HomeMy WebLinkAboutForm 460 Atascadero Shield Initiative-Yes on Measure D-08 073108R ecipi ent C.' , ominiffee Campaign 11tzaement .:over' Page statettlell, covers period EPate of c',1puion ii -.E'- H�TRAJ,_ I ON RE'%'ERSE I Type of Recipient Commoitteel- pit Paltsl. 2, '.i, asid 4. . 1 I 0 Offica!-,oidor, f*�'Indtclatp I' ontio!!�jj 1- oi(inotc e 1-,-Jrn I ily Forn'j�'! 13'.--1 I) �j II1I, Ia� FL: 'SIate i'andidate Election ornmatpe Pet: III Gsenerral Purpose corlirlatee Sponsored mall C untributor 1- t)rnmitlec Offirehnirler Co In m4tee "Alm O-NI"'WOO ee .3. Committee Information ",0t-)IMITTEF N.-IlIvIE i�.)R NNyIE IF NQ -CININAITTEE, F.3 Oct ' Y -A rIII, t 31 ATE ZIP CODE 1F.E..m. CODEYPHONE A F EE r OR P 1,)hl AFAX ! E 40A L. �',E) D il t' 2. 1'ype of.`-Aatement RECEIVED JUL 30 M M Of: ATASCAMN CCTV clum"OFFICE age J n1, a I F, ri=aln i.. no it AAL*Ich '!"'-'Int (Fgplalll Treasurer�s) IF TREA.SLIRFF NIAILIkIt'..; ADDR.ES� I I Y OIC 4 -A -Al. Verif ication I ha.;. iI:- % ll -1 ;.liujj - irlFiLj -)fill thi' -1 AlerneW lod t�' tile LIEcl lw� tho'! 1-HU'l I ilAilf Il d fu: of pen"Ay '-.l p',qI.Ify urldef ft'r I ofit.c. C�I'hte Ur! .-daol lli,-' 1h ;l! irik? j Irmo 5(10 C.l'. t 30 na' I j, T F, ivi &!.in a b) e Z".., ts, to •'I! i, t r: rE jb I,, OKI P.. 14-- go r^ r. Campaign DiscIOSUre Statenient SUMMary Page SE[ I I, I,,;) RI t- 1-, N'S -4hi HIF r' -,r C. Firpe Or wins in bdk- Amounts way be rounded 10 Whole dollms. ColumnA Contributions Received -20t-I'Vit-IL101311', 5, T -C ­)T"', L (-`0f\,1TPI EUTION RF-EiVED 3. 4,1 Expenditures Made fa. Payrrients 1--iide Luanc:: PdAe 1-ClUed E` 1:10;Tre Wfj:Clll-1 11 -Fi--%TAL B *,-F'F,� f 01 TIJRE 11E CUITent Cash Statement -k 0 !2 8egli-Intrig ash ealarlc•� tp 12, i-IjA) Receipts 4 fvfi,3reILII enus I'D-,e,o&-!e i. L 1", 4 LJIA 11; ENDING CASH BALANCE REC-P',/ED B, $ Cash Equivalents and Outstandinq Debts 18, (--a----,h EqLW-W31ellts- $ La (fif (mall - - ----- Page of F, NUMIDER C ol um n E3 Calenciar Year Summary for Candidates r„T,11r!,,,;Tr. Pwnnng in Both the State Primary and General Elections 'F _—_...— Expenditures --...-- Z Y. ho neq.-Itive jiqufe, that shr,11111 bo Iflhis I'.% the fif!z-4 'PtAlFt bvil'11a filed for triv--, cale rid :,-I r i,- a f , ,,(!I•,, ovef the J, Expenditur,i Limit Summary for State Candidates )2, C(imulative ma es I., ate. of 0,1 To! -.,I to Ll,d,:- FPPC Foan 460 (janiiijry,05) 4+Ipc loI,Fwee titAphrw: 8b&,1ASK,Ff VC (866.1275-3772'; ILI 'L SL- Vl� 1- CUITent Cash Statement -k 0 !2 8egli-Intrig ash ealarlc•� tp 12, i-IjA) Receipts 4 fvfi,3reILII enus I'D-,e,o&-!e i. L 1", 4 LJIA 11; ENDING CASH BALANCE REC-P',/ED B, $ Cash Equivalents and Outstandinq Debts 18, (--a----,h EqLW-W31ellts- $ La (fif (mall - - ----- Page of F, NUMIDER C ol um n E3 Calenciar Year Summary for Candidates r„T,11r!,,,;Tr. Pwnnng in Both the State Primary and General Elections 'F _—_...— Expenditures --...-- Z Y. ho neq.-Itive jiqufe, that shr,11111 bo Iflhis I'.% the fif!z-4 'PtAlFt bvil'11a filed for triv--, cale rid :,-I r i,- a f , ,,(!I•,, ovef the J, Expenditur,i Limit Summary for State Candidates )2, C(imulative ma es I., ate. of 0,1 To! -.,I to Ll,d,:- FPPC Foan 460 (janiiijry,05) 4+Ipc loI,Fwee titAphrw: 8b&,1ASK,Ff VC (866.1275-3772'; Olonetary Contributions Received � I hf : f r• Li i. T I G lv 3 +?I+I F: F '•tL f�'Sk'. Type or itrini in ink. Amomist�- may se rewired to whole dollars, "_1Cl..l•I .h•IL ',TRE FT, Li :f LfIF It F()I`+ 1CIEitTr s.•;Ir,Er. l `Cl Il -Ir 13.'.0 OI ,k,FN SCHECiULE �. t tf tt,, e I l) NIUNIDEF ; S' rte. ^'" K17!;p1:K•Ar�pnrmss:�Y'ddna¢s.DrlwsmLSm>tu:�a�9�M�iS�RYso�mylit..f a. '3�—= •'i�#�riy[+istrnetl J! 111CI'+lCll °.1 cl,: Ul " 7+71'. iC I tEREI_E:IION,' <1)I II'hJ SFiC Ck FL (`. PI Lt+f -1 L:,,1E Ht'aE.F,RAP[O L` h:FNEF:W:.f1c I (�' f �fI•I;-IV I �i:F.l .,lV ;i!,Er:luiicC + OF EI!slrtEEs:•, � I too tq - I I � - SUla Tt_r CAi_ Schedule A Sura mark 1 Hf l 11 l nt rl'l ei\,,=.d this II tribull'All I Inl, ll!II. I I1 li+al,li�!3 _111 I_,t_ 11,, Chile A �-sl f.+t� 11-i1 .• �! ... .. � ..._._..... __..--- -.. _....__.._ I � I t ! _ � - I 1 � ,I rIl'lll' dllf•,:�I rulluU��, lI!L:1I Illi IIr�C,_11''•' � '.�111.1'll_IIII.U'�I�. fr: (trl�-' thl': �1� Ij I t Inr7 lrC'.L �1�. _ r ., _ ..__._ �PS'f: V iiafl (,Iasluar?rr'fi) 1::i'F:!.; Toil fletir�ilriifw: DIP" iw ❑ A1�6 � �, I_It 1-I I-r]Pry l � jw]IItIG � `.� l� �o� 1 ❑ CT r FI Ni* P1, I 11C, �� - Ct_ITH 7 -------.__..___ ❑rY L.Ilriu 0 OT H [] PTY �;;r_r 7ar•,.a��...wJ C71Itirl SCHECiULE �. t tf tt,, e I l) NIUNIDEF ; S' rte. ^'" K17!;p1:K•Ar�pnrmss:�Y'ddna¢s.DrlwsmLSm>tu:�a�9�M�iS�RYso�mylit..f a. '3�—= •'i�#�riy[+istrnetl J! 111CI'+lCll °.1 cl,: Ul " 7+71'. iC I tEREI_E:IION,' <1)I II'hJ SFiC Ck FL (`. PI Lt+f -1 L:,,1E Ht'aE.F,RAP[O L` h:FNEF:W:.f1c I (�' f �fI•I;-IV I �i:F.l .,lV ;i!,Er:luiicC + OF EI!slrtEEs:•, � I too tq - I I � - SUla Tt_r CAi_ Schedule A Sura mark 1 Hf l 11 l nt rl'l ei\,,=.d this II tribull'All I Inl, ll!II. I I1 li+al,li�!3 _111 I_,t_ 11,, Chile A �-sl f.+t� 11-i1 .• �! ... .. � ..._._..... __..--- -.. _....__.._ I � I t ! _ � - I 1 � ,I rIl'lll' dllf•,:�I rulluU��, lI!L:1I Illi IIr�C,_11''•' � '.�111.1'll_IIII.U'�I�. fr: (trl�-' thl': �1� Ij I t Inr7 lrC'.L �1�. _ r ., _ ..__._ �PS'f: V iiafl (,Iasluar?rr'fi) 1::i'F:!.; Toil fletir�ilriifw: 4 4aad-.. addifional or appwqpeiatev kibeled ccntimefion sheetS. SUBTOTAL $ Schedule I SLImm.my Y _rrli�-ed tc, ca,h of undi?r 'I CI 0 this perio d. Tcqal .-)f all II terFjst j'�, c�-i'�,etj this; rj-i lo-ans rnade tc, c Ihers ""Edlec We H, f_�Olurnn I'o)) . ....... ... 'Tutal miscellanclouLc, c1rsh thi, (Add Lines 1, 2', and "D, Enter here and on L4 'A --*urnrn,:t y pac Li -Ie 14.) -oTAL i rPP(:,J-oryn 460 (JanimryM) Ub1j4kSK-[ IIPC f -I Schedule I J"ypc or ptint ht ink.SCHEDULIz I Miscellaneous Increases to Cash ARMIMS 1114y he rolinded (n)( covers perlud to w1cle do Ilars. le) Ilk S E E I IISTP UC TIC*VS N R E %1r: R $E Tat -11L OF ID, NI-IfyIDER C, LAO :-ATE R�ECEIVEC, T -ULL NAME AND "DDRESS CIF 360PCE W,M' CIF RE,"EIP1 AN,10OF ticF,L 0`1 E T,, (IF ENTER I.D. NLIN4651") CASH 4 4aad-.. addifional or appwqpeiatev kibeled ccntimefion sheetS. SUBTOTAL $ Schedule I SLImm.my Y _rrli�-ed tc, ca,h of undi?r 'I CI 0 this perio d. Tcqal .-)f all II terFjst j'�, c�-i'�,etj this; rj-i lo-ans rnade tc, c Ihers ""Edlec We H, f_�Olurnn I'o)) . ....... ... 'Tutal miscellanclouLc, c1rsh thi, (Add Lines 1, 2', and "D, Enter here and on L4 'A --*urnrn,:t y pac Li -Ie 14.) -oTAL i rPP(:,J-oryn 460 (JanimryM) Ub1j4kSK-[ IIPC f -I ASI FLEA MARKET PRICING/IlVVENTORY 4-19-08: Check with Jay, Nora or Patty to set bargain below 75% of price here (ex: $10 to $7.50) Any items donated over $100 value require documentation!! Ask John Holman or Nora T. If item not listed or recently brought, use your judgement. T-shirts in bin are for sale by Lee's daughter. Keep funds separate and she will donate %2 of proceeds. Bag for funds inside tote Mountain Bike (red): $45 Beach Bike (white): $10 Telescope w/ Stand: $10 Weed Torch: $10 Heater/Fan: $5 Stainless Drip Pan: $1 Misc Vent/Ducts: $1 ea VW Jetta Rollcover: $2 Phone: $2 USB Light: $1 Turntable $10 Fax Machine w Paper: $5 Scanner: $ LO Jack Converter. $0.25 Outdoor/Exercisedoorts: Exercise Bike: $10 Trampoline: $5 Darts $3 ToohMardware/Auio: Generator (needs weld on tank): $20 Battery Charger: $2 Misc Light Fixtures: $1 ea VW Jetta Headrest: $0.50 Push Lawnmower: $5 Technology: Bithead: $3 DSL Modem: $5 DSL Dish w/ Modem: $25 Cordless Phone: $7 Small Speakers $4 Keyboard w/ software: $15 Household. Rattan Plant Stand: $2 Vacuum. (yellow): $25 Desk w/ Mirror and Bench: $50 Dehumidifier: $2 Big Pots: $3 Med Pots: $2 Sm Pots: $1 Potato Masher: $0.50 Toaster Oven: $5 Cat Basket: $2 Silver Bowl: $5 Blue Ash Tray: $0.50 Wok Set: $5 Frame: $0.50 Old Veterinarian Pix: $0.50 Pine Cone Platters: $5 J Crock Pot: $4 Chicken: $0.25 � Long Dog Pillow: $0.50 Sm Blowdryer: $1 Sm Vase: $0.25 Chess Set: $5 �= S ti Jerry Garcia Collector's Ties: $5 ea Purse: $2 v I- 7 W 2 boxes wool handcraft yarn $10 Silver Key Chain: $1 Old Atlas: $5 set n U > v 1 Books: $0.50 ea VHS: $1 Media: ea DVD: $3 ea 1 s Handmade Reusable Grocery Totes: $10 40 + � cr `' t Schedule E Type or print in ink. statemetll covers period Amounts may be rounded Payments Made In whole dollars. � froff? )F FILER r_ �-k-0 \ -AX�.j Page of --Cdv-- Ifil-011411 CODES: If, -,n.:, _,f th;� lollovvWit) ifil, irtinw. ,ind prodoction CVQIS3 campaign Crjr]SLI[tants tATC, meetings ancl appearances RFD c))FIfribution (explain fwrlrncinetaf.� QFC. office expent,;e-; SAL n--ign I;orjrker-�.` caP I- c ivic donations FET petition circ�ulatinr TH.- I -1-de "m[if-fle and �,Icjducfior) or :ci, ,undulate filiny/balio! fees FflCl phone banN-,-s 'TRIC C.-andidatte tr, a1 lodging, ari'd meA-.', PVL ffdh!'I�j ,'rod SLV%Ie�' TF"-�3 tr-,wel, and meall INLI IFIclepermant e3q.w-,ndw.je lrarf-Mer 1.,f_,Oxeen .fjtninittet,-� ni the ",irfle i3l.-. Ir-q.,.il defence FRICI J--Ifofe- 4C(�C,Untirt�i) ,,,tom r, liter,�Iuie :and mailings FRT printzvds, I—jls iinterne!, HANIF OF P.z,i-EE ijr Q,00,4 ITT CKER I U. NIJAVER I L, -z C,\ 0 — --- - ---- ------ ry\e-r,, (ZQ C ,CLa e JNT PAID soup Paynj(.-nis that are contributions ur independent expenditures must also bp suminatizP(i on Schedule Q. SUBTOTAL$ It. hedule E Summaly rriadc:i this pt.�riod i..,f ui --�I $ 100 TOTAL $ P, ni.,irip 1.1-iis pt-�n,"u, J I, into.:. 1, Entpr ':.Ii id,- FPFIC fortf,''.460 (J Einrr.;r�r (75f Hlilf- 1,10 SC HED'AiC E o-V%I I Schedule E 'TYpeof prini in 41L (ContinWlAiWl Sheet) Amomits tic, founfle-0 Payments Made 1. f) VdIo I e du;�al s flom ,-EF ' L -,I,] P E'vE. SEr.1;*4 E F F, ILE F, I D. H i J NI EIE t -,—P, CODES: ii one. of Hict raL":+ then payment, *you rnay 'enter thc,! i'ocie-. 1 VIER M P r ri b er r. ct m rn u r i i c a ti C, I,tfin airtiroL and jjrnd,.icji,*3n Cost C'N" can11"aign ccinsult;ntr; fvm nieetings. and -'lhpear Irll Ctii FFD ir,,urned i'TLE (explHin F C, office expense..-; S ",. L wif donations FET petition circulating fr_I _ '" t,:. R.. tarididate tiling/ballot (eos PHO phone banks T f n itchle Iripal., HI -It.) bindrais-ing vents 'PID L. r),-,.Iitng anci SLIFVq,,w reseaz ch tlaved, ludging, wid irle.tI INLI independent e;--penditurF,, :;Li pp nit ivig/o p p i) si rig fAher-i. PCE-', f"C'stage, delf"efy ,Irl,J jriessenger sen*iceS tI)E. ;aj-rip I -EG legal defense FSU professional serveicPs (100al, voter feni.,--V,itinn UT carnp.aign liter. -Mute and mailinqz. T�T print ads 6rdernet, Allo A DORE,`ZS OF P.A.)T-. E EWER LCI IJIWADE^ A -r -I Lj *Ii. o',0 'I s PO 4. ID D E )R )c , p jr T3,:, 1"I OF P A,YT.jj E 1,.! 1 C N%p , "10 " Alill CAI A C) ..- oriii(iepeii(ieritexI)eri(littire-.; trust also bestimmariud On Schedule D. SUBTOTAL $ 4 D � FP13C Form 460 (JanuaiyM5) PPPC 1-oll-1-i mi Helplitie: 86G/ASK�FPPC (86605,3772)