HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/06/1992 * IC F VI0i copy A-GE"NDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR ROTUNDA R JULY 6, 1992 6:00 P.M. This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 54454.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Council has "presseditsintent to discuss and act on each item. in addition to any action identified in the'brief general description of each item, the'action`That maty be taken shatt include: ; A referral to staff with;specific requests for information; continuance; specific direction to staff concerning the policy or mission of the item; discontinuance of consideration; auth rization to enter into negotiations and execute agreements pertaining to the item; adoption or approval; and disapproval. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office:of the City Clerk (Room 208) and in the Information Office ( 103), available for public inspection during City Wahl business hours. The City Clerk wit[ answer any questions regarding;the agenda. IIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act if You need assistance participate.in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please 'contact the City Manager's Office ((805) 461-5010) or the City Clerk's Office ((805) 461-5074). Notification at least 48 hours prior to`'t a meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangementE can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance' Roll Call City Council Comments PUBLIC HEARING: A. CITY OF ATASCADERO BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 1. COMMUNITY GROUP FUNDING APPEALS 2. CLOSED SESSION - Council will adjourn to a loeed Session regarding personnel' matters pursuant to vernmen;t Code Section 54957.6. (Open Session will recon ene following the Closed' Session) 3. BUDGET REVIEW BY DEPARTMENT ADJOURN I I ' I REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Agenda Items A-1 CITY OF ATASCADERO Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 7/6/92 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director '— SUBJECT_: Community Group Funding Requests - Appeals. RECON_ DATION: Council hear the appeals and make adjustments to staff ' s recommendations, if any. BACKGROUND: Historically, Council has allocated roughly one percent of the General Fund's projected revenues towards Community Groups; including such "Contract" agencies as the Chamber of Commerce. Last year, Council formally distinguished between Contract Agencies (i.e. , Chamber, Visitor's and Conference Bureau, BIA) and other community groups (e.g. , No. County Women's Shelter, Hotline, etc. ) . In the past, Council listened to each agency' s request, as well as the printed material supplied by the agency. In order to streamline the process, Council directed staff to initially review all the requests, make preliminary recommendations and then allow the Agencies to appeal the recommendations directly to Council. The hearings scheduled for July 6 afford the agencies this opportunity to appeal. As part of the letter notifying each agency (see exhibit A) , they were asked to request 'an appeal in writing. To date, only seven agencies have done so (out of a total of 33 requests) . In addition, Exhibit B is a summary of each agency' s request and recommended fundings. It is suggested that Council hear the appeals per the listing on Exhibit B attached. Chamber of Commerce San Luis Obispo County Visitor' s & Conference Bureau American Red Cross Family Services Center Food Bank Coalition Senior Citizens United, Inc. AFAR a:appeals EXHIBIT A 1JY June 3, 1992 Economic Opportunity Commission Attn: Elizabeth Steinberg 880 Industrial Way San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Recommended Funding: $500. Dear Ms. Steinberg: Staff has completed its review of your funding request for the 1992-93 fiscal year. As indicated in our letter of April 20th, Atascadero is experiencing significant budgetary constraints and, in fact, we have completed the preliminary budget based on a $1.3 million shortfall. In acknowledging this crisis, Council has directed staff to draft a fiscal plan based upon reductions in all areas affected by the General Fund. Community group funding is a part of that over-all reduction. Based upon staff analyses, a list of community group funding requests, together with recommendations, was submitted to Council for their informal review. Final appropriations for community groups will, of course, be made as part of the City' s budget hearings, which we hope to schedule in July following the installation of the new Council. If upon receipt of this letter, the recommended funding for your group is such that you and/or your organization would still like to address Council on the issue, we would ask that you do so in writing, setting forth whatever arguments you believe still need to be made in your behalf. Any appeal will be forwarded to the Council for further review, and at some point you will be notified of the scheduled hearing date related to this subject. Sincerely, RAY WINDSOR City Manager EXHIBIT B COMMUNITY GROUP FUNDING REQUESTS, FY 92-93 FY 91-92 FY 91-92 FY 92-93 FY 92-93 FY 92-93 AGENCY NAME REQUEST APPROVED REQUEST RECOM'D APPROVED CONTRACT AGENCIES BIA 4,000 4,000 4,000 4„000 Chamber of Commerce 23.000 23,000 23,000 20',000 3 SLO Co. Visitor's Bureau 4,000 4,000 3,675 0 Subtotal 31,000 31,000 30,675 24,000 SOCIAL SERVICES Ad Care Assoc 1,000 500 1,000 500 American Red Cross 1,000 750 1 ,000 0 Care & Counseling Ctr 51000 2,000 0 0 1 Caring Callers 200 175 200 150 Easter Seal Society 600 250 650 0 Environmental Center 121000 0 0 0 EOC 2,850 2,850 2,715 500 EOC - Homeless Shelter 6,250 21000 21000 500 Family Service Center 11000 750 1 ,000 0 �-- Food Bank Coalition 21,500 11000 2,000 500 Hospice of SLO County 800 500 500 250 Hotline 11000 300 750 300 Loaves & Fishes-1 0 0 0 0 No. Co. Connection 1,300 600 0 0 No. Co. Women's Shelter 20,000 18,300 15,000 10=0 Ombudsman Service 300 300 500 0 • Peppertree Counseling 0 0 51000 0 Sr. Citizens United 2.400 2,400 2,400 500 Sr. Nutrition Program 1 ,500 11500 11500 1.000 Subtotal 59,700 34,175 36,225 14,200 MISC. GROUPS AFAR 13,000 25.000 25,000 5.000 Atas. Community Band 0 0 0 0 Chumash Campfire Girls 11100 500 500 0 Crime Stoppers 500 500 500 0 Eagle & Bear (Soviets) 3,500 11000 2,000 0 RSVP 525 525 550 250 Soviets Meet Middle Amer. 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 18,625 27,525 28,550 5,250 PASSIVE RECREATION AAUW (Art Park) 750 750 550 0 Cal Poly Arts 350 350 350 0 Pacific Rep 0 0 300 0 SLO Co. Youth Symphony 500 250 300 0 SLO Mozart Festival 300 250 300 0 Subtotal 1,900 1,600 1,800 0 COWKWITY GROUP FUNDING REQUESTS, FY 92-93 FY 91-92 FY 91-92 FY 92-93 FY 92-93 FY 92-93 AGENCY NAME REQUEST APPROVED REQUEST RECOW D APPROVED ACTIVE RECREATION Atascadero Sox 0 0 1,500 0 Atascadero Youth Soccer 0 0 1,000 0 Atas. Babe Ruth 15,000 5,000 7,500 0 Atas. Girls Softball 2,432 2,432 2,165 0 Atas. Little League-2 0 0 0 0 Atas. Youth Cheerleaders 3,440 11000 0 0 Atas. Youth Football 12,500 4,000 3,000 0 No. Co. Cycling 2,000 0 0 0 Subtotal 35,372 12,432 15,165 0 TOTALS 146,597 106,732 112,415 43,450 NOTES: 1. Loaves& Fishes is requesting storage space, not money. 2. Little League is requesting the City build a facility at Paloma Creek Park, with the Little League contributing their own funds and volunteer labor.. City's share would be $10,000. } i j 1 J 3 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item: A-3 • CITY OF ATASCADERO Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager Meeting Date: 7/6/92 From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director SUBJECT: FY 92-93 Budget Overview RECOMMENDATION: After departmental and public comment, to direct staff to return at Council' s July 14 meeting with the necessary resolutions adopting the FY 92-93 budget. BACKGROUND: Council has already received a budget profile and line-item detail of the recommended operating and capital budget for FY 92- 93. Additional copies are available in the City Manager' s Office. Based on the document distributed, there was still a $290,000 budget "gap". At Council's direction, staff has met on several occasions to work out a mutually acceptable plan to eliminate the gap by reductions in employee compensation. A closed session has been scheduled prior to hearing this item, at which time it is hoped that the specific terms will be outlined and agreed to by Council. Assuming agreement is reached, the general fund will be in balance. Given the comments above, the final budget would reflect only those employee service cost adjustments required to balance the budget and any other adjustments directed by Council as a result of the July 6 hearing. Exhibit A is attached which summarizes the recommended general fund budget, by Department. These figures ':assume the $200, 000 in pay/benefit reductions. In addition, Exhibit B is a report from the Police Chief outlining the implementation of a "3-12" plan for patrol services. Council may recall, such a plan was a key ingredient in the Police Department' s substantial reduction in overtime. Council approval is needed, in order to start the program on July 11, 1992. a:overview #3 • • w r0 -i y z -iM"n -4yw •DA0 -lnwvn -0 'n V -4MOnnnn a 0 O > mm m c Q O O.+c a a 0 Oo C -o g - O Oa. •-• -•-• a m m r In Z > w Z -1 m -L'7 - 7 n 3 -4Q-. 1Q-•a 3 \ A r -i-3 .« .. ,r .+ N '1) z > c Z -L 1 > xa >a - PC 3 >m - 7 2t7 •• �>. 3- m m >m < •c•c En O o m 1 rrt- r •c N A 1 D 3> -+nn a -1 > m r In > v > am nim n> > > — 0= a .. 0 A r > O, Q 1D --U) O.,10 LD O Z in m 7 . a LD c a Z y A 30- 3 o a 3 o w m Z- a o a n D a z m O c -1 -W 3 3 3 -3 3 -3 c m m Lo 7 m x o a -i c L..z o n 3 2 a c a < c n : z m m c -• a z m 0 c m m 3 Z -• - Z m \ - > n a n - 9 lz n : 0-4 Z Z In a - D n -3 > Z r Ic m a -L-i s O•• m -1 m 7 -+ .« ID --Is a n N m m O 0 0 A Z.+ -t in -<2 3 a x tJ-1 -1 m > < \ .. - m O a 11) > O Z 0 r - y > C < If m m r -Imm. n m a m > m I I z III > 70 w -n m Z 3 < 3 m b G P9� rr� Z <U) 7 - 3 e� r);o o m ? z 0 a Lmn � <o y -i a Irl 1 a c W 1 O V LA N to N N N A- Nwa V N - .D w•- •- a A 1 CD ca N PN - .D Pww VwPw•Da LA O O N VNNA w If > > Ln 1 0.► 0Ln W— A O NNO A—W—w m O A O —ND-.DNP 0 a M Z I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a •i.D -c •0 I V V A -Ln w N - w V- •D w A 0 0•m w A A w P O N Ln LA O N If C I I V 1 ON P POO P N V W A w- .D- Pn .DZZzz Ln w W -NVOP AO a > .D 1 w 1 LII V 0000 V - .DA y 3NU10li ri D >> .D w A Ln- A W PLA O• a r0 'n I If -c _ 1 V w V - - N u ei .D I NN A— — V w LliNN NA NwN V W — 1 •Dw P D DV V •o V•DV W W 0cnw P .o N N N- WN Awa > 0 ••• IALD LAPP W W P W CD.6 P.ON.OLn N V LA P In LnLnW N0• - a r)-A W V 1 •D V P OOP - N Pww L1D•AAO A LA P V-9n- IP W.DO N C 10 A .0 l AA 0000 A O LnW- wANwN Oz z z z O O V -- N04' p > 4 m N I LIN Coco N V y V •DN 00.0 O» » LA LA O W M -00IUw - I a V w N N - IfI If 3 Ln I N V O V •- V 'V LAWN N w N ca CA V NNN w r l D•w 0L1.0CA V V W Vw W.D- w W wPIAP.a A P W V- W N Ln 1A) a w O w i OD ON NDlPEn .0 LA AOw N.0 VN- .0OPPP w N .D PW LA IA ow •o a C.D n m ac-- C A I yi 0 0 0 a .o La V•ow Ln.0co .o•0 .o V.NON N Ln w 'D CD V oP- Ut If 0 1 Z W 1 En 9.D 0000 w N w Wy NN000 - w OPO• O O O WLA .DO WNA a m.D>. v i O V 0000 V O mCA0 LA Ln000 V Ln LA(A cu LA 0 O NO LA 0000 a -INr IVw w _ N N A I —y A N—— O P P w w En A N w En w N N N O 100 N00w Ln V AO W NN 0 .0 0 NP w V 0 0 .o V --.o Aw NA p LD I Ow 0000 w •O O .Op W AO VO NA Nw[A N W P WA NOP- O k .D A I O• 0000 A .O O N V %J al VD•w P- N W w V Ln .OAD•OD.N V a >11 ••• 1 Oma• 0000 - W N VN VPOO- NN LA LAO LA N - NN U10 N NN 11 In•Q r 1 O-lb 0000 A N LINO A000d 00000 O O w OLA OO NUI UI a m W 1 I V V P - N 1 •-- - .D A Ln N N w w N W A V N N•-• N O - w 1 •••••• V O V w w NN V w.00NP aLn.-LA A LA w PP Ww 4"a N 2 I W W Uf ON w wON NONP W .0.0P-•- N w to to tAO A Ln A N .D 1 _ _ i •0•D O 00 D VA w0 V aLA A .OwN► N V 0Ln00- O .0 N ZII N N 1 NN O 00 N N 0LnLn ROLAOw PLAA LAN O LA .0 W N NOONN a 0 a 0 1 0 0 Coco O O O O O 0 O o m w O O O O O O O O O w O O m m m a m w 1 N C O I .-•0 V O V .- .D w I W 1 N O UI .0 w Pww -A N•- V P d LA-A - w W w w V LII ut If x .D1 OO O A P InEnW APOUIN w V P O w A.OP LI LI. w � >A� M �•• I N•0 00 O .D w NNO wol m.ON P V-aw Ln O N WOO NOO Nyp 0 .T I OA 0000 A N LIUIo A0001 0 00000 O O w 0000000 a m$m -• V 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 t I 1 1 1 I l a A --.- I 1 •- 1 - I N 1 •- A - 1 -w l •-— a n 11 wwV .ow•-wV AP WwN o N LD •-oulo•-oA N xn > O I NA - 000 .D N W .D D, W NOOA -LANOO - O - VP W 0N.DN N C/�I � I �x � NXX .14 N N11X XxXXN N X N X X X N X N X N N I . , L M EMO RAN D U M • TO: City Manager Ray Windsor FROM: Chief of Police SUBJ: 113-12 Plan" Implementation DATE: June 30, 1992 past discussions in your office, P.D. staff In keeping with p tannin the transition members are now in the process oto pthe " 3 12 plan" for a from the traditional "5-8 plan" trial period. Recognizing that wide acceptance of such a plan by those we impacted would increase the likel the plan. The of eoutcome required a four-fifths vote fav two gof twenty-five members exceeded the goal with only opposing implementation. (See my memo attached dated 6-9- 92 . ) -9- 92 . ) for your review and approval are agreements Also attached the which can serve as addenda ticoipat d that •we'll db g n Othe current M.O.U. 's. It i a eriod) assuming no major "3-12 plan" July 11, 1992 (new pay P • glitches are discovered. Thank you. RICHARD H. McHALE i k M E M O R A N D U M TO: All Sworn Personnel - APD FROM: Chief of Police SUBJ: Shift Schedule Alternatives DATE: June 9, 1992 As you all know, for the past several months, the 113-12" plan has been an actively debated issue at there are is typically the case in most such matters, multiside of varying viewpoints and feelings most of which have some merit. Re-emphasizing our current fiscal woes would be redundant. I believe that everyone knows we are in the middle of a city-wide economic crisis and things may not improve for a couple of years locally or even state-wide. Among the severe reductions we will be experiencing fin iscal our P.D. budget is the overtime expense category. year .1992-93 , we will have an allocation of only $30, 000 which is a reduction of $35,000 from our current year. So as to clarify,hetherllwebre 1 oned he o113-1211 00 in planovertime orthe regardless current 115-8" plan. On a personal level, I continue to have mixed emotions about the 113--12" plan. If implementation of the plan, however, would result in some cost savings in our budget, so much the better and I am thus willing to test the plan. The lieutenants and I have agreed that in order to must aer do proceeding further toward implementing 3-12 11 , we the following: 1. Conduct a survey/election through use of anonymous balloting. Voters to include all officers, agents and sergeants. In order to consider the plan further, at least a four fifths (20 of the 25 voting) must favor testing the plan. 2 . Finalize all operational details of the plan to the mutual agreement of department staff and affected employees. 3 . Unit representatives from APOA and ASSO must concur through signatures on the final agreement. The ' rl period will be proposed at a minimum of 6 months with a maximum of 12 months. Shifts would likely rotate each three months. Parties to the agreement • would have appropriate cancellation clauses in keeping with the best interests of the community and an . additional election being conducted at the end of six months trial time. 4. In order to properly plan and schedule for the month of July, voting on this issue must be completed by Wednesday, noon, 6-17-92. Lt. Barlow will coordinate these details in concert with SSLT Banks who will assist in counting ballots, etc. 6. An attempt will be made to contact any potential voting members who may be absent from APD for the purpose of a telephone vote. Any department members having questions about the details (there are many! ) of this plan are encouraged to discuss same with any P.D. staff members, including myself. Thank you. y RICHARD H. McHALE RHM:sb M E M O R A N D U M Date: June 8, 1992 To: Council Through: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director qt Subject: FY 92-93 Budget Profile Below is a profile on next year' s General Fund budget, including assumptions behind next year' s revenue and expenditure projections and a brief recap of some of the specific reductions proposed. REVENUE PROJECTIONS Overall, Revenues are expected to drop some $300,000 over last year, from $7.4 million in FY 91-92 to 7. 1 million in FY 92- 93. The drop is mainly the result of one-time revenues last year . (the PERS credit of $200,000; Capital Lease proceeds of $100,000) . Property Taxes are projected to climb some 6-7 percent, based on County projections. Sales Tax is up 5-6 percent, based on the economy slowly coming around, and prospects that some projects (Payless and Factory Outlets, for example) will bear fruit before next year's end. Building activity revenues are estimated as flat at this time, although a modest increase is planned for Engineering Plan Check fees (reflecting the new fee adopted by Council) . Investment earnings are down, due to the declining interest rates and the reduced cash balance in the fund. The remaining revenues are assumed to show little or no increases next year, with the exception of Franchise Fees. Because the City's revenues are based on a percentage of gross earnings, rate increases generate corresponding increases for the City. EXPENDITURES -- THE "BASE BUDGET" The base budget for the General Fund is arrived at by first calculating estimated employee services costs for the next year (based on MOU agreements, generally) , then deducting one-time expenses (e.g. Municipal Election Costs and Minor Capital purchases) , and lastly, rolling over operating accounts with an inflation factor. This process was used for FY 92-93, with the proviso that there was no inflation factor used -- the original budget appropriations (excluding Midyear Adjustments) were simply rolled over from last year. Approximately $100,000 was added back, to cover estimated costs for Booking Fees and Sexual Assault examinations costs ($50,000) and increased utilities costs ($50,000) . In addition, $200,000 was included to cover the costs of Stadium Park Acquisition (the exact figure hopefully will be less -- any balance would act as a built-in contingency) . Based on the figures above, the base budget tentatively amounts to $8.50 million, resulting in a revised initial budget deficit of $1,400,000. PRELIMINARY BUDGET REDUCTIONS 1. Operating Cuts - Just under 5 percent was reduced by each Department Head identifying operating expenditures that could be reduced, without seriously effecting service levels (or existing staff) . The Departments and amounts tentatively scheduled for reduction are noted below: Department Amount General Government 33,000 Police 84,500 Fire 40,500 Public Works/Engineering 30,000 Community Development 50,600 Community Services 106,900 Administrative Services 57,000 Non-Department 46,000 Total $448,500 In general, these reductions are spread throughout the range of operating accounts. In some instances, they reflect significant changes. In those instances, the respective Department Head(s) have submitted additional comments and clarifications, which are attached. Two additional comments are in order. First, Council will note that there is a requested and recommended column on the attached budget detail sheets. The recommended column reflects the City Manager's review of actual FY 91-92 expenditures through May, 1992. His additional cuts, if any, are reflected in the above numbers. Second, no City Manager recommendations have been made for the Council or City Treasurer' s budgets. 2. Maintain Hiring "Freeze" - An estimated $300,000 may be saved if existing or anticipated vacancies remain unfilled. These vacant positions are identified below: Department/Position Amount Saved Police - Support Services Technician 33,000 Fire - Fire Chief 94,000 Public Works - Sr. Civil Engineer 52,000 Public Works - Assoc. Civil Engineer 45,000 Community Services - Maint. Worker I 31,000 Community Services - Office Assistant 23,000* Finance - Accounting Intern (Temp. ) 22,000 Total $300,000 *Presently filled by a provisional appointment. 3. Gas Tax assumes a larger operating role - Roughly $65,000 has been transferred from Road projects to operating expenses. Primarily this shift will be in the form of transferring tree trimming, sidewalk repair and street light/traffic signal maintenance from the General Fund to the Gas Tax. In addition, some overhead expenses (predominantly finance and insurance costs) will be charged to the fund. This action is recommended with the understanding that the City needs to maintain at least $390,000 in General Fund Street expenditures. This is necessary to maintain our Prop. 111 extra Gas Tax monies -- roughly $115,000 annually. 4. Reduce Zoo Operating Support - Currently, the General Fund provides $150,000 annually to maintain the Zoo. Reducing that amount in half, at least for the immediate future, will be offset somewhat by increased revenues at the Zoo itself. Additional marketing efforts (especially now that it is accredited) may be in order. Operating assistance from the Zoo Society (which has traditionally supported Zoo Exhibits over operating costs) may also be considered. 5. Reduce Community Group Support - Currently Council provided just over $106,000 in community group support (including "contract agencies", such as the Chamber and Visitor's Conference Bureau) . Staff is recommending only $43,450 for next year. Admittedly, this will represent a substantial cut, but at least some funding will be available. In addition, the City may wish to consider strategies in which the City facilitates fundraising opportunities for Community Groups. For example, allowing Sports Groups to run the City' s snack bars (at the City' s two smaller parks) could generate money for the groups and free up City staff that currently run the concessions. An annual Circus (such as recently proposed by B & B Concessions) could also net a significant amount for groups, and food booths could be commissioned (to non-profit groups) for additional revenues. 1�i(4I 6. Finance Stadium Park - This strategy simply reflects the notion that a major capital expense should be paid over time. Council acknowledged such a strategy by acquiring the Mumford properties over time. In this case we would recommend either a short-term loan from the Wastewater Fund or consider some other form of financing. EMPLOYEE SERVICE COSTS REDUCTIONS Based upon these reductions, totaling $1, 150,000, a balance of roughly $250,000 remains. From this point, existing employee costs will need to be reduced. A number of options have surfaced and discussed informally with employees. Based on Council direction, one building inspector is scheduled for layoff; although he will in fact be reassigned to the Wastewater Treatment Plant (to fill an existing vacant position) . Total savings, including benefits are $50,000 (this is slightly higher than originally projected since there are no deductions for leave payoffs, severance pay, etc. ) . Based on additional Council direction, management has met with all the bargaining units to discuss layoff alternatives. Management' s original proposal was a one-year freeze on all negotiated increases, a work furlough/pay cut and adoption of a Cafeteria Plan for health benefits, effective with the new insurance rates (November 1, 1992) . The last element is especially important, insofar as it represents significant savings over the long run. In response, the bargaining units have suggested a number of proposals, generally in the category of new revenues or additional cuts. Mid-Management has tentatively agreed to Management' s proposal. We will continue to meet in an attempt to clarify exact savings. To some extent, the meetings help to explain how the City spends its money and how substantial are the cuts we have already made. CONCLUSION Basically, we are $200,000 from a balanced General Fund. We are projecting a General Fund Contingency Reserve at year end ( 1992) of approximately $175,000. However, in light of the fact that we have traditionally looked to a reserve of approximately $600,000 and there are still a number of fiscal unknowns (particularly the State' s budgetary problems) related to the economy in general, the additional cuts authorized by Council are still critical to our own fiscal health. Attached to this report is a series of supporting documentation. Exhibit A provides an updated running total of General Fund cuts. Exhibit B summarizes the City' s principal operating and capital funds, listing projected current year end balances, next year's revenues and expenditures, and next year's estimated year end balance. Exhibit C is a revenue detail by account for the General Fund. Exhibit D is an expenditure detail by Department, for the General Fund. Finally, Exhibit E is an expenditure detail by department, -for- non-General Fund activities, including capital projects. Attachments: A - General Fund Reductions: Running Total B - All City Funds: Revenue/Expenditure Summary C - Revenue Detail by Account - General Fund D - Expenditure Detail by Department - General Fund E - Expenditure Detail by Department - Non-General Fund a:profile #5 • 9 a C 0 EXHIBIT A: BUDGET REDUCTIONS/RUNNING TOTAL 09-Jun-92 • (GENERAL FUND ONLY) RUNNING AMOUNT TOTALS FY 92-93 Base Budget-Revised 8,500,000 Less: Projected Revenues (7,100,000) INITIAL OPERATING DEFICIT 1,400,000 PRELIMINARY BUDGET REDUCTIONS Operating Cuts (Approx. 5%) (450,000) 950,000 Continue Hiring "Freeze" (300,000) 650,000 Gas Tax assumes larger operating share (65,000) 585,000 Reduce Zoo Operating Support (75,000) 510,000 Reduce Community Group Funding (60,000) 450,000 Finance Stadium Park Acquisition (200,000) 250,000 TOTAL PRELIMINARY REDUCTIONS (1,150,000) 250,000 EMPLOYEE SERVICES COST REDUCTIONS Lay off one Building Inspector (50,000) 200,000 Management Proposal* Freeze MOU Increases--one year only (170,000) 30,000 Cafe. Pian for Health Ins. (eff. 11/1) (50,000) (20,000) 2.5% Salary Reduction--one year only (100,000) (120,000) * Requires 'Meet & Confer' sessions with all Bargaining Units. 0 93budbal EXHIBIT B LL CITY FUNDS: REVENUE/EXPENDITURE PROJECTIONS, FY 92-93 09-Jun-92 6/30/92 FY 92-93 FY 92-93 6/30/93 FUND NAME BALANCE REVENUES EXPENDITURES BALANCE General Fund 175, 000 7,110, 000 7, 310, 0-00 (25 , 000 ) Gas Tax 450, 000 454, 500 783, 000 121 , 500 Zoo Operations 0 232, 000 227, 540 4 , 460 Dial-A-Ride 50, 000 356, 000 391 , 025 14, 975 Wastewater 2, 000, 000 980, 000 2, 535, 555 444 , 445 Park Concession (7, 500 ) 35, 000 27, 900 ( 400) Lake Pavilion Operations ( 15, 000 ) 40, 000 33, 300 ( 13, 300 ) Tree Planting Trust 28, 000 4, 000 14, 000 12, 000 Sidewalk Trust 35, 000 5, 000 0 40, 000 Capital Projects Fund 50, 000 2, 390, 850 2, 399, 800 41 , 050 Police Impact Fee (84 , 000 ) 15, 000 61 , 550 ( 130 , 550 ) Fire Impact Fee 135, 000 31 , 000 31550 162, 450 Parks Impact Fee (240, 000 ) 75, 000 55, 250 (223, 250 ) Drainage Impact Fee 325, 000 65, 000 55, 000 335 , 000 Streets & Bridges Impact 475, 000 125, 000 595, 250 4, 750 Amapoa-Tecorida Fund 25, 000 135, 000 ( 1101000 ) St. Maintenance Districts 36, 000 5, 100 30, 000 11 , 100 TDA/Non-Transit 900, 000 97, 300 787, 250 210 , 050 OTE : 6/30/92 Ending Balances are estimates only, based on 5/92 projections. REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero EXHIBIT C RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:33 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry FUND Report - Selective Budgeting FUND #: 001 Name: General Fund Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Revenue Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 03201 3201 Current Year Secured 2,070,000.00 2,220,000.00 2,220,000.00 03201 3202 Current Unsecured 70,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 03201 3203 Prior Year-Secured/Unsecure 60,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 03201 3204 Penalties & Interest 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 2,220,000.00 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00 03202 3210 Sales And Use Tax 1,700,000.00 1,850,000.00 1,850,000.00 03203 3215 Bed Tax 105,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 03204 3220 Property Transfer Tax 40,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 03205 3230 Cable Television 100,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 03205 3231 Garbage Disposal 65,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 03205 3232 Gas 100,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 03205 3233 Electricity 105,000.00 115,000.00 115,000.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 370,000.00 405,000.00 405,000.00 03209 3298 Misc.Other Taxes 300.00 100.00 100.00 03300 3301 Business Licenses 110,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 03301 3310 Construction Permits 317,875.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 03301 3312 Encroachment Permits 2,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 03301 3317 Tree Application Fees 3,400.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 03301 3320 Misc. Building Permits 1,450.00 500.00 500.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 325,225.00 306,000.00 306,000.00 03400 3410 Motor Vehicle In-Lieu 825,000.00 850,000.00 850,000.00 03400 3411 Cigarette Tax 22,300.00 0.00 0.00 03400 3412 Homeowner's Relief 43,000.00 46,600.00 46,600.00 03400 3413 Off-Highway Vehicles 400.00 400.00 400.00 03400 3414 State Trailer In-Lieu 7,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 03400 3415 Other State In-Lieu 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 900,700.00 911,000.00 911,000.00 03403 3441 911 Funds 400.00 500.00 500.00 �v`C0�8 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:33 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry FUND Report - Selective Budgeting #: 001 Name: General Fund Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Revenue Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 03403 3442 Narcotic Officer Reimbursem 54,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 03403 3443 School Resource Officer Rei 26,500.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 03403 3444 D.A.R.E. Officer Reimbursem 24,500.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 03403 3450 Emergency Preparedness Reim 11,000.00 0.00 0.00 03403 3451 P.E.R.S. Actuarial Gains 353,000.00 0.00 0.00 03403 3452 State Mandated Cost Reimbur 14,000.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 03403 3453 Other State Reimbursements 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 486,400.00 113,000.00 113,000.00 03500 3501 Sale of Maps/Publications/C 5,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 03510 3510 Sports 95,000.00 105, 150.00 105,150.00 03510 3511 Special Events 22,300.00 15,515.00 15,515.00 03510 3512 Classes 79,000.00 74,400.00 74,400.00 03510 3513 Trips 30,200.00 25,200.00 25,200.00 03510 3515 Youth Activities 120,000.00 94,720.00 94,720.00 03510 3519 Aquatics Program 26,000.00 29,435.00 29,435.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 372,500.00 344,420.00 344,420.00 3540 General & Specific Plans 3,400.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0�'S20 3541 Zoning Fees 19, 125.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 03520 3542 Subdivision Fees 31,540.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 03520 3543 Plan Check Fees 75,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 03520 3545 EIR Fees 4,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 03520 3546 Compliance Survey Fees 2,400.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 03520 3548 Appeals 1,200.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 03520 3549 Misc.Planning Fees 3,758.00 500.00 500.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 140,923.00 138,400.00 138,400.00 03525 3555 P.W. Plan Check Fees 10,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 03525 3556 P.W. Inspection Services 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 15,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 03550 3590 Sale of Police Reports 3,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 03550 3591 Special Police Services 2,600.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 6, 100.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:33 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry FUND Report - Selective Budgeting FUND #: 001 Name: General Fund Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Revenue Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 03600 3601 CHP/City Fines 20,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 03600 3602 City Parking Fines 4,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 03600 3603 Court Fines 8,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 03600 3604 County Parking Fines 0.00 200.00 200.00 03600 3610 Penalties/Returned Checks 50.00 200.00 200.00 03600 3615 Fire Fines 0.00 500.00 500.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 32,050.00 60,900.00 60,900.00 03700 3701 Investment Earnings 65,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 03701 3710 Recreation Rentals 12,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 03701 3712 Other Rents/Concessions 500.00 100.00 100.00 03701 3713 Use of Crews/City Equip. 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 03701 3714 Public Payphones 500.00 500.00 500.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 14,000.00 9,600.00 9,600.00 03800 3802 Advertising 6,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 03800 3810 Cobra Insurance Reimburseme 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 03800 3811 Worker's Compensation Reim. 35,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 03800 3812 Other Salary Reimbursements 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 03800 3899 Miscellaneous 6,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 48,000.00 43,500.00 43,500.00 03900 3902 Transfer From Traffic Safet 62,000.00 0.00 0.00 03900 3904 Transfer From Dial-A-Ride F 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 03900 3907 Transfer From WasteWater Fu 92,800.00 93,000.00 97,500.00 03900 3908 Transfer From Gas Tax Fund 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 234,800.00 173,000.00 177,500.00 03901 3980 Proceeds From Sale of Prope 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 03901 3990 Proceeds From Sale of Surpl 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 03901 3991 Proceeds From Capital Lease 110,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 ACCT Subtotal ---------> 190,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 Total Revenue ---------> 7,380,998.00 7, 109,420.00 7,113,920.00 9000-1 v REPORT. • 06/09/92 City of Atascadero EXHIBIT D RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting #: 0110 Name: City Council Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -18,000.00 -18,000..00 -18,000.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS 0.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -11,500.00 -12,150.00 -12, 150.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -79.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -261.00 -275.00 -275.00 001 20001 General Fund Mail -100.00 0.00 0.00 001 20002 General Fund Printing -2,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -3,000.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -4,500.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -39,540.00 -38,625.00 -38,625.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPT TOTAL -39,540.00 -38,625.00 -38,625.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..... REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0120 Name: City Clerk Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -23,500.00 -26,400.00 -26,400.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -3,200.00 -3,400.00 -3,400.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -59200.00 -5,150.00 -5,150.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -95.00 -150.00 -150.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -325.00 -375.00 -375.00 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -6,000.00 -6,000.00 -6,000.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -900.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -5,000.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 001 20029 General Fund Equip.Rentals -400.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 20255 General Fund Muni.Elect.Cost -10,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -3,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -500.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -58,120.00 -47,675.00 -47,675.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPT TOTAL -58,120.00 -47,675.00 -47,675.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++f++++++++++++++++- REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting #: 0130 Name: City Treasurer Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -2,400.00 -2,400.00 -2,400.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS 0.00 -75.00 -75.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -400.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -10.00 -25.00 -25.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -35.00 -40.00 -40.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -1,785.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc 0.00 -65.00 -65.00 Total Expenses ---------> -4,630.00 -4,105.00 -4, 105.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPT TOTAL -4,630.00 -4,105.00 -4,105.00 ++++t+++++++++++.. ...... ..+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #.: 0140 Name: City Attorney Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 30001 General Fund Legal Services -80,000.00 -50,000.00 -50,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -801-000.00 -50,000.00 -50,000.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -80,000.00 -50,000.00 -50,000.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9aCk1� l REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting GOT #: 0145 Name: Special Legal Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 30001 General Fund Legal Services -30,000.00 -30,000.00 -30,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -30;000.00 -30,000.00 -30,000.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -30,000.00 -30,000.00 -30,000.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..... 1 9()CUv REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0150 Name: City Manager Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -102,000.00 -104,000.00 -104,000.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -14,500.00 -13,750.00 -13,750.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime =-100:00 -100.00 -100.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -14,200.00 -16,100.00 -16,100.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -425.00 -650.00 -650.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -1,070.00 -1,200.00 -1,200.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -500.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -500.00 0.00 0.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -2,500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc 0.00 -500.00 -500.00 Total Expenses ---------> -135,795.00 -137,050.00 -137,050.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPT TOTAL -135,795.00 -137,050.00 -137,050.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 0 0 C 0 . REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0710 Name: Personnel Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -55,000.00 -43,500.00 -43,500.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -7,900.00 -5,800.00 -5,800.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime 800.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -19,200.00 -8,700.00 -8,700.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -250.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -300.00 0.00 0.00 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -900.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -700.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 20029 General Fund Equip.Rentals -200.00 0.00 0.00 001 30008 General Fund Profess.Svcs. -15,500.00 -2,400.00 -2,400.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -1,600.00 0.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -1,000.00 -750.00 -750.00 Total Expenses ---------> -103,850.00 -62,900.00 -62,900.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -103,850.00 -62,900.00 -62,900.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0711 Name: Recruitments Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COI Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -1,000.00 -300.00 -300.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -3,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 30005 General Fund Pre-Emp.Phys. -5,000.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -1,000.00 -250.00 -250.00 Total Expenses ---------> -10,000.00 -3,550.00 -3,550.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPT TOTAL -10,000.00 -3,550.00 -3,550.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • M E M O R A N D U M TO: MARK JOSEPH, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM: R.H. McHALE, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJ: BUDGET REDUCTIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY CITY MANAGER ON JUNE 4TH DATE: JUNE 5, 1992 This memo is furnished as requested in response to additional suggested budget reductions as proposed by City Manager, Ray Windsor. As you most likely know, these additional cuts would reduce our department budget another $43,000 (approximately) . We of course are cognizant of the obvious need for reductions and I believe historically, our department has been successful in limiting our expenditures within the Council's annual authorization. Many of the cuts proposed by the City Manager are reductions which we must accept as goals we'll try our best to. achieve. By that, I mean by virtue of the nature of our business, some good luck could prevail, thus demands upon our services could be such that some budget categories may be impacted to a lesser degree. The reverse scenario of course, inasmuch as law enforcement is too often of necessity in a reactive mode, may call for extraordinary police response to serious crimes, additional court appearances, complex investigations and general peace-keeping. Overall, I must say I believe the cuts to be too severe and in terms of being able to provide service within the expectations of the public, we will simply fall short of the targeted reductions. (I'm not suggesting we won't make every effort to keep spending to bare essentials! ) A few categories which are recommended for reduction which will likely be exceeded are: 1. Radio Repair Services. The current budget authorizes $12,000. This year we'll spend about $15,000. City Manager recommends an authorization of $6,0000 for F.Y. 92-93. Our radio equipment, like our vehicles, is getting old it simply must be repaired when it stops working. SLO County Radio Repair technicians do our work and have proven to be competitive price-wise and are knowledgeable. 2. Premium Pay. (Uniform Allowance - Briefing Pay) This pay is authorized by virtue of memorandums of understanding with the various bargaining units. Our proposal of $27,600 is our estimate of the actual cost of the agreement. City Manager recommends $18,000. I'm not sure that this amount will adequately pay for the uniform allowance which must be paid to each employee during the fiscal year (?) . 3. Overtime. Our current budget authorizes $65,000 for this category. We, as a result of economic necessity, have proposed a cut to $35,000 contingent on our ability to reschedule all of our patrol personnel to the 113-12" shift plan. City Manager recommends another cut to $30,000. Our use of overtime is primarily driven by our activity level including the number of arrests, investigations, court testimony, report processing and general calls for service. Department statistics suggest that we must anticipate continuing increases in calls for service and arrests - - if anything, there could be an increase in this area. The issue of whether or not our department will convert from the 115-8" plan to the 113-12" plan, is yet to be resolved and will necessitate meet and confer sessions with the impacted bargaining units. 4. Vehicle Repairs. Our current budget authorizes $42,000 for repairs of our department vehicles. While the City Manager is recommending this same amount for F.Y. 92-93, by this fiscal years end, we will have spent about $70,000. The reason for this is simply that our police vehicle fleet is quickly deteriorating with some cars having logged over 130,000 miles. Ideally, patrol cars should be sold at 60,000 to 80,000 miles. We only replaced one unit this fiscal year when we should ideally have bought five. Clearly, this budget category will be troublesome again in the new fiscal year. In summary, as previously stated, we're hoping for some good luck during the new fiscal year and we in the police department will endeavor to be very thrifty during the difficult months ahead! Speaking for our department, a mid- year budget review will be a must (during December, 1992) . Thank w 0 Richard H. McHale l M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager Ray Windsor FROM: Chief of Police SUBJ: More Budget Reduction Proposals - FY 1992-93 DATE: May 1, 1992 In keeping with continuing staff discussions and having identified the need for additional budget; reductions, I have attached my department's latest version , of an "essentials only" budget. As you know, in our budget submission dated March 16th, we had eliminated all capital outlay expenditures (patrol cars, radios, etc. ) and all other budget categories were reduced to an absolute minimum. School crossing guards were eliminated. Requests for additional personnel, of course, were dropped. In addition to this, and at your direction, one of our dispatcher positions is vacant and remains frozen until further notice. A summary of still more department reductions follows: 1. Overtime reduction: from $65,000 to 30,000 $35,000 . Potential savings, one year: $ • 2 . Janitorial services, P.D. : from $28 , 000 _ to $22,000. Savings, one year: $S 91000 3 . Grounds/landscape maintenance: from ' $1, 800 to $900. Savings, one year: $ 900 4 . P.O.S.T. Training: from $30,000 to $20,000 . Savings (see commentary. ) (see below) 5. Other training services: from $2, 000 to $1, 000 . Savings, one year: 1 6. Conversion of one sworn police officer position to civilian position. Possible savings, one year: �11,00� 7. Leave SST (dispatcher) position vacant. Possible savings, one year: 53 Commentarv- Item �1_ This reduction is contingent upon our implementing a "three twelve" staffing plan for our patrol personnel in the police department. This approach is a departure from the traditional shift assignments incorporating the five-day week, eight hour �v �2 day concept. Basically, officers will instead work three twelve hour shifts per week and will then have one additional eight hour segment each pay period which may be used for court, training, investigations, etc. Thus, the total work hours during the month will be the same, however, scheduling would be such that there is a potential for savings in otherwise necessitated overtime expenditures.. Like all programs, there are pros and cons inherent in the 113-12" plan. There is a potential for fatigue and prolonged shifts, and due to longer employee absences from the worksite, there is some loss in continuity of information flow. Two other SIA County police departments (SLO and Arroyo Grande) utilize this scheme, and the chiefs have cited the same strengths and weakness I've mentioned here. It does appear that indeed we could save some money through this approach. Many details would have to be resolved prior to implementation in collaboration with the affected bargaining units, however, at this time it appears there is widespread support for the plan in the P.D. One important caveat stressed by the two chiefs in SIA County is that when their personal input and participation was ignored during the collective 0 bargaining process, the savings originally hoped for was lost when other City negotiators relented on some police management rights relative to overtime and other issues. That aside, properly implemented, I believe there are sufficient financial benefits to this plan to consider it further, and I believe we could likely begin in a few weeks time. Item # 2 : Janitorial services. I feel our existing service level is quite good, however, in the interests of saving money, we'll simply reduce the number of hours the janitor is on the premises. One staff member suggested that we in the P.D. consider doing our own janitorial work in our offices during our shifts. This simply is not workable due to the existing work and case load which only continues to increase. The cleanup and sanitation demands in the jail alone, t believe, are sufficient to require continuing outside cleaning- service particularly when one considers the 24 hour, round-the-clock activity within the police facility. 90007,. Item #3 . Grounds and landscape thet existing level tof case with janitorial services, we'll cut the service is appropriate. Once again, grounds maintenance hours in half and we'll use prisoners to augment this need. Item Y4 . P.o.S.T. training. Z am indicating a reduction of $10, 000 in our P.O.S .T. training s money cais tegory As a reminder for City Council benefit, t re- for reimbursed by the State, and if we do not use i State mandated training, the money is simply allocated to other cities and our State certification is jeopardized which in. turn violates the State Penal • Code which addresses pea In 1991Cer standards. Some salary reimbursement goad news on this issue: for selected training was suspended through 1992 . We've just been notified that salary reimbursement is now being reinstated, and we'll be receiving a retroactive payment on some mandated courses.- In ourses.In any case, as previously indicated, we'll carefully monitor this fund and take full advantage hich of all mandated training and, spend only we won' t reimbursed for necessary training. Also,. assign training in cases where we'd have to backfill a position on an overtime basis. . item 15 . I'm simply recommending a reduction of one- half in this category in the spirit of cutting wherever possible. rte;n S6 . Police staff, of course, is very hesitant to reduce our sworn ranks particularly as we observe an increasing demand for service. Reality, of course, dictates we must consider such alternatives. The conversion discussed here would involve the necessity of laying off one sworn person and appointing one civilian crime prevention/community services position. The good news is that we'd realize a potential savings of approximately $11, 000. The down side is that we would lose s re regular lawY Of ement services both ing one sworn cer on who per-forms gu normal shifts and on relief shifts. Item i9 . Leave dispatcher (SST) position open. This position equated to about $34,000. Once again, economic need necessitateswan vacancy continue an nuectntinuabor During fiscal year 1992-93 , Z 'tco the need for this position as Z know that need has been documented in the past. One final observation regarding our budgeting and the current fiscal crisis: it seems that each' new day presents another economic twist and/or passibility - many times bad news, sometimes good news. If I've learned one lesson, it would be that we must remain flexible and creative in seeking our solutions to financial and other woes! Thank you. RICHARD H. McHALE r REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting OPT *: 0200 Name: Police Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -1,213,457.00 -1,295,000.00 -1,295,000.00 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -11,713.00 -12,000.00 -12,000.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -2519-000:00 -344,200.00 -344,200.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -65,000.00 -35,000.00 -30,000.00 001 10041 General Fund Spec.Events 0/T -10,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -164,950.00 -250,200.00 -250,200.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -60,580.00 -91,350.00 -91,350.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -8,200.00 -8,700.00 -8,700.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -25,100.00 -27,600.00 -18,000.00 001 20001 General Fund Mail -800.00 0.00 0.00 001 20002 General Fund Printing -12,500.00 -9,500.00 -4,000.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -7,000.00 -6,000.00 -4,000.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -500.00 -500.00 0.00 001 20027 General Fund Laundry Service -2,000.00 -1,000.00 -750.00 001 20029 General Fund Equip.Rentals -4,500.00 -3,500.00 -2,000.00 001 20050 General Fund Misc Admin Exp 0.00 -1,000.00 -500.00 001 20075 General Fund Util.-Water -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -700.00 001 20076 General Fund Util-Electricty -18,000.00 -20,000.00 -19,000.00 001 20077 General Fund Util.-Gas -6,000.00 -6,000.00 -5,000.00 001 20080 General Fund Film Processing -2,500.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 4*01 1 20101 General Fund SP.Police Supp. -30,500.00 -25,000.00 -18,000.00 1 20104 General Fund Amm./Range Sup. 2,500.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 20125 General Fund Custodial Supp. -28,000.00 -22,000.00 -20,000.00 001 20126 General Fund B1dg.Repair Sup -6,000.00 5,100.00 -5,000.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -42,000.00 -42,000.00 -42,000.00 001 20201 General Fund Animal Supplies -2,000.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 001 30005 General Fund Personnel Srvcs -1,500.00 -1,500.00 -500.00 001 30013 General Fund Physician Svcs. -5,000.00 -3,000.00 -1,500.00 001 30212 General Fund CS-Radio Svc. -12,000.00 -10,500.00 -6,000.00 001 30250 General Fund CS-Narc.Task -24,000.00 -24,000.00 -24,000.00 001 30251 General Fund CS-Bomb Squad -4,000.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 001 30252 General Fund CS-Clets Svcs. -4,000.00 -6,000.00 -3,500.00 001 30253 General Fund CS-Cal-ID. -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 30254 General Fund Booking Fees 0.00 -30,000.00 -30,000.00 001 30255 General Fund SART Exam Fees 0.00 -20,000.00 -20,000.00 001 30899 General Fund CS-Other Svcs. -6,000.00 -6,000.00 -3,500.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -3,500.00 -1,000.00 -500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -3,500.00 -2,000.00 -2,500.00 001 50101 General Fund Off.Fur.Replace -9,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 50301 General Fund Field Eq.-Replc -1,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 50502 General Fund Dispat.Console -3,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -2,054,300.00 -2,324,650.00 -2,276,400.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PT TOTAL -2,054,300.00 -2,324,650.00 -2,276,400.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++......� 9000 FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET SUMMARY FY 92-93 The Fire Department is responsible for protecting life and property from fire, injury, and hazardous conditions . Services are provided to aid and assist residents,. as needed. Significant changes in Budget, Staff or Services The Fire Department ' s budget request has no significant changes over previous years . Currently, services are provided with the following personnel : one Acting Fire Chief, one Battalion Chief, one Acting Battalion Chief, three Fire Captains, six Fire Engineers, three Firefighters, one and one-half clerical positions, and 28 Reserves . Three Seasonal Firefighters were hired June lst to provide additional manpower during for fire season. The department has three structure engines, two brush engines, three command vehicles, one patrol unit and one utility vehicle, operating out of two fire stations . 91/92 Year-End Budget Adjustment During the past fiscal year the fire department was faced . with many hardships pertaining to the budget which were directly related to a manpower shortage which created an unfunded liability of over $100, 000 . The shortage was due to absences of the Fire Chief for one year and an Engineer for six months, as well as our efforts to reduce the excess vacation and holiday time accrued, which were coupled with employee services costs exceeding original estimates . At the end of the 90/91 year we returned 3 .30 of our total budget ($38, 887) , only to find that at the start of the 91/92 year $20, 000 of encumbered money did not roll over. This was somewhat devastating to a budget that had already been cut 50 from the previous year. We were also keeping spending to a minimum in the operations portion of the budget, hoping to use the excess to cover employee costs . In May it was apparent that a year-end budget adjustment was in order, therefore $20, 000 was requested to restore the encumbered money from the previous year and $75, 000 was requested to be added to the employee services section. At this time it appears that due to the cost savings programs we have implemented, a significant portion of the year-end adjustment will be returned to the General Fund. BUDGET SUMMARY FIRE DEPARTMENT Page 2 FY 92-93 Past Accomplishments Projects undertaken during the past months have included implementation of a new State_ mandated incident reporting system; formulation of a career development guide; completion of a project file which includes job descriptions; establishing equipment replacement programs; Council adoption of the street numbering ordinance, with public contacts being made by the department; staging areas determined for major incidents throughout the city; development of a plan to dispatch resources depending upon location within the city; and revisions recommended to Chapter 8, Fire Code, which would include a Class A roofing requirement on residential structures . In the training area, following are highlights of department activity: Two Fire Captains attended the CA Fire Academy, one to study Wildland Fire Tactics, the other to study Command Tactics at Major Fires . The Training Officer and an Engineer attended the CA Fire Instructors Workshop in San Jose . A joint training program has been developed with the Atascadero State Hospital Fire Department . New Reserve Firefighters are required to attend a mini fire academy conducted by department personnel, with one in progress . Two paramedic interns completed the field internship requirements, passed the State exams and are now certified paramedics . Department instruction of the EMT-I refresher program has kept paid and reserve staff certified. One department member attended a juvenile firesetter counseling conference . A Cadet Firefighter program was developed in conjunction with Atascadero High School . Two Reserve Firefighters completed the Allan Hancock Fire Academy. A new rescue vehicle was received and put in service in mid- January. Due to the unavailability of funds to replace the departments oldest brush engine, the old rescue unit was converted to respond to grass fires . Maintenance of equipment and grounds remains a priority, however no major station improvement projects were requested this year. Projects currently underway include continued work on the proposed radio repeater project; development of training guidelines to meet the requirements of the Joint Apprenticeship Program; continued committee study on ambulance services in the county; continued committee study on possible development of a county-wide haz mat team; and development of a department fitness guide. BUDGET SUMMARY FIRE DEPARTMENT Page 3 FY 92-93 Although times are difficult, the department has adopted a philosophy of moving forward, working with available resources and making cost effective purchases . We feel that now is the time for planning and we are very optimistic that in each year after this one, things can only get better. Michael P . McCain Acting Fire Chief MEMORANUM DATE : 4/23/92 TO : Ray Windsor, City Manager FROM: Michael McCain, Acting Fire Chief SUBJECT : Budget - 1992/93 fiscal year After participating in budget sessions for the upcoming year, I feel the following recommendations are in order . 1) I recommend that the Fire Chief position not be filled at this time . The money saved by leaving that position vacant in the upcoming year would assist the City through the lean months ahead. I feel that this would cause no significant impact, if any at all, because operations have not been effected (other than manpower shortage) by the vacancy of that position. I have advised 'my personnel of this recommendation and was informed that I have total support . 2) Another area of savings that I reluctantly must inform you about is the savings that could be gained by closing Station #2 for approximately six months throughout the year . At the present time we have a two-man minimum manning standard at each station. When an employee must attend a required school to maintain certain skills such as EMT, paramedic, haz mat, etc . , or other types of leaves are required (vacation, holiday, sick leave) , a firefighter is paid time and one-half to fill that vacancy. Our current budget does not have the allocated funds for this and it is certain that that 192/93 budget will not provide the funds for this unfunded liability . Because of this certainty, I recommend the closing of Station #2 when these situations arise. The alternatives to closing Station #2 would be: a) Provide funding (approximately $100, 000 per year) . b) Lower the minimum manning level to one (which I will not support because of safety reasons) . c) Cancel leave of any kind for one year (this would be possible except for paramedic and other state required certifications) . Although to cancel leave except for mandatory certifications may be possible, it just creates a greater problem one year from now when the vacation and holiday time accumulates into a larger unfunded liability. As you are aware, we have worked very hard the past year to eliminate excess vacation sZ4s " a Memo to Ray Windsor . 4/24/92 Page 2 and holiday time, in some cases three and four years worth per man. I am pleased to inform you that by July 1, 1992, all personnel will have one .year or less vacation time on the books . This is an accomplishment that took the cooperation of all employees in our department . By eliminating this problem we not only assisted the City in eliminating the unfunded liability (approximately $100, 000 in excess time) but by creative manning using Firefighter II ' s, Reserves, shift exchanges, etc . , we were able to 'solve that liability problem for approximately 1/3 of that figure . To allow the vacation and holiday time to accumulate after all the effort to eliminate it, would not be recommended. Therefore, if the money is not available to fund this, I see no other alternative than to recommend the closing of Station #2 for at least six months of the 92/93 budget year. Impact : Probable public criticism due to, a) Longer response time from Station #1 area to Station #2 area. b) Level of service reduced because of three men on duty instead of four . c) One piece of equipment responding initially instead of • two . I am sure that you are aware that I would never make the recommendation to lower our level of service, such as closing a fire station, unless it was for safety reasons for firefighting personnel . I certainly hope we can create alternatives to this recommendation, but unfortunately at this time the funding appears to be non-existent . I have discussed preliminary, budget reductions with most of the firefighters and was assured that you have total support on areas that must be addressed in order to reduce the anticipated deficit in the upcoming year. I feel confident that through the meet and confer process to address items such as the cafeteria plan for health insurance and deferring pay raises, that an agreement can be made. The firefighters will continue to work on new ways to save money, as we 've always done, especially this past year. As you know, we have forwarded to you many suggestions for savings and have implemented many programs that have or will help in the future . Besides cost savings programs and ideas, the firefighters are willing to assist (labor wise) with any assistance the City needs to help cut the costs of outside labor. We could mow lawns or assist Parks, for example . We • feel that in the possible hard times to come, if each Memo to Ray Windsor • 4/24/92 Page 3 department is willing to do a little extra to save we can return to normal much faster. As you know, � volunteering for extra duty does not mean we have extra time on our hands now. We will have to prioritize our current assignments, along with our new duties, and I 'm sure there will be lower priority areas that will suffer. I can assure you, as my men have assured me, that whatever it takes - we're with you. c Michael McCain t REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0300 Name: Fire Working g Budget Requested M. Recommended COA Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -613,000.00 -607,550.00 -607,550.00 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -85,000.00 -50,000.00 -50,000.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -125-1000.00 -173,000.00 -173,000.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -90,000.00 -30,000.00 -30,000.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -79,500.00 -90,000.00 -90,000.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -27,150.00 -38,000.00 -38,000.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -1,000.00 -1,150.00 -1,150.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -27,000.00 -32,400.00 -32,400.00 001 20001 General Fund Mail -1,000.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 20002 General Fund Printing -1,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -250.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -200.00 -50.00 -50.00 001 20025 General Fund Compu.Software -5,000.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 20027 General Fund Laundry Service -3,000.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 20075 General Fund Util .-Water -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 20076 General Fund Util-Electricty -4,000.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 001 20077 General Fund Util.-Gas -3,000.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 001 20080 General Fund Film Processing -200.00 -175.00 -175.00 001 20100 General Fund Personal/Safety -11,000.00 -6,500.00 -6,500.00 001 20102 General Fund SP.Fire Supp. -5,000.00 -4,725.00 -4,725.00 001 20103 General Fund Field Tools<250 -7,500.00 -3,750.00 -3,000.00 001 20105 General Fund Fire Line Suppt -5,000.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 001 20125 General Fund Custodial Supp. -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20126 General Fund B1dg.Repair Sup -3,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 20127 General Fund Landscaping Sup -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20150 General Fund Non-Veh.Eq.Rep. -1,500.00 -1,500.00 -1,500.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -9,000.00 -9,000.00 -9,000.00 001 20203 General Fund Lab/Medical Exp -5,000.00 -4,500.00 -4,500.00 001 20299 General Fund Operating Exp. -5,000.00 -4,500.00 -4,000.00 001 30005 General Fund Pre-Emp.Phys. -1,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 30008 General Fund Profess.Svcs. -1,200.00 0.00 0.00 001 30009 General Fund Plan Checks -1,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 30212 General Fund CS-Radio Svc. -4,000.00 -4,500.00 -4,500.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -3,500.00 0.00 -500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -11,500.00 -14,000.00 -12,500.00 001 50300 General Fund Field Equip.New -1,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 50303 General Fund Turnout Gear -7,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 50305 General Fund Replace Radios -5,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 50310 General Fund Replc.Fire Hose -5,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -1, 162,500.00 -1,098,650.00 -1,096,400.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -1, 162,500.00 -1,098,650.00 -1,096,400.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++�+ 90()0 (, REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting OEPT #: 0410 Name: PW/Engineering Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -196,000.00 -137,000.00 -137,000.00 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -8,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -28,000.00 -18,100.00 -18,100.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -250.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -36,600.00 -24,200.00 -24,200.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -5,675.00 -6,800.00 -6,800.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -2,200.00 -1,400.00 -1,400.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -2,680.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 20001 General Fund Mail -300.00 0.00 0.00 001 20002 General Fund Printing -300.00 -300.00 -300.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -300.00 -750.00 -250.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 20080 General Fund Film Processing -150.00 -150.00 -100.00 001 20100 General Fund Personal/Safety -150.00 0.00 0.00 001 20103 General Fund Field Tools<250 -200.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 20150 General Fund Non-Veh.Eq.Rep. -250.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20299 General Fund Operating Exp. -3,000.00 -3,000.00 -1,000.00 001 30001 General Fund Legal Services -1,000.00 0.00 0.00 � 01 30004 General Fund Engineering Svc -50,000.00 -50,000.00 -50,000.00 01 30008 General Fund Profess.Svcs. -1,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30428 General Fund Recycling Comm. -5,800.00 0.00 0.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -1,500.00 -500.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -500.00 Total Expenses ---------> -348,205.00 -247,450.00 -242,150.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -348,205.00 -247,450.00 -242,150.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..... • REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0415 Name: Recycling Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUN L Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 30428 General Fund Recycling Comm. 0.00 -4,500.00 -4,500.00 Total Expenses ---------> 0.00 -4,500.00 -4,500.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL 0.00 -4,500.00 -4,500.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.....++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.....F REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting WEPT #: 0505 Name: Comm Dev/Admin Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE," -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -129,000.00 -138,000.00 -138,000.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -18,362.00 -18,250.00 -18,250.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -250.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -17,400.00 -19,800.00 -19,800.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -1,500.00 -2,250.00 -2,250.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -8,000.00 -6,150.00 -5,000.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -3,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -2,200.00 -2,200.00 -2,000.00 001 20050 General Fund Misc Admin Exp -100.00 0.00 0.00 001 30007 General Fund Arborist/urban -5,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30008 General Fund Profess.Svcs. -10,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -8,500.00 -2,400.00 -500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -2,000.00 -270.00 -270.00 Total Expenses ---------> -206,562.00 -190,320.00 -186,320.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -206,562.00 -190,320.00 -186,320.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++t++++++++++++t++++++++++++t+++++++++++tt+++++++++++++4 Q000 027 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0511 Name: Gen.Plan Update Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -1,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 30004 General Fund Engineering Svc -3,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30009 General Fund Plan Checks -15,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30015 General Fund Env.Impact Rpt. -10,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -29,500.00 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -29,500.00 0.00 0.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ �0G0 i" REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting &EPT #: 0520 Name: Planning Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -165,000.00 -182,100.00 -182,100.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -23,500.00 -24,100.00 -24,100.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -33,200.00 -35,600.00 -35,600.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -4,000.00 -6,300.00 -6,300.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -1,125.00 -1,350.00 -1,350.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -90.00 -100.00 0.00 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -250.00 -1,750.00 -1,500.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -500.00 0.00 0.00 001 20025 General Fund Compu.Software -1,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 20029 General Fund Equip.Rentals -1,500.00 -1,500.00 -1,500.00 001 20080 General Fund Film Processing -200.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 30009 General Fund Ping & Land Use 0.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -3,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc 0.00 -650.00 -650.00 001 50101 General Fund Off.Fur.Replace -2,200.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -236,565.00 -256,650.00 -256,300.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -236,565.00 -256,650.00 -256,300.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ s 0C REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting &EPT #: 0530 Name: Com.Dev.Bldg/In Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -177,000.00 -195,900.00 -160,050.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -25,500.00 -25,900.00 -21,150.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -29,600.00 -35,400.00 -29,000.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -5,400.00 -5,600.00 -5,600.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -1,525.00 -1,750.00 -1,200.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -180.00 -200.00 -100.00 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -1,500.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -1,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 20025 General Fund Compu.Software -800.00 0.00 0.00 001 20029 General Fund Equip.Rentals -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20100 General Fund Personal/Safety -500.00 0.00 0.00 001 20103 General Fund Field Tools<500 -800.00 0.00 0.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -1,000.00 -1,250.00 -1,000.00 001 30212 General Fund CS-Radio Svc. -600.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -3,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -2,500.00 -1, 190.00 -1,190.00 001 50100 General Fund Office Furn-New -800.00 0.00 0.00 001 50101 General Fund Off.Fur.Replace -2,800.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -256,505.00 -270,690.00 -222,290.00 0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -256,505.00 -270,690.00 -222,290.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • 90031- REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0540 Name: Code Enforce. • Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -41,000.00 -42,700.00 -42,700.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -5,815.00 -5,700.00 -5,700.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -79000.00 -9,200.00 -9,200.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -775.00 -1,150.00 -15150.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -600.00 -625.00 -625.00 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -575.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 20080 General Fund Film Processing -750.00 -550.00 -550.00 001 20103 General Fund Field Tools<500 -370.00 0.00 0.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -1,200.00 -750.00 -750.00 001 30008 General Fund Profess.Svcs. -600.00 0.00 0.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -800.00 0.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -200.00 -50.00 -50.00 001 50101 General Fund Off.Fur.Replace -1,100.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -60,785.00 -60,825.00 -60,825.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -60,785.00 -605825.00 -60,825.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.... '3000 s M E M O R A N D U M DATE: June 9, 1992 TO: Ray Windsor City Manager FROM: Andrew J. Takata( Ext. 001 Department of Community services SUBJECT: 1992/93 FISCAL YEAR PRELIMINARY BUDGET SUMMARY As per your direction, the Department of Community Services is proposing to implement the following budget reductions after the City Council adopts the 1992/93 fiscal year budget. ADMINISTRATION DIVISION: The Department's supplies account is proposed at $4,500, which includes office supplies for most of the divisions. All travel and conference funds for staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission have been deleted from this budget proposal. ZOO DIVISION• A total of $75, 000 in fund reductions are proposed for the Zoo Division. It is hoped that the recent admission fee increases and Zoological Society support will offset this reduction. RECREATION DIVISION: Programs proposed under this division are offset by expected revenues to be received from participants: Anticipated Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . . $442,424 Anticipated Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $354,920 Anticipated Net Expenditure. . . . . . . . . $ 87,504 (80% return) This is lower than Fiscal 1991/92 which is a Net Expenditure of $96, 251. 36 (77% return) . 90003'1 PARRS/FACILITIES DIVISION: Utility increases are noted in the budget proposal due to increased usage/charges from PG&E for utilities and Atascadero Mutual Water Company for landscape irrigation. Staff is proposing to terminate the landscape maintenance contract through Shoreline Landscape and Maintenance Company, which totals $32,400 annually. It is proposed that staff lease a commercial mower and provide labor. In accordance to the recent implementation of a personnel hiring freeze, there will be a reduction of 2-1/4 positions and a related salary/benefits savings. The positions that will not be filled are a full-time Streets Division Maintenance Worker I, a full-time Office Assistant I and 25% savings from a full-time Administrative Secretary position. The recently proposed budget reductions totaled $71,000 without personnel. After further review by you and staff, the revised proposed budget reductions total $106,900. This amount plus the $75,000 reduction of zoo subsidy is a total of $181,900. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call. AJT:kv ;bud.4 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0605 Name: C.S. Admin. Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -24,546.00 -17,200.00 -17,200.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -3,501.00 -2,300.00 -2,300.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -1,000.00 -500.00 -250.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -19,200.00 -4,300.00 -4,300.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -275.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -285.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -6,500.00 -5,000.00 -4,500.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -500.00 -500.00 -250.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -750.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20080 General Fund Film Processing -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 001 20299 General Fund Operating Exp. -1,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -4,000.00 0.00 -500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -1,000.00 -900.00 -900.00 Total Expenses ---------> -63,607.00 -33,200.00 -32,700.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -63,607.00 -33,200.00 -32,700.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++......+++. • REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0610 Name: Recreation 0 Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------ 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -80,687.00 -88,400.00 -88,400.00 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -2,440.00 0.00 0.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -11,815.00 -11,700.00 -11,700.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -700.00 0.00 0.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -14,000.00 -18,800.00 -18,800.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -1,450.00 -2,150.00 -2,150.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -1,175.00 -1,250.00 -1,250.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -90.00 0.00 0.00 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -8,000.00 -4,300.00 -4,300.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -500.00 -1,650.00 -1,650.00 001 20103 General Fund Field Tools<250 -200.00 0.00 0.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -500.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 20200 General Fund Recreation Sup. -2,500.00 -1,000.00 -750.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -1,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -1,000.00 -575.00 -575.00 001 50100 General Fund Office Furn-New -1,500.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -128,057.00 -130,025.00 -129,775.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -128,057.00 -130,025.00 -129,775.00 -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 90 0-4 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting *EPT #: 0611 Name: Aquatics Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -22,500.00 -27,900.00 -27,900.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -1,000.00 -900.00 -900.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. 632.00 -650.00 -650.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -458.00 -460.00 -460.00 001 20100 General Fund Personal/Safety -350.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 20200 General Fund Recreation Sup. -400.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 20299 General Fund Operating Exp. -150.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -25,490.00 -30,260.00 -30,260.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -25,490.00 -30,260.00 -30,260.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..... �J0004 1 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0612 Name: Rec.AfterSchool Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -61,400.00 -71,000.00 -71,000.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -2,230.00 -2,900.00 -2,900.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -1,486.00 -1,500.00 -1,500.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -1,078.00 -1,078.00 -1,078.00 001 20200 General Fund Recreation Sup. -4,000.00 -7,725.00 -7,000.00 001 30099 General Fund C/S- Recreation -200.00 -2,500.00 -1,500.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -600.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -70,994.00 -86,703.00 -84,978.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -70,994.00 -86,703.00 -84,978.00 f-}-........+.-F....+.-F.......................i-i-+i-i-....t-i--1-....-M-+-f-....i-.-Fa--F....-F+.+-F.-{-....f+....i 0 9U004' REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting OPT *: 0613 Name: Rec/Adult Sport Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -30,200.00 -32,215.00 -32,215.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -1,800.00 -1,300.00 -1,300.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. 791.00 -800.00 -800.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare 0.00 -300.00 -300.00 001 20200 General Fund Recreation Sup. -14,000.00 -10,170.00 -10,000.00 001 30099 General Fund C/S- Recreation -27,200.00 -28,650.00 -27,500.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -400.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -74,391.00 -73,435.00 -72, 115.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -74,391.00 -73,435.00 -72,115.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+++++- REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0614 Name: Rec/Contr.Ciass Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -13,260.00 -8,840.00 -8,840.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -1,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -265.00 -275.00 -275.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -192.00 -192.00 -192.00 001 20028 General Fund Space Rental -9,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 20200 General Fund Recreation Sup. -400.00 -400.00 -400.00 001 30099 General Fund C/S- Recreation -35,000.00 -52,000.00 -52,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -59,117.00 -62,207.00 -62,207.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -59,117.00 -62,207.00 -62,207.00 +t.. .....+. .....++.E..++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 • REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting WPT #: 0615 Name: Rec/Culture Evt Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -200.00 0.00 0.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -10.00 0.00 0.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare 10.00 0.00 0.00 001 30099 General Fund C/S- Recreation -800.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -1,020.00 0.00 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -1,020.00 0.00 0.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++� �}vGU•Y� REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0616 Name: Rec/Spec.Events Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUN Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- -------- ------ ------ 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -16 200.00 -16,170.00 -16,170.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -1,000.00 -600.00 -600.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime =216.00 -216.00 -216.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -439.00 -450.00 -450.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -243.00 -243.00 -243.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -1,000.00 -925.00 -750.00 001 20028 General Fund Space Rental -900.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 20200 General Fund Recreation Sup. -4,700.00 -5,765.00 -5,000.00 001 30099 General Fund C/S- Recreation -900.00 -2,550.00 -2,500.00 Total Expenses ---------> -25,598.00 -27,019.00 -26,029.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -25,598.00 -27,019.00 -26,029.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ `iJVGVA IS, REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of 'Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting WEPT #: 0617 Name: Rec.Trips/Excur Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCII Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 .10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -3,820.00 -4,420.00 -4,420.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -270.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. 116.00 -125.00 -125.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -64.00 -64.00 -64.00 001 20200 General Fund Recreation Sup. -400.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 30099 General Fund C/S- Recreation -7,600.00 -13,000.00 -13,000.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc 0.00 -350.00 -350.00 Total Expenses ---------> -12,270.00 -18,659.00 -18,659.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -12,270.00 -18,659.00 -18,659.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++... • REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0618 Name: Rec.Youth Sport . Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE; -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal. -1,900.00 -6,370.00 -6,370.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -170.00 -315.00 -315.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -63.00 -75.00 -75.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -41.00 -41.00 -41.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising 0.00 -200.00 -100.00 001 20028 General Fund Space Rental 0.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20200 General Fund Recreation Sup. -6,700.00 -8,370.00 -8,000.00 001 30099 General Fund C/S- Recreation -3,700.00 -3,010.00 -3,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -12,574.00 -18,881.00 -18,401.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -12,574.00 -18,881.00 -18,401.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++++++++++= REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting ODEPT #: 0620 Name: Parks Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCII Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE! -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -134,000.00 -146,100.00 -146,100.00 202 10020 Park Concession Temp. P/T Sa 0.00 -10,000.00 0.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -19, 100.00 -19,300.00 -19,300.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -2,500.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -27,800.00 -29,400.00 -29,400.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -5,775.00 -9,000.00 -9,000.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -450.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -360.00 -400.00 -400.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 20027 General Fund Laundry Service -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 20074 General Fund Util-Disposal -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20075 General Fund Util.-Water -28,000.00 -63,000.00 -56,000.00 001 20076 General Fund Util-Electricty -15,000.00 -19,700.00 -20,000.00 001 20077 General Fund Util .-Gas -500.00 -300.00 -300.00 001 20080 General Fund Film Processing -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 001 20100 General Fund Personal/Safety -500.00 -500.00 -300.00 001 20103 General Fund Field Tools<250 -3,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 20125 General Fund Custodial Supp. -6,000.00 -5,600.00 -5,000.00 001 20126 General Fund B1dg.Repair Sup -1,500.00 -1,500.00 -1,500.00 001 20127 General Fund Landscaping Sup -23,000.00 -19,000.00 -19,000.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -2,500.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 40001 30008 General Fund Profess.Svcs. -500.00 0.00 0.00 001 30105 General Fund CS-Parks Maint. -50,000.00 -10,000.00 -10,000.00 001 30200 General Fund Tree Services -15,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30213 General Fund CS-Alarms -1,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -1,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -500.00 -1,000.00 -500.00 001 50300 General Fund Field Equip.New -8,400.00 0.00 0.00 001 60700 General Fund Lease/Pur.Pymts 0.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -349,035.00 -350,450.00 -332,450.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -349,035.00 -350,450.00 -332,450.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++a REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0650 Name: Bldg Maint. Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------ 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -85,300.00 -92,400.00 -92,400.00 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal . -5,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -12-,200.00 -12,200.00 -12,200.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -15,600.00 -18,100.00 -18,100.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -4,350.00 -6,650.00 -6,650.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -425.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -270.00 -300.00 -300.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -500.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -100.00 -100.00 0.00 001 20027 General Fund Laundry Service -2,500.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 20075 General Fund Util.-Water -1,500.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 001 20076 General Fund Util-Electricty -29,000.00 -44,000.00 -44,000.00 001 20077 General Fund Util.-Gas -8,000.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 001 20100 General Fund Personal/Safety -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20103 General Fund Field Tools<250 -750.00 -750.00 -750.00 001 20125 General Fund Custodial Supp. -3,500.00 -3,500.00 -3,500.00 001 20126 General Fund B1dg.Repair Sup -10,000.00 -7,500.00 -7,500.00 001 20127 General Fund Landscaping Sup -500.00 0.00 0.00 001 20150 General Fund Non-Veh.Eq.Rep. -300.00 -200.00 -150.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -300.00 -300.00 -250.00 001 20203 General Fund Lab/Medical Exp -100.00 0.00 0.00 001 20204 General Fund Chemicals -200.00 -200.00 0.00 001 20299 General Fund Other Oper.Exp. -300.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 30208 General Fund Heat/Cool Maint -1,000.00 -2,000.00 -1,500.00 001 30213 General Fund CS-Alarms -2,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 30214 General Fund Elevator -3,000.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 001 40001 General. Fund Travel/ Confer. -300.00 0.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -150.00 -150.00 -150.00 Total Expenses ---------> -188,645.00 -208,350.00 -207,450.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -188,645.00 -208,350.00 -207,450.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+++++++++++++++++++++++++..... 00 C,05 113 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero - RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting �EPT #: 0660 Name: Streets Maint. Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -197,000.00 -237,250.00 -237,250.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -28,000.00 -31,350.00 -31,350.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -5-,000.00 -6,000.00 -5,000.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -38,200.00 -52,000.00 -52,000.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -9,325.00 -13,200.00 -13,200.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -750.00 -1,200.00 -1,200.00 001 10091 General Fund Premium Pay -8,200.00 -7,560.00 -7,560.00 001 20002 General Fund Photocopying -500.00 0.00 0.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -400.00 -400.00 -400.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 001 20006 General Fund Advertising -50.00 -50.00 -50.00 001 20027 General Fund Laundry Service -3,000.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 001 20050 General Fund Misc Admin Exp -200.00 0.00 0.00 001 20074 General Fund Util-Disposal -1,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 20075 General Fund Util.-Water -150.00 0.00 0.00 001 20077 General Fund Util.-Gas -650.00 -550.00 -550.00 001 20080 General Fund Film Processing -100.00 -250.00 -200.00 001 20100 General Fund Personal/Safety -750.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20103 General Fund Field Tools<250 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 20110 General Fund Permit/Ins.Fees -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 01 20125 General Fund Custodial Supp. -550.00 -550.00 -500.00 00-01 01 20126 General Fund B1dg.Repair Sup -1,500.00 -1,500.00 -1,500.00 20127 General Fund Landscaping Sup -5,000.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 20129 General Fund St.Maint.Mat. 0.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 20130 General Fund Traffic Control -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20150 General Fund Non-Veh.Eq.Rep. -2,500.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 20151 General Fund Vehicle Repairs -10,500.00 -11,500.00 -10,000.00 001 20204 General Fund Chemicals -1,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 20299 General Fund Operating Exp. -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 30002 General Fund Financial Svcs. 0.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 30200 General Fund Tree Services -15,000.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 001 30201 General Fund Weed Control -5,000.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 001 30202 General Fund Street Sweeping -25,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30205 General Fund Traffic Sig.Mtn -12,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30212 General Fund CS-Radio Svc. -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 30899 General Fund CS-Other Svcs. -15,000.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -1,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -1,000.00 -250.00 -250.00 001 50301 General Fund Field Eq.-Replc -5,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -399,925.00 -400,710.00 -398, 110.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -399,925.00 -400,710.00 -398,110.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++ M E M O R A N D U M Date: June 9, 1992 To: Ray Windsor, City Manager From: Mark Joseph, Administrative Services Director 7�/ Subject: Effect of Budget Cuts on Administrative Services This is to briefly summarize the effect of the recommended budget cuts in the Administrative Services Department. First, the Accounting Intern position (which will become vacant in June) will be left vacant, as part of the City's "hiring freeze" . Second, the liability insurance premium for the City was reduced dramatically, from $220,000 in FY 91-92 to $180,000 in FY 92-93. This is the result on the downward trend in average annual losses. The remaining cuts were spread out throughout the department, such as overtime, office supplies and travel. In my opinion, the cuts will not severely impact routine service delivery (i.e. , payroll, monthly reports, etc. ) to field departments, although our response time may suffer. • a:effect #4 9000 45�12 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DOE PT #: 0720 Name: Finance Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -136,000.00 -182,300.00 -182,300.00 001 10020 General Fund Temp. P/T Sal . -22,325.00 0.00 0.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -21,000.00 -24, 100.00 -24,100.00 001 10040 General Fund Overtime -1,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. -22,600.00 -33,8,50.00 -33,850.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -1,350.00 -1,900.00 -1,900.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -1,875.00 -2,0550.00 -2,050.00 001 20002 General Fund Printing -4,000.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -4,500.00 -3,500.00 -3,500.00 001 20004 General Fund Minor Ofc Equip -1,500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 20025 General Fund Compu.Software -10,000.00 -11,600.00 -11,600.00 001 20029 General Fund Equip.Rentals -700.00 300.00 -300.00 001 20050 General Fund Misc Admin Exp -200.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 30002 General Fund Financial Svcs. 13,300.00 -10,000.00 -10,000.00 001 30003 General Fund Other Fin.Svcs. -5,260.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -3,500.00 -500.00 -500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -2,500.00 -1,500.00 -1,500.00 001 50101 General Fund Off.Fur.Replace -2,240.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -253,850.00 -279,800.00 -279,800.00 &--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -253,850.00 -279,800.00 -279,800.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9000"O REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0740 Name: Risk Management Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -40,700.00 -34,200.00 -34,200.00 001 10030 General Fund PERS -5_,800.00 -4,500.00 -4,500.00 001 10050 General Fund Health Ins. 0.00 -4,600.00 -4,600.00 001 10060 General Fund Workers Comp. -175.00 -200.00 -200.00 001 10070 General Fund Medicare -260.00 -350.00 -350.00 001 20400 General Fund Liability Ins. -220,000.00 -180,000.00 -180,000.00 001 20401 General Fund Property Ins. -26,000.00 -25,000.00 -25,000.00 001 20402 General Fund Other Ins.Prem. -7,000.00 -2,500.00 -2,500.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -1,000.00 -500.00 -500.00 Total Expenses ---------> -300,935.00 -251,850.00 -251,850.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -300,935.00 -251,850.00 -251,850.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of,Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0765 Name: Eq.Replacement Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 50101 General Fund Off.Fur.Replace -18,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 50402 General Fund Police Vehicles -17,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 50403 General Fund Repl. Fire Veh. -118,500.00 0.00 0.00 001 50406 General Fund P&R Vehicles -16,700.00 -20,000.00 -20,000.00 001 60100 General Fund Principal Pymt. -38,300.00 -42,100.00 -42,100.00 001 60200 General Fund Interest Pymt. -12,500.00 -13,400.00 -13,400.00 Total Expenses ---------> -221,000.00 -75,500.00 -75,500.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -221,000.00 -75,500.00 -75,500.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0820 Name: Non-dept. 0 Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 10010 General Fund Perm. Salaries -25,000.00 -25,000.00 -25,000.00 001 20001 General Fund Mail -20,000.00 -20,000.00 -20,000.00 001 20002 General Fund Printing -25,000.00 -30,000.00 -30,000.00 001 20003 General Fund Office Supplies -5,500.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 001 20015 General Fund Communications -60,400.00 -65,000.00 -65,000.00 001 20050 General Fund Misc Admin Exp -2,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 20153 General Fund Gasoline & Oil -60,000.00 -60,000.00 -60,000.00 001 20402 General Fund Other Ins.Prem. 0.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 001 30008 General Fund Profess.Svcs. 0.00 -10,000.00 -10,000.00 001 30350 General Fund CS-Anim.Control -71,000.00 -70,000.00 -70,000.00 001 30351 General Fund Other Co.Svcs. -300.00 -300.00 -300.00 001 30405 General Fund Chamber of Comm -23,000.00 -23,000.00 -20,000.00 001 30421 General Fund SLO Visitor Bur -4,000.00 -3,675.00 0.00 001 30430 General Fund B.I.A. Contri. -4,000.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 001 40001 General Fund Travel/ Confer. -4,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 40006 General Fund Sp.Tr./Emp.Asst -4,500.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 001 40008 General Fund Tuition Reim. -800.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 001 40009 General Fund Other Trng Srvc -4,000.00 -7,000.00 -7,000.00 001 60400 General Fund SB 2557 Charge -65,400.00 -65,000.00 -65,000.00 001 70100 General Fund Contingency Res -100,188.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -479,088.00 -392,975.00 -386,300.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -479,088.00 -392,975.00 -386,300.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9i)C111„C_ REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting WEPT #: 0825 Name: Comm'y Groups Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 001 30401 General Fund Action-Anim.Rts -25,000.00 -25,000.00 -5,000.00 001 30402 General Fund AAUW(ArtPark) -750.00 -550.00 0.00 001 30403 General Fund Ameri.Red Cross 750.00 -1,000.-00 0.00 001 30404 General Fund Babe Ruth Prog. -5,000.00 -7,500.00 0.00 001 30408 General Fund Cal Poly Arts -350.00 -350.00 0.00 001 30409 General Fund Caring Callers -175.00 -200.00 -150.00 001 30410 General Fund Youth Football -4,000.00 -3,000.00 0.00 001 30411 General Fund Camp Fire Girls -500.00 -500.00 0.00 001 30412 General Fund Crime Stoppers -500.00 -500.00 0.00 001 30413 General Fund Easter Seal Soc -250.00 -650.00 0.00 001 30414 General Fund E.O.C. -2,850.00 -2,725.00 -500.00 001 30415 General Fund Family Svcs.Ctr -750.00 -1,000.00 0.00 001 30416 General Fund Hospice-SLO Co. -500.00 -500.00 -250.00 001 30417 General Fund Hotline -300.00 -750.00 -300.00 001 30419 General Fund SLO Co.Ombudmen -300.00 -500.00 0.00 001 30420 General Fund RSVP Program -525.00 -550.00 -250.00 001 30422 General Fund SLO Mozart Fes. -250.00 -300.00 0.00 001 30423 General Fund Sr.Nutri.Prog. -1,500.00 -1,500.00 -1,000.00 001 30424 General Fund Sr.Cit.Un./Meal -2,400.00 -2,400.00 -500.00 001 30425 General Fund N.Co.Women Shel -18,300.00 -15,000.00 -10,000.00 01 30429 General Fund AD-Care Assoc. -500.00 -1,000.00 -500.00 00-01 01 30432 General Fund Food Bank Coal. -1,000.00 -2,000.00 -500.00 30433 General Fund SLO.Co.You.Sys. -250.00 -300.00 0.00 001 30434 General Fund Eagle & Bear -1,000.00 -2,000.00 0.00 001 30435 General Fund Atascadero Yout -1,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30436 General Fund Care & Counsel -2,000.00 0.00 0.00 001 30437 General Fund EOC - Homeless -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -500.00 001 30438 General Fund No.Co.Connect -600.00 0.00 0.00 001 30439 General Fund Atascadero Girl -2,432.00 -2, 165.00 0.00 001 30899 General Fund CS-Other Svcs. 0.00 -7,800.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -75,732.00 -81,740.00 -19,450.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -75,732.00 -81,740.00 -19,450.00 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero EXHIBIT E RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0210 Name: Police Training Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUN Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- ---------- 310 40007 Police Training POST Trainin -30,000.00 -20,000.00 -20,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -309000.00 -20,000.00 -20,000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -30,000.00 -20,000.00 -20,000.00 ....t.....i-........F....-F+-F.........t+-F..................... --F-F-F.i-........+.i-.-H-......+-I-.....+t� REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting OPT *: 0220 Name: Emerg. Prepared Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------- 307 20252 Emerg. Services Emer.Svc.Pro 0.00 -12,000.00 -12,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> 0.00 -12,000.00 -12,000.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL 0.00 -12,000.00 -12,000.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++� REPORT. • 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. • Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0310 Name: Weed Abatement Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- ------------ 311 30201 Weed Abatement Weed Control -40,000.00 -40,000.00 -40,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -40;000.00 -40,000.00 -40,000.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -40,000.00 -40,000.00 -40,000.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++a s REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting WPT #: 0430 Name: PW/WasteWtr Op. Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 201 10010 WasteWater Fund Perm. Salari -185,000.00 -205,300.00 -205,300.00 201 10030 WasteWater Fund PERS -26,300.00 -27,100.00 -27,100.00 201 10040 WasteWater Fund Overtime -6,000.00 -6,000.00 -6,000.00 201 10050 WasteWater Fund Health Ins. -27,800.00 -38,200.00 -38,200.00 201 10060 WasteWater Fund Workers Comp -8,025.00 -12, 150.00 -12,150.00 201 10070 WasteWater Fund Medicare -750.00 -900.00 -900.00 201 10091 WasteWater Fund Premium Pay -12,360.00 -12,400.00 -10,000.00 201 20001 WasteWater Fund Mail -300.00 -300.00 0.00 201 20002 WasteWater Fund Printing -150.00 -150.00 0.00 201 20003 WasteWater Fund Office Suppl -920.00 -920.00 -1,000.00 201 20006 WasteWater Fund Advertising -1,410.00 -1,000.00 -200.00 201 20027 WasteWater Fund Laundry Sery -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 201 20074 WasteWater Fund Util-Disposa -1,000.00 0.00 0.00 201 20075 WasteWater Fund Util.-Water -5,800.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 201 20076 WasteWater Fund Util-Electri -120,000.00 -150,000.00 -150,000.00 201 20077 WasteWater Fund Util.-Gas -1,240.00 -1,250.00 -500.00 201 20100 WasteWater Fund Personal/Saf -4,000.00 -4,000.00 -2,000.00 201 20103 WasteWater Fund Field Tools< -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 201 20110 WasteWater Fund Permit/Ins.F 0.00 -1,500.00 -1,500.00 201 20125 WasteWater Fund Custodial Su -650.00 -650.00 -500.00 201 20126 WasteWater Fund B1dg.Repair -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -500.00 0201 01 20127 WasteWater Fund Landscaping -4,000.00 -4,000.00 -3,000.00 20129 WasteWater Fund St.Maint.Mat -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -1,000.00 201 20130 WasteWater Fund Traffic Cont -1,500.00 0.00 0.00 201 20131 WasteWater Fund WWTP Service -53,000.00 -53,000.00 -53,000.00 201 20137 WasteWater Fund Sewer Maint. -37,000.00 -37,000.00 -37,000.00 201 20150 WasteWater Fund Non-Veh.Eq.R -13,380.00 -13,380.00 -13,380.00 201 20151 WasteWater Fund Vehicle Repa -5,900.00 -5,900.00 -5,900.00 201 20203 WasteWater Fund Lab/Medical -12,375.00 -12,375.00 -12,375.00 201 20204 WasteWater Fund Chemicals -18,000.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 201 20210 WasteWater Fund Golf Course 0.00 -15,000.00 -15,000.00 201 20299 WasteWater Fund Operating Ex -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 201 20510 WasteWater Fund Depreciation 0.00 0.00 -250,000.00 201 30001 WasteWater Fund Legal Servic -4,150.00 -4, 150.00 0.00 201 30002 WasteWater Fund Financial Sv 0.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 201 30008 WasteWater Fund Profess.Svcs 0.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 201 30212 WasteWater Fund CS-Radio Svc -500.00 -200.00 -200.00 201 30213 WasteWater Fund CS-Alarms -1,500.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 201 40001 WasteWater Fund Travel/ Conf -2,850.00 -2,850.00 -500.00 201 40002 WasteWater Fund Misc.Meal Ex -250.00 -250.00 0.00 201 40009 WasteWater Fund Other Trng S -850.00 -850.00 -850.00 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0430 Name: PW/WasteWtr Op. Working Budget Requested M. Recommended Cot. Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 201 50300 WasteWater Fund Field Equip. 0.00 -30,000.00 -30,000.00 201 50400 WasteWater Fund New Vehicle -55,000.00 -65,000.00 -65,000.00 201 60100 WasteWater Fund Principal Py -15,000.00 -15,000:00 -15,000.00 201 60200 WasteWater Fund Interest Pym -73,000.00 -73,000.00 -73,000.00 _ 201 70100 WasteWater Fund Contingency -66,500.00 -66,500.00 -70,000.00 201 70200 WasteWater Fund Special Rese -35,000.00 -35,000.00 -35,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -808,960.00 -918,775.00 -1,155,555.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -808,960.00 -918,775.00 -1,155,555.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.....++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.... 906062 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0450 Name: PW/Dial-A-Ride Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 200 10010 Dial-A-Ride Perm. Salaries 0.00 -9,050.00 -9,050.00 200 10030 Dial-A-Ride PERS 0.00 -1,200.00 -1,200.00 200 10050 Dial-A-Ride Health Ins. 0.00 -1,600.00 -1,600.00 200 10060 Dial-A-Ride Workers Comp. 0.00 -175.00 -175.00 200 10070 Dial-A-Ride Medicare 0.00 -200.00 -200.00 200 20003 Dial-A-Ride Office Supplies -1,000.00 -250.00 -250.00 200 20004 Dial-A-Ride Minor Ofc Equip -675.00 -675.00 -675.00 200 20006 Dial-A-Ride Advertising -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 200 20150 Dial-A-Ride Non-Veh.Eq.Rep. -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 200 20151 Dial-A-Ride Vehicle Repairs -48,000.00 -48,000.00 -48,000.00 200 20299 Dial-A-Ride Operating Exp. -675.00 -675.00 -675.00 200 20510 Dial-A-Ride Depreciation Ex 0.00 0.00 -30,000.00 200 30300 Dial-A-Ride CS-Dial-A-Ride -162,395.00 -217,700.00 -217,700.00 200 50101 Dial-A-Ride Off.Fur.Replace 0.00 -5,000.00 -5,000.00 200 50404 Dial-A-Ride PW/Vehicles -85,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -299,245.00 -286,025.00 -316,025.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -299,245.00 -286,025.00 -316,025.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++... �JQuu REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0470 Name: Tree Planting Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCII Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE: -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 301 20127 Tree Plant Fund Landscaping 0.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> 0.00 -4,000:00 -4,000.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL 0.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 • • REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting AVE PT #: 0621 Name: Park Concession Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE: -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 202 10020 Park Concession Temp. P/T Sa -14,000.00 -10,000.00 -10,000.00 202 10030 Park Concession PERS -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 202 10060 Park Concession Workers Comp -300.00 -300:00 -300.00 202 10070 Park Concession Medicare -200.00 -200.00 -200.00 202 20003 Park Concession Office Suppl -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 202 20050 Park Concession Misc Admin E -230.00 0.00 0.00 202 20076 Park Concession Util-Electri -700.00 -700.00 -700.00 202 20299 Park Concession Operating Ex -12,000.00 -8,000.00 -7,700.00 202 20510 Park Concession Depreciation 0.00 0.00 -1,500.00 202 20550 Park Concession Inventory -5,000.00 0.00 -2,000.00 202 30213 Park Concession CS-Alarms -700.00 -700.00 -700.00 202 50300 Park Concession Field Equip. -7,000.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -40,730.00 -20,500.00 -23,700.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -40,730.00 -20,500.00 -23,700.00 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++tttt+tt+++++++++++f • REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . .'. : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0623 Name: Pavilion q Working Budget Requested M. Recommended Cool Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 203 10020 Lake Park Pavil Temp. P/T Sa -10,000.00 -20,400.00 -20,000.00 203 10030 Lake Park Pavil PERS 0.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 203 10060 Lake Park Pavil Workers Comp 0.00 -460.00 -460.00 203 10070 Lake Park Pavil Medicare 0.00 -330.00 -330.00 203 20050 Lake Park Pavil Misc Admin E -15,000.00 0.00 0.00 203 20076 Lake Park Pavil Util-Electri 0.00 -6,000.00 -6,000.00 203 20103 Lake Park Pavil Field Tools< 0.00 -1,000.00 -500.00 203 20125 Lake Park Pavil Custodial Su 0.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 203 20126 Lake Park Pavil B1dg.Repair 0.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 203 30899 Lake Park Pavil CS-Other Svc 0.00 -6,000.00 -6,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -25,000.00 -39,190.00 -38,290.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -25,000.00 -39, 190.00 -38,290.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0 REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting WEPT #: 0630 Name: P&R-Zoo Operat. Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 015 10010 Zoo Enterprise Perm. Salarie -102,000.00 -112,500.00 -112,500.00 015 10020 Zoo Enterprise Temp. P/T Sal -13,500.00 -13,500.00 -13,500.00 015 10030 Zoo Enterprise PERS -14,550.00 -14,900.00 -14,900.00 015 10040 Zoo Enterprise Overtime -1,300.00 -1,300.00 -1,300.00 015 10050 Zoo Enterprise Health Ins. -17,400.00 -23,600.00 -23,600.00 015 10060 Zoo Enterprise Workers Comp. -3,970.00 -6,150.00 -6,150.00 015 10070 Zoo Enterprise Medicare -1,405.00 -1,550.00 -1,550:00 015 10091 Zoo Enterprise Premium Pay -270.00 -300.00 -300.00 015 20003 Zoo Enterprise Office Suppli -700.00 -500.00 -500.00 015 20006 Zoo Enterprise Advertising -3,500.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 015 20025 Zoo Enterprise Compu.Softwar -576.00 0.00 0.00 015 20027 Zoo Enterprise Laundry Servi -2,000.00 -1,800.00 -1,800.00 015 20029 Zoo Enterprise Equip.Rentals 0.00 -200.00 -200.00 015 20050 Zoo Enterprise Misc Admin Ex -46.00 0.00 0.00 015 20074 Zoo Enterprise Util-Disposal -700.00 -600.00 -600.00 015 20075 Zoo Enterprise Util .-Water -400.00 -100.00 -100.00 015 20076 Zoo Enterprise Util-Electric -7,000.00 -7,000.00 -7,000.00 015 20077 Zoo Enterprise Util.-Gas -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 015 20080 Zoo Enterprise Film Processi -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 015 20100 Zoo Enterprise Personal/Safe -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 15 20103 Zoo Enterprise Field Tools<2 -1,680.00 -1,680.00 -1,680.00 4WO-15 15 20110 Zoo Enterprise Permit/Ins.Fe 0.00 -250.00 -250.00 20125 Zoo Enterprise Custodial Sup -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 015 20126 Zoo Enterprise B1dg.Repair S -3,000.00 -3,000.00 -3,000.00 015 20127 Zoo Enterprise Landscaping S -6,679.00 -4,000.00 -4,000.00 015 20150 Zoo Enterprise Non-Veh.Eq.Re -200.00 -200.00 -200.00 015 20151 Zoo Enterprise Vehicle Repai -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 015 20201 Zoo Enterprise Animal Suppli -20,300.00 -18,000.00 -18,000.00 015 20203 Zoo Enterprise Lab/Medical E 0.00 -500.00 -500.00 015 20299 Zoo Enterprise Operating Exp -166.00 0.00 0.00 015 30008 Zoo Enterprise Profess.Svcs. -9,312.00 -10,350.00 -10,350.00 015 30212 Zoo Enterprise CS-Radio Svc. 0.00 -100.00 -100.00 015 30213 Zoo Enterprise CS-Alarms -500.00 -500.00 -500.00 015 40001 Zoo Enterprise Travel/ Confe -1,821.00 0.00 0.00 015 40009 Zoo Enterprise Other Trng Sr -1,000.00 -1,860.00 -1,860.00 015 50500 Zoo Enterprise Other Minor C -5,200.00 0.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -221,275.00 -227,540.00 -227,540.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -221,275.00 -227,540.00 -227,540.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ • 90G r REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT *: 0661 Name: Gas Tax Streets Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES ---------------=---------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 002 20079 Gas Tax Fund Util.-ST.Lights -42,000.00 -42,000.00 -42,000.00 002 20129 Gas Tax Fund St.Maint.Mat. -85,000.00 -85,000.00 -85,000.00 002 20130 Gas Tax Fund Traffic Control -10,000.00 -10,000.00 -10,000.00 002 30200 Gas Tax Fund Tree Services 0.00 -10,000.00 -10,000.00 002 30202 Gas Tax Fund Street Sweeping 0.00 -25,000.00 -25,000.00 002 30204 Gas Tax Fund Pave.Striping -28,000.00 -28,000.00 -28,000.00 002 30205 Gas Tax Fund Traffic Sig.Mtn 0.00 -12,000.00 -12,000.00 002 30899 Gas Tax Fund CS-Other Svcs. 0.00 -10,000.00 -10,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -165,000.00 -222,000.00 -222,000.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -165,000.00 -222,000.00 -222,000.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of-Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DOE PT *: 0662 Name: St.Maint.Dist. Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 731 20601 St.Maint.Dist. Lobos Lane Mt -4,575.00 -4,575.00 0.00 731 20602 St.Maint.Dist. Sonora/Pinal -815.00 -815.00 0.00 731 20603 St.Maint.Dist. Melaza St.Mai -12-,035.00 -12,035.00 0.00 731 20604 St.Maint.Dist. San Fernando -5,325.00 -5,325.00 0.00 731 20605 St.Maint.Dist. Falda St.Main -2,975.00 -2,975.00 0.00 731 20606 St.Maint.Dist. Pinal/Escarpa -6,350.00 -6,350.00 0.00 731 20607 St.Maint.Dist. Cayucos St. -4,300.00 -4,300.00 0.00 731 20608 St.Maint.Dist. Aguila St. -4,125.00 -4,125.00 0.00 731 70100 St.Maint.Dist. Contingency R -30,000.00 -30,000.00 -30,000.00 Total Expenses ---------> -70,500.00 -70,500.00 -30,000.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -70,500.00 -70,500.00 -30,000.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++..... V REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting DEPT #: 0900 Name: Capital Improv. q Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COAL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGES -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 500 82008 Capital Project PD Storage A -8,000.00 -8,000.00 0.00 500 83005 Capital Project Emerg Contai -15,000.00 -15,000.00 0.00 500 83006 Capital Project Fire Tk Reha 0.00 0.00 -10,000.00 200 84020 Dial-A-Ride Bus Shelters -60,000.00 -60,000.00 0.00 500 84201 Capital Project Minor Rd Imp -290,000.00 -190,000.00 -225,000.00 500 84202 Capital Project ECR Reconstr -500,000.00 -500,000.00 -50,000.00 500 84204 Capital Project ECR/San Gabr -200,000.00 -200,000.00 -385,000.00 500 84206 Capital Project Atas/San Die -175,000.00 -175,000.00 -215,000.00 500 84207 Capital Project D/T Road Imp -300,000.00 -100,000.00 -285,000.00 500 84209. Capital Project ECR/Rosario 0.00 -50,000.00 0.00 500 84211 Capital Project Graves Ck Im -200,000.00 -200,000.00 -250,000.00 500 84212 Capital Project Portola/Ardi -150,000.00 -150,000.00 -200,000.00 500 84217 Capital Project Reflective M -20,000.00 -20,000.00 -40,000.00 500 84218 Capital Project Signal Synch 0.00 0.00 -23,500.00 201 84302 WasteWater Fund WWTP Collect -398,000.00 -398,000.00 -385,000.00 201 84303 WasteWater Fund Sewer Alarm -10,000.00 -10,000.00 -10,000.00 201 84304 WasteWater Fund Lift Station -50,000.00 -50,000.00 0.00 201 84305 WasteWater Fund Pump Station -140,000.00 -140,000.00 -127,500.00 201 84306 WasteWater Fund Water Reuse -75,000.00 -75,000.00 0.00 201 84307 WasteWater Fund Water Reuse -150,000.00 -150,000.00 -150,000.00 201 84308 WasteWater Fund WWTP Mapping -10,000.00 -10,000.00 0.00 201 84309 WasteWater Fund WWTP Fac. Up -50,000.00 -50,000.00 -50,000.00 201 84311 WasteWater Fund WWTP C&D Are 0.00 0.00 -210,000.00 201 84312 WasteWater Fund WWTP C&D Are 0.00 0.00 -350,000.00 500 84451 Capital Project Graves Crk.B 0.00 0.00 -100,000.00 500 84453 Capital Project Garcia Rd Br 0.00 0.00 -75,000.00 500 84456 Capital Project San Andres B 0.00 0.00 -75,000.00 500 84551 Capital Project Minor Draina -90,000.00 -90,000.00 -40,000.00 500 84552 Capital Project Drainage Rep 0.00 0.00 -50,000.00 500 84555 Capital Project Ama/Tec-Azuc -100,000.00 -100,000.00 -100,000.00 500 84558 Capital Project La Linia Dra -125,000.00 -125,000.00 0.00 500 84561 Capital Project Ama/Tec-Hwy -75,000.00 -75,000.00 -70,000.00 500 84562 Capital Project San Andres/A 0.00 -50,000.00 0.00 501 86001 '89'COP-Const. Lake Pay.Reco -1,165,000.00 -1,165,000.00 0.00 500 86120 Capital Project Lake Park Im -13,500.00 -13,500.00 0.00 500 86121 Capital Project Paloma Park -39,200.00 -39,200.00 -2,000.00 500 86122 Capital Project Traf.Way Pk -60,000.00 -60,000.00 -5,000.00 500 86125 Capital Project Paloma Trees 0.00 0.00 -10,000.00 015 86408 Zoo Enterprise Zoo Improveme -5,000.00 -5,000.00 0.00 500 88005 Capital Project Rekey Adm.Bl -5,000.00 -5,000.00 0.00 500 88009 Capital Project Park Expan.L -320,000.00 -320,000.00 -75,000.00 • REPORT. : 06/09/92 City of Atascadero RUN. . . . : 06/09/92 TIME: 13:25 Budget Request Report Run By. : Scott Perry DEPT Report - Selective Budgeting �EPT *: 0900 Name: Capital Improv. Working Budget Requested M. Recommended COUNCIL Expenses Description Fiscal Year 92 Fiscal Year 93 Fiscal Year 93 CHANGE -------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------- 500 88011 Capital Project Fiscal Plan -11,000.00 -11,000.00 0.00 500 88013 Capital Project Pub.Saf.-Rad -21,300.00 -21,300.00 -21,300.00 500 88015 Capital Project Seismic Impr -35,000.00 -35,000.00 0.00 500 88016 Capital Project Downtown Imp -12,100.00 0.00 0.00 500 88020 Capital Project Traf/Circ E1 -100,000.00 -100,000.00 -95,000.00 500 88021 Capital Project Traffic Safe 30,000.00 -30,000.00 -5,000.00 500 88022 Capital Project Tub Grinder -50,000.00 -50,000.00 0.00 Total Expenses ---------> -5,058,100.00 -4,846,000.00 -3,689,300.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPT TOTAL -5,058, 100.00 -4,846,000.00 -3,689,300.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ vvl}071