HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-021 RESOLUTION NO 2006-021 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE HOMEBUYER DOCUMENTS FOR THE CITY'S AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has adopted an Inclusionary Housing Policy adopted on June 24, 2003, and amended November 25, 2003 to increase homeownership opportunities available and affordable to moderate-income household in the City; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy, Atascadero Ordinance Code and Government Code section 65915, and the conditions of approval for development projects, Developers are required prior to the issuance of any building permits to execute numerous agreements and documents to insure that housing units remain affordable to moderate-income households in the City(hereinafter"Inclusionary Housing Program"), WHEREAS, the City Council desires to authorize the City Manager and his/her designee to execute the necessary documents for the City's Inclusionary Housing Program, and WHEREAS, form agreements and documents for the City's Affordable Housing Program are on file in the City Clerk's office NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero SECTION 1 Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. SECTION 2. Authorization for City Manager. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager and his/her designee ("Designated Officers"), and each of them individually, for and in the name of and on behalf of the City, to approve, execute, and deliver the following agreements and documents (a) Inclusionary and Density Bonus Affordable Housing Agreement-Rental or For Sale, (b) Request for Notice of Default, (c) Promissory Note, (d) Inclusionary Restrictions and Option to Purchase, Deed of Trust for Moderate Income Inclusionary (e) Ca1HFA Agreement and 0"w (f) Any other documents necessary for the City's Inclusionary Housing Program. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2006-021 Page 2 of 2 The agreements and documents shall be substantially in the form presented to the City Council at this meeting, which form agreements and documents are hereby approved, with such changes, insertions, revisions, corrections, or amendments as shall be approved by the officer or officers executing the agreement or document for the City Council The execution of the foregoing by a Designated Officer or Officers shall constitute conclusive evidence of such officer's or officers' and the City Council's approval of any such changes, insertions, revisions, corrections, or amendment to the respective forms of agreements and documents presented to the City Council at this meeting. SECTION 3 Effective Date. This Resolution shall go into full effect immediately upon its passage. On motion by Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote AYES Council Members Clay and Scalise and Mayor O'Malley NOES Council Member Luna ABSENT Council Member Pacas fir✓ ADOPTED April 11, 2006 TY OF ATAS ERO By- Tom O'Malley, M or ATTEST Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C.,UCity Clerk i PR�D S TOtnck� ; Enri , City Attorney -Resolution 2006-021 Exhibit _ Affordable Housing Forms Package Affordable Housing Agreement CITY OF ATASCADERO (FOR -SALE MODERATE -INCOME INCLUSIONARY UNITS - ON-SITE - NO PUBLIC FINANCING) ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST (Remove Upon Completion) BLANK LINES: CHECKLIST Date of Document, p. 1, first paragraph Developer's Name and Entity, p. 1, first paragraph Total Number of Units in Development and Name of Development, p. 1, Recital C Number of Affordable Units and Number of Market -Rate Units, pp. 1-2, Recital D Number of Market -Rate Units, p. 4, Section 2 Number of Affordable Units, Moderate -Income Units, Lower Income Units, and Very Low Income Units, p. 4. Section 3 Phasing Requirements, p. 5, Sections 6(b) and 6(c) Phasing Requirements for Release of Agreement, p. 8, Section 12 Developer's Address for Notices, p. 10, Section 19 Signatures (to be notarized), p. 12 1442\02\314746.1 _ 1.18.2006 1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Atascadero 6905 EI Camino Real, Suite 6 Atascadero, CA. 93422 Attn: Community Development Director No fee for recording pursuant to Government Code Section 27383 (Space above for Recorder's Use) AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT (Inclusionary For -Sale Moderate -Income Inclusionary Units—On-Site—No Public Financing) [Insert name of Development] This AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into as of this day of 200_, by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation (the "City"), and [Developer's Namel, a lUmt type of entity, such as: California Corporation, Limited Liability Company, etc.1 (the "Developer"), with reference to the following facts: A. The Atascadero City Council has an Inclusionary Housing Policy, adopted on June 24, 2003, and amended November 25, 2003 (the "Inclusionary Policy") to increase homeownership opportunities available and affordable to moderate - income households. B. Developer is the owner of certain real property in the City of Atascadero, California described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"). C. Developer has received a discretionary approval from the City to construct a total of (_) residential units known as [insert name of Development] (hereinafter referred to as the "Development") on the Property. Pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy, Developer is required to execute this Agreement prior to the approval of any final or parcel map for the Development and prior to the issuance of any building permit for the Development. D. Developer intends to meet the requirements of the Inclusionary Policy by constructing, or causing to be constructed, (_) [insert number] on-site for -sale housing units as further described in Sections 3 through 6 below (the "Affordable Units") and selling them to very low income, lower income, and/or moderate income households at affordable purchase prices as described in Sections 7 through 9 3/1104 1442\02\314746.11.18.2006 below. The Development also includes a total of (_) [insert number] market -rate housing units (the "Market Rate Units"). E. Developer and City intend to set forth in greater detail and specificity within this Agreement the terms and conditions for producing and selling the Affordable Units in the Development. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits received by the Developer and the City, the Developer and City agree as follows: Section 1. Definitions. In addition to those terms defined in the Recitals, the following terms are specially defined in this Agreement: (a) "Administering Agency" means the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority, the City, or another agency as determined by the Community Development Director that has experience in the administration of affordable housing programs. (b) "Affordable Ownership Price" means the maximum sales price as shown on the San Luis Obispo County's Affordable Housing Standards, published monthly or if calculated by the City of Atascadero, a sales price that includes a reasonable down payment and results in a Monthly Housing Payment during the first calendar year of a household's occupancy that, (i) for Very Low Income Households, is equal to or less than one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of fifty percent (50%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately -Sized households; (ii) for Lower Income Households, is equal to or less than one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of seventy percent (70%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately -Sized households; and (iii) for Moderate Income Households, is equal to or less than one - twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of one hundred twenty percent (120%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately -Sized households. If the City of Atascadero discontinues the use of the San Luis Obispo County's Affordable Housing Standards, then Affordable Ownership Price shall be calculated by the City as shown in Exhibit B. (c) "Affordable Unit Property" means the legal parcel(s) of land on which the Affordable Units will be constructed. (d) "Appropriately -Sized" shall be consistent with California Health and Safety Code Section 50052.5(h), as amended from time to time, and shall be based on presumed maximum occupancy levels of one person in a studio apartment, two (2) persons in a one -bedroom unit, three (3) persons in a two-bedroom unit, and one additional person for each additional bedroom thereafter. (e) "Area Median Income" means median yearly income in San Luis Obispo County as published pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Section 6932, or successor provision. (f) "City Deed of Trust" means the deed of trust, in the form provided by the City, executed by each buyer of an Affordable Unit at the time of purchase of the 1442\02\314746.11.18.2006 2 Affordable Unit, securing the buyer's performance under the Resale Agreement and the City Note. (g) "City Note" means the promissory note, in the form provided by the City, executed by each buyer of an Affordable Unit at the time of purchase of the Affordable Unit. (h) "Eligible Household" means a household that is qualified by the Administering Agency as i) a First -Time Homebuyer and ii) with Household Income not exceeding the household income level established for each Affordable Unit as shown in Exhibit C and as defined for the applicable income category in this Section 1. (i) "First -Time Homebuyer" means a person who does not currently hold an ownership interest in any real estate (as verified by a credit report) and who has not had an ownership interest in his or her primary residence during the past three (3) years; except that any person who is a Displaced Spouse may not be excluded from consideration as a First Time Homebuyer on the basis that the individual, while a homemaker, owned a home with his or her spouse. "Displaced Spouse" means a person who is separated or divorced from his or her spouse. 0) "Initial Fair Market Value" means the sales price that the Developer could receive for an Affordable Unit if the City did not restrict the amount that the Developer may receive to the Affordable Ownership Price. The City may, at its option, require that the Initial Fair Market Value be established through an appraisal by an MAI or other qualified appraiser. (k) "Household Income" means the combined adjusted gross income for all adult persons living in a dwelling unit, as calculated for the purpose of the Section 8 Program under the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, or its successor. (1) "Lower Income Household" means a household with a Household Income that does not exceed the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's annual determination for lower income households with incomes of approximately 80 percent of Area Median Income, adjusted for household size. (m) "Lower Income Affordable Unit" means an Affordable Unit reserved for purchase at the completion of construction by Lower Income Households at an Affordable Ownership Price. (n) "Moderate Income Household" means a household with a Household Income that does not exceed 120 percent of Area Median Income, adjusted for household size in accordance with adjustment factors adopted and amended from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. (o) "Moderate Income Affordable Unit" means an Affordable Unit reserved for purchase at the completion of construction by Moderate Income Households at an Affordable Ownership Price. 1442\02\314746.1_1.18.2006 3 (p) "Monthly Housing Payment" includes mortgage interest and principal, property taxes, mortgage insurance, homeowner's insurance, homeowners' association dues, assessments paid by homeowners, and a reasonable allowance for property maintenance costs, as determined by the Administering Agency. (q) "Resale Agreement" means the Resale and Refinancing Restriction Agreement and Option to Purchase, in the form provided by the City, executed by each buyer of an Affordable Unit and the City at the time of purchase of the Affordable Unit. (r) "Very Low -Income Household" means a household with an annual income which does not exceed the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's annual determination for very low income households with incomes of approximately 50 percent of Area Median Income, adjusted for household size. (s) "Very Low -Income Affordable Unit" means an Affordable Unit reserved for purchase at the completion of construction by Very Low -Income Households at an Affordable Ownership Price. Section 2. Satisfaction of Inclusionary Housing Obligation and Conditions of Approval. The requirements of the Inclusionary Policy shall be satisfied with respect to the Property if the Developer constructs or causes to be constructed the Affordable Units meeting the requirements of Sections 3 through 5 below, in compliance with the schedule set forth in Section 6 below, and the Affordable Units are sold to homebuyers in compliance with Sections 7 through 9 below. An amendment to this Agreement will be required to receive final or parcel map or other City approval for additional housing units on the Property above the requested total of [insert number] (_) Market Rate Units included in the Development, to make any changes to the Affordable Units as they are described in Sections 3 through 5 of this Agreement, or to otherwise change the terms of this Agreement. Section 3. Number of Affordable Units. Developer shall construct, or cause to be constructed, at least (_) [insert number] Affordable Units, of which _ [insert number] shall be Moderate Income Affordable Units, (_) [insert number] shall be Lower Income Affordable Units, and (_) [insert number] shall be Very Low Income Affordable Units. Section 4. Location of Affordable Units. The Affordable Units shall be constructed on the Property in the location(s) shown or described in the attached Exhibit D. The legal parcel(s) of land on which the Affordable Units will be constructed, together with any Affordable Units and appurtenant improvements constructed on the land, is the "Affordable Unit Property." Section 5. Appearance, Size and Bedroom Count. The Affordable Units shall be of the same general quality of exterior appearance and overall quality of construction as the Market Rate Units. Interior features and finishes of the Affordable Units shall be durable, of good quality, and consistent with contemporary standards for new housing. The Affordable Units shall include the number of bedrooms and square footage indicated in Exhibit C to this Agreement. 1442\02\314746.1_1.18.2006 4 Section 6. Schedule for Developing Affordable Units. Developer shall provide the Affordable Units pursuant to the following schedule: (a) Prior to recordation of any final or parcel map or issuance of any building permit for the Property, this Agreement shall be duly executed by the City and the Developer and recorded against the Property. (b) [For phased projects only] Concurrently with or following release by the City of building permits for percent (_%) of the Affordable Units, and upon satisfaction of all other building permit conditions for the Market Rate Units, the City may release building permits for percent (_%) of the Market Rate Units. [Revise to permit phased release of permits per an adopted phasing plan. For, example, release 50% of market rate permits after release of 50% of inclusionary unit permits — if phasing is complicated, attach exhibit] (c) No certificate of occupancy shall be released by the City for any Market Rate Unit until certificates of occupancy have been released by the City for one hundred percent (100%) of the Affordable Units. [If market rate project is phased, and phasing is part of land use approval, revise to permit phased release of certificates of occupancy, similar to subsection (b) above] Section 7. Sale by Developer to Eligible Households. Following completion of construction, the Developer shall sell Affordable Units to Moderate Income Households, Affordable Units to Lower Income Households, and Affordable Units to Very Low Income Households, at the Affordable Ownership Price established by the City of Atascadero as described in Section 8 below. (a) At least thirty (30) days before offering an Affordable Unit for sale, the Developer shall provide the City with written notice of the availability of the Affordable Unit, including the number of bedrooms and required income level of the unit. No later than thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, the City shall provide Developer with the Affordable Ownership Price for the Affordable Unit and the income limits for Eligible Purchasers. (b) For Moderate -Income Affordable Units, Developer shall also provide City with Developer's proposed Initial Fair Market Value of the Affordable Unit at least thirty (30) days before offering an Affordable Unit for sale. No later than thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, the City shall indicate the City's agreement, or not, with Developer's proposed Initial Fair Market Value of the Affordable Unit. The City may, at its option, require that the Initial Fair Market Value be established through an appraisal by an MAI or other qualified appraiser. (c) Developer shall follow the procedures and comply with the requirements of the Inclusionary Policy and applicable fair housing laws in marketing and selling the Affordable Units. (d) Prior to close of escrow for all Affordable Units, the Administering Agency shall provide verification to City and Developer that the purchaser of the Affordable Units is an Eligible Household. Purchase contracts between Developer and prospective buyers shall include requirements that buyers are verified as Eligible 1442\02\314746.11.18.2006 5 Households prior to close of escrow, and that buyers execute documents for the benefit of the City as described in Section 9 below. Section 8. Affordable Ownership Price. (a) The Affordable Units shall be sold to Eligible Households at prices that do not exceed the Affordable Ownership Price established by the City of Atascadero for Moderate Income, Lower Income, and/or Very Low Income Affordable Units. The method of calculating the Affordable Ownership Price is included in Exhibit B attached hereto. Developer shall notify the City at least thirty (30) days prior to offering an Affordable Unit for sale to allow the City adequate time to calculate and notify the Developer of the Affordable Ownership Price applicable to the Affordable Units offered for sale. (b) Developer acknowledges and agrees that the Affordable Ownership Price is determined based on Area Median Income in San Luis Obispo County, changes to which are published annually by the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development, and other housing cost factors included in Exhibit B, which change from time to time. Developer agrees that the City may calculate the Affordable Ownership Price for the Affordable Units in its reasonable discretion and that the City's calculation of Affordable Ownership Price shall be binding upon the Developer. (c) The Affordable Ownership Price established for each Affordable Unit by the City shall be the absolute maximum price that the Developer or any other person may receive as compensation for the Affordable Unit. The Developer or other seller may not charge or receive any additional compensation for an Affordable Unit regardless of whether the additional amount is (a) for options, upgrades, or additional improvements to the unit, (b) paid through escrow or outside of escrow, (c) paid prior to, after, or as part of the purchase escrow or (d) paid in cash or in kind. Section 9. Homebuyer Documents and Security Instruments. Prior to the sale of each Affordable Unit, Developer shall ensure that: (a) The Eligible Household and the City execute the Resale Agreement in the form provided by the City. The Resale Agreement shall be recorded against the Affordable Unit Property at close of escrow on the sale to the Eligible Household. The Resale Agreement shall be recorded junior only to the lien of the deed of trust securing the Eligible Household's first mortgage loan obtained by the homebuyer to finance the purchase of the Affordable Unit (and second mortgage loan if such loan is provided by a public agency which requires such subordination), unless otherwise approved in writing by the City. (b) The Eligible Household signs the City Note in the form provided by the City. For Moderate -Income Affordable Units, the City Note shall be equal to the difference between the Affordable Ownership Price and the Initial Fair Market Value of the Affordable Unit. 1442\02\314746.1 _ 1.18.2006 6 (c) The Eligible Household signs the City Deed of Trust to secure performance of the Eligible Household's covenants under the Resale Agreement and payment of the amounts due under the City Note. The City Deed of Trust shall be recorded against the Affordable Unit, subordinate only to the Resale Agreement and the lien for the first mortgage loan obtained by the homebuyer to finance the purchase of the Affordable Unit (and second mortgage loan if such loan is provided by a public agency which requires such subordination), unless otherwise approved in writing by the City. (d) A Request for Notice of Default and Sale is recorded for each deed of trust recorded senior to the Resale Agreement and/or City Deed of Trust. (e) The Eligible Household signs the Borrower's Disclosure in the form provided by the City. Section 10. City Approval of Documents. The following documents, to be approved in writing by the City, shall be used in connection with the development and sale of the Affordable Units. Approval of the following documents by the City shall be required prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for the Affordable Units and the offering for sale of the Affordable Units. (a) Form of Purchase and Sale Agreements for sale of the Affordable Units (to be prepared by Developer and submitted to the City). (b) Form of Resale Agreement, City Note, City Deed of Trust, Request for Notice of Default and Sale, and Borrower's Disclosure (to be prepared by the City, following Developer's request). For Moderate -Income Affordable Units, Developer shall (c) The preliminary Department of Real Estate public report for the Development, including the Affordable Units (to be obtained by the Developer and submitted to the City). Section 11. Compliance, Inspections Monitoring. Within five (5) days following the sale of any Affordable Unit by the Developer, Developer shall forward to the City copies of the buyer's and seller's settlement statement and all closing documents, including Resale Agreement, City Note, City Deed of Trust, Request(s) for Notice of Default and Sale, and Borrower's Disclosure executed in connection with the sale. Developer shall retain all records related to compliance with obligations under this Agreement and the Inclusionary Policy for a period not less than two (2) years from the date of sale of all units in the Development and make them available to City employees or others designated by the City for inspection and copying on five (5) business days' written notice. Section 12. Release of Property From Agreement. The covenants and conditions herein contained shall apply to and bind, during their respective periods of fee ownership, Developer and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, transferees, and assignees having or acquiring any right, title or interest in or to any part of the Property and shall run with and burden such portions of the Property until terminated in accordance with this Section 12. Until portions of the Property are released from the 1442\02\314746.1 _ 1.18.2006 7 burdens of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 12, the owners of fee title to the Property shall expressly make the conditions and covenants contained in this Agreement a part of any deed or other instrument conveying any interest in such property. Upon issuance of final certificates of occupancy for one hundred percent (100%) of the Affordable Units, the Property, except for the Affordable Unit Property, shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement. [Modify per the phasing plan (for instance, "all of the units in Phase I shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement when all of the Affordable Units in Phase I have received occupancy permits.")] As Affordable Units are sold to Eligible Households in compliance with this Agreement, and Resale Agreements and City Deeds of Trust are recorded against the Affordable Units, the portions of the Affordable Unit Property sold to Eligible Households shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement. Section 13. Default and Remedies. Failure of the Developer to cure any default in the Developer's obligations under the terms of this Agreement within thirty (30) days after the delivery of a notice of default from the City will constitute a default under this Agreement and the requirements of the Inclusionary Policy and, in addition to remedies for breach of this Agreement, the City may exercise any and all remedies available to it under the Subdivision Map Act, the Inclusionary Policy, the Atascadero Municipal Code, or otherwise, with respect to the Developer's failure to satisfy the terms of this Agreement and the requirements of the Inclusionary Policy, including but not limited to: (a) withholding, conditioning, suspending, or revoking any permit, license, subdivision approval or map, or other entitlement for the Development, including without limitation final inspections for occupancy and/or certificates of occupancy; (b) instituting against the Developer, or other parties, a civil action for declaratory relief, injunction or any other equitable relief, or relief at law, including without limitation an action to rescind a transaction and/or to require repayment of any funds received in connection with such a violation; (c) where one or more persons have received financial benefit as a result of violation of this Agreement or of any requirement imposed under the Inclusionary Policy, the City may assess, and institute legal action to recover as necessary, a penalty in any amount up to and including the amount of financial benefit received, in addition to recovery of the benefit received; (d) prosecuting a misdemeanor against any person who has sold a residential unit at a price exceeding the maximum allowed under this Agreement or to a household not qualified under this Agreement, or who has otherwise violated the Inclusionary Policy, or any other agreement, restriction or requirement authorized or imposed under the Inclusionary Policy; or (e) any other means authorized under the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. Section 14. Remedies Cumulative. No right, power, or remedy given to the City by the terms of this Agreement or the Inclusionary Policy is intended to be exclusive of any other right, power, or remedy; and each and every such right, power, or remedy shall 1442\02\314746.1_1.18.2006 8 be cumulative and in addition to every other right, power, or remedy given to the City by the terms of any such document, the Inclusionary Policy, or by any statute or otherwise against Developer and any other person. Neither the failure nor any delay on the part of the City to exercise any such rights and remedies shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise by the City of any such right or remedy preclude any other or further exercise of such right or remedy, or any other right or remedy. Section 15. Attorneys Fees and Costs. The City shall be entitled to receive from the Developer or any person violating the requirements of this Agreement, in addition to any remedy otherwise available under this Agreement or at law or equity, whether or not litigation is instituted, the costs of enforcing this Agreement, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees and the costs of City staff time. Section 16. Appointment of Other Agencies. At its sole discretion, the City may designate, appoint or contract with any other public agency, for-profit or non-profit organization to perform some or all of the City's or Administering Agency's obligations under this Agreement. Section 17. Hold Harmless. Developer will indemnify and hold harmless (without limit as to amount) City and its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents in their official capacity (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Indemnitees"), and any of them, from and against all loss, all risk of loss and all damage (including expense) sustained or incurred because of or by reason of any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments and executions for damages of any and every kind and by whomever and whenever made or obtained, allegedly caused by, arising out of or relating in any manner to the Development, the Affordable Units, or Developer's performance or non- performance under this Agreement, and shall protect and defend Indemnitees, and any of them with respect thereto, except to the extent arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City. The provisions of this section shall survive expiration or other termination of this Agreement or any release of part or all of the Property from the burdens of this Agreement, and the provisions of this section shall remain in full force and effect. Section 18. Insurance Requirements. Until all Affordable Units have been sold to Eligible Households in compliance with this Agreement, Developer and its successors and assigns acquiring title to the Property shall obtain, at their expense, comprehensive general liability insurance for development of the Affordable Units, naming Indemnitees as additional named insureds, with aggregate limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000), for bodily injury and death and property damage, including coverage for contractual liability and products and completed operations, purchased by Developer or its successors or assigns from an insurance company duly licensed to engage in the business of issuing such insurance in the State, with a current Best's Key Rating of not less than A-V, such insurance to be evidenced by an endorsement which so provides and delivered to the City prior to the issuance of any building permit for the Affordable Units. Section 19. Notices. All notices required pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the party to receive such notice at the addresses set forth below: 1442\02\314746.1 _ 1.18.2006 9 TO THE CITY: City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA. 93422 Attn: Community Development Director TO THE DEVELOPER: Attn : Any party may change the address to which notices are to be sent by notifying the other parties of the new address, in the manner set forth above. Section 20. Integrated Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and no modification shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by the Parties. Section 21. Duration and Amendment of Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in effect for so long as the Property is subject to inclusionary housing obligations pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy. This Agreement, and any section, subsection, or covenant contained herein, may be amended only upon the written consent of the City Council. Section 22. No Joint Venture or Partnership. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any document executed pursuant to this Agreement shall be construed as creating a joint venture or partnership between City and Developer. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create or justify any claim against the City by any person that Developer may have employed or with whom Developer may have contracted relative to the purchase of materials, supplies or equipment, or the furnishing or the performance of any work or services with respect to the Property or the construction of the Development. Section 23. Applicable Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by California law. Venue for any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be San Luis Obispo County. Section 24. Waivers. Any waiver by the City of any obligation or condition in this Agreement must be in writing. No waiver will be implied from any delay or failure by the City to take action on any breach or default of Developer or to pursue any remedy allowed under this Agreement or applicable law. Any extension of time granted to Developer to perform any obligation under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver or release from any of its obligations under this Agreement. Consent by the City to any act or omission by Developer shall not be construed to be a consent to any other or subsequent act or omission or to waive the requirement for the City's written consent to future waivers. 1442\02\314746.1_1.18.2006 10 Section 25. Title of Parts and Sections. Any titles of the sections or subsections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in interpreting any part of the Agreement's provisions. Section 26. Multiple Originals; Counterpart. This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, each of which is deemed to be an original, and may be signed in counterparts. Section 27. Recording of Agreement. The Developer shall cause this Agreement to be recorded against the Property, in the Official Records of the County of San Luis Obispo. Section 28. Severability. In the event any limitation, condition, restriction, covenant, or provision contained in this Agreement is to be held invalid, void or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, or if any provision of this Agreement is rendered invalid or unenforceable pursuant to any California statute which became effective after the effective date of this Agreement, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. Section 29. Exhibits. The following exhibits are attached to this Agreement: Exhibit A Legal Description of the Property Exhibit B Calculation of Affordable Ownership Price Exhibit C Income Level, Size, and Bedroom Count of Inclusionary Units Exhibit D Location of Affordable Units 1442\02\314746.1 _ 1.18.2006 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER: CITY: a City of Atascadero, a municipal California corporation By: By: WADE MCKINNEY, City Manager Its: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: PATRICK ENRIGHT, City Attorney 1442\02\314746.1 _ 1.18.2006 12 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On _,200_, before me, personally appeared and, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said State (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) On _,200_, before me, personally appeared and, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said State (SEAL) 3/1/04 1442\02\314746.11.18,2006 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY 1442\02\314746.1 _ 1.18.2006 A-1 EXHIBIT B CALCULATION OF AFFORDABLE OWNERSHIP PRICE The Affordable Ownership Price for Affordable Units shall be calculated using the procedures and formulas described below. The current City of Atascadero Moderate, Lower, and Very Low Income Limits as established pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy shall be used in these calculations. The interest rate used in these calculations shall be determined by the City at its sole discretion. 1. Determine the annual income limit for the appropriate income category (Very Low, Low, or Moderate) for a household size that is one person larger than the number of bedrooms in the affordable unit; 2. Multiply the income limit determined in the previous step by thirty percent (30%) to obtain the annual housing allowance; 3. Divide the annual housing allowance determined in the previous step by twelve (12) to determine the monthly housing allowance; 4. Calculate the average monthly cost of property taxes, mortgage insurance, homeowner's insurance, homeowners' association dues, assessments paid by homeowners, and a reasonable allowance for property maintenance costs. 5. Subtract the amount calculated in Step 4 from the monthly housing allowance to compute the amount available for mortgage payments; 6. Using a standard amortization table or formula, calculate the loan amount that can be repaid over thirty (30) years with equal monthly payments equal to the amount available for mortgage payments using the prevailing interest rate for thirty (30) years, and assuming a fully amortized fixed rate mortgage; and 7. Divide the loan amount calculated in the previous step by 0.95 to determine the Affordable Ownership Price assuming a five percent (5%) down payment. The following calculations are for a three (3) bedroom Moderate -Income Affordable Unit based on the maximum income limits for San Luis Obispo County as of July 2004. These calculations illustrate how the price of a Moderate Income Affordable Unit is calculated. 1442\02\314746.11.18.2006 B-1 Step 1 Annual Moderate Income Limit for a 4 person household $74,050 Step 2 30% of the Income Limit determined in Step 1 $22,215 Step 3 One twelfth of the amount calculated in Step 2 $1,851 Step 4 Calculate monthly cost of property taxes, mortgage insurance, homeowner's insurance, homeowners' association dues, assessments paid by homeowners, and a reasonable allowance for property maintenance costs (est.) $611 Step 5 Amount remaining for mortgage payments $1,240 Step 6 Amount that can be financed with payment calculated in Step 5 $201,400 with a 30 year fixed-rate loan at a 6.25% interest rate Step 7 Loan amount in Step 6 divided by 95% = Affordable Ownership $212,000 Price 1442\02\314746.1 1.18.2006 B-2 EXHIBIT C INCOME LEVEL, SIZE, AND BEDROOM COUNT OF AFFORDABLE UNITS INCOME TYPE OF NUMBER NUMBER OF SQUARE ASSUMED LEVEL OF UNIT OF BEDROOMS FOOTAGE HOUSEHOLD BUYERS (single family UNITS SIZE detached, single family attached, or condominium Moderate Income Lower Income Very Low Income 1442\02\314746.11.18.2006 C-1 EXHIBIT D LOCATION OF AFFORDABLE UNITS Onsite Affordable Units: Insert Legal Description(s) of Affordable Unit Property or if no legal description is available, attach map of Property showing general location and distribution of Affordable Units. 1442\02\314746.1 _ 1.18.2006 D-1 Affordable Housing Agreement CITY OF ATASCADERO (RENTAL OR FOR -SALE INCLUSIONARY AND DENSITY BONUS UNITS — ON-SITE — NO PUBLIC FINANCING) ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST (Remove Upon Completion) BLANK LINES: CHECKLIST Date of Document, p. 1, first paragraph Developer's Name and Entity, p. 1, first paragraph Total Number of Units in Development, Name of Development, Density Bonus Units, Affordable Units, Term of Affordability, pp. 1 — 2, Recital C Number of Market -Rate Units, p. 4, Section 2 Affordable Units, p. 4. Section 3 Phasing Requirements, p. 5, Sections 6(b) and 6(c) Number of Ownership Affordable Units, p. 5, Section 7 Phasing Requirements for Release of Agreement, p. 9, Section 15(a) Term of Agreement for Rental Affordable Units, p. 9, Section 15(c) Developer's Address for Notices, p. 10, Section 19 Signatures (to be notarized), p. 12 1442\02\319175.1 2.3.2006 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA. 93422 Attn: Community Development Director No fee for recording pursuant to Government Code Section 27383 (Space above for Recorder's Use) AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT (Inclusionary For -Rent or For -Sale Inclusionary and Density Bonus Units—On-Site—No Public Financing) [Insert name of Development] This AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into as of this day of 200_, by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation (the "City")–, and [Developer's Name -I., a List type of entity, such as: California Corporation Limited Liability Company etc.1 (the "Developer"), with reference to the following facts: A. The Atascadero City Council has an Inclusionary Housing Policy, adopted on June 24, 2003, and amended November 25, 2003 (the "Inclusionary Policy") to increase homeownership opportunities available and affordable to moderate - income households. The City has also adopted a Density Bonus Ordinance, Atascadero Municipal Code Section 9-3.175(f) (the "Ordinance") to conform with State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Section 65915), which allows a density bonus for the provision of housing affordable to very low income and lower income households. B. Developer is the owner of certain real property in the City of Atascadero, California described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"). C. Developer has received a discretionary approval from the City to construct a total of (_) [insert number] residential units known as [insert name of development] (hereinafter referred to as the "Development") on the Property. Pursuant to the Ordinance, Government Code 65915, and the Inclusionary Policy, the Development includes, and City has granted, Owner a density bonus of [number of bonus units] units (the "Density Bonus") in exchange for Owner's provision of units which will be affordable and [sold or rented] to Moderate Income Households, units which will be affordable and [sold or rented] to Lower Income Households, and units which will be 1442\02\319175.12.3.2006 affordable and [sold or rented] to Very Low Income households [complete as appropriate for the project] (the "Affordable Units") and will remain affordable for a term of [thirty (30) years]. D. Pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy, the Ordinance, Government Code Section 65915, and the conditions of approval for the Development, Developer is required to execute this Agreement prior to the approval of any final or parcel map for the Development and prior to the issuance of any building permit for the Development. Developer and City intend to set forth in greater detail and specificity within this Agreement the terms and conditions for producing and selling the Affordable Units in the Development. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits received by the Developer and the City, the Developer and City agree as follows: Section 1. Definitions. In addition to those terms defined in the Recitals, the following terms are specially defined in this Agreement: (a) "Administering Agency" means the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority, the City, or another agency as determined by the Community Development Director that has experience in the administration of affordable housing programs. (b) "Affordable Ownership Price" means a sales price that includes a reasonable down payment and results in a Monthly Housing Payment during the first calendar year of a household's occupancy that, (i) for Very Low Income Households, is equal to or less than one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of fifty percent (50%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately -Sized households; (ii) for Lower Income Households, is equal to or less than one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of seventy percent (70%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately -Sized households; and (iii) for Moderate Income Households, is equal to or less than one - twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of one hundred twenty percent (120%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately -Sized households. Affordable Ownership Price shall be calculated by the City as shown in Exhibit B. (c) "Affordable Rent" means monthly housing expenses, including all fees for housing services and a reasonable allowance for utilities, not exceeding: (i) for Very Low Income Households, is equal to or less than one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of fifty percent (50%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately -Sized households; (ii) for Lower Income Households, is equal to or less than one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of sixty percent (60%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately -Sized households; and (iii) for Moderate Income Households, is equal to or less than one -twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of one hundred twenty percent (110%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately - Sized households. Affordable Rent shall be calculated by the City as shown in Exhibit C. 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 2 (d) "Affordable Unit Property" is as defined in Section 4. (e) "Appropriately -Sized" shall be consistent with California Health and Safety Code Section 50052.5(h), as amended from time to time, and shall be based on presumed maximum occupancy levels of one person in a studio apartment, two (2) persons in a one -bedroom unit, three (3) persons in a two-bedroom unit, and one additional person for each additional bedroom thereafter. (f) "Area Median Income" means median yearly income in San Luis Obispo County as published pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Section 6932, or successor provision. (g) "City Deed of Trust" means the deed of trust, in the form provided by the City, executed by each buyer of an Ownership Affordable Unit at the time of purchase of the Affordable Unit, securing the buyer's performance under the Resale Agreement and the City Note. (h) "City Note" means the promissory note, in the form provided by the City, executed by each buyer of an Ownership Affordable Unit at the time of purchase of the Affordable Unit. (i) "Eligible Household" means a household that is qualified by the Administering Agency as i) a First -Time Homebuyer and ii) with Household Income not exceeding the household income level as defined for the applicable income category in this Section 1. Q) "First -Time Homebuyer" means a person who does not currently hold an ownership interest in any real estate (as verified by a credit report) and who has not had an ownership interest in his or her primary residence during the past three (3) years; except that any person who is a Displaced Spouse may not be excluded from consideration as a First Time Homebuyer on the basis that the individual, while a homemaker, owned a home with his or her spouse. "Displaced Spouse" means a person who is separated or divorced from his or her spouse. (k) "Household Income" means the combined adjusted gross income for all adult persons living in a dwelling unit, as calculated for the purpose of the Section 8 Program under the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, or its successor. (1) "Initial Fair Market Value" means the sales price that the Developer could receive for an Affordable Unit if the City did not restrict the amount that the Developer may receive to the Affordable Ownership Price. The City may, at its option, require that the Initial Fair Market Value be established through an appraisal by an MAI or other qualified appraiser. (m) "Initial Maximum Rents" means the initial rents for the any Rental Affordable Units calculated as shown in Exhibit C. (n) "Lower Income Household" means a household with a Household Income that does not exceed the United States Department of Housing and Urban 1442\02\319175.1 _2.3.2006 Development's annual determination for lower income households with incomes of approximately 80 percent of Area Median Income, adjusted for household size. (o) "Lower Income Affordable Unit" means an Affordable Unit reserved for purchase or rent at the completion of construction by Lower Income Households at an Affordable Ownership Price or Affordable Rent. (p) "Moderate Income Household" means a household with a Household Income that does not exceed 120 percent of Area Median Income, adjusted for household size in accordance with adjustment factors adopted and amended from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937. (q) "Moderate Income Affordable Unit" means an Affordable Unit reserved for purchase or rent at the completion of construction by Moderate Income Households at an Affordable Ownership Price or Affordable Rent. (r) "Monthly Housing Payment" includes mortgage interest and principal, property taxes, mortgage insurance, homeowner's insurance, homeowners' association dues, assessments paid by homeowners, and a reasonable allowance for utilities and property maintenance costs, as determined by the Administering Agency. (s) "Ownership Affordable Unit Property" is as defined in Section 4. (t) "Ownership Affordable Units" are Affordable Units initially offered for sale. (u) "Regulatory Agreement" means the Inclusionary Housing Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants between the Developer (or its successors to the Rental Affordable Unit Property) and the City, to be recorded against the Rental Affordable Unit Property pursuant to Section 15(a) below. (v) "Rental Affordable Unit Property" is as defined in Section 4. (w) "Rental Affordable Units" are Affordable Units initially offered for rent. (x) "Resale Agreement" means the Resale and Refinancing Restriction Agreement and Option to Purchase, in the form provided by the City, executed by each buyer of an Ownership Affordable Unit and the City at the time of purchase of the Ownership Affordable Unit. (y) "Very Low -Income Household" means a household with an annual income which does not exceed the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's annual determination for very low income households with incomes of approximately 50 percent of Area Median Income, adjusted for household size. 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 4 (z) "Very Low -Income Affordable Unit" means an Affordable Unit reserved for purchase or rent at the completion of construction by Very Low -Income Households at an Affordable Ownership Price or Affordable Rent. Section 2. Satisfaction of Inclusionary Housing and Ordinance Obligation and Conditions of Approval. The requirements of the Inclusionary Policy and Ordinance shall be satisfied with respect to the Property if: (a) the Developer constructs or causes to be constructed the Affordable Units meeting the requirements of Sections 3 through 5 below, in compliance with the schedule set forth in Section 6 below; (b) any Ownership Affordable Units are sold to homebuyers in compliance with Sections 7 through 10 below; and (c) if there are Rental Affordable Units, Developer records the Regulatory Agreement as described in Section 15(a) below against the Rental Affordable Unit Property and markets and operates the Rental Affordable Units in compliance with Sections 11 through 13 below and in compliance with the Regulatory Agreement. An amendment to this Agreement will be required to receive final or parcel map or other City approval for additional housing units on the Property above the requested total of [insert number] (_) Market Rate Units included in the Development, to make any changes to the Affordable Units as they are described in Sections 3 through 5 of this Agreement, or to otherwise change the terms of this Agreement. Section 3. Number of Affordable Units. Developer shall construct, or cause to be constructed, at least (_) [insert number] Affordable Units, of which [insert number] shall be [sold or rented] to Moderate Income Affordable Units, (_) [insert number] shall be [sold or rented] to Lower Income Affordable Units, and (_) [insert number] shall be [sold or rented] to Very Low Income Affordable Units. Section 4. Location of Affordable Units. The Affordable Units shall be constructed on the Property in the location(s) shown or described in the attached Exhibit D. The legal parcel(s) of land on which the Affordable Units will be constructed, together with any Affordable Units and appurtenant improvements constructed on the land, is the "Affordable Unit Property." The legal parcel(s) of land on which any Affordable Units initially offered for sale will be constructed, together with any Affordable Units and appurtenant improvements constructed on the land, is the "Ownership Affordable Unit Property." The legal parcel(s) of land on which any Affordable Units initially offered for rent will be constructed, together with any Affordable Units and appurtenant improvements constructed on the land, is the "Rental Affordable Unit Property." Section 5. Appearance, Size, Bedroom Count and Tenure. The Affordable Units shall be of the same general quality of exterior appearance and overall quality of construction as the Market Rate Units. Interior features and finishes of the Affordable Units shall be durable, of good quality, and consistent with contemporary standards for new housing. The Affordable Units shall include the number of bedrooms, square footage, and tenure indicated in Exhibit E to this Agreement. Section 6. Schedule for Developing Affordable Units. Developer shall provide the Affordable Units pursuant to the following schedule: 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 5 (a) Prior to recordation of any final or parcel map or issuance of any building permit for the Property, this Agreement shall be duly executed by the City and the Developer and recorded against the Property. (b) Concurrently with or following release by the City of building permits for percent (_%) of the Affordable Units, and upon satisfaction of all other building permit conditions for the Market Rate Units, the City may release building permits for percent (_%) of the Market Rate Units. [Revise to permit phased release of permits per an adopted phasing plan. For, example, release 50% of market rate permits after release of 50% of inclusionary unit permits — if phasing is complicated, attach exhibit] (c) No certificate of occupancy shall be released by the City for any Market Rate Unit until certificates of occupancy have been released by the City for one hundred percent (100%) of the Affordable Units. [If market rate project is phased, and phasing is part of land use approval, revise to permit phased release of certificates of occupancy, similar to subsection (b) above] Section 7. Sale by Developer of Ownership Affordable Units to Eliaible Households. Following completion of construction, the Developer shall sell [number] Affordable Units to Moderate Income Households, [number] Affordable Units to Lower Income Households, and [number] Affordable Units to Very Low Income Households, at the Affordable Ownership Price established by the City of Atascadero as described in Section 8 below. (a) At least thirty (30) days before offering an Ownership Affordable Unit for sale, the Developer shall provide the City with written notice of the availability of the Ownership Affordable Unit, including the number of bedrooms and required income level of the unit. No later than thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, the City shall provide Developer with the Affordable Ownership Price for the Ownership Affordable Unit and the income limits for Eligible Purchasers. (b) For Moderate -Income Ownership Affordable Units, Developer shall also provide City with Developer's proposed Initial Fair Market Value of the Ownership Affordable Unit at least thirty (30) days before offering an Ownership Affordable Unit for sale. No later than thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, the City shall indicate the City's agreement, or not, with Developer's proposed Initial Fair Market Value of the Ownership Affordable Unit. The City may, at its option, require that the Initial Fair Market Value be established through an appraisal by an MAI or other qualified appraiser. (c) Developer shall follow the procedures and comply with the requirements of the Inclusionary Policy and applicable fair housing laws in marketing and selling the Ownership Affordable Units. (d) Prior to close of escrow for all Ownership Affordable Units, the Administering Agency shall provide verification to City and Developer that the purchaser of the Ownership Affordable Unit is an Eligible Household. Purchase contracts between 1442\02\319175.1 _2.3.2006 6 Developer and prospective buyers shall include requirements that buyers are verified as Eligible Households prior to close of escrow and that buyers execute documents for the benefit of the City as described in Section 10 below. Section 8. Affordable Ownership Price. (a) The Ownership Affordable Units shall be sold to Eligible Households at prices that do not exceed the Affordable Ownership Price established by the City of Atascadero for Moderate Income, Lower Income, and/or Very Low Income Affordable Units, as applicable. The method of calculating the Affordable Ownership Price is included in Exhibit B attached hereto. Developer shall notify the City at least thirty (30) days prior to offering an Ownership Affordable Unit for sale to allow the City adequate time to calculate and notify the Developer of the Affordable Ownership Price applicable to the Ownership Affordable Units offered for sale. (b) Developer acknowledges and agrees that the Affordable Ownership Price is determined based on Area Median Income in San Luis Obispo County, changes to which are published annually by the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development, and other housing cost factors included in Exhibit B, which change from time to time. Developer agrees that the City may calculate the Affordable Ownership Price for the Affordable Units in its reasonable discretion and that the City's calculation of Affordable Ownership Price shall be binding upon the Developer. (c) The Affordable Ownership Price established for each Ownership Affordable Unit by the City shall be the absolute maximum price that the Developer or any other person may receive as compensation for the Ownership Affordable Unit. The Developer or other seller may not charge or receive any additional compensation for an Ownership Affordable Unit regardless of whether the additional amount is (a) for options, upgrades, or additional improvements to the unit, (b) paid through escrow or outside of escrow, (c) paid prior to, after, or as part of the purchase escrow or (d) paid in cash or in kind. Section 9. City Approval of Homebuyer Documents. The following documents, to be approved in writing by the City, shall be used in connection with the development and sale of the Ownership Affordable Units. Approval of the following documents by the City shall be required prior to the issuance of occupancy permits for the Ownership Affordable Units and the offering for sale of the Ownership Affordable Units. (a) Form of Purchase and Sale Agreements for sale of the Ownership Affordable Units (to be prepared by Developer and submitted to the City). (b) Form of Resale Agreement, City Note, City Deed of Trust, Request for Notice of Default and Sale, and Borrower's Disclosure (to be prepared by the City, following Developer's request). 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 (c) The preliminary Department of Real Estate public report for the Development, including the Ownership Affordable Units (to be obtained by the Developer and submitted to the City). Section 10. Homebuyer Documents and Security Instruments. Prior to the sale of each Ownership Affordable Unit, Developer shall ensure that: (a) The Eligible Household and the City execute the Resale Agreement in the form provided by the City. The Resale Agreement shall be recorded against the Ownership Affordable Unit Property at close of escrow on the sale to the Eligible Household. The Resale Agreement shall be recorded junior only to the lien of the deed of trust securing the Eligible Household's first mortgage loan obtained by the homebuyer to finance the purchase of the Ownership Affordable Unit and only if required by the lender (and second mortgage loan if such loan is provided by a public agency which requires such subordination), unless otherwise approved in writing by the City. (b) The Eligible Household signs the City Note in the form provided by the City. For Moderate -Income Ownership Affordable Units, the City Note shall be equal to the difference between the Affordable Ownership Price and the Initial Fair Market Value of the Affordable Unit. (c) The Eligible Household signs the City Deed of Trust to secure performance of the Eligible Household's covenants under the Resale Agreement and payment of the amounts due under the City Note. The City Deed of Trust shall be recorded against the Ownership Affordable Unit, subordinate only to the Resale Agreement and the lien for the first mortgage loan obtained by the homebuyer to finance the purchase of the Ownership Affordable Unit (and second mortgage loan if such loan is provided by a public agency which requires such subordination), unless otherwise approved in writing by the City. (d) A Request for Notice of Default and Sale is recorded for each deed of trust recorded at close of escrow. (e) The Eligible Household signs the Borrower's Disclosure in the form provided by the City. Section 11. Marketing and Rental of Rental Affordable Units. Following completion of construction, the Developer shall rent any Rental Affordable Units to [Very Low Income or Lower Income] Households at Affordable Rents calculated in compliance with Exhibit C attached hereto and the Regulatory Agreement. Developer shall submit a marketing and management plan to the Administering Agency for approval prior to commencing marketing of the Rental Affordable Units and shall market the Rental Affordable Units in compliance with the marketing and management plan approved by the Administering Agency. Developer shall grant a preference to households that live or work in San Luis Obispo County. Developer shall comply with applicable fair housing laws in the marketing and rental of the Rental Affordable Units. Developer shall accept as tenants, on the same basis as all other prospective tenants, persons who are recipients of federal certificates or vouchers for rent subsidies 1442\02\319175.12.3.2006 pursuant to the existing housing program under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act, or its successor. Developer shall refer potential tenants to the Administering Agency for income certification and not enter into a binding rental agreement with a tenant until income and asset certification has been completed, and Developer has been informed in writing by the Administering Agency that the potential tenant is income -eligible to occupy the rental Affordable Unit. Section 12. Rental Affordable Units Not Subject to Costa -Hawkins Act Developer hereby acknowledges that the Development has received a Density Bonus in consideration for the provision of the Rental Affordable Units. A Density Bonus is a form of assistance specified in Chapter 4.3 (commencing with Section 65915) of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code. As consideration for the Density Bonus, Developer hereby agrees that Civil Code Section 1954.52(a) (Costa -Hawkins Act) does not apply to the Rental Affordable Units. Section 13. City Approval of Documents for Rental Affordable Units. The following documents, to be approved in writing by the Administering Agency, shall be used in connection with the rental of the Rental Affordable Units. 11. (a) A marketing and management plan approved pursuant to Section (b) Form of rental agreement or lease to be signed by tenants of the Rental Affordable Units. (c) The Regulatory Agreement, in a form to be provided by the County. Section 14. Compliance, Inspections Monitoring. (a) Ownership Affordable Units. Within five (5) days following the sale of any Ownership Affordable Unit by the Developer, Developer shall forward to the City copies of the buyer's and seller's settlement statement and all closing documents, including Resale Agreement, City Note, City Deed of Trust, Request(s) for Notice of Default and Sale, and Borrower's Disclosure executed in connection with the sale. Developer shall retain all records related to compliance with obligations under this Agreement, the Ordinance, and the Inclusionary Policy for a period not less than two (2) years from the date of sale of all units in the Development and make them available to City employees or others designated by the City for inspection and copying on five (5) business days' written notice. (b) Rental Affordable Units. Following completion of construction of any Rental Affordable Unit, a report verifying compliance of all completed Rental Affordable Units with the terms of the Regulatory Agreement, prepared on any form specified by the Administering Agency, and certified as correct under penalty of perjury by the owner of the Rental Affordable Units and any property management company managing the units, shall be submitted annually to the Administering Agency on April 1 of each year, commencing on the April 1 following issuance of final certificates of occupancy for one hundred percent (100%) of the Rental Affordable Units. If similar reports on some or all of the Rental Affordable Units are required for regulatory 1442\02\319175.1 _2.3.2006 9 compliance with other financing programs, those reports may be deemed satisfactory for the purpose of this Section 14(b) by the Administering Agency with respect to the portion of the Rental Affordable Units covered by such reports, provided that copies are provided on an annual basis to the Administering Agency with an owner certification addressed to the City. Developer shall retain all records related to compliance with obligations under this Agreement, the Ordinance, and the Inclusionary Policy for a period not less than five (5) years from the date of origination of such records, and make them available to the Administering Agency for inspection and copying on five (5) business days' written notice. Developer shall permit the Administering Agency or others designated by the City to inspect the Rental Affordable Unit Property to monitor compliance with this Agreement or the Regulatory Agreement following two (2) business days' written notice to Developer. Section 15. Release of Property From Agreement. (a) Construction of Affordable Units. The covenants and conditions herein contained shall apply to and bind, during their respective periods of fee ownership, Developer and its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, transferees, and assignees having or acquiring any right, title or interest in or to any part of the Property and shall run with and burden such portions of the Property until terminated in accordance with this Section 15. Until portions of the Property are released from the burdens of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 15, the owners of fee title to the Property shall expressly make the conditions and covenants contained in this Agreement a part of any deed or other instrument conveying any interest in such property. Upon issuance of final certificates of occupancy for one hundred percent (100%) of the Affordable Units and recordation of the Regulatory Agreement against the Rental Affordable Unit Property, the Property, except for the Affordable Unit Property, shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement. [Modify per the phasing plan (for instance, "all of the units in Phase I shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement when all of the Affordable Units in Phase I have received occupancy permits.")] (b) Ownership Affordable Units. As Ownership Affordable Units are sold to Eligible Households in compliance with this Agreement, and Resale Agreements and City Deeds of Trust are recorded against the Affordable Units, the portions of the Ownership Affordable Unit Property sold to Eligible Households shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement. (c) Rental Affordable Units. The burdens of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and recorded against the Rental Affordable Unit Property, and the Rental Affordable Unit Property shall be restricted for affordable housing use, for the -year (_) term of this Agreement. Section 16. Sale of Affordable Rental Units or Conversion to Condominiums. Should the Developer or a future owner of the Rental Affordable Unit Property choose to sell any Rental Affordable Unit, the unit shall be sold to an Eligible Purchaser at an Affordable Ownership Price for the household income level established by the Regulatory Agreement for the Rental Affordable Unit. The Affordable Rental Unit shall first be offered for sale to the existing tenant at the Affordable Ownership Price. At 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 10 least thirty (30) days before offering a Rental Affordable Unit for sale, the Developer or current owner shall provide the City with written notice of the proposed sale of the Rental Affordable Unit, including the number of bedrooms and required income level of the unit, and shall otherwise comply with the procedures specified in Sections 7 through 10 of this Agreement in the sale of the Rental Affordable Unit. As Rental Affordable Units are sold to Eligible Households in compliance with this Agreement, and Resale Agreements and City Deeds of Trust are recorded against the Affordable Units, the portions of the Rental Affordable Unit Property sold to Eligible Households shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement. Section 17. Default and Remedies. Failure of the Developer to cure any default in the Developer's obligations under the terms of this Agreement within thirty (30) days after the delivery of a notice of default from the City will constitute a default under this Agreement and the requirements of the Inclusionary Policy and, in addition to remedies for breach of this Agreement, the City may exercise any and all remedies available to it under the Subdivision Map Act, the Inclusionary Policy, the Atascadero Municipal Code, or otherwise, with respect to the Developer's failure to satisfy the terms of this Agreement and the requirements of the Inclusionary Policy, including but not limited to: (a) withholding, conditioning, suspending, or revoking any permit, license, subdivision approval or map, or other entitlement for the Development, including without limitation final inspections for occupancy and/or certificates of occupancy; (b) instituting against the Developer, or other parties, a civil action for declaratory relief, injunction or any other equitable relief, or relief at law, including without limitation an action to rescind a transaction and/or to require repayment of any funds received in connection with such a violation; (c) where one or more persons have received financial benefit as a result of violation of this Agreement or of any requirement imposed under the Inclusionary Policy or Ordinance, the City may assess, and institute legal action to recover as necessary, a penalty in any amount up to and including the amount of financial benefit received, in addition to recovery of the benefit received; (d) prosecuting a misdemeanor against any person who has sold a residential unit at a price exceeding the maximum allowed under this Agreement or to a household not qualified under this Agreement, or who has otherwise violated the Inclusionary Policy, or any other agreement, restriction or requirement authorized or imposed under the Inclusionary Policy; or (e) any other means authorized under the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. Section 18. Remedies Cumulative. No right, power, or remedy given to the City by the terms of this Agreement or the Inclusionary Policy is intended to be exclusive of any other right, power, or remedy; and each and every such right, power, or remedy shall be cumulative and in addition to every other right, power, or remedy given to the City by the terms of any such document, the Inclusionary Policy, or by any statute or otherwise against Developer and any other person. Neither the failure nor any delay on 1442\02\319175.12.3.2006 11 the part of the City to exercise any such rights and remedies shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise by the City of any such right or remedy preclude any other or further exercise of such right or remedy, or any other right or remedy. Section 19. Attorneys Fees and Costs. The City shall be entitled to receive from the Developer or any person violating the requirements of this Agreement, in addition to any remedy otherwise available under this Agreement or at law or equity, whether or not litigation is instituted, the costs of enforcing this Agreement, including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees and the costs of City staff time. Section 20. Appointment of Other Agencies. At its sole discretion, the City may designate, appoint or contract with any other public agency, for-profit or non-profit organization to perform some or all of the City's or Administering Agency's obligations under this Agreement. Section 21. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. Developer will indemnify and hold harmless (without limit as to amount) City and its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents in their official capacity (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Indemnitees"), and any of them, from and against all loss, all risk of loss and all damage (including expense) sustained or incurred because of or by reason of any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments and executions for damages of any and every kind and by whomever and whenever made or obtained, allegedly caused by, arising out of or relating in any manner to the Development, the Affordable Units, or Developer's performance or non-performance under this Agreement, including without limitation the construction or sale of any unit in the Development, and shall protect and defend Indemnitees, and any of them with respect thereto, except to the extent arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City. The provisions of this Section 21 shall survive expiration or other termination of this Agreement or any release of part or all of the Property from the burdens of this Agreement, and the provisions of this Section 21 shall remain in full force and effect. Section 22. Insurance Requirements. Until all Affordable Units have been sold to Eligible Households in compliance with this Agreement, Developer and its successors and assigns acquiring title to the Property shall obtain, at their expense, comprehensive general liability insurance for development of the Affordable Units, naming Indemnitees as additional named insureds, with aggregate limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000), for bodily injury and death and property damage, including coverage for contractual liability and products and completed operations, purchased by Developer or its successors or assigns from an insurance company duly licensed to engage in the business of issuing such insurance in the State, with a current Best's Key Rating of not less than A-V, such insurance to be evidenced by an endorsement which so provides and delivered to the City prior to the issuance of any building permit for the Affordable Units. Section 23. Notices. All notices required pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the party to receive such notice at the addresses set forth below: 1442\02\319175.12.3.2006 12 TO THE CITY: City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA. 93422 Attn: Community Development Director TO THE DEVELOPER: Attn: Any party may change the address to which notices are to be sent by notifying the other parties of the new address, in the manner set forth above. Section 24. Integrated Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and no modification shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by the Parties. Section 25. Duration and Amendment of Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in effect for so long as the Property is subject to inclusionary housing obligations pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy. This Agreement, and any section, subsection, or covenant contained herein, may be amended only upon the written consent of the City Council. Section 26. No Joint Venture or Partnership. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any document executed pursuant to this Agreement shall be construed as creating a joint venture or partnership between City and Developer. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create or justify any claim against the City by any person that Developer may have employed or with whom Developer may have contracted relative to the purchase of materials, supplies or equipment, or the furnishing or the performance of any work or services with respect to the Property or the construction of the Development. Section 27. Applicable Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by California law. Venue for any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be San Luis Obispo County. Section 28. Waivers. Any waiver by the City of any obligation or condition in this Agreement must be in writing. No waiver will be implied from any delay or failure by the City to take action on any breach or default of Developer or to pursue any remedy allowed under this Agreement or applicable law. Any extension of time granted to Developer to perform any obligation under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver or release from any of its obligations under this Agreement. Consent by the City to any act or omission by Developer shall not be construed to be a consent to any other or 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 13 subsequent act or omission or to waive the requirement for the City's written consent to future waivers. Section 29. Title of Parts and Sections. Any titles of the sections or subsections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in interpreting any part of the Agreement's provisions. Section 30. Multiple Originals: Counterpart. This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, each of which is deemed to be an original, and may be signed in counterparts. Section 31. Recording of Agreement. The Developer shall cause this Agreement to be recorded against the Property, in the Official Records of the County of San Luis Obispo. Section 32. Severability. In the event any limitation, condition, restriction, covenant, or provision contained in this Agreement is to be held invalid, void or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, or if any provision of this Agreement is rendered invalid or unenforceable pursuant to any California statute which became effective after the effective date of this Agreement, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. Section 33. Exhibits. The following exhibits are attached to this Agreement: Exhibit A Legal Description of the Property Exhibit B Calculation of Affordable Ownership Price Exhibit C Calculation of Affordable Rent Exhibit D Location of Affordable Units Exhibit E Income Level, Size, Bedroom Count, and Tenure of Inclusionary Units 1442\02\319175.12.3.2006 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER: CITY: a City of Atascadero, a municipal corporation California WADE MCKINNEY, City Manager Its: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: am 1442\02\319175.12.3.2006 15 PATRICK ENRIGHT, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On _,200_, before me, personally appeared and, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said State (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) On _,200_, before me, personally appeared and, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said State (SEAL) 3/1/04 1442\02\319175.12.3.2006 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY 1442\02\319175.12.3.2006 A-1 EXHIBIT B CALCULATION OF AFFORDABLE OWNERSHIP PRICE The Affordable Ownership Price for Ownership Affordable Units shall be calculated using the procedures and formulas described below. The current City of Atascadero Moderate, Lower, and Very Low Income Limits as established pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy shall be used in these calculations. The interest rate used in these calculations shall be determined by the City at its sole discretion. 1. Determine the area median income for a household size that is one person larger than the number of bedrooms in the Affordable Ownership Unit. 2. Multiply the income limit as follows to obtain the annual housing allowance; Very Low Income: 30% of 50% of the area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate to the unit. Lower Income: 30% of 70% of the area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate to the unit. Moderate Income: 30% of 120% of the area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate to the unit. 3. Divide the annual housing allowance determined in the previous step by twelve (12) to determine the monthly housing allowance; 4. Calculate the average monthly cost of property taxes, mortgage insurance, homeowner's insurance, homeowners' association dues, assessments paid by homeowners, utilities (excluding telephone), and a reasonable allowance for property maintenance costs. 5. Subtract the amount calculated in Step 4 from the monthly housing allowance to compute the amount available for mortgage payments. 6. Using a standard amortization table or formula, calculate the loan amount that can be repaid over thirty (30) years with equal monthly payments equal to the amount available for mortgage payments using the prevailing interest rate for thirty (30) years, and assuming a fully amortized fixed rate mortgage. 7. Divide the loan amount calculated in the previous step by 0.95 to determine the Affordable Ownership Price assuming a five percent (5%) down payment. The following calculations are for a three (3) bedroom Moderate -Income Affordable Unit based on the maximum income limits for San Luis Obispo County as of July 2004. These calculations illustrate how the price of a Moderate Income Affordable Unit is calculated. 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 B-1 Step 1 Annual Moderate Income Limit for a 4 person household $74,050 Step 2 30% of the Income Limit determined in Step 1 $22,215 Step 3 One twelfth of the amount calculated in Step 2 $1,851 Step 4 Calculate monthly cost of property taxes, mortgage insurance, homeowner's insurance, homeowners' association dues, assessments paid by homeowners, utilities, and a reasonable allowance for property maintenance costs (est.) $611 Step 5 Amount remaining for mortgage payments $1,240 Step 6 Amount that can be financed with payment calculated in Step 5 $201,400 with a 30 year fixed-rate loan at a 6.25% interest rate Step 7 Loan amount in Step 6 divided by 95% = Affordable Ownership $212,000 Price 1442\02\319175.1 _2.3.2006 B-2 EXHIBIT C CALCULATION OF AFFORDABLE RENT The Affordable Rent for Rental Affordable Units shall be calculated using the procedures and formulas described below. The current City of Atascadero Moderate, Lower, and Very Low Income Limits as established pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy shall be used in these calculations. 1. Determine the area median income for a household size that is one person larger than the number of bedrooms in the Affordable Rental Unit. 2. Multiply the income limit as follows to obtain the annual housing allowance; Very Low Income: 30% of 50% of the area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate to the unit. Lower Income: 30% of 60% of the area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate to the unit. Moderate Income: 30% of 120% of the area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate to the unit. 3. Divide the annual housing allowance determined in the previous step by twelve (12) to determine the monthly housing allowance; 4. Calculate the average monthly cost of utilities (excluding telephone) and all mandatory fees charged for use of the property. 5. Subtract the amount calculated in Step 4 from the monthly housing allowance calculated in Step 3 to compute the Affordable Rent. 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 C-1 EXHIBIT D LOCATION OF AFFORDABLE UNITS Affordable Units: Insert Legal Description(s) of Affordable Unit Property or if no legal description is available, attach map of Property showing general location and distribution of Affordable Units. Distinguish between Ownership Affordable Unit Property and Rental Affordable Unit Property, if applicable. 1442\02\319175.1_2.3.2006 C-1 EXHIBIT E INCOME LEVEL, SIZE, TENURE, AND BEDROOM COUNT OF AFFORDABLE UNITS INCOME TYPE OF UNIT NUMBER TENURE NUMBER OF SQUARE ASSUMED LEVEL OF (single family OF UNITS (rental or BEDROOMS FOOTAGE HOUSEHOLD BUYERS detached, single ownership) SIZE family attached, or condominium Moderate Income Lower Income Very Low Income 1442\02\319175.1 _2.3.2006 E-1 RESALE AND REFINANCING RESTRICTION AGREEMENT AND OPTION TO PURCHASE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST (MODERATE -INCOME INCLUSIONARY UNITS — EQUITY SHARING — CALHFA AND FANNIE MAE COMPATIBLE) (Remove Upon Completion) BLANK LINES: CHECKLIST Buyer's Name, Address of Property Purchased, Affordable Price, and Fair Market Value, p. 1, heading Date, p. 1, first paragraph Buyer's Name, p. 1, first paragraph Amount of City Loan, p. 2, Recital C First Lender's Name, p. 2, Recital E Recorder's Serial Number for the First Lender Deed of Trust, p. 2, Recital E Property Address, p. 4, Section 2 Signatures, p. 19 Notary Include Exhibit A, Property Description 1442\02\3 03 9 8 RECORDING REQUESTED PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27383 When Recorded Mail To: City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Community Development Director RESALE AND REFINANCING RESTRICTION AGREEMENT AND OPTION TO PURCHASE Owner: Property Address: Affordable Price: Fair Market Value: This Resale and Refinancing Restriction Agreement and Option to Purchase (the "Agreement") is entered into as of this day of , 200_, by and between the City of Atascadero, a municipal corporation (the "City"), and (referred to in this Agreement sometimes as "Buyer" and sometimes as "Owner"). RECITALS A. The City has adopted an Inclusionary Housing Policy (the "Inclusionary Policy") to increase homeownership opportunities available and affordable to moderate - income households. B. Buyer intends to purchase the property located in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property").The Inclusionary Policy has enabled the Buyer to purchase a home at a price which is affordable to moderate - 1442\02\3 03 9 8 income families (the "Affordable Price"). The Affordable Price is lower than the fair market value of the Property. C. The "City Loan" is equal to the difference between the Affordable Price and the amount reasonably determined by the City to be the fair market value of the Property and has a principal amount of $ . The City Loan is evidenced by a promissory note in the amount of the City Loan (the "City Note"). The City Note also evidences certain obligations under the City Loan. The City Note is secured by a deed of trust on the Property (the "City Deed of Trust"). D. To ensure compliance with the Inclusionary Policy, the Buyer is required by the City or the City's designee to execute this Agreement as a condition to Buyer's purchase of the Property. The Buyer has agreed to execute and comply with this Agreement in consideration of the Buyer's purchase of the Property at the Affordable Price. This Agreement ensures that the terms of the City Note and City Deed of Trust are complied with, that certain other provisions of the Inclusionary Policy are complied with, and that the City be given an option to purchase the Property upon transfer or upon the occurrence of certain events of default. E. The Buyer is receiving a First Lender Loan (the "First Lender Loan") from (the "First Lender"). The First Lender Loan is secured by a deed of trust executed by the Buyer in favor of First Lender and recorded in the County of San Luis Obispo concurrently with this Agreement and assigned Recorder's Serial No. (the "First Lender Deed of Trust"). [If Owner is receiving more than one purchase money loan, revise as follows: The Owner is receiving [insert number] First Lender Loans from and (collectively, the "First Lender") for purchase of the Property (collectively, the "First Lender Loan"). The First Lender Loan is secured by a deed of trust executed by the Owner and recorded in the County of San Luis Obispo concurrently with this Agreement and assigned Recorder's Serial No. and a deed of trust executed by the Owner and recorded in the County of San Luis Obispo concurrently with this Agreement and assigned Recorder's Serial No. [revise if more than two deeds of trust] (collectively, the "First Lender Deed of Trust").] NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits received by the Buyer and the City hereunder, the Buyer and the City agree, as follows: DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS A. The following terms are specially defined for this Agreement, and their definitions can be found in the sections indicated below: (1) "Advances" — Section 13B 2 1442\02\303 980.2 1.9.2006 (2) "Affordable Price" — Recital B (3) "Agreement" — First sentence of the Agreement on Page 1 (4) "Assignee" — Section 7B (5) "Buyer" or "Owner" — First sentence of the Agreement on Page 1 (6) "CaIHFA" — Section 22B (7) "City" - First sentence of the Agreement on Page 1 (8) "City Deed of Trust" - Recital C (9) "City Loan" — Recital C (10) "City Note" — Recital C (11) "Consent to Transfer" —Section 10B (12) "Default" — Section 15A (13) "Domestic Partner" — Section 6B (14) "Excess Rents" — Section 4B (15) "Fair Market Value" - Section 14 (16) "First Lender" - Recital E (17) "First Lender Deed of Trust" - Recital E (18) "First Lender Loan" - Recital E (19) "HUD" — Section 22A (20) "Inclusionary Policy" — Recital A (21) "Notice of Exercise" - Section 10A (22) "Notice of Intent to Transfer" — Section 9A (23) "Option" — Section 7A (24) "Option Event" — Section 8 (25) "Owner" or 'Buyer" - First sentence of the Agreement on Page 1 (26) "Property" - Recital B and Section 2 3 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 (27) "Transaction Fee" — Section 7C (28) "Transfer'- Section 6A B. The following exhibits are attached to this Agreement: (1) Exhibit A: Legal Description of the Property (2) Exhibit B: Form of Owner Occupancy Certification (3) Exhibit C: Form of Renter Occupancy Certification (4) Exhibit D: Form of Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer (5) Exhibit E: Form of Owner's Request for City Subordination to Refinanced First Lender Loan 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY This Agreement concerns the real property commonly known as , California , which is more fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated in this Agreement by reference (the "Property"). 3. BUYER CERTIFICATIONS; OWNER OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENT The Buyer certifies that the financial and other information previously provided in order to qualify to purchase the Property is true and correct as of the date first written above. The Buyer shall occupy the Property as the Buyer's principal place of residence unless the City approves the rental of the Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 4. The Buyer shall be considered as occupying the Property if the Buyer is living in the unit for at least ten (10) months out of each calendar year. On or before February 1 of each calendar year, the Buyer shall provide an annual written certification to the City, in the form shown in the attached Exhibit B, that the Buyer is occupying the Property as his or her principal place of residence, unless the City has approved the rental of the Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 4. 4. RENTAL OR LEASE OF PROPERTY A. The Owner shall not rent or lease the Property to another party, unless such lease is first approved in writing by the Community Development Director or designee. The Community Development Director or designee shall approve the leasing of the Property only if ALL of the following conditions are met: (1) the tenant's 4 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 household income does not exceed that of a Moderate -Income Household; and (2) the rent for the Property does not exceed the lesser of: (i) thirty percent (30%) of the income of the tenant household that is renting the Property, or (ii) the Owner's monthly cost of principal and interest on the First Lender Loan, homeowners' dues, if any, and property insurance and property taxes associated with the Property. On or before February 1 of each calendar year, the Buyer shall provide an annual written certification to the City, in the form shown in the attached Exhibit C, to verify that the rent for the Property does not exceed that permitted by this Agreement. The City may impose a reasonable fee for review and monitoring of leases pursuant to this Section. B. Any lease of the Property in violation of this Agreement is prohibited and shall be a default under this Agreement and the City Deed of Trust. The Owner further agrees that, in the event the Owner leases the Property to a third party in violation of this Section 4, any excess rents ("Excess Rents") paid to the Owner by the lessee over the rent allowable in this Section 4 shall be due and payable to the City immediately upon receipt by the Owner. Such Excess Rents shall be considered a recourse debt of the Owner to the City, which the City may collect by legal action against the Owner and/or by foreclosure under the City Deed of Trust. 5. MAINTENANCE AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS; NO NUISANCE A. The Buyer shall maintain the Property, including landscaping, in good repair and in a neat, clean and orderly condition and shall not commit waste or permit deterioration of the Property. B. The Buyer shall not permit any condition to exist on the Property that is defined as. a nuisance by the Atascadero Municipal Code, nor shall the Buyer permit the Property to be used for the commission of any misdemeanor or felony. C. The Buyer shall maintain a standard all risk property insurance policy equal to the replacement value of the Property (adjusted every five (5) years by appraisal, if requested by the City), naming the City as an additional insured. Additional insurance requirements are set forth in the City Deed of Trust. 6. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; RESTRICTIONS ON RESALE OF PROPERTY A. Any Transfer of the Property will be subject to the provisions of this Agreement including, without limitation, the Option described in Section 7 of this Agreement. "Transfer" means any sale, assignment, or transfer, voluntary or involuntary, of any interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, a fee simple interest, a joint tenancy interest, a life estate, a leasehold interest (unless approved pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement), or an interest evidenced by a land contract by which possession of the Property is transferred and Owner retains title. Any Transfer that does not satisfy the provisions of this Agreement is prohibited. 5 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 B. Notwithstanding Section 6A, the following shall not be considered a Transfer for the purposes of this Agreement, but all such transferees shall continue to be bound by the requirements of this Agreement: (i) a good faith Transfer by an Owner to a spouse or Domestic Partner where the spouse or Domestic Partner becomes the co-owner of the Property; (ii) a Transfer between spouses as part of a dissolution proceeding, or between Domestic Partners as part of the dissolution of a domestic partnership; (iii) a Transfer by an Owner into an inter vivos trust in which Owner is the beneficiary; (iv) Transfers by devise or inheritance to an existing spouse, child, or Domestic Partner of Owner following death of Owner; (v) a Transfer by devise, inheritance, or operation of law on the death of a joint tenant; (vi) refinance of the First Lender Loan in accordance with Section 23 of this Agreement; or (vii) Transfer by deed of trust or imposition of a lien subordinate to the City Deed of Trust. For purposes of this Section 6, "Domestic Partner" shall be as defined in Section 297 of the California Family Code or successor provision. An individual shall be considered a Domestic Partner of Owner upon presentation of the Declaration of Domestic Partnership filed with the California Secretary of State. C. Owner shall provide notice to the City of any Transfers described in Sections 6B(i) through (vii) of this Agreement no later than fifteen (15) days before the sale, assignment, or other Transfer occurs, except where the Transfer is by devise, inheritance, or operation of law after death of the Owner, in which event notice shall be provided within thirty (30) days of the date of Transfer. 7. GRANT OF OPTION TO PURCHASE; ASSIGNMENT OF OPTION BY CITY A. In consideration of the economic benefits received by the Owner resulting from purchase and ownership of the Property, Owner hereby grants and gives to the City a right to purchase all of Owner's right, title and interest in and to the Property ("Option") at Fair Market Value upon the occurrence of the events specified in Section 8 of this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions included in this Agreement. B. The City may assign the Option to a low or moderate income household who meets the eligibility qualifications established by the City; or to another public agency or non-profit organization (the "Assignee"). The City's assignment of the Option shall not extend any time limits with respect to the exercise of the Option or the purchase of the Property. Notice of any such assignment shall be given to the beneficiary of record under any deed of trust that secures any financing used to purchase the property. C. If the City or the Assignee exercises the Option, the City shall charge a two percent (2%) transaction fee (the "Transaction Fee"), payable in equal shares by the Owner and the Assignee. 6 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 8. EVENTS GIVING RISE TO RIGHT TO EXERCISE OPTION A. The City shall have the right to exercise or to assign its Option if either of the following events occurs (an "Option Event"): (1) The City receives a Notice of Intent to Transfer (defined in Section 9 of this Agreement); or (2) A Default occurs as defined in Section 15A of this Agreement. B. If the City receives a Notice of Intent to Transfer, the City may exercise its Option pursuant to the procedures in Sections 10 and 13 of this Agreement. If a Default occurs, the City may exercise its Option pursuant to the procedures in Section 17 of this Agreement. 9. NOTICE OF INTENT TO TRANSFER; PREPARATION OF PROPERTY FOR SALE A. Notice of Intent to Transfer. If the Owner desires to Transfer the Property, the Owner shall promptly give City written notice of such intent (the "Notice of Intent to Transfer") in the form shown in Exhibit D attached to this Agreement. The Notice of Intent to Transfer shall be sent to the City by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address provided in Section 29 of this Agreement. The Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer shall include the following information: (1) the address of the Property; (2) the date of purchase of the Property by the Owner; (3) the purchase price for the Property paid by the Owner at the time of his/her purchase; (4) a copy of the HUD -1 Settlement Statement or equivalent document from the close of escrow on the Owner's purchase of the Property; (5) the date on which Owner intends to vacate the Property; (6) the date the Property will be placed on the market; and (7) the name and phone number of the person to contact to schedule inspection of the Property by the Agency. B. The Owner may not wish to contract with a real estate broker to sell the Property until the Owner has received from the City a Notice of Exercise or Consent to Transfer pursuant to Section 10 of this Agreement, as the services of a broker will not be required if the City exercises the Option to purchase the Property and because the City will charge a transaction fee as detailed in Section 7 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 7C of this Agreement, that will be payable by Owner and the Assignee, in addition to any broker's fees. C. Following delivery to the City by the Owner of the Notice of Intent to Transfer, the Owner shall prepare the Property for sale, as follows: (1) within thirty (30) days of delivery of the Notice of Intent to Transfer, the Owner shall obtain and deliver to the City a current written report of inspection of the Property by a licensed structural pest control operator; (2) within thirty (30) days of the date of the Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer, the Owner shall allow the City, or its designee, to inspect the Property to determine its physical condition, and, if requested by the City, following such inspection the Owner shall obtain and deliver to the City a home inspection report prepared by a licensed home inspector. Before inspecting the Property, the City shall give Owner not less than forty-eight (48) hours written notice of the date, time and expected duration of the inspection. The inspection shall be conducted between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless another date and time is mutually agreed to by the parties. Owner shall make the Property available for inspection on the date and at the time specified in the City's request for inspection; (3) If the Property is vacant, the Owner shall maintain utility connections until the close of escrow on the Transfer; (4) In the event of exercise of the Option by the City or its Assignee, the Owner shall permit a final walk-through of the Property by the City and/or its Assignee in the final three (3) days prior to close of escrow on the Transfer. 10. CITY RESPONSE TO OWNER'S NOTICE OF INTENDED TRANSFER The City shall respond in writing to the Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer within thirty (30) days of City receipt of a complete Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer that includes all information required under Section 9 of this Agreement, including City receipt of the pest control report and home inspection report (if any) required pursuant to Section 9C of this Agreement. The City shall inform the Owner of the City's election to proceed under one of the following two alternatives: A. City Exercise of Option. The City's response may notify the Owner that the City elects to exercise the Option, or assign its right to another public agency or non-profit organization or low or moderate -income household, to purchase the Property ("Notice of Exercise"). The Notice of Exercise shall include the City's calculation of the Fair Market Value as defined in Section 14 of this agreement; all outstanding sums, including principal and interest, due on the City Note; and the amount of the Transaction Fee described in Section 7C. 8 1442\02\3 03 9 8 B. Consent to Transfer. Alternatively, the City's response may notify the Owner that the City will not at this time exercise the Option to purchase the Property and that the Owner may proceed to Transfer the Property through sale (a "Consent to Transfer"). The Consent to Transfer shall include the outstanding principal due on the City Note and shall describe the procedure for calculating all additional sums due on the City Note. 11. REPAYMENT OF CITY NOTE Upon any Transfer of the Property (including Transfer following exercise of the Option by the City or Assignee), all outstanding principal and interest due, if any, under the City Note shall be repaid pursuant to the City Note. 12. SALE OF PROPERTY BY OWNER IF CITY CONSENTS TO TRANSFER A. If the City has provided a Consent to Transfer for the Property, then, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the close of escrow for the Transfer of the Property, the Owner shall provide the City with the following documentation: (1) the name and address of the purchaser; (2) the final sales contract and all other documents setting forth all the terms of the sale of the Property, including at least (a) the sales price; (b) the price to be paid for the Owner's personal property or services, if any, and any credits, allowances or other consideration, if any; and (c) the amount of any real estate commission to be paid. (3) a copy of the appraisal; (4) a written declaration from the Owner and the purchaser under penalty of perjury, in a form acceptable to the City, that the sale shall be closed in accordance with the terms of the sales contract and other documents submitted to the City and that the property has been sold at Fair Market Value. The certification shall also provide that neither the purchaser nor any other party has paid nor will pay to the Owner, nor has the Owner received nor will receive from the purchaser or any other party, money or other consideration, including personal property, in addition to what is included in the sales contract and documents submitted to the City. The written certification shall also include a provision that in the event a Transfer is made in violation of the terms of this Agreement or false or misleading statements are made in any documents or certification submitted to the City, the City shall have the right to exercise its Option or file an action at law or at equity as may be appropriate. All costs and legal expenses shall be borne by the prevailing party; 9 1442\02\3 03 98 (5) The name of the title company escrow holder for the sale of the Property, the escrow number, and name, address, and phone number of the escrow officer. B. Upon the close of escrow, the Owner shall provide the City with a copy of the HUD -1 Settlement Statement showing the purchase price paid for the Property and all other payments from escrow, escrow instructions, and any other documents which the City may reasonably request. 13. EXERCISE OF CITY OPTION A. Escrow. Promptly after delivering a Notice of Exercise, the City shall open an escrow account for its purchase of the Property. Close of escrow shall take place on such date which is the later to occur of the following: (a) forty-five (45) days after a Notice of Exercise has been delivered by City to Owner, or (b) ten (10) days after Owner has done all acts and executed all documents required for close of escrow. B. Deposit of Funds Into Escrow. Prior to the close of escrow, the City shall ensure that funds are deposited to pay the Fair Market Value of the Property, as defined in Section 14 of this Agreement, minus any principal and interest due on the City Note, and minus all Advances previously paid by the City. "Advances" include any payment by the City of costs including, but not limited to, principal, interest, taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, homeowners' fees, and associated late fees, costs, interest, attorneys' fees, pest inspections, resale inspections, and other expenses related to the Property, which Owner has failed to pay or has permitted to become delinquent. Closing costs and title insurance shall be paid by City and Owner pursuant to the custom and practice in the County of San Luis Obispo at the time of the opening of escrow, or as may be provided otherwise by mutual agreement. Owner agrees to do all acts and execute all documents necessary to enable the close of escrow and transfer of the Property to the City. C. Removal of Exceptions to Title. The Owner shall convey title to the Property at the close of escrow free and clear of any mortgage, lien, or other encumbrance, unless approved in advance in writing by the City. If the amounts deposited into escrow by the City are not sufficient to satisfy all liens and encumbrances recorded against the Property, then the Owner shall deposit into escrow the additional sums that are required to remove the liens and encumbrances. 14. DETERMINATION OF FAIR MARKET VALUE When the City chooses to exercise its Option and when the Owner wishes to refinance the First Lender Loan as described in Section 23 of this Agreement, the "Fair Market Value" of the Property shall be as determined by a certified MAI or other qualified real estate appraiser approved in advance by the City. If possible, the appraisal shall be based upon the sales prices of comparable properties sold in the market area during the 10 1442\02\3 03 980.2 1.9.2006 preceding three (3) -month period. If City chooses to exercise its Option after receiving a Notice of Intent to Transfer, the cost of the appraisal shall be paid by the City. In all other circumstances, the cost of the appraisal shall be paid by the Owner. Nothing in this Section 14 shall preclude the Owner and the City from establishing the Fair Market Value of the Property by mutual agreement, based on sales of comparable properties, in lieu of an appraisal. 15. DEFAULTS A. The following events shall constitute a "Default" by the Owner under this Agreement: (1) The City determines that the Owner has made a misrepresentation to obtain the benefits of purchasing the Property or in connection with its obligations under this Agreement. (2) The Owner actually Transfers, or attempts to Transfer, the Property in violation of this Agreement. The City's rights to exercise its Option shall survive any Transfer of the Property by the Owner in violation of this Agreement. As long as the Option has not been abandoned pursuant to Section 18 of this Agreement, any actual or attempted Transfer of the Property in violation of the terms and conditions of this Option shall be voidable at the election of the City, (3) The Owner fails to owner -occupy the Property in violation of Section 3 of this Agreement, and such failure continues following written notice by the City and sixty (60) days opportunity to cure following the date of such notice. (4) The Owner rents or leases the Property in violation of Section 4 of this Agreement. (5) The Owner otherwise fails to comply with the requirements of this Agreement, the City Note, or the City Deed of Trust and such violation is not corrected to the satisfaction of the City within ten (10) days after written notice to the Owner. (6) A Notice of Default is issued under any financing secured by the Property, or the City receives any other notice of default pursuant to Civil Code Section 2924b. Property; (7) Judicial foreclosure proceedings are commenced regarding the (8) The Owner executes any deed in lieu of foreclosure transferring ownership of the Property; (9) A proceeding or action in bankruptcy, whether voluntary or involuntary, is commenced pursuant to Title 11 of the United States Code or other 11 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 bankruptcy statute, or any other insolvency, reorganization, arrangement, assignment for the benefit of creditors, receivership or trusteeship, in which the Owner is the debtor, or assigns assets for the benefit of creditors. B. Upon a declaration of Default by the City under this Agreement, the City may: (1) Declare all sums due under the City Note immediately due and payable without further demand; (2) Invoke the power of sale under the City Deed of Trust; (3) Apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for such relief at law or in equity as may be appropriate; (4) Declare a Default under the City Note and City Deed of Trust and pursue all City remedies under the City Deed of Trust; and (5) Exercise the Option pursuant to Section 17 of this Agreement. 16. NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURE A request for notice of default and any notice of sale under any deed of trust or mortgage with power of sale encumbering the Property shall be recorded by the City in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo for the benefit of the City. 17. EXERCISE OF OPTION UPON DEFAULT A. Time Period for City Notices. The City must deliver a Notice of Exercise, if applicable, on or before sixty (60) days after the date that the City receives notification of any Default. For purposes of computing commencement of the delivery periods, the City shall be deemed to have notification of a Default on the following dates: (1) If the Option Event is the recordation of a notice of default under a mortgage which is senior or junior in lien priority to this Agreement, a summons and complaint or other pleading, or other writing specifically stating that a Default has occurred, then the City shall be deemed to have received notice of the Default on the date that the City actually received the notice of default, summons and complaint, or writing. (2) If an Option Event is triggered by some other Default by Owner hereunder, the City shall be deemed to have notification of the Option Event on the date the City issues a written notice to Owner that the Default constitutes an Option Event. 12 1442\02\3 03 9 8 (3) If there is a stay or injunction imposed by court order precluding the City from exercising the Option within the applicable time period, then the running of such period shall be tolled until such time as the stay is lifted or injunction dissolved and the City has been given written notice thereof, at which time the period for exercise of the Option shall again begin to run. B. Right of City to Reinstate Mortgages. If the Option Event is the recordation of a notice of default, then the City shall be deemed to be Owner's successor in interest under California Civil Code Section 2924c (or successor sections) solely for the purposes of reinstating any mortgage on the Property that has led to the recordation of the notice of default. As Owner's deemed successor in interest, the City shall be entitled, but not required, to pay all amounts of principal, interest, taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, advances, costs, attorneys' fees and expenses required to cure the default. 18. NOTICE OF OPTION ABANDONMENT AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT A. If the, City fails to deliver a Notice of Exercise within the time periods stated in this Agreement, then the Option shall terminate, and Owner may Transfer the Property to a third party. Thereafter, upon request by Owner and simultaneously with the close of escrow and repayment of all sums due under the City Note in accordance with Section 11 of this Agreement, the City shall record in the Office of the Recorder of San Luis Obispo County a notice of option abandonment and termination of this Agreement, which shall declare that the provisions of the Option and this Agreement are no longer applicable to the Property. B. If this Agreement shall otherwise terminate in accordance with Section 11 of this Agreement, upon request by Owner, the City shall record in the Office of the Recorder of San Luis Obispo County a notice of option abandonment and termination of this Agreement, which shall declare that the provisions of the Option and this Agreement are no longer applicable to the Property. C. If the City fails to record a notice of option abandonment and termination of this Agreement, the sole remedy of Owner shall be to obtain a judicial order instructing such a recordation, and Owner shall have no right to damages against the City for failure to record such notice promptly. 19. NONLIABILITY OF THE CITY A. No Obligation to Exercise Option. The City shall have no obligation to exercise any option granted it under this Agreement. In no event shall the City become in any way liable or obligated to the Owner or any successor -in -interest to the Owner by reason of its Option nor shall the City be in any way obligated or liable to the Owner or any successor -in -interest to the Owner for any failure to exercise its Option. 13 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 B. Nonliability for Negligence, Loss or Damage. Owner acknowledges, understands and agrees that the relationship between Owner and the City is solely that of an owner and an administrator of a City affordable housing program, and that the City does not undertake or assume any responsibility for or duty to Owner to select, review, inspect, supervise, pass judgment on, or inform Owner of the quality, adequacy or suitability of the Property or any other matter. The City owes no duty of care to protect Owner against negligent, faulty, inadequate or defective building or construction or any condition of the Property, and Owner agrees that neither Owner, or Owner's heirs, successors, or assigns shall ever claim, have or assert any right or action against the City for any loss, damage, or other matter arising out of or resulting from any condition of the Property and will hold the City harmless from any liability, loss or damage for these things. C. Indemnity. Owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the City harmless from all losses, damages, liabilities, claims, actions, judgments, costs, and reasonable attorneys fees that the City may incur as a direct or indirect consequence of: (1) Owner's default, performance, or failure to perform any obligations as and when required by this Agreement or the City Deed of Trust; (2) the failure at any time of any of Owner's certifications, representations, or warranties to the City to be true and correct; or (3) Owner's purchase of the Property. 20. TERM OF AGREEMENT All the provisions of this Agreement, including the benefits and burdens, run with the Property and this Agreement shall bind, and the benefit hereof shall inure to, the Owner, his or her heirs, legal representatives, executors, successors in interest and assigns, and to the City and its successors, until the earlier of (i) thirty (30) years from the date of this Agreement, (ii) the date of Transfer of the Property to the City or another purchaser in compliance with this Agreement, or (iii) payment of all principal and interest due under the City Note pursuant to the terms of the City Note. 21. SUPERIORITY OF AGREEMENT The Owner covenants that he or she has not, and will not, execute any other agreement with provisions contradictory to or in opposition to the provisions in this Agreement, and that, in any event, this Agreement is controlling as to the rights and obligations between and among the Owner, the City and their respective successors. 22. SUBORDINATION Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the provisions of this Agreement shall be subordinate to the lien of the First Lender Deed of Trust and shall not impair the rights of the First Lender, or First Lender's assignee or successor in interest, to exercise its remedies under the First Lender Deed of Trust in the event of default under the First 14 1442\02\3 03 9 80.2 1.9.2006 Lender Deed of Trust by the Owner. Such remedies under the First Lender Deed of Trust include the right of foreclosure or acceptance of a deed or assignment in lieu of foreclosure. After such foreclosure or acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, this Agreement shall be forever terminated and shall have no further effect as to the Property or any transferee thereafter; provided, however, if the holder of such First Lender Deed of Trust acquired title to the Property pursuant to a deed or assignment in lieu of foreclosure and no notice of default was recorded against the Property by such holder in connection therewith, this Agreement shall automatically terminate upon such acquisition of title, only if (i) the City has been given written notice of default under such First Lender Deed of Trust with a sixty (60) -day cure period (which requirement shall be satisfied by recordation of a notice of default under California Civil Code section 2924) and (ii) the City or its designee shall not have cured the default within such sixty (60) - day period or commenced to cure and given its firm commitment to complete the cure in form and substance acceptable to the First Lender.. Owner agrees to record any necessary documents to effect the termination of this Agreement, if applicable. A. HUD -Insured Mortgages. If Owner has acquired the Property by a mortgage insured by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"), and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to California Civil Code section 2924 (or successor provisions), this Option shall automatically terminate if title to the Property is transferred by foreclosure or deed -in - lieu of foreclosure, or if the insured mortgage is assigned to the Secretary. B. CaIHFA Mortgages. If Owner has obtained financing used to purchase the Property which is held by the California Housing Finance Agency ("CaIHFA"), all such financing held by CaIHFA and used to purchase the Property, whether secured by one or multiple deeds of trust from the Owner and held by CaIHFA, shall be deemed a "First Lender Loan" for purposes of this Agreement. 23. REFINANCE OF FIRST LENDER LOAN A. This Agreement and the City Deed of Trust shall be subordinated to a refinanced First Lender Deed of Trust, provided that: (i) following such refinance, the principal amount of all debt secured by the Property, including the principal and accrued interest on the City Note, will not exceed either (a) ninety percent (90%) of the Fair Market Value of the Property, or (b) the existing balance of the original First Lender Loan, whichever is greater; and (ii) the refinanced First Lender Loan is fully amortized with a fixed rate of interest for a minimum five (5) year period, permits no negative amortization, and requires no balloon payments. If the existing balance of the original First Lender Loan plus the principal and accrued interest on the City Note exceeds ninety percent (90%) of the Fair Market Value of the Property, then the refinanced First Lender Loan must reduce the Owner's principal and interest payments on the First Lender Loan. A form for use by the Owner in requesting City subordination to a refinanced First Lender Deed of Trust is attached as Exhibit E to this Agreement. 15 1442\02\303980.21-9.2006 B. As a condition for subordination of this Agreement and the City Deed of Trust, a request for notice of default regarding the refinanced First Lender Loan shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo for the benefit of the City. C. The City and the Owner agree that the requirements of this Section 23 are necessary to ensure the continued affordability of the Property to Owner and to minimize the risk of loss of the Property by Owner through default and foreclosure of mortgage loans. 24. NONDISCRIMINATION The Owner covenants by and for itself and its successors and assigns that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of a person or of a group of persons on account of race, color, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, ancestry or national origin in the sale, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the Property, nor shall the Owner or any person claiming under or through the Owner establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the use, occupancy, or transfer of the Property. The foregoing covenant shall run with the land. 25. HUD FORBEARANCE RELIEF Notwithstanding other provisions of this Agreement, the City Option on Default pursuant to Section 17 of this Agreement shall not be exercised by the City when a deed of trust insured by HUD is secured by the Property, and: (i) the owner is undergoing consideration by HUD for assignment forbearance relief; or (ii) the owner is undergoing consideration for relief under HUD's Temporary Mortgage Assistance Payment (TMAP) program. 26. INVALID PROVISIONS If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, then such provision or provisions shall be deemed severable from the remaining provisions contained in this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein. 16 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 27. CONTROLLING LAW The terms of this Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of California. The venue for any legal action pertaining to this Agreement shall be San Luis Obispo County, California. 28. NO WAIVER No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of City upon any default by Owner shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. The City's failure to insist in any one or more instance upon the strict observance of the terms of this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of the City's right thereafter to enforce the provisions of the Agreement. The City shall not waive its rights to enforce any provision of this Agreement unless it does so in writing, signed by an authorized agent of the City. 29. NOTICES All notices required herein shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested or express delivery service with a delivery receipt and shall be deemed to be effective as of the date received or the date delivery was refused as indicated on the return receipt as follows: To the Owner: At the address of the Property. To the City: City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Community Development Director The parties may subsequently change addresses by providing written notice of the change in address to the other parties in accordance with this Section 29. 30. INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT The terms of this Agreement shall be interpreted so as to avoid speculation on the Property. 31. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE Owner acknowledges that any breach in Owner's performance of Owner's obligations under this Agreement or in the transfer of the Property to the City shall cause 17 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 irreparable harm to the City. Owner agrees that the City is entitled to equitable relief in the form of specific performance upon its exercise of the Option, and that an award of damages shall not be adequate to compensate the City for Owner's failure to perform according to the terms of this Agreement. 32. CITY DEED OF TRUST The obligations of the Owner contained in this Agreement are also secured by the City Deed of Trust. 33. COVENANTS RUNNING WITH THE LAND A. Owner agrees to subject the Property to the covenants and restrictions set forth in this Agreement. Owner declares its express intent that the covenants and restrictions included in this Agreement shall be deemed covenants running with the land and shall pass to and be binding upon all parties having any interest in the Property throughout the term of this Agreement as set forth in Section 20 of this Agreement. Each and every contract, deed, lease, or other instrument conveying or otherwise transferring any interest in the Property shall conclusively be held to have been executed, delivered, and accepted subject to this Agreement, regardless of whether the other party or parties to such contract have actual knowledge of this Agreement. B. The Owner and the City declare their understanding and intent that: (i) the covenants and restrictions contained in this Agreement are covenants running with the land pursuant to California Civil Code section 1468 and not conditions which might result in forfeiture of title by Owner; (ii) the burden of the covenants and restrictions included in this Agreement touch and concern the Property, in that the Owner's legal interest in the Property may be rendered less valuable because of the covenants and restrictions; and (iii) the benefit of the covenants and restrictions included in this Agreement touch and concern the Property by ensuring that the use of the Property is consistent with the Inclusionary Policy. C. All covenants and restrictions contained in this Agreement without regard to technical classification or designation shall be binding upon Owner for the benefit of the City, and the covenants and restrictions shall run in favor of the City for the entire period during which the covenants and restrictions are in force and effect, without regard to whether the City is an owner of any land or interest to which such covenants and restrictions relate. 18 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 34. EFFECTIVE DATE The obligations of the City and Buyer contained in this Agreement shall be effective when the Agreement is filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo. 35. EXHIBITS Any exhibits referred to in this Agreement are incorporated in this Agreement by such reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on or as of the date first written above. CITY: BUYER: CITY OF ATASCADERO, a municipal corporation, Title: (Type Name and Title) 19 1442\02\3 03 9 8 (Type Name) (Type Name) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) On , 200_, before me, , personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) On , 200_, before me, , personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1442\02\303980.21-9.2006 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property A-1 1442\02\3 03980.2_ 1.9.2006 EXHIBIT B Form of Owner Occupancy Certification To: City of Atascadero ("City") From: Address of Home: Date: [name of owner(s)] ("Owner(s)") ("Property") By signature below, I [insert name or names of Owner] hereby certify to the City of Atascadero under penalty of perjury that I/we occupy the home located at [insert address] (the "Property") as my/our principal place of residence and that I/we have occupied the Property for [insert number] months of the calendar year [insert previous calendar year]. Attached to this letter is a copy of [insert driver's license] showing my place of residence. This Owner Occupancy Certification is signed on , 20_, under penalty of perjury. In Owner [type name] Owner [type name] Due Date: February 1 of each calendar year. Attach copy of driver's license showing address of Property. B-1 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 EXHIBIT C Form of Rent Certification To: City of Atascadero ("City") From: [name of owner(s)] ("Owner(s)") Address of Home: ("Property") Date: By signature below, I [insert name or names of Owner] hereby certify to the City of Atascadero under penalty of perjury that I/we are renting the home located at [insert address] (the "Property") pursuant to the permission granted by the Community Development Director on [insert date]. The following information is provided to the City pursuant to Section 4 of the Resale and Refinancing Restriction Agreement and Option to Purchase: 1. Address of Property: 2. Monthly Rent: 3. Name of Tenant: 4. Tenant's Gross Monthly Income: 5. Monthly Principal and Interest on Property's First Mortgage: 7 Monthly Homeowner Dues: Annual Property Taxes: _ 8. Annual Hazard Insurance for Property: Attached to this letter is a copy of the lease or rental agreement for the Property. C-1 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 This Rent Certification is signed on , 20_, under penalty of perjury. IN Owner [type name] Owner [type name] Due Date: February 1 of each calendar year. Attach copy of the lease or rental agreement for the Property. C-2 1442\02\3 03 9 80.2 1.9.2006 EXHIBIT D Form of Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer To: City of Atascadero ("City") From: Address of Home: Date: [name of owner(s)] ("Owner(s)") ("Property") Please be notified that the Owner intends to transfer the Property listed above. A. The following information is provided to the City pursuant to Section 9 of the Resale and Refinancing Restriction Agreement and Option to Purchase: 1. Address of Property: 2. Date Owner purchased Property: 3. Purchase Price paid by Owner when Property was purchased: 4. Date Owner intends to vacate Property: 5. Date Property will be placed on market: 6. Name and phone number of person for City to contact to schedule inspection: and (name) (phone number) B. As required by Section 9 of the Resale and Refinancing Restriction Agreement and Option to Purchase, the following documents are attached to this Notice: Copy of HUD -1 Settlement Statement from Owner's purchase of the property. C. I have not yet listed the Property for sale with a multiple listing service, or contacted a real estate broker or financial institution. I agree to prepare the Property for sale by: 1. obtaining a pest control report within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice, D-1 1442\02\3 03 980.2 1.9.2006 2. allowing the City or its designee to inspect the Property within thirty (30) days of this notice, 3. if requested by the City following the City's inspection, I will obtain a home inspection report from a licensed home inspector, 4. maintaining utility connections until the Property is transferred, 5. permitting a walk through by the City prior to close of escrow or the transfer. This Owner's Notice of Intent to correct and is signed on of perjury. By: Owner By: Owner Transfer is certified by Owner to be true and [insert date] under penalty D-2 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 EXHIBIT E Form of Owner Request for City Subordination to Refinanced First Lender Loan To: City of Atascadero ("City") From: Property Address: Date: ("Owner") ("Property") The Owner hereby requests the City to approve the Owner's refinance of the existing first mortgage on the Property. The Owner provides the following information which it certifies to be true and correct: 1. Original Purchase Price of Property: a, 2. Original Principal Balance of existing First Lender Loan $ 3. Current Principal Balance of existing First Lender Loan 4. Interest Rate of Existing First Lender Loan: 5. Outstanding Principal Balance of All Junior Loans Secured by the Property: 6. Principal Amount of Proposed New First Lender Loan: 7. Interest Rate of Proposed New First Lender Loan: $ 8. Term of Proposed New First Lender Loan: years 9. Is the Proposed New First Lender Loan Fully Amortized? Attached to this letter is a copy of promissory note for the Proposed New First Lender Loan. E-1 1442\02\303980.21-9.2006 The Owner hereby certifies the above information is true and correct and this Owner Request is executed under penalty of perjury on [insert date]. By: Owner By: Owner Attach copy of the promissory note for the Proposed New First Lender Loan. E-2 1442\02\303980.21.9.2006 Request for Notice of Default CITY OF ATASCADERO (MODERATE -INCOME INCLUSIONARY UNITS — EQUITY SHARING — CALHFA AND FANNIE MAE COMPATIBLE) ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKLIST (Remove Upon Completion) BLANK LINES: CHECKLIST Date of Recording of Senior Loan, p. 1, first paragraph Recorder's Serial Number for the First Lender Deed of Trust, p. 1, first paragraph Borrower's Name, p. 1, second paragraph First Lender's Name, p. 1, second paragraph Trustee's Name, p. 1, second paragraph Signature, p. 1 Notary Include Exhibit A, Property Description NOTE: A separate Request for Notice of Default must be recorded for each deed of trust that will be recorded senior to the City's deed of trust. 1442\02\3123 9 0.1 1.10.2006 COMPLIMENTARY RECORDING REQUESTED PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27383 When Recorded Mail To: City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Community Development Director (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) REQUEST FOR NOTICE UNDER CIVIL CODE SECTION 2924b In accordance with Section 2924b, Civil Code, request is hereby made that a copy of any Notice of Default and a copy of any Notice of Sale under the Deed of Trust recorded on , as Instrument No. , in the Official Records of San Luis Obispo, California, and describing land therein as See Exhibit A attached hereto executed by [insert name of borrower], in which the _ [insert name of first lender] is named as Beneficiary, and [insert name of trustee of First Deed of Trust], as Trustee, be mailed to the following party: City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Community Development Director NOTICE: A COPY OF ANY NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND OF ANY NOTICE OF SALE WILL BE SENT ONLY TO THE ADDRESS CONTAINED IN THIS RECORDED REQUEST. IF YOUR ADDRESS CHANGES, A NEW REQUEST MUST BE RECORDED. City of Atascadero Its: SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED 1442\02\312390.1 1.10.2006 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On June , 2005, before me, , personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s) or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1442\02\312390.11.10.2006 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of the Property The Property referred to is situated in the State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, City of Atascadero, and is described as follows: 1442\02\312390.11-10.2006