HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-024 SLOCO LAFCO Sphere of Influence Eagle Ranch �"` CITY OF CONTRACT# '�'ATASGADEI�O -
This Agreement is entered into on this day of ', /! 2 _ , 2003,
by and between the City of Atascadero (hereafter "City") and the County San Luis Obispo
County (hereafter "County")
WHEREAS, the Cortese/Knox/Hertzberg Act ("the Act") requires the Local Agency
Formation Commission (LAFCO) to update the Spheres of Influence for all applicable
jurisdictions in the County every five years, and
WHEREAS, a Sphere of Influence is defined by Government Code 56076 as a plan for
the probable physical boundaries and service area of a local agency, and pursuant to Government
Code 56425 has been identified by the County of San Luis Obispo and the City of Atascadero as
contained in Exhibit A, and
WHEREAS, the Act further requires that a Municipal Service Review be conducted
prior to or, in conjunction with, the update of a Sphere of Influence and such a Municipal Service
Review has been prepared by LAFCO staff in accordance with Section 56430 of the California
Government Code as a means of identifying and evaluating public services provided by the City
of Atascadero and changes to the City's Spheres of Influence and Service, and
WHEREAS, the Act encourages the City and County to reach agreement regarding the
boundaries (Exhibit A), development standards, and zoning requirements (Exhibit B) to ensure
that development within the sphere occurs in an orderly and logical manner; and
WHEREAS, the City's General Plan provides a clear policy base for growth and
development in the Sphere of Influence areas and defines programs that the City will implement
to ensure the preservation of the agricultural land, open space and the rural character of
Atascadero, and
Memorandum of Agreement 1*800, Iftof
s City of Atascadero&County of San Luis Obispo
— City's Sphere of Influence
Page 2 of 11
WHEREAS, the County's General Plan goals in Framework for Planning and the Salinas
River Area Plan calls for Community Separators to provide for a community's distinctive
identity and preserve the rural character of the areas between and on the fringes of communities
and cities, and
WHEREAS, the City and County have reached an agreement regarding the Sphere of
Influence boundaries (Exhibit A) and the development standards and zoning requirements
(Exhibit B), and
WHEREAS, the Eagle Ranch Area includes approximately 400 colony lots, many of
which have been certified as legal by the County, and the Atascadero Mutual Water Company is
able to provide water service to these lots, therefore much of the Eagle Ranch Area can be
developed in the County using the existing lot configuration, and
WHEREAS, LAFCO is required by Government Code 56425 (b) to give great weight to
this agreement in making its final determination of the city's Sphere of Influence
NOW,THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows
1 The Sphere of Influence boundary contained in Exhibit A provides for the orderly and
logical growth for the City of Atascadero and represents an appropriate 20-year growth
boundary based on existing information.
2 The development standards and zoning requirements contained in Exhibit B provide a
framework for completing updates to the General Plans of both the City and the County
for the areas in the Sphere of Influence
3 The development standards and zoning requirements contained in Exhibit B are intended
to provide the City and the County with the basis for developing specific land use
policies and standards for the areas in the City of Atascadero's Sphere of Influence and
do not supersede or linut the planning or environmental review process of either
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Atascadero&County of Sas Obispo
City's Sphere of Influence
Page 3 of 11
Jerry Cl Sr , Mayor, l Chairman, Board of Supervisors
jity of ascadero County of San Luis Obispo
a 1� Iq
ity V unsel County C unsel
Dated. /` /,'off Dated. 7 --1211 0
°i a
City Clerk i� County Clerk Recorder
Dated. � %- Dated. 2 -C>
2n ,
Pi119�1 'i'a'{a, '�9�♦ P d 4
Sphere of Influence
g 1
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Atascadero&County of Saps Obispo
City's Sphere of influence
Page 5 of 11
The following development standards and zoning requirements are agreed to and shall be used
by the City of Atascadero and the County to guide development within the proposed Sphere of
Influence as described in Exhibit A and to update their General Plans.
1 Intent. It is the intent of the County and the City to work cooperatively towards the
goal of developing the agreed upon Sphere of Influence (as shown in Exhibit A) in an
orderly and logical manner consistent with the Cortese/Knox/Hertzberg Act, the City
and County General Plans, the California Environmental Quality Act and any other
applicable laws and regulations.
2. Interagency Cooperation. The City and the County shall work cooperatively on
planning for land use, circulation connections, agricultural land and open space
preservation by referring discretionary development projects and General Plan
Amendments within each agency's jurisdiction to the other for review and comment
prior to action on a development proposal. The County shall seek the City's comment
regarding projects in the area between Vineyard Drive and Cuesta Grade, between the
ridges east of the Salinas River and Cerro Alto Campground. The City shall seek the
County's comment regarding projects that affect unincorporated areas surrounding
the fringe area of the city When a discretionary project application is accepted for
processing, it shall be referred immediately to the following contact person(s) for
early review and comment:
Principal Planner Long Range Planning Community Development Director
Department of Planning and Building Community Development
County Government Center 6500 Palma Ave.
San Luis Obispo,CA 93401 Atascadero,CA 93422
This provision shall not supersede or terminate other methods of commenting or
providing feedback regarding a proposal or project.
3 Interim Development. The County shall limit the development in the Sphere of
Influence area to that which is allowed by the current land use designations. The
County and City acknowledge that the proposed SOI area includes several parcels not
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Atascadero&County of Sates Obispo
City's Sphere of Influence
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under Williamson Act Contracts that could be developed with single-family homes
Residences and other currently allowable uses may be permitted pursuant to the land-
use policies and standards of the County Recognizing that the existing Colony lots
have entitlements to water supply from Atascadero Mutual Water Company, it is the
intent of the City to provide other services to these areas when they are eventually
annexed to the City The County shall give great weight to this fact when reviewing
projects in this SOI area.
The property within the SOI and a significant number of acres outside the SOI, are
presently under contract for Williamson Act. However, the property owner of the land
in the proposed SOI has filed for non-renewal and the contracts will be terminated on
January 1, 2009
Any project proposed in the County and within the proposed SOI area that is subject
to an Initial Study under CEQA, shall cause the City and County representatives to
call for a conference to discuss the proposed project, prior to completion of the Initial
Study The purpose of the conference would be to discuss the City's and County's
General Plan policies with regard to the project and to identify any key issues that
may need special attention.
4 City/County Cooperation. For any project proposed prior to annexation, the County
and City will cooperate to evaluate the creation and implementation of various
assessment and financing mechanisms for the construction and maintenance of public
improvements, such as roads, utilities, recreation and trail improvements, parks and
open space, and similar improvements that could serve visitors and residents of the
City and the County
5 Constraints Analysis. A constraints analysis that studies resources and issues such
as, but not limited to biology, oak woodland habitat, 100 year flood plain areas,
agricultural lands and soils, open space resources, cultural resources, topography and
steep slopes, circulation, visual and fiscal implications shall be prepared for the SOI
area. The Constraints Analysis shall be used to prepare the Specific Plan, and shall
be completed prior to the preparation of the formal CEQA documentation.
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Atascadero&County of Sante„s Obispo ,
City's Sphere of Influence
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6 Agriculture and Open Space. Prior to annexation by the City, the City and the
County shall work together to preserve the agricultural and open space resources in
the SOI area. Special attention shall be given to addressing the criteria contained in
Agricultural Policy 24 (or as updated by the County) of the County's Agriculture and
Open Space Element (Exhibit C) This shall be evident in the preparation of the
Constraints Analysis, Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report. The remainder
of agricultural area outside the SOI shall not be included in the Constraints Analysis
or the City's Specific Plan. However, should any development occur in the area
outside the SOI which differs from its current configuration, this remaining area may
be separately analyzed by the County to identify possible conservation and
development options for the agricultural lands. Options to be considered for the area
outside the SOI may include transferring density to the SOI area, agricultural
preserves, agriculture clustering of development, or other preservation measures
7 Land Uses. The proposed areas being added to the SOI as described in Exhibit A
may include residential, maxed-use, public facilities, visitor-serving, agriculture uses,
open space, and/or recreational uses in a manner integrated into the citv's plans for
annexation and development for this area. The Smart Growth Principals adopted in
the City's General Plan shall be used as a basis of preparing plans for the area.
8 General Plan Amendment. The City intends to complete pre-zoning, pre-
annexation, and any necessary pre-general plan amendment activities prior to or
concurrent with an annexation proposal being processed by LAFCO The County
intends to complete any necessary amendments to its General Plan in the Salinas
River Area Plan to reflect the annexation of territory to the City of Atascadero
9 Zoning Requirements/Specific Plan. A Specific Plan, which identifies land uses
within the Sphere of Influence areas, shall be prepared and adopted by the City prior
to or concurrent with the annexation of the property into the City and in accordance
with it's General Plan CEQA review of the Specific Plan shall include analysis of
issues related to completing the annexation, such as a reliable and adequate water
supply, sewer capacity, and other services for the proposed project. The Specific Plan
for the Sphere of Influence area shall be prepared consistent with Policy 12 (Exhibit
D) of the City's General Plan. Programs related to the Sphere of Influence area in the
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Atascadero&County of Saiy,,.e Obispo
City's Sphere of Influence
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City's General Plan that shall be implemented under policy 1.2 include eight, nine,
ten, and eleven.
10 Process and Timing of Actions. Several actions are scheduled to be completed prior
to the City annexing properties located in the Sphere of Influence as shown in Exhibit
A. Please note the target dates are intended to be advisory in nature
Action Agency Target Date
1 Sphere of Influence Update/MSR LAFCO 2003
2. Project Referrals County and City On-going
3 Non-renewal of Agriculture Preserve County of San Luis Obispo 2009
4 Specific Plan Consideration City of Atascadero 2004-2008
5 Annexation Request& Pre-zoning City of Atascadero 2005-2009
6 Annexation Consideration LAFCO 2007-2009
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Atascadero&County of Saes Obispo ,.
City's Sphere of Influence
Page 9 of 11
County's Agricultural-Open Space Element
AGIP24: Conversion of Agricelltinr Lend.
a* courage the conversion of agricultural lands to non-agricultural ems
througt the Mewing actim:
I. 'work in cooperation with the incorporated cities, sere districts,
school districts, the County Dtpartiinent of.Agricultrtre, the
Agricultural liaison Board, F.um Bureau, and affected toninninity
ad wi ry"groups to establish orban sere and urban reserve limes and
village reserve Duxes that gill protect agricultural land and will stabilize
agriculture at time urban fringe.
2. Establii rlear criteria is this plate and the lwd Use Element for
changing the designation of larxd from Agfr rupture to non-a v ltuaral
adeigna tii .
3. Avof& land cedes (rezoning) that would t reate new aural
residential development outside the urban and village resme lino.
4. Avoid locating new public facilities outside urban and village reserve
lines unless they serve a rural fiula►cetion or there is no feasible
alternative locatitmn within the urban and village resve lig.
DbarWon The purpose of this policy is twofold.to protect agricultmi land at the urban
fringe by limiting the expansion of urban developnagot;and to discourage urbantsuburban
sprawl by printing "leaps " tlevelopnent into the agricultural areas of the court
Agricultural land is often convertad to€rather uses for a varitty of masons,including:urban
growth pressures, ri g land values and speculation, competition between urban. and.
agricultural uses, the dekr2Nity of large-lot rwW homesites, subdivision of agricultiMW
properties iota parcels too small to sustn agneultural uses,piecemeal LUF-ammidments
to non-agricultural use categories, and a lack of policies that fly dine under
what cirmmstances agricaultural later shoWd be cmverted to W= uses mid land use
designations in the generA plan. This Wnv o n of agricultural land has the potential to
seriously sly a—ode the long terms pr&a=oen of agncul cal resour .
Even with the strox*Williamson Act program in tho county* thin has been pressure to
convent agricultural lands to o d=note.-agr cultural uses: Since adoption of time LUE in
198D,over 3,000 acres of W have been r=ned from the Agriculture category to non-
agricultural lam use categories in the unirworporated areas of dw county
St sdcs tom.ft state Depariftnent of Conservation's Band mapping program show
that in the period between 1984 and 1995(the last year for which statistics are available),
the was an overall.decrease:in agriculun-A land of about 14,8W acres. 'There was a net
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Atascadero&County of SaObispo
*0001,City's Sphere of influence ' °"01111
Page 10 of 11
incre -af Prim1~Farmland d=t4 inttsitication(per ily irrigated.vi ' ),however,
the;net acreage of Farland of Statewide Importance.also declined by 783 mss.
The LUE contains a mmsber of general goals that focus on the clisvironnlent, distribution
of land uses, phasing of urban development, and tho provision of public services and
facilities. Consis rmt.with those goals,specific criteria sh(xdd be developed for when it
may be appropriate to convert agricultural lanlis to other uses The enteria sbouald
include, but not necessarily be kited to, the following.
*� Do not expand emstmg urban or village areas until such areas are largely built-ouit,
Or uafi such fitne ars adonal land is needed to accommodaft necessary fuses or
services dw cannot otherwise be accommodated within the existing urban or
village area.
Urban or village expansion should occur only where contig us to an e4sftg
urba village reserve he, as shownin the concept diagrain in Figure 2-5, or
where an entirely new urban or village area is wed in order to dire'
development away from surrounding agriculm-Al or open space resources.
Where urban ex�ansion is to oar, it shall be am=cd am= to an incorporated city or
an Ming commiWty sem=district/county service area. The amexat on shill
o=tr only wherc thr chstered developralient from rural property is to be located
adjacent to the urban area, or when higher density development is to occur and
wh= such dcvclopinenrt is consistent with resources acrid service capabilides and
orderly exu=iota of urban services:.
Where agricultur-al land is proposed for conversion to urban/suburban mss, give
consideration to the protan of agricultural lands in the following priority order-
row crop terrain and sots, speciaky cro-ps and forage hands, dry farm lands, and
rangelands for grazing.
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Atascadero&County of Sa,, Obispo r
City's Sphere of Influence
Page 11 of 11
City of Atascadero General Plan Policies
Cd Aftswkltftt
Policy 1.2: Ensuretha,rural tfs ectsroi'.Atascad a is preserved by respetfiftg tfre historic
colony boundaries and coopeW#with the Cwntyon regional pianning is!;ms
surmundiag tfw Colony.
1 The ultimate General Chan development boundary shall be the Urban Deserve Lite
show In r1gure 11.5. The Urban Reserve line approximates the hlstatir.1913
Atascadero Colony boundary and is recognized as the Wilmate boundary for the City of
Atascadero,expansion beyond this boundary is inconsistent with the General Plan.
2- Develop agreements with the County to maintain rural residential,agricultural and
open space uses beyond the Urban Reserve Line,indudrtg continuation of existing
agricWtural ttses-
3. Work-MM the County to maintain a greenbelt and rural land use patterns outside tw
Urban Deserve Line and t6 create an agricultural buftr around the odginW:Colony
4 In cooperation with the County consider astablishing a greenbelt of t6er type of
buffer berm Aft i dere and Templeton.
S. Oppose any land use changes east of the Safihas river!tat would result W more.
arrlefisbma at higher density development.
6_ Oppose any land use changes:by the Cotmity Within UnihdOtporated portions:of the
Caiany&at would result in ziore,intaroAae or higher density development
7 aecuta a Memorandum of Understanding vwhareby the County seeks City comment
on development proposals in the area between Vineyard Drive and Cuesta Grade,
between the ridges east of the Salinas Ritter and Cerro Aft Campground.
S. C pperasa vias LAFCO:arm the County to ihcorparatte the Eagle Ranch into the City"s
:Sphere of IrAuence for eventual annexabort_
9. it is the City's peon,that Eagle Ranch:shall be developed vANn the City and any
development of tho site prior to armaxatian wtll be opposed_
10-Prior to the annexatiori of Fags,Ranch a Sptdlic Plan shall be approved by the City
which will provida a comprehensive devaloprnant Ian for lire property that address
issues inaladIng,clustering of Colony lots.public facilities,circulation fatalities,parks,
open space,tonsarvation easemerite.:and a fiscal analysis Of service costs.
11 Update and maintain The Zordnsg Ordinance to designate the Eagle Ranch property
as a fixture Sped Plan area fo be subject to fissure envirownental and site-specifio
review pilar to annexation.
12.Require the approval of a plarined development and trtaster talars of devetoprutent
prior to supporfing a ate+L:FCO annexation request of property located north of`;he
San Ramer Interchange an the westsrde of US 101