HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 030-85 RESOLUTION NO. 30-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING ACQUISITION AND CONVEYANCE OF LAND AT 10165 EL CAMINO REAL FOR THE ATASCADERO SENIOR CITIZENS CONGREGATE RENTAL UNITS PROJECT (YOUNG/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT) WHEREAS, the State of California' s Department of Housing and Com- munity Development has approved funds in the amount of $600 , 000 to accomplish senior citizens housing project activity under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended; and WHEREAS, California Manor has received approval of Conditional Use Permit 3-84 (as amended December 3, 1984) for a 95 unit senior citi- zens congregate housing project utilizing a Farmers Home Administra- tion loan for construction and a Community Development Block Grant to provide for site acquisition; and WHEREAS, Community Development Block Grant funds are to be used to purchase the site and shall be applied on a dollar-for-dollar basis to reduce the Farmers Home Administration mortgage; and WHEREAS, the City has entered into a development agreement and a regulatory agreement to implement said project; and WHEREAS, the grant agreement with the Department of Housing and Community Development provides for up to $577,500 towards purchase of said site; provided that, in no event, would more than fair market value be paid; and WHEREAS, an appraisal has been prepared by Dennis E. Greene and Company establishing a fair market value for the site of $532, 000 ; and WHEREAS, acquisition of this property for the provision of low cost senior citizen housing is in conformity with the City' s adopted General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero resolves as follows: Section 1. The Council authorizes the City Manager-as soon as programatically feasible after receipt of California Manor ' s fee simple title to the project site-reimburse California Manor , utilizing $532, 000 of the awarded Community Development Block Grant funds for said fee simple title for the site at 10165 E1 Camino Real more particularly described as follows: i 5 Parcel A of Parcel Map AT 81-183, from the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, filed for record November 25 , 1981 in the Office of the County Recorder of said County in Book 31 at Page 26 of Parcel Maps (APN: 30-461-13) . Funds are to be transferred to the seller of the site upon close of escrow. California Manor shall bear the fees of transfer of title to the City. Section 2. The Council further authorizes the City Manager to convey the pro- ject site for the amount of one dollar with any and all escrow expen- ses incurred to be paid by California Manor . The City is authorized to execute and record all documents of title transfer for said property. -On motion by Councilman Molina , and seconded by Councilwoman ► mnrrig the foregoing resolutidn is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Handshy and Molina; Councilwoman Mackey and Norris and Mayor Nelson. NOES: None ABSENT: None DATE ADOPTED: 4-22-85 CITY OF TASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By ROL D NELSON, Mayor ST: ROBERT ty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ak&,Vv ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ffCHAEL SHELT , City Manager