HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 052708 5 Approved September 9, 2008 1918 e CITY OF A TA SCA DERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, May 27, 2008 REGULAR'SESSION Iminediately#ollowing the conclusion of the 6 00 p.m. Redevelopment-Agency meeting 1 Mayor Brennler called the meeting to order at 7 55 p m and Mayor Pro Tem Beraud led V the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL. Present. Council .Members Clay, Luna, O'Malley, Beraud, and Mayor Brennler Absent: None L Others Present: City Clerk.% Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson s } Others Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, .Public Works Director Steve. Kahn, Community Services Director &ad'y Cherry, Acting .Lt. Brian Dana, Deputy Public Works .Director David'Athey, and,City Attorney Brian Pierik a APPROVAL OF'AGENDA. MOTION By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem ;Beraud to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. CC Minutes 05/27/08 Page 1 of 12 z 7 Y Approved'September 9, 2008 PRESENTATION k 1 Recognition of Ryan Carden, Former Parks & Recreation Commission Youth Representative Mayor Brennler recognized Ryan Carden for hpis, exemplary service as a Youth. Representative to the Parks and 'Recreation Commission and presented him with a plaque Ryan, Carden expressed his .appreciation for the experience of serving on the Commission and thanked the Council for the plaque' A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. `March 20WAccounts Payable and Payroll. ■ Fiscal Impact: $ 1,881,328 87 • Recommendation Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for March .2008 [Administrative Services] 2. April 2008 Accounts Payable and iPaytoll, ■ fiscal Impact: $ 1',895;612.76 ■ Recommendation Council approve certified City accounts payable, • payroll and payroll-vendor checks for April.2008 [Administrative Services] 3 November 2007'Investment Report ■ Fiscal Impact: 'None ■ Recommendation. Council approve the City Treasurer's report for November 2007 [Treasurer] 4 December 2607'Investment Report r FiscaVIrnpact, None ■n Recommendation. Council approve the City Treasurer's report for December 200,7 [Treasurer] .5" Contract for Services Provided,,by Kermani-Consulting Group for First Level Appeal of Project Worksheet for Historic City:Hall ■ Fiscal Impact. $25,000 00 in budgeted,Historic City Hall Rehabilitation Funds Recommendation. Council approve az_.change order to the contract with Kermani Consulting Group in the "additional amount of $25,000 for continued services related to the City's first level appeal of FEMA's project worksheet for historic City Hall [City Manager] 6 Temporary Road�_Closure— Hot EI Camino Cruise.Nite 2008 ■ Fiscal 'Impact` The cost of this event is approximately $13,750 It is • anticipated that these costs will be fully recovered through sponsorships and entry fees h CC Minutes 05/27/08 y Page 2 of 12 x Approved September 9, 2008 t MOTION• Co nci y Member4'Luna and seconded by Council Member O 1 Adopt,-Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's r Report regarding the Street arid Storm Drain Maintenance District No 01 — Apple Valley, and'the levy and collection of annual, assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2008/2009;,and, 2. Adopt_Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Street and Storm° Drain Maintenance District No. 01 — Apple Valley; and, 3. Adopt ;Draft Resolution C' approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the 'Landscapirig and Lighting District No. 01 — Apple,'Valley, -and thele"`levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto°in fi'sca[year 2008/2009; and, 4 Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering-the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Landscaping and Lighting District No 01 — Apple Valley Motion passed 5.0 by ,a roil-call vote. (Item #B-1 1 Resolution 2008-036, Item #8=.1.2 Resolution 2008-037, Item #B_-1 3,Resolution 2008-038,,It #B-1 4 2008-039) 2. De Anza Estates Assessment Districts • • A,Fiscal Impact:, Arinuall assessments for 2008/2009 will total $35,454 for road/drainage- system maintenance and $30,457 for landscaping and lighting maintenance° These amounts will be assessed to the owners of parcels in De Ariza`Estates There is no fiscal impact to general residents within the City j ■ Recommendations. Council 1 _ Adopt Draft-, Resolution A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding theStreet and Storm Drain'Maintenance District No 03 — De E Anza Estates, and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2008/2009 2 Adopt !Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No 03 — De Anza Estates r. 3`rr Adopt Draft'' 'Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report, regarding, the Landscaping and Lighting 'District No 03 — De Anza Estates, and the 'levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2008/2009 4 Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Landscaping and Lighting District No 03 — De Anza Estates' [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions of Council F CC7Mi6utes 05/27/08 Page 6 of 12 ~ Y 4 f r f J. m Approved September 9, 2008 PUBLIC COMMENT Jonalee Istenes, inquired if the walking paths in the DeAnza Estates area included in this Assessment'District Community 'Development Director Warren Frace responded that the trails have been accepted and fees will be collected for maintenance F Mayor Brennler closed the Public Comment period: MOTION By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Beraud to 1 Adopt Draft Resolution 3A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Street,and, Storm Drain Maintenance District ;No. 03 — De Anza :Estates, and the levy and r collection of;annual assessments related thereto for fiscal year 2008/2009, and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering .the levy and collection `of assessments for fiscal° year 2008/2009 for Street and Storm Drain MaintenanceDistrict No. 03 — De Anza Estates, and,. 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the 'Landsca in and Lighting,District No P 9 9 P�_ 9, 9 9" 03 —'De Anza,Estates, and the levy and collection of annual assessments:related thereto in fiscal year 2008/2009; and,, 4 Adopt, Draft Resolution D orderingi the levy and collection of"assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Landscaping and'Lighting'District No 03= De�Anza Estates. Motion ,passed 5.0 by °a toll-call vote. (Item #B-2.1 Resolution 2008-040, Item #B-2.2 Resolution 2008-041, Item #B-2.3 Resolution 2008-042;- Item #B-2.4 Resolution 2008- 043) 3. Woodridge,(Las Lornas) Assessment Districts ■, Fiscal Impact: Annual assessments for 2008/2009 will total $40820 for road/,drainage system maintenance and ,$156;885 for landscaping and lighting maintenance These amounts will°be assessed to the owners of parcels in Woodridge (Las Lomas) The City General Fund will contribute t $3,769 toward- the cost of the trails, once. these improvements are accepted by the�Oity ■ Recommendations. °Council 1 Adopt Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's Report regarding, the ,Street and Storm Drain :Maintenance District No 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related,thereto for fiscal year 2008/2009 2 Adopt Draft °Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of .' assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No 02 —Woodridge (Las Lomas) CC Minutes 05/27/08 Page 7 of 12 .5 R y� y Approved September 9, 2008: 3 Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding" the Landscaping and Lighting District No 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal.year 2008/2009 4 Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Landscaping and Lighting District No �02 —Woodridge (Las Lomas) [Administrative Services] Administrative Services 'Director.Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions of Council PUBLICCOMMENT ,. Jonalee Istenes, stated that she is thankful for the paths She asked if she could review the standards before the trails are approved She commented that the paths are not Y ADA accessible like the RCD trail k Community Development 'Director'Warren Frace responded that the trails are intended to be natural foot-path type trails,so they don't meet the standards for accessibility that you find with sidewalks or other public ways Mayor Brennler closed the-Public Comment period. • Council Member O'Malley inquired about a list of existing,definitions of trails c L Community Development'Director Warren Frace said that staff will put together a quick briefing memo for Council and'the Parks and Recreation Commission on possible trails to be incorporated into the City's'Public Works Standards MOTION By Council'Member O'Malley andseconded by Mayor Pro Tem Beraud ao 1 Adopt 'Draft Resolution A approving the final Engineer's °Report, regarding the Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District,No. 02 — Woodridge (Lasj:Lomas), and the levy-and Y collection of annual assessments related thereto for fiscal -year 2008/2009, and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B ordering the levy and collection of assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Street and Storm Drain Maintenance%District No. 02 — Woodridge (Las Lomas), and, 3. Adopt Draft Resolution C approving the final Engineer's Report regarding the Landscaping and Lighting District No. 02 Woodridge (Las Lomas), and the levy and collection of annual assessments related thereto in fiscal year 2008/2009; and, 4., Adopt Draft Resolution D ordering the levy and collection A �' of assessments for fiscal year 2008/2009 for Landscaping ti and Lighting District No 02 —Woodridge (Las Lomas). CC Minutes 05/27/08 ! Page 8 of 12 --r b Approved September 9, 2008 r N Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Item #B-3.1 • Resolution 2008-044, Item#B-3.2 Resolution 2008=045, Item, #B-3:3- Resolution 2008-046, Item #B-3.4 Resolution 2008- a 047) t f C MANAGEMENT REPORTS 1 StaffAuthorization- to . Process General__ Plan Amendment and w Anneiation.Application -. Ed_plia Ranch Specific Plan - PLN 2008-1280 /k GPA. 2008=0022:/ SP 2008-0002''TICH 2008-0150 (Eagle Ranch, LLC / RRU Design:-Group) • Fiscal' Impact:- Staff is unable to speculate on the significance of this impact at present. Part of the project's EIR#review will include a fiscal impact°analysis The purpose of'the analysis will be to analyze all of the project's costs and revenues and provide, the Council with a complete picture of the project's fiscal impacts on both the City of Atascadero and the local,bu'siness community 'The General 'Plan identifies resort facilities as part of the;-,project: Staff's opinion is that a substantial tourist serving resort component must be included to improve the revenue potential of the project. ■ Recommendations 1 The City Council may direct staff to process the project application by • adopting DraftResolution A. This action would include directing staff to return t64h6'City Council for a Specific Plan project process, _ OR 2 The City Council may withhold authorization: for staff to process the 4 project- application by adopting Draft Resolution B Withholding authorization for'staff .to process the application does not deny the application [Community Development], Community, Development Director Warren Frace gave, the_ staff report and answered questions of Council W C RUBLIC'COMMENT I Gregory,Smith; one of four owners of Eagle 'Ranch;, thanked the Council and staff for considering this General Plan Amendment and answered questions of Council Jon Knight,. Planner with RRM Group, stated this project is included in the Atascadero General Plan and'�asked the Council to direct staff to process their application ' Cr Roberta Fonzi'fstated she hopes that part of this-public education process will address what is planned, as well° as�what roads will be utilized She also commented that she thinks mores information is needed about where, we are in the agriculture preserve. process MMinutes 05/27/08` , - 20age.9 of 12 �r 2 Approved September 9, 2008 '•' Jody Smith, stated she lives :on a corner of ranch and is not pleased with the development of this land She requested that Council take the wildlife into consideration during the development process Ms Smith stated that she hopes the City will put a connecting road through ranch, down to Highway 41 She also expressed concern about sewer costs and asked Council to consider equestrian trails 'Sandy Jack stated rhe owns property by Eagle Ranch, and he elaborated on issues with LAFCO and recommended that Council move on with process to gain control of how that area is developed ' Jonalee Istenes expressed her concern for proper multi-use trails throughout this project. Kathy Redden stated she lives near development and said she hates to see this land developed She expressed her concerns regarding trails, access to the forest, traffic, environmental issues, having:minimal density and enabling housing to be affordable Jim Wilkins, grandfather, ran the Eagle Ranch for 52 years and encouraged the Council to move ahead with this project. Mayor Brennler closed the,Public Comment period. n •" MOTION By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay to direct staff to-process the project application by adopting Draft Resolution A. This action would include directing ,staff to return to the City Council for a Specific Plan project',process. r Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Item: #C-1 1 Resolution 2008-048), 2. Downtown Streetscape Phase 11 ■ Fiscal`Impact: None ■ Recommendation. Council receive and file Downtown Streetscape Phase a ll Project update [Public Works] i Public Works Director Steve Kahn briefly described.° the project and announced that Deputy Public Works Director David Athey would be giving the report. 'Deputy Public Works Director David Athey gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT None The Council received and filed this report. CC Minutes 05/27/08 ,Page 10 of 12 y ApprovedSeptember 9, 2008' 3. Emergency,'Preparedness and Evacuation Plan Update ■ 'Fiscal Impact: None 4 ■ Recommendations. Council receive and file this report [Fire] ,Fire Chief Kurt Stone gave the-staff report and answered questions of Council (Exhibit B) PUBLIC COMMENT -iNone� A The Council received'and°filed this report. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTSANDREPORTS Council Member O'Malley announced he has tickets:to,,:the. Monte Carlo Casino Night Zoo Benefit at the Best Western Colony Hall on May 30; 2008, from 6 OOpm — 11.00pm Mayor Brennler thankedMIeVeryone who participated in Children's Day at the Park and 4 the 20th anniversary celebration-of the library events. �He also announced that June 10th is Hunger Awareness'Day'and-for more information, go to'www.slofoodbank.org Council Member Clay spoke about the Public Trust Meetings and the differences in philosophy among Council Members He said.,that he,thought some good things came out of the last meeting He said 'that it seems as though there are people in the .community that have &:,vendetta against Council Member O'Malley and make false accusations about him; and this bothers him because Council Member O'Malley works T harder than anyone in town,to ,make Atascadero better A few people were called liars at the last meeting and this,,is not acceptable to him We all need to accept that we have'different'opinions Mayor Brennler stated that no'one was called a liar at the last meeting, and this is why all Council meetings should be:taped Council Member Luna. clarified,.that the lies and whispering campaign, by at least the n Vice President of. A Better: Atascadero, is really out of line He stated, for the record, ,£ that 8 years ago Supervisor,Mike Ryan attempted to use his political influence to make x'Y` accusations of Council,-Member Luna's wife He said' those accusations never went anywhere and no. charges were filed He also stated that the City Council adopted a Conduct Statement that "all''-candidates are asked to sign stating they will not put their y campaign signs on public property, which Mike Ryan did Council Member O'Malley stressed the importance. to having a process where any ' accusations can,be reviewed,and then the,appropriate°person can make a statement of the results of the review. x. CC Minutes 05/27/08 Page 11 of 12 ti i Approved September 9, 2008 D COMMITTEE REPORTS Mayor Pro Tern:Beraud • Integrated' Waste Management Authority (IWMA) — Discussed a needles or sharps take back program, allowing needles to be returned ,back to the place they bought them which would make it safer for the people who 'handle the garbage and would minimize sharps in the landfill • 'Building Public Trust — Meeting date not set yet. Will bring back further recommendations after the-next meeting E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION City Clerk City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson reported that both of the Youth Representative positions to the Parks and Recreation Commission have been vacated She asked for direction from Council to advertise for one or both positions There was Council consensus to direct the City Clerk,to advertise for the Parks and Recreation Commission Youth Representative position(s). Council Member O'Malley announced that his Planning Commission appointee will be vacating the position and he might be interested in advertising for that as well F ADJOURNMENT Mayor Brennler adjourned the meeting at 10.40 p m MINUTES PREPARED BY n Marcia McClure Torgerson, C M C , Ci Clerk Exhibit A—Art Tour Handout, by Steve Martin Exhibit B—West Side Evacuation Route Handout, by Kurt Stone CC Minutes 05/27/08 Page 12 of 12