HomeMy WebLinkAbout111307 - RDAApproved January 8, 2008 RDA Minutes 11/13/07 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES Tuesday, November 13, 2007 – 6:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION: 6:00 P.M. Chairperson O’Malley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Board Members Brennler, Clay, Luna, Béraud and Chairperson O’Malley Absent: None Others Present: Board Secretary Marcia McClure Torgerson, Recording Secretary Grace Pucci Staff Present: Executive Director Wade McKinney, Assistant Executive Director Jim Lewis, Board Treasurer Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Police Chief John Couch, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Deputy Executive Director of Redevelopment Marty Tracey, and Interim City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Board Member Luna and seconded by Vice Chairperson Béraud to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Approved January 8, 2008 RDA Minutes 11/13/07 Page 2 of 4 COMMUNITY FORUM: Steve Martin, Executive Director Atascadero Main Street, reported on the California Downtown Association (CDA) Conference in Long Beach, and distributed some of the information from that trip to the Board. (Exhibit A) Chairperson O’Malley closed the Community Forum period. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: None A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes – September 25, 2007  Board Secretary Recommendation: Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of September 25, 2007. [Board Secretary] 2. Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes – October 9, 2007  Board Secretary Recommendation: Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of October 9, 2007. [Board Secretary] MOTION: By Board Member Luna and seconded by Vice Chairperson Béraud to approve Items #A-1 and 2. Motion passed 5:0 by a voice vote. B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Colony Square Project Update  Recommendations: Agency Board: 1. Consider financial investment of up to $2 million in the Colony Square project and direct the Executive Director to negotiate terms of investment. 2. Consider purchase of 16,000 square feet of property as part of a proposal to locate an alternative grocery market on the site of Rancho Tee Motel, and direct the Executive Director to gather additional information and negotiate terms of a potential purchase. 3. Appropriate $50,000 of Redevelopment Agency Funds for legal costs, appraisals, studies and other costs associated with assisting the Colony Square Project. [Executive Director] Assistant Executive Director Jim Lewis gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Approved January 8, 2008 RDA Minutes 11/13/07 Page 3 of 4 Ex Parte Communications  Vice Chairperson Béraud stated she has talked with Dr. Harrison at social events.  Board Member Brennler stated he had a telephone conversation with Dr. Harrison and met him and Mr. Hilth at the Just Listening meeting.  Chairperson O’Malley stated he has spoken with Dr. Harrison, Mr. Hilth, members of the Chamber of Commerce, business owners in the downtown area, and one or two concerned citizens. He also accompanied Assistant Executive Director Jim Lewis to Santa Maria where he met Mr. Hilth and spoke with the banking entities involved with this project.  Board Member Clay stated he has talked with Dr. Harrison at social events. PUBLIC COMMENT Jim Harrison, owner of Colony Square, spoke about the project, what other cities have done with similar projects, and explained the reason he is coming forth at this time to ask for the city’s help. Dr. Harrison addressed issues raised by the Board. Richard Mullin stated he supported the center, but it should be completed with as much of the developer’s money as possible; he does not agree with a giveaway. Joan O’Keefe made the following comments: 1) applicant has been allowed to stay at the old permitting rates which is an incentive, 2) the purchase of the 16,000 sq. ft. doesn’t make any sense as the hotel brings in bed tax while a grocery store does not bring in many tax dollars, 3) the downtown area is not an appropriate comparison for rental rates, and 4) spoke about the Kaiser Martinson Study and the availability of that information to the public. Lee Perkins stated her concerns regarding the architectural design of the project, which will be an important improvement to the downtown, and explained why this location is not ideal for a grocery store. Eric Greening suggested the Board not make a decision until there can be a full public hearing, stating that the transit center site study is not yet complete and it would be better to get the total picture of the vicinity. Joann Main, CEO Chamber of Commerce, stated this was an important project to the turn around of the city and the Chamber would urge the Board to move forward and consider all of the options. Steve Martin, Executive Director Atascadero Main Street, spoke of the advantages of this project, possible issues with prevailing wage, and explained that many cities have embraced the idea of public investment in private projects. Chairperson O’Malley closed the Public Comment period. There was Board discussion on this item and the following points were agreed upon: Approved January 8, 2008 RDA Minutes 11/13/07 Page 4 of 4  Support for Option #3.  This should be an investment/loan and not a gift or grant.  Direction to staff to discuss all investment options with the developer, which would include consideration of Options #1 and 2. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Luna to appropriate $50,000 of Redevelopment Agency Funds for legal costs, appraisals, studies and other costs associated with assisting the Colony Square Project, and to consider any of the options heard this evening, negotiate with the developer, and bring back some options to the Council for consideration. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Affordable Housing Policy and Strategy Development Consultant Services Award This item was continued to a date certain of November 27, 2007.  Fiscal Impact: Tierra West Advisors, LLC to provide affordable housing policy and strategy development consultant services in an amount not to exceed $32,130.00, and an additional $5,000 to cover incidental expenses related to public meetings, etc., paid from the Redevelopment Agency Low/Mod Fund.  Recommendations: Agency Board: 1. Authorize the Executive Director to execute an agreement with Tierra West Consultants for Affordable Housing Policy and Strategy Development in the amount of $32,130; and, 2. Appropriate an additional $5,000 in Low/Moderate income housing funds for the Affordable Housing Policy and Strategy Development Project. [Executive Director] C. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 7:36 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ___________________________ Grace Pucci, Recording Secretary The following exhibit is available for review in the City Clerk’s office: Exhibit A – Steve Martin, handout.