HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2024_04_09_SLOCOG PresentationLOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 LOCAL ROAD REPAIR & TRANSPORTATION SAFETY INVESTMENT PLAN SUMMARY $700 M Funded by a proposed half-cent sales tax, requiring two-thirds voter-approval. Twenty-five counties throughout California have passed similar measures, choosing to fund transportation projects and infrastructure improvements within their local communities. These measures ensure that all funds raised stay local and cannot be stolen by Sacramento. Enacting such a measure would also return a fair-share of State and Federal funds to San Luis Obispo County by qualifying the region for an additional $900 million in competitive grants. 20 YEARS If placed on the ballot and approved by voters, the proposed measure would ensure a dedicated, reliable source of funding to address road repair and critical safety needs for the next 20 years. Total funding distributed by subregion based on population, over 20 years $100M, 14%North CoastMorro Bay,Cambria,Cayucos, Los Osos $154M, 22% Central CountySan Luis Obispo, Avila Beach $246M, 35%North CountyAtascadero, Paso Robles, San Miguel, Creston, Santa Margarita, Shandon, Templeton $200M, 29% South CountyArroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, Nipomo, Oceano 1includes 1% maximum administration fee, unescalated for inflation 1 LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 $162 M66% $84 M 34% NORTH COUNTY PROJECTS $246 M Local Projects - 66%$162 M Atascadero $49 M • Road Repairs to El Camino Real, Traffic Way, Santa Lucia Road, & San Gabriel Road $30 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °US 101 corridor congestion/safety improvements to overcrossings, intersections, interchanges, signalization, ramps, parallel routes (San Anselmo Avenue and Santa Rosa Road) °Local Road Safety Improvements, bridges, guardrails, road widening, pavement edge improvements °Safe Routes to School and trail & walkway connectivity °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $19 M Paso Robles $52 M • Road Repairs to Union Road, Paso Robles St., Creston Rd, Niblick Rd, Spring St, Commerce $30 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °US 101 corridor congestion/safety improvements to overcrossings, intersections, interchanges, signalization, ramps, parallel routes -Highway 46E (US 101 to Jardine Rd.) safety improvements / Union Overcrossing -Salinas River Trail & Eastside “Grand Loop” bikeway -US 101 / Highway 46W interchange improvements °Safe Routes to School °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $22 M Local Projects Regional Projects Pa s o R o b l e s Sa n M i g u e l Sa n t a M a r g a r i t a At a s c a d e r o Cr e s t o n Sh a n d o n Ot h e r / U n i n c o r p . Te m p l e t o n Re g i o n a l R o a d S a f e t y M o b i l i t y f o r A l l $80 M $70 M $60 M $50 M $40 M $30 M $20 M $10 M LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 NORTH COUNTY PROJECTS San Miguel • Road Repairs and Safety Improvements to Mission St. Sidewalks $9 M Creston • Safety improvements to Highway 41/Creston/La Panza intersection $2 M Santa Margarita/Garden Farms • Downtown Safety Improvements to Highway 58 • Road Repairs and Safety Improvements $6 M Shandon • Centre Street safety and revitalization • Road Repairs, Paving, and Safety Improvements $5 M Templeton • Road Repairs and Safety Improvements (Vineyard Dr. and others) • Local Interchange improvements $21 M Other/Unincorporated $18 M • Road Repairs and Safety Improvements for all North County Unincorporated areas $6 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °US 101 corridor congestion/safety improvements to overcrossings, intersections, interchanges, signalization, ramps, parallel routes °Safe Routes to School °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $12 M Regional Projects - 34%$84 M Regional Road Safety Improvements • Highway 46E (US 101 to Jardine Rd.) safety improvements, including Union Road intersection $30 M • North County US 101 Regional Safety Corridor Improvements °At US 101 Northbound off-ramp to Highway 46E °Between Cuesta Grade and San Miguel, to address safety, mobility, and congestion issues (i.e. lanes, interchanges, crossings, ramps, bus, vanpool, parallel routes) $37 M Mobility for All $17 M • Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $7 M • Active Transportation (Bicycle & Pedestrian) °Templeton, Vineyard Drive improvements °Salinas River/N. Anza Trail corridor °Paso Robles River Trail/Grand Loop trail °Atascadero Westside corridor $10M TOTAL $246 M*Dollar amounts shown in millions (M) reflect estimates from a half-cent sales tax generating $35M/year for 20 years, unescaleted for inflation. Actual dollar amounts may fluctuate based on local retail sales and inflation, but distributions are guaranteed as a relative percentage of total funds collected. LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 $132 M66% $68 M 34% SOUTH COUNTY PROJECTS $200 M Local Projects - 66%$132 M Arroyo Grande $33 M • Road Repairs to Grand, N. Oak Park, E. Branch, W. Branch, James Way, El Camino Real, Traffic Way $29 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °US 101 corridor congestion/safety improvements to over/undercrossings, intersections, interchanges, signalization, ramps, parallel routes in the Five Cities area °Safe Routes to School °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $4 M Grover Beach $24 M • Road Repairs on Grand, Oak Park, 4th, El Camino Real, Farroll, The Pike, and other local streets $22 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °Intersection improvements °Safe Routes to School °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $2 M Pismo Beach $16 M • Road Repairs to Bello, Cypress, 4th, Five Cities, Price Canyon Rd., Hines $8 M Local Projects Regional Projects Gr o v e r B e a c h Pi s m o B e a c h O c e a n o Ar r o y o G r a n d e Ni p o m o Ot h e r / U n i n c o r p . R e g i o n a l R o a d S a f e t y M o b i l i t y f o r A l l $50 M $40 M $30 M $20 M $10 M LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 SOUTH COUNTY PROJECTS • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °US 101 corridor congestion/safety improvements to over/undercrossings, intersections, interchanges, signalization, ramps, parallel routes in the Five Cities area °Intersection improvements, Promenade maintenance/extensions °Safe Routes to School °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $8 M Nipomo • Road Repairs and Safety Improvements to roads in Nipomo, Black Lake, Woodlands, Callender; Tefft, Orchard, Thompson, and Pomeroy • Local Interchange improvements $24 M Oceano • Safe Routes to School, Beach Access • Road Repairs, Sidewalks, and Safety Improvements to 4th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, Elm, Pier $11 M Other/Unincorporated $23 M • Road Repairs to Halcyon, Price Canyon, Orcutt, Lopez; and Safety Improvements for all South County Unincorporated areas $12 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °US 101 corridor congestion/safety improvements to overcrossings, intersections, interchanges, signalization, ramps, parallel routes °Safe Routes to School °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $11 M Regional Projects - 34%$68 M Regional Road Safety Improvements $50 M • South County US 101 Regional Safety Corridor Improvements, between Shell Beach and the Santa Maria River, to address safety, mobility, and congestion issues based on latest adopted plan (i.e. lanes, interchanges, crossings, ramps, bus, vanpool, parallel routes, etc.) Mobility for All $17 M • Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $8 M • Active Transportation (Bicycle & Pedestrian) °Bob Jones, Coastal, and South Anza Trails °Promenades & Boardwalks $9M TOTAL $200 M *Dollar amounts shown in millions (M) reflect estimates from a half-cent sales tax generating $35M/year for 20 years, unescaleted for inflation. Actual dollar amounts may fluctuate based on local retail sales and inflation, but distributions are guaranteed as a relative percentage of total funds collected. LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 $66 M66% $34 M 34% NORTH COAST PROJECTS $100 M Local Projects - 66%$66 M Morro Bay $21 M • Road repairs, safety, and congestion improvements °Pavement management program programs (i.e. Road Repair) °Local Roadway Safety Plan implementation projects °Embarcadero congestion improvements °South Bay Blvd. climate adaptation roadway improvements °Pedestrian Safety °Bridges °Public docks °Tidelands park boat ramp °Roadway striping °Safe Routes to School °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans Cambria $10 M • Road Repairs, Safety and Congestion Improvements to Burton, Ardath, Main, Windsor, Highway 1 Cayucos $4 M • Road Repairs, Safety Improvements, and Downtown Improvements Local Projects Regional Projects Ca m b r i a Ca y u c o s M o r r o B a y Lo s O s o s Ot h e r / U n i n c o r p . R e g i o n a l R o a d S a f e t y M o b i l i t y f o r A l l $25 M $20 M $15 M $10 M $5 M LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 NORTH COAST PROJECTS Los Osos • Road Repairs, Safety Improvements, and Downtown Improvements identified in the Community Plan, including 2nd Street revitalization and LOVR corridor multiuse path $20 M Other/Unincorporated $11 M • Road Repairs and Safety Improvements for all North Coast Unincorporated areas $6 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °Safe Routes to School °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $5 M Regional Projects - 34%$34 M Regional Road Safety Improvements $17 M • Highway 1 Safety improvements (i.e., lanes, interchanges, crossings, ramps, bus, vanpool, parallel routes, etc.) • S. Bay Blvd. multimodal, capacity, and climate resiliency improvements Mobility for All $17 M • Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $8 M • Active Transportation (Bicycle & Pedestrian) °Coastal Trail °Chorro Valley Trail °Boardwalks °Pedestrian/bicycle safety and operational improvements on Los Osos Valley Road between 9th and Montana de Oro State Park $9 M TOTAL $100 M*Dollar amounts shown in millions (M) reflect estimates from a half-cent sales tax generating $35M/year for 20 years, unescaleted for inflation. Actual dollar amounts may fluctuate based on local retail sales and inflation, but distributions are guaranteed as a relative percentage of total funds collected. LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 $102 M66% $52 M 34% CENTRAL COUNTY PROJECTS $154 M Local Projects - 66%$102 M San Luis Obispo $77 M • Road Repairs to Los Osos Valley Road, Broad Street, Tank Farm $37 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °East/West major roadway safety and mobility improvements (Tank Farm and South Street) °Broad St. Safety Improvements (South St. to Buckley) °Foothill Safety Improvements (Patricia to California) °Intersection Safety Improvements (Foothill & Santa Rosa, California & Taft) °Prado Road Improvements °Local safety and intersection improvements °Safe Routes to School (Laguna, CL Smith, Sinsheimer, and SLO High crossings) °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $40 M Avila Beach $3 M • Road Repairs and Safety Improvements Local Projects Regional Projects Av i l a B e a c h Sa n L u i s O b i s p o Ot h e r / U n i n c o r p . R e g i o n a l R o a d Sa f e t y M o b i l i t y fo r A l l $80 M $70 M $60 M $50 M $40 M $30 M $20 M $10 M LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 CENTRAL COUNTY PROJECTS Other/Unincorporated $22 M • Road Repairs and Safety Improvements for all Central County Unincorporated area (Orcutt, Foothill, Buckley)$10 M • Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements °Los Osos Valley Road (Laguna Middle School to Foothill) °Highway 227 °Intersection improvements at Los Osos Valley Road & Foothill °Safe Routes to School (San Luis Bay Drive and Los Ranchos) °Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans $12 M Regional Projects - 34%$52 M Regional Road Safety Improvements $30 M • US 101 Regional Safety Corridor improvements, between Cuesta Grade and Avila Beach Dr. to address safety, mobility, and congestion issues, based on the latest adopted plan (i.e. lanes, interchanges, crossings, ramps, bus, vanpool, parallel routes, etc.) • Highway 227 corridor safety and congestion improvements (between Tank Farm and Price Cyn) Mobility for All $22 M • Public Transportation, Senior Transportation, and Disabled Services $11 M • Active Transportation (Bicycle & Pedestrian) °Coastal Trail °Chorro Valley Trail °Bob Jones Trail °Edna/Anza Trail $11 M TOTAL $154 M*Dollar amounts shown in millions (M) reflect estimates from a half-cent sales tax generating $35M/year for 20 years, unescaleted for inflation. Actual dollar amounts may fluctuate based on local retail sales and inflation, but distributions are guaranteed as a relative percentage of total funds collected. LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 SAFEGUARDS IN THE PLAN SAFEGUARDS The Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan includes strong taxpayer safeguards to ensure that the projects and programs approved by the voters are funded and delivered as promised. Included in the plan: • 20-year sunset date • 1% administrative expense cap • Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee • Annual independent audit and annual reporting • Strategic implementation plan required to be developed with local input groups • No revenue generated shall be used to replace fair share contribution from new development • Requirements that funding be used to augment, and not replace, local funds All funding stays local and cannot be stolen by Sacramento. LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 SAFETY & RELIABILITY Safety and reliability is critical to our transportation system’s function. The Plan aims to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on our highways, streets, and roads, while improving system reliability by focusing on operational efficiency and resilency to environmental changes and natural disasters. IMPROVED MOBILITY Quality of life depends on our ability to access jobs, goods, and services. The Plan will improve mobility by ensuring transportation to and from places such as work, school, shopping centers and medical appointments remains accessible & affordable for everyone living and working in the San Luis Obispo County region. TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF Traffic congestion increases travel times and has a harmful effect on air quality. The Plan will improve travel times and preserve our air quality by investing in transportation solutions that reduce traffic congestion across our region. GRANT LEVERAGE Our region competes for grant funding with other California regions. Many grants require applicants to provide local match money to win back State and Federal funds through these grant programs. The Plan leverages funding collected from this half-cent sales tax to return our fair-share of State and Federal funds to the region. By securing funds locally through The Plan, San Luis Obispo County and its cities qualify for an extra $900 million in competitive grants. ECONOMIC VITALITY Our region depends on goods movement, travel and tourism to support our local economies. The Plan ensures our communities will continue to prosper by securing funds for the transportation infrastructure that is needed to balance economic growth and development. BENEFITS OF THE PLAN LOCAL ROADS FIRSTSLO COUNTY & CITIES Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan Summary Draft 3-5-24 ABOUT THE PLAN Ensures local funding collected stays in local communities Guarantees funding cannot be re-allocated to other projects and must be spent on improving transportation Creates jobs that will support the maintenance and improvement of transportation infrastructure in San Luis Obispo County, its cities and communities Brings more Federal and State tax dollars back to San Luis Obispo County through competitive grant programs The San Luis Obispo County region will need $5.4 billion in transportation infrastructure over the next 23 years, but only expects $3.1 billion in available funds. With a $2.3 billion projected deficit, basic transportation projects such as fixing potholes, improving road safety, and reducing traffic congestion cannot be implemented. The Local Road Repair & Transportation Safety Investment Plan would add a half-percent sales tax to every dollar spent within the region, generating $700 million over 20 years (unescalated for inflation). Funding would be allocated to each subregion based on its population and be required to stay local, with a minimum of 99% going to improve transportation infrastructure and safety. In addition, jobs would be created, public transit would be improved, and tourists would pay for the roads they use. LEARN MORE AT LOCALROADSFIRST.COM