HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 112707kit 1 rii 16111 N. Approved January 8, 2008 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, November 27, 2007 — 7:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Luna called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and Mayor Pro Tem Brennler led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Beraud, Clay, O'Malley, Brennler and Mayor Luna Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson, Deputy City Clerk Grace Pucci Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Police Lt. Jim Mulhall, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Redevelopment Specialist Marty Tracey, Deputy Community Services Director Steve McHarris, Senior Planner Kelly Gleason, Associate Planner Kerry Margason, and Interim City Attorney Brian Pierik. PRESENTATION: 1. Optimist Club of Atascadero — Donation for the Colony Park Community Center CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 1 of 11 Approved January 8, 2008 Atascadero Optimist Club President Sandy Jack recognized District Governor Dell Bishop, and past Presidents Mike Shiver, Kate Apollo and Beth Shiver, and spoke about their Board's commitment to the Youth Center. Mr. Jack presented the city with a check in the amount of $21,000 towards construction of the Colony Park Community Center. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Agreement to Provide City Attorney Legal Services ■ Fiscal Impact: Monthly retainer of $9,500 for general legal work. Additional service to be billed at an hourly rate. ■ Recommendation: Council approve the attached agreement with the law firm of Burke, Williams & Sorenson, to provide City Attorney Legal Services for the City of Atascadero. [City Manager] 2. Temporary Road Closure — Clear Channel Radio — Ice Skating Rink ■ Fiscal Impact: $160.00 for the installation of Road Closed signs by Public Works Staff. ■ Recommendation: Council approve a request by Clear Channel Radio for the closure of Palma Ave., West Mall to East Mall, from December 20, 2007 through January 7, 2008. [Public Works] 3. Temporary Road Closure — Holiday Musical Walk -around -the -Lake ■ Fiscal Impact: $320.00 for the installation of Road Closed signs by Public Works Staff. Recommendation: Council approve the temporary road closure of Marchant Avenue (from Pismo Street to Santa Rosa Road) and Lakeview Drive (from Santa Rosa to Portola Road) for the Holiday Musical Walk - around -the -Lake on December 1, 2007. [Public Works] 4. Final Map 2007-0153 (Parcel Map AT 02-0160) 2800 EI Camino Real (LLA 2002-0043) (Frederick) ■ Description: Final Map for Lot Line Adjustment, which changes configuration of two parcels, but does not create additional lots or overall square footage. ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendations: Council: CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 2 of 11 Approved January 8, 2008 1. Accept and Approve Final Parcel Map 2007-0153 (Parcel Map ATAL 02-0160), and 2. Reject, without prejudice to future acceptance, the offer of dedication for Public Drainage Easement on behalf of the public, and 3. Authorize and direct the City Clerk to endorse the City Council's approval on the map. [Public Works] 5. Second Reading of Draft Ordinances for PLN -2099-0818, General Plan Amendment / Zone Change / Planned Development Amendment and Two Lot Parcel Map, Eagle Creek Golf Course (Gearhart) ■ Description: Approval would result in zone changes, the authorization to replace the existing golf course with two single-family residences, and a 10 -acre lot subdivision into two lots. ■ Fiscal Impact: The project will likely have a slight negative fiscal impact on City Revenues. A City fiscal analysis found that residential projects tend to require services that exceed the tax revenues generated. The total deficit for the project is estimated at less than $1,000 and is off -set by the large privately maintained open space area. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Approve on second reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A approving Zone Text Change 2005-0111 amending the PD -8 Overlay District based on findings; and 2. Approve on second reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance B approving Zoning Map Change 2005-0111 based on findings. [Community Development] 6. Title 4 / Title 7/ Title 8 Local Building Code and Fire Protection Code Adoption (City of Atascadero) ■ Description: Proposed ordinance will bring the City's Building and Fire Protection Codes into conformance with the required State Codes that take effect January 1, 2008, and will also establish amendments to the State Code specific to the City of Atascadero. ■ Fiscal Impact: There are no significant fiscal impacts. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A to: (1) repeal Title 8 (Building Regulations) and Chapter 7 of Title 4 (Fire Code) of the Municipal Code, and (2) approve a new Title 8 and Chapter 7 of Title 4 adopting the 2007 edition of the California Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Historical Building, Existing Building, and Fire Codes, and the 2006 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code, with amendments, and (3) amend Chapter 3 of Title 7 (Public Works) to revise the definition of sewer connection availability. [Community Development] Items pulled: Mayor Pro Tem Brennler, Item #A-5. CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 3 of 11 Approved January 8, 2008 MOTION: By Council Member Beraud and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Items #A-1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. (Item #A-1 Contract #2007-029, Item #A-5 Ordinance No. 520) MOTION: By Mayor Luna and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to approve Item #A-5. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll -call vote. (Beraud, Brenner opposed) (Item #A-5.1 Ordinance No. 518, Item #A-5.2 Ordinance No. 519) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. PLN 2099-1108, Planned Development Overlay Zone #31: BMX Facility Master Plan of Development, 6575 Sycamore Rd. (Atascadero BMX) ■ Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications: ■ Description: Approval of the proposed project would allow a private BMX facility to be located at 6575 Sycamore Road. ■ Fiscal Impact: It is staff's understanding that the proposed BMX facility will not be operated as a public facility, and no staff or operational costs will be incurred. Additionally, all liability will be the responsibility of the Atascadero BMX Association. ■ Recommendations: Planning Commission Recommends: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A certifying Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2006-0015; and 2. Introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A approving Zone Text Change 2005-0108 to establish Planned Development Overlay Zone #31; and 3. Introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance B approving Zone Map Change 2007-0143 based on findings; and 4. Adopt Draft Resolution B approving Conditional Use Permit 2005-0168 (Master Plan of Development) based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring. [Community Development] Council Member Clay stepped down from consideration of this item stating he owns property within 500 feet of the site. Ex Parte Communications ■ Council Member O'Malley stated he had discussions with those involved in the BMX organization over a year ago. ■ Mayor Luna stated he had discussions with the BMX organization quite a while ago. ■ Council Member Beraud stated she spoke with several BMX advocates in the community. CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 4 of 11 Approved January 8, 2008 Deputy Community Development Director Steve McHarris gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Tom Jordan, BMX representative, spoke about the process that led to this project, the benefits of BMX for the community, and answered questions of Council. Mayor Luna closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Beraud to adopt Draft Resolution A certifying Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration 2006-0015; and introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A approving Zone Text Change 2005-0108 to establish Planned Development Overlay Zone #31; and introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance B approving Zone Map Change 2007-0143 based on findings; and adopt Draft Resolution B approving Conditional Use Permit 2005-0168 (Master Plan of Development) based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. (Clay abstained) (Item #B-1.1 Resolution No. 2007-098, Item #B-1.4 Resolution No. 2007-099) Mayor Luna recessed the hearing at 7:20 p.m. Mayor Luna called the meeting back to order at 7:25 p.m. Council Member Clay rejoined the hearing. 2. PLN 2006-1111. Condominium Development and Condominium Conversion Ordinance (Title 9 and Title 11) City of Atascadero ■ Description: Approval of Ordinance will allow for conditional use permit review for all new condominium development projects, including site condominiums, and will help to retain the rental housing inventory in Atascadero by establishing procedures and requirements for residential condominium conversions. ■ Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact will vary depending upon the methods of implementation and the effect of the Ordinance on applications. Staff time and resources are currently used to process project requests, additional staff time may be required to monitor construction of new rental units and to administer new inclusionary requirements. However, since few new rental units are currently being constructed, the Ordinance may have the CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 5of11 Approved January 8, 2008 effect of reducing the staff workload due to a decrease in applications for condominium conversions. ■ Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends: Council introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A to approve PLN 2006-1111 (Zone Change 2006-0118) based on findings. [Community Development] Associate Planner Kerry Margason and Barbara Kautz of Goldfarb & Lipman gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Roberta Fonzi explained her concern regarding the CUP requirement for new condo projects, which she believes are the primary way for new homebuyers to get into the market. She indicated a CUP is useful in some instances but it is the discretionary element of this that bothers her. Mayor Luna closed the Public Comment period. There was Council discussion regarding the portion of the ordinance relating to new condominium development. MOTION: By Council Member Beraud and seconded by Mayor Luna to introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A to approve PLN 2006-1111 (Zone Change 2006-0118) based on findings. MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay to amend the motion to delete the portion related to new condominium development and refer that portion back to staff for further refinement on seeing if there could be some limitations on discretion at the Planning Commission. Motion failed 2:3 by a roll -call vote. (Beraud, Brennler, Luna opposed) MOTION: By Council Member Beraud and seconded by Mayor Luna to introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A to approve PLN 2006-1111 (Zone Change 2006-0118) based on findings. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll -call vote. (Clay, O'Malley opposed) C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Solid Waste, Recycling and Green Waste, Agreements and Information CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 6of11 1 Approved January 8, 2008 ■ Description: This report addresses proposed changes in the services and fees for collection and disposal of solid waste, recycling and green waste. ■ Fiscal Impact: The new annual franchise fee will be approximately $395,000.00, which reflects a $197,500 increase. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Receive the report on the Integrated Waste Management Authority solid waste management fee; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Amended and Restated Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement with Atascadero Waste Alternatives; and 3. Deny the request by Chicago Grade Landfill, Inc. to amend the existing agreement between the City and Chicago Grade Landfill for the Exclusive Depositing of City Waste Collections into the Chicago Grade Landfill. [Public Works] Public Works Director Steve Kahn gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Ex Parte Communications ■ Council Member Clay stated he had spoken with all parties. ■ Council Member O'Malley stated he spoke with all parties and visited the Chicago Grade Landfill site several years ago and recently visited Mid Coast Recycling. He also spent a lot of time with Michael LaBarbara and his staff, and spoke with Mike Hoover on the phone today regarding this project. He also spoke with County Auditor Controller Jerry Sibach. ■ Mayor Luna stated he spoke to Keith Ramsey from Atascadero Waste Alternatives regarding whether he was okay with the project, which he was, and with Mike Hoover who was disappointed with the staff report. He also spoke with County Auditor Controller Jerry Sibach today. ■ Mayor Pro Tem Brennler stated he met with Mr. Ramsey and Russ Hicks of Atascadero Waste Alternatives, and met Mr. Hoover tonight. ■ Council Member Beraud stated she serves on the IWMA and toured the North County Recycling site when she first became a Council Member. PUBLIC COMMENT Keith Ramsey, Atascadero Waste Management, spoke about the recycling contract. Mike Hoover, Chicago Grade Landfill, gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the proposed modification of the Waste Disposal contract and answered questions of Council. CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 7 of 11 1 Approved January 8, 2008 Jerry Sibach, County Auditor Controller, gave some history regarding the Chicago Grade Landfill and recycling in the north county. He explained the county's position that the landfill facility is a resource that needs to be maintained. County Supervisor Jim Patterson spoke about Atascadero's efforts in recycling, and the good cooperation between agencies. He stated the rate should be based on the actual cost of providing the service, and that this facility is a valuable resource and should be maintained. Bill Whorl, Manager Integrated Waste Management Authority, spoke about the cost increase and what it would cover, and explained it has been 17 years since there was an increase in his rates. He also stated that Atascadero would benefit greatly from the new hauling agreement with Waste Management. David Broadwater stated that there is no incentive to reduce the amount of waste used, suggested an additional incentive for people who generate less waste, and spoke about the dangers from sewage sludge. Ron Rothman asked if there is any accommodation for those who live in mobile home parks or large apartment complexes to recycle, particularly green waste. Public Works Director Steve Kahn explained that Waste Management picks up green waste outside of mobile home parks. Mayor Luna closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor Luna and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to authorize the City Manager to execute the Amended and Restated Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement with Atascadero Waste Alternatives. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. (Contract No. 2007-030) There was Council discussion on the Item #3. MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Brennler to approve the request by Chicago Grade Landfill to amend the existing agreement between the City and Chicago Grade landfill for the exclusive depositing of city waste collection into the Chicago Grade Landfill with the understanding that we will increase the rate by $1.10, and we will continue with the four offers, which includes the recycling if it is able to be provided at no cost; the other three items are as staff recommended. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. (Contract No. 2007-031) CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 8 of 11 1 Approved January 8, 2008 Mayor Luna recessed the hearing at 9:30 p.m. Mayor Luna called the meeting back to order at 9:36 p.m. COMMUNITY FORUM: Richard Mullin spoke about the realignment of Highway 41 and encouraged people to use alternate routes. He suggested it is time to look at stop signs on other roads which are now heavily impacted by those trying to get onto the freeway. Lee Perkins stated her agreement with Mr. Mullin. She also asked the City Council to consider moving Community Forum to an earlier time spot, and commented that it is difficult for many to come out so late during the winter. Ron Rothman commented on the recent Chamber of Commerce commissioned survey on the Del Rio center and questioned the reliability of surveys as representing the truth. David Broadwater spoke about city expenditures to Mathis and Associates, and submitted a written statement to the Council regarding his concerns and requesting an audit and reevaluation of the city's relationship with this contractor. (Exhibit A) Tom Comar, Oppose Wal-Mart spokesperson, shared information with the Council regarding Wal -Mart's action in regard to a permanently injured employee. Mr. Comar asked about the city's hiring of an economic consultant and recommended not processing the Wal-Mart application until that is in place. Al Fonzi complimented the city and city staff on the way they decorated the Sunken Gardens for the holidays. He also suggested other activities to add to the holiday spirit. Garth Wilwand asked if there is any policing of Stadium Park at this time, and if there could be trash receptacles, particularly at the entrance to the park. Steve Martin, Executive Director Atascadero Main Street, distributed an informational packet to the Council, complimented the city on the Sunken Gardens decor, and reviewed upcoming holiday events. Mayor Luna closed the Community Forum period. There was Council discussion regarding the placement of the Community Forum period, but no consensus was reached. Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard addressed the issue of the double payment to Mathis and Associates. CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 9 of 11 1 1 1 Approved January 8, 2008 City Manager McKinney reported on the status of the Economic Consultant RFP process and the policing of Stadium Park. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Mayor Luna reviewed the holiday events schedule and announced that the ribbon cutting and open house for the Colony Park Community Center will be held on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mayor Luna 1. Finance Committee: met yesterday and discussed the audit, CDBG grants and received an update on development projects. Council Member O'Malley 1. S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA): Having legal problems on going out to bid for bus services. 2. Finance Committee: would like to look at increasing the Human Services grant amount. There was Council consensus to include a discussion item or management report on a future agenda regarding a budget amendment to increase the Human Services Grant. 3. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC): continuing with the tourism study and Lois Capps will join tomorrow's meeting. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Clerk City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson announced that Parks and Recreation Commissioner Rick Mathews (Mayor Luna's designee) had resigned as of the end of year. Mayor Luna stated he would let the City Clerk know if he would like her to recruit for the position. City Manager City Manager Wade McKinney reviewed the agenda for the next Council meeting CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 10 of 11 1 1 Approved January 8, 2008 F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Luna adjourned the meeting at 10:32 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council on December 11, 2007. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Grace Pucci, Deputy City Clerk The following exhibit is available for review in the City Clerk's office: Exhibit A — David Broadwater, handout. CC Minutes 11/27/07 Page 11 of 11