HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 112508 r'd�� , a� r ? ti979 CITY OF A TASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, November 25, 2008 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California Redevelopment Agency- 6 00 P M City Council Regular Session Immediately following the conclusion of the Redevelopment Agency meeting REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 6 00 P M REGULAR SESSION Immediately following the conclusion of the Redevelopment Agency meeting PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Pro Tem Beraud ROLL CALL Mayor Brennler Mayor Pro Tem Beraud Council Member Clay Council Member Luna Council Mayor O'Malley APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Roll Call PRESENTATIONS 1 Council Member George Luna - Recognition for 20 Years of Service 2 Fire Service Awards 3 Technology Achievement Award 4 Police Department will introduce newest member of the K-9 Program, "Aik." A. CONSENT CALENDAR. (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken DRAFT MINUTES Council meeting draft minutes are listed on the Consent Calendar for approval of the minutes Should anyone wish to request an amendment to draft minutes, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and their suggestion will be considered by the City Council If anyone desires to express their opinion concerning issues included in draft minutes, they should share their opinion during the Community Forum portion of the meeting ) 1 City Council Draft Minutes — October 14, 2008 ■ Recommendation Council approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2008 [City Clerk] 2 July 2008 Accounts Payable ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for July, 2008 [Administrative Services] 3 Campaign Ordinance Adoption -2nd Reading ■ Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of the adoption of this Ordinance will be the staff time involved in the implementation of the Ordinance and the Candidate Statement fees the City will have to cover The staff time will include processing of Declaration of Candidacy Statements, calculation of expenditure limit each election season, public noticing requirements, press releases, postings on the website and processing of additional Late Contribution Reports The Candidate Statement fees will be approximately $250 00 per candidate ■ Action. Council adopt on second reading by title only the Draft Ordinance amending the Atascadero Municipal Code by adding Chapter 19 to Title 2, adopting an ordinance to be known as "Atascadero Campaign Ordinance " [City Attorney] 4 Nuisance Abatement Ordinance Adoption - 2nd Reading ■ Fiscal Impact: The ordinance would allow the City to recover its costs in the event summary abatement is necessary to address an imminent threat to public safety The exact fiscal impact cannot be determined in advance of a particular summary abatement action ■ Recommendation. Council adopt on second reading by title only, the Draft Ordinance amending Section 9-8 107 of title 9, Chapter 8 of the Atascadero Municipal Code pertaining to summary nuisance abatement procedures [City Attorney] 5 Temporary Road Closure — Holiday Tree Lighting ■ Fiscal Impact: $190 00 in staff time for the installation of Road Closed signs ■ Recommendation. Council approve a request by Staff for a temporary road closure for the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 5th 2008 [Public Works] 6 Temporary Road Closure — Holiday Musical Walk Around the Lake ■ Fiscal Impact: $320 00 in staff time for placing barricades ■ Recommendation Council approve the temporary road closure for the annual Holiday Musical Walk Around the Lake on December 6th, 2008 [Public Works] 7 Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund ■ Fiscal Impact: $100,000 in SLESF grant funds Costs do not affect the General Fund ■ Recommendation Council designate the 2008/2009 Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) monies, in the amount of $100,000 00, to be used for frontline Police services [Police Department] COMMUNITY FORUM (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction Speakers are limited to three minutes Please state your name for the record before making your presentation The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council ) B PUBLIC HEARINGS None C MANAGEMENT REPORTS 1 Colony Park Community Center Status Report ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation. Council review Colony Park Community Center status report, receive and file [Community Services] 2 Comparison of Reports Received by Cities from their Chambers of Commerce ■ Fiscal Impact. Depends on Council direction, if any ■ Recommendation. Council receive this and file this report. [City Manager] 3 Parks and Recreation Commission -Youth Representative Appointment ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation Sub-committee recommends Council appoint Matthew O'Connell to the Parks & Recreation Commission's Youth Representative position [City Clerk] COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda ) 1 Mayor Brennler a. Mayor Brennler will present a report on his review of investigation report regarding Marty Tracey D COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing committees Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary) Mayor Brennler 1 County Mayors Round Table 2 Air Pollution Control District (APCD) 3 Finance Committee Mayor Pro Tem Beraud 1 Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 2 City/ Schools Committee Council Member Clay 1 City/ Schools Committee 2 Atascadero Youth Task Force Council Member Luna 1 Finance Committee Council Member O'Malley 1 S L O Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 2 S L O Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) 3 Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) 4 League of California Cities — Council Liaison and CITIPAC Board Member E INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION 1 City Council 2 City Clerk 3 City Treasurer 4 City Attorney 5 City Manager F ADJOURNMENT Please note Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I Victoria Randall Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the November 25 2008 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on November 18 2008 at the Atascadero City Hall 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location Signed this 18th day of November 2008 at Atascadero California Victoria Randall Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6.00 p m unless there is a Community Redevelopment Agency meeting commencing at 6.00 p m in which event the Council meeting will commence immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting Council meetings will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, and on our website www.atascadero.org An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road Contracts Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office Council meetings are video taped and audio recorded and may be reviewed by the public Copies of meeting recordings are available for a fee Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office both at (805) 470-3400 Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern If you wish to speak for against or comment in any way- 1 You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Mayor 2 Give your name and address (not required) 3 Make your statement 4 All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5 No person shall be permitted to make slanderous profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual absent or present 6 All comments limited to 3 minutes 7 No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting Digital presentations brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD is preferred Access to hook up your laptop to the City's projector can also be provided You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed and thereafter no further public comments will be heard by the Council TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item 'COMMUNITY FORUM" the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to • Please approach the lectern and be recognized • Give your name and address (not required) • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Councils attention A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council) ITEM NUMBER. A - 1 DATE. 11/25108 ...a..�,a r rr, s CITY OF A TASCADERO ��1918 r ri 179 CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, October 14, 2008 CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION 5 30 P M 1 Public Comment— Closed Session None 2 Call to Order Mayor Brennler called the meeting to order at 5 30 p m a CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Govt. Code Sec 54956 8) Property address Easement from Capistrano Avenue to Stadium Park along APN# 029-105-028 Agency Negotiator Wade McKinney, City Manager Negotiating Parties Dr Gary Renzaglia and Ms Sandy Hughes Under Negotiation Instruction to negotiator will concern price and terms of payment. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Brennler adjourned the Closed Session of the City Council at 5 55 p m to the regular meeting of the City Council CLOSED SESSION REPORT City Attorney Brian Pierik announced there were no reportable actions taken. Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 1 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A- 1 DATE 11/25/08 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION Mayor Brennler called the meeting to order at 6 00 p m and Council Member Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Luna, Clay, O'Malley, Mayor Pro Tem Beraud, and Mayor Brennler Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson, and Deputy City Clerk Susanne Anshen Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Deputy Director of Public Works Geoff English, Police Chief Jim Mulhall, Deputy Public Works Director David Athey, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. MOTION By Mayor Pro Tem Beraud and seconded by Council Member Luna to move Council Announcements and Reports to immediately after the Community Forum and move Item No C-4 to the C-1 position on the agenda Council held discussion on which items were going to be discussed from the Council Announcements and Reports and City Attorney Brian Pierik questioned if the De Anza issue was to be moved up as well as the report on Measure D-08 Mayor Pro Tem Beraud stated it was cleaner to move all of Council Announcements and Reports up to dust after Community Forum PUBLIC COMMENT David Broadwater pointed out the Brown Act allows the public to comment on the order of the agenda and stated that although he has a comment on the agenda order, he will wait to hear the Council's decision City Attorney Brian Pierik stated the paragraph read by Mr Broadwater did not refer to changing the order of the agenda, but rather that public comment is allowed on items on the agenda Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 2 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A - 1 DATE 11/25/08 Mayor Brennler called for the motion MOTION By Mayor Pro Tem Beraud and seconded by Council Member Luna to move Council Announcements and Reports to immediately after the Community Forum and move Item No C- 4 to the C-1 position on the agenda. Motion passes 5.0 on a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS Energy Conservation Presentation and Pledge Signing Natalie Schaeffer, Director of Paso Robles Children's Museum, provided the City Council with a presentation on their grant project on saving energy and handed out a flyer (Exhibit A) A. CONSENT CALENDAR. 1 City Council Draft Special Meeting Minutes —June 26, 2008 ■ Recommendation. Council approve the City Council Special Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2008 [City Clerk] 2. City Council Draft Minutes —July 8, 2008 ■ Recommendation. Council approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of July 8, 2008 [City Clerk] 3 City Council Draft Minutes —August 12, 2008 ■ Recommendation. Council approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of August 12, 2008 [City Clerk] Council Member O'Malley asked for clarification of the use of the word "consensus" in the minutes Specifically, in the August 12, 2008 minutes, where the Council directs staff to take action, but where no actual vote is taken, he is asking if the word "consensus" means majority or unanimous City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson stated after referencing three separate dictionaries, the word "consensus" is defined as "all or most", or "a majority " Ms Torgerson also said that she currently does not list in the minutes who was not in agreement. City Attorney Brian Pierik suggested that when the Council asks if they have consensus, and if there is consensus with any opposed Council Member, it should be handled with a motion for the formal record, if, however, the Mayor asks if there is consensus and no one speaks against it, you can assume it was unanimous Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 3 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A- 1 DATE 11/25/08 The City Council unanimously agreed that in the future, when there are directions provided to staff and it is not unanimous, the Council will then proceed to a formal vote MOTION By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve the Consent Calendar Motion passes 5.0 on a roll-call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM Rick Compton, Pastor, offered a prayer Joan O'Keefe spoke on her difficulty obtaining records on the Gaughn lawsuit. Lee Perkins stated "Yes on D-08" signs are being removed and destroyed David Broadwater spoke of his dismay over people making disparaging remarks about other citizens Icey Hagedorn spoke in favor of the Walmart project and wanted all candidates to state whether or not they favored Walmart coming to Atascadero Joanne Main, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, stated that someone is claiming to be selling official City maps The Chamber has dust published the official City map as part of their contract with City She also said that the Chamber will sponsor a Colony Days Mixer this Thursday at Rabobank at 5 30 p m , a Marketing Seminar on October 23, 2008, and the Empower Hour on the Solar Energy Development at Carrizo Plains on October 21, 2008 Ann Ketcherside spoke on backgrounds of the incumbents, campaign signs on City property, and asked for rules where signs are allowed She further stated that she is disturbed that the Council is discussing moving the public forum on the agenda Jim Shannon reiterated his concern about the lack of stop signs at Curbaril and Highway 101 He also requested updates on the Highways 41 and 101 interchange, the Council's request for a report on the Chamber reports, the Council's purchase of property at Highway 41 and Cemetery Road, and how much money has been spent on campaign finance reform Bruce Bivens, Vision Atascadero, Buy Local Art, suggested citizens visit their website www.visionatascadero.com to find out more about local artists He gave the Council a brochure (Exhibit B) Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 4 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A- 1 DATE. 11/25/08 Tom Comar, Yes on D-08 Committee, spoke about his concern that because the amendment to the General Plan is currently on hold, Walmart could come back with a larger store and get it approved Mr Comar also stated his group was denied permission to march in the Colony Days parade, and wanted to know if other political groups were denied Maria Hooper spoke about the City's brochure which lists the Printery as on the National Registry of Historic Places, and her concerned the building was turned over to a developer who is not going to restore it. Pam Heatherington stated she is running for City Council, and spoke on the down- turned national economy and the need for fortifying our local economy and keeping local economic resources in Atascadero Tino Santos reminded everyone to vote, expressed concern about mistrust and anger in this town, spoke in favor of Joanne Main, Chamber Director, and his concern about those removing political signs Angela Ramsey said they she enjoyed attending the Paso Robles Pioneer Day Parade and the activities after the parade in Paso Robles, and her concern over Atascadero's downtown deterioration and lack of activities and entertainment for families Mayor Brennler Closed the Public Forum. City Council and City staff answered questions posed by the pubic during Community Forum City Clerk / Assistant City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson stated the records Joan O'Keefe requested were those owned by the CJPIA, the insurance pool, which are not public documents, and the files the City does have, have been provided to Ms O'Keefe City Attorney Brian Pierik confirmed Mayor Brennler's statement that CJPIA is not an agent of the City Mayor Brennler asked Lee Perkins to provide the Police Department with any information on the destruction or theft of political signs City Clerk / Assistant City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson stated there have been several reports on political sign thefts, and many were found on the high school's baseball field As for signs on public property, the City Clerk is unaware of any on public property, however, she will investigate any reports Mayor Brennler asked City Manager Wade McKinney about the progress on Curbaril and Highway 101 stop signs, to which Mr McKinney stated Caltrans indicated there are minor modifications the City needs to make to the plans, however, staff will provide a timeline for City Council Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 5 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A - 1 DATE 11/25/08 Mayor Brennler addressed Maria Hooper's concern on the Printery Community Development Director Warren Frace stated staff is working on a report for the City Council on our legal options because the developer is not in moving to protect the building Council Member Luna stated the public has also asked about the status of the Highway 41 and 101 interchange progress Deputy Director of Public Works Geoff English stated currently there are large amounts of soil being used to compact the earth so there are no future settling problems, but will get back to the City Council on a completion date COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS Mayor Brennler asked for an update on the Colony Square project. City Manager Wade McKinney reported that Colony Square is a privately-owned project and they are in control of moving ahead City Manager Wade McKinney stated the owners are currently redesigning the theater building to make a portion one-story instead of two- story, and City staff has met with the architect. 1 Mayor Mike Brennler a De Anza Project Bridges — Mayor Brennler requests Council review of the permitting issues related to these bridges Mayor Brennler asked staff to address several issues in regard to outstanding fees not yet collected on the De Anza Bridge project. City Manager Wade McKinney, City Attorney Brian Pierik, Deputy Public Works Director Geoff English, and Community Development Director Warren Frace, answered questions of the Mayor and City Council Members and information provided in a memorandum to the City Council (Exhibit C) PUBLIC COMMENT Joan O'Keefe stated that the tracking system of Public Works was not as sophisticated as that used by the Community Development Department, and the Ohio Bridge Company provided the developer with a report, but the City did not get a copy and the City should require a copy Joan O'Keefe stated her understanding is that the bonds on this project are no longer valid Jim Shannon commented this issue is personal on the part of Mayor Brennler against Mr Gearhart. Mayor Brennler closed the Public Comment Period. Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 6 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A - 1 DATE 11/25/08 City Clerk /Assistant City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson stated the Supplemental Memo dated October 13, 2008, is on the City's website under the City Council Agenda Items and is listed above "All Staff Reports " b Ballot Measure D-08 Mayor Brennler requests Council consideration and/or action to allow Ballot Measure D-08 spokesperson to be allowed to make a 10-minute presentation at the Candidate Final Word Forum scheduled for November 1, 2008 City Manager Wade McKinney, referred to a Memorandum from City Attorney Brian Pierik dated October 10, 2008, (Exhibit D) which stated it would be inadvisable for the City Council or the City to promote a forum on a ballot measure, and answered questions of the City Council, along with the City Attorney Brian Pierik and City Clerk / Assistant City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson City Attorney Brian Pierik stated City participation in ballot measure campaigns would go against court rulings that government cannot use public funds to take sides in a campaign Mr Pierik warned that there is a risk involved in merely attempting to make the forum informational rather than one of advocacy, and the City could be opened to civil and criminal consequences for public officials and employees for misuse of public funds PUBLIC COMMENT Len Colamarino, candidate for City Council, voiced concern that the City would not be able to sponsor a forum that would not result in campaigning rather than information only Tom Comar, from Yes on D08, expressed concern over false statements and the need for the public to have clarification on the issue David Broadwater spoke about the League of California Cities' information in the memorandum provided by City Attorney Brian Pierik (Exhibit D) in that is does not discuss ballot or candidate forums and only discusses the distribution of information, and that the present City Council can vote for or against Measure D-08 and can hold a rally on City property Mark Phillips questioned whether the City could not be just as liable if it uses City funding to put on the Candidates' Forum, and citizens should have a right to discuss issues in open forums Mike Jackson suggested the City Attorney was hired by the City and we need to respect his view; and because the Oppose Walmart is a legal pact with plenty of funding, they also flew under the radar for many years supporting candidates and funding mailings Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 7 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A - 1 DATE 11/25/08 Bob Wilkins spoke on the Tribune forum and the opinion of the Tribune (newspaper article on October 12, 2008, Opinion Section) (Exhibit E), and will provide it to the City Clerk to put on the City's website and asked it be included for the public record Lee Perkins asked for respect in the room as she is hearing remarks and laughter Ms Perkins stated it is a travesty that Measure D-08 has been boycotted from the first City- sponsored forum as shutting out information on the measure denies full transparency and disclosure Jim Shannon stated it is not the job of City to educate the public on issues Tino Santos urged Measure D-08 be included in the public forums Jolene Horn expressed concerned that the City Attorney and City Clerk's opinion that this would be questionable should even need to be discussed, and we should respect their opinions The forum is for candidates and this ballot issue is taking up too much time Ted Jacobson stated his concern about the City wasting City Council time on this issue, and the City Attorney and City Clerk's advice should be followed Joanne Main, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, stated the Chamber's forum can be viewed on www.slo-span.orq.as well as on Channel 21, and the Oppose Walmart group also held a forum that will be playing on Channel 21 Ms Main stated she does not feel any Candidates' Forum would be able to skirt Measure D-08 discussion Sandy Silvera stated the City Attorney and the City Clerk's advice should be taken and a City-funded forum is not advisable and could expose the City to a lawsuit. Bruce Bivens expressed concerned why Walmart will not come out to debate this issue and feels the candidates' forum may not be the place, but does not feel it is illegal Pam Heatherington questioned City Attorney Brian Pierik to clarify the difference in having the D-08, both pros and con, at the next forum as opposed to the comments that are made, say, in the last forum that was substantially directed towards D-08 Mayor Brennler closed Public Comment Period, City Clerk / Assistant City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson stated the City's forum was different from the Chamber's forum, and the purpose was to help the public familiarize themselves with the candidates The City's forum questions were general, and the candidates were not asked specifically how they would vote on the ballot measure City Attorney Brian Pierik stated when candidates are speaking on issues, the public is receiving information with regard to that candidate's position on issues It is not unusual Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 8 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A- 1 DATE 11/25/08 for cities to sponsor forums for council candidates to present their positions on the issues Mr Pierik could not find a City in the state that had sponsored a forum on a ballot measure In response to Mr Broadwater's questions on the League paper, City Attorney Brian Pierik stated the League paper specifically answers the question on a ballot measure and whether a city can sponsor a forum under footnote No 3, the Stanson case, which states, "Governmental agency cannot spend public funds for a partisan campaign advocating the passage or defeat of a ballot measure " MOTION By Council Member O'Malley seconded by Council Member Clay to abide by the recommendations of City Attorney Brian Pierik and City Clerk / Assistant City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson not to include Ballot Measure D08 in the Candidates' Forum on November 1, 2008 Motion passes 3 2 on a roll-call vote. (Beraud and Brennler opposed.) Mayor Brennler recessed the hearing at 8 37 p.m. Mayor Brennler called the meeting back to order at 8.55 p.m. B PUBLIC HEARINGS None C MANAGEMENT REPORTS 4. Atascadero Lake Park Great Lawn Installation ■ Fiscal Impact: Approval of this recommendation will result in the expenditure of approximately $35,000 in previously allocated to the Lake Park Frontage improvement project. ■ Recommendations. Council 1 Approve an amendment to the permit for the Atascadero Veterans Memorial project to allow for landscaping modifications, and, 2 Authorize the expenditure of up to $35,000 of the previously allocated Lake Park Frontage Improvement project funds for purposes of installing the Great Lawn at Atascadero Lake Park, and, 3 Approve the reduction of approximately 22,000 square foot of low-use, non-essential lawn area at other City maintained facilities and/or lowered maintenance service levels in City Parks Community Services Director Brady Cherry gave the staff report and Community Services Director Brady Cherry and Interim Public Works Director Geoff English answered questions of the City Council Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 9 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A- 1 DATE. 11/25/08 PUBLIC COMMENT Col Bill Hatch, Veterans' Memorial Foundation, urged support for the Veterans' Memorial as it will be a tremendous addition to the City, and under the Memorial Agreement signed by the City, the City is responsible for the cost of all utilities and maintenance of trees, scrubs or lawn planted by the Foundation at the Memorial Joan O'Keefe stated the City should be sending a message about drought tolerant landscaping, this issue should have been dealt with six months ago, and this should not be an urgency issue Jim Shannon urged all Council Members to vote in favor of this as this dedication will be a day of pride for Atascadero citizens, and people will be coming to Atascadero to see the Memorial Ann Hatch, Secretary for the Veterans' Memorial, expressed appreciation to those who have invested time and money into this memorial and asked them to stand Tim Haley quoted George Washington's statement about appreciating veterans, and is concerned over the road blocks encountered to putting in this memorial Chuck Ward recounted the original conversation with Bill Hatch that set in motion the memorial project, and expressed his appreciation for all the community support for the memorial, and the City will be judged by the priority it places on this project. Karyn Sturtevant expressed support for the Veterans' Memorial for all the veterans Al Fonzi, Vice Chair of the Veterans' Memorial Foundation, stated they were first informed that there was a problem with sod last week, and would have brought this to Council six months ago had they known The community has been overwhelmingly supportive of this project. Sandy Silvera expressed her appreciation from her family of veterans and stated the memorial will draw hundreds of thousands of people to Atascadero David Broadwater said he supports the memorial, however, because there will need to be a loss of grass turf in other areas of the City, he feels it is unfortunate the public is unaware of where those lost-turf areas will be located Tommy Lorendo stated he spent 21 years in the Marine Corps and urged the Council to act to approve this lawn Icey Hagedorn expressed her support for this project as this will be a wonderful asset to this City and it needs to be a beautiful tribute Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 10 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A - 1 DATE 11/25/08 Priscilla Jane urged the Council to get it done Ann Hatch stated she received calls from people seeking hotel reservations for that date Wayne Gretter, a volunteer, purchased bricks for his sons, and has volunteered on this project as a way of service Col Bill Hatch stated the sale of the bricks will continue to help fund scholarships and improvements Mayor Brennler closed the Public Comment Period. MOTION By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to (a) Approve an amendment to the permit for the Atascadero Veterans Memorial project to allow for landscaping modifications, and, (b)Authorize the expenditure of up to $35,000 of the previously allocated Lake Park Frontage Improvement project funds for purposes of installing the Great Lawn at Atascadero Lake Park, and, (c) Approve the reduction of approximately 22,000 square foot of low-use, non-essential lawn area at other City maintained facilities and/or lowered maintenance service levels in City Parks Motion passes 5.0 on a roll-call vote. Mayor Brennler recessed the hearing at 9.50 p.m. Mayor Brennler called the meeting back to order at 10 10 p.m. C MANAGEMENT REPORTS (Continued) 1 Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board - Basin Plan Septic System Amendments ■ Fiscal Impact: If Council chooses to comment on the basin plan, there will be a commitment of staff time, however no additional funding will be required The total costs for compliance with the Basin Plan requirements are unknown at this time Total and ongoing costs will depend on the level of detail required in our Onsite Wastewater Management Plan The City does have the option to forgo regulation of septic systems in Atascadero by not signing a MOU with the Regional Board Regulation of septic systems would revert back to the Regional Board This means that this option would have to be carefully weighed vs the benefit of being able to regulate septic systems locally Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 11 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A - 1 DATE 11/25/08 ■ Recommendation. Council direct Staff to provide the State Water Board with comments on Staff's analysis of the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's Septic System Basin Plan amendments Deputy Public Works Director David Athey gave the staff report and answered the questions of the City Council, and made reference to the "Agenda for California Regional Water Resources Control Board — Central Coast Region, for November 14, 2008, for a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Scoping Meeting and Public Workshop" (Exhibit F) PUBLIC COMMENT. Glenn Horn stated his concern for the RWQCB's disregard for the rural portions of the state and that the board has only seven seats filled on a nine-member board with too much control over local issues Suzie Anderson stated the Basin Plan is based on ideology, and not science, and was adopted on May 9, 2008, without residents on septic systems being notified of the hearing The state's Basin Plan will make our property worth less Frank Henderson, a local architect for 30 years, urged Council to give David Athey authority to develop this plan and then allow us to ask questions Jolene Horn stated she was not notified of the RWQCB meeting on May 9, 2008, and up until this afternoon, this was to be heard in Sacramento on November 18, 2008 She asked when our City will hold a public-comment period Mike Jackson stated there are too many questions and to put it all on David Athey to answer is unreasonable He urged the City to push this back to get some answers first. Roberta Fonzi stated we were all caught unaware in May and still have not received the answers to our questions to this unfunded mandate from the State Ms Fonzi urged the Council to postpone the MOU and have staff research options that are available Mayor Brennler closed the Public Comment Period. Deputy Public Works Directors David Athey and Geoff English and City Manager Wade McKinney answered questions of the Council Members as to what would be included, lot size, impact to development, the need for public workshops, why basis is on lot size rather than geology, and what other cities are implementing Council Member Luna advised the City Council that the time is almost 11 00 p m and in order to continue the meeting, he would make a motion to continue Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 12 of 13 ITEM NUMBER. A- 1 DATE. 11/25/08 MOTION By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Beraud to continue the meeting past 11 00 p m to go past 11 00 p.m Motion passed 3 2 on a roll-call vote (Clay and O'Malley opposed ) MOTION By Council Member Luna seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Beraud to Council direct Staff to provide the State Water Board with comments on Staff's analysis of the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's Septic System Basin Plan amendments and include public workshops Motion passed 5.0 on a roll-call vote. MOTION By Council Member Clay seconded by Council Member O'Malley to adjourn Motion passed 3 2 on a roll-call vote. (Luna and Beraud opposed) F ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11 10 p m to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council is on October 28, 2008 MINUTES PREPARED BY Susanne Curtis Anshen, Deputy City Clerk The following exhibits are available for review in the City Clerk s office Exhibit A- Flier from the Paso Robles Children s Museum listing benchmarks and programs. Exhibit B- Flier from www visit Atascadero.com on local artists and availability of purchasing their art. Exhibit C City of Atascadero Memorandum dated October 10 2008 and provided to City Council October 13 2008 from Interim Public Works Director Geoff English on the DeAnza Estates Bridges. Exhibit D City of Atascadero Memorandum dated October 9 2008 from City Attorney Brian Pierik on Ballot Measure Advocacy and Legal Issues of City Participation in Campaign Forums Exhibit E—Copy of Tribune News Opinion article on Measure D08 October 12,2008 Exhibit F—Agenda for California Regional Water Resources Control Board—Central Coast Region for November 14 2008 for a California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)Scoping Meeting and Public Workshop. Draft CC Minutes 10/14/2008 Page 13 of 13 ITEM NUMBER A-2 DATE. 11/25/08 il Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Administrative Services Department July 2008 Accounts Payable and Payroll RECOMMENDATION Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for July 2008 DISCUSSION Attached for City Council review and approval are the following Payroll Dated 07/10/08 Checks # 25802 - 25872 $ 89,170.27 Direct Deposits 304,168 92 Dated 07/24/08 Checks # 25873 - 25934 68,756 75 Direct Deposits 294,149 40 Accounts Payable Dated 7/01/08 - 7/31/08 Checks # 116333 - 116737 & EFTs 660 - 665 2,154,679 59 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 2,910,924 93 FISCAL IMPACT Total expenditures for all funds is $ 2,910,924 93 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for ment and that funds are available for these demands. Rachelle Rickard, Directo k of Administrative Services ATTACHMENT July 2008 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 2,154,679 59 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116333 07/03/2008 A-JAY EXCAVATING INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116334 07/03/2008 AGP VIDEO Accounts Payable Check 3,26000 116335 07/03/2008 AIR RITE REFRIGERATION Accounts Payable Check 5 452 72 116336 07/03/2008 ALL ABOUT PRODUCE, INC Accounts Payable Check 40380 116337 07/03/2008 ALTHOUSE&MEADE, INC Accounts Payable Check 15000 116338 07/03/2008 AM COMPUTER BARREL RACING ASSC Accounts Payable Check 19000 116339 07/03/2008 AMERICAN MARBORG Accounts Payable Check 11411 116340 07/03/2008 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS Accounts Payable Check 23498 116341 07/03/2008 PAULA ANTON Accounts Payable Check 51005 116342 07/03/2008 API ATLAS PERFORMANCE INDUST Accounts Payable Check 20500 116343 07/03/2008 APPLIED DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS Accounts Payable Check 14 095.88 116344 07/03/2008 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 362.19 116345 07/03/2008 ARTHURS CONTRACTING, INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116346 07/03/2008 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 831 00 116347 07/03/2008 AT&T/MCI Accounts Payable Check 37277 116348 07/03/2008 ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Accounts Payable Check 23674 116349 07/03/2008 ATASCADERO DOOR COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 5,56478 116350 07/03/2008 ATASCADERO FORD Accounts Payable Check 1,75247 116351 07/03/2008 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO Accounts Payable Check 89750 116352 07/03/2008 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 319850 116353 07/03/2008 DAVID ATHEY Accounts Payable Check 74.23 116354 07/03/2008 JENNY BALSON Accounts Payable Check 1778 116355 07/03/2008 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH INC Accounts Payable Check 8504 116356 07/03/2008 BATTERY SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 257.24 116357 07/03/2008 BCS LLC Accounts Payable Check 6,30952 116358 07/03/2008 BELL'S PLUMBING REPAIR, INC Accounts Payable Check 15650 116359 07/03/2008 JOHN BLAIR Accounts Payable Check 14500 116360 07/03/2008 GAYLE BRUCE Accounts Payable Check 11400 116361 07/03/2008 VOID Accounts Payable Check 000 116362 07/03/2008 CALIFORNIA CONSERVATION CORP Accounts Payable Check 10,000 00 116363 07/03/2008 LISA CAVA Accounts Payable Check 9919 116364 07/03/2008 CHEM CLEAN Accounts Payable Check 165.33 116365 07/03/2008 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL Accounts Payable Check 6486 116366 07/03/2008 COASTAL COPY LP Accounts Payable Check 23759 116367 07/03/2008 COASTLINE EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 97875 116368 07/03/2008 DAVID COYKENDOLL Accounts Payable Check 48832 116369 07/03/2008 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, INC Accounts Payable Check 27500 116370 07/03/2008 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 17665 116371 07/03/2008 CTM GROUP INC. Accounts Payable Check 9240 116372 07/03/2008 CUSTOM DESIGN SOFTWARE, INC Accounts Payable Check 90000 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116373 07/03/2008 D-KAL ENGINEERING Accounts Payable Check 5000 116374 07/03/2008 DALZELL ENTERPRISES Accounts Payable Check 2000 116375 07/03/2008 ROBERT DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 11781 116376 07/03/2008 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 13238 116377 07/03/2008 DENNIS DERICKSON Accounts Payable Check 5000 116378 07/03/2008 BARBARA DESPAIIN Accounts Payable Check 6500 116379 07/03/2008 DOCUTEAM Accounts Payable Check 2495 116380 07/03/2008 KELLI DOWNS Accounts Payable Check 1,282.75 116381 07/03/2008 DOWNTOWN FORD SALES Accounts Payable Check 18,799 06 116382 07/03/2008 ED'S FLY MEAT INC Accounts Payable Check 4000 116383 07/03/2008 ELECTRICRAFT INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116384 07/03/2008 GEOFF ENGLISH Accounts Payable Check 17464 116385 07/03/2008 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 5 097 74 116386 07/03/2008 EWING IRRIGATION GOLF INDUSTRL Accounts Payable Check 881 59 116387 07/03/2008 FENCE FACTORY ATASCADERO Accounts Payable Check 5250 116388 07/03/2008 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 841 00 116389 07/03/2008 FISHER SCIENTIFIC Accounts Payable Check 438.20 116390 07/03/2008 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 33395 116391 07/03/2008 DEBY GARZA Accounts Payable Check 6500 116392 07/03/2008 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 1,30707 116393 07/03/2008 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 42402 116394 07/03/2008 KELLY GLEASON Accounts Payable Check 1010 116395 07/03/2008 KENNETH GLYNN Accounts Payable Check 28980 116396 07/03/2008 GOPHER STOMPERS INC Accounts Payable Check 26500 116397 07/03/2008 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116398 07/03/2008 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 59.22 116399 07/03/2008 H.D PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 12002 116400 07/03/2008 BRIAN J HAMPTON Accounts Payable Check 5700 116401 07/03/2008 HANSON AGGREGATES INC Accounts Payable Check 1010285 116402 07/03/2008 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 490.92 116403 07/03/2008 HARVEY'S HONEYHUTS Accounts Payable Check 48616 116404 07/03/2008 MEREDITH HENDRICKSON Accounts Payable Check 5202 116405 07/03/2008 STEVEN G. HINTON Accounts Payable Check 9500 116406 07/03/2008 HOBBY SHOP Accounts Payable Check 2,35149 116407 07/03/2008 CHRIS HOREJSI Accounts Payable Check 10747 116408 07/03/2008 HPS INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116409 07/03/2008 HSM ELECTRONIC PROTECTION SCVS Accounts Payable Check 43660 116410 07/03/2008 VALERIE HUMPHREY Accounts Payable Check 11918 116411 07/03/2008 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMNT Accounts Payable Check 1914 116412 07/03/2008 JOHN MADONNA CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 5000 116413 07/03/2008 K.D JANNI LANDSCAPING INC Accounts Payable Check 10 000 00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116414 07/03/2008 SEAN KAIN Accounts Payable Check 2000 116415 07/03/2008 SCOTT KAISER Accounts Payable Check 2374 116416 07/03/2008 KEYSER MARSTON ASSC INC Accounts Payable Check 10 771.25 116417 07/03/2008 LUKE KNIGHT Accounts Payable Check 171 07 116418 07/03/2008 KPRL 1230 AM Accounts Payable Check 36000 116419 07/03/2008 L.JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 5000 116420 07/03/2008 L.N CURTIS&SONS Accounts Payable Check 231.20 116421 07/03/2008 KIMBERLY LAHARGOU Accounts Payable Check 10000 116422 07/03/2008 LAMAR BROS.TIRE SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 45318 116423 07/03/2008 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO INC Accounts Payable Check 65217 116424 07/03/2008 CHRISTOPHER L. MARKS,CVCP Accounts Payable Check 3500 116425 07/03/2008 MARTINELLI LANDSCAPE CONST INC Accounts Payable Check 12500 116426 07/03/2008 RICHARD P MATHEWS Accounts Payable Check 16800 116427 07/03/2008 MATTHEW BENDER&CO INC Accounts Payable Check 1,44504 116428 07/03/2008 MEDWORKS INC Accounts Payable Check 20000 116429 07/03/2008 MICHAEL MESSER Accounts Payable Check 5000 116430 07/03/2008 CORY MEYER Accounts Payable Check 14500 116431 07/03/2008 MGE UNDERGROUND INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116432 07/03/2008 MICHAEL BRAY CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 5000 116433 07/03/2008 MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116434 07/03/2008 MID-COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC Accounts Payable Check 1,95000 116435 07/03/2008 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 340.26 116436 07/03/2008 ELLEN L. MILLER Accounts Payable Check 2000 116437 07/03/2008 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 992.23 116438 07/03/2008 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 251 11 116439 07/03/2008 JACOB H. MURCH Accounts Payable Check 15000 116440 07/03/2008 JOSEPH M. NELLESON Accounts Payable Check 9500 116441 07/03/2008 OCCUPATIONAL PHYSICIAN SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 7700 116442 07/03/2008 OFFICE DEPOT INC Accounts Payable Check 1 051 48 116443 07/03/2008 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 4650 116444 07/03/2008 PACIFIC COAST GYMNASTICS CENTE Accounts Payable Check 1750 116445 07/03/2008 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 31610 116446 07/03/2008 KATHLEEN A. PENCE Accounts Payable Check 1 87500 116447 07/03/2008 PERFORMANCE CLEANING SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 1,14000 116448 07/03/2008 FINANCE DEPARTMENT PETTY CASH Accounts Payable Check 35077 116449 07/03/2008 PLAN BAGS.COM Accounts Payable Check 11988 116450 07/03/2008 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 4,40091 116451 07/03/2008 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER, INC Accounts Payable Check 5699 116452 07/03/2008 QUILL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 91 90 116453 07/03/2008 R. BURKE CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 5000 116454 07/03/2008 RADIO SHACK CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 2893 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116455 07/03/2008 RAMINHA CONSTRUCTION INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116456 07/03/2008 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 4602 116457 07/03/2008 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 26,503 01 116458 07/03/2008 ROB DAVIS BACKHOE Accounts Payable Check 5000 116459 07/03/2008 ROCKWOOD GENERAL CONTRACTING Accounts Payable Check 5000 116460 07/03/2008 CHRISTINE RODRIGUEZ Accounts Payable Check 6500 116461 07/03/2008 ROHRER HAY&FEED SALES Accounts Payable Check 26700 116462 07/03/2008 RICH ROLSON Accounts Payable Check 35000 116463 07/03/2008 RRM DESIGN GROUP Accounts Payable Check 10 859.97 116464 07/03/2008 RX Accounts Payable Check 1689 116465 07/03/2008 SAFETY DRIVERS ED , LLC Accounts Payable Check 41 30 116466 07/03/2008 SALC INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116467 07/03/2008 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY VISITOR Accounts Payable Check 18000 116468 07/03/2008 SAN LUIS OBISPO YMCA Accounts Payable Check 17080 116469 07/03/2008 SANSONE COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 5000 116470 07/03/2008 SANTA MARGARITA CONST CORP Accounts Payable Check 5000 116471 07/03/2008 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC Accounts Payable Check 3 092 04 116472 07/03/2008 LISETTE SCHOLL Accounts Payable Check 151.20 116473 07/03/2008 SIGN OUTLET Accounts Payable Check 18233 116474 07/03/2008 LISA SILVEIRA Accounts Payable Check 4000 116475 07/03/2008 SMART AND FINAL Accounts Payable Check 9072 116476 07/03/2008 DAVID L. SMAW Accounts Payable Check 7600 116477 07/03/2008 ELIZABETH E.SMITH Accounts Payable Check 1800 116478 07/03/2008 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116479 07/03/2008 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN Accounts Payable Check 351 17 116480 07/03/2008 T.A.P S.TRUCK ACCESSORY OUTLT Accounts Payable Check 1 00708 116481 07/03/2008 CALLIE TAYLOR Accounts Payable Check 4343 116482 07/03/2008 TESCO CONTROLS, INC Accounts Payable Check 5000 116483 07/03/2008 TIME WARNER TELECOM Accounts Payable Check 87846 116484 07/03/2008 MARCIA TORGERSON Accounts Payable Check 8579 116485 07/03/2008 TRIBUNE Accounts Payable Check 662.80 116486 07/03/2008 TURF STAR, INC Accounts Payable Check 18618 116487 07/03/2008 MARY BETH UEBERSAX Accounts Payable Check 14376 116488 07/03/2008 UNION ASPHALT INC. Accounts Payable Check 1 581 98 116489 07/03/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 3,98561 116490 07/03/2008 ED GALENA&SHOLLY VON STEIN Accounts Payable Check 1,401 00 116491 07/03/2008 WHITAKER CONTRACTORS INC. Accounts Payable Check 5000 116492 07/03/2008 SUSAN M.WILLIAMS Accounts Payable Check 1778 116493 07/03/2008 WILSHIRE FOUNDATION Accounts Payable Check 1 00000 116494 07/03/2008 AMELIA K.WINSLOW Accounts Payable Check 9500 116495 07/03/2008 JEFFREY M.WINSLOW Accounts Payable Check 5700 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116496 07/03/2008 MICKI WRIGHT Accounts Payable Check 2500 116497 07/03/2008 WYSONG CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 5000 116498 07/03/2008 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 21450 116500 07/03/2008 HOME DEPOT Accounts Payable Check 3,742.23 116501 07/07/2008 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION INC. Accounts Payable Check 120,606 78 116502 07/10/2008 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 5,87300 116503 07/10/2008 ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Accounts Payable Check 28,458 00 116504 07/10/2008 AARON BROWN Accounts Payable Check 29600 116505 07/10/2008 NICHOLAS E.COUGHLIN Accounts Payable Check 29600 116506 07/10/2008 KELLYE R. DILLER Accounts Payable Check 29600 116507 07/10/2008 TERRY NEWBY Accounts Payable Check 25000 116508 07/10/2008 AFLAC Payroll Vendor Payment 4 743 94 116509 07/10/2008 BLUE CROSS OF CALIFORNIA Payroll Vendor Payment 120,384 85 116510 07/10/2008 BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA Payroll Vendor Payment 1 99470 116511 07/10/2008 DELTA DENTAL,ATTN-ACCOUNTING Payroll Vendor Payment 8 780 94 116512 07/10/2008 STANDARD INSURANCE CO Payroll Vendor Payment 1 72812 116513 07/11/2008 ATASCADERO FIRE EMPLOYEE ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 70000 116514 07/11/2008 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 4000 116515 07/11/2008 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 1,08000 116516 07/11/2008 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 14,850 38 116517 07/11/2008 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 4400 116518 07/11/2008 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Payroll Vendor Payment 2,43080 116519 07/11/2008 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 6301 116520 07/11/2008 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 107 937 19 116521 07/11/2008 SEIU LOCAL 620 Payroll Vendor Payment 91667 116522 07/11/2008 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 31 00 116523 07/11/2008 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 Payroll Vendor Payment 29962 116524 07/11/2008 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 Payroll Vendor Payment 2,599.90 116525 07/11/2008 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE, INC Accounts Payable Check 1,860.95 660 07/15/2008 RABOBANK, N.A. Payroll Vendor Payment 92,711 54 661 07/15/2008 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 25,436 03 662 07/15/2008 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 1,09743 116526 07/16/2008 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 36336 116527 07/16/2008 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 80.29 116528 07/16/2008 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 66773 116529 07/16/2008 ATASCADERO COMMUNITY Accounts Payable Check 31 13300 116530 07/16/2008 ATASCADERO TRAFFIC WAY STORAGE Accounts Payable Check 57600 116531 07/16/2008 BIOMEDICAL CLINICAL ENGINEER Accounts Payable Check 20000 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116532 07/16/2008 GUY L. BUDD Accounts Payable Check 25000 116533 07/16/2008 CA CITY MANAGEMENT FOUNDATION Accounts Payable Check 40000 116534 07/16/2008 CALIF FIRE CHIEFS ASSC Accounts Payable Check 12500 116536 07/16/2008 CALIFORNIA J P I.A. Accounts Payable Check 684,250 00 116537 07/16/2008 CALIFORNIA POLICE CHIEF'S ASSC Accounts Payable Check 35500 116538 07/16/2008 CENTRAL COAST HEALTHCARE,APMC Accounts Payable Check 35000 116539 07/16/2008 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 30000 116540 07/16/2008 CJP PRODUCTIONS Accounts Payable Check 72000 116541 07/16/2008 COLONY AUTO SERVICE, INC Accounts Payable Check 91 74 116542 07/16/2008 COPWARE Accounts Payable Check 32500 116543 07/16/2008 CPRS Accounts Payable Check 58500 116544 07/16/2008 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 370 116545 07/16/2008 CULLIGAN INDUSTRIAL WATER SYST Accounts Payable Check 7000 116546 07/16/2008 DAN BIDDLE PEST CONTROL SERVIC Accounts Payable Check 13500 116547 07/16/2008 DARRYUS LOCK AND SAFE Accounts Payable Check 804 116548 07/16/2008 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 2993 116549 07/16/2008 DOOLEY ENTERPRISES INC Accounts Payable Check 2 708 06 116550 07/16/2008 RICHARD DUTRA Accounts Payable Check 14300 116551 07/16/2008 EMS PERSONNEL FUND Accounts Payable Check 13000 116552 07/16/2008 RYAN ENFANTINO Accounts Payable Check 14300 116553 07/16/2008 GEOFF ENGLISH Accounts Payable Check 2600 116554 07/16/2008 DANIEL E. ERNST Accounts Payable Check 25000 116555 07/16/2008 TONY EVANS Accounts Payable Check 11400 116556 07/16/2008 EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Accounts Payable Check 4 195 00 116557 07/16/2008 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 14400 116558 07/16/2008 FIRE CHIEFS ASSC. OF SLO CO Accounts Payable Check 1,05000 116559 07/16/2008 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 12.54 116560 07/16/2008 WARREN FRACE Accounts Payable Check 30000 116561 07/16/2008 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 78.33 116562 07/16/2008 MIKE GIL Accounts Payable Check 5700 116563 07/16/2008 GOLDING CONCRETE SAWING Accounts Payable Check 30000 116564 07/16/2008 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS AS Accounts Payable Check 22000 116565 07/16/2008 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 1213 116566 07/16/2008 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 38472 116567 07/16/2008 RACHEL HAZELWOOD Accounts Payable Check 7900 116568 07/16/2008 STEVEN G. HINTON Accounts Payable Check 9500 116569 07/16/2008 ICMA Accounts Payable Check 1 40000 116570 07/16/2008 JIFFY LUBE/SOUND BILLING Accounts Payable Check 3845 116571 07/16/2008 STEVEN KAHN Accounts Payable Check 30000 116572 07/16/2008 JAMES R. LEWIS Accounts Payable Check 25000 116573 07/16/2008 LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION Accounts Payable Check 60000 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listinq For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116574 07/16/2008 LUBE N GO Accounts Payable Check 13814 116575 07/16/2008 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 50000 116576 07/16/2008 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 14713 116577 07/16/2008 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 4030 116578 07/16/2008 JOSEPH M. NELLESON Accounts Payable Check 13300 116579 07/16/2008 CHRISTY O'HARA Accounts Payable Check 5000 116580 07/16/2008 ROBERT M.O'SULLIVAN Accounts Payable Check 25000 116581 07/16/2008 PASO ROBLES CHILDREN'S MUSEUM Accounts Payable Check 21000 116582 07/16/2008 PASO ROBLES FORD LINCOLN MERC Accounts Payable Check 11589 116583 07/16/2008 PASO ROBLES SAFE& LOCK Accounts Payable Check 13637 116584 07/16/2008 PETE JOHNSTON CHEVROLET Accounts Payable Check 964 116585 07/16/2008 RACHELLE RICKARD Accounts Payable Check 30000 116586 07/16/2008 ROB DAVIS BACKHOE Accounts Payable Check 9,55000 116587 07/16/2008 ELTON DALE ROBERDES Accounts Payable Check 25000 116588 07/16/2008 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY HEALTH Accounts Payable Check 80300 116589 07/16/2008 SAN LUIS OBISPO YMCA Accounts Payable Check 22400 116590 07/16/2008 SANTA LUCIA SPORTSMEN ASSOCIAT Accounts Payable Check 21280 116591 07/16/2008 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC Accounts Payable Check 20.95 116592 07/16/2008 VOID Accounts Payable Check 000 116593 07/16/2008 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE&SAFETY CO Accounts Payable Check 7610 116594 07/16/2008 WON BUM SHIN Accounts Payable Check 9530 116595 07/16/2008 JOHN SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 381 50 116596 07/16/2008 SIGN OUTLET Accounts Payable Check 20485 116597 07/16/2008 SLO CO FIRE TRAINING OFFICERS Accounts Payable Check 2500 116598 07/16/2008 RYAN SMITH Accounts Payable Check 14394 116599 07/16/2008 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY Accounts Payable Check 90760 116600 07/16/2008 TRAINING INNOVATIONS INC Accounts Payable Check 57500 116601 07/16/2008 US POSTAL SERVICE/NEOPOST Accounts Payable Check 5,00000 116602 07/16/2008 TED E.WATERHOUSE Accounts Payable Check 25000 116603 07/16/2008 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 14619 116604 07/18/2008 A&T ARBORISTS Accounts Payable Check 3 891 50 116605 07/18/2008 AIRGAS WEST Accounts Payable Check 112.25 116606 07/18/2008 ALL ABOUT PRODUCE, INC Accounts Payable Check 30575 116607 07/18/2008 ALTHOUSE&MEADE, INC Accounts Payable Check 4 078 36 116608 07/18/2008 AMERICAN MARBORG Accounts Payable Check 332.91 116609 07/18/2008 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS Accounts Payable Check 13546 116610 07/18/2008 AQUAMARK POOL CARE Accounts Payable Check 45608 116611 07/18/2008 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 18783 116612 07/18/2008 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 46460 116613 07/18/2008 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 8904 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116615 07/18/2008 AT&T/MCI Accounts Payable Check 80746 116617 07/18/2008 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO Accounts Payable Check 16 134 45 116618 07/18/2008 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 67950 116619 07/18/2008 JENNY BALSON Accounts Payable Check 1778 116620 07/18/2008 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC Accounts Payable Check 8710 116621 07/18/2008 BIG R MANUFACTURING LLC Accounts Payable Check 7,10250 116622 07/18/2008 MIKE BRENNLER Accounts Payable Check 47332 116623 07/18/2008 JACK BRIDWELL Accounts Payable Check 18 425 00 116624 07/18/2008 BURKE,WILLIAMS &SORENSON LLP Accounts Payable Check 39 089 82 116625 07/18/2008 BURTON'S FIRE, INC Accounts Payable Check 1,507.30 116626 07/18/2008 CALIFORNIA CODE CHECK Accounts Payable Check 23 710 52 116627 07/18/2008 CANNON ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 6 730 30 116628 07/18/2008 CHEVRON&TEXACO BUS. CARD SVC Accounts Payable Check 5,27362 116629 07/18/2008 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL Accounts Payable Check 12000 116630 07/18/2008 KAREN CLANIN Accounts Payable Check 21000 116631 07/18/2008 CONOCOPHILLIPS Accounts Payable Check 3 148 79 116632 07/18/2008 CRAIN AUTO ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 31934 116633 07/18/2008 CREDIT BUREAU Accounts Payable Check 4000 116634 07/18/2008 CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LAB INC Accounts Payable Check 44000 116635 07/18/2008 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 8660 116636 07/18/2008 CTM GROUP INC. Accounts Payable Check 16415 116637 07/18/2008 D4 ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 17500 116638 07/18/2008 DATAPRINT CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 7662 116639 07/18/2008 DAVEY RESOURCE GROUP Accounts Payable Check 1 42000 116640 07/18/2008 SANDRA N DEAL PH.D Accounts Payable Check 32500 116641 07/18/2008 DOGGIE WALK BAGS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 26938 116642 07/18/2008 MONICA DOMINGUEZ Accounts Payable Check 1717 116643 07/18/2008 EASYLINK SERVICES CORP Accounts Payable Check 064 116644 07/18/2008 EL CAMINO CAR WASH LLC Accounts Payable Check 33.90 116645 07/18/2008 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP Accounts Payable Check 69200 116646 07/18/2008 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 14400 116647 07/18/2008 FENCE FACTORY ATASCADERO Accounts Payable Check 52.50 116648 07/18/2008 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 1 42596 116649 07/18/2008 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 16800 116650 07/18/2008 FIRST AMERICAN CORELOGIC INC Accounts Payable Check 10000 116651 07/18/2008 FLUID RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INC Accounts Payable Check 85000 116652 07/18/2008 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 5385 116653 07/18/2008 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 36098 116654 07/18/2008 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTATION Accounts Payable Check 4365 116655 07/18/2008 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES Accounts Payable Check 3,24000 116656 07/18/2008 GREAT WEST EQUIPMENT INC Accounts Payable Check 2251 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listinq For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116657 07/18/2008 TRAVIS G HANSEN Accounts Payable Check 31,729 00 116658 07/18/2008 BARRY HARDY Accounts Payable Check 14473 116659 07/18/2008 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 28348 116660 07/18/2008 HARVEY'S HONEYHUTS Accounts Payable Check 48616 116661 07/18/2008 HOME DEPOT Accounts Payable Check 2,96492 116662 07/18/2008 INGLIS PET HOTEL Accounts Payable Check 31703 116663 07/18/2008 JESPERSEN'S TIRE SERVICE, INC Accounts Payable Check 1 111.39 116664 07/18/2008 JIFFY LUBE/SOUND BILLING Accounts Payable Check 3845 116665 07/18/2008 ANN JUTRAS Accounts Payable Check 2000 116666 07/18/2008 K.D JANNI LANDSCAPING INC Accounts Payable Check 6,541 00 116667 07/18/2008 KANEY Accounts Payable Check 84.23 116668 07/18/2008 KCI ENVIRONMENTAL, INC Accounts Payable Check 2,06400 116669 07/18/2008 JERI KNOTT Accounts Payable Check 50600 116670 07/18/2008 KRITZ EXCAVATING&TRUCKING Accounts Payable Check 1,27070 116671 07/18/2008 LANDSCAPES BY STACH Accounts Payable Check 1,05000 116672 07/18/2008 LEE&ASSOCIATES RESCUE EQUIP Accounts Payable Check 8,50000 116673 07/18/2008 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO INC Accounts Payable Check 30 549.90 116674 07/18/2008 LEFT COAST T-SHIRT CO Accounts Payable Check 787.24 116675 07/18/2008 LIFE ASSIST INC. Accounts Payable Check 5364 116676 07/18/2008 LOCATE PLUS CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 35900 116677 07/18/2008 MAINLINE UTILITY CO Accounts Payable Check 1,12500 116678 07/18/2008 BECKY MAXWELL Accounts Payable Check 4307 116679 07/18/2008 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 61789 116680 07/18/2008 MCNAMARA ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 3000 116681 07/18/2008 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW Accounts Payable Check 6590 116682 07/18/2008 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 66.20 116683 07/18/2008 MATTHEW J MIRANDA Accounts Payable Check 5000 116684 07/18/2008 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 1444 116685 07/18/2008 MICHAL S MOSES Accounts Payable Check 93513 116686 07/18/2008 NCI AFFILIATES, INC Accounts Payable Check 41875 116687 07/18/2008 OFFICE DEPOT INC Accounts Payable Check 211 09 116688 07/18/2008 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 2,58866 116690 07/18/2008 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 41,295 02 116691 07/18/2008 ELLEN PERKINS Accounts Payable Check 3216 116692 07/18/2008 PERRY'S PARCEL&COURIER SVC Accounts Payable Check 15457 116693 07/18/2008 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 1,02685 116694 07/18/2008 PSOMAS Accounts Payable Check 59376 116695 07/18/2008 GRACE L. PUCCI Accounts Payable Check 31500 116696 07/18/2008 QUINN RENTAL SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 2,161.26 116697 07/18/2008 VICTORIA RANDALL Accounts Payable Check 25.20 116698 07/18/2008 RAVATT,ALBRECHT &ASSC INC Accounts Payable Check 3,89250 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 116699 07/18/2008 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 6478 116700 07/18/2008 REGIONS INTERSTATE BILLING SRV Accounts Payable Check 4,69764 116701 07/18/2008 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 101,370 02 116702 07/18/2008 STEVE ROBINSON DVM Accounts Payable Check 10 600 00 116703 07/18/2008 SAN LUIS OBISPO YMCA Accounts Payable Check 30870 116704 07/18/2008 SCHIMM'S TREE SERVICE, INC Accounts Payable Check 20000 116705 07/18/2008 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE&SAFETY CO Accounts Payable Check 13502 116706 07/18/2008 WON BUM SHIN Accounts Payable Check 9893 116707 07/18/2008 SHANNON SIMS Accounts Payable Check 2071 116708 07/18/2008 SOUTH COAST EMERGENCY VEH SVC Accounts Payable Check 5 723 64 116709 07/18/2008 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY Accounts Payable Check 12300 116710 07/18/2008 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 4,74640 116711 07/18/2008 TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER Accounts Payable Check 6514 116712 07/18/2008 CALLIE TAYLOR Accounts Payable Check 20.20 116713 07/18/2008 TESORO FLEET SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 11 08002 116714 07/18/2008 TOP SHOP UPHOLSTERY Accounts Payable Check 47718 116715 07/18/2008 MARCIA TORGERSON Accounts Payable Check 8633 116716 07/18/2008 UNION ASPHALT INC Accounts Payable Check 84985 116717 07/18/2008 UPS Accounts Payable Check 653 116718 07/18/2008 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 48606 116719 07/18/2008 NANCY E.WEBBER, PH.D Accounts Payable Check 32500 116720 07/18/2008 SUSAN M.WILLIAMS Accounts Payable Check 11 11 116721 07/18/2008 WULFING'S BACKGROUND&POLYGR Accounts Payable Check 50000 116722 07/22/2008 ADPRO Accounts Payable Check 15000 116723 07/24/2008 LUCA P BENEDETTI Accounts Payable Check 1535 116724 07/25/2008 ATASCADERO FIRE EMPLOYEE ASSN Payroll Vendor Payment 70000 116725 07/25/2008 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 4000 116726 07/25/2008 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 1,11000 116727 07/25/2008 AXA EQUITABLE Payroll Vendor Payment 481 52 116728 07/25/2008 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 13 710 38 116729 07/25/2008 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP Accounts Payable Check 12500 116730 07/25/2008 KENNEDY CLUB FITNESS Payroll Vendor Payment 4400 116731 07/25/2008 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Payroll Vendor Payment 1,70510 116732 07/25/2008 PERS LONG TERM CARE PROGRAM Payroll Vendor Payment 6301 116733 07/25/2008 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEI` Payroll Vendor Payment 98 527 33 116734 07/25/2008 SEIU LOCAL 620 Payroll Vendor Payment 96014 116735 07/25/2008 UNITED WAY OF SLO COUNTY Payroll Vendor Payment 31 00 116736 07/25/2008 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 Payroll Vendor Payment 31565 116737 07/25/2008 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 Payroll Vendor Payment 2,49747 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listinq For the Month of July 2008 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 663 07/29/2008 RABOBANK, N.A. Payroll Vendor Payment 79 777 58 664 07/29/2008 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 21,203 91 665 07/29/2008 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 1,12673 $ 2,154 679 59 ITEM NUMBER. A -3 DATE. 11/25/08 i 1918 1978 Atascadero City Council Staff Report- City Attorney's Office Campaign Ordinance Adoption — 2nd Reading ACTION If Council desires to adopt this campaign ordinance Council adopt on second reading by title only the Draft Ordinance amending the Atascadero Municipal Code by adding Chapter 19 to Title 2, adopting an ordinance to be known as "Atascadero Campaign Ordinance " DISCUSSION At the August 12, 2008 meeting of the City Council, the Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a draft campaign ordinance to include a voluntary expenditure limit and a reduction in the contribution amount which triggers late contribution reports At the September 23, 2008 meeting of the City Council, a draft Campaign Ordinance was presented to the City Council along with a staff report by the City Attorney There were questions from the Council, comments from the public and then discussion by the Council regarding the draft Campaign Ordinance Following the discussion by the City Council, the Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a Campaign Ordinance to include a $12,000 voluntary expenditure limit for City Council candidates and a reduction in the late contribution reporting requirement from the current amount of $1000 down to the amount of $250 The City Attorney has prepared the Campaign Ordinance as directed by the City Council and the ordinance is attached to this report. Also at the meeting of September 23, 2008, the City Council approved a motion directing that all FPPC Form 460s be posted on the City's website The City Council introduced the Draft Campaign Ordinance for first reading on October 28, 2008 and if adopted on second reading on November 25, 2008, the ordinance will go into effect on December 25, 2008 ITEM NUMBER. A-3 DATE 11/25/08 FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the adoption of this Ordinance will be the staff time involved in the implementation of the Ordinance and the Candidate Statement fees the City will have to cover The staff time will include processing of Declaration of Candidacy Statements, calculation of expenditure limit each election season, public noticing requirements, press releases, postings on the website and processing of additional Late Contribution Reports The Candidate Statement fees will be approximately $250 00 per candidate ALTERNATIVES 1 The City Council may not call for a second reading of the campaign ordinance 2 The City Council may not call for a second reading of the campaign ordinance and instead direct the City Attorney to revise the campaign ordinance and return that revised ordinance to the Council for a first reading at a future Council meeting ATTACHMENT Draft Campaign Ordinance DRAFT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 19 TO TITLE 2 ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS "ATASCADERO CAMPAIGN ORDINANCE" WHEREAS the City Council desires to adopt an ordinance providing for a voluntary expenditure limit on campaigns by City Council candidates, and, WHEREAS, the City Council further desires to provide incentives and benefits to encourage candidates to comply with the voluntary expenditure limit; and, WHEREAS, the City Council further desires to reduce the dollar amount requirement for late contributions from the requirement set by State law NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS SECTION ONE. Findings. The City Council hereby incorporates the foregoing recitals and finds that this ordinance will include a voluntary expenditure limit on campaigns by City Council candidates with incentives and benefits to encourage compliance with the limit, and this ordinance will reduce the dollar amount requirement for late contributions from the State law requirement. SECTION TWO Adoption. The City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby amends Title 2 of the Municipal Code by adding Chapter 19 as follows 2-19 01 Title. This chapter shall be known as the "Atascadero Campaign Ordinance" and is intended to supplement the provisions of the State Political Reform Act (California Government Code Section 81000, et. seq) The provisions of this chapter are expressly intended to be more restrictive than the provisions of State law This chapter applies only to candidates for City Council. 2-19.02 Purposes and Intent. The City Council enacts this chapter to provide benefits and incentives that encourage City Council candidates to agree to voluntarily limit campaign expenditures. 2-19.03 Voluntary Expenditure Limit. (a) Expenditures The term "expenditures" as used in this chapter shall mean the total of the expenditures by a City Council candidate and any campaign committee controlled by the candidate (b) Declaration of Candidacy Statement Each candidate for City Council office shall file, with their nomination papers, a "Declaration of Candidacy Statement" ("Declaration") which will be in a form to be determined by the City Clerk. At the time of filing his/her Declaration, the candidate shall indicate on the Declaration his/her acceptance or refection of the voluntary expenditure limit set forth herein. City Council candidates who agree to adhere to voluntary campaign expenditure limitations in accordance with this chapter, and who spend more than the voluntary campaign expenditure limitation, must notify the City Clerk pursuant to the provisions of this chapter (c) Limitation on Expenditures The voluntary campaign expenditure limit shall be twelve thousand dollars ($12,000 00) and the base was established in June 2008 as adjusted in the manner provided by this chapter The adjustment to the voluntary expenditure limit will be calculated by the City Clerk. For City Council elections conducted with the City's general municipal election, the adjustment will be made on June 1 For special municipal elections called to fill a vacant seat on the City Council, the adjustment will be made ninety days before the special election. The adjustment will be rounded off to the nearest hundred dollar figure downward if$49 99 or less or upward if$50 00 or more The adjustment will be based upon the Consumer Price Index increment as determined by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Consumers (CPI-U), Los Angeles/Riverside/Orange, CO, CA Area—all items, or successor index. (d) Within three working days of the close of the candidate filing period for City Council, the City Clerk shall notify in writing all candidates of the acceptance or refection of the voluntary expenditure limit by the other candidates. (e) A candidate who agrees to accept the voluntary expenditure limit in this article may not change that decision, except that if an opposing candidate files a statement of refection of the voluntary expenditure limit, the candidate may rescind by written notice to the City Clerk his/her acceptance of the voluntary expenditure limit within three working days of receipt of the notice from the City Clerk issued pursuant to Section 2-19 03(d) (f) Incentives and Benefits For candidates accepting the voluntary expenditure limits, the following benefits and incentives will apply- (1) The City will pay the cost of the Candidate's Statement Of Qualifications as printed in the Official Voter Information Guide. (2) The fact of a candidate's participation in the voluntary expenditure limit program will be posted by the City Clerk on the City's website and at City Hall (3) Ten working days after the close of the candidate filing period for City Council, the City Clerk will issue a press release to newspapers, radio and television stations announcing the names of the City Council candidates, if any, who have accepted the voluntary expenditure limit established by this chapter (4) Each participating candidate may use the designation "voluntary spending limit candidate" in all election and campaign materials except for the Candidate's Statement of Qualifications that is included in the voter pamphlet. (g) Should a City Council candidate agree to accept the voluntary expenditure limit in this chapter and thereafter, whether intentionally or inadvertently, fail to abide by that agreement, then the candidate upon discovering said failure shall cause written notice of such failure to be received by the City Clerk's Office within one working day and the following rules shall apply- (1) The candidate shall forthwith pay the City Clerk's estimated cost of the Candidates Statement Of Qualifications as printed in the Official Voter Information Guide (2) The candidate shall immediately discontinue use of the designation "voluntary spending limit candidate" in all election and campaign materials. (3) The City Clerk shall post a notice on the City's website and at City Hall and issue a press release stating that the candidate had agreed to the voluntary expenditure limit, but has exceeded the limit. (h) The candidate shall be responsible for monitoring his/her campaign expenditures to ensure compliance with the voluntary expenditure limit set by this chapter The City Clerk is not responsible for monitoring campaign expenditures or advising candidates who have exceeded, or are close to exceeding, the expenditure limit as that is the responsibility of the candidate 2-19.04 Reduction of dollar amount for late contribution reports. In addition to all contribution reporting requirements set forth in the California Government Code and other applicable state laws, the threshold requirement for reporting late contributions for City Council candidates shall be reduced from the State requirement, currently $1000, down to $250 (two hundred and fifty dollars), including in kind services and donations. These late contributions shall be reported on the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) late contribution form, currently referred to as the 497 Contribution Report. 2-19.05 Applicability of other laws. Nothing in this chapter shall exempt any person from applicable provisions of any other laws of this State or the City SECTION THREE. A summary of this ordinance, approved by the City Attorney, together with the ayes and noes, shall be published twice at least five days prior to its final passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Atascadero, and, before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its final passage, in the Atascadero News, a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Atascadero A copy of the full text of this ordinance shall be on file in the City Clerk's Office on and after the date following introduction and passage and shall be available to any interested member of the public INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on , and PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, State of California, on by the following roll call vote AYES NOES ABSTAIN ABSENT ATTEST CITY OF ATASCADERO Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.0 , City Clerk Mike Brennler, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM Brian Pierik, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER. A -4 DATE 11/25108 1918 1 1976 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Attorney's Office Nuisance Abatement Ordinance — 2nd Reading RECOMMENDATION Council adopt on second reading by title only, the Draft Ordinance amending Section 9- 8 107 of title 9, Chapter 8 of the Atascadero Municipal Code pertaining to summary nuisance abatement procedures. DISCUSSION The City Attorney has been requested by City Staff to review the City's codes to determine the best method for the City to recover its expenses associated with nuisance abatement when there is an imminent hazard or danger to public health and safety The attached ordinance would amend Section 19-8 107 "Abatement of nuisance" of the Atascadero Municipal Code by adding sub-section 0) to permit recovery of City's costs where the nuisance constitutes an imminent hazard or danger to public health and safety Further, the City could recover its costs for the actions taken to abate the nuisance as a lien which can be collected with the ordinary county taxes There are multiple situations currently existing in the City involving nuisance conditions on private properties that are potential hazards to the public's health, safety, and welfare Some of these nuisance conditions may require immediate action by the City to eliminate the hazard and protect the public The Atascadero Municipal Code, however, does not establish any procedure for the summary or emergency abatement of nuisance conditions that pose an imminent safety threat. The purpose of the proposed urgency ordinance (and the regular ordinance version) is to establish a summary abatement procedure and to ensure that the City can recover its costs in these types of situations In the typical nuisance case, the property owner or other responsible party abates the nuisance voluntarily upon request by City staff In situations in which the property owner does not cooperate or respond, the City must act on its own to abate the ITEM NUMBER. A -4 DATE 11/25/08 nuisance and protect the public Municipal Code section 9-8 107 currently allows the City to initiate administrative proceedings to abatement public nuisances Under these procedures, the City must first notify the property owner of the public nuisance conditions and provide the property owner with at least 30 days to abate the nuisance If the property owner does not comply with this notice, the City may schedule a nuisance abatement hearing before the City Council on at least 15 days notice Following the hearing, the City Council may order the property owner to abate the nuisance by a certain date (not less than 30 days) If the property owner again fails to comply, the City may abate the nuisance itself and impose a special assessment on the property in the amount of the abatement costs This is a standard procedure for most nuisance conditions However, in situations in which a public nuisance represents an imminent threat to the public's health and safety, it may not be feasible or prudent to go through this process and wait until after the City Council's deadline for nuisance abatement expires Rather, the City may need to take immediate action and abate the nuisance itself The Municipal Code does not currently establish a procedure for such circumstances Therefore, the proposed ordinance adds a subsection Q) to Municipal Code section 9-8107, which establishes a summary abatement procedure and authorizes the City to collect its reasonable abatement costs as an assessment against the property The proposed ordinance also contains a minor amendment to the current cost recovery procedures set forth in subsections (e) through (i) of Section 9-8 107 to ensure consistency with state law Under the current cost recovery procedures, the City's Enforcement Officer must provide the property owner with notice of a City Council hearing to consider the proposed assessment. At the hearing, the City Council can modify or revise the proposed assessment, but the Municipal Code does not require any further notice of the assessment. Government Code section 38773 5 authorizes the collection of abatement costs as an assessment, but requires cities to give notice at the time of imposing the assessment. The ordinance would amend subsection (f) to include a requirement that the City Manager provide written notice of the final assessment following confirmation by the City Council As noted above, the City is currently monitoring multiple situations involving nuisance conditions that may require immediate abatement by the City The City Council introduced this ordinance for first reading on October 28, 2008 and if adopted on second reading on November 25, 2008, will go into effect on December 25, 2008 FISCAL IMPACT The ordinance would allow the City to recover its costs in the event summary abatement is necessary to address an imminent threat to public safety The exact fiscal impact cannot be determined in advance of a particular summary abatement action ITEM NUMBER. A -4 DATE 11/25/08 ALTERNATIVES 1 Council can decide not to have a second reading of the ordinance 2 Council can decide not to have a second reading of the ordinance and instead direct the City Attorney to revise the ordinance and return the revised ordinance to the Council for consideration at a future Council meeting If the Council chooses this alternative, then the Council should also direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to repeal the urgency ordinance on summary abatement procedure adopted by the Council at its meeting on October 28, 2008 ATTACHMENTS Draft Ordinance Pertaining to Summary Abatement Procedures DRAFT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 9-8.107 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 8 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO RECOVERY OF NUISANCE ABATEMENT COSTS AND SUMMARY NUISANCE ABATEMENT WHEREAS, California Government Code section 38771 authorizes a city council to declare by ordinance what constitutes a nuisance, and WHEREAS, California Government Code section 38773 permits a city council to authorize the summary abatement of any nuisance at the expense of the persons creating, causing, committing, or maintaining it and to make the expense of abatement of nuisances a lien against the property on which it is maintained and a personal obligation against the property owner, in accordance with Government Code sections 38773 1 or 3 8773 5, and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero Municipal Code does not currently provide a procedure for summary abatement of nuisances and the recovery of costs associated with summary abatement; and, WHEREAS, Government Code section 38773 1 permits cities to establish by ordinance a procedure to collect abatement and related administrative costs by a nuisance abatement lien, which is recorded in the county recorder's office and has the same force, effect, and priority of a judgment lien, and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero Municipal Code does not currently provide for a procedure as allowed by Government Code section 38773 1, and WHEREAS, the addition of procedure pursuant to Government Code section 38773 1 and a summary abatement procedure would provide the City with greater flexibility in responding to nuisance conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS SECTION ONE. Findings The City Council hereby incorporates the foregoing recitals and findings. SECTION TWO Adoption. The City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby amends Section 9-8 107 of Title 9, Chapter 8 of the Municipal Code as follows 9-8.107 Abatement of nuisance. The Enforcement Officer may initiate proceedings to abate nuisances (see Section 9- 8 106) as follows (a) First Notice of Nuisance Upon the determination by the Enforcement Officer that a nuisance exists, a Notice of Nuisance shall be prepared with copies thereof to be served either personally or by mail, postage prepaid, certified, return receipt requested, to the owner of said affected premises as shown on the last equalized assessment role, or the tenant. If no address can be found or is known to the Enforcement Officer, then the notice shall be mailed to such person at the address of the premises affected by the proceedings. The failure of any person to receive the notice does not affect the validity of any proceedings taken hereunder A copy of the Notice of Nuisance shall be prominently and conspicuously placed upon the premises affected by the nuisance proceedings. Where the Enforcement Officer has determined that the condition causing the nuisance is imminently dangerous to human life or limb, or to public health or safety the Enforcement Officer may include in the first notice an order that the property, building or structure affected be vacated pending correction or abatement of the conditions causing the nuisance (1) Content of First Notice of Nuisance (i) A legal description and street address, assessor's parcel number, or other description sufficient to identify the premises affected. (ii) A description of the condition causing the nuisance Where the Enforcement Officer has determined that the condition causing the nuisance can be corrected or abated by repair or corrective action, the notice shall state the repairs or corrective actions that will be required and the time limit within which the nuisance must be corrected. (iii) An order to complete abatement of the nuisance within thirty (30) days (iv) A statement that if the nuisance is not corrected as specified, a hearing will be held before the Atascadero City Council to consider whether to order abatement of the nuisance and levy a special assessment, which may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as is provided for the collection of ordinary taxes pursuant to Section 25845 of the Government Code Special assessments shall be subject to the same penalties, interest and procedures of foreclosure and sale in the case of delinquency as is provided for ordinary taxes. (b) Notice of Nuisance Abatement. If, upon the expiration of the period specified in the First Notice of Nuisance, action to abate the nuisance has not been commenced, or, if it has been commenced, it has not been pursued with due diligence nor completed within the time specified, the Enforcement Officer shall prepare a Notice of Nuisance Abatement and serve such notice The hearing shall be scheduled before the City Council at a stated time and place not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (3 0) days after service of the notice to show cause why stated conditions should not be found to be a nuisance and why the nuisance should not be abated by the Enforcement Officer (1) Content of Abatement Notice The Notice of Nuisance Abatement shall contain the following: (i) The information specified in Section 9-8 104(d)(1) and (3) (ii) The information specified in subdivisions (1) (i), (iii), and (iv) of subsection (a) of this section. (c) Abatement Action. A decision to abate a nuisance shall be reached through a hearing (Section 9-8 104) Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the Council may terminate the abatement proceedings or it may order the owner or other affected person to abate the nuisance prescribing a reasonable time (not less than thirty (30) days) for completion of abatement. The order may further provide that, in the event abatement is not commenced, conducted and completed in accordance with the terms set by the City Council, the Enforcement Officer is empowered and authorized to abate the nuisance. The order of the City Council shall be served by mail, postage prepaid, certified, return receipt requested to the owner of said affected premises as shown on the last equalized assessment roll. The time limits set by the City Council are to begin upon service of the notice (d) Abatement Penalties and Costs. Upon expiration of the time limits established as set forth in subsection (c) of this section, the Enforcement Officer shall acquire jurisdiction to abate the nuisance and carry out the following as appropriate (1) Disposal of Materials Any materials in or constituting any nuisance abated by the Enforcement Officer may be disposed of or, if directed by the Council, sold in the same manner as surplus City personal property is sold. (e) Account of Costs and Receipts and Notice of Assessment. The Enforcement Officer will keep an itemized account of the costs of enforcing the provisions of this title and of the proceeds of the sale of any materials connected therewith. Upon completion of abatement, the Enforcement Officer shall prepare a notice to be served by mail, postage prepaid, certified, return receipt requested, to the owner as shown on the last equalized assessment roll specifying. (1) The work done (2) An itemized account of the costs and receipts of performing the work. (3) An address, legal description, or other description sufficient to identify the premises. (4) The amount of the assessment proposed to be levied against the premises, or the amount to be refunded, if any, due to excess proceeds over expenses. (5) The time and place where the Enforcement Officer will submit the account to the Council for confirmation. The time and place specified shall be not less than fifteen(15) days after service of the notice (6) A statement that the Council will hear and consider objections and protests to said account and proposed assessment or refund. (f) Hearing on Account and Proposed Lien. At the time and place fixed in the notice, the Council will hear and consider the account and proposed assessment, together with objections and protests thereto (Section 9-8 104) At the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council may make such modifications and revisions of the proposed account and lien as it deems dust and may order the account and proposed lien confirmed or denied, in whole or in part, or as modified and revised. The determination of the City Council as to all matters contained therein is final and conclusive The city manager must give notice of the City Council's decision on the assessment of the costs of abatement by certified mail to the property owner and to any responsible person. (g) Notice of Lien. Upon confirmation of an assessment by the Council, the Enforcement Officer is to prepare and have recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County a notice of lien. The notice is to contain. (1) A legal description, address and/or other description sufficient to identify the premises. (2) A description of the proceeding under which the special assessment was made, including the order of the Council confirming the assessment. (3) The amount of the assessment. (4) A claim of lien upon the described premises. (h) Lien. Upon the recordation of a notice of lien, the amount claimed shall constitute a lien upon the described premises, pursuant to Section 25845 of the Government Code Such lien is to be at a parity with the liens of state and county taxes. (i) Collection with Ordinary Taxes. After recordation, the Notice of Lien is to be delivered to the County Auditor, who will enter the amount of the lien on the assessment roll as a special assessment. Thereafter, the amount set forth is to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary county taxes and is subject to the same penalties and interest and to the same procedures for foreclosure and sale in case of delinquency, as is provided for ordinary county taxes, all laws applicable to the levy, collection and enforcement of County taxes are made applicable to such assessment. 0) Summary Abatement Procedure. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, whenever the Enforcement Officer determines that a public nuisance exists within the city and that nuisance constitutes an imminent hazard or danger to public health or safety the Enforcement Officer, without observing the provisions of this chapter with regard to abatement procedures, may take the following steps to abate the nuisance (1) give the property owner written notice by U S mail and, if reasonable under the circumstances, serve personal notice upon the property owner, of the public nuisance, the City s proposed timing and method of the abatement, and the City's intent to collect the abatement costs as lien against the property subject to collection as property taxes, (2) following notice to the property owner take all necessary and reasonable steps to cause the abatement of such nuisance in such manner as the Enforcement Officer determines is reasonably required, (3) promptly report any such emergency abatement action to the City Council, and (4) cause to be maintained an itemized account of the costs incurred by the city in abating the imminently dangerous condition. Such costs may be recovered by the city in the same manner that abatement costs are recovered pursuant to subsections (e) through(i) of this section. SECTION THREE. Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional without regard to whether any portion of the ordinance would be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION FOUR. A summary of this ordinance, approved by the City Attorney, together with the ayes and noes, must be published twice at least five (5) days prior to its final passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Atascadero, and, before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its final passage, in the Atascadero News A copy of the full text of this ordinance must be on file in the City Clerk's Office on and after the date following introduction and passage and must be available to any interested member of the public INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on , and PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, State of California, on by the following roll call vote AYES NOES ABSTAIN ABSENT ATTEST CITY OF ATASCADERO Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.0 Mike Brennler Mayor City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM Brian Pierik, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER. A-5 DATE. 11/25/08 ieia 1979 Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Public Works Department Temporary Road Closure - Holiday Tree Lighting RECOMMENDATION Council approve a request by Staff for a road closure for the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 5th, 2008 DISCUSSION City Staff is requesting the closure of Palma Avenue from East Mall to West Mall from 5 00 p m to 9 00 p m as indicated on the attached map FISCAL IMPACT $190 00 in staff time for the installation of Road Closed signs ATTACHMENTS Road Closure Map ITEM NUMBER. A-6 DATE. 11/25/08 ii t u, d `W. A F Fyty rth I� 4b. Road Closure Request December 5t", 2008 5 OOp m - 9 00 p m Holiday Tree Lighting Department of Community Services ITEM NUMBER. A-6 DATE. 11-25-08 -Bill 01■ R 1916 1978 \ cm Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Public Works Department Temporary Road Closure - Holiday Musical Walk Around the Lake RECOMMENDATION Council approve the temporary road closure for the annual Holiday Musical Walk Around the Lake on December 6th, 2008 DISCUSSION On Saturday, December 6, 2008, City staff is proposing the closure of Marchant Avenue (from Pismo Street to Santa Rosa Road) and Lakeview drive (from Santa Rosa to Portola Road) from 5 00 p m until 11 00 p m to conduct the annual "Holiday Musical Walk Around the Lake " The annual Holiday Musical Walk Around the Lake includes performers in the Lake Pavilion, activities in the park, as well as festivities at various residences and locations around the Atascadero Lake The event will be sponsored and conducted by the Lake Neighbors Association and coordinated, in part, by the City of Atascadero's Community Services and Public Works Departments FISCAL IMPACT $320 00 in staff time for placing barricades ATTACHMENTS Road Closure Map ITEM NUMBER. A-6 DATE. 11-25-08 HOLIDAY MUSICAL WALK AROUND THE LAKE c�PAV Santa Rosa Road L l r. .3e E A w.,f.At 'O C C G ITEM NUMBER. A-7 DATE. 11/25/08 XM ia�e ATASCAnE�1 j Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Police Department Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund RECOMMENDATION Council designate the 2008/2009 Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) monies, in the amount of$100,000 00, to be used for frontline Police services DISCUSSION The State of California has awarded the City of Atascadero $100,000 in SLESF funds for 2008/2009 These funds are awarded annually for each city and are intended to fund frontline municipal police services Staff has identified opportunities in which the grant proceeds may be used including, but not limited to, traffic enforcement, emergency medical supplies, emergency response, surveillance, firearms, less lethal weaponry, and cadet salaries The Government Code requires cities to appropriate and approve the use of the funds by the City Council in the month of September This process was delayed this year for all entities due to the belated adoption of the State budget. FISCAL IMPACT $100,000 in SLESF grant funds. Costs do not affect the General Fund ALTERNATIVE Decline the use of SLESF grant funds Not recommended due to significant benefit gained from use of the funds ITEM NUMBER. C -1 DATE. 11/25/08 1918 ■ IMS Atascadero City Council Staff Report— Community Services Department Colony Park Community Center Status Report RECOMMENDATION Council review Colony Park Community Center status report, receive and file DISCUSSION Backqround The Colony Park Community Center (CPCC) opened in December 2007 The facility has now been open for eleven months Staff would like to report on the Center's program of activities and the public's use of the facility to date Programming. One of the most important elements of the new Community Center is the level of service for programs and activities Many of the City's programs formerly located at the Pavilion have moved over to the new building, and many new activities have been added Fees paid to the School District for use of their facilities have been greatly reduced The CPCC hours of operation when school is in session are Monday through Friday, 3 OOpm to 8 OOpm, Saturday 11 OOam to 9 OOpm, and Sunday 1 OOpm to 5 OOpm The Cafe, operated by the concessionaire, is open Monday — Friday 8 OOam to 8 OOpm and Saturday 11 OOam to 9 OOpm The Cafe is closed on Sundays The Community Center hours are adjusted for holidays and when school is not in session The Teen Center is a major component of the Community Center This area includes the game room, which is open on a drop-in basis Some of the activities include video games, ping pong, pool table, air hockey, foosball, movies, TV, etc The area is adjacent to the Cafe, which is off to a good start with LeBoeuf's BBQ, our new concessionaire The Teen Center area will serve kids from the 7th through the 12th grades Through August, there were 692 teens that became members of the Teen Center, and the kids made 5,674 visits to the Teen Center since it opened This does not include kids who visit the gym, for drop-in basketball, for example Teen Center memberships have brought in $6,788 to date No teen is turned away due to inability to pay for a card The Teen Center tends to average between 20-30 children ITEM NUMBER. C - 1 DATE 11/25/08 per day, with over 90 teens on the single highest day Male members outnumber female by a ratio of 66% to 34% The supervised Homework Lab re-opened on September 5t", 2008, and is available from 3 00-5 OOpm, for kids who would like help with their homework. The Lab is a quiet space that is free to kids of all ages Twelve (12) laptop computers are available that are connected to a printer The CPCC is open later in the evening for special events and activities such as teen dances or concerts, which occur on a periodic basis The CPCC houses many other activities such as youth and adult sports The facility offers adult leagues as well as drop-in activities These activities have generated over 300 unduplicated participants since opening Additionally, the Center is home to "Start Smart", a developmental sports program for preschoolers 3-5 years old Another area of programming includes special interest classes Some of these classes include yoga, tai chi, karate, dance, gymnastics, art, language, sports, piano and more Over 1,000 individuals have enrolled in classes and similar activities at the Center since December These classes are conducted on a contract basis, the gross revenue is split with the independent contract instructors The CPCC is available for rental activities, and has generated over $8,304 to date Previous rentals have included North County Christian home basketball games, the Youth Task Force, dances, concerts, library events and various meetings No alcohol is allowed in the facility LeBoeuf's Cafe is available to cater events at the facility Under the direction of Recreation Supervisor Jennifer Fanning, the facility part-time staff supervises the front counter and game room and is responsible for general facility welfare Other staff and contract instructors are assigned based upon the scheduling of new or existing programming for the facility, and they supplement the Supervisor/Center Director and part-time staff Sandy Scott, of Public Works, oversees the facility maintenance He is doing an excellent job caring for the facility Facility Policies, Procedures and Standards of Operation. Staff has implemented specific facility use policies and standards of operations Thus far, these policies have served the City well in daily operations Annual costs of operating the Colony Park Community Center are approximately $400,000 The Colony Park Community Center operations are currently under budget. Moreover, the facility is meeting the community's long-standing need to have for a special place for teens and recreational facilities for the larger community FISCAL IMPACT None ITEM NUMBER. C -2 DATE. 11/25/08 ism Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Manager's Office Comparison of Reports Received by other Cities from Their Chambers of Commerce RECOMMENDATION Council receive and file this report. DISCUSSION A majority of the Council directed staff, at their September 23, 2008 meeting, to retrieve samples of reports received by other cities from their Chambers of Commerce, for comparison to the reports the City of Atascadero receives from the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Staff found that the seven incorporated cities within San Luis Obispo County have a variety of agreements with their Chambers of Commerce For example, the City of Arroyo Grande does not fund their Chamber, do not have an agreement with them, and do not receive any reports The remaining cities fund their Chambers (ranging from $40,000 to $146,515) and each city has different requirements concerning reports A table is attached to this report, detailing this information on the cities of San Luis Obispo County Also, each city's agreements and a sample report are included with this report. Atascadero has an agreement with the Chamber that requires the Chamber to furnish a semi-annual report of its promotional activities to the City, including the activities to be scheduled for the next six succeeding months and a review of the activities accomplished during the preceding six months These reports are also to include a detailed breakdown of all amounts expended and expected to be expended by the Chamber for these activities Staff receives the Chamber reports and forwards them to the City Council for review If the City Council is ever dissatisfied with the Chamber semi-annual reports, they are always welcome to ask staff to contact the Chamber to seek clarification on items listed in their reports ITEM NUMBER. C -2 DATE 11/25/08 FISCAL IMPACT Depends on Council direction, if any ATTACHMENT SLO County Cities — Chambers of Commerce Survey (2008) — including written agreements and sample reports N .fl O N O ..d N 9 '-3 N t0O N to 5 N G ✓v r N U "� O c4 '� O N ¢ N = co m to O p ? E N O .O✓ O .0 O ` � to `t a7 N O O O O Y. QO N 46ONtA -v � O �• 'O tm3; CO U m m a a� N co N o C C�0 Off', U r G N r- 0 N. oo ° ° co N 7, NCS � � v o N U d _ ns coa ci o c .o '0400� to o -a �• N N Nro � L�N 4) o j o° o a° n a� .01 ¢- o. ocu ° ' O ° mo o IS s -p yN 'E d N N •v � � � � � N N 'Od,� C =D 10) C0r- p r ... tC V 2 `°L �° •7 1 ca cit O o E ' N y N 00 UN O c o °' >' y ° _ O sl. N — y- •� Y C6 Cb `' N O1 o r- -vi ° to N LO .d O N ✓° O .0, cC 4 0 � 0 � U � o m d3N aoz <- .. N c m o �? c9 0 •� �" �., CO c� atcaZ - O oooZ cc U � ZsU. � � ` o o ° 09 m � � o � aE u' o- °" o N co (�} Z F-' N Nc �p °t ' ° -a M T O coN O • • • • m .O Q N • • CD co 0 0 O E c06 O U 7 o to O co C7 g o. CI- L. Q. A c cc 4- 0 M c cu � N N > U � U O O .r O > N E C O cc a) CL c Cl) a) cm E Q E O U c Z L (D O V > 0 E ep 0 -0a Q a M c c c c i a) O c O y G0 m O O 0 +� O- N Q- O N C N ( U o� � ° 4 cc ` �n �T Y` coa rn c a � o` V- aaD (Daa 0 'a 'O 0 a� ° - o mm .�aa0 Y w a) -a E o > c ca "- 0 3 cu ° *= c n "r 0 m a cc E _ N o SUN E i a� C 0 co o 0 � � a� Q co a) w E 0 E 0 cc EES a� m '0aEo0 > o N 0 3 cc 0 to 0 = 0.L Q. a) U '0 cn N N 7 >, Q" (D O -W Cc y L U) a) >, O 4-- (D N .. 'a O O Q..> c c .- M 0 0 co c a 5 a) U O j 0 d Q > a c o X cc E cn > E r- 4- cL) XO a)c `6 `�- > fc `�- 7 0 L O O O a c _ fc a) a) E in .� y, p• L �+ Z' O O �,C O cc t 4-- 01— p Lcccc � � cc a0 c�a � _ EEEEEa � `E 16 rn O L E E c C- WWZZW — o m2 O O ca O 0 Z fA U (����yyy 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 9 z _ Contract No 9202 ' AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY PROMOTION SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, effective August 11 , 1992, is entered into by and between the City of Atascadero, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City" ) , and the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Chamber" ) WITNESSETH WHEREAS, City desires to promote its advantages as a business, retail, commercial, recreational, and residential center, disseminating information relative, thereto, and properly follow up and give consideration to inquiries made from time to time relative to the various activities of City and its possibilities; and WHEREAS, City desires Chamber to perform certain promotional and other services for City, which City believes will be of great advantage and benefit to City, and to the citizens, residents, property owners, and taxpayers thereof, and will promote the general welfare and WHEREAS, Chamber is organized for such promotional activities on behalf of City, and is in a position to accomplish such aims and purposes of City in an efficient and economical manner, and WHEREAS, Section 37110 of the Government Code of the State of California authorizes the expenditure of public funds by a municipal corporation for advertising or publicity as therein and herein provided, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and covenants and promises hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows 1 That the foregoing recitals are true and correct and constitute statements of fact herein 2 Chamber shall carry on promotional activities as follows a Maintain a public office to be identified by suitable sign that will be readily identifiable by members of the public, and provide information to visitors, tourists, businesses, commercial interests, professional people, and residents A staff member or members of Chamber will be available daily during regular office hours, Monday through Friday If additional office hours are required, City agrees to 1 pay separately for those hours, and for the reasonable cost for such hours. b. Employ competent personnel to carry on promotional activities herein enumerated C. Answer promptly all correspondence relative to the business, industrial, residential, educational, cultural, and recreational advantages and opportunities in City, and disseminate information by correspondence, newspaper publicity, and personal contacts, favorably advertising such advantages and opportunities. d. Prepare articles and news stories, compile data, gather and assemble news items, photographs, literature, and demographic and historical articles descriptive of City' s resources, and develop proper surveys whereby outside interests and individuals may be induced to locate in City, pursuant to City's General Plan or specific Council direction. e. Supply maps and promotional literature about City and maintain files on economic conditions, commercial and industrial sites, tourist information, and general business information about the community. Chamber will be responsible for updating published information included in Chamber literature, although City agrees to cooperate with Chamber in sharing information These materials will be available to visitors, tourists, and potential commercial interest who are seeking information. f. Aid in promoting the development and use of unoccupied and vacant commercial and/or industrial properties. g. Interview business and industrial executives with the view of urging the establishment of their business activities in City, pursuant to City's General Plan or specific Council direction h Promote and invite trade and business meetings, celebrations, and conferences whereby outside interests and individuals may become acquainted with the advantages and opportunities in City i. Carry on such other duties as may be requested by City to promote the business, industrial, and residential development of City. 3 Chamber shall furnish semi-annual reports of its promotional activities to City, which shall consist of the activities scheduled for the next six succeeding months and a review of the activities accomplished during the preceding six months Said reports shall include a detailed breakdown of all 2 b. Employ competent personnel to carry :on promotional activities herein enumerated. C. Answer promptly all correspondence relative to the business, industrial, residential, educational, cultural, and recreational advantages and opportunities in City, ,and disseminate information by correspondence, newspaper publicity, and personal contacts, favorably advertising such advantages and opportunities d Prepare articles and news stories, compile data, gather and assemble news items, photographs, literature, and demographic and historical articles descriptive of City' s resources, and develop proper surveys whereby outside interests and individuals may be induced to locate in City, pursuant to City's General Plan or specific Council direction. e. Supply maps and promotional literature about City and maintain files on economic conditions, commercial and industrial sites, tourist information, and general business information about the community. Chamber will be responsible for updating published information included in Chamber literature, although City agrees to cooperate with Chamber in sharing information. These materials will be available to visitors, tourists, and potential commercial interest who are seeking information. . f Aid in promoting the development and use of unoccupied and vacant commercial and/or industrial properties. g Interview business and industrial executives with the view of urging the establishment of their business activities in City, pursuant to City's General Plan or specific Council direction h Promote and invite trade and business meetings, celebrations, and conferences whereby outside interests and individuals may become acquainted with the advantages and opportunities in City i. Carry on such other duties as may be requested by City to promote the business, industrial, and residential development of City. 3 Chamber shall furnish semi-annual reports of its promotional activities to City, which shall consist of the activities scheduled for the next six succeeding months and a review of the activities accomplished during the preceding six months Said reports shall include a detailed breakdown of all amounts expended and expected to be expended by Chamber for Baidj � �U► ,�lJ activities yt, � P Aar- e� ,)Jett .4 4 Chamber will submit to City a budget request and program for each fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) in the manner, at the time, and in the form requested by the City Manager The amount of the budget request shall be based upon a formula approved by the City Council, attached to this agreement as Exhibit A, and as may be amended by Resolution of the Council from time to time. The amount shall be allocated as follows one-half shall be paid in advance in July (or immediately after the City's annual budget is adopted, whichever is later) and the balance due in January of the same fiscal year. 5 This Agreement shall become effective on the date of execution hereof by both parties, and shall continue in effect until June 30, 1993; provided, however, that this Agreement shall be automatically renewed each year hereafter, for periods of one year, commencing July 1 through June 30 of the succeeding year, by action of the City Council budgeting funds as provided in Paragraph 4 hereof, and Chamber' s acceptance thereof of said budget allocation 6 City reserves the right to award separate bids for more specific advertising and promotional projects approved by the City Council during the term of this Agreement 7 In the event, in the opinion of the majority of the City Council, Chamber is not functioning effectively, then City may give Chamber notice of this fact, specifying in detail the alleged default or defaults, and Chamber must forthwith correct said default or defaults, or the provisions in this Agreement for financial sponsorship of Chamber may be terminated by action of the majority of the City Council 8 This agreement may be amended or modified only by written agreement signed by both parties, with the exception of the procedure outlined in Paragraph 4 Failure on the part of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the right to compel enforcement of such provision or provisions 9 It is understood that the contractual relationship of Chamber to City is that of independent contractor IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate on the date indicated below Dated 1992 3 ATASC'-ADERO CHAMBEOF COMMERCE 'Aft, cl .1 t,-- P e.s'dent Secretary CITY OF ATASCADERO ROBERT P NIMMO, Mayor ATTEST 1 ' x � 1�G LEE RA O� .i IN, Cty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM ART MONTAND N, City Attorney ^ 4 r ■' "' CITY OF ATASCADERO t979 OFFICE of the CITY CLERK Bill Mazzacane Executive Director Atascadero Chamber of Commerce CERTIFICATION I, LEE RABOIN, City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No 75-92 adopted by the Atascadero City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on August 11, 1992 DATED Auaust 21, 1992 LEE RABOIN % City Clerk City of Atascadero, California c Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director 6500 PALMA AVENUE • ATASCADERO CA 93422 • (805) 461. 5074 RESOLUTION NO 75-92 t A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO PROVIDE COMMUNITY PROMOTION SERVICES The City Council of the City of Atascadero, California, hereby resolves as follows 1 The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce to provide Community Promotion Services, and all other agreements or documents required to effectuate the terms of agreement 2 The City Manager is hereby authorized to make minor corrections or modifications of a mathematical or clerical nature 3 The Finance Director is hereby authorized to appropriate funds, if necessary, release and expend funds, and issue warrants to comply with the terms of this agreement PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Coun,:11 of the City of Atascadero held on the 11th day of August, 1992 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By ROBERT P NIMMO, Mawr ATTEST LEE RABOIN, CLty Clerk Resolution No. 75-92; Exhibit A. i PERFORMANCE BASED FORMULA FOR CALCULATING ANNUAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FEE 1 A weighted average shall be used to calculate the annual fee The fee will be calculated as folld�is a Ten Percent ( 10 0%) of the prior year' s Business License fee receipts, plus b Six and one-half percent ( 6 5%) of the prior year' s Transient Occupancy Tax (Bed Tax) receipts; plus C. One-quarter percent (0 25%) of the prior year' s Sales Tax Receipts 2 The first semi-annual installment due in July will be based upon the City s latest estimates for the above three revenues, the second installment due in January will reflect the audited figures and may be more or less than the .first installment, due to any variance between estimated and actual figures 3 The annual fee will be rounded to the nearest hundred 4 The above formula may be amended by Resolution of the - Atascadero City Council 'A tascadero C, 4 '- ; 6550 EI(ammo Real•Atascadero,CA 93422• (805) 466-2044•Fax (805) 466-9218•www.otas(odero(homber.org CITY : f-ADER0 C T� 101", Ar F Fl OFFICE August 25, 2008 City Report for Chamber's Activities and Programs January through June 2008 Programs and Events In January the Chamber celebrated the eighty-seventh year of a business organization ni existence in Atascadero with its Annual Dinner Awards were given to deserving businesses that make Atascadero a better community Robert `Grigger"Jones received the highest honor, Citizen of the Year, Midland Pacific Building Corporation received the Business of the Year award, and Randy Krumland received Business Person of the Year award Atascadero Colony Days Committee was singled out as top community organization of the Year Steve Martin received Community Service Award We are a lucky community to have such top notch talent contributing to the welfare of all of Atascadero Our Media and Marketing Committee along with the Board of Directors created the workshop with Harley Davidson s Corporation communications director to lead a half day workshop He was to bring to our businesses the tools he used to bring the Harley Davidson Brand back from extinction However for the first time in seven years planning such an event the speaker had a family medical emergency and had to cancel his appearance Plans are underway to pick a future program The Media group also assisted in the creation of our annual publication of the Action Plan 2008 A copy has been included so you can see in a concise format the goals and objectives of the Chamber for 2008 Three months of planning went into the Eighth Annual Mid Year Economic Forecast the City is co- sponsored with the Chamber Bill Watkins from the UCSB EconurniL. Forecast Project has been hired to create information exclusively on Atascadero The Chamber has also scheduled three key individuals to remark on major issues facing their )ndustnes as well as Mayor Protem Ellen Beraud to give a state=of-the-city address Pete Dakin owner/broker for RE/MAX Parkside Real Estate talked about the real estate market and the effects of the downturn, Steve Harding Regional Vice President for Rabobank spoke on the banking industry Steve Martin, Executive Director of Main Street, spoke on the tourism market and what we can all do together to make Atascadero a better place to live, work and shop Over 120 business people gathered for the morning event and took away with them the booklet with valuable information on Atascadero The Chamber members have also once again supported our High School students by providing for$3,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors that are going to further their education in business Three very deserving seniors each received $1,000; Bonnie Douglas, Enc Payton and Adrienne Rouse The Legislative Committee worked on reviewing many issues facing Atascadero this year Various guests visited the group to impart information including, Supervisor Jim Patterson, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, and various Council members. The committee is in the process of updating the Public Policy Guide and hope to have it published by the end of 2008 The popular morning program "Empower Hour" continues to bring current issues before the Chamber members and public In January, Employee Law Attorney Susan Waag reviewed what was new for employers in 2008 Dr Tom Hale from Twin Cities Community Hospital Emergency Physicians group spoke about the situation of health care in our county Kelly Gearhart gave an update on the various projects he has in the pipeline to aid in the redevelopment of Atascadero In April, Mayor Brennler gave a glimpse at the budget for the City of Atascadero and other items on the horizon. Craig Dacus from Atascadero State Hospital spoke about the hospitals recruitment needs Finally in June Zoo Director Allan Baker spoke about new projects in line for improvements at Charles Paddock Zoo The Retail Committee successfully hosted the Spring into Atascadero City Wide Sale. Twenty businesses participated in the event which was advertised in the Atascadero News, and Charter Media. Over 4,000 entries were tallied to have a chance to win one of the three shopping sprees awarded to use in our participating stores Sponsors of the Event were the Atascadero News, Charter Media, Atascadero Main Street and the Chamber of Commerce Plans are underway for a new promotion called a "Word Search" The promotion will span 15 weeks and highlight 15 businesses Each week a new word search puzzle will appear that will have encoded words of items found at a particular business. This has proven successful in other areas because a person spends tune thinking about the business and eventually will visit to drop off their entry Prizes will be awarded by the Atascadero News and the Chamber to the winning entry drawn. This promotion has been crafted to drive footsteps into our businesses The Women in Business group continues into their 3rd year with very strong attendance, usually 45 to 50 women monthly attend They meet the 2nd Friday of every month from 11 30 am to 1 pm at The Carlton Ambrosia room for lunch. Not only does this group provide a way to share business leads, they also supported $2,000 in scholarships to women in need of support for education They also donated $500 to the CALL program, received donations for the group homes, and held a picnic with games for the 20 residents in their program. This is a very energetic group of women. The Chamber also continued to arrange for the Monthly Business Visitations shared with City Staff and City Officials. Important information is learned from these visits and it is exciting to see business being helped with an item they were working on at the time of our visit. The businesses have been overall very welcoming with their comments This has turned out to be time well spent to get the pulse of the business community as they attempt to either enter or expand their business in Atascadero The premier publication for Atascadero, the Business Directory and Visitor Guide was published again with the directory updated with new businesses The guide is full of information for the Visitor as well as the new comer to Atascadero The business directory is a handy tool to remind residents to look up local businesses easily to trade with The Official City Map is about to be published and the Chamber is self publishing the map after the business that has been in operation for 60 years in California went bankrupt. This has been a real challenge to produce, but with many hours and patience it will soon be of the presses Tuesday Evening in the Park BBQ continues to bring success for the local clubs and organizations to reap the benefits of an easy summer fundraiser This is the 13th year the Chamber has organized this community event. The Atascadero Elk's are again supplying the BBQ talent to ensure quality and consistency throughout the summer Non-profit groups gathered in March to pick their date to sell tickets and serve. The average dinners served are between 400 -500, with groups such as ECCHO reaching 600 We have added new organizations to the line up to accoininodate the growing number of groups wanting to participate by having groups share an evening. As of this time our Ambassadors have personally visited 146 existing business members Currently there are 20 Chamber Ambassadors that volunteer their time to visit businesses each month to see how their business is doing and if there is anything the Chamber can do to help in their business All 44 new Chamber members received calls from our Ambassadors inviting and informing them of the programs we have going in the month The response has been good The Ambassadors have been key to helping at all the Chamber functions We are noted by many that our Chamber is full of very friendly people that make them feel welcome. The Chamber held two New Member Luncheons to welcome new businesses into the community Space is allotted for businesses to place items to share with the group to help promote their goods and services Free lunch is provided by the Chamber with the venue Best Western Colony Hall sponsored by them. This truly provides a warm welcome to new businesses in Atascadero The following is a list of items we have handled in the first 6 months of 2008 Monthly Newsletters were published and sent to our now 550members. As well as inserted with the Atascadero News readership Held monthly Membership Mixers at community businesses with 125 guests averaging each month. These functions are key for our businesses community to make important business connections Provided mailings of members materials monthly to promote their businesses The Chamber sold numerous tickets for local organization fund raising, concerts, and theatre groups. SLO Passport Atascadero Wine Festival —Coordinate tickets for the festival San Luis Obispo Rotary—Fundraiser function Main Street Mayhem tickets 2 Fundraisers for the Central Coast Zoo Society to benefit the Charles Paddock Zoo The Chamber has been involved in the following local programs Main Street Economic Restructuring Committee, Colony Days Board and the Atascadero Wine Festival. Other group meetings include the group of businesses dealing with the Highway 41/101 alignment and the impacts on their businesses Joanne is a member of SLOCHEX, SLO County Chamber Executives, and served as President of the Atascadero Rotary Club with her term ending June 301h Joanne will remain involved for an eighth term as coordinator of the Community Leadership and Ethics Conference Held with Atascadero High School Juniors and seniors in March 2008 This half-day program highlighted the qualities for a good leader and posed some ethical questions that sparked thought The program was lively and thought to be very successful Plans will be underway for a ninth event next year 2008 Visitor Information Services provided,January throughJune Phone calls logged 4,303 Visitors 2656 Relocation Packets Mailed 95 Email response 127 We received the following Website visits These figures are truly encouraging and seem to be growing every quarter With our new expanded Website we will continue to see these numbers increase. General Info 4,593 Visitor Info 4,093 Lodging 2,793 Restaurants 1,769 Events 2,402 Surrounding Area 1,720 Chamber Program 2,663 Business Guide 11,275 Contact Us for Info 861 44 new businesses were welcomed into the Chamber from January 1 thru June of this year Our total membership now is 550 Economic Development The Chamber is trying to track people that have requested business location or expansion information from the Chamber Not all people are willing to share their information until they have completed their research. Promo's and PSA run on Charter Media Channels Spring into Atascadero $500 Paid ads with Charter for Spring into Atascadero Sale $500 SERVICE AGREEMENT This Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into effective July 1, 2008 (the "Effective Date") by and between the City of Grover Beach / Grover Beach Improvement Agency, California ("City"), having a principal place of business at 154 S 8th Street, Grover Beach, CA 93433, and the Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce, a California non-profit organization ("Chamber"), having a principal place of business at 180 Highway One, Grover Beach, CA 93433 WHEREAS, City desires to promote and market the City as a supporter of business, a destination for tourists, and a recreational center for residents, by operating a "visitor center" which provides City information and promoting business development and growth within the City, and WHEREAS, Chamber is organized and equipped to develop and implement activities which may generally benefit the City and specifically assist the City with the implementation of its adopted Economic Development Strategy, and positively affect the general perception of the City as a business-friendly community, destination for tourists, and recreational outlet for residents NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows 1 Management A. City Manager shall represent or designate a representative who will act as the Chamber liaison and program manager for this Agreement The liaison shall provide monthly updates to the Chamber Board on general City business, business initiatives, community initiatives, development projects, public safety, and other City business, as appropriate B Chamber Executive Director shall represent the Chamber and have overall responsibility for the Chamber's performance of services described in this Agreement Additionally, Chamber shall provide a written quarterly report of Chamber budget, activities, and performance to the City 2 Term The initial term of the Agreement shall be for a period of twenty four (24) months, commencing on July 1, 2008, unless sooner terminated as provided under this Agreement (including any renewal term, the "Term") Thereafter, this Agreement shall automatically renew on a one year basis unless either Party provides notice to the other Party of its intent not to renew this Agreement at least thirty (30) days (but not more than ninety days) prior to the end of the initial or any renewal term Professional Services Agreement—Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce Page 2 3 Services A. Visitor Center Operation Chamber shall maintain its office within the City's property at 180 Highway One, Grover Beach, CA 93433 This office shall also act as the Grover Beach Visitor Center As such, the Chamber shall establish and maintain hours of operation suitable to meeting the demands of the City's tourists The Chamber will from time to time provide the City with a current schedule of hours The operation of the Visitor Center shall include but is not limited to 1 Staffing the Center to provide information to visitors, the public, professionals, and any other interested parties 2 Making readily available marketing materials that promote the City These materials shall be distributed to other local chambers, tourist agencies, business agencies and groups, as well as travel organizations, and regional promotional groups These materials may be the Chamber's materials or the marketing materials provided by the City 3 Maintaining and making available to interested visitors various public information and contacts. This information should include general information regarding the City and the services the City provides, schools, regional hospitals, and other agencies that support the community B Business Promotion and Development 1 Chamber will maintain a library or display of literature featuring the businesses of the community, directories, and other relevant information for those interested 2 The Chamber shall maintain a website that features City links and business information This website should also provide local businesses an opportunity to link or be linked to the Chamber 3 The Chamber shall continue its efforts to develop and strengthen its membership from businesses located and doing business within the City 3 The Chamber Executive Director shall be familiar with the City's business policies The Executive Director shall provide potential businesses accurate City contact information 4 The Chamber shall support the City in applying for grants and City development agreements Professional Services Agreement—Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce Page 3 6 Chamber shall provide an annual report which identifies goals, objectives and accomplishments of the Chamber This report shall also include a general financial summary C Community Events 1 The Chamber shall organize, manage, and host two (2) community events each year This is to include the marketing, promotion, and operation for each event, as well as any related City activity held in conjunction with the two events These events shall consist of A. Community faire and festival, currently known as the Central Coast Celebration, consisting of carnival rides, local live music, food and wine tasting, and vendor exhibits. 1 City shall provide the following support for Central Coast Celebration a Police Department staff support of both days. b Fire Department emergency medical staff support during the event c Loan of selected City equipment and public assistance to set up traffic pylons and fencing d A City representative to serve on the Chamber organizing committee B A Grover Beach traditional event known as Stone Soup Ethnic Music Faire, featuring the diversity of Grover Beach and California, with music, food, dance, and vendor exhibits 1 City shall provide the following support for Stone Soup Ethnic Music Faire a Use of Ramona Garden Park Center &t Ramona Park b The use of Ramona Avenue from 8th Street to 10th Street and from 9th Street from West Professional Services Agreement—Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce Page 4 Grand Avenue to Brighton Avenue Residents within the event operating areas will be given controlled access during the entire event c Police Department staff support of both days d Fire Department emergency medical staff support during the event e Loan of selected City equipment and Public Works assistance to set up traffic pylons and fencing f A City representative to serve on the Chamber organizing committee 4 Payment In consideration of the services provided by the Chamber, the City agrees to the following consideration A Visitor Center management and economic development assistance $25,000 to be paid in 12 monthly installments of $2,083 B Operation of two (2) community events a total of $15,000 to be paid in equal $7,500 payments upon receipt of Chamber invoice sixty (60) days prior to each event C Provide the Chamber the first right of refusal to operate (1) one of the City's approved Fireworks Stands/Booths 5 Termination The City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement for cause by providing sixty (60) days written notice, during which time the Chamber may remedy any issues identified by City and by paying the prorated termination compensation Should Chamber cure the identified issues, the contract shall continue in full force Stated "prorated termination compensation" shall be determined by mutual agreement, and shall be negotiated in good faith by both parties. Should parties be unable to reach agreement of the prorated termination compensation within the 60 days, Chamber at its option may under reservation of rights pay the requested amount in order to keep the Agreement in effect If such payment is made, Parties agree to mediate the disputed amount before a Court action is initiated and adjust the payment upon successful completion of the mediation If Chamber chooses not to pay the prorated compensation, Professional Services Agreement—Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce Page 5 the Agreement will be terminated and the Parties may pursue any available legal remedies By accepting the prorated termination compensation, the City does not waive its rights to pursue any action to recover any other damages that it incurred as a result of the Chamber's breach of the terms of this Agreement 6 Inspection Chamber shall furnish and provide City access to information, events, personnel and any other reasonable request for City to ascertain that the services described in this Agreement are being performed All work done and materials furnished, if any, shall be provided to City representative for inspection and will not relieve Chamber of its obligation to fulfill the remainder of this Agreement 7 Notices All noticed hereunder shall be given in writing and mailed, postage paid by certified mail or other documented delivery carrier, to the addresses To Chamber Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce Attn Executive Director 180 Highway One Grover Beach, CA 93433 To City. City of Grover Beach Attn City Manager 154 South 8th Street Grover Beach, CA 93433 8 Interest It is agreed that in the performance of this agreement, the Chamber at all times is deemed an independent contractor and is not an agent or employee of the City The Chamber represents that it has no current conflicts nor will it enter into any agreements that may cause conflicts of interest with the performance of this agreement 9 Indemnification Parties agree to mutually indemnify, defend and hold one another's partners, vendors, and suppliers harmless against all third party claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees arising out of or related to any and all issues that may arise from the execution of this agreement Professional Services Agreement—Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce Page 6 10 Insurance Chamber shall provide the required proof of insurance in accordance with the City insurance requirements Additionally, each Party will name the other as an additionally insured party on any applicable liability and property policies 11 Binding Service Agreement The provisions of this agreement are for the benefit of the City and the Chamber and their agents, employees, citizens, and shall have the right to assert and enforce such provisions directly on their behalf Other than as expressly stated in this agreement, this Agreement shall not be deemed to create any rights to or in third parties The terms and conditions of this Agreement apply to and shall bind Parties, their subcontractors, executors, and administrators The City reserves the right to cancellation or review should Chamber decide to substantially subcontract or outsource its responsibilities under this Agreement 12 Applicable Law This Agreement is made in the State of California This Agreement and all of the Parties' respective rights and duties, including, without limitation, claims for violation of state consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and any claims in tort shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, in the United States, excluding conflicts of laws provisions 13 Waivers The waiver by either Party of any breach or violation of any term, covenant, or condition of this Agreement of any provision, ordinance or law shall not be deemed to be a violation of the same or of any of term, covenant, condition, ordinance, or law The subsequent acceptance by either Party of any fee or other consideration which may become due hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver or the acceptance of any preceding breach or violation by the other Party of any term covenant, condition of this Agreement 14 Miscellaneous. If any term of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be construed in such a way as to eliminate the offending aspects while still giving as much effect as possible to the intentions of such term If this cannot be done and the entire term is invalid, illegal or unenforceable and cannot be so repaired, then the term shall be considered to be stricken from this Agreement as if it had not been included from the beginning In any such case, the balance of this Agreement shall remain in effect in accordance with its remaining terms notwithstanding such invalid, illegal or unenforceable term Parties may enforce or decline to enforce any or all of the terms of this Agreement in their sole discretion In no Professional Services Agreement—Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce Page 7 event shall Parties be required to explain, comment on, suffer liability for or forfeit any right or discretion based on its enforcement, non-enforcement or consistency of enforcement of these terms Captions used in this document are for convenience only and shall not be considered a part of this Agreement or be used to construe its terms or meaning 15 Entire Agreement This Agreement, as well as the additional appendices, future documents and attachments, specifically incorporated as a part of this Agreement, constitutes the entire and only agreement with respect to its subject matter between the City and the Chamber Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce City of Grover Beach By By John P Shoals, Mayor By Attest By Donna L McMahon, City Clerk Approved as to Form Martin D Koczanowicz City Attorney V L V V V /j From unknown Page 2/4 Date 10/16/200812:00.17 PM L MORRO BAY VISITOR CENTER AGREEMENT FY 2005.2006 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 28th day of June, 2005, by and between the CITY OF MORRO BAY, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY," and MORRO BAY CHAMBER. OF COMN[ERCE, a mon-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CHAMBER," RECITALS WHEREAS, the City, recognizing that the need for continued development of the economic base of the community is important and therefore wishes to provide for a coordinated effort to encourage, promote, and foster the economic development of the community and promote its advantages as a tourist and recreational center,and WHEREAS, arranging, obtaining and distributing favorable coverage about the community to be read by potential visitors to the CITY is an integral part of its promotion as a tourist and recreation center,and WREREAS, the parties agree that these goals can best be accomplished through the operation of a Visitor Center by the Chamber under the terms and conditions outlined hereinafter, malmig use of funds provided pursuant to this contract by the City for operations beyond those historically maintained by the Chamber COVENANTS NOW, 'THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions stated herein, and in consideration of the mutual benefits that will accrue to each of the parties hereto, as well as to the public good of all the citizens of Morro Bay, the parties have agreed and do hereby agree as follows: 1 That the foregoing recitals are true and correct and constitute accurate statements of facts herein. 2 The term of this agreement shall commence July 1, 2005 and terminate on June 3 0, 2006 3 The mw um amount due and payable during the term of this contract is $146,515 CITY shall pay said amount to CHAMFER in monthly increments of $12,209.58 m advance for each contract month. Such funds to be expended only under the terms, conditions and restrictions and for the purposes specifically set forth in this agreement. 4 CHA MER shall provide qualified and competent staff in public relations, and public information shall'-be available as necessary for the successful unplementation of this Agreement. The Chamber's Executive Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of this Agreement. This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server For more information,visit: http./twww gfi.com From unknown Page- 3/4 Date 10/16/2008 12:00.17 PM t,tt� bhK mail conauct promotional ani puol�city and programs for the City 6. CHAMBER shall also maintain an office in the City of Morro Bay suitable for the conduct of a visitor information service, said office to be open to facilitate contact with nevus media representatives and to disseminate news releases and promotions information in a professional manner for the various media, general public, and visitor information needs. Office hours shall be scheduled at the discretion of the CHANBER to coincide with and meet the needs of visitor serving traffic. 7 In addition, the CHAMBER shall maintain an answering machine during closed office hours to receive messages for visitor information requests_ 8. CHAMBER shall coordinate services for prospective visitor groups, to include referral to motels, rental facilities, caterers, entertainment and other services, regardless of the businesses' membership status with the Chamber of Commerce. CHAMBER shall provide promotional publication materials for visitors, in a quality form acceptable to the CITY, that specify recreational opportunities, campgrounds, art galleries and other services, regardless of the businesses' membership status with the Chamber of Commerce. 9 CHAMBER shall ensure that no funds provided by the City will be used to support traditional Chamber of Commerce activities that generally serve and benefit only the Chamber membership or programs. Nothing in this contract, however, shall prevent the City from specifically finding new projects as proposed by the Chamber 14 CHAMBER agrees to submit monthly reports to CITY promotions committee regarding visitor information and promotional activities. The reports need not be lengthy, but should be specific as to the tasks accomplished and a breakdown of the costs of the funds used. Failure to provide such monthly reports will be considered by MY as possible grounds for termination of this contract. 11 CHAI\MER agrees to make its books and financial records concerning the funds expended under this agreement available to the City for inspections and review and audit. The Chamber will, at no expense to the City, provide an annual report and accounting of expenditures of the funds covered by this agreement. 12. CHAMBER agrees that all persons working for,the Chamber under this Agreement shall be employees of the Chamber, subject to its exclusive management and control, and shall in no way be considered employees of the City; and that any liability which might arise under the Porker's Compensation Law of the State of California due to any injury of any employee of the Chamber shall be the sole liability of the Chamber. 13 CHAMBER agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, and its officers, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, suits, demands and causes of action resulting from the acts or failure to act of any agent, servant or employee of the Chamber,or any other person pursuant to this Agreement. This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server For more information,visit: http.//www gfi.com v L From unknown Page 4/4 Date 10/16/200812:0017 PM 14 CHAMBER shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect during the term of the Agreement $1,000,000 00 liability insurance policy specifically naming the CITY as primary additional insured against claims and demands resulting from inlunes to persons and property upon.premises maintained by CHAMBER, during CHAMBER sponsored activities and events, wherever situated, said insurance policy shall provide for thirty (30) day notice of cancellation to CITY Within ten (10) days of the date of execution of this Agreement, CHAMBER shall submit to CITY evidence of such insurance. IN WITNESS 'V;MRE0F,1 the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MORRO BAY MORRO' BAY CHANMER OF COMMERCE ity anager Director 7/31/2005 a This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server For more information,visit: http://www gfi.com September Promotions Report 2008 Sep-07 Sep-08 FYT 2008 AVG p/DAY Phone Calls 1053 1049 2,784 31 Total Visitors 2077 2937 9,178 102 Emails answered with info 69 121 4.03 Total Promotional Mailings Tourist Packs 54 76 Relocation Packs 8 10 Total 62 86 Fullfillment Ca.Visitiors Guide 0 81 Sierra Magazine 0 Sunset 288 251 Birder's World 0 National Geographic 0 Slovcb 468 Travel 50 &Beyond 0 35 Travel &Leisure 0 Travel Planner 29 Total 785 367 Calls using our 800#& Name of Source AAA 4 CA.Visitors Guide 3 Internet 4 Sunset Chamber Directory 1 Total 12 Morro Bay Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center Sept 800 Calls 2008 In State Northern 12 In State 800 Calls Southern 32 Central 20 Coastal 10 14% Total 74 D Northern Out of State ■Southern AK 2 27% 0Central FL 1 o Coastal NM 1 NV 1 TX 2 WA 3 NY 1 CID DE IL KY IA MA MN MS MI NC NE PA VA TOTAL 11 CANADA 1 Okangan BC AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL PASO DE ROBLES AND THE PASO ROBLES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INC. FOR VISITOR CENTER SERVICES THISGREEMENT ("Agreement"), effective July 1 2007 is made and entered into this � �` day of 2007, by and between the City of El Paso de Robles, hereafter referred to as the 'CITY" d the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce,Inc.,hereinafter referred to as"CHAMBER" WHEREAS, CHAMBER has experience together with available facilities to provide visitor center services necessary to enhance the economic vitality of Paso Robles;and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to have CHAMBER provide these services in order to facilitate economic development throughout the City;and WHEREAS, CHAMBER is willing to provide services hereinafter set forth on behalf of the CITY in the manner and for the purpose hereinafter provided. CITY and CHAMBER hereby enter into this Agreement to set forth the terms and conditions relating to certain visitor center services to be provided by the CHAMBER. 1 CHAMBER RESPONSIBILITIES. The CHAMBER shall provide and perform services to facilitate the welcoming and hospitality of visitors to Paso Robles, in a manner designed to promote the unique character, heritage and special attributes of the community and enhance the economic vitality of the CITY Such services shall include,but are not limited to: A Maintaining a public office in a central location in Downtown Paso Robles to provide information to visitors and interested citizens (the 'Visitors Center"), which Visitors Center shall be opened during the CHAMBER'S regular hours. CHAMBER agrees to conduct Visitor Center hours approximately four (4) hours on Saturdays and four (4) hours on Sundays as tourism needs dictate. • The Visitors Center is presently located at 1225 Park Street. CITY acknowledges that the present location of the Visitors Center may be relocated to another suitable downtown location, subject to City's reasonable consent, during the term of this Agreement. CHAMBER agrees to provide 30 calendar days advance written notice to CITY of any proposed relocation of the Visitors Center B. Establishing and maintaining a self-service visitor information center at the Paso Robles Multi-Modal (Train) Station to provide visitor information materials and display,as well as 24-hour telephone access to area lodging and transit providers (the "Train Station Center") C. Providing visitor information that suits the needs of visitors to the Paso Robles area and promotes the unique character heritage and special attributes of the community, including but not limited to: • Providing a high level of personal customer service to visitors to the Visitors Center and retaining an adequate number of trained employees to handle the fluctuations and seasonal flow of such visitors. • Responding promptly (same business day) to high volumes of information requests including telephone calls and emails. • Serving as a contact for information requests from potential visitors, as well as a referral agency to local all area lodging and other visitor-serving-resources. • Maintaining an electronic annual events calendar on the CHAMBER website. • In the Visitors Center dispense, and at the Train Station Center providing and displaying supplies of hotel/motel directories, visitors guides, brochures, pamphlets, and general statistics and other information about the community D Continue operation of CHAMBER'S website with electronic links to/from all other Paso Robles area visitor serving websites including, but not limited to, CITY Wine Country Alliance,Events Center &Main Street. E. Cooperate in implementing CITY'S Tourism Marketing Plan Goals and Objectives by- e y• Cooperating in improving strategic alliances with the Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance,Events Center,Main Street Association,and City • Cooperating in promoting events sponsored by the Paso Robles Events Center Main Street,Wine Country Alliance,and City F Providing quarterly activity reports(written)to the City Manager's Office,each quarterly report to be due within 10 days following the end of each calendar quarter Each quarterly report shall include: • Summary of website visits&information provided during the quarter • Number of visitors to the Visitors Center during the quarter • Type and quantity of materials dispensed from the Visitors Center and Train Station Center during the quarter • Summary of telephone and email information requests received. • Type and quantity of any special materials distributed to groups. • Number of Destination Guides mailed and visitor site referrals made. • Summary of expenditures incurred by the CHAMBER during the quarter for the services provided under this Agreement, including a listing of any capital equipment purchased with the funds provided by the CITY 2. COMPENSATION In consideration of the services performed by CHAMBER pursuant to this Agreement, and so long as CHAMBER is not in default under any of the provisions of this Agreement,CITY will make payments to the CHAMBER as follows: A. Commencing with CITY'S fiscal year beginning July 1 2007 CITY shall disburse by the 151'day of the month to CHAMBER monthly payments equal to 1/12°h of- $110,000,00 Fiscal Year 2007/2008 $100,000.00 Fiscal Year 2008(2009 $ 90,000.00 Fiscal Year 2009/2010 $ 80,000,00 Fiscal Year 2010/2011 B. In the event that the City Council is compelled to reduce General Fund budget expenditures in any given year during the term of this Agreement, the amount of the annual payment under this Agreement for such year shall be reduced by the same percentage as the overall General Fund budget reduction, as determined by the City City shall notify Chamber of any such reduction as early as is reasonably feasible, and understands that any reduction in the City's payment shall result in a proportionate reduction in Chamber services provided under this.Agreement and/or a modification to the Chamber's budget. 3. VISITOR CENTER ANNUAL BUDGET CHAMBER shall,by April 1 of each year,submit to the CITY for review by the City Council,a budget and plan for Visitors Center services to be provided by the CHAMBER during the next following fiscal year covered by this Agreement. The budget shall include all funds to be received from CITY during such fiscal year and how those funds are proposed to be spent. CHAMBER will provide quarterly and an annual report of the Visitors Center services plan implementation. 4. CHAMBER'S FINANCIAL RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING Upon 15 days notice to the CHAMBER,CITY shall have the right to examine the books,records,and accounts of the CHAMBER at any reasonable time in the CHAMBER'S offices. 5. POLITICAL ACTIVITY CHAMBER shall not use any monies received under this Agreement for the endorsement, opposition or participation in any political or lobbying activity including but not limited to, involved in the support or opposition to any candidate for public office or proposed ballot measure. 6. INDEMNIFICATION, HOLD HARMLESS. CHAMBER shall indemnify defend and hold CITY its members, officers, directors, agents and employees free and harmless from any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney fees arising out of the performance by CHAMBER of the services provided for hereunder caused in whole or in part by any act of CHAMBER,its officers, employees or agents in carrying out the terms of this Agreement. 7 INSURANCE. CHAMBER agrees to maintain in full force and effect, at its sole cost and expense,during the term of this Agreement the following insurance: a. Workers'Compensation in accordance with State law for all of its employees engaged in the work and services to be provided under this Agreement. b. General Liability in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit liability applying to bodily injury personal injury and property damage, and products damage insurance in a sum of not less than Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars($25,000) All such insurance policies shall be carried with insurance companies satisfactory to the CITY and shall name the CITY its officers, agents, and employees as additional insured with respect to the work and services being performed under this Agreement. CHAMBER shall cause to be furnished to the CITY certificates of insurance stating that such insurance is in full force and effect; that the premiums thereon have been paid, and that the insurance carrier will give the CITY at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation,termination or modification. 8. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR, NOT AGENT Notwithstanding any other representation, oral or written, between the parties, including any and all agents or representatives thereof, the CHAMBER is at all times during the term of this Agreement acting as a free and independent contractor and shall not be an employee or an agent of the CITY Except as CITY may authorize in writing,CHAMBER shall have no authority, express or implied to act on behalf of CITY in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. CHAMBER shall have no authority express or implied, pursuant to this Agreement, to bind CITY to any obligations whatsoever 9 CONFLICT OF INTEREST CHAMBER shall not enter into any contract or agreement that will create a conflict of interest with its duties to CITY under this Agreement. No member official or employee of CITY shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect,in this Agreement,nor shall any such member official or employee participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership, or association in which he is directly or indirectly interested. The CHAMBER warrants that it has not paid or given,and will not pay or give, any third party any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 10. LICENSES,PERMITS. CHAMBER represents and warrants to CITY that is has,and shall maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement, at its sole cost and expense, all business licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatsoever nature which are legally required for CHAMBER to provide the services hereunder 11 STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. CHAMBER shall perform all services required Pursuant to this Agreement in a manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession in which CHAMBER is engaged. All products and services of any nature which CHAMBER provides to CITY and to visitors to the Visitors Center shall conform to the standards of quality normally observed by licensed, competent organizations practicing in Chambers profession. CHAMBER shall devote such time to the performance of services as may be reasonably necessary for the satisfactory performance of Chambers obligations pursuant to this Agreement. Neither party shall be considered in default of this Agreement to the extent performances are prevented or delayed by any cause present or future, which is beyond the reasonable control of the parties. CHAMBER agrees to assign only competent personnel according to the reasonable and customary standards of training and experience in the relevant field to perform services pursuant to this Agreement. 12. REVERSION OF FUNDS AND PROPERTY During the term of this Agreement should the CHAMBER be dissolved, disbanded, or otherwise cease to function in a manner described in this Agreement,all funds attributable to the CITY, and equipment purchased out of funds provided by the CITY shall revert to ownership of the CITY For the purpose of this provision, the CHAMBER shall maintain a written record of,and include as part of each annual report,a listing of capital equipment that has been purchased with the funds provided by the CITY 13. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall be for four successive one-year periods beginning July 1, 2007 and expiring each June 30 thereafter and finally June 30, 2011 unless terminated earlier in accordance with Section 16 or 17 below 14. ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED. No party to this Agreement may assign any right or obligation pursuant to this Agreement. Any attempted or purported assignment of any right or obligations pursuant to this Agreement shall be void and of no effect. 15. NON DISCRIMINATION CHAMBER agrees comply with all fair employment practice laws of the state and federal government. CHAMBER covenants and agrees for itself its successors,its assigns and every successor in interest,that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of race, color creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, medical condition, disability, marital status, ancestry or national origin in the provision of any services to be provided by CHAMBER hereunder nor shall CHAMBER or any person claiming under or through CHAMBER establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation in the provision of any services to be provided by CHAMBER hereunder 16. DEFAULT The failure of the Parties to abide by any of the terms of this Agreement shall constitute a default under this Agreement. If either party fails to cure any such default within five (5) days of receiving notice from the other party of such default, then this Agreement may be terminated by giving ten(10)days written notice of such termination. Upon any such termination,the final monthly payment to be paid under Section 2,above, shall be adjusted on a pro rata basis, based on a 30-day month, to the date of such termination,and if applicable,CHAMBER shall immediately return to CITY any amounts previously paid by CITY for any period subsequent to the date of such termination. 17 TERMINATION. In addition to termination pursuant to Section 13 or 16 above, this Agreement may be terminated in whole or in part at any time by either party hereto upon one year s written notice to the other as identified below In the event of any termination of this Agreement, all rights and obligations of both parties hereto, including without limitation the monthly payments from CITY to CHAMBER hereunder, shall terminate as of the date of such termination (and the Final monthly payment shall be adjusted on a pro rata basis based on a 30-day month to the date of such termination) 18. NOTICES. All notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and mailed, postage prepaid, first class,or personally delivered,to the addresses set forth below or such other address as a party may designate in writing. 19 FULL AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT This document represents the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements,either written or oral. This Agreement may only be amended by a writing signed by both parties. 20. SEVERABILITY Should any provision of this Agreement be deemed to be legally void or unenforceable,all remaining provisions shall survive and be enforceable This Agreement shall in all respects be governed by the laws of the State of California. 21 ATTORNEY'S FEES. In the event suit is brought for the enforcement, or interpretation, of this Agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney s fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement is herby executed as of the day and year first hereinabove written. THE CITY OF EL PASO DE ROBLES PASO ROBLES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,INC. 1000 Spring Street 1225 Park Street Paso Robles,CA 93446 Paso Robles,CA 93446 By { ,L F k R. Mecham, Mayor a ' n Curry, airman of the hoard , By Mike Gibson. Press e�it/CEO -qu tmb o es chaof commerce November 27,2007 r7t��.ti V tL Cin' MANAGER Mr Jim App NOV 3 U 2047 City Manager City of Paso Robles C17y OF PASO A4BLF`•' 1000 Spring Street Paso Robles,CA 93446 Dear Mr App, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your investment in the 2007 Chairman's Circle.The Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce with the generous support of this select group of members gave us the opportunity to once again provide the members and community with several valuable programs throughout the year We have just completed this coming year's direct benefit packet for the 2008 Chairman's Circle and I will be contacting you by phone to set up an appointment to review and answer any questions you may have Thank you again for your continued support. Sincerely, X,/ —,/.:#,,� Michael D Gibson President&CEO Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce 1225 Park Street Paso Robles California 93446 ph 805 2380506 • fax 805 238.0527 • pasorobleschamber com Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce Exclusive Chairman's Circle Sponsorship Be a part of a select group of members whose commitment to the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce support ongoing economic and legislative programs through out the year! Below is a list of Sponsorship benefits you will receive during the 2008 calendar year. Direct Benefits XSponsorship Table at the Annual Installation Dinner Qanuary 261h) This premier gala is one of the Chambers highlights of the year! With over 400 in attendance we will be introducing our incoming Board of Directors,and acknowledging the outstanding service of our outgoing Board members.We will be honoring this years"Roblan of the Year"selected for outstanding volunteer service to the community Sponsor benefits include priority reserved table for eight,your company name on all promotional advertising; newsletter email blast, flyers,printed program and on power point presentation during the event. Value:$1,000 usiness Expo (one) 10x10 sponsor booth (April 9th) Held at the Event Center located in Paso Robles this annual Business Expo will have over 2,500 businesses and community members attend.Sponsor benefits include one IOxl0 sponsor booth,your company name on all promotional advertising including newsletter,email blast,flyers and printed program. Value: $400 Agri-Business Tour (May 7th) XTwo tickets to attend this educational tour of our community's agricultural businesses.This fun outing allows participants the opportunity to explore fascinating agriculture related business and historical sites.Sponsor benefits include lunch,dinner and transportation. Value:$100 Economic Forecast(June 11th) The Who's Who of the community attends this highly anticipated event,featuring key note speaker Dr Bill Watkins,along with other guest speakers that will inform the attendees on the latest up to date economic information and trends for this area.This informative event gives businesses a"heads up"on where things are going to help them be better prepared for the future.Last year's sold out event hosted over 275 business leaders and community members.Sponsor benefits include a reserved table for eight with your company name on all promotional advertising,newsletter email blast,flyers,printed program and power point presentation during the event.Value: $400 Website Exposure The Chairman's Circle sponsors company logos are proudly displayed on the front page of the Chamberof Commerce/Visitors Center web site with a direct link to your company website.The Chamber has one of the most popular sites for the entire Paso Robles area and also owns over 10 domain names that direct visitors to our current home page.With over 30,000 monthly visits to the Chamber website,you will have constant visibility to the visitors and local members of the community Value:$2,500 �1 65V`k11 1� 7aS o es chamb of commerce RECE11VED April 2, 2007 y CyV . -FTY MANAGER APR () 4 2008 Mr Ji App L CITY OF PASO ROBLES City anager " City o Paso obles 1000 pr g Street Paso les, CA 93446 Dear Mr App, In agreement with the City of Paso Robles the Chamber of Commerce has attached a quarterly report for the Visitor's Center The Chamber continues to find new ways to inform the public and tourist visiting our City regarding the Visitor's Center We have recently created a new Ad highlighting the Visitor's Center hours and information available to them on a daily basis. We have also placed this ad in our ne" 2008 Membership directory sent out to over 1,100 business members we also placed this ad in our new relocation packet, which was mailed to request throughout the United States. The Chamber has also established a relationship with Shonna Howenstine, City of Paso Robles Tourism Promotions. We will forward all leads of large groups interested in visiting the City with there contact information for further follow up. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or comments Sincerely, r Michael D Gibson President&CEO Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce 1125 Park Street Paso Rabies t_alifornia 93446 ph 8M 238.0506 fax 805 238.0527 pasorobleschamber corn Visitor's Center Quarterly Activity Report January thru March 2008 Website visits 730,021 -and 22,819 direct business referrals Number of visitors to Visitors Center - 776 Material dispensed from Visitors Center&Tram Station - Destination Guides, City maps, Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance brochure, and Main Street Association brochure, Lodging, Transportation, Shopping, and Local Business panted materials, Yellow pages. Summary of telephone calls requesting visitors information - 728 Summary of emails requesting visitor's information- 387 Type and quantity of any special materials distributed to groups - 846 grades distributed to wedding party, realtors,clubs,hotels and groups by request Number of Destination Gwdes mailed-725 Number of Relocation packets mailed -74 Capital egwpment purchased with City funds-No purchases made as of 3/31/08 Summary of expenditures mcurred by the Chamber for Visitor's Center Building Rent$6,018 00 Liability Insurance$258 45 Utilities Janitorial,Electricity,Gas, Water/Sewer, Phones$ 1,602.00 Payroll Staffing 1 5 @$12.50 & 5 @ $14.50, State and Federal payroll taxes, Medical benefits, Workers Comp insurance $20,16100 Repair/Maintenance Copier,Office $ 599.25 Office Supplies $205 00 Destination Guide- Postage, Distribution cost $2,365 00 PASO B MISSION STAITMEN'1 - „The Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce is an association of businesses and individuals organized to promote the economic vitality of the greater Paso Robles business community, while preserving its civic and historical well being, in order to provide a better place to live, work and visit" P k,-,( ) R )B 1 11, V HI ` N I t:l}'; R ( i.. CO '\A L i Vicki Zekanis Membership Coordinator Karl Lammers Mike Gibson i y President!CEO (8O5)227 2;470 \dministrativo kssisWnt (805)238-0.106 vr.�kanis('pasnrc+hl(tiihamhc°r.cont (805)238-OSOb rnt ihsonC(+asurcthteschamM room �lamnirrs(�-C>atix<�csleschamhir.�otn Cheryl Carnevali _i Events 4.mrdinato r Ger Ragan Linda Hendy �_ �' g Office Manago (805),_ 126, Administrative Assistant (805)238 6160 cc:arnevali(q )au>nohksi hambt,i+-c)rn (805)238-0-10h thendyC4pascx(}hlesihamhc,r.,�c)ri inti (alpasurohtisihamhrr.c:om Julie Matthews -Marketing Cixn rnunu at ions (b,05)227-7871 i m afit he�vs(�-(kau>rab(r�±t ha m fxrr.c.om ..., le aS obs isito Center , Chamber nlCDetmer Vlaltor Center Hours ■ Interactive Lobby 7Days a W"* ■ Maps &Directories Monday- Frldy ■ Phone banks 8:30 am - Spm ■ pain &Bus Information Saturdays&Sundays ■ Local Business 10 pm-2 pm Information (805)238050+ ■ Visitor Assistance GonwniendJy kwted at 1225 Park St..in the heart of ■ Event Information downtown Paso Robles. w Oro 6 1 esch a rnber 7as o es chamb of commerce rr„ HEU=IVED January 2,2007 �e CITY MANAGER t ,-1 JAN 0 4 2000 Mr Jim App City Manager CITY OF PASO ROBLES City of Paso Robles 1000 Spring Street Paso Robles,CA 93446 Dear Mr App, In agreement with the City of Paso Robles the Chamber of Commerce has attached a quarterly report for the Visitor's Center We would also like to update you on a few other items. • Train Station: Printed materials for visitors are displayed at the train station and restocked once a week by Chamber staff • Destination Guide: The 2008 Destination guide is printed and will be delivered to the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday,January 3,2008 Delivery of the guides has been scheduled for local drop off locations along with four major visitors centers located throughout California.The Downtown Visitor's center continues to mail out copies of the destination guide upon each request. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or comments. incerely Michael D Gibson President&CEO Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce 1225 Park Street Paso Robles California 93446 ph 805 238.0506 fax 805 238.0527 pasorobleschamber corn as 'obles chamb of commerce Visitor's Center Quarterly Activity Report October—December 2007 Website visits- 461,111 and 15,476 direct business referrals Number of visitors to Visitors Center- 1,178 Material dispensed from Visitors Center&Train Station- Destination Guides, City maps, Paso Robles Wine Country Alliance brochure,and Main Street Association brochure, Lodging, Transportation, Shopping, and Local Business printed materials, Yellow pages. Summary of telephone calls requesting visitors information- 1026 Summary of entails requesting visitor's information-290 Type and quantity of any special materials distributed to groups - Camp Robert 80 Guides. Marriott Courtyard 60 Guides,TraderJoes 80 Guides, Ohio Travlers 100 Guides. Number of Destination Guides mailed-580 Number of Relocation packets mailed-47 Capital equipment purchased with City funds—No purchases made as of 12/31/2007 Summary of expenditures incurred by the Chamber for Visitor's Center Building Rent$6,018 00 Liability Insurance$258 45 Utilities.Janitorial,Electricity,Gas, Water/Sewer, Phones$ 1,602.00 Payroll. Staffing 15 @ $12.50& .5 @ $14.50, State and Federal payroll taxes, Medical benefits, Workers Comp insurance. $20,16100 RepairiMaintenance•Copier, Office, New signage$ 599.25 Office Supplies. $249 00 Destination Guide Postage,Distribution cost $904 42 one time print fee $33,956 wt 040-0t•03 FrA kW DA-%c Vea►rty verewd Agreement For Contract Services Visitor Information Center This Agreement is made and entered into this 1`t day of July, 2003, by and between the City of Pismo Beach, hereinafter referred to as "City" and the Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce, hereinafter referred to as"Contractor" 1 Purpose The intent of the City in entering into this Agreement is to provide information and services to meet the needs of visitors and potential visitors to Pismo Beach in such a manner that goodwill toward Pismo Beach is developed and maintained, that Pismo Beach is established and continues to be a preferred California tourist destination and that the City's tourism objectives —increasing overnight visitorship and visitor expenditures— are attained, thereby enhancing City revenues and improving the quality of life for Pismo Beach residents 2. Basic Services Contractor shall provide the following services: a) Operate a Visitor Information Center("VIC") providing information to walk-in and visitors b) Answer all phone calls to the toll-free visitor information (800) phone line (1- 800-443-7778) established by the City and located in the Visitor Information Center and Chamber of Commerce office. c) Fulfill requests for information from phone contacts and walk-in visitors d) Respond to email inquiries &requests for information in a timely manner e) Make referrals for accommodations, dining, events or activities as requested by visitors 3 Service Standards In providing the services set forth in Section 2, herein, Contractor shall a) Handle a monthly average of 2,000 pieces of mail throughout the year in response to contacts, unless other arrangements are negotiated pursuant to Section 4 of this Agreement. b) Greet and assist VIC walk-ins, and respond promptly and courteously to all phone inquiries and email correspondence requesting information regarding accommodations, dining locations and other visitor events and activities in Pismo Beach. c) Provide the City a monthly report bthe 5th day of the following month, i e , January's report is due by March 5t The report will provide actual number of walk-in's, emails, and (800) number inquiries 1 d) Provide a volunteer handbook to the Conference and Visitors Bureau ("CVB") Director for review by the City Manager The handbook shall cover topics including public contact skills, locations and types of visitor lodging and restaurants in Pismo Beach, events and attractions in Pismo Beach and the surrounding areas, methods and purposes for surveying the visitor, objectives of the VIC and CVB and the importance and priority of making referrals to the City e) Except when closed on a holiday, as specified below, keep the VIC open to the public not less than 54 hours per week. The VIC shall be open from 9.00 a.m. to 5 00 p m., Monday through Saturday and 10.00 a.m to 4 00 p m on Sunday The Visitor Information Center may, at the discretion of the Contractor, be closed on New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and after 12.00 p m. on December 24 and December 31 f) Provide a report to the CVB Board each month and any special meetings as necessary to carry out this Agreement. g) Advise the City Manager or CVB Director of the need for additional distribution materials in sufficient time so that the inventory of such materials can be replenished before supplies are exhausted. h) Distribute materials approved or authorized by the City in response to telephone, email or in-person requests i) Provide City with timely notice of all significant developments arising during performance of its services hereunder, orally or in writing, as Contractor deems appropriate 4 Additional Services It is acknowledged by the parties hereto that special promotions approved by the CVB or City may require both telephone answering and materials fulfillment services which exceed the basic service standards established in this Agreement. In this regard, City shall notify Contractor in writing of any and all special promotions planned by the CVB In the event Contractor determines that any such promotion may exceed the basic service level and standards contemplated in this Agreement, Contractor shall advise the City in writing of the basis for such determination and may, at contractor's sole discretion, provide a written cost proposal to provide services necessary to support the promotion. City may then, at its sole discretion enter into a separate agreement with Contractor whereby Contractor will provide such additional services City is not obligated to enter into such an agreement with Contractor, and City may separately contract with other parties for such services 5 Performance Monitoring In order to monitor Contractor compliance with standards of this Agreement, the City may cause intermittent phone calls to be placed to the Visitor Information Center, requesting both written and oral information. Among the factors to be monitored by this method are. number of rings prior to phone being answered; friendliness and public relations attitude of the person taking the call, knowledge demonstrated by the person 2 taking the call about Pismo Beach tourist-serving businesses and about local events and attractions, and timeliness and relevance of materials being sent to the caller 6 Compensation City agrees to compensate Contractor for the basic services set forth in Sections 2 and 3 of this Agreement the total amount of$ 74,724 00, payable in monthly-payments of $6,227 00 on the first business day of the month following the month in which the basic services were rendered. In the event this Agreement is extended pursuant to Section 10, payment for each additional month of basic service shall be made in the amount of $6,227 00 on the first business day of the month following the month in which the basic services were performed. No payment for basic services shall be made to Contractor if Contractor has not submitted to City all monthly reports to which City is entitled pursuant to Section 3[c] of this Agreement. 7 Contractor Obligations Contractor shall provide all personnel and appropriate supervision needed to perform the contracted services. Contractor shall provide all necessary office furniture, equipment (including telephone sets) and office supplies required to perform the contracted services in an efficient and effective manner Contractor is responsible for maintaining the VIC in a neat, clean, safe, and generally inviting condition. 8 City Obligations a) The City shall provide approximately 825 square feet of space at 581 Dolliver Street, which shall be shared by the VIC and the Chamber of Commerce office. City shall pay the actual cost of the (800) phone line and all postage for fulfillment purposes. City shall provide all fulfillment materials and accompanying mailing envelopes Upon execution of this Agreement, City shall provide$600 as an initial balance to cover postage costs for fulfillment purposes Thereafter, City shall periodically reimburse Contractor for verified actual postage costs b) City shall provide Contractor written notices and agendas of CVB Board meetings at the time such notices and agendas are made available to the public. 9 Joint obligations At the commencement of the Agreement, City and Contractor's designated representatives shall cause to be prepared an inventory of all materials, supplies, and equipment and furnishings of any kind purchased or provided by City pursuant to or in connection with the VIC Services Agreement between City and Contractor dated April 19, 1994 The inventory shall be attached as an addendum to this Agreement. 3 10 Term of Agreement The term of this Agreement shall be one year, from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004, inclusive This Agreement shall automatically renew for one year terms, on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein, unless either party gives notice to the other of that party's intent to either terminate or seek modifications to the Agreement. Such notice shall be given not later than 365 days prior to the end of the then-current term of the Agreement. 11 Termination Either party has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time upon giving a 365-day written notice prior to the effective date of termination 12. Indemnification Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City and its officers, elected officials, employees, and agents from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, expense, costs (including without limitation, costs and fees of litigation) of every nature arising out of, allegedly arising out of or in connection with the performance of, or failure to perform, any services required by this Agreement. Contractor's obligation to indemnify, defend and hold City harmless shall not extend liability caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City 13 Insurance a) Contractor shall obtain and maintain at Contractor's own expense prior to commencement of the work of this Agreement insurance coverage for (1) comprehensive general liability with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, and (2) worker's compensation in an amount not less than required by law Contractor shall not drive a City vehicle or Contractor's own vehicle in performance of any services under this Agreement unless Contractor shall first have obtained at Contractor's own expense automobile liability insurance with limits of coverage not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury and property damage Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by City Contractor shall provide proof of required insurance coverage to City prior to performing services under this Agreement. b) All insurance policies shall be endorsed to name the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers as additional named insureds The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City its officers, elected officials, employees or volunteers, and the coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City, its officers, elected officials, employees and volunteers Any insurance or self- 4 insurance maintained by the City, its officers, elected officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Each insurance policy required by this section shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty days prior written notice has been given to City 14 Independent Contractor It is expressly understood that in the performance of the services herein, the Contractor, and Contractor's agents and employees, shall act as an independent contractor and not as officers, employees or agents of the City 15 Assignment Neither this Agreement nor any interest therein may be assigned by Contractor without prior written approval of City This Agreement contemplates Contractor as the sole provider of the services required under this Agreement. Contractor shall not subcontract any of Contractor's duties or obligations under this Agreement. 16. Designated Representatives For purposes of contract administration, the City Manager is the designated representative of the City The Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer is the designated representative for the Contractor 17 Attorney Fees In the event it becomes necessary for either party hereto to institute any arbitration, action, or proceeding to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the non-prevailing party agrees to pay the prevailing party's costs and fees including reasonable attorney's fees incurred in such proceeding. 18 Default Upon any default in performance of this Agreement, a party shall give written notice of said default to the party in default. If the party in default does not cure the default within ten(10) calendar days of the date of notice, then such party shall be in breach of the Agreement, and notwithstanding Section 10 of this Agreement, the non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement immediately 19 Total Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreement, policy, practice or understanding between the 5 parties, written or ora! The terms of this Agreement may not be modified, except by a writing signed by both parties City of Pismo Beach By- Pismo yPismo Beach Chamber of Commerce C Vim) 4(a �.7 By- 6 wood;b nwtiny/:d:44 :;±srn'uoj;euajo;ui ajow ao j jaNas xe;igeua)(V j IjE)Aq pamem seen xe;siyl Go 00 i�as V S M ? } ? � b .., as in . w 41 C c U O cl w in he ,. ts W f�i7 iWtf • • U • 65im 01-m04 4- d 10 � j Mc � T a r'+ .fir Q 'O L r, O � .�Or U � L •'3 a ii Wd V9 9L 17 90OZ19UOL alea 94 abed uMouNun uaa=l woo-ijB mmm//-d:4y :}!sin'uollewJOIUI aIow ao:J JanJas xel io�ewXy:j!=IJ Aq panlaoaa Senn xe}S141 W at ii O Ci Q •��' b N V., rA N r D r ? w > w ? ? � as Ci �D en No in t w Go v O a, a 3 3 �+ a� ca 3 3 a At M + Q Pf *p A V.Ait Ilio 4! lu UJ W r Cl Q44 ce v v Go in 0 W W U IL go lei _U2a t' 3 Wd bS 9 ti 900Z/9UO aled 92 aged unnouNun woj:j ua03'116 AkA"/,dAu :;!sin'uoljewjoju!ajoua job janJaS xel je�ewXV�IdJ Aq panlaaal Senn Xq S141 W w e � w O N N n � � N N W Ug VQ L) 3 3z � 3 � as a ro UnUn N NPS Nhkn wo gCD U CD o °D aQo � . ao a cc a U ~a cc Cl U Ud �} o yo O 51, a� NVd o o 3 � ' 3a ji N Ud Ud t,T U goo oda V F. 3z QQ w ro •- er a e- op e� � � ee a ., � �r a� o0 Wd ti9'9 V 900Z/94/0 :a;ea g/£ a6ed unnoqun :uaad From. unknown Page 4/8 Date 10/16/2008 4 15 54 PM i Visitors information Center 800 Call Analysis August 2008 use. ■164 1 900 Ontado 012 I I 4 5 5$9 Fresno ■818 Van Nuys 949 Laguna BeaQch El 814 310 L.A. 816 O805 Local O661 Bakersfioid i l f 209 Atwater ' ®13 1 ■626 Covina ®209 Atwater i 626 Covina ■16 ■310 L_A. 0949 Laguna Beagch 881 Sakeralieid 026 805 Local 026 ■909 Ontario ■Mist. I I � 818 Van Nuys 028 559 Fresno 033 0 20 40 60 60 100 120 140 160 Ito This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server For more information,visit: http.//www gfi.com woo,iIB mmW/*day :jisin'uoilewJo}ui aJOW Jo� jamas xe;js�= Vd IjE)AG paniaoaj seen xel SNI w Oei W " O w w 0 � U � NV � m � W �AVNiti .e�+ � 4 ' 36 ;36 �j o O U mQD e4 Sao 3 a 3a y A o dLU C3 �� � fufu ww `* 1,4 05 US oo2!.c ta O vNi a" M FT. r-V4 cup I Wd trS:SL tr SOOZ/9L/08/S aged unnou�un -woj=l From unknown Page 618 Date 10116/2008 4 1554 PM Visitors information Center 800 Call Analysis September 2008 I 01a t.A 1110 I ie554FRyne ■e�AV�nNuye ORostocel i 208 WOW} 4©! 503 BU*V~ON ata ,C 587 aram4w ■52a Covina e1406son.low i 1 406 son Jose Ot I e2eao. pose 1 t—�1 a1603 Beavc�mn EJ 709 t7akdab ■310 LA. a02Atemtos f tat e05toal I ip�7 +at M6G elBVGA WA" 1110 65a Freerw S1i o --- m 40 __. on ._ .to.. .__ lea.. ._. 120 ase Frosrw 1e �% 878 Van Nuys 10 a% 806 Local U e% 582 J kmftl, 8 4% 828 COVFM / 4% 408 San Jose a 4% aw 503 8reeon 8 4% 208 Oakdd6 a 4% Me1..A. 10 a% 5rote. 108 64% 7�y�AL�- 201 100% This fax was received by GR FAXmaker fax server For more information,visit: http.1/www gfi.com From. unknown Page 7/8 Date: 10/16/2008 4 15 54 PM Pismo Beach Visitors Information Center Phone Calls 2007 2008 Difference %Dif. January 917 882 (35) -3.8% February 859 900 41 48% March 1174 1224 50 4.3% April 1,248 1138 (110) -8.8% May 1,537 1609 72 5% June 1,779 1739 (40) -2% July 1,996 1890 (106) -6% August 1902 1841 (61) -3% September 1,112 1200 88 8% October 1,509 November 1,130 December 915 Totals: 16,078 12,423 (101) -0.8% Email 2007 2008 Difference %Dif January 267 252 (16) -5.6% February 243 247 4 16% March 234 226 (8) -3.4% App 234 242 8 3.4% May 278 268 (10) -3.6% June 268 262 (6) -2.2% July 252 262 10 40% August 278 272 (6) -2% September 260 242 (18) -7% October 272 November 235 December 241 -1.8°77 10 Totals: 3,062 2,273 (41) Walk-Ins 2007 2008 Difference %Dif January 1,292 1156 (136) -10.5% February 1,318 1372 54 41% March 1,598 1615 17 1 `1% April 1734 1582 (152) -8.8% May 1776 1749 (27) -1.5% June 2,852 2969 117 41% July 2,792 2783 (9) .03% August 2,841 2929 88 3% September 1,985 1849 (136) -7% October 2,172 November 1,214 December 976 ° Totals: 22,550 18,004 200cbPismo Beach Chamber of Commerce VisiiOf This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server For more information,visit: http.11www gfi.com From: unknown Page 8/8 Date: 10/16/2008 4 15 54 PM Hours Needed to Process Calls, Visitors" & e-Mall 2001 2008 Difference %Dif January 198 182 (16) -8% February 193 201 7 40/6 March 231 233 3 1% April 246 229 (17) -7% May 271 271 (0) 0% June 371 378 7 2% July 374 370 (4) -1% August 378 361 3 1% September 264 254 (10) -4% October 302 November 197 December 167 Totals 3,193 2,500 (27) -11% 'Calls eaUmated at 3 min online+3 to 4 minute fulfillment "E-mail estimated at 10 min online —Visitors estimated at 5 min.each. 204Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center This fax was received by GFI FAXmaker fax server For more information,visit: http.//www gfi com AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE VISITOR& ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES PHIS AGREEMENT i made and entered Into in the City of San Luis Obispo on this S day of 7TV Y , 2008, by and between the CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, a municipal corpwAtion, hereinafter referred to as City, and, the SAN LUIS OBISPO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC , a nonprofit corporation, hereinafter referred to as Contractor WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City desires to contract with the Chamber of Commerce to promote its advantages as a destination for tourists, disseminate visitor information and properly respond to inquiries about activities taking place in the City; and WHEREAS, Contractor is qualified for and its visitors center is equipped to carry out such activities on behalf of the City, and is in a position to accomplish such aims and purposes of the City in an efficient and economical manner; WHEREAS, the City and Contractor had previously entered into an Agreement on August 18, 2005 for visitor center services and website marketing and as recommended by the PCC the City wishes to continue to contract with the Contractor for these services and make minor revisions to the 2007 Agreement to reflect the current direction of the Community Promotions Program; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual promises, obligations, and covenants hereinafter contained,the parties hereto agree as follows- 1 TERM The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2008 until June 30, 2009 2. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE. Exhibit A. 3. REPRESENTATION FOR PROGRAM COORDINATION 3 1 City The City Administrative Officer or the designated representative shall be the Project Manager representing the City for all purposes under this agreement. 3.2 Contractor Contractor shall assign a single Project Manager to have overall responsibility for the progress and execution of this agreement for the Contractor Dave Garth, President/CEO of Contractor is hereby designated as the Project Manager Should circumstances or conditions subsequent to the execution of this document require a substitute Project Manager for any reason, the Project Manager designee shall be subject to the prior written approval by the City Project Manager 4. CITY'S OBLIGATIONS For providing services as specified in Exhibit A to this Agreement, and upon receipt of Contractor's monthly contractor report, City agrees to pay to Contractor twelve (12) monthly installment payments, in the amount of Seven Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Five ($7,625), for a total of Ninety One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($91,500)for 2008-09 5 CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS 5. 1 Scope of Work - Exhibit A. For and in consideration of the payments and agreements to be made and performed by City, Contractor agrees to provide services as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated into this Agreement. 5.2 Tourism Marketing Plan Contractor agrees to assist the City in achieving the major objectives set forth in the City of San Luis Obispo's Tourism Marketing Plan 5.3 Coordination of Efforts with other Contractors. In addition to Contractor, the City has service agreements for its community promotions efforts with the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau (VCB) for regional promotion and marketing services as well as with Barnett, Cox and Associates to provide advertising services Contractor acknowledges the potential for duplication of efforts and costs as a result of these agreements with the City To coordinate efforts, Contractor agrees to participate in monthly meetings of the Promotional Coordinating Committee's Marketing Subcommittee and provide a 60-day action plan at the meeting In performing its services under this agreement, the Contractor agrees to make every reasonable effort to coordinate activities and to identify and avoid duplication of costs associated with the Promotional Services, VCB, and advertising services agreements. 5.4 Promotion of City Properties. Contractor agrees during its promotion of City and fulfillment of the terms of this contract that it shall promote all City of San Luis Obispo lodging properties, whether or not they are member of the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce. Contractor acknowledges that this promotional effort could require the production of separate materials to include non-member lodging properties on an information list and a link on the visitslo.com website to a list of non-member properties 5 5. Allocation of Funds. Contractor shall allocate a total of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) of the City's annual compensation for the maintenance and improvement to the visitslo.com website The nature and extent of any improvements or changes to the site shall be mutually agreeable to both parties and are more particularly described in Exhibit A. 6. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Contractor shall meet all general terms and conditions as specified in Exhibit B 7 INSURANCE. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance which meets the requirements of Exhibit C As evidence of this insurance, the Contractor shall provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance and an Endorsement naming the City as an "Additional Insured" 8 AMENDMENTS Any amendment, modification, or variation from the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be effective only upon approval by the Council of the City or the City Administrative Officer (CAO), up to the authority granted to the CAO by Council 9. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Notwithstanding any representations, oral or written, between the parties, including any and all agents or representatives thereof, Contractor at all times covered by the terms of this agreement is acting as a free and independent contractor, not as an agent of the City Any and all supervision and direction by any City official, department or body shall be only that necessary to provide broad general outlines, and Contractor will use its own initiative and discretion in performing the details of work herein. 10 COMPLETE AGREEMENT This written Agreement, including all writings specifically incorporated herein by reference, shall constitute the complete agreement between the parties hereto No oral agreement, understanding, or representation not reduced to writing and specifically incorporated herein shall be of any force or effect, nor shall any such oral agreement, understanding, or representation be binding upon the parties hereto 11 NOTICE All written notices to the parties hereto shall be sent by United States mail, postage prepaid by registered or certified mail addressed as follows. City City Cleric City of San Luis Obispo 990 Palm Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Contractor Chamber of Commerce 1039 Chorro Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Attn Dave Garth 12. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT Both City and Contractor do covenant that each individual executing this agreement on behalf of each party is a person duly authorized and empowered to execute Agreements for such party IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed the day and year first above written. ATTEST CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, A Municipal Corporation d� L By Audrey Ho er, Cil Clerk David F Romero, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM CONTRACTOR By' o nattw6 Lowell, City Attorney Dave Garth, President/CE0 San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK FOR VISITOR& ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES 1 Assist in implementing the City's Tourism Marketing Plan Goals and Objectives 1 1 Continue to maintain and improve upon strategic alliances including supporting partnership opportunities with the San Luis Obispo Vintners on their two main events, Cal Poly Open House & Alumni relations, the Arts Community on special events, the City's Parks and Recreation Department through special events and marketing opportunities Allow Grants-in Aid recipients to utilize the Visitors' Center as an outlet for their events 2. Use the City of San Luis Obispo s Community Promotion's Brand, San Luis Obispo —Experience the SLO Life!in visitor and electronic information materials 3 Maintain a public office in a central location in Downtown San Luis Obispo for visitors information (the "Visitors Center") that has regular hours that suits the needs of visitors. 31 The Visitors Center is presently located at 1039 Chorro Street, very near to the historic Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa. The City acknowledges that the present location of the Visitors Center may have to change to another suitable downtown location during the term of this contract because of the anticipated redevelopment of the property The Chamber agrees to provide 30 days written notice to the City of any relocation of the Visitors Center 4 Provide visitor information that suits the needs of visitors to San Luis Obispo 41 Provide high level of personal customer service to visitors with an adequate number of trained employees to handle the seasonal flow of visitors to the Visitors Center 42 Respond to high volumes of information requests including telephone calls and emails 43 Serve as a contract for information requests from potential visitors as well as a referral agency to the City's lodging members and activity resources 44 Maintain electronically an annual events calendar 45 In the Visitors Center dispense City maps, hotel/motel directories, visitors' guides, brochures, pamphlets, and general statistics about the community 5 Maintain and consistently update the "visitsio com" website by providing 5 1 A media room 52 A list of"what to do" in San Luis Obispo when traveling with children and pets 53 Information of cultural events and activities in the City of San Luis Obispo 54 Historical information with a particular focus on the Mission 55 Electronic versions of maps and brochures useful to visitors. 5 6 Post the monthly electronic newsletter produced by the City's advertising agency 5 7 Monitor search engine response to key words related to visiting San Luis Obispo 6 Provide written reports on activities monthly (by noon on the first Wednesday of the month) to the City of San Luis Obispo's Administration Department to be included in the Promotional Coordinating Committee' meeting packets At a minimum the reports shall include 61 Summary of activities & achievements relating to work scope as outlined in Appendix A 62 Summary of monthly website information 63 Number of visitors to the center for the month. 64 Number of advertising fulfillment packets mailed and number of respondents to various promotional activities for the month and aggregated total 65 Summary of monthly telephone and email information requests 66 Type and quantity of any special materials distributed to groups 67 Description of partnership events or promotional opportunities undertaken and outcomes 7 Once a quarter, present the PCC with a detailed oral report highlighting achievements as compared to the work scope and elaborate on upcoming plans and events Exhibit B GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS V!1 ?_` 11...,'e�br I Business License and Tax. Contractor must have a valid City of San Luis Obispo business license and tax certificate prior to execution of the contract. Additional information regarding the City's business tax program may be obtained by calling(805)781-7134 2 Ability to Perform. Contractor warrants that it possesses, or has arranged through subcontracts, all capital and other equipment, labor, materials, and licenses necessary to carry out and complete the worts hereunder in compliance with any and all federal, state, county, city, and special district laws,ordinances,and regulations. 3 Laws to be Observed. Contractor shall keep itself fully informed of and shall observe and comply with all applicable state and federal laws and county and City of San Luis Obispo ordinances,regulations and adopted codes during its performance of the work. 4 Payment of Taxes. The contract prices shall include full compensation for all taxes which Contractor is required to pay 5 Permits and Licenses Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees,and give all notices necessary 6 Safety Provisions. Contractor shall conform to the rules and regulations pertaining to safety established by OSHA and the California Division of Industrial Safety 7 Public and Employee Safety Whenever Contractor's operations create a condition hazardous to the public or City employees, it shall, at its expense and without cost to the City, furnish, erect and maintain such fences,temporary railings,barricades, lights, signs and other devices and take such other protective measures as are necessary to prevent accidents or damage or injury to the public and employees. 8 Preservation of City Property Contractor shall provide and install suitable safeguards, approved by the City, to protect City property from injury or damage. If City property is injured or damaged as a result of Contractor's operations, it shall be replaced or restored at Contractor's expense. The facilities shall be replaced or restored to a condition as good as when the Contractor began work. 9 Immigration Act of 1986 Contractor warrants on behalf of itself and all sub-contractors engaged for the performance of this work that only persons authorized to work in the United States pursuant to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and other applicable laws shall be employed in the performance of the work hereunder 10 Contractor Non-Discrimination. In the performance of this work,Contractor agrees that it will not engage in, nor permit such sub-contractors as it may employ, to engage in discrimination in employment of persons because of age, race, color, sex, national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation,or religion of such persons I l Work Delays. Should Contractor be obstructed or delayed in the work required to be done hereunder by changes in the work or by any default, act, or omission of the City, or by strikes, fire, earthquake, or any other Act of God, or by the inability to obtain materials, equipment, or labor due to federal government restrictions arising out of defense or war programs,then the time of completion may,at the City's sole option,be extended for such periods as may be agreed upon by the City and the Contractor 12. Payment Terms. The City's payment terms are 30 days from the receipt of an original invoice and acceptance by the City of the services provided by Contractor(Net 30) 13 Inspection Contractor shall furnish City with every reasonable opportunity for City to ascertain that the services of Contractor are being performed in accordance with the requirements and intentions of this contract. All work done and all materials furnished, if any, shall be subject to the City's inspection and approval The inspection of such work shall not relieve Contractor of any of its obligations to fulfill its contract requirements. 14 Audit. The City shall have the option of inspecting and/or auditing all records and other written materials used by Contractor in preparing its invoices to City as a condition precedent to any payment to Contractor 1s Interests of Contractor Contractor covenants that it presently has no interest, and shall not acquire any interest direct or indirect or otherwise, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the work hereunder Contractor further covenants that, in the performance of this work, no sub-contractor or person having such an interest shall be employed. Contractor certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest in performing this work is an officer or employee of the City It is hereby expressly agreed that, in the performance of the work hereunder,Contractor shall at all times be deemed an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of the City 16 Hold Harmless and Indemnification. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and bold the City and its agents, officers and employees harmless from and against any and all claims asserted or liability established for damages or injuries to any person or property, including injury to C'ontractor's employees, agents or officers which arise from or are connected with or are caused or claimed to be caused by the acts or omissions of Contractor, and its agents, officers or employees, in performing the work or services herein, and all axpeases of investigating and defending against same;provided, however, that Contractor's duty to indemnify and hold harmless shall not include any clan ns or liability arising from the established sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City,its agents,officers or employees. 17 Contract Assignment. Contractor shall not assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of the contract, or its right, title or interest, or its power to execute such a contract to any individual or business entity of any kind without the previous written consent of the City is. Termination. If, during the term of the contract, the City determines that Contractor is not faithfully abiding by any term or condition contained herein, the City may notify Contractor in writing of such defect or failure to perform; which notice must give Contractor a 10 (ten) calendar day notice of time thereafter in which to perform said work or cure the deficiency If Contractor has not performed the work or cured the deficiency within the ten days specified in the notice, such shall constitute a breach of the contract and the City may terminate the contract immediately by written notice to Contractor to said effect. Thereafter, neither party shall have any further duties, obligations,responsibilities,or rights under the contract. In said event, Contractor shall be entitled to the reasonable value of its services performed from the beginning date in which the breach occurs up to the day it received the City's Notice of Termination, minus any offset from such payment representing the City's damages from such breach. "Reasonable value" includes fees or charges for goods or services as of the last milestone or task satisfactorily delivered or completed by Contractor as may be set forth in the Agreement payment schedule;compensation for any other work, services or goods performed or provided by Contractor shall be based solely on the City's assessment of the value of the work-in- progress in completing the overall workscope The City reserves the right to delay any such payment until completion or confirmed abandonment of the project, as may be determined in the City's sole discretion, so as to permit a full and complete accounting of costs. In no event, however, shall Contractor be entitled to receive in excess of the compensation quoted in its proposal 19 Ownership of Materials. All original drawings, plan documents and other materials prepared by or in possession of Contractor as part of the work or services under these specifications shall become the permanent property of the City,and shall be delivered to the City upon demand. 20 Release of Reports and Information. Any reports, information, data, or other material given to, prepared by or assembled by Contractor as part of the work or services under these specifications shall be the property of City, and shall not be made available to any individual or organization by Contractor without the prior written approval of the City 21 Copies of Reports and Information. If the City requests additional copies of reports, drawings, specifications, or any other material in addition to what Contractor is required to furnish in limited quantities as part of the work, or services under these specifications, Contractor shall provide such additional copies as are requested, and City shall compensate Contractor for the costs of duplicating of such copies at the Contractor's direct expense. 22. Attendance at Meetings and Hearings. As part of the workscope and included in the contract price is attendance by the Contractor to public meetings to present and discuss its findings and recommendations. Contractor shall attend as many"working" meetings with staff as necessary in performing workscope tasks. Exhibit C INSURANCE Insurance, Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by Contractor its agents, representatives, employees, or sub- contractors. a. Alininmai scope of insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as • Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence form CG 000 1) • Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 (Ed. 1/87) covering Automobile Liability,code I (any auto) • Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. • Errors and Omissions Liability insurance as appropriate to Contractor's profession. b Minisut►u iintits of insurance Contractor shall maintain limits no less than • General Liability- $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage if Commercial General Liability or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. • Automobile Liability $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. • Employer's Liability, $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. • Errors and Omissions Liability- $1,000,000 per occurrence. c Deductibles and self-lnsared retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City At the option of the City, either- the insurer shalt reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers, or Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations,claim administration and defense expenses. d. 011ie►•itrsrcrairce prorisforis The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain,or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions • The City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of Contractor; products and completed operations of Contractor- premises owned, occupied or used by Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by Contractor The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officers, official, employees,agents or volunteers. • For any claims related to this project, Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents Exhibit C• Insurance and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials,employees,agents or volunteers shall be excess of Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials,employees,agents or volunteers. + Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability • Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail,return receipt requested,has been given to the City e Acceptability of insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current AM Best's rating of no less than A VII. f Verification of coverage. Contractor shall furnish the City with a certificate of insurance showing maintenance of the required insurance coverage Original endorsements effecting general liability and automobile liability coverage required by this clause must also be provided. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. / ,;.in l uI; 01-11"Po C bamber til Commerce www VisitSLO com Web Site Activity August 2008 Aug'08 July'08 Aug'07 #of distinct visits/sessions. 49,617 47,064 35,317 #of total pageviews 266,967 283,728 173,898 Avg sessions per day 1,600.54 1,51819 1,139.25 Avg pageviews per session. 5.38 6.02 5,60961 Avg. length of time on site 0442 04.44 5.07 Irl,.' •,1 -> .•_ i'' $lSi�0115 _ HIPS ertl5 rK��•lr� e- i `t. -� :+ '.::;"t^.SRAM+. t'�px"77wL�'"^.f:I.:a:Ci'"rSW.y,A'i_:.::...., h�LT'!+i'd'Mi�'iYiJ:.. RfM .'IY`. 1'"•"s Graph is#of sessions/distinct visits over a one year period. Top three most viewed pages. Aug'08 July'08 Aug '07 Lodging- 1,758 2,155 n/a Activities. 767 784 n/a Wine Tasting- 363 443 n/a Number of Hours expended 46hrs Calendar Inputting-32 hrs Updating/Changes/Additions- 14 hrs �. Sail C u« ( bi,;po Chamber of CCITTIIIIt'rce Visitor Center Contract August 2008 Aug. 08 fun. 08 A_ug.. 07 Visitors to Center- 6, 731 6, 910 6, 258 Promotional materials distributed. City Maps 152 190 86 County Maps - - 23 Visitor Guides 233 209 263 Visitor Packets 57 33 6 Advertising responses fulfilled. EnjoySLOwines.com/Advertisement - - - BeautifulSLO com/Advertisement - - - WelcomeSLO com/Advertisement - - - TraveltoSLO com/Advertisement - - - GoToSLO com/Advertisement - - 3 LetsGoSLO com/Advertisement - - - HelloSLO com/Advertisement - - 1 SLOEasy com/Advertisement - - - SLOGoing com/Advertisement - - 1 SLOGetaway com/Advertisement - - - Phone Line #/Advertisement - - - Phone Line #/Advertisement - - - Saveur Magazine VCB Coop - 7 - OutsideleadInfo com - - - VisitSLO com/Advertisement 653 976 692 On-line Newsletter 63 65 - Sunset Responses 244 184 33 California Visitor Guide Responses 272 - 185 Other - - - Total responses: 1, 232 1, 232 915 Total sent year-to-date: City Ad Packets 11, 699 10, 467 3, 161 Amtrak Coupons 11, 699 10, 467 - SAN LUIS OBISPO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VISITOR CENTER AUGUST 2008 PEOPLE COUNT DAY DATE PEOPLE DAY COUNT PEOPLE EVENING COUNT Friday 1 355 20 Saturday 2 370 33 Thursday 7 428 27 Friday 8 307 48 Saturday 9 369 28 Thursday 14 473 30 Friday 15 410 17 Saturday 16 348 26 Thursday 21 169 38 Friday 22 244 28 Saturday 23 331 32 Thursday 28 272 35 Friday 29 256 44 Saturday 30 205 40 Total 4537 446 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Total number of events in August calendar, 116 Total number of events inputted as of 01/01/2008 503 Number of Events inputted during this month 105 ITEM NUMBER. C -3 DATE. 11/25/08 19" Atascadero City Council Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk Parks & Recreation Commission Youth Representative Appointment RECOMMENDATION Sub-committee recommends Council appoint Matthew O'Connell to the Parks & Recreation Commission's Youth Representative position DISCUSSION The Parks & Recreation Commission advises the City Council on matters that pertain to Parks and Recreation The Commission also frequently considers issues that affect the youth of Atascadero The City Council values the opinion of the youth of Atascadero, and has a youth representative advisory position on the Commission There can be as many as two youth representatives, they must be between the ages of 13 and 18 years of age, and must be a resident of the City The youth representatives serve a one year term Youth Representative Paige Buck-Moyer served the Commission from March 2005 to June 2008, and Ryan Carden served the Commission from November 2006 to May 2008 They both resigned this year as they have graduated from High School and entered college programs As required by Resolution No 2005-014, the City Council directed the City Clerk to advertise the vacancies and schedule interviews with a sub- committee of the City Council, Mayor Pro Tem Beraud and Council Member Jerry Clay One student applied, Matthew O'Connell The interview was conducted and the sub- committee has recommended that Matthew O'Connell be appointed to fill the vacancy left by Buck-Moyer's and Carden's resignations ALTERNATIVES Council may direct the City Clerk to continue to advertise the vacancy ATTACHMENT One application Attachment Please return to: CITY CLERK 6907 EI Camino Real �s�a R ;see Atascadero,CA 93422 CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION APPLICATION (YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE) Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City,with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please fill out and attach the Supplemental Questionnaire. NAME. Gl '\'1 1� C� °c 1 rt t� Email Address v C C ;`3+4 `�"F C RESIDENTIAL } ADDRESS. `--A k 4 C: ►"t � c; e Phone M5) ` (–,1 ( -77 Atcv)cc3e,—u ILA Ct34 - Work Phone -- 1 MAILING ADDRESS (if different). 5cAy"A Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? Ye 5 How Long? l (n v c) . EMPLOYMENT Present or last employer's name address and phone number, EDUCATION: RELEVANT TRAINING,EXPERIENCE,CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING,LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: INVOLVEMENTINCOMMUNITY VOLUNTEER, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS: Y+il s, k- �... l� r f f�-<- .�} r i [ slam-C' OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLYI OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: 1c ke f y 9Q. S( V1cV-kGii� C1�1 How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other(specify) Ar Sc cA-Xe-(z: ]k I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature 7� Date: C 0 r CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Parks & Recreation Commission i,y . t.G1 `c r.c � S -e c v 2 t� ^� f Cif S 6"0A C,C,"o7 X34 C0 �6 L (f tee Ajr-5C.CLAe4-C C z Mfn(AA% 4. Ayl A ("te , s .-t S Viz: 00 u,kit 4M rC`: y�M e/n 4 5 LYS a.�_ U �S.C\ � t � CAI t~ i.ype)i`Y1to11C 2 What is it about the Parks & Recreation Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Commission? j o-�f S Le r 1t %Y% S t e c L1 a hr w `i l P V dA'N ci t7(lOR e C- L c:s3)OA(s ; is �'t U-jC f k1 +t (Y10,kC'C <AE'f 6 Jt C 'ci CAi Gl.,� L' cC'�y1�l�ti(1c y! CL} M (ACLVZ C �° (,•ti%C A �A.l L� -1 .PANAIA, fi . � hcA\-)e —iC eA w Cf�A fh t' vr; .t�1 t-< 5 Ck C_Cc�c V1 I n e.11 A A v.rt�'�6`7 �u V1 414�G' _ 1ryc:v . }c 4-Yc\ I ') It 3 What role does parks and recreation play in maintaining a healthy city? ii1E ru.l� . tl1c, { i`1e O ,C`l -S Cin ce(c o'fI � i'� t) :l V`t'1e�to�i�' tr� ti<� r ate Lrt ifCk- C"VtC. I ik%A Ie Vic; C be lnye1yp—N lY). Packs Gl.YlA r-t C `(`eCLT1L,-0 �\t � DS C're CkVCAI e11v� Ct'1CktYt �(XIV 5 { �e tAVkCGAw\'evnf �,�af Y 1A VAc� y �- r Supplemental Questionnaire Parks & Recreation Commission Youth Representative Page 2 4 Howwould you see your role as 'a�member of the Commission? 4 P`1 ��\f C L t C. F\ i 9`l e l- c. �j h PA I t t'1 W�_'v'\�A U e f C <Sf 4 V 2—LAA -F �. i C ;,"A- fM PC, ;s) r �✓r y: <.. r t V c t1, �` \; �^c• :c\I� �'�!h Cl 4 !• +Al t S ( 5 In your opinion, what are Atascadero s greatest public recreation needs? rtrt t c� Z6 4 � ctSCc'c��v cc ,s �r� t��klC' r 1— �6c �✓r �rav � v?ci �«Veck K>Q. S AVIA f-x e,rc (4 c mV^fV tilt IC \ \' \0� (0 c, fl,<� t rr,at ii L",t m e o l 6 What methods should be used to fund Atascadero s public recreation programs and facilities? �-c CAC o C,, I <'�n A Q C,wl fy)v\Y) (�'"A ca ( S eA—4 ire L--)Ls S r1 I-VA I 0)c, e b c ( o,i .4 e ck \' rQL`� � c'} iG(1 5��_ ,� rCliyt S Ckv) T�.Ck�t r Supplemental Application Parks & Recreation Commission - Youth Representative Page 3 7 If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Commission achieve? L C Fes- t t r� t 8 If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional) s cktiA hay—A uj Is k c a ci ;'a i hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct �� � f� r Signature 0A 'ts � ,c..% t> s` A-11/h_-�)-" Date