HomeMy WebLinkAboutForm 460 Atascadero Shield Initiative Committee 100608Recipient Comnilittes, Campaign Statement Cover Page (,'ode 'Sedions 84200-84216.5) GEF I J'F U C T 10 N S 0H REVERSE Type or print in ink. Siaterrient covers period tron) —_.nj � Type Of Re c 1 p I e n t Co rn m It te e : All C o rnrTittee9 - c ornpi ete Farts 1, 2, 3, ani 4 0f ic a h L) I d Candidate Co I't I r C, I I P, 1.1 C 0 1-0 r-ni t t C el Prirn a rf I -y Farmed Ballot State eandid,,tE Election COI-rffiitteC ocall oRtrolled AW C", ::--porisorcd Purpose CornroitlF-e Cl, �der Gorni-nittee Political Part, ,'C entr;;i! f,'OrTtl'nittii-te 3, Committee Information 11), 1,11-1103EF T—OWIP-ITTEE NAME (OF., CLNDIDATE'S IIIA10t IF NO CONIMI i I 1--U, I SPC 10 P�� 6 M Date of election if zipj;Fwa le OCT am. ij-drinth, Day, ' -(,,,,,r) I I f -Ilk F E For Oddal Ua,-, CM OF ATASCM)qflQ CITY CLERK'S OFFI E -21. -rype of Statement: f-rc electior, ";t,tewent ouarterly Statement Serrii-anriu,---il &ateriient ❑-:',pc,3iAj ocir.)-Year Report Sup -j plernent7d Pre@ lec-tion (ziso NP i Fnrn-t 410 Teimiriatori) Statement-,zl�ttach Foran 49',S Ej Arnendtrten'i fC-�qA--,tn below) Troasurer(s) 9 -Ls-u K CIT"' 5 TAT E Z'IP AREA --CIDEiPHONE )T - TI -3 V 9— 71- I IL V =1 4, 'Verification I ha LICP(l ill reasonable diligence in prep,;ring and revio,%Wirjg this 5iatement and to th4.best ofmyknowledge the Inforn'lation e1jr:rclift'i'd himeirt and in ',he is t7ua and complete. I eeriify under prenalty of peiju,'Y underthe laws ofthe State of Galitbrni� that the foregoing isirUe ;.:,nd correct. E xac;Ld e 0 on liqwdute of Tie wrwse(o f Ar-i:Aon rea:vt:C, alp , Executed on 9V atu tollit..'I C,f 8por"', I F—!,-CUt1M C. � ife (I Lit AC c,rA(,Ah,,,J OW-h"k1e, F -y—,"t F-VIIC Fomi 460 (January.,05) F IPPC f oh Free litIFA hte: rISWA Sl(-FPPC (86,6!275.77 rz) SWC CX' Cklli(MiR Recipient Committee Campaign Slade `tent Cover Page — Part 2 6. officehoider or Candidate Controlled Comrnitto,,e N.* -1E JF OFFI?.[-HC,LDER OF C-ANDIDATE OFFICE �- 301.1011-1r, QR ,41.1 rqIBER IF APPLIC.LeLE HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION 4117, NITIRlf- T 1 Tripp or print irl iilk. RESIDENTIAUBUSIMESS ADDRESS (140. AND SMEE7) CITY STATE ZIP Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: L.ist any conitwitees no t incMded in this siaternent uiat ate controlled by You ware ptinadly ftwed to receA091 conbibvtfons ormake expendifunw on behVf of your candidacy. C(*A-/1f0I1*TEE NAME 'MME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? vEs ON10 CuMI-AITT(HE "ODRES.", ';*[ REE T ADDPE SS (1,10 P,0. 301,;.' r:TATE ZI P -. CK, E AREA CODE PHONE C rata' I T'l E 1: KAM E ,I,".NIE OF Tr%L,,SIJRE r - - - I -) P - STREET,41)DRE!-�:," (OK 0 7W'FT - - -- ----- = -,N --- -,N I -POLLED COMMITTEE? ,'E S .1". -IT Y T. LT E "IP Coo[- A CODE PHONE Ito R14— f. SOV EF 4E • PART 2 6. a":',;'irnar0v Formt�.,J! EAHOt Kq('aSUr(� Committee A. -",I, -1E CIF ElALL01 16E I -IF E SUPPC GALLOT NO,ORLETTEF,' TWN XS DRT OPPOSE Identify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if ally. i,4?-u,4E OFf.N-FICEHOLDER. .-At, IRATE, OR PROPONENT OFFICE SCILHMT OR HELL, F6 -r-, f �. 7iCT NO. IF AJq"-' 7. Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee i.istnames of officp0oldev(s) or' raWidWP(T) For vdrich Iffir catrwifftee hs- odmarily lonned. I'-IArwE .)F OFFICEHC)LDER OF CANDIDATE FFICE SOUGHT C)P. HELD '7r� SUPPORT T r-1 Dppc."E i,iA,mE or OFFICEI-001-C)EF, Of", --AhlDird�,TE- OFFICE SK) U 0 H T 0R HE. LD F1 SUI:,PC�RT EI opr"--'SF M.a�oE "'F OMCEH'Dt.r'CF ''Gdy~,,'11�IDID0 5 F I C F. L I G H T 0 R HL: LD suPP,--)R-r opp'--'sc W C7FICF17'M�,P OF "ANDICIATE OFFICE SOLIG'Mr OR NEED SUPPORT ')PPOSE /W&ch cownwa6m sheets it necessary FPPC Form 469 (January,%� rVPC 10111-Fte:eHOaa! itie.- 86WASI{ -I'M (MiViii -3772) St -ate of CalifoniM Campaign DisclO%lre Statemew Summary Page SEE INSTRUCTIONS OR REVERSE N.411E kDF FILER Contributions Receive -d Loans Received ..... .. . .. .......... ........ 3. ",UE-70TAL CASH C0l1-JTRJ8Ll'rl0N.'_z7 . ...... ......... ... . 11-lonnionetaty Cor)tribUtions. J. T,*-IJ.4L.�:--'(.')I\ITRIBtJTI,,')I\ISF,'ECEIVED +4 Expenditures Made Ci Pa%,l -fie rit. [d aide U :_;UBTOTAL CASH PLI,',, f-vilElITS Lffe' , 6 + ,] ' .1 ;I[XI-Lied Expenses (Urip,-iid Bills)'t� Lire-�51 10. Nonnionetat)e Adjustment ...... Il I'10TAL EI-PENDITURES MADE '0 + ) 0 Type or print In ink. Amounts may lie rotinded to whole dollars. CoUtrinnA TO 144.THIS PERIOD �FROWATTXHID 3CHEDULES) s $ $ VV IV 91-- h,1AH1 If' 1-114WIZ s0teiinent cotters Period from- a.REA Lei through page C.oltini n TMLTO 1,91 E Ji 10 71 - Cument Cash Statement 1'2 Beginning CaItBalance $ ,w- 16 c a I cu i at e Co I u im r j E: , i : I d I _:I "_ash Receipts amr.iunts, in tti the rni-re-sponding anwmnt.:: 14 A 5 friml Column elofwour last 1 L ", 'a -sl -I P.--iyMel'it,'s ......... ..... . .. ..... ........ report. Some aniof. n i ts it GO lUnin A maty be negative. 16 ENDING (' 'ASH BALANCE .... .... AddLipe,, *��,+ 13+ 14, 15 figLAS that should be subtracted i frorn previous .0 U -;is is ,,t terrelinatbn •q&tement, Line IF) mw,,;C' Zero. period arnourl.ts. If this is the first report being filer,) 17 GtJARANTEES RECEIVED Sobe,lijk- B, PS'r,2 $ f, 'if this calendar year, only carry over the anicurds Cash Equivalentsand Outstanding Debts ficin Line -s2, '7, and "'1 01 J 9, Outst-anding Clebts 2 a 1.0ve .D. NUMBER "a 0 n c' ar Year Summary for Candidates 7 Runt-lirlg in Both the State Primary and net, I El e cd ons I!'1 through 6.1'7:0 7.,l to Oat* JU. 'cif)[ributions f"'ecor".,-d $ $ Limit Surnrivaryfor State ce,"Ididates ;.,2. Cumulative Expenditures Ma(W fit Ejate 4'Electiori Total to Date (Inji-Ilddlyy'l 'AMUUnt,: on this _,ec:jji:irj t-ijaytp? (till erent trorri at'l-IOLIntS ret'.torted in C:olurnn 8. F -PPC Form 460 (January,95) WPC TOHI-'Fee Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC (866,9.75-3772) I I a or prilit ht 6111. Amat,!1.03 may he vaudg() oi tetevy Contributions Recei R -,,,ed pol-143(i A . ..... . .......... WE W NA4, 3TREET ADDREW QV. DP COD E OF C WRIBWOR EITWK I i� .1 U LAX � :C Y 0 D W PER EM 00-4 10MVED NUODER) ADE MUMON 410 KPLOW lewsp Or 'Inews •won? TO DAI E T vWT I - DK jQ qF REOMPEO:i ...... ........ LY OTH ----------- ...... .... �j - ---------- ZD E Ila OTH QPTY ED scc q M-11mom W ---- tt IND D C, 0 tA L A- 66 07 H pi -i, J-- L . ............... Scheolu.3'e A Summary I AMOL) I I t ret. e i v ,,,I [ J'i i s 1) ii�i I Eo '-.1 1) 1 J D'D d u d e a H •:'`.. h e d W e A s 14 IN s 2 Anunt recebud Hus pahod - u0sumd mcma v and Won s of Is Uvir, I d cl 1. 1 s i I j t -i, E t -' i, - r Ir i1,.,l ro: c �i i t h p So M rom V Ps g P, 11 (J ry! 0:5) W (:: 1W A F ee I W4 Pti o C:: 866. -ASK, .1-1:9 PC .til') '- Cil'Ak; de, A(Corr,6ruuadoru Shr.ieet) Wilonex.-a4y Conbibufiar�s Received, ....... . ... 16 1 w W10— u ; 0- r 1 11 I= M4 'I k I Y Aincticits int ay to whole dollars. �iq o" .......... ..... . . ....... 1 04 0 FULL I RL FT RE". c.iis ZIP OFFIFILIT -01--1tT RIELl 1 JR. 'ODE L VA \2 - Lark iolher than PT'r' orSGi-,l 5T! -arty F ,J I 1: 0 C, 1. 1 AL , F 1,1 T� P F T!!' PER ELECT!_ C UPI-I.T AND EI -A Pl-*,-,,'I:ll F., .Lf -1C. Fi I DATE IF EU%C�,IPLOVW, RUER HA.,it- I P E R — -------- -- ............. ... . ....... .1 t4 X00 SU BIRD TA, F'PPC kt Ill A60 (;J amliq/eli, PPI: 1i;K F P PC (C66, -'2'!'J .}i -0) (v I I%" T - Schedule A (COWirMation Sheet) lype of Print ill 1r)[f. IfIT Anonetwy ContribUtions R,,aceived /Amounts Illay herounded }(rirneer,tct;v�r !.rind io whole dolfam. throoghiy p .......... "*l IND, I 1.!'I.7FNTEF: FULL 1,kL-0,1E. 'TIRL F7 �*DR.E 4 i7, 71P ;,%,)c - 7' 1 ". i - C, N17 F.: I EILI R �: L I T,: k. P -Mb E U PA, F 1,,, N "N D E 10 P L 'J, L F DATE IF C IYAAIT'�Z�. AL�,C' El f! lz I IF. ELr-El-4plDYrd). P41 OR NA -Il- I.*,..,,, L -E,_ (IF 1 V I E) V70 Q Q':I, 0 EFSI�'c t r-xia. (k TN 1 twsAej— %JPT'" . ... .. .... Cj C'Clfvl FIOTH PTY 100 C C. rp+' e. k Lc> CaM. ]INLI [] o -m C] PTY - ------------- C—A' CL [TA-lbil (2o e, sj_,tA rLe cl rs E.F"'ITH II I F'T Y SUBTOTAL$ 4 Ss Is b . ...... .... I kllu —I ridiyiduri I thin P'l 'I. or I Ij H It, of-ro ;fMc-C. �PPC kmii 460mar lilie� 866.,'ASK-FPPC (6�6latrt'15 31,21 "Folf-F-lec" Help Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) )Monetary Contributions Received Type or print in Ink. Amottrils may berounderl to whole dollars, -IiIw(?f — SYzstelnent caves period tronaCALIFORNIA, NAMEOF FILE R'' - -- ---- — _ . --- _............... _....— . __. _..�.-_. —_. _ _ ... _--.y __ —�. ----- — A.NUM8EF. DATE FULL NANE,3TREET ADDRESS AND ZIP :ODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRtFAITOR F AN INOIMCIIJAL, ENTER APAGUNT cutluLATIVE TOCATE PERELECTI01d iE%ft'dF:D (IFCupR�ITTEE,x(gOEtdfB?I[I.tNWtEEF� CODE T }i :UP{1TIGilANDEMPLOYER. 4ECEIVEG 1HIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE 1 37) OF REWIRED) i7FSEU`.Il4FL0YM,ENrERtI^4E OFOUSINES-4) PEF100 (JAN. - DEC. 0I hio — - o com OI ND _ ❑ com 00TH Pl-Y p tsuc, ❑ Com ❑ 0TH ❑ PT Y sec L Inn., [p conn [j 4TH ❑ PT Y _�._____._._--.---•____. �SCs� _____.._.__�__-_ ❑IHC.— 0 Ct�NI ❑ 0TH PTY ❑SCC -- - SUBTOTAL$ a1'�Y '' •�•� Contrihulor Codes IND--IndiYidUal CIDAI-RL-*ent Commitlea (other than PTY or SC') OTH - Cither (e.g., business entity;) PT'. - Political Party SM - Small .,onhbutor Committee L.__. ._. _-J FPPC Form 460 (Jantaatyi(1S) PPPG Toll -(ret, Helpline: 866/,ASK-PPPC (866/275 37721 Sched-iiie'E Type or print io ink. f-lanounts may be founded Pat`YlTgents hflmde' to wthole dollars. sE c im*,. rr,'Lte. 11oi,4— om RE vr- A,j Slalc S mew covers period 'firoul. Facie CODES' tht: I I .) ;it.: "l-ClIA 11-11-1, . . - (:.I It I H I I F1 ol T Id newtbei r, -„ilia -.rto pn.-.,,iucnrn Oj:;TY' YG i n e p t in n C conlinbutfun nonwrie, office P�q:lprlsll, J-vc ci,Iic P -ET petition circulating :-E'JL IV of C -able lfolmu HL candidate fifiro.-Obollrit fees,: F fG phony banks lod' Mfig, rfleal�- pulling �md ouive-q- research �j IS :,dginq, ..jnd INN Independent Pthponcidure deltyef” and n-le"'sengef I tran%.4w bejveen saine LEG legal defens-e 1'.lrofessional (legal, -,ccourojng) ul -PT nfurn,iatior, tef Co's't".. hrltolrlel, UT --zol'lpaiqn !ttPraturc and print adr, 0 IJ N T P,-�l 1, NuoRIP) E OR .I-- SCRIP Il ,J•j .A'. I L --D —TIS C ALI', Paymeots thof are contribmievoi. of Independefli expenditures inust als'o tie sullunarim.,11 of' schedole U. Schedule E Surnmaty (11rl'II d,:- ail Scheclull-- E --lAJtj-!t;,.11s,) S U S TO CAL $ ------ ...... 1* TOTAL FPPI- I-OrIll 460 (12rt«ar�; t151 z 6,,-, ; i0l F1,11 111': dtii-i:AIS h +PP1,: pifw. I't -.1 fiz-1 w r forAv- Y3'chedWe E "Type of print, ill in It. (Confirwation 131I,wet) Arommis may he rulmded Pavanents Made to 'DEIN I I,' Lit' I K+I'_: :-,W RE 'NiEF `I. .......... '3 C 4D1._ 11 E. / HEI C 1 -1 1.1.. Ill t J bilElE Ft CODES: If ore o; (107' radql .6(time �Ild pi-nducticri ce,,t'> irieekn.gs and ontribulicii c -wit I ibu lion tp_;frdain tDFC office e!tpensrs �,-C rivic donations FET petition circulating TEL (.v .if .,I@ iii-III-ne and pi-nduclion co't", FIL. candidate filincli'ballot fees FHO phone banks TF. -IC rand;d.yic, I -ravel, lociging, and meals HAI tmichaisirig ev,entF POL polling -Ind T P, Irzi%:ef, lodging, mid INIel"Kide.f1t Fll��:)Pfjdjjiirf.� CX3, pc,�..tage, delivery -arld n*I(rs,,.�,,I,1gP..1 �;Orflc*:, I' S F Irul,1�91, corniniftee-, of the sarnf, LEC; legal disifcr,se, PRK, professiortal sercire.,. Negai. at:(ourifirl(l) U rrp,-iig n fileralure and rnailu igs PPT print ads C -11 -tail) E N C, ANDR ES'S OF P,,,%,eE E G '01`01,,AITTEE.4.�,C, GPIT ER LIN T F =1D ®r .. ...... .. ------ ------ - -- .360 W-) PA. 44 ej 1 � --- SUBT01A L ...... . ... FPPC Form 460 (Januaty.,U5) '-PPC "MI -Free 14-ifiline: [I6G/A,4KTPPC (86&1275-3M� SaViedule E lConfinuation Sheet) Payments Made 7.EE J1%I!_-'TRLI17TI,__,N'.,*3 --0.1 -IF FILER R Type Or prim In illic. Amounts may fie rounded i St7tH:H3tii':V VCf',i t.lf?fIG<J to wboledollars. f4w 19-1 SCHEDULE l;Cjl,.lT Page -.61LINTE R So t4o.V4- cc-TEESS: E pat d 17' 111 , — &I 1-1hr-i C lu'I'ilu!.Ic lion I I FI t-1 Contribution fefliiair, riorirrionetarv�, DF(' if i ri e ri t F I I., Ll I Q I'l d 01`1�160.rl P9_ petition cii aflating airticne. cwld PF-CM11.1clijorf cost t. c I r a i s i n f.1 e. v e 1 -1 t R-11 I p h o n e b , I Pik I'd h- 1 1, k -I d g I if y , arld Ii e ..-I HU deperdem I'V o III 11 g ral er!1p I a I polling :."ind �,wtec!.- rese.aicj, dt?I F,� of a w I rric- 111 I e I , lod, inq. and' gf� I I" it :in I 'Lk"eEzer! cu rl'a I-litle of I hf�, sal 0`1 C."Irl did :pol sol LEC; Ie I: I Z, I d C-. I .q rl I plole.-ional ser. LlI wp;..iigrt liter..-ituie aricl rina P'PT prifil ack. 'A A`)% -I E '-'),I E, -%E, C, R lF R:t. , F U. ,II CrI7 ER IF,, Nut" IF., F_i-� j Al 11 hI T FVAIC, PAll- (D -51 4-A Ct 0tA L a L t 500 -------- ---- ------- AA r . ... . ..... ....... P', I s LZ) 0 r -c Pawnentf, that Me confrilsotions or i'tidependew expewiMoFes atso of-, Sc,wduje D. SUCTOT A L F P P C P. o r n t 4616 (J al t E I il I yv*O 5) HOWille: 8664VSK PPPC (8661275-_`1772) Schedule E nent's March" �Cl. F. I H, i T R E H rype fit plillt On ink. Annoullfs uflzly ima rokinded (.0 t,vho I L. doftrs . CA ODES: If on�, cl! 1)'!t:1)'!t:1:1-1'(If�'-, l i J f )).fl t t :41mo's period o-- ----- F F11,5or SCHEDULE ID NFF 1*,.'f--. tl."alc NIEP ifir-tribef D) ITIOD LI i j ic .'ifi on - F�, "A F -10ii-,L -Ind ploduction co-w"t-z "HS 14 arleotirqjs .410 t,ontributicqj'- I'S wrilribultop nonrnonetR�rW- OFC office e:fperosr-s --darics cljl. dorlatiorls FET petition circul,-iting TEL [,:� or airtirne and dist. fifingi'L!allot fees PHO p h o n e I.-, a n ks T'l,"- cc-inchdAie ilravcl, lodging, and fIlL, t;.jndraising events POI. [10111rig '31-10 SLUVOy re.,-%earch lf;vvul, lodgirj!j, aad rneak 11,10 'S pco�tage. illi: and ot 1he sattisr, Wartter, scl .0 I E G legal defense r-r-,lj professional services (Ieg'ad, accounting) T vck-i UT carnpaign litembirc and rradings Pf=' T print ad-.; tedmology, cnmrs (interm.7it, Ln-roqd) Mttn:Mmmromomm V, 84E AND '%DDR CS S OF PAv.,E E 0 D E ,F C 1"I PTI 'I'll H OF El 11' .......... 70 .". , =7 ... ... TA I "Y Ego L e j Payments that cue f, u it tri I.j).Jw m elf it) d ep en d er 1t ex 1) e I I (I it a i c-.; t n i js I afs o ho, u i tv) z rb: ed ran Sc h ed I I le D LI l rIQ y .. ------------ ... .... . i' PPC' Form 460 -foil-Free lielpflne: 8f;&/ASK-F-[lPC (866,275-3712) r Pa"plent' s that me coorilititions or indepemlem, exflrmdiwie�, .ili.si ako Sdoodule D. - - - - - - - - - - - - ... . . ....... ... SUBTOTA L "-Ppc I"Orril 460 (J anu my;IJ5) r .2 Holpfine- A,;j,,'_I-Pj-'ICJ36CP 75 :T; 2J III r, two, SCHEDULE Ef(Aim I E -(V .1-wedule p e o r 1; ri III it) in k. Statiament coviws (Continuation Sheet) Amotints inzy he rounded Period Payn, tints Made ....... ... . .......... ......... va g ........ ... I i -4-i E AF F ILE F. CODE3: If ona of rh,� f,.:d lo.vvi n _1 tfie 1-0%frrjera. %.,ru i"nav 1:11*11.,k�! thk` OvV cilt-ripai;n IvIER criember i.=Oliu ,,nd production eds ripaign .:oris olhaVs 14rc.; ri-kplings and -bLl1I1"Jl'1i ietumr-d ,ntFi E• ntntribtrhun (e_.plain _lFf_ office e.ipunses otk er a nc,,, "Vic d)roolio­n4 FE -i- petition orculating v of i -t6k, *hrnt.*, i111d pr duction costs F11- cindickte filing ballot fees FHl I` phoni:! banks TP'.. :arldId-.1tc, traval, lodging, -.Ind me Illrdraving event- POL p!.,j1hng lan,.J sltineey f F..`: t_iF('sI:vLI::I: Ira, el,'lucb�ing, "'Ind rne­Js. po:-tag"?, delvel -1114 LEI`, lwyal defon..e -dw, k: cj,�i• II) 'if -I I A it. L17 -ampaign Ijir,c:&jr� �md rin,.-iflikirl, VFC loE CLIC F-. L LII%I T F ,,IF o.s;ot.ojrr rE, ��L4.0 LOT EF.' I Ir,IEIF_R ----------------- f-I Q_ _1p .. . ....... . ...... v . ....... DQ b ..... A. -T -A 1 0 1 A tw P_j c ea r Pa"plent' s that me coorilititions or indepemlem, exflrmdiwie�, .ili.si ako Sdoodule D. - - - - - - - - - - - - ... . . ....... ... SUBTOTA L "-Ppc I"Orril 460 (J anu my;IJ5) r .2 Holpfine- A,;j,,'_I-Pj-'ICJ36CP 75 :T; 2J