HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2024-07-11_AgendaPacket CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: To provide written public comment, please email comments to: drc-comments@atascadero.org by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. Comments will be forwarded to the Design Review Committee and made a part of the administrative record. If a comment is received after the deadline for submission but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as part of the record of the meeting. Please note, email comments will not be read into the record. All comments received may become part of the public record and are subject to the Public Records Act. INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS are invited to participate through the Zoom platform using the link below and will be given an opportunity to speak in favor or opposition to the project or may call 669-900-6833 to listen and provide public comment via phone. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81712225756 AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. Design Review Committee agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org/agendas. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Community Development Department and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Design Review Committee meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the Community Development Department. All documents will be available for public inspection by appointment during City Hall business hours. http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA Committee Meeting Thursday, July 11, 2024 2:00 P.M. City Hall 6500 Palma Avenue, Room 306 Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Chairperson Susan Funk Vice Chairperson Mark Dariz Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Dennis Schmidt Committee Member Jeff van den Eikhof APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 2, 2024 DRAFT MINUTES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. DEL RIO RANCH 2024 MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT The proposed project includes an RV resort on a 28.5-acre site on the southeast corner of Del Rio Road and El Camino Real within the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan boundary. The development concept includes 74 RV sites, 103 glamping sites, 18-hotel units, and associated amenities such as a central lodge, guest pools and restaurant. Two commercial buildings are proposed at the corner of Del Rio Road and El Camino Real and an event space is proposed along El Camino Real on APN 049-151-041, 049-151-037, 049-151-040, 049-151-005, City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting July 11, 2024 Page 2 of 2 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website 049-151-036, 049-112-002, 049-112-040, 049-112-036, 049-112-022, 049-112- 018, 049-112-019. (DEV24-0044) Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review and make design recommendations for the proposed project. (DEV24-0044) COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next DRC meeting will be announced. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. DRC Draft Minutes of 5/2/2024 Page 1 of 3 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 7-11-24 x CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES Regular Meeting – Thursday, May 2, 2024 – 2:00 P.M. City Hall, Room 306 (and virtual) 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 CALL TO ORDER – 2:00 p.m. Chairperson Funk called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Susan Funk Vice Chairperson Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Dennis Schmidt Committee Member Jeff van den Eikhof Absent: None Others Present: Recording Secretary, Annette Manier Staff Present: Community Development Director, Phil Dunsmore Senior Planner, Xzandrea Fowler Associate Planner, Erick Gomez Planning Intern, Amelia Aarestad Others Present: Eric Peterson Chris Herrera Dan Barber Brittany Barber Devon (via Teleconference) Larry Price APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Dariz and seconded by Committee Member van den Eikhof to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll call vote. 1 DRC Draft Minutes of 5/2/2024 Page 2 of 3 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 7-11-24 PUBLIC COMMENT None Chairperson Funk closed the Public Comment period. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 28, 2024 DRAFT MINUTES MOTION: By Committee Member Schmidt and seconded by Committee Member Baranek to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll call vote. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. 6040 EL CAMINO REAL (COLONY MARKET & DELI) The proposed project includes a request to review the proposed fence, pergola, and exterior façade changes at the Colony Market & Deli on APN 030-191-001. Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review and make design recommendations for the proposed project. (PRE24-0037) Planner Gomez presented the staff report and he and Director Dunsmore answered questions from the Committee. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Eric Peterson, Chris Herrera, and Devon (via Teleconference). Commissioner Schmidt noted for the record that his comment is that no banner should be hung on the pergola, so it does not impede site distance for traffic. Chairperson Funk noted for the record that the slats on the fence should be small enough so that a child’s shoe cannot fit into it and use it to climb the fence. Chairperson Funk closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Dariz and seconded by Committee Member Baranek to approve the project per the recommendations as recommended by staff. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll call vote. Planner Gomez stated that this project will move on to building permits. 2 DRC Draft Minutes of 5/2/2024 Page 3 of 3 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 7-11-24 3. 7625 SAN LUIS AVE (BARBER TOWING & SERVICE) The proposed project includes a request to review the proposed Automotive Repair Shop with Towing and Outdoor Vehicle Storage on APN 030-241-058. Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review and make design recommendations for the proposed project. (USE24-0033) Planner Fowler presented the staff report and she and Director Dunsmore answered questions from the Committee. Dan Barber presented the project and answered questions from the Committee. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Dan Barber, Tiffany Barber, and Larry Price. Chairperson Funk closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Committee Member Schmidt and seconded by Vice Chairperson Dariz to approve the project as recommended by staff based on the information in bullet point #5, with the proposed conditions as revised: • Applicant to work with staff on lighting. • Applicant to work with staff to landscape the area without taking away parking. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll call vote. This project will move forward to the Planning Commission on May 21, 2024. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS Chairperson Funk stated that it may not be necessary for projects such as this to come before the DRC, as applicants could work with staff and then go to the Planning Commission. Director Dunsmore explained the role of the DRC. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Dunsmore gave an update on projects in the City which included Barrel Creek, Del Rio Marketplace, RV Park at Del Rio/El Camino Real, the Edge (now changing to a mixed-use development), Triple 7 Auction, K-Mart, Sonic Burger, San Palo Inn, Blast-n- Brew, and the General Plan. ADJOURNMENT– 3:56 p.m. The next regular meeting of the DRC will be announced. MINUTES PREPARED BY: _________________________________________________ Annette Manier, Recording Secretary, Administrative Assistant 3 CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT Item 2 Date: 7/11/24 Placement: TO: PHIL DUNSMORE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: KELLY GLEASON, PLANNING MANAGER PREPARED BY: KELLY GLEASON, PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: Del Rio Ranch RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed development plan for Del Rio Ranch and provide design recommendations as needed. DISCUSSION: BACKGROUND The City has received a request to modify the development concept and associated entitlements for the Del Rio Ranch Project. The Del Rio Commercial Area Specific Plan was originally approved in 2012 and was subsequently amended in 2020. This amendment broadened the list of allowable uses on site and allowed for the site to be planned without a large-scale retailer. In 2021, the Council reviewed and approved a development concept that included the following land uses (see Attachment 3 for previous site plan): • 3.6 acres of multi-family residential acreage adjacent to Rio Rita Rd • A tourist-serving resort including 4.25 acres of RV sites, 1.8 additional acres of glamping areas, and a 100-room hotel • An amphitheater designed to accommodate performing arts, community events and small music venues with seating capacity for 300 • A 15,000 square-foot conference center • A 30,000 square-foot entertainment center • 24,000 square feet of mixed-use buildings • A parking garage Per the current Specific Plan requirements, RV uses are limited to 20% (5.7 acres) of the project site with an additional 1.8 acres allowed to accommodate related permanent cabins and glamping uses. Requirements also include screening from El Camino Real and integration into a full-site Master Plan of Development that includes other visitor serving uses. On May 28, 2024, Council reviewed a revised development proposal focused on resort uses. The concept was authorized to proceed with application , and staff review and analysis. The Design review Committee is the beginning step in the review process. The applicants are presenting the 4 7/11/24 | Item 2 | Staff Report development concept with design themes and character details related to the interface between the projects and adjacent public streets. PRELIMINARY PROPOSED PROJECT CONCEPT The current application proposes an RV resort on the entirety of the site with commercial oriented uses at the corner of Del Rio Road and El Camino Real. The applicants envision a higher- end resort model with numerous site amenities. The concept proposes Commercial Zoning for the entire site, eliminating the multi-family component, and includes: 1. RV Area (appx 5.4 acres) o 74 RV spaces 2. Resort Area (appx 11 acres) o 103 Glamping sites (ie. Cabins, modular units, yurt tents, etc) o 18 short-term rental units o Clubhouse o 2 Pools o Wellness and Fitness center 3. Commercial Area (appx 9.25 acres) o On-site check-in and RV service center o Outdoor event space o Commercial retail/restaurant area 5 7/11/24 | Item 2 | Staff Report Design considerations for the site concept include the following: 1) Ratio and location of land uses 2) Site Circulation 3) Project edges 4) Architectural theme 5) RV space design and amenities 1. Ratio and location of land uses Under the current Specific Plan, the eastern portion of the site (adjacent to Rio Rita Road) is dedicated to multi-family development to accommodate housing numbers that were illustrated in the General Plan Housing Element. This was a carry-over from the original site zoning proposed during the Walmart development. This zoning is proposed to be replaced with a commercial zoning designation with the General Plan update in favor of maximizing the commercial viability of the site. The proposed project includes RV spaces along the eastern and norther portions of the project with larger RV spaces along Rio Rita Road. The glamping and resort amenities occupy approximately 11 acres of the site and are located central to the property. Glamping sites are scattered throughout the area with a combination of distinct glamping experiences including airstream rental units, units placed along a man-made water feature, and units nestled in existing trees. This plan makes use of the site’s natural topography with cabins able to be terraced into the hillsides. Consolidated parking areas are included for walk-up cabins. Resort amenities including a clubhouse, 2 pools, and a retail/spa paseo located in the center of the site to provide a transition between the more publicly accessible commercial area of the site and the private resort areas. A villa is located at the south-eastern corner of the site to take advantage of views to the westside of Atascadero. The villa would be available for private party rentals. The site amenities would provide for membership opportunities to expand access to local members in addition to resort guests. Pedestrian and golf cart trails area included throughout the site to allow for easy access to various amenities and to increase accessibility throughout the project area. The portion of the site fronting El Camino Real and the intersection of ECR and Del Rio Road maintains a commercial focus with 2 commercial buildings envisioned to have a restaurant and/or entertainment type uses to serve guests as well as the general public, and flexible parking and small-scale event lawn that could accommodate community pop-up events, small concerts or plays, or private use. The event lawn includes a small stage as well as areas for food truck and tent spaces. The multi-story buildings will include hotel units on the upper floors and will provide kitchens in some or all of the units, similar to the Airbnb model. The site also accommodates an area for RV maintenance as an added amenity for guests and members but would not be available to the general public. 6 7/11/24 | Item 2 | Staff Report 2. Site circulation Per the requirements of the Specific Plan, a public road is located off El Camino Real and is designed to connect to future developments to the south, which are planned to be rezoned to multi-family with the General Plan Update. The road will also serve as the main RV entry to the project site. A roundabout is proposed to help direct through traffic to the south while allowing adequate and secure access to the resort area. The private resort road serving the larger RV sites is designed as a one-way road, exiting onto Del Rio Road in alignment with Obispo Road. The applicant is considering adding gates to the accessways serving the private resort areas to enhance privacy and security and minimize cut through traffic. The gates would not impede access to the lower commercial portion of the site or impede access on the public road. The applicants envision 3 gates, one to access the RV spaces adjacent to Del Rio, one to access the airstream area and glamping parking lot, and one to access the RV area adjacent to Rio Rita and the upper villa parking area. Should gates be sought, staff recommends gates be high quality design consistent with the overall project design theme. 3. Project edges The project site has frontage on Del Rio Road, El Camino Real, and Rio Rita Road (private street). The site is envisioned to be a higher-end resort with some public and some private amenities. The applicant team envisions decorative walls around the RV spaces adjacent to Del Rio Road and Proposed gate locations 7 7/11/24 | Item 2 | Staff Report along El Camino Real adjacent to the event lawn. The walls are proposed with decorative features such as dimensional arches and accent materials and include a landscape buffer between the sidewalk and wall. A portion of the walls act as retaining walls to level out the commercial portion of the site to provide greater accessibility. The Del Rio wall is used to provide visual screening to the RV sites and maintain a more commercia aesthetic facing the Del Rio Marketplace project. The wall along El Camino Real will include similar features and will be terraced with various heights to allow for layered landscaping. As there is an existing bus stop in this location, an enhanced bus stop will be incorporated along the frontage. Both walls would include project signage. The walls would be minimized and mainly be retaining walls for the commercial pad adjacent to the commercial buildings at the intersection to allow these areas to be visible and create visual interest and connection to the public portion of the site. Under the current concept plan, the commercial pad will be approximately 10-feet above the sidewalk at the El Camino Real/Del Rio Road intersection. A landscaped drainage basin and terraced walls are proposed to enhance the aesthetics at the corner of the project site. This area includes 2 large buildings adjacent to the streets linked by an outdoor plaza. The parking lot is proposed to be DG to provide expanded space for events. Restaurants and entertainment uses are envisioned for these spaces with ample area for outdoor seating. El Camino Entry Del Rio Entry 8 7/11/24 | Item 2 | Staff Report 4. Architectural theme The applicant is proposing a Tuscan mediterranean theme for the project buildings and grounds with more contemporary and uniquely stylized design themes for each glamping area. Materials include white and colored stucco, tile roofs, and natural stone building accents and paving materials. The commercial building at the intersection of Del Rio Road and El Camino Real are envisioned to be multi story to create a sense of presence to the public. The design theme also lends itself to multiple outdoor spaces with landscaping and gathering spaces that take advantage of Atascadero’s weather. Some contemporary elements are expected in the main commercial area to provide flexible use of tenant spaces, such as roll up glazed doors. Del Rio/ECR Intersection 9 7/11/24 | Item 2 | Staff Report 5. RV space design and amenities The high-end nature of the resort requires that the RV spaces be designed with added buffering to adjacent spaces. The sites have been designed to accommodate landscaping between the parking areas. Each site includes at least one shade tree, however, some trees may be limited in size to ensure adequate access into the site. Premium sites include a BBQ with larger sites accommodating fire pits. DRC DISCUSSION ITEMS: The application includes a conceptual Master Plan of Development that will endorse a general site layout, mixture of uses, and provide design guidelines for future development. The DRC is tasked with providing direction on project design elements, including site design and architectural theme. Discussion topics include: 1. Site Concept layout including land use locations and circulation 2. Edge treatments including walls and landscaping 3. Architectural theme 4. RV space design and amenities NEXT STEPS: As this is a substantial project, the design team will be working to refine architecture and site design, including developing a more precise grading plan. The DRC may make recommendation to the Planning Commission for consideration in their review, or, if the Committee feels that they need more refined information prior to making recommendation, the Committee may ask staff and the applicant to return before final action. 10 7/11/24 | Item 2 | Staff Report REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR DRC AGENDA Kelly Gleason, Planning Manager ATTACHMENT(S): 1. DRC Notice of Action 2. Applicant design concept package 3. 2021 approved site concept plan 11 Conditions & Recommendations: 1. The DRC’s action represents a recommendation to Planning Commission and City Council in regards to the proposed design features of the project and is not a final action, and therefore, is not appealable under City law. 2. All permanent and semi-permanent structures shall meet building and fire code provisions. 3. Pedestrian pathways shall be constructed of a non-erosive surface. 4. Glamping units within each unique area shall be consistent in design and color scheme. 5. Permanent buildings shall have a consistent design theme. Mediterranean buildings shall utilize high quality, architecturally authentic materials, including, but not limited to dimensional roof tile, smooth stucco, heavy timber and natural stone accounts. 6. Retaining walls along the South and East property line shall be dark color split face block or similar. 7. Retaining walls adjacent to the public way shall be stucco or natural stone veneer, consistent with the design concept. 8. Any gates shall be architectural grade and compatible with eh design theme. Gates shall be electric and have knoxx access. 9. Basins shall be designed to preclude the need for fencing. If basins are fenced for security, fencing shall be limited to 4-foot max height split rail fencing with hog panel backing. 10. All lighting shall be dark sky compliant and shielded per the Atascadero Municipal code. Low level decorative lighting shall be permitted. 11. Trash enclosures shall be designed to accommodate all required receptacles and shall be consistent with the main building design theme. 12. The main commercail street and public road shall be designed to accommodate on-street parking to the greatest extent feasible. 13. All equipment, storage, and facility maintenance equipment shall be located in a building or screened adequately. CITY OF ATASCADERO Community Development Department 6500 Palma Avenue | Atascadero, CA 93422 | Phone: (805) 461-5035 | www.atascadero.org DRC Action Form Project #: DEV24-0044 Project Title: Del Rio Ranch Planner/ Project Manager: Kelly Gleason DRC Review Date(s): 07/11/24 Final Action:  DRC  PC  CC 12 DEL RIO RANCH 13 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 T1 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" RV CAMPSITES:(HOOK-UPS)AREA A - ALONG RIO RITA RD: (22) 20’x40’ SITES (10) 30’x60’ SITES AREA B - ALONG DEL RIO RD: (28) 20’x30’ SITES (14) 20’x40’ SITES THE AIRSTREAM VILLAGE: (24) 20’x30’ SITES RV CAMPSITES TOTAL = 98 GLAMPING SITES:THE OASIS: (20) 15’x25’ SITES THE NESTS: (15) 10’x20’ SITES THE TERRACES: (44) 10’x20’ SITES GLAMPING SITES TOTAL = 79 SUBTOTAL:177 SITES PROPOSED BNBS:SHORT-TERM RENTAL UNITS: (18) MANAGER’S UNIT:LONG-TERM MANAGER’S UNIT: (1) TOTAL:196 SITES/UNITS PROPOSED BUILDING 1:(3-STORIES) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 12,000 SFSECOND/THIRD FLOOR: (BNBS) +/- 10,000 SF (10 UNITS) BUILDING 2:(3-STORIES) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 10,000 SFSECOND/THIRD FLOOR: (BNBS) +/- 8,000 SF (8 UNITS) BUILDING 3:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (AUTO REPAIR) +/- 5,800 SF W/ 3 SERVICE BAYS, GOLF CART SERVICE/STORAGE & OFFICE + 1,000 SF OUTDOOR AREA BUILDING 4:(2-STORIES) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 1,500 SFSECOND FLOOR: (MANAGER’S UNIT) +/- 1,200 SF BUILDING 5:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (RV CHECK-IN)+/- 600 SF BUILDING 6:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (HEALTH SPAS) +/- 3,200 SF BUILDING 7:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (HEALTH SPAS) +/- 950 SF BUILDING 8:(2-STORIES) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 3,000 SFSECOND FLOOR - (OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES) +/- 2,000 SF BUILDING 9:(1-STORY)(2-POOLS) GROUND FLOOR: +/- 3,200 SFPOOL 1 - (SWIMMING POOLS) +/- 2,000 SFPOOL 2 - (SWIMMING POOLS) +/- 1,000 SF BUILDING 10:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (BAR LOUNGE) +/- 400 SF BUILDING 11:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (BAR GROTTO) +/- 720 SF BUILDIPNG 12:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 1,800 SF BUILDING 13:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (UTILITIES AN STORAGE) +/- 4,000 SF BUILDING 14:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR (RESTROOM): +/- 1,200 SF BUILDING 15:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR (RESTROOM): +/- 1,200 SF BUILDING 16:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR (STAGE): +/- 750 SF TOTAL SF:(EXCLUSIVE OF POOL SF)+/- 71,520 SF BUILDING 1:(3-STORIES) (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) 12,000 SF/300 SF = 40 REQ.(BNBS) 10 UNITS : 2 SPACES + 1/UNIT + 1/10 UNITS = 13 REQ. BUILDING 2:(3-STORIES) (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) 10,000 SF/300 SF = 33 REQ.(BNBS) 8 UNITS : 2 SPACES + 1/UNIT = 10 REQ. BUILDING 3:(1-STORY) (AUTO REPAIR) 3 SERVICE BAYS + 1,000 SF OUTDOOR AREA = 4 SPACES/SERVICE BAY + 1/1,000 SF OF OUTDOOR ACTIVE AREA = 13 REQ. BUILDING 4:(2-STORIES) (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) 1,500 SF/300 SF = 5 REQ.(MANAGER’S UNIT) 1/UNIT = 1 REQ. BUILDING 5:(1-STORY) (OTHER SERVICES) 600 SF/ 500 SF= 1 REQ.RV CHECK-IN KIOSK BUILDING 6:(1-STORY) (HEALTH SPAS) 3,200 SF/300 SF = 11 REQ. BUILDING 7:(1-STORY) (HEALTH SPAS) 950 SF/300 SF = 4 REQ. BUILDING 8:(2-STORIES) (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) 3,000 SF/300 SF = 10 REQ.(OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES) 2,000 SF/500 SF = 4 REQ. BUILDING 9:(1-STORY)(2-POOLS) (SWIMMING POOLS) POOL 1 = 2,000 SF/100 SF = 20 REQ.(SWIMMING POOLS) POOL 2 = 1,000 SF/100 SF = 10 REQ. BUILDING 12:(1-STORY) (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) 1,800 SF/300 SF = 6 REQ. GLAMPING SITES:1 SPACE/SITE= 79 PROPOSED (OASIS, TERRACES AND NESTS) PARKING REDUCTIONS 5% MOTORCYCLE REDUCTION + 5% BICYCLE REDUCTION(26 STALL REDUCTION) PER SECTION 9.4.115 (B) AND (C) TOTAL PARKING REQ.(263 - 26)= 233 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED TOTAL PARKING PROPOSED 247 STANDARD PARKING SPACES PROPOSED *REQUESTED PARKING REDUCTIONS REFER TO SECTION 9-4.115 (E) AND (F) FOR ADDITIONAL PARKING REDUCTIONS AVAILABLE RV SITES:1 SPACE/SITE = 98 PROPOSED GOLF CARTS: 40 GOLF CARTS PROPOSED BLDGS. 10, 11, 13-16 STORAGE/UTILITY NO PARKING PROPOSED PROJECT DIRECTORY CLIENT/APPLICANT:JENNIFER KIM ADDRESS:6900 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CA 93422 EMAIL:JENKIMUSC@GMAIL.COM PHONE:(213) 820-1282 ARCHITECT:EHD STUDIO, INC. ADDRESS:5960 WEST MALL SUITE B ATASCADERO, CA 93422 CONTACT:EDDIE HERRERA EMAIL:EDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COM PHONE:(805) 556-7997 BUILDER:AZTECA BUILDERS ADDRESS:2151 OCEAN STREET OCEANO, CA 93445 CONTACT:JAKE SANCHEZ EMAIL:JAKE@AZTECACONSTRUCTION.COM PHONE:(805) 705-8142 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:WALA ADDRESS:5960 WEST MALL SUITE B ATASCADERO, CA. 93422 CONTACT:WES AROLA EMAIL:W@WESAROLA.COM PHONE:(831) 247-9936 CIVIL ENGINEER:WALLACE GROUP ADDRESS:612 CLARION CT SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 CONTACT:RACHEL HAWTHORNE EMAIL:RACHELH@WALLACEGROUP.US PHONE:(805) 544-4011 BUILDING AREA BREAKDOWN PARKING REQUIRED & PROPOSED SITE/UNIT INVENTORY SHEET INDEX TITLE SHEET T1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A1 SITE ZONES EXHIBIT A2 VEHICLE CIRCULATION EXHIBIT A3 ADA PATH OF TRAVEL EXHIBIT A4 MOOD BOARD - ARCHITECTURE A5 MOOD BOARD - AMENITIES A6 MOOD BOARD - LANDSCAPE A7 SITE PLAN - COMMERCIAL ZONE A8 COLORS & MATERIALS - THE VILLAGE & EVENT BASIN A9 ENLARGED CONCEPT SKETCH - PLAZA A10 ENLARGED CONCEPT SKETCH - THE EVENT BASIN A11 COLORS & MATERIALS - THE VEHICLE CHECK-IN & SERVICE A12 SITE PLAN - RESORT ZONE A13 COLORS & MATERIALS - THE COURTYARD A14 COLORS & MATERIALS - THE CHATEAU A15 ENLARGED CONCEPT SKETCH - THE CHATEAU A16 COLORS & MATERIALS - THE GROTTO & THE TERRACE A17 COLORS & MATERIALS - THE OASIS, NEST & AIRSTREAMS A18 TYPICAL GLAMPING UNIT LAYOUT A19 ENLARGED CONCEPT SKETCH - THE OASIS A20 SITE PLAN - RV ZONE A21 RV SITE TYPICAL LAYOUTS A22 COLORS & MATERIALS - THE VEHICLE CAMPSITES A23 ENLARGED CONCEPT SKETCH - ENTRY & VEHICLE CAMPSITES A24 CONCEPT PERSPECTIVE SKETCH - DEL RIO ENTRY A25 CONCEPT PERSPECTIVE SKETCH - EL CAMINO ENTRY A26 CONCEPT PERSPECTIVE SKETCH-CORNER DEL RIO/ECR A27 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN C1 SITE SECTION 1 A28 SITE SECTION 2 A29 SITE SECTION 3 A30 PRELIMINARY DRAINAGE PLAN C2 TOTAL SHEET COUNT 33 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 PROJECT STATISTICS SUMMARY PROJECT ADDRESS:2115 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CA 93422 LOT #:LOTS 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9, 10 & 11 IN BLOCK 22 OF THE ATASCADERO COLONY, IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA APN #:CR (049-112-039, 049-112-036,049-112-022, 049-112-018, 049-112-019, 049-112-002) MF10 (049-151-040, 049-151-041, 049-151-037, 049-151-036, 049-151-005) LOT SIZE: 28.5 ACRES VICINITY MAP HIGHWAY 101 RIO RITA RD EL CAMINO R E A L DEL RIO RDSITE ** FUTURE VALLEY FRESH MARKET LOCATION ** FUTURE PEOPLE’S SELF HELP HOUSING LOCATION REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONSPROJECT DESCRIPTION THE DEL RIO RANCH PROJECT, LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF EL CAMINO REAL & DEL RIO ROAD, IS A +/-28.5-ACRE SITE. THE OVERALL PROJECT IS ENVISIONED TO BECOME A “DESTINATION” VENUE THEMED AROUND AN RV AND CAMPSITE RESORT AND A KEY CORNER PIECE ANCHORING THE NORTHERN END OF ATASCADERO. THE VENUE IS DESIGNED TO EMBRACE ATASCADERO’S LOCAL COMMUNITY AND NATURAL SCENIC IDENTITY. THE PROJECT FOCUSES ON QUALITY OVERNIGHT STAY LODGING CAMPSITES AND FACILITIES THAT CAN SHARE COMMON INDOOR/OUTDOOR AMENITIES. THE SITE IS DESIGNED TO ENGAGE WITH THE SURROUNDING NATURAL TERRAIN AND MAJESTIC OAKS. COMPLIMENTARY COMMERCIAL, RETAIL, AND SERVICE BUILDING USES ARE PROPOSED ALONG EL CAMINO REAL AND DEL RIO ROAD TO CREATE SYNERGY BETWEEN THE SHARED PROJECT CAMPUS USES AND NEIGHBORING COMMERCIAL SITES. THE CURRENT SITE IS COMPRISED OF EXISTING RURAL RANCH LAND PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS THE “OLD” ATASCADERO WALMART SITE. THE NEW PROJECT WILL SERVE AS BOTH A “TEMPORARY” COMMUNITY FOR TRAVELING VISITORS, AS WELL AS A “PERMANENT” RESORT COMMUNITY DESTINATION FOR ATASCADERO’S RESIDENTS. WHILE VISITING DEL RIO RANCH, GUESTS’ MEMBERS WILL ENJOY AN ABUNDANCE OF INDOOR & OUTDOOR AMENITIES SUCH AS THE FOLLOWING: • RESORT CABANAS & WADING POOLS • OUTDOOR WALKING, HIKING, AND GOLF CART PATHS • COMMUNITY POOLS & SPAS • INDOOR “CLUBHOUSE” LOUNGE AREAS • OUTDOOR PLAZA & COURTYARD AREAS • WELLNESS, SPA & FITNESS AMENITIES • HOUSEKEEPING AND RV CAMPUS SERVICES • COMMERCIAL & RETAIL USES • OUTDOOR OPEN SPACE PARK/EVENT AREAS • RV, CAMPING, GLAMPING, BNBS & OVERNIGHT LODGING THE DEL RIO RANCH SITE IS THE IDEAL LOCATION FOR THIS “DESTINATION RESORT VENUE” BASED ON ITS PROXIMITY AND VISIBILITY FROM THE HIGHWAY 101 VIEW CORRIDOR. CURRENTLY THERE ARE MANY TRAVELERS DAILY THAT PASS BY THE SITE WHO WOULD ENJOY THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE AND THE DEL RIO RANCH PROJECT. OUR GOAL IS TO PROVIDE A HIGH-QUALITY RESORT SETTING AND COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE FOR ALL GUESTS AND RESIDENTS OF ATASCADERO AND SAN LIS OBISPO COUNTY TO ENJOY. THIS PROJECT WILL PROVIDE A BOOST TO THE OVERALL LOCAL ECONOMY BY CREATING NEW LOCAL JOBS AND TAX REVENUES FOR THE AREA. TITLE SHEET 14 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A1 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONS0 SCALE 1” =60’-0” 30 60 120 BUILDING 1:(3-STORIES) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 12,000 SFSECOND/THIRD FLOOR: (BNBS) +/- 10,000 SF (10 UNITS) BUILDING 2:(3-STORIES) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 10,000 SFSECOND/THIRD FLOOR: (BNBS) +/- 8,000 SF (8 UNITS) BUILDING 3:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (AUTO REPAIR) +/- 5,800 SF W/ 3 SERVICE BAYS, GOLF CART SERVICE/STORAGE & OFFICE + 1,000 SF OUTDOOR AREA BUILDING 4:(2-STORIES) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 1,500 SFSECOND FLOOR: (MANAGER’S UNIT) +/- 1,200 SF BUILDING 5:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (RV CHECK-IN)+/- 600 SF BUILDING 6:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (HEALTH SPAS) +/- 3,200 SF BUILDING 7:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (HEALTH SPAS) +/- 950 SF BUILDING 8:(2-STORIES) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 3,000 SFSECOND FLOOR - (OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES) +/- 2,000 SF BUILDING 9:(1-STORY)(2-POOLS) GROUND FLOOR: +/- 3,200 SFPOOL 1 - (SWIMMING POOLS) +/- 2,000 SFPOOL 2 - (SWIMMING POOLS) +/- 1,000 SF BUILDING 10:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (BAR LOUNGE) +/- 400 SF BUILDING 11:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (BAR GROTTO) +/- 720 SF BUILDIPNG 12:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (GENERAL MERCHANDISE) +/- 1,800 SF BUILDING 13:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR: (UTILITIES AN STORAGE) +/- 4,000 SF BUILDING 14:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR (RESTROOM): +/- 1,200 SF BUILDING 15:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR (RESTROOM): +/- 1,200 SF BUILDING 16:(1-STORY) GROUND FLOOR (STAGE): +/- 750 SF TOTAL SF:(EXCLUSIVE OF POOL SF)+/- 71,520 SF BUILDING AREA BREAKDOWN RV CAMPSITES:(HOOK-UPS)AREA A - ALONG RIO RITA RD: (22) 20’x40’ SITES (10) 30’x60’ SITES AREA B - ALONG DEL RIO RD: (28) 20’x30’ SITES (14) 20’x40’ SITES THE AIRSTREAM VILLAGE: (24) 20’x30’ SITES RV CAMPSITES TOTAL = 98 GLAMPING SITES:THE OASIS: (20) 15’x25’ SITES THE NESTS: (15) 10’x20’ SITES THE TERRACES: (44) 10’x20’ SITES GLAMPING SITES TOTAL = 79 SUBTOTAL:177 SITES PROPOSED BNBS:SHORT-TERM RENTAL UNITS: (18) MANAGER’S UNIT:LONG-TERM MANAGER’S UNIT: (1) TOTAL:196 SITES/UNITS PROPOSED SITE/UNIT INVENTORY 15 06/21/20024 REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONS0 SCALE 1” =60’-0” 30 60 120 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A2 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" SITE ZONES EXHIBIT LEGEND COMMERCIAL ZONE THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL PLAZA THE VILLAGE FLEX PARKING & EVENT LOT LANDSCAPE BASIN & EVENT LAWN W/ STAGE RV CHECK-IN & INFORMATION CENTER GOLF CART/RV SERVICE & DETAIL CENTER RESORT ZONE THE COURTYARD SPA & WELLNESS CENTER THE COURTYARD LAUNDRY & SERVICE CENTER THE “OASIS” GLAMPING UNITS & WATER FEATURES THE “AIRSTREAM VILLAGE” GLAMPING UNITS & PARKING THE “CHATEAU” CLUBHOUSE & AMENITIES THE “GROTTO” & PRIVATE BAR THE “TERRACE” GLAMPING UNITS THE “NEST” GLAMPING UNITS THE “VILLA” PRIVATE LOUNGE & LAWN RV ZONE VEHICLE CAMPSITES (20x30 & 20x40) VEHICLE CAMPSITES (20x40 & 30x60) 1 6 2 7 7 3 8 8 8 4 9 9 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 RV ZONE RESORT ZONE COMMERCIAL ZONE 10 1111 12 13 13 14 14 12 12 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A3 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" VEHICLE CIRCULATION EXHIBIT LEGEND TWO-WAY PUBLIC COLLECTOR ROAD TWO-WAY PRIVATE SITE ROAD ONE-WAY PRIVATE SITE ROAD GOLF CART & PEDESTRIAN ONLY BIKE LANES PUBLIC PROJECT ENTRY & EXIT PRIVATE PROJECT ENTRY & EXIT PRIVATE PROJECT EXIT ONLY REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONS0 SCALE 1” =60’-0” 30 60 120 17 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A4 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" ADA PATH OF TRAVEL EXHIBIT LEGEND ADA PATH OF TRAVEL ADA CONNECTION TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ADA DESIGNATED RAMP LOCATION REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONS0 SCALE 1” =60’-0” 30 60 120 18 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A5 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" MOOD BOARD - ARCHITECTURE 19 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A6 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" MOOD BOARD - AMENITIES 20 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A7 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" MOOD BOARD - LANDSCAPE 21 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A8 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" SITE PLAN - COMMERCIAL ZONE LEGEND VEHICLE ROUNDABOUT W/ LANDSCAPE FEATURE MEDIAN LANDSCAPE BUFFER ENTRY MONUMENT & PROJECT SIGNAGE LOCATION NAVIGATIONAL SIGNAGE LOCATION ENTRY & GATE ACCESS KIOSK TURN CIRCLE W/ ACCENT PAVERS & LANDSCAPE FEATURE NATURAL BOULDER & WATER FEATURE COMMERCIAL PLAZA W/ SPECIAL PAVING NATURAL GRAVEL FLEX PARKING & EVENT LOT POTENTIAL BASIN AREA RV CHECK-IN KIOSK SITE WALLS & RETAINING RV DETAIL & AUTO-SHOP RV SERVICE PARKING GOLF CART PARKING GOLF CART SERVICE & CHARGING STATION EVENT STAGE 1 9 7 6 8 3 5 1 5 2 2 4 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 13 14 15 15 16 17 REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONS0 SCALE 1” =60’-0” 30 60 120 1010 13 14 17 16 15 12 12 12 22 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A9 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" COLORS & MATERIALS - THE VILLAGE & EVENT BASIN GROUND FLOOR RETAIL W/ RENTAL UNITS ABOVEPEDESTRIAN PLAZA & OUTDOOR EVENT VENUESITE MAP - COMMERCIAL ZONE (THE VILLAGE & EVENT BASIN) PAVING MATERIALS TYPICAL ROAD FINISH: ASPHALT BUILDING MATERIALS PRIMARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - WHITE COLOR SECONDARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - LIGHT CREAM COLOR UPPER LEVEL BALCONIES: WROUGHT IRON RAILING W/ PRECAST TRIM STOREFRONTS & SIGNAGE: RETAIL WINDOW & DOOR SYSTEMS DOOR/WINDOW TRIM FINISH: LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE ROOF TILES: MEDITERRANEAN STYLE CLAY TILES ACCENT ROAD FINISH: COBBLE FRAMED AGGREGATE CONCRETE ACCENT ROAD FINISH: COBBLESTONE PAVING SECONDARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - LIGHT PEACH COLOR PEDESTRIAN PLAZA PAVING: SLATE FLAGSTONE PAVERS REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONSSHOPS & ENTERTAINMENTEVENT BASIN W/ STAGE EVENT BASIN: NATURAL GRASS LAWNS PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALKS: SMOOTH CONCRETE FLEX PARKING & EVENT LOT COMPRESSED DG NATURAL GRAY FINISH 23 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A10 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" ENLARGED CONCEPT SKETCH - PLAZA LEGEND COMMERCIAL BUILDING FRONTING DEL RIO AND EL CAMINO MEDIAN LANDSCAPE BUFFER ENTRY MONUMENT & PROJECT SIGNAGE LOCATION ENTRY & GATE ACCESS KIOSK TURN CIRCLE W/ ACCENT PAVERS & LANDSCAPE WATER FEATURE NATURAL BOULDER & WATER FEATURE COMMERCIAL PLAZA W/ SPECIAL PAVING NATURAL GRAVEL FLEX PARKING & EVENT LOT POTENTIAL BASIN AREA GOLF CART PARKING LANDSCAPE BUFFER AND RETAINING WALLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 3 EL CAMINO REALDEL RIO ROAD2 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 11 11 24 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A11 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" CONCEPT PLAN SKETCH - EL CAMINO ENTRY & EVENT BASIN LEGEND MEDIAN LANDSCAPE BUFFER ENTRY MONUMENT & PROJECT SIGNAGE LOCATION ENTRY & GATE ACCESS KIOSK NATURAL GRAVEL FLEX PARKING & EVENT LOT POTENTIAL BASIN AREA/EVENT FLEX LANDSCAPE BUFFER AND RETAINING WALLSV RV DETAIL & AUTO-SHOP GOLF CART PARKING EVENT STAGE TEMPORARY FOOD TRUCK/TENT SETUP AREA TEMPORARY SEATING/LOUNGE AREA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EL CAMINO REAL 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 10 10 11 25 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A12 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" COLORS & MATERIALS - VEHICLE CHECK-IN & SERVICE AUTO DETAIL/SERVICE SHOP CHECK-IN & INFO BUILDING GENERAL STORE W/ MANAGER’S UNIT ABOVEOFFICE PATIO W/ SEATING & LANDSCAPESITE MAP - COMMERCIAL ZONE (VEHICLE CHECK-IN & SERVICE)REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONSSITE WALL MATERIALS PRIMARY RETAINING WALLS: POURED CONCRETE ACCENT SITE WALLS: SMOOTH WHITE STUCCO ACCENT SITE WALLS: LOCALLY SOURCED SANTA BARBARA STONE PAVING MATERIALS TYPICAL ROAD FINISH: ASPHALT WOOD ACCENTS: DARK STAINED OAK WOOD FINISH ACCENT ROAD FINISH: COBBLE FRAMED AGGREGATE CONCRETE METAL ACCENTS: DARK ANONDIZED BRONZE FINISH PATIO PAVING: SLATE FLAGSTONE PAVERS PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALKS: SMOOTH CONCRETE BUILDING MATERIALS PRIMARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - WHITE COLOR SECONDARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - LIGHT CREAM COLOR DOOR/WINDOW TRIM FINISH: LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE ROOF TILES: MEDITERRANEAN STYLE CLAY TILES SECONDARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - LIGHT PEACH COLOR 26 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A13 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" SITE PLAN - RESORT ZONE LEGEND TERRACED WATER & BOULDER FEATURE GOLF CART PARKING STATION NAVIGATIONAL SIGNAGE LOCATION THE “OASIS” GLAMPING UNITS THE “AIRSTREAM VILLAGE” GLAMPING UNITS THE “NEST” GLAMPING UNITS THE “TERRACE” GLAMPING UNITS SITE WALLS & RETAINING PRIVATE LAWN & SEATING AREA NATURAL PEDESTRIAN PATHS PRIVATE ADULT GROTTOS & BAR CLUBHOUSE POOL & SUN DECK NATURAL GRAVEL PARKING AREA TURN CIRCLE & DROP-OFF LANDSCAPE FEATURE @ TURN CIRCLE CLUBHOUSE GATE & ENTRY 1 5 5 6 4 4 9 7 7 6 8 8 8 3 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 REVISION TAGELEVATIONDETAIL/SECTIONWINDOW TAGWALL TAGROOM TAGDOOR TAGA131A101W1AROOM101101BGRID REFERENCEA101INTERIOR ELEVATION234+2'-0"CL1111AX.XXDETAIL REFERENCE/ENLARGED PLANSITEROAD/STREETFREEWAYROAD/STREETNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONDRAWN BY:DRAWN BY:SCALE:SCALE:PROJECT:PROJECT:DATE:DATE:PROJECT NO:PROJECT NO:REVISIONREVISIONDATEDATEAs indicatedAs indicatedC:\Users\Danie\SynologyDrive\EHD_TEMPLATES\EHD_REVIT\EHD Template\EHD Studio Template.rte3/24/2023 10:28:22 AMG-001AuthorAuthorCONSTRUCTIONCONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTSDOCUMENTSPROJECTPROJECTTOWN, STATETOWN, STATE12/05/2212/05/221900119001TITLE SHEETTITLE SHEETPROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, CA #####PROJECT DATAPROJECT DATA••••••••APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS:2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE AND ITS APPENDICES AND STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS.2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE AND ITS APPENDICIES AND STANDARDS.CURRENT CITY OF _________________ MUNICIPAL CODE.APPLICABLE CODESAPPLICABLE CODESDIRECTORYDIRECTORYSHEET INDEXSHEET INDEXVICINITY MAPVICINITY MAPSEPARATE SUBMITTALSEPARATE SUBMITTALADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:APPLICANTAPPLICANTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:EHD STUDIO, INC.EHD STUDIO, INC.5960 WEST MALL, SUITE BATASCADERO, CA 93422P:805.556.9779ARCHITECTARCHITECTEDDIE HERRERAEDDIE@EHDESIGNSTUDIO.COMPROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE:PROJECT SCOPE CONSISTS OF...PROJECT SCOPEPROJECT SCOPEADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:PLANNINGPLANNINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:BUILDINGBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTSYMBOLSSYMBOLSADDRESS:APN(s):LOT NO. AND SIZE:LAND USE CATEGORY:OCCUPANCY TYPE:MAX HT. ALLOWED:REQ. PARKING:REQ. FRONT SETBACK:REQ. SIDE SETBACK:REQ. REAR SETBACK:AGENCIESAGENCIESSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSA-101 FLOOR PLANA-111 REFLECTED CEILING PLANA-121 ROOF PLANA-200 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-300 BUILDING SECTIONSA-400 ENLARGED PLANSA-500 FINISH PLANSA-600 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULESAD-1 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANAE-1SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANG-001 TITLE SHEETG-002 ABBREVIATIONS AND GENERAL NOTESG-101 GENERAL NOTESG-102 GENERAL NOTESG-201 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSG-202 CAL GREEN-RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTSDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING DEPT. REVIEW FORGENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING AND APPROVED BY THEBUILDING DEPTARTMENT ANY OTHER LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIRING REVIEW. THEDEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE PART OF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION AND NOTBE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BYTHE BUILDING OFFICIAL.1. FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL AND PARTOF A SEPARATE PERMIT APPLICATION.ADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:STRUCTURALSTRUCTURALENGINEERENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:CIVIL ENGINEERCIVIL ENGINEERADDRESS:ADDRESS:CONTACT:CONTACT:EMAIL:EMAIL:LANDSCAPELANDSCAPEARCHITECTARCHITECT(E) Existing(P) Proposed3D 3 DimensionalA/C Air ConditioningABV AboveACOUS AcousticalACT Acoustical Ceiling TileADA Americans with Disabilites ActADJ AdjacentAFCI Arc Fault Circuit InterrupterAFF Above Finished FloorAL AluminumALT AlternateANCH AnchorANG AngleANOD AnodizedAP Access PanelARCH Architect(ural)ASSOC AssociatedBD BoardBDRM BedroomBIT BituminousBL Building LineBLDG BuildingBLKG BlockingBM Beam, Bench MarkBOT BottomBSMT BasementBUR Built-Up RoofingBW Both WaysCB Catch BasinCBC California Building CodeCEM CementCFM Cubic Feet Per MinuteCH Coat HookCIP Cast in PlaceCJControl JointCL Center LineCLG CeilingCLO ClosetCLR ClearCMU Concrete Masonry UnitCO Clean OutCOL ColumnCONC ConcreteCONST ConstructionCONT ContinuousCONTR ContractorCPT CarpetCT Ceramic TileCTR CenterDBL DoubleDF Drinking FountainDIA Diameter, DiaphragmDIM DimensionDISP DispenserDN DownDR DoorDS DownspoutDTL DetailDW Dish WasherDWG DrawingEEastEA EachEJExpansion JointEL, ELEV ElevationELEC ElectricalENCL EnclosureEQ EqualEQUIP EquipmentEXH ExhaustEXP ExpansionEXT ExteriorFACP Fire Alarm Control PanelFAU Forced Air UnitFAWP Fluid Applied WaterproofingFD Floor DrainFDC Fire Department ConnectionFDN FoundationFEC Fire Extinguisher CabinetFF Finished Floor ElevationFG Finished GradeFIN Finish(ed)FIXT FixtureFL Flow LineFLASH FlashingFLUOR FluorescentFO Face ofFOC Face of ConcreteFOF Face of FinishFOIC Furnished by Owner Installed byContractorFOM Face of MasonryFOS Face of StudFPL FireplaceFRP Fiberglass Reinforced PanelsFTFoot, FeetFTG FootingFURN Furnish(ed)GA Gauge, GageGALV GalvanizedGB Grab BarGC General ContractorGFCI Ground Fault Circuit InterrupterGWB Gypsum Wall BoardGYP GypsumHB Hose BibbHC Hollow CoreHDW HardwareHGT HeightHM Hollow MetalHORIZ HorizontalHVAC Heating, Ventilation, A/CHWD HardwoodIDInside DiameterIIC Impact Insulation ClassINInchINCAND IncandescentINSUL Insulation, InsulatedINT InteriorJBJunction BoxJCJanitor's ClosetJTJointKPL KickplateLAM LaminatedLAV LavatoryLBS PoundsLEED Leadership in Energy &Environmental DesignLF Linear FeetLH Left HandLIN Linen ClosetLINO LinoleumLT(G) Light(ing)LVL Laminated Veneer LumberLW LightweightMAG MagneticMAS MasonryMAX MaximumMDF Medium Density FiberboardMECH MechanicalMEMB MembraneMEP Mechanical, Electrical, PlumbingMFR ManufacturerMIN MinimumMIR MirrorMISC MiscellaneousMO Masonry OpeningMTL MetalNNorthNIC Not In ContractNo. NumberNOM NominalNTS Not To ScaleOC On CenterOD Overflow DrainOPG OpeningOPP OppositePPantryPERF PerforatedPERP PerpendicularPL Plate, Property LinePLAM Plastic LaminatePLBG PlumbingPLF Pounds per Linear FootPLYWD PlywoodPNL PanelPP Power PollPR PairPROJ ProjectPRTN PartitionPSF Pounds per Square FootPSI Pounds per Square InchPSL Parallel Strand LumberPT Point, Presure TreatedPTD Paper Towel DispenserPTR Paper Towel ReceptaclePV Photo VoltaicPVC Polyvinyl ChloridePVMT PavementPWDR Powder RoomQTY QuantityRRadius, RiserRB Rubber BaseRCP Reflected Ceiling PlanRD Roof DrainREF RefrigeratorRH Right HandRO Rough OpeningSSouthSA Self Adhering, Supply AirSAWP Self Adhering WaterproofingSC Solid CoreSCD Seat Cover DispenserSCHED ScheduleSD Soap DispenserSECT SectionSF Square FootSHT SheetSHTHG SheathingSIM SimilarSM Sheet MetalSND Sanitary Napkin DispenserSNR Sanitary Napkin ReceptacleSPEC Specification(s)SQ SquareSS Solid SurfaceSSTL Stainless SteelSTC Sound Transmission ClassSTL SteelSTOR StorageSTRUCT StructuralSUSP SuspendedSV Sheet VinylSYM SymmetricalTTreadT&G Tongue & GrooveTB Towel BarTEL TelephoneTEMP TemperedTJI Truss Joist I-JoistTOS Top of SlabTOW Top of WallTPD Toilet Paper DispenserTRANS TransformerTV TelevisionTYP TypicalUFAS Uniform Federal AccessibiltyStandardsUG UndergroundUNFIN UnfinishedUNO Unless Noted OtherwiseUV UltravioletVCT Vinyl Composition TileWWestW/ WithW/D Washer DryerW/O WithoutWC Water ClosetWD WoodWDW WindowWH Water HeaterWI Wrought IronWP Waterproof(ing)WR Weather ResistiveWT WeightWWF Welded Wire FabricYD YardABBREVIATIONSABBREVIATIONS0 SCALE 1” =60’-0” 30 60 120 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 27 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A14 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" THE COURTYARD AMENITIES & SERVICES SPA & WELLNESS CENTER STAIRS & TRAIL CONNECTIONS TO OTHER SITE AMENITIESCOBBLESTONE COURTYARD W/ PEDESTRIAN SCALE BUILDINGS COLORS & MATERIALS - THE COURTYARD PAVING MATERIAL COURTYARD FINISH: COBBLESTONE PAVING GROUP HEALTH & FITNESS CLASSES SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY & CAFE GYM & FITNESS CENTER ACCENT ROAD FINISH: COBBLE FRAMED AGGREGATE CONCRETE SITE MAP - RESORT ZONE (THE COURTYARD) BUILDING MATERIALS PRIMARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - WHITE COLOR SECONDARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - LIGHT CREAM COLOR DOOR/WINDOW TRIM FINISH: LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE ROOF TILES: MEDITERRANEAN STYLE CLAY TILES SECONDARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH STUCCO - LIGHT PEACH COLOR GRAND STAIRS & FOUNTAIN SITE WALL MATERIALS PRIMARY RETAINING WALLS: POURED CONCRETE ACCENT SITE WALLS: SMOOTH WHITE STUCCO ACCENT SITE WALLS: LOCALLY SOURCED SANTA BARBARA STONE CLUB CAR/PEDESTRIANS ONLY 28 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A15 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" SITE MAP - RESORT ZONE (THE CHATEAU) POOL & SUN DECK W/ CABANAS & LANDSCAPE EXTERIOR PATIO W/ SEATING & HILLSIDE VISTA MANICURED EVENT LAWN & GARDENSRESORT CLUBHOUSE W/ CONNECTION TO GLAMPING SITES COLORS & MATERIALS - THE CHATEAU BUILDING MATERIALS PRIMARY PLASTER FINISH: WHITE COLOR DOOR/WINDOW TRIM FINISH: LIGHT GRAY PRECAST CONCRETE ROOF TILES: MEDITERRANEAN STYLE CLAY TILES STONE ACCENT FINISH: LOCALLY SOURCED SANTA BARBARA STONE SITE WALL MATERIALS PRIMARY RETAINING WALLS: POURED CONCRETE ACCENT SITE WALLS: SMOOTH WHITE STUCCO ACCENT SITE WALLS: LOCALLY SOURCED SANTA BARBARA STONE PAVING MATERIALS TYPICAL ROAD FINISH: ASPHALT WOOD ACCENTS: DARK STAINED OAK WOOD FINISH ACCENT ROAD FINISH: COBBLE FRAMED AGGREGATE CONCRETE METAL ACCENTS: DARK ANONDIZED BRONZE FINISH PATIO & POOL DECK FINISH: SLATE FLAGSTONE PAVERS PEDESTRIAN STAIRS & SIDEWALKS: SMOOTH CONCRETE 29 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A16 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" ENLARGED CONCEPT SKETCH - THE CHATEAU LEGEND TERRACED WATER & BOULDER FEATURE GOLF CART PARKING STATION THE “OASIS” GLAMPING UNITS THE “GARDEN” GLAMPING UNITS SITE WALLS & RETAINING NATURAL PEDESTRIAN PATHS PRIVATE ADULT GROTTOS & BAR CLUBHOUSE POOL & SUN DECK TURN CIRCLE & DROP-OFF LANDSCAPE FEATURE @ TURN CIRCLE CLUBHOUSE GATE & ENTRY SHARED RESTROOM FACILITY BAR LOUNGE AND SEATING AREA PRIVATE CABANAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 4 3 5 5 5 66 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 30 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A17 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" SITE MAP - RESORT ZONE (THE GROTTO & THE TERRACE) PRIVATE GROTTO POOL & SPAS PRIVATE BAR W/ GLAZING BUILT INTO HILLSIDEPRIVATE GROTTO SPAS W/ FEATURE LANDSCAPE COLORS & MATERIALS - THE GROTTO & THE TERRACE SITE WALL MATERIALS PRIMARY RETAINING WALLS: POURED CONCRETE ACCENT SITE WALLS: SMOOTH WHITE STUCCO ACCENT SITE WALLS: LOCALLY SOURCED SANTA BARBARA STONE PAVING MATERIALS PEDESTRIAN STAIRS & SIDEWALKS: SMOOTH CONCRETE NATURAL BOULDER/WATER FEATURES NATURAL BOULDERS & NATIVE LANDSCAPE WATERFALL FEATURES SCATTERED THROUGHOUT SITE INDOOR/OUTDOOR GROTTO BAR FOLDING GLASS WALL SECURITY DOOR NEUTRAL EARTH TONE COLORS & MATERIALS WOOD ACCENTS: DARK STAINED OAK WOOD FINISH PATIO & POOL DECK FINISH: SLATE FLAGSTONE PAVERS METAL ACCENTS: DARK ANONDIZED BRONZE FINISH PEDESTRIAN TRAILS & CAMPSITES: COMPRESSED DG NATURAL GRAY FINISH ACTIVITY & EVENT LAWNS: MANICURED NATURAL GRASS LAWN TERRACE TRAILS/LANDSCAPETERRACE TENTS & CAMPSITES 31 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A18 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" COLORS & MATERIALS - THE OASIS, NEST & AIRSTREAM VILLAGE “OASIS” GLAMPING CLUSTERS W/ PEDESTRIAN TRAILS “OASIS” GLAMPING UNITS W/ PRIVATE DECK ON THE WATER “NEST” GLAMPING UNITS W/ PRIVATE DECK & SPA PRE-FAB GLAMPING CAPSULE: WHITE EXTERIOR FINISH W/ BLACK FRAME GLAZING THE “AIRSTREAM VILLAGE” UNITS PRE-FAB AIRSTREAM (OR SIMILAR) CAMPER: STAINLESS STEEL FINISH THE “OASIS” CABANAS PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH WHITE STUCCO PARKING AREA: COMPRESSED DG NATURAL GRAY FINISH PRIVATE DECK MATERIAL: WOODEN DECKING NATURAL OAK FINISH METAL A-FRAME STRUCTURE: DARK ANONDIZED BRONZE FINISH EXTERIOR GLAZING: BLACK FRAME CURTAIN WALL SYSTEM EXTERIOR CURTAINS: HEAVY CANVAS PRIVACY DRAPES DECK PRIVACY SCREEN: HORIZONTAL WOODEN SLATS NATURAL OAK FINISH PRIVATE DECK MATERIAL: WOODEN DECKING NATURAL OAK FINISH COMMON PAVING MATERIALS NATURAL GRASS LAWNS SMOOTH CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN SIDEWALKS COMPRESSED DG PEDESTRIAN TRAILS SITE MAP - RESORT ZONE (THE OASIS, NEST & AIRSTREAM VILLAGE) “AIRSTREAM VILLAGE” CAMPSITE W/ PRIVATE PARKING STALL 32 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A19 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" TYPICAL GLAMPING UNITS LAYOUT 1 COMPACTED DECOMPOSED GRANITE CART PATH RAISED DECK PLATFORM (PROTECT OAKS) DECK PLATFORM ON GRADE CEDAR TUBS AT PREMIUM UNITS CONCRETE PATIO PICNIC TABLE PARKING SPACE SHADE TREES TYP SCREENING SHRUBS TO PROVIDE PRIVACY STANDARD HOOKUPS ROLLING GATE FOR GROUP RESERVATION CANVAS OR LIKE MATERIAL SEMI PERMANENT STRUCTURE FULLY CONDITIONED PERMANENT STRUCTURE DESIGN KEY 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 POND PERCHES LAWN TREE HOUSES AIRSTREAM VILLAGE OASIS BUNGALOWS 10 11 11 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 12 13 12 12 13 TERRACES NESTS OASIS BUNGALOS AIRSTREAM VILLAGE 33 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A20 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" ENLARGED CONCEPT SKETCH - THE OASIS LEGEND THE “OASIS” GLAMPING UNITS NATURAL PEDESTRIAN PATHS TURN CIRCLE & DROP-OFF LANDSCAPE FEATURE @ TURN CIRCLE CLUBHOUSE AREA THE COURYARD SITE WALLS & RETAINING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 2 2 4 5 6 7 34 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A21 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" SITE PLAN - RV ZONE LEGEND PROJECT ENTRY SIGNAGE VEHICLE & RV CAMPSITES W/ FULL HOOK-UPS GOLF CART PARKING STATION SITE WALLS & RETAINING W/ LANDSCAPE BUFFERS DRY CREEK & LANDSCAPE FEATURE RESTROOMS & SHOWERS BUILDING 1 6 6 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 1 5 4 2 3 4 5 6 4 35 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A22 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" RV SITE TYPICAL LAYOUTS 1 COMPACTED DECOMPOSED GRANITE CONCRETE PATIO PICNIC TABLE BBQ (PREMIUM SITE OPTION) FIRE PIT (PREMIUM SITE OPTION) PARKING SPACE SHADE TREES TYP SCREENING SHRUBS TO PROVIDE PRIVACY STANDARD HOOKUPS DESIGN KEY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 77 7 7 8 8 8 8 99 9 9 30X60 BACK IN ANGLE 20X40 BACK IN ANGLE 20X30 BACK + PULL IN 20X40 BACK + PULL IN 36 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A23 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" PRIMARY PLASTER FINISH: SMOOTH WHITE STUCCO SITE MAP - RV ZONE (VEHICLE CAMPSITES & RESTROOMS) COLORS & MATERIALS - VEHICLE CAMPSITES LARGE VEHICLE BACK-IN CAMP SITES W/ FULL HOOKUPS CONCRETE VEHICLE PAD W/ GRAVEL CAMPSITE AREASCATTERED LAWN GAMES & SEATING AREAS BUILDING MATERIALS PAVING MATERIALS TYPICAL ROAD FINISH: ASPHALT PEDESTRIAN TRAILS & CAMPSITES: COMPRESSED DG NATURAL GRAY FINISH ROOF TILES: MEDITERRANEAN STYLE CLAY TILES RESTROOM & SHOWER BUILDINGS: STUCCO W/ CLAY TILE ROOF VEHICLE PARKING PADS & SIDEWALKS: SMOOTH CONCRETE SITE WALL MATERIALS PRIMARY RETAINING WALLS: POURED CONCRETE ACCENT SITE WALLS: SMOOTH WHITE STUCCO ACCENT SITE WALLS: LOCALLY SOURCED SANTA BARBARA STONE 37 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A24 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" CONCEPT PLAN SKETCH - DEL RIO ENTRY & VEHICLE CAMPSITES LEGEND DEL RIO RD. PROJECT ENTRY SIGNAGE VEHICLE & RV CAMPSITES W/ FULL HOOK-UPS GOLF CART PARKING STATION SITE WALLS & RETAINING W/ LANDSCAPE BUFFERS DRY CREEK & LANDSCAPE FEATURE RESTROOMS & SHOWERS BUILDING COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ENTRY KIOSK LANDSCAPED MEDIAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 2 4 4 5 5 6 78 9 38 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A25 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" CONCEPT PERSPECTIVE SKETCH - DEL RIO ENTRY 39 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A26 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" CONCEPT PERSPECTIVE SKETCH - EL CAMINO ENTRY 40 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 A27 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" CONCEPT PERSPECTIVE SKETCH-EL CAMINO AND DEL RIO 1 2 3 4 765 MEDITERRANEAN MATERIALS & LANDSCAPE PALETTE CONCRETE SITE WALLS W/ SCUPPER WATER FEATURE SIMPLE STUCCO WALLS & MEDITERANNEAN TILE ROOFS SHOPS & ENTERTAINMENT FLEXIBLE PEDESTRIAN PLAZA & EVENT PATIO W/ SEATING & LANDSCAPE ITALIAN-STYLE DETAILS: ARCHES, PRECAST TRIM, SHUTTERS & IRON RAILS ITALIAN-STYLE DETAILS: CANVAS WINDOW AWNINGS W/ IRON RAILS 1 7 56 6 6642 3 41 06/21/200241A293A301A293A302 A29 2 A29 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" C1GRADING PLAN 42 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" A28SITE SECTION 1 43 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" A29SITE SECTION 2 44 06/21/20024 DEL RIO RANCH 2115 EL CAMINO REAL - ATASCADERO, CA 93422 SCHEMATIC PACKAGE R 4 8 ' - 0 "R 68' - 0"BUILDING 2: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 10,000 SF + 2nd/3rd level 10 BnBs BUILDING 1: THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL 15,000 SF + 2nd level event space PARKING PROVIDED: +/-148 REGULAR STALLS +/- 45 GOLF CARTS R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 3 5 ' - 0 " R 35' - 0" R 3 0 ' - 0 "R 40' - 0"923 918 910 900 870 883 THE RVs 32 Total (10) 30x60's (22) 20x40's 82' - 0"94 PARKING SPACES 225' - 0" 30' - 0"42' - 6"40' - 0"70' - 0" 140' - 0" 24' - 0 "24' - 0"6' - 0"4' - 0"14' - 0"7' - 6"7' - 6"14' - 0"4' - 0"6' - 0"RR R 39' - 0"R 5 1 ' - 0 "40' - 0"20' - 0"loa d i n g 10' - 0"dry creek 175' - 0" 135. 0 0 °135.00° 135.00 ° 135. 0 0 ° 15' - 0" 525' - 0" RR 356' - 0" THE CHATEAU 4800 SF THE VILLA 2000 SF THE GLAMPING NESTS +15 pool 25x80 30.00°35.00 °40' - 0"R 3 0 ' - 0 " R 30' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 40' - 0" R 35' - 0" stairs stairs R 2 0 ' - 0 " R 15' - 0" 72' - 0" 99' - 0" 8 10 18 PARKING SPACES food truck5' - 0" 5' - 0"5' - 0"5' - 0" 35' - 0"5' - 0"135.00° WELLNESS SPA FITNESS LNDRY. UTILITY RR garden/lawn garden/lawn garden/lawn THE GROTTO project fountain/boulder feature landscape /boulder outdoor plaza pop-ups event space water/ boulder feature grottos bar path path path path Italian courtyard stairs crossingcrossingcrossingcobble paving d.g. cobble paving path stairs crossing crossing 6 golf carts RV Ck-In • • PARKING REQUIRED: COMMERCIAL = 300/SF SPACE/UNIT + 1 SPACE/10 UNITS RESORT OVERNIGHT STAY TIER 1: 109 RV SITES (DEL RIO) - 63 RV SITES (RIO RITA ROAD) -32 RV SITES (EL CAMINO REAL)-14 TIER 2: 58 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) -24 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS)-19 GLAMPING (NESTS)-15 TIER 3: 10 BNBS - 10 MANAGER'S UNIT - 1 TOTAL = 183 63 RV PARKING 40' - 0"20' - 0"20' - 0"30' - 0" 14 RV PARKING 20X30'S (33) 20x30's (30) 20x40's Detail Shop Dump Site 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" 35' - 0" 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 40' - 0" General Store 1500 sf+ Manger's unit above 19 GLAMPING (OASIS CABANAS) Office to pl 19' - 0" 18' - 0"24' - 0"18' - 0"25' - 0" 20' - 0"20' - 0" 11 parking RV Service parking RV Service parking 5 par k i n g + 4 g o l f20' - 0"30' - 0" loading 10 golf carts 26' - 0"26' - 0"26' - 0" T. Landscape Buffer 30' - 0" 26' - 0" 30' - 0"20' - 0 " 20' - 0" 20 parking 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 6 golf carts 4 golf carts T. T. T. T. 3 golf carts T. 24 GLAMPING (CAMPSITES) x 882 x 905 x 880 x 910 4% x E928 x 924.5 10% 4% x 905 x 930x 926 x E925 x E925 x 925 x 893 x 889 x 883 x e869 x e877 x 883 x 883 x e870 x e873 x e873 x 887 x 882 x 886 7% x e885 x 891 x 881 x e875 x 882 x 892 x 895.5 // e898 3% x 903 x 905.5 x 902 x 883.5 x 889.5 x 892 x 893 10% 10% trees // e902x 900 4% x 893 x 898 x 903 x 901 x 905 x UPPER POOL DECK 924 x 895.5 x 897.3 // e899 5% max 2% max POND x920 //E912 x 924 CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF CABIN 923 FF 5% x 924 x 924 CABIN 923 FF x 906 POND x910 //E906 CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF CABIN 913 FF x PLAZA 897 898 LOWER 912 UPPER x 922 x 933 x 942x 938 x 928 x 925 x 947 x E957 x E929 x 931 x 948 x 951 x 945 x 941 x 944 x 938 x 934 x 937 x 931 x E952 < 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%<4%< 4%< 4% 7FT DIFF x 928 x 933 x 937 x 933 x 925 x e881 <3%x 890x e882 x e901 x e909 4% x 908.5 x 906 x e927 4% x 895 x 903 x 905.5 x 901 x 909 / 927 x 904.5 x 901 x 906 x 902 x 894 x 897 x 899 x 898 x e889 x e895 9% x 916 10% x 910 x 917 12%x 917x 922 1.5% x 918 11-12%x 947 x E961 x 954 x E968 x E956 x 954.25 x 947.5 x 955 x 959 11-12% x E954 x 956 11-12% x 956 960 x x 904.5 LOWER POOL DECK x 893 PATH x EDGE OF LAWN 921 x EDGE OF PLANTER 919 ATASCADERO HOSPITALITY DESTINATIONMASTER PLAN // SITE L103 29 24 1" =50'-0" A30SITE SECTION 3 45 870 8 8 0 890 900 910 920 930 940 95 0 96088 0 89 0 900 910 920 930 940 950 880874876878882880890900910920930940950 PAGE 1 OF 1 PP24-8063 DRR BY: RAH/ZKP Date: 5/6/2024 LEGEND: DEL RIO RANCH PROJECT BOUNDARY IMPERVIOUS SURFACE POTENTIAL DETENTION/ RETENTION BASIN POTENTIAL UNDERGROUND STORAGE (E.G., STORMTECH CHAMBERS) OUTLET #1 EXIST. CITY STORM DRAIN INLETS FOR REVIEW ONLY. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. Del Rio RanchPreliminary Drainage Exhibit 0 50'100' (IN FEET) 25' GRAPHIC SCALE 1 IN = 50 FT OUTLET #2 SURFACE RUNOFF DOWN EL CAMINO REAL TO OFFSITE CATCH BASINDETENTION BASIN #1 DETENTION BASIN #2UNDERGROUND STORMWATER CHAMBERS 46 DEL RIO RANCH 47 48