HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA 081109Approved September 22, 2009 SPECIAL MEETING Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Tuesday, August 11, 20099 6:00 P.M. City Hall, Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California MINUTES Chairperson O'Malley called the meeting to order at 6 03 p m ROLL CALL. Present: Board Members Beraud, Clay, Fonzi, Vice Chairperson Kelley and Chairperson O'Malley Others Present: Board Secretary Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: Executive Director Wade McKinney, Police Chief Jim Mulhall, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Zoo Entrance and Restroom Pro iect — City Bid No. 2009-010 ■ Fiscal Impact: $227,799 00, which is budgeted in Fiscal Year 2009-2010 ■ Recommendations. Redevelopment Agency Board 1 Authorize the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency to execute a contract in the amount of $227,799 00 with C3 Construction Incorporated to construct the Base Bid restroom improvements at the Charles Paddock Zoo, and, RDA Minutes 8/11/09 Page 1 of 2 Approved September 22, 2009 2 Authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with Ravatt Albrecht and Associates for construction design support not to exceed 40,000, and, 3 Authorize the Public Works Director to file a notice of completion after the project is completed [Public Works] Public Works Director Russ Thompson gave the staff report and answered questions from the Board PUBLIC COMMENT Greg Ravatt of Ravatt Albrecht and Associates stated that he is available to answer any questions the Board may have He said that his firm has been working on the Zoo Project for over a year and complemented everyone that has been involved on their hard work. Mr Ravatt explained that the bids received are historically low and the City should take advantage of this fact. Chairperson O'Malley closed the Public Comment period. MOTION By Board Member Beraud and seconded by Board Member Fonzi to approve the Consent Calendar Motion passed 5.0 by a roll -call vote. (#1 Contract #RA 004- 2009, #2• Contract #RA 005-2009) ADJOURNMENT Chairperson O'Malley adjourned the meeting at 6 22 p m MINUTES PREPARED BY Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C City Clerk / Board Secretary RDA Minutes 8/11/09 Page 2 of 2