HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 013010 Strategic Planning Approved March 23, 2010 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Strategic Planning 2010 Putting and Keeping the Pieces Together Atascadero City Council Chambers January 30, 2010, 8:30 a.m. MINUTES Saturday morninq 8.30 a.m. Call the meeting to order and Welcome - Mayor Mayor Fonzi called the meeting to order at 8 30 a.m She welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending this workshop ROLL CALL. Present: Council Members Clay, O'Malley, Kelley, Beraud and Mayor Fonzi Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk/Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Police Chief Jim Mulhall, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. r.. CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 1 of 9 Approved March 23, 2010 PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Fonzi announced that this would be the only formal Public Comment period for this workshop However, throughout the meeting, the public will be asked for input. Eric Greening asked if the Transit Center will require an EIR, when will the current Transit stop by the Historic City Hall be closed for the City Hall construction, and what will be the new route Chuck Ward gave a summary of the process followed for the creation of the Purple Heart Trail Joanne Main stated that the Chamber enjoys the positive working relationship they have with the City Council Mayor Fonzi closed the Public Comment period. Getting started — • Purpose of the Workshop • Ground Rules City Manager Wade McKinney reviewed the purpose and the ground rules of the workshop He also talked about how to improve on rumor control, check out the facts before assuming a rumor is true Introductions — • Tell us what you think has been our biggest accomplishment in 2009 • Tell us what one thing you would like to accomplish in 2010 Mr McKinney asked the City Council, Department Heads and the public what they felt was the City's biggest accomplishment in 2009, and what one thing they would like to see accomplished for Atascadero in 2010 The following is a list of the responses Biggest Accomplishments in 2009 • Office of Economic Development • AB 811 • Stimulus Program • New Council • New Businesses CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 2 of 9 Approved March 23, 2010 • Finance Plan • Local Economy/Job Losses • Staff Productivity • Stadium Park Access • Colony Square • City Team Building Would like to accomplish in 2010 • ADE Economic Strategy • Stretch revenues • Business stimulus • Stay the course • Lake Park Complex—Zoo, Veterans Memorial, Frontage • Economic perception of City Review progress • Mission Statement • Environmental Scan • Financial condition and strategy • Labor Relations • Goals Mr McKinney reviewed the Council's progress with the Strategic Planning sessions that they had during the last few months in preparation for this Workshop Complete Issue List and discuss The following is the list of potential future issues collected by the City Manager from issues submitted by the City Council before this meeting 1 Economy 2 State impact on local finances 3 Labor relations 4 Pavement striping for traffic calming and pedestrian safety 5 Bike routes/bicycle tourism 6 Tree ordinance modifications 7 City Council survey business community for retention strategies 8 Code enforcement interaction with property managers 9 Evacuation signs for the west side 10 Emergency Response Plan 11 Designation of the Veterans Memorial as the official "County" Veterans Memorial am CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 3 of 9 �r Approved March 23, 2010 12 Community Development staffing issues 13 Revisit Tourism assets list 14 Use of RDA funds to stimulate business 15 5-year projection for RDA revenues and liabilities 16 More information on branding process/how does this work with marketing efforts 17 Implementation of whole ADE study 18 Encourage the Parks & Recreation Commission to identify and list appropriate locations for public art and encourage local artists to come up to the plate 19 Review restrictions on vacant property at ECR and San Anselmo 20 Stadium Park 21 RDA funding for SBDC program The City Council added five more issues to be considered 22 2013 Centennial 23 Develop an Ethics Policy 24 Increase Press Releases — Economic Development Marketing 25 Historic City Hall 26 The Printery Mr McKinney asked the City Council to consider the following three questions concerning each of the issues listed above 1 What is this issue? 2 Is this a policy issue or a work item? 3 What results would you like to have happen? The City Council discussed each issue and explained what each means to them, if it is a policy or work item, and what results would they like for each issue This exercise assisted the Council in clarifying the issues and sorting them out. Mayor Fonzi recessed the meeting at 10:05 a.m. Mayor Fonzi reconvened the meeting at 10.12 a.m. Fiscal Issues with Mark Curran Mark Curran, Managing Director of Piper Jaffray, introduced himself to the workshop participants He has been working with the City for the last 9-10 years Mr Curran discussed the California economic outlook and reviewed Redevelopment Financing, referring to a PowerPoint handout (Exhibit A) Throughout his presentation, Mr Curran answered questions from the Council and public Mayor Fonzi recessed the meeting for lunch at 11.30 a.m. vow CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 4 of 9 Approved March 23, 2010 Mayor Fonzi reconvened the meeting at 12:30 p.m. What is going well with the City? The following list of what is going well in the City was created by the City Council, Department Heads, and the public • Rain/creeks • Economic Development • Theater • Downtown • Restaurants • Businesses • Art events • EMI Training • Streetscape • Zoo • Council • Business stimulus • Working well • Staff New commissions • New commercial • Rite Aid • La Plaza • Theater • TSC • Broadcasting meetings • More community involvement • Council accessible • Staff attitude to economic development • Community consensus • Community cooperation • City LID projects • Council cooperation • Productive council meetings • Achieved last year's goals • Open to change • Staff feels council support • Creative staff • Good staff communication CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 5 of 9 tri► Approved March 23, 2010 • City image improving • Transparency to public City Manager • Answers early • City finances/Rachelle • Website/City magazine • Tourism • Community Center • Marketing position What is not going so well with the City? The following list of what is not going well in the City was created by the City Council, Department Heads, and the public- • Minority opinions not heard • No sit-down restaurants • Mitigation implementation (Encino) • Tax leakage • Communication to public • Community event banner • Deferred maintenance (parks/roads) • Library relocation • Slow entitlement process • Perception of City processes • Money • Building community trust • Second unit process • Affordable Housing Policy • Main Street direction/communication • Code enforcement • More financial information • More discretionary dollars • More regional transit • Carlton Hotel • Historic City Hall rehab • Some groups feel cut-out Prioritize goals Mr McKinney asked the Council to once again review the Issues List discussed earlier and ask the following questions concerning each issue? CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 6 of 9 aw W Approved March 23, 2010 1 Should any of these issues be combined? 2 What are our top 3 priorities? ... The Council then moved many of the issues from their list to be a sub-issue under their three existing goals from last year as follows 1 Grow the City's economy and Pursue Economic Development • Implementation of entire ADE study More ED Marketing • More information on Branding Process • Revisit tourism assets list • City Council survey business community for retention strategies • Use of RDA funds to stimulate business • RDA funding for SBDC program • 2013 Centennial • Review restrictions on vacant property at ECR and San Anselmo Bike Routes/bicycle tourism • Stadium Park • Code enforcement interaction with property managers 2 Enhance Public Safety • Emergency Response Plan • Pavement striping, traffic calming & pedestrian safety ... • Evacuation signs for west side 3 Stabilize the City's Finances • Labor relations • State impact on local finances • Community Development staffing issues • City Hall • Printery Action Plan top goals The City Council broke into three groups, with Department Heads and the public included in the three groups Each group discussed one of the goals and prepared Action Plans for that goal The City Council reconfirmed the City's top priorities as 1 Grow the City's Economy and Pursue Economic Development 2 Enhance Public Safety 3 Stabilize the City's Finances N.. CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 7 of 9 wrrli Approved March 23, 2010 The Council identified actions for 2010 to accomplish the goals Those actions are summarized below- 1 Grow the City's Economy and Pursue Economic Development • Develop a bike plan • Conduct a business survey • Brand the City operation and assets • Expand the Business Stimulus Program • Attract new business • Revitalize targeted areas • Work with special events 2 Enhance Public Safety • Maintain efficient Fire and Police services • Update Emergency Plans • Seek grants or other funding for evacuation signs • Evaluate and implement pedestrian and bicycle routes where appropriate • Utilize new technology to assist with evacuations 3. Stabilize the City's Finances �.. • Continue economic development efforts • Expand the use of volunteers • Continue monitoring and reporting of financial information at current levels • Continue to work with the League of California Cities and others to prevent State takeaways • Hold study session on City Hall and other key issues Mayor Fonzi recessed the meeting at 2-45 p.m. Mayor Fonzi reconvened the meeting at 2:52 p.m. Next steps and burning issues list Mr McKinney thanked everyone for participating in today's workshop and reviewed what had been accomplished He reminded everyone to continue to work to build trust and positive working relationships, continue to communicate more often, and continue to work on squelching rumors CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 8 of 9 mko slo Approved March 23, 2010 PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening cautioned everyone to be careful concerning endorsing those running for State offices this year Joan O'Keefe stated that Wade did a great job facilitating today's session Chuck Ward said that he enjoyed the meeting today and thanked everyone for their hard work. Len Colamarino stated that it is good to be optimistic again Joanne Main thanked the City Council for having the audience participation Mayor Fonzi closed the Public Comment period. The City Council all expressed positive comments about this Strategic Planning session Celebrate! Mayor Fonzi adjourned the meeting at 3 05 p m MINUTES PREPARED BY Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager The following exhibit is available for review in the City Clerk's office: Exhibit A— Redevelopment Overview&Agency Update PowerPoint handout (available in the City Clerk's Office) rrr CC Strategic Planning Minutes 01/30/10 Page 9 of 9 too Iwo