HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/09/1981 Scolari's • M E M_O_R A N_D U M_: TO: CITY MANAGER March 3, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ZONE CHANGE Z781206 :1 LOCATION: 8725 El Camino Real (Lots 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 , of Block 3 of Eaglet No. 1) ' APPLICANT: Joie Scolari (Gerrish) REQUEST: To allow rezoning of 6 .5 acres from R-l-B-2-D and C-2 to C-1. On February 17 , 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously adopting Findings 1-4 , recommending certifi- cation of the Final E.I .R. and recommending approval of a zone change to C-1-D as noted in the attached Staff report, with the "D" to mean: 1. Site development shall be based on an approved master plan encompassing the entire site with Departmental Review re- quired for any buildings. 2 . Drainage plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department in order to minimize impacts associated with increased drainage associated with site development. 3 . Site design shall minimize the impacts on adjacent residential uses and public roads through the use of visual and noise buffering techniques and through appropriate siting and archi- tectural treatment. 4 . Maximum effort shall be directed towards the retention of significant trees located on the site, especially those desig- nated to be in good or excellent condition. 5. Site grading shall be minimized in order to retain the natural topography. There was some discussion among the Commission concerning the proposed retention basins and the drainage alternatives discussed in the E.I .R. It was the consensus of the Commission that the zoning requested was consistent with the Retail Commercial desig- nation in the General Plan and that the E.I .R. was adequate and was in compliance with CEQA and should be certified. Bill Gerrish appeared on behalf of the applicant and indicated agreement with the recommendation on both the zoning and the E.I .R. • i Memorandum: Final E.I .R./Zone Change Z781206 :1 Page Two • March 3 , 1981 No one else appeared on the matter. It should be noted that copies of the E.I .R. document were previously sent to Council and these should be brought to the meeting. LAWRENCE S VENS 4",� ARDEN Planning D rector ager /PS CITY...OF ATASCADERO Planning Department February 17 , 1981 1913 r, C' ""I G 1979 \�TA,SCADF,�O� --STAFF REPORT i SUBJECT: FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ZONE CHANGE Z781206 :1 LOCATION: 8725 E1 Camino Real (Lots 1,2 ,3 , and 4 of Block 3 of Eaglet No. 1) APPLICANT: Joie Scolari (Gerrish) REQUEST: To allow rezoning of 6 . 5 acres from R-1-B-2-D and C-2 to C-1. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning; R-1-B-2-D and C-2 . 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial 3 . Environmental Determination: On February 21,1978 the Board of Supervisors determined that a significant impact could occur and directed preparation of a Focused E.I .R. to consider drainage and commercial intrusion into a residential area. On May 1, 1978 the Board of Supervisors reconsidered the matter at the applicant' s request reaffirming its prior decision. Proposals sent out for the E.I .R. by the Environmental Coordin- ator' s Office also included focuses on the impact of site design on tree removal and on geology and soils impacts . On September 20 , 1978 the Draft E.I.R. was released for public comments. On November 14 , 1978 the Zone Change (2780123 :1) was withdrawn pending completion of general plan hearings affecting the project. On December 6 , 1978 a Zone Change (2781206 :1) was resubmitted expanding the project from 5 .4 acres to 6 .5 acres . The Environmental Coordinator' s Office determined that an Addendum to the E.I .R. was necessary due to changes in the project size and the site design. On February 26 , 1980 the Draft E.I.R. withAddendumwas circulated for pub- lic comments. In May, 1980 the applicant requested City and County Planning Staff to withhold further action on the E .I .R. and Zone Change pending additional revisions to the site plans. On January 6 , 1981 revised plans and additional applications were submitted. Several time periods for public comment have been allowed and additional comments may still be taken. The Planning Director recommends that the Final E.I .R. be certi- fied as being in compliance with CEQA and the State E.I .R. Guidelines and that the information contained therein be re- viewed and considered in making decisions on the zone change and subsequent applications implementing the project. Page Two Final E.I .R./Zone Change 2781206 :1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17, 1981 4 . Site Conditions The site is approximately 6 .5 acres in size and is typical of gentle, rolling hills in the area. The site is partially covered with oak woodland and is partially 'de- veloped including a fire-damaged supermarket, a retail nursery, and single family residence and a duplex. Although no steep clopes exist, the, site falls away in two directions and is bisected by a natural drainage division. The site is bounded on the northwest by Casoada, on the north and northeast by single family residences , on the southeast by Solano Road and on the southwest by E1 Camino Real. Mixed and heavy commer- cial uses occupy the E1 Camino Real frontage and extend east- erly along Solano. (Note: A more detailed description of site conditions can be found on pages 6-15 and 54-56 of the E.I .R. ) 5. Project Description: The applicant is requesting a zone change from R-1-B-2-D and C-2 to C-1 to enable development of the site with a retail commercial center. The applicant contends that the C-1 Zone requested would conform with the Retail Commercial land use designation of the 1980 General Plan. Detailed site plans for a 60,560 sq. ft. commercial center including a 29 ,960 sq. ft, market have been submitted and a detailed review of those plans will be made in the Staff Report for Departmental • Review R810106 :1. A Conditional Use Permit regarding proposed signing and a Tentative Parcel Map have also been submitted in conjunction with this project. (Note: The Project Description sections of the E.I.R. on pages 1-6 and 49-53 are not fully reflective of subsequent site plan revisions . See Project Description in conjunction with Departmental Review R810106 :1 Staff Report for most current information. ) STAFF COMMENTS 1. Environmental Impact Report The E.I .R. is an informational document intended to assist in the ultimate development of the site. The E.I .R. Summary charts (pp. 27-30 and 63-65) identify the major issues, their impacts and possible mitigation measures for use in evaluating the project and itsit r` s This information must be utilized in makingde- cisions h r related t o cisions on the zone change and on subsequent proposals e implementation of the project. The E.I .R. should not, however, mandate any particular but should, however, be of consequential assisting g in selecting available alternatives . In this case, the applicant has used the E.I .R. to further modify the project by reevaluating both the scope of the project (reducing the building area from 68 ,282 sq. ft. to 60 ,560 sq. ft. ) and the site design for the project Page Three Final E.I .R./Zone Change 2781206:.1 (Scolari/Gerris.h) February 17, 1981 2 . Zone Change. The requested rezoning to C-1 is consistent with the Retail Commer- cial land use designation set forth in the 1980 General Plan. Other possible commercial zonings include the C-1-N and C-1-C but neither of these offer any advantages over the requested zoning nor do they seem appropriate for the Service Commercial and Industrial Park nature of the surrounding E1 Camino Real frontage. In discussing the zoning issue (p. 61) , the E.I.R. does propose that a "D" combining district designation in order to "enable more stringent review of site planning and overall design development to accomplish acceptable responses to neighborhood protection, buffering, access, grading and drainage, and tree protection concerns . " This level of control seems both necessary and rea- sonable especially since there are no guarantees that the development as contemplated by current plans will occur. There is also considerable concern expressed about the amount of commercial zoning in the City and the impact of this amount of Retail Commercial in the immediate area of the subject property. However, in light of the actions taken on the General Plan, these issues should remain moot, at least for the purposes associated with the review of this project. FINDINGS 1. The project could have a significant impact on the environment and an E.I .R. has been prepared for the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the State E.I .R. Guidelines. 2. The Final E.I.R. for the project shall be certified and infor- mation contained therein shall be reviewed and considered in making decisions on the subject rezoning and on subsequent proposals to implement it. 3 . In order to mitigate possible significant impacts associated with neighborhood protection, buffering, access , grading and drainage, and tree protection, a "D" combining district desig- nation allowing more stringent review of site design is necessary. 4 . The recommended rezoning is consistent with the Retail Commer- cial designation of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. • Page Four Final E.I .R./Z®ne Change 2781206 :1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17 , 1981 RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings , the Planning Department recommends as follows : A. Certification of theFinalEnvironmental Impact Report. B. Approval of a change of zone from R-1-B-2-D and C-2 to C-1-D with the "D" to mean 1. Site development shall be based on an approved master plan encompassing the entire site with Departmental Review re- quired for any buildings. 2 . Drainage plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department in order to minimize impacts associated with increased drainage associated with site development. 3 . Site design shall minimize the impacts on adjacent residen- tial uses and public roads through the use of visual and noise buffering techniques and through appropriate siting and architectural treatment. 4. Maximum effort shall be directed towards the retention of significant trees located on the site, especially those designated to be in good or excellent condition. 5 . Site grading shall be minimized in order to retain the natural topography. ACTION TO APPROVE: Set motion to certify Final E.I.R. and approve change of zone subject to Staff Findings and recommendation. TO DENY: Motion to `deny with appropriate findings. REPORT PREPARED/APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director • /Ps � _ a 1 LA LINA e AVE. _ W a n 0 "y � \JLo od) to LL:, �' `.'. �` , ... _ .mop. '.... '. - -E,•��_. ... _ to � e N _ 0 ' co pr - O Q �� m►n cj 4'12!00 73 = o Ocy js GP 06 LI d. V J V N All �x Lt1 .. .., 14 -360 O 7 / gni �-, �,,\ �� 2 41fs Y / 3 � cb • ,� J moi' J �� P 1 � � ', •—• 5 IA `�� 7 - ' _ , ` `4 ` ✓W.p3u9 P-401-33 - 96 \ -21 B P-114 / Al 38 36 3 � � !-S�34A Wo '4 rte- �� C-4 34 ' A G j GLV GO,,� 2 � / ' v � \ � ..R�6o � - � -[�l sz.•4-) L AVE `\ \��-�a � ! $ �', SRI ;3��•'' 3 VICIA)IT\� AAJD P-178 ZOAIIAI6 MAP I L 10 ` — ru,�,.,^ � :a,.....—+•---'c.e.r Ij. ^.., S�..uT�.u. �... _�- .Ys_.-�-- .wr's.�+.. JAI —-- = S31YuOSSY T ZIIMONOAiisonf _ — s,�7�Y LLLJJJ ✓✓ t fL_�`� g�'.:�0.'� �5�="�'S!-=r' CA d a,y .... • `��� y '� -' ♦ ` i ' f - � �f[ � �SII O t. S l '.Y `Tf`1f ///''���`� w ' - - /�� �'1'it` _� -�•--=1 q� � c L¢ TL lw l, n -jo o _S,� Jh '* / t� �� 1 1 l.L anL � om OL ``r' � • ` W a N r i N p l " cr— Zcr Z to a a , \ f ?�. •f �' ar f•:� `� uti I `�` F Q v --.i cnILI W 0 _ Nzr hi p wlaxu U 0 11 z > a � • `1�3` ��n a��i� b r H Z U 1 H (1 Zii) 6NQ p �LS m Z a U 2• 17 p : . 0 ..ncctiD Y ORDINANCE NO 39 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO A1ENDING SECTION MAP 12-0-34 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY PLACING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE C-1-D ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAINS as follows: Section 1. -Council Findings After conducting a public hearing, the City Council finds and determines that: 1. The project could have a significant impact on the en- vironment and an E.I .R. has been prepared for the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the State E.I .R. Guidelines . 2 . The Final E.I .R. for the project shall be certified and information contained therein shall be reviewed and con- sidered in making decisions on the subject rezoning and on subsequent proposals to implement it. 3 . In order to mitigate possible significant impacts associ- ated with neighborhood protection, buffering, access, grading and drainage, and tree protection, a "D" combining district designation allowing more stringent review of site design is necessary. 4 . The recommended rezoning is consistent with the Retail Commercial designation of the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. Based upon these findings, a change of zone from R-1-B-2-D and C-2 to C-1-D with the "D" to mean: 1. Site development shall be based on an approved master plan encompassing the entire site with Departmental Re- view required for any buildings. 2 . Drainage plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department in order to minimize impacts associated with increased drainage associated with site development. 3 . Site design shall minimize the impacts on adjacent residen- tial uses and public roads through the use of visual and noise buffering techniques and through appropriate siting and architectural treatment. 4 . Maximum effort shall be directed towards the retention of • significant trees located on the site, especially those designated to be in good or excellent condition. Ordinance No. 39 Page Two 5. Site grading shall be minimized in order to retain the natural topography. • Section-2 . ZoningrChange — Map 12-0-34 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atas- cadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended to reclassify the following described property from R-1-B-2-D and C-2 to C-1-D: Lots 1, 2 , 3 , and 4 in Block 3 of Eaglet No. 1 in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per Map recorded in Book 2, Page 25 of Maps . Section 3. Zoning Map Map 12-0-34 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atas- cadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended as shown on Attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 4 . Publication The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after -its passage in the Atascadero News , a, newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circu- lated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: • MURRAY WARDEN City Clerk Ap oved as t form, 4MRRAY WARDEN, City Manager ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney P� 12 CENTRO 5. Q 10 Q 36 E z Pfn. (6eneral S o inDlslrict- Desi e De`v�e% menf 2r P Q Pt B/k. 3 4. s Q Ea i f Tr /V0. 1 v Boa 9 h ' a 0 89 S01p EXHIOI r A 14-0 _ ORoiNANcI No. Z781206 = � R-1-B-2-D and C-2 to C-1-D with the "D" to mean: 1, site development shall be based on an approved master plan encompassing the entire site with Departmental Review required for any buildings. 2. Drainage plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Departmen in order to minimize impacts associated with increased drainage associated with site development, 3 , Site design shall minimize the impacts on adjacent residential uses and public roads through the use of visual and noise buffering techniques and through appropriate siting and architectural treatment. 4 . Maximum effort shall be directed towards the retention of significant s located on the site, especially those designated to be in good or exce t condition, 5. Site grading shall be minimized in order to retain the natural topography. M E M O R A N D U M : TO: CITY MANAGER March 3, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R810106 :1 LOCATION: 8725 E1 Camino Real (Lots 1, 2,3 , and 4 of Block 3 of Eaglet No. 1) APPLICANT: Joie Scolari (Gerrish) REQUEST: To construct a 60,560 sq, ft. commercial center in- cluding a 29,960 sq. ft. market On February 17 , 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously adopting Findings 1-4 and approving the De- partmental Review subject to Conditions 1-19 as listed in the attached Staff report with the addition of the following conditions : 6d. Security fencing or similar acceptable measures shall be .placed around the retention ponds . • 6e. Provision shall be made to prevent and abate when necessary any mosquitoes attracted by the retention ponds. 20 . Loudspeakers or similar sound emitters shall be prohibited in conjunction with the operation of the commercial center. 21. Approval of this Departmental Review shall become null and void in the event that Zone Change Z781206 :1 does not become effective and no permits shall be issued until said zoning becomes effective. There was considerable discussion among the Commission concerning this item. Concern was expressed pertaining to: - possible future changes in the plans since the development was to be phased - the time element on resuming construction should archaeological artifacts be discovered the size and location of the retention basins and the need for security fencing or similar measures for those basins - the effect of grading and construction on trees being retained • 0 • Memorandum: Departmental Review R810106 :1 Page Two • March 3, 1981 It was the consensus of the Commission that the plans submitted gave reasonable consideration to mitigation measures identified in the E.I .R. and should be approved subject to appropriate conditions. Bill Gerrish, representing the applicant, appeared and indicated his agreement with all conditions being recommended. He also gave a brief history of the project redesigns that had been un- dertaken since 1977 and responded to some of the concerns raised by both the Commission and the general public. George Sahl, owner of adjacent property on Solano, expressed con- cern regarding the retention basins requesting that drainage water be diverted to the sewers. He also objected to the large size and the location of the basins . Mr. Sahl also inquired about the screening wall along the residential property line. Don Vert, business owner in the area, spoke in favor of the project indicating it would be beneficial to the south part of town, Mike Lucas, business owner in the area, indicated his support for the project but objected to the use of retention basins to control drainage. Claudia Millentanten, an area resident, spoke regarding signing, exterior loudspeakers,- landscaping, irrigation near the oaks , and lighting. lamm LAWRENCEEVENS 10ty AY ARDEN PlanningFirector Ylanager • /Ps CITY OF A TASCADERO • �ai r�� -rfr r r." V r Planning Department February 17 , 1981 ]918 n F' 'fin f 1979, STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R810106 :1 LOCATION: 8725 El Camino Real (Lots 1,2 ,3 , and 4 of Block 3 of Eaglet No 1) APPLICANT: Joie Scolari (Gerrish) REQUEST: To construct a 60 ,560 sq. ft. commercial center including a 29, 960 sq. ft. market -BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-1-B-2-D and C-2 . A zone change request for C-1 is being simultaneously processed and review of this plan has been evaluated in .light of the requested C-1 zoning with the recommended "D" designation. • 2 . General Plan: Retail Commercial. 3. Environmental Determination: An E.I .R. has been prepared for the rezoning phase of this project and information contained therein has been reviewed and considered in conjunction with this Departmental Review. (See detailed information on E.I .R. in Staff Report on Zone Change Z781206 :1) 4 . Site Conditions: (See information on site conditions in Staff Report on Zone Change Z781206 :1) 5. Project Description: Plans submitted indicate that the appli- cant proposes to construct seven retail commercial buildings totalling 60 ,560 sq. ft. Construction would occur in four phases with all site preparation accomplished in conjunction with Phase 1. A timetable . for the phasing program has not been provided. BUILDING SIZE PHASE Market 29 ,960 sq. ft. 1 Bldg. A 2 ,400 sq. ft. 1 Bldg. B 6 , 600 sq. ft. 1 Bldg. C 5 ,850 sq. ft. 2 • Bldg. D 9, 750 sq. ft. 3 Bldg. E 3, 000 sq. ft. 4 Bldg. F 3 ,000 sq. ft. 4 60,560 sq. ft. Page Two Departmental Review R810106 :1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17, 1981 No uses are specified for any of the buildings, except for the market, although uses are anticipated to be retail commercial. The site plans make, provision for 323 parking spaces. The main entry is the El Camino Real driveway with additional driveways on Cascada (two) and Solano (three). Information has been submitted on exterior building elevations for the market and shop building- (A,B,C,D) but not for the detached buildings (E,F) . The applicant has, however, indicated that the same architectural theme will be used throughout the pro- ject, Building materials proposed include the use of split face block (on the market) with the use of wood siding on the shop buildings. There is considerable variation in storefront treatment to include a wood fascia, a shake shingle fascia, and building front, shake shingle-covered mansard canopies, and standard glass storefronts . Architectural treatment along rear elevations is somewhat: limited. Preliminary grading and drainage plans have also been provided. The drainage plan envisions two retention basins with depths of five and eight feet at the northerly and easterly portions of the development. The site is covered with numerous oak trees and effort has been made to retain many of them based on analysis and comments • from the E.I .R. STAFF COMMENTS The review of the proposed plans has been greatly enhanced by the analysis and discussion of mitigation measures. The current plans represent at least the third revision and each effort has resulted in a more sensitive treatment of the unique characteristics of the site. one of the major areas of concern has been tree removal. There are approximately 46 mature trees on the site with 40 being oaks and 6 being deciduous . Approximately 27 of the oaks are being retained including 12 of the 13 in excellent condition and 6 of the 9 in good condition. Site design changes and alterations to grading and drainage have improved the tree retention situation. Another major consideration is to provide for an adequate buffer between the proposed commercial use and existing residential uses . The site design places the smaller buildings in closer proximity to the residences while using a distance separation adequate to allow for screening and buffering techniques. Furthermore, except for some parking, the major portion of the site 's periphery is treated with a continuous landscaping strip of varying width as • opposed to buildings backing up against the property line. This element of the site design creates a more aesthetic transition to the adjacent residential areas. Page Three . Departmental Review R810106 :1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17 , 1981 FINDINGS 1. The subject site is adequate in terms of size, shape, yard spaces, screening, parking and loading areas, landscaping and other features required by this Ordinance to adjust said use with the land uses in the neighborhood, 2. The site is served by public roads of a standard adequate to carry any traffic generated by the proposed use. 3 . The proposed use will have no adverse affect on abutting property or the permitted use thereof. 4 . That the establishment and continuance of this proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals or welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such use, and will not be detrimental to public welfare, injurious to property, inconsistent with the character of the neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development, nor shall conditions created by the use be inordinant to the normal traffic volume, • RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends approval subject to the following conditions : 1. Site development including buildings, parking, landscaping and other features shall be consistent with site plans submitted, 2 . Submit two copies of detailed landscaping and irrigation plans indicating size, type and spacing of plant materials proposed for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. a. Plant materials shall be sized to achieve a mature appear- ance within three years b. The type of irrigation system shall depend upon the plant materials used and the watering needs. C. Provision shall be made for 6" raised concrete curb to border planter areas which abut parking areas. d. Provision shall be made for screening vegetation including suitable trees with proper spacing along the westerly prop- erty line common with residentially zoned property and along the El Centro Road frontage. Similar landscaping treatment • shall also be utilized in the sloped areas adjacent to the rear of Buildings B, C, and D. Page Four Departmental Review R810106:1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17 , 1981 3 . All oak trees noted on site plans submitted as being retained shall be retained and adequate provision shall be made during construction to protect said trees . a. A tree removal permit is hereby authorized for trees exceeding 8" in diameter noted on site plans to be removed. The Planning Director may authorize additional tree removal permits for any trees designated as being in poor condition on a case-by-case basis during plan review and construction. b. Any oak tree damaged during construction and designated to be removed but described to be in good or excellent condition shall be replaced by equivalent value trees . The replacement value shall be determined by a licensed landscape architect using the standard specimen tree eval- uation formula (I .S.A. ) c. No construction shall occur within the driplines of any oak trees without protective measures including use of permeable paving materials. d. No grading, including cuts or fills, shall occur within • one-third of the tree canopy distance from the trunk of any oak trees unless specifically authorized by the Planning Department. Retaining walls which do not re- quire continuous footings shall be used in lieu of grading wherever possible e. No harmful herbicides and no black 6 mil. plastic shall be used within the driplines of any oak trees. f. Only ground cover, rock, or similar compatible landscaping materials shall be allowed in the driplines of any oak :trees . 4. Lighting fixtures shall be designed to minimize on-site and off-site glare. 5. All utilities and utility connections shall be placed underground. 6 . Submit two sets of grading and drainage plans indicating grade of building pads, pavement elevations, flow lines at top of curb, etc. for review and approval by the City Public Works Department prior to issuance of building permits. a. Drainage from the site shall not be allowed to flow direct- ly across public sidewalks and driveways . b. Retentionponds shall be adequately designed to prevent overflow into nearby structures , roads and parking areas. c. All site drainage shall be retained on-site with no diversion to streets and recollections. i Page Five Departmental Review R810106 :1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17 , 1981 7. The project shall be connected to community water and sewer systems. Submit evidence from the Atascadero County Sanita- tion District and Atascadero Mutual Water District indicating that the agencies are willing and able to provide service to the project prior to issuance of any permits. 8 . Provide a minimum of 302 parking spaces which shall be provided as shown on approved plans . Parking and access areas shall be paved with a minimum 2" AC on adequate base and spaces shall be striped. Wheel stops or approved functional equivalent shall be provided. a. The three parking spaces adjacent to Building F along the main aisle from El Camino Real shall be deleted. b. Provision shall be made for approximately six 12 ' wide spaces for the use of the handicapped and properly designed ramps shall be located in close proximity thereto. The precise number and location shall be approved by the Planning Department, 9 . Street improvement drawings providing for 100 ' width on El Camino Real and 50 ' widths on Cascada, E1 Centro, and Solano shall be submitted for Public Works Department approval . Any dedications necessary to achieve the widths shall be accomplished. 10 . Install concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk along the El Camino Real, Cascada, El Centro, and Solano frontages as required by Title 19 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Said improvements to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroach- ment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 11. Provision shall be made for paved and enclosed trash storage areas as shown on plans submitted. The fencing materials used shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department. a. Trash storage areas shall be provided for Buildings E and F . b. The trash storage area adjacent to Building A shall be revised so as to not encroach into the parking space . 12 . Building architecture shall be consistent with elevations submitted. a. Buildings E and F shall utilize similar materials and architecturals so as to retain compatibility with the remainder of the development. b. Any roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from adjacent streets and properties in a manner approved by the Planning Department. Six Page Departmental Review R810106:1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17 , 1981 13 . Existing fire hydrants located at the intersection of La Linia and Solano and on E1 Centro shall be upgraded to a standard hydrant in a manner acceptable to the Fire Department. New fire hydrants of a type approved by the Fire Department shall be installed on the southerly side of the E1 . Camino driveway, on the easterly side of the westerly driveway on Solano and on the westerly side of .the easterly driveway on Cascada. 14 . No outside storages of boxes, bottles or similar materials shall be allowed in the loading areas for the market unless screened in a manner approved by the Planning Department. 15 . Loading areas for the market shall be adequately screened from view to adjacent uses with wall, fences, landscaping or similar buffering technique . 16 . Provision shall be made for minimum six foot high wall or fencing, as measured from finished grade on the applicant 's side, along the easterly property line adjacent to residen- tially zoned property and along the El Centro frontage to the easterly driveway on Cascada. The type of fencing to be re- viewed and approved by the Planning Department. a. Said fencing height may be adjusted as necessary to avoid sight distance problems associated with existing residential driveways. 17. Improvements related to parking, landscaping, drainage, roads, and grading shall be completed prior to granting occupancy for Phase 1 construction. 18 . In the event that archeological resources are discovered on the subject site during construction of this project, said resources are to remain undisturbed after discovery and construction activity shall cease immediately. The Planning Department is to be notified so that proper disposition of the resources may be accomplished. Construction may resume only upon auth- orization by the Planning Department. 19 . If the use authorized by any Departmental Review approval is or has been unused, abandoned, discontinued and use has not been established or has ceased for a period of twelve (12) months , or the conditions have not been complied with, said Departmental Review approval shall become null and void and of no effect. The Planning Director may continue the Depart- mental Review approval for additional periods of six (6) months if, for reasons beyond the control of the applicant, the use has not been established. A written request to extend the date and sufficient evidence showing the applicant's in Page Seven Departmental Review R810106 :1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17 , 1981 ability to comply must be filed with the Planning Department ten (10) days prior to the expiration date of approval. - ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Adopt motion to set findings and conditions. TO DENY Adopt motion to set findings . REPORT PREPARED/APPROVED BY-. . LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director • /Ps o � . - Qo� �c40 • CD ch` d7 ., w r R Poe r6� `� EL CORIA w� y' Oqo RD Cb Cox N Vic• r. ,� y`4` �o '�. Q. o all �p. � ` ` _ 44y; .a` .-�, ,j� ion O e ,` �``` _ _ .� • _ A C4 D4 f a RpgO49 --{ s' Lo 4 4 p v A .; of �,,� • y; ... t 1 C N. r --_ ... _ .Z _' * s r. •� �. •, '` �> i -<.• Ia Yom. ti i co cn 40 0 N. y - c j �� .'S ^ O ♦ .raw r z Q CAD \�\ O W n ° ril -0 :v '3AV a VNIT Vi O M E M 0 R A N D U M March 3, 1981 TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit U810106:1 LOCATION: 8725 El Camino Real (Lots 1, 2 , 3 and 4 of Block 3 of Eaglet No. 1) APPLICANT: Joie Scolari (Gerrish) REQUEST: To consider a master signing program for the commercial center since proposed signs exceed the building height and the aggregate sign area exceeds 60 square feet. On February 17, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and unanimously adopted Findings 1-3 and approving the Conditional Use Permit subject to Conditions 1-13 as listed in the attached Staff Report with the modification of Condition #1 and the addition of Condition #14 as follows : "l. A maximum of one freestanding monument sign identifying the center only with a maximum height of 6 ' and a maximum sign area of 30 square feet. Design and materials submitted to be approved by the Planning Department. 14. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall become null and void in the event that Zone Change 2781206 : 1 does not become effective and no permits shall be issued until said zoning becomes effective. " There was discussion among the Commission primarily concerning the center identification sign which was proposed to be 25 feet high and approximately 200 sq. ft. in area. Staff had recommended a reduction in sign area but it was the consensus of the Commission that the center identification sign. should be a ground sign similar to that for Adobe Plaza and should identify only the center and not the tenants. There was also brief discussion of the Lucky's wall signs. Bill Gerrish and Herbert Horowitz , representing the applicants, spoke in support of the applicant' s initial request pointing out the importance of the center identification sign and indicating the re- asons behind Lucky' s standard signing program. No one else appeared on the Matter. LAW NCE gTIEVENS MUR Y L WARDEN Planning rector CitN Ma ager J CITY OF ATASCADERO 6 Fn planning Department February 17, 1981 , F 1918 h \ ASc�EI�O% STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT U810106 :1 LOCATION: 8725 El Camino Real (Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 3 of Eaglet No. 1) APPLICANT: Joie Scolari (Gerrish) REQUEST: To consider a master signing program for the commercial center since proposed signs exceed the building height and the aggregate sign area exceeds 60 square feet. BACKGROUND 1. Zoning: R-l-B-2-D and C-2. A change of zone application for C-1 has been filed in conjunction with the project and the evaluation of the Conditional Use Permit is based upon that request. 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial 3. Environmental Determination: An E. I. R. has been prepared for the rezoning phase of this project and detailed information is provided in the Staff Report on Zone Change 2781206 : 1. 4 . Site Conditions : (See information on site conditions in the Staff Report on Zone Change 2781206 : 1. ) 5. Projection Description: Sign plans and a report entitled "Sign Criteria for Shop Building Tenants" have been submitted outlining a master signing program for the proposed commercial center. Signs can -be grouped into several categories as follows: a) Center identification sign - A 25 ' high, freestanding sign to be located near the El Camino Real dirveway consisting of wood posts and trim with plex fascia in three parts (The Oaks - 11x 14 ' , Lucky 's - 81- 141 , and second major tenant 51 - 14 ' ) Z> Staff Report: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT U81010 -.1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17, 1981 Page Two b) Lucky' s building identification sign - Five individual letters, intei)1nally illuminated signs with four on the front building elevation and one on the El Camino elevation. These are "Liquor" (1' 6"x 12) , "Discount" (1' 2"x 121 ) , "Center" (112"x 101 ) and "Lucky" (616"x 14 ' ) on each wall. c) Under-canopy signs —These are projecting, non-illuminated wood signs to be placed under the canopy. They are 1 ' 6"x 2 ' 4 and one .would be allowed for each tenant. d) Fascia signs for shops - These are of two types depending on the building design with a canopy sign (non-illuminated, individual letter, plexiglass , 22" maximum letter height with length limited to 67% of the store width) and with a storefront sign (internally illuminated, individual letter, plexiglass , 2 ' maximum letter height with length limited to 67% of the store width) . Other general standards prohibiting audible, flashing, or animated signs and requiring architectural compatibility are also proposed. No sign criteria is suggested for Buildings E and F which are the detached structures near E1 Camino Real and provision is made to • allow minor deviations by any other major tenant, STAFF COMMENTS Within the "Community Appearance" section of the 1980 General Plan there is generalized discussion concerning signing for commercial uses. The primary emphasis is to minimize unnecessary sign clutter and to encourage signing to be compatible with the building architecture. The master sign program proposed in conjunction with this project seems consistent with those philosophies and is, for the most part, quite acceptable. Concern exists regarding the detached buildings (E and F) and the degree of deviation that might be allowed for other major tenants. However, conditions suggested in the recommendation are adequate to alleviate these concerns. A brief comment should be made concerning the advantages to the tenant, to the owner and to the City associated with this master signing approach. It allows everyone to work from the same set of standards , minimizes delays in processing sign applications, achieves an attractive appearance and assures equitability within a particular development. Any major development project should be encouraged to follow this type of program. • Staff Report: AITIONAL USE PERMIT U81010.1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17, 1981 Page Three FINDINGS 1. The proposed master signing program will encourage harmony and consistency among signs within the commercial center while remaining compatible with the architectural style of the development. 2. Sign standards and criteria make provision for adequate business identification while avoiding negative visual impacts on surrounding uses. 3. Approval of the master signing program is consistent with goals and policies concerning signs as set forth in the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends .approval subject to the following conditions: 1. A maximum of one freestanding sign to identify the center ' and major tenants only with a maximum of 25' and a maximum sign area of 150 square feet shall be allowed. 2. Each tenant in the shop buildings (A, B, C and D) and in the detached buildings (E and F) shall be allowed a maximum of one fascia sign, either canopy or storefront type depending on building architecture, with a maximum letter height of 2 ' and a maximum sign length equal to 670 of the store width. 3. Each tenant shall be allowed a maximum of one undercanopy sign not to exceed 5 square feet in area. 4. Wall signs for the market shall be limited to a maximum of five in number with an aggregate sign area not to exceed 200 square feet. 5. Major tenants , other than the market shall be allowed additional signing beyond that allowed by Condition 2 but not to exceed two in number nor 100 square feet in aggregate sign area (not including the freestanding sign) . 6. The Planning Director may approve small, low level directional signs near driveways if deemed appropriate. 7. All signs, except the freestanding sign and any directional signs, shall be individual-letter type signs. i Staff Report: CWTIONAL USE PERMIT U8101001 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17, 1981 Page Four 8 No audible, flashing or animated signs are allowed.. 9. No roof signs are allowed. 10 . All signs shall be consistent with standards set forth in the "Sign Criteria" as submitted by the applicant and shall utilize materials , colors, styles , and similar treatment as set forth therein. 11. Any signing which deviates from the master sign program as set forth herein shall not be allowed unless a Conditional Use Permit has been obtained. 12. Building or sign permits shall be obtained for any sign prior to its installation. 13. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless a time extension is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. 0 ACTION TO APPROVE: Set motion to adopt findings and conditions . TO DENY: Set motion with appropriate findings. REPORT PREPARED` BY/REPORT APPROVED BY aztA- LAWRENCE TEVENS �� Planning Director • ARCHITECTS Oscar E. Leidenlrost.A.LA. LEIDENFROST/HOROWITZ&ASSOCIATES Herbert H.Horowitz,A.I.A. 3407 West olive Avenue Toluca Lake,California 91505 12131 8436050 SIGN CRITERIA FOR SHOP BUILDING TENANTS LOCATED IN THE OAKS SHOPPING. CENTER ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA LHA JOB NO. 7929 DECEMBER 30, 1980 DEVELOPER CENTRAL COAST SHOPPING CENTERS, INC. 1092 GRAND AVENUE SUITE D ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 ARCHITECT LEIDENFROST/HOROWITZ & ASSOCIATES 3407 WEST OLIVE AVENUE TOLUCA LAKE, CALIFORNIA 91505 (213) 843-6050 ARCt It I t_C[S • Oscar E. Leidenlrost,A.I.A. LEIDENFROST/HOROWITZ&ASSOCIATES Herbert H.Horowitz,A.I.A. 3407''Vv,st Olt—Avenue Toluca Lake,Caii(ornia 91501 (213)643 6050 SIGN CRITERIA These criteria have been established for the purpose of assuring an outstanding shopping center, and for the mutual benefit of all tenants. Conformance will be strictly enforced; and any installed nonconforming or unapproved signs must be brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 . Each tenant shall submit or cause to be sub- mitted to the Project Architect for approval before fabrication at least four copies of detailed drawings indicating the location, size, layout, design and color of the pro- posed signs, including all lettering and/or graphics. 2. All permits for signs and their installation shall be obtained by the tenant or tenant' s representative prior to installation. 3. Tenant shall be responsible for the fulfill- ment of all requirements and specifications. 4. All signs shall be constructed and installed at tenant' s expense. 5. All signs shall be reviewed by the Owner and his designated Project Architect for conformance with this criteria and overall design quality. Approval or disapproval of sign submittals based on esthetics of design shall remain the sole right of the Owner. 6. Tenant sign contractor to be responsible to obtain all required city approvals. B. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 . Tenant signs will be non-illuminated letters on canopy and self-illuminated ietters .above store- fronts without canopies. Refer to detail sheet attached. SIGN CRITERIA -1 THE OAKS SHOPPING CENTER rt� I' B. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS - continued 2. No audible, flashing or animated signs will be permited. 3. No projections above or below the sign panel for canopy installation will be permitted. Sign must be within dimensioned limits as indicated on the attached drawings. 4. Under canopy- and projecting wood signs shall be restricted to a maximum of 5 square feet of sign area. Installation and graphics to be approved by Owner and Architect prior to installation. 5. Tenant shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all signs. 6. Wording of signs shall not include the product sold except as part of the tenant trade name or insignia. 7. The width of the tenant fascia sign shall not exceed 67% of store width. Sign shall center on store unless prior approvals are obtained from the Owner. 8. Tenant' s Sign Contractor shall repair any damage to any work caused by his work. 9. Tenant shall be fully responsible for the oper- ations of the tenant' s sign contractors. 10. Electrical service to all signs will be connected to the house panel. C. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1 . Letter -fastening and clips are to be concealed and be of galvanized, stainless aluminium, brass or bronze metals 2. No labels will be permitted on the exposed surface of signs , except those required by local ordinance which shall be placed in an inconspicuous location. 3. Tenants shall have identification signs designed in a manner compatible with and complimentary to ad- jacent and facing storefronts and the overall -designie concept of the center. SIGN CRITERIA -2- THE OAKS SHOPPING CENTER C. - CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS - continued 4. Design,'layout and materials for tenant signs shall conform in all respects with the sign design drawings included with this criteria. The maximum height for letters in the body of the sign shall be as indicated in these documents. 5. All penetrations of the building structure required for -sign installation shall be sealed in a watertight condition and shall be patched to match adjacent finish. 6. All copy shall be of individual or Channel letters. For Channel letter illuminated signs all electrodes shall be concealed. All. housing shall be of PK type. Trans- formers shall not be visible from parking lot areas. D. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS 1. Each tenant shall be permitted to place upon each entrance of its demised premises not more than 144 square inches of gold leaf or decal application lettering not to exceed two inches in height, indicating hours of business, emer- gency telephone numbers , etc. 2. Except as provided herein, no advertising pla- cards , banners, pennants, names, insignia, trade- marks , or other descriptive material, shall be affixed or maintained upon the glass panes and supports of the show windows and doors , or upon the exterior walls of buildings without the written previous approval of the landlord. 3. Each tenant who has a non-customer door for re- ceiving. merchandise may have uniformaly applied on said door in location, as directed by the Project Architect, in 2" high block letters, the tenant' s name and address. Where more than one tenant uses the same door, each name and address shall be applied. Color of letters shall match Ameritone #189A Bark Brown. SIGN CRITERIA -3- THE OAKS SHOPPING CENTER .1 E. MAJOR TENANTS The provisions of this Exhibit, except as other- wise expressiy provided in this Exhibit, shall not be applicable to the identification signs of markets , drug stores or other occupancy designated by the landlord as a "Major Tenant" that may be located in the shopping center, it being understood and agreed that these occupants may have their usual identifi- cation signs on their buildings, as the same exist from time to time on similar buildings operated by them in California; provided, however, there shall be no rooftop signs which are flashing, moving or audible and provided said sign is architecturally compatible and has been approved by the Project Architect. SIGN CRITERIA -4- THE OAKS SHOPPING CENTER' A- • MAX. ,316N WIDTH ,5HALL HOT FrXCE�b �/3 gTole,. w107H LZD =d- TE�NAN? 151GN - SHALL PQM INQVIDUA L PaLOCK c�?, trlk.1rT NON. 1LLUMINATEfD LETTERS W, PL E-X,GLAt55 FAGS MIN. ti/,4TH.- KF-TURN 5H^LL gE '5AME COLOR A5 '..ETTERZ. LP-TTENT'(LLI � CDLP, AP ^rFgoyED 7f OWrIP-F-, GaVr--fRNIIyG .&Cop-NCIEa . C^ PY 51GH SIGN CRITERIA -5- THE OAKS SHOPPING, CENTFR i -- - CoNTIN(Jous i=LUOf.>=. U C-tHT F1'> JME i RCOFING i i I fzooF D�GKING i � l NLT _JI - VW THICK - - LEI TARS WOOD C X-UMNS coNc- MAasE i TYF--'I(7-.t6,l_ CANOPY SECTION sc. L5 . Vz" _ i'_ o° SIGN CRITERIA -6- THE OAKS SHOPPING C ENTFR i M{�C. SCaN W1DTN 5t- ALL. tJ0r r>CCt= -,5 SMF-F- W►LTN _ t i (t-4Tr NAt�y (U-�JMiNATt=-D L-.ZT-QRS VI/ITH PLEXIC-ALASS F�cL At`jt� 5NE>~C MIET'AL- fM7U?d4!5 t 5"-TN i CIK, f�MC)N ZE Fjt415H. TfZi�NSt=oP�vl�ic POWEr, TU r-9- 7T tN ATfi'�G e'^Ge - Lr- 1C )TYLE APt'i��D RY OWNED A1�iD c CNING4 AGrENU E�. STOKEF-KONT 5(GAN E SIGN CRITERIA -7- THE OAKS SHOPPI'`]r, CrtITFR • • ALL SIGNG, TO ME CONSfR.UCTEL OF r TNIUC CEI=- 4-r- cr- Kst>WOOD T© CONFOW TO TtU5TIC t AWTIQUE FIi-IIS-{. Z. 51 GN W-KGKCUW=J 10 ea--- IASTEP WITH 5MOcM--j TRIM AL1._ AKCUND + SMOCMH (StKA4-HIc5. STYLE (S FRS KEfr-r-ENCE ONLY. EACH T1=NANT 5HA -L �ESIC N SICK IrIDFvi1� tAl_ RE SIZE � SHAVE. OF 51 cSN --IAL L 1 Ae I t.l._US W-ATF--D TeNANT EHA.LL -ClT1IT ItJAL SI(;,N L�.�ICgW TO OtA,E WC_H ITECT F'F IC>M TO FAIIKI CATION C>K I N 5T�Li --t'►pN. I'X Ste" V.I. FLAT CKWAMI=NTAL �KPGKET fl°�It�f� D QI-Ac-K NGTE I�Typ NOW ILLVMINAMF= DBL. I-ACJZT:> f'fCC�TEG f1NGr slcxNs zz sI GN SIM'ILAZ. N C7t�3 �� SOMM IT SHOP trA4A WG ,.� For, OWNER 4 AMHI1E-CT . APPKOVAL. 51 ARE,. MAY V krY. 4' 4a 3 2 NoN-S#4,4 A TT'A LETT'ER:S f FCAMtn `I'W. • UNZE-9 CANOPY 51 aN do - SIGN CRITERIA THE OAKS SHOPPTNg rENTPR Ar • -..-fit----- r 1k^'T?T", It f: a _ � a wIM�A-zit _-` Q ` f _ ;�,`► . In 04 Q I I Q �' _ _ ,.r m.,r nn yr C��nri�T•T^ rr..,i�+r. n ANN s Z4$ 14'-O' Z4 x - - ---- gU I LT-UP WOOD MEEA1,,.1- STA lNED Kck Tet-> Our L-OC-10 t12' HIGN INS lu.IAL- INTEiZNAL L_Y 1L_LVt AINATED L _T-TSFZ5-IVOKY ,o PLA5nC-WITH C> • K ruZoww KET"l THE OAKS -- D,AKK BKOW�I BORGEP.- METAL RETAIN♦ O =Fr 4 LUCKY ED 5IGN- RFLEX C LTMr,5 ON WHITE , t A.CK G VCCk)Nt) 'r NlAToK`t'ENANT 0 0 SIC-e1�1 N - WH ITE PLCx lF!,AGKGKOLAN t> `s ON -t-ENArcr cxDt-Y 'TD ?--m pET�RMINEG AT A LA TEM pP.-tE. - D�K MMOWN gpKDE1�- 1 McTxi-- i TA►i EFC °- WOOD SFAIM E- WOGD PONS-STAIN GDNC.ED+ -N hTU1CAL GOl_oK — CAKADE SIGN F"`(LON ELEVATION s���I/a�_I=°" e,. tj 44. ('+TNr'YI1 ,Ym"nTa -. ��.n��T THr OAKS SHOPPPlr, CFTITrn 1 � f ui z tt l d, VA .r1 , viz. uj i M SIGN CRITERIA -10- THE OAK SHOPPING CENTER M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER March 3 , 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT810106 :1 LOCATION: 8725 E1 Camino Real (Lots 1 ,2 ,3 , & 4 of Block 3 of Eaglet No. 1) APPLICANT: Joie Scolari (Gerrish) REQUEST: To allow division of a 6 .5 acre site into six parcels . On February 17 , 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously adopting Findings 1-2 and approving the Ten- tative Parcel Map subject to Conditions 1-13 as listed in the attached Staff Report with the modification of Condition #11 and the addition of Condition #14 as follows : 11. The land division proposed herein may, in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and City Lot Division Ordinance, revert • to acreage which existed prior to recordation of this Final Map if development as provided by Departmental Review R810106 :1 does not proceed within one year of date of recordation. No development contrary to the approved Departmental Review shall occur. Notes to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 14 . Prior to recordation of the Final Map, C, C, & Rs for the development, operation and maintenance of common areas shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval by the Planning Director and City Attorney. There was some discussion among the Commission concerning the irregular shapes of the lots and concerning the effect of the shapes on setbacks. It was the consensus of the Commission to approve the land division since it was primarily for financing purposes and since it was specifically tied into the approved development plan. Bill Gerrish, applicant ' s representative, spoke in support of the recommendation and provided a brief explanation on the reasons for the parcel design and on the C, C, & rs. No one else appeared on the matter. • LA,7RENCE EVENS ARRA ARDEN Planning rector anager D /p s CITY OF ATASCADERO isi$ G [ Frl �'1979Planning Department February 17, 1981 rr - .r STAFF REPORT SUBJECT Tentative Parcel Map AT810106 :1 LOCATION: 8725 El Camino Real (Lots 1,2, 3 , & 4 of Block 3 of Eaglet No. 1) APPLICANT: Joie Scolari' (Gerrish) REQUEST: To allow division of a 6. 5 acre site into six parcels BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-1-B-2-D and C-2 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial 3. Environmental Determination: An E. I.R. has been prepared for the rezoning phase of this 'project and information contained therein has been reviewed and considered in conjunction with this Tentative Parcel Map. . 4. Site Conditions: (See information on site conditions in Staff Report on Zone Change Z781206 :1) 5. Project Description:. The applicant proposes to subdivide a roughly 6 . 5 acre site into six parcels generally of the following sizes: Parcel A 48 ,000 sq. ft. 1. 10 acre Parcel B 57 ,000 sq. ft. 1. 30 acre Parcel C 131,000 sq. ft. 3. 00 acres Parcel D 19 ,500 sq. ft. .40 acre Parcel E 15, 200 sq. ft. . 35 acre Parcel F 17,500 sq. ft. . 40 acre 286 ,200 sq. ft. 6 . 50 acres While the lot configurations are somewhat irregular, they are tied to the intended development plan (being reviewed as Departmental Review R810106 : 1) , and are .necessary to better facilitate financing for the project. Access to the site is provided in six locations ; one on El Camino Real at Parcel E; three along Solano Drive, one at Parcel F, one at Parcel C, and one at Parcel B; and two along Cascada Road, at Parcel C and at Parcel D. Page Two • Tentative Parcel Map AT810106 : 1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17, 1981 STAFF COMMENTS On Tuesday, February 10 , 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with William Gerrish, the applicant's representative. Also in attendance at that meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; and James Wentzel, Planning Commissioner. The following items were discussed at that meeting: a. ' Obtain appropriate moving or demolition permits prior to or in conjunction with building permit. b. Satisfy Fire Department requirements for on and off-site fire hydrants. FINDINGS 1. An Environmental Impact Report has been prepared for this project in conjunction with a rezoning application (Z781206: 1) and is currently under review. • 2. The application as submitted conforms to applicable zoning regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECO14MENDATION Based upon the above findings , the Planning Department recommends approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT810106 : 1 subject to the following: 1. Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewer and a Note so stating shall appear on the Final Map. 2. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water operable facilities shall exist at the property frontage prior to filing the Final Map. 3. A drainage plan, complete with storm water calculation and prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for approval prior to the acceptance of the Final Map. 4. Street improvement drawings prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for the El Camino Real, Cascada Road, Solano Drive and El Centro Road frontages shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for approval prior to acceptance of the Final Map. Page Three Tentative Parcel Map AT810106 :1 (Scolari/Gerrish) • February 17, 1981 a. Improvement drawings shall make provision for the extension of utilities including electricity, gas , water and sewer, where required, and installation or upgrading of street lighting, streetsigning, and fire hydrants. b. The applicant shall .enter into an inspection agree- ment with the City for inspection of said improvements. C. Sidewalks along all street frontages except El Camino • Real shall have a minimum width of six (6) feet. Sidewalks along El Camino Real shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet. Sidewalk area exceeding the required minimum widths shall require an Offer of Dedication. 5. The applicant shall complete all improvements prior to accept- ance of the Final Map or shall enter into an agreement with the Public Works Department to guarantee installation of improvements within one year of the date of recordation of the Final Map. A performance guarantee bond, certificate of deposit, or similar arrangement shall be made in conjunction therewith. 6. The existing fire hydrants located on El Centro and the north easterly corner of the property and at the intersection of La Linia and Solano shall be upgraded in a manner satisfactory to the Fire Department. Additional fire hydrants, of a type and size specified by the Fire Department, shall be provided generally at the driveway entrances to Parcels C and D with the exact location and manner of placement subject to the approval of the Fire Department. 7. All utilities shall be placed underground. 8. Final grading plans for the parcels being created, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the Public Works and Planning Departments for approval prior to issuance of building permits. 9 . Provision shall be made and necessary permits obtained for the abandonment and capping in accordance with the County Sanita- tion District procedures of the existing sewer laterals. This requirement shall be satisfied in conjunction with issuance of building permits. i Page Four • Tentative Parcel Map AT810106 :1 (Scolari/Gerrish) February 17, 1981 10 . Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with appli- cable City ordinances. , No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. " 11. The land division proposed herein may revert, in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordi- nances to acreage which existed prior to recordation of this Final Map. A Note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 12. A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. • a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed Land Surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. A Final title policy (CTLA or ATLA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 13. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions . TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: • MARY E. EATIE Associa Planner ps , } 170 � _ x Cb SS a� _� EL CRD ORTA N 40 Cb co Ao co r Aj C U `ar sDJI - � • ro o CASC4D n A a" yyr s 0 •y moo O `x'`10" - A Z `H ` n Q^ FA to 6N.., c= ~ "3Ad °o VNI'7 dl Q Ame 170 m x � C3, rn �+� EL CORTA R0 �y RD. � Y - O Cb_ owl,a4 O ti ry ; �� - Ooh od 'o •. _ _ - y _ N a CASCADA R�=tea n } ;.ya Dq D f d ,r W rn V ." � 1.•. .` 0 0 1u�. - - O .."we- 0 tY Z • - A i.,.- �. r ✓h _ y - r.� J.ti n fo- � ri. � ' � H 'Z •..• ;' < •- tie { .., -•► O nCA Qh to O �� i • _ - tA rn � o -0 -3Ad °o VNI"I b7 0 h- 2 .$ (n t: ., C*, "I —•�-•� WW Z _ � � m rz SOD rn In n n a `^ oI"_ } D Z m -fit p m 1 A, ► Z P y O m O N rn Lo Z 1. z m00 (AED m vw . 0 Om rq > 2 t vr,. Ri $, f � •`,tom � f 1 i v o- D �{ A 0 cn D 0 y 1 L CD J 1 •I O r c /`y Imm t _ N 4 i D to n s f tiT +oo i n cf 7 D•Q `�j_ L� ;'. ��� I �t . 'l `�•:.�"—""��r` \•�'jll��,'-'.C- �. ) _ a r S,.S .: (jam•°N ,. -AA t � - -r.t. , x •. i.x -4 ".�` :. ��, ",yew-�:. 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