HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 102307 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, October 23, 2007 City Council: 7:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California CITY COUNCIL: 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Clay ROLL CALL: Mayor Luna Mayor Pro Tem Brennler Council Member Beraud Council Member Clay Council Member O'Malley APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATION: 1. Rotary Club of Atascadero — Donation for the Colony Park Community Center 1 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed .from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Meeting Minutes — September 25, 2007 ■ City Clerk Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of September 25, 2007. [City Clerk] 2. Rental Policies & Procedures and Fee Schedule for the Colony Park Community Center ■ Description: Council requested to adopt Resolution establishing these documents. ■ Fiscal Impact: The rental revenue for the Colony Park Community Center is anticipated to be approximately $10,000 annually. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution establishing Colony Park Community Center facility rental policies and fee schedule. [Community Services] 3. Colony Park Community Center Project Furniture and Equipment Purchase Authorization ■ Fiscal Impact: The total cost of the equipment purchase is $53,669.24 in budgeted Community Center project funds. ■ Recommendation: Council authorize the purchase of furniture and equipment listed on the attached quotation from KI in the amount of $53,669.24. [Community Services] 4. Commercial Grade Dump Truck Purchase ■ Fiscal Impact: $69,657.00 in previously allocated funds from the Vehicle Replacement account. ■ Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to purchase a replacement dump truck from Valew Welding and Fabrication for $69,657.00. [Public Works] 5. Resolution Approving the Sewer System Management Plan and Schedule ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution to approve the Development Plan and Schedule for the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) in compliance with the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Sanitary Sewer Systems (Water Quality Order No. 2006-0003). [Public Works] 2 6. 2007 Sidewalk Barrier Removal Project Award (City Bid No. 2007-007) ■ Description: Project consists of the installation of sidewalks and wheelchair ramps. ■ Fiscal Impact: $129,621 of budgeted CDBG Grant Funds. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Brinar Construction for$129,621 to construct the Barrier Removal Project; and 2. Authorize the Public Works Director to file a notice of completion after the project is finished. [Public Works] B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Staff Authorization to Process General Plan Amendment Applications for: Wal-Mart Supercenter PLN 2007-1245 / GPA 2007-0020 (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.) and The Annex Shopping Center PLN 2007-1246 / GPA 2007-0021 (Rottman Group/ EDA) ■ Description: Staff is seeking direction from Council on these applications. ■ Fiscal Impact: Typically, commercial projects have a positive fiscal impact on City revenues. However, at this time, staff is unable to speculate on the significance of this impact. Part of the project's EIR review will include a fiscal impact analysis. The purpose of the analysis will be to analyze all of the project's costs and revenues and provide the Council with a complete picture of the project's fiscal impacts on both the City of Atascadero and the local business community. ■ Recommendations: The Council: 1. Direct staff to process one or both of the project applications by adopting Draft Resolutions A and/or B. This action would include directing staff to return to the City Council for a Specific Plan project boundary approval. OR 2. Withhold authorization for staff to process one or both of the project applications by adopting draft Resolution C and/or D. Withholding authorization for staff to process the applications does not deny the applications. OR 3. Refer one or both of the applications back to staff for additional analysis or clarification of specific issues. The Council should provide clear direction on issues that require additional analysis. [Community Development] 3 COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council.) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may 'take action on items listed on the Agenda.) C. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor Luna 1. County Mayor's Round Table 2. Finance Committee 3. S.L.O. County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Water Resources Advisory Committee 4. Nacimiento Water Purveyors' Contract Technical Advisory Group 5. North County Water Purveyors Group Mayor Pro Tem Brennler 1. Air Pollution Control District (APCD) 2. Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC) 3. Atascadero Youth Task Force Council Member Beraud 1 . Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 2. City/ Schools Committee Council Member Clay 1. City/ Schools Committee Council Member O'Malley 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 2. S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) 3. Finance Committee 4. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) 5. League of California Cities — Council Liaison and CITI PAC Board Member 4 D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager E. ADJOURNMENT: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the October 23, 2007 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on October 17, 2007 at the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 17th day of October, 2007 at Atascadero, California. Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero 5 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. Council meetings are video taped and audio recorded, and may be reviewed by the public. Copies of meeting recordings are available for a fee. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470- 3400). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS(from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the podium. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the podium and be recognized by the Mayor 2. Give your name and address (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 5 minutes (unless changed by the Council) 7. No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD is preferred. Access to hook up your laptop to the City's projector can also be provided. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to: • Please approach the podium and be recognized • Give your name and address (not required) • State the nature of your business This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). 0 6 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 10/23/07 1i= t CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES Tuesday, September 25, 2007 - 7:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Luna called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Council Member Beraud led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Beraud, Clay, O'Malley, Brennler and Mayor Luna Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson, Deputy City Clerk Grace Pucci Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Police Lt. Jim Mulhall, Fire Captain Scott Hallett, Deputy Community Development Director Steve McHarris, Deputy City Clerk Victoria Randall, and Interim City Attorney Robert Schultz. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Beraud and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Brennler to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. CC Draft Minutes 0925/07 Page 1 of 9 7 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Meeting Minutes —August 28, 2007 ■ City Clerk Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Meeting Minutes of August 28, 2007. [City Clerk] 2. Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund ■ Description: Proposed designation of funds would be used in equipment improvements and other frontline Police services and supplies. ■ Fiscal Impact: $100,000. All costs are paid for by SLESF grant funds and do not affect the general fund. ■ Recommendation: Council designate 2007/2008 Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) monies for use in equipment purchases and other frontline Police services and supplies. [Police] 3. Title 9 Planning and Zoning Text Amendment PLN-2099-1002 for ZCH 2004-0091, 5190 Portola Road (Nolan) ■ Description: Proposed project would allow a 2-lot residential planned development. ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt on second reading by title only, Draft Ordinance A, adopting Zone Change 2004-0091 establishing a Zone Map Change at 5190 Portola Road, based on findings. [Community Development] Items pulled: Mayor Luna, Item #A-3. MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Brennler to approve Items #A-1 and 2. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Item #A-3 Mayor Luna stated he would be abstaining on this item as he was not present at the last Council meeting. MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Item #A-3. Motion passed 3:1 by a roll-call vote. (Beraud opposed, Luna abstained) (Ordinance No. 515) B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: Due to a technical difficulty, there was Council agreement to hear Item #13-2 prior to B-1. CC Draft Minutes 09/25/07 Page 2 of 9 8 2. Viejo Camino General Plan Amendment Pre-application Review, Authorization for Staff to Process PLN 2007-1231 (Halcon Properties, LLC ■ Disclosure of Ex-Parte Communications ■ Description: Request for site to be re-designated to MDR (Medium Density Residential) which would allow 10 units per acre. ■ Fiscal Impact: According to the findings from the Taussig Study, revenue from new residential development including property tax revenues, vehicle licensing fees, sales taxes, and other revenues are insufficient to cover the maintenance and emergency service costs of new development. Based on the revenue projections from the Taussig Study, the City has developed standard Conditions of Approval for new residential planned development projects that require the cost of maintenance and emergency services to be funded by the project through a combination of road assessment districts, landscape and lighting districts and community facilities districts. If the project is approved for processing, it should be required to be fiscally neutral so the added residential units fund their own on-site improvements and maintenance, as well as their fair share of off-site improvements and impacts to City emergency services. ■ Recommendations: 1. City Council authorize staff to process the proposed General Plan Amendment application with neighborhood meeting and study session by adopting Draft Resolution A; or 2. City Council direct staff to further analyze the proposed project and report back to the Council before processing; or 3. City Council direct staff to not process the project by adopting Draft Resolution B. [Community Development] Ex Parte Communications ■ Council Member Clay stated he spoke to the builders about this item four months ago and they showed him the plot plan. He talked with Maury Froman yesterday and told him he had not yet read the staff report. He called Mr. Froman back today and Mr. Froman answered his questions. ■ Council Member O'Malley stated that several months ago he and Mayor Pro Tem Brennler met with the applicants and reviewed the plans. He recently had a phone conversation with the applicant and asked questions from the staff report. He stated when this was still a mobile home park he received several phone calls from the residents who had concerns regarding a new manager and he had asked staff CC Draft Minutes 09/25/07 Page 3 of 9 9 to look into it. He also spoke with Maury Froman and Keith Mathias regarding constituent concerns. ■ Mayor Luna stated he met with Maury Froman on February 19th with Council Member Beraud. He received a phone call yesterday from Mr. Froman that he did not return. ■ Mayor Pro Tem Brennler stated he met with Keith Mathias and Maury Froman three months ago, and received a call this week that he did not return. ■ Council Member Beraud stated she met with the applicants with Mayor Luna and received a call from them yesterday that she did not return. Deputy Community Development Director Steve McHarris gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Maury Froman, applicant, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the project and answered questions of Council Shawn Sarnecki stated this project is not consistent with the surrounding neighborhood, and that a General Plan change should be made for all parcels on Halcon not just two of the eight parcels. Eric Greening asked several questions regarding notification of the Santa Margarita Area Advisory Committee, bicycle and pedestrian circulation through the project to the transit stop on Viejo Camino, the limitation on units for Dove Creek, and traffic impacts for this area. Tim Haley asked those in the audience who were opposed to this project to stand up. He urged the Council to reject the General Plan Amendment as the proposed density is too high relative to the character of the neighborhood. Curtis Oser stated the traffic problem in this area hasn't been adequately assessed by the city. He was also concerned that the low income housing might not work at this location, that the density was too much for this rural area, and that there was no buffer for the project. Rich Koval asked Council to choose Option #3 to stop this process. He was concerned that this project would turn a suburban residential neighborhood into a densely populated project, and that there would be no buffer between this project into the 2 1/2 acre zoning. Steve Hughes stated that when he purchased his home in this area he was very impressed with the lot sizes, and he believes 62 units are too much for this property. 10004 CC Draft Minutes 09/25/07 Page 4 of 9 10 Tony Rivera was concerned that many homes are already being built in this area, and traffic will be a major problem. He stated he had moved here because there was no big plan for the area and it was quiet and private. He asked Council to select Option #3. Joseph Messineo, Jr., stated his property backs right up to this project and he was concerned with the amount of homes proposed and the loss of trees. Chris Nary spoke about the impacts to those living on SE parcels, and stated this was against smart growth principles and conflicts with specific plans and goals in the General Plan, which calls for preserving the rural character of Atascadero. Christina Aguirre said she was for Option #3 to abandon this development. She believed there were too many houses too close together and was concerned with the impacts to roads and the Santa Barbara interchange. Myrna Bradley stated she moved to this area to get away from lots of houses and wanted more open space to look at. She was concerned with the density and traffic impacts and urged Council to choose Option #3. Catherine Sweet raised the following issues: traffic impacts as there is building already underway in this area, air pollution due to the density of people living there, and water given the years of drought. She supported Option #3. Pricilla Jane stated she moved here for the rural atmosphere and was concerned that this project would depreciate her property value, destroy the rural atmosphere, and create traffic and air pollution impacts. Eileen Blanchette commented that she came to this area to be in a rural atmosphere, and does not see that this project reflects the image of Atascadero. Lynn Delmore spoke about the zoning inconsistency going from the suburban estates to the proposed density. She also expressed concern regarding the interchange at Santa Barbara and US 101, and that revenues from residential development are insufficient to cover current service level costs. Mayor Luna closed the Public Comment period. Staff answered questions raised in the Public Comment period. Council Member Clay spoke of the need to provide workforce housing, and that this was a good spot for this project as it is across the street from a park. He stated that timing is important and the timing may not be good for this project, and that there should be buffers in the project. Council Member Beraud stated she did not consider this area the urban core of the community and therefore not appropriate for infill. She commented that because there CC Draft Minutes 09/25/07 Page 5 of 9 11 was much neighborhood opposition to increasing density she would be supporting Option #3 and suggested the applicant come back with something that is less dense. Mayor Pro Tem Brennler commented that the lack of neighborhood compatibility and traffic impacts were issues for him Council Member O'Malley suggested hearing from the applicant to determine if he had a proposal or input based on the feedback heard this evening. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Brennler and seconded by Council Member Beraud to direct staff to not process the project by adopting Draft Resolution B. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll-call vote. (Clay, O'Malley opposed) (Resolution No. 2007-082) PUBLIC COMMENT Maury Froman, applicant, stated that prior to the motion he would have suggested Council go with Option #2, which would allow the applicants to take another look at the project and propose something with staff. Mayor Luna closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Luna recessed the hearing at 8:25 p.m. Mayor Luna called the meeting back to order at 8:30 p.m. 1. Emergencv Access Routes ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Recommendation: Council approve rating criteria and direct staff to develop a priority system for improvements and a funding plan. [Public Works] Public Works Director Steve Kahn and Fire Captain Scott Hallett gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Dan O'Grady stated he lives in the West Hills area of Atascadero, which has been put at risk by the deteriorating condition of Balboa Road. He was concerned that the road has been closed and continues to be closed, and without Balboa Road they cannot escape their neighborhood if their road is blocked. He asked Council to direct staff to proceed immediately to rehabilitate Balboa Road. CC Draft Minutes 09/25/07 Page 6 of 9 12 Eric Greening asked for a report when this comes back regarding an evacuation plan for non-drivers, and questioned if there were an evacuation plan for the area of the train tracks. Dennis Wolf spoke about Balboa Road, as he lives there, and suggested a scrapper and rip rap would make it passable for emergencies, which is why he would use the road. Mayor Luna closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt staff's recommendation including having the department staff prioritize those items if they feel it is necessary and to incorporate the suggestions heard and come back with a report. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: Joan O'Keefe spoke about the circumstances relating to the reinstatement of the Deputy Executive Director of Redevelopment, asked what his current job responsibilities are and reviewed his credentials. She stated it was time to give him back all of his %wo,, previous duties. Lee Perkins spoke of a meeting she had with Council Member Clay regarding specific city municipal codes that needed updating, and of Council Member Clay's commitment to bring this up at a future strategic planning meeting. Eric Greening suggested moving Community Forum back to the beginning of the agenda and separating it into three parts by the amount of time speakers would need for their topics. He also updated the Council on the deadline for submission of grant applications for Proposition 1 B money. Tino Santos spoke about Vision Atascadero and questioned the relationship between that organization and Oppose Wal Mart. He suggested several roads in Atascadero that needed work, and commented on the Chamber of Commerce meeting at the Carlton Hotel that he attended and enjoyed. Mayor Luna closed the Community Forum period. Mayor Luna, Council Member Clay, and City Attorney Robert Schultz addressed issues raised during the Community Forum period. CC Draft Minutes 09/25/07 Page 7of9 13 COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Council Member Beraud referred to the employee satisfaction survey and suggested it would be appropriate for Council to draft a letter encouraging staff to fully participate in the survey and that Council will be supportive of the outcome. There was Council discussion of this suggestion. City Manager Wade McKinney stated staff could draft the letter, which would be Council directed and with all five signatures, to be distributed on the day of training. Mayor Luna spoke about the session on Campaign Finance Reform and asked what Council would like to do with the information received. He would prefer to have some time to think about what was said. There was Council discussion on this topic. Mayor Luna appointed Council Members O'Malley and Beraud to an ad hoc committee on campaign reform There was Council consensus to have the ad hoc committee move forward and report back in six months. Council Member Beraud spoke about a viewpoint article she wrote and sent to the NOW Atascadero News, which refused to publish it. C. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council Member Beraud 1. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA): They are having some budget shortfalls and approved a .30 cent charge per San Luis Obispo County resident to cover the cost of the Household Hazardous Waste Program. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Manager City Manager Wade McKinney announced that the Wal Mart General Plan issue will be scheduled for the October 23rd City Council meeting. CC Draft Minutes 09/25/07 Page 8 of 9 14 E. ADJOURNMENT: vftw Mayor Luna adjourned the meeting at 9:57 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council on October 9, 2007. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Grace Pucci, Deputy City Clerk vmw CC Draft Minutes 09/25/07 Page 9 of 9 15 16 ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 10/23/07 ..- iais � laT9a �- Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Services Department Rental Policies & Procedures and Fee Schedule for the Colony Park Community Center (Council requested to adopt Resolution establishing these documents.) RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution establishing Colony Park Community Center facility rental policies and fee schedule. DISCUSSION: The City Council previously met and reviewed this item at the September 11, 2007 meeting, to establish rental policies and a fee schedule for the new Colony Park Community Center. The rental policies and fees will be applied to rental activity in the new building. There will be three categories for the fees: resident rates, non-resident rates and non-profit rental rates for the facility. These rates are based upon comparable market information and the City Council's cost recovery goals to maintain adequate facility operations and levels of service. The City is also drawing upon its experience in managing the Lake Pavilion to establish these policies. The attachments provide the fee schedules for the facility and the rental operating policies and procedures. FISCAL IMPACT: The rental revenue for the Colony Park Community Center is anticipated to be approximately $10,000 annually. ALTERNATIVES: Council may change any of the proposed fees. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 - Colony Park Community Center rental policies and procedures Attachment 2 - Colony Park Community Center three-tiered fee schedule Attachment 3 — Draft Resolution 17 Attachment 1 Colony Park CommunityCenter Policies &Procedures Manual THE CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT s people parks programs Colony Park Community Center Physical Address: 5599 Traffic Way Mailing Address: City of Atascadero, 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 461-5000 18 fir► THE CITY OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT WOO" people • parks • programs Colony Park Community Center Policies and Reservation Procedures Table of Contents " I. Rental Information2 .............................................................. II. Alcohol Policy .......................................................................3 III. Insurance Requirements....................................................3 IV. Decorating Policies..............................................................4 V. Candle &Fire Code Policies............................................. VI. Security Guards....................................................................5 VII. Cleaning Fee ..........................................................................5 VIII. User Responsibilities ..........................................................5 IX. General Information ...........................................................6 X. Statement of Hold Harmless and Understanding......7 err 1 19 City of Atascadero Colony Park Community Center Policies&Reservation Procedures RENTAL INFORMATION 1. A completed "Application for Facility Use Permit" is required with all reservation requests. The City of Atascadero requires a 50% reservation deposit to accompany the completed application for a reservation request to be considered. This reservation deposit is ultimately applied towards facility rental fees, and is non- refundable. 2. Reservations shall be granted on a first come, first served basis, subject to the availability of the facility. 3. The City of Atascadero sponsored leagues, events, programs,meetings and classes will have priority use of facility. 4. All facility use permit requests will be authorized by the Director of Community Services Department or designee, subject to the availability of the facility. If an application is not accepted, the reservation deposit will be refunded to the applicant in full. 5. For all individuals or groups with granted reservations, this signed contract serves as a facility use permit and should be displayed or available for validation during all functions. 6. All facility rental fees, cleaning fees, and security deposits must be paid in full to the City of Atascadero thirty (30)working days prior to usage or the reservation is to be cancelled and the reservation deposit retained. 7. All permits, insurance certificates, licenses, etc. required in relation to facility use or type of event are to be obtained by the permit holder as required by law. If required as policy, a copy of said document(s) must be submitted a minimum of thirty (30) working days prior to facility usage. 8. The City of Atascadero has the right to retain all or part of the refundable security deposit if the facility is left unclean or damaged. 9. Permits granted on a continuing basis are valid for a maximum of twelve (12)months. 10. Rental times are adjusted to the next fifteen (15) minutes. The facility must be vacated promptly at the time specified on the permit. 11. Animals are allowed inside the Community Center only for the following reasons: • Animals are enclosed in a sealed carrying case (nothing can drop/leak out) •Animals may be removed from the carrying case only for demonstration purposes and must be handled by the demonstrator at all times • Guide dogs will be allowed in the Community Center 2 20 • Above mentioned animals are NOT allowed to roam free inside the Community Center. • Additional cleaning costs may be incurred for animal accidents inside the Community Center. 12. A permit will not be issued for the following reasons: • Insufficient notice: When department personnel cannot be scheduled, facilities prepared, or other conditions relating to use cannot be completed in the time between the date of the request and the proposed usage. • Hazardous Activities: When activities are of a hazardous nature, which may endanger persons or property. • Prior Circumstances: When permit holder has mistreated a facility or failed to abide by policy during a previous occupancy. 13. Cancellation of Permit: • By Holder: To cancel a reservation or change the date of a facility permit, the permit holder must give a minimum of thirty (30) working days notice in writing. A reservation deposit may be transferred to another date within sixty (60) days of the current reservation,but is not refundable. To change the time of an event, a minimum of ten(10)working days notice is required. • By the City: A permit may be cancelled at any time for any of the following reasons: If the permit is found to contain false or misleading information. The use or proposed use would be detrimental to the safety or general welfare of the City or to the efficient operation of the facility for public welfare. Should any individual, group, group member or guest willfully or through gross negligence, mistreat the equipment, facility, or violate any of the rules or state or local ordinance. Failure to make rental fee payment within the minimum times provided. If permit holder defaults on or has not completed all conditions and requirement for use of a facility. In the event the facility is needed for public or emergency use. ALCOHOL POLICY THERE IS NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED TO BE SERVED OR SOLD AT THE COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Please read and initial the following statements: I understand that alcohol is not permitted at the Colony Park Community Center. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS There are two options for insurance for your event: 1. City Insurance: If you choose to use the City of Atascadero's insurance provider, you must fill out the appropriate paperwork with the City of Atascadero (461-5000). 2. Your Insurance: If you do not want to purchase insurance from the City of Atascadero, you must provide a Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Atascadero as an additional insured for one million dollars ($1,000,000). 3 21 DECORATING POLICIES Please read and initial the following statements: I understand that all decorations must be of flame retardant material. I understand that no glitter, confetti,hay,hay bales, rice, or flower petals may be thrown or used as a decoration inside or outside of the building. I understand that smoke and fog machines of any sort are NOT allowed. I understand that any plants or shrubs brought into the building must be in a waterproof container. I understand that all rentals, equipment, decorations, etc. must be delivered and retrieved during the contracted rental times. I understand that when decorating,not to fasten any decorations to light fixtures or floors. I understand that any kind of tape (i.e., scotch, masking, painters, duct, etc.), thumb tacks,nails,staples,etc. are NOT allowed. I understand that decorations must be removed immediately after the event. Decorations left may be discarded and an additional cleaning fee may apply. I understand that I, the renter, am ultimately responsible if the caterer and/or decorators do not comply with policy. CANDLE & FIRE CODE POLICIES Please read and initial the following statements: I understand that NO smoking is allowed at any time inside City of Atascadero buildings or within 20 ft. of the building. 10000 I understand that CANDLES ARE NOT PERMITTED INSIDE THE COMMUNITY CENTER: I understand that a distance of 15 inches of clearance shall be maintained between the front and back of each row of chairs. The Pavilion staff will arrange tables/chairs accordingly and the renter and/or guests will not move them without prior approval. I understand that in areas without fixed seats,an aisle width of 36 inches shall be maintained. An aisle width of 44 inches shall be maintained where tables or other furnishing create an obstruction on both sides. The Community Center staff will arrange tables/chairs accordingly and the renter and/or guests will not move them without prior approval. I understand that all building exits for ingress and egress of occupants shall be maintained with a clear pathway at all times. Marked exits shall be free of any obstacles or obstructions (i.e. chairs, tables, etc.). The Community Center staff will arrange tables/chairs accordingly and the renter and/or guests will not move them without prior approval. I understand that at least one person shall be designated as "Fire Watch". Such person shall become familiar with locations of fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers and exiting in case of emergency. 4 22 I understand that overcrowding and admittance of persons beyond the posted occupant capacity of City of Atascadero facilities is prohibited. The Fire Marshall, upon finding overcrowding conditions or obstruction in aisles, passageways or other means of egress, or upon finding a condition which constitutes serious menace to life, is authorized to pause the performance, presentation,spectacle or entertainment until such obstruction is corrected. SECURITY GUARDS General Information regarding Security Guards at the Colony Park Community Center: • One (1) security guard is required for every one-hundred (100) or thereof occupants with a four(4)hour minimum. • Please note that a final guest count is due ten (10) working days prior to the event. Should your final count be more or less than expected, the number of guards required could change,thus affecting the estimated total due. Please read and initial the following statements: I understand that security guards are required when the event is in honor of or is for persons 12-18 years of age. I understand that the Community Center Director will reserve the security guards and the costs will be passed along to me. I understand that one (1) security guard is required for every one hundred (100) or thereof guests. I understand that security guards must be present from the time guests arrive until the last person vacates the premises,including clean-up crew. CLEANING FEE The cleaning fee for using the Community Center is at the discretion of the Director and will based on the actual cost of the contract cleaning service. This fee will only be charged if the event constitutes a large amount of impact and cleaning. This is a fee, not a deposit, and therefore is NOT refundable nor negotiable. This fee covers the cost of commercial cleaning and janitorial supplies. This is typically estimated to be approximately$250.00 SECURITY DEPOSIT A $350 security deposit will be taken at a final meeting approximately twenty (30) working days prior to your event. The security deposit is completely refundable following a satisfactory conduct report after your event. The security deposit will cover such expenses as over-time charges, additional cleaning fees, police or fire being dispatched to your event, and/or any damages that might occur to the Community Center or the Community Center's equipment. The security deposit is required for all special events held in the Community Center's Gymnasium. If public safety is called to your event for any reason,your security deposit will automatically be forfeited. USER RESPONSIBILITIES Please read and initial the following statements: I understand that I am responsible for leaving the Community Center in a clean and orderly fashion. If a cleaning fee has been charged, I understand that my Nomp'` cleaning entails removing anything that was brought into the Community Center,including the trash. 5 23 I understand that garbage needs to be emptied into the green Waste Alternatives dumpsters located outside the building. Trash liners and cans will be provided. If the dumpsters are full, trash must be taken with renter. Close the lid on the dumpsters after the event to keep out wild animals. 1 understand that I, the renter, am ultimately responsible if the caterer, decorator,deliver companies,etc. do not comply with policy. Community Center staff will not be used to remove decorations, garbage, etc. and fees will be deducted from the security deposit. I understand that I must return all equipment in the same condition as received and will be responsible for lost and/or damaged equipment. I understand that it is my responsibility to check in with the Community Center staff upon my arrival and to again check out with the Community Center staff upon my exit. If I fail to check out upon exit, I accept the Community Center staff person's evaluation of the status of the building as left after my event. I understand that all rentals, equipment, decorations, etc. must be delivered and retrieved during the contracted rental times. I understand that the Community Center staff has the right to close the building at any time during my rental if any federal,state or city laws, and/or Community Center policies are violated. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Community Center staff will set up all equipment prior to your arrival. You will be able to set-up and decorate as soon as you arrive. 2. IMPORTANT: Please check in with staff upon arrival and check out with staff upon departure. Please have photo ID available. Nlwol 3. The facility is not available prior to your start time for deliveries of any sort. 4. Please notify the Community Center Director of any unusual request or decorations not discussed in the"Decorating Policies"section of this contract. 5. Please share the following information with your DJ and/or Band: •We suggest that entertainment cease at least one hour prior to the end of your contracted rental time. All amplified entertainment must cease by 12 AM. • There are NO fog machines allowed at the Community Center. NO EXCEPTIONS! • Please DO NOT use tape of any kind on the floors,walls,windows or mirrors. NO EXCEPTIONS! • Mats will be provided to cover cords. Please ask the Community Center staff for assistance. 6. This facility can be rented during the hours between 8 AM and 12 AM. 7. The City of Atascadero assumes no responsibility for loss, theft, or damage of any property brought into the Community Center. S. The permit holder has the responsibility to obtain any permit(s) and/or license(s) required by City of Atascadero ordinances or State laws, pertaining to the nature of their event,a copy of which must be on file with the Community Center Director. 9. The Director of the Community Services Department and/or designee shall enforce or cause to have enforced the provisions herein; and shall have the authority to deny use of any facility to an individual or group who refuses to comply with the policy and procedures. 6 24 STATEMENT OF HOLD HARMLESS AND UNDERSTANDING Applicant hereby agrees to comply with all City and State laws, City of Atascadero and Community Center Policies. Applicant further agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify the City of Atascadero and it's officers, employees and agents for loss,damage, liability, cost or expense arising from the use or occupation of the facilities and equipment relating to this application. I certify that I have read and am familiar with the policies and procedures pertaining to the use of facilities and/or equipment on this facility use permit application. Signature of Applicant Date Community Center Approval Date l 7 25 Attachment 2 See Following 26 THE CITY OF ATA S C A D E R O Colony Park Community Center COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT I Resident Rental Rates people • parks • program, Dance Room 25 Weekday $35.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Dance Room 25 Evening/Sat/Sun $50.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Exercise Room 25 Weekday $35.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Exercise Room 25 Evening/Sat/Sun $50.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Fitness'(Dance and Exercise 50 Weekday $65.00/hr&$20/hr Rooms Combined) per additional staff Fitness"(Dance and Exercise 50 Evening/Sat/Sun $80.00/hr&$20/hr Rooms Combinedper additional staff Conference Room 24 Weekday $30.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Conference Room 24 Evening/Sat/Sun $45.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Gymnasium 400 sport/600 banquet Weekday $60.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Gymnasium 400 sport/600 banquet Evening/Sat/Sun $75.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Teen Center 100 Weekday $70.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Teen Center 100 Evening/Sat/Sun $90.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Arts and Crafts Room 39 Weekday $35.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Arts and Crafts Room 39 Evening/Sat/Sun $50.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Reservation Deposit: 50%of the Total Estimated Due All bookings require a 50% Non-Refundable reservation deposit and a completed application to hold the date. This amount will be applied to the total amount due. Cancellations will forfeit the reservation deposit. Security Deposit: $350 All special events require a$350 security deposit (refundable after event if no damages/extra charges apply) Cleaning Fee: (will be based on the cost of the contractor)(applied at the discretion of the Director) All special events where food and/or beverages are served will be charged a mandatory cleaning fee. Please see the application for more information on cleaning. Equipment Rental: Scoreboard $25 TWDVD $25 Portable Sound System $100 Portable screen $20 Podium $25 Coffee Service $3/person *4111111111110, (10 person minimum) Tables&Chairs Set-Up Charge $40 (groups of 50 plus) 27 THE CITY OF ATAS C A D E R O Colony Park Community Center COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Non-Resident Rental Rates logo people - parks - programs ~101 "W"I 110BEENE _ m Dance Room 25 Weekday $40.00/hr &$20/hr per additional staff Dance Room 25 Evening/Sat/Sun $55.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Exercise Room 25 Weekday $40.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Exercise Room 25 Evening/Sat/Sun $55.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Fitness"(Dance and Exercise 50 Weekday $72.00/hr&$20/hr Rooms Combinedper additional staff Fitness"(Dance and Exercise 50 Evening/Sat/Sun $87.00/hr&$20/hr Rooms Combinedper additional staff Conference Room 24 Weekday $35.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Conference Room 24 Evening/Sat/Sun $50.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Gymnasium 400 sport/600 banquet Weekday $75.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Gymnasium 400 sport/600 banquet Evening/Sat/Sun $90.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Teen Center 100 Weekday $80.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Teen Center 100 Evening/Sat/Sun $95.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Arts and Crafts Room 39 Weekday $40.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Arts and Crafts Room 39 Evening/Sat/Sun $55.00/hr&$20/hr per additional staff Reservation Deposit: 50%of the Total Estimated Due All bookings require a 50% Non-Refundable reservation deposit and a completed application to hold the date. This amount will be applied to the total amount due. Cancellations will forfeit the reservation deposit. Security Deposit: $350 All special events require a$350 security deposit (refundable after event if no damages/extra charges apply) Cleaning Fee: (will be based on cost of the contractor)(applied at the discretion of the Director) All special events where food and/or beverages are served will be charged a mandatory cleaning fee. Please see the application for more information on cleaning. Equipment Rental: Scoreboard $25 TWDVD $25 Portable Sound System $100 Portable screen $20 Podium $25 Coffee Service $3/person (10 person minimum) Tables & Chair set-Up Charge $40 (groups of 50 plus) 28 THE CITY OF ATAS CAD E RO Colony Park Community Center COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Non-Profit Rental Rates people • parks • programs Wt „} ”' € .. , � ��,fir,, k a^.� .�, Dances, . x ... w� x w. Room 25 Weekday $30 00/hr & $20/hr _per additional staff Dance Room 25 Evening/Sat/Sun $45.00/hr & $20/hr per additional staff Exercise Room 25 Weekday $30.00/hr & $20/hr Der additional staff Exercise Room 25 Evening/Sat/Sun $45.00/hr & $20/hr Der additional staff Fitness*(Dance and Exercise 50 Weekday $60.00/hr & $20/hr Rooms Combinedper additional staff Fitness*(Dance and Exercise 50 Evening/Sat/Sun $75.00/hr & $20/hr Rooms Combined -per additional staff Conference Room 24 Weekday $25.00/hr & $20/hr Der additional staff Conference Room 24 Evening/Sat/Sun $40.00/hr & $20/hr per additional staff Gymnasium 400 sport/600 banquet Weekday $55.00/hr & $20/hr per additional staff Gymnasium 400 sport/600 banquet Evening/Sat/Sun $70.00/hr & $20/hr per additional staff Teen Center 100 Weekday $65.00/hr & $20/hr per additional staff �.r Teen Center 100 Evening/Sat/Sun $80.00/hr & $20/hr per additional staff Arts and Crafts Room 39 Weekday $30.00/hr & $20/hr Der additional staff Arts and Crafts Room 39 Evening/Sat/Sun $45.00/hr & $20/hr per additional staff Reservation Deposit: 50%of the Total Estimated Due All bookings require a 50% Non-Refundable reservation deposit and a completed application to hold the date. This amount will be applied to the total amount due. Cancellations will forfeit the reservation deposit. Security Deposit: $350 All special events require a$350 security deposit (refundable after event if no damages/extra charges apply) Cleaning Fee: (will be based on cost of the contractor)(applied at the discretion of the Director) All special events where food and/or beverages are served will be charged a mandatory cleaning fee. Please see the application for more information on cleaning. Equipment Rental: Scoreboard $25 TWDVD $25 Portable Sound System $100 Portable screen $20 Podium $25 Coffee Service $3/person 11000, (10 person minimum) Tables & Chairs Set-Up Charge$40 (groups of 50 plus) 29 Attachment 3 NWO DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING RENTAL POLICIES AND FEE SCHEDULE FOR THE COLONY PARK COMMUNITY CENTER WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has conducted an extensive and comparative analysis of potential rental policies and fees for the City's new facility, the costs reasonable borne of providing rental services, the beneficiaries of those services, and the revenues produced by those paying fees and charges for special services; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero will be adding the Colony Park Community Center to the various facility rental services to the public including, but not limited to, renting park areas, the Pavilion at the Lake, and processing applications, reviewing event plans and maps, issuing permits and reviewing rental agreements; and WHEREAS,the City of Atascadero desires to establish a policy of recovering some portion of the costs reasonably borne of providing special services, including but not limited to park and recreation services, rental of city property, police and fire services, and other miscellaneous city services, of a voluntary or limited nature, such that general taxes are not diverted from general services of a broad nature and thereby utilized unfairly and inequitably for such special services; and WHEREAS, the City Council intends to collect various fees (the "Fees") and, in certain cases, require advance deposit of the Fees, to offset the costs associated with providing the rental services and other City services; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code sections 66016 and 66018, the enactment or increase in any fees to be charged for services must be adopted by the City Council by resolution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code sections 66016 and 66018, the data required to be made available to the public prior to increasing the amount of the fees by this resolution was made available for public review at least 10 days prior to the date of this meeting; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed agenda item before the City Council was held on September 11, 2007 at which public testimony was received and duly considered on the proposed Rental Services and WHEREAS, the amount of the Fees do not exceed the true cost of providing the Rental Services. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. 30 Section 2. Establishment of the Fees. The Policies and Procedures Manual is attached as ` „r Attachment 1; and the Fees are hereby established in the amounts detailed on Attachment 2 for the purpose of funding the cost of providing the Services. Section 3. Constitutionality. If any portion of this Resolution is declared invalid or unconstitutional then it is the intention of the City Council to have passed the entire Resolution and all its component parts, and all other sections of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. Repealer. All resolutions and other actions of the City Council in conflict with the contents of this Resolution are hereby repealed. Section 5. Effective Date. The Policies and Fees shall take effect 30 days after the effective date of this Resolution, and shall remain in effect, until revised by the City Council. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk Dr. George Luna, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Robert Schultz, Interim City Attorney *4"r 31 32 ITEM NUMBER: A-3 DATE: 10/23/07 a 1918 1979 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Services Department Colony Park Community Center Project Furniture and Equipment Purchase Authorization RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the purchase of furniture and equipment listed on the attached quotation from KI in the amount of $53,669.24. DISCUSSION: Background: The Colony Park Community Center furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E) purchases are underway. The project architect, bfgc, and City staff have identified and specified certain equipment to furnish the Community Center. A number of the needed items can be obtained from a large and reputable company in the industry, KI, that has a long track record of supplying furniture and other types of institutional equipment to municipalities, schools and universities. Examples of these items are tables, chairs, office furniture, etc., and are listed on the attached quote from KI. These items are needed to accommodate the variety of spaces to be utilized daily in the facility. The company's warranties, product quality and durability all meet the City's standards for products of this type. These items were previously bid competitively and awarded a U.S. Communities Contract. The City of Atascadero is able to take advantage of this government bid process and meet the City's purchasing requirements without going through a separate bid process. The staff is recommending the purchase of the items on the attached list from KI to expedite the manufacture and timely shipping of the specified facility equipment. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of the equipment purchase is $53,669.24 in budgeted Community Center project funds. ATTACHMENT: KI Quotation 33 CL U) U O � o R N G c w a Q w 0 T c « c V o n Cp O ti rn M C Co y OCl) Gcc IL O J N O r- i` co OO N 3 000 �p O O ~ OOOQO' � CO t6 ti Cl) Q w U G o 0 o H rn o Z Q Q O .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n, :3 :: to stOT I to yo c o y ;: totad � om ° ct :o - °' ;, v Opp o x M n. V O to 0 OI- E a O 8i 0cco0 'o „ hN E �- OTo v E UooC3 '�° :: Y ayia .: aw •� t«0 ~ to �' 4! 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O p o i F- aD pOj r 0) co) M tC O ` 4) ++ to to N N to r to to a O o ccO Z LO Ln vi O t7 r N Ln N O O d N V C C ' co w X *d' d w O W W bg Ef3 69 tR 6F4. to to to O _ J 7 L p p m I-- i co CYV d = � p X000 M Q EoD p r �.-_ M O tia. LO M N N V Lo d r r t'O wo U °� Z QZ 0 61). 613 tR to 6S. 61). t!> X d � Q > W O C! F J Fw- ca v o d Li a)fII O U � C _ � Z c � Q a� oa) E o c c `n rn r) Q-U) co CN! Q ti s .oc O .� � m m C� N O ¢ U = cn d w X cn 0 (D Q 0) E � Z, a •E O J E ,, w c c u- E (n CD E O Z c .c U J p Q _ Iz � � p � a) a � a� am 't mD — m ca o 0 a) c9 � v � Iq t3) >,— NJ N > � w � � U) a) J J t r O O Z � s c w cca 0 n � 03 > co E m N Q � Y � s a) y ca 3 Qw ami E o � E0O EDuj cs rnOQQUUca N 0) a) IL U = c NVQ V D m a) c 'Q >, > *_. o w co m � w i>> 3: F"- Y � [Di>> oUYY � yw � Y `mv ,,Q r E O CO Z .T v CL m >N �? Z� m U' lL t�CO � WNN � OU) LL UYo > J C G (� O U (n > > 0 p J O d m f- N U) O r- CO 3 co d > N L C G NN N > 7 >1 t` _ ' �- N r O � � CD O O m r 'C al d R C N N N N N d d J O v a Z 39 v r 40 ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 10/23/07 �e�s ■ �s Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department Commercial Grade Dump Truck Purchase RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the City Manager to purchase a replacement dump truck from Valew Welding and Fabrication for $69,657.00. DISCUSSION: Background: The Public Works Department utilizes a commercial grade dump truck frequently for routine maintenance as well and emergency purposes. This valuable piece of equipment is a crucial tool for ongoing road maintenance and general operations. The current City dump truck is a 1981 Case 580c. This existing dump truck has limited capabilities and periodically needs costly repairs as it is becoming more difficult to purchase replacement parts due the age of this vehicle. In addition, this vehicle no longer complies with current Air Resources Board vehicle emissions requirements. Analysis: Requests for Quotations were advertised from October 1, 2007 through October 15, 2007. Two bids were received. The bids were reviewed for accuracy and compliance with bidding requirements and Valew Welding and Fabrication was found to be the low qualified bidder, with a bid of 69,657.00. Conclusion: Staff is proposing the purchase of a specific replacement commercial grade dump truck from Valew Welding and Fabrication. Funding has been previously allocated for this purchase in the FY 2007-2009 Vehicle Replacement budget. FISCAL IMPACT: $69,657.00 in previously allocated funds from the Vehicle Replacement account. 41 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Do not award contract. 2. Re-bid. 3. Postpone purchase. ATTACHMENTS: Bid Summary 42 1%01001 City of Atascadero Office of the City Clerk BID SUMMARY TO: Public Works Department FROM: Marcia Torgerson, City Clerk BID NO.: 2007-009 OPENED: Monday, October 15, 2007--2:00 p.m. PROJECT: Dump Truck Purchase 2 Bids were received and opened today, as follows: Bidder Total Bid Price 1. Valew $ $69,657.00 VOW 2. Golden State Peterbilt $ $80,003.57 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ 43 Imo' 44 ITEM NUMBER: A-5 DATE: 10/23/2007 Iola iso Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Public Works Department Resolution Approving the Sewer System Management Plan and Schedule RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt Draft Resolution to approve the Development Plan and Schedule for the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) in compliance with the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Sanitary Sewer Systems (Water Quality Order No. 2006-0003). DISCUSSION: Background: On May 2, 2006, The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted Water Quality Order No. 2006-0003 which established the Statewide General WDRs for all publicly owned or operated sanitary sewer systems within the State of California. The WDRs require that all federal and state agencies, municipalities, counties, districts, and other public entities that own or operate sanitary sewer systems greater than one mile in length that collect and/or convey untreated or partially treated wastewater to a publicly owned treatment facility in the State of California: 1. Report Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) to the SWRCB; and 2. Develop and implement a SSMP by November 2, 2007 Analysis: The SSMP is a written document that details how an entity's sewer system is operated, maintained, repaired and funded. The WDRs include a time schedule for the development of the SSMP. The SWRCB requires that both the Development Plan and Schedule and the Final SSMP be approved by an entity's governing board. The reasoning behind this requirement is to ensure the governing board is aware of the SSMP and its potential impacts such as budget needs and new ordinances. 45 The time schedule is based on the size of the population served by the sewer collection system. Since the City of Atascadero's population is between 10,000 and 100,000, the following table shows the required time schedule for the City's SSMP development. Tasks Gcmpteton l3ae SSMP Development Plan and Schedule I November 2, 2007 Goal November 2, 2007 Organization Legal Authority Operation and Maintenance Program Overflow Emergency Response Program May 1, 2009 Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Control Program Design and Performance Provisions System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan Monitoring and Program Modifications August 1, 2009 Program Audits Communication Program Final SSMP Implementation Conclusion: Adoption of the Draft Resolution will allow the Public Works Director to submit the draft Development Plan and Schedule for the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) in compliance with the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Sanitary Sewer Systems (Water Quality Order No. 2006- 0003). FISCAL IMPACT: There is no immediate fiscal impact as a result of approving this Draft Resolution. Approving the required Management Plan is the first step in implementation. Programs within the Plan may require additional funding. Staff will report back with detailed information about each program and potential funding requests as needed. These programs will be funded out of the Wastewater Fund. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution 2. Draft Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) 46 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN - DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SCHEDULE AS REQUIRED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ORDER NO. 2006-003-STATEWIDE GENERAL WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS WHEREAS, on May 2, 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006- 0003- Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for Sanitary Sewer Systems was adopted and implemented; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the WDR is to develop a regulatory mechanism to provide a consistent statewide approach for reducing sanitary sewer overflows; and WHEREAS, the WDR requires preparation of a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) with 12 separate elements, and WHEREAS, the SSMP Development Plan and Schedule is one of the required elements for WDR compliance and must be prepared and approved by November 2, 2007; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Director has reviewed the SSMP Development Plan and Schedule vow and is recommending approval by City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Atascadero approves the SSMP Development Plan and Schedule as required by the State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2006-0003-Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems; and SECTION 2. That the City of Atascadero Wastewater Chief Plant Operator is appointed as the responsible and authorized representative to the State Water Resources Control Board for purposes related to the development and implementation of the City's Sanitary Sewer Management Plan. 47 On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted following roll call vote: AYES: *00 NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ADOPTED: October 23, 2007 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Dr. George Luna,Mayor ATTEST Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Robert Schultz, Interim City Attorney 48 .r CITY OF ATASCADERO SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN Draft — October 23, 2007 49 17, 1 IM01 This introductory section provides background information on the purpose and organization of this Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) and provides a brief overview of the City's service area and sewer system. Sewer Systc-rn Pkiii Req I [I�icligrot.ind On May 2, 2006, The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted Water Quality Order No. 2006-0003, requiring all public wastewater collection system agencies in California with greater than one mile of sewers to be regulated under General Waste Discharge Requirements (GWDR). The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) action mandates the development of an SSMP and the reporting of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO's) using an electronic reporting system. This SSMP is intended to meet the requirements of both the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB)and the Statewide GWDR. The SSMP includes eleven elements listed below. 1. Goals 2. Organization IMM01 3. Overflow Emergency Response Plan 4. Fats, Oils and Grease Control Program 5. Legal Authority 6. Measures and Activities (Operation and Maintenance Program) 7. Design and Construction Standards (Design and Performance Provisions) 8. Capacity Management (System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan) 9. Monitoring, Measurement, and Program Modifications 10. SSMP Audits 11. Communication Plan GtN,,, Service Area and SeNN,,er Systern The City of Atascadero is located in San Luis Obispo County and is surrounded by the cities of San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay, Paso Robles and the towns of Templeton and Creston. The City's sewer system serves a population of approximately 14,000 residents. Land uses served by the City's sewer system include; residential, retail, office commercial and light industrial developments. Sanitary sewer services are provided to approximately one-half of the residents and 50 to a majority of the businesses within the city limits. Privately owned and maintained on-site septic vow systems are utilized by the remainder of the city. The sewer collection system consists of more than 60 miles of laterals, mains, trunks, and forcemains,ranging in size from 4 to 18 inches in diameter and 12 pump stations. Plan & Schedule Regulatory: Requirement: Both the SSMP and the program to implement the SSMP must be certified by the Governing Board of the City to be in compliance with the requirements set forth above and must be presented to the City's Governing Board for approval at a public meeting. SSMP TASK DEVELOPMENT SCHDULE Compliance Responsible Main Task/Sub-Task Comments Start Date Date Party Submit Notice of Intent (NOI)to the state indentifying the agency's Nov 2,2006 Chief Plant authorized representative Operator, including required permit Iftr -Application for coverage fee. Agency must report all M2007 May 2,2007 Chief Plant Sanitary Sewer Overflow SSOs to the statewide SSO Operator, electronic reporting ro ram data base via the Internet. Initial plan on how the M007' Nov. 2, 2007 Chief Plant SSMP Development Plan and agency intends to develop Operator Schedule and implement their SSMP. 1.0 Goal May 2, Nov.2 2007 Chief Plant ,2007 Operator SSMP Goals Stated goals for the SSMP 2.0 Organizational Structure Names and staff positions Agency responsible for developing May 2, Organizational and implementing the 2007 Nov. 2,2007 Chief Plant Structure SSMP including the chain Operator of communications of reporting SSOs. 51 Compliance Responsible Main Task/Sub-Task Comments Start Date Date Party Agency's legal authority to operate and maintain May 2, 2007 May 2, 2009 Chief Plant its sewage collection 3.0 Legal Authoritysystem. Operator 4.0 Operation and Nov. 2, 2007 May 2,2009 Chief Plant Maintenance Operator Up to date mapping of Mapping the sewage collection s stem facilities Written description of the Preventive maintenance preventative maintenance progam activities the agency employs. Short and long term plan Rehabilitation and for the rehabilitation or replacement program replacement due to system deficiencies incl udin fundin (CIP). Program for the regular Inspection program visual and CCTV ins ection of the system. Staff O&M training and Staff training assurance that contractors are ade uately trained. Equipment and parts Equipment and parts inventory including the inventory identification of critical replacement parts. 5.0 Design and Nov. 2, 2007 May 2,2009 Chief Plant Performance Operator Design standards Design standards for new and rehabilitated systems Inspection and testing Inspection and testing standards standards for new and rehabilitated systems 52 U01$ Start Compliance Responsible Main Task/Sub-Task Comments Date Date Party Nov. 6.0 Overflow Emergency Written procedures defining how 2, May 2, 2009 Chief Plant Response Plan the agency responds to SSOs. 2007 Operator Nov. Chief Plant 7.0 Fats,Oils, & Grease 2, May 2, 2009 Operator Control Program 2007 FOG ordinance Legal authority to prevent the discharge of FOG into the system. FOG ordinance Program to reduce or eliminate FOG related SSOs. Evaluate those portions of the Nov. system that are experiencing 2, Aug. 2, 2009 Chief Plant capacity related overflows 2007 Operator 8.0 System Evaluation including I&I program , and short and Capacity Assurance and long term CIP for capacity 'low Plan issues. Nov. 9.0 Monitoring, Maintain records, monitor and 2, Aug. 2, 2009 Chief Plant Measurement,and assess the effectiveness of the 2007 Operator Program Modifications program and update as necessary. Nov. Conduct periodic audits, at least 2, Aug. 2, 2009 Chief Plant 10.0 SSMP Audits every two years, on the SSMP 2007 Operator Nov. 11.0 Communications 2, Aug. 2, 2009 Chief Plant Program 2007 Operator Develop a public communication Communications with the program that includes the public opportunity to provide input during the development, implementation and performance of the SSMP May Final the SSMP document after all 2, Aug. 2, 2009 Chief Plant elements have been developed and 2007 Operator Final SSW implemented. 53 > a,_, .,..,.:,x�g suir✓�.aa ..sc;. ,s Ta•r a.,r, ?mss .. ,£,,�., ,,,�,,, as..,, _,...<.. .. .94T:4.M". This SSMP element identifies goals the City has set for the management, operation and maintenance of the sewer system and discusses the role of the SSMP in supporting these goals. These goals provide focus for City staff to continue high-quality work and to implement improvements in the management of the City's wastewater collection system. This section fulfills the Goals required by the SWRCB (Element 1) SSMP requirements. The collection system agency must develop goals to properly manage, operate, and maintain all parts of its wastewater collection system in order to reduce and prevent SSOs, as well as to mitigate any SSOs that occur. ("'foals Discussion Providing safe, responsive, and reliable sewer service is a key component to fulfilling the City of Atascadero Public Works Department's mission statement: "Enhance the community by creating and preserving the Colony's infrastructure, mobility, and environmental systems with efficiency, responsibility and integrity." In support of this mission,the Public Works Department has developed the following goals for the operation and maintenance of its sewer system. This document outlines responsibilities within the Wastewater Division and provides procedures and guidelines for sewer system maintenance and cleaning activities. 1. Minimize sanitary sewer overflows. 2. Prevent public health hazards. 3. Minimize inconveniences by responsibly handling interruptions in service. 4. Protect the large investment in collection systems by maintaining adequate capacities and extending useful life. 5. Prevent unnecessary damage to public and private property. 6. Use funds available for sewer operations in the most efficient manner. 7. Convey wastewater to treatment facilities with a minimum of infiltration, inflow and exfiltration. 8. Provide adequate capacity to convey peak flows. 9. Perform all operations in a safe manner to avoid personal injury and property damage. 54 This SSMP supplements and supports the City's existing operations & maintenance practices and programs. The proposed goals provide a high-level of consolidated guidelines and procedures for all aspects of the City's sewer system management. The SSMP will contribute to the proper management of the collection system and assist the City in minimizing the frequency and impacts of SSOs by providing guidance for appropriate maintenance, capacity management, and emergency response. jp p( $�g n.g.. b This section of the SSMP identifies City staff who are responsible for implementing this SSMP, responding to SSO events, and meeting the SSO reporting requirements. This section also includes the designation of the Authorized Representative to meet SWRCB requirements for completing and certifying spill reports. e(TUliilrory, k' `egUire� �3 . � £.fir �I`�� , ::x,tion F."Je ent WR.0 Requireme at.: The collection system agency's SSMP must identify: 1. The name of the responsible or authorized representative; 2. The names and telephone numbers for management, administrative, and maintenance positions responsible for implementing specific measures in the SSMP program. Include lines of authority as shown in an organization chart or similar document with a narrative explanation; and 3. The chain of communication for reporting SSOs, from receipt of a complaint or other information including the person responsible for reporting SSOs to the State and Regional Water Board and other agencies if applicable (such as County Health Officer, County Environmental Health Agency, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and/or State Office of Emergency Services (OES). OrcranizationDiscussion This section discusses the organization and roles of sewer staff,the authorized representative to the SWRCB, and key staff responsible for implementing and maintaining the SSMP. 55 Public Warks Department Organization City Council .... .. ( ` City Manager _... Public Works Director ._ ........... . h � i Deputy Public Works Deputy Public Works Director- Engineering Director-Operations i Associate Civil Engineer Chief Plant Operator _ (25/o Sewer) F l Wastewater Operators Organization Chart of Sewer Staff I Chief Plant Operator . ............... _ Wastewater Wastewater 11 Wastewater Wastewater Operator Operator Operator i Operator 56 Public Works Director: Plans, organizes, directs, and supervises all public works activities of the City. The Public Works Director advises the City Council and Planning Commission on engineering and public works matters, including those related to the sanitary sewer collection system. Prepares and controls department budget. The Public Works Director also reviews project plans and specifications for public works projects and performs technical engineering planning studies. Confers with engineering consultants and officials of other public works departments. Associate Civil Engineer: The Associate Civil Engineer acts as a project manager on public works projects, including sewer projects. The Associate Civil Engineer prepares project plans, specifications, preliminary cost estimates, and coordinates and confers with the Operations Section on sanitary sewer system issues. In addition, the Associate Civil Engineer prepares reports on sewer and other public works projects. Deputy Public Works Director- Operations: Plans, organizes and supervises the maintenance and repair of City public works infrastructure, including sewers. Reviews plans and specifications for sewer and other projects, and makes recommendations regarding maintenance, construction, and operations aspects. Controls budget expenditures within the Operations Section. Confers with contractors, engineers, and members of the general public on construction and maintenance �.r problems and procedures. Chief Plant Operator: The Chief Plant Operator is responsible for plant operations, collection system maintenance and for the supervision of sewer maintenance workers. The Chief Plant Operator schedules work assignments, maintains records of assigned projects, supplied and equipment. The Chief Plant Operator also investigates sewer-related complaints from the general public and estimates needed equipment and equipment maintenance. Wastewater Operators: The Wastewater Operators work as a member of a field maintenance crew to clean, unplug, and repair sewer lines. The Wastewater Operator also locates and raises manholes. Operates power equipment including hydraulic cleaning truck. The Chief Plant Operator and the three Wastewater Operators make up two-person sewer cleaning teams and one, one-person initial responder team. The initial responder also performs Underground Service Alerts (USAs), lift station inspections and sewer lateral rodding. 57 Authorized Representative., The City's authorized representative in all wastewater collection system matters is the Chief Plant Operator. The Chief Plant Operator is authorized to certify electronic spill reports submitted to the State Board. The Deputy Public Works Director is authorized to act in the Chief Plant Operators absence. The Chief Plant Operator is authorized to submit Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reports to the appropriate government agencies. Responsibility for SSNiP Implementation, The Chief Plant Operator is responsible for implementing and maintaining all elements of this SSMP. Contact Numbers for SSO Chain of Communication Contact Telephone Number City Hall (805) 461-5000 Police Department Dispatch (805) 461-5051 Public Works Director (805) 470-3180 Deputy Public Works Director- Operations (805) 470-3142 Sewer Division Public Works Chief Plant (805) 470-3132 Operator Sewer On-Call Personnel (805) 674-3496 58 F DW Y . SSO Renorting and Response "y a . of .'Ornmu k"atio� After-hours. City Hall message directs City Hall ' ,.... _ If hazardous substances Police Department are involved Dispatch Center ! Public Works Director Public Works Superintendent Fire Sewer On-Call Department 10 Personnel i Sewer Division Public Works Chief Operator Sewer Maintenance Crew If hazardous substances are involved ..........__........ SSO Notification Reporting to Appropriate Agencies 59 60 ITEM NUMBER: A-6 DATE: 10/23/07 Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Public Works Department 2007 Sidewalk Barrier Removal Project Award (City Bid No. 2007-007) (Project consists of the installation of sidewalks and wheelchair ramps.) RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Brinar Construction for$129,621 to construct the Barrier Removal Project; and, 2. Authorize the Public Works Director to file a notice of completion after the project is finished. DISCUSSION: The City has allocated approximately $228,000 for four separate barrier removal projects. The 2007 Sidewalk Barrier Removal Project consists of the installation of sidewalks, wheel chair ramps, and bridge ramp improvements to enhance disabled and handicap access to City sidewalks. The individual projects are located at the following locations: 1. Montecito Avenue handicap ramp and sidewalk. This project consists of extending the existing sidewalk along EI Camino Real to Montecito Avenue. The project will require a retaining wall along the back of sidewalk and a new handicap corner ramp. 2. 9255 EI Camino Real to Principal Avenue. This project consists of extending the sidewalk from 9255 EI Camino Real to Principal Avenue. The sidewalk will be five feet wide with a five foot planting area between the curb and sidewalk. A handicap ramp will be installed at the corner to enhance handicap and pedestrian access. 3. 6925 Atascadero Avenue to Navajoa Road. Two sections of infill sidewalk will be constructed along Atascadero Ave. The project will consist of a five foot wide sidewalk, new curb and gutter and a handicap access ramp at Navajoa Road. 4. Capistrano Bridge access ramps and pedestrian walkway replacement. The Capistrano Bridge pedestrian access ramps will be reconstructed to meet ADA slope requirements and the pedestrian walkway decking will replaced. Hand railing will be constructed to enhance pedestrian ramp safety. 61 The bids were opened on October 11, 2007, and were reviewed for accuracy and compliance with the City of Atascadero Procurement Policy. The responsible low bidder was Brinar Construction with a bid of $129,621.00. The bid summary is attached to this staff report. FISCAL IMPACT: AVAILABLE REVENUES CDBG Grant Funds $ 228,000 PROJECTED EXPENDITURES Design - actual costs $ 12,814 Staff Support and Other Costs 19,222 Surrey and Inspection - 15%of construction 19,443 Construction 129,621 Contingency - 20%of construction 25,924 Total Projected Expenditures $ 207,024 Attachment: Bid summary sheet 62 Attachment 1 Cij y ofAtascadero Of ,fice qf the Citv Clerk BED SUNINLRRY TO: Public Works Department FROM: Victot a Rendall,Deputy Citi-Clerk- BID�0.: 2007-007 OPER-ED: Thursday,October 11, 2047— 2:04 pan. PROJECT: Sidewalk Barrier Removal Project Six(6)bids were refeived and opened today, as follows: Bidder Total Bid Price 1_ lvhchael Bray Construction $132.649.50 2_ Califomia Coastal Development $159,556.15 3. Bnnar Construction $129=621.00 4� G_ Sosa Constnnction $179,91.7.411 5_ R.Burke Corp_ $271,316.00 6. Arthur's Contracting $141,121.011 63 64 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 10/23/07 psis' e i 79 e Atascadero City Council Staff Report - Community Development Department Staff Authorization to Process General Plan Amendment Applications for: Wal-Mart Supercenter PLN 2007-1245 / GPA 2007-0020 (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.) and The Annex Shopping Center PLN 2007-1246 / GPA 2007-0021 (Rottman Group / EDA) (Staff is seeking direction from Council on these applications.) RECOMMENDATIONS: The Council 1. Direct staff to process one or both of the project applications by adopting Draft Resolutions A and/or B. This action would include directing staff to return to the City Council for a Specific Plan project boundary approval. OR 2. Withhold authorization for staff to process one or both of the project applications by adopting draft Resolution C and/or D. Withholding authorization for staff to process the applications does not deny the applications. OR 65 3. Refer one or both of the applications back to staff for additional analysis or clarification of specific issues. The Council should provide clear direction on issues that require additional analysis. DISCUSSION: Background: Council policy requires that the City Council authorize staff to process all General Plan Amendment applications. The Council's policy also requires all General Plan Amendments to be reviewed and processed in a manner to facilitate citizen participation. As such, staff has outlined an approach for Council action that is consistent with General Plan Amendment policy. Under this approach, the Council has the ability to receive this initial staff report, hearing public testimony on the proposed applications, and then either: (1) direct staff to process the project applications; or (2) withhold staff authorization to process one or both of the applications which would result in no further action related to the project. For these applications, the Council General Plan Amendment policy suggests the following process if the Council directs staff to process one or both of the applications: 1. Council Follow Up Meeting Staff to return to City Council with specific plan project boundary for Council approval. 2. Neighborhood Community Meeting The applicant is required to hold a community meeting to solicit public concerns and discuss issues related to the General Plan Amendments. The applicant is responsible for organizing and conducting the meeting and attempting to resolve as many issues as possible. 3. Joint Study Session. A joint City Council/Planning Commission study session, along with general plan and environmental analysis will be required early in the project review process. Comments from the Planning Commission and the public will be incorporated in the project to the extent possible. 66 Proiect Summary: The City of Atascadero has received two separate General Plan Amendment applications for both a Wal-Mart Supercenter and The Annex Shopping Center, located adjacent to each other at the Del Rio Road / EI Camino Real intersection. The overall project site plan and boundary are shown below. o '� E ✓s �N i a s t� ; / 1. JL ,///'/ P.�°4�- u "`..✓4' wk's' >„�.` NO REAL.: X/' ftlsz -71 Ims i 5 6 / Wal-Mart Super Center (PLN 2007-1245) 1. Applicant: EDA Design Professionals 1998 Santa Barbara Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 2. Owner: Walmart Stores, Inc. 2001 S.E. 10th Street Bentonville, AR 72716 V"00 3. Project Addresses: 2005, 2055, 2115, 2205, 2325, 2375, 2405 EI Camino Real and 4999, 5505, 5705, 5701 Del Rio Road 67 4. Assessor Parcel Numbers: 049-112-002, 22, 036, and 039 / 049-151-005, 036, 037, 040, and 041. 5. General Plan Designations: 11.0± acres: GC - General Commercial 2.0± acres: HDR — High Density Residential 10.5± acres: MDR- Medium Density Residential 2.0± acres: SE — Suburban Estates 6. Zoning District: 11.0± acres: CR (Commercial Retail) 2.0± acres: RMF-16 (Residential Multi-family 16 units / acre) 10.5± acres: RMF- 10 / PD-7 (Residential Multi-family 10 units / acre with Planned Development 7 Overlay) 2.0± acres: RS (Residential Suburban) 7. Existing Use: Primarily vacant with one un-inhabited single family Colony house. The Wal-Mart project consists of a request for a General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment from SE, MDR, and HDR (Suburban Estate, Medium and High Density Residential) to GC (General Commercial) of a 26.5± acre site. Wal-Mart's application proposes a 184,195± square-foot general merchandise and grocery store building with a 10,563± square-foot outdoor garden center for a total store area of 194,758± square feet. The site also includes two retail/restaurant building pads along EI Camino Real. The larger pad could accommodate a 10,000± square-foot building and parking. The smaller pad could accommodate a 6,500± square-foot building with associated parking. Site plans indicate the entire site would be terraced to create a 1,078± space parking lot with two driveways on EI Camino Real and two driveways on Del Rio Road. The grading plans call for approximately 380,000 cubic yards of cut on the Wal-Mart site. fir,-gend "no ralmuch and r,e.SnL:4�,ma F"?:, .F. Tir«an>d wix•E)Pmsz ME: kc kaU'.SaLp A r;,q 7,rV7a1 Servkc::4saa a,sczV, Grr,uryStlr•Ara 34,470S.L Grcc,.,rysuppr_:rt naa Ig114a5.F. Str,r,,,rW Roc�.Yttu.Ars•a 21A245.! '. w.arall Ttinanr.iroa +a;e.Tt S.f. ..... AncWar,..A". 4,,i4S--.F. Nad Trawl bui khv Arca IR4.191 S.F. +�uld;,4nt Camlan r,tlu`r;rzr I ,_;r1 S.F Total e,liklir�Rmea with outdoor Garden Cerner Am 144.75N S:F. 68 Wal-Mart Conceptual Site Plan AN gpA qo VI ( I —"'s. ;� ��a�'� sal- �xm N,�, atv �"J,k�s� ✓ a ✓.^ �_ � � e t3F :' .. i �. _ rex c`i'3i �k - �.'�.�`• f i I ' v e ,� ✓ k �p'4�5•i Mf i h '�r°ry Approximately 30,000 square foot area: Approximately 20,000 square foot area: Approximately 10,000 square foot building Approximately 6,500 square foot building 69 The Annex Shopping Center (PLN 2007-1246) 1. Owner/Applicant: The Rottman Group 1065 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 2. Project Addresses: 1905, 1829, 1831, 1843, 1800, and 1725 EI Camino Real / 5510 and 5700 Del Rio Road 3. Assessor Parcel Numbers: 049-102-020, 031, 032, 045, 048, 050, 056 and 049-131-070 4. General Plan Designations: 10.0± acres: GC - General Commercial 1.0± acres: CPK — Commercial Park 4.0± acres: SFR-X — Single-Family Residential - X 5. Zoning District: 10.0± acres: CR (Commercial Retail) 4.0± acres: RSF-X — Residential Single Family - X 1.0± acres: CPK— Commercial Park 6. Existing Use: Primarily vacant with one un-inhabited single family Colony house. The Annex project consists of a request for a General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment of approximately 5± acres of SFR-X (Single-Family Residential-X) and approximately 2± acres of CPK (Commercial Park) to GC (General Commercial). The Annex application would allow 115,850± square feet of commercial buildings on separate parcels totaling 15± acres of land. 70 The Annex Conceptual Site Plan i j SUMMARY r Parcel 1 Land 9.97 AC = 434,302 SF Building 103,350 SF Parking Provided 552 Spaces N Parking Ratio 5.34/1000 'I Parcel 2 1 \ i ._.'• ,25,eoosr Land 1.73 AC = 75,579 SF i Building 12,500 SF Parking Provided 127 Spaces / /%/ it81LAg.K ri. _ Parking Ratio 10.16/1000 1 / ////. aeAOagi RRAtI REINL y7,Wo sr 78aWsp 1\, I� ,: Parking Field Tree w,:; Entry Tree t. Street Tree tl G P/OtCELI , Parking Light Standard A E L C A.M N,.� A E w L 3 60 x,W. � � ARCED ���/// '/�/ rg 19 I •�, 71 Analysis: Summary: A complete project analysis that accurately assesses the benefits and impacts of the proposed projects would require significant time and staff resources to complete. Since staff has not been authorized to process the applications, staff has not prepared an analysis of the proposed projects. The following is a brief summary of the projects as submitted by the applicants. The project plans, maps, and justification statement have been attached for the Council's information. The proposed Wal-Mart application is for the construction of a 194,758± square-foot Wal-Mart Supercenter Store. The proposed Annex project application is for 115,850± square feet of commercial buildings located north of the Del Rio Road/EI Camino Real intersection on the east and west side of EI Camino Real. A General Plan Land Use Element text amendment would also be required to allow a commercial project over 150,000 square feet in this location. The Annex - 73rt d V Wal-Mart a t a X Mission Oaks Center ARN 72 General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment: The following exhibits identify General Plan designations for the Wal-Mart and The Annex project sites. Wal-Mart is proposing to change the land use designations of approximately 14± acres and The Annex is proposing to change approximately 5± acres. Wal-Mart Amendment Request: Amendment of 14± acres of HDR, MDR, and SE (High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Suburban Estates) to GC (General Commercial). General Plan Land Use Diagram Net Changes: - 2.0± acres: HDR — High Density Residential - 10.5± acres: MDR — Medium Density Residential - 2.0± acres: SE — Suburban Estates + 14± acres: GC-General Commercial + 11.0± acres: GC - General Commercial (existing) Total 26± acres of GC (General Commercial) A General Plan Text Amendment would also be required to allow a commercial center of over 150,000 square feet on the project site. Project _{ Del Rio Area ,�. .. I 26± ac - MDR W� l J .�s 10.5± ac. s i J GC 5� 11± SE r 2± Oft d `2 HDR , � F od 2± ac. �� x � IX El Camino 73 The Annex Amendment Request: Amendment of 5± acres of SFR-X and CPK (Single-Family Residential -X and Commercial Park) to GC (General Commercial). General Plan Land Use Diagram Net Changes: - 3± acres: SFR-X- Single-Family Residential - X - 2± acres: CPK-Commercial Park + 5± acres GC- General Commercial + 10± acres GC- General Commercial (existing) Total 15± acres of GC (General Commercial) SFR-X 3±ac Project Area F 15± ac XJ Gc 10 ±ac a 4 ,y .y "got go A I* CPK ": r V } 4•• f� 1 2±ac EI Camino Real 74 Specific Plan and Entitlements The adoption of a Specific Plan is the preferred approach for implementing a master plan to regulate development within the overall project area. The Specific Plan would become the regulatory document that implements the General Plan and its policies/programs, as well as establishes the standards by which development shall occur within the plan area. A Specific Plan would incorporate precise design standards and guidelines that would supersede the City's existing zoning code, public works standards, and other regulations. The Specific Plan would also provide policies for the installation and financing of infrastructure throughout the project area. This process is similar to a Planned Development Overlay Zone. State law allows the City the option to adopt a Specific Plan by ordinance or resolution as long as it is consistent with the applicable elements of the General Plan. The following State law excerpt identifies the content requirements for specific plans (State Code Section 65451): (a) A Specific Plan shall include a text and a diagram or diagrams that specify all of the following in detail: (1) The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space,within the area covered by the plan. (2) The proposed distribution, location, and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other **AW essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. (3) Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. (4) A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out paragraphs 1), 2), and 3). (b) The Specific Plan shall include a statement of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan. The two applications each have specific project boundaries as previously identified. However, there are surrounding properties that could be included in a larger overall project area that could be analyzed within the context of a Specific Plan. This issue will be analyzed and returned to Council for direction if staff is directed to process the applications. Environmental Review/ CEQA: Although no environmental review has begun, any decision to process one or both projects will require analysis in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). If a Specific Plan is processed, staff anticipates an Environmental Impact .*NW Report (EIR) will be required. The EIR would be processed simultaneously with the Specific Plan and would contain analysis on the proposed applications as well as 75 various project alternatives that could feasibly attain most of the project objectives. Among the factors that may be taken into account when addressing the feasibility of N800 alternatives are site suitability, economic viability, availability of infrastructure, general plan consistency, other plans or regulatory limitations, jurisdictional boundaries, and whether the applicants can reasonably acquire control or otherwise have access to the alternative site. An alternative studying a smaller Wal-Mart store would likely be included in the EIR. The EIR would also include a no project alternative which would allow the Council to compare the impacts of approving the proposed project with the impacts of not approving the proposed project or any of the project alternatives. Due to the comprehensive scope of an EIR, its preparation would require an experienced and qualified professional consultant under contract and management by the City. The cost of preparing the EIR and Specific Plan will be the full responsibility of the applicants. Design and Architectural Issues: The Annex and Wal-Mart have submitted preliminary design concepts. The site and architectural designs are similar to displays presented by both applicant's at the City's "Just Listening" (open house to the public on August 14 and 15, 2007), and are attached for the Council's information. Staff has not prepared an analysis of the proposed architectural concept. Wal-Mart Architectural Concept w � � •• €s �1.• gat. �� tt� a r , r 4 1 � ,� ' z x "�«.`,; srr ✓ �� � �,�' ,h �2�` � �.� "aiw°i�,° ,' � s ri, f �`k� J'�'t " ..: �,., s "� aa<' a 5 ��� �� '� �• .. rix �",3 ro �. "ij �2�j k, �� � .. ,sr s, .. ...., ^�,. ;'�,�,�r�.,•�.., �`�z .':i.,s. ...�..�,....a"•,', �,.:.�'r. .t .,,,w:'�...•°.'�.. .i'�`�?`.�.»,'� s� .s"-:�. ,�, `�` ."' e.. �s��, `.?;:;,: '„`',a,Fra�r�n ,i� .�,. ::�.,.q... 76 The Annex Architectural Concept Nit wow o Traffic Impacts: The project is expected to have traffic impacts to EI Camino Real, Del Rio Road, and the U.S. Highway 101/Del Rio Road interchange. The magnitude of these impacts is unknown at this time and will require project-specific analysis by a traffic consultant. Other area local roads within the vicinity will also require analysis. These impacts would be analyzed in the project EIR. Native Tree Impacts and Grading: Although an arborist's report has not been prepared for either site, a biology report was submitted and identifies native oak tree impacts that will require mitigation under the City's native tree ordinance. Based on the grading plan, it appears that most native trees will need to be removed. The grading plans call for approximately 380,000 cubic yards of cut on the Wal-Mart site. Of that number, approximately 150,000 cubic yards of fill will be used on the Wal-Mart site and approximately 100,000 cubic yards of fill will be used on the Annex site. The significance of these impacts will be analyzed in the project EIR. Fiscal Impact: Typically, commercial projects have a positive fiscal impact on City revenues. However, at this time, staff is unable to speculate on the significance of this impact. Part of the project's EIR review will include a fiscal impact analysis. The purpose of the analysis will be to analyze all of the project's costs and revenues and provide the Council with a complete picture of the project's fiscal impacts on both the City of Atascadero and the local business community. 77 ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Wal-Mart- Justification Statement for General Plan Amendment Attachment 2: The Annex - Justification Statement for General Plan Amendment Attachment 3: Wal-Mart- Draft Resolution A-Authorizing Wal-Mart GPA Processing Attachment 4: The Annex - Draft Resolution B -Authorizing The Annex GPA Processing Attachment 5: Wal-Mart- Draft Resolution C -Withholding Authorizing Wal-Mart GPA Processing Attachment 6: The Annex - Draft Resolution D -Withholding Authorizing The Annex GPA Processing 78 r ATTACHMENT 1:Wal-Mart's Justification Statement for General Plan Amendment-Wal-Mart Supercenter V. 1US11F1CAUDhLFQR_QENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Approval of the requested General Plan amendment to permit the development of the Store represents sound urban and financial planning by the City of Atascadero. it has been widely reported that the City currently lacks a strong commercial locus to complement and support the downtown area. As a result, Atascadero's residents currently do much of their shopping outside the City limits—significantly benefiting neighboring jurisdictions such as Paso Robles. Atascadero has exacerbated its tax "leakage" problem by re-zoning approximately 85 acres from commercial to residential over the course of the last five (5) years. This dramatic shift has eroded the City's ability to collect sufficient sales tax revenue to fund the public services and infrastructure needed to support a growing population_ A recent report by the University of California Santa Barbara highlighted the City's fiscal downturn, noting that taxable sales in Atascadero declined from $351.5 million in 2005 to $346.3 million in 2006.6 With taxable sales in downtown Atascadero also reportedly down 11 percent last year,7 it has vow become clear that the lack of a magnetic commercial center is also hindering local businesses'ability to attract and retain customers. The Wal-Mart Supercenter provides an opportunity for Atascadero to re-establish a healthy commercial/residential zoning balance. In addition to attracting much needed tax revenue, the Supercenter will satisfy the long time demands of residents for a grocery store in the northern part of the City, while offering a broad array of convenient and low cost shopping options. The commercial component will be complemented by desirable restaurants and/or retail options contained on the Site's two out-parcels. By approving the proposed General Plan amendment and embracing the concept of an Annex development with a Supercenter anchor, the City will provide much needed services in North Atascadero, strengthen the downtown by encouraging residents to shop locally, improve the City's fiscal outlook,and correct the existing residential/commercial zoning imbalance. 79 ATTACHMENT 2:The Annex's Justification Statement for General Plan Amendment-The Annex Shopping Center V. 7ustiflcation for General Plan Amendment The Atascadero General Plan seeks to "designate and protect the east side of the Del Rio Road and EI Camino Real intersection for a master planned retail commercial use". The City's commercial land inventory does not currently provide a great number of opportunities for large commercial establishments of quality and substance. Further, In order to achieve the diversity and patronage of reputable franchises, sufficient market base must exist in the vicinity. The Annex site, with the inclusion of the Wal-Mart Supercenter, provides the potential to establish a wide variety of merchandise and services within an area that provides adequate pedestrian access, public infrastructure, market base, and roadway exposure. The presence of a regional commercial center in this area will also provide additional sales potential for existing businesses in the downtown area. The Atascadero Municipal Code states that the Commensal Retail zoning district was "established to provide for a wide range of commercial uses to accommodate most of the retail and service needs of the residents of the City and surrounding areas". The Annex development allows for the expansion of goods and services consistent with neighboring commercial and residential needs as identified for the Commercial Retail land use. The proposed development will draw travelers enroute to other destinations, recapturing sales currently allocated to neighboring cities, transitioning an underutilized site to a superior land use and maximizing the site's economic potential. The Annex development as proposed results In a revitalization of commercial uses in the immediate vicinity as well as outlying commercial establishments, expands and diversifies the community's employment base through facilitation of year round employment opportunities, and substantially increases the City's tax base and re-development funds resulting in enhanced economic stability for the City overall. vrr 80 ATTACHMENT 3: Draft Resolution A-Wal-Mart Supercenter Authorizing Staff to Process General Plan Amendment DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PROCESS A GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DIAGRAM AND TEXT AMENDMENT GPA 2007-0020 / PLN 2007-1245 INCLUDING APN: 049-112-0029 0189 0199 0229 0369 0399 049-151-005, 036, 0379 0409 041 FOR THE WAL-MART SUPERCENTER Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.) WHEREAS, an application has been received from EDA Design Professionals, 1998 Santa Barbara Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Applicant) and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 2001 S.E. 10`x' Street, Bentonville, AR 72716-0550 (Property Owner), to consider a project consisting of a General Plan Land Use Diagram and Text Amendment for a 194,758 square foot Commercial development project with two additional retail/restaurant building pads located at the southeast corner of El Camino Real and Del Rio Road. (APN: 049-112-002, 018, 019, 022, 036, 039, 049-151-005, 036, 037, 040, 041); and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council considered authorizing staff to process the proposed application at a public meeting on October 23, 2007 consistent with the City's General Plan Amendment Policy; and, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, hereby resolves to authorize staff to process the requested General Plan Land Use Diagram and Text Amendment for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (APN: 049-112-002, 018, 019, 022, 036, 039, 049-151-005, 036, 037, 040, 041), and a General Plan Text Amendment to allow a commercial store of approximately 195,000± square feet with two outpads to accommodate an approximately 10,000± square foot building and 6,500± squarefoot building on the project site. The General Plan shall be processed concurrently with a Specific Plan for the commercial area surrounding Del Rio and El Camino Real intersection. Community workshops and joint Planning Commission and City Council study sessions will be required. Staff will return to the City Council with a detailed project description and a defined Specific Plan project area, subject to the following exhibits: Exhibit A: Wal-Mart- Location Map, General Plan and Zoning Exhibit B: Wal-Mart - Existing Project Site Aerial Exhibit C: Wal-Mart-Proposed Conceptual Site Plan Exhibit D: Wal-Mart- Proposed Conceptual Elevations Exhibit E: Wal-Mart - Floor Plans Exhibit F: Wal-Mart- Grading Plan 81 Exhibit G: Wal-Mart - Cross Sections Exhibit H: Wal-Mart - Utility Plan On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: ( ) NOES: ( ) ABSTAIN: ( ) ABSENT: ( ) ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Dr. George Luna Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Robert Schultz, Interim City Attorney 82 EXHIBIT A: Location Map, General Plan&Zoning-Wal-Mart Supercenter VMW Project Boundary 26± ac Del Rio Road t MDR t 10.5± ac. GC 11± ac. St SE nXu o, 2± ac. g i+ E rMDR 2± ac. EI Camino Real 83 EXHIBIT B: Project Site Aerial-Wal-Mart Supercenter R M e i a,� �r fix � t i •. 4. « „r„ „ v.� 84 EXHIBIT C: Proposed Conceptual Site Plan-Wal-Mart Supercenter err gg a k xta� S s e t ,� ✓A T'� I �,i V i } .W �,, 'r I" i i t1 i i rf rr: " °;. .... j 85 EXHIBIT D: Proposed Conceptual Elevations-Wal-Mart Supercenter Y! 71 _c1 0 ' 'R2pa �7siE t rr£ Derr ') C', gor }�� .j� 'j���rl.i t s 3 `7 !xfa �t �I F sole l56 5 t f� 295 � '•' �� �*.m E E •arm. YET "N gs 1, i Y 3 r J _ 3X 86 EXHIBIT E: Proposed Floor Pian-Wal-Mart Supercenter 4 �r r. Lcr�tynd 3�; C..:nuralrrctcfrmrdlse S"al�s.�r;:a .e°'7':3.F. u TI anfi WLe-.E�¢.ref i7m, iwtail Sakea,irw 5crokw.ArQa 4Stt-:5 x. ,... ?,0°S.F. Gn:acr'r m k%.Araa a4.47,r S.F. Gnr..cr)-Supperi Arw fu,t I u 3,F. S10&n:Earn"tos ,hpANj 21,42951 KOMI Tzmmug Alma Ancillary Arca 4,ny"�.F. Total MatkliV Awa 104.Yq5 S.F. �utd:McrGarcMn Ccnicr mw 1 ;O S.F. Tnial Evrikligg,Mea with r.lrrtdu0r carder ce"wi AM Iti4,^-30 S.F. 87 EXHIBIT F; Proposed Grading Plan-Wal-Mart Supercenter a; cr I1�, 1 f : LL Y. ; , � N r ti.. 88 EXHIBIT G: Proposed Cross Sections-Wal-Mart Supercenter Y vmw 89 EXHIBIT H: Proposed Utility Plan-Wal-Mart Supercenter CLr sr H 1 L,r 1L i.. 1, !4 � c s ,S 4'. 90 ATTACHMENT 4: Draft Resolution B-The Annex Shopping Center Authorizing Staff to Process General Plan Amendment-The Annex Shopping Center DRAFT RESOLUTION B RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PROCESS A GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DIAGRAM AMENDMENT GPA 2007-0021 (PLN 2007-1246) ON APN: 049-102-020, 031, 032, 0459 0485 0509 0569 AND 049-131-070 FOR THE ANNEX SHOPPING CENTER Del Rio Road/ El Camino Real (The Rottman Group) WHEREAS, an application has been received from EDA Design Professionals, 1998 Santa Barbara Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Applicant), and The Rottman Group, 1065 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Property Owner), to consider a project consisting of a General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment for a Commercial development project located at the northeast corner of El Camino Real and Del Rio Road. (APN: 049-102-020, 031, 032, 045, 048, 050, 056, and 049-131-070); and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council considered authorizing staff to process the proposed application at a public meeting on October 23, 2007 consistent with the City's General Plan Amendment Policy; and, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, hereby resolves to authorize staff to process the requested General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment for The Annex development project. (APN: 049-102-020, 031, 032, 045, 048, 050, 056, and 049-131- 070) and a General Plan Text Amendment to allow eight retail buildings, totaling approximately 115,000± square feet, on the project site. The General Plan shall be processed concurrently with a Specific Plan for the commercial area surrounding Del Rio and El Camino Real intersection. Community workshops and joint Planning Commission and City Council study sessions will be require. Staff will return to the City Council with a detailed project description and a defined Specific Plan project area, subject to the following exhibits: Exhibit A: The Annex - Location Map, General Plan and Zoning Exhibit B: The Annex -Existing Project Site Aerial Exhibit C: The Annex -Proposed Conceptual Site Plan Exhibit D: The Annex -Proposed Conceptual Floor Plans and Elevations 91 On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: ( ) NOES: ( ) ABSTAIN: ( ) ABSENT: ( ) ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Dr. George Luna Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Robert Schultz, Interim City Attorney 92 EXHIBIT A: Location Map, General Plan&Zoning-The Annex Shopping Center fir►' SFR-X 3±ac Project MA ;v Boundary 4 15± acres fin�. � ��� � _. -- .. ._ .. ,•�',�. GC �. 10±ac ik- b° 1 fir►'' ,. "�" � <�..,...��_,,�, i CPK 2±ac4� F t ry El Camino Real 93 EXHIBIT B: Project Site Aerial-The Annex Shopping Center ' hot, P •., 7�G a�s �� �`" spa �� � _ s' � xa 94 EXHIBIT C: Proposed Conceptual Site Pian-The Annex Shopping Center ``1rr AITVWD—I-SDPMENTS „} a v I 1 L 7 t i/ NOT A PART 1 �Q O A', F PAD 8 PAO C R E A L FEWr NOTA PART ' tARCEL 2 -t� "ate.-� i—"r�n � ,:."�.,.�:.•. 95 EXHIBIT D: Proposed Conceptual Elevations-The Annex Shopping Center `.i ,f r.: 0 e. i z wool 4 i , n r } , Uj LL E O Uj r1 a QLU lxk 96 ATTACHMENT 5: Draft Resolution C-Wal-Mart Supercenter Withholding Authorization for Staff to Process General Plan Amendment DRAFT RESOLUTION C RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO PROCESS GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DIAGRAM AND TEXT AMENDMENT 2007-0020 (PLN 2007-1245) ON APN: 049-112-002, 018, 0199 0229 0369 0399 049-151-0059 0369 0379 0409 041 FOR THE WAL-MART SUPERCENTER Del Rio Road/El Camino Real (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc) WHEREAS, a application has been received from EDA Design Professionals, 1998 Santa Barbara Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Applicant) and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 2001 S.E. 10`x' Street, Bentonville, AR 72716-0550 (Property Owner), to consider a project consisting of a General Plan Land Use Diagram and Text Amendment for a 194,758± square foot Commercial development project with two additional retail/restaurant building pads located at the southeast corner of El Camino Real and Del Rio Road. (APN: 049-112-002, 018, 019, 022, 036, 039, 049-151-005, 036, 037, 040, 041); and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council considered authorizing staff to process the proposed application at a public meeting on October 23, 2007 consistent with the City's General Plan Amendment Policy; and, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, hereby resolves to withhold the authorization for staff to process the requested General Plan Land Use Diagram and Text Amendment for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (APN: 049-112-002, 018, 019, 022, 036, 039, 049- 151-005, 036, 037, 040, 041), subject to the following exhibit: Exhibit A: General Plan Diagram 97 On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: ( ) NOES: ( ) ABSTAIN: ( ) ABSENT: ( ) ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Dr. George Luna Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Robert Schultz, Interim City Attorney 98 EXHIBIT A: General Plan Diagram Project Boundary 26± ac Del Rio Road � a y MDR 10.5±ac. �6 E GC 11± ac. ,„ Ile ` lrw SE u a 2± ac. MDR 4 2± ac. ®d € r s EI Camino Real �rrr 99 ATTACHMENT 6. Draft Resolution D-The Annex Withholding Authorization for Staff to Process General Plan Amendment-The Annex Shopping Center 1400 DRAFT RESOLUTION D RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA WITHHOLDING AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO PROCESS GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DIAGRAM AMENDMENT 2007-0021 (PLN 2007-1246) ON APN: 049-102-020, 031, 032, 0459 048, 0509 0569 AND 049-131-070 FOR THE ANNEX SHOPPING CENTER Del Rio Road/ El Camino Real (The Rottman Group) WHEREAS, an application has been received from EDA Design Professionals, 1998 Santa Barbara Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Applicant), and The Rottman Group, 1065 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (Property Owner), to consider a project consisting of a General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment for a Commercial development project located at the northeast corner of El Camino Real and Del Rio Road (APN: 049-102-020, 031, 032, 045, 048, 050, 056, and 049-131-070); and, WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council considered authorizing staff to process the proposed application at a public meeting on October 23, 2007 consistent with the City's General Plan Amendment Policy; and, NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, hereby resolves to withhold the authorization for staff to process the requested General Plan Land Use Diagram Amendment for The Annex development project. (APN: 049-102-020, 031, 032, 045, 048, 050, 056, and 049-131-070) subject to the following exhibit: Exhibit A: General Plan Diagram 100 On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council *4rr Member , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA Dr. George Luna Mayor ATTEST: w Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Robert Schultz, Interim City Attorney 101 EXHIBIT A. General Plan Diagram SFR-X 3±ac Project Boundary 15± ac Ak; � GCt , w Vis,m 10±ac a .M s y� 3' 7 11 b h Y `t 0 � h \ Y CPK 2±ac y T.. EI Camino Real 102