HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 0408081 �I� 0i'1❑I❑1 Approved July 8, 2008 CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, April 8, 2008 M-001:21IMP MINUTES REGULAR SESSION: 6:00 P.M. Chairperson Beraud called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Board Members Brennler, Clay, O'Malley, Luna and Chairperson Beraud Absent: None Others Present: Board Secretary Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: Executive Director Wade McKinney, Assistant Executive Director Jim Lewis, Deputy Executive Director Marty Tracey, Board Treasurer Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Police Chief Jim Mulhall, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Luna and seconded by Board Member Clay to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. RDA Minutes 04/08/08 Page 1 of 4 Approved July 8, 2008 COMMUNITY FORUM: None A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes — January 22, 2008 ■ Board Secretary Recommendation: Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of January 22, 2008. [Board Secretary] 2. Community Redevelopment Agency Minutes — February 12, 2008 ■ Board Secretary Recommendation: Board approve the Community Redevelopment Agency minutes of February 12, 2008. [Board Secretary] MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Luna and seconded by Board Member Brennler to approve Items #A-1 and #A-2. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Main Street — Request for Board Member Liaison ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Board give staff direction on responding to Atascadero Main Street's request to appoint a liaison. [Executive Director] Assistant to the Executive Director Marcia Torgerson gave the staff report and answered questions of the Board. Board Member O'Malley suggested following the lead from the Chamber of Commerce by having staff attend and take the lead at the Atascadero Main Street meetings and by also having up to two Board Members attend at any one time. PUBLIC COMMENT Steve Martin, Atascadero Main Street Executive Director, explained why the Main Street Board has made this request. He stated the following reasons: 1. A desire to have a close working relationship with the Redevelopment Agency Board; and, 2. To improve the timing of issues and make sure input from Main Street is received by the Board before making decisions; and, 3. An opportunity to work together on the implementation of the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Board Member Clay asked if Mr. Martin agreed with Board Member O'Malley's suggestion. Mr. Martin agreed. RDA Minutes 04/08/08 Page 2 of 4 Approved July 8, 2008 Maria Hooper, Atascadero Main Street Board Member, added that having a City staff person attend their Board meetings has been very beneficial. She explained that the presence of a Board Member at the meetings to actually hear their issues and discussions will give the Redevelopment Agency better insight into the issues facing the Downtown. Board Member Clay asked Ms. Hooper if she agreed with Board Member O'Malley's suggestion and asked if she agreed with the idea of having Board Members attending on a rotating schedule. Ms. Hooper agreed. Chairperson Beraud closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Board Member O'Malley and seconded by Vice Chairperson Luna to adopt the following: 1. The Redevelopment Agency Board conduct an annual meeting with the Atascadero Main St. Board prior to budget hearings; and, 2. The Redevelopment Agency Board continue to have a staff member as liaison with the Atascadero Main Street Board and to direct staff to poll the Redevelopment Agency Board Members prior to meetings, inviting them to attend the Atascadero Main Street Board meetings. If more than two Board Members want to attend, the Redevelopment Agency Chairperson will choose the two Board Members who will attend. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. 2. Redevelopment Agency Implementation Plan Update ■ Fiscal Impact: Staff time and minor costs associated with hosting the two "Just Listening" events. ■ Recommendation: Agency Board receive the RDA Implementation Plan Update report. [Executive Director] Deputy Executive Director Marty Tracey gave the staff report and answered questions of the Board. Board Member O'Malley wondered when staff will be coming forward with an action plan for the new items derived at the Just Listening Meetings and how the information will be brought to the Board's attention. Deputy Executive Director Marty Tracey responded that staff is currently implementing some of the goals identified, such as the Way Finding Program, parking studies and streetscape improvements. Vice Chairperson Luna also pointed out that the budget contains lots of implementation information. RDA Minutes 04/08/08 Page 3 of 4 1 Approved July 8, 2008 Executive Director Wade McKinney said that each of the Just Listening items has produced projects (or re -stated projects) and that many of those projects are included in the budget. He pointed out that all of the information will be included in the June 10th report. PUBLIC COMMENT Joan O'Keefe, reminded the Board that they need to budget before they implement programs. She inquired about the expansion of the Atascadero Library and wondered why there hasn't been any money funded for the project through the Redevelopment Agency budget and why no action has been taken. She also asked if the Just Listening comments could be posted and viewed so that the public has some idea of what people are interested in and what their input is. Chairperson Beraud closed the Public Comment period. Executive Director Wade McKinney responded to the questions raised by Ms. O'Keefe. He said that the Redevelopment Agency has not set aside funds for the library expansion project but they have identified it as a larger goal in the community. He mentioned that the City has enlarged the amount set aside through the Development Impact Fees with this project in mind. He also explained that after all the comments have been compiled from the Just Listening Meetings, a report will be produced and all comments will be posted and available at that time for public viewing and copies. The Agency Board received and filed this report. BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Board Member O'Malley wanted to alert the Board and the City Manager that the San Luis Obispo Zoological Society has identified a funding source for Zoo improvements. The City may be approached to adopt one of the existing projects and/or possibly do a partnership with Kiwanis and the City. C. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Beraud adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: YYL,IUIU4.1M �(�� 1 Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C.,p-***,-- lerk RDA Minutes 04/08/08 Page 4 of 4