HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 052208 Special Meeting r ' Approved August 12, 2008 g S PEG ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Building Public Trust Workshop - Part 2 Thursday, May 22, 20089 '9:00, a.m. - 4:00 p.m. MINUTES s Welcome and Introductions 9`00 a.m. — Mayor Brennler Mayor Brennler calledthe meeting to order at 9.20 a.m 4 ROLL CALL: t Y Present: Council Members Clay, Luna; O'Malley, Beraud, and Mayor Brennler'' Absent. None r Others Present: City Clerk/ Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Others Present: City 7Manager Wade McKinney, City Attorney Brian Pierik, and facilitator Dr, Tom Shanks 3s Building.Public Trust Workshop - Part 2: x Mayor Brennler asked for Council= consensus to adjust the agenda by moving the discussion of campaign finance reform to the morning session Council Members Clay and O'Malley opposed; because they did not want to change the agenda that had been r cieculated,to-the community Council Member Luna stated that as long as we get to the topic, he was,okay with leaving if in the afternoon- Dr Shanks stated he would make sure the topic was discussed in the afternoon Council Member Beraud said that she wants.to make`sure that all issues are discussed today z a• CC Workshop Minutes 05/22/08 Page 1 of 5 , I in 3' Approved August 12, 2008 �R y •` PUBLIC COMMENT .4 _ • Keep the current agenda—this will help in achieving the public's trust. • Campaign finance reform is important • Changing the agenda now will limit the public's ability to have input as some people were planning on attending only in the afternoon • Keep the current agenda'but allow the public flexibility for input Mayor Brennler stated, for the record, that he feels it was a grave mistake to not audio or video tape these workshops He also stated' that:he,-was not part of the decision making process concerning taping Council Members O'Malley and Clay stated that they agreed with Mayor Brennler concerning the taping of these workshops Morning Session Facilitator Dr Tom Shanks explained his background: He then reviewed Atascadero ,~history concerning' Campaign. Reform since February 2007 when the Council set Campaign Reform as a goal dDr Shanks led a discussion on,the-lack of public trust between,the public, staff and City h Council He also explained-why-we are considering a full Campaign Reform Program —� and not just campaign finance reform s The Council discussed how they deal with issues concerning staff, including complaints from the public and their own concerns 5 Mayor Brennler called a recess at 10.20 a.m. Workshop resumed at 10:28 a.m. I' The discussion of how to address,staff issues continued i '6v Council Member O'Malley asked Mayor Brennler to; share the progress he has made with the creation of his list of concerns and obtaining closure on his concerns Dr Shanks stated this was not the appropriate time to address this topic Mayor Brennler offered to make a statement concerning the issue Mayor Brennler, stated that he has met with City Manager McKinney and. City Attorney Pierik regarding his concerns He explained that they discussed his concerns, and he now feels that he and Mr (McKinney have a better understanding of each of their positions on the issues facing the City City Attorney Pierik added that he felt some of the issues were a result of lack of communication, and Mayor Brennler'now plans on meeting regularly with Mr McKinney to improve their communications CC Workshop Minutes 05/22/08 Page 2 of 5 = r r ti Approved August 12, 2008 r, Council Member O'Malley stated- that the Council needs a system in place to address future concerns The,other Council Members agreed Council Member Clay askedMayor Brennler to update his website to reflect the current status of his concerns Mayor Pro Tem Beraud asked all Council Members to address individual conflicts between each other, that do not pertain to the Council as a whole, outside of Council meetings to save time There was a lengthy`discussion concerning the possible details of a complaint process w PUBLIC COMMENT • We need to remember that we all care about the City and are all amateurs with government. • Council needs better=communication • This workshop is difficult to watch = How do we trust the Council? • Was harassed while circulating Referendum petition last year • City needs process for a°member of the public tol place an item on the Council's agenda • Facilitator, please take charge! Y Mayor Brennler called a recess for lunch at 12.10 p.m. Workshop resumed°at 12:50 p.m. Afternoon Session Dr Shanks talked about respectful listening and how this practice can improve relationships 4 Dr Shanks asked the Counciljor their dreams for the next election. • Staff should be kept out of°it • Only speak`.the truth • Have evidence for,statements made • Candidates accountable for their statements • Expenditures from all sources to be disclosed • Resources should be sufficiently reported to the.community • Resources should be sufficient for each candidate to get information out • Large contributions should be disclose_d • Contained cost of $10,000 • Less divisiveness • Election of good members • • Candidates be more prepared for media pressure y • Diverse group of candidates CC Workshop Minutd&05/22/08 Page 3 of 5 t Approved August 12, 2008 r • Go beyond FPPC timelines & reporting ' Tougli'on issues if'there is a credible foundation`, • Campaign contributions should,be on City website e Candidates should avoid' large contributions from developers coming before Council," City supports fair public forums • Candidates see each other as a post-electi6n,4team • Expenses should be.reported on the City's website promptly Campaigns,rely,on volunteers, not paid consultants • SrnalFcampaigri contributions that represent'broad cross-section of community ($250per individual per cycle) • Civility among PAC's • No "hit" pieces (includes informal organizations) • If it's not broke, don't fix it • Unintended,consequences • All candidates should`,coilectively repudiate attacks on individual candidates Mayor Bren-Wer called a recess at 2 13 p.m. Workshop resumeci at 2:23 p.m. City Clerk/,Assistant to ,the City (Manager Maeciae Torgerson, explained upcoming City- hosted Candidate forums u • June 26— Candidate Pre-filing Forum • August—°Executive ManagemenVCandidate Conference • Early October—.Televised Public Candidate Forum •. November 1 �'. Televised, Public Candidate Forum. Dr Shanks,16d a lengthy° discussion of the options ,available for campaign finance reform 5. I: There=was Council consensus for• y , • PublicJorums described by.City Clerk 4 Cit y,Attorney,to=come,back to Council with,information and options concerning o Voluntary ordinance or Ballot measure o -Elected mayor o, Voluntary expenditure limits o. Ballot measure concerning candidates running for individual seats o Contribution disclosure place on,the City's website a Council disclosure of contributions at Council meetings WWOAshopUnutes 05/22/08 Page 4 of 5