HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 081186 err A G E N D A ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR, ROTUNDA ROOM AUGUST 11, 1986 7:30 P.M. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call City Council Comments ** Introduction of Jay Von Bargen - New Employee - Police Department ** Presentation of Appreciation Plaques to Departing Planning Commissioners Wayne La Parde and Nellie Kennedy Community Forum - (Only 15 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum at the beginning of the agenda. Citizens are requested to keep remarks under 5 minutes, and that a speaker person speak in behalf of groups. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 28, 1986 2 Approval of Appointment of Bonita Borgeson as Member Rep- Resentative to San Luis Obispo Counties and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council 3. Approval of Proposed Contract Extension - Margaret L. Williamson (Morris) - Temporary Full Time - 7/1/86 to 6/30/87 4. Recognition of City Employee of the Month for July by the Employee Recognition Program Committee - Alan Metzler 5. Proposed Resolution 92-86 - Establishing a Stop Intersection at the Intersection of Barrenda Avenue and Honda 6. Proposed Resolution 93-86 - Establishing a Stop Intersection at Los Lomas Avenue and El Bordo 1 1W 7. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 18-86 - Division of 10.37 Acres into 2 parcels of 5.0 Acres Each - 11505 Santa Ana Road - Davis/Twin Cities Engineering 8. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 10-84 - Santa Ana and San Fernando Roads - Dennis Bethel 9. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 20-85 - 9100 La Paz Lane - Cini/Cuesta Engineering 10. Approval of Proposed Resolution 79-86 - Deeding Atascadero Library Property on Morro Road (Hwy. 41) to the County of San Luis Obispo 11 Approval of Proposed Resolution 94-86 - Prohibit Parking on a Portion of Navajoa Avenue (125 Lineal Feet at Lot 24) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1. Appeal of Planning Commission Denial for Time Extension to Conditional Use Permit 6-85 - 8870 West Frontage Road - 114 Unit Motel Complex - (Request previously denied by Community Development Director and appealed to Planning Commission) 2. Business Licenses - Fee Amendments and Ordinance Adoption: A. Public Hearing - Proposed Resolution 95-86 - Revising Business License Fees for General and Specific Licenses (Amendment to Resolution 108-85) B. Ordinance 138 - adoption of New Business License Ordinance (SECOND READING) (Cont'd from 7/28/86) C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Study Areas for General Plan Amendment Requests for Cycle 2, 1986 D. COMMUNITY FORUM E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager 2 MEU{N AGSNDA 'ATE 8/25/86 rEm # A - 1� (APPROVED BY COUNCIL, WITH CLARIFICATION 14OTED re ATASCADERO CITY COUNCILPg 2 , Para 7 , 8/25/86) MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1986 The regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 30 p.m. by Mayor Mackey, followed by the pledge of allegiance ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Norris, Handshy, Borgeson and Mayor Mackey Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Molina STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager , Dave Jorgensen, Administrative Services Director, Robert Jones, City Attorney, Boyd C. Sharitz, City Clerk, Bud McHale, Police Chief, Mike Hicks, Fire Chief, Henry Engen, Community Development Director , Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, and Karen Vaughan, Deputy City Clerk Mayor Mackey announces that Invocations will again be presented at Council Meetings in the near future. Jay Von Bargen, new Police Officer with the City is introduced by Chief Mc Hale. Jay began employment with the City in March, 1986 . Recognition plaques are presented by Mayor Mackey to outgoing Planning Commission Members Nellie Kennedy (1985-1986) and Wayne La Prade (1981-1986) . COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS Council Member Norris notes for the record that she changes her "no" vote to a "yes" vote at the July 28, 1986 Council Meeting regarding funding of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce for the 1986/87 fiscal year . Mayor Mackey speaks to the issue of imposing a city-wide moratorium on multiple-family dwelling units She notes that Council Member Molina is absent at this meeting, but is aware of her desire to dis- cuss this subject in open forum. Mr Jones, City Attorney informed Council that in order to enact an urgency ordinance, a 4/5 vote would be required. Since Councilman Molina was absent, a unanimous vote and a finding that there is an im- mediate threat to the public health, safety, and welfare caused by approval of additional building permits for multiple-family dwelling units is required for passage It is noted that an urgency ordinance would, if approved, become effective immediately. I Mr . Jones states that if there votes for approval, he suggests Council continue this item to a future date and request staff to research Council' s desires and return with alternatives. He also states that a simple majority vote would require initiation of public hearings on a proposed moratorium measure. Mayor Mackey stipulates that the ordinance, if passed, would affect only future multiple-housing building applications NOT projects already in the planning/building process. Councilwoman Norris expresses her concerns regarding additional multiple-family housing in Atascadero and its impacts to school overcrowding and local traffic congestion on streets. Mayor Mackey feels impacts caused by additional multiple-housing pro- jects are cumulatively creating impacts that are not mitigated by the individual project' s development fees. She feels this issue needs to receive priority attention by staff over the next 45 days. Mr. Jones discusses possible deficit impacts on the 1986/87 City budget if a moratorium ordinance is established. Councilman Handshy expresses his concerns related to additional multiple-family dwelling units and its effects on traffic congestion, but feels the present development fees imposed by Council can mitigate the impacts. He also states that the present availability of funding for such projects is being somewhat curtailed by lending institutions, which will in itself reduce the amount of future projects without imposing a moratorium. Councilwoman Borgeson expresses her concerns as to socio/economic impacts to the community caused by additional multiple-family housing projects. (*) See below Mr. Engen, Community Development Director , states that recent State Department of Finance figures on rent vacancies are lower than local estimates are. MOTION Mayor Mackey moves that there is a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, and welfare, and that the approval of additional building permits in a multi- family housing zone would result in a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare, and declare an immediate moratorium on multiple-housing units, with all proposals already in the process not affected, but would affect any other project that has not had any paperwork done on it; Councilwoman Borgeson seconds; Motion fails 3 to 1 with Councilman Handshy voting no. Staff is directed to present at the August 25 , 1986 Council Meeting alternatives to implement a moratorium on multiple-family dwelling units with particular emphasis on: Current sewer capacity, water availability, future development impacts on schools, current acreage in the City, number of people versus acreage in the City, existing vacancy rate in multiple family dwelling units, amount of current multiple family proposals being processed by the City, amount of multiple family units currently existing in 1*1 Coo Miriiitoc ni= R17r11Pr1 TPrr 9 Para I the City, Fire and Police Department impacts on response timing, and any other pertinent statistics. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 28 , 1986 2. Approval of Appointment of Bonita Borgeson as Member Rep- Resentative to San Luis Obispo Counties and Cities Area Planning and Coordinating Council 3. Approval of Proposed Contract Extension - Margaret L. Williamson (Morris) - Temporary Full Time - 7/1/86 to 6/30/87 4. Recognition of City Employee of the Month for July by the Employee Recognition Program Committee - Alan Metzler 5. Proposed Resolution 92-86 - Establishing a Stop Intersection at the Intersection of Barrenda Avenue and Honda 6 . Proposed Resolution 93-86 - Establishing a Stop Intersection / at Los Lomas Avenue and El Bordo 1 7. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map 18-86 - Division of 10.37 Acres into 2 parcels of 5.0 Acres Each - 11505 Santa Ana Road - Davis/Twin Cities Engineering 8. Acceptance of Final Lot Line Adjustment 10-84 - Saata Ana and - San Fernando Roads - Dennis Bethel 9. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 20-85 - 9100 La Paz Lane - Cini/Cuesta Engineering 10. Approval of Proposed Resolution 79-86 - Deeding Atascadero Library Property on Morro Road (Hwy. 41) to the County of San Luis Obispo 11. Approval of Proposed Resolution 94-86 - Prohibit Parking on a Portion of ,Navajoa Avenue (125 Lineal Feet at Lot 24) MOTION Councilman Handshy moves Approval of Consent Calendar , as presented; Councilwoman Norris Seconds; motion Carries unanimously. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES , AND REPORTS 1. Appeal of Planning Commission Denial for Time Extension to Conditional Use Permit 6-85 - 8870 West Frontage Road - 114 Unit Motel Complex - (Request previously denied by Community Development Director and appealed to Planning Commission) Mr . Engen, Community Development Director summarizes historical events of the above 114 unit motel proposal (Santa Rosa Road) , since approval of the Conditutional Use Permit on April 15, 1985 , and issuance of the Building Permit on September 30 , 1985 The Conditutional Use Permit } expired April 15, 1986 and applicant did not file a written request for extension of the permit till after the expiration date in June, 1986 , which is not in conformance with City ordinance conditions. The Planning Commission upheld the Community Development Director ' s denial of extension, as the applicant' s request was not made in a timely man- ner . Mr. Engen also notes that proceedings with the Building Permit have not occurred in a timely manner. Mr. Jack Campbell, appellant/applicant representative, summarized recent complications related to construction of the motel and the need to coordinate the closing of escrow on the property after the closing of escrow on an adjacent commercial construction proposal (Madrid Plaza) for economic reasons. Mr. Campbell expressed his ignorance of expiration date on the Conditional Use Permit, although it is stip- ulated in the permit, but felt that his ongoing involvement with miti- gating drainage conditions, and other on-site complications shows his intent to continue with the project even though no physical develop- ment has transpired. When asked if time extension is approved, would construciton of the project begin, Mr. Campbell responded, not until the escrow closes on the Madrid Plaza project It is clarified by Council that action to be taken on this appeal does not discriminate against the project proposal, but only the matter of procedures. Council discusses an alternative of allowing a time extension of 180 days for the Conditional Use Permit, thus not slowing down the project timing by requiring it to go through the process again. Public Comment: Ms. Diedre Casparian, adjacent property owner , requests Council to make a project condition of requiring screen planting to create a visual barrier at the rear property line. Mr . Engen advised that Council has the discretion to alter conditions the conditions of approval and could require an obscuring wall. MOTION Councilwoman Norris moves DENIAL of the appeal for Conditional Use Permit 6/85 time extension, per staff findings; Councilwoman Borgeson Seconds; Motion fails 2/2 MOTION: Councilman Handshy moves to UPHOLD the appeal of Conditional Use Permit 6-85 and extend the expiration date to April 15 , 1987 , and Building Permit Time Extension of 180 Days, and require Applicant to pay all additional development fees imposed on the Building Permit as of July 1, 1986 and con- struct an obscuring wall along the rear lot line; Council woman Borgeson Seconds; motion carries unanimously Council directs staff to modify the conditions of approval of the Conditional Use Permit to include the installation of a 6 foot wall along the rear property line that will be compatible to the Madrid Plaza required wall and drainage improvements with screen planting. W 2. Business Licenses - Resolution 95-86, Revising Businesss License Fees (Amending Resolution 108-85) and Ordinance 138, Adopting a new Business License Ordinance (Second Reading) Mr. Engen, Community Development Director , stated that the proposed ordinance has been modified from the existing County ordinance, which was adopted when the City incorporated. He also elaborated on pro- posed fee revisions for Business Licenses affecting solicitors, pro- fessional firms, garage sales, business relocation fee, background checks, and separate businesses. Public Comment Clarification was given to Mr. Terry Graham as to fees charged to in- town and out-of-town Construction Contractors ($75 .00 per year or $50 per job) . It was clarified that out-of-town contractors could also purchase a yearly permit if they felt they would be performing more than one job per year . Mrs. Maggie Rice, Chamber of Commerce, disagreed with the proposed charge for change of business location fee, and feels it is covered in the initial business license permit fees. Mr. Jerry Bond feels there should be a time element imposed related to out-of-town Construction Contractors one-time fee. MOTION: Councilman Handshy moves to ADOPT Ordinance 138 as second and final reading, to be read by title only; Councilwoman Norris seconds; motion carries unanimously MOTION: Councilman Handshy moves to APPROVE Resolution 95-86 amending the Business License fees of Resolution 108-85; Councilwoman Borgeson seconds; motion caries unanimously C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Study Areas for General Plan Amendment Requests for Cycle 2, 1986 Mr. Engen, Community Development Director , states the Planning Commission recently reviewed the proposed General Plan Amendment applications and recommends the study areas to Council for review during Cycle 2, 1986. Areas for study consideration are generally located in south Atascadero and the north El Camino Real corridor , with requests for extension of urban service lines, and zoning amendments from single family to commercial, multiple family, and increased density single family Mr Engen further recommends a third special general plan cycle be formulated to consider the south Atascadero proposals if Environmental Imapct Report timelines dictate such due to the large size of the study area. Public Comment Mr. William Roberts requests Council to also consider his property, Lot 26-A,B,C & D, adjacent to the Hawkins request on 9240 Atascadero VOW Road, allowing . 5 acre parcels. Mr. Dennis Lochridge, 8935 Atascadero Avenue, expresses concerns to Council on the proposed General Plan Amendment by Hawkins on Atascadero Avenue to .5 acre lots, and the impacts of increasing densities by reducing minimum lot sizes in this particular area, and requests Council to dismiss the request. Mr. Kirk Pearson, Business Improvement Association representative, voices his concerns regarding the effect the proposed general plan amendments pertaining to commercial land use would have on the com- munity, if approved, in that it would increase "strip" development already existing along El Camino Real and create a detrimental posture for revitalizing the already existing "downtown" area. Ms. Judy Bishop, 8335 Atascadero Avenue expresses concerns of in- creased traffic impacts to school children attending school in the area if the general plan 4mendment $roposal on 9420 Atascadero Road, .5 acre minimum lot size is approveg. Councilman Handshy clarifies that the item tonight is a preliminary review of the proposals and concerns should be addressed at the par- ticular public hearings at the Planning Commission and City Council Meetings. He also clarifies that proposals can not be dismissed at this time, but will follow the general plan amendment processing guidelines. Mr. Engen clarifies the purpose of presenting the proposals to Council at this time is to generally consider constricting or expanding the study area' s boundaries and for policy change. MOTION Councilman Handshy moves to INCLUDE the Roberts property at Lot 26-A,B,C, & D to General Plan Amendment 2H-86; seconded by Mayor Mackey; motion carries 3-1 (Councilwoman Borgeson voting no) MOTION Councilman Handshy moves to ACCEPT staff recommended general plan amendment proposals, as amended by the City Council, to the Planning Commission for the second cycle 1986 general plan amendment review; Councilwoman Norris secnds; motion carries 3-1 (Councilwoman Borgeson voting no) ADDED ITEM 1. Crosswalk at E1 Camino and West Mall versus East Mall Mr . Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , states that the crosswalk on El Camino is presently located at East Mall intersection. He also elaborates that Caltrans is proposing to install a traffic signal at the intersection of West Mall and El Camino related to State Highway improvements to Highway 41 (West Mall) He recommends relocating the existing crosswalk to the West Mall intersection with El Camino and abandoning the East Mall crosswalk even though it is more directly aligned with the freeway pedestrian tunnel at El Camino. Installation of a crosswalk at the West Mall Intersection would allow school children to crow` with a signal light "' nstead of the present crossing guard. It is suggested that reflective markers be placed along the crosswalk to help draw attention to its existance, and to communicate the change to the School District for school children education. MOTION: Councilman Handshy moves to APPROVE the relocation of the crosswalk at El Camino to the intersection of West Mall and eliminating the existing crosswalk at the intersection of E1 Camino Real and East Mall; Councilwoman Norris seconds; motion carries unanimously Staff is directed to present a resolution stipulating the above to Council at its August 25, 1986 Meeting so as to codify the action into the Municipal Code. D. COMMUNITY FORUM Mr. Terry Graham, 6205 Canojo Road, reviews Cuncil' s actions in recent months by: raising taxes due to poor financial planning in business taxation and special assessment district formation; having funded over $1 million dollars for a police facility the public voted no on with- out public hearings; raising the 1986/87 Chamber of Commerce funding with a presently failing business district; and urges Council to reconsider the rehiring of the City Attorney this fall. Mr. Jerry Bond suggests not relocating the crosswalk at the intersection of El Camino and East Mall to El Camino and West Mall till after the proposed installation of a traffic signal at West Mall due to an already established traffic pattern set over the last several years by school children. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION Councilwoman Borgeson encourages support of local merchants by spend- ing money in Atascadero. City Clerk Boyd Sharitz expresses his thanks and appreciation to everyone who sent well wishes to him during a recent hospital stay. He also expresses his unhappyness with comments condemning Council actions, and suggests to forgive and forget. Also, all salaries of City employees is a matter of public record and open for public review. Mike Shelton, City Manager presents the new City base maps, which were funded last fiscal year MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10 05 P.M. MINUTES PREPARED BY MINUTES RECORDLD BY K EN VAUGHAN, DepWty City Clerk BOYD -C. SHARITZ, C' y Jerk