HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_06_25_2024_Public Comment Received by EmailFrom:Cindi Armour Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 9:16 PM To:City Clerk Subject:proposed development by dove creek Hello, my name is Cindi Armour and I live on cashin and bliss, my backyard looks out over this proposed disaster.. My family and I are very concerned with the traffic problem that is already happening in Dove Creek, the concern is for the residents who would be most impacted , which would be us...not to mention the noise of construction alone would be maddening at best, Our quality of life would greatly suffer and my husband is fighting cancer and needs to rest and relax. I don't see how that would happen if this construction starts in... This was supposed to be our safe place, our home, it will forever be changed if this goes through. Please think of the people, not just all about the money!!! Thank you for your time............................ Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:Kathryn Love Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 6:35 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Dove Creek Project - in support Hello, I am a homeowner in the Dove Creek neighborhood. We would like to see the corner lot developed in a way that serves the community. We hope to see some small commercial/retail businesses and are not opposed to housing as our community desperately needs it. We especially need smaller and more affordable places for entry level homeowners.This project as proposed looks good to us! Thank you, Kathryn Love Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:Cecilia Solano Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:53 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Dove creek project Hello my name is Cecilia, and I am here to let you know that Do e Creek has my support with it being built. This town needs something new and fun like this to bring families and people together to make wonderful memories. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:Jeff Landon Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:49 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Notice of Public Hearing for Dove Creek Just read through the site plan and it looks like it would be a great use of the 5 acres. It seems like the condominium buffer between Dove Creek and the new commercial would be highly desirable to the near by resistances. Best regards, Jeff Landon Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:David Pickering Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:31 PM To:City Clerk Subject:DEV23-00079_Support of Mixed Use Commercial Development/Dove Creek_06-25-24 Dear Members of the City Council, I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the proposed multi-use commercial development at Dove Creek. As a resident in Dove Creek for the past decade, I am confident that this development will pump some needed life into the south part of Atascadero. My wife and I moved to Dove Creek in 2014 to start a family. We were blessed to be surrounded by other young families with kids in the neighborhood. We love the neighborhood, the trails, the playground sets, Halloween madness, and Dove Creek’s proximity to Paloma Creek Park. Still, as our kids are now in elementary school and surrounded with friends around the clock, we have always dreamed of added amenities within Dove Creek and/or Atascadero that were more kid/family friendly. Would be nice to enjoy an outing where we can walk up the block for dessert or a couple of beers. If you don’t believe me, check out the playground and basketball court at around 4-7pm. It is flooded with kids, toddlers, dogs, families. This is currently the social hub of Dove Creek. Given that I am a resident, I have taken interest in this project and therefore, attended the majority of the city council meetings concerning this lot. I have also read over the comments that were forwarded and made public for today’s meeting agenda as well as some the discussions that frequent Facebook for Dove Creek and Nextdoor. Despite all the pushback being received today, I can guarantee that upon opening day of this mixed use lot, people will be lining up at its doors. It will draw a crowd as it is what the City of Atascadero needs. Yes, crowds bring forth some issues and I do feel some of the concerns in letters submitted for today’s meeting are valid and my hope is that Mr. David Singer, the developer, and the City Council continue to work out a happy medium on issues regarding parking, noise, and influx of traffic. Atascadero is in need of this commercial development. As a business owner, I understand the developer’s painstaking time, effort and energy placed into this project. I have seen all the accommodations made to appease the residents. I ask that the city approve this project before we lose this opportunity to do something great with it. Thank you for considering my perspective. I look forward to witnessing the positive impact this development will have on Dove Creek and our city of Atascadero as a whole. Sincerely, David Pickering Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:RibLine<ribline@gmail.com>Sent:Tuesday,June25,20245:21PMTo:CityClerkSubject:SupportforDoveCreekProjectinAtascadero DearCityCouncilMembers, IamwritingtoexpressmystrongsupportfortheDoveCreekProjectinAtascadero.Thisprojectpresents avaluableopportunitytothecityofAtascadero.IbelievethattheimplementationoftheDoveCreek Projectwillgreatlybenefitourcommunityandcontributetoitsgrowthanddevelopment.Iurgeyouto considerthesignificanceofthisprojectandthepositiveimpactitwillhaveonthiscity.Ihopethatyou willsupporttheDoveCreekProjectandhelpmakeitarealityforthebenefitofourcommunity.Thankyou foryourattentiontothismatterandforconsideringmyinput.Ilookforwardtowitnessingthepositive changesthattheDoveCreekProjectwillbringtoAtascadero. Sincerely, KrystalAppiano OWNER/EVENTDIRECTOR (805)459-9985 WWW.RIBLINE.COM WWW.RIBLINECATERING.COM FOLLOWUS@RIBLINE ATTENTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCity'snetwork.Usecautionwhenopeninglinksandattachments. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:JenniferKincadeSent:Tuesday,June25,20245:14PMTo:CityClerkSubject:11600/11700ElCaminoRealonAPN045-331-014 Iwouldloveforthisprojecttomoveforward.Itwouldbeabenefittothecommunity SentfrommyiPhone ATTENTION: ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCity'snetwork.Usecauonwhenopeninglinksandaachments. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:MiguelSolanoSent:Tuesday,June25,20245:14PMTo:CityClerkSubject:DoveCreekDevelopment Towhomitmayconcern, ThisisinsupportforthedevelopmentofDoveCreek.Ibelieveitisagreatprojecttofurtherimprovethe qualityandadvancementofthecommunityandcityofAtascadero.Thankyouforyourme. MiguelSolano SentfrommyiPhone ATTENTION: ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCity'snetwork.Usecauonwhenopeninglinksandaachments. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:HowardLehwaldSent:Tuesday,June25,20245:18PMTo:CityClerkSubject:PublicHearingforDoveCreek-11600/11700ElCaminoReal Towhomitmayconcern: IbelievethisprojectfortheDoveCreekareawillbeabenefittotheCityofAtascadero.Asour communityofthecentralcoastisstillgrapplingwiththeneedtosupplyhousingandattractmore commercetothearea,thisprojectwouldaccomplishboththosegoals.Ihopethisprojectwillmove forwardthroughtheplanningprocess. -HowardLehwald ATTENTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCity'snetwork.Usecautionwhenopeninglinksandattachments. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:HowardLehwald<howardlehwald@gmail.com>Sent:Tuesday,June25,20245:18PMTo:CityClerkSubject:PublicHearingforDoveCreek-11600/11700ElCaminoReal Towhomitmayconcern: IbelievethisprojectfortheDoveCreekareawillbeabenefittotheCityofAtascadero.Asour communityofthecentralcoastisstillgrapplingwiththeneedtosupplyhousingandattractmore commercetothearea,thisprojectwouldaccomplishboththosegoals.Ihopethisprojectwillmove forwardthroughtheplanningprocess. -HowardLehwald ATTENTION:ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCity'snetwork.Usecautionwhenopeninglinksandattachments. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:MiguelSolano<solano.miguel85@gmail.com>Sent:Tuesday,June25,20245:14PMTo:CityClerkSubject:DoveCreekDevelopment Towhomitmayconcern, ThisisinsupportforthedevelopmentofDoveCreek.Ibelieveitisagreatprojecttofurtherimprovethe qualityandadvancementofthecommunityandcityofAtascadero.Thankyouforyourme. MiguelSolano SentfrommyiPhone ATTENTION: ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCity'snetwork.Usecauonwhenopeninglinksandaachments. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:JenniferKincade<jenniferose18@icloud.com>Sent:Tuesday,June25,20245:14PMTo:CityClerkSubject:11600/11700ElCaminoRealonAPN045-331-014 Iwouldloveforthisprojecttomoveforward.Itwouldbeabenefittothecommunity SentfrommyiPhone ATTENTION: ThisemailoriginatedfromoutsidetheCity'snetwork.Usecauonwhenopeninglinksandaachments. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:Ellen Woodhull Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 3:11 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Agenda Item B-1 Item B-1 In regards to the mixed use project at Dove Creek: Most importantly the number of parking spots are woefully inadequate. I think all will be used by residents leaving none for customers. You cannot expect people to park in their garages as these will more likely be used for storage. You also cannot expect 1 car per bedroom. If a married couple lives there in a 2 bedroom and has a teenager, there could be 3 cars. If 4 roommates are renting a 2 bedroom, there will be 4 cars for the residence. The apartments and condos in Las Lomas are a great example of not enough parking. Extra cars spill over up Calle Milano and Elian narrowing the roadway and impede traffic views at the intersection. In Dove Creek, many residents park in the street and some of the streets are only wide enough for one car at a time due to all the street parking. These residences also have garages that most do not park in. Not enough parking for customers will hinder business from being successful, leading to more vacancies. Each of these businesses will need many customers per hour to be profitable and be able to stay in business. I expect many people will drive through looking for parking and leave in frustration. The hotel should not be in this location as it is a residential area. Not a good fit. Too noisy at night for residents. The hotel should be eliminated and more parking put in place. Ellen Woodhull Atascadero Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:Nathan Meinert Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 11:58 AM To:City Clerk Subject:B1: Dove Creek Mixed-use Project Atascadero City Council, As a member of the community of Atascadero, I urge you not to move forward with this project nor to accept the recommendations from the Planning Commission regarding the Dove Creek Mixed-use Project. The residents of Dove Creek and surrounding areas have many concerns regarding zoning, safety, parking, traffic, HOA, and types of businesses that will be present within the proposed area. This lot was initially Zoned for Commercial use. As a resident of this community I am concerned with the proposal to change this to allow a mixed use of commercial and residential and hotel use. This proposal does not meet the advertised plan for this area when many residents moved to Dove Creek and surrounding communities. Including a hotel within Dove Creek is a concerning addition. The Community of Dove Creek is currently a family friendly neighborhood where kids play and families enjoy community together. Adding a hotel into this environment changes the dynamic and creates potential safety concerns within the community. I urge you not to approve an amendment to the zoning for this project. The current plan for the Dove Creek Mixed-use Project contains a clear lack of planning for traffic flow and parking. This is evident in observing the current needs in the already existing Dove Creek Community. The proposed project contains many new commercial and residential spaces. The parking required to support this new development is not sufficiently included in the proposal and would therefore overflow into the already busy street parking area along Cashin Street and the other nearby areas. The Dove Creek Community cannot take on this additional parking burden. In addition, both proposed entrances are located within the already highly used streets of Dove Creek on Cashin Street and Bliss Street. I urge you to not approve a modification to the parking requirement and to request a thorough updated review of parking and traffic patterns in the Dove Creek Community. Concerned Atascadero Resident, Nathan Meinert Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:Marcia Beckley Kane Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 11:54 AM To:City Clerk Subject:DEV23-0079 The proposed Dove Creek Mixed-use Development will have a significant impact on the Threatened California Red-legged Frogs Habitat and Breeding grounds that are located in the Dove Creek Community. This species is protected under the Endangered Species Act and is Federally Protected. I'm requesting that the City Council do a new Environmental Impact Assessment on the 5.19 lot before making the decision on this development. The last time the city did an Environmental Impact Assessment was 20 years ago in 2004. I believe this is a reasonable request because this parcel has been rezoned to have a 20 unit extended stay hotel, a brewery, a restaurant, a coffee house, a creamery and 71 new townhomes. The Red-legged Frogs' habitat and breeding grounds that is in a 2-mile radius which includes the 5.19 acre plot. The purpose of the Environmental Impact Assessment is to help decision makers be aware of the environmental consequences of their actions before deciding whether to proceed with the proposed development. The fate of the California Red-legged Frogs that live in Dove Creek are in the hands of the city council. Please do the right thing! Marcia Kane Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:John Tucker Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 10:47 AM To:City Clerk Cc:Heather Moreno; Susan Funk; Charles Bourbeau; Mark Dariz; Heather Newsom Subject:Public Comment for Agenda Item B. 1. "Dove Creek Mixed-Use Project" (June 25, 2024) Honorable Mayor (and soon to be SUPERVISOR!) Moreno, City Council and Atascadero City Clerk, My name is John W. Tucker, and although my family resides in Templeton, we own a home within the Dove Creek planned development adjacent to the 5-acre parcel being considered for mixed-use development. I wanted to start by expressing my gratitude to Ms. Gleason for her refreshing level of transparency and responsiveness in her role. With that said, I’ve learned by experience that often these public meetings are merely an exercise of formality, with decisions being made long before public input. The Draft Ordinance seems to validate this point. I am hoping that this is not the case, either for or against this project, and that public input by residents and stakeholders will be considered. For full accountability and disclosure, and in the interest of ensuring that current residents of Dove Creek and the broader community of Atascadero understand a few key potentialities related to the decision you will make tonight, I was hoping that a member of the Community Development team could address the residents in attendance with succinct answers to a few questions: 1. Does the City Council tonight, in fact, have the legal ability and right to vote against this project? On the last behemoth of a project that was proposed, the head of Planning stated “the train has already left the station” when a similar question was posed in a public meeting. 2. If this project is approved, leading to a Dove Creek Master Plan amendment, is there any obligation or assurance that Montage will follow through with the phased development in full, and in phase? 3. If Montage fails to follow through on development in full or in part or walks away entirely, would a similar mixed-use development with the increased residential density within Dove Creek then become by-right, with no similar requirement or opportunity for public review or approval? Of note is that this property has been listed for many years now, both verbatim in commercial listings and implied elsewhere, as “pre-approved for mixed-use development.” If your consent is required, and on our behalf, I find this particularly frustrating and hope that the Atascadero City Council finds it contrary to the spirit of public representation and consent. I am unsure of what conversations have been had with the current property owner, who appears from prior experience as having attempted to “flip” it for a significant profit assuming an easy approval for mixed-use development, but to put it bluntly: it is not the responsibility of the 270+ residents of the Dove Creek Planned Development to assume any risk or degradation of their own home investment plans whatsoever in order to facilitate that vision. Nor is it our obligation to discard our planned development or suffer loss of any kind in order to try to crawl toward compliance with State and local housing goals. If we have a choice, it’s an obvious one. Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting As the staff report details, the issues related to the viability of this lot stem from Dove Creek’s very beginnings. Similar promises were made as they pertain to commercial and residential plans and phasing. We’ve seen recent examples of how a “trust them” mentality has backfired, as in the case of the Grand Oaks Paseo (the developer of which attempted a similarly scaled mixed-use development within Dove Creek to the one being considered tonight). Years of construction and disruption, a swath of new income properties replacing what was envisioned as unlocking affordable home ownership, and financial/environmental/(insert other excuses) problems leading to undelivered promises. I question the judgment of anyone who would be willing to place that burden of trust and risk on any current resident toward the aim of obtaining a few new ones. While you may see a dirt lot, residents of the Dove Creek community see an unrealized planned development. Please keep the Planned Development as-envisioned by those who built it, and by those who purchased their homes within it: a neighborhood commercial center for South Atascadero. Lastly, I had reached out to Montage under my credentials as a homeowner, the closest house to the entrance to the property, and as a prior member of the Dove Creek Community Association (HOA) in order to gauge their dedication to seeing this project through to completion (and possibly put some minds at ease, including my own), but never received a response. Thank you, John W. Tucker Homeowner, Dove Creek Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:Nancy Cohn Sent:Tuesday, June 25, 2024 9:53 AM To:City Clerk Subject:Dove Creek Mixed Use Project Dear Atascadero City Council, I am not at all in favor of the proposed Dove Creek Mixed Use Project. The intersection of Santa Barbara Road and San Antonio is already over crowded. This does not fit into our beautiful community as it is packed in with too many homes and businesses which will create noise and light pollution in our rural part of town. The original Dove Creek Development already began that trend. I moved to Atascadero 34 years ago to get away from a city environment and this development is much to big a scale to maintain our rural atmosphere. It will impact people and animals within the area negatively. As another person commented there are already many spaces to lease in Atascadero which are currently empty. I don’t understand the need to always build new. Why not redesign the old K-Mart shopping center. If every old space in Atascadero was redesigned and occupied there might be a need for smaller developments, however currently this is not the case and again this project is way to big. This development stinks of UN Agenda 2021-2030 which is full of wording that sounds wonderful but in essence is corralling people into more and more crowded spaces in which we are easier to control and keeps us detached from nature. I am also concerned about the amount of EMF 5G emissions this new project would create. This project needs to slimmed down a great deal in order to maintain a healthy and vibrant community. Sincerely, Nancy Cohn "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul." John Muir Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From: Sean Harrigan Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 10:48 AM To: cityclerk@atascadero.org Subject: Public Comment for 11600/11700 El Camino Real, Atascadero Hello, my name is Sean Harrigan and I'm a resident of the Dove Creek community, where I live with my wife Amanda and our young children, Theo and Rose. We've lived here about a year and a half, though I grew up in the county, in a house my parents still live in today. One of the reasons we fell in love with the neighborhood and bought a house here was the sense of community. Families gather together on the playgrounds. We see our neighbors as we're walking the trails. Traffic in and out of the neighborhood is well-managed, so it feels safe for kids. What concerns me with this new proposal is the hotel/vacation rental units, which feels completely at- odds with our community. I understand that this is a space designated for both residential and commercial use. I welcome the chance for more residents to get to experience what we love about this neighborhood. And while I'm not excited about the increased traffic and decreased parking that could come with new stores, I hope it will be handled responsibly and bring new places for residents to shop and gather. But a hotel or vacation rental will necessarily bring in people who will stay long enough to have a massive impact on the community, but not long enough to become part of it. People who are only visiting for a short time won't have the same understanding or commitment to preserving this community. They may not be as invested in taking care of the designated nature areas of our trails. Or understand that this is a neighborhood with young families and so they have to watch out for young kids in the crosswalks. Or know that this is a very quiet community at night. And we can't count that any kind of oversight will be brought to the people who visit here and whether they'll have any interest in respecting the rules and communal nature of the neighborhood. It's impossible to have the same vetting process or level of accountability for people who are only here for days or weeks. Had a hotel been part of this neighborhood, I don't think that we would have moved here. And now that we're ingrained in this community, I sincerely hope that portion of the proposal is reconsidered and replaced with long-term residential solutions that would feel at home with the rest of this community. Thank you for your time, Sean Harrigan Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From: Angela T Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024 10:57 AM To: cityclerk@atascadero.org Subject: DEV23-0079 Dear City Council, I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed commercial zoning in my residential neighborhood. I own property in Dove Creek and live in my Dove Creek residence. I am opposed for obvious reasons such as, this is a neighborhood where wildlife and families enjoy trails and open space. I pay monthly homeowners dues to maintain this beautiful area of green belts, trails and creeks as does every other homeowner. The hotel guests will not be paying these dues but will be free to use our playgrounds, basketball courts, trails, dog runs and amenities and will not likely treat them like home because it’s not their home. This zone change is not consistent with any applicable comprehensive plan for the Dove Creek Area. There are no grand plans to turn this part of Atascadero commercial. The major push just passed is downtown Atascadero. There is no compelling business need for a hotel in south Atascadero. The existing hotels are not full year round and we are not missing out on tourism because there are not sufficient hotels in south Atascadero. This zone change is not consistent with any surrounding use of the land. No other hotels exist. Thank you for your consideration. Angela Toomey ATTENTION: This email originated from outside the City's network. Use caution when opening links and attachments. From: shayna Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 10:30 AM To: cityclerk@atascadero.org Cc: shayna ; Subject: Dove Creek commercial project comment Hello, As a homeowner in the Dove Creek subdivision we are responding to express our opposition to the proposed project. The project is far too vast. Incorporating way too many businesses in this small space. It will negatively impact or nice and semi quiet neighborhood by bringing unwanted car and foot traffic to our neighborhood as well as degrading the natural environment. This project is NOT a good environmental use of that space and as stated earlier we strongly oppose it. Thank you, Shayna and Chris Bailey Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From: Candice G Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2024 2:07 AM To: cityclerk@atascadero.org Subject: 045-339-002 Dave creek mater plan of development 045-339-002 Dove Creek Master Plan of Development. To whom it may concern: For the past several years the residents in Dove creek have been voicing their disapproval of this project. Every revision that I have seen has failed to address the parking and traffic problems with this large scale project. The two entry points are on private residential streets and the infiux of traffic and parking issues is pushed off onto the residents of Dove creek. A big safety concern is that on Cashin street it's unsafe for two cars to pass when cars are parked on the street. A solution for this would be to change the entry points of this development to El Camino Real or Santa Barbara and increase the number of parking spots. Another solution that would protect the residents in Dove Creek from the infiux of traffic would be to install private gates prior to the round-a-bout on Bliss St and another on Cashin st. paid for by the developer. Another issue with this project is the type and size of the business' that will be going into this small 5-acre space. The proposed short term rentals and restaurant/brewery spaces creates so much noise and light pollution for the new residents and the existing ones that live in Dove Creek. This proposal is too large scale for a residential neighborhood. Not to mention, are these spaces actually going to be fllled with tenants? I see vacant commercial spaces all over Atascadero and high turnover rates for small business in the area. The mission statement on the City of Atascadero website states , "Dedicated to enhancing, and preserving Atascadero's character and safety by helping people plan and build quality projects.” This proposed project in its current state is not enhancing or preserving Atascadero’s charter or safety to the residents that live nearby. When the Dove Creek Community was developed the area around the creek was preserved to protect the Federally Threatened California Red-legged Frog that lives in the creek and green spaces that surround the Dove Creek Community. The California Red-legged Frogs' breeding ground is a 2 mile radius which includes the Dove Creek Parcel that is planned to be developed. How is this large scale project going to ensure that there is space to protect these creatures as well as the Residents that live in this community. In closing this development will negatively impact the Dove Creek Community streets, sidewalks, and parks that the Dove Creek HOA pays to maintain. Thank you for your consideration, Candice Gerber Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting From:Cindi Armour Sent:Tuesday, June 11, 2024 5:38 PM To:City Clerk Subject:dove creek proposed building I have something to say that day and I hope I can stand up with fellow dove creek folks to defend my opinion..... Public Comment Received by Email 6/25/24 City Council Meeting