HomeMy WebLinkAboutForm 460 Atascadero Shield Initiative Yes on D08 1022081,0VER PA�,E Reripf&lt Committee Type or'print in ink, carnpa.1gOStatement RECEINEMPR ,cover 0age (G-ueirtmerit code. --clit. ns lb.-12)131[1-84� I b 51 2 0 2003 Page Of Statement covers period 'Date of election if applicable (tylbrith Cat; e a f) For Official i from I - PITY OF ATASCAC ER ;EE 11--l- TRI it T1014S ON RE"ERSE -Type of Recipient Committee All Cormytitte4s Complete Parts 1,. 2, 3, anc(,L A Cqfjrholder C , e -Andidatei qate. C a6did.Ac- Eler.tion Recall )nII died I:q.-nEmal Ptiri)oL- nsn re (IPrit I:orrne. d andidal Stnall ContributorC ornryultee pilificalParli;/ientral ,cirriinitlee Awi 3 'Committee Information 1. D N I 11M BE R 1-.ANDIDATE'S 1011AE IF I*' CNAMITTEE) 4C- 0 p.j�. S 4� y -7T- TP—CET AMPESS01C' P.0 8()%'*t N)O,j I !D R CITY CLERK'S OFF ICE 2. Type of Statement. [] F'reeledinri --:1-.1ternew Sariij-anriu.;il 1citernent 1711iminalion JIe:.in,:rit (Aso file. iFwrn4ll) ierrTnnatrnfi F, j Anic!Tndrrikira fE 'I.' LIM Trea§u4r(,-;) t," , ti- d? Q— - ouarterb, Siaipinerit Sp e .-. i a I C, dId. re a I R cj I) ri rt 3 LI 1) p I t? in e r, I,-, I rl re a le d io ri Statement 4.1lach Form MAII.11,10 ADORES: ---- IT STATE ZIP C :1DE AREA OPTIONAL FAX /E-lyiAll- ACOPESS 4 Verification I ha'we 1.1:30 111 rea son. blp diliqcrice,in prep fine and retoervvint-1 thi_ shalerntirit and lo ihi.4.-bFs1 of roy 1(riuwlP,.1gc the informaticin c,.ni heietri and in h ! rj;l„ched -,Oedulc-s is Ifue )nd cnlnpinle I al the'Ir reping i�; kirid !rthe lao.-st. libe '131, 0 1 11ifornia 11 tru and -orrkirl. Date ig riat -it e of Ti t. x uret , i Ai.rtant 'rit!a: , i i ei E culeo on Si -?r. jbi to %I C onit-Aing C and Id3to. Stat e How we Pt oporo rit m R. :t: p. - raib ki Ohitow of Spotu - r F.,,a,:Lded nn 3i7 naturef 'andidst Sl ite 64!w -jrc P,pn ',nt JM (,rdo,11inti SPDC F om) 460 arivary.-Y)5) YPPC I'oll+rt-e HdWiiw: 1f66.1ASI(-FPPC (846.1275 IM) state o;'CnIiFurhi-,i ■ a X Recipie it`Corrmi>ttee Campaige ,SUderne u>t Cove -Fagg ___.'Part 2 t: - 5 Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee IV. t E vF vFFICEHOLDER .,F t-ANDIDA,T'E 9 IFFI, E SvIJOHT QP, HELD)INCLUDE Lb(A.TI`N *ID DI ;TRP T IVUfeIEir_R IF APPLI,-ABLE t Tylle or print in lak OVEF F',w..;E PA T 2 6 Prirnarjly Forrrlad Ballot Measum Committee IIANIE OF BALLOT NIEs°;I Ir•.:E C1AL -)T IV4 RLE TER' rIURr'UP 71 -W ,KgUPF FT D 0% J! 1 i � I') r, ; 1-4 �� 0 OPP-.,•;E u. RE SIC, ENTIALJOUSINESSAUDFESS ('IVQ L-10-STREErt t't'r' STATE ZIP _ ldeatify,'the controlling officeholder candidate of state mear,9tre proponent, if any, -. -^� -- - LCyEjfi .Afldj011-`.TEy 1gPONEt+II- NP aE'-E /SPI? �fAFIr`E�H all�"J '✓� 0+ d�'t �C Related C'dmn;itt>re.;'Not Included in this Statel7Tent List any committees t�'tfb'�D P�`�t'. _ V .d...�..,�,...�....�.e..m.A.....�....•..,m,t��,,..m,.........-.e,., notinckrded:in itis statement that are controlled by you or are pnnxaily formed to receive OFF'i -C"SOU01-IT cR. HELD DISTRICT NO IF AW cosh)lurt/ons orinaRe ewpen0ures an b f+affofyour` candidacy. Aw,.WTEE'NAME �—~ LU t+t1JtNIElER a ' --- 7 Pritnarily Formed Candidatef0fficeholder Committee t.istr+ nes of l,xME OF 417ROLLED COMtvllT'TEE^ officeholder(s) m- randidate(s) for Mich this committee is prfirmrify for►ne[l. C� TES. '4htivtl'fTEEAbDRE= j'rREE'r.4UGRE=;; 010P.0 60rij —^-- " NANIE OF OFFICEHOLDER OR C41,1CItCATF. ,FFICE _:OUGHT ORHCLD SU PF vRT E PPc, ;E IT 'TATE ZIP COC E AREA CODE NAME OF OFFICEH-LDER OF. .ANDID .TE OFFICE SOU(?HT OR HELD ` r SUPE fiT [i .TPP SE -- --- ------ " 10MITTEE 'Mo. -IE r.G 1,11YM6ER _------�---w .�------•��u PIAME -F OFFICEH,A-I.',ER �R �IVCaID TE OFFICE SOU1-41-IT OR HELD SUPP'R'r PPO^E ,I•Af-,1E t,FTRE xSUREF --- _ —��-�W'fFvLLEL�•:OfatrvllTTEE� I,IAI-AE'OF OFFICEH,:d_DER fi i..ANNL,r.TEOFFI,:E-:01.R.0IT CIRHELD` T JPPUSE 'h1hIITTEErFODF.ESS �TREETAGDRE,S IIlV P BOXI +IT — ;T3TE:' IP t ARE A C -GE)PH014E Attach L_wrti,ura£n: n sl+eats if necessary I i�PPC Form 460 (Januaryl1115) t'VPC full -Pres Mdfdine: 86GlASK'-FPPC (11661276-9772) Stute of Califomia, J, Camp�ljg e $tat ernerit SUMMZ�y Pa 6" I I ge .LECINSMix,rit-wz i,ip EAeEPsE -,F rILEr, 2 Contributions Received on eta Ty - C1.1 I Itril.lutio ns !-oans Perpived A P-lonnionetar -.ontribi.itions Expenditures Anade tj r'a,.,,rnen[ . P1 -OF- Lo,an : 1%.419cle �IJBTOTAL �+l -Ccrped (Unpaid Bill i Ill hlonnione-tary AdjL15t1T1C-.1-1t sY''11 TOTAL I:-:XFlF1'\.I0IT1 IRES lv)A[,']E Type or prim in irsk. Arnounts may be rounded to whole d'011a'rS Statement covers peri, from 4 y Page. age D NUMBEF 14 O'S 1-j ColuninA C olum n 6 Calendar Year Summary for Candidates TOTALTHISPEROJI) 1. 4LENDAR YEAR (FRYOXTACHEDSCHEOULM rr WE Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections .-ecSide A, Lk, $ 1; thwLigh 6;?.0 1 1 aw. - $ An—'9g. 60 - s Cu&ent Ca'sh Statement Z. I nl$. s 4-7--, amo6nts m 1 jiurnn� to 11ir corresponding -qjnotints iumf Ul), t� 3,1 frorn rolurnri F rd your 1,;sl Gash- Payll-lel'it-S, A, One 3 Rhove reporl. Some aincl'unts iri e. $ figulk's that ;h.,uld be I-e-;U'd L Lifle subtracted frj;-,i previous ti?LL'? i aw--v periQd al-POUnis if this is the first rep.,ri L.,eing filed Cu&ent Ca'sh Statement I" Beginning Balance nl$. 10 CaICLII;Me (.olumn 6, add amo6nts m 1 jiurnn� to 11ir corresponding -qjnotints 14 hilisre Ila neijus Ina-Pases to '-.ar--h "hodolo frorn rolurnri F rd your 1,;sl Gash- Payll-lel'it-S, A, One 3 Rhove reporl. Some aincl'unts iri Ir e, ERLAOC(-'� ENDING CASH $ figulk's that ;h.,uld be subtracted frj;-,i previous ti?LL'? i aw--v periQd al-POUnis if this is the first rep.,ri L.,eing filed A$ for. Ihi6"c4PnJx year only carryover the NTIOUnts Cash EquiMents abdi'Outstanding D6bts- from Line,, and 9 (if any) IF;- (-a-4i Equj�—Ir!nt--- &o op severe I Lj , kitstBnclinj Cje-bt-3 !", ejhvnp Z". bnwe $ ..'U ontributions. Received lylado K Ex,penditure Limit Summary for State Candidates 22 Cuirvidalive [xpeaditwes Ma(W jif $Lbied t. hfurtwy Er(pw.ditu. Li ritt Date of Eio,:ti,)rj f ial In Cate t friln/cIdb" Y) ctillerenttrbi'ii,itiJLlnt,-; sported in COILM-on E' r -PPC Form -.160 (Jaren ry.,05), FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866ASK-1PPIPC C(11'3605 -3172j 11 -Moliietar-y Co triba tions.Redel ved -Type or print in Ink.. Amounts nray he rounded•' to whole dollars SEE`.IN'TPLI-TIONS ON REVER: E rd.auolC:-C?F FILER - �O '.I'4 DA.7E7ULLNAME STRFET AODPES° AND ZIP CODE i.,F ,I,)TF:lF+UTQRYF AN IrIC! b, Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetart.pontributions Received r type or,print III Ink. Amounts may Gerltinided 4i r�te���eM r oncars period to V4101P riolassrs. trws0 .—_.1�...- � �• OCA_-- e � �: 'Gordrif�r.�lorGudes IND-In6virluAl L OtO-Pecipient,: ornrnittee (other than Pl' nr.Sl4• ,,T•H-,_,thet (e.g. busiheas entit�i; PT - F'olitii.alharty l; :r,,_ •-:ir'irFdiJl.prdlibtll,]r I -0nitrlltlr.% FPPC Form 460 (.) anuaryrl)5; , FPPC Tol4_Free Helplisse• B66,ASK-FPPC (066W53772) u { Id u4E I' FII [PCp NUMSEP '- A'sTb%+ CIS I)ATC FULL, MANIC STPEET ADDRESS ANC! '.IP d0E ,!f .PITIi18UTOP, (IF OnItMITTEE.4l.SO,eN MW.rilrn6EF•', ONTPIE4JTOR F AM lIIjOIN4C UlL, r--r-ITEr, 'UPAVIvN PNC) EMPLOYER 410/"JIgT C, EI''r`L' �rll'� LIMULATIYETt DATE PER CLE Tn -I,I _.�LEhIC �F• `t .�fi T r;li!1'tE El'C.IVI:G �E a OF 3ELF. BOW Yti!;E14TCP1`14.4E PER t% +r„ rJAN 'I PE, a} AF PE%� 10PE'C ) OF pUSINES S) p OTI { ryry d D" a EJ pl-Y 0 SIFT- pr)IH _ l_J PT`. ,pticr lJ wa ! -�° inti ..,•! t `�+ -- -----.—.—._�----------__-______.___--- psL:�4 F _ BIND p Cn_ �j EjCJTH p W1Y p sCC IND p 0TH pPTV p,rr SUBTOTAL r"'1 71 'Gordrif�r.�lorGudes IND-In6virluAl L OtO-Pecipient,: ornrnittee (other than Pl' nr.Sl4• ,,T•H-,_,thet (e.g. busiheas entit�i; PT - F'olitii.alharty l; :r,,_ •-:ir'irFdiJl.prdlibtll,]r I -0nitrlltlr.% FPPC Form 460 (.) anuaryrl)5; , FPPC Tol4_Free Helplisse• B66,ASK-FPPC (066W53772) u { r' i ypew priest in ink. Amounlc may heroundeid to whole dollars. _— Statemew.cover5 period from_ _ °`"_r, O� ME a through . ye TPPUfC JE fiESEE'IPSTRU ltf '•LWq4E OF fll_FF' - _--_----._...—_ __.---__.__-- •-_____.-- .. _. X91[AeMB�@7ff°•Ai_�'y^'fcJoeaA:a'[�:f6luGnm_ �'iv _ _ m�T�'S3cL{129m�o'9�1::a�uenlFlw tL�ssVn mwra�C '. _ 011011L.Al IVE T ER ELF T I+ -14 dr I F Id I PI C+I+! I G 11 f;L, E Id T E F: hA r J l l i i! o 1ILL N.WOE 1'F..EEl' !*DFE " l -PJC .+IMTRIE,LIT +f - C,E3r'F.IPTI +1 fL C' .TE p C,.;1'E OF71r rtJ 41+IU EAAPL. 1'[k 1F ba;+t'hfi i' O. -".TE :If? !L-+E.VF nldTF.lEII'I +F ,D[ I ilP+r.,$rSF.�r:r••m ;LEIUC.-F •FaF. I:Et.F14EL' IrmWE Ftot'ED,E)L'P. ;U IE i ,0 ENTER LGPU_RdPI'I'�' rl.='AdEitrpUSINESa). Id4N'1 I:F j�l) (I I'�F !LIF.'Elfe l Lt.nli \ .Q T1, "� �l.�Jt�1,�a >wa o ° + !Q2 L]s0 e—tr 'i*%A ]r ITFII "i`C, p - _ C�F,T.5�-i`1,�1.@.+ I' ,r'lo►�,� ra--r 1 �b� - - r -1 - I L� ca �15n - ,- -� I 'C NI [] f T 1.iii:i 7r Lin na 7r f?!•n �(-!I? �77� �i �i!'-1 tl 1 7. !1 �r!] � t! .�7 i 1,1, I 1, a�!:�11 t! r.Ql SUBTOTAL Schedule C Summary 1 .AITin ullt ft'Cr-11VrjdIhis PFI7t!CI-- it tributio�I llrralttaa�Il :hE1CIIC�r sUhCtttll ri �\I'ili-'LI11(I'9t PIVD :I thl �!AI'It P)-'LI(11it Cf11=I-' :I Il tllll'I�,t15?l'-11. ' '!'li'I'llal.illt Il 'tf lk?- t l :II -1 '$'1 t 1(.! �� tC,l^11CII1111C!I'It tc3f�, t +,ntl'11:tLlC!CI'I� I'�''I� 'Cli;hl 'period (,++i I:I Llrlt' I Jllij CI1tCf I1N1"t�'�IIl� till C)ld `•[11111"1191'5+ I' _I'-' III_irnn Ct i_IFI+ 4 incl 'I11 1 !riCl Inrliviiiil,td r' I tpa F,r::il::ierdl �.nnr114b:�- (uther than FT it 4" ITH - i ether (e q I?U�•lne's' ellfd ') PT, - Pulitlr'al (-'•arl;r F' -+' r. .mall) onirthutor .onimrtf� TOTAL 1=PPC-Form 460*( armary/U5}. FPIre_ Toll_Free 1-1el1) finw 866,ASK-FPPC (866,2+5377.2) ,j. ScheduleE. Payments Mede S r SEE IN_STPUCT! INS rH RE AERSE ti,w ul"FILEP. s zj V, Type or print in irtic. Amounts may lie rounded to whole dollars Statement Covers period 0i Page^ of ID NINDEP, 4 CODES If 'r di c' of tilt, following r odes a, r -Ur oel,-, rlesi 'Ibr:15 the po-,.iilient 'doll rliay ent';'r the iyrir�Ft ^Iltlr?t"rP:115r raE?`rr ribo. thN 11;i1'y'IIl1 I11. CNP campaign papphernalla%rnisr.. MEP, member communi,mions PIAL) radio airtime and prc.:luiaion 1 -:NS' campaign coneilltants ivff1 meetings and appearance RFC! retrlrncd rontribut!onc r-'fB r^onirihution ;explain nonmorielar;ri` OFC office expemses S.•ai.. campaign worhrars alanes L'v'C 'ci%:ic donations FET petition ciiculating t TFJ_ t.•o ..r cable aar.tirne and production ousts HL andidate filing/ballot fees FH!J r!uneilanks TRt. _anclidate travel lodglnr) incl meal. 11'111 fundraising, events PUL polling and surverr research T}='S si::,ffrspouse travel• lodging and meals y IINU independent eq)enddure stipporl inij/oppo sing other re ,pram)' .. NUti ,postage deliver; ,no messenger Lerv!r_•es Ick tran;Ier bptween committee of the, :ame candidate 3pon.wf LEG legal defense FP0_ professional seromas (legal acc6unting) JOT' voter registration UT carr!paignliteralure and rrteilinrls F'P.T printacts MES information technology costs t!nternet, e-mail) N?JvlE AND ADDRESS -F P4AE r�F CrnvtdrrT @:. ALSO ENTER 1.D M.N10 RI ;') lF C -E �E';r"RIP 11 d! -F PNl'M1JFNT =MCrIIIJT PAC POS INNN'�4 C� p. 'a� a �. \�.. 100 0 ° ® tea—' i ��6.,.. -t' o ��•ez,�' (��� %. �' ra a- .. Payments that are rontributious or independent expenditures ttutst also'be�siinuitarized on SC}IS(Illle 0 SUBTOTAL$ 8ch6duBe E Surr maw 'I ItElrllzeClp yments rn a detf'hispyrioCl'4ltlnud' all `r-I1Ntit.10E`'i.ibtC,Ca_IS) Lnio-'mizedparillpntSmade. thiciradod.rrl+i.ln(Ir4l. +11111" Trtal illten- tPaithhis,peri. -d-_r n 1r)311_; (En I:-l';j1-i1;- UltfIT11ll E' Faft 'I .)Ilini1 (H') =t To I payrnent - Ii!ar.ir> Ellis �'� t'ir'Id 1 �lracl t.al i�. =1 itt J ' Fn[ -r I I r Irl a'r in tllr -,ur!1nicity F &'I. ! r_ ,l!.!r!1n 4 tail: i- i TOTAL $ _ ��_�� � _3Wlw FPPC Form 460 (January/16) 1 t'i't., 1011.1-I'ee NelpOrte: U661ASH-1-PR. (Utibo'10 311'1. a n w _ - r } Sdhedule E SCHEDULE E (LUPI I`.) (C,o ltinuation Sheet) Amounts Type or print in ink. may be rounder! Statement ro+cars period I' } ' P6yrl iE�dBtS Made tovulioledollars L +t — 0% o 1 from— through�J �„ ®' .� e,® Nay of SEE INSTf<U, TI -44" t11V ftEVEFSE - a__.—_..— ------------ NmE'(v riur\ ----- — _ .._ —ouglr _ LU NUPABER i CODES if nrie of tl7 { P, Il,w�lil;i 4',JdEIs ,, 1 uru ltel-y rlf�-Siibo",the �,aylir2nt, you may ante th= 'ride 1[I',r,-;risP J� Scribe tha p�lvrrient r:NT'' r,.;arrlpalyrnparaphernaliaimisi brIER qrlefnbercorn6-lunications Rab radio airtime and production costs I;hIS,. campaign cbhsmIt;9rds PITG -,meetings and appearance RFC letumed coal ibutlons 178 contribution'(explain nwr ipnelary)` UFC office' expenses SAL campaign �-vorker salaries r vC rn�ic donations C -ET petitioncirculatin,3. TEL i.v or cable and prodl.Ittion oasts FIL -candidate 6lingiballot te•.s PHO phone tanks TF'1 candidate Iravel lodging, and meals rlVli fundfeisiniC events °ISL independent e:q,enditure xy,hortinglopH,osing other (e ;plain)." POS p,.dling a ici survey resexch prslage; dehreryand messentler TR '• stafflslitnlsu Iravel lodging, and meals sen•u-es TSF Iransfer berwNen cornrnrttees of the. ,arae car, did {OIL; LEG legai dafense FRIG professional services (logal :,ccountinij) VuT voter registration L1T campaign literature and rnaiiinys iFrRf F print ads 'Vt information tE,chnob,gy costs (internes r -mail) 1atmEANGADDRES:3OFPAYE E IIF ,,EE.A:30 EM ER 1.0 IJLtmoFr.i 'ODE UfR JCE'FIPT1 rI ,FPA..VENT ArdVIUMTPAIG _ Olds 7 P. ,� t -j�- _ 6 Ar.. e.. -r Co rx-VT smog Paymeratsthat'are cuntribulionsormdependenhexpenditures,musa�atsobesueunarizn(lohSchedulep SUBTOTAL$ 7 ; li Fonn460 (Jahuav/0) FPP(foli-creelielpGne:AtiG,'l�Si(-l=ftP� (Q6ti;775 3172) wr _ Schedule -E St HECrULE t_ t�Vl,t I'.1 r (Contimation Sheet) Type or, print in ink. Amounts maybe rounder! ;---- ----...—._..—_— St�t�nleltr r overs periai o . i � '• � ?A ll�'leGl>C5 2t4'�G' ., Y � s ruwholedoItars I p ' I �� �• t &Pout-------- r` Qo�---y� .EE iatST1110 .Tlrnd .I+R.E VERSE Pt-1,tE ('fFILE fi' 10�� CODES If nrlel of thI-I ftillc)wing des :1 1 .nat�h;+ 1.1� :.rr1L'�I�. the payment, YOU nlay Bi1tFr,the. ' I1�,1_ia !..1r.l,rn,�n_,E �I� 1_rit:1 r.h.; �1civTri?nt LiVr ".,;Mp3i(jrl paraphernallalinisL -MER: rr,Arrlbercommunication r. RAG radio airurne and prvdaution cosis carnpaiihri consultants Ivfl`G` Iv+eetings and <Ippearance PFC1 letumed contributions 17B. contribution (e)plain nonrnonetary)" (DFL office, expenses SAL Lampal-jn workers salaries (4C JJ:P1lL dorlatiow, IST petition circulating1 TEL !.'v or r.abie airtnna and rt1 1.uaion culls p d FIL candldate,fiing/ballot fees PHO phone banks Mi. candidate travel kldginr and meals I -MU .funclreising events PIX polling°and survey research TRS stafftspvut<e travel lodging and meals - 11%, iudeerident expenditure supportincl/opposing, Lithers (e ;plain)' F0� postage delwery and messenger serrlces TSF' Transfer betviven corronittees of the sarne candidate/spunsor 'LEC, Iegardetense FRO ;professional services (legal accounting) VOT voter registration v UT aiinpaignliteratureand mailings PRT print ads VaEB information technology costs (internet e-mail). I AMEMD ADDRESS OF PAYEE l7r COW&TTEE•PLSo WrEFR I.D. WADER) CODE OR ,ESCRIPT1,11101'PAYMEPIT AW OUNTPAIL) der, 1� 0".n_ 1 +a •-� C.1C \ \ /� �. .�1 �" ` 6? 6.. L. Iw r+� 1,L� ,2 '7 O ` L'� i 1� �f � _ I-1 to L� �.,�3 « C .� �,.� ,� �..€ ��•r�.y `.� �A'�T—/�� Y'...AWa• -Zor— rh.' .Yeo• �.i at i.: L t io. M P -A 1 - - M1� `tY �• L/ti� _` r Ci t 3 Lp.11+ e - Yaynlenta that'are_contributlons nr-lrtiiet,endent ex reiiliturEs +nrrst.also b surnrner(zbdon Schaitule 1 _ • SUBTOTAL $ D° " --- FPPG Fornl460 (JanttatifOy- y FPPCTall-Flee helpline:66G/ASH-FPPC (866/27537721 Schedule E. (Contin uation- Sheet) ?aymehts Wide SEE IOISTRLI,,'TIONS %.-I,) REVEITFE` Type or print in ink. Arnotints may be romided to m1oledollars co%fmq period through. Page Ulm FILERI i.G iquivIBER U4%.. 0 4 � CrA-^ 01a, L At, e-4 1.-,4, T6. (L �_ m I Ili t 3%. PaVrnefils lb at are,cutitribtitions or in d ePenfleng exlmndkiiires in ust also be stimmariz ed on Sc hedule D SUBTOTAL'$ FPPCForm 460 (J miltimy/05) FPPCToll-Fi,Lael-loli�Otie:866,.'ASI(.FPPC(066,275-3772) 'A CODES It une of th(--i folkivyincl 1 1 1E,5 9i"t Uratph, the"payment, %fOLI: may �...nter thus ocit? -�(ht--,rvvise the payrrient CNIP :ampaigrf Pa�rapherrialiaknisi. NER rn*nb6rcommLjnication R,40 Indio airtime a( -,(I produclifin costs Cl%l,l c,.ampaiijiri COMIll.,171IS lvffG rmeethgs, and appearance Rf D ieturried c,intribulions t-rE contribution (4xplain nonrnonelar,-)� OFC 6ffice expenses 3AL. campaign workers' salaries r,v,C civic donations PET p6tition circulating pati TEL i.v of cabinairb-ne and production costs FIL and idate,filin6lb allot fees b ariks FHO phone TIP, candidate travel, lodging, and meals I -ND Q\V fundraising events iridepefident expenditure supporting/oliprising' other:, (e :plan)`nillees 1*11' X- POS polling an6 survew research postage delvery and messenger -,ewices 'M,1� TSF staff/::pause traval lodging and rneals li,;n-.,frr between comi of the same car, didate/sI.,lon so( 1.8-4 legal defense F9.0 professional services fl;,qal' acMintiriii) -/0T voter i-A(iistralicin UT -ii E mpaign lileralure and mailincjs PRT print. ads . VVa9 information technology costs (Internet, e-mail) A AM E AN D AD DR E IS 3 t.)F PAYEE CtjDE OR W lLINTPAID P (IF COMNOTT EE Al..,' ,. Ffrr ER 1.0 milaDEPo AL U4%.. 0 4 � CrA-^ 01a, L At, e-4 1.-,4, T6. (L �_ m I Ili t 3%. PaVrnefils lb at are,cutitribtitions or in d ePenfleng exlmndkiiires in ust also be stimmariz ed on Sc hedule D SUBTOTAL'$ FPPCForm 460 (J miltimy/05) FPPCToll-Fi,Lael-loli�Otie:866,.'ASI(.FPPC(066,275-3772)