HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 120809 Approved January 26, 2010 aim r WnF; r(r r� CITY OF A TA SCA DERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, December 8, 2009 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California Community Redevelopment Agency 6 00 P M City Council Immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting Mayor Beraud called the meeting to order at 6 50 p m and Council Member Kelley led the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL. Present: Council Members Clay, O'Malley, Kelley, Fonzi and Mayor Beraud Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk/Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 1 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Police Chief Jim Mulhall, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Roll Call MOTION By Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION PUBLIC COMMENT None 1 Council Appointment of Mayor — The City Clerk will accept nominations from the Council Members NOMINATION By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council aw Member O'Malley to nominate Roberta Fonzi for the position of Mayor Nomination passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Council Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem — The new Mayor will accept nominations from the Council Members NOMINATION By Council Member Clay and seconded by Mayor Fonzi to nominate Council Member O'Malley to the position of Mayor Pro Tem NOMINATION By Council Member Beraud and seconded by Council Member Clay to nominate Council Member Kelley to the position of Mayor Pro Tem am CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 2 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 ROLL CALL Council Member Kelley- Council Member Kelley ' Council Member Clay- Council Member O'Malley Council Member O'Malley- Council Member O'Malley Council Member Beraud Council Member Kelley Mayor Fonzi Council Member O'Malley Nomination of Council Member O'Malley to the position of Mayor Pro Tem passed 3.2 by a roll call vote. (Kelley& Beraud opposed) COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Fonzi thanked the Council Members and the public for their support. She also stated her hopes for the City in the upcoming year Council Member Beraud thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve as Mayor for this past year She summarized some of the Council's accomplishments COUNCIL REORGANIZATION RECESS Mayor Fonzi recessed the meeting at 7.00 p.m Mayor Fonzi reconvened the meeting at 7 10 p.m. PRESENTATIONS 1 Employee Service Awards City Manager Wade McKinney presented service awards to the following employees 5 years Jim Lewis, Assistant City Manager Michael Stornetta, Fire Engineer/Paramedic Brian Westerman, Fire Engineer Tom Peterson, Fire Marshall/Code Enforcement Officer Nathan Hasch, Fire Engineer/Paramedic Justin Black, Wastewater Operator III Ryan Smith, Wastewater Operator I 10 years Casey Bryson, Fire Captain am CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 3 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 15 years am Delma Meyer, Finance Technician 20 years, Paula Anton, Recreation Supervisor Scott Satterthwaite, Fire Captain/Paramedic 25 years Stephen Sandeffer, Maintenance Worker II A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 City Council Meeting Draft Minutes — November 10, 2009 ■ Recommendation. Council approve the Draft Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2009 [City Clerk] 2. Property Donation Acceptance - Approval of the Acceptance of Grant Deed from the Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Trust to the City of Atascadero - Lot No. 50, Unit 6 located in California Valley, APN 084- 211-011 ■ Description. This property is being donated to the City as a gift to benefit the City's Zoo and/or Parks System aw ■ Fiscal Impact: The property is currently worth an estimated $10,000 ■ Recommendation. Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Acceptance of Grant Deed for real property being donated to the City as a gift by Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Trust to benefit the City's Zoo and/ or Parks System, a lot, No 50, Unit 6, located in California Valley, as per the Record of Survey recorded in book 10, page 86 records of the County of San Luis Obispo [Community Services] 3 Resolution Authorizing Enercgy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Application ■ Fiscal Impact: Approval of this Resolution will allow the City of Atascadero to apply for $152,644 in grant funds specifically allocated for energy efficiency improvements ■ Recommendation. Council approve the Draft Resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funds from the Small City and County Grant Program under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 [Public Works] MOTION By Council Member Beraud and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the Consent Calendar Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (#A-3. Resolution No. 2009-093) CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 4 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER City Manager Wade McKinney announced that the WalMart project and the Colony Square project are both moving forward Also, the Tractor Supply project will begin their rough grading soon COMMUNITY FORUM Pastor Hangee, member of the Atascadero Ministerial Association, led those present in prayer Geraldine Brasher Pfimister thanked Ellen Beraud for her service as Mayor Bruce Boniface, new president of Atascadero Land Preservation Society, introduced himself to the Council Steve La Salle congratulated Roberta Fonzi for her appointment to Mayor and thanked Ellen Beraud for her service this last year as Mayor Jim Patterson thanked Ellen Beraud for her service as the Mayor for the last year Also, he congratulated Mayor Fonzi and Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley for their appointments Mr Patterson also commended Atascadero for its recently adopted AB 811 program Joanne Main announced upcoming events and thanked the City for being invited to be included in the EMI program She also thanked the Council for a unifying year Barbie Butz announced upcoming events and thanked Council for the past unifying year Jim Shannon challenged the Council to continue to work for what is best for the community He also thanked Ellen Beraud for her service as Mayor Sandy Jack asked the Council to continue moving forward in a positive manner Mayor Fonzi closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. aw CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 5 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 C MANAGEMENT REPORTS 1 Naming of Stadium Park Features in Memory of Marjorie Mackey ■ Fiscal Impact: Depending upon the option chosen, funding for two attractive and durable signs for the location could cost $300 to $1,200 It is recommended that donations for the costs of this sign be solicited from the community ■ Recommendation. Parks and Recreation Commission recommends Council name both the "Stadium Park Trail", leading into the park, and the "bowl area" inside the park, in memory of the late Ms Marjorie Mackey, to honor her memory and contributions to the community [Community Services] Community Services Director Brady Cherry gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council PUBLIC COMMENT Heather Young, Marj Mackey's granddaughter, said that she and her family members are honored that the City Council is considering naming portions of Stadium Park after her grandmother Jim Patterson shared some of his memories of Marj Mackey and her efforts for Atascadero He encouraged the Council to adopt Staff's recommendations Lon Allan stated that he applauds the Council for considering this honor for Marj Mackey Shirley Summers served with Marj Mackey on the Atascadero Advisory Committee back in the 1970's She offered her assistance in honoring Marj Bruce Boniface thanked the Staff for a good presentation and encouraged the Council to adopt the Staff's recommendations to honor Marj Mackey Barbie Butz, Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission, urged the Council to follow the Commission's recommendation Geri Brasher Pfimister urged the Council to not only adopt Staff's recommendation, but also hold more events in Stadium Park in Marj's honor Mayor Fonzi closed the Public Comment period, MOTION By Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay to name both the "Stadium Park Trail", leading into the CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 6 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 park, and the "bowl area" inside the park, in memory of the late Ms. Marjorie Mackey, to honor her memory and contributions to the community Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) Implementation Strategy ■ Fiscal Impact: Estimated at $5,000 00 of additional staff and consultant time to prepare exhibits, work with Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) staff, and attend meetings and hearings ■ Recommendations. Council 1 Receive information, discuss the attached letter approving the City's SWMP, and provide direction to staff on concerns regarding the implementation of the SWMP with respect to required revisions and creek setbacks, and, 2 Authorize the Director of Public Works to submit a request for a hearing in front of the Regional Water Quality Control Board to amend conditions imposed on City's SWMP [Public Works] Public Works Director Russ Thompson gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council O'Malley stated that he is an appointed member of the CRWQCB and has reviewed with the Board's attorneys what he can and cannot do He has been directed by them to state that he is fully able to review this issue as a Council Member However, if Atascadero appeals the Board's decision, he will have to step down from the CRWQCB for the review of that appeal PUBLIC COMMENT David Innis, representative of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, answered questions from the Council Mayor Fonzi recessed the meeting at 9 10 p.m. Mayor Fonzi reconvened the meeting at 9 17 p.m. Susie Anderson recommended the development of a community advisory committee to work with staff and help to come up with a solution Bruce Bevins stated that it appears that this is a process that is evolving and urged the Council to move forward cautiously Al Fonzi stated he agreed with Ms Anderson on the development of a community advisory committee ago CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 7 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 Jim Patterson encouraged the City to continue to work with the RWQCB to reach a solution John Shadack explained that his home is now within 20 feet of the creek on his property, as the creek has moved over the years He urged the Council to keep in mind the situations that exist throughout the City where there are existing homes adjacent to the creeks Mayor Fonzi closed the Public Comment period. MOTION By Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Kelley to 1 Authorize the Director of Public Works to submit a response to Regional Water Quality Control Board with amended SWMP language on setback issue with the following modification "Year 2 Review existing policies and setbacks for appropriateness and make changes as necessary to ensure that they are equivalent to, or exceed RWQCB riparian protection policies", and VMW 2. Direct the Director of Public Works to work with a Citizen's Advisory Committee to review setback issues related to the further development of the SWMP, and each Councilmember will appoint a representative. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 3. Allocation of Funds for Zoo Entrance and Gift Shop Proiect ■ Fiscal Impact: ■ Recommendations. Council 1 Authorize the City Manager to execute, if necessary, a Financing Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero and the City of Atascadero, and, 2 Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to amend, if necessary, the budget by increasing Transfer from Redevelopment Agency Revenues by $670,660 and appropriating $670,660 of these revenues for the Zoo Entrance and Gift Shop Project. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council PUBLIC COMMENT None CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 8 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 MOTION By Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Beraud to 1 Authorize the City Manager to execute, if necessary, a Financing Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero and the City of Atascadero, and, 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to amend, if necessary, the budget by increasing Transfer from Redevelopment Agency Revenues by $670,660 and appropriating $670,660 of these revenues for the Zoo Entrance and Gift Shop Project. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Contract No. 2009-023) 4. Allocation of Funds for Lake Park Sign and Frontage Improvements Project ■ Fiscal Impact: ■ Recommendations. Council 1 Authorize the City Manager to execute a Financing Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero and the City of Atascadero, and, 2 Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to amend the "No budget by increasing Transfer from Redevelopment Agency Revenues by $430,180 and appropriating $430,180 of these revenues for the Lake Park Sign and Frontage Improvements Project. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council PUBLIC COMMENT None MOTION By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Kelley to 1 Authorize the City Manager to execute a Financing Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero and the City of Atascadero, and, 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to amend the budget by increasing Transfer from Redevelopment Agency Revenues by $430,180 and appropriating $430,180 of these revenues for the Lake Park Sign and Frontage Improvements Project. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Contract. 2009-024) CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 9 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 *VW 5. Allocation of Funds for Zoo Wall Improvement Project ■ Fiscal Impact: ■ Recommendations. Council 1 Authorize the City Manager to execute a Financing Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero and the City of Atascadero, and, 2 Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to amend the budget by increasing Transfer from Redevelopment Agency Revenues by $240,000 and appropriating $240,000 of these revenues for the Zoo Wall Improvement Project. [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council PUBLIC COMMENT None MOTION By Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Kelley to authorize the City Manager to execute a Financing Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero and the City of Atascadero 9°"" Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Contract No. 2009-025) 6. Strategic Planning 2010 - Phase II — Financial Information ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendations. Council 1 Review and discuss staff's budget update, and, 2 Affirm staff's analysis of the City's risk areas, and, 3 Accept the updated seven-year projection [City Manager] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council PUBLIC COMMENT David Bentz told the Council he will write a report to the Council concerning this report and they will not like his report. Mayor Fonzi closed the Public Comment period. There was Council consensus to receive and file this report, CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 10 of 11 Approved January 26, 2010 COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS None am D COMMITTEE REPORTS None E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/ OR ACTION None F ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fonzi adjourned the meeting at 10 50 p m MINUTES PREPARED BY mfhJ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager am waw CC Minutes 12/08/09 Page 11 of 11