HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2025_02_25_AgendaPacket CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEETING INFORMATION: The City Council meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers and in-person attendance will be available at that location. HOW TO OBSERVE THE MEETING REMOTELY: To observe remotely, residents can livestream the meeting on Zoom, SLO-SPAN.org, on Spectrum cable Channel 20 in Atascadero, and listen live on KPRL Radio 1230AM and 99.3FM. The video recording of the meeting will repeat daily on Channel 20 at 1:00 am, 9:00 am, and 6:00 pm and will be available through the City’s website and on the City’s YouTube Channel. To observe remotely using the Zoom platform please visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZwJ7a031S3KXauEym9ehaA HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: Public comment may be provided in-person. Written public comments are accepted at cityclerk@atascadero.org. Comments should identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. Such comments will be forwarded to the City Council and made a part of the administrative record. To ensure distribution to the City Council before consideration of an item, please submit comments not later than 12:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. All correspondence will be distributed to the City Council, posted on the City’s website, and be made part of the official public record of the meeting. Please note, comments will not be read into the record. Please be aware that communications sent to the City Council are public records and are subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act and Brown Act unless exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Communications will not be edited for redactions and will be printed/posted as submitted. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. DISCLOSURE OF CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS: California Government Code section 84308 (“Levine Act”) requires a party to or participant in a proceeding involving a license, permit, or other entitlement, including all contracts other than competitively bid, labor, or personal employment contracts, to disclose any contribution of more than $500 that the party or participant (or their agent) has made to a member of the City Council within the prior 12 months. The City Council Member(s) who receive such a contribution are disqualified and not able to participate in the proceedings and are also required to disclose that fact for the official record of the subject proceedings. Disclosures must include the amount of the campaign contribution and identify the recipient City Council Member and may be made either in writing to the City Clerk before the agenda item or by verbal disclosure during consideration. The Levine Act also prohibits, during the proceeding and for 12 months following a final decision, a party to or participant in (or their agent) a proceeding involving a license, permit, or other entitlement, including all contracts other than competitively bid, labor, or personal employment contracts, from making a contribution of more than $500 to any member of the City Council or anyone running for City Council. City Council agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org/agendas Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The Minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are made a part of the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the City Clerk's office. All documents will be available for public inspection by appointment during City Hall business hours. 1 of 79 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, February 25, 2025 City Hall Council Chambers, Fourth Floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Peek ROLL CALL: Mayor Bourbeau Mayor Pro Tem Dariz Council Member Funk Council Member Newsom Council Member Peek PRESENTATION: 1. Recognition of Outgoing Planning Commissioners A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be acted upon by a single action of the City Council unless otherwise requested by an individual Council Member for separate consideration. Public comment on Consent Calendar items will be invited prior to action on the Calendar.) 1. City Council Draft Minutes – February 11, 2025, Regular Meeting Recommendation: Council approve the February 11, 2025, City Council Regular Meeting minutes. [City Clerk] 2. January 2025 Accounts Payable and Payroll ▪ Fiscal Impact: $5,978,319.40 ▪ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll vendor checks for January 2025. [Administrative Services] 3. December 2024 Investment Report ▪ Fiscal Impact: None City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. 2 of 79 ▪ Recommendation: Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report for quarter ending December 31, 2024 [Administrative Services] 4. First Amendment to Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement ▪ Fiscal Impact: None ▪ Recommendation: Council approve Draft Resolution authorizing an Amendment to the Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement with USA Waste of California, Inc. (dba Atascadero Waste Alternatives) and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Amendment. [Public Works] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Any members of the public who have questions or need information may contact the City Clerk’s Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at (805) 470-3400, or cityclerk@atascadero.org.) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Change to Ordinance for Lodging Owner Nomination Process and Composition of the Board ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council Introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance amending Atascadero Municipal Code Section 3-16.07, changing the lodging business owner nomination process for Board Members and composition of the Board for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) [Community Services and Promotions]. 2. 2025 Community Development Block Grant Funding Recommendations ▪ Fiscal Impact: Estimated revenue and expenditure of $146,534 of CDBG funds. ▪ Recommendation: Council review and approve funding recommendations for the 2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and authorize staff to adjust final award amounts proportionately upon receipt of the final funding amount. [Public Works]. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Agreement for Consolidation of Atascadero Transit Services into San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority ▪ Fiscal Impact: $650,000 in TDA funds annually, subject to CPI and negotiations, and a potential reduction in General Fund staff time reimbursements. 3 of 79 E. ▪ Recommendation: Council approve the Agreement for Consolidation of Atascadero Transit Services (Dial A Ride) into San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (RTA). [Public Works] 2.Charles Paddock Zoo Accreditation Update and Recommended Investment Plan ▪ Fiscal Impact: Expenditure of $1,000,000 of budgeted Zoo project funds and a commitment to fund up to $340,000 in additional staff costs in future years. ▪ Recommendation: Council authorize the Director of Administrative Services to reallocate $1,000,000 in budgeted Zoo Exhibit Refurbishment Match funds to Zoo Animal Habitat Maintenance and Upgrades, and commit to funding up to $340,000 in additional staff costs in future years. [Community Services and Promotions] COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor Bourbeau 1.City Selection Committee 2.County Mayor’s Round Table 3.Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) Mayor Pro Tem Dariz 1.Air Pollution Control District 2.California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) Board 3.Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO) 4.Visit SLO CAL Advisory Committee Council Member Funk 1. Atascadero Basin Ground Water Sustainability Agency (GSA) 2.Design Review Committee 3.Homeless Services Oversight Council 4. REACH SLO Advisory Commission Council Member Newsom 1.City of Atascadero Finance Committee 2.City / Schools Committee 3.League of California Cities – Council Liaison 4.SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 5.SLO Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Council Member Peek 1.City of Atascadero Finance Committee 2.City/Schools Committee 3.Design Review Committee 4.SLO County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) 4 of 79 F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: (Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager ADJOURNMENT 5 of 79 2/25/25 | Item A1 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, February 11, 2025 City Hall Council Chambers, Fourth Floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION – CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. Mayor Bourbeau called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and Council Member Newsom led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Funk, Newsom, Peek, Mayor Pro Tem Dariz, and Mayor Bourbeau Absent: None Others Present: None Staff Present: City Manager Jim Lewis, Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Lara Christensen, City Attorney Dave Fleishman, Police Chief Dan Suttles, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore, Administrative Services Director/City Treasurer Jeri Rangel, Deputy City Manager – IT Luke Knight, Fire Chief Casey Bryson, and Community Services and Promotions Director Terrie Banish, Deputy Director Public Works Ryan Hayes PRESENTATION: 1. Employee Recognition Awards City Manager Lewis presented the following employees with Service Awards: • 5 Years: Cody Ferris, Firefighter • 10 Years: Steve Stucky, Police Corporal Nick DeBar, Public Works Director • 25 Years: Kelly Arebalo, Administrative Assistant (Fire) Casey Bryson, Fire Chief City Council Regular Session: 6:00 P.M. 6 of 79 2/25/25 | Item A1 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Minutes – January 28, 2025, Regular Meeting and January 29, 2025 Special Meeting ▪ Recommendation: Council approve the January 28, 2025, City Council Regular Meeting minutes and January 29,2025 City Council Special Meeting minutes. [City Clerk] 2. Contract Award for 2025 Public Works On-Call Inspection and Development Review Services ▪ Fiscal Impact: General Fund and Capital Project expenditures up to $250,000, partially offset by permit service fee revenues. ▪ Recommendation: Council award a professional services agreement to Filippin Engineering to provide on-call engineering inspection and development review services not to exceed $250,000 during the 2025 calendar year. [Public Works] 3. Contract Plan Check Services Budget Amendment ▪ Fiscal Impact: General Fund expenditures up to $100,000, offset by permit service fee revenues. ▪ Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract amendment increasing Interwest Consulting Services’ contract by $100,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $180,000. [Community Development] 4. Del Rio Ranch (DEV24-0044) ▪ Fiscal Impact: The project is expected to be revenue positive. ▪ Recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance approving a Zoning Map Amendment and amendments to the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan, based on findings. [Community Development] 5. Amended City Council 2025 Meeting Schedule ▪ Fiscal Impact: None ▪ Recommendation: Council approve the amended City Council meeting schedule for 2025 [City Clerk] PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Bourbeau opened the Public Comment period. The following persons spoke on this item: None. Mayor Bourbeau closed the Public Comment period. MOTION BY: Funk SECOND BY: Peek 1. Approve Consent Calendar (#A2: Contract No. 2025-003) (#A3: Contract No. 2023-006 (A2)) ( #A4: Ordinance 683) AYES (5): Newsom, Funk, Peek, Dariz and Bourbeau ABSENT (0): 7 of 79 2/25/25 | Item A1 Passed 5-0 UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager James R. Lewis gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following persons spoke: Mary Verdin, Wendy Lewis, Geoff Auslen B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Change to Ordinance for Lodging Owner Nomination Process and Composition of the Board ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council Introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance amending Atascadero Municipal Code Section 3-16.07, changing the lodging owner nomination process for Board Members and composition of the Board for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) [Community Services and Promotions]. Ex Parte: None Community Services and Promotions Director Terrie Banish gave the presentation. Director Banish and City Attorney Dave Fleishman answered questions from the City Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Bourbeau opened the Public Comment period. The following persons spoke on this item: Geoff Auslen Mayor Bourbeau closed the Public Comment period. There was Council consensus to continue the public hearing to February 25, 2025, and direct staff to bring the ordinance back, on that date, with revised language, for first reading. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Award DBE – Public Safety Facilities Project ▪ Fiscal Impact: The total cost of this project is $37,133,000. Bond financing for the Project is expected to account for $29,000,000. Sales Tax Measure D-20 is funding the debt service on the bond financing, and also the non-financed portions of the project through Project-specific reserves in the Building Maintenance Fund. Impacts to the Building Maintenance Fund may be mitigated if Federal dollars are received, if additional Sales Tax Measure D-20 are set aside, and interest earnings on the unspent borrowed funds are realized. ▪ Recommendation: Council: 8 of 79 2/25/25 | Item A1 1. Award a Design-Build contract to the F&H Construction and LDA Partners team for $31,072,318 for the New and Renovated Public Safety Facilities Project, Project No. C2021B01 (“Project”). 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to allocate $3,500,000 in Building Maintenance Funds in fiscal year 2024-2025 to begin the Project. [City Manager] Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Christensen gave the presentation and answered questions from the Council. Eric Wohle (LDA Partners) and Stephen Seibly & Daniel Hoff (F&H Construction) also presented and answered questions from the Council. Mayor Bourbeau opened the Public Comment period. The following persons spoke on this item: Geoff Auslen, Zach Jackson Mayor Bourbeau closed the Public Comment period. MOTION BY: Funk SECOND BY: Newsom 1. Award a Design-Build contract to the F&H Construction and LDA Partners team for $31,072,318 for the New and Renovated Public Safety Facilities Project, Project No. C2021B01 (“Project”). (Contract #2025-004) 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to allocate $3,500,000 in Building Maintenance Funds in fiscal year 2024-2025 to begin the Project. AYES (5): Newsom, Funk, Peek, Dariz and Bourbeau ABSENT (0): Passed 5-0 Recess: 7:48 pm Reconvene: 7:58 pm 2. Comprehensive Financial Strategy ▪ Fiscal Impact: None. ▪ Recommendation: Council review and file the Comprehensive Financial Strategy [Administrative Services] Administrative Services Director Rangel gave the report and answered questions from the Council. Mayor Bourbeau opened the Public Comment period. The following persons spoke on this item: None Mayor Bourbeau closed the Public Comment period. Council received and filed the Comprehensive Financial Strategy. 3. Update on Council Goals and Action Plan ▪ Fiscal Impact: None 9 of 79 2/25/25 | Item A1 ▪ Recommendation: Council receive and file a report on the progress being made relative to the City Council’s goals [City Manager] Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Christensen gave the presentation and answered questions from City Council. Mayor Bourbeau opened the Public Comment period. The following persons spoke on this item: Geoff Auslen Mayor Bourbeau closed the Public Comment period. Council received and filed the report on the progress being made relative to the City Council’s Goals E. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor Bourbeau 1. Mayor Bourbeau reported that he would be attending the “State of the City” hosted by the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce at Colony Theater on 2/13/25 2. Council Goal Setting Workshop to be held on 2/21 and 2/22 3. Mayor Bourbeau reported the passing of “Dan the Barber” Council Member Funk 1. Homeless Services Oversight Council 2. Council Member Funk reported that she and Mayor Bourbeau participated in the Earth Shine community clean up 3. Attended REACH conference in Santa Barbara on 1/30/25 Council Member Newsom 1. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) Council Member Peek 1. City of Atascadero Finance Committee F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: None ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bourbeau adjourned the meeting at 8:39 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Alyssa Slater Deputy City Clerk APPROVED: 10 of 79 Item A211 of 79 James R. Lewis, City Manager ATTACHMENT: January 2025 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of 4,661,611.70$ 02/25/25 | Item A2 | Staff Report REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR COUNCIL AGENDA 12 of 79 Check Number Check Date Vendor DescripƟon Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement LisƟng For the Month of January 2025 180428 01/03/2025 ANJANETTE ORDONEZ 1,550.00Accounts Payable Check 180429 01/03/2025 WEX BANK - BUSINESS UNIVERSAL 10,902.59Accounts Payable Check 180430 01/03/2025 WEX BANK - WEX FLEET UNIVERSAL 9,836.87Accounts Payable Check 180431 01/03/2025 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 1,151.80Payroll Vendor Payment 180432 01/03/2025 IAFF MERP 1,900.00Payroll Vendor Payment 180433 01/03/2025 MISSIONSQUARE 20,968.79Payroll Vendor Payment 180434 01/03/2025 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 680.09Payroll Vendor Payment 180435 01/03/2025 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF 200.00Payroll Vendor Payment 5433 01/06/2025 MCGRIFF INSURANCE SERVICE TRUIST INSURANCE HOLIDNGS LLC 1,105.01Payroll Vendor Payment 5434 01/06/2025 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS HSA 14,410.61Payroll Vendor Payment 5435 01/06/2025 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 692.30Payroll Vendor Payment 5436 01/06/2025 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 17,248.50Payroll Vendor Payment 5437 01/06/2025 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 35,241.36Payroll Vendor Payment 5438 01/06/2025 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,902.18Payroll Vendor Payment 5439 01/06/2025 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2,830.30Payroll Vendor Payment 5440 01/06/2025 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 8,773.51Payroll Vendor Payment 5441 01/06/2025 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 12,053.71Payroll Vendor Payment 5442 01/06/2025 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 21,557.07Payroll Vendor Payment 5443 01/06/2025 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM 30,049.73Payroll Vendor Payment 5444 01/06/2025 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 2,180.00Payroll Vendor Payment 5445 01/06/2025 SEIU LOCAL 620 981.43Payroll Vendor Payment 180437 01/06/2025 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS HEALTH 232,039.58Payroll Vendor Payment 180440 01/06/2025 GIS BENEFITS 16,773.12Payroll Vendor Payment 5446 01/07/2025 RABOBANK, N.A.77,413.20Payroll Vendor Payment 5447 01/07/2025 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 24,302.73Payroll Vendor Payment 5448 01/07/2025 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 4,758.84Payroll Vendor Payment 5449 01/09/2025 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS HSA 135.00Payroll Vendor Payment 180441 01/10/2025 43 HOLDINGS INC 820.78Accounts Payable Check 180442 01/10/2025 A-1 PEST MANAGEMENT 199.00Accounts Payable Check 180443 01/10/2025 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 1,543.44Accounts Payable Check 180445 01/10/2025 AT&T 2,025.43Accounts Payable Check 180446 01/10/2025 AVILA TRAFFIC SAFETY 794.01Accounts Payable Check 180447 01/10/2025 BERRY MAN, INC.349.15Accounts Payable Check 180448 01/10/2025 RYAN BETZ 74.97Accounts Payable Check 180449 01/10/2025 TERRI RECCHIA BLEDSOE 280.00Accounts Payable Check 180450 01/10/2025 BRANCH SMITH PROPERTIES 398.00Accounts Payable Check 180451 01/10/2025 BRENDLER JANITORIAL SERVICE 2,970.00Accounts Payable Check 180452 01/10/2025 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP 7,722.50Accounts Payable Check 180453 01/10/2025 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC.11,424.00Accounts Payable Check 180454 01/10/2025 CG VISUAL SOLUTIONS CORP.925.68Accounts Payable Check 02/25/25 | Item A2 | Attachment 1 13 of 79 Check Number Check Date Vendor DescripƟon Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement LisƟng For the Month of January 2025 180455 01/10/2025 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 2,025.65Accounts Payable Check 180456 01/10/2025 LARA CHRISTENSEN 33.39Accounts Payable Check 180457 01/10/2025 COLOR CRAFT PRINTING 508.52Accounts Payable Check 180458 01/10/2025 CRYSTAL CRIMBCHIN 404.99Accounts Payable Check 180459 01/10/2025 CULLIGAN SANTA MARIA 262.93Accounts Payable Check 180460 01/10/2025 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 453.00Accounts Payable Check 180461 01/10/2025 DIVISION OF STATE ARCHITECT 175.60Accounts Payable Check 180462 01/10/2025 DRIVE CUSTOMS 2,946.71Accounts Payable Check 180463 01/10/2025 EL CAMINO VETERINARY HOSP 59.24Accounts Payable Check 180464 01/10/2025 EN FUEGO EVENTS 2,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180465 01/10/2025 EPIC IT SUPPORT 3,800.00Accounts Payable Check 180466 01/10/2025 ESCUELA DEL RIO 900.00Accounts Payable Check 180467 01/10/2025 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 923.03Accounts Payable Check 180468 01/10/2025 FENCE FACTORY ATASCADERO 490.50Accounts Payable Check 180469 01/10/2025 FULL CUP SOLUTIONS LLC 3,750.00Accounts Payable Check 180470 01/10/2025 GHS PARTS, INC.230.11Accounts Payable Check 180471 01/10/2025 HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC.868.90Accounts Payable Check 180472 01/10/2025 KELLIE K. HART 112.00Accounts Payable Check 180474 01/10/2025 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 14,249.39Accounts Payable Check 180475 01/10/2025 SETH W HUGHES 317.00Accounts Payable Check 180476 01/10/2025 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMNT 156.43Accounts Payable Check 180477 01/10/2025 J. CARROLL CORPORATION 7,074.20Accounts Payable Check 180478 01/10/2025 JEFF & TONY'S DSD, LLC 569.06Accounts Payable Check 180479 01/10/2025 JK'S UNLIMITED, INC.2,287.91Accounts Payable Check 180480 01/10/2025 JOE A. GONSALVES & SON 3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180481 01/10/2025 K & M INTERNATIONAL 2,762.75Accounts Payable Check 180482 01/10/2025 KW CONSTRUCTION 36,905.00Accounts Payable Check 180483 01/10/2025 LIN LI 90.00Accounts Payable Check 180484 01/10/2025 LIFE ASSIST, INC.124.18Accounts Payable Check 180485 01/10/2025 MARBORG INDUSTRIES 1,397.59Accounts Payable Check 180486 01/10/2025 MARK43, INC.119,744.00Accounts Payable Check 180487 01/10/2025 MID STATE ROOFING INC 3,450.00Accounts Payable Check 180488 01/10/2025 MIG 19,342.55Accounts Payable Check 180489 01/10/2025 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 299.65Accounts Payable Check 180490 01/10/2025 KATIE MULDER 526.76Accounts Payable Check 180491 01/10/2025 NATURE PLANET, INC.299.28Accounts Payable Check 180492 01/10/2025 NBS 8,234.94Accounts Payable Check 180493 01/10/2025 NEW TIMES 2,138.00Accounts Payable Check 180494 01/10/2025 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS, INC.1,484.61Accounts Payable Check 180495 01/10/2025 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC 76.64Accounts Payable Check 02/25/25 | Item A2 | Attachment 1 14 of 79 Check Number Check Date Vendor DescripƟon Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement LisƟng For the Month of January 2025 180498 01/10/2025 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC 77,219.02Accounts Payable Check 180499 01/10/2025 PEAKWIFI, LLC 1,300.00Accounts Payable Check 180500 01/10/2025 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE, LLC 372.47Accounts Payable Check 180501 01/10/2025 PORTER CONSTRUCTION, INC.29,830.00Accounts Payable Check 180502 01/10/2025 QUADIENT, INC.124.46Accounts Payable Check 180503 01/10/2025 RAINSCAPE, A LANDSCAPE SVC CO.197.79Accounts Payable Check 180504 01/10/2025 RECOGNITION WORKS 104.40Accounts Payable Check 180505 01/10/2025 RICHARDS, WATSON & GERSHON 13,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180506 01/10/2025 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 35,537.00Accounts Payable Check 180507 01/10/2025 ROYAL GATE & FENCE INC 18,950.00Accounts Payable Check 180508 01/10/2025 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO 282.20Accounts Payable Check 180509 01/10/2025 VOID 0.00Accounts Payable Check 180510 01/10/2025 SP MAINTENANCE SERVICES, INC.600.00Accounts Payable Check 180511 01/10/2025 SPEAKWRITE, LLC.337.04Accounts Payable Check 180512 01/10/2025 DR. CYNTHIA STRINGFIELD 31.47Accounts Payable Check 180513 01/10/2025 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL, INC.1,650.00Accounts Payable Check 180514 01/10/2025 DANIEL SUTTLES 117.00Accounts Payable Check 180515 01/10/2025 TABLET COMMAND INC 23,750.00Accounts Payable Check 180516 01/10/2025 MADELINE M. TAYLOR 134.10Accounts Payable Check 180517 01/10/2025 TEN OVER STUDIO, INC.5,183.75Accounts Payable Check 180518 01/10/2025 TRIPEPI SMITH AND ASSC., INC.541.25Accounts Payable Check 180519 01/10/2025 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 4,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180520 01/10/2025 UBEO BUSINESS SERVICES 435.38Accounts Payable Check 180521 01/10/2025 UNITED RENTALS 3,982.81Accounts Payable Check 180522 01/10/2025 USA BLUE BOOK 255.63Accounts Payable Check 180523 01/10/2025 VERDIN 3,795.00Accounts Payable Check 180524 01/10/2025 VERIZON WIRELESS 105.33Accounts Payable Check 180525 01/10/2025 VINO VICE, INC.446.50Accounts Payable Check 180526 01/10/2025 WALLACE GROUP 8,110.00Accounts Payable Check 180527 01/10/2025 WCJ PROPERTY SERVICES 1,125.00Accounts Payable Check 180528 01/10/2025 KAREN B. WYKE 991.50Accounts Payable Check 180529 01/17/2025 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 1,151.80Payroll Vendor Payment 180530 01/17/2025 IAFF MERP 1,900.00Payroll Vendor Payment 180531 01/17/2025 MISSIONSQUARE 16,795.12Payroll Vendor Payment 180532 01/17/2025 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 638.83Payroll Vendor Payment 180533 01/17/2025 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF 200.00Payroll Vendor Payment 5450 01/21/2025 MCGRIFF INSURANCE SERVICE TRUIST INSURANCE HOLIDNGS LLC 1,105.01Payroll Vendor Payment 5451 01/21/2025 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS HSA 19,720.61Payroll Vendor Payment 5452 01/21/2025 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT 692.30Payroll Vendor Payment 5461 01/21/2025 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS 2,114.00Payroll Vendor Payment 02/25/25 | Item A2 | Attachment 1 15 of 79 Check Number Check Date Vendor DescripƟon Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement LisƟng For the Month of January 2025 5462 01/21/2025 SEIU LOCAL 620 981.43Payroll Vendor Payment 5463 01/21/2025 RABOBANK, N.A.96,785.96Payroll Vendor Payment 5464 01/21/2025 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT 31,928.71Payroll Vendor Payment 5465 01/21/2025 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT 6,212.50Payroll Vendor Payment 180534 01/24/2025 13 STARS MEDIA 950.00Accounts Payable Check 180535 01/24/2025 A & T ARBORISTS & VEGETATION 2,820.00Accounts Payable Check 180536 01/24/2025 ADAMSKI,MOROSKI,MADDEN,629.00Accounts Payable Check 180537 01/24/2025 AGM CALIFORNIA, INC.1,640.00Accounts Payable Check 180538 01/24/2025 AGP VIDEO, INC.1,830.00Accounts Payable Check 180539 01/24/2025 AIRGAS USA, LLC 383.84Accounts Payable Check 180540 01/24/2025 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC 370.00Accounts Payable Check 180541 01/24/2025 ALPHA ELECTRICAL SERVICE 414.00Accounts Payable Check 180542 01/24/2025 ALTHOUSE & MEADE, INC.1,336.20Accounts Payable Check 180543 01/24/2025 AMERICAN WEST TIRE & AUTO INC 2,204.62Accounts Payable Check 180544 01/24/2025 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 597.61Accounts Payable Check 180545 01/24/2025 JESSICA APPLEGATE 49.31Accounts Payable Check 180546 01/24/2025 AT&T 31.53Accounts Payable Check 180547 01/24/2025 AT&T 760.93Accounts Payable Check 180548 01/24/2025 ATASCADERO HAY & FEED 5,058.57Accounts Payable Check 180550 01/24/2025 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO.79,035.65Accounts Payable Check 180551 01/24/2025 BATTERY SYSTEMS, INC.146.67Accounts Payable Check 180552 01/24/2025 BELL'S PLUMBING REPAIR, INC.2,600.00Accounts Payable Check 180553 01/24/2025 BERRY MAN, INC.1,235.95Accounts Payable Check 180554 01/24/2025 BRANCH SMITH PROPERTIES 398.00Accounts Payable Check 180555 01/24/2025 CA BUILDING STANDARDS COMM.322.20Accounts Payable Check 180556 01/24/2025 AIDEN J. CAPOZZOLI 74.00Accounts Payable Check 180557 01/24/2025 CARBON HEALTH MED GROUP OF CA 210.00Accounts Payable Check 180558 01/24/2025 CAROLLO ENGINEERS, INC.14,894.95Accounts Payable Check 180559 01/24/2025 CEN-CAL CONSTRUCTION 1,058,343.62Accounts Payable Check 180560 01/24/2025 CENTRAL COAST PRINT COMPANY 35.34Accounts Payable Check 180561 01/24/2025 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 4,414.24Accounts Payable Check 180562 01/24/2025 VOID 0.00Accounts Payable Check 180563 01/24/2025 JOSEPH A. CHOUINARD 3,154.64Accounts Payable Check 180566 01/24/2025 CINTAS 4,248.12Accounts Payable Check 180567 01/24/2025 COBAN TECHNOLOGIES, INC.1,125.00Accounts Payable Check 180568 01/24/2025 CORNERS LIMITED 11,508.73Accounts Payable Check 180569 01/24/2025 COYOTE TRACTOR SERVICES, LLC 4,850.00Accounts Payable Check 180570 01/24/2025 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER 20.00Accounts Payable Check 180571 01/24/2025 CUESTA POLYGRAPH & INVEST. LLC 1,100.00Accounts Payable Check 180572 01/24/2025 CULBERT PLUMBING INC.350.00Accounts Payable Check 02/25/25 | Item A2 | Attachment 1 16 of 79 Check Number Check Date Vendor DescripƟon Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement LisƟng For the Month of January 2025 180573 01/24/2025 CULLIGAN SANTA MARIA 447.28Accounts Payable Check 180574 01/24/2025 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 1,144.69Accounts Payable Check 180575 01/24/2025 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 605.00Accounts Payable Check 180576 01/24/2025 DIMES MEDIA CORPORATION 172.00Accounts Payable Check 180577 01/24/2025 EBERHARD EQUIPMENT 69,186.25Accounts Payable Check 180578 01/24/2025 ECONOMIC DEV COLLABORATIVE-1,294.38Accounts Payable Check 180579 01/24/2025 EL CAMINO HOMELESS ORG.15,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180580 01/24/2025 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY 1,564.17Accounts Payable Check 180581 01/24/2025 FENCE FACTORY ATASCADERO 15.23Accounts Payable Check 180582 01/24/2025 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR 56.70Accounts Payable Check 180583 01/24/2025 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL 278.00Accounts Payable Check 180584 01/24/2025 FILIPPIN ENGINEERING, INC.56,777.40Accounts Payable Check 180585 01/24/2025 TIMOTHY K. FOSTER 39.00Accounts Payable Check 180586 01/24/2025 GEOSOLUTIONS, INC.13,994.41Accounts Payable Check 180587 01/24/2025 GHS PARTS, INC.52.70Accounts Payable Check 180588 01/24/2025 STEVEN STEEL GREY, JR.53.00Accounts Payable Check 180589 01/24/2025 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINTING 1,027.22Accounts Payable Check 180590 01/24/2025 HARTZELL GEN. ENG. CONTRACTOR 882,008.40Accounts Payable Check 180591 01/24/2025 DAVID J. HAZELWOOD 54.00Accounts Payable Check 180592 01/24/2025 HIGH COUNTRY OUTDOOR, INC.550.00Accounts Payable Check 180593 01/24/2025 BRADLEY L. HILL 6,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180594 01/24/2025 HILLTOP WELDING & FABRICATION 270.00Accounts Payable Check 180595 01/24/2025 HINDERLITER, DE LLAMAS 2,424.34Accounts Payable Check 180596 01/24/2025 JIFFY LUBE 168.62Accounts Payable Check 180597 01/24/2025 JK'S UNLIMITED, INC.7,668.10Accounts Payable Check 180598 01/24/2025 KEY TERMITE & PEST CONTROL,INC 555.00Accounts Payable Check 180599 01/24/2025 KPRL 1230 AM 1,320.00Accounts Payable Check 180600 01/24/2025 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 14,798.00Accounts Payable Check 180601 01/24/2025 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. INC 28,663.00Accounts Payable Check 180602 01/24/2025 AKSEL W. LESCHINSKY 34.00Accounts Payable Check 180603 01/24/2025 JULIO LEYVA 40.00Accounts Payable Check 180604 01/24/2025 LIFE ASSIST, INC.1,459.70Accounts Payable Check 180605 01/24/2025 GABRIELLE LINDMEIER 36.18Accounts Payable Check 180606 01/24/2025 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC.385.00Accounts Payable Check 180607 01/24/2025 ANNETTE MANIER 12.73Accounts Payable Check 180608 01/24/2025 MARBORG INDUSTRIES 592.37Accounts Payable Check 180609 01/24/2025 MEDICAL WASTE ENVIRONMENTAL 435.40Accounts Payable Check 180610 01/24/2025 MEDINA LIGHT SHOW DESIGNS 3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180611 01/24/2025 MICHAEL K. NUNLEY & ASSC, INC.2,021.78Accounts Payable Check 180612 01/24/2025 MID COAST MOWER & SAW, INC.1,014.60Accounts Payable Check 02/25/25 | Item A2 | Attachment 1 17 of 79 Check Number Check Date Vendor DescripƟon Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement LisƟng For the Month of January 2025 180613 01/24/2025 MIG 3,105.00Accounts Payable Check 180614 01/24/2025 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE 414.28Accounts Payable Check 180615 01/24/2025 TROY J. MITCHELL, SR.3,450.00Accounts Payable Check 180616 01/24/2025 MOSS, LEVY, & HARTZHEIM LLP 5,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180617 01/24/2025 SAM MOUNTAIN 32.29Accounts Payable Check 180618 01/24/2025 MUNICIPAL MAINT EQUIPMENT, INC 2,708.15Accounts Payable Check 180619 01/24/2025 MV TRANSPORTATION, INC.12,228.39Accounts Payable Check 180620 01/24/2025 NEW TIMES 1,479.00Accounts Payable Check 180621 01/24/2025 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC.1,700.00Accounts Payable Check 180622 01/24/2025 MARIA ORTIZ 178.36Accounts Payable Check 180623 01/24/2025 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE, LLC 278.49Accounts Payable Check 180624 01/24/2025 PERRY'S PARCEL & GIFT 59.75Accounts Payable Check 180625 01/24/2025 SCOTT E. PIPAN 60.00Accounts Payable Check 180626 01/24/2025 PORTER CONSTRUCTION, INC.7,500.00Accounts Payable Check 180627 01/24/2025 BARRETT W. PORTER 34.00Accounts Payable Check 180628 01/24/2025 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC.399.19Accounts Payable Check 180629 01/24/2025 RAINSCAPE, A LANDSCAPE SVC CO.7,242.00Accounts Payable Check 180630 01/24/2025 RECOGNITION WORKS 10.88Accounts Payable Check 180631 01/24/2025 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 28,235.00Accounts Payable Check 180632 01/24/2025 BRIAN S. RICKS 100.00Accounts Payable Check 180633 01/24/2025 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE & SAFETY CO 269.04Accounts Payable Check 180634 01/24/2025 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY CORPORATN 686.11Accounts Payable Check 180635 01/24/2025 SESAC, LLC 1,217.00Accounts Payable Check 180636 01/24/2025 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO INC.61.95Accounts Payable Check 180637 01/24/2025 SOCAL GAS 2,568.35Accounts Payable Check 180638 01/24/2025 SOUTH BAY REGIONAL PUBLIC 245.00Accounts Payable Check 180639 01/24/2025 SOUZA CONSTRUCTION, INC.785,798.06Accounts Payable Check 180640 01/24/2025 SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT REPAIR 2,499.75Accounts Payable Check 180641 01/24/2025 KURT W. STONE 1,200.00Accounts Payable Check 180642 01/24/2025 DANE J. STOVER 57.00Accounts Payable Check 180643 01/24/2025 SUPERION, LLC 829.90Accounts Payable Check 180644 01/24/2025 THOMSON REUTERS - WEST 212.09Accounts Payable Check 180645 01/24/2025 THORN RUN PARTNERS LLC 3,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180646 01/24/2025 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS, INC.4,000.00Accounts Payable Check 180647 01/24/2025 SKYLER E. TUCKER 79.00Accounts Payable Check 180655 01/24/2025 U.S. BANK 55,026.86Accounts Payable Check 180656 01/24/2025 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS 122.62Accounts Payable Check 180657 01/24/2025 CAMERON S. UMPHENOUR 69.00Accounts Payable Check 180658 01/24/2025 VANIR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 57,303.38Accounts Payable Check 180659 01/24/2025 VERDIN 16,539.54Accounts Payable Check 02/25/25 | Item A2 | Attachment 1 18 of 79 Check Number Check Date Vendor DescripƟon Amount City of Atascadero Disbursement LisƟng For the Month of January 2025 180660 01/24/2025 VILLAGE ORIGINALS, INC.75.99Accounts Payable Check 180661 01/24/2025 VITAL RECORDS CONTROL 224.95Accounts Payable Check 180662 01/24/2025 WATER SYSTEMS CONSULTING, INC.67,156.40Accounts Payable Check 180663 01/24/2025 WEST COAST AUTO & TOWING, INC.595.00Accounts Payable Check 180664 01/24/2025 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY 152.35Accounts Payable Check 180667 01/24/2025 ZOOM IMAGING SOLUTIONS, INC.4,056.31Accounts Payable Check 180668 01/29/2025 CA DEPT OF TAX AND FEE ADMIN.2,331.00Accounts Payable Check 180669 01/31/2025 ATASCADERO PROF. FIREFIGHTERS 1,557.51Payroll Vendor Payment 180670 01/31/2025 IAFF MERP 1,900.00Payroll Vendor Payment 180671 01/31/2025 MISSIONSQUARE 14,786.84Payroll Vendor Payment 180672 01/31/2025 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION 839.39Payroll Vendor Payment 180673 01/31/2025 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF 200.00Payroll Vendor Payment $ 4,661,611.70 02/25/25 | Item A2 | Attachment 1 19 of 79 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Department:Administrative Services Date:2/25/25 Placement:Consent TO: JAMES R. LEWIS, CITY MANAGER FROM: JERI RANGEL, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/TREASURER PREPARED BY: ADRIANA ANGÜIS, ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST SUBJECT: December 2024 Investment Report RECOMMENDATION: REPORT IN BRIEF: CASH AND INVESTMENTS Checking Account 4,075,807$ Zoo Credit Card Deposit Account 2,400 Mechanics Bank Money Market Account 4,804,606 Certificates of Deposit 17,357,917 Government Securities 26,430,734 Municipal Securities 9,521,219 Supranational Securities 1,508,586 LAIF 6,067,088 Cash with Fiscal Agents (2024 Bonds)23,482 Cash in Banks at December 31, 2024 69,791,839$ Deposits in Transit 156,050 Timing Differences (2,933,318) Cash and Investments at December 31, 2024 67,014,571$ INVESTMENT ACTIVITY Securities Purchased: None Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report for quarter ending December 31, 2024. Item A3 20 of 79 Securities Matured: Maturity Date Description Type Original Cost Amount Matured 10/15/24 Federal National Mortgage Assn CUSIP #3135GOW66 Government Security $ 518,345 $ 500,000 11/08/24 Raymond James Bank St. Petersburg, FL Certificate of Deposit 245,000 245,000 11/18/24 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133ENZ94 Government Security 398,480 400,000 12/13/24 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130A3GE8 Government Security 544,390 500,000 Securities Sold Prior to Maturity: None Other Reportable Activities: None REVIEWED BY OTHERS: This item has been reviewed by the Administrative Services Director/City Treasurer and the Deputy Administrative Services Director. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR COUNCIL AGENDA James R. Lewis, City Manager ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Treasurer's Report 02/11/25 | Item A3 | Staff Report 21 of 79 City of Atascadero Treasurer's Report Cash & Investments Activity Summary for the quarter ending December 31, 2024 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNTS INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at October 1, 2024 $1,172,269 $68,618,148 $1,494,608 71,285,025$ Receipts 199,046 13,695,372 - 13,894,418 Recognition of Premiums & Discounts - 51,546 - 51,546 Disbursements (13,964,108) (3,916) (1,471,126) (15,439,150) Transfers In 16,860,000 189,000 - 17,049,000 Transfers Out (189,000) (16,860,000) - (17,049,000) Balance per Banks at December 31, 2024 $4,078,207 $65,690,150 $23,482 69,791,839 Deposits in Transit 156,050 Timing Differences (2,933,318) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $67,014,571 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 22 of 79 MATURITY DESCRIPTION PURCHASE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT STATED FACE PREMIUM/COST OF MARKET UNREALIZED DATE (ISSUER)DATE TYPE RATING % RATE YIELD VALUE (DISCOUNT)INVESTMENT VALUE GAIN / (LOSS) City of Atascadero Investment Report December 31, 2024 Funds Managed by City n/a Local Agency Invest. Fund (LAIF)n/a State Investment Fund n/a n/a 4.43%6,067,088$ n/a 6,067,088$ 6,064,795$ (2,293)$ n/a Mechanic's Bank Money Market n/a Money Fund n/a n/a 4.67%4,804,606 n/a 4,804,606 4,804,606 - 01/15/25 Int'l Bank for Recon & Develop CUSIP #459058HT3 01/16/20 Supranational Security Aaa 1.63% 1.66% 500,000 (8) 499,992 499,535 (457) 01/20/25 Live Oak Banking Company Wilmington, NC 01/24/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.85% 1.85% 245,000 n/a 245,000 244,674 (326) 01/24/25 Baycoast Bank Swansea, MA 01/24/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.70% 1.70% 245,000 n/a 245,000 244,532 (468) 02/12/25 Federal Home Loan Mtge Corp CUSIP #3137EAEP0 03/13/20 Government Security Aaa 1.50% 0.79% 500,000 417 500,417 498,375 (2,042) 03/03/25 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133ELQY3 03/04/20 Government Security Aaa 1.21% 0.88% 500,000 277 500,277 497,440 (2,837) 03/26/25 Evergreen Bank Group Oak Brook, IL 03/26/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.00% 1.00% 245,000 n/a 245,000 243,074 (1,926) 03/27/25 Bank of Romney Romney, WV 03/27/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.15% 1.15% 245,000 n/a 245,000 243,140 (1,860) 03/27/25 First Jackson Bank Stevenson, AL 03/27/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.15% 1.15% 245,000 n/a 245,000 243,139 (1,861) 04/01/25 El Cajon Taxable Pension Obl CUSIP 282659AX9 01/27/21 Municipal Security Aa 1.18% 0.70% 650,000 775 650,775 644,716 (6,059) 04/28/25 First National Bank McGregor, TX 04/28/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.35% 1.35% 245,000 n/a 245,000 242,675 (2,325) 04/29/25 Flagstar Bank Troy, MI 03/26/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.15% 1.15% 245,000 n/a 245,000 242,508 (2,492) 05/01/25 Corona California Pension CUSIP #21969AAD4 04/12/23 Municipal Security AA+ 1.13% 4.50% 450,000 (4,919) 445,081 445,136 55 05/15/25 Tennessee Valley Authority CUSIP #880591EW8 11/09/22 Government Security Aaa 0.75% 4.77% 205,000 (2,986) 202,014 202,345 331 06/24/25 BMO Harris Bank NA Chicago, IL 11/08/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.20% 3.20% 225,000 (2,106) 222,894 223,911 1,017 06/30/25 US Treasury Notes CUSIP #912828XZ8 04/13/22 Government Security Aaa 2.75% 2.61% 500,000 334 500,334 496,415 (3,919) 07/01/25 Northern Calif Power Agency CUSIP #664845FN9 04/13/22 Municipal Security Aa3 2.39% 3.04% 305,000 (965) 304,035 302,103 (1,932) 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 23 of 79 MATURITY DESCRIPTION PURCHASE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT STATED FACE PREMIUM/COST OF MARKET UNREALIZED DATE (ISSUER)DATE TYPE RATING % RATE YIELD VALUE (DISCOUNT)INVESTMENT VALUE GAIN / (LOSS) City of Atascadero Investment Report December 31, 2024 07/01/25 University of California CUSIP #91412GU94 10/22/20 Municipal Security Aa2 3.06% 0.81% 300,000$ 3,363$ 303,363$ 298,206$ (5,157)$ 08/12/25 Goldman Sachs Bank New York, NY 11/08/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.05% 5.16% 246,000 (3,097) 242,903 244,271 1,368 08/18/25 Federal National Mortgage Assn CUSIP #3136G4M75 01/09/22 Government Security Aaa 0.52% 4.70% 280,000 (7,180) 272,820 273,482 662 08/20/25 Northeast Community Bank White Plains, NY 07/19/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.45% 4.99% 160,000 (4,538) 155,462 156,275 813 09/01/25 San Bernardino Successor Agency Swansea, MA 10/22/20 Municipal Security Aa 4.00% 0.71% 175,000 3,836 178,836 175,646 (3,190) 09/12/25 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130A6C70 10/04/22 Government Security Aaa 2.63% 4.13% 570,000 (5,824) 564,176 563,633 (543) 10/01/25 Folsom Cordova School District CUSIP #34440PCN9 11/10/20 Municipal Security Aa- 3.00% 1.00% 400,000 5,964 405,964 396,228 (9,736) 10/03/25 Investar Bank Baton Rouge, LA 10/04/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 5.35% 5.35% 248,000 n/a 248,000 250,220 2,220 11/07/25 Federal National Mortgage Assn CUSIP #3135G06G3 12/14/20 Government Security Aaa 0.50% 0.42% 500,000 340 500,340 484,385 (15,955) 11/15/25 Tulare Sewer Revenue CUSIP 899124MF5 12/11/20 Municipal Security Aa 1.46% 0.58% 400,000 3,037 403,037 390,260 (12,777) 12/11/25 BMW Bank North America Salt Lake City, UT 12/11/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.50% 0.50% 245,000 n/a 245,000 236,812 (8,188) 12/18/25 Third Federal Savings & Loan Cleveland, OH 12/18/20 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.46% 1.46% 245,000 n/a 245,000 236,535 (8,465) 12/29/25 American Nat'l Bank Baxter, MN 09/29/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 5.00% 5.00% 248,000 n/a 248,000 250,098 2,098 01/15/26 First Reliance Bank Florence, SC 01/15/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.30% 0.30% 245,000 n/a 245,000 235,487 (9,513) 01/22/26 ConnectOne Bank Englewood Cliffs, NJ 01/22/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.45% 0.45% 245,000 n/a 245,000 235,697 (9,303) 01/22/26 Luana Savings Bank Luana, IA 01/22/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.40% 0.40% 245,000 n/a 245,000 235,641 (9,359) 02/09/26 First United Bank & Trust Durant, OK 03/16/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.25% 4.81% 120,000 (727) 119,273 120,185 912 02/11/26 Ind'l & Com'l Bank of China New York, NY 02/22/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.45% 0.45% 245,000 n/a 245,000 235,307 (9,693) 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 24 of 79 MATURITY DESCRIPTION PURCHASE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT STATED FACE PREMIUM/COST OF MARKET UNREALIZED DATE (ISSUER)DATE TYPE RATING % RATE YIELD VALUE (DISCOUNT)INVESTMENT VALUE GAIN / (LOSS) City of Atascadero Investment Report December 31, 2024 02/24/26 Eaglebank Bethesda, MD 03/16/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.25% 4.25% 244,000$ n/a 244,000$ 244,276$ 276$ 03/02/26 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133EFH91 03/03/21 Government Security Aaa 2.22% 0.75% 876,000 14,928 890,928 854,556 (36,372) 03/27/26 Federal Agriculture Mtge Corp CUSIP #31422XDX7 03/30/21 Government Security n/a 0.83% 0.87% 500,000 (233) 499,767 478,760 (21,007) 04/23/26 Malaga Bank Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 04/23/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.55% 0.55% 245,000 n/a 245,000 233,933 (11,067) 04/24/26 Federal National Mortgage Assn CUSIP #3135G0K36 04/26/21 Government Security Aaa 2.13% 0.77% 500,000 8,844 508,844 486,195 (22,649) 05/19/26 Eaglemark Savings Bank Reno, NV 05/19/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.70% 0.70% 245,000 n/a 245,000 233,950 (11,050) 05/31/26 US Treasury Notes CUSIP #91282CCF6 11/23/22 Government Security Aaa 0.75% 4.15% 500,000 (23,080) 476,920 476,210 (710) 06/01/26 Golden St TOB CUSIP #38122NC59 05/10/23 Municipal Security A 2.16% 4.52% 150,000 (4,801) 145,199 144,852 (347) 06/05/26 Enterprise Bank Omaha, NE 09/27/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.85% 4.99% 249,000 (14,189) 234,811 237,860 3,049 06/24/26 First Financial Bank Dakota Dunes, SD 09/27/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.15% 5.11% 249,000 (6,937) 242,063 245,693 3,630 06/30/26 UBS Bank USA Salt Lake City, UT 05/19/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.90% 0.90% 245,000 n/a 245,000 233,725 (11,275) 07/01/26 New York Community Bank Hicksville, NY 06/29/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.85% 0.85% 245,000 n/a 245,000 233,608 (11,392) 07/20/26 Southern Bancorp Bank Arkadelphia, AR 01/19/24 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.00% 4.00% 249,000 n/a 249,000 248,749 (251) 07/22/26 Toyota Financial Savings Bank Henderson, NV 07/22/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.95% 0.95% 245,000 n/a 245,000 233,561 (11,439) 08/01/26 Rancho Adobe Fire Protection CUSIP #752096AE7 10/14/21 Municipal Security Aa 1.43% 1.25% 260,000 734 260,734 247,356 (13,378) 08/03/26 Bridgewater Bank St. Louis Pk, MN 11/03/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 5.15% 5.15% 248,000 n/a 248,000 252,139 4,139 08/13/26 Synchrony Bank Draper, UT 08/13/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.90% 0.90% 245,000 n/a 245,000 232,961 (12,039) 08/15/26 Dallas TX Ind School District CUSIP #235308D83 05/09/24 Municipal Security Aaa 4.00% 4.86% 150,000 (1,967) 148,033 149,406 1,373 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 25 of 79 MATURITY DESCRIPTION PURCHASE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT STATED FACE PREMIUM/COST OF MARKET UNREALIZED DATE (ISSUER)DATE TYPE RATING % RATE YIELD VALUE (DISCOUNT)INVESTMENT VALUE GAIN / (LOSS) City of Atascadero Investment Report December 31, 2024 08/15/26 El Paso TX CUSIP #283734Y21 05/09/24 Municipal Security Aa 4.93% 4.93% 110,000$ (6,498)$ 103,502$ 104,240$ 738$ 09/24/26 Federal National Mortgage Assn CUSIP #3135G0Q22 09/24/21 Government Security Aaa 1.88% 0.80% 500,000 9,267 509,267 480,535 (28,732) 09/29/26 First Bank Richmond Richmond, IN 09/29/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 0.55% 0.55% 245,000 n/a 245,000 230,731 (14,269) 10/01/26 California Infrastructure Bonds CUSIP #13034AL73 10/05/22 Municipal Security AAA 1.04% 4.69% 155,000 (9,413) 145,587 146,455 868 10/01/26 Manteca Redevelopment Bonds CUSIP #56453RBA1 10/05/22 Municipal Security AA 2.04% 4.81% 115,000 (5,283) 109,717 110,154 437 10/13/26 Federal Agricultural Mtge Corp CUSIP #31424WAN2 11/08/23 Government Security n/a 5.00% 4.77% 700,000 2,737 702,737 708,316 5,579 10/31/26 US Treasury Notes CUSIP #912828YQ7 11/23/22 Government Security Aaa 1.63% 4.07% 250,000 (10,682) 239,318 238,580 (738) 11/17/26 Capital One Bank Glen Allen, VA 11/17/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.10% 1.10% 245,000 n/a 245,000 232,133 (12,867) 11/17/26 Capital One National McLean, VA 11/17/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.10% 1.10% 245,000 n/a 245,000 232,133 (12,867) 11/17/26 Federal Agricultural Mtge Corp CUSIP #31422XPS5 09/27/23 Government Security n/a 1.15% 4.86% 500,000 (32,907) 467,093 471,055 3,962 12/21/26 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130AQF65 12/30/21 Government Security Aaa 1.25% 1.26% 500,000 (72) 499,928 472,835 (27,093) 12/28/26 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133EJ4E6 01/18/22 Government Security Aaa 3.13% 1.58% 200,000 6,037 206,037 195,610 (10,427) 12/31/26 Bank Kremlin Kremlin, OK 12/31/21 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.05% 1.05% 245,000 n/a 245,000 231,072 (13,928) 01/15/27 San Joaquin Hills Trans Agency CUSIP # 798111HF0 01/19/22 Municipal Security A2 2.15% 1.88% 500,000 2,692 502,692 477,055 (25,637) 01/19/27 First Foundation Bank Irvine, CA 10/25/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.70% 5.05% 230,000 (1,534) 228,466 232,962 4,496 02/10/27 Federal Agriculture Mtge Corp CUSIP #31422XTX0 02/17/22 Government Security n/a 1.60% 1.96% 550,000 (4,067) 545,933 519,563 (26,370) 02/17/27 Beal Bank USA Las Vegas, NV 02/23/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 1.90% 1.90% 245,000 n/a 245,000 234,512 (10,488) 02/23/27 Sallie Mae Bank Salt Lake City, UT 10/13/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 2.20% 4.17% 184,000 (7,386) 176,614 177,152 538 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 26 of 79 MATURITY DESCRIPTION PURCHASE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT STATED FACE PREMIUM/COST OF MARKET UNREALIZED DATE (ISSUER)DATE TYPE RATING % RATE YIELD VALUE (DISCOUNT)INVESTMENT VALUE GAIN / (LOSS) City of Atascadero Investment Report December 31, 2024 03/01/27 Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit CUSIP #835588BA1 12/07/22 Municipal Security AA 1.73% 4.45% 500,000$ (27,767)$ 472,233$ 471,540$ (693)$ 03/12/27 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130A3DU5 03/17/22 Government Security Aaa 3.00% 2.20% 500,000 8,523 508,523 487,690 (20,833) 03/16/27 American Express Nat'l Bank Sandy, UT 03/16/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 2.00% 2.00% 245,000 n/a 245,000 234,671 (10,329) 03/17/27 Beal Bank Plano, TX 03/23/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 2.00% 2.00% 245,000 n/a 245,000 233,902 (11,098) 04/14/27 Comenity Capital Bank Draper, UT 04/14/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 2.65% 2.65% 245,000 n/a 245,000 237,711 (7,289) 04/30/27 US Treasury Notes CUSIP # 91282CEN7 01/18/23 Government Security Aaa 2.75% 3.64% 1,000,000 (19,754) 980,246 966,770 (13,476) 05/01/27 LA Unified School District CUSIP # 544646A77 05/11/22 Municipal Security Aa3 5.72% 3.81% 500,000 21,282 521,282 511,980 (9,302) 05/15/27 US Treasury Notes CUSIP #912828X88 05/24/22 Government Security Aaa 2.38% 2.87% 500,000 (5,546) 494,454 478,835 (15,619) 06/09/27 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130A5JU4 06/22/22 Government Security Aaa 3.04% 3.43% 200,000 (1,785) 198,215 194,150 (4,065) 06/11/27 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130ASGU7 06/22/22 Government Security Aaa 3.50% 3.41% 200,000 450 200,450 196,246 (4,204) 06/15/27 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133EHNR0 06/22/22 Government Security Aaa 2.58% 3.43% 480,000 (9,467) 470,533 459,907 (10,626) 07/01/27 Sequoia CA Union High CUSIP #817409N50 05/10/23 Municipal Security AA1 1.95% 4.20% 350,000 (18,456) 331,544 330,264 (1,280) 07/16/27 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133EAXT0 07/26/22 Government Security Aaa 2.75% 2.98% 135,000 (744) 134,256 129,693 (4,563) 07/20/27 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133ELV92 10/25/23 Government Security Aaa 0.77% 4.86% 500,000 (48,441) 451,559 457,260 5,701 08/01/27 Corona Norco Ca Unif Sch Dist CUSIP # 219764SB4 08/04/22 Municipal Security AA- 2.30% 3.63% 250,000 (8,129) 241,871 237,490 (4,381) 08/01/27 Escondido CA Unif Sch Dist CUSIP # 2963871UV7 08/05/22 Municipal Security AA2 1.13% 3.53% 100,000 (5,867) 94,133 91,950 (2,183) 08/01/27 Martinez CA Uni Sch Dist CUSIP # 573428MN6 08/04/22 Municipal Security AA 1.26% 3.43% 250,000 (13,269) 236,731 230,660 (6,071) 08/01/27 San Marcos CA Uni Sch Dist CUSIP # 798755GC2 08/05/22 Municipal Security AA 2.31% 3.68% 185,000 (6,172) 178,828 175,380 (3,448) 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 27 of 79 MATURITY DESCRIPTION PURCHASE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT STATED FACE PREMIUM/COST OF MARKET UNREALIZED DATE (ISSUER)DATE TYPE RATING % RATE YIELD VALUE (DISCOUNT)INVESTMENT VALUE GAIN / (LOSS) City of Atascadero Investment Report December 31, 2024 08/01/27 Southwestern Comm College CUSIP # 845389LS2 08/04/22 Municipal Security AA- 1.53% 3.53% 155,000$ (7,569)$ 147,431$ 144,197$ (3,234)$ 08/26/27 Federal Agriculture Mtge Corp CUSIP #31422XF23 09/02/22 Government Security n/a 3.20% 3.49% 500,000 (3,623) 496,377 486,400 (9,977) 09/15/27 Luminate Bank Minnetonka, MN 09/15/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.40% 3.40% 245,000 n/a 245,000 241,185 (3,815) 09/15/27 Ponce de Leon Fed Bank Bronx, NY 09/15/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.50% 3.50% 245,000 n/a 245,000 241,813 (3,187) 09/15/27 University of Pittsburgh CUSIP # 798755GC2 09/15/22 Municipal Security AA+ 3.18% 3.81% 500,000 (8,016) 491,984 483,545 (8,439) 10/08/27 Federal National Mortgage Assn CUSIP #3135G05Y5 10/12/22 Government Security Aaa 0.75% 4.12% 1,000,000 (87,367) 912,633 907,550 (5,083) 10/31/27 US Treasury Notes CUSIP # 91282CAU5 11/09/22 Government Security Aaa 0.50% 4.31% 600,000 (60,382) 539,618 540,066 448 11/15/27 Tulare CA Sewer Rev CUSIP #899124MH1 04/12/23 Municipal Security AA 1.93% 4.47% 325,000 (22,028) 302,972 302,325 (647) 11/15/27 US Treasury Notes CUSIP # 9128283F5 12/07/22 Government Security Aaa 2.25% 3.79% 500,000 (20,723) 479,277 472,735 (6,542) 12/01/27 Federal Agricultural Mtge Corp CUSIP #31422XR95 10/20/23 Government Security n/a 4.03% 5.04% 500,000 (13,502) 486,498 495,705 9,207 12/15/27 Forbright Bank Potomac, MD 12/15/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.00% 4.00% 245,000 n/a 245,000 244,968 (32) 12/16/27 Community West Bank NA Goleta, CA 12/16/22 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.00% 4.00% 245,000 n/a 245,000 244,968 (32) 01/12/28 Inter-American Dev Bank CUSIP # 4581X0EH7 01/19/23 Supranational Security Aaa 4.00% 3.70% 1,000,000 8,594 1,008,594 988,910 (19,684) 02/10/28 First National Bk of Michigan Kalamazoo, MI 02/10/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.70% 3.70% 249,000 n/a 249,000 246,791 (2,209) 02/15/28 Belmont Bank & Trust Chicago, IL 02/15/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.75% 3.75% 249,000 n/a 249,000 247,147 (1,853) 02/15/28 US Treasury Notes CUSIP # 9128283W8 02/01/23 Government Security Aaa 2.75% 3.64% 500,000 (13,065) 486,935 477,425 (9,510) 02/17/28 Vision Bank St. Louis, MN 02/17/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.75% 3.75% 249,000 n/a 249,000 247,145 (1,855) 03/10/28 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP # 3130ATS57 03/15/23 Government Security Aaa 4.50% 3.90% 600,000 10,746 610,746 602,274 (8,472) 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 28 of 79 MATURITY DESCRIPTION PURCHASE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT STATED FACE PREMIUM/COST OF MARKET UNREALIZED DATE (ISSUER)DATE TYPE RATING % RATE YIELD VALUE (DISCOUNT)INVESTMENT VALUE GAIN / (LOSS) City of Atascadero Investment Report December 31, 2024 03/17/28 Affinity Bank Covington, GA 03/17/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.90% 4.90% 245,000$ n/a 245,000$ 251,605$ 6,605$ 03/20/28 Bank Five Nine Oconomowoc, WI 03/20/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.65% 4.65% 245,000 n/a 245,000 249,775 4,775 04/01/28 California State Bonds-GO CUSIP #13063DGC6 04/12/23 Municipal Security AA 3.50% 3.98% 525,000 (7,553) 517,447 509,570 (7,877) 04/01/28 California State Bonds-Taxable CUSIP #13063DGC6 04/12/23 Municipal Security AA 3.50% 3.98% 150,000 (2,158) 147,842 145,592 (2,250) 04/06/28 Morgan Stanley Bank Salt Lake City, UT 09/28/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.65% 4.69% 244,000 (283) 243,717 248,736 5,019 05/12/28 Central Bank Little Rock, AR 05/12/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.85% 3.85% 249,000 n/a 249,000 248,973 (27) 05/16/28 CIBC Bank Chicago, IL 05/16/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.35% 4.35% 244,000 n/a 244,000 246,635 2,635 05/16/28 Univest Bank & Trust Souderton, PA 05/16/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.40% 4.40% 249,000 n/a 249,000 252,113 3,113 05/30/28 Idaho First Bank McCall, ID 05/30/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.20% 4.20% 245,000 n/a 245,000 253,379 8,379 05/31/28 Customers Bank Phoenixville, PA 05/31/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.45% 4.45% 244,000 n/a 244,000 252,172 8,172 06/09/28 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130AEB25 06/20/23 Government Security AA+ 3.25% 4.03% 170,000 (4,202) 165,798 163,664 (2,134) 06/30/28 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130AWN63 08/03/23 Government Security Aaa 4.00% 4.33% 500,000 (5,284) 494,716 496,225 1,509 07/06/28 HSBC Bank USA McLean, VA 07/18/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.30% 4.57% 249,000 (10,286) 238,714 242,735 4,021 07/26/28 Park State Bank Duluth, MN 07/26/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.45% 4.45% 249,000 n/a 249,000 252,693 3,693 07/31/28 Medallion Bank Salt Lake City, UT 07/31/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.40% 4.40% 249,000 n/a 249,000 252,319 3,319 08/01/28 New York City Transitional Fin Auth CUSIP #64971XBN7 08/16/23 Municipal Security Aa1 4.90% 4.90% 850,000 (48,449) 801,551 808,189 6,638 08/17/28 United Fidelity Bank FBS Evansville, IN 09/13/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.50% 4.50% 249,000 n/a 249,000 253,168 4,168 09/05/28 Discover Bank Greenwood, DE 09/07/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.55% 4.55% 244,000 n/a 244,000 248,609 4,609 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 29 of 79 MATURITY DESCRIPTION PURCHASE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT STATED FACE PREMIUM/COST OF MARKET UNREALIZED DATE (ISSUER)DATE TYPE RATING % RATE YIELD VALUE (DISCOUNT)INVESTMENT VALUE GAIN / (LOSS) City of Atascadero Investment Report December 31, 2024 09/13/28 Optum Bank Inc Draper, UT 09/13/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.55% 4.55% 244,000$ n/a 244,000$ 248,529$ 4,529$ 09/21/28 Merrick Bank South Jordan, UT 09/21/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.50% 4.50% 249,000 n/a 249,000 253,270 4,270 09/27/28 Legacy Bank & Trust Mountain Grove, MO 09/27/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.50% 4.50% 249,000 n/a 249,000 253,288 4,288 09/29/28 Star Bank Maple Lake, MN 09/29/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.65% 4.65% 244,000 n/a 244,000 249,419 5,419 10/17/28 Southern First Bank Greensville, SC 10/26/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.85% 4.85% 244,000 n/a 244,000 251,849 7,849 10/23/28 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130AXLQ9 10/25/23 Government Security Aaa 5.03% 4.89% 500,000 2,389 502,389 509,040 6,651 10/27/28 Iowa State Bank Clarksville, IA 10/27/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 4.70% 4.70% 249,000 n/a 249,000 255,140 6,140 11/14/28 Wells Fargo Bank Sioux Falls, SD 11/14/23 Certificate of Deposit n/a 5.05% 5.05% 248,000 n/a 248,000 257,293 9,293 11/16/28 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130AFFX0 12/12/23 Government Security Aaa 3.25% 4.29% 500,000 (18,339) 481,661 482,450 789 12/01/28 Sulphur Springs CA Uni Sch District CUSIP #865485EL6 12/07/23 Municipal Security A2 1.97% 4.58% 110,000 (10,152) 99,848 98,909 (939) 12/04/28 Federal Agricultural Mtge Corp CUSIP #31424WCR1 12/12/23 Government Security n/a 4.38% 4.33% 750,000 1,177 751,177 749,175 (2,002) 12/04/28 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133EHZ48 05/08/24 Government Security Aaa 2.77% 4.49% 194,000 (11,919) 182,081 181,945 (136) 01/18/29 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133EPW84 01/19/24 Government Security AA+ 3.88% 4.04% 750,000 (4,493) 745,507 735,172 (10,335) 01/26/29 Old Dominion National Bank North Garden, VA 01/26/24 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.85% 3.85% 249,000 n/a 249,000 247,571 (1,429) 01/26/29 Parkside Financial Bank Clayton, MO 01/26/24 Certificate of Deposit n/a 3.85% 3.85% 249,000 n/a 249,000 247,571 (1,429) 02/13/29 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133EP3B9 02/14/24 Government Security AA+ 4.13% 4.28% 1,250,000 (6,994) 1,243,006 1,236,038 (6,968) 03/09/29 Federal Home Loan Bank CUSIP #3130AVBD3 04/10/24 Government Security AA+ 4.50% 4.47% 1,000,000 1,004 1,001,004 1,002,240 1,236 04/10/29 Federal Farm Credit Bank CUSIP #3133ERAK7 04/17/24 Government Security AA+ 4.38% 4.71% 1,000,000 (12,703) 987,297 999,180 11,883 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 30 of 79 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 31 of 79 City of Atascadero Investments by Type December 2024 Investment December 2024 LAIF 6,067,088$ Money Market 4,804,606 Certificates of Deposit 17,357,917 Government Securities 26,430,734 Municipal Securities 9,521,219 Supranational Securities 1,508,586 Cash with Fiscal Agent 23,482 65,713,632$ LAIF 9% Money Market 7% Certificates of Deposit 26% Government Securities 40% Municipal Securities 15% Supranational Securities 2% Cash with Fiscal Agent <1% LAIF Money Market Certificates of Deposit Government Securities Municipal Securities Supranational Securities Cash with Fiscal Agent 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 32 of 79 City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity * December 2024 Investment December 2024 On Demand 10,871,694$ Within One Month 989,992 One Month to One Year 8,563,728 One to Five Years 45,264,736 65,690,150$ * Cash with fiscal agent is not included in the totals for this graph because the amounts are restricted based on bond covenants, and therefore, the City doesn't retain the option to liquefy these funds at will. On Demand 17% Within One Month 1% One Month to One Year 13% One to Five Years 69% On Demand Within One Month One Month to One Year One to Five Years 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 33 of 79 City of Atascadero Investments by Custodial Agent December 2024 Custodial Agent December 2024 State of California 6,067,088$ US Bank 54,818,456 Bank of New York 23,482 Mechanics Money Market 4,804,606 Other 65,713,632$ State of California 9% US Bank 83% Bank of New York <1% Mechanics Money Market 7% State of California US Bank Bank of New York Mechanics Money Market 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 34 of 79 City of Atascadero Investment Yield vs. 2-Year Treasury Yield For the Quarter Ended December 31, 2024 City Yield 2-Yr Treasury Weighted Portfolio Yield December 2022 2.19%2.63% March 2023 2.53%2.93% June 2023 2.68%3.17% September 2023 2.95%3.20% December 2023 3.12%3.10% March 2024 3.23%3.20% June 2024 3.68%3.67% September 2024 3.53%3.39% December 2024 3.52%3.48% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% City Yield 2-Yr Treasury Weighted Portfolio Yield 02/25/25 | Item A3 | Attachment 1 35 of 79 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Item A4 Department: Public Works Date: 02/25/25 Placement: Consent TO: JAMES R. LEWIS, CITY MANAGER FROM: NICK DE BAR, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER PREPARED BY: RYAN BETZ, PUBLIC WORKS ANALYST SUBJECT: First Amendment to Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement RECOMMENDATION: Council approve Draft Resolution authorizing an Amendment to the Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement with USA Waste of California, Inc. (dba Atascadero Waste Alternatives) and authorizing the City Manager to execute the Amendment. DISCUSSION: Background: Solid waste, recycling, and organic waste collection within the City of Atascadero is provided by Atascadero Waste Alternatives (AWA) through a solid waste franchise agreement. The agreement was approved by the City Council on August 8, 2023. Section 5.8 of the agreement requires that AWA hold two Clean-Up Week Events for seven consecutive days (Saturday to Saturday) in April and October of each year. In connection with the April clean-up event, AWA is required to provide a Shredding Event (document shredding services) at an approved disposal facility (Chicago Grade Landfill). To monitor and track the progress of these two events, the agreement specifies that each residential customer will be provided one clean-up voucher per event. Vouchers allow each customer the ability to bring up to two cubic yards of solid waste using their personal vehicle, at no cost, to Chicago Grade Landfill. To request a voucher, customers must visit the AWA’s local office and then transport their items to Chicago Grade Landfill. Due to popularity of these events, the demand and wait time for the voucher has steadily increased, resulting in longer than expected wait times for customers to receive their vouchers. City staff and AWA representatives meet periodically to discuss collection services, new state regulations impacting residential and commercial accounts, and opportunities to reduce rates for Atascadero customers. Part of those discussions include reviewing the clean-up and shredding event operations, including the voucher system, and efforts to simplify the residential customer experience. With AWA’s recent acquisition of Mid State Solid Waste and their transfer station located in Templeton, there is an opportunity to improve the residential customer experience, reduce the overall cost and potentially reduce future annual rate increases. The disposal rates, including additional fees for appliances, scrap metal, mattresses, inc., are lower at the transfer station than compared to the rates at Chicago Grade Landfill. By replacing the voucher system 36 of 79 02/25/25 | Item A4 | Staff Report with a more direct one in which the customer transports their material directly to the transfer station in Templeton, customers can avoid the hassle of making two trips and potentially reduce future rate increases. This may also encourage additional residential customers to participate in the clean-up events, which will help reduce instances of illegal dumping of bulky items on public property and within the public right-of-way. Another recent discussion with AWA representatives occurred after one of their periodic route reviews. During the route review, it was discovered on some commercial accounts that the driver was having to exit the truck, move the dumpster out of its enclosure, service the unit, and then move the dumpster back into the enclosure. The service, called a ‘Roll Out/Pull Out Fee’, is considered an additional service ($33.91/month per dumpster) and is listed under the Additional Services section within the Franchise Agreement. The additional service was part of the City’s previous franchise agreement with AWA and is common in other franchise agreements within the county. Because this is an additional service offered to commercial accounts, it is not required, and the commercial customer may make alternate arrangements to have the dumpster(s) rolled out on their scheduled date of service. AWA representatives have notified the affected commercial accounts through both telephone calls and direct mail that this additional service fee will be added to accounts beginning March 1. Both communications included language encouraging commercial accounts to schedule an onsite meeting with AWA representatives to discuss service options and potential solutions prior to March 1. Several commercial accounts have already made alternative arrangements and will not be billed the additional service fee. Other commercial customers have met with AWA representatives to discuss options, and those efforts will continue as AWA is contacted by commercial customers. Commercial customers who are impacted by this additional service fee or have questions/concerns, should contact AWA at their earliest convenience at (805) 466-3636. Proposed Amendment Staff recommends replacing the language requiring the clean-up and shredding events to be held at the approved disposal facility (Chicago Grade Landfill) with a location to be agreed upon by the City and AWA. For the clean-up event location, the City and AWA agree that utilizing the transfer station in Templeton has both customer experience and potential cost saving benefits. For the shredding event location, the City and AWA agree the event should be within city limits at a location with adequate space and parking. AWA is exploring location options and will work directly with the staff on an agreed upon location. Once the location has been agreed upon, AWA will send a notice to residential customers. The City and AWA (Contractor) propose the following revisions to the language within Section 5.8. Clean-Up Events with the following: 5.8 Clean-Up Events A. Clean-Up Weeks. Each year throughout the Term of this Agreement, Contractor shall hold two “Clean-Up Weeks,” held for seven (7) consecutive days from Saturday to Saturday 37 of 79 02/25/25 | Item A4 | Staff Report in April and October of each year, or such other time as Contractor may reasonably determine. Contractor shall, upon request, provide each Residential Customer with one ( 1) clean-up voucher. To request a voucher and participate In the Clean-Up Week, the Residential Customer will contact Contractor’s local office and pick-up the voucher at the local office. These vouchers will allow each Customer the ability to bring up to two (2) cubic yards of Solid Waste using their personal vehicle per voucher at no cost to the Approved Disposal Facility location mutually agreed upon by the City and Contractor during the applicable Clean-Up Week. The voucher must be presented upon entrance into the facility. Customers shall provide proof of residency and any other documents, information, or identification reasonably requested by Contractor. B. Shredding Event. Once per calendar year in connection with the April Clean-Up Week, Contractor shall provide document shredding services to Residential Customers at the Approved Disposal Facility a location mutually agreed upon by City and Contractor. Customers shall provide proof of residency and any other documents, information, or identification reasonably requested by Contractor. The proposed amendment provides the City additional flexibility to improve residential customer experience and participation, while continuing opportunities to potentially limit future rate increases. ALTERNATIVES TO THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council may reject staff recommendations and not amend the proposed language regarding clean-up and shredding events within the franchise agreement. Staff does not recommend this alternative because of the potential to improve the customer service experience and limit future rate increases. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact to the City regarding this amendment. REVIEWED BY OTHERS: This item has been reviewed by the Administrative Services Director. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR COUNCIL AGENDA James R. Lewis, City Manager ATTACHMENT(S): Draft Resolution approving First Amendment to Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement 38 of 79 02/25/25 | Item A4| Attachment 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH USA WASTE OF CALIFORNIA, INC. (dba ATASCADERO WASTE ALTERNTIVES) AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the City and Atascadero Waste Alternatives (“Contractor”) are parties to that certain Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement No. 2023-025 (the “Existing Agreement”) dated August 8, 2023, which was approved by Resolution No. 2023-066; and WHEREAS, the City and Contractor are parties to that certain Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement No. 2023-025 (the “Existing Agreement”) dated August 8, 2023, which was approved by Resolution No. 2023-066; and WHEREAS, the City and Contractor continually review and discuss opportunities to improve solid waste, recycle and organic collection services, compliance with state regulations, education and outreach and Contractor required services outlined in the agreement; and WHEREAS, Contractor has identified opportunities to streamline clean-up events with the intent to improve the residential customer experience while potentially limiting future cost increases to collection services; and WHEREAS, Contractor has requested an amendment to the existing franchise agreement to replace the language within Section 5.8 Clean-Up Events, A. Clean-Up Weeks regarding the clean-up voucher process and disposal location for residential customers and Section 5.8 Clean- Up Events, B. Shredding Event regarding the disposal location. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Atascadero takes the following actions: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby approves the Amendment to the Existing Agreement between the City of Atascadero and USA Waste of California, Inc. to replace Section 5.8 of the Agreement. SECTION 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the Amendment to the Agreement on behalf of the City attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 25th day of February, 2025. On motion by Council Member _________ and seconded by Council Member _______, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: 39 of 79 02/25/25 | Item A4| Attachment 1 ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO ___________________________________ Charles Bourbeau, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk 40 of 79 Exhibit A 02/25/25 | Item A4 | Attachment 1A 1 FIRST AMENDMENT TO SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT This First Amendment to Solid Waste Collection Franchise Agreement (hereinafter “First Amendment”) is effective as of the 1st day of March, 2025, by and between the City of Atascadero, a political subdivision of the State of California (“City”) and USA Waste of California, Inc., d/b/a Atascadero Waste Alternatives, a Delaware corporation (“Contractor”). NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, it is hereby agreed by and between the City and Contractor as follows: 1. The first paragraph of Section 5.8 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: “A. Clean-Up Weeks. Each year throughout the Term of this Agreement, Contractor shall hold two "Clean-Up Weeks," held for seven (7) consecutive days from Saturday to Saturday in April and October of each year, or such other time as Contractor may reasonably determine. Contractor will allow each Customer the ability to bring up to two (2) cubic yards of Solid Waste using their personal vehicle, at no cost, to the location mutually agreed upon by the City and Contractor during the applicable Clean-Up Week. Customers shall provide proof of residency and any other documents, information, or identification reasonably requested by Contractor. B. Shredding Event. Once per calendar year in connection with the April Clean-Up Week, Contractor shall provide document shredding services to Residential Customers at a location mutually agreed upon by City and Contractor. Customers shall provide proof of residency and any other documents, information, or identification reasonably requested by Contractor.” 2. Except as provided in this First Amendment, the terms and conditions of the Existing Agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Contractor have executed as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF ATASCADERO ______________________ James R. Lewis City Manager ATTEST _________________________ Lara K. Christensen City Clerk USA WASTE OF CALIFORNIA, INC. _______________________ Mike Hammer, President Southern California Area 41 of 79 Exhibit A 02/25/25 | Item A4 | Attachment 1A 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM _________________________ David Fleishman City Attorney 42 of 79 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Item B1 Department: Community Services & Promotions Date: 2/25/25 Placement: Public Hearing TO: JAMES R. LEWIS, CITY MANAGER FROM: TERRIE BANISH, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES & PROMOTIONS PREPARED BY: TERRIE BANISH, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES & PROMOTIONS SUBJECT: Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Change to Ordinance for Lodging Owner Nomination Process and Composition of the Board RECOMMENDATIONS: Council introduce for first reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance amending Atascadero Municipal Code Section 3-16.07, changing the lodging business owner nomination process for Board Members and composition of the Board for the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID). REPORT IN BRIEF: A draft Ordinance for the Lodging Business Owner Nomination Process and Composition of the Board was heard at the City Council meeting on February 11th. At that meeting, Council continued the Public Hearing to February 25th, giving direction to staff to modify the ordinance to reflect that the lodging business owners be entitled to vote only for the Board member within the category they represent. Following is a summary of the revisions: The ATBID Advisory Board will be comprised of five members with four (4) members representing lodging owners in a commercial zone with twenty-five (25) rooms or more and one (1) member representing Vacation Rental/ Bed & Breakfast/Short Term Rental properties that are not considered hotels under the City’s zoning code. Lodging owners who represent a Vacation Rental/ Bed & Breakfast/ Short Term Rental will be able to vote for the one (1) board member term that is up for renewal representing that category. The same will apply to those Lodging owners who are in a commercial zone with twenty-five (25) rooms or more. They will be able to vote for the four (4) board member terms when those positions are up for renewal. The voting procedures for selecting the candidates to be recommended to Council will be left to the Board to establish. 43 of 79 2/25/25 | Item B1 | Staff Report DISCUSSION The City Council appoints ATBID Advisory Board Members to serve at the pleasure of the Council. The Advisory Board is made up of lodging business owners or employees, or other representatives holding the written consent of a lodging business owner within the ATBID area. Lodging owners are assessed two and one-half percent (2.5%) of the rent charged by the business per occupied room or space per night for transient occupancies. Each year, the lodging owners are notified in February of the opportunity to vote on the current Board Member vacancy two-year terms expiring at the end of June and vote to propose replacements for these vacancies to serve on the Board beginning July 1. Most recently, the ATBID Board has reviewed the composition of the board and the voting process with recommended changes to reflect the weighted percentage paid into the ATBID assessment from lodging owners. The Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) Board has reviewed the way Lodging Owners are currently selected for recommendation to Council to serve on the Board, outlined in Ordinance 568, 3-16.07 (a) & (d). Under AMC 3-16.07, Council makes the appointments to the ATBID Advisory Board following a recommendation from the lodging business owners. The current voting mechanism for the ATBID lodging owners is a secret ballot vote; however, the language regarding who gets to vote is unclear. To clarify the voting process language and identify those lodging owners paying a higher percentage into the assessment to serve on the ATBID Board, staff has made additional changes to the ordinance presented at the February 11 meeting. On February 11, the Council continued the public hearing to tonight’s meeting. Following the public hearing, staff recommends that Council introduce the proposed Ordinance making changes to Section 3-16.07. ALTERNATIVES TO THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council may direct staff to determine a different ATBID Board composition OR continue the annual lodging owner voting and ATBID Board composition as is without any recommended changes. FISCAL IMPACT: None. REVIEWED BY OTHERS: This item has been reviewed by the Administrative Services Director. 44 of 79 2/25/25 | Item B1 | Staff Report REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR COUNCIL AGENDA James R. Lewis, City Manager ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Draft Ordinance 2. Ordinance 568 45 of 79 2/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 1 DRAFT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 3-16.07 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero (“City”) has formed the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (“ATBID”), pursuant to Section 36500 of the Streets & Highways Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the members of the board of the ATBID are appointed by the City Council upon recommendation by the ATBID board pursuant to Section 3-16.07 of the Atascadero Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the advisory board has recommended a change in the composition of the advisory board to represent the different types of lodging businesses within the City. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. The Council hereby finds and declares the following: A. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. Approval. The City Council of the City of Atascadero amends Section 3- 16.07 of Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: The City Council will appoint an Advisory Board for the ATBID under the following procedures: (a) The ATBID Advisory Board will be comprised of five members, with four (4) members representing lodging businesses with twenty-five (25) rooms or more in a commercial zone and one (1) member representing vacation rental lodging businesses that are not hotels as that term is defined in Chapter 9 of this code. (b) Membership on the ATBID Advisory Board is limited to lodging business owners or other representatives named in writing as an empowered designee by a lodging business owner within the ATBID area. To sponsor a member on the ATBID Advisory Board, each lodging business must have fully paid its ATBID assessment at the time of appointment, and remain fully paid during the term of that representative's membership on the Board. (c) All Advisory Board members will serve staggered terms of two years, with three board members being appointed in one year, and two board members being appointed in the following year. 46 of 79 2/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 1 (d) The ATBID Advisory Board will be appointed at the discretion of the City Council, following a nomination process facilitated by the lodging businesses. Each February, the current Advisory Board will mail a letter to all lodging business owners in the ATBID announcing the ATBID Advisory Board seats that are scheduled to become vacant as of July 1st of that calendar year and requesting nominations for the Board from such lodging businesses. Board nominations must meet the qualifications to maintain the composition of the Board as set forth in subsection (a). The Board shall establish its own internal procedures to make nominations and vote for candidates to be recommended to the City Council, but only those lodging businesses with twenty-five (25) rooms or more in a commercial zone shall be eligible to vote for the four (4) Board members representing lodging businesses with twenty-five (25) rooms or more in a commercial zone, and only those vacation rental lodging businesses that are not hotels as that term is defined in Chapter 9 of this code shall be eligible to vote for the one (1) Board member representing vacation rental lodging businesses that are not hotels as that term is defined in Chapter 9 of this code. (e) If the City Council rejects the recommendations of the ATBID Advisory Board, the City Council will request a new recommendation from the lodging businesses for consideration. The ATBID Advisory Board members serve at the pleasure of the City Council. The Council may, by majority vote, remove any Advisory Board member with or without cause. (f) If the City Clerk does not receive sufficient nominations of potential Board members by April 30th of any applicable years, the open positions on the ATBID Advisory Board will be appointed by the process set forth for appointing boards and commissions in Title 2 Chapter 2.08 of this code. SECTION 3. CEQA. Because of the facts set forth in Section 1, the proposed text amendment is exempt from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., “CEQA”) and CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq.) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the enactment of this Ordinance would have a significant effect on the environment (Pub. Resources Code § 21065; CEQA Guidelines §§ 15378(b)(5), 15061(b)(3). SECTION 4. Interpretation. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council’s intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Preservation. Repealing of any provision of the Atascadero Municipal Code or of any previous Code Sections, does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance’s effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. 47 of 79 2/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 1 SECTION 6. Effect of Invalidation. If this entire Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal or amendment of the Atascadero Municipal Code or other City Ordinance by this Ordinance will be rendered void and cause such previous Atascadero Municipal Code provision or other City Ordinance to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. SECTION 7. Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 8. Notice. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be entered into the City of Atascadero’s book of original ordinances, make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting and within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance will take effect on the 30th day following its final passage and adoption. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on February 25, 2025, and PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, State of California, on ______________, 2025. CITY OF ATASCADERO: ____________________________________ Charles Bourbeau, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Lara K. Christensen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________________________ Dave Fleishman, City Attorney 48 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 2 49 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 2 50 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 2 51 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 2 52 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 2 53 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B1 | Attachment 2 54 of 79 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Item B2 Department: Public Works Date: 02/25/25 Placement: Public Hearing TO: JAMES R. LEWIS, CITY MANAGER FROM: NICK DEBAR, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER PREPARED BY: RYAN BETZ, PUBLIC WORKS ANALYST SUBJECT: 2025 Community Development Block Grant Funding Recommendations RECOMMENDATION: Council review and approve funding recommendations for the 2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program as shown below and authorize staff to adjust final award amounts proportionately upon receipt of the final funding amount. DISCUSSION: Background: The 2025 CDBG award process began in the fall of 2024. Workshops were held throughout the County to solicit public comment on community needs. The County published a request for CDBG proposals, and the City received four applications. Total available funding for the 2025 cycle, based on previous levels, is anticipated to be approximately $146,534. Final funding amounts are anticipated to be released by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HUD) in spring 2025. CDBG CATEGORIES & APPLICATIONS - Est. Total $146,534 AWARD AMOUNT PUBLIC FACILITIES (PF) & HOUSING PROJECTS (HP) CATEGORY (65% Min.) - Est. $95,248 1.CITY OF ATASCADERO - Viejo Camino Sidewalk and ADA Improvements 95,248$ 95,248$ PUBLIC SERVICES CATEGORY (15% Max.) - Est. $21,980 1.CITY OF ATASCADERO - Youth Activity Scholarships 12,520$ 2.EL CAMINO HOMELESS ORGANIZATION (ECHO) - Operation of Homeless Shelter 9,460$ 3.5 CITIES HOMELESS COALITION - Subsistence Payments, Homeless Assistance, & Security Deposits -$ 21,980$ ADMINISTRATION (20% Max.) - Est. $29,306 1.SLO COUNTY - Program Administration (13%) 19,049$ 2.CITY OF ATASCADERO - Program Administration (7%) 10,257$ 29,306$ 146,534$ Subtotal: Total: Estimated Funds Available Subtotal: Subtotal: 55 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B2 | Staff Report A public hearing was held by the Council on November 12, 2024, to review applications and make draft recommendations for 2025 Cycle CDBG funding. The following table summarizes the CDBG categories and applications received, including the application amount and Council draft recommendations. Below is a summary of the applications received. City of Atascadero – Viejo Camino Sidewalk and Accessibility Improvements The City of Atascadero submitted a CDBG application for the Viejo Camino Sidewalk Accessibility Project. This project proposes to construct approximately 450 linear feet of new ADA compliant sidewalk, and curb ramps at two locations on Viejo Camino between El Camino Real and Halcon Road. The sidewalk infill will also provide connection to a regional bus stop which will provide a new bench and shelter for riders. In addition, an enhanced crosswalk (marked crosswalk with push-activated flashing signs and streetlights) is being proposed across Viejo Camino at Bocina Lane (Bordeaux House entrance). This crosswalk will be located mid-block and will provide a direct connection between the RTA transit stops that is frequently used by nearby residents, whereby preventing crossings at the El Camino Real intersection – which cannot meet ADA requirements due to slope issues. RTA has provided a letter of support for this project. This project warrants improvements to increase accessibility for the traveling public due to its dilapidated and non-compliant condition. The infrastructure improvements providing wheelchair ramps and ADA compliant sidewalks will aid those with mobility impairments. Council has previously awarded a total of $160,125 in prior CDBG funding cycles ($68,683 in 2021 and $91,442 in 2024) toward this project; which has an estimated cost of $250,000 to $300,000. The estimated cost has increased due to rising construction costs plus the addition of the enhanced crosswalk to the project improvements. Staff believes the additional 2025 CDBG funds, coupled with available reallocations from the Santa Rosa Road Sidewalk CDBG project, will bring the project close to fully funded. CDBG CATEGORIES & APPLICATIONS - Est. Total $146,534 APPLICATION AMOUNT COUNCIL DRAFT REC. PUBLIC FACILITIES (PF) & HOUSING PROJECTS (HP) CATEGORY (65% Min.) - Est. $95,248 1.CITY OF ATASCADERO - Viejo Camino Sidewalk and ADA Improvements 100,000$ 95,248$ 100,000$ 95,248$ PUBLIC SERVICES CATEGORY (15% Max.) - Est. $21,980 1.CITY OF ATASCADERO - Youth Activity Scholarships 13,000$ 12,520$ 2.EL CAMINO HOMELESS ORGANIZATION (ECHO) - Operation of Homeless Shelter 10,990$ 9,460$ 3.5 CITIES HOMELESS COALITION - Subsistence Payments, Homeless Assistance, & Security Deposits 3,600$ -$ 27,590$ 21,980$ ADMINISTRATION (20% Max.) - Est. $29,306 1.SLO COUNTY - Program Administration (13%) 19,049$ 19,049$ 2.CITY OF ATASCADERO - Program Administration (7%) 10,257$ 10,257$ 29,306$ 29,306$ 156,896$ 146,534$ Subtotal: Total: Subtotal: Subtotal: 56 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B2 | Staff Report City of Atascadero – Youth Activity Scholarship Fund The City administers the Youth Activity Scholarship Fund to allow the children of very low and low-income families to participate in recreational and social activities, to keep children active and engaged. Because this program is limited to very low and low-income families, the benefit criteria will be met. These funds are fully used every year. El Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO) Navigation Centers – Operation of Homeless Shelter and Meals ECHO operates Navigation Centers with overnight shelters in Atascadero and Paso Robles. This program provides funding for operational costs at both Navigation Centers, including utilities, food for meal programs, shelter supplies, insurance, and maintenance, as well as for staff positions. The project also supports all or a portion of the following staff salaries at the two sites: four case managers, two overnight shelter coordinators, a volunteer coordinator, a shelter manager, a client services manager, and a daytime program manager. ECHO’s Atascadero Navigation Center has a 60-bed shelter serving all county residents and providing care for medically fragile clients. Through a partnership with People’s Self-Help Housing and Housing Authority SLO, ECHO added 50 beds in 2020 by purchasing a Motel 6 property in Paso Robles with a state Project Homekey grant. At the Navigation Centers, shelter clients and the unsheltered access case management, employment and benefits resources, and housing resources. ECHO helps clients to connect with agencies providing health and mental health services, recovery programs, educational assistance, and other services that will help clients reach their goals of stable housing and physical and mental well-being. The public shower program provides access to showers and donated clothing five times weekly for those not staying in a shelter. 5 Cities Homeless Coalition (5CHC) – Homeless Services: Shelter, Outreach & Homeless Prevention Rapid re-housing involves case management targeted at identifying displaced clients’ most essential needs and connecting them to community resources. Homeless Prevention Services are provided to those at immediate risk of homelessness based on need and qualification. Clients receive targeted case management services per their individual circumstance, in addition to direct financial assistance to enable them to remain in their housing, or deposit assistance needed to re-house them to prevent homelessness. The goal is to assist participants to secure long-term stable housing that they can afford to retain. By connecting people with a home, they are in a better position to address other challenges that may have led to their homelessness, such as obtaining employment or addressing substance abuse issues. There is a minimum award threshold of $8,000 per project, which requires the cumulative sum of all application awards for any individual project must be $8,000 or greater. For instance, if the City awards less than $8,000 to any project application, the remaining balance will need to be programmed to the project by the County or other cities for the project to be viable for funding. Once Council has approved the funding recommendations for the 2025 CDBG program, they will be forwarded to the County for approval by the Board of Supervisors and inclusion in the countywide Consolidated Plan. 57 of 79 02/25/25 | Item B2 | Staff Report The amount of funding shown for 2025 is an estimate provided by the County based on available information from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If the amount awarded to the City is more than the amounts shown, the additional amount will be dispersed proportionately among the awarded applicants. ALTERNATIVES TO THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council can deviate from their draft recommendations and make different final recommendation awards. This alternative is not recommended since the County has compiled all the various agency draft funding recommendations. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of Atascadero’s total 2025 CDBG allocation would result in the estimated revenue and expenditure of $146,534 of CDBG funds. REVIEWED BY OTHERS: This item has been reviewed by the Administrative Services Director. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR COUNCIL AGENDA James R. Lewis, City Manager ATTACHMENT(S): None; a complete packet of submitted applications is available for public review at the City of Atascadero, Public Works Department, 6500 Palma Avenue. 58 of 79 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Item C1 Department: Public Works Date: 02/25/25 Placement: Management Report TO: JAMES R. LEWIS, CITY MANAGER FROM: NICK DE BAR, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER PREPARED BY: RYAN BETZ, PUBLIC WORKS ANALYST SUBJECT: Agreement for Consolidation of Atascadero Transit Services into San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the Agreement for Consolidation of Atascadero Transit Services (Dial-A-Ride) into San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (RTA). REPORT IN BRIEF: This report discusses the proposal to consolidate Atascadero Dial-A-Ride (DAR) into RTA. During the 2023-25 strategic planning session, City Council directed staff to approach RTA to discuss the possibility of consolidating DAR into RTA operations, similar to the recent consolidation of Morro Bay Transit into RTA. An agreement for the consolidation has been prepared and is attached to this report, which outlines the various conditions for the proposed consolidation. DISCUSSION: Background: Atascadero DAR has been providing transportation service to the residents of Atascadero since the City’s incorporation in 1979. The service is a curb-to-curb, demand response public transit system serving the citizens of Atascadero, including seniors, individuals with disabilities, school children, and people with low incomes. The City employs two part-time transit dispatchers, operates a fleet of four transit vehicles, services the transit vehicles, and contracts with a private firm to provide qualified transit bus drivers. Managing transit services, including all state and federal reporting requirements, falls within the Public Works Department with support from Administrative Services. Utilizing a private firm (MV Transportation) to provide drivers ensures compliance with many State and Federal requirements and mandates for employment, including licensing, drug testing, Department of Transportation (DOT) logs, and periodic training. Between the Fiscal Years (FY) 2023-2024 and 2024-2025, the hourly rate cost to provide the services has increased by 30% and is expected to continue increasing in the future. The term of the current contract with the private firm will expire on June 30, 2025 with four optional year extensions. Atascadero DAR is funded through fare box revenue, Federal Transit Administration 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program funds, and State of California Transportation Development Act Funds. 59 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Staff Report Recent Trends Atascadero DAR provides demand response curb-to-curb transit service while fixed route transit services are provided by the RTA. Since 2019, overall ridership has declined by 57% while operational and maintenance costs have steadily increased. In addition, state and federal reporting requirements have become more stringent and arduous, requiring more dedicated staff time than in previous years. This has a direct impact on staff’s ability to focus on supporting city wide maintenance efforts, services and capital project delivery. To meet these challenges while continuing to provide local transit services for the community, staff met with RTA to discuss operational improvements and efficiencies by consolidating Atascadero DAR with RTA services. Several other cities within the county have taken similar approaches, including Paso Robles, Morro Bay, Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, and Pismo Beach, in addition to the services the RTA provided on behalf of the County of San Luis Obispo in the unincorporated areas. RTA operates and oversees a wide range of regional and local transit services, including traditional fixed-route, flex-route, seasonal trolley, door-to-door paratransit, dial-a-ride service, senior transportation services, and volunteer ride services. Due to their experience in delivering transit services in both the county and various cities, they are also well positioned to meet all state and federal transit requirements, seek grant funding for service and vehicle replacement and improve local rider experience within the community. It is also important to note that Atascadero is represented on the RTA Board by an appointed City Council member, currently Council Member Newsom. RTA Consolidation Agreement After a meeting between the City and RTA staff, RTA staff conducted an internal review of requested financial and operational data provided by the City for the local year-round Atascadero DAR service. RTA staff then provided the City with a memorandum describing a potential operations and maintenance scenario, noting RTA could be capable of assuming operation and maintenance of Atascadero DAR as early as June 2025. The agreement outlines a scope of work, service level and fare structure at the time RTA takes over operating Atascadero DAR, as well as identifies transit vehicles and equipment whose ownership of, and responsibility for maintenance and replacement, would be transferred to the RTA. The agreement would also permit RTA to directly submit an annual Transportation Development Act (TDA) claim to the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) for the City’s local transit services. The City receives TDA revenue which must be used for transit purposes. Once the City has met reasonable transit needs, any remaining funds can be used for streets and roads. The claim amount would not exceed the RTA’s actual cost of operating Atascadero DAR. These funds would be accounted for separately from other RTA transit services it operates. All committed and non-committed monies remaining in the Transit Fund would be transferred to the RTA by the effective date of the agreement, June 22, 2025, to be used for Atascadero DAR operations, service planning, and capital projects. RTA staff would meet at least once a year with City staff to review the year to date operating and financial data and scope of services prior to developing the budget for the next year. New or discretionary funding sources that RTA could seek would also be discussed, and if successfully acquired, would reduce the amount of TDA needed for Atascadero DAR operations, service planning, or capital projects. Suggested changes and/or service direction would be incorporated into budget development. The proposed budget would be submitted to the City for adoption. Additionally, quarterly updates would be provided to City staff with operating statistics and 60 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Staff Report quarterly TDA reporting to the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments that includes operating costs, fare information, and administrative cost breakdown. Impacts for Riders and Bus Drivers Based on staff review, Atascadero DAR consolidation into the RTA would have positive impacts for riders. There would be improved customer experience as there would be a single source for transit service information (route maps, website, fares, passes, etc.) and rider policies. Riders would no longer have to look at two different systems to get information about Atascadero DAR and RTA services, instead it would be one location. Additionally, there would be consistency of fare media and payments systems. Riders would no longer have to use separate passes for each service, making riding between systems easier. Additionally, service coordination would be improved with better integration of service schedules leading to enhanced connectivity and reduced wait times between the local and regional services. Finally, consolidation into the RTA would have positive impacts for Atascadero DAR drivers who successfully transition employment to RTA. There would be an increased driver wage scale and opportunity for drivers to have full time employment/benefits as drivers would be able to add other RTA transit service shifts to their schedule. Additionally, the driver backup pool would be increased as the system would have access to driver resources from the RTA system. Currently, there are no back up drivers for Atascadero DAR to handle various leave time situations that come up (sick, vacation, medical). Currently, Atascadero DAR does occasionally cancel service because of driver availability issues. Based on an RTA review of current Atascadero DAR service levels for transit services, RTA has proposed an estimated total administration, operations, and maintenance cost (non-capital) for fiscal year 2025-26 in the $640,000 - $660,00 range. The RTA review was consistent with the process recently completed with the City of Morro Bay. The cost range proposed by RTA is similar to the estimated Atascadero DAR budget for FY 2025-26. As part of the agreement, RTA will prepare and submit a draft annual operating budget to the City. The City will have an opportunity to review the draft budget, discuss service levels, and negotiate adjustments before budget adoption. In the event that the City determines the service level and cost is unreasonable, the item will be placed on a City Council agenda and an RTA Board of Directors agenda so that it may be considered and mutually agreed upon by these respective boards prior to adoption. The DAR program receives State and Federal funding and therefore requires a significant amount of staff time to administer. Consolidating the DAR program into RTA will result in staff time savings. The General Fund charges the Transit Fund for staff services, and while this revenue will no longer be available, staff will be able to pursue other priority projects including revenue offsets from Capital Projects management. ALTERNATIVES TO THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council may reject staff recommendations and direct staff to continue operating Atascadero DAR services. Staff does not recommend this alternative because of the numerous operational and reporting challenges, limited resources to increase ridership and projected increase in cost for a private firm to operate transit services. As new state and federal transit regulations are enacted, including vehicle and equipment replacement, it will be become even more challenging to continue operating Atascadero DAR without consolidating with RTA. 61 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Staff Report FISCAL IMPACT: Approving staff’s recommendation would result in the expenditure of approximately $650,000 in TDA funds annually, subject to CPI and negotiations, and a potential reduction in General Fund staff time reimbursements. REVIEWED BY OTHERS: This item has been reviewed by the Administrative Services Director. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR COUNCIL AGENDA James R. Lewis, City Manager ATTACHMENT(S): Agreement for Consolidation of Atascadero Transit Services into San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (RTA). 62 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-3 AGREEMENT FOR CONSOLIDATION OF ATASCADERO TRANSIT SERVICES INTO SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, (hereinafter referred to as “CITY”) and the SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY, (hereinafter referred to as “RTA”). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY has been responsible for local transit and other local transportation services within and immediately adjacent to the incorporated areas of the City not considered part of the regional transportation system; and WHEREAS, CITY is the direct recipient of Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds, which is comprised of Local Transportation Funds (LTF) and State Transit Assistance (STA) funds; and WHEREAS, CITY is projected to receive a total of $1,745,645 in LTF funds in fiscal year 2024-25; and WHEREAS, CITY is projected to receive a total of $200,943 in STA funds in fiscal year 2024-25; and WHEREAS, in fiscal year 2024-25, CITY budgeted $650,590 of its LTF allocation for local public transit services and $ 697,940 of its LTF allocation for regional RTA transit services. The remaining LTF funds are available to meet local bicycle, pedestrian and streets/roads needs; and WHEREAS, CITY desires consolidation of its local public transit services into RTA to take advantage of efficiencies and cost-savings that result from such consolidation; and WHEREAS, RTA is responsible for regional transit and other regional transportation services, and is deemed trained, experienced, expert and competent to perform such services on behalf of CITY; and WHEREAS, RTA is presently providing similar coordinated/consolidated services to South County Transit, the cities of Paso Robles, Morro Bay, and to the County of San Luis Obispo; and WHEREAS, said agreements have been beneficial to RTA, South County Transit, the cities of Paso Robles, Morro Bay, and the County of San Luis Obispo; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to cease direct management of local public transit services in CITY limits. 63 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-4 NOW THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree as follows: 1. Transfer of All Future Transit Obligations. CITY hereby transfers all obligations to provide local public transit services to RTA. RTA will operate all local public transit services in CITY. 2. Scope of Services. Pursuant to this Agreement, RTA shall provide to CITY the services identified in Attachment “A” attached hereto as if entirely set forth herein. 3. Compensation. CITY shall permit RTA to directly submit an annual TDA claim to SLOCOG for local public transit services, a sum not to exceed RTA’s actual cost of operating said services. Said compensation will be developed in the following manner: RTA shall annually submit to the City Public Works Director by March 1 a detailed proposal to provide the services identified in Attachment “A” and an associated amount of compensation for providing those services for the subsequent fiscal year. The City Public Works Director shall annually provide written consent to the proposal, including the service level and amount of compensation by April 1 unless the proposal is determined to be unreasonable. Any annual proposal the Public Works Director determines to be unreasonable will be placed on a City Council agenda and an RTA Board of Directors agenda so that it may be considered and mutually agreed upon by these respective boards prior to May 1. CITY shall provide written direction to SLOCOG that the agreed upon amount of compensation should be allocated to the RTA directly from the share of TDA monies allocated to the CITY through the SLOCOG allocation process. RTA will be responsible for submitting a claim for these monies to SLOCOG during the subsequent fiscal year for deposit directly into RTA’s account. RTA shall account for CITY monies separately from all other monies received. 4. Transfer of Funds. Any fully-funded but not yet completed CITY transit projects that remain as of June 22nd, 2025 will be transferred by CITY to the RTA. The CITY will provide technical assistance as appropriate. CITY shall transfer all non- committed monies remaining in its transit fund to RTA by the effective date of this Agreement. RTA will use these monies to fund CITY transportation services and will account for these monies separately. This is a one-time transfer. 5. Transfer of Vehicles and Equipment. CITY shall transfer ownership of and responsibility for all vehicles and transit vehicle-specific equipment by the effective date of this Agreement to RTA. A list of these vehicles and equipment is included in Attachment “B”. Both CITY and RTA agree that the fair market value of the vehicles and equipment is $109,840.86 (the “Vehicle Transfer Value”). 64 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-5 6. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall commence effective June 22nd, 2025 and shall continue, until and unless terminated earlier as provided herein. RTA will furnish sufficient personnel to complete all phases of the tasks. 7. Termination of Agreement for Convenience of Either Party. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving to the other party One Hundred Eighty (180) days written notice of such termination. Termination shall have no effect upon the rights and obligations of the parties arising out of the transaction occurring prior to the effective date of such termination. RTA shall use budgeted funds to pay for all work satisfactorily completed prior to the effective date of such termination. In the event that this Agreement is terminated for convenience pursuant to this Section 7, RTA and CITY shall jointly cause to have the vehicles and equipment that were transferred to RTA pursuant to Section 5 above appraised (the “Updated Appraisal”). In the event any vehicles or equipment have been replaced or used, then any replacement vehicle or equipment shall be substituted for the equipment identified in Attachment “B” for such appraisal. If any of the vehicles in Attachment B have been “surplused” and RTA does not replace that vehicle with a new vehicle, then that vehicle will not be included in the updated appraisal. Once the Updated Appraisal is complete, the Updated Appraisal shall be compared with the Vehicle Transfer Value to determine whether an equalizing payment is needed by either RTA to CITY or from CITY to RTA. By way of example, if the Vehicle Transfer Value is $150,000 and the Updated Appraisal equals $100,000, then a payment of $50,000 shall be made from RTA to CITY. RTA and CITY may agree on other arrangements in lieu of an equalizing payment. 8. Termination of Agreement for Cause. If, through any cause within its control, either party fails to fulfill in a timely and professional manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement, either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. Upon receiving a written notice for termination, the breaching party shall have thirty (30) days to cure the violation, or if the violation cannot be cured within such timeframe, the breaching party shall have commenced to cure said breach in a manner that is acceptable to the non-breaching party, in the non-breaching party’s reasonable discretion. Termination shall have no effect upon the rights and obligations of the parties arising out of any transaction occurring prior to the effective date of such termination. RTA shall use budgeted funds to pay for all work satisfactorily complete prior to the effective date of such termination. 9. Modification. This Agreement, together with Attachment “A,” (Scope of Work) and Attachment “B” (Vehicles and Equipment) constitutes the entire understanding of the parties hereto and no changes, amendments, or alterations shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties. 65 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-6 10. Non-Assignment of Agreement. Inasmuch as this Agreement is intended to transfer all local public transit services to RTA, RTA shall not assign, transfer, delegate, or sublet this Agreement or any interest herein, or the assets transferred by City to RTA, without the prior written consent of the CITY Public Works Director, and any such assignment, transfer, delegation, or sublet without CITY’s prior written consent shall be considered null and void. 11. Covenant. The validity, enforceability and interpretation of any of the clauses of this Agreement shall be determined and governed by the laws of the State of California. 12. Enforceability. The invalidity and unenforceability of any terms or provisions hereof shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions. 13. Employment Status. RTA shall, during the entire term of the Agreement, be construed to be an independent agency, and shall in no event be construed to be an employee of CITY. RTA understands and agrees that its employees are not, and will not, be eligible for membership in or any benefits from any CITY group plan for hospital, surgical or medical insurance, or for membership in any CITY retirement program, or for paid vacation, paid sick leave, or other leave, with or without pay, or for any other benefit which accrues to a CITY employee. 14. Warranty of RTA. RTA warrants that it is properly certified and licensed under the laws and regulations of the State of California to provide the services herein agreed to. 15. Conflicts of Interest. No officer, employee, director or agent of CITY shall participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership, or association in which he is directly or indirectly interested; nor shall any such person have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the provisions thereof. 16. Indemnification. RTA shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its elected officials, officers and employees from all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, judgments, attorney fees, or other losses that may be asserted by any person or entity, including RTA, either alleged or that arise out of, or are related to any act or omission of RTA relating to and in the performance under this Agreement. The obligation to indemnify shall be effective and shall extend to all such claims or losses in their entirety. However, this indemnity will not extend to any claims or losses arising out of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY, its elected officials, officers and employees. 17. Insurance Requirements. RTA, at its sole cost, shall purchase and maintain the insurance policies set forth below on all of its operations under this Agreement. All of the insurance companies providing insurance for RTA shall have, and 66 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-7 provide evidence of, an A.M. Best & Co. rating of A:VII or above, unless exception is granted by CITY’s Public Works Director. Further, all policies shall be maintained for the full term of this Agreement. A. Scope and Limits of Required Insurance Policies 1) Commercial General Liability Policy shall include coverage at least as broad as set forth in Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Coverage (CG 00 01) with policy limits of not less than $5 (five) million dollars combined single limit per occurrence, $5 (five) million general aggregate, and $5 (five) million products and completed operations aggregate. Policy shall be endorsed with the following specific language or contain equivalent language in the policy: a) The CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers, are named as an additional insured for all liability arising out of the operations by or on behalf of the named insured in the performance of this Agreement. b) The insurance provided herein shall be considered and endorsed as primary coverage to the CITY with respect to any insurance or self-insured retention maintained by the CITY. Further, the CITY’s insurance shall be considered excess insurance only and shall not be called upon to contribute to this insurance. c) The policy shall not be cancelled or materially changed without first giving thirty days prior written notice to the CITY Public Works Director. If a carrier will not provide the required notice of cancellation, the RTA shall provide written notice to the CITY of a cancellation no later than ten (10) business days before cancellation. 2) Business Automobile Policy Policy shall include coverage at least as broad as set forth in the liability section of Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage (CA 00 01) with policy limits of no less than $5 (five) million dollars combined single limit for each occurrence. Said insurance shall include coverage for owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles. Policy shall be endorsed with the following specific language or contain equivalent language in the policy: 67 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-8 a) The CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers, are named as an additional insured for all liability arising out of the operations by or on behalf of the named insured in the performance of this Agreement. b) The policy shall not be cancelled or materially changed without first giving thirty days prior written notice to the CITY Public Works Director. If a carrier will not provide the required notice of cancellation, the RTA shall provide written notice to the City of a cancellation no later than ten (10) business days before cancellation. 3) Worker’s Compensation / Employer’s Liability Insurance a) Worker’s Compensation: policy shall provide statutory limits as required by State of California. Policy shall allow and be endorsed with the following specific language: i. RTA and its insurer shall waive all rights of subrogation against the CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents for workers’ compensation losses arising out of this Agreement. ii. The policy shall not be cancelled or materially changed without first giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the CITY Public Works Director. If a carrier will not provide the required notice of cancellation, the RTA shall provide written notice to the City of a cancellation no later than ten (10) business days before cancellation. b) Employer’s Liability: policy shall provide $1 million dollars per accident for bodily injury or disease. B. Deductibles and Self-Insurance Retentions All deductibles and/or self-insured retentions which apply to the insurance policies required herein will be declared in writing and approved by CITY prior to commencement of this Agreement. C. Documentation Prior to commencement of work and annually thereafter, upon renewal or change, for the term of this Agreement, RTA will provide the CITY Public Works Director properly executed certificates of insurance clearly 68 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-9 evidencing the coverage, limits, and endorsements specified in this Agreement. Further, at the CITY’s request, the RTA shall provide certified copies of the insurance policies within thirty days of request. D. Absence of Insurance Coverage CITY may direct RTA to immediately cease all activities with respect to this Agreement it is determines that RTA fails to carry, in full force and effect, all insurance policies with coverage levels at or above the limits specified in this Agreement. Any delays or expense caused due to stopping of work and change of insurance shall be considered RTA’s delay and expense. 18. Notices. Any notice required to be given pursuant to the terms and provisions hereof shall be in writing, and shall be sent by certified or registered mail to: CITY: Public Works Director City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422 RTA: Executive Director SLO Regional Transit Authority 253 Elks Lane San Luis Obispo, California 93401 19. Progress Reports. RTA shall submit brief progress reports to the CITY accompanied by invoices that shall describe the work performed, plus any problems anticipated in performing said work in future. Said reports shall be optional upon written approval by the CITY Public Works Director. 20. Copyright. Any reports, maps, documents or other materials produced in whole or part under this Agreement shall be the property of CITY and shall not be subject to any application for copyright by or on behalf of the RTA. 21. Findings Confidential. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, no reports, maps, information, documents, or any other materials given to or prepared by RTA under this Agreement which CITY requests, in writing, to be kept confidential, shall be made available to any individual or organizations by RTA without the prior written approval of CITY Public Works Director. However, RTA shall be free to disclose such data as is publicly available, already in its possession, or independently developed. 69 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-10 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this AGREEMENT has been executed by the parties hereto, upon the date first above written. CITY OF ATASCADERO RTA & SLOCOG ATTEST: James R. Lewis City Manager Lara Christensen City Clerk ATTEST: Executive Director RTA Executive Director SLOCOG APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: David Fleishman City Counsel By: City Attorney Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: RITA NEAL County Counsel By: Assistant County Counsel Date: CITY OF ATASCADERO Charles Bourbeau Mayor Date: RTA & SLOCOG President RTA & SLOCOG Board of Directors Date: ATTACHMENT “A” 70 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-11 SCOPE OF WORK Transit services administered and operated by RTA and part of this agreement include local public transit services in the incorporated and adjacent areas of the City of Atascadero and not considered part of the RTA regional transportation system. The intent of the agreement is for RTA to consolidate local public transit services into RTA. RTA will serve as the direct recipient of all transit-specific Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds apportioned to CITY, and will seek available Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds to partially fund local public transit services. The following list is not meant to be all inclusive: RTA-PROVIDED TRANSIT VEHICLE, MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATIVE, FINANCIAL SERVICES 1. Operate local public transit services. 2. Provide data collection, reconciling and monitoring of local public transit services to appropriate transportation monitoring agencies including, but not limited to the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG), the FTA, the NTD and the State of California. 3. Provide route analysis for effectiveness and efficiency and report to CITY on an as-needed basis as requested by CITY. 4. Monitor system-wide on-time performance. 5. Assist SLOCOG in the development and implementation of future Short Range Transit Plans. 6. Attend meetings with CITY as needed to address local public transit issues as they arise. 7. Prepare annual budget for local public transit services. 8. Prepare and administer annual TDA claim. 9. Prepare and submit annual State Controller’s Report. 10. Coordinate and conduct all audits/reviews, including the annual TDA fiscal and compliance audit, the FTA Triennial Review, and the TDA Triennial Audit. 11. Develop and submit grant applications to fund local public transit services, including the purchase of vehicles and equipment that will be owned by RTA and used to provide local public transit services in the CITY. 71 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-12 12. All financial and budgetary reports outlined herein shall provide sufficient detail so as to report CITY transportation services separately from all other RTA regional transportation services. 13. Provide bus stop maintenance for local and regional transit bus stops in CITY. 14. The RTA will ensure compliance with all Federal, State and Local requirements including those associated with fare and service changes. The CITY is agreeing to provide to RTA the following services for the CITY’s actual cost of providing these services plus administrative overhead. The following list is not meant to be all inclusive: CITY-PROVIDED ASSETS AND SERVICES CITY may provide use of the existing radio transmission tower station sites if requested by RTA and approved by the City. RTA shall make written request to Public Works Director, who will review the request and reply in writing of approval or denial of RTA’s request. 72 of 79 02/25/25 | Item C1 | Attachment 1 C-1-13 ATTACHMENT “B” VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT The following list of CITY-owned vehicles and equipment will be transferred on an as-is, where-is basis on the effective date of this Agreement. AT#LICENSE/VIN NUMBERS MILEAGE 01/10/2025 YEAR MAKE Model RETIREMENT YEAR (5 yrs or 150,000 miles)Value 27 1424653 1FDFE4FSXEDB20055 83,008 2015 FORD E-450 Class C Starcraft Bus 2020 $0.00 28 1527157 1FDFE4FS3HDC33737 61,018 2017 FORD E-450 Class C Starcraft Allstar 2023 $0.00 29 1550141 1FDFE4FS1HDC78904 67,978 2018 FORD E-450 Class C Starcrat Allstar 2024 $0.00 30 1550142 1FDFE4FS5HDC78906 69,898 2018 FORD E-450 Class C Starcrat Allstar 2024 $0.00 31 1708527 1FDVU4X83RKA90030 68 2024 MOBILITYTRANS Class V Transit Van N/A $107,410.54 10 1480678 2C4RDGBGXDR787212 74,285 2013 DODGE Grand Caravan N/A $0.00 ATASCADERO TRANSIT VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT INVENTORY 01/10/2025 Asset Description Date of Purchase Value Samsung Tablet S7 FE Android 11 64GB 8/8/2023 607.58$ Samsung Tablet S7 FE Android 11 64GB 8/8/2023 607.58$ Samsung Tablet S7 FE Android 11 64GB 8/8/2023 607.58$ Samsung Tablet S7 FE Android 11 64GB 8/8/2023 607.58$ EQUIPMENT 73 of 79 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Item C2 Department: Community Services & Promotions Date: 2/25/25 Placement: Management Report TO: JAMES R. LEWIS, CITY MANAGER FROM: TERRIE BANISH, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES & PROMOTIONS PREPARED BY: TERRIE BANISH, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES & PROMOTIONS SUBJECT: Charles Paddock Zoo Accreditation Update and Recommended Investment Plan RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the Director of Administrative Services to reallocate $1,000,000 in budgeted Zoo Exhibit Refurbishment Match funds to Zoo Animal Habitat Maintenance and Upgrades, and commit to funding up to $340,000 in additional staff costs in future years. REPORT IN BRIEF: The Charles Paddock Zoo is prioritizing accreditation and financial sustainability. To address these priorities, additional funding for capital improvements recommended during the accreditation site visit and investments in conservation, education, and enrichment programs through additional staff, are highly recommended. The Zoo has been focused on developing a robust business plan and financial strategy focused on growing revenue streams by driving traffic and reducing costs. Key initiatives include a rebranding effort, an aggressive marketing strategy, and working closely with the Friends of the Charles Paddock Zoo on a capital campaign. As the Zoo works through the accreditation process and implementing a variety of revenue streams, advance investment for immediate needs allows for access to capital in advance and the ability to fund additional resources to help move the Zoo forward towards financial stability and reaccreditation. DISCUSSION: Background: In February of 2020, the City and the Chamber of Commerce did a series of outreach meetings, Talk on the Block, providing residents with an opportunity to voice their thoughts and ideas for community improvements to their City leaders. Following this feedback, a voter survey was conducted to determine which City services, projects, and other programs were most important to the community. While the Charles Paddock Zoo did not rank among the highest priorities listed, 74 of 79 2/25/25 | Item C2 | Staff Report when voters were asked if the City should close the Zoo to save approximately $500,000 per year, 68% of respondents wanted to keep the Zoo open. Based on insights gained from community outreach, Measure D-20, a 1% sales tax increase to generate revenue for key community and Council priorities, was placed on the November 2020 ballot. Voters approved the measure. As a result of Measure D-20 and strategic priorities set for fiscal year 21-23 and fiscal year 23-25 budget cycles, focus was placed on economic and community vibrancy, fiscal and infrastructure efficiency and sustainability, ensuring public safety and providing exceptional City services and quality of life. At the Mid-Year Check-in for strategic planning in April 2024, Council shared the importance of accreditation and approved $305,000 to be used on a specific list of upgrades and repairs necessary for accreditation. Friends of the Charles Paddock Zoo (FCPZ) also committed to another $300,000 to contribute towards the list of upgrades and repairs. Council also demonstrated their dedication to accreditation by budgeting $1 million from D-20 revenues for Zoo projects with the caveat that for every dollar the FCPZ raised, those dollars would be matched by the City up to the budgeted $1 million dollars. Accreditation: The City’s commitment to Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) accreditation has positive implications and benefits of being an AZA accredited Zoo. AZA is a confirmation of the Zoo’s commitment to animal welfare, species protection and conservation-mindedness. It provides members of the community with close connections to the natural world and develops public confidence in the knowledge that the Zoo meets or exceeds current and stringent professional standards. Accreditation provides a publicly recognized badge signifying excellence in, and commitment to, animal management and welfare, safety, conservation and education. It distinguishes the Zoo from "roadside zoos" and for-profit menageries and increases eligibility for funding and grants from certain foundations, corporations and other sources. Being accredited helps foster staff and community pride and significantly improves the ability to attract and retain a high quality, professional staff. The actual benefits are many, and while the level of excellence is not an easy task, it is important to achieve. Since April of 2024, the Charles Paddock Zoo has been diligently working through the AZA Accreditation process with many things being accomplished from hiring and realigning of staff, recruitment of a new Zoo Director, conducting repairs, and improvements throughout the Zoo, and developing future operational, financial and marketing plans. The detailed application form was submitted one week prior to the September 2024 deadline. In addition, the Zoo worked side-by- side with an AZA mentor in preparation for accreditation. In mid-December, the AZA Inspection team conducted a comprehensive review of the Zoo and offered several observations for operational changes and needed investments to the facility, especially exhibits. Their findings lay out a roadmap for being able to maintain accreditation which is driving the need for immediate investment in operations and facilities. The AZA Accreditation Commission received the findings and over the past two months, Zoo and City staff have been working diligently through the recommendations. On February 13, 2025, the 75 of 79 2/25/25 | Item C2 | Staff Report City submitted a progress report of the accomplishments and work in progress to the Commission. City and Zoo staff will appear before the Commission on March 26, 2025, in Palm Springs, for a final hearing during the mid-year AZA conference for a decision regarding whether the Zoo remains accredited or not. Prior to this hearing, it is essential to demonstrate progress on projects, plans for improved operations and a commitment to further investment in the Zoo. Future Financial Sustainability: As the Zoo works towards long-term financial sustainability, the City’s commitment to AZA accreditation is unwavering with attention to an essential list of priorities. These priorities include a robust business plan focused on growing revenue streams by driving traffic and reducing costs. Some of the key projects at the Zoo include a complete rebrand that will ultimately increase awareness for the Zoo, an aggressive marketing and promotions plan, and a capital campaign. Additionally, the Zoo will aggressively work on revenue streams through corporate sponsorships, a new online ticketing program, animal encounters, and educational camps and activities. During the summer, there are plans to add combo ticket packages which would include recreational activities at Atascadero Lake Park and plans to host a food truck on site on the weekends. This will encourage longer stays and shopping opportunities in the Zoo’s gift shop. Expansion of the educational camps includes outreach to all schools and libraries in the North County and ambassador visits to schools and libraries in Northern Santa Barbara County. Operationally, the Zoo is working towards an August 1 deadline to "right size” the Zoo’s animal population by 20%, which will reduce food costs, utility costs, and free up staff time. New hours of operation are planned to align with school schedules by introducing: “Open Thursday through Monday 10 am – 4 pm and daily during school holidays.” In addition, the business plan calls for expansion of Madagascar and the Tiger habitat to increase awareness and drive traffic to the Zoo. With the priorities set forth for the Zoo, staff is requesting the use of the $1,000,000 in matching funds now and an additional $340,000 commitment to future costs in order to hire staff over the course of the next three years to enhance animal enrichment and welfare and add additional programs that will drive revenue. During that time frame, the Zoo will be implementing a business plan and financial strategy to cover the on-going costs of a full-time maintenance position, to stay in front of ongoing maintenance requirements at the Zoo, and a full-time Zookeeper position, to support the Zoo’s infrastructure. The Council is being asked to review and approve a Zoo Investment Plan as outlined below. The implementation of this plan will allow the Zoo to take the steps necessary to achieve financial stability: Zoo Investment Plan ➢ AZA Accreditation Budget: $305,000 approved at the May 28, 2024, City Council meeting for a expenses recommended in the accreditation report. ➢ D20 Revenues: $1 million dollars in budgeted funds to be used now towards capital improvements (this does not include any funding for staffing). 76 of 79 2/25/25 | Item C2 | Staff Report ➢ Challenge Investment: $340,000 as an allocation of resources to address maintenance, exhibit and staffing issues over the next three years as follows: o New FT Staffing positions for Maintenance Worker and Zookeeper: Total cost of $340,000 over 3 years of City funding for the two positions (i.e., same model as the SAFER grant that funds firefighters): ▪ Now through June 30, 2025: Previously vacant full-time PW Building Maintenance 1 position hired February 2025 currently dedicated to maintenance at the Zoo and funding covered through end of fiscal year under PW budget. ▪ July 1, 2025 to December 31, 2026: City will cover 100% of costs for new full- time Maintenance Worker and Zookeeper positions ($170,000 per year + $85,000 half year = $255,000) ▪ January 1, 2027 to June 30, 2027: City will cover 50% of costs for Maintenance Worker 1 and Zookeeper positions ($42,500) ▪ July 1, 2027 to June 30, 2028: City will cover 25% of costs for Maintenance Worker and Zookeeper positions: ($42,500) ▪ Beginning July 1, 2028: Zoo covers 100% of costs for Maintenance Worker and Zookeeper positions ($0). As part of this investment, it is anticipated that Zoo revenues will increase as a result of more programming, specifically through educational and social opportunities and events. Additionally, with this investment, staff will have more time to pursue grants and foundation support. As such, a new revenue forecast is being developed for the next 3 years. Zoo Revenue Forecast: Zoo currently costs the City about $1.5 million and brings in about $750,000 in revenue for about $750,000 deficit. Following is an outline of expectations to become financially stable: ➢ Provisional Year 1 (FY25-26): Growth over the provisional year is reinvested into the Zoo. ➢ Year 2 (FY26-27): Decrease deficit to $600,000; Year 1 of new accreditation cycle + additional staffing cost $42,500. ➢ Year 3 (FY27-28): Decreases deficit to $500,000 + additional staffing cost $127,500 with the zoo becoming much more financially sustainable by the next accreditation cycle. 77 of 79 2/25/25 | Item C2 | Staff Report Revenue Opportunities Summary (Detailed information in-progress in the new Business Plan): 1. Partnerships - grants, support, staffing 2. Sphere of influence/brand – notoriety, awareness 3. Commercial activity – co-branding, gift shop, concessions in Lake Park 4. Event Sponsorships – commercial and corporate 5. Education – monthly lectures, Zoomobile, expanded camp program, etc. Zoo Revenue Forecast (DRAFT) Revenue Forecast FY '25-'26 Provisional Year (Year 1)Base Year 23-24 Estimated 25-26 Variance Goal Revenue - 12% increase over prior year 772,755$ 865,486$ Increase in events/ camps/ ambassador programs/ activities 3,500 Friends of the CPZ Donations 10,000 Partnerships/ grants/ sponsorship 10,800 Estimated Revenue 25-26 772,755 889,786 Expense Total (based on FY23-24)1,595,004 Expenses- 100% of prior year 1,595,004 Right Size Animal population (20,000) Reduced Zoo Hours (24,960) Estimated Expenditures 25-26 1,595,004 1,550,044 Net income (deficit)(822,249)$ (660,258)$ 161,991$ -$ Revenue Forecast* FY '26-'27 (Year 2)Base Year 23-24 Estimated 26-27 Variance Goal Revenue - 10% increase over prior year 772,755$ 978,764 Increase in events/ camps/ ambassador programs/ activities 4,500 Friends of the CPZ Donations 20,000 Partnerships/ grants/ sponsorship 20,000 Estimated Revenue 26-27 772,755 1,023,264 Expense -Base year 23-24 1,595,004 Expenses- 102% of prior year 1,581,045 Estimated Expenditures 26-27 1,595,004 1,581,045 Net income (deficit)(822,249)$ (557,781)$ 264,468$ 192,500$ Revenue Forecast FY '27-'28 (Year 3)Base Year 23-24 Estimated 27-28 Variance Goal Revenue - 8% increase over prior year 772,755$ 1,105,125 Increase in events/ camps/ ambassador programs/ activities 7,500 Friends of the CPZ Donations 30,000 Partnerships/ grants/ sponsorship 25,500 Estimated Revenue 27-28 772,755 1,168,125 Expense -Base year 23-24 1,595,004 Expenses- 102% of prior year 1,612,666 Estimated Expenditures 27-28 1,595,004 1,612,666 Net income (deficit)(822,249)$ (444,541)$ 377,708$ 377,500$ 78 of 79 2/25/25 | Item C2 | Staff Report 6. Operations – Zoo hours, “right sizing” animal population to decrease another 100 animals, cost savings, etc. 7. Friends of the Charles Paddock Zoo Fundraising efforts Over the past year, there has been a renewed interest and focus from the FCPZ. City and Zoo Staff have been actively working together with the FCPZ to assist with their Strategic Planning and developing a capital campaign to help with fundraising efforts with a plan to raise their own money to establish a fundraising board. As a result, FCPZ is currently working on their own plan to raise money for the benefit of the Zoo. With both the City and the FCPZ working together to become fiscally sustainable, staff is confident that the investment plan, Zoo revenue and revenue opportunities outlined above will help achieve the growth needed to become revenue positive over the next three years. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure of $1,000,000 of budgeted Zoo project funds and a commitment to fund up to $340,000 in additional staff costs in future years. REVIEWED BY OTHERS: This item has been reviewed by the Administrative Services Director, the Deputy Director of Administrative Services, and the Zoo Director. REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR COUNCIL AGENDA James R. Lewis, City Manager 79 of 79