HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 012505 Special Meeting Approved February 22,2005 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Atascadero City Council Atascadero Planning Commission MINUTES Tuesday, January 25, 2005 500PM Community Development Director Warren Frace called the meeting to order at 5 14 pm ROLL CALL. Present: Council Members Clay, Luna. Pacas, O'Malley and Mayor Scalise Commissioners Beraud, Fonzi, Jones, O'Keefe, Peterson, Porter and Chairperson Kelley Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson, Deputy City Clerk Grace Pucci Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Police Chief John Couch, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Redevelopment Specialist Marty Tracey, Deputy Community Services Director Steve McHarris, Associate Planner Kelly Gleason, Assistant Planner Lisa Wilkinson, and City Attorney Pat Enright. JOINT STUDY SESSION 1 West Front Mixed Use Project (GPA 2003-0005)—The city Council and Planning Commission will be discussing conceptual project alternatives for the West Front Mixed Use Project. No formal action on the subject will be taken at this meeting CC/PC Special Joint Meeting Minutes 01/25/05 Page 1 of 4 Approved February 22,2005 Community Development Director Warren Frace gave a brief history of the project and the purpose of this evenings meeting John Knight, applicant's representative, and Richard Shannon and John Rossetti, applicants gave a presentation on the new concept for this project and requested comments from Council Members and Planning Commissioners regarding the following 1) Percentage of Commercial/Residential, 2) Mix of Land Uses, and 3) Phasing The presenters answered questions of Council and Commission Council and Planning Commission Comments Council Member Luna. 1 Applicant has done what the council requested by increasing the commercial to over 50% 2 The phasing is good, he would like to see some numbers on what it means to the city 3 Housing mix is a better plan than before The houses are a good size, and overall the project is better than before Mayor Scalise 1 Commended the applicants for their efforts, and stated they have met the concerns that were voiced previously 2 Likes duplex housing and detached garages 3 Would like applicants to look at ways to make it convenient to get to the garage 4 Likes the cluster housing and that that product will be salable to seniors. Planning Commission Chairperson Kelley- 1 Likes the new concept. 2 Concerned with traffic impacts to Coromar 3 Questioned the plan if unable to secure restaurant for site 4 Concerned with the three story hotel and its impact on fire response Council Member Clay- 1 Important to have joint access 2 Likes the motel and feels the Transient Occupancy Tax can compete with sales tax dollars 3 In favor of duplex where both sides are salable 4 The proposed hotel will want a restaurant so he will push for phase 3B 5 Would like to see the back wall constructed out of a durable material 6 Overall a good job and he likes project. 7 Atascadero needs more entry level housing, would be good to have more duplexes Commissioner O'Keefe ..r 1 Many issues raised by the Planning Commission have been addressed CC/PC Special Joint Meeting Minutes 01/25/05 Page 2 of 4 41 Approved February 22,2005 2 Look at expanding parking for easier access between buildings More parking ),,, a would bring a better restaurant 3 Interested in the architectural enhancements required because applicant is getting increase density 4 Concerned with lack of green space, project has a lot of hardscape 5 Would like to see a more permanent block wall in back yards Council Member Pacas 1 Concerned with types of uses proposed in Business Park area. 2 Would like applicant to consider the idea of restriction on commercial to be revenue producing rather than office use Commissioner Beraud 1 Phasing and percentage of commercial is acceptable 2 Suggested making the housing in the "cluster" area duplexes rather than single family homes to increase the amount of green space 3 Sales Tax revenue is a concern with mixed use It is in the best interest of the city to insure that approx 75% is revenue producing 4 Prefers architectural enhancements similar to the ones from the San Luis Obispo business park. They are more broken up and look less industrial than the other examples Commissioner Jones 1 Concerned that there is not a better pedestrian corridor towards the school 2 Phasing is more acceptable than previously 3 Duplex houses are a better effort for affordable housing than the garage units 4 Pleased to see joint access. Planning Commission Vice Chairperson Porter- 1 Phasing is acceptable 2 Feels Phases 3A and B will sell by themselves if off site landscaping is provided 3 Overall likes project. Commissioner Peterson 1 Likes the addition of the business park. 2 Would like to see ingress and egress with adjoining properties 3 Would prefer a combination block and wood wall for the project. 4 Overall likes project. Commissioner Fonzi 1 Much happier with this concept 2. Phasing and the commercial percentage are better 3 Concerned with housing design—looks boxy right now, and duplexes look institutional 4 Making a portion of these for senior housing appeals to her 5 Likes single story CC/PC Special Joint Meeting Minutes 01/25/05 Page 3of4 Approved February 22,2005 6 Concerned with access from the homes to Santa Rosa. It is important to have a safe way to school for children in the housing complex. 7 Would like to be sure the park area is open, up and running for all tenants She questioned who would be responsible for maintaining the park. 8 Regarding the business park, she stated that an appealing design/product would attract better tenants 9 A quality restaurant is important, not a drive through Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley- 1 Thanked the applicants for their responsiveness to the Council and Planning Commission concerns 2 Likes the new inclusionary housing 3 Has a concern with the wall in terms of low maintenance and long term aesthetics 4 It is important that the project not worsen traffic on Santa Rosa when it is completed 5 Important that the project not cause a problem with fire response 6 Likes that the commercial property will be landscaped 7 Concerned with tenants for the business park. He would like to see retail if possible, no storage 8 Hotel is great and getting it first was important. Would like to see an analysis by city to determine if TOT is bringing in as much income as other uses 9 The housing is good and adaptable for the market with its many options 10 Concerned with the overall appearance and architectural improvements—they appear to be minimal at this time and must be worked on 11 Agrees with need for a safe connection to school 12 Joint access is good for both businesses 13 Applicants did what was asked Phasing good, percentage good, mixed use good Richard Shannon stated that they would work with staff to achieve a positive recommendation Community Development Director Frace indicated staff would analyze all comments, proceed to the next step and then to the Planning Commission for consideration ADJOURNMENT Director Frace adjourned the meeting at 6 12 p m. MINUTES PREPARED BY Clt/"'" Grace Pucci, Recording Secretary CC/PC Special Joint Meeting Minutes 01/25/05 Page 4 of 4