HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 100-86 R-5 W CITY OF ATASCADERO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO 4 (SEPARADO-CAYUCAS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT) RESOLUTION NO 100-86 RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER' S REPORT ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS, APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS TO SAID IMPROVE- MENTS AND CALLING FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS WHEREAS, in accordance with prior proceedings duly had and taken, the City Council of the City of Atascadero (the "City Council" ) has declared its intention to and has *%w determined to undertake proceedings pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913 and issue bonds in said proceedings under the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 for the acquisition and construction in and for the City of Atascadero (the "City" ) of the public improvements more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein and made a part hereof, in and for an assessment district in the City designated "City of Atascadero Improvement District No 4 (Separado-Cayucas Assessment District) ", and WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution No 66-86 duly adopted on July 14, 1986, determined that the construction of the public improvements is necessary as a 400 health measure, and WHEREAS, the City Council, by resolution duly adopted, appointed the firm of John L Wallace & Associates as Engineer of Work in and for said proceedings and authorized and directed said firm to do and perform or cause to be done and performed all engineering work necessary in and for said proceedings, including the preparation of plans and specifications for said improvements and the descriptions of the acquisitions, together with estimates of costs thereof, and the preparation of a map of the assessment district, an assessment diagram, and an assessment, and the supervision of the work, and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution of Intention No 70-86 heretofore duly adopted, as amended by Resolution No 99-86, adopted on September 8, 1986, declared its intention to order said improvements to be made in and for said assessment district; and WHEREAS, the City Council in and by said Resolution of Intention referred said proposed improvements to the Engineer of Work in and for said assessment district and directed said Engineer of Work to make and file a report in writing containing the matters specified in Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code, and (WHEREAS, the Engineer of Work has complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act by 2 041003-0001-198-4S86d w obtaining the necessary declarations and clearances for the proposed improvements; and] WHEREAS, in accordance with said Resolution of Intention, said Engineer of Work has filed with the City Clerk of the City a report in writing containing the matters specified in said Section 10204 of the Streets and Highways Code, and WHEREAS, Said report has been duly presented by the City Clerk of the City to the City Council for consideration and has been fully considered by the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows 1 The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines 2 Said report is hereby preliminarily approved by the City Council, and 8 o' clock P M on Monday, October 27, 1986, at the Chambers of the City Council, City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California 93423, is hereby fixed by the City Council as the time and place for hearing protests to said proposed improvements Any interested person may object to said proposed improvements, the extent of the assessment district or to the proposed assessment by filing a written protest with the City Clerk of the City at or before the time set for said hearing Each protest must contain a description of the property in which the signer thereof is interested sufficient to identify the same and, if the signers 3 041003-0001-198-4586d are not shown on the last equalized assessment roll as the owners of such property, must contain or be accompanied by written evidence that such signers are the owners of such property The City Clerk of the City shall endorse on each protest the date of its receipt and at said time appointed for said hearing shall present to the City Council all protests filed with her 3 The City Clerk of the City is hereby directed (a) to cause notices of said hearing to be posted in the time, form and manner provided by law, and (b) to cause a notice of said hearing to be published in The Atascadero News in the time, form and manner provided by law, and (c) to give notice by mail of the adoption of said Resolution of Intention for said proposed improvements and of the filing of said report to all persons owning real property proposed to be assessed in the time, form and manner provided by law Upon the completion of the mailing of said notices, the City Clerk of the City is hereby directed to file with the City Council an affidavit setting forth the time and manner of the compliance with the requirements of law for publishing, posting and mailing said notices 4 Mr Sensibaugh, City Engineer, City of Atascadero, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California 93423, telephone (805) 466-8000, is hereby designated to answer inquiries regarding the protest proceedings 4 041003-0001-198-4586d 5 The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause notices to bidders inviting sealed proposals or bids for the making of said improvements, in substantially the form B attached hereto, marked "Exhibit--4" and made a part hereof, to be posted in three (3 ) public places in the City for two (2) succeeding weeks and to be published once a week for two (2 ) succeeding weeks in The Atascadero News 6 Sealed bids for making said improvements shall be received at the times and places and in the manner specified in the notice 7 The City Council hereby declares that it intends to collect liquidated damages in the amount of $100 per day 5 041003-0001-198-4586d for failure to complete the work as scheduled, as will be provided in the contract specifications PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 1986, by the following vote Ayes Councilmembers BORGESON, HANDSITY AND MAYOR PRO TEM MOLINA Noes NONE Absent COUNCILWOMAN NORRIS AND v!AYOR MACKEY (EXCUSED) GEORGE MQ INA, Mavor Pro Tem of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, State of California [Seal ] ATTEST '13c d C Sharitz y City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM ��-- ROBERT M JbNES City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT ROBERT "Nl---JONES City Attorney 6 041003-0001-198-4586d r 3 EXHIBIT A J GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work shall generally include the installation of a sewage pump station near the intersection of Buena Avenue and Traffic Way a force main along Traffic Way from near the intersection of Buena Avenue and Traffic Way to existing manhole T13 , located approximately 1000 feet southeast along Traffic Way, a sewer main along Traffic Way from the intersection of Traffic Way and San Jacinto to the proposed pump station near the intersection of Buena Avenue and Traffic Way a sewer main along San Jacinto from near the intersection of Dolores Avenue and San Jacinto to Traffic Way, a sewer main along Mananita Avenue from Dolores Avenue to Estrada Avenue a sewer main along Yerba Avenue from Estrada Avenue to Dolores Avenue a sewer main along Dolores Avenue from Yerba Avenue to Mananita Avenue a sewer main from Yerba Avenue to Mananita Avenue along a proposed easement to be located between Mananita Avenue and Yerba Avenue sewer mains along proposed easements located between Mananita Avenue and Yerba Avenue, along proposed easements located between San Jacinto Avenue and Mananita Avenue , and along proposed easements between Arizona Avenue and Estrada Avenue a sewer main along Arizona Avenue from Estrada Avenue to San Jacinto a sewer main along Estrada Avenue from near the intersection of Estrada Avenue and Arizona Avenue to San Jacinto a sewage pump station near the intersection of Arizona Avenue and Estrada Avenue a sewer force main along Estrada Avenue from the proposed pump station near the intersection of Arizona Avenue and Estrada Avenue to a s proposed manhole located approximately 600 feet south along Estrada Avenue a sewage pump station in Yerba Avenue located approximately 600 feet north of the intersection of Yerba Avenue and Dolores Avenue a sewer force main located along Yerba Avenue from the proposed pump station in Yerba Avenue to a proposed manhole 520 feet to the north The work shall also generally include the installation of a sewer main along Rosita Avenue from San Anselmo Avenue to Nogales Avenue sewer mains along proposed easements located between Rosita Avenue and Lobos Avenue a sewer main along Lobos Avenue from San Anselmo Avenue to Nogales Avenue a sewer main along Hermosillo Avenue from near the intersection of Lobos Avenue and Hermosillo Avenue southwest to the end of the existing sewer in Hermosillo Avenue a sewer main from near the intersection of Cayucos Avenue and Lobos Avenue southwest along Cayucos Avenue to the end of the existing sewer in Cayucos Avenue a sewer main extending from the existing sewer located at the intersection of Lobos Avenue and Nogales Avenue along Lobos Avenue to Encima Avenue and approximately 200 feet along Encima Avenue a sewer 1 ti 3 r - main along San Anselmo Avenue from E1 Camino Real to Rosin Avenue, a sewer main along Cayucos Avenue extending from Tan Anselmo Avenue approximately 160 feet east of San Anselmo Avenue, and a sewer main to be located in an easement between Lobos Avenue and Cayucos Avenue r z The work listed above shall also include all of the necessary appurtenances including but not limited to the installation of manholes , cleanouts, minor sewer extensions and sewer services , the necessary mobilization, clearing and grubbing, excavation, shoring, dewatering, importation of graded material , compaction, testing, roadway surfacing and marking, and completing the necessary ties to existing or new facilities, the acquisition of easements and necessary interests in real property, demolition or removal of existing improvements, clearing and grubbing, the replacement of existing improvements following construction (including but not limited to revegetation, fencing, retaining walls, driveways, sidewalks , mailboxes and landscaping) , the installation of new drainage facilities to replace facilities removed during construction and the relocation or replacement of utilities damaged or displaced during construction, the installation of pump station appurtenances , wet wells , pumps , piping, electrical services control panels , valves and fixtures, �► and water services N f r 3 Y d 4 r 2 (EXHIBIT B) CITY OF ATASCADERO CALIFORNIA ASSES,MENT DISTRICT 4 I NOTIM INVITING BIDS A-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Atascadero, acting as the official legislative body of the City of Atascadero, a General Law City, hereby invites sealed proposals (bids) which will be received at the office of the Director of Public Works of the City of Atascadero, California, at 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93423 until 10 00 a m. , on Wednesday, October 15, 1986, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for performing the following work CONSTRUCTION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 4 SEWAGE COLLECTION FACILITIES AND APPURTENANT WORK Said Work is described in a Resolution of Intention of said City Council, adopted on the 14th day of July 1986, to which reference is hereby made for a description of said work and improvement, the District to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof , the bonds to be issued, and for all further particulars therein contained. Reference is hereby further made to the Contract Documents, including the plans and specifications and detailed drawings for said Work and improvement on file in the Office of the Director of Public Works, in accordance with which said work shall be done. A-2 PROCEEDINGS - The works and improvements hereinafter referred to are authorized pursuant to the provisions of the 'Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and said project will be financed pursuant to bonds being issued according to the terms and provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 of said Code. A-3 LOCATION OF THE WORK - The Work is located in the Seperado and the Cayucos areas within the the northeast portion of the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, California. A-4 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK - The Work comprises the construction of sewage collection facilities and all appurtenant work in 2 separate areas of the City. The work in the Seperado area includes approximately 10,300 linear feet of 8-inch PVC sewers, 3 pump stations, 6-inch and 4-inch PVC force mains, asphalt pavement and base, tie-ins to existing sewers, and miscellaneous appurtenant work. The work in the Cayucos area includes approximately 7,700 linear feet of 8-inch PVC sewers, asphalt pavement and base, tie-ins to existing sewers, and miscellaneous appurtenant work. A-5 ALT";vATIVE SCHEDULES - Bids are invited for alternative schedules of work. Aware will not be made for less than all of the items of a schedule. Bidders are required to submit a Proposal (Bid) for each of the 3 schedules, and failure to do so will render a bid as nonresponsive and subject it to rejection. I'SW LFM 86062-091086 NOTICE INVITING BIDS JS2-1 26S PAGE N-1 I Schedule I is a combination of the Work of Schedule II plus Schedule III, comprising all of the work in both the Seperado and Cayucos areas. Schedule II comprises only that portion of the Work lying in the Seperado area. Schedule III comprises only that portion of the Work lying in the Cayucos area. A-6 AWARD OF CONTRACT - The City intends to award a contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for Schedules I, II, or III, provided, that the City reserves the right to award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder on Schedule I alone or on any combination of Schedule II plus Schedule III from 2 different bidders or to award a single contract for either Schedule II alone or Schedule III alone and not award any contract for the remaining schedule. The City may consider any bid non-responsive which is not prepared and submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Bid documents and may waive any informalities or reject any and all bids, any bid may be withdrawn prior to the time scheduled for opening of bids, but not afterward, except as otherwise provided in Public Contract Code §5100, et seq. Any Bid received after the time and date specified for the Bid opening will not be considered. A-7 FORM OF THE BID - Bidders must submit bids (proposals) for each of the three Alternative Bid Schedules shown in the Proposal Forms Failure to submit a bid for each of the 3 bid schedules will render a bid as non-responsive and it will be subject to rejection. No bid (proposal) will be considered unless it is made on proposal forms included in the Bidding Documents obtained from the City A-8 BID SECURITY - Each bid (proposal) must be accompanied by cash, a certi- fied or cashier's check, or bidder's bond on the prescribed form and made pay- able to the City of Atascadero for an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the amount of the bid, such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to furnish the required bonds and insurance, and enter into contract with the City within. the time stated in the Proposal requirements. A-9 PREVAILING RATES OF WAGES In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770, et. seq. of the California Labor Code, the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages and payments for health and welfare, vacation, pensions, and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the Work is to be done. These prevailing rates are on file with the City Clerk. They shall be obtained by the Contractor and posted by the Contractor at the job site. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded to pay not less than the said specified prevailing rates of wages to all workers employed by it in the execution of the Contract. LFM 86062-091086 NOTICE INVITING BIDS JS2-1.26S PAGE N-2 I I IA-10 SITE CONDITIONS - For the convenience of prospective bidders in evaluating site conditions, a preliminary soils report dated 14 August 1936, entitled "Proposed Atascadero Sewerline Exploratory Borings, Atascadero, California G2711" was prepared by Pacific Geoscience, Inc , of San Luis Obispo, for the firm of John L Wallace & Associates. Said report will be available for examination at their offices at 1329 Chorro Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 The City is making this report available for inspection as a convenience only and is no way attesting to the accuracy or completeness of such data, and any conclusions drawn from inspection thereof shall be the bidder's _ own responsibility Data or information referred to below is for the bidder's information only A copy of the soil borings in the project vicinity has been included in the Appendix in Part IV of these Specifications The City of Atascadero, John L. Wallace & Associates, and Lawrance, Fisk & McFarland, Inc , make no claims as to the accuracy of said report, nor that the boring Logs are representative of general conditions at the site Such borings only represent conditions encountered at the point where each boring was made on the specific date indicated The Contractor is cautioned that the use of such information to form a general indication of site conditions is made at the Contractor's own risk, and no additional payment will be allowed by the Owner for subsurface conditions encountered which vary from the determinations made by the Contractor based upon interpretation of such drill Logs or the accompanying report A-11 CONTRACTOR LICENSING - No bid (proposal) will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3300 of the Public Contract Code, any contractor bidding this project shall be licensed as a Class A General Engineering Contractor in the State of California at the time that the contract is awarded. A-12 SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES - The Contractor may elect to receive 100 percent of payments due under the Contract Documents from time to time, without retention of any portion of the payment by the City, by depositing securities of equivalent value with the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 4590 of the Government Code. Such securities, if deposited by the Contractor , shall be valued by the City, whose decision on valuation of the securities shall be final. Securities eligible for investment under this provision shall be limited to those listed in Section 16430 of the Government Code or bank or savings and loan certificates of deposit A-13 AGREEMENT TO ASSIGN - In accordance with Section 4552 of the California Government Code, the Bidder shall conform to the following requirements In submitting a Bid to a public purchasing body, the Bidder offers and agrees that if the Bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interesI, in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act :5 U S C.15, or under the Cartwright Act, Chapter 2 LFM 86062-091086 NOTICE INVITING BIDS JS2-1 26S PAGE N-3 A-14 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - Contract Documents, including the Project Plans and Specifications may be seen and obtained at the Office of the Director of Public Works of the City of Atascadero, California The cost for a copy of all Contract Documents is $50.00 per set, non-refundable. The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the Instructions to Bidders portion of the contract documents for full directions for bidding the work BY ORDER of the City Council. CITY OF ATASCADERO Date 15 September 1986 City Clerk City of Atascadero LFM 86062-091086 NOTICE INVITING BIDS JS2-1.26S PAGE N-4