HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 052708V � mie 1� r, ievej— CADIZ Approved October 28, 2008 CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES Tuesday, May 27 2008 REGULAR SESSION: 6:00 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Beraud called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Board Members Brennler Clay O'Malley Luna and Chairperson Now Beraud Absent: None Others Present: Board Secretary Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: Executive Director Wade McKinney Board Treasurer Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Deputy Public Works Director Geoff English, Acting Lt. Brian Dana, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Luna and seconded by Board Member Brennler to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote, COMMUNITY FORUM: Tom Farrell, Pastor of ABC Church, led those present in prayer Now RDA Minutes 5/27/08 Page 1 of 5 Approved October 28, 2008 Eric Greening, encouraged the Board to continue the process of site selection for the new transit center even though Proposition 1 B funds will not be available until next year Chairperson Beraud closed the Community Forum period. A. MANAGEMENT REPORTS 1 Colony Square Project Update ■ Fiscal Impact: If the Board decides to invest in the Colony Square project, funding would come from Redevelopment Agency funds Funding for public improvements would also come from bond proceeds and impact fees ■ Recommendations. Agency Board consider financial investment in the Colony Square project and direct the Executive Director to execute Board direction [Executive Director] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report with the assistance of Board Treasurer Rachelle Rickard and Executive Director Wade McKinney Tim Kelly, Keyser Marston Associates, answered questions of the Board Ex -parte Communications • Board Member Clay stated he talked to Dr Harrison in passing • Board Member O'Malley stated he has had a number of conversations with Dr Harrison in settings such as around Main Street and Colony Days meetings Mr O'Malley said he met with Peter Hilf when he was Mayor and attended a meeting with both project partners and the bankers involved, with the goal to relay to the bankers that our Community was very much supportive of this project. • Board Member Brennler stated he has had two or three conversations with Dr Harrison about this project and has taken a site tour Mr Brennler said he had a very brief conversation with Mr Hilf at the Just Listening forum and spoke briefly on the project at the Chamber Empower Hour • Chairperson Beraud stated she has met with Dr Harrison before and has met Peter Hilf once Ms Beraud noted that she was on the Planning Commission when project was originally approved • Vice Chairperson Luna stated that over the years he has had several conversations with Dr Harrison, averaging once a year Mr Luna said that he last spoke with Dr Harrison at the project groundbreaking ceremony a year ago, agreeing that this was an important project for the City and expressing his wishes to see it go forward RDA Minutes 5/27/08 Page 2 of 5 Approved October 28, 2008 PUBLIC COMMENT Jim Harrison, Applicant, explained the status of this project and the reasons for their request. Mr Harrison answered questions of the Board Joan O'Keefe, stated that she feels it is premature for the City to get involved financially with this project David Broadwater, stated that the Keyser Marston report states a loan from the City is not recommended, and he encouraged the Board to concur with this advice Dan O'Grady, stated this project would be a financially risky investment. He also said he disagrees with the suggestion that the City purchase a lot because the consultant fails to mention when or how the City will get its' money back out of the project. Eric Greening, said that he was in support of this project when it was approved, but he agrees with the previous speakers concerns, specifically about the prevailing wage issue being treated as something to avoid Mr Greening inquired about the status of the library relocation Lee Perkins, has been excited about this project but is concerned about the changes in the architecture that are proposed Joanne Main, urged the City to work with the applicants without further delay Ms Main also encouraged the purchasing of the lot. Hal Carden, explained the lack of Union employees/labor in this county He urged the Board to look at the total picture and to look to the City's needs in the future, particularly lack of parking Chairperson Beraud closed the Public Comment period. Jim Harrison, Applicant, responded to the public comments Tim Kelly, Keyser Marston Associates, addressed questions from the public and the Board Executive Director Wade McKinney addressed questions about the library He said that the library is not connected to this project at this time and mentioned that the library has a deed restriction issue with the current property Board Member Clay stated that he feels the City shouldn't get involved at this point. He also commented that Dr Harrison has poured his heart and soul into this project and doesn't understand how some people can be so critical RDA Minutes 5/27/08 Page 3 of 5 Approved October 28, 2008 Board Member O'Malley stated he thinks this is a great project. He said he does not feel that the City should loan money to this project at this point. Mr O'Malley encouraged looking into the purchase of property 6180 Board Member Brennler said he is in agreement with Board Members Clay and O'Malley that a loan is premature However, he said, in the future there will be opportunities to work with applicant to make project successful Mr Brennler said he thinks the property purchase should be considered Vice Chairperson Luna stated that he thinks the project is essential for the downtown and should be a high priority He said he concurs with his colleagues Mr Luna cautioned the public and the Board about the collapsing economy and the suffering diminished tax increment. Chairperson Beraud expressed appreciation for the Keyser Marston report. She commented that she thinks the community is behind the applicants with this project but there aren't a lot of options at this point. A discussion about tenant improvements ensued Tim Kelly, Keyser Marston Associates, answered questions of the Board There was Agency Board consensus to continue to support this project as a top priority, support the phasing of this project, and regretfully pass on participating financially with this project at this time. VW 2. Wrestling Bacchantes Restoration Update ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation. Agency Board receive and file the report on the status of the restoration of the Wrestling Bacchantes [Public Works] Deputy Public Works Director Geoff English gave the staff report and answered questions of the Board PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, stated he is delighted to see this project moving forward on schedule He stressed the importance of protecting this piece of art and suggested eventually it might be housed inside the Historic City Hall Mr Greening suggested beginning the planning process of statue placement through the Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson Beraud closed the Public Comment period. Board Member Brennler said he agrees with Mr Greening's concerns about protecting this piece of artwork and is supportive of eventually placing it in the Historic City Hall Board Member Clay stated he does not think the Historic City Hall would be a viable ow option because it would only be able to be viewed during specific hours He suggested building a gazebo that would protect the statue RDA Minutes 5/27/08 Page 4 of 5 Approved October 28, 2008 There was Agency Board consensus to direct staff to place the issue of the future plans for the Wrestling Bacchantes on a future Board agenda. The Agency Board received and filed this report. C ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Beraud adjourned the meeting at 7 45 p m MINUTES PREPARED BY Marcia McIlure 'Torgerson, Board Secr ary RDA Minutes 5/27/08 Page 5 of 5