HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 0128/012905 Special Meeting NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Friday, January 28, 2005, 7:00 p.m. Saturday, January 29, 2005, 8:30 a.m. ***Atascadero Lake Park, Ranger House *** 9315 Pismo Ave., Atascadero Strategic Planning Workshop FRIDAY,JANUARY 28,2005,7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL. COMMUNITY FORUM. COUNCIL WORKSHOP—STRATEGIC PLANNING COUNCIL WORKSHOP CONTINUES ADJOURNMENT- The Council will adjourn to Saturday, January 29, 2005, 8.30 a.m. to continue the Strategic Planning Workshop. SATURDAY,JANUARY 29,2005,8.30 A.M. ROLL CALL. COUNCIL WORKSHOP—STRATEGIC PLANNING [The City Council will be served lunch at 12:00 p.m. Members of the public planning to attend should provide their own lunch.] COUNCIL WORKSHOP CONTINUES ADJOURNMENT The Council will adjourn to the next Regular Session. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO ) MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON,being fully sworn,deposes,and says: That she is the duly elected City Clerk of the City of Atascadero and that on Tuesday,January 25,2005,she caused the above Notice to be posted on the doors of the City Hall Annex,6905 El Camino Real,Suite 6,Atascadero,California. _ MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON,C.M.C.' titer City Clerk City of Atascadero Approved February 22,2005 , . CITY OF ATASCA DERO a '9'$ '9 CITY COUNCIL Annual Strategic Planning Workshop MINUTES Friday, January 28, 2005 700PM Saturday, January 29, 2005 8.30 A.M — 3.00 P M Facilitator- Dr Bill Mathis Associate Janice Mathis Mayor Scalise called the meeting to order at 7 00 p m ROLL CALL. NNW Present: Council Members Clay, Luna, O'Malley, Pacas and Mayor Scalise Staff City Manager Wade McKinney, City Attorney Pat Enright, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, and Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk Marcia Torgerson PUBLIC COMMENT Steve Martin, explained that members of the Chamber and Main St. formed a committee to develop and present to the Council an economic strategy packet. (Exhibit A) Joanne Main, stated she supports Mr Martin's comments Eric Greening, asked that there be a record of this meeting Geri Brasher, expressed in a prepared statement, her concern with the recent treatment of mountain lions in the last few weeks She suggested the Council urge the public to take proper steps to co-exist with the mountain lions in our community (Exhibit B) Jim Patterson, stated he supports the strategic planning process 1 Approved February 22,2005 Ellen Beraud, stated she supports Mr Greening's comments regarding the need to record the discussions held at this meeting Mayor Scalise closed the Public Comment period. WORKSHOP THEME (Bill) "DOING THE PUBLIC'S BUSINESS IN A BUSINESS-LIKE WAY" ■ Bill began discussing business techniques or models as a next step in improving Atascadero's operations He briefly discussed a concept called the Balanced Business Scorecard theory where the City is rated on 1 Essential Services (i a public safety) 2 Being environmental stewards 3 Our economic engine 4 Creating a better place to live ■ The City Council was generally interested in performance indicators and measurement. Bill indicated that he would review the program with staff I Council expectations for Saturday's planning Session? (Bill) George Luna Prioritization of projects that will use RDA funds Tom O'Malley PD7s— revise and/or fine tune Jerry Clay Economic development outside of Downtown/ Housing Assistance Programs Wendy Scalise Economic Development at Del Rio Corridor/ Review recruitment of new businesses — Buxton report Becky Pacas Improve Public Safety Il. Staff preparation for strategic planning review (handout)(Wade/Bill) Council reviewed the Executive Management Team questionnaire and the answers given by Department Heads The Council found the information interesting and helpful It was consistent with their beliefs that we have a good staff, a lot of priorities, and we lack resources and staffing III What do we want image of Council to be in the community? (Bill) ■ Lessons from elections? Baggage? Jerry Clay Community wants to keep status quo — unanimous focus on Downtown and economic development. Tom O'Malley Council has more balance/more fair Wendy Scalise People want officials that are engaged/not single-minded Becky Pacas Community concerned with traffic/safety issues err+' George Luna People worried about growth (i a Dove Creek & Woodridge) traffic and water shortage 2 Approved February 22,2005 Consensus that the Council should focus on issues they all agree on. Set policy—be united. IV Process and agreement issues (Bill) ■ Council Norms Council reviewed their Council Norms and revised them Consensus that Council Members will disclose ex parte communications with applicants, including site visits. Consensus to include a statement on the Council agenda explaining that the Council will disclose ex parte communications. Mayor will read statement. ■ Closed session guidelines Consensus that Council needs to agree on when a Closed Session report will take place. Consensus that all Closed Session reports be on colored paper/stamped, to clarify its confidential status. Mayor Scalise adjourned the meeting at 9.15 p.m. to continue tomorrow, Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, January 29, 2005 830A.M — 30OPM Mayor Scalise called the meeting to order at 8 30 a.m PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, urged the Council to ask for clarification of motions before voting He also commended the Council for pursuing discussions where they have different opinions on the issues Lon Allan, asked the Council to consider naming Stadium Park after Marge Mackey Doug Livengood, North County Aquatics, spoke about their efforts to build an Olympic swim complex in the North County (Exhibit C) Mayor Scalise closed the Public Comment period. 3 Approved February 22,2005 V Values guide our actions (Bill) General Plan — Council Members have differing opinions concerning the flexibility of the Plan and the need for amendments The City Attorney pointed out that the overall policies of the plan and the plan itself are construed by the courts more as a constitution and changes are serious and should not be taken lightly or often o George — GP should not be amended o Wendy & Jerry— GP amendments are appropriate ■ Respect—What does respect mean to you Tom O'Malley Allow others to finish their thought when speaking Jerry Clay Body language tells if someone respects you Becky Pacas Acceptance that others have different ideas, opinions, and ways of expressing themselves Wendy Scalise Be concise and don't dominate the discussion, and Council Members should not treat public at the podium/staff disrespectfully Consensus to give public as much time as needed to express their feelings. Also, public should respect Council Members, and when someone is disrespectful to a Council Members, other Council Members (that are familiar with the speaker)should stop them and state that their behavior is not appropriate. ■ Responsibility—What does responsibility mean to you Tom O'Malley Balance programs and revenues Council needs to stop blaming others for our problems Keep our promises The ability to respond George Luna Budget shows our responsibility Also, Public thinks responsible Council should leave them alone and not raise taxes Jerry Clay Doing the right thing for the community Becky Pacas Listen to the community — the new survey will update their input. Wendy Scalise Listen to the community Know what you can and can't do VI. Redevelopment Council discussed possible Public Projects with Bond Proceeds They reviewed and revised the list staff submitted to them Staff urged the Council not to prioritize the list. PUBLIC COMMENT 4 Approved February 22,2005 Steve Martin, reminded the Council that their decisions need to fit the City's economic strategy ,*low Eric Greening, stated he thought a pool was a great idea, but urged the Council to seek public input. Mayor Scalise closed the Public Comment period. VII. Updates/discussions (Bill/Wade) ■ Earthquake Update Wade reviewed the earthquake update report. VIII. Council goals compared (Bill) ■ Each council member discuss/advocate set of goals and proposals for 2005-06 Bill reviewed the Council's Goals, Projects and Funding lists PUBLIC COMMENT Barbie Butz, commended the Council on the approval of the San Gabriel signal She also stated that she is glad to see the Youth Center on the priority list. Don Idler, encouraged the Council to continue working with the citizens and businesses to improve Atascadero's customer service Eric Greening, reminded the Council that it is their responsibility to prepare for those not yet born Also, he stated that a Transit Center should not be in the Downtown as it will detract from pedestrian traffic Mayor Scalise closed the Public Comment period. ■ Council priorities 1 Public Safety—Wade to develop strategy to solve ■ Overtime ■ Staffing ■ Enforcement ■ Housing / equity sharing ■ Ballot measure/CFD's ■ PD/FD supports management team ■ Traffic ■ Facilities • Capital projects ■ Support FD/PD issues (create positive atmosphere) 5 t Approved February 22,2005 i Sprinklers ii Development/ services ■ Grants .r ■ Creation of a positive atmosphere 2 Increase City Revenues ■ Incentives to attract new business ■ Strategies (encourage, in order of priority) o TOT o Retail o Retail speculation o Residential Subdivision ■ Customer service/Attitude o Welcoming o Good attitude 3 Youth-Community Center ■ GO AHEAD AND GET IT BUILT!! 4 Roads ■ Atascadero Road Program ■ Santa Rosa ■ Santa Barbara & EI Camino Real (Dove Creek) ■ Highway 101/41 ■ Portola—walk path ■ Walk paths on arterials & collectors ■ Assessment Districts-Public Threshold/Desire? ■ Local Road Loan Program 5 Rotunda ■ FEMA Controlled ■ Historical restoration IX. Expectations of City Attorney ■ FEMA ■ Pro-active ■ Colony Roads ■ Brown Act orientation for Commissions and new Council Members ■ Accessible and forthright ■ Cost Recovery Programs for legal expenses ■ Notice for Closed Sessions written on Agenda ■ CEQA/Developer Indemnification ■ Keep Council and staff informed X. Program Direction (Bill) Pool 6 J Approved February 22,2005 Consensus to include 3-4 acres in plan for Youth/Community Center project for a future pool. ■ PD 7's o Tom - Doesn't like PD7s —would like to stop allowing them o Jerry - If no PD7s—apartments will be built. (OK with Tom) o George - Agreed with Tom He prefers PD17s o Wade explained that staff is recommending a new PD (25?) with a courtyard feature that will replace PD7s ■ Creek setback Consensus to have staff come back with a report, proposing to extend the interim 35-foot creek setback and ask for permission to conduct a study of options and alternatives. ■ Sign Code Enforcement Consensus for staff to schedule a Study Session for Council to review the sign ordinance, including sandwich and banner signs. XI OTHER FOLLOWUP ITEMS (All) • The website is not friendly to Macintosh users Please fix. • Public Information regarding mountain lions to be posted on website • Review number of staff people attending council meetings • Return to angled dais so council can see each other • Investigate speaker recognition system to assist mayor (lighted system) • "Go for the Best, Not First Thing Offered" (George) • "Preservation is cheaper than restoration" (George) • Create welcome committee comprised of Main Street Rep, Chamber Rep, Council Member, Staff Member to visit/welcome business (Jerry) • Stadium Park Trail/Easement should be established MINUTES PREPARED BY Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager Exhibits A Ad Hoc Economic Task Force Economic Strategy Report B Prepared statement, Geri Brasher C PowerPoint Presentation Olympic Swim Complex, Doug Livengood 7