HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 082491 +wrrr rr AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 24 , 1981 7 30 p m �. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment arr A CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar , are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below There will be no separate discussion of these items If discussion is required , that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately Vote may be by roll call 1 Minutes of the regular meeting of August 10 , 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 Lot Line Adjustment LA 810227 1 , 10055 El Camino Real , Rex & Betty Hendrix , Ray Bunnell (Associated Professions) , to ad- just an existing lot line to eliminate a 25 foot wide drive- way from one piece of property and join it to another piece (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 3 Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA80-26 , 9110 Atascadero Avenue , Gary Schmidt (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLAN- NING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4 Tentative Tract Map AT 810320 2 (Tract No 977) , Northwest corner of Garcia and Santa Cruz , Mike Yeomans (Twin Cities Engineering) , to allow subdivision of approximately 23 3 acres into nine parcels of 2 5 acres each (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) • 5 Conditional Use Permit U810707 1 , Via Avenue near Atascadero Creek, McKeen Enterprises (Brannon) , to allow landscaped parking in the required front yard in an M-1 Zone for a 2385 sq ft industrial building (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6 Conditional Use Permit U810608 1 , 5830 Entrada , Mary Pulsifer to allow a dog grooming business with a residence on the ground floor (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) AGENDA - ATASCADERO CIt"r COUNCIL - AUGUST 24 , 198 7 Business license application, U-Win Card Room, 5940 E1 Camino Real (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA- ■ TION) 8 Claim of Jack Townsend for damages and injuries (RECOMMEND DENIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATION FROM INSURANCE ADJUSTERS) 9 Agreement with Senior Citizens United , Inc for financial support (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 10 Award of Bid #81 -11 , Dump Truck, to Pete Johnston Chevrolet in the amount of $27 , 908 12 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT) 11 Award of Bid #81-13 , Air Compressor , to Mustang Equipment in the amount of $13 ,488 88 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 12 Award of bid for street sweeping to Harold Peterson in the amount of $20 ,800 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF $8 , 800 FROM CONTINGENCY RESERVE) B HEARINGS , APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 Appearance of North County Contractors Association requesting adoption of an Appeals Board 2 Report from City Manager on special drainage project (Security Bank and Gordon Hunt frontage) 3 City Attorney Report #15 C UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 Resolution No 25-81 adopting a Memorandum of Understanding with the Atascadero Police Officers Association D NEW BUSINESS 1 Consideration of amendments to Salary Classification Plan 2 Consideration of request of City of Santa Maria to support legislation to allow local governments to have more control �+ of businesses that sell alcoholic beverages E INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 40 1 City Council 2 City Attorney 3 City Manager r� low MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting �r August 24 , 1981 7 30 p m Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 30 p m by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance John Cole from the Atascadero Bible Church gave the invocation ROLL CALL PRESENT Councilmen Highland , Mackey, Nelson , Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT None PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment A CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Minutes of the regular meeting of August 10 , 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) r 2 Lot Line Adjustment LA 810227 1 , 10055 El Camino Real , Rex & Betty Hendrix , Ray Bunnell (Associated Professions) , to ad- just an existing lot line to eliminate a 25 foot wide drive- way from one piece of property and join it to another piece (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) „ 3 Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA80-26 , 9110 Atascadero Avenue , Gary Schmidt (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLAN- NING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4 Tentative Tract Map AT 810320 2 (Tract No 977 ) , Northwest corner of Garcia and Santa Cruz , Mike Yeomans (Twin Cities Engineering) , to allow subdivision of approximately 23 3 �. acres into nine parcels of 2 5 acres each (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) r 5 Conditional Use Permit U810707 17 Via Avenue near Atascadero Creek , McKeen Enterprises (Brannon) , to allow landscaped parking in the required front yard in an M-1 Zone for a 2385 sq ft industrial building (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6 Conditional Use Permit U810608 1 , 5830 Entrada , Mary Pulsifer to allow a dog grooming business with a residence on the ground floor (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) �r Nome MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 24 , 1981 7 Business license application , U-Win Card Room, 5940 E1 Camino Real (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA- TION) 8 Claim of Jack Townsend for damages and injuries (RECOMMEND DENIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATION FROM INSURANCE ADJUSTERS) 9 Agreement with Senior Citizens United , Inc for financial " support (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 10 Award of Bid #81 -11 , Dump Truck , to Pete Johnston Chevrolet in the amount of $27 ,908 12 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND AUTHORI- ZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT) 11 Award of Bid #81-13 , Air Compressor , to Mustang Equipment in the amount of $13 ,488 88 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 12 Award of bid for street sweeping to Harold Peterson in the amount of $20 ,800 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF $8 ,800 FROM CONTINGENCY RESERVE) Mayor Wilkins reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar Council man Highland stated that the minutes should be corrected to reflect that he had been absent at the last meeting Councilman Highland also wished item A-6 to be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar and con- sidered separately Councilman Mackey asked that item A-9 be with- drawn AM MOTION Councilman Stover moved for approval of the Consent Calendar including the correction of the minutes with the exception of items A-6 and A-9 The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote A-6 Conditional Use Permit U810608 1 , 5830 Entrada , Mary Pulsifer , to allow a dog grooming business with a residence on the ground floor Councilman Highland felt that the condition added by the Planning Commission was too much of a requirement, he felt that the condition should be deleted Councilman Mackey was in favoring of leaving 8a as a listed condition, she felt that some condition requiring the appli- cant to maintain the yard should be included in the permit MOTION Councilman Highland moved that Council grant the CUP with the exclusion of condition 8 The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote AYES Councilman Highland , Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES Councilmen Mackey and Nelson A-9 Agreement with Senior Citizens United , Inc , for financial support 2 AN VA W MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 24 , 1981 ma Mayor Wilkins stated that this had been withdrawn from the Con- sent Calendar because Councilman Stover will have to abstain from vot- ar ing on this matter since he is the Treasurer for the Senior Citizens MOTION Councilman Highland moved for the approval of the Agree- „ ment with the Senior Citizens The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and carried on the following roll call vote 40 AYES Councilmen Highland , Mackey, Nelson , and Mayor Wilkins NOES None AN ABSTAIN Councilman Stover Mr Grimes asked if the Council ' s intention was also to approve the City Manager entering into similar agreements with the other organizations receiving support from the City Council stated that that was their intention Councilman Mackey asked if the other organ- izations were going to be paid in a lump sum or periodically Mr Warden stated that the smaller donations would be in one lump sum, but the larger ones would be periodically B HEARINGS , APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 Appearance of North County Contractors Association requesting adoption of an Appeals Board Mike Bewsey, a member of the North County Contractors Association , As made a presentation on behalf of the Association He stated that they would like to have an appeals board to hear problems contractors might have with interpretation of the building code The board would con- sist of people who have expertise and knowledge in the building field They do not want to have people on the board who are members of the NCCA or contractors currently operating in Atascadero There was considerable discussion regarding this request Council was not sure it was necessary since the City Council is currently the appeals board , however , they indicated that they were willing to give the process a try and put a limit on its existence so that the Council could review its effectiveness within a specified period of time Mr Warden stated that an ordinance would have to be enacted to establish the appeals board and its procedures Also an appeals fee schedule would have to be established Mr Warden noted that he did not feel the separate board was necessary at this time , since the current pro- cedure had not been tested and another layer of hearings could well slow the process rather than expedite it Elliott Stephenson spoke in favor of an Appeals Board MOTION Councilman Nelson moved that Staff be directed to draft an ordinance to initiate an appeals board and that a provi- sion be included in the ordinance which would require it to be reviewed in three years ' time The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried 3 yrs'' MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 24 , 1981 2 Report from City Manager on special drainage project (Security Bank and Gordon Hunt frontage) Mr Warden advised that the work on the drainage in front of Security Bank and Gordon Hunt Insurance could be a City project if the property owners completed the curbs , sidewalks and drive approach It was his recommendation that the City construct the underground drain- age pipe and junction structure and that the property owner be respon- sible for curbs , gutters and sidewalks Mr Warden stated there is money in the budget for this project at the present time , however , it may be necessary for Staff to request additional funds at a later date MOTON Councilman Mackey moved that the City participate in this project The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote 3 City Attorney Report 415 Mr Grimes reviewed the main items in his report He was request- ing Council approval in amicus participation in three cases Council agreed �r C UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 Resolution No 25-81 adopting a Memorandum of Understanding with the Atascadero Police Officers Association Mr Warden stated that the MOU reflected those items agreed to by �. the City and the Association during the meet and confer process The Association has signed the agreement MOTION Councilman Nelson moved that Resolution No 25-81 be read by title only The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No 25-81 by title only MOTION Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No 25-81 The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote Mr Warden advised that an agreement , in concept , appeared likely with the Firefighters Association He would be coming back with a final determination in the near future D NEW BUSINESS 1 Consideration of amendments to Salary Classification Plan Mr Warden proposed some changes to the Salary Classification Plan One is to create a Maintenance One is to create a Maintenance Worker VI position which would be responsible for field supervison of the work force It is anticipated that Dan Elisarraras would be pro- moted to that position Another change is to create a Building Main- 4 wo NW MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 24 , 1981 tenance Worker II position with the current Building Maintenance Worker position being designated as a I Chris Lane , now in the Building Maintenance Worker position , would be promoted to a BMW II position This recommendation is because of the City ' s experience over the last year with this position in that it has required a higher degree of skill and job performance than originally anticipated Chris Lane merits this promotion An additional recommendation is for moving Loren Corson from a Maintenance Worker I to a Maintenance Worker II position because of the heavy equipment operation that he is doing Mr Warden recom- mended that Council approve a transfer of $3 ,791 from reserve to the appropriate Public Works accounts to support these recommendations MOTION Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the changes in the Salary Classification Plan and authorize transfer of $3 , 971 from reserve to the appropriate Public Works accounts The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote 2 Consideration of request of City of Santa Maria to support legislation to allow local governments to have more control of businesses that sell alcoholic beverages Mayor Wilkins stated that the cities attending the last Channel 40 Counties Division meeting in Ventura were asked by the City of Santa Maria to support this resolution Council members discussed the matter and did not feel that Atascadero had that much of a problem and , therefore, chose not to take any action at this time 40 E INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1 City Council (a) Mayor Wilkins welcomed Mike Hicks to the Staff table as Acting Fire Chief (b) Mayor Wilkins commented on damage horses are doing to the lawns in the Sunken Gardens , he wondered if there was a way to keep them off the lawns Police Chief McHale did not think there was any law prohibiting it , however , he will check it out (c) Mayor Wilkins stated that photographer Ron Bast has vol- unteered to take photographs of the City Council and donate them to the City He will take a group photo at the Council meeting on September 14th, so Mayor Wilkins asked Council members to come a few minutes early to the meeting 2 City Attorney Mr Grimes had nothing to report 3 City Manager �rw 5 4M err+' MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 24 , 1981 so (a) Mr Warden reminded Council to get their reservation in for the League of California Cities Annual Convention me in October Also, if any of the Council members have any resolutions they wish to propose , they should Council consideration early enough to be submitted to the League of California Cities by September 25 , so 1981 (b) Mr Warden requested a closed session to discuss a per- sonnel matter , he did not anticipate that there would da be any Council action at the conclusion of the meeting The meeting adjourned to closed session at 9 46 p m and returned A. to regular session at 9 55 p m and adjourned Recorded by am MURRAY L WARDEN , City Clerk AV & x-4�"' By Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk �w 6