HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Agenda Packet 011309CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA Tuesday, January 13, 2009 REGULAR SESSION 6 00 P M City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION 6 00 P M. ROLL CALL. Chairperson O'Malley Vice Chairperson Kelley Board Member Beraud Board Member Clay Board Member Fonzi APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Roll Call COMMUNITY FORUM (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction Speakers are limited to three minutes Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation The Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Board ) A. CONSENT CALENDAR (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non -controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Agency Board or public wishes to comment or ask questions If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Agency Board concerning the item before action is taken DRAFT MINUTES Agency meeting draft minutes are listed on the Consent Calendar for approval of the minutes Should anyone wish to request an amendment to draft minutes, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and their suggestion will be considered by the Agency Board If anyone desires to express their opinion concerning issues included in draft minutes, they should share their opinion during the Community Forum portion of this meeting ) 1 Community Redevelopment Agency Draft Minutes — November 25, 2008 ■ Board Secretary Recommendation. Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of November 25, 2008 [Board Secretary] 2. Community Redevelopment Agency Draft Minutes — December 9, 2008 ■ Board Secretary Recommendation. Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of December 9, 2008 [Board Secretary] 3. Annual Report from Atascadero Main Street ■ Recommendation. Agency Board receive the Annual Report and Supplemental Report from Atascadero Main Street ■ Fiscal Impact: None [Executive Director] B PUBLIC HEARINGS None. C MANAGEMENT REPORTS 1 Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Audit ■ Recommendation. Agency Board review and accept the financial audit for the period ending June 30, 2008 ■ Fiscal Impact: None [Executive Director] 2. Purchase of Chamber of Commerce Building - (6550 EI Camino Real ■ Recommendation. Agency Board 1 Authorize the purchase of the building at 6550 EI Camino Real for $10,000 00, and, 2 Appropriate $11,500 in Redevelopment Agency Funds for the purchase and maintenance of the building ■ Fiscal Impact: The total cost to the Agency is expected to be $11,500, $10,000 for the purchase of the building, $500 in repairs to the building and $1,000 for the lease of land under the building from the City [Executive Director] BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS (On their own initiative, the Board Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities Board Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Board may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) D ADJOURNMENT TO CITY COUNCIL MEETING ITEM NUMBER RA A-1 DATE 01/13/09 CITY OF A TA SCA DERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, November 25, 20089 6 00 p m REGULAR SESSION - 6 00 P M Chairperson Beraud called the meeting of the Atascadero Community Redevelopment Agency to order at 6 00 p m ROLL CALL Present: Board Members Brennler, Clay, O'Malley, Vice Chairperson Luna and Chairperson Beraud Absent: None Others Present: Board Secretary Marcia McClure Torgerson, and Recording Secretary Susanne Anshen Staff Present: Executive Director Wade McKinney, Assistant Executive Director Jim Lewis, Board Counsel Brian Pierik, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, and Police Chief Jim Mulhall APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION By Board Member Brennler and seconded by Board Member Luna to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll -call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM None Draft RDA Minutes of 11/25/08 Page 1 of 2 CONSENT CALENDAR Affordable Housing Funds Policy ■ Fiscal Impact: Adoption of this Policy has no fiscal impact. However, adoption of this policy allows the City to facilitate in the financial participation of affordable housing projects ■ Recommendation. Adopt Draft Resolution, adopting the City of Atascadero Affordable Housing Funds Policy with attached Affordable Housing Participation Checklist [Executive Director] APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION By Board Member O'Malley and seconded by Board Member Clay to approve the Consent Calendar (Item No. 1 — Resolution No. RA 2008-004). Motion passed 5.0 by a roll -call vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS - None ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Beraud adjourned the meeting at 6 05 p m to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Agency MINUTES PREPARED BY Susanne Curtis Anshen, Deputy City Clerk Draft RDA Minutes of 11/25/08 Page 2of2 ITEM NUMBER RA A-2 DATE 01/13/09 CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT A GENC Y DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 6 00 p m REGULAR SESSION - 6 00 P M. ROLL CALL. Present: Board Members Brennler, Clay, O'Malley, Vice Chairperson Luna and Chairperson Beraud Absent: None Others Present: Board Secretary Marcia McClure Torgerson, and Recording Secretary Susanne Anshen Staff Present: Executive Director Wade McKinney, Assistant Executive Director Jim Lewis, Board Counsel Brian Pierik, Interim Public Works Director Geoff English, Chief of Police Jim Mulhall, and Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard APPROVAL OF AGENDA. MOTION By Vice Chairperson Luna and seconded by Board Member Brennler to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5.0 on a roll -call vote. RDA Draft Minutes of 12/9/08 Page 1 of 5 ITEM NUMBER RA A-2 DATE 01/13/09 COMMUNITY FORUM Anne Ketcherside presented Mike Brennler with a Bat because he bats 100 percent; and presented George Luna with a gavel engraved with a "U" for Ursula and a "G" for George A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Community Redevelopment Agency Draft Minutes — October 28, 2008 ■ Board Secretary Recommendation. Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of October 28, 2008 [Board Secretary] MOTION By Vice Chairperson Luna and seconded by Board Member Brennler to approve Item A-1 on the Consent Calendar Motion passed 5.0 on a roll -call vote. Chairperson Beraud recessed the Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6:05 p.m. to the City Council meeting. Chairperson Beraud reconvened the Redevelopment Agency meeting at 6 49 p.m. BOARD REORGANIZATION 1 Board Appointment of Chairperson — City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson asked for nominations for Chairperson NOMINATION Board Member Clay nominated Board Member Tom O'Malley as Chairperson and Board Member Fonzi seconded the nomination Nomination passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. 2. Board Appointment of Vice -Chairperson — City Clerk / Assistant City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson asked for nominations for Vice Chairperson. NOMINATION Board Member Clay nominated Board Member Bob Kelley as Vice Chairperson and Board Member Fonzi seconded the nomination Nomination passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. RDA Draft Minutes of 12/9/08 Page 2 of 5 ITEM NUMBER. RA A-2 DATE 01/13/09 A. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 2. Communitv Redevelopment Aqencv of Atascadero 2009 Meeting Schedule ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation. Agency Board approve Community Redevelopment Agency meeting schedule for 2009 [Executive Director] MOTION By Board Member Clay and seconded by Board Member Beraud to approve Item A-2 on the Consent Calendar Motion passed 5.0 on a roll -call vote. B PUBLIC HEARINGS None C MANAGEMENT REPORTS 1 Public -Private Partnership Opportunity to Encourage Downtown Investment ■ Fiscal Impact: If the Board decides to invest in the Colony Square project or others, up to $1 5 million of Redevelopment Agency funds would be pledged ■ Recommendations. Agency - 1 Adopt the Draft Resolution declaring that a distressed economic environment exists at 6905 EI Camino Real, and, 2 Direct staff to begin discussions with Mission Community Bank and other community banking partners in the area to guarantee/collateral ize loans for investment in major downtown projects including Colony Square Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis gave the staff report and answered questions of the Board Members Jim Harrison, the developer for Colony Square, answered questions of the Board Members Anita Robertson, Mission Community Bank, reviewed the history and uniqueness of this project as well as Mission Community Bank's certification to underwrite local projects like Colony Square Anita Robertson answered questions of the Board Members RDA Draft Minutes of 12/9/08 Page 3of5 ITEM NUMBER RA A-2 DATE 01/13/09 PUBLIC COMMENT Joanne Main, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor of this project. Sandy Jack favored the proactive concept, however, is concerned about the prevailing wage issue Len Colamarino stated this is a very important issue for the downtown and feels the theatre has a social importance, however, he expressed concern as to how the money would be pledged under this project. David Broadwater had several questions and directed the Board to his letter and attachments presented to the Board Members (Exhibit A), asking which other projects would be covered by this partnership, which projects would be at risk, and expressed concern on campaign contributions from the developer Lee Perkins questioned why partners did not move on financing in 2006 when the grading was started and credit was not in a crisis state Steve Martin, Executive Director of the Atascadero Main Street Association, pointed out the benefits of this project for the revitalization of the downtown Mary Arnold, Chairman for the Chamber of Commerce urged approval by the Council, and asked if this funding might be in jeopardy from the state Ray Johnson stated the purpose of the RDA was for areas that need extra effort and the Colony Square is one of those areas Chairperson O'Malley closed the Public Comment period Chairperson O'Malley, City Attorney Brian Pierik, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, and Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis addressed questions by the public MOTION By Board Member Clay and seconded by Board Member Beraud to 1 Adopt the Draft Resolution declaring that a distressed economic environment exists at 6905 EI Camino Real, and, 2. Direct staff to begin discussions with Mission Community Bank and other community banking partners in the area to g uarantee/col lateral ize loans for investment in major downtown projects including Colony Square. (Resolution No. RA 2008-005) Motion passes 5.0 by a roll -call vote. RDA Draft Minutes of 12/9/08 Page 4 of 5 ITEM NUMBER RA A-2 DATE. 01/13/09 BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS None D ADJOURNMENT Chairperson O'Malley adjourned the meeting at 8 03 p m to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Redevelopment Agency MINUTES PREPARED BY Susanne Curtis Anshen, Recording Secretary The following Exhibit is available for review at the City Clerk's office Exhibit A. Memorandum dated 12/9/08 from David Broadwater to Atascadero City Council/Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and accompanying FPPC contribution schedules. RDA Draft Minutes of 12/9/08 Page 5 of 5 ITEM NUMBER RA A-3 DATE 01/13/09 Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Staff Report - Executive Director Annual Report from Atascadero Main Street RECOMMENDATION Agency Board receive the Annual Report and Supplemental Report from Atascadero Main Street. DISCUSSION The Redevelopment Agency entered into an Agreement with Atascadero Main Street in 2002 to provide Downtown Revitalization Services This Agreement automatically renews annually by the action of the Agency Board budgeting funds for Main Street. Pursuant to the terms of that agreement, Main Street is required to furnish an annual report outlining the accomplishments of the preceding year, and a work plan for the upcoming year by April 30th of each year The Redevelopment Agency and Main Street had scheduled a Joint Meeting on May 5, 2008 to discuss funding, a facade improvement program, possible business incentive programs, downtown physical improvements, and an evaluation of Main Street by the Agency Board It was decided by City Staff and Main Street Staff that the Annual Report should be deferred until after this Joint Meeting In July 2008, Main Street submitted an Annual Report for 2007-2008 Staff reviewed this submission with Main Street, discussing the need for a work plan to be included for the upcoming year In November 2008, Main Street submitted a supplemental report which includes their goals and their 2008-2009 budget. FISCAL IMPACT None ATTACHMENTS 1 Atascadero Main Street Annual Report — July 2008 2 Supplemental Main Street Report — November 2008 From Atascadero Main Street, Inc To Atascadero Redevelopment Agency Re Annual Report for 2007-08 Dt: July 23 2008-07-23 Attachment 1 V e_— U J U L 2 3 2008 r'ITY OF A f - Ar)ERO CITY Wi NAt�E, SO FICE Attached you will find newsletters from 2007-08 documenting Main Street activities. The Board of Directors, at its annual goal -setting meeting, decided to enlarge on its mission statement by adding the following "Atascadero Main Street will be a model for other organizations by • Creating and maintaining a high level of events and activities to produce excitement and foot traffic • Effectively delivering critical business assistance services to its members • Fostering civic pride in all its programs • Encouraging the attitude that "In Atascadero every street is Main Street." The Main Street Board of Directors is expected to ratify the 2008-09 budget within 30 days. That budget will reflect the additional support pledged by the RDA for enhancing/starting events in the downtown. The approved budget will be sent to you. If there are questions of me or the Board, please don't hesitate to contact me Sinc Steven W Martin& Executive Director Atascadero Main Street, Inc. — P O Box 3090 — 5901 East Mall Atascadero CA 93423 Ph 805 462-0177 — Fx: 805 462.0173 www.atascaderomainstreet.org — info@atascaderomainstreet.org Tuesday Memo 7/10/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Music returns to Farmers Market Beginning Wednesday July 18th, the Atascadero Farmers Market in the Sunken Gardens in historic downtown Atascadero will feature a summer schedule of musical enter tainment to augment the shopping experience.The musical acts are made possible by generous support from Mid -State Bank & Trust in Atascadero Artists and performance dates are as follows. Karie Hillery July 18th Keyboard based singer/songwriter- Karie Hillery encompasses the best of many generations. Blending the jazzy flavor of artists like Norah Jones and Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah McLachlan and Bonnie Raitt. Karie performs internationally and throughout the US. Carol Woode Aug. 8th Carol Woode is a fifteen -year-old Paso Robles High student. Although she is only fifteen, she has a mature, very powerful and yet smooth voice, not typical of a fifteen year old. In the summer of 2006, Carol com- peted in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand in the USA World Showcase Do not miss the opportunity to see Carol perform at local venues. Mud Skippers Dixieland Jazz Band Aug. 15th The Mudskippers are a Central Coast six -piece PARTY BAND that plays a dynamic mix of high -spirit ed, toe tapping, Dixieland, Big Band Swing, Polkas, Latin, Ragtime and more fun music. Billy Foppiano Aug. 22nd Atascadero Farmer s Market will be featuring 'Guitar Wiz" Billy Foppiano. Billy Foppiano and Piper Aug. 29th Billy Foppiano & Piper, an ener getic duo The Atascadero Farmers Market is open each Wednesday afternoon from 3-6 p.m. in the Sunken Gardens on El Camino Real in the center of historic downtown Atascadero. Economic Restructuring Committee studies incentives for downtown development Main Street's Economic Restructuring Committee received a report from Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis regarding the potential use of redevelopment funds for downtown business incentives at its most recent meeting July 9th in the conference room at Mid State Bank & Trust. Lewis presented a three point presentation re: redevelopment and business incentives. He spoke about: 1) How redevelopment agen- cies create revenues, 2) the restric tions on the use of redevelopment funds and 3) the potential ways redevelopment funds can be used. Lewis explained that redevelop- ment is a tool for generating rev enue to mitigate blight. The redevel- opment agency must be in a debt situation to collect additional prop- erty taxes for use in the redevelop- ment area. The Redevelopment Agency has bonded for about $12 million dollars. About $9 6 -million of this is available for use. This money has already been earmarked for downtown improvements and other projects. Lewis explained that changes in redevelopment law in 2001 created a situation where any expenditure of public funds to benefit a specific project in excess of $1,000 triggers a prevailing wage effect that adds about 30%n to the cost of the project. Potential benefits to the redevel- opment area include policy & pro- cedure changes, land use determina- tion, general infrastructure invest ment, capital projects, work force development, marketing expenses, business advocacy and market research. There was a free wheeling discus- sion of economic development in Atascadero with much interchange between committee members and members of the audience. During the discussion, various strategies were suggested as future economic restructuring tools includ- ing preferential permit processing for downtown retail projects, sig nage, diversion and advertising to mitigate the anticipated negative effects of work on the Highway 101/41 interchange, downtown mar keting programs, infrastructure improvements such as the enhance ment of the Traffic Way exit. It was determined that City Engineer Steve Kahn should be invited to the next meeting to dis- cuss downtown infrastructure proj- ects. Jim Lewis also discussed the process for updating the city's Economic Development Strategy He said the process would include extensive public surveys. A Request for Proposals (RFP) will be drafted for consultants to work on the proj- ect. The contract will be awarded in December 2007 The public process will take place between February and March 2008. A draft of the updated strategy will be presented to council in May 2008 and should be passed by June 2008 The Economic Restructuring Committee meets the first Monday of the month at 12 noon in the con- ference room of Mid State Bank & Trust. All meetings are open to the public. Agendas and minutes are available at the Main Street website. www.atascaderomainstreet.org. Main Street Mayhem July 22nd Sometimes fundraising isn't just difficult, it's murder At least that's the theme of the new major Main Street fundraiser planned for Sunday July 22nd from 4-8 p.m. at the Atascadero Lake Pavilion. Entertainment by Atascadero Performing Arts Center Committee and the Main Street Big Band. Picture it. 1933. Chicago. Zoot suits. Hot jazz. Great food. Murder mystery Silent/live auctions. Tickets are $45 apiece or $320 for a table of eight. Contact Main Street office. 2for 1 Pizzas! Fatte's Favorites or build your own! New Chicken Wings! OPEN FOR LUNCH! WE DELIVER! A. -M i ch ac1 S*H*E*R*E*R 4 Symhnl tof lnrtrgrify 4f6 ,8 00 City of Atascadero Sandy Jack Planning Commissioner City Hall 6907 El Camino Real Phone 466-8250 Atascadero CA 93422 Office Fax (805) 461 7612 sjack@atascadero.org COLBY & CO. DAY SPA A FULL SERVICE SALON JOANNA NOWINSKI HAIR DRESSER 6450 EL CAMINo REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 SALON (805) 460-9721 CELL (949) 300-2578 THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS The weekly Tuesday Memo is distributed door-to-door to about 120 downtown businesses each week Business card ads in the Tuesday Memo cost $35 per month. For more informa- tion about placing your business card ads please call the Main Street office at 462-0177 Atascadero Main Street 5901 East Mall P O Box 3090 Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 462-0177 Fx: (805) 462-0173 info@atascaderomainstreet.org New faces in the downtown... Ken Chacon. Joanna Nowinski Joanne joins the staff at Colby & Co. Day Spa at 6450 El Camino Real. She is trained by the Vidal Sassoon Academy and is a professional hair stylist and color educator with 14 years experience in Orange County She specializes in the latest cuts, color, wedding and special event styles. Call 460-9721 Please welcome Ken, John Yanes and Jared Bury They operate Print Copy Solutions, Inc. at 5632 El Camino Real. PCS specializes in blueprint reproduction and large format color printing. They also do posters, banners, light boxes, fami- ly portraits, color renderings and painting repro- duction. Call 462 5959 Jason Pambrun, D D S. Dr. Pambrun has taken over the orthodontic prac tice of John Anderson, D.D.S at 5903 East Mall. Please take the opportunity to welcome him into our downtown. For more information about the practice please visit them or call 466-1064 Beth Van Valkenburgh Beth operates Serendipity Artworks at 6025 Palma Avenue. She invites you to come in for all your ceramic supplies and equipment. You can paint your own pottery too! Stop by and meet Beth and find out more about this exciting new business. Call 466-2329 for more information. The business person requests no picture. Main Street respects her wishes. Professional website development offered at a discount to Main Street members Lark Ireland, the webmaster for the Atascadero Main Street website, will do a website for your business and a 50% discount! That s a tremendous benefit of being a Main Street member. `If visitors use the Internet to find services and products, websites are ter rific marketing tools to keep our sales here in town, said Ireland. If you want help with your business website you can contact Lark at 462 2515 or email her at lark@larkireland.com The Community Canopy is available for Main Street businesses and community service groups each Wednesday at the Farmers Market in the Sunken Gardens. July 11 Joanna Nowinski/Colby & Cc Phone & Wireless Co July 18 North County Human Society .Atascadero Main Street/Main Street Mayhem To schedule your space in the Community Canopy please call Atascadero Main Street at 462-0177 Tuesday Memo 6/26/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Board of Directors report for 6/20/07 The Main Street Board of Directors held a regular meeting on June 20th, 6 30 p.m., at EarthTone Gifts & Gallery on Entrada. Directors attending included Ron Wreesman, Greg Carroll, Greg Ravatt, Maria Hooper and Jim Harrison. Following are excerpts from the draft minutes of that meet ing Full minutes are available on the Main Street website. Redevelopment Agency Report: Marcia Torgerson presented artist conception of the design for new transit stops. Board comments. design may not block sun and rain and could block existing store sig- nage. Marcia will report concerns to city staff Council will consider this issue on 6/26/07 Marcia Torgerson reported the Lewis Avenue Bridge is on -schedule and on -budget. The bridge should be ready by the end of the year. Marcia Torgerson reported PG&E has submitted designs and cost esti- mates for new downtown street lights. She said the city is trying to coordinate the installation of wayfinding signage, transit stops and new lighting. She had no timetable for street light installation. Marcia Torgerson reported she is checking signatures on the creekside setback referendum. That job must be complete within 30 days. Atascadero Tourist Committee: Steve Martin and Marcia Torgerson reported on the activities of the tourism committee. A CD and sleeve have been pro- duced. The CD contains a promo- tional video for Atascadero with links to the city's tourism website: www visitatascadero.com. A tourism plan for the city has been drafted, circulated to the com- mittee and submitted to the city The city's TOT is up, so funds dedicated to tourism promotion dur ing the next year will increase to $52,000. The recent training session for downtown employees was lightly attended. Efforts will continue to distribute tourism information to local businesses. Tourism committee members will travel to Sacramento 6/27 28 to pro- mote Atascadero and an event tar geting travel planners and caterers. Economic Restructuring: Steve Martin reported that the ERC met in June. Hot topic: addressing the number of vacancies downtown. Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis will attend the July 9th meeting to discuss the use of rede velopment funds to provide business incentives. Ad Hoc Committee Reports: Main Street Mayhem Steve Martin and Jim Harrison gave an update on plans for the July fundraiser at the Lake Pavilion. The event will feature food, wine, music, a murder mystery and silent/live auction. Tickets are $45 apiece or $320 for a table of eight. Three tables have already been sold. Board members are urged to sell tickets. We are planning for 200 guests. Board members are also urged to provide or locate silent/live auction items. Hot El Camino Nite Steve Martin reported plans for the music, vendor booths and beer booth are proceeding on schedule. We will have a car for board members to ride in the cruise if they wish. Volvo Car Show Steve Martin reported plans for Sept. 8th event are in place. We expect 200 cars. We will have ven- dors, music and an awards ceremo- ny Main Street will provide the evening meal for participants. It will be a fundraiser Atascadero Lions Club will provide a pancake break fast for participants. The Volvo Car Club is fronting money for expenses such as trash, porta-potties, etc. Cobra pole banner project: Ron Wreesman reported the city has approved the design for the brackets for the banners. The high school is working to fabricate the brackets. Steve Martin is filing for the Administrative Use Permits needed before installation can pro- ceed. Downtown brochure: Downtown brochure is being re designed. The board decided by con- sensus to create two brochures. one including all members in the Main Street district. The other focusing on tourism -related businesses. The for mer will be produced as a short run for business -to -business information. The latter will be produced as a longer run and will be updated twice per year. Steve Martin will re -design the brochures and get revised costs. Historic building directory: Greg Ravatt reported some of the information has been acquired and formatted. Other information, including that for buildings that are no longer in existence, will be hard- er to track down. He asked for vol- unteers to help. Maria Hooper vol- unteered. By-laws update: Maria Hooper reported work is continuing. She expects items for board action by the next meeting. 'traffic Way re -naming: Ron Wreesman and Greg Ravatt will act as ad hoc committee to determine business interest in pursu- ing this issue. Ad Hoc Committee for Wine & Wassail: Greg Carroll will contact one or two other merchants to work as an ad hoc committee to plan this event. The Executive Director will assist. Ad Hoc Committee for Winter Wonderland 2007 Ron Wreesman and Greg Ravatt will work as the ad hoc committee to plan this event. Board member Dayn Mansfield will be contacted and asked to be a member of this committee. Downtown lighting project: The board discussed the need to impress upon the city that downtown lighting is crucial for business sur vival By consensus, the board directed the Executive Director to draft a letter to the City Manager stressing the necessity of downtown street lights and the need for a time line for the completion of the proj- ect. The letter will request response within 30 days. President Ron Wreesman will sign the letter. Rumble strips: The Executive Director reported the board's letter regarding alterna- tives to the rumble strips on Traffic Way had been sent to the city So far, no response. Special Event Workshop: The Executive Director reported that Main Street will present a half day workshop on how to plan and execute a successful special event. The workshop will be on Monday Aug. 13th at the Lake Pavilion. Presenter will be Toni Bodenhammer of Toni Bodenhammer and Company an event consultant. Attendees will be charged $20 The workshop is the result of a Human Services Grant received from the City of Atascadero earlier this year Additional city funding requests: The Executive Director reported that the city has declined the addi- tional funding request for the next two-year budget cycle. Councilman Tom O'Malley supported the request. Councilman Jerry Clay sug- gested a plan that would match Main Street fundraising efforts. Mayor George Luna said he would not con- sider the request until he received more information from city staff Community Canopy report: The Executive Director reported Main Street is setting up a canopy during farmers market on Wednesday afternoons to provide space for local businesses and organizations to distribute informa- tion. He also reported that Mid -State Bank & Trust has once again donat ed money to pay for summer con- certs during the farmers market. Mid -State Bank & Trust has also purchased a table of tickets for the Main Street Mayhem fundraiser CDA Annual Conference: The Executive Director reported the California Downtown Association will hold its annual con- ference in Long Beach Oct. 24 -26th. Several board members expressed interest in attending. The Executive Director will keep the board updated on workshop information and costs as they become available. PARTNERS Cheek Prim W.. "` �mtwhM �A feao�uq�p'YeUwWe Order your business checks from PARTNERS and Main Street gets a commission! It's win-win! 'lattAr-Al 1 ff4r x,- 5735 -D EI Camino Real 466-6666 2 for 1 Pizzas! Fatte s Favorites or build your own! New Chicken Wings! OPEN FOR LUNCH! WE DELIVER! Telephone (805) 466-2600 Facsimile (805) 466-2675 JUDY CONNOR-WOOD Attorney - Mediator 5975 Entrada Avenue Atascadero, California 93422 Estate Planning - Guardianship - Probate Divorce Mediation and Consultation Aaron -Michael S *He EoR*E,*R A Symbol of Integrity 466 8000 COLBY & CO. DAY SPA A FULL SERVICE SALON JOANNA NOWINSKI HAIR DRESSER 6450 EL CAMINo REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 SALON (805) 460-9721 CELL (949) 300-2578 Main Street Mayhem July 22nd Sometimes fundraising isn't just difficult, it's murder At least that's the theme of the new major Main Street fundraiser planned for Sunday July 22nd from 4-8 p.m at the Atascadero Lake Pavilion. Picture it. 1933. Chicago. Zoot suits. Hot jazz. Great food Murder mystery Silent/live auctions. Tickets are $45 apiece or $320 for a table of eight. Contact Main Street office. Joanna Nowinski joins Colby & Co Day Spa Colby & Co. Day Spa at 6450 EI Camino Real is pleased to announce the addition of Hair Designer Joanna Nowinski. Joanna has trained at the Vidal Sasoon Academy as a professional hair stylist and color educator She brings 14 years of experience and specializes in the latest cuts, color wedding and special event styles. Joanna is offering introductory prices for first time customers. Hair cut (reg. $45) for $30; Cut & Color (reg. $90) for $70* and Cut & Hilites (Reg. $130) for $100* *(Long hair extra). Call 460-9721 for an appointment. Get empowered on third Tuesdays Every third Tuesday of the month the 'Empower Hour" put on by the Chamber of Commerce at the Carlton Hotel will provide you with up-to-date information on what's happening in Atascadero. Different speakers are invited each month. You can show off your business by purchasing a five-minute spotlight for just $25. Continental breakfast costs $10 at the door Seating is limited. Program starts at 7.30 a.m. Volvo Car Show coming On Saturday Sept. 8th, about 200 classic Volvos will descend upon downtown Atascadero as the Volvo Car Club of America stages its West Coast National conference. Plans are in place to park cars along Entrada, West Mall and East Mall with a vendor row extending along Palma from Entrada to East Mall. Get a Clue @ Your Library San Luis Obispo City -County Library Summer Reading Program returns with a won- derful Eam-a-Book Incentive and free fun performances. Registration begins this month at your local library. Learn more at www.siolibrary.org. Sponsored by Foundation for the SLO Ciudades, Altrusa of San Luis Obispo, Local Friends of the Library, Hometown Buffet, Denny's In -N -Out, Round Table Pizza, LEGOLAND and more. Hot EI Camino Nite coming Hot EI Camino Nite in downtown Atascadero will be Friday Aug. 17th. Once again Main Street will be sponsoring a show & shine car show. Last year's event drew about 50 competitors. Entry forms are available at the Main Street office. Best of show award, chosen by participants, receives $250 for first prize. Atascadero Main Street will also offer vendor booths as part of this event. Call Main Street for an application form or visit our website at www. atascaderomainstreet.org. See you on EI Camino Real. Interchange reconstruction updates CalTrans has placed an information page on the Internet regarding the progress of the Highway 101/41 interchange project. You will find the latest information at www.dot.ca.gov/distO5/projects/slo_101_41/index.htm. THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS The weekly Tuesdav Memo is distributed door-to-door to about 120 downtown busi- nesses each week Business card ads in the Tuesdav Memo cost $35 per month. For more information about placing your business card ads please call the Main Street office at 462-0177 Atascadero Main Street 5901 East Mall P O Box 3090 Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 462-0177 Fx: (805) 462-0173 info@atascaderomainstreet.org City of Atascadero .-� Sandy Jack IZI Planning Commissioner City Hall 6907 El Camino Real Phone 466-8250 Atascadero CA 93422 Office Fax (805) 461 7612 sjack@atascadero.org COLBY & CO. DAY SPA A FULL SERVICE SALON JOANNA NOWINSKI HAIR DRESSER 6450 EL CAMINo REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 SALON (805) 460-9721 CELL (949) 300-2578 Main Street Mayhem July 22nd Sometimes fundraising isn't just difficult, it's murder At least that's the theme of the new major Main Street fundraiser planned for Sunday July 22nd from 4-8 p.m at the Atascadero Lake Pavilion. Picture it. 1933. Chicago. Zoot suits. Hot jazz. Great food Murder mystery Silent/live auctions. Tickets are $45 apiece or $320 for a table of eight. Contact Main Street office. Joanna Nowinski joins Colby & Co Day Spa Colby & Co. Day Spa at 6450 EI Camino Real is pleased to announce the addition of Hair Designer Joanna Nowinski. Joanna has trained at the Vidal Sasoon Academy as a professional hair stylist and color educator She brings 14 years of experience and specializes in the latest cuts, color wedding and special event styles. Joanna is offering introductory prices for first time customers. Hair cut (reg. $45) for $30; Cut & Color (reg. $90) for $70* and Cut & Hilites (Reg. $130) for $100* *(Long hair extra). Call 460-9721 for an appointment. Get empowered on third Tuesdays Every third Tuesday of the month the 'Empower Hour" put on by the Chamber of Commerce at the Carlton Hotel will provide you with up-to-date information on what's happening in Atascadero. Different speakers are invited each month. You can show off your business by purchasing a five-minute spotlight for just $25. Continental breakfast costs $10 at the door Seating is limited. Program starts at 7.30 a.m. Volvo Car Show coming On Saturday Sept. 8th, about 200 classic Volvos will descend upon downtown Atascadero as the Volvo Car Club of America stages its West Coast National conference. Plans are in place to park cars along Entrada, West Mall and East Mall with a vendor row extending along Palma from Entrada to East Mall. Get a Clue @ Your Library San Luis Obispo City -County Library Summer Reading Program returns with a won- derful Eam-a-Book Incentive and free fun performances. Registration begins this month at your local library. Learn more at www.siolibrary.org. Sponsored by Foundation for the SLO Ciudades, Altrusa of San Luis Obispo, Local Friends of the Library, Hometown Buffet, Denny's In -N -Out, Round Table Pizza, LEGOLAND and more. Hot EI Camino Nite coming Hot EI Camino Nite in downtown Atascadero will be Friday Aug. 17th. Once again Main Street will be sponsoring a show & shine car show. Last year's event drew about 50 competitors. Entry forms are available at the Main Street office. Best of show award, chosen by participants, receives $250 for first prize. Atascadero Main Street will also offer vendor booths as part of this event. Call Main Street for an application form or visit our website at www. atascaderomainstreet.org. See you on EI Camino Real. Interchange reconstruction updates CalTrans has placed an information page on the Internet regarding the progress of the Highway 101/41 interchange project. You will find the latest information at www.dot.ca.gov/distO5/projects/slo_101_41/index.htm. THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS The weekly Tuesdav Memo is distributed door-to-door to about 120 downtown busi- nesses each week Business card ads in the Tuesdav Memo cost $35 per month. For more information about placing your business card ads please call the Main Street office at 462-0177 Atascadero Main Street 5901 East Mall P O Box 3090 Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 462-0177 Fx: (805) 462-0173 info@atascaderomainstreet.org Tuesday Memo 7/17/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Fundraising is murder for Atascadero Main Street 'Main Street Mayhem, a 30s & 40s Chicago -gangster style fundrais- ing event is scheduled for Sunday July 22nd, 4-8 p.m., at the Atascadero Lake Pavilion. The occa- sion will feature hors de oeuvres from local restaurants, a catered buf fet dinner, musical entertainment, no -host wine bar live & silent auc tions and murder. The murder will be supplied by Eric Sharp and his company Sharpo!@ The interactive mystery will center on a fabulous and possi- bly cursed gemstone, the 'Luminous Brilliantus. Needless to say some one pays the price in more ways than one and everyone in attendance at the event will play a part in the investigation. Musical entertainment will be pro- vided by the Atascadero Performing Arts Center Committee (APACC) and the Main Street Big Band from Paso Robles. Hors de oeuvres will be provided by local restaurants including Blue Moon Cafe, Elephant Thai, Hoovers, Village Cafe and Players Restaurant. Wine for sale at the event has been donated by Pozo Valley, Christian Lazo, Firestone, Fratelli Perata, Bianchi, Calcareous, Wild Horse, Meridian and Vines on the Marycrest. Centerpiece flowers will be provided by Arlyne's Flowers & Gifts. Dinner will be prepared by Pacific Harvest Catering. Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be popular radio personality Andy Morris of Cat Country 96.1 -FM. 'This is going to be terrific fun and a terrific fundraiser, said Atascadero Main Street Executive Director Steve Martin. 'We expect more than 200 guests. We have already sold more than 80 tickets. Martin said the silent and live auc tions will feature some tremendous items. 'We have everything from haircuts to holiday time-shares, said Martin. 'Bidders are going to receive some great values. Among those donating auction items are Idler's Appliances, Richard Campas, Wilkins Gallery, Firestone Winery, Jim Harrison, Heather Curry Photography, John Roush, Baileyana Winery, Zenaida Cellars, Korbel on Blue, Ken -U - Kan Karate, Atascadero Performing Arts Center The Main Street Big Band will play music of the 40s. Main Street volunteers and entertainers will dress in period costumes. And, of course, the murder will be 'to die for 'Eric Sharp is a member of the Fundraising gangsters visit downtown Pictured above (1-r) board member Jim Harrison Executive Director Steve Martin, and Executive Assistant Gail Kudlac 'visit" Cathy Brady of McKenzie s at Traffic Way and Palma to solicit support for 'Main Street Mayhem. Committee, All That Glitters, Mesa Vineyards, Michael's Window Cleaning, Sierra Summit and Greg Ravatt. The event will weave the motif of Chicago in the 30s and 40s into every component. The musical pre sentations will feature tunes from that era. APACC will present live musical numbers from the show RAZZLE DAZZLE. RAZZLE DAZ ZLE is a brilliant homage to direc for/choreographer Bob Fosse, the only man in show biz history to win the triple crown (an Emmy an Oscar and a Tony) in one year In local award winning choreographer Suzy Millers hands, edgy segments from shows like Cabaret, Chicago, Sweet Charity and more, get an even edgier twist. Starring 20 of the Central Coast's most mind-boggling talents, RAZZLE DAZZLE is a must see at SLO Little Theater through August 19 Mystery Writers of America, the Screen Actors Guild, the American Federation of Television & Radio Artists, & the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, said Martin. 'Eric's co-starring appearances on primetime network television shows include 'Star Trek Voyager' 'Wings and more. Eric had a recurring role as the disgruntled 'Benny' on UPN's 'In The House' with LL Cool J Kim Wayans, Debbie Allen, and Robin Givens. Eric made a cameo as 'Sharpo The Clown in the Blockbuster film, 'Liar Liar' with Jim Carrey and is prominently fea- tured in the Good Charlotte Music Video, 'Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous. He was in the 'Bottled Water" episode of 'Penn and Teller's Showtime Video on Demand' He hosted and produced the L.A. based cable interview show 'My Half Hour' from 1997 through 2002 and honed his live mystery show over 12 years traveling all over the U.S Sharpo!@ Inc. is headquartered in Van Nuys, CA. 'Da pleasure of your company is requested. if youse know what I mean, quipped Martin. Individual tickets for 'Main Street Mayhem are $45 Tables of eight are $320 For more information about Atascadero Main Street's 'Main Street Mayhem and how you can become involved please contact the Main Street office at 462-0177 or info@atascaderomainstreet.org. Event committees being organized Committees are now being formed to run Main Street events for the remainder of the year. The following people are onboard" Wine & Wassail 11/30/07 Chair Greg Carroll, Earthtones. Winter Wonderland Mid - December Jim Harrison, Ron Wreesman, Greg Ravatt, Jaynie Orcutt (Arlyne s Flowers), Tak Chaloecheepa (Carlton Hotel), Kitty Arosteguy (Spa Central Coast), Annie Fletcher. These events are great traffic builders for our downtown. If you would like to help plan them, please contact the people listed above or the Main Street office. Main Street Board to meet tomorrow The Main Street Board of Directors will meet tomorrow night at 6.30 p.m. at EarthTones Gifts & Gallery on Entrada. Agenda items will include committee reports on special events, a by-laws update, and discussions on Main Street image, a request from Kelly Gearhart to be appointed to an empty seat on the board, budget adjust ments and discussions on proposals for a board retreat and downtown forum. All Main Street board meetings are open to the public. Full agendas and minutes are available at the Main Street website. www.atascaderomainstreet.org. 2for 1 Pizzas! Fatte's Favorites or build your own! New Chicken Wings! OPEN FOR LUNCH! WE DELIVER! 6 p :�- City of Atascadero !, Sandy Jack Planning Commissioner City Hall attend this workshop please reserve 6907 El Camino Real Phone 466-8250 Atascadero CA 93422 Office Fax (805) 461 7612 'I'm tired of doing this alone. sjack@atascadero.org COLBY & CO. DAY SPA A FULL SERVICE SALON JOANNA NOWINSKI HAIR DRESSER 6450 EL CAMINo REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 SALON (805) 460-9721 CELL (949) 300-2578 Telephone. (805) 466-2600 Facsimile (805) 466-2675 JUDY CONNOR-WOOD Attorney - Mediator 5975 Entrada Avenue Atascadero, California 93422 Estate Planning - Guardianship - Probate Divorce Mediation and Consultation THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS The weekly Tuesday Memo is distributed door-to-door to about 120 downtown businesses each week Business card ads in the Tuesday Memo cost $35 per month. For more informa- tion about placing your business card ads please call the Main Street office at 462-0177 Atascadero Main Street 5901 East Mall P O Box 3090 Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 462-0177 Fx: (805) 462-0173 info@atascaderomainstreet.org Main Street Board of Directors meeting will be Wednesday Aug. 8th, 6.30 p .m. at EarthTone Gifts & Gallery on Entrada Ave Agenda items will include. Ad Hoc Committee reports, street light installation, fast facade program, information re. new development projects downtown, and suggestions from Bill Arkfeld A full agenda is available at www.atascaderomain- street.org. All Main Street meetings are open to the public. For more information regarding Main Street programs, committees and meetings please call 462 1077 or visit our website. City stages community forum The City of Atascadero Community Services and Police Departments are planning a Community Forum regarding safety issues involving youth when logging onto the Internet. The forum will be Wednesday Aug. 15th, starting at p.m. at the Pavilion on the Lake, 9315 Pismo Ave. For more information contact Jennifer Fanning at 470-3426 or Marianne Clarke, 470-3200 EVENT, cont. from front page How do we choose?" each meeting. How do I get them Seating is limited. If you wish to more involved?" attend this workshop please reserve 'How do we change and keep the your place by contacting the tradition, too?" Atascadero Main Street office, 'I'm tired of doing this alone. located at 5901 East Mall, at 462 How do I get more help?" 0177 Or email info@ atascadero- 'Everyone has all these ideas. mainstreet.org. The Community Canopy is available for Main Street businesses and commu- nity service groups each Wednesday at the Farmers Market in the Sunken Gardens. Main Street sets up the canopy, tables and chairs and all you have to do is come with your printed materials to share with the public. To sched- ule your space in the Community Canopy, please call Atascadero Main Street at 462-0177 Tuesday Memo 7/31/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Main Street Mobsters Make Mayhem Pictured above (rear I -r) Natalie Berwick of Atascadero Eric Sharp, Duffy Hudson, Larry Maravigla. (Kneeling) Matthew Mack of Atascadero. Costumes for Main Street representatives were provided by Costume Connection. Mayhem makes money for Main Street The first Atascadero Main Street Mayhem drew nearly 200 people to the Atascadero Lake Pavilion on Sunday July 22nd. Main Street Executive Director Steve Martin said the event was a major success and sets the stage for an annual sig nature event to help fund improve A light murder Eric Sharp of Sharpo Inc. out of Van Nuys, CA, inspects the 'body" as the investigation proceeds dur ing the Main Street Mayhem at Atascadero Lake Pavilion. ments in the downtown area. 'The show exceeded our expecta- tions, said Martin. 'The feedback has been very positive and we were very successful in raising funds for Main Street. The five year-old Atascadero Main Street program receives about 70% of its annual budget from Atascadero Redevelopment Agency and a downtown assessment district. Martin said these funds don't cover "Costume Connection provided Main Street with cool clothes for the occasion. They are awesome!" Steve Martin, Executive Director the basic expenses of the organiza- tion and that additional money must be raised each year to stay in the black. 'For the last five years we ve raised some money from our special downtown events, said Martin, 'but never any significant amount. We finish each year at zero and Vandals strike EarthTone on Entrada Greg Carroll, EarthTone Gifts & Gallery on Entrada Ave., reports vandals removed a portion of deco- rative fountain in front of his store sometime last Tuesday The vandals removed a terra cotta ball weighing about 10 pounds, carried it to the rear of the building and smashed it, according to Carroll. He said the cost of replacing the fountain will be about $350 Carroll also reported that there was an attempted burglary at offices adjacent to his store sometime prior to the vandalism. Someone report edly tried to force entry through windows. Carroll said Atascadero Police are investigating and have found finger prints at the crime scene. Main Street merchants are urged to report all vandalism and other crimes to the Atascadero Police Department, 461 5051 City cancels Town Hall meeting The Atascadero City Council was scheduled to hold a Town Hall meeting regarding the second phase of downtown streetscape improve ments on Tuesday July 31st, at 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Atascadero City Hallo, 6907 El Camino Real. According to a notice received late last week, that meeting has been cancelled. There was no word on when the meeting would be rescheduled. Funding for the Streetscape proj- ect is allocated from Redevelopment Agency funds, Wayfinding funding, Transit and PG&E street light replacement funds. The City General Fund will not be impacted by this project. City staff recommends the council approve the plan and direct staff to start the design process. Special Event Workshop set for Aug. 13th Atascadero Main Street will pres- ent a half-day workshop on Monday Aug 13th, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Atascadero Lake Pavilion aimed at making your organizations fundraisers more profitable. 'Successful Event Choices will be presented by Toni have to start all over It's our desire to establish funds independent of those provided by the Redevelopment Agency so we can assume a bigger role in the improvement of the historic down- town Colony District. Jim Harrison, Atascadero Main Street board member, suggested this year that the organization start a signature event with the explicit purpose of raising funds. That's how 'Main Street Mayhem was born. The event consisted of hors de oeu- vres, a buffet dinner music by the Main Street Big Band, excerpts from the musical 'Razzle Dazzle presented by members of the Bodenhamer of Tony Bodenhamer & Company Tickets will cost $20 Bodenhamer has managed and/or coordinated events for nonprofits for more than 20 years, maintaining locally beloved events while reviv ing their volunteer or financial See WORKSHOP back page Atascadero Performing Arts Center Committee (APACC), and a profes- sional murder mystery by Sharpo, Inc. out of Van Nuys, CA. Silent and live auctions were the major fundraising opportunities of the evening. Jerry Clay and Tom O'Malley assisted with the live auc tion. The value of all silent and live auction items topped $10,000, according to Martin. 'We had great fun promoting the show as 30s -style gangsters in cos tumes donated by Costume Connection in Atascadero, said Martin. 'It was very generous of Costume Connection to provide See MAYHEM, back page t 5735-D EI Camino Real 466-6666 2for 1 Pizzas! Fatte's Favorites or build your own! New Chicken Wings! OPEN FOR LUNCH! WE DELIVER! City Hall 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero CA 93422 City of Atascadero Sandy Jack Planning Commissioner sjack@atascadero.org COLBY &. CO. DAY SPA A FULL SERVICE SALON Phone 466-8250 Office Fax (805) 461 7612 JOANNA NOWINSKI HAIR DRESSER 6450 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO CA 93422 SALON (805) 460-9721 CELL (949) 300-2578 Telephone. (805) 466-2600 Facsimile (805) 466-2675 JUDY CONNOR-WOOD Attorney - Mediator 5975 Entrada Avenue Atascadero, California 93422 Estate Planning - Guardianship - Probate Divorce Mediation and Consultation WORKSHOP, cont. from front page resources. She has re invigorated events that were down to six volun- teers and events that were in debt. As a member of the CalFest Board of Directors, she has worked with event leaders throughout California and Nevada. During the workshop, Bodenhamer will discuss. Leadership organization that dis- tributes work among able volun- teers, Planning processes and sys- tems that make it easy for volun- teers to succeed, Revenue strategies that increase the bottom line with- out overtaxing workers You should attend this workshop if you've ever heard these things MAYHEM, cont. from front page these get-ups. Some of those attend- ing also dressed up, which really added to ambience. Event supporters included. All That Glitters APACC Arlyne s Flowers Atascadero Chamber Atascadero News Avila Beach Golf Resort Baileyana Winery Bianchi Winery Blue Moon Cafe Bonnie Wilkins Calcerous Winery Century Cinemas Costume Connection Cottonwood Canyon Vineyard Daisy Blue Naturals Elephant Thai Endless Summer Jewelry EROS Winery Firestone Winery Hoover's Idlers Appliances Jerry Clay Jim Harrison said by people in your organization. Help! Everyone is burning out! Different people show up for each meeting. How do I get them more involved?- How do we change and keep the tradition, too?- I'm tired of doing this alone. How do I get more help?- Everyone has all these ideas. How do we choose? Seating is limited. If you wish to attend this workshop please reserve your place by contacting the Atascadero Main Street office, located at 5901 East Mall, at 462 0177 Or email info@ atascadero- mainstreet.org. Joy Baez Ken Yu Kan Koberl at Blue KPRL AM 1230 KVEC AM920 Leiticia Winery Martin/Weyrich Winery Meridian Winery Michael's Window Cleaning Michelle Andre/Garrett Essies Mike Brennler North County Farmers Market PCPA Theaterfest Players Restaurant Pozo Valley Winery Ravatt Albrecht & Associates Richard Campas Sierra Summit Spa Central Coast Tom O'Malley Village Caf6 Vines on the Marycrest Westwind Painting Wild Horse Winery Wilkins Printing/Gallery Young Curry Photography Zenaida Cellars The Community Canopy is available for Main Street businesses and commu- nity service groups each Wednesday at the Farmers Market in the Sunken Gardens. Main Street sets up the canopy, tables and chairs and all you have to do is come with your printed materials to share with the public. To sched- ule your space in the Community Canopy, please call Atascadero Main Street at 462.0177 Tuesday Memo 8/7/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Colony Square earthmoving underway Heavy equipment is at work on the site of the new Colony Square lifestyle center across from Mid -State Bank & Trust on EI Camino Real. When completed, the center will include a 10 -screen theater and a mix ture of retail shops and residential units. The project is being developed by Main Street board member Jim Harrison. Main Street presents special event workshop Atascadero Main Street will pres- ent a half-day workshop on Monday Aug 13th, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Pavilion On The Lake aimed at making your organization's fundraisers more profitable. Successful Event Choices will be presented by Toni Bodenhamer of Tony Bodenhamer & Company Tickets will cost $20. Bodenhamer has managed and/or coordinated events for nonprofits for more than 20 years, maintaining locally beloved events while reviv ing their volunteer or financial resources. She has re -invigorated events that were down to six volun- teers and events that were in debt. As a member of the CalFest Board of Directors, she has worked with event leaders throughout California and Nevada. During the workshop, Bodenhamer will discuss: Leadership organization that distrib- utes work among able volunteers; planning processes and systems that make it easy for volunteers to sue ceed, revenue strategies that increase the bottom line without overtaxing workers. You should attend this workshop if you've ever heard these things said by people in your organization. 'Help! Everyone is burning out!" 'Different people show up for See EVENT back page Planning begins for downtown holiday events It s not too early to start thinking about Christmas. Downtown Atascadero presents two great events during the holiday seasons and plan- ning is now underway for both. Greg Carroll of EarthTone Gifts & Gallery is heading up the committee planning the third annual Wine & Wassail, scheduled for Friday evening, Nov 30th. In the past, the event has featured refreshments pro- vided by participating merchants for holidays shoppers. If you would like to help plan this year's Wine & Wassail, stop by EarthTone Gifts & Gallery on Entrada Ave. and talk to Greg. This year s Winter Wonderland is scheduled for Friday evening, Dec. 14th, from 6-9 p.m. Committee members working on this year s snow event include Jim Harrison (Colony Square), Ron Wreesman (Prudential Financial), Greg Ravatt (Ravatt Albrecht & Associates), Jaynie Orcutt (Arlyne s Flowers & Gifts), Kitty Arosteguy (Spa Central Coast), Tak Chaloecheepa (Carlton Hotel), Jack Porter (Atascadero News), John Hansen (Clear Channel Broadcasting), Gabe Szalay (Straase) as well as Main Street staffers. To make sure everyone has the greatest opportunity to participate in planning Winter Wonderland, an extensive schedule of meetings has been set. Regular working commit tee meetings will be Thursdays (beginning 8/9/07) at 2 p.m. at the Main Street office, 5901 East Mall. Other input meetings will be as fol- lows: 9 am., Main Street office on 9/3 10/1 11/5 12/3. 12 p.m., Main Street office on 8/14 9/11 10/9 11/13 12/11 3 p.m., Main Street office on 8/22, 9/19 10/17 11/2. 6 p.m., Main Street office on 9/27 10/25 11/29 These dates have been set so that anyone, regardless of scheduling conflicts, will have the opportunity to participate in Winter Wonderland planning. For more information, contact the Main Street office. The city is "just listening" The City of Atascadero is updat ing its economic development strat egy and wants to hear from you. Visit one of the city's open houses from I1 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday Aug. 14th and Wednesday Aug. Ith, at the City Hall Council Chambers. There will be displays of current and proposed economic development projects. Project designers, developers and city staff will be on hand to answer ques tions. On Thursday Aug. 16th, 7 9 p.m., there will be a community session where you can voice your opinions and share ideas. Community ses- sions will be held simultaneously at Colony Hall (3600 El Camino Real), Pavilion at the Lake (9315 Pismo Ave.), and Atascadero Junior High School (6501 Lewis Ave.) Call 470-3400 or visit www.atas- cadero.org for more information or to submit comments. HEM offers promo opportunity Hot EI Camino Nite, Aug. 17th, will once again bring hundreds of cars to the annual Atascadero cruise. Atascadero Main Street will once again present food and craft vendors in the Sunken Gardens and a Show n Shine car show Q104 will provide music for the evening for your dancing entertain- ment. If you would like to promote your business to our car show partici pants, please donate items for our participant goodie bags. We will be giving away 50 bags. If you would like to participate, please call Main Street at 462-0177 Tuesday Memo 8/14/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Main Street stages special event work shop About two dozen people attended the Main Street workshop at the Pavilion on the Lake Monday morning, Aug. 13th. About two dozen people lined up for the half-day work shop on stag- ing special events presented by Atascadero Main Street Monday morning, Aug. 13th, at the Pavilion on the Lake. The workshop was pre sented by Toni Bodehamer a special events consultant who has more than 20 years of experience creating successful systems to start new events, reviving old events and reju- venating traditional events. As a member of the California/Nevada Festivals and Events Association 0 (CalFest) Board she has worked with event leaders throughout California and Nevada. Her work shop addressed leadership, organiza- tion, planning, volunteer manage ment, revenue strategies and much more. 'Staying fresh, fun and financially secure is often a tricky process, especially for events that are operat- ed with mostly volunteer staff said Bodenhamer 'Challenges include volunteer burn -out, under -estimating of the complexities of the event E9 process, competition among other events in the region, the need to bal- ance the financial needs with an event's mission or purpose and the sometimes divisive border that sepa- rates cherished tradition from refreshing change. The workshop was made possible by a Community Services Grant through the city of Atascadero. North County Farmers Market pro- vided fresh fruit and juice for atten- dees. For information on future workshops call 462-0177 Mid -State makes music again Once again Mid -State Bank and Trust is bringing music to the Sunken Gardens as part of the summer concert series and the North County Farmers Market. MSB&T is helping to underwrite the cost of musicians scheduled to play Wednesday afternoons throughout the summer. MSB&T was also the summer concert series sponsor last year. Thanks! (Pictured at left: Mid -State Bank & Trust staff including bank manager Lori Sanders [front left]. Also pictured is North County Farmers Market manager Sandra Dimond (front right)). Colony Square improvements underway Colony Square, a mayor mixed-use development, is under construction in down- town Atascadero. The project is located north of Morro Road between Capistrano Ave. and El Camino Real. The con- tractor will begin installation of El Camino al frontage improvements and utilities on Wednesday Aug. 15th. Storm drain and sewer main installa- tion are the first work items. The work will require the clo- sure of one northbound lane of El Camino Real during daily construction. The lane will be re -opened daily after work. Northbound traffic will be directed into the remaining lane. Pedestrians and bicy clists will be provided access through the area. Updates will be provided as the project pro- gresses and traffic impacts change. Please drive with cau- tion through the construction zone. Summer movie schedule Saturday, 8/18, "Cars" Saturday, 8/25, "The Sound of Music" Shows start at 8 15 p.m. in the Sunken Gardens downtown. All shows are free. Sponsored by the City of Atascadero and Mobley s Boardshop Refreshments available from Pacific Harvest Catering. Bring your blankets and low back chairs. Fun for the whole family! For more information call 470-3406. Board actions: The Main Street Board of Directors met in regular session on Aug 8th. The following items were included in that meeting's agenda. Full minutes are available at www.atascaderomain- street.org. Treasurer's Report Maria Hooper presented the financial report indicating a checking account bal ance of just under $14,000 as of 8/10/07 The first quarter RDA payment has been received and the PBIA payment is expected this week. Ms. Hooper request ed the Executive Director check into why the RDA payment did not seem to be reflected on the July P&L statement The board discussed the status of its request for increased funding from the City/Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Steve Martin reported the request and rational had been presented to the city The request was not granted M/S Ron Wreesman/Greg Ravatt to approve the 'Measurer's Report. Passed unanimously. Redevelopment Agency Report Marcia Torgerson made several reports: Cal Trans has added new 'Downtown signs to the freeway signage on Highway 101 She presented a booklet, 'Downtown Asset Management. She reported the ice-skating rink may be larger than last year or be active one week earlier. Best information right now is that the rink will open Dec. 16th. Rumble strips on Traffic Way have been removed. Streetlight plan will be part of the city's Just Listening event 8/14-15 The event will display major community projects and invite community input. It will be followed by multiple workshops at various locations around the city on 8/16/07 All results will come back to the City Council on 8/1/07 The Council is expected to authorize con- tracting with an Economic Development consultant after that. The Town Hall meeting to discuss streetscapes will be 9/11/07 5 p.m., at City Hall. Bids for downtown streetlights will be solicited starting 8/17/07 and opened on 8/31/07 Work should start at the end of September. Installation is expected to be complete by 11/16/07 Curb/gutter/sidewalk improvements to Traffic Way between Olmeda and Via should be complete by 8/31/07 Lewis Avenue Bridge should be com- plete the end of October. Report on future Transit Center Steve Kahn Steve Kahn encouraged everyone to participate in the City's Just Listening event and the Town Hall meeting. He reported that the San Luis Obispo County Council of Govemments is waiting for application for funds to construct the Transit Center in Atascadero. Valerie Humphrey of the City of Atascadero said what are needed now are criteria for establishing the transit center including: What does Main Street want? How can multiple transit services be integrated into the center? What about park-and-ride locations? Signage ? Medians? Restrooms? How can pedestrian safety best be addressed? Atascadero Committee on Tourism Report Marcia Torgerson reported on committee activities: Advertising with the Mid State Fair including on-site PSAs, signage, and web presence. A new info packet for downtown businesses is being developed. New rack brochures have been developed and there are countertop card holders for merchants. NBC's Today Show has taped a segment in San Luis Obispo touting the area as one of the 10 most popular vacation spots Barbie Butz reported that there is an article in Country Home Magazine (July/August) chronicling the vaca- tion travels of a pair of women from the East Coast to the Central Coast. Barbie Butz reported an editor with Sunset will make a presentation as part of a program at the Lake Pavilion in September Ad Hoc Committee Reports 1. Fundraising Main Street Mayhem Jim Harrison Jim Harrison reported on the success of the fundraiser. Main Street netted about $8,700 Mr. Harrison said the event was a lot of fun, although there were not many downtown business people in attendance. He said the partnership with Atascadero Performing Arts Center Committee was a good one and cited it as a positive step towards 'Main Streeting Atascadero in general. He said there will be a debriefing meeting to review the operation of the event and start plans for next year's event. 2. Hot EI Camino Nite Steve Martin Executive Director Steve Martin reported that plans are in place. Eighteen cars are entered in the Show n Shine. He expects 40 or 50 at the event. There is a like number of food and craft vendors signed up. Main Street will feature a beer booth. Volunteers are needed to staff it. Mr. Arkfeld suggested asking downtown business people to volunteer. 3. Cobra pole banners Steve Martin Executive Director Steve Martin reported the Administrative Use Permit has been filed with the city and will come before the City Council soon. Once the permit is issued the banners can be installed. 4. Downtown brochure Steve Martin Executive Director Steve Martin reminded the board a professional designer is standing by to work with members of the Design and/or Promotion Committees on this project. There are PBIA funds available to proceed with this project when the committees are ready to get started. Two documents have been proposed. One would function as a Main Street directory the other would be a tourist -oriented guide to local retail stores, restaurants, etc. 5. Historic building directory Greg Ravatt Greg Ravatt reported he has volunteers from the Atascadero Historical Society and Main Street and that an index of the existing historic building inventory will be finished this week. He will ask for art support from the Atascadero Historical Society 6. By-laws/Main Street support policy update Maria Hooper/Ron Wreesman/Greg Carroll Maria Hooper submitted numerous by-laws changes and policy additions. Executive Director Steve Martin asked that the anniversary date for renewal of associate member dues be changed from Feb. 1 st to July 1 st to synchronize with the beginning of the fiscal year. There was discussion regarding whether or not it is legal to define a committee quorum as specified in the proposed changes. M/S Barbie Butz/Greg Ravatt to approve the proposed changes including the anniversary date revision contingent upon checking the legality of the com- mittee quorum definition. Passed unanimously 7 Traffic Way renaming Ron Wreesman/Greg Ravatt After discussion, the board took the following action. M/S Kelly Gearhart/Barbie Butz to advise the city that Main Street is no longer interested in pursuing a name change for Traffic Way. Passed unani- mously 8. Colony Days booth Steve Martin Executive Director Steve Martin reported that an application has been filed with the Colony Days Committee to allow Main Street to operate a beer booth and chicken sandwich concession. Ron Wreesman will coordinate the sandwich oper ation. Board member Jim Harrison invited Mr. Arkfeld to help with the conces- sion. Mr. Arkfeld accepted. 9. Wine & Wassail Greg Carroll Greg Carroll reported he is looking into having wineries pour wine during the event to alleviate the burden on businesses to provide all the refreshments. Wine & Wassail will be 11/30/07 10. Winter Wonderland Ron Wreesman/Greg Ravatt/Jim Harrison Executive Director Steve Martin reported a committee of board members, down- town merchants, city personnel and private citizens has been formed to work on this year's event set for 12/14 There will be two meetings per week leading up to the event. One will be fixed on Thursday afternoons, 2 p.m., at the Main Street office. The other will be on various days and times to provide the opportunity for participation to those who can't make the Thursday meetings. Board recommendation re: timing of street light installation After discussion, the board took the following action: M/S Ron Wreesman/Jim Harrison to recommend the city install new street lights as soon as possible rather than including the project in streetscape improvements anticipated in Spring 2008. Passed unanimously. Downtown forum Executive Director Steve Martin reported he has lined up several areas to hold relaxers where Main Street members can meet -and -greet and get information about what's happening downtown. Dates and times to come. Help plan the holidays Plans are being laid now for Wine & Wassail (Nov 30th) and Winter Wonderland (Dec. 14th) and you can be a part of it. Greg Carroll (EarthTone Gifts & Gallery) is spearheading planning for the annual holiday walk -around event know as Wine & Wassail Please con- tact him if you would like to be involved in planning that event. Last year s Winter Wonderland was huge and we expect this year s to be even bigger. Preliminary plans are to extend activities from the Sunken Gardens into the Entrada and Palma areas. A committee to plan Winter Winter Wonderland has been 0114 formed. Regular committee meetings are Thursdays, 2 p.m. ro at the Main Street office. If you can't make that time, there will be a variety of other meet ings on different days and at different times to all everyone the opportunity to be involved. 9 am., Main Street office on 10/1 11/5 12/3 p.m., Main Street office on 8/14 9/11 10/9 /13 12/11 p.m., Main Street office on 8/22, 9/19 10/17 11/2. 6 p.m., Main Street office on 9/27 10/25 11/29 Check out streetscape plans at Main Street office The Atascadero Redevelopment Agency is preparing a new phase of streetscape improvements in the downtown area. These improve ments include new medians, plant ings, and street lights. City staff have made several presentations to the Main Street Board of Directors and have incorporated the board s suggestions into plan modifications. Artist conceptions of these improvements have been made available by the city Due to the large number of exhibits it is impos- sible for Main Street to display them simultaneously The city will provide Main Street with exhibits on a rotating basis so members can review them in the Main Street office. For more information regard- ing these exhibits please contact the Main Street office. Unique opportunity to comment on city development The City of Atascadero is updat ing its economic development strat egy and wants to hear from you. Here s how you can make a differ ence in Atascadero economic future. Visit one of City's open houses, Aug. 14th or 15th, at the City Hall from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. to see dis- plays of current and proposed eco- nomic development projects. Project designers, developers and City staff will be there to answer questions. Attend a community session Thursday 7 9 p.m. to voice your opinions. Community sessions will be held simultaneously at the fol- lowing locations. Colony Hall, 3600 El Camino Real, Pavilion at the Lake, 9315 Pismo Ave. and Atascadero Junior High School 6501 Lewis Ave. If you call questions please call 470-3400 or visit www.atascadero.org. Work continues on schedule on the new Lewis Bridge that will link Capistrano and Lewis Avenue. The span is expected to be open for traffic by October This Friday it's time to cruise! This Friday night is Hot El Camino Nite in downtown Atascadero and that means hun- dreds of classic cars will be cruising El Camino Real and thousands of people will be in town. your potential customers. Main Street will once again be working to keep those folks +® downtown by stag ing the 2nd,. Annual Show `n Shine Car Show around the ryM""' Sunken Gardens, plus providing food and craft vendors through out the evening as well as music from Q- 104 You have the opportunity to pro- mote your business by providing items for our goodie bag. The bags will be distributed to partici pants in the car show If you have items or discount coupons to con- tribute please bring them to the Main Street office. You will need to provide at least 50 of each item. Main Street also uses this event as an opportunity to raise funds for downtown activities and improve ments. We will once again operate a beer both in the Sunken Gardens dur 1 ing and after the cruise. Bill Arkfeld (The ARTery) has volun- teered to round up works to man the booth. If you can help out please contact him as soon as possible. Hot EI Camino Nite has long been one of the most popular down- town events drawing thousands from the community and around the county Please plan to participate and enjoy the evening with the rest of your Main Street colleagues. Tuesday Memo 8/21/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Nearly 50 cars were entered in the second annual Main Street Show 'n Shine competition. The cars lined both sides of West Mall between EI Camino Real and Palma Avenue. Hot EI Camino Nite brings traffic to historic downtown It was a big show on Friday evening, Aug. 17th, as hundreds of cars roared down El Camino Real, around the Sunken Gardens and past the Carlton Hotel during Hot el Camino Nite. In the Sunken Gardens dozens of food and craft vendors joined Atascadero Main Street to entice visitors into the downtown area. Q-104 and the Big Kahuna provided oldies music for the crowd and the party lasted far into the evening. Prior to the Main Cruise, Atascadero Main Street staged its second annual Show `n Shine car show on West Mall. Nearly our dozen classic cars were entered in the competition. Car show partici- pants chose their own `Best of Show entry The $250 first prize when to Rick Fuller of Paso Robles for his bright red 1932 Ford Roadster. This year the cruise route was changed to extend travel north on Palma Avenue all the way to Traffic Way From there, drivers drove west on Traffic Way before turning south on El Camino Real in front of the Carlton Hotel. Thousands of visitors lined the streets to see the amazing (1-r) Ric Fuller and Atascadero Main Street Executive Director Steve Martin. Fuller's red roadster won the Best of Show award at Friday's event. variety of classic automobiles entered in the cruise. The main cruise is sponsored and directed by the City of Atascadero. For more cruise pictures check out the Main Street website at www.atascaderomainstreet.org Just Listening City staff spent most of last week on this project to gauge the desires of Atascaderans regarding economic development. Materials were on display for two full days at City Hall and multiple evening workshops provided max imum opportunity for input. Something brewing Malibu Brew Coffee on El Camino Real across from the Sunken Gardens has changed hands. Stop by and see Paul and his crew to find out what's brewing! Downtown gets trimmed City crews were at work last week taking down troublesome branches around the Sunken Gardens and in front of the Administration Building. Keeping the vegetation in check is an ongoing job and is a vital part of keeping downtown looking good. All that jazz... Pennie and Donnie at Hush Harbor Artisan Bakery in the Virginia Plaza are cooking up Summer Night of Jazz, Aug. 25th. Doug MacDonald and the Pat Cormick Group provide the jazz. Chef Claude Chazalon (formerly of Paris Restaurant in Paso Robles) is cooking up something special. Call for details. 460-0541 Tuesday Memo 8/28/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Winter Wonderland 2007 planning now underway Planning meetings for the 2007 edition of Winter Wonderland, Friday Dec. 14th, are now under way Regular working committee meetings are set for each Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Main Street office. If you CAN'T make those meet ings, please don t say `there's no way for me to get involved. In addition to these regular meetings, there are other meetings set on dif ferent days and different times to accommodate anyone who wants to make suggestions about this year s event. This week, in addition to the Thursday after noon meeting, there will be a SAN' D %A# - YY II IG GX 11110.7.7=11 Walk -around planning re -positioning the snowslide to its original location at Traffic Way and Palma Ave. The re -positioning and expansion of the event will require significant- ly more lighting and power genera- tion. The committee wants to double the amount of snow and, possibly add a carriage ride to the event. Also, more trash containers and portable toilets will be needed, as well as expanded directional sig- nage. These and other factors will increase the cost of the event. Last year the event cost about $9,830 This year the event will cost more than $17,000 Corporate sponsorships for the event will again be $500. Committee members suggested raising that to $750 for 2008. Snow sponsorships will again be $250. Committee members suggested making arrangements to use school property and private lots for parking. Trolley service from Mission Oaks and the Rite Aid centers was sug- gested, as was a senior drop-off in the pull-out area in front of the Sunken Gardens on El Camino Real. Items to be considered at this Thursday afternoon s meeting include. event layout, event timeline, sponsorship packages, and work crew recruitment. All Main Street meetings are open to the public. Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help planning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year s event will be Friday Nov 30th. It's designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. In the past, participating merchants have provided refreshments and entertain- ment for visitors. This year, Carroll says he is attempting to contact wineries to par ticipate so local merchants don't have to bear the total expense of the evening. This will be the first time this event is scheduled BEFORE Winter Wonderland. In years past the event has been scheduled for the week after Winter Wonderland. By shifting the schedule, we hope to focus more attention on this downtown walk -around. If you want to help plan this important holiday shopping event please contact Greg Carroll at EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 465-4415. Design Committee to meet Aug 29th The Main Street Design Committee will meet on Wednesday Aug. 29th, at 6 p.m. at EarthTones Gifts & Gallery on Entrada Avenue. Committee mem- bers will discuss many items including: Sub -Committee Reports: Historic Building Survey Landscaping/Signage/Banners New Business: Fast facade request by Brian Wallace, Rockwell Studios Review of business assessment district funding Other Business: Election of chair/co-chair Setting meeting schedule Schedule work plan meeting Fast facades Downtown lighting Downtown promotional flyer Transit Center Appearance reviews The full agenda for the Design Committee meeting is available at www.atascaderomainstrect.org. All Main Street meetings are open to the public. The Colony Days parade through downtown will be Saturday Oct. 20th. For more information please visit www.colonydays.com or www.swinginthecolony.com or email mkudlac@charter.net Tuesday Memo Halloween Eve walk -around promotion event proposed 9/11/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 On Wednesday evening, Oct. 31 st, Mobley s Boardshop at West Mall and El Camino Real is planning its second annual Halloween party Preliminary plans call for games and bounce houses in the Sunken Gardens. Plans are still underway and your store can capitalize on this occasion if you act now It s been proposed that participating businesses offer safe trick -or -treating to local families by opening the shops and greeting kids with candy treats. The farm- ers market has offered to donate a couple dozen pumpkins to be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis at the mar ® ket on 10/24 Kids will be invited to take the pumpkins home for free, carve them, then return with them on Halloween Eve to have them judged. If enough stores agree to participate, the pumpkins can be displayed Halloween evening in the shops themselves. We need to know by this Friday (9/14/07) if your store will participate. Please contact the Main Street office if you want to be added to the list. Thanks! Downtown revitalization ranks high on Chamber of Commerce survey A recent survey commissioned by town revitalization a close second. the Atascadero Chamber of Voter Consumer Research out of Commerce regarding important Washington, D C. did the survey A issues facing Atascadero indicates sample group of 300 registered vot strong support for downtown revi- ers was polled. The make-up of the talization efforts. The survey paid polled group reflected voter regis for by the Rottman Group and Wal- tration as of the last election. 48% Mart, shows that respondents think Republican, 29% Democrat, 13% education is the most important Independent and 8% I Don t Know issue facing the city with down- /Declines To State. Hush Harbor jazz fests heat up Jazz is back at Hush Harbor Artisan Bakery in the Virginia Plaza on EI Camino Real. The most recent dinner/music event was sold out. The next event is set for Saturday Oct. 20th. For details re: artists, reservations and costs please call 460-0541 Police chief resigns Police Chief John Couch has resigned from the Atascadero force as of Dec. 28th. Couch has been with the city department for 17 years, moving up through the ranks to the chief position in 2004 He will continue as interim chief until a replacement is hired. New interim attorney Robert Schultz, city attorney for Morro Bay will serve as Atascadero s city attorney during the search for new legal counsel. Schultz will be assisted by Roy A. Hanley and David M. Fleishman of Hanley & Fleishman LLP None of the three interim attorneys will be candidates for the full-time position The city council is expected to inter view candidates for the position sometime in October. Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help planning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year's event will be Friday Nov 30th. It's designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. If you want to help plan this important holiday shopping event please contact: Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 466-4415. Campaign reform Atascadero city staff will host an educational forum on campaign reform on Tuesday Sept. 25 5 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real. The forum will conclude at 6.30 p.m. it will include a panel discus- sion featuring experts who will share their experiences and under standing of reforms in other cities. Audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions. For more information call the City Clerk s office at 470-3400. Fall Sunken Gardens Flea Market set for September 15th This year s Fall Flea Market is scheduled for Saturday Sept. 15 2007 This massive event, brought to you by the Atascadero Community Services Department, runs from 9 AM until 2 PM and is located in the Sunken Gardens Park. There are 110 vendor spaces available and over 1,000 buyers attend this biannual Yard Sale. Registration is now open and will be processed at the Atascadero City Hall, located at 6907 El Camino Real. A 10' x 10' space costs $25 for Atascadero residents and $35 for non-residents and are on a first come, first serve basis. Pre -registration will be accepted until 3.00 pm on Friday September 14 2007 If additional spaces are still open, on-site regis- tration will take place the morning of the event at the Sunken Gardens Park beginning at 7.00 am. The sale is free to attend. If you would like an application form, or for more information, please log on to www.atascadero.org or call (805) 461 5000. Chamber to host Wal-Mart speaker Aaron Rios, Public Affairs Director for Wal-Mart, will be the featured speaker at Atascadero Chamber's monthly Empower Hour session on Tuesday Sept. 18th, 7 30 a.m. in the Ambrosia room at the Carlton Hotel. Rios will highlight the proposed Atascadero Wal-Mart Super Center proposed for Del Rio and El Camino Real. Reservations and payment required by Sept. 14th. The cost is $10. PARTNERS Chock Ari'nUrsg u w r a n. an. ro. xtt q, r au. Order your business checks from PARTNERS and Main Street gets a commission! It's win-win! Tuesday Memo Atascadero Main Street - 46200177 9/18/07 BOARD MEETING COMING UP AGENDA AND PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES INCLUDED IN THIS MEMO Atascadero Main Street Association Board of Directors - Agenda for 9/19/07, 6 30 p.m. Devine Room, Carlton Hotel [PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF MEETING PLACE DUE TO ANTICIPATED ATTENDANCE. THANK YOU.] I. Call to Order Ron Wreesman Maria Hooper _ Greg Carroll _ Barbie Butz _ Greg Ravatt _ Dayn Mansfield Larry Guittard _ Jim Harrison Kelly Gearhart II. President's Welcome and Public Comment Invitation III. Public Comment IV Approval of Minutes, 8/8/07 meeting V Treasurer's Report VI. Redevelopment Agency Report Marcia Torgerson VII. Atascadero Committee on Tourism Report Marcia Torgerson VIII. Chamber of Commerce Report Joanne Main IX. Committee Reports a. Organization b Design I Minutes of 8/29/07 meeting 2. Minutes of 9/5/07 meeting 3 Transit Center 4 The Design Committee recommends the Board take the position that the Transit Center be located in the Downtown and that the Center be designed with safe lighting, restroom facilities, adequate parking, safe pedestrian access, public art, and utilize green building techniques (shade trees, recycled products, etc). 5 Design Committee workplan The Design Committee has agreed by concensus to propose the following Design Committee goals to the Board: 1 Increase lighting on Palma Ave. 2. 'Develop Design standards which will identify and preserve what already exists and encourages the look that is desired. 3 'Develop design review 4 'Finish the guide of commercial historical, buildings. 5 'Develop a residential historical guide. 6. 'Develop a plan for more banners and signs. C. Promotion d. Economic Restructuring 1 Minutes of 9/10/07 2. The ERC recommends the Board request additional funding from the Redevelopment Agency for landscaping highway off -ramps in the Main Street district, particularly the Traffic Way off -ramp. e. Ad Hoc Committee Reports 1 Hot El Camino Nite wrap-up Steve Martin 2. Halloween promotion Steve Martin 3 Wine & Wassail Greg Carroll 4 Winter Wonderland Ron Wreesman/Greg Ravatt/Jim Harrison X. New Business a. New grant funds b. VisionAtascadero presentation C. Wal-Mart presentation XI. Other Business a. Board retreat 11/3/07 b CDA Conference Oct. 24-26, Long Beach XII. Executive Director Report Steve Martin a. Traffic Way name change notification to city b Streetlight installation preference dates notification to city XIII. Adjournment Next board meeting will be Wednesday Oct. 17th, 6:30 p.m. EarthTones Gifts & Gallery Atascadero Main Street Association Board of Directors Meeting - DRAFT Minutes for 8/8/07 EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, Entrada Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 I. Call to Order, 6 45 p.m. x Ron Wreesman x Maria Hooper x Greg Carroll x Barbie Butz x Greg Ravatt x Dayn Mansfield Larry Guittard x Jim Harrison x Kelly Gearhart II. Public Comment Joan O'Keefe commented that board members were not seeing their agenda packets early enough. Executive Director Steve Martin reported that the Executive Committee had set the agenda on Friday 8/10/07 and that board packets had been available since Monday 8/13/07 Joan O'Keefe commented on the city's tourism study Board members joined in a brief discussion of the study Bill Arkfeld opined on many topics including: Communication. Mr. Arkfeld said communication is poor and that no one knew about the board meeting. He also expressed dissatisfaction regarding his information requests as a member of the Design Committee. Agenda structure. Mr. Arkfeld questioned why no specific motions were listed on the agenda. Work plan. Mr. Arkfeld criticized the organization s work plan. Downtown business mix. Mr Arkfeld criticized the ratio of `non -tourist businesses" downtown, describing them as dead weight. Main Street website. Mr. Arkfeld complained that the website s blog page is blank and that he has had difficulty adding his comments to the site. He requested that board member Kelly Gearhart s email address be added to the site. Design Committee. Mr. Arkfeld expressed his displeasure that the Design Committee hasn t met `forever, which he feels indicates that the Main Street organization is dysfunctional. Board members offered various responses to Mr. Arkfeld's comments including: Jim Harrison. Disagreed the organization is dysfunctional, saying the board has accomplished many things. Mr. Harrison noted that there have been sev eral presentations to the board regarding design issues and that members of the Design Committee were present. Mr. Harrison suggested Mr. Arkfeld attend all board meetings and cultivate a more positive attitude. Kelly Gearhart: Mr. Gearhart stated that `we have constant negativity at the city level" and. that `we don t want to encourage it at this level. Mr. Gearhart said he would set up a separate email address for inclusion on the Main Street website. Mr Gearhart said the organization needs to solicit and incorporate property owner input into the Design Committee. Barbie Butz: Ms. Butz echoed the opinion that the board had accomplished many things and thanked Jim Harrison and the board for its positive attitude III. Approval of Minutes of 7/18/07 M/S Greg Carroll/Maria Hooper, to approve the minutes as presented. Passed unanimously. IV Treasurer's Report Maria Hooper presented the financial report indicating a checking account balance of just under $14,000 as of 8/10/07 The first quarter RDA payment has been received and the PBIA payment is expected this week. Ms. Hooper requested the Executive Director check into why the RDA payment did not seem to be reflected on the July P&L statement The board discussed the status of its request for increased funding from the City/Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Steve Martin reported the request and rational had been presented to the city The request was not granted. M/S Ron Wreesman/Greg Ravatt to approve the Treasurer's Report. Passed unanimously. V Redevelopment Agency Report a. Liaison report — Marcia Torgerson Marcia Torgerson made several reports: § Cal Trans has added new `Downtown signs to the freeway signage on Highway 101 § She presented a booklet, `Downtown Asset Management. § She reported the ice skating rink may be larger than last year or be active one week earlier. Best information right now is that the rink will open Dec. 16th. § Rumble strips on Traffic Way have been removed. § Streetlight plan will be part of the city's Just Listening event 8/14-15 The event will display major community projects and invite community input. It will be followed by multiple workshops at various locations around the city on 8/16/07 All results will come back to the City Council on 8/1/07 The Council is expected to authorize contracting with an Economic Development consultant after that. The Town Hall meeting to discuss streetscapes will be 9/11/07 5 p.m., at City Hall. Bids for downtown streetlights will be solicited starting 8/17/07 and opened on 8/31/07 Work should start at the end of September. Installation is expected to be complete by 11/16/07 Curb/gutter/sidewalk improvements to Traffic Way between Olmeda and Via should be complete by 8/31/07 Lewis Avenue Bridge should be complete the end of October She apologized for not making it clear that her reports constitute response to Main Street board inquiries of the City Manager s office. Mr. Arkfeld said he felt there was a deficiency in the delivery of information regarding streetscape designs. Members of the board explained that City staff had made several presentations to the Main Street Board. Executive Director Steve Martin reported that, as per the Board's request, the City had delivered artist renderings of the proposed streetscape improvements and that they are available for viewing at the Main Street office. b. Report on future Transit Center — Steve Kahn Steve Kahn encouraged everyone to participate in the City's `Just Listening event and the Town Hall meeting. He reported that the San Luis Obispo County Council of Governments is waiting for application for funds to construct the Transit Center in Atascadero.Valerie Humphrey of the City of Atascadero said what are needed now are criteria for establishing the transit center including: What does Main Street want? How can multiple transit services be integrated into the center? What about park and -ride locations? Signage '? Medians? Restrooms? How can pedestrian safety best be addressed? Mr. Arkfeld said he wants the issue referred to the Design Committee. Board President Ron Wreesman suggested this would be a good board retreat discussion item VI. Atascadero Committee on Tourism Report Marcia Torgerson reported on committee activities. Advertising with the Mid State Fair including on-site PSAs, signage, and web presence A new info packet for downtown businesses is being developed New rack brochures have been developed and there are countertop card holders for merchants NBC's Today Show has taped a segment in San Luis Obispo touting the area as one of the 10 most popular vacation spots Barbie Butz reported that there is an article in Country Home Magazine (July/August) chronicling the vacation travels of a pair of women from the East Coast to the Central Coast. Barbie Butz reported an editor with Sunset will make a presentation as part of a program at the Lake Pavilion in September VII. Chamber of Commerce Report Barbie Butz reported the Chamber's annual Business Showcase will be in September and that Tuesday in the Park BBQs continue to do well VIII. Committee Reports a. Organization No report b. Design No report C. Promotion No report d. Economic Restructuring No quorum for 8/6 meeting No report. e. Ad Hoc Committee Reports f Fundraising — Main Street Mayhem — Jim Harrison Jim Harrison reported on the success of the fundraiser. Main Street netted about $8,700 Mr. Harrison said the event was a lot of fun, although there were not many downtown business people in attendance. He said the partnership with Atascadero Performing Arts Center Committee was a good one and cited it as a positive step towards `Main Streeting Atascadero in general. He said there will be a debriefing meeting to review the operation of the event and start plans for next year s event. g. Hot El Camino Nite — Steve Martin Executive Director Steve Martin reported that plans are in place. Eighteen cars are entered in the Show n Shine. He expects 40 or 50 at the event. There is a like number of food and craft vendors signed up Main Street will feature a beer booth. Volunteers are needed to staff it. Mr. Arkfeld suggested asking down- town business people to volunteer h. Cobra pole banners — Steve Martin Executive Director Steve Martin reported the Administrative Use Permit has been filed with the city and will come before the City Council soon. Once the permit is issued the banners can be installed. i. Downtown brochure — Steve Martin Executive Director Steve Martin reminded the board a professional designer is standing by to work with members of the Design and/or Promotion Committees on this project. There are PBIA funds available to proceed with this project when the committees are ready to get started. Two documents have been proposed. One would function as a Main Street directory the other would be a tourist -oriented guide to local retail stores, restaurants, etc Historic building directory — Greg Ravatt Greg Ravatt reported he has volunteers from the Atascadero Historical Society and Main Street and that an index of the existing historic building inventory will be finished this week. He will ask for art support from the Atascadero Historical Society By-laws/Main Street support policy update — Maria Hooper/Ron Wreesman/Greg Carroll Maria Hooper submitted numerous by-laws changes and policy additions (see attached) Executive Director Steve Martin asked that the anniversary date for renewal of associate member dues be changed from Feb. 1st to July 1st to synchronize with the beginning of the fiscal year. There was discussion regarding whether or not it is legal to define a committee quorum as specified in the proposed changes. M/S Barbie Butz/Greg Ravatt to approve the proposed changes including the anniversary date revision contingent upon checking the legality of the committee quorum definition. Passed unanimously Traffic Way renaming — Ron Wreesman/Greg Ravatt After discussion, the board took the following action. M/S Kelly Gearhart/Barbie Butz to advise the city that Main Street is no longer interested in pursuing a name change for Traffic Way. Passed unan- imously in. Colony Days booth — Steve Martin Executive Director Steve Martin reported that an application has been filed with the Colony Days Committee to allow Main Street to operate a beer booth and chicken sandwich concession. Ron Wreesman will coordinate the sandwich operation. Board member Jim Harrison invited Mr. Arkfeld to help with the concession. Mr. Arkfeld accepted. Wine & Wassail — Greg Carroll Greg Carroll reported he is looking into having wineries pour wine during the event to alleviate the burden on businesses to provide all the refreshments. Wine & Wassail will be 11/30/07 o. Winter Wonderland — Ron Wreesman/Greg Ravatt/Jim Harrison Executive Director Steve Martin reported a committee of board members, downtown merchants, city personnel and private citizens has been formed to work on this year's event set for 12/14 There will be two meetings per week leading up to the event. One will be fixed on Thursday afternoons, 2 p.m., at the Main Street office. The other will be on various days and times to provide the opportunity for participation to those who can't make the Thursday meetings. IX. New Business a. Board recommendation re: timing of street light installation After discussion, the board took the following action. M/S Ron Wreesman/Jim Harrison to recommend the city install new streetlights as soon as possible rather than including the project in streetscape improvements anticipated in Spring 2008. Passed unanimously C. Discussion re- re -structuring of fast facade program The board conducted a free wheeling discussion of design guidelines, fagade program funding, and fagade program strategies. No action was taken. [BOARD MEMBER MARIA HOOPER EXITED THE MEETING AT 9.16 P.M.] d. Discussion re. new downtown construction/parking projects Board member Kelly Gearhart briefly outlined ideas for his new projects in the downtown area including a downtown parking structure. He suggested the board should consider height restrictions that may impede downtown development. Other board members requested more information on the reasons for the height restrictions. Mr. Gearhart stressed again the need to involve property owners in these discussions. He suggested the items be placed on the next agenda for discussion. e. Suggestions from Bill Arkfeld Mr Arkfeld was present to expound on his concerns regarding Main Street. These include - Board invitations/effective agenda -setting 2. Process for establishing committee work plans 3 Lack of adherence to Main Street USA guidelines 4 Lack of regular monthly committee meetings 5 Lack of committee involvement in doing the `hard work in the organization Mr Arkfeld had previously requested responses to each of his proposed solutions for these issues. Mr Arkfeld did not address each of these areas specifically He commented that he felt the board should invite downtown business people to the board meet- ings if only to ask `how's it going?" He underlined his desire to be heard when he has questions or suggestions. Executive Director Steve Martin asked if the board would like a standing agenda item to invite and meet with downtown business people. The board did not request any action be taken. [BOARD MEMBER JIM HARRISON EXITS THE MEETING AT 9:51 P.M.] f Board/committee absentees The board decided by consensus to make this an item for a board retreat agenda. g. Downtown forum Executive Director Steve Martin reported he has lined up several areas to hold relaxers where Main Street members can meet -and -greet and get information about what's happening downtown. Dates and times to come. h. Board retreat Executive Director Steve Martin reported that Board member Jim Harrison has offered a south county location for a board retreat. Councilman Tom O'Malley has offered the use of his facility Portola Inn, for a retreat. President Ron Wreesman requested that board members contact the Executive Director with available dates in November for a board retreat. X. Executive Director Report a. CDA Conference — Oct. 24-26, Long Beach Executive Director Steve Martin reported the annual California Downtown Association Conference will be Oct. 24-26 in Long Beach. He will attend, as will Jim Harrison and Kelly Gearhart. Martin said individuals will have to bear the costs unless assistance is forthcoming from the City Registration is $345 Lodging is $189 per night. b. Executive Director contract Executive Director Steve Martin reported his contract will expire 9/15/07 After discussion, the board took the following action. M/S Kelly Gearhart/Ron Wreesman to extend the Executive Director's contract to March 1, 2008. Passed unanimously. XI. Adjournment — 10.15 p.m. Next board meeting will be Wednesday Sept. 19th, 6.30 p.m., EarthTones Gifts & Gallery ATTACHMENT. By-laws and policy changes. 2.1 Principal Office The principal office for the transaction of business of the Corporation ("principal executive office') is located at 6500 Palma Avenue, 5735 El Camino Real, Suite K, 5901 East Mall, Atascadero, California, 93422. The Directors may change the principal office from one location to another. Any change of this location shall be noted by the Secretary on these Bylaws opposite this section, or this section may be amended to state the new location. 6.5 Proxies. Every person entitled to vote for directors, or on any other matter shall have the right to do so either in person or by one or more agents authorized by a writ- ten proxy signed by the person and filed with the Secretary of the Corporation before the meeting at which the proxy is to be used is called to order. A proxy shall be deemed signed if the Member s name or other authorization is placed on the proxy (whether by manual signature, typewriting, or electronic transmis- sion or otherwise) by the Member or the Member's attorney-in-fact. A validly executed proxy which does not state that it is irrevocable shall continue in full force and effect unless (i) the person who executed the proxy revokes it prior to the time of voting by delivering a writing to the corporation stating that the proxy is revoked or by executing in person, or (ii) written notice of the death or incapacity of the maker of that proxy is received by the corporation before the vote pursuant to that proxy is counted, provided, however, that no proxy shall be valid after the expiration of eleven (11) months from the date thereof unless otherwise provided in the proxy The dates contained on the forms of proxy presumptively determine the order of execution, regardless of the post- mark dates on the envelopes in which they are mailed. A proxy is valid only for a specific meeting or a specific vote in a specific meeting. A valid proxy shall be written to include the date of the specific meeting and the description of the specific vote in that specific meeting unless proxy is being given to include all voting in which case that is to be noted in the writing of the proxy Without such notification, the proxy will be considered invalid. The provisions of Sections 705(e) and 705(f) of the Code shall govern the revocability of a proxy that states on its face that it is irrevocable. 6.10 Notice of Regular and Special Meetings. Notice of regular and special meetings shall be given to each Member in the form of a written notice, electronic mailing or telephone, at the Member's discre tion. Written notice of regular and special meetings of Members shall be given personally or by mailing by first class mail, to each Member, at his last known address, postage prepaid, a notice of said meeting at least ten (10) days before the time fixed for holding said meeting. 6.11 Quorum. At all meetings of the Members, whether regular or special, those present in person at the meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A minimum of two (2) persons must be present. [ I] 7.2 Number and Qualification of Directors The authorized number of Directors shall be nine (9) eleven (11)[2] nine (9) At least two (2) seats shall be reserved for members representing downtown retail businesses. Two members shall be business owner/operators within the Main Street district. Six members shall be business or property owners within the Main Street district. Three members shall be associate member business owner/operators.[3] These nine members will consist of three (3) associate mem- bers and six (6) active members. Of the six active members, at least two (2) seats shall be reserved for members representing downtown retail businesses and at least two (2) seats shall be reserved for members who are business owner/operators or business owners or property owners. Should there be an inability to fill the two seats with members representing downtown retail, the type of members will default to active members who are business owner/operators or busi- ness owners or property owners. Should there be an inability to fill the two (2) seats reserved for members representing downtown retail businesses or the two (2) seats reserved for members who are business owner/operators or business owners or property owners, the type of members will default to any active members. Finally should there be an inability to fill any of the active member seats, the type of members will default to associate members. The number of Directors may be changed by resolution of the Members adopted in any manner specified by these bylaws or by applicable law 7.3 Election and Term of Office of Directors Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting of the members to hold office until the next annual meeting; provided, however, that if any annual meeting is not held or the Directors are not elected at any annual meeting, they may be elected at any special or regular Directors' meeting held for that purpose. The active members shall elect Directors once a year Elections shall be held in December of each year. Ballots shall be sent by first class mail to all active members in November of each year. Each Director including a Director elected to fill a vacancy of office, shall serve until expiration of the term for which elected and thereafter until a successor has been elected and qualified. Each Director shall serve a two (2) year term beginning from the date of the annual meeting following the election and terminating on the date of the annual meeting two years from the beginning date. Directors appointed to fill a vacancy of office shall serve until expiration of the term for which the elected Director was to serve. 74 Vacancies. (5) Vacancy due to lack of attendance of two consecutive meeting without proper notice. (b) Resignation. Except as provided in this paragraph, any Director may resign, which resignation shall be effective on giving written notice to the President. The Board of Directors may elect a successor to take office as of the date when the resignation becomes effective. It is recommended that a Director give 60 days notice of resignation in order that the vacant seat may be filled and the Board of Directors will be able to conduct business without interruption. 78 Special Meetings. (2) Time Requirements. Notices sent by first-class mail shall be deposited into a United States mail box at least four (4) days before the time set for the meeting. Notices given by personal delivery telephone facsimile or electronic mail shall be delivered, telephoned or given to the telegraph company or telephoned at least 48 hours before the time set for the meeting. 7.9 Quorum. A majority Half of the authorized number of Directors plus one shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except to adjourn as provided in Paragraph 7 11 herein. Every act or decision done or made by a majority of the Directors present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present shall be regarded as the act of the Board of Directors subject to the provisions of the California Nonprofit Corporation Law especially those provisions relating to: (i) approval of contracts or transactions in which a Director has a direct or indirect material financial interest, (ii) appointment of committees, and (iii) indem- nification of Directors. 7 14 Proxies. Every Director entitled to vote for on any matter shall have the right to do so either in person or by one or more agents authorized by a written proxy signed by the person and filed with the Secretary of the Corporation before the meeting at which the proxy is to be used is called to order. A proxy shall be deemed signed if the Director's name or other authorization is placed on the proxy (whether by manual signature, typewriting, or electronic transmission or otherwise) by the Member or the Member's attorney-in-fact. A proxy is valid only for a specific meeting or a specific vote in a specific meeting. A valid proxy shall be written to include the date of the specific meeting and the description of the specific vote in that specific meeting unless proxy is being given to include all voting in which case that is to be noted in the writing of the proxy Without such notification, the proxy will be considered invalid. The provisions of Sections 705(e) and 705(f) of the Code shall govern the revocability of a proxy that states on its face that it is irrevocable. 97 Responsibilities of Officers (e) Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer. The Chief financial Officer/Treasurer shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and records of accounts of the properties and business transactions of the Corporation, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital, retained earnings and other matters customarily included in financial statements. Policy #5 The Executive Committee and the Executive Director have the authority to sign checks and disperse funds. Two signatures are required on all checks. to disperse funds with the authorized bank account signatures. Two signatures are required on all checks over $300.00 Policy #12 Standing committees shall meet at least once a quarter. POLICY # 16 Subject: Annual Dues Annual dues are collected in July of each year Annual dues shall be prorated for members joining in a month other than July based on a monthly estimate. POLICY # 17 Subject: Non -Main Street Projects and Events Requests for Main Street support of non Main Street projects and events will be dealt with as follows. 1) An application for Main Street support must be filled out. This will include information such as what type of support is being sought, if the request is being made from a legal entity and what the money will be used for 2) The Board of Directors will review the application. Considerations will include whether or not the event or project supports Main Street goals, if Main Street has the resources to support the project or event and what Main Street's role will be. 3) In order for the project or event to gain Main Street support, the vote from the Board of Directors must be unanimous. POLICY #18 Subject: Information Updates Directors binders and the Main Street website are to be updated by the executive director or a staff member under the direction of the executive director by the time of the annual meeting. Committee and Board of Director rosters, as well as any changes in bylaws and/or policies, are to be updated during the year in the Board of Director's binders and the Main Street website as changes occur Did you know....? Board agendas and minutes are available on the Main Street website! Visit www.atascaderomainstreet.org Tuesday Memo 9/25/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Wal-Mart and The Annex Applications Development reps give report at Main Street Board meeting On Wednesday evening, Sept. 19th, representatives of the Rottman Group and Wal-Mart presented information regarding proposed development at Del Rio/El Camino Real in an open public meeting of the Main Street Board of Directors at the Carlton Hotel. Twenty-six members of the public attended. Only four identified themselves as local business people. The City of Atascadero s Community Development Department received two separate General Plan Amendment applica- tions for both a Wal-Mart Supercenter and The Annex Shopping Center located adjacent to each other at the Del Rio Road/EI Camino Real intersection. Wal -Mart's application proposes a 194 758 square foot commercial store which includes retail sales, grocery sales, garden center, and a tire and lube center on a 26.5 -acre site. The plans also identify two separate building pads along EI Camino Real that could support additional retail stores or restau- rants. The adjacent Annex Shopping Center is proposed by the Rottman Group and includes eight retail buildings totaling 115,000 square feet of commercial space on a 15 48 -acre site. Wal-Mart and the Rottman Group have submitted their project propos- als simultaneously to aid in market ing of potential retail and restaurant tenants, as well as to facilitate the environmental and entitlement review process required by the City Lights coming down in Sunken Gardens Pictured above: illustration of how the holiday tree -lighting would appear in front of the Administration Building. The 'tree would replace lights being removed from Sunken Gardens. The city plans to remove the holi day lights in the Sunken Gardens trees for safety pruning and these lights will not be replaced this year. City staff are proposing an alterna- tive holiday lighting display Strands of lights would be strung from the top of the existing Administration Building to the ground and shaped in a Christmas tree configuration. So far, no plans have been made regarding the annual traditional holi- day lighting ceremony and whether or not that ceremony will occur or be modified in some way The vehicular bridge linking Capistrano and Lewis Avenue should be com- pleted in October Lewis Bridge nears completion; opening ceremony planned The Lewis Bridge, linking Capistrano and Lewis Avenue across the Atascadero Creek, has been on the drawing board for Atascadero since 1914 In October of this year it will finally become a reality According to city sources, the bridge should open on Oct. 19th, just in time for Colony Days traffic. A grand opening ceremony is being planned, but details have not been announced. The bridge is the latest in a round of major improvements aimed at upgrading the historic downtown and improving traffic circulation. The bridge will provide a critical Mobley Halloween carnival to return Oct. 31st Kids will be invited to take the pumpkins home for free, carve them, then return with them on Halloween Eve to have them judged. Only one merchant has indicated interest in participating in a Trick or Treat evening downtown to accompany this event. Without more participants, this component of the promotion will not be possible. point of connection between the new Colony Square (now under construction) and the downtown area. Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help planning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year's event will be Friday Nov 30th. It's designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. If you want to help plan this important holiday shopping event please contact: Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 466-4415. On Wednesday evening, Oct. 31st, Mobley's Boardshop at West Mall and El Camino Real is planning its second annual Halloween party 1 \ Preliminary plans call for games and bounce houses in the Sunken ® Gardens. ' The farmers market has offered to V donate a couple dozen pumpkins to be distributed first-come, first � on a >> served basis at the market on 10/24 Kids will be invited to take the pumpkins home for free, carve them, then return with them on Halloween Eve to have them judged. Only one merchant has indicated interest in participating in a Trick or Treat evening downtown to accompany this event. Without more participants, this component of the promotion will not be possible. point of connection between the new Colony Square (now under construction) and the downtown area. Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help planning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year's event will be Friday Nov 30th. It's designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. If you want to help plan this important holiday shopping event please contact: Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 466-4415. The Moble Halloween Carnival is back! This year there will be fun and games for families in the Sunken Gardens across from the Mobley's shop at El Camino Real and West Mall on Halloween Eve, Wednesday, Oct. 31 st from 5-9 p.m. During Farmers Market on Oct. 24th, farm- ers will be giving away pumpkins on a first-come, first-served basis. Families Tuesday Memo 10/2/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 can pick up pump- kins, take them home and carve ,m, then bring them downtown on Halloween for fudging We are also trying to coordi- nate a downtown safe trick -or -treating evening with participating stores (see attached) If you've wondered why there is no Halloween activity for downtown businesses, this is the year it's going to happen, but we need your participation. Please con- tact Main Street if you would like to be included in advertising for this event. Please contact Mobley's Board Shop if you would like to be a part of the Halloween Carnival. WORKHORSE opens WORKHORSE Work & Ranchwear is now open on the corner of El Camino Real and Entrada, just down the block from the Carlton Hotel. This new cloth- ing store is a welcome addition to the downtown. They carry pants, shirts, coats and belts for men and women. They also carry jewelry greeting cards and ball caps. They are open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Stop by and say `howdy!' Design Committee to meet this week The Main Street Design Committee will meet this week at EarthTones Gifts & Gallery Entrada Ave. Agenda items include facade improvement (Rockwell Sounds) city transit cen- ter location, downtown lighting, finalize workplan, downtown ban- ners and recruitment of new mem- bers. The meeting will be Wednesday Oct. 3 6.30 p.m. The co -chairpersons for this committee are Maria Hooper and Bill Arkfeld (The ARTery). All Main Street members are open to the public. Agendas are available at least 72 hours prior to meeting dates at the Main Street office or online at www.atascaderomainstreet.org. Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help planning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year s event will be Friday Nov 30th. It's designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. If you want to help plan this important holiday shopping event please contact Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 466-4415. Upcoming Winter Wonderland moetings: (All at 'Mafn Street office, $901 East Mail). Thurs.,10/4, 2 p.m. Tues., 10/0,, 12 p.m. Wed., 10/171 p.m. Thurs.,10/16; 2 p.m. Thurs.,10/26,2 p.m. Thurs., 10/25 6 p.m. Many thanks to Gabe at Strasse Porsche Parts on Entrada for drawing up the first draft of our 2047 event map! PARTNERS 1 Check printing cftft fwU Order your business checks from PARTNERS and Main Street gets a commission! It's win-win! Tuesday Memo 10/9/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Main Street board member named Colony Days Grand Marshal Kelly Gearhart, the newest mem- ber of the Atascadero Main Street Board of Directors, has been named the Grand Marshal of the annual Colony Days celebration slat ed for Oct. 20th. According to Colony Days Committee Chairman Kent Kenney Gearhart fits the 2007 theme: `Colony Pride: Then and Now Colony Days Kelly G Committee Vice Chairman Bev Aho affirmed the choice saying 'He is the best repre sentative for what our theme is this year restoring so many colony homes. and his love for history The Colony Days parade will start at 10 a.m. on Saturday Oct. 20th and proceed through the historic downtown via El Camino Real, turning down Entrada Avenue. Tent City the historic re-enactment of the early days of Atascadero will continue all day long with a multitude of entertain- ment and activities adja- cent to the Sunken ea Gardens off West Mall Many food and craft vendors will set up in the Sunken Gardens and rhart there will be games and activities for the kids. Swing In The Colony will also take place Colony Days weekend, providing three days of dancing and instruction. Atascadero Main Street will oper ate a food concession and a beer booth as a fundraiser. Halloween in the Historic Downtown The Mobley Halloween Carnival is back! This year there will be fun and games for families in the Sunken Gardens across from the Mobley s shop at EI Camino Real and West Mall on Halloween Eve, Wednesday Oct. 31st from 5-9 p.m. During Farmers Market on Oct. 24th, farmers will be giving away pumpkins on a first-come, first served basis. Families can pick up pumpkins, take them home and carve them, then bring them down- town on Halloween for judging. We are also trying to coordinate a downtown safe trick -or -treating evening with participating stores. If you ve wondered why there is no Halloween activity for downtown businesses, this is the year it s going to happen, but we need your partici pation. Please contact Main Street if you would like to be included in adver tising for this event. Please contact Mobley's Board Shop if you would like to be a part of the Halloween Carnival Here's the most cost-efficient advice you'll ever get Would you spend $15 to get the answers to these questions? How do I establish an advertising budget? What kind of advertising is best for my business? How can I use the Internet to increase my sales? On Tuesday Oct. 30th, from 7 30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the Colony Hall (Best Western Colony Inn, 3400 EI Camino Real), John Sorgenfrei of TJA Advertising and Byron Smith of Netsmith will answer those ques tions. The $15 registration fee covers the seminar and a continental break fast. You can sign up at the door, but space is limited. To pre -register, call Atascacero Chamber 466-2044 Xmas lighting plans change again Plans for lighting the Sunken Gardens for the holidays have changed again. There will once again be lights in the trees. City staff had planned to remove the lights while the trees around Sunken Gardens were trimmed. In their place, a faux lighted tree was proposed in front of the Administration Building behind the security fence. Reports of falling debris from the earthquake stricken building cancelled that idea. Then lights were proposed for the fountain and other areas, but the proposal to eliminate lighted trees drew criticism from members of the public and council members. So, plans now call for the re -instal lation of the old lights in the trees in the Sunken Gardens. A tree lighting ceremony is being planned by city staff for Saturday Nov 24th. More info to come as it becomes available. Kennedy Motorcycles now open downtown Kennedy Motorcycles is now open at El Camino Real and Traffic Way Please stop by to see the cycles and accessories and meet the new neighbors! Let s sup- port new business downtown! Executive Committee to meet this week The Main Street Executive Committee will meet this Friday Oct. 12th, at 9 30 a.m., at the Main Street office, 5901 East Mall. The committee will consider items to be placed on the agenda for con- sideration by the Main Street Board of Directors at its regular meeting on Wednesday Oct. 17th. All Main Street members are open to the public. Agendas are available at least 72 hours prior to meeting dates at the Main Street office or online at www.atascaderomainstreet.org. Art looking for a home Atascadero Art Association is looking for businesses where artists can hang their artwork. You can take your pick of at least a dozen artists and you agree to hang their artwork for six weeks. Even if you have room for one or two paintings, it s a great way to warm up your business with some beautiful art and you re giving an artist a venue to showcase his/her work. If you re interested in seeing a portfolio of artwork and find out more about the progrmam, please email Sheila New at sgnew@sbc global.net. Wine & Wassail Planning Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help planning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year's event will be Friday Nov 30th. It's designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. If you want to help plan this important holiday shop- ping event please contact: Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 466-4415. Tuesday Memo 10/16/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Highway 101/41 project to begin Three years of construction begin this month as improvements get underway at the Highway 101/41 intersection. During many stages of the project there will be only one lane of traffic in each direction on Highway 41 under the bridge and the Highway 101 northbound on- ramp will be closed to eastbound Highway 41 traffic. The U.S 101 northbound on ramp will be moved. Marchant and Santa Ynez Avenues will be closed to vehicle traffic and landscaping and meandering sidewalks will be installed. This project will greatly improve the level of service and safety of this interchange located at the center of town. The City is taking an active role to reduce the imipace of this project on the community in the following ways: Information and input, traffic enforcement, and minimizing lane reduction. For more information contact City Hall at 461 5000 or visit the CalTrans website at www.dot.ca.gov/dist05/projects/slo- 101-41/index.htm. Six stores set to take part in Halloween So far six downtown businesses have agreed to remain open on Wednesday Oct. 31 st, for down- town trick -or -treating. They are Hoover s, Endless Summer Jewelry EarthTones Gifts and Gallery Wilkins Printing, and served basis. Families can pick up pumpkins, take them home and carve them, then bring them Kennedy Motorcycles. Each business will contribute $45 to the cost of ads in the Atascadero News Oct.24th and 26th. The ads will contain Halloween figures for kids to color and bring downtown to participating merchants. During Farmers Market on Oct. 24th, farmers will be giving away pumpkins on a first-come, first owntown on Halloween for udging. The Mobley Halloween Carnival is back! This year there will be fun and games for families in the Sunken Gardens across from the Mobley s shop at EI Camino Real and West Mall on Halloween Eve, Wednesday Oct. 31st from 5-9 p.m. Please contact Main Street if you would like to participate in this event. Please contact Mobley s Board Shop if you would like to be a part of the Halloween Carnival. Low-cost marketing seminar set for Oct. 30th Would you spend $15 to get the answers to these questions? How do I establish an advertising budget? What kind of advertising is best for my business? How can I use the Internet to increase my sales? On Tuesday Oct. 30th, from 7.30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the Colony Hall (Best Western Colony Inn, 3400 El Camino Real), John Sorgenfrei of TJA Advertising and Byron Smith of Netsmith will answer those ques- tions. The $15 registration fee cov ers the seminar and a continental breakfast. You can sign up at the door, but space is limited. To pre register call Atascadero Chamber 466-2044 The grand opening of the Colony Park Community Center on Traffic Way is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 1, beginning at 10 a.m. For more information contact City Hall at 461-5000. Board of Directors to meet The Main Street Board of Directors will meet Wednesday evening. Oct. 17th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at EarthTones Gifts and Gallery on Entrada Avenue. Agenda items include: Updates on Halloween, Wine & Wassail and Winter Wonderland promotions, a presentation by VisionAtascadero, discussion of support requests to the city's Redevelopment Agency streetscape improvements at Rosario and El Camino Real, board election rotation, and board retreat plans. For a full agenda, please visit www.atascaderomainstreet.org. All Main Street meetings are open to the public. Lewis Bridge opens 10/19 There will be a ribbon -cutting ceremony for Lewis Vehicular Bridge, joining Capistrano Ave. and Lewis Ave. across the Atascadero Creek, this Friday Oct. 19th. Festivities begin at 11.30 a.m. The ribbon -cutting will be at 12 noon. There will also be lots of old-fashioned fun, music and refreshments until 1 p.m. Mayor encourages support for video project Mayor George Luna encourages businesses to support a three year project to promote public and pri- vate assets on the Internet. Luna says CGI Communications, Inc. out of Rochester NY has been engaged to produce the promotion- al campaign. Local businesses are being asked to participate by advertising to support the video project. Sponsorship levels range from about $1,000 to around $6,000. E locall-ink, a division of CGI will produce the online videos, which will be accessible for viewing via the City's website (www.atascadero.org). Colony Days this weekend `Colony Pride: Then & Now is the theme for the Colony Days cel- ebration scheduled for this week end in Atascadero. Swing In The Colony dancing gets underway on 10/19 Tent City the big parade and Sunken Garden vendors are scheduled for 10/20. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. and travel north on El Camino Real before turning on Entrada Ave. For more information, watch for the special section in the Atascadero News. You can also visit www.colonydays.com or www swinginthecolony.com Wine & Wassail Planning Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help planning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year s event will be Friday Nov 10th. It s designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. If you want to help plan this important holiday shop- ping event please contact: Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 466-4415. Tuesday Memo 10/23/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Marketing seminar set for Oct 30th On Tuesday Oct. 30th, from 7.30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the Colony Hall (Best Western Colony Inn, 3400 El Camino Real), John Sorgenfrei of TJA Advertising and Byron Smith of Netsmith will present a market ing seminar for local small busi nesses. The $15 registration fee covers the seminar and a continental breakfast. The seminar will help you answer these questions. How do I establish an advertising budget? What kind of advertising is best for my business? How can I use the Internet to increase my sales? You can sign up at the door but space is limited. To pre -register, call Atascadero Chamber 466-2044 Stores to take part in Halloween Hoover s, Endless Summer Jewelry EarthTones Gifts and Gallery Wilkins Printing, and Wine & Wassail Planning Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help planning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year s event will be Friday Nov 30th. It's designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. If you want to help plan this important holiday shop- ping event please contact: Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 466-4415. Kennedy Motorcycles have announced plans to remain open Halloween, Wednesday Oct. 31st. Each business will contribute $45 to the cost of advertising the event in the Atascadero News. During Farmers Market on Oct. 24th, farmers will give away pump- kins on a first-come, first-served basis. Families can pick up pump- kins, take them home and carve them, then bring them downtown on Halloween for judging. The Mobley Halloween Carnival is back! This year there will be fun and games for families in the Sunken Gardens across from the Mobley s shop at El Camino Real and West Mall on Halloween Eve, Wednesday Oct. 31st from 5-9 p.m. Please contact Mobley s Board Shop if you would like to be a part of the Halloween Carnival. Colony Park Center to open in December The Colony Park Community Center construction is on schedule. The roof is mostly complete and, if it rains, the building is protected. The additional site work has been prioritized and the outdoor basket ball courts will be the top priority followed by the picnic area as funding allows. The grand opening celebration will be Saturday Dec. 1st, at 11 a.m. A new link to downtown is completed! On Friday Oct. 19th, the new Lewis Bridge was opened. This structure joins Capistrano Avenue with Lewis Avenue over the Atascadero Creek, creating a new way to get into the downtown area. Pictured above at the ribbon -cutting ceremony (1-r) Colony Days Grand Marshall Kelly Gearhart, Councilwoman Ellen Beraud, Mayor George Luna, Councilman Jerry Clay Councilman Tom O'Malley and County Supervisor Jim Patterson. Board votes to back motorcycle/accessory sales The Main Street Board of Directors has voted unanimously to support a Conditional Use Permit application by Kennedy Motorcycles to allow the sale of motorcycles and accessories on the southwest corner of El Camino Real and Traffic Way The decision came as the result of an emergency action item added to the Board agenda at the regular meeting on Wednesday Oct. 17th. Kennedy Motorcycles was turned down for the CUP by the city's Planning Commission on Oct. 16th. Only four members of the Commission were present. One of those present recused himself from the final vote, letting the matter rest on a 2 1 decision. The City of Atascadero has since notified the public that the recusal came too late in the hearing process and the entire matter will be recon- sidered on Nov 6th. In other action, the board decided to spend $980 for an Administrative User Permit to allow the hanging of six foot flags on downtown Cobra - style light poles. The flags, once mounted, will remain in place for about six months until the time when the Cobra poles will be removed as part of the new street lighting plan for the downtown. At that time the board will have to decide on alternative ways of dis- playing the flags. The group, calling itself `VisionAtascadero made a brief presentation. Sorrel Marks and Eileen O Grady described the organization as a grass roots effort to spotlight local business. The board appointed an ad hoc committee to finalize the agenda for the board retreat scheduled for Nov 3rd. The board also voted to under write lodging and registration costs for Executive Director Steve Martin and board member Jim Harrison to attend the annual California Downtown Conference in Long Beach, CA. Complete board minutes are available on-line at www.atascaderomainstreet.org Tuesday Memo 10/30/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Graffiti spree hits downtown City of Atascadero spokesmen say a underneath that bridge and the El wave of graffiti broke on the shores of Camino Bridge. Anyone with graffiti on the historic downtown district over the buildings and/or storefronts as the result weekend, leaving numerous areas cov ered with spray -painted symbols and vulgarities. The new Lewis Bridge was hit espe cially hard, as was the El Camino Bridge, Chamber of Commerce office and pedestrian underpass joining the downtown with the west side of the city According to city spokesmen, much of the damage has already been repaired, although work will continue at the north end of the Lewis Bridge and stores remaining of this attack is urged to contact the police department and the City of Atascadero. At right (top to bottom). Graffiti artists hit the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Lewis Bridge and under pass. Because a prime motivator for taggers is public recognition of their efforts, these images have been altered to make the symbols unintelligible. Citizens are urged to report graffiti to the police. 414olloween &% t4istolrie Vowntown____ open Wilkins Printing Endless Summer Jewelry Hoover's Restaurant Kennedy Motorcycles EarthTones Gifts & Gallery Malibu Brew Coffee Mobley's Boardshop This Wednesday evening from 5-9 p.m Mobley's Boardshop will stage its second annual Halloween Carnival in the Sunken gardens across the from the store at EI Camino Real and West Mall There will be games and treats and fun for the entire family Other partici- pating stores are listed at left. Information has been placed on local radio stations promot- ing the event. See you there and BOOOOOOOO! Wine & Wassail Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) is looking for your help plan- ning Wine & Wassail 2007 This year's event will be Friday, Nov 30th. It s designed to bring shoppers downtown to meet the merchants and kick off the holiday shopping season. All downtown merchants are urged to support this event. If you want to help plan this important holiday shopping event please contact: Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery, 466-4415. Pictured above Graffiti in various locations downtown. Vandals struck over the weekend according to local officials. If you have experienced graffiti please call the Atascadero Police Department of City Hall. Upcoming Winter Wonderland meetings: (Alt at Maim Street office, 5901 East Mail) Thurs., 1119, 6 p.m.- Monq,11/5, 9 &m. - Thurs., 91/8, p.m. • Two, 11!'[3; 12 p.m. i Thurs., 11/15, 2 p.m. - Wed., 11/21, 3 p.m. Tuesday Memo 11/27/07 - Main Street: 462-0177 Eighteen merchants to participate in third annual Wine & Wassail by Greg Carroll, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery Downtown will be aglow with shimmering lights, beautiful decora- tions and sounds of the holidays. The season s Wine & Wassail (3rd annual) illumines the shopping/din- ing district to blend new and old tra- ditions! Several Downtown mer chants are teamin gup to kick-off the holiday season in a sensational way! Just north of the Sunken Gardens, this year s Wine & Wassail, buildis on the annual event and keeps an old-fashioned twist. As Wikipedia says, Wassail is a hot, spiced punch often associated with winter celebrations and is usu- ally connected with Christmas and Twelfth Night. Wine tasting will be available at some shops to showcase this years Paso Robles Harvest our unique region. On Friday November 30th from 6.00-9.00 p.m., all are invited to stroll downtown for an evening of old-fashioned fun, food, entertain- ment and shopping! A special twist this year is the participation from a handful of wonderful local wineries. To accentuate the festive atmos- phere, all merchants, businesses and residents have been encouraged to illuminate their downtown place in some way `It s not dust a stroll, it is the first chance to enjoy unique businesses in a HolidayKick-off, states Greg Carroll, owner of EarthTones Gifts & Gallery and coordinator for the event. Downtown Atascadero has a unique character that lends itself to strolling events. While the event begins holiday activities for the downtown businesses and Atascadero, the local merchants will be in good cheer throughout the sea- son. `It s a chance to shop locally and enjoy the distinctive businesses and in many casees locally made items. The Downtown Colony neighbor hood is ideal for a stroll and once you get down here you 11 feel right at home. Our shops, restaurants and services offer friendly and helpful holiday ideas and help to make your experience rewarding, he continues. `We encourage you to loin us and continue to support our locally owned businesses by Shopping Local first this holiday season and everyday!" says Sorrell Marks of Vision Atascadero. The event begins right after work week and will host neighbors, visi- tors and patrons. It s almost Deceember so add some warm clothing and stroll throughout the evening. Galleries at Wilkins Printing, Photo & Art Gallery The Artery and EarthTones will be open and showcase a beautiful artistic dimension to the event. Participating shps and restaurants will provide treats, special activities or music and combine make for an Evening of Enchantment. The music and decorations will add a sense of nostalgia to the fele tiv occasion. Several downtown businesses will be open until 9.00 p.m. offering holiday sales and spe cial treats. Endless Summer a new downtown business will host their annual holiday event with savings for customers. Wine & Wassail is intended for visitors and shoppers. Visitors are welcome to bring children. This years event ofers a fundraising opportunity for ECHO The El Camino Homeless Organization and EarthTones Gifts & others will The raffling off a gift basket to benefit residents of the shelter. 'Not only is this a wonderful com- munity event, and Stroll, organized by members of Atascadero Main Street but it will serve as a small Winter Wonderland sponsorships still available Sponsorships are still available for the annual Winter Wonderland cele bration scheduled from Friday Dec. 14th. This year s event will be two hours longer than usual, 5-10 p.m. and feature more than twice as much snow as in year's past, including a snowboard demonstration presented by Mobley's Board Shop. The event will occupy East and West Mall, Sax Alley Entrada Avenue and most of Palma Avenue. There will be two entertainment stages and between 40 and 60 ven- dor booths. Downtown merchants are encouraged to stay open for the crowds, which have been large and growing over the last few years. It would also be great if the individual stores would light and decorate their storefronts as a welcome and invita- tion to visitors. This year s event will also cost about twice as much as last year's event, which means we have to raise twice as much money to put it on. The Main Street organization will contribute more than $5,000 Corporate sponsors to date include Rabobank, Colony Square, Charter Media, Clear Channel Broadcasting, County Supervisor Jim Patterson, Mobley Board Shop, Rottman Group, Ravatt Albrecht & Associates, Santa Lucia Bank,Wal- Mart and Lawrence Guittard, DDS Colony Square will also contribute as a snow sponsor and Oppose Wal- Mart has also contributed. Also, many local businesses and individu- als have contributed in-kind prod- ucts and services. They include B&B Hay The Fence Factory Quinn Rental, Mike Cole Trucking, Bill Saylor, Atascadero Waste Management, Souza Construction, Mike Messer, Atascadero Fire Department, Atascadero BMX, Arlyne s Flowers & Gifts, Etc., Frankie s Deli, Rockwell Sounds and Howard Products Trailer. Any business or individual wish- ing to support the event with money or volunteer effort please contact the Main Street office (462-0177). Merry Christmas! fund-raiser for ECHO which really needs their support" comments Norma Mueller, Case Work at ECHO A complete guide to all the evening s festivities and other Holiday programs will be available at participating businesses, Atascadero Main Street and The Chamber of Commerce. The Downtown is the center of fun, won- der and magic this hoiday season as this Wine & Wassail kicks off with the Tree Lighting at the Sunken Gardens, Winter Wonderland and The Jiffy Lube Ice Skating Rink. For more information visit Atascadero.org. For more information contact Greg Carroll at (805) 466-4415 [As of 11/26/07 Carroll reports par ticipating merchants include McKenzie s Clothing, Serendipitv Art Works, Grisanti s Hardware, Arlvne s Flowers, Etc., Morjesis Salon, In Harmony Skin & Body Care, Malibu Brew Coffee Spa of the Central Coast, Endless Summer, EarthTones Gifrts & Gallerv, Two Wheels, Afffliction, The ARTery, Hyrdro Smart, Wilkins Photo & Art Gallerv, Rockwell Sounds, Kennedv Motorcycles and the Carlton Hotel. Ed. ] Main Street Board meeting 11/28 The Main Street Board of Directors will meet in regular session on Wednesday, Nov 28th, 6:30 p.m at EarthTones Gifts & Gallery on Entrada Avenue. The agenda for the meeting is available at atascade ro mainstreet. o rg Z Q rR v T Y DECEMBER 4 2007 Attendance was up and so were the holiday spirits among par ticipating Wine & Wassail mer chants on Friday Nov 30th. Endless Summer Arlyne s Flow- ers & Gifts, McKenzie s and Morjesis Salon were among the Main Street business people reporting a good turn -out by local shoppers. Eighteen local stores partici- pated in the third annual event, which is designed to attract shoppers to stroll through the downtown to meet merchants and hunt for holiday bargains. Participating merchants in- cluded: McKenzie s Clothing, Serendipity Art Works, Grisanti Hardware, Arlyne s Flowers & Gifts, Morjesis Salon In har mony skin & Body Care, Malibu Brew Coffee, Wilkins Photogra- phy & Art Gallery Spa of the Central Coast, Endless Summer Jewelry EarthTones Gifts & Gallery Two Wheels, Affliction The ARTery HydroSmart, Rock well Sounds, Kennedy Motorcy- cles and the Carlton Hotel. Greg Carroll (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery) was the chairperson for this year's event. Several winer ies participated in the event by pouring at several locations. They included Eros Winery JanKris Winery Castoro Cellars and Vino Robles. Organic treats were provided by Joebella, Chaparral Gardens, and Green Acres Lavendar Farm. Many thanks to all who partici- pated in this year's event! Thousands of downtown visitors Gardens, Sax Alley Entrada and are expected during the annual Winter Wonderland celebration planned for Friday Dec. 14th, 5-10 p.m. This year's event will feature twice as much snow as well as a snowboard demon- stration by Mobley Board Shop. The event will encompass East and West Malls, the Sunken Palma Avenues. There will be two entertainment stages, more than 40 vendors, bounces houses, pony rides, the Elks Little Train and Santa Claus. Sponsorships are still available. Major sponsors to date include: Century Cinemas, Rottman Jaynie Orcutt (left) of Arlyne s Flow- ers & Gifts accepts appreciation for Wine & Wassail from friend and downtown supporter Bev Aho. [Main Street photo] Group, Rabobank, Colony Square, Charter Media, Clear Channel, Ravatt-Albrecht & Associates, Lawrence Guittard DDS, Santa Lucia Bank, Wal- Mart, Mobley Board Shop, Si- erra Summit, Atascadero Cham- ber Jim Patterson and the City of Atascadero. TUt,40AY M:JEM0 D 0 The Main Street Board of Directors met in regular ses- sion on Wednesday Nov 28th 6.30 p.m at Earth - Tones Gifts & Gallery on En- trada Avenue. Marcia Torgerson, represent- ing the Redevelopment Agency reported Wilson Elec tric has been awarded the contract for Phase III of the downtown lighting update. Rick Engineering has been hired to do engineering plans Three new board members have been elected to fill three board positions effec tive January 2008. The new board members will be Travis Kenny (EI Camino Gasoline), Mike Sherer (Peabody & PLUM Realty Inc.) and Al Stanford (community member). The trio will fill openings left by the departure of Lawrence Guittard DDS, Dayn Mans - The Main Street Board of Directors will support a group of downtown business people excited about property en- hancement. The building, located next to Terry's Bar & Grill near EI Camino Real and Traffic Way currently is home to Green Goods and several other businesses. It is one of the I for the next phase of street scape improvements. High- way 101 at 41 will be re- duced to one lane NB/SB beginning Jan 1. Northbound onramp will be closed for six months. The board will continue to press for downtown rest rooms, more aggressive tour ism development, and will request a joint meeting with the City Council prior to the next Main Street budget cy- field (Mobley Board Shop) and Greg Carrol (EarthTones Gifts & Gallery). Main Street board terms are three years. Each year three seats come up for election. Main Street board members meet once a month in regular session to plan and evaluate Main Street activities and to track and encourage efforts by Main Street's four primary committees: Promotion, Or best examples of Atasca- dero s past in the downtown area, and is in need of a face- lift. The board has agreed to use $1,500 budgeted for faqade improvement as well as an- other $1,500 from grant funds to assist with the power -washing and painting of the building. Building ten- cle. The board will also re- quest a City Council member attend Main Street board meetings. The Main Street Board of Directors meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6.30 p.m at EarthTones Gifts & Gallery on Entrada Ave. Agendas and minutes are available at www.atascaderomainstreet.org. (No meeting in December 07 ) ganization, Economic Re- structuring and Design. Board members are also expected to participate in Main Street activities and fund-raisers and to help en- hance the organization s resources. Please take the time to thank our outgoing board members and to congratulate our in- coming members. ants and participating profes- sionals are also donating goods and services. The Atas- cadero Redevelopment Agency will contribute nearly $1,000. The board hopes the project will inspire other business people and property owners to do fagade improvements. Page 2 The Main Street board meets monthly to chart the course for the revitalization of Atasca- dero s historic downtown. expected to cipate in Street hies and enhance nization's Getting down to business. The board has decided to back a major fagade improvement S 12/ 24 §Y F. W 1/1 1/7 7 This Friday Dec. 14th, from 5- 10 p.m the annual WinterWon- derland event will occur in his- toric downtown Atascadero. Streets will be closed early in the day to allow for set-up (see attached flyer). More than 50 vendors will participate, along with local musical groups, the Elks Train, pony rides and more. This year's event will feature twice as much snow as in years past and will last two hours longer In addition to snow play piles and two snow slides, Mobley's Board Shop will spon- sor a snowboard demonstration and Sierra Summit will present a bunny hill sliding area in the Sunken Gardens. Attendance at this event has grown steadily over the years As you may have read in the newspapers recently some folks don't think the banners hanging around downtown do us any favors, appearance -wise. The city with the help of Main Street and the Chamber of Commerce, has revised the rules governing the mounting N and we expect a huge crowd this year also. It's a great oppor tunity to decorate your stores, stay open late and meet new people. We anticipate more than 40 volunteers will join the Main Street staff to run the event. This year there will be twice as many trash bins and porta- potties for visitors comfort and we will return to using genera- tors and portable lighting tow- ers to power and illuminate the downtown area For more information regarding Winter Wonderland 2007 please call the Main Street office at 462-0177 or visit www.atascaderomainstreet.org. and display of banners and A - Frame signs. Attached to this week's memo is another copy of those rules. Please take the time to familiar ize yourself with these rules and let them guide you as you plan signage. We don't need to have people filing complaints Santa Claus will be on hand all during Winter Wonderland. He will be seated in a special area in Sax Alley between Entrada and West Mall. [Main Street photo] on downtown businesses. If you have any further ques- tions regarding downtown sign- age requirements or need help preparing signage, please call the Main Street office at 462 0177 If we can't help, we can put you in touch with someone who can. 8 Recently crews were up in the air literally scrambling to get new holiday lights installed in the huge trees in the Sunken Gardens. There had been talk of not lighting the trees this year but public outcry prompted action and the branches were entwined with bright lights just in time for the annual tree -lighting ceremony which was held on Nov 24th In addition to the lights in the trees, street lamps surrounding the Sunken Gardens have been draped with rope lights and capped with holiday wreaths. The rope lights were purchased by Main Street last year and have been installed by city crews. Everyone is invited to bring friends and neighbors downtown during the holiday season to see the lights in the Sunken Gardens. Individual merchants are also encouraged to ight storefronts to provide a festive holiday atmos- phere for shoppers. [Main Street photo] R E IS F 11, The folks at Arlyne s Flowers & Gifts on Palma are really getting into the holiday spirit. As volunteers helping with the Winter Wonderland pro- ject, they have figured out how workers can stand out" during the busy event on Dec. 14th. Be elves! Thanks to the efforts of Ar lyne s Flowers& Gifts, Winter Page 3 Wonderland volunteers will sport distinctive elven head- gear 'We need a way to make volunteers stand out during the event, said Executive Director Steve Martin. 'It will be too cold for T S,hirts, so a cap of some kind seemed to be the answer Now thanks to Santa s help- ers at Arlyne s Flowers & Gifts, Winter Wonderland volunteers will stand out! It's the stylish way to say Merry Christmas on Main Street! Thanks so much for adding to the holiday season Santa's helpers will be stylin this year thanks to Arlyne s Flowers & Gifts We are on the wohi ILM www.atascaderomainstreeLorg f Phone: 805-462-0177 Fax: 805-462.0.73 t mail: info6etescaderomainstreet. org TRANSFORMING THE COLONY D I S T R I C T Do you have an in-store pro- ter Wonderland planning motion or other Calendar meeting, Main Street office item you would like in the Thurs., Dec. 13, 5.30 p.m Tuesday Memo? Chamber mixer Santa Lucia If so, please send it to the Bank Main Street office by the Fri., Dec. 14 5-10 p.m., Friday prior to publication downtown, Winter Wonder date. land Sun., Jan 6, Ice -rink closes in Sunken Gardens Mon Jan 7 12 p.m Eco- nomic Restructuring Commit tee, Rabobank conference room Wed., Jan 16, 6.30 p.m Main Street board meeting, Earth - Tones Gifts & Gallery Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city Fri., Dec. 21, Ice -rink opens Wed., Dec. 5 6.30 p.m De- in Sunken Gardens sign Committee, EarthTones Tues., Dec. 25, Christmas Gifts & Gallery Tues., Jan 1, 2008, New Thurs., Dec. 6, 2 p.m., Winter Year's Day Wonderland planning meet ing, Main Street office Wed., Jan 2, 6.30 p.m., De- sign Committee, EarthTones Thurs., Dec. 13, 2 p.m., Win Gifts & Gallery Sun., Jan 6, Ice -rink closes in Sunken Gardens Mon Jan 7 12 p.m Eco- nomic Restructuring Commit tee, Rabobank conference room Wed., Jan 16, 6.30 p.m Main Street board meeting, Earth - Tones Gifts & Gallery Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city We are on the web! L= www.atascaderomainstreeLoro fin n 1 C :' R L t 1 x TRANSFORMING THE COLONY D I S T R I C T N Do you have an in-store pro- motion or other Calendar item you would like in the Tuesday Memo? If so, please send it to the Main Street office by the Friday prior to publication date. Thurs., Dec. 13, 5.30 p.m Chamber mixer Santa Lucia Bank Fri Dec. 14 5-10 p.m., downtown, Winter Wonder land Fri., Dec. 21, Ice -rink opens in Sunken Gardens Tues., Dec. 25, Christmas Tues., Jan 1, 2008, New Year's Day Wed., Jan 2, 6.30 p.m. De- sign Committee, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery Sun., Jan 6, Ice -rink closes in Sunken Gardens Mon Jan. 7 12 p.m., Eco- nomic Restructuring Commit tee, Rabobank conference room Wed., Jan 16, 6.30 p.m. Main Street board meeting„ Earth - Tones Gifts & Gallery Mayor Luna appoints P&R Commissioner Mayor George Luna has ap- pointed Julie Dunn to replace retiring Commissioner Rick Mathews on the city's Parks & Recreation Commission. Dunn is an artists, educator and art gallery owner on the Central Coast. She lives in Atascadero and has two chil- dren. She will be sworn in on Jan. 17th, 2008. Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city rf€ ry €' • "People eon cry much easier than they can change." -James Baldwin w TUESDAY MEMO DECEMBER 18 2007 ?� L A N D F �, �- Pictured above: Santa and Mrs. Claus visit from the North Pole to meet parents and children in Sax Alley during the annual Winter Wonderland event, Dec. 14th. Thousands attended the 5 -hour party! Two snow slides greeted young and old alike. KSBY's Kory Raftery was on hand most of the eve- ning doing live reports from Atascadero s historic downtown. TUESDAY MEMO € tt. %, The results are in and Main Street has three new board members. Travis Kinney (EI Camino Gasoline), Mike Sherer (Peabody & PLUM Realty Inc.) and Al Stanford (Community Member) have been elected to serve three year terms beginning in Janu- ary 2008. Main Street has a nine - member board. The balance of the membership includes Maria Hooper (Community Member), Barbie Butz (Community Member), Kelly Gearhart (Property Owner), Jim Harrison (Property Owner), Ron Wreesman (Downtown Businessperson), and Greg Ravatt (Architect). Outgoing members include Greg Carroll (Downtown Busi- nessperson), Dayn Mansfield (Downtown Businessperson) and Lawrence Guittard DDS (Downtown Businessperson). The Main Street Board of Directors meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6.30 p.m. (There will be no December board meeting). The January 2009 meeting will be Jan. 16th in the con - Winter Wonderland 2007 Survey Downtown events will only improve if YOU register yourinput. Please fill out the questionnaire below and return it to Main Street. All results acre submitted to the Main Street Hoard. Data and time of the event. quality of event. Comments: Appropriate F1 Excellent El Inappropriate El so-so n No Opinion [] Bad Tuesday Memo in Location of the event. Should it be repeated next March of 2008. year? Contact the Atas- E] Appropriate Fl Yes El Inappropriate E] No 0 No Opinion F] No Opinion 5901 East Mail P,0, Box 3090 Atasoadero, CA 93423 Phone: 805-462-0177 Fax: 805-462-0173 Email: info@atascaderomai nstreet.or ference room at Peabody & PLUM Realty Inc. EI Camino Real and East Mall. Agendas for Main Street meetings are posted at the Main Street office and on the Main Street website. All Main Street meetings are open to the public. For more information con- cerning Main Street commit tees please call (805) 462 0177 or email: info@atascaderomainstreet.org Page 2 r Gettwo months ` for the price of one when you advertising in the Tuesday Memo in February and March of 2008. Contact the Atas- cadero Main Street office to place your business card size advertisement. 4- VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page Left. Some folks really like to go out on a limb at Christ - Others like to BE limbs! This walking Yule tree joined Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red - Nosed Reindeer in greeting downtown visitors. There were more than 50 vendors offering crafts addition to that, several stores and organizations of- fered their own array of treats to the mix. joyed everything from cider to pork ribs and everything We are on the webs IL www.atascaderomainstreetorg TRANSFORMING THE COLONY D I S T R I C T Do you have an in-store pro- motion or other Calendar item you would like in the Tuesday Memo? If so, please send it to the Main Street office by the Friday prior to publication date. Fri., Dec. 21, Ice -rink opens in Sunken Gardens Tues., Dec. 25, Christmas Tues., Jan 1, 2008, New Year's Day Wed., Jan 2, 6.30 p.m., De- sign Committee, EarthTones Gifts & Gallery Sun Jan 6, Ice -rink closes in Sunken Gardens Mon., Jan. 7 12 p.m., Eco- nomic Restructuring Commit tee, Rabobank conference room Wed., Jan 16, 6.30 p.m. Main Street board meeting, Earth - Tones Gifts & Gallery Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city Eleven Colony District businesses are set to participate in the Art Tour this Friday May 30th, 5.30-9 p.m. The tour is is free and open to the pub- lic. Participating stores will include The ARTery (5890 Traffic Way), Creative Cabinetry Solutions (5863 Traffic Way), EarthTones Gifts & Gallery (5970 Entrada Ave., Suite A), Endless Summer Unique Jewelry (5990 Entrada Ave.), Hydro Smart (5825 Traffic Way), McKenzie's (5835 Traffic Way), Red Tree Gallery (5850 Traffic Way), Serendipity Art- works Studio (6025 Palma Ave.), Sweet Peas (5820 Traffic Way), Tues- day's Jewels (6175 EI Camino Real), and Wilkins Printing (6405 EI Camino Real). For more informa- tion contact Heather Young Curry at 704-1126 or email heather@youngcurryphoto graphy.com Vote For Your School winners: Three schools won a total of $1,000 from Main Street and its contributors during the recent Vote For Your School! Promotion. Pictured above (1-r) Lori Sanders (Rabobank), Al Stanford (Main Street Board Member), Linda Coburn (San Gabriel Elementary School Librarian), Linda Stew- art (San Benito Elementary School Librarian), Karen Sturtevant (Rabobank), Denise Novak (Santa Rosa Elementary School Librarian). Blue Balloon Wednesday draws business participants The list of stores staying open Wednesday evenings until 7 p.m continues to grow If you would like to join in this promo- tion and receive publicity and blue balloons to guide custom- ers to your store please contact the Main Street office at 462 0177 Rick Butler Butler Business Machines Red Tree Gallery sets grand opening The Red Tree Gallery at 5850 Traffic Way will hold a grand opening celebra- tion and reception on Friday May 30th, 5.30-9 p.m. featuring the work of inter nationally known local artist Ronald Ray Rogers. Enjoy Ron s art plus the work of our fine local and national artists. There will be live music, light refreshments and wine -tasting by B&E Vineyards. The Red Tree Gallery is located in the heart of Atascadero's Historic Colony District. Regular hours are Wednesday 11a.m. to 7 p.m Thursday—Saturday 11 a m to 5 p.m. and other times by appointment. For more information about The Red Tree Gallery call 466-5850 or visit www the redtreega I lery.com. City of Atascadero seeking cruise nite sponsors The City of Atascadero is seeking sponsors Beth Van Valkenburgh, Serendipity Artworks ! for the 16th annual Hot EI Camino Cruise Nite Studio (Aug. 15) as well as Movies in the Park in the Sunken Gardens (beginning Aug. 2). These events are free to the public and are funded solely by donations. For more information on how you can become a sponsor for Cruise Nite call 470-3472. To become a movie sponsor call 470-3178. Chamber Showcase Mixer is Sept. 18 Kim Young, Atasca- The 10th annual Chamber Showcase mixer derc, Sewing & will be Sept. 18th at Atascadero Lake To par Vacuum ticipate, please call 466-2044 We are on the web! w --m ww.alascaderomainstreet.org THE BUZZ 5 Tips on Budgeting Think of a budget as a useful tool—a written financial plan that helps you set goals and measure progress. Start by coming up with a sales reve- nue target. Make it your best esti- mate Based on past experience, estimate your cost of goods sold (e.g. 70 per cent of sales) and subtract it from the sales revenue to come up with your estimated gross margin Forecast variable expenses (items such as travel and commissions that vary according to the level of sales) and fixed expenses (items like taxes and rent that stay the same regard- less of sales). Subtract these ex penses from your gross margin to arrive at your estimated net income (before federal taxes) Vtaseadero Main Street Break your annual budget into guar ters and monitor your progress every three months to detect problems and make corrections. Brought to you by SCORE cL�1�L Counselors to Americas Small Busi- �J t ` t ness." Do you have an in-store promotion or other Calendar item you would like in the Tuesday Memo? If so, please send it to the Main Street office by the Friday prior to publication date. Friday May 30, Board of Directors, 8:30 a.m. Peabody & PLUM Realtors. NOTE DATE CHANGE. Friday May 30, Grand open- ing at Red Tree Gallery 5850 Traffic Way 5.30-9 p.m. Friday May 30, Heather Young Curry Photography exhibit at EarthTones Gifts & Gallery 5970 Entrada Ave., Suite A, 5.30-9 p.m. Monday June 2, Economic Restructuring Committee, 12 noon, Rabobank. Thursday June 5, Economic Forecast 2008, Atascadero Lake Pavilion, 7.30 a m. Saturday June 28th—Rockin for a Cure, 12-4 p.m Rabo- bank parking lot. For more Colony District dates of interest check out our calendar of events at atascaderoma instreet.org. DON'T FORGET Hot EI Camino Nite, 8/15 Colony Days, 10/17 18 Wine & Wassail, 12/5 Winter Wonderland, 12/12 These major events may affect traffic circulation and parking in the downtown area. City Contacts: City Manager Wade McKinney 470-3400 wmckinney@atascadero.org Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis 470-3400 jlewis@atascadero.org City Clerk, Marcia Torgerson 470-3400 mtorgerson@atascadero.org City Attorney Brian Pierik 470-3400 Community Development Director Warren Frace 470-3402 wfrace@atascadero.org Public Works Director Steve Kahn 470-3180 skahn@atascadero.org Community Services Director Brady Cherry 470-3472 bcherry@atascadero.org Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city If you've been wonder ing how to get involved with your community Atascadero Main Street has a deal for you Volunteers are needed to work during special events in Atascadero. Opportunities include: Colony Days (Oct. 18th) About two dozen volun- teers are needed man parade route barri- cades and help with organization of entries, among other duties. Winter Wonderland (Dec. 12th) About 40 volunteers are needed assist with set-up, clean-up, ven- dor relations, and stage management. If you are interested in helping with these and other events in Atasca- dero, please contact the Atascadero Main Street office at 462 0177 Optimists are nostalgic about the future. Chicago Tribune Art Tour/Grand opening guests: The Red Tree Gallery on Traffic Way celebrated a 'two-fer" Friday evening, staging a grand opening and participating in the new Art Tour at the same time. Guests pictured above (1-r) Councilman Tom O'Malley Heather Moreno, Wendy Rogers (Red Tree Gallery owner) and Main Street Board Member Al Stanford., First Art Tour celebrated in historic downtown Atascadero Friday evening, May 30th, many downtown merchants joined with local artists to take part in the first Art Tour Participating businesses showcased artwork by local artists and offered hospitality to visitors. Two more Art Tours are planned for later this year Stuart Goldman, EROS Winery was on hand to pour at Wilkins Printing & Gallery Participating stores offered snacks and refreshments to visi- tors, including wines poured by local vint- ners. It is hoped this event will encourage many arts -related activities in Atasca- dero's historic Colony District. For more information contact Heather Young Curry at 704-1126. Auction items needed for Main Street Mayhem fund-raiser The second annual Main Street Mayhem will be Saturday July 12th at the Taft Barn beginning at 6.30 p.m This year's Wild West theme will pro- vide the backdrop for the annual major fund- raiser for the Main Street organization Live and silent auctions will be part of the eve- ning's festivities and auction items are needed now Those donating auction items will be recog- nized in publicity and presentations during the Mayhem event. If you have an items you would like to do- nate for the fundraising auctions please con- tact Main Street at 462-0177 for pickup. Dinner tickets are also available They are $55 apiece or $500 for a table of eight. Ta- ble of eight tickets include two bottles of wine. For more information regarding the Main Street Wild West Mayhem dinner/fund-raiser please contact the Main Street office at 462-0177 We are on the web! a=-Olascaderomalnstreel.org THE BUZZ Store Image Time for Rethinking? Are you proud or embarrassed about your store image? You may have been in your store for years and never have thought about your im- age. The problem is, however that times change people change cus- tomers change. If you don't want to change you will be left behind Take a few minutes to check our your image. Look at your signage dis- plays, logos, even product arrange- ment as if you has never been in your own shop Better yet, find someone who has never been in your shop and ask them to give you their opinions about your image The report may be surprising. If so be aggressive about tweaking your image to keep up with the changes in the marketplace. Do it your self or hire a professional Either way your image will thank you and so will your customers. preset and future! Do you have an in-store Thursday June 5, Economic promotion or other Calendar Forecast 2008, Atascadero item you would like in the Lake Pavilion, 7.30 a.m. Tuesday Memo? Wednesday June 11, Farm - If so, please send it to the ers Market in Sunken Gar Main Street office by the dens, 3-6 p.m. Friday prior to publication Wednesday June 11, Blue date. Balloon Wednesday partici- pating stores open until 7 Tuesday June 3, ELECTION p.m. DAY get out and vote! Saturday June 28th—Rockin for a Cure, 12-4 p.m., Rabo- Wednesday June 4 Farmers bank parking lot. Market in Sunken Gardens, 3-6 p.m. Friday June 13, Executive Committee, 9:30 a.m. Main Wednesday June 4 Blue Street office. Balloon Wednesday partici- pating stores open until 7 p. M. Tuesday June 17 Promotion Committee meeting, 8:30 a.m., Red Tree Gallery 5850 Traffic Way Friday June 20, Board meet- ing, 8 a.m., Peabody & PLUM Realtors, EI Camino Real and East Mall. For more Colony District dates of interest check out our calendar of events at atascaderoma instreet.org. DON'T FORGET Hot EI Camino Nite, 8/15 Colony Days, 10/17 18 Wine & Wassail, 12/5 Winter Wonderland, 12/12 These major events may affect traffic circulation and parking in the downtown area. City Contacts: City Manager Wade McKinney 470-3400 wmckinney@atascadero.org Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis 470-3400 jlewis@atascadero.org City Clerk, Marcia Torgerson 470-3400 mtorgerson@atascadero.org City Attorney Brian Pierik 470-3400 Community Development Director Warren Frace 470-3402 wfrace@atascadero.org Public Works Director Steve Kahn 470-3180 skahn@atascadero.org Community Services Director Brady Cherry 470-3406 bcherry@atascadero.org Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city Jim Wilkins, whose family stretches back to the beginnings of the Colony Atascadero, has been selected as the President of the Atascadero Historical Society 'I encourage you to join us in preserving the memory of the unique history of the Atasca- dero Colony said Wil- kins. For more information on how to volunteer visit the Atascadero Colony House at 6600 Lewis Avenue on Wednesdays from 1-4 p.m. There is no time to cry about the mistakes of the past. There are too many left to be made in the future. Economic Forecast: "It's in your hands" The annual economic fore- cast presented by the Atas- cadero Chamber of Com- merce delivered some sobering news from UCSB economist Dr Bill Watson last week. In 2007 activity was down in every retail sector something Watkins said he had never ob- served before in any com- munity Economic activity is down. Jobs are down. Retail sales, in every sector are down Watkins wrote in the report. 'While at least some of the weakness reflects national and state trends, Atascadero's econ- omy is far worse than those of the United States and California. The City's economic weakness will have impacts on people's lives. Young people, look ing for opportunity will continue to migrate else- where. The City's govern- ment will be able to pro- vide fewer government services. Many citizens will see reduced incomes and standards of living. Economic Forecast: The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce presented the annual Economic Forecast on Thursday morning, June 5th, at the Atascadero Lake Pavilion. Pictured above (1-r): Chamber CEO Joanne Main, and speakers Pete Dakin (Re/MAX Parkside Realty), Mayor Pro -Tem Ellen Beraud, UCSB economist Dr Bill Watkins, Main Street Executive Director Steve Martin, Rabobank Regional Vice -President Steven Harding. exceed what was expected when those decisions were made Atasca- dero and its citizens have the power to at least partially reverse existing trends. Economic fundamentals imply that Atascadero's economy should perform better than Califor nia's. The choice is one that many communities would envy Watson finished his presentation by saying that Atascadero has choices to make and that the future is in your hands. Mayor Pro Tem Ellen Beraud also addressed the audience, outlining the city's accomplishments and recognizing the economic situation as a bump in the road Anonymous At least part of the idio Pete Dakin of Re/MAX Parkside Real syncratic local weakness is a result of local decisions. Estate in Paso Robles spoke about That means that the commercial vacancy factors and the state of the residential market and negative economic impacts its ability to correct itself Main Street Executive Director Steve Martin related the organiza- tion's progress during the last six years and offered five strategies for making things better in Atasca- dero. They include: Take a realistic position on city finances, contin- ued public and private investment, consider new revenue sources to pay for big ticket items such as road repair and the Administration Building, think globally but shop locally and respect the community (no more Atrashcadero'). Martin also offered a positive vision of what Atascadero will look like in 10 years if all goes well. Steven Harding, Regional Vice - President of Rabobank discussed the impacts of the sub -prime fi- nancing crisis on the economy We are on the web! a=11ascaderomainstreet.org THE BUZZ Do you have an in-store promotion or other Calendar item you would like in the Tuesday Memo? If so, please send it to the Main Street office by the Friday prior to publication date. Friday June 20, Board of Directors, 8:00 a.m Peabody & PLUM Realtors. Tuesday June 17 Promotion Committee meeting, 8:30 a.m., Red Tree Gallery 5850 Traffic Way Wednesday June 18, Blue Balloon Wednesday partici- pating stores open until 7.30 p. M. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES If you've been wondering how to get in- volved with your community Atascadero Main Street has a deal for you. Volun- teers are needed to work during special events in Atascadero. Opportunities include: Colony Days (Oct. 18th) About two dozen volunteers are needed man parade route barricades and help with organization of entries, among other duties. Winter Wonderland (Dec. 12th) About 40 volunteers are needed assist with set-up, clean-up, vendor relations, and stage management. If you are interested in helping with these and other events in Atascadero, please contact the Atascadero Main Street office at 462-0177 DON'T FORGET Hot EI Camino Nite, 8/15 Colony Days, 10/17 18 Wine & Wassail, 12/5 Winter Wonderland, 12/12 These major events may affect traffic circulation and parking in the downtown area Thursday June 19 9 a.m., Colony Days Board meeting, Rabobank conference room Friday June 20, Board meet ing, 8 a.m Peabody & PLUM Realtors, EI Camino Real and East Mall. Friday June 20, 12 p.m., Colony Days Committee meeting, Rabobank confer ence Saturday June 21, 11.30 a.m —4 p.m. Atascadero Wine Festival, Atascadero Lake. For more Colony District dates of interest check out our calendar of events at atascaderoma instreet.org. Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city Visitor impressed by downtown Recently on Blue Balloon Wednesday an out-of-town visitor experienced Atasca- dero's historic Colony Dis- trict and liked what she saw I stayed at the Carlton Ho- tel said Denise Ovrum. It was only 5.30 when I arrived and I noticed the baby store (Sweet Peas) across the street. Since we have a new grandson, I just had to check it out. Turns out... you have a `shop late at night' on Wednesdays. (I visited) the adjacent new Art Gallery for a glass wine.. I just wanted to let you know how great their hospitality was/is and how much I appreciated the Carlton midweek business rate that allowed me to stay there. Way to go, downtown! Auction items needed for Mayhem The second annual Main Street Mayhem will be Satur day July 12th at the Taft Barn beginning at 6.30 p.m. Live and silent auctions will be part of the evening's festivities and auction items are needed now If you have an items you would like to donate for the fundraising auctions please contact Main Street at 462 0177 for pickup. For more information regarding the Main Street Wild West May- hem dinner/fund-raiser please contact the Main Street office at 462-0 17 7 Tickets for the July 12th Main Street May- hem Fundraiser at the Taft Barn are still avail- able. Individual tickets are $55. A table of eight, plus wine, is $500 Festivities in- clude dinner C&W music, live & silent auctions and more. Last year's Mayhem raised nearly $9 000 for downtown projects. Without a successful fundraiser our efforts in the next fiscal year will be significantly diminished. To reserve tickets, please call 462-0177 or go the Main Street office, the Chamber of Commerce office, Santa Lucia Bank or Rabobank Smile - sunshine is good for your teeth. Anonymous New brochures distributed The second edition of the downtown walking map/ brochure has been printed and distributed to busi- nesses and hotels. The Promotion Committee oversees the content of this brochure, which is printed several times a year The first edition was printed in very small quan- tities. After corrections and improvements were made, a thousand copies of the second edition were printed As time goes on, we expect only minor tweaks to be required prior to each re -printing, allow- ing larger quantities to be printed each time For more information about the brochure, or to offer suggestions, contact the Main Street office or at tend the Promotion Com- mittee meetings. The next meeting will be Friday July 11th, 8:30 a.m in the patio area behind the Spa Central Coast. Your ideas are always welcome. Come help us make downtown a more exciting place to be. tui, e,r;~; itur tirtrr lsti•lrt "TRANSFORMING DOWNTOWN INTO'THB HISTORICAL, CULTURAL. SOCIAL AND :ECONOMIC CEtIT6R OF ATASCADERO. AxSr,..sQF:.A(s, f..FA.9w(rykI'jjj. P r}.1fiA69'R'.!'�.i�BG g MISSION "AF HwTo" !.,.4rt4,.'.5 Vr?LEINr3tFR .«wwwwxnrwwx.www,.wTF '?n Y t&�4,74R4 ;. STAFF � 6�#S�TT 1XARN W4 kascadero..Main Street, Inc. 'P O Box 3090 $901 East M4 Atascadero, CA 43422 Phoney (805) 462-0177 Fax. (805) 462-0173 infoQatascaderomamstmet ura The new Colony District website is up and running. Access it at www.atascaderomainstreet.org. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. New website design features Colony District branding The Main Street website has a new look. The site now features the Col- ony District brand prominently on every page. Navigation buttons are depicted as pavers at the bottom of the home page There are links to committees, an event calendar vol- unteers, and merchant listings, among other features. We will soon be adding merchant addresses and other information. If you have a web- site you would like to link to the Main Street site, please send us your URL address. The website is now being maintained in the Main Street office, but that doesn't' necessarily have to be per manent. If member web designers would like to take over the creation and maintenance of this site on a volunteer basis, we welcome their participation and assistance. In the meantime, please take the time to look at the site and send us your ideas and comments. We want this site to work as a source of pride and information for our members and a place where the public can visit to get to know the historic down- town Colony District. Email Blast Capability? It has been suggested that the Main Street office could improve publiciz ing local events if it could send an Email Blast" to prospective atten- dees. If you would like to contribute to a pool of email addresses for such a blast, email your information to info@atascaderomainstreet.org. Please, only send addresses for folks who want to be notified. We don't want to be SPAM agents. Thanks! We are on the web! I...-tascaderomainstreet.-r7l VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES If you've been wondering how to get in- volved with your community Atascadero Main Street has a deal for you Volun- teers are needed to work during special events in Atascadero. THE BUZZ Do you have an in-store promotion or other Calendar item you would like in the Tuesday Memo? If so, please send it to the Main Street office by the Friday prior to publication date. TONIGHT—Atascadero City Council meeting, 6 p.m., City Hall. The Council will decide whether or not to implement the Shield Initiative (banning certain large retail develop- ment) or send the issue to the voters. Saturday June 28, Rockin for a Cure, American Cancer Society fundraiser Rabobank Parking Lot, 12 p.m. -4 p.m. Information: 466-2325. If you are interested in helping with these and other events in Atascadero, please contact the Atascadero Main Street office at 462-0177 DON'T FORGET Hot EI Camino Nite, 8/15 Colony Days, 10/17 18 Wine & Wassail, 12/5 Winter Wonderland, 12/12 These major events may affect traffic circulation and parking in the downtown area. Monday July 2, Design Committee, EarthTones Gifs & Gallery Thursday July 10, ribbon - cutting picture for Entrada Street lights. All downtown merchants invited to be a part at 2 p.m Friday July 11, Promotion Committee, Spa Central Coast patio area, 8:30 a.m. Friday July 11, Executive Committee, Main Street office, 9*45 a.m. Saturday July 12, Wild West Mayhem, Main Street fundraiser 6.30 p.m Call 466-0177 for tickets or go to Main Street office, Chamber of Commerce, Santa Lucia Bank or Rabobank. Friday July 18, Board of Directors, 8 a m. Peabody & PLUM Realtors. For more Colony District dates of interest check out our calendar of events at atascaderoma instreet.org. Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city Focus groups scheduled ADE, the consultant com- pany hired by the city to prepare a study regarding an economic development strategy will hold several focus groups this week. Lo- cal representatives have been invited to groups repre- senting recreation, business, tourism and new media. The results of these focus groups will be used as part of the final report to the city regarding the potential for economic development. Sponsors needed The city is looking for spon- sors for Hot EI Camino Nite and Movies in the Park. Hot EI Camino Nite is Aug. 15th. Movies in the Park start Aug.2nd and run until Aug. 30th. There are various sponsorship levels. For more information call 470-3178 (Movies in the Park) or 470- 3472 (Hot EI Camino Nite). Business Showcase The Chamber of Commerce will host the 10th Annual Showcase Mixer (Uncover Hidden Treasures) at the Pavilion on the Lake, Thurs- day Sept. 18th. You can participate as a merchant and/or be a sponsor of the event. For complete informa- tion, contact the Chamber of Commerce at 466-2044 Opportunities include: Colony Days (Oct. 18th) ast Mail About two dozen volunteers are needed (3090 man parade route barricades and help levo, CA 93423 with organization of entries, among other duties. 805-462-0177 Winter Wonderland (Dec. 12th) 5 462 0173 fotlataseaderomainstreet.org About 40 volunteers are needed assist with set-up, clean-up, vendor relations, and stage management. THE BUZZ Do you have an in-store promotion or other Calendar item you would like in the Tuesday Memo? If so, please send it to the Main Street office by the Friday prior to publication date. TONIGHT—Atascadero City Council meeting, 6 p.m., City Hall. The Council will decide whether or not to implement the Shield Initiative (banning certain large retail develop- ment) or send the issue to the voters. Saturday June 28, Rockin for a Cure, American Cancer Society fundraiser Rabobank Parking Lot, 12 p.m. -4 p.m. Information: 466-2325. If you are interested in helping with these and other events in Atascadero, please contact the Atascadero Main Street office at 462-0177 DON'T FORGET Hot EI Camino Nite, 8/15 Colony Days, 10/17 18 Wine & Wassail, 12/5 Winter Wonderland, 12/12 These major events may affect traffic circulation and parking in the downtown area. Monday July 2, Design Committee, EarthTones Gifs & Gallery Thursday July 10, ribbon - cutting picture for Entrada Street lights. All downtown merchants invited to be a part at 2 p.m Friday July 11, Promotion Committee, Spa Central Coast patio area, 8:30 a.m. Friday July 11, Executive Committee, Main Street office, 9*45 a.m. Saturday July 12, Wild West Mayhem, Main Street fundraiser 6.30 p.m Call 466-0177 for tickets or go to Main Street office, Chamber of Commerce, Santa Lucia Bank or Rabobank. Friday July 18, Board of Directors, 8 a m. Peabody & PLUM Realtors. For more Colony District dates of interest check out our calendar of events at atascaderoma instreet.org. Atascadero Main Street is dedicated to transforming the historic downtown into the cultural, economic and social center of the city Focus groups scheduled ADE, the consultant com- pany hired by the city to prepare a study regarding an economic development strategy will hold several focus groups this week. Lo- cal representatives have been invited to groups repre- senting recreation, business, tourism and new media. The results of these focus groups will be used as part of the final report to the city regarding the potential for economic development. Sponsors needed The city is looking for spon- sors for Hot EI Camino Nite and Movies in the Park. Hot EI Camino Nite is Aug. 15th. Movies in the Park start Aug.2nd and run until Aug. 30th. There are various sponsorship levels. For more information call 470-3178 (Movies in the Park) or 470- 3472 (Hot EI Camino Nite). Business Showcase The Chamber of Commerce will host the 10th Annual Showcase Mixer (Uncover Hidden Treasures) at the Pavilion on the Lake, Thurs- day Sept. 18th. You can participate as a merchant and/or be a sponsor of the event. For complete informa- tion, contact the Chamber of Commerce at 466-2044 November 26, 2008 To Marcia Torgerson Fr- Steve Martin Re Annual Report for 2007-08 Attachment 2 RECEIVED G1TY(JF AUSCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE I've decided that you should use the newsletter packet I delivered to you in July as the report of our efforts for the fiscal year These newsletters describe the work we have done in better detail than I could accomplish with a simple narrative Regarding our work plan for 2008-09, the Board of Directors held its annual goal -setting meeting after the point meeting with the RDA. It decided to add three mayor goals to our basic mission statement. Atascadero Main Street will be a model for other organizations by - 1 Creating and maintaining a high level of events and activities to produce excitement and foot traffic 2 Effectively delivering critical business assistance services to its members. 3 Fostering civic pride in all its programs. 4 Encouraging the attitude that "In Atascadero, every street is Main Street." To illustrate organizational priorities, I have attached a copy of the 2008-09 budget. This document and our chart of accounts has been structured by our CPA, Jerry Takier, Sr to provide the highest degree of professionalism and transparency in the accounting of our finances. I trust these documents will fulfill our obligation re annual reporting. If not, please let me know and I will supply whatever other documentation you require Thank you. Atascadero Main Street, Inc. — P O Box 3090 — 5901 East Mall - Atascadero CA 93423 Ph: 805 462-0177 — Fx: 805 462 0173 www.atascaderomainstreet.org — info@atascaderomainstreet.org Atascadero Main Street Chart of Accounts Signs & Banners Yes Expenses $ 10200 Regular Checking Account Yes Cash Yes 15000 Furniture And Fixtures Yes Fixed Assets Yes 15300 Computers Yes Fixed Assets $ 15400 Leasehold Improvements Yes Fixed Assets Yes 17000 Accumulated Depreciation Yes Accumulated Depreciation $ 19000 Deposits Yes Other Assets $ 23400 Federal Income Tax Withheld Yes Other Current Liabilities Yes 23410 Employee FICA Yes Other Current Liabilities 66300 Beer 23420 Emplyee Medicare Yes Other Current Liabilities $ 23600 State Income Tax Withheld Yes Other Current Liabilities Yes 23610 State Disability Withheld Yes Other Current Liabilities Expenses 39005 General Fund Balance Yes E uit -Retained Earnin s $ OVERHEAD $ 18,750.00 $ 7,315.00 $ 11 435.00 60010 Live Auction Yes 4040 Grants/Other Yes Income $ 45,000.00 $ 117 460.00 $ 99,760.04 $ 17,699.96 4200 Contract/Redevelopment Agency Yes Income $ 59,160.00 OWAlunds,,.,, Yes Income $ .: 10,00.00 4300 Membership Dues Yes Income $ 2,800.00 4308 Advertising Yes Income $ 5000 Exec Director Advisory Service Yes Expenses $ 50,918.16 5025 Exe Director Reimbursement Yes Expenses $ 2,400.00 5050 Support Staff Yes Expenses $ 22,500.00 5075 Payroll Taxes Yes Expenses $ 2,250.00 Workers Compensation Yes Expenses $ 1,350.00 5100 Professional Development Yes Expenses $ 5125Rent Yes Expenses $ 4,800.00 5150Bank Charges Yes Expenses $ 400.00 5195 Utilities Yes Expenses $ 2,500.00 5200 Telephone Yes Expenses $ 2,400.00 5225 Liability Insurance Yes Expenses $ 924.00 5250Directors & Officers Insurance Yes Expenses $ 1,057.88 5275 Supplies Yes Expenses $ 3,000.00 5300 Office Expense Yes Expenses $ 1,o00.00 5325 Postage Yes Expenses $ 1,000.00 5350 Bookkeeping Yes Expenses $ 2,610.00 ones d sr butipttnn !' res- Expanses $ ds"o, , Signs & Banners Yes Expenses $ 10,500.00 $ $ 26,000.00 $ (26,000.00) Blue Balloon Wednesdays Yes Expenses $ 1,000.00 Yes First Fridays Yes Expenses $ 1,000.00 Expenses Super Saturday Sales Yes Expenses $ 1,000.00 $ Business Service Yes Expenses $ 5,000.00 Associate Service Yes Expenses $ 5,000.00 66300 Beer Dowtown Historical Guide Yes Expenses $ 2,500.00 Yes Other S ectal Proiects MAIN STREET MAYHEM Yes Ex enses $ Yes Expenses 60000 Tickets Yes Income $ 8,250.00 $ 18,750.00 $ 7,315.00 $ 11 435.00 60010 Live Auction Yes Income $ 5,000.00 60020 Silent Auction Yes Income $ 2,500.00 60050 50/50 Drawing Yes Income $ 2,000.00 60060 Bar Sales Yes Income $ 1,000.00 60090 Other Income Yes Income $ 60200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 15.00 Yl,,,," Expansas $ 200:00...°.: .. 60230 Signage Yes Expenses $ ,. 60260 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 500.00 60280 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 60300 Porta-Pottie Rental Yes Expenses $ 60320 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 60330 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 1,000.00 60360 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 450.00 60400 Stage Rental Yes Expenses $ 60430 Venue Yes Expenses $ 2,000.00 60460 Dinner Yes Expenses $ 3,000.00 60470 Awards Yes Expenses $ 150.00 60490 Other Expenses HOT EL CAMINO NIGHT Yes Ex enses $ 63000 Sponsorships Yes Income $ $ 1 480.00 $ 600.00 $ 880.00 63010 Concessions Yes Income $ 580.00 53020 Beer Sales Yes Income $ 600.00 63050 Car Show Yes Income $ 300.00 63090 Other Income Yes Income $ 63200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 15.00 63230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 63260 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 63300 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 63330 Beer Yes Expenses $ 185.00 63360 Porta-Pottie Rental Yes Expenses $ 63400 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 63430 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 63460 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 63470Stage Rental Yes Expenses $ CershowAdze Yaw Expenses $ MAO.:,'. ,.... 63490 Other Expenses Yes Expenses $ 150.00 ... 66000 Beer Sales Yes Income $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 350.00 $ 1,450.00 86010 Food Sales Yes Income $ 66090 Other Income Yes Income $ 66200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 15.00 66230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 66250 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 66270 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 66300 Beer Yes Expenses $ 335.00 86350 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 86370 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 66490 Other Expenses Yes Expenses $ 70000 Sponsorships Yes Income $ $ $ 500.00 $ (500.00) 70090 Other Income Yes Income $ 70200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 70230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 500.00 70260 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 70300 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 70330 Porta-Pottie Rental Yes Expenses $ 70360 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 70400 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 70430 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 70490 Other Expenses Yes Ex enses $ WINTER WONDERLAND 73000 Corporate Sponsorships Yes Income $ 6,000.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 15,910.00 $ 3,590.00 73010 Snow Sponsors Yes Income $ 2,000.00 73030 Concessions Yes Income $ 4,000.00 73040 Grants/Other Yes Income $ 2,500.00 73080 Redevelopment Agency Yes Income $ 5,000.00 73090 Other Income Yes Income $ 73200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 73230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 500.00 73250 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 2,700.00 73270 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 73300 Porta -Pottle Rental Yes Expenses $ 600.00 73320 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 500.00 73340 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 73360 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 73380 Stage Rental Yes Expenses $ 500.00 73400 Volunteer Perks Yes Expenses $ 100.00 73410 Snow Yes Expenses $ 5,000.00 73420 Power/Lights Yes Expenses $ 1,860.00 73430 Straw Yes Expenses $ 300.00 73440 Trucking Yes Expenses $ 1,200.00 73460 Fencing Yes Expenses $ 1,500.00 73470 Insurance Yes Expenses $ 1,000.00 73490 Other Expenses Yes Expenses $ 150.00 SWEETHEART STROLL 76000 Sponsorships Yes Income $ 1,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 1,405.00 $ 3,595.00 76010 Ticket Sales Yes Income $ 4,000.00 76090 Other Income Yes Income $ 76200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 105.00 76230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 300.00 76260 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 76300 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 300.00 76330 Porta-Pottie Rental Yes Expenses $ 150.00 76360 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 76400 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 300.00 76430 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 250.00 76460 Stage Rental Yes Expenses $ 78490 Other Ex enses Yes Expenses $ BEER FESTIVAL 80000 Ticket Sales Yes Income $ 4,500.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 5,300.00 $ 8,700.00 80010 Concessions Yes Income $ 2,500.00 80020 Sponsorships Yes Income $ 2,000.00 80070 Redevelopment Agency Yes Income $ 5,000.00 80090 Other Income Yes Income $ 80200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 200.00 80230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 80260 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 2,600.00 80300 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 900.00 80330 Porta-Pottie Rental Yes Expenses $ 600.00 80360 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 500.00 80400 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 80430 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 80460 Stage Rental Yes Expenses $ 500.00 80490 Other Expenses Yes Expenses $ SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL 83000 Ticket Sales Yes Income $ $ $ $ 83020 Sponsorships Yes Income $ 83050 Advertising Yes Income $ 83070 Redevelopment Agency Yes Income $ 83090 Other Income Yes Income $ 83200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 83230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 83260 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 83300 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 83330 Porta -Pottle Rental Yes Expenses $ 83360 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 83400 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 83430 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 83460 Stage Rental Yes Expenses $ 83490 Other Ex enses Yes Expenses $ GREEN FESTIVAL 88000 Sponsorships Yes Income $ 1,500.00 $ 9,050.00 $ 3,620.00 $ 5,430.00 86010 Concessions Yes Income $ 1,050.00 86020 Advertising Yes Income $ 1,500.00 86070 Redevelopment Agency Yes Income $ 5,000.00 86090 Other Income Yes Income $ 86200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 86230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 86260 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 1,810.00 86330 Porta-Pottie Rental Yes Expenses $ 83380 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 83400 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 83430 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 1,310.00 83460 Stage Rental Yes Expenses $ 500.00 83490 Other Expenses Yes Expenses $ 90000 Sponsorships Yes Income $ 12,500.00 $ 30,500.00 $ 22,615.00 $ 7,885.00 90010 Concessions Yes Income $ 4,000.00 90020 Advertising Yes Income $ 5,000.00 90030 Beer Sales Yes Income $ 4,000.00 90070 Redevelopment Agency Yes Income $ 5,000.00 90090 Other Income Yes Income $ 90200 ABC License Yes Expenses $ 15.00 90230 Signage Yes Expenses $ 90260 Publicity Yes Expenses $ 1 100.00 90300 Glasses Yes Expenses $ 90330 Beer Yes Expenses $ 1,000.00 90360 Porta-Pottie Rental Yes Expenses $ 500.00 90400 Trash Pick-up Yes Expenses $ 500.00 90430 Entertainment Yes Expenses $ 18,000.00 90460 Decorations Yes Expenses $ 1,000.00 90470 Stage Rental Yes Expenses $ 500.00 90490 Other Ex enses Y& Ex enses $ $ 217,540.00 $ 183,375.04 $ 34,164.96 ITEM NUMBER RA C-1 DATE 01/13/2009 Community Redevelopment Agency of A tascadero Staff Report — Executive Director Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Audit RECOMMENDATION Agency Board review and accept the financial audit for the period ending June 30, 2008 REPORT -IN -BRIEF The audit firm of Glenn, Burdette, Phillips and Bryson performed a full audit of the Redevelopment Agency financial statements and found that the Agency presented fairly and accurately the Agency's financial position, and further that the reporting was in conformity with generally accepted accounting standards DISCUSSION The Redevelopment Agency has four funds the Redevelopment Agency (General) Fund, the Low/Moderate Income Housing Redevelopment Fund, the 2005 Redevelopment Bond Project Fund, and the 2005 Redevelopment Bond Debt Service Fund The following discussion will give an overview of the financial status of each fund Redevelopment Agency (General) Fund The Redevelopment Agency Fund revenues exceeded expenditures by $1 7 million for fiscal year 2007-2008 Property tax current increment came in at 18% above the prior year The total increment of $2,227,630 was split with $1,653,590 being deposited into the Agency General Fund and $574,040 being deposited in to the Agency Debt Service Fund in accordance with bond covenants For 2008-2009, staff believes that due to the stagnant real estate and development market, that the Agency will not see nearly the growth in current increment that it has seen in the past. The budget for Current Increment Revenues has already been reduced by $340,000 for 2008-2009 ITEM NUMBER RA C-1 DATE 01/13/2009 Additionally, expenditure savings developed because budgeted projects such as the Downtown Pedestrian Bridge ($100,000), the Economic Development Strategy ($76,780) and the Shoreline Wall and Walkway ($68,000) were not completed in the current year Additionally, the $6 6 million in contributions to the City for the City Hall rehabilitation project did not occur during the fiscal year All of these expenses and uses, with the exception of the Downtown Pedestrian Bridge, have been programmed as part of the 2008-2009 budget. Low/Moderate Income Housing Redevelopment Fund Revenues also exceeded expenditures in the Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund, increasing that fund's balance by $862,000 The Agency's ending fund balance was about $3 million, most of which was reserved for Low/Moderate Income Housing 2005 Redevelopment Bond Project Fund Expenditures for this Project Fund were less than expected for the year Projects including the Lewis Avenue Bridge and Colony Park Sidewalks were winding down in 2007-2008 Other projects, including Downtown Lighting, the Creek Master Plan and Wayfinding, were just getting underway, so although full budget wasn't expended this year, additional budgeted expenses are expected to occur in the upcoming year The Downtown Streetscape Improvements, Phase II, made great progress, and will continue into 2008-2009 2005 Redevelopment Bond Debt Service Fund Debt service payments on the 2005 Redevelopment Bonds of $574,042 were paid These are interest -only payments Payments on the principle will commence in September 2009 In accordance with bond covenants, Current Increment revenues of $574,040 were deposited in this fund for the first time The fund balance is almost $1 3 million, all of which is reserved for debt service FISCAL IMPACT None ATTACHMENTS Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Audited Financial Statement 2 ITEM NUMBER RA C-2 DATE. 1/13/09 Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Staff Report — Executive Director Purchase of Chamber of Commerce Building (6550 EI Camino Real) RECOMMENDATIONS Agency Board 1 Authorize the purchase of the building at 6550 EI Camino Real for $10,000 00, and, 2 Appropriate $11,500 in Redevelopment Agency Funds for the purchase and maintenance of the building DISCUSSION The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce has relocated to a new location leaving their previous location vacant. The Chamber owns the building located at 6550 EI Camino Real and the City owns the property The Chamber pays an annual lease of $1,000 00 for the site The Chamber has offered to sell the building to the Agency The City and Agency have reviewed conceptual plans in recent years to expand the pedestrian tunnel and tie it into the Sunken Gardens Ownership of the building would simplify this project. The City is currently working on a scaled down version of improvements to the pedestrian tunnel which are expected to be constructed next year There are no current plans for a larger project although ownership of the building provides more opportunities The Redevelopment Agency Board reviewed this item and took the following action There was Board consensus to direct staff to return to the Board with the cost of demolition, the cost of relocation, and whether Main Street or another possible tenant is willing with sign flexible lease agreement such as a month-to-month. ITEM NUMBER RA C-2 DATE. 1/13/09 Agency Staff obtained three quotes for demolition of the Chamber building including one in house quote from the Public Works Department. The quotes ranged from $10,150 to $13,000 and did not include potential costs of Asbestos abatement if any were found Relocation costs were available because of the unknowns of the new site Main Street has expressed an interest in utilizing the facility and is flexible about terms Several commercial businesses have contacted Staff with interest in leasing the building As mentioned at the previous Agency meeting Staff is recommending an agreement with Main Street to maintain the greatest flexibility for future use Staff believes it will be easier to relocate the Main Street office than a commercial operation Additionally, with favorable terms this could be an additional benefit to Main Street. FISCAL IMPACT The total cost to the Agency is expected to be $11,500, $10,000 for the purchase of the building, $500 in repairs to the building and $1,000 for the lease of land under the building from the City Consistent with Board policy to "Not approve any new appropriations without the elimination or reduction of a currently budgeted project or program," the Board eliminated the Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project for a net reduction of $280,000 This proposed purchase falls within that net reduction and thus complies with the policy ALTERNATIVES 1 The Agency could elect to not purchase the building In this case, the Chamber would likely request the City to allow for sub -leasing the building, thus providing revenue to offset their new location costs 2 The Agency could purchase the building and rent it to a private business at the current market rate ATTACHMENTS 1 Purchase Agreement 2 Staff Findings on Chamber Building Attachment 1 PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), dated as of January 2009, is entered into between the City of Atascadero Community Redevelopment Agency, California, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer") and Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, a California non-profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"), with reference to the following facts RECITALS WHEREAS, Seller owns a modular building on land owned by the City of Atascadero, and has operated said modular building as a Chamber of Commerce at this location since on or about July 21,1973, and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein, Seller desires to sell, and Buyer desires to purchase said modular building residing on said land located at 6550 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California (hereinafter referred to "Owned Property'), and, WHEREAS, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows AGREEMENT 1 Sale of Owned Property Seller hereby sells, transfers, conveys and quitclaims to Buyer, and Buyer hereby purchases, accepts and assumes, all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Owned Property In consideration, Buyer shall pay $10,000 to Seller upon the execution and delivery of this Agreement by Seller Such sum shall be paid by check within thirty (30) days following the Execution Date The purchase and sale of the Owned Property shall be deemed effective as of the Effective Date The transfer of the Owned Property shall be evidenced by the parties' concurrent execution of a Bill of Sale, the form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C All risk of loss with respect to the Tangible Personal Property shall be deemed transferred to Seller as of the Effective Date 2. Status of the Property — "As Is". No Representations or Warranties. Seller represents and warrants that it has good and marketable title to the Owned Property and that the Owned Property is sold and transferred to Buyer free and clear of all liens, claims and/or encumbrances of whatever kind or nature, other than usual and customary liens for property taxes not yet due and payable and for transfer taxes that may arise upon the sale of the Owned Property 3. Indemnification Obligations. a Seller indemnifies Buyer against, and holds Buyer harmless from, any and all losses, claims, expenses, costs, causes of action or obligations (including reasonable attorneys fees) incurred in connection with, or arising from (i) Seller's ownership, possession, use or operation of the Owned Property during any period ending on or prior to the Effective Date, or (ii) Seller's breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants under this Agreement. b Buyer indemnifies Seller against, and holds Seller harmless from, any losses, claims, expenses, costs, causes of action or obligations (including reasonable attorneys fees) incurred in connection with, or arising from (i) Buyer's ownership, possession, use, operation or disposition of the Owned Property during any period commencing on or after January , 2009, or (ii) Buyer's breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants under this Agreement. 4 Governing Law The parties agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement. Buyer and Seller agree that any suit brought by either party against the other arising out of the performance of this Agreement shall be brought and maintained in the Superior Court of California, In and For the County of San Luis Obispo 5. Notices. Any notices, payments or consents required or desired to be served or given by either party upon the other shall be addressed to the respective parties as set forth below - Buyer Seller Executive Director Executive Director Atascadero Community Redevelopment Agency Chamber of Commerce 6907 El Camino Real 6904 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA 993422 Atascadero, CA 993422 Or the respective parties shall designate such addresses as from time to time 6. Heading Not Controlling Headings used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not be considered in construing this Agreement. 7 Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and the signatures delivered by telecopy, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. 8. Further Assurances. The parties agree to cooperate with each other and to execute, deliver and record such other agreements and documents and to take such other actions as are reasonably necessary or helpful to more effectively consummate the transactions contemplated under this Agreement and to carry out its purpose and intent. Upon reasonable notice, Seller shall provide Buyer with reasonable access to, and allow it to copy, any books and records concerning the Tangible Personal Property as are in Seller's possession or control 9 Entire Agreement: This Agreement and exhibits contains the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller All previous proposals and communications relative to this Agreement, whether oral or written, are hereby superseded except to the extent that they have been incorporated into this Agreement. No future waiver of, or exception to any of the terms, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall be considered valid unless specifically agreed to in writing by all the parties 10. Partial Invalidity If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way 11 Waiver. The waiver by any party to this Agreement of a breach of any provision hereof, shall be in writing and shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent breach hereof, unless specifically stated in writing 12. Execution. The undersigned acknowledge having read and understood the foregoing IN WITNESS WHEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year above and below written Community Redevelopment Agency Date 0 , 2009 Wade McKinney, Executive Director ATTEST IS Marcia Torgerson, City Clerk Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Date la 2009 Joanne Main, Executive Director EXHIBIT A BILL OF SALE For valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, a California non-profit corporation ("Seller"), hereby sells, conveys, transfers and quitclaims to City of Atascadero Community Redevelopment Agency, California, a municipal corporation ("Buyer"), all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the "Owned Property" Such sale, conveyance, transfer and quitclaim shall be deemed effective as of January , 2009 The Owned Property is being transferred "as is," "where is" and with "all faults," and Buyer shall have no recourse against Seller The Owned Property is being delivered free and clear of all liens, claims and/or encumbrances of whatever kind other than transfer taxes due and owing as a result of the transfer of ownership of the Owned Property Seller expressly disclaims any representations or warranties as to the value, condition or functionality of the Owned Property or its suitability for any particular purpose This Bill of Sale shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California applicable to contracts made and to be performed wholly within such State, without giving effect to the conflict of laws principles thereof This Bill of Sale may be executed in any number of counterparts and the signatures delivered by telecopy, each of which shall be an original, with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument. Community Redevelopment Agency Date , 2009 Wade G McKinney, Executive Director ATTEST is Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Date , 2009 M Joanne Main, Executive Director Attachment 2 CITY OF ATASCADERO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 6507 El CAMINO REAL, ATASCADERO, CA 93422 Telephone (805) 461-5000 * Fax (805) 470-3481 Date July 30, 2008 RECEIVED To Wade G McKinney, City Manager JUL 3 1 2008 From Steven B Kahn, Public Works Director CI T Y OF ATASCADERO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Subject: Chamber Building The Chamber of Commerce has moved out of their office located on City owned property at 6550 El Camino Real The Chamber of Commerce owns the building We have been asked to assess the condition of the building and any improvements that may be needed prior to the building being occupied by others The building has been inspected by - Key Termite and Pest Control City of Atascadero Building Department City of Atascadero Public Works Department The findings are as follows • Earth to wood contact found in the front porch • Minor fungus found at ends of 2*12 in front porch • Minor fungus damage found in plywood adjacent to toilet. • Cracks in beam and fascia found on west side of building • Rear porch and underneath building inaccessible Possibility joists are too close to the ground • Main electrical panel is being fed through a 60 amp breaker The feeders should be connected to the lugs provided by manufacture • The building does not meet ADA requirements and the requirements of Chapter 11 of the CBC If a building permit is issued, improvements to bring the building into compliance will be required Recommended repairs and costs • Dry rot and fungus All the recommendations listed in the termite report were minor in nature No repairs are recommended Continue to monitor and if condition worsens in the flooring it is recommended to repair • Separation from foundation and substructure to ground This building may be built too close to the ground To correct this entire building would need to be raised and a new foundation Installed The value of the building Is worth less than the cost of the corrective work. No repairs are recommended • Electrical work It is recommended the Main electrical panel be upgraded by City Staff Estimated cost $500 00 Attachment: Key Termite and Pest Control Report 1rVVVLJ VL_V 1_1♦V 1 t1�V 1_VV_I V_A�\V_ VI\V/"ft�IVA1v II�V� LSV t IVt• t\t.1 VI\ 1 Building No. Street City Zip Date of INumber of Pages 6550 EI Camino Real Atascadero 93422 107/161078 5 WA A LICENSED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS/HER FIELD. ANY QUESTIONS 7115 rAf E yn+dPESTCONM0L RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT SHOULD BE REFERRED TO P.0 Box 968, Atascadero, CA 93423 HIM/HER. 800-548-55991845-466-9026 faX Report #• 57156 www.keytermite.com 1 info@keytermite.com Ordered by Property Owner and/or Party of Interest: Report sent to: Atascadero Chamber of Commerce Atascadero Redevelopment Agency Atascadero Redevelopment Agency 6550 EI Camino Real 6907 EI Camino Real 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero CA 93422 Atascadero CA 93422 Atascadero, CA 93422 COMPLETE REPORT ® LIMITED REPORT ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT ❑ REINSPECTION REPORT ❑ CORRECTED REPORT ❑ General Description: Inspection Tag Posted: Single Story Commercial Building, Stucco and Wood exterior, Composition OtherTags Posted: shingle roof* Furnished and occupied. An inspection has been made of the structure(s) shown on the diagram In accordance with the Structural Pest Control Act. Detached porches, detached steps, detached decks and any other structures not on the diagram were not inspected. Subterranean Termites ❑ Drywood Termites ❑ Fungus/Dryrot ® Other Findings ® Further Inspection If any of the above boxes are checked, it indicates that there were visible problems In accessible areas. Read the report for details on checked Items. Key: 1 = Subterranean Termites 2=D ood Termites 3 = Fungus/Dryrat 4 = Other Findings 5 = Unknown Further Inspection ***Complete Inspection Report** 3A Diagram not to scare Finding locations approximate Inspected By Mark Maxwell License No.. OPR7140 Signature: Obtain copies of ell reports and completion notices on this property reported to the Swctural Pest Control Board during the precedin o y rs. To obtain You are entitled tooP P copies contact Structural Pest Control Board, 2005 Evergreen Street, Suits 1500, Sacramento, California, 95815-3831 NOTE. Questions or problems concerning the above report should be directed to the manager of the company Unresolved questions or problems with services performed may be directed to the Structural Pest Control Board at (916) 561-8708, (800) 737-8188 or ww.w PONWAMO PPL99Y 43M-41 (REV 10/01) THIS IS A COMPLETE INSPECTION and includes structure(s) of the property as described on page one of this report. The inspection is limited to visible and accessible areas of the structure(s) drawn in diagram space. Other structures of the property were not included in this report. See the statements on the final page of this report for further information as to the scope of this inspection. This is a separated report which is defined as Section I/Section II conditions evident on the date of the inspection. 'SECTION I" contains items where there is visible evidence of active infestation infection or conditions that have resulted in or from infestation of infection. 'SECTION II" items are conditions deemed likely to lead to infestation or infection but where no visible evidence of such was found 'FURTHER INSPECTION" items are defined as recommendations to inspect area(s) which during the original inspection did not allow the inspector access to complete the inspection and cannot be defined as Section I or Section II In addition to the breakdown listed in the report, 'INFORMATIONAL ITEMS" may also be listed at the end of this report concerning items where the inspector wishes to inform parties in interest about questionable conditions found. These conditions may be of concern to parties in interest, but did not qualify as a required finding or correction as defined by the Structural Pest Control Act. Description of vinaings SECTION I FUNGUS/DRYROT Finding: 3A Minor fungus damage was found at the end of 2x12 deck board. Recommendation, Remove and replace the damaged portions of the end of 2x12 deck board as needed to eliminate the fungus infection and damage. Price: Price on request Finding: 3B Minor fungus damage was found at the plywood adjacent to the toilet. Recommendation: Repair at this time is deemed impractical. Periodic inspection should be done to monitor this condition. Price: Price on request OTHER FINDINGS Finding: 4B Recommendation Price SECTION: II OTHER FINDINGS Finding: 4A Recommendation Price Cracks in beam and fascia may allow moisture to enter and cause fungus damage. Caulk the cracks and paint to protect the interior of the wood members. Price on request Earth to wood contact exists at the base of porch posts and steps due to lack of a porper concrete footing. Install concrete footing above the soil grade level to eliminate the earth to wood contact. Price on request UNKNOWN FURTHER INSPECTION FURTHER INSPECTIONS Finding: 5A A portion of the substructure area was inaccessible for inspection due to low clearances. Recommendation. Excavate the substructure soil to allow a minimum of 12" of clearance between the bottom of the floorjoists and the soil grade level. Reinspect the substructure area and submit further findings on a supplemental report. Price for Reinspection and Report will be $50 00 if excavation is completed by others. Price Price on request Finding: 58 The area beneath the wood porch was inaccessible for inspection due to low clearances Recommendation Remove two boards every six feet of the top decking to allow for further inspection Reinspect and submit further findings on a supplemental report. Note. Damage may occur to the decking as a result of the decking removal. Additional costs will apply if necessary, when decking is reinstalled by this company Cost for reinspection and report will be $50.00 if decking is removed and reinstalled by others Price: Price on request Section I Total $0.00 Section 11 Total $000 Section III Total $0.00 Grand Total $0 00 (totals include items priced above only) INFORMATIONAL ITEM> N1 The detached storage shed was not inspected Parties in interest should satisfy themselves as to this condition prior to the close of escrow II�V rCJ 1N-1 VRVHIYIJIYIJ IIYJr'C�+ 1_I_VIV RCrVIt I Building No Street City Zip Date of Inspection 6550 EI Camino Real Atascadero 93422 07/16/08 1 This inspection is limited to the visible and accessible portions of the structure as noted on the diagram only Although a full diagram may be drawn for reference purposes, all areas may not have been inspected. Please read the entire report to determine the limitations of the inspection. All findings will pertain to infestation and/or infection by wood destroying pests and/or organisms and does not include reference to other structural pests such as, but not limited to; Rats, Mice, Bats, Fleas, Cockroaches, Ants, Etc.. This inspection does not include opinions as to the condition of plumbing, roofing, electrical, gas, heating, air conditioning, or other such structural elements. If such information is desired, we suggest that a qualified Home Inspector and Contractors be contacted. Inspection of fences is not included in this report unless otherwise stated. The exterior surface of the roof was not inspected- If you want the water tightness of the roof determined, you should contact a roofing contractor who is licensed by the Contractors' State License Board. 2.The following areas were not Inspected, as indicated in Section #1990, paragraph 0) of the Structural Pest Control Act and Rules and Regulations: Portions of furnished interiors concealed by personal property inaccessible attics, insulated attics, and portions thereof; the interior of hollow walls; spaces between a floor or porch deck and the ceiling or soffit below- stall showers over finished ceilings: such structural segments as porte-cocheres, enclosed bay windows, buttresses and similar areas to which there is no access without defacing or tearing out lumber masonry and finished work; built-in cabinet work, floor beneath coverings; areas where storage conditions or locks makes inspection impractical; portions of the structure covered by plant growth. The inspector did not move storage or furnishings during inspection. NEITHER KEY TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL, INC. NOR ITS EMPLOYEES OR SUBCONTRACTORS MAKES ANY GUARANTEE AGAINST FUTURE OR HIDDEN INFESTATION(S), INFECTION(S) OR ADVERSE CONDITION(S) PRESENT BUT NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION(S). Routine inspection does not include opening windows, opening all exterior doors or inspecting interior of cabinets. Further inspection of these areas may be completed upon request and at additional expense. 3.CERTIFICATION applies to visible and accessible areas of the structure observed at the time of original inspection. This certification does not constitute a guarantee that parties in interest will not inherit hidden infestations, infections or adverse conditions. Key Termite and Pest Control, Inc. assumes no liability for such hidden conditions. If a problem is discovered that was not disclosed during our inspections, do not disturb the area. Contact our office immediately to inspect the problem area and allow proper determination. This limitation does not apply to our 5 year guarantee on Fumigation or Full Perimeter Subterranean Termite treatments. 4.REINSPECTIONS, "This Company will reinspect repairs done by others within 4 months of the Original inspection. A charge, if any can be no greater than the original inspection fee for each reinspection. The reinspection must be done within ten (10) working days of request. The reinspection is a visual inspection and if inspection of concealed areas is desired, inspection of work in progress will be necessary Any guarantees must be received from parties performing repairs. Consultation appointments will be made upon request. On site appointments will be billed at a minimum of $45.00 per appointment. Telephone calls to discuss the report findings are no charge. 5.The structure was inspected from the ground level only Portions of the structure that extend more than 10 feel from the ground level were visually inspected only Accuracy above this point cannot be guaranteed. Wood members showing visible signs of infestation or infection were pick -tested to determine the nature and extent of the finding. The Inspector did not get up on the roof to inspect wood members accessible from the roof. 6.NOTICE. The structural Pest Control Board encourages competitive business practices among registered companies. Reports on this structure prepared by various companies should list the same findings (i.e. termite infestations, termite damage, fungus damage, etc.). However recommendations to correct these findings may vary company to company You have a right to seek a second opinion from another company Prices quoted are a sealed bid and are not to be disclosed to another tradesperson or company All bids are subject to the terms of our 'Work Authorization Contract" Please be aware of these terms prior to any property sale negotiation. TNOTICE. The charge for service that this company subcontracts to another person or entity may include the company's charges for arranging and administering such services that are in addition to the direct costs associated with paying the subcontractor YOU MAY ACCEPT KEY TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL, INC'S BID OR YOU MAY CONTRACT DIRECTLY WITH ANOTHER REGISTERED COMPANY LICENSED TO PERFORM THE WORK. IF YOU CHOOSE TO CONTRACT DIRECTLY WITH ANOTHER REGISTERED COMPANY KEY TERMITE AND PEST CONTROL, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACT OR OMISSION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK THAT YOU DIRECTLY CONTRACT WITH ANOTHER TO PERFORM. B.This property WAS NOT inspected for the presence or absence of health related molds or fungi. By California Law we are neither qualified, authorized nor licensed to inspect for health related molds. If you desire information about the presence or absence of health related molds, contact the California Department of Health Related Services. A link may be found in our web site at the following web address http://www-keytermile.com/Realtorstmold.htmi 9-Peticides are the products Key Termite and Pest Control, Inc. uses to control the target pests listed in your Inspection Report. Pesticides are indispensable tools our industry uses to control disease carrying pests and wood destroying insects, thus protecting your health and property When properly used, pesticides pose minimal risk to humans or the environment. Your Technician is a State certified applicator whose knowledge Is constantly being upgraded through regularly scheduled training sessions. If you have any questions, please cal( us at our toll free number 800-548-5599 or write to: Key Termite and Pest Control, Inc., 9605 El Camino Real, P.O Box 969 Atascadero, CA, 93423. Key Termite and Pest Control, Inc. will not apply any compound not authorized for use In California. Please refer to the Inspection Report above for proposed materials to be used. 10.CAUTION: PESTICIDES ARE TOXIC CHEMICALS Structural Pest Control Operators are licensed and regulated by the Structural Pest Control Board, and apply pesticides which are registered and approved for use by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Registration is granted when the State finds that based on existing scientific evidence there are no appreciable risks if proper use conditions are followed or that the risks are outweighed by the benefits. The degree of risk depends upon the degree of exposure, so exposure should be minimized. If within 24 hours following an application you experience symptoms similar to common seasonal illness, comparable to the flu, contact Key Termite and Pest Control, Inc. (800-548-5599), your physician, and/or your Poison Control Center For the Poison Control Center contact the following: (1-800-8764766). FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact any of the following: Your pest control operator is Key Termite and Pest Control, Inc., (800-548-5599); for Regulatory Information call the Structural Pest Control Board (916-561-8708), or write 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1500 Sacramento, CA, 95815-3831 For answers to your health questions, call the County Health Department; Santa Barbara County Health Dept (805-681 5102); San Luis Obispo County Health Dept (805-781 5544); and for application information, contact the County Agriculture Commissioner Santa Barbara County Agricultural Commissioner (805-681-5600); San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner (805-781 5910). 11.Under the California Mechanics Lien Law any structural pest control company which contracts to do work for you, any contractor laborer supplier or other person who helps to improve your property but is not paid for his or her work or supplies, has a right to enforce a claim against your property This means that after a court hearing your property could be sold by a court officer and the proceeds of the sale used to satisfy the indebtedness. This can happen even if you have paid your structural pest control company in full if the subcontractor laborers or suppliers remain unpaid. 12.To preserve their right to file a claim or lien against your property certain claimants such as subcontractors or material suppliers are required to provide you with a document entitled 'Preliminary Notice" Prime contractors and laborers for wages do not have to provide this notice. A Preliminary Notice is not a lien against your property Its purpose is to notify you of persons who may have a right to file a lien against your property if they are not paid. 13.NOTICE. Invoices are due and payable within 30 days. 1.5% per month will be added to account balances beyond 30 days from the date of work completed. This is an annual percentage rate of 18%. (Interest charged pursuant to the Robinson-Patman Act). Interest amounts for balances billed to an Escrow Company as a course of a Real Estate sale will be waived up to 4 months from the date of work completed so long as the property remains in escrow. Should an Escrow transaction cancel, the full account balance is due and payable upon the Escrow cancellation date. Key Termite and Pest Control, Inc., License Number PR2103