, and other methods to enhance public safety Fire Chief Kurt Stone gave the staff report, explaining the potential emergency and fire hazards of buildings over 3 stories He concluded his report with 4 recommended alternatives The Council discussed this issue and the alternatives offered by the Fire Chief There was Council consensus to direct staff to 1 Seek a formal agreement with the City of Paso Robles for the use of their ladder truck, 2. Set up program for the collection of fees from future construction of buildings over 3 stories, 3. Look into purchasing a used ladder truck, 4 Look into the possibility of buying into the City of Paso Robles' ladder truck. CC SP Minutes 09/10/05 Page 4 of 5 Approved October 11, 2005 Colony Roads This section will include an overview of the history of the Colony Roads, the deed restriction, public vs private roads, the offer of dedication by Wells Fargo Bank, and Wells Fargo Bank's Petition to Terminate the Trust The discussion may include Acceptance/Rejection of the Offer of Dedication, Acceptance/Rejection of Maintenance of Colony Roads, and Liability for Injuries/Accidents on Colony Roads City Attorney Pat Enright gave the staff report, explaining the history of the Colony Roads and his recommendations to the Council The Council discussed this issue and agreed that the Colony Roads issue has been unclear for many years, and they need to make decisions that will streamline ongoing road issues There was Council consensus to have staff bring this issue back to the Council, with recommendations to accept Wells Fargo's offer of their roads without accepting them into the City's maintenance system, and also to accept and maintain roads that are paved under the new Road Loan Program. Wrap up Mayor Scalise thanked everyone for coming to this workshop and commended staff for their excellent reports and for being prepared to address all issues and questions today Adjournment 2 00 p m MINUTES PREPARED BY Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C 0 City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager CC SP Minutes 09/10/05 Page 5 of 5