HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 003-86 RESOLUTION NO 3-86* RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO COUNTY cANITATION DISTRICT APPROVING THE FORMATION OF IMTROVET:ENT DISTRICT NO 3 TO THE ATASCADERO COUNTY SANIT_A'''ION DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION 6550 1 Et seq OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE WhtREAS , the Atascadero County Sanitation District is empowered by Section 6550 1 of the Health and Safety Code to form improvement districts within the district boundary of the County Sanitation dis- trict; and WHEREAS , the Atascadero County Sanitation District has received a petition from property owners residing on MTarcr.ant Way and Santa Rosa toad in the City of Atascadero requestinn tl�at an improvement district be formed to include lots 66 through 87 of Block JC in t!,e City of Atascadero; and v1HEPEAS , the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors has properly noticed a hearing '-or the proposed annexation othe aforesaid lots into an improvement district No 3 ; and WMErEAS , at the duly noticed hearing for January 13 , 1936 , there being no majority protest against the formation of improvement dis- trict NO 3 ; and WHEREAS , it being in the best interest of 44tascadero County Sani- tation_ District to provide sewer service to the subject property , as aforedescribed; and TAMEREAS , the extension of utility service to existing private structures are categorically exempt or receive a negative declaration pursuant to provisions of California Environraentgl Quality Act (class 19) ' JOT,, THER EFOPE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DIRFCTOP.S OF THE ATASCADERM COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS 1 The Board fin(.s that the territory Oescr_ibed in t1,.is resolu- tion shall be benefited by the formation of an imprcvement district No 3 to the Atascadero County Sanitation District for the purpose of providing sewer service to said area 2 The estimated cost for each parcel Tgith.in the improvement district No 3 is the sum of Four thousand one hundred fi{ty ($4 ,150 00) dollars per parcel 3 The parcels which are within improvement district No I are set forth as follows NOTE Assigned ?'_es "10 123--.5 changed to the 1986 series (}ger Cit ,7 A_tt /Cit -1- - 4 Resolution-123-- 3-86* Page 2/ Lot 66 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-56 Lot 67 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-55 Lot 68 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-36 Lot 69 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N1 31-381-44 Lot 70 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-41 Lot 71 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-62 Lot 72 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-61 Lot 73 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-20 Lot 74 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-51 Lot 75 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-5 Lot 76 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-53 Lot 77 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-52 Lot 78 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-46 Lot 79 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-47 Lot 80 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-59 Lot 81 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-60 See note on first page of this resolution ` Resolution-123- 3-86* vMW Page 3/ Lot 82 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-62 Lot 83 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-45 Lot 84 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-10 Lot 85 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A D N 31-381-09 Lot 86 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P T\T Lot 87 Block JC , Atascadero Colony A P N 31-381-07 4 The Atascadero County Sanitation District Board shall file a certified map of this resolution together with a map or plat or the new boundaries of the improvement district "*ftw as required by section 54900 , 54901 , and 54902 of the Government Code Upon such filing , tre formation of the improvement District shall be efrective On motion by Board Member MOLTNA. and seconded by Board Member HANDSITY , the _oi owing resolution is adopted in its entirety by the Following roll call vote AYES DIRECTORS HANDSITY, MA(-KEY, MOLINA , MORRIS AND CHAIR-IA!IT NTI SON NOES NONE ABSENT NONE DATE 1/13/86 ATTEST ^ 6: � �-- tIIKL"SHELTON , Secretary ROLFE 'STET SOr1 , hairman Approved AS TO FORM APP''OVET% AS TO CONTENT ROBERT MONES , City Attorney PAUL M SENSIBAU'-H Director of 'Public Works/ zv� City Engineer ell See note on first page of this resolution