HomeMy WebLinkAboutForm 460 Atascadero Shield 123108--RMpient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page (Government I. -ode Sections 644200-842,16L) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVER5E Type or print In ink. f Staternenf covers period Date of election if applicable tMonth Day sear) CIT through CI 1 Type of Recipient Committee All Comrretl.ees - ConViete Parts a, 2, 3, anJ4. ❑ Officeholder; Candidate I,ontrolled I- orntnittHe Pritmaril•;, Formed Ballot Measure ( State Candid ate Election Cornrnittee � Con-rinittee Recall (w) Controlled (Aho r."aupktafirtt6) j1=ponsured [A15a rasr}n, Cater ❑ General Purpose Commitee 0 Sponsored 0 Small ContrbutorCommlttee. (; Political Party/Central Committee 3. Committee Information OrrA IL I�44 &%.,) S'.. Q. ❑ Primarily For ined C a ndi d at e/ Officeholder Committee (A'zo Ccarp,.k. Pa -t7> I.D nl11M—BER OWAI TT,rEE) L fry+ 14 . or ♦ w C,. C�:,M AA t tt A 9— �1�NS�na�. STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O BOY.) t STATE ZIP A G fs t� a. a7 C4 41 °�:► 'ITV ST NTE ZIP CODE AREA r,.r,DE1PNC,NE OF'TIOINAL. FAX / E -MAL aDDRESS 2 Type of Statement: L4 A N 3 0 20CI OF ATASCADERO f CLERK'S OFFICE C UVER PSE Page __. r _ Ot For Official Use only ❑ PmetahionStatement ❑ Quarterly Statement ❑ Serni-annual3taternent ❑ Special Gdd-)'ear Report Termination ^daternent ❑ Supplemental Preatection (Aso file a Fnrm 410 Termination) Statement Attach Firm 49E ❑ amendment (Explain trelmv) Treasurer(s) NAME OF TREASURER PAIUNo A0,13RES5r 14"Je,to MtAIL1NG ADDRESS CITY ST,ArE ZIP CJIDE AREA CODE,RHONE OPTIONAL. FAX 1E4AAIL ADDRESS 4 Verification 1 have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to that,est of my knowledge the information crmtairled herein and in the attached schedules is true and cronplete I certify under pevaftyo£perplryunder the taws ofthe Plate off 3ltfornlsthat the foregoing and correct. , E:zeouletl on ,-ate, �{ --""""— Signatr�re Mire a r�rar nr �csi tart Treaaur?r ti Exectded On Cafe E,o.ctrted on - - ---- n ab: E,_ectded on Q ay ure Pr orrone nt nr P, �; pa rib le Of(wer �4 — 4patwe 5fCentmlling Oificeholler, Candidate. State 64!as ure Prop nerd ByPPC Fotmt 460 (Januery>Yl5) FPPC Toll -Free Helplinm usWASK-FPPC (8661275-3772) $htP. nr rniirnmiw Carv-paign Disclosure Stat emietit Swimary Page `E E INSTRUCTIC11,1S ON KF VFRSE MAME OF fILEV OT2 1vN Contributions Received 'I Monetary C oribibutions ScIn-dafe A, Lke 2 Leans Received scho'P* A, L era 3 51JBTOTAL CASH CCA,.ITRI81.rr1(.)NS Ai tines I + Z 4 Nowerietary Co ntributt oils se0o'Mk (" L6,-3 5 TOTALCOJTRIVJ'na4SRE,-r--IVED Addtiws 3 -t 4 Expenditures Made 6 Payments M arae Cc hetmk E. L 11 Loans Made :.chodak H. Lho I 8 q1 16TOTAL CASH PAN 10 aITS A0 L;,.• 6 7 0, Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bill;) schoduk F Use 3 '10 hionmonetary AdkjqITV)t &U-4vie L, Line I I I TOTAL E;(FENOITURES MADIF Ad� r #io fs 6 -P 9 + 10 Type or print In ink. Amounts may he rounflPd I .0 W11010 dallam Column A TOTALTHSM" solum 11 a r gesciar, yc-.AR 1,0UN) 04E Sla(efnerlt ,:ravers pesiad 600 Current Cash Statement '12 Beginning Crash Balance .0im-kits Slnm*onj )344e, Un.- hz 13. Cash Receipts Lit* W.me 14 Miscellaneous Increase,:>, to Cash Schtddo t, Lk)- 15 C3sh Payments�b r?) ti 4, Lire a 0 i& ENDING CASH BALANCE It this Is & lerraingko alatempi-rx" Llfiv 16 nwil to Zero --woomw '17 L0A.NG1ARANT'EE,-,T;ECEA/E0 Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Deb% Cla�t Equivilerttsgistem" tkim, op reverse $ 19. Cxasondin@ cmbts At cWtvall $ To ralrulale tokimi, B, Md amounts lri L olurrin A i ri the corre!aponoing itneninis frnm Colurnn B of your larrA report Some amounts in l3olumn Anray be negative figures that should b,,, subtracted from previous period armunts, If this k the first report heing Nod for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts LhicQ 7 arviLl (if any! "'U114\4APY FAkt 1_-_1 of �e .D NUMBER k 0S A Calends"r Year SunIrri4iryfor Candidates Rurrning In Bothhth e State Primary and General Bections I A thr" h 6M. 7i) I Date ,!IJ. r:onlrilaukons 21 Expendilures, IExpenditure Limit Stmmary for State Candidates 22. Cointriative Expenditures Mader, is stknad k" v3lunwy C-TwhktLw'* U rVj 1) Cate of Ekcdorl Totaf to Date (mVdd If y) $ teporiod in Column B. FPPC Form 460 (Januwy,95) RIK Trill -t=ree Helifte: Wfi!A5X.FFVC (866 27` S+chedull e A Monetary Contributions Received Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to sAdiole dollars S('HErDULE A ate en coveys Irerend—_--lam from —log SEE IN�TPUrCTI, Id • ON RE+ER'SE Rhrotryl9 _._`A.c.�__� `�—� !�$ Payer- of_�� — I N.aA.dE kjF FILER r, -------____-- --- _----- y .0 hlllh.1BER aIMMIUMMM t c) y a =ULLN,'ME ^TRE ET LD DRE';^ ;ND ZIr- jDF uF _ NTP(BUTjR' �, F AN INDIVIDUAL ENTER A lk)UNT CI N1UL0I1 /E TQ DATE PEP, ELECTION DATE t�TPIBIITr'R 0(-'�UPAT10P RE�EiVED tlFconm,9lTiEE,sU.3lJEpdTERI.G rn_e�1BER� ��r,DE ,. ! FND EhAPLO''ER E G14'ED THIti �.,A.LENCAft vEAP TC?DATE !lFSELFaWL0YE0,ENTER NAhAE ER IOD 'I WAN DEC 31) QF REQUIRED) Of BLIS INESS) F] IND ED OTH C.a *-pae6��3e i { ® 21 0� Z- Sv \ zt\ t.•r°+rr-+Gra �C. ❑PTY ❑ sc( ❑UONI ❑ PTY 160 160 is SC. c7 A -w E]S(-C ❑INU Q aHt to "C. �Tr0.. � �v1 c�Tn, ��-r� ca.� �y�r,,� Cc AOL. ao0 �~ tom PTY — - r-1 scc N 41?-+ tti.. DC'Om l` [:1OTH Y I.1e. 1 i� r, vt"� L 0ua VI ', 4 IND [?'Com 0 171-1 ❑ PT woo Schedule A Summary Arrn-lunt rer.etwedthls pert r.] --iterni-n--d rrlwn�'tar%, !-C'ntribUtlr-n (I nr:.1LIdA ail _n }-iedl.11e A su ?t, Itril I 2 ArnountrF-ceh,'edthl�,perind-.1.lniterl'il:'C"ijrriu.)notar',r nntrrbutit)nn,ith -,s than$111U ?> r)Hrlr ua (Acid Lines 1 and 2 Enter here .and h'n the kinif-rar-a Page +=1'-,Iur1n H Line .t I SUBTOTAL $ -jr, 6 y1 2 b13� 25�Ia� W i.. yL TOTAL "i'ontributor Code, IND -Individual r I�1ltirl_ FiarlE?18nt � OnlrTtlttaa (,other than PT'r or el'Q 0TH - nther le it lousiness entity) PT'(- Politirel Parry - in -all I .untrnbt.ltorf ummittee FPPC Form 460 (Januarptl5) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC (864,275 3772) Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) It.;h4E _FFILEF FVPe of Print ill ink. AInoIIIIis ff:ay ba retu'u!eft to whigfe rft7Uars, DATEFULL INF.h,tE ;TRCET "f,C,RE" LAIC ZIP -C,E VF MIPIF5UT -F' , 0NTRIDLI '1'OF+ rIPCQIuttAITiEE•.'d_����idrFf; I,U. fA_rdt!BP.1 CCEIVNG i GE ( 71fIC! L) OT I -I F AN IPJDI'4Cl1,14. ENTER UP9rp:,1 N.ID EMPLOYEF: fiF:ffLF•BAPLQYFI�,L-"FfiEFsllCtAl`- OFEWSINESS) D-HEDULE r i llITI SIMP-nfell ICovefs,Period _ through,_Pta M�NU DE R � 5,. Af%1'., iNT -:1_R,41_rL.TI\'ET,_Crv:TE PET(- TY'IN Ek.El',rC THY i-LERIF,, i E. R T(- C n:fE FIFF, ,I f•; 9 CE 11 OF REE WPEC t 1 L�1`IL, C p ca atn-4 aaTt . a1 ,_]KITH i% Q F'1,r 1"7o °° f C71t�•i�r c�ftta [jIT ❑ PTY ❑ ;c . �mlttuLr ❑ r ❑ rrn i [JPTY ❑IND ❑ 1:01A F] C,TH ❑ F,i. p ❑ `CC 9' ontriixtt �r C -.ides IND - Individual L:ilt!,1 -f•' :dpient (, 01'ilrllittSa Luther than PT •t or CGI { I t ITH - Other fe g. k u.;-ioess PT Y- Poliiir,rl Fart,' ,rl •-;;rvrGdlt�ontribEltorl on�n-tittei. SUBTOTAL$ Iti't 4's 1 lis ok \ -1-4 FppC Form 460 (.)armary/05) f. -PPC Tol!-free HolPtitte: 0C*,tASK-F=PPC (86605 37721, Schedule C Type or print in ink. Arnounts may herounded SCHEDULE Nonmonetary Contributions Received Statement covers period to whole dollars. from— 18 - tsk R?� • " SEEINSTRUI.TkDMSuPJREVERSE through Page of QQ NAME OFFICER - r' ---- — a� � D NUMBER, DATE 'ULL NAME STREET ADGR[aS AlJG t ONTRIBUTOR IFANINDIV'IDUAL,ENTER ,�. �.._UPA,TiOIUA,tJDEMPLOYE�, DESCRIPTI :J,r ..�F AMOUNT/ AR MARKET CUMULATIVE TG DATE ERELECTI01,1 RECEiJl D QIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR ;IF GOM fTTEE.!:LSO ENTER 1.0 NOISIER) CODE (IF NAME F BUSINESS) NAME OF BIJSINES5} �_ OOuPSOR..ERACE S VALUE CALENDAR YEAR (JAN 1 DEC31) T:;DOTE (IF REQUIRED) comT�WGW���% +'m N ;. N G-�:, 0TH WCL k rts �'\'7"3• i �1 ? �► r y PTr c� 42,-u-�a �? 3 ❑ SCC �-► _ ncon [] OTH ❑PTY SG 0 IND pC.om ❑ 0TH Cl PT' 0 SCC [3 IND p cram 0 0TH ❑P -TY [] S tY' Attach ad itionei informahor, on appro,orralefyf Jabered conflousbo i sheets. SUBTOTAL $ t UA1ti 1 ►'A"►'1. Schedule C Summary 1 AMOLInt received this period- itemized nonrnnnetary contribution, (Include all Schedule C Subtutais) $ 2. Amount received this period- unitemized nonmonet4ar,r contributir,nb of less than $100 3 Total nonmonetary contributions receivedthis period (Add Lines 1 and 2 Enter here and un the qumniard Fage Column A Lines 4 and Irl t TOTAL $ ''Contributor Godes IND—Individual C Olvt—Recipient Committee (ntherthan PTY Ur SCG) 0TH Other (e,g business entity) PTY— Political Party SCC — Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (J anuary/05) FPPCToll-Free lielpline:066/ASK.FPPC (6661175-3772) Schedule E Payments Made SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAM OF FILER r l Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars Statement covers periost - from through CODES If Orte _-f the following -cedes :CCUrNely desc..libes the payment YOU may enter the code. Othewiise dpns ribe the payment Page of l� IP NUMBER t sow 0 i CrvP campaign paraphernalia/mise. MER member communiLations RAD radio airtime and production costs r.M campaign consultants rvrrG meetings and appearances RFU returned contributions C75 contribution (explain nonmonetars`;i" OFC office expenses SAL earry7aign workers salarie> I:'vr, civic donations FET petition circulating TB- tv or cable airtime and production costs I•IL candidate filing/ballot fees PHO phone. banks TRC candidate travel lodging, and meals FN0 fundraising events PiaL oiling and survey research TPS staft/spowua travel, lodging and rneals 11V independent a cpenditure supportnlg/oppasJng rrthers (explain)" Pray postage, delivery and messenger services 161- tram ter beWeen cornmlltees at the :acne randidate;sponsor LEG regal defense FRO professional services {legal, accounting) %A'JT voter registration LIT campaign literature and mailings FRT print ads IAEB informaticln technology costs (internet, a -mail) NAME FNC} A00RES S OF PAYEE (IF COA.NOT@c,ALSO ENT ERI.p.MNIDER1 CODE ;�R �ESCPIPTIOIIIOFPAVYMENT KJvOUNTPAJG _1 C.JLo NCA 4�� S Ca-� n^ •'CT Le—* kap c-0L.7M-i Z t r Ec. ►?� (�—T , S L� Q a_ pr's, v i. t o r� 4 " 1 t i,T Cr C.0 AO--- PSA y w . � {�^r rt Q t 4 � 7CA 1/ _�.a,�a "ii t�� e�tiA`1w ✓ d.��,� �1�%t�+' IG. 1 V V 4 V t1� Payments thatare cotttribsrtians or independent expenditures roust also he sutnmatixesl on Schedule d SUBTOTAL $ 2-00 3t:he mule E aumnrtW -76 1 1tern ized pays}tints made .this period (Include all Schedule E subtotals) $ l In itemized p dl�'lants made this period of 1_uub-,ir $ I url ' Total interest paid this perioud, on loans fEnter awiount from Sche`dtile D Part 1 (-011.11Tn-1 (e).) I Tul:al pa,,`nnents lTi dr— this pNriod (Add Unr-r; .1 2 and 3 Enter hire zind on the SIurnmctly Page Column ,A tine F, } TOTAL $-6.01]�h FPPC Form 460 (January/D5) VVPL loir-FrcaHelptine tiliti,`A`stt.t NNt (t;titi,l_19=E!/!) Schedule E__ CODE OR 7ESCRIPTIONO!'PA IVIENT 'type 12 a SCHEDULE E (GUNI ) or print in hrk. __ _ ___ Statement covers perlad (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may he rounded tt�,.,,S 4"tL eQLQ,--t1 Payments Made tovdioledollars from through �" �_ Nage of 1 J SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON FE'vEFSE ___ __ �y � : � ► �,� � t A � / ,X sv NAME OF FILER _ { —� CODES It: Ones of tho followin;-1 co,los accurately descii1mis the -- payment, you may enter the cr:de r.D NUMM-R Otherkvise clescdbe the payment. CNP rarripaign paraphernalia/miss. tvtER mtmbercommunications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants tufrG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTE contribution (explain nonmonetary)" OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PEI' petition circulating TEL t.v or cable airturie and production costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees FHO phone banks TP(- candidate travel lodging, and Irieals FDILI fundraising events POL potIling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel, lodging and meals -Z,. NU ardependent expenditure supporting/opposing others (e ;plain)` POS postage delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the' same candidate/sponsor LEC legal defense PRO professional services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration 10' LIT campaign literature and mailings FRT print ads WEB information technology costs (internet, e-mail) VAWEAND ADDRESS OF PAYEE AF cnN*.grr ee.Also ENT ER 1.0 NUMDER) CODE OR 7ESCRIPTIONO!'PA IVIENT AMOLINT.PAID 12 a (LILs� tt�,.,,S 4"tL eQLQ,--t1 S3 s � ra rO" o _ '� ot 3 `� ti -ti—' ___ __ �y � : � ► �,� � t A � / ,X sv 1:T1 c, -�-�.► / t � f A CU w { 1 a� �- t✓ t.-vet.-1,�.� t're� : � I r � ��C.� \t � Pos���� r�� ► I �� 35� S S" " PaymenIs Ili at are contrihilio its or hidependent expendkures must aisit bastimarvrized oit Schedule D. SUBTOTAL $ 10 A (' " -- — T FPPC Fornt460(,January105) FPIP C To11-Free lielpAne:666/ASN-FPPG (866/275.3 772) \Q\" tai 4aV 1 �\ 101. Schedule E Type or print in ink. Statement covers t�eriaei, sCHEDULEE(�otul.) . (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded tawholertoltars. / • Payments Made ei ,,,,.� frorn_� _� through J Z." � ��' � � Nage of SEE INSTRUCTIONS uN REVERSE __- NAME OF FILM -�~— tq _ I.D NUMBER CODES If One of the hallc>u•,Iing �'vdes acrurately (IrtScribi-D-S the payment, VvLJ bray --enter the k.ode Othery-isedascriba the laym nt. r..vP carnpaign paraphernab.aimisr, M531 rft'embercrMMUnications RAD radio airtime and production costs NS campaign consultants Ivlt-G meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CTS contribution (explain nonrnonetar f)' OF'; FEF office expenses rirculaGng SAL campaign workers' salaries TEL I.v or cable airtilrie and production costs CVC civk: donations FiL candidate fili4ballot fees FHO petition phone banks TRG candidate Travel, lodging and meals mu fundraising events NO independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (expiainj` POL PCIS polling and survey research pottage delMery and messenger serv,ces TRS staff/spouse travel lodging, and meats TSF transfer between cornmittees of the same candidate/sponsor "�' LEG legal defense HT camnaian literature and mailinas PRO PRT professional services (legal, accounting) print ads EE footer ationiratlon 41+1 information technology casts (intarnet a -mail] Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also besumrrrarizerl an Schedule D _ SUBTOTAL $ 'Z tZ 59'A4 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) F PP C To it -F ree Ftelpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (86612753772) (IFC AND ADD OF PAYER) CAGE OR :JES-.,RIPTIQNOFPA'NIENT +�M�UIHT.PAID `FSS ^ ,. ei L -k S o\o3 L -s. o o A A 3"F Z rV, C1A �A 0 ? �- >N 5 4-0 k-11Cv� � rt. r� 1� �, A 4Ar^cA 1' ; Dw � � 0511-► r -t Q (a o ." 3a Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also besumrrrarizerl an Schedule D _ SUBTOTAL $ 'Z tZ 59'A4 FPPC Form 460 (January/05) F PP C To it -F ree Ftelpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (86612753772) Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments Made REVERSE OF FILE.R Type or print in kik. Arnounts inay be rounded t o whol a doliars. counts from k_— v—,zi through,L T� CODES If one of tho 1`01101",rind .(AEG aCCUrc-ltejly (irtscriben the payment, you may enter the carie Otherwise describe the r)ayrnent SCHEDULE E (WN 1.) Page of \-ZI I.D NUMEX-R CMS campaign paraphernalia/miss. MER m�mberron-rrnunications RAE, radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign consultants MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned t.ontributions CTS contribution (explain nonrnonet•ary)' OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations PS' petition circulating TEL I.v or cable airtirne and production costs FL candidate filing/ballot fees FFIO phone banks TRC candidate travel lodging, and rneals FNu fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel lodging, and meats �_ K1 independent expenditure supportingloppe sing others (explain)' FOS postage delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the"same' candidate/sponsor LEG, legal defense FRO professional services (legal accounting) VOT voter registration �'°• UT campaign literature and mailings FRT print ads VV® information technology costs (intemet, e-mail) " Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also besuminarized on Schedulel) SUBTOTA L $ '�1 — �___ FPPC Form 460 (Januaty/05) FPPC Toll -Free !Helpline: 866/ASIC •FPPC (866/275-3772) IMEANDADDRESSOFPAI'EE ,r GOMAM7TEE. ALSO E7rrER 1.0 NUMOU) CODE 9R �E.�RIPTI4NOFPAYMEPIT AM4UtIT.PAID Vo "i -,t_ r4 o b Ism IR t"L e b 'TUk A.. a >,. � � 1 Poi � � ►rb iJ C- "f L rte il, tt,.,�, '� tom, i c� u . \i �'�, a`a. " Payments that are contributions or independent expenditures must also besuminarized on Schedulel) SUBTOTA L $ '�1 — �___ FPPC Form 460 (Januaty/05) FPPC Toll -Free !Helpline: 866/ASIC •FPPC (866/275-3772) ,H Schedule E 2 ljrpe or print in ink. AMOUNTP.41D '1--L�- SCHEDULE E (GUN r. (Continuation Sheet) Amoants may be rounded Statement covers periori CALIFORNIA Payments Made torviroledotiars j� — (Ct.y Q FORM 46 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON RE'YERSE through I L4 ii 1 { d CODES- If one of thr:+ f�+llo+.�vin� des .�•ci_Irkrtaly ,:►E,scril:��a ;the Payment, You may enter tho code Cithenvi e IA IdUMEER describe the pays nt. CNP rarripaign paraphernaliafmisr M tvtER rn'emberr.onimunication RACI radio airtime and production costs campaign consultants +;Tet contribution (explain nonmonetarff tvtrG rneetings and appearances 0FC office expenses RFii SAIL returned contributions campaign workers' salaries CVC civic donations FL candidate lifing/ballot fees PEI' petition circulating FH D phone Gam's TEL TRC t.v or cable airtime and production costs candidate travel lodging and meals 1 -NV fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS staff/spouse travel lodging and rneats at independent expenditure supporting/opposing others (e .plain)* LECA legal defense POS postage, delivery and messenger services FRO TSF sem• transfer between committees of thesarrin' c�rrdidate/sponsor UT professional services (legal accounting) VOT voter registration ;- campaign literature and mailings IRT print ads Ae information technology costs (internel, e-mail) OF CO EAME E�Qoersrc-Rlo�uAniaFx} CODE OR )ES,^PlPTlONOFPAWENT AMOUNTP.41D '1--L�- LoAAS it, + .s.kQS ��, 1�l,1 L�► �� C.$�a �a �►�,� «Z ►r+ A 0 Lie- ov .- �.� ra€ 3`40 3 Payments chat are contributions or intiepen(lent expendhares: must also besinninarized on Scliedule D. ^� SUBTOTAL $ O y 3 _____ V �—•� ~� FPPC Form 460 (JaturaryRi5) FPPCToll.rree Ifelpiinet 8661ASlf•FPPC (066l2753772)