HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 0128-012909 Special Mtng Approved March 24, 2009 r LEADERSHIP IN TOUGH TIMES Atascadero City Council — Special Meeting Strategic Planning 2009-11 Wednesday January 28, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. MINUTES Wednesday evening 6:30 p.m. Mayor Bdraud called the meeting to order at 6.40 p.m. Present: Council Member Clay Fonzi, Kelley O'Malley and Mayor Beraud Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney City Attorney Brian Pierik, Assistant r City Manager Jim Lewis, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Police Chief Jim Mulhall, Community Services Director Brady Cherry Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, and Geoff English Welcome Mr McKinney welcomed everyone and explained the agendas for the meetings scheduled for tonight and tomorrow. These two meetings combined are a City Council Strategic Planning Workshop; a time for the Council to get to know each other better share ideas, work on communication skills, and discuss issues facing the City Introductions The City Council Members, and the members of the management team, were given an opportunity to share information about themselves. r Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 1 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 Develop a Mission Statement The City Council discussed creating a mission statement. They started by answering the following three questions 1 What business are we in? • Top Quality • Public Safety • Quality of Life • Value our environment • Value our citizens • Build community • Build stewardship • Pride of community • Preserve our heritage • People Business • Business atmosphere • Responsive service • Respected for providing service • Viable economy • Community Relationships • Preserve paradise • Great place to raise a family 2 What is our vision? • Downtown/Old-town • Embrace green technology • Prosperity for everyone • Self-sustaining • Protecting our scenic vistas • Engaged citizenry • Healthy creeks • Shopping for all classes • Tourism destination • Financially sound • Lifestyle for all members of the community • Programs for all ages • Balanced, quality growth • Steel head trout • Preserve our sense of place • History/culture/garden W.. Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 2 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 3 What are our core values? Serving the public • Frugality • Legendary service • Creative • Efficiency • Embracing green technology • Integrity • Respect • Teamwork • Flexibility • Humble • Stewardship Mr McKinney told the Council they would re-visit the creation of a mission statement during tomorrow's meeting Review Leadership Styles Mr McKinney reviewed the Council Members' leadership styles and discussed with them how they can use this information to understand how they each make decisions Public Comment Katrin Colamarino, asked the Council to include a performing arts center in their goals Len Colamarino, suggested that leadership, unify and govern should be included in the City's mission statement. He also suggested that harmonious community be included in the vision statement, and trust of community should be included in core values Bruce Bevins, stated that it is good to see the Council working together He suggested the Council include the art community in their goals Francois Beraud, expressed his concerns with the vandalism and threats his family has endured over the last 2 years He directed his comments to Council Member O'Malley Council Member O'Malley expressed support and assured him that the new Council will respect minority opinions in the future Bill Shaffer, said that he has learned a lot about the individual Council Members He urged the Council to appreciate their differences and encouraged the Council to create a mission statement. aw Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 3 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 Dan Chacon, asked the Council to consider including tolerance and accountability in the core values He also reminded the Council that you achieve leadership through collaboration Ricardo Gaudino, suggested to the Council that leadership is the framework for government. Barbie Butz, said that she appreciates all the Council Members and City staff as they are truly a team A J Fonzi, reminded the Council that politics is a contact sport and you need a thick skin He also said that the issue of WalMart divided the community but we now need to come together Mr Fonzi submitted a written list of recommended priorities. (Exhibit A) Mayor Bdraud closed the Public Comment period. Mr McKinney thanked everyone for attending tonight's meeting and reviewed the agenda for tomorrow's continuation of this workshop Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9 00 p m , to be continued on Thursday, January 29, 2009, at 8 30 a.m Thursday 8.30 a.m. Mayor Beraud called the meeting to order at 8 35 a.m Present: Council Member Clay, Fonzi, Kelley, O'Malley and Mayor Beraud Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, City Attorney Brian Pierik, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Police Chief Jim Mulhall, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, and Geoff English Public Comment Eric Greening, thanked the Council for conducting this workshop without a facilitator He asked the Council to consider allowing the public to comment at the conclusion of the meeting for feedback. Mr Greening also made suggestions for the City's mission statement. aw Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 4 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 Sandy Jack, asked the Council to address the Stadium Park issue VM Madelyn McDaniel, asked the Council to not waste time addressing negative requests of the public Also, she stated that she supports having the Mayor elected by the public Mike Lautner, Dove Creek resident, commended the Council on the work they accomplished last night. He offered suggestions for goals he would like the Council to consider for Atascadero David Broadwater asked who decided to not tape or televise this meeting He also asked the Council to address campaign finance during this meeting Steve Martin reminded the Council that the Main Street program is now eight years old He asked the Council to continue to support the program and work towards their goals, asking them not to be afraid to change A.J Fonzi, urged the Council to accomplish their goals quickly Ted Jacobsen, reminded the Council that this community would not exist without the local businesses He asked them to realize that the current problems with the economy are affecting these businesses and the Council needs to make their decisions keeping the local businesses in mind Mayor Beraud closed the Public Comment period. Council Member O'Malley brought up Francois Beraud's comments last night and his concern that Mr Beraud was blaming Council Member O'Malley for the vandalism his family received during the election Mayor Beraud assured Council Member O'Malley that her husband was not blaming him but was expressing his concerns for his family's safety Review Mission Statement Mr Frace explained to the Council that the management team took the information provided by the Council last night and formulated a suggested mission statement. Council was very pleased with staff's work on formulating the mission statement from the Council's comments of last night The City Mission Statement proposed to the Council is as follows The City of Atascadero is committed to building community by fostering an outstanding quality of life with excellent public service, stewardship of the environment, preservation of our heritage and promotion of economic prosperity Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 5 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 There was Council consensus to bring the proposed Mission Statement back to a regular Council meeting for approval. Wade reviewed City Council / City Manager / City Attorney relationships There was Council discussion about the Council's responsibility to set policy and the staff's responsibility to implement those policies The Council expressed their desire to be more involved in organizations in the community and represent the City Ideal Council Mr McKinney shared with the Council a list created by the management team of what would be an ideal Council Ideal Council —from Management Viewpoint 0 Works through City Manager and Department Heads 0 Trustworthy 0 Trust & respect Staff 0 Confidence in Staff 0 Provides LeadershipNision .. 0 Consistent 0 Knows their role as a policy board 0 No surprises 0 Full Council gives direction to Staff through City Manager 0 Realistic expectations of response time and/or organizational constraints 0 Respect for established policies and laws 0 Gets along professionally 0 Promotes public trust 0 Listens 0 Represents the community's interests instead of their own The City Council also created a list of traits of an ideal Council • Ambassadors to different areas — not making decisions • Approach with neutrality • Best decisions • Community agenda • Clear direction am Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 6 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 • "Hands-On" Council • Building Trust aw • Check in more on Committee reports • Work through the City Manager • Observe Council Norms • Fight the good fight on important issues • When it's over, it's over • Support council member's individual agenda • Get permissions — council consensus to move forward • Communicate better Ideal Council Meeting Mr McKinney shared with the Council a list created by the management team of what would be an ideal Council meeting Ideal Council Meetings - from Management Viewpoint 13 Businesslike • Time efficient 0 Respect Staff recommendations • Respectful of public am 0 Stick to the agenda 0 Good questions 0 Prepared for meetings • Open minded • No surprises • Respect each Council Member's opinions 0 Observe Council Norms Limit personal comments The City Council also created a list of traits of an ideal Council meeting • Stick to topic • No surprises • Ask questions in advance • Don't redesign solutions • End of night assessment • Don't negotiate with applicant from dais • Adjourn before 11.00 p m • Everyone do their homework • Good staff reports • Businesslike am Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 7 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 • Video monitors for Council • No personal attacks between public & council/council to council Council Norms and Procedures The City Council reviewed the existing Council Norms and made some minor amendments to be approved at a regular Council meeting Council Member O'Malley brought up the issue of Mayor Beraud sending out letters and emails stating her personal opinions and recommendations, and signing them "Mayor Beraud " The other Council Members also expressed their concern with this behavior Mayor Beraud acknowledged their concerns and stated she would clarify her written statements as being her own opinions in the future She assured the Council she was not trying to hide the communications from the Council Council Member O'Malley continued expressing his concerns and Mayor Beraud left the Council meeting "What is going well with the City?" • Wal-Mart EIR • Public Trust returning w.r • Relaxed atmosphere at City Council meetings • Pulling in same direction • Conspiracy theories gone • Projects in the works • Progress on infrastructure • Colony Square • New attitude/enthusiasm • Proactive • Aligned with staff & community • Open communication • Reserve funds • Regionally perceived as business leaders • New "glow" in staff/better attitude • Quality staff • Budget management • City, Main Street & Chamber coordination • Staff head of the curve • Organization open to change Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 8 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 "What is not going well with the City?" • Economic successes • Red-tape • City Administration Building repair • Unfunded mandates • Marketing of Atascadero (staff position) • Code enforcement • Clarify council roles • Printery • Inter-governmental relations • State situation • Conflicting rules • Redundant information • Signage — business design/packaging The Council discussed the handling of citizen complaints that are presented at Council meetings There was Council consensus that when a citizen comes to a Council meeting with a complaint, they will be referred to the City Manager or City Clerk for the complaint to be processed and/or resolved. f.. Lunch break — 11 30 a.m — 12 30 p m Mayor Beraud called the meeting to order at 12 45 p m Mayor Beraud stated that she apologized for leaving the meeting suddenly, but assured everyone that she and Council Member O'Malley have met during lunch and discussed their differences She explained that Bruce Bevins met with them and she asked Mr Bevins to summarize their meeting Bruce Bevins stated that he sat in on the meeting between Mayor Beraud and Council Member O'Malley and confirmed that they talked through the issue, and he is confident that they both understand each other's point of view Prioritize goals The Council reviewed the list of issues they have created, and decided that the list could be combined within 5 major categories The Council's top priorities are • Economic Development • Public Safety Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 9 of 10 Approved March 24, 2009 • Mayor Selection • Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement WAW0 City Financial Issues Public Comment Eric Greening, stated that he hopes this is the last meeting where there is no audio or video recording He also asked for clarification on the Council's list of goals. Mayor Beraud closed the Public Comment period. Adiournment The meeting was adjourned at 2 45 p m to the next regularly scheduled Council meeting MINUTES PREPARED BY Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C , ity Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager err Exhibit A— Prepared statement from Alfred J Fonzi, II,January 29, 2009 am Special Meeting Minutes of 01/28/09—01/29/09 Page 10 of 10