HomeMy WebLinkAboutForm 460 Committee to Re-Elect Jerry Clay Sr 102308Recipient Committee Campaign, Statement Coven Page - (Government Cotte Sections 84200-84216 5) Type or print in ink. Statement covers period' from __-- 10/01/2008 -----..-- SEE INSTRUCTION&ON REVERSE C through __.___�10/18-12008 1 Type of Recipient Committee All Committees - Complete Parts 1 2,3, an6;4. RJ Officeholder,,Candidate Controlled Committee 'L -Ballot Measure Committee I j State Candidate Election Committee PrimarilyFormed ") Recall ! ; Controlled IArsoComplowPau 5) (—) Sponsored, (luso comple le Pall l:! General Purpose Committee `1 Sponsored [ Prima0v Formed Candidate/ Small Contributor Committee Officeholder Comrnittee 1) �- - PoliticatParty/Central.Corrlmlttee (Alio C'r.)Plete Pan 3. Committee Information (.D NUMBER _13089.14_ COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE'S NAME IF NO COMMIT rEE) Committee to Re -Elect .ferry Clay Sr ate of election it applicable-, (Month, Day Year.) 11/04/2008 R�'CrIVED A18 CITY OF ATASCADi CITY CLERK'S OFFI 2 Type of Statement: C Preelection Statement J Semi-annual Statement (l Termination Statement F Amendment (Explain oelowl CALIFORNIA 2001102 FORM For Official' Use Only El Quarterly Statement 01 Special Odd -Year Report [] Supplemental Preelection Statement Attach Form 495 Treasurer(s) NAME OF TREASURER .r.._.._..__.__._.._..._..— _` h Angela Clay MAILING7 ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS' (NO PO BOX) CITY STATE a ZIP CODE _AREA,_cODEIPHONE MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) NO AND STREET OR R.O :BOX CITY; y _ ZIP`CODE_ AREA CITY' STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODEIPHONE MAILING ADDRESS ~~ ~- CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/PHONE OPTIONAL. FAX I E-MAIL ADDRESS OPTIONAL. FAX i E-MAIL ADDRESS t 4 ` Verification _ J have used all reasonable diligence in, preparing and'.reviewing.this Statement and to the best of my knowledge the information rcontained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete I certify under penalty of perjury under, the laws of the State of California that the foregoing Is true nd correct: , �� 10/21 Date /2008 y sG Executed on / ~ Sign of Tr er r sistant Treaur se -. °' t 10/21/20081 gY Executed on Date Aign6yr t C6ntrollirK�0 icenold 4 CandiaaTeState Measure f° pone or Respaisible Offi� _r of Sponsor Executed on 'Date, By y Executed on By c, Form FPPC F 460 (June/01) Date Signature ofControAirgOflicsnolrler C.arv�rdale„tateMeaaureP;uuorwr FPPC Toll -Free Helpline* 866/'ASK-FPPC State of'California ,T Recipient, Committee Campaign, Statement Cover Page -- Part 2 Type or print in ink. 5 Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE Jerry L Clay SR OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) Atascadero City Council Member RESIOENTIAL!BUSINESS ADDRESS (NO AND STREET) CITY STATE.. ZIP Related Committees Not Included in this Statement. List any committees not included'in this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed,to receive contributions or make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy COMMITTEE NAME ILD NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? jrf YES [� NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS STREETAODRESS ;NOPU BOX) CITY STATE ^ ZIP UDE AREA CODE!PHONE COMMITTEE NAME 1'I,D NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? L7 YES NO COMMITTEE ADDRESS CITY STREETAODRESS (NOPO STATE Zip CODE AREA CODE!PHONE 6 Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE. COVER PAGE PART2, 'Page __ Z. _— of BALLOT NO .OR LETTER JURISDICTION T C] SUPPORT [] OPPOSE Identify the controlling officeholder candidate or state measure proponent, if arty NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER CANDIDATE. OR PROPONENT OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7 Primarily Formed Committee List names of officeholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this committee is primarily formed. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE — OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD C) SUPPORT [] OPPOSE NAPAE. OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANOIOATF_ OFFtCF SOUGHT OR HELD [] SUPPORT [:j OPPOSE NAAAE OF OFFICEHOLDER UR CANDIDATE `^ t FFICF SOUc;HT OR HELD E]SUPPORT I LJ OPPOSE NAME OF uFFICEHOi.DER OR CANDIDATE; OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑SUPPORT OPPOSE Attach continuation sheets if necessary FPPC Form 460 1June1011 FPPC Toll -Free Helpllne: 866/ASN-FPPC _ State of California Campaign Disclosure Statement Sutnmar y Mage SEE: INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE" NAME Of FILER Committee to Re -Elect Jerry Clay Sr Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. -- _---- __—_ -- _� SUMMARY PAGE Statement Covers periodCALIFORNIA 60.:..� from _- 10/01/2008 — ` t: /, Through __... 10/18/2008-- Page �3..._-- of .I.. ,g Column Column B Contributions Received 'r07A). THIS PERIOD CALENDAR YEAF 1 Monetary Contributions 2. Loans Received 3 SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS 4 Nonri-lonetary Contributions 5 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Expenditures Made 6 Payments Made 7 Loans Made. 8 SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENT'S 9 Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) 10 Nonmonetary Adjustment '1.1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE (FROMATTACHED SCHEDULES) TOTAL. TO BATF... 108300 u 783688 Schedule A, tine 3 Schedule a, Eine 3 __ 00 - ___15000.0 Lines 7 2 $ Htl1083 00 933688 il—---_----.—.._� � .. Schedure C. Line 3 __..._00� - ^- 854 11` Aud Lines 3 * 4 $ 108300 - �_-10190 99- Schedule E, Line 4 $ _. Schedule H, Line 3 Add cines 6 +- 7 $ ._._`___. Scheoule F Line 3 _ Schedule C Line 3 _ ACIMLiaeS 8 *'9 * 70 $. ._ - 22262 $ 64 78 36 00 00 - 22262 $ i _ ~ -6478 36- 00 _00_ 00 00 22262 $ -_` _ 64 78 36 Current Cash Statement 12 Beginning Cash Balance Previous Sunrrriary Page, Line 16 $ ._._`___. 1998 14 To calculate Column B add 3 Cash, Receipts Column A„ Line 3 above _—___� 1083 00 amounts in Column A to the w 00 00 corresponding amounts 14 Miscellaneous Increases_ to Cash t Schedule 1.-Line;4 from Column. B of your last — _ 15 Cash Payments Colurno A_UL?e 8 above 62 report. Sorne amounts in •- -" --_—_222 Column.A maybe negative 1.6 ENDING CASH BALANCE 400 Liras Q - 13 14: wren subtract .Pre rb $ ______..__ 2861 52 figures that should be subtracted .from previous if this is a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. period amounts )t this is the first report tieing filed '17 LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED Scnetrule e Pan• 2 $ __. 00 for this calendar year only carry over the amounts Cash Equivalents and, Outstanding Debts from Lines < 7 and 9 (itally) 18 Cash Equivalents See instructions on reverse $ i 9 Outstanding Debts Add tine Eine 9 in Column 8 above $ I.D NUMBER. 1308914 Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 1/ I through 6130 711 to Date 20 Contributions Received $ 21 Expenditures Mstde $ Expenditure Limit Summary for State Candidates 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made (if Subject to voluntary Expenditure Limit) [late of Election Total to Date (mm/dd/yy) I --- ---�---- -- $ -_ "Since January •t 2001 Amounts in this section may be differew from amounts reported in Column B FPPC Form 460 (June/o1). FPPC Toll -Free Helpline 866fASK-FPPC I � Schedule A, Monetary Contributi®ns-Rciceived SEEMSTRUC NONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILEiZ-- ---- Committee to Re -Elect Jerry Clay Sr Type or prinN in -ink. Amounts may be, rounded to whole dollars fUC.I_ NAME STREET ADDRESS AND 21P CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR I CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER DATE I !EET ADDRESS ZILG Numeer. OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED COL1E R (IF SELF-EMPLOYED ENTER NAME OF aUSINES5� 10115/2008 Donrr Clickard &NDL-jcoM Retirred DOTH (_j PTY — [_; SCC []IND 10/16/2008 Tem Teton Feed & Grain ! COM, s [] OTH M -B � PTY ! ❑SCC j]IND [_10TH (-I PTY SCC [j COM ❑ OTH I n PTY ❑ SCC I DIND i C] Com i ❑ OTH E] PTY ,LSCC Schedule A Summary 1 Amount received this period - contributions of $100 onmore (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) 2 Amount -"received this period- unitemized contributions of less than $1.00 3 Total rnonetary contributions received this period �(Add'Lines 1 and 2 Enter here and on- theSummary Page Column A, Line 1 ) SUBTOTAL$ Statement covers period from __.______ 10!01!2008_' 10/18/2008 4 through - ._.... - - Page __ AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD 10000 100 01) 20000 $ __.._ ._.-----_ 20000- $ 88300 TOTAL S .___. 108300 --- I D NUMBER- ..._.__..._.._._ 1308914 .®® CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE (.JAN. r DEC 31) (IP REQUIRED) 10000 1000 r 'Contrik,utor Codes IND - Individual COM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Committee FPPC'Form 460 (June/01) FPPC Tol4ree Helpline 866/ASK-FPPC f Sarhedule:B -- Part 1 Loans Receiver! SEL INS T RUCTIUNS ON REVERSE_ NAME OF FILER �- ____ _.._._..•-- ----- Committee to Re -Elect Jerry Clay Sr FUL.i,, NAME. STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF LENDER AIA1(TFE,ALSOEMEPIA.NUN13EPt Jerr L ;Cla - Sr W" Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded. to whole dollars. SCHEOUZE'8_, PART 1 Statement covers period CALIFORNIA- from 10/01 /2008 e • -.- • - RM 10/18/2008 5 , through _. Page -_ of __..._. 1.D NUMBER i 1308914 E IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER (a) lb) I {cI (dl te) (t) (g) OUTSTANDING STANDING AMDUNI" OUTSTANDIta('� INTEREST ORIGINAL I CUMULATIVE OCCUPATION ANDEMPLOYER-AMOUNT PAID $MANCE RECEIVEIJ THIS BALANCEAT pF:>ELF EMPLr"IEO ENTEF' BEGINNING THIS OR FORGIVEN CLOSE_ OF THIS ' PAID THIS AINOUNTOF CONTRIBUTIONS rIAMECiFEVS'NESSt P RI D THIS,PERIOO ��SZ 1 PERIOD I LOAN TO DATE 1 ER100 Retired (i PAID CALENOAR YEAR I 1500 00 0 _ s .150000 150000 (-] F{ M;1Vr:N I I ii hTE f I 150000 00 ! 12/31/2008 7/18/2008 00 T(j INCL Q COM, `] OTH Lj PTY r] SCC I i Or.rE )Uf. -- DtiIEINCURRED PAID I GAL.ENDM 1 40< I PEN', I I I ,I IND [:] COM 0 OTH ❑ PTY 0 SCC; l � j i r.•�;r r �r D�,TE INruizrten ('[il PAIp t.ALENDAR YEAR , 1 FORGwr:N 1 .-- � � ._ .'— ' PER iLF.L710N "" ,e I . T] J IND I] L.OM CJ OTH (] PTY r] SCC 1 I oATF LUL: ; vATti INcuAREO SUBTOTALS $ 00'$ 00 $ 150000 $ 00 Schedule B Summary IeW,, (e Lin �}r11eC1uh: F. Lind SI 1 Loans received this period _._.. -__0-0 - (Total Column (b) plus unitemized loans less than $100) Amounts forgiven or paid by another party also must be 2 Loans paid orforgiven this period $ __ __ — OU reported on Schedule A. (Total Column (c) plus loans under $1.00 paid or forgiven.) If required. (Include loans paid by, a third party that are also itemized on Schedule A.) 3 Net Change this.period� (Subtract Line 2,from Line 1) NET $u0 Enter the net here and on the Summary Page Column A Line 2 ""'°o-'"-'""- ' �t'ontrivLttor Codes —.---•.____._._�.-----•_-_ Nn--indivd6al COM Recipient Committee (other than PTY of SCC) OTH - Other PTY - Political Party SCC - Small Contributor Comr1litte FPPC Form 460 (JUr1e/01)' FPPC Toll -Free Helpline 866/ASK-FPPC` 4 Schedule C Nonmonetary Contributions Received SEE INSTPUU11CINS'ON REVERSE. NArnE FILE. F1 Committee to Re .Elect Jerry Clay Sr DATE FULL NAME STREET ADDRESS AND RECEIVED ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR 1 (IF COMMI rTEE, AISO ENTER I.D .NUMBER) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars, -.... - --.._.._.....- -- ------ I SCHEDULE C Statement covers period 1 from .. 10!01 /2008 a '.�. through 10/18/2008 6 - --...-—.._..... Page of A_ CONTRIBUTOR 1F AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER OCC UPATIONANDEMPIOYEr� DESCRtPlION OF CODE * GOODS OR SERVICES gFSEI.FEMPLOrEG ENTER NAME OF SUSINESSI (_IND [_]CONI Cj OTH PTY SCC ❑IND ❑CONI- LJOTH [7j PTY [] SCC !.,JCOM !.:JOTH 1--.1 PTY [] SC(, [JIND` .:]COM ;JC)TH. q[] PTY' Attach additional information on appiopr)atelly labeled continuation sheets Schedule C Summary Amount received this period — nonmonetary contributions of $100 or more (Include all Schedule C subtotals ) 2 ArTIOUntreceived this period — unitemized nonmonetary contributions of less than $100 3 Total nonmonetary contributions received this,penoq (Add Lines 1,and 2 Enter here and on the. Summary Page Column A, Lines 4 and 10 j I,D NUMBER— - - 1308914 AM11CtUNT CUMULATIVE TO r'ER ELEC'rtnN FAIR MARKET 1 DATE TO DATE VALUE ; CALENDAR YEAR I (JAN 1 DEC 31) %IF REQUIRED) I I - ----------- ii r ; i SUBTOTAL $ 00 TOTAL _.. - 00 Contributor Codes 1 11 - Individual CUM - Recipient Committee (other than PTY or (CC) OTH - Other PTY - Political Party + SCC - Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (June/0,1)� FPPC Toll -Free Helpline- 866/ASK-FPPC ff SCHEDULEE S>OedtJle- Type or print in ink. Statement trovers period �r�j v p� Amouhts ;may be rounded Ray menta Made to Whole dollars ,A e tram _ ... 10/01/2008 0 ...... i /0/1812008 7 oEL 1NSYRUUR01\15'ON'RF-VERSE: _ -- - - ..._. -•- - -- - y-_through Page of _.. _. NAME OF`FltEF,_..__.____ i.11 NUMBER ----- Committee to Re -Elect Jerry Clay Sr 1308914 CODES If one of the following, codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code._ Otherwise describe the payment. CIVP campaign paraphernalia/mise. MBR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS` campaign consultants WG meetings and appearances RFD returned contributions CT6 contribution'=(explain nonmonetary)` OFC office expenses SAL campaign workers salaries CVC civic donations PEf petition circulating JEL t.v or cable airtime and production costs FA: candidate filing/ballot fees PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FND fundraising events POC ,polling and survey research TRS staffrspouse travel. lodging, and meals IIVD independent expenditure, supporting/opposing others texpfain) POS postage, < delivery and ,messenger services TSF transfer between: committees of the same candidate/sponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional services (legal accounting) VOT voter registration 7 LIT campaign literature and mailings PRT =print ads VVES Information technology costs (internet, e-mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF' PAYEE pF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER: LD NUMBF.60 Homa':Depot Atascadero News. t CODE OR CMP PRT DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNTPAID 122.62 100.00 Payments that are contributions or independent' expenditures musCalso be ,summarized on Scnedule E) SUBTOTAL $ 22262 t - Schedtfle E Surmtlaiy 1 Payments made this erlod'of $1 OO or more include alt Schedule E subtotals. 222.62 2 Unitemized:payments :made this period of under $100 $ _ ___.._._00 3 Total,interest paid this period on loans (Enter arnount from Schedule B Part 1 Column (e)) 00 222.62 4 Total payments,made`this period (Add Lines V 2 and 3 Enter here and on the Summary Page Column A, Line 6) TOTAL FPPC Form 460 (June101) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline 866/ASK-FPPC