HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 112409 Approved January 26, 2010 lyrr r off r' r(r � r saYs' n '979 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, November 24, 2009 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California MIN Community Redevelopment Agency 6 00 P M City Council Immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting Mayor Beraud called the meeting to order at 7 00 p m and Council Member Clay led the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL. Present: Council Members Clay, O'Malley, Kelley, Fonzi and Mayor Beraud Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk/Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson ago CC Minutes 11/24/09 Page 1 of 8 Approved January 26, 2010 Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Police Commander Steve Gesell, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Roll Call MOTION By Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS 1 Commendation Recognizing George Dodge for Outstanding Contributions to the Community Council Member O'Malley read the proclamation for George Dodge Mr Dodge expressed his appreciation to the Council for being recognized for this labor of love 2. Presentation by Colony Days Committee on 2009 Colony Days Event Steve Martin, Colony Days Committee representative, gave a summary of the events that took place at the Colony Days event in October, and showed a DVD of some highlights of the parade A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 City Council Meeting Draft Minutes — October 27, 2009 ■ Recommendation. Council approve the Draft Meeting Minutes of October 27, 2009 [City Clerk] 2. July 2009 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $3,372,304 75 ■ Recommendation. Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for July 2009 [Administrative Services] aw CC Minutes 11/24/09 Page 2 of 8 Approved January 26, 2010 3. August 2009 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $2,618,227 57 ■ Recommendation. Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for August 2009 [Administrative Services] 4 September 2009 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $2,550,075 66 ■ Recommendation. Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for September 2009 [Administrative Services] 5 Temporary Road Closure and Tow-Away Zone — Atascadero Main Street Winter Wonderland ■ Fiscal Impact: $600 00 in staff time to place and remove "Road Closed" signs, detour signs and barricades ■ Recommendation. Council approve the attached draft Resolution authorizing tow away zones for the annual Winter Wonderland event on December 11, 2009 [Public Works] MOTION By Council Member Clay and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi to approve the Consent Calendar Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Kelley abstained on #A- "" 1 due to being absent at that meeting.) (#A-5 Resolution No. 2009-092) UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER City Manager Wade McKinney explained that the Council that the California Regional Water Quality Control Board has accepted Atascadero into the Storm Water Management Plan The Board did make several changes to Atascadero's Plan and are requiring the City to adopt those changes by December 23, 2009 The notification letter and the recommended changes are on the City's website for the public's review The most significant required change is that they want the City to create a greater creek setback/buffer than is already established as they feel our current creek setbacks/buffers are insufficient. Staff will be bringing this issue to the Council on December 8th Community Development Director Warren Frace updated the Council on a few economic development projects He explained that the WalMart project is getting ready for re-submittal am CC Minutes 11/24/09 Page 3 of 8 Approved January 26, 2010 Mr Frace also explained that the Colony Square project expect to be doing the underground plumbing and electrical the week of December 7th Concrete work will be next. COMMUNITY FORUM Heather Young reminded everyone of the Art and Wine Tour being held next Friday Mitch Paskin, who lives on San Marcos Road, explained that he still has concerns regarding the safety of the roads in his area. Lee Perkins asked what has happened to the recommendations of the City's Economic Study Also, she recognized Mayor Beraud and stated that Ellen has been a memorable Mayor Tom Comar thanked Mayor Beraud for her service as Mayor, even though at times she has been in the minority Jim Shannon thanked Mayor Beraud for her service as Mayor and the rest of the Council for their service too He also thanked City staff for their work assisting the Council Mr Shannon also stated that he is pleased with the progress the City has shown Barbie Butz, representing Coats for Kids, announced that they will be distributing coats at the Atascadero Armory on December 17th Mayor Beraud closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. B PUBLIC HEARINGS None. C MANAGEMENT REPORTS 1 AB 811 Municipal Clean Energy Financing Pilot PrograrnContract Authorization for PowerHouse Services, Inc. ■ Fiscal Impact. The direct cost of the contract to the City of Atascadero will be less than less than $1000 to cover incidental expenses The consultant will be compensated through the sale of the $750,000 in bonds that will finance the installation of energy efficient improvements Staff time is not expected to exceed 200 hours Long term, the City will be responsible for administering the assessment district and responding to program issues Staff estimates this to be less than 50 hours annually sm CC Minutes 11/24/09 Page 4 of 8 Approved January 26, 2010 ■ Recommendation. Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with PowerHouse Services, Inc , to administer an "AB 811" pilot program within the City of Atascadero [Community Development] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council JP McNeill, CEO of PowerHouse Services, explained the Clean Energy Program and answered questions of the Council PUBLIC COMMENT Ray Weymann thanked the City staff for choosing PowerHouse Services as he felt their proposal was excellent. He agreed that energy improvements save money He urged the Council to adopt this program Lee Perkins complimented PowerHouse Services on their proposal Ken Smokoska, representative of the Labor Management Cooperation Committee for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the National Electrical Contractors Association, stated they strongly support this proposal and hope that Atascadero can expand the program in the future Mayor Beraud closed the Public Comment period. All Council Members stated that they support this program MOTION By Mayor Beraud and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with PowerHouse Services, Inc., to administer an "AB 811" pilot program within the City of Atascadero Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Contract No. 2009-022) 2. Update on the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's Required Stormwater Management Plan ■ Fiscal Impact: There is no additional fiscal impact to the City from participation in the Joint Effort. It is anticipated that Storm Water Plan costs will be lower since the Low Impact Development Center is developing the hydromodification methodology that the City was previously responsible to develop This will result in lower long-term compliance costs as the City implements its Storm Water Plan Staff will continue to monitor costs closely and will alert the Council should costs change dramatically woo CC Minutes 11/24/09 Page 5 of 8 Approved January 26, 2010 ■ Recommendations. Council 1 Receive update on the City's Storm Water Management Plan, which is currently undergoing review by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board), and, 2 Receive information regarding the Water Board's offer to participate in the Joint Hydromodification Effort and provide staff with direction on participation [Public Works] Public Works Director Russ Thompson gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council David Innis, Environmental Scientist with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, explained the Water Board's process and answered questions from the Council PUBLIC COMMENT None Mayor Beraud closed the Public Comment period. As stated earlier in this meeting, staff will be returning this issue to the City Council at their December 8, 2009 meeting. 3 Strategic Planning 2010 ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation. City Council take the following actions 1 Approve the Strategic Planning program, and, 2 Approve the Planning Horizon, and, 3 Reaffirm the City's Mission Statement; and, 4 Develop a preliminary list of discussion issues, and, 5 Accept the draft Environmental Scan [City Manager] City Manager Wade McKinney gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council PUBLIC COMMENT None Mayor Beraud closed the Public Comment period. Council accepted all recommendations. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS Council Member Kelley thanked Mayor Beraud for her service as Mayor CC Minutes 11/24/09 Page 6 of 8 Approved January 26, 2010 Mayor Beraud asked the Council Members to consider placing a Resolution to encourage reduced waste by ending the use of plastic water bottles and Styroform products by the City on a future agenda. Ms Beraud stated this would be educational and advisory, asking citizens to consider other options MOTION By Mayor Beraud and seconded by Council Member Kelley to agendize a Resolution to reduce waste by the City of Atascadero, encouraging citizens to not use plastic water bottles and Styroform Council Member O'Malley asked if Mayor Beraud would give the report, and that the outcome she is looking for is educational, not restrictive Mayor Beraud answered, yes MOTION By Mayor Beraud and seconded by Council Member Kelley to agendize a Resolution to reduce waste by the City of Atascadero, encouraging citizens to not use plastic water bottles and Styroform Motion passed 4 1 by a roll-call vote. (Clay opposed) Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi asked for Council consensus to provide clarification to staff and the Commissions regarding City signage She would like the Council to decide on uniform guidelines City Manager McKinney stated this would be a good discussion at Strategic Planning There was Council consensus to bring the issue of City signage back to the Council at Strategic Planning Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi asked for Council consensus to bring back the business stimulus loan program for downtown affordable housing She explained that she has received additional input from the public since the Council addressed this issue She stated that she is not asking for a new report, she is just asking to bring back the original report Council Member Kelley asked the City Manager if the review he sent to Mr McKinney could be shared with the other Council Members Mr McKinney stated that yes it can be shared, and that he will print it for the file and share it with the other Council Members There was Council consensus to bring back the business stimulus loan program report for downtown affordable housing as originally presented to the Council D COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor Pro Tem Fonzi am CC Minutes 11/24/09 Page 7 of 8 Approved January 26, 2010 1 EVC — Summit on Economic Planning for the County — there will be a consultant meeting with cities to determine who they can call the business champions Council Member O'Malley 1 Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, Member (RWQCB) — Council Member O'Malley was re-appointed to the Board E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION None F ADJOURNMENT Mayor Beraud adjourned the meeting at 9 35 p m MINUTES PREPARED BY Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager Now CC Minutes 11/24/09 Page 8 of 8