HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Agenda Packet 050509 Special meetingNOTICE OF A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero & Atascadero Main Street Monday, May 5, 2008, 6:00 P.M. City Hall, Conference Room #4 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California ROLL CALL: Redevelopment Agency Board & Atascadero Main Street Board JOINT MEETING: 1. Atascadero Main Street Funding — Request for Increase 2. Facade Improvement Program — Request to Re -instate the Program and Have Atascadero Main Street Manage Program 3. Business Incentive Programs — Discuss Opportunities 4. Downtown Physical Improvements — Lighting and Streetscape Prioritization 5. Evaluation of Atascadero Main Street by the Redevelopment Agency Board ADJOURNMENT: The Redevelopment Agency & Atascadero Main Street will adjourn to their next regularly scheduled meetings. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON, C.M.C., being fully sworn, deposes, and says: That she is the duly elected City Clerk of the City of Atascadero and that on Wednesday, April 30, 2008, she caused the above Notice to be posted on the doors of City Hall, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, California, and at the Atascadero Main Street office located at 5901 East Mall, Atascadero, California. MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON, C.M.C. City Clerk City of Atascadero Office of the City Clerk TO: City Hall Reception FROM: Marcia McClure Torgerson City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT Additional Information Provided to Redevelopment Agency for the May 5t' Special Joint Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency and Main Street DATE: May 1, 2008 Attached is additional information that was distributed to the Redevelopment Agency for the May 5, 2008, Redevelopment Agency/Main Street Special Joint Meeting. The public is free to review NOTICE OF A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero & Atascadero Main Street Monday, May 5, 2008, 6:00 P.M. City Hall, Conference Room #4 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California ROLL CALL. Redevelopment Agency Board & Atascadero Main Street Board JOINT MEETING 1 Atascadero Main Street Funding — Request for Increase 2 Fagade Improvement Program — Request to Re -instate the Program and Have Atascadero Main Street Manage Program 3 Business Incentive Programs — Discuss Opportunities 4 Downtown Physical Improvements — Lighting and Streetscape Prioritization 5 Evaluation of Atascadero Main Street by the Redevelopment Agency Board ADJOURNMENT The Redevelopment Agency & Atascadero Main Street will adjourn to their next regularly scheduled meetings STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON, C.M.C., being fully sworn, deposes, and says. That she is the duly elected City Clerk of the City of Atascadero and that on Wednesday, April 30, 2008, she caused the above Notice to be posted on the doors of City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California, and at the Atascadero Main Street office located at 5901 East Mall, Atascadero, California. MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON, C.M.0 City Clerk City of Atascadero Office of the City Clerk TO Community Redevelopment Agency Board FROM Marcia Torgerson, C M C , City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT Joint Redevelopment Agency and Atascadero Main Street Meeting DATE April 30, 2008 The attached report was submitted by the Atascadero Main Street Board for the Joint Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 5, 2008 Joint Meeting Atascadero Main Street & Redevelopment Agency May 5, 2008 — 6 p in. Atascadero City Hall Issues for discussion — Increased Main Street Funding Atascadero Main Street receives $59,160 in annual support from the RDA. Additionally, Atascadero Main Street receives $10,500 in business license fees collected from merchants within the Main Street district. In FY 2006-07, operational expenses exclusive of fundraising expenses totaled $86,357 24 To day in FY 2007-08, operational expenses exclusive of fundraising expenses have totaled $79,633 28 During the most recent budget deliberations, Atascadero Main Street requested additional funds from the RDA to help address rising costs and increased Main Street activities At that time the majority of RDA members were not disposed to grant this request. In FY 2006-07, Atascadero Main Street's fundraising efforts grossed an additional $42,063 30 After expenses, the organization netted $21,658 82 of that figure To date in FY 2007-08, Atascadero Main Street's fundraising efforts have grossed an additional $74,099 40 After expenses, the organization has netted $46,037 35 of that figure These figures do not include monies collected and disbursed on behalf of the Atascadero Veterans Memorial Revenues FY 2006-07 FY 2007-08 to date RDA $59,16000 $59,16000 PBIA $10,50000 $10,50000 Fundraising $42 062 30 $74,09940 Sub -total $117,722.30 $143,759.40 Expenses Fundraising expenses ($20,403 48) ($28,062 05) Operational expenses ($86,357.24) ($79,633 28) Sub -total ($106,760 72) ($107,695.33) Net $10,961 58 $36,06407 This re -cap indicates several things • Atascadero Main Street begins each fiscal year "in the red." Time and resources must be used to raise thousands of dollars to cover basic expenses before work supporting the Revitalization Plan can begin. • Expenses are increasing. Total expenses for FY 2006-07 were about $107,000 That is about the same amount spent during the current fiscal year to date, with two months left to go • Revenues from the RDA/PBIA remain static There has been one small upward adjustment in RDA funding in the history of the Main Street organization. • Atascadero Main Street has taken fundraising seriously, netting more than $21,000 additional monies in FY 2006-07 and more than $46,000 in the current fiscal year to date Additional funding for Main Street is necessary to support existing operations and facilitate new program growth such as • Increased support for existing downtown events such as Hot El Camino Nrte, Colony Days and Winter Wonderland. Development of new events to drive sales into local business such as regular music activities, walking events, and art venues • Support for tourism promotion efforts, especially in the area of cultural tourism featuring information re the founding of the community, E G Lewis, etc Increased funding for Main Street was voted the most important short-range strategy by participants in the city's recent Downtown Forum program. Main Street is conducting a door-to-door survey at this time re downtown activity and development. This survey is not finished, but all responses to date have indicated the need for greater funding of the Main Street program. The Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors requests additional funding for the upcoming fiscal year in the amount of $50,000 These funds will be used to offset rising expenses, fund new special event development, enhance existing downtown events, and assist with tourism promotion. Reinstatement of the fagade improvement program At the request of Main Street, the city has re -directed fayade improvement funds into the downtown lighting project. Progress on the lighting project is appreciated. A growing number of business and property owners, however, now recognize the need for a fagade improvement program. During the last year, Atascadero Main Street has expended $3,000 to clean and re -paint the Green Goods building on El Camino Real Others are now coming forward with requests, but Main Street does not have the resources to address all of these proposed projects The Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors further recommends that any development fees levied on downtown projects be earmarked specifically for downtown improvements The Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors requests the re -instatement of the facade improvement fund in an annual amount of $50,000 This amount would be in addition to the $50,000 request to support general operations. Main Street requests it be placed in charge of administering these funds, receiving and processing applications, and documenting facade improvement work. Downtown business recruitment incentives As older buildings are refurbished and new ones are constructed, the need for aggressive retail recruitment becomes more acute The Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors, its Economic Restructuring Committee, participants in the Downtown Forum, members of the general public during public comment and all of the downtown merchants surveyed to date support the development of recruitment incentives The Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors wants to resolve the question "What incentives is the city able and willing to provide for retail recruitment?" Once that question is resolved, Main Street wishes to work with the city to assemble concrete and accountable incentives into a package for use as an economic development tool. Downtown physical improvements Many elements of physical improvement to the downtown support and enhance the city's economic development issues including increased property value, greater sales and bed tax, and tourism development. Downtown lighting — Atascadero Main Street is appreciative of efforts to improve lighting in the downtown area. The Main Street Design Committee has requested modifications to the next phase of lighting improvements, specifically to add more street lights than originally proposed. The Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors would like these changes taken into account as design of this phase of lighting improvements proceeds. Streetscape prioritization — Atascadero Main Street is appreciative of the RDA's investment in streetscape improvements In light of previous requests re enhanced funding, fagade improvement, and recruitment incentives, the Board of Directors would like to discuss the possibility of re -prioritizing expenditures, particularly in the area of the large archway sign proposed near Colony Square. The Board feels, while advantageous to the downtown, this project may not be the highest priority at this time. RDA evaluation of Main Street The Board of Directors of the Atascadero Main Street program requests the RDA evaluate the performance and effectiveness of this organization and give specific direction where changes and improvements are needed. Summary of Requests • Increase annual RDA funding for Atascadero Main Street by $50,000. • Re -instate the faVade improvement program, fund it at $50,000 annually, contract with Atascadero Main Street to administer the program. • Delineate potential business recruitment incentives, work with Main Street to assemble those incentives into a marketable package. • Incorporate Atascadero Main Street's lighting design input into the next phase of lighting improvements. • Re -prioritize expenditures for streetscape improvements to shift resources to facade and other downtown projects. Earmark downtown development fees for downtown improvement projects. • Give the Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors an evaluation of the program's performance and effectiveness and give specific direction where changes and improvements are needed. 9 17 AM Atascadero Main Street, Incorporated 04/30/08 Fundraising Report Accrual Basis July 2006 through June 2007 Jul '06 Jun 07 Income 4040 Grants/Other 11,268 90 4300 Membership Dues 2,78500 4308 Newsletters/Memos/Directories 12500 4400 Fundraising General 4405 Main Street Mayhem Income 1,280 00 4400 Fundraising General Other 7,539.90 Total 4400 Fundraising General 8,81990 4450 Contributions 22650 4551 Winter Wonderland 7 19900 4552 Hot EI Camino Nights 2 704 50 4553 Annual Dinner Revenues 3863.50 4556 Summer Concert 1 50000 4557 Farmers Market 1 492.00 4760 Sweetheart Stroll 1 93800 4772 Volvo Car Show 14000 Total Income 42,062.30 Expense 8100 Fundraising Expenses 8105 Main Street Mayhem expenses 43057 8110 Colony Days fundraising activit 9000 8100 Fundraising Expenses Other 4 960 82 Total 8100 Fundraising Expenses 5 481 39 8350 Winter Wonderland Expense 9813.26 8351 Annual dinner 366.25 8353 Wine & Wassail expense 000 8450 Hot EI Camino Nights Expense 1 64930 8740 Sweetheart Stroll Expenses 3093.28 Total Expense 20 403.48 Net Income 21,658.82 Page 1 9.18 AM Atascadero Main Street, Incorporated 04/30/08 Fundraising Report Accrual Basis July 1, 2007 through May 5, 2008 Income 4040 Grants/Other 4300 Membership Dues 4308 Newsletters/Memos/Directories 4311 Display Ads Newsletter 4312 Coupons Memos 4308 Newsletters/Memos/Directories Other Total 4308 Newsletters/Memos/Directories 4400 Fundraising General 4405 Main Street Mayhem income 4410 Colony Days 4400 Fundraising General Other Total 4400 Fundraising General 4450 Contributions 4500 Projects and Events 4551 Winter Wonderland 4552 Hot EI Camino Nights 4565 Seminars 4760 Sweetheart Stroll Total Income Expense 8100 Fundraising Expenses 8105 Main Street Mayhem expenses 8110 Colony Days fundraising activit Total 8100 Fundralsing Expenses 8350 Winter Wonderland Expense 8351 Annual dinner 8353 Wine & Wassail expense 8354 Volvo Car Show expenses 8450 Hot EI Camino Nights Expense 8740 Sweetheart Stroll Expenses Total Expense Net Income Jul 1, '07 May 5, 08 31,534.97 2,69000 3500 45500 14000 63000 16 577 00 2 661 15 2000 19,258.15 7000 12500 16 058.17 2,233 11 34000 1 16000 74 099 40 9 19740 1,26916 10 466 56 12,600 89 2,04386 531 27 21000 79095 1 41852 28 062.05 46,037.35 Page 1