HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Resolution 2024-0002PC RESOLUTION 2024-0002 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL AMEND TITLES 3: FINANCE, AND TITLE 9: PLANNING & ZONING: TO PROVIDE UPDATES FOR GENERAL PLAN AND PROCESSING CONSISTENCY AND PROVIDING CLARITY RELATED TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND LAND USE DEFINITIONS, AND DETERMING THIS ORDINANCE IS EXEMPT FROM REVIEW UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. TITLE 3: FINANCE AND TITLE 9: PLANNING AND ZONING CODE UPDATES (ZCH22-0053) WHEREAS, an application has been received from the City of Atascadero (6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422), to consider Zone Change Text Amendments to Title 3 and Title 9; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to enact these amendments to Title 3 Finance and Title 9 Planning and Zoning of the Municipal Code for consistency with the General Plan and State Law and to maintain a clear and legible set of Zoning Regulations that is easily interpreted by the public and staff; and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Planning and Zoning Text Change application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said Planning and Zoning Text Amendments; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, California makes the following findings, determinations and recommendations with respect to the proposed Code Text Amendments: SECTION 1. Findings for App roval of a Zone Text Change. The Planning Commission finds as follows: 1. FINDING: The Planning and Zoning Text Change is consistent with General Plan policies and all other applicable ordinances and policies of the City. FACT: The proposed zoning code text amendments update existing chapters for clarity and consistency with the General Plan and State law. FINDING: This Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance will provide for the orderly and efficient use of lands where such development standards are applicable. FACT: The proposed text contains provisions that address the unique characteristics of Atascadero and provide for safe and orderly development of structures and land uses consistent with State law. 2. FINDING: The Text Change will not, in itself, result in significant environmental impacts. FACT: The proposed code texts amendments align with what was intended in the City's current General Plan. Therefore, the amendments are consistent with the previous General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR). SECTION 2. CEQA. This Ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public resources Code Section 21000 et seq., because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the enactment of this Ordinance would have a significant effect on the environment (Pub. Resources Code § 21065; CEQA Guidelines §§ 15378(b)(4), 15061(b)(3). SECTION 3. Recommendation of Approval. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on February 6, 2024, resolved to recommend that the City Council introduce for first reading by title only, an Ordinance that would amend the City Finance and Planning and Zoning Code Text with the following: EXHIBIT A: Zone Text Change — Title 3 Finance Ordinance EXHIBIT B: Zone Text Change — Title 9 Planning and Zoning Ordinance BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be delivered forthwith by the Planning Commission Secretary to the City Council of the City of Atascadero. On motion by Commissioner Hughes, and seconded by Vice Chairperson van den Eikhof, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: Carranza, Heath, Hughes, Schmidt, Keen, van den Eikhof (6) NOES: None (1) ABSTAIN: None (0) ABSENT: Anderson (1) ADOPTED: February 6, 2024 CITY O ATASCADERO, CA Tori Keen Planning Commission Chairperson Phil Dunsmore Planning Commission Secretary Exhibit A: Zone Text Change - Title 3 Finance Ordinance I _ 3-5.105 Cardrooms. (a) License Required. It shall be unlawful for any person for him or herself, or for any other person, to engage in or carry on, maintain or conduct, or cause to be engaged in, carried on, maintained, or conducted, any cardroom in the City without first having secured a license from the City to do so according to each and every requirement of this section or without complying with each and every regulation set forth in this section pertaining to such cardroom. Each licensee and operator of a cardroom shall employ only those persons who have obtained a work permit as defined and set forth herein. (b) Definitions. (1) Act. "Act" shall mean the Gambling Control Act as codified in Division 8, Chapter 5 of the California Business and Professions Code (commencing with Section 19800). (2) Applicant. "Applicant" means every person who applies for a license to operate a cardroom and every individual who requests a permit as provided for by this chapter. (3) Billiard Parlor. For the purpose of this chapter, a "billiard parlor" or "pool room" includes a fixed place of business of any kind where billiards, pool, snooker or eight -ball or other similar games tables are maintained on the premises, whether or not coin-operated. (4) Card Games. "Card games" as used in this chapter means all forms of card games authorized by the State of California. (5) Cardroom. "Cardroom" as used in this chapter means any building or structure, or any portion of a building or structure, or any premises or place where any person or persons are allowed to play a card game as defined in this section. (6) Card Table. "Card table" as used in this chapter means a card table within a business premises where there is carried on any card game for compensation, which game is not unlawful under the provisions of California Penal Code Section 330, or any other provision of law. (7) Chief of Police. "Chief of Police" means the Chief of Police and designee. (8) Director of Administrative Services. "Director of Administrative Services" shall be the Director and designee. (9) Employee. "Employee" means every individual, employed either as an agent, employee, or otherwise, of the licensee, as defined in this section, or under the direction and control of the licensee of any cardroom, with or without compensation. Anyone who is required to routinely enter into the card playing area during the course of his or her duties is considered an employee. The term "employee" does not include a bartender, culinary worker or other person not directly connected with the cardroom operation. (10) License. "License" as used in this chapter means a grant from the City Council authorizing a person as defined in this section to operate a cardroom within the City of Atascadero. (11) Licensee. "Licensee" means the person, as defined in this chapter, to whom a cardroom license has been issued pursuant to this chapter. (12) Person. "Person" means and includes any individual, partnership, corporation or combination, business entity or combination thereof. (13) Work Permit. "Work permit" means a grant of permission from the Director of Administrative Services to an individual allowed by this chapter to work as an employee in a cardroom within the City of Atascadero. (c) License—Application—Bond. To apply for a cardroom license, a person shall take the following steps: (1) Every applicant for a license shall first obtain a State gambling license as required by the Gambling Control Act and the implementing regulations (California Code of Regulations, Title 11, Division 3, Chapter 1, Article 1, Section 2000 et seq.). Every applicant shall fully comply with the Act and the implementing regulations including, but not limited to, Section 2050 of Title 11 of the California Code of Regulations that requires an owner or a key employee, as defined by the Act, to be on the premises, at all times that the establishment is open to the public unless the Division of Gambling Control authorizes availability by telephone. Key employees must obtain a key employee license as required by the Act; (2) File with the City Clerk a written application, signed by the applicant, setting forth the nature of the business that he or she wishes to engage in and the place where he or she proposes to establish such business, including the particular building, and room or rooms; (3) The true and correct name and address of each applicant of the building or structure within which the cardroom is proposed to be maintained shall be included with the license application. Written consent from the owner of the building or structure is required on the application; (4) Submit a bond surety in a form approved by, to be approved b} -the C:r. Gouneil Director of Administrative Services in the penal itim amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) payable to the City. The following condition shall be added to a cardroom license regarding the surely, when approved by the City: (i) Neither the applicant nor anyone in his or her employ in such business will violate any ordinance of this City or any law of this State, or of the United States of America, or any political subdivision or agency thereof, during the time for which such license is granted. That upon a violation of the condition of such surety, the same shall be and become due and payable to such City and the penalty thereof may be recovered in a civil action. The conviction of, or plea of guilty by, the person to whom such license is issued, or anyone in his or her employ in such business for the violation of any such ordinance or law, shall ipso facto work a forfeiture of such surety, and any such conviction or plea of guilty shall be conclusive evidence of such forfeiture, and in the event of such conviction or plea of guilty the license shall be canceled; (5) That the applicant verify with the Director of Community Development, that the subject property zoning permits the proposed cardroom use; (6) A statement that the applicant understands and agrees that the application shall be considered by the Cit Couneil Director of Administrative Services after evidence has been presented to the City that provides clear indication of a clean criminal record a fill investigation and rope4s iflel ,, ing any available efifninal and affest and eenvie4ien effendef infefma&n, have been ffiade by the Chief of Poliee, other- City offieials E)r- their- atithefized repr-esent4ives. A stAement that the applioant autherizes the Gib, OF its allthOFiZed agents te update the investigation and baeligratind infermation on an afin _�_ hb-Asis ift the, .i: 4i is appr-oved. (d) Standards for Issuance. The Gib, veil Administrative Services Director shall consider and determine whether to issue a license to operate a cardroom subject to the following conditions: (1) No more than a total of six (6) card tables shall be licensed to operate within the City under the provisions of this chapter. (2) No one (1) permittee shall be authorized to operate more than a total of six (6) card tables within the City. (3) No more than six (6) card tables shall be operated and maintained within any single business premises within the City. (4) No card table license shall be issued unless the location for the cardroom(s) is in compliance with all applicable zoning and building regulations of the City. The Community Development Department shall review all applications to verify compliance with the Zoning Code. The Cefffleil Community Development Director -shall consider the effect of the operation of a cardroom on other sensitive uses located in the vicinity of the cardroom, including but not limited to schools, public parks or recreational areas, public buildings with programs for minors, and religious institutions. (5) No cardroom license shall be transferable to another location or permittee without the approval of the City Couneil Administrative Services Director. Playing of all games shall be confined to those designated areas of the cardroom premises as may be set forth in the cardroom license. No playing of any games shall be permitted at any other location within or upon the cardroom premises. (6) No cardroom license shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of any felony, nor to any association, partnership or corporation of which any owner thereof has been convicted of a felony. (7) In addition to any other restrictions provided by law, no card table license shall be issued to anyone who is disqualified from holding a State gambling license for any of the reasons specified in California Business and Professions Code Section 19859. (8) Applicant shall provide to the City copies of all written reports filed with the Division of Gambling Control pursuant to the Act or Title 11 of the California Code of Regulations. (e) Car-dr-eafn Work Permit Appliea4ien and Denial. Ser-viees E)r- designee of the City E)f Maseadere. Fef the per -poses of this ehapter-, "ear-dfeefn enlef:pr-ise > > personnel, eage > waitresses, > employment duties feqttir-e of atAher-ize aeeess to festrieted gambling establishment areas. Applieations for- eafdr-eefn wofk per-mits shall be submitted undef oath and eantain the past er-iminal f!eeer-d, if any, E) the applieant, and sueh infefm4iea as may be deemed neeessafy by the Chief to detefminewhether- the appheant is a proper- per -sen to be issued a ear-dr-eem wer-k pefTait. The appliea4ien also shall pr-oeessing fee r-equifed by the City. (2) A eafdr-oefn,�A,E)dE pefmit shall fiet be issuedto a -ay per -sen whe would be disqualified from subdivision (a) of Section 19859 of the Aet, OF Fegarding whem the Division of Gambling Contfol of the State E) f Californiahas filed ., objeetien to the City. pefmit fef ant, ftifther- eatise deemed reasonable by the Dir-eeten The aetion E)f the Direeter- denying a eardr-own war -k peFmit en the basis of this seetion shall be subjeet to appeal to the City Getifleil. Notiee of sueh appeal shall be filed with the City Cler-k within ten (10) days aftef: the fietiee of denial E)f the peFmit. Upeti failtife to file fietiee of appeal within the ten (10) Elay period, the aetion of the Difeeter- denying the pefmit shall be final and eenelusive. empleyees when they are werking. Git�, Getmeil feselution. The fee shall not be r-etumed in the event giat the pemait is > fevoked, of stispended, as pr-evided in this ehapter-. The pefmit shall be valid for- ette (1) year- ffem the date of issue; however-, it fn&), be pr-ofated quaAefly. The Elate of expir-4ien shall be pr-afninently displayed on the faee „f thepei:mit-. f (7) A statement shall be signed by the appliean� stating tha4 the applieant under-stands aiid agfees , have been made by the Chief of Peliee and othef Git�, effleials of authefized fepfesentatives. A stateffient shall be signed by the applieant stating that the applieant authofizes the City of authorized agents to (f) Peffn4 Revee4ion E)f Suspension. The Dir-eeter may fevoke of suspend, and take possession ef any ear-dr-eem iverk pefmit issued undef this ehapter-, upon any vielation of the pr-evisions of this ehaptef. The aetieft of the Pir-eetef shall be subjeet to appeal te the Gouneil. Nefiee of sueh appeal shall be filed with the Gily Qefk within ten (10) days after- notiee of the reveeati ion aetion. Upon failure .(ge) Revocation of Licenses. The City Council shall have the right to revoke any cardroom license when the possessor thereof has violated, or permitted the violation of, any of the terms of this chapter. The City Council may also revoke any cardroom license when the business being operated is not being conducted in accordance with the public health, safety or welfare or when, in the discretion of the City Council, it is found that the continued operation of such business will create or is creating a policy problem for the City. Prior to revoking any cardroom license, the City Council shall cause to be served on the applicant a notice of its intention to do so at least five (5) days prior to the date upon which it intends to consider the matter of such revocation, and also stating the right of the licensee to appear before the City Council and to show cause why such license should not be revoked. The decision of the City Council with respect to such revocation shall be final. (1}f) Attendance by Minors. No person under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be employed in or allowed to frequent, remain in or visit any room or premises wherein is conducted or operated any card table licensed under the provisions of this chapter. (ig) Patron Security and Safety in and Around a Cardroom Establishment. (1) Each applicant for a cardroom license, at the time of application, and annually thereafter, at the time of cardroom license renewal, shall present a plan for security and safety of patrons of the cardroom in and around the cardroom establishment. The plan shall set forth such provisions as are necessary to ensure the safety and security of patrons, including measures taken or instituted to avoid follow -home robberies. The holder of a cardroom license shall be liable for the safety and security of patrons to the fullest extent under the law. Any effort on the part of a cardroom licensee to limit such liability shall be clearly posted in such a manner as to give adequate notice to patrons. The plan shall include a detailed summary of all known incidents involving or affecting patron security and safety in and around the cardroom establishment for the preceding year. (2) The Chief of Police or designee may require, in his or her discretion, all cardroom licensees to implement reasonable security measures to insure the safety of patrons including, but not limited to, hiring private uniformed security guards. If security guards are required, the Chief of Police shall determine the number and hours of coverage. (3) During all hours of operation, doors at the cardroom establishment shall be unlocked and accessible to the general public and open to police inspection. Cardrooms shall be located and so arranged that card tables and the players at the tables are plainly visible from the door opening of the cardroom when the door is opened. No wall, partition, screen, or similar structure between the front door opening and any card table located in the cardroom shall be permitted if it interferes with such visibility. (ih) Transfer and Assignment. Any transfer or assignment of any license shall be considered for all purposes in the same manner as a new application for a cardroom license in the City, and all the provisions of this chapter applicable to new and original applications shall apply. (ki) Annual Fee. Licenses shall be issued on an annual basis. The annual license fee, payable each fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006, shall be established by resolution of the City Council. The fees shall be payable to the City after the Council has approved the issuance of the license but prior to the issuance of the license. The operator of a cardroom shall pay the license fee set forth in this section regardless of the license fees he or she might pay for other businesses. If the same person operates two (2) or more cardrooms, he or she shall pay on each cardroom the license fee set forth in this section and shall have a separate license for each cardroom. Qi) Police Access to Premises. The City Council finds that it is necessary and in the public interest that law enforcement officers have access to any premises in which a card table is being operated under the terms of this chapter. Any premises for which a license has been issued under the provision of this chapter shall be deemed to constitute a public place, and all police officers and peace officers shall at all times have access thereto during business hours. (mk) Hours of Operation. Unless the hours of operation for a cardroom are restricted in the cardroom permit, a cardroom may operate twenty-four (24) hours per day. Each permittee shall clearly post the hours of operation of the cardroom so as to provide law enforcement and cardroom patrons adequate notice of the hours of operation. If alcohol is served on the premises (with the proper licenses from the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control), all alcoholic beverages shall cease being served between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. each day. (nl) Bets or Wagers. There is no limit on the amount of a single bet or wager unless the cardroom posts notice of a limit. Cardrooms shall establish wagering limits in accordance with such limitations as may be set from time to time by the State of California and the City of Atascadero. The City of Atascadero may set wagering limits by resolution adopted by the c -City ECouncil. Wagering limits, or a notice of no limit, shall be clearly posted to give patrons adequate notice of the rules related to wagering. (1) No cardroom owner, operator, or employee shall permit any of the following: (i) Bets made by any owner, operator, or employee while on duty when any member of the general public is waiting to play in an approved game. (ii) Bets made by a shill or dummy player. (2) Wagering at any table shall be limited to table stakes. No side bets shall be permitted. Table limits shall be posted in a location observable from the table. The cardroom shall set individual table stake limits, not to exceed the wagering limit. Table limits may be changed with not less than thirty (30) minutes notice to the patrons. (em) Penalties for Violations. Any violation of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor, and any person found guilty thereof shall, upon conviction or plea of guilty, be punished by a fine pursuant to Chapter 3 of Title 1 of the Municipal Code or by imprisonment in the jail of the City, or in the jail of the County of San Luis Obispo, for not more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and when a fine is imposed the judgment may direct that the defendant be imprisoned in the county jail until such fine is satisfied at the rate established by the county. (pn) Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this section is for any reason deemed or held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this section. The City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby declares that it would have adopted this section and each subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact any one (1) or more subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or other portions might subsequently be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Exhibit B: Zone Text Change - Title 9 Planning and Zoning Ordinance 9-1.110 Public Hearings When a public hearing before the Design Review Committee, Planning Commission or the City Council is required by this title, such hearing shall be conducted as follows: (a) Notice of Hearing. Notice of a public hearing shall include the time and place of the hearing, a general description of the request, the location of the site, and any additional information which the Planning Director deems appropriate. Such notice shall be given at least ten (10) days before the hearing by first class mail with postage prepaid to all persons whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll as owning property within three hundred (300) feet from the exterior boundaries of the parcel which is the subject of the hearing, except for projects in the RS zoning district which shall require that notices be sent to all such properties within a one thousand feet (1000) from the exterior boundaries of the project site. Such notice shall also be published at least once at least ten (10) days before the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City, or if there is none, it shall be posted in at least three (3) public places in the City. (1) If the number of notices required is greater than one thousand (1,000), as an alternative to the notice required by Section 9-1.110(a), such notice shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to hearing by placing a display advertisement of at least one-fourth (1/4) page in a newspaper of general circulation in the City or by placing an insert with any generalized mailing by the City, such as billing for City services, to property owners in the area required to be notified. (2) Persons filing a written request to receive any such notice shall be given notice by first class mail, A fee may be charged to recover the cost of such mailing. (b) Scheduling of Hearing. When an application has been accepted as complete for processing, received staff review, and a recommendation on the Environmental Determination or Environmental Impact Report has been completed, it shall be scheduled for public hearing on the next available Planning Commission agenda reserved for such matters. Appeals shall be scheduled on the Planning Commission or City Council agenda, as applicable, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal. A public hearing on an application or appeal may be continued to a date specific without providing additional notice. 9-1.111 Appeal. Decisions of the Planning Department or Planning Commission may be appealed by an applicant any aggrieved person, ineludin the Planning Commission, or an'6 the City Council, and/or individual members ther-eef the Planning Commission or City Council. An appeal shall be filed in the f k4t,ef writing, setting forth the reasons for the appeal. An appeal shall be accompanied by any fees required. Appeal fees shall not be required for appeals initiated by the Planning Commission or Abe City Council. or any individual members thereon. When an appeal has been filed, accompanied by required fees, the Planning Director will prepare a report on the matter and schedule determine a hearing date for the appeal for consideration by the appropriate body within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal. The hearing body may affirm, affirm in part, or reverse the action, decision or determination which is the subject of the appeal, based upon findings of fact regarding the particular case. Such findings shall identify the reasons for the action on the appeal, and verify the compliance or noncompliance of the subject of the appeal with the provisions of this title. Appeals relating to matters which are resolvable through adjustment, variance or amendment of this title shall be processed according to the procedures of Sections 9-1.112, 9-1.113, 9-1.114 and 9-1.115, respectively. (a) Planning Department Actions. Determinations on the meaning or applicability of the provisions of this title which are believed to be in error, and cannot be resolved with staff, and any decision of the Planning Department to approve or deny an application may be appealed to the Planning Commission. The Planning Department shall provide the Planning Commission and City Council with notification of its actions. Appeals, accompanied by required fees, shall be filed with the Secretary of the Planning Commission within fourteen (14) days after the decision of the Planning Department. The appeal will be decided by the Planning Commission following a public hearing conducted in accordance with Section 9- 1.110. (b) Planning Commission Decisions. Any decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council by filing a letter of appeal accompanies _ -,quire d fees with the City Clerk within fourteen (14) days of the action of the Planning Commission. The Planning Department shall provide the City Council with notification of Planning Commission actions. Appeals will be decided by the City Council following a public hearing conducted pursuant to Section 9-1.110. 9-3.230 Agriculture and residential district allowable land uses. Table 3-1 identifies the uses of land allowed this Zoning Code in each agriculture and residential district, and the planning permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Section 9-1 and Section 9-2 of this code. Where the last column in the tables ("Specific Use Regulations") includes a section number, the regulations in the referenced section apply to the use. Provisions in other sections of this article may also apply. Table 3-1— Agriculture and Residential Land Uses Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Agriculture/Residential CUP Conditional Use Permit Required Zones ❑ Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zone Special Use A RS RSF LSF RMF Regulation(s) Natural Resources and Processing Resource Extraction CUP CUP 9-6.147— 9.6- 161 Residential Uses Multifamily Housing A 9-3.175 Manufactured Home/Mobile A A A A A 9-6.143 Home Agriculture/Residential Zones A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required AUP Administrative Use Permit CUP Conditional Use Permit Required ❑ Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zone Special Use Regulation(s) A RS RSF LSF RMF Mobile Home Parks CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.142,9- 6.143 Organizational Houses CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-3.175 Residential Accessory Uses A A A A 9-6.106 Single -Family Dwelling A A A A 9-6.143,9- 6.184 Secondary Residential Units A A A 9.5 Temporary Dwelling A A A A 9-6.175 Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly Churches and Related Activities CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.121 Parks and Playgrounds AUP AUP AUP AUP Schools CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.125 Schools — Business and Vocational CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.125 Temporary Events A A A A A 9-6.177 Tourism, Lodging, and Dining Bed and Breakfast CUP CUP CUP CUP Services -Professional Day Care — Small Family Day Care Home A A A A 9-6.125 Day Care — Large Family Day Care�C'';'a r�+or �A �A �A fit, 9-6.125 Child Care Center CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6 1, Kennels CUP CUP 9-6.111 Zoning Districts Abbreviations A — Agriculture LSF — Limited Single -Family Residential RS — Residential Suburban RMF — Residential Multifamily RSF — Residential Single -Family Residential 9-3.330 Non-residential district allowable land uses. A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Agriculture/Residential CUP Conditional Use Permit Required Zones ❑ Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zone Special Use A RS RSF LSF RMF Regulation(s) Medical Extended Care A A A CUP 9-6.134 Services, 6 Clients or Less Medical Extended Care CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.134 Services, 7 Clients or More Residential Care, 6 Clients or A A A A 9-6.135 Less Residential Care, 7 Clients or CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.135 More RCFE — Assisted Living, 6 A A A A 9-6.135 Clients or Less RCFE — Assisted Living, 7 CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.135 Clients or More RCFE — Independent Living CUP Center/Senior Apartments RCFE — Retirement Hotel CUP Transportation, Infrastructure and Communication Pipelines Utility CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Infrastructure Utility Transmission A A A A A Facilities Wireless Communication CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Facilities Zoning Districts Abbreviations A — Agriculture LSF — Limited Single -Family Residential RS — Residential Suburban RMF — Residential Multifamily RSF — Residential Single -Family Residential 9-3.330 Non-residential district allowable land uses. Table 3-2 identifies the uses of land allowed by this Zoning Code in each nonresidential district, and the planning permit required to establish each use, in compliance with Chapters 9-1 and 9-2 of this code. Where the last column in the tables ("Specific Use Regulations") includes a section number, the regulations in the referenced section apply to the use. Provisions in other sections of this article may also apply. Table 3-2 — Non-residential Use Table Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required Nonresidential Zones ❑ Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zones Special CN CP CR CS CT CPK DC DO IP I Regulation(s) Accessory Storage A4 CUP 4 A4 CUP 4 CUP 4 A4 A4 9-6.103 Adult Day Care Facility A A A CUP Adult Oriented Business A A A A 9-16 Age Restricted Housing CUP Agricultural Produce Stands A A A A 9-6.117 Amusement Services A A A A A A Animal Hospitals CUP' CUP A CUP 9-6.110 Artisan Foods and A A A A5 A A Products ATM A A A A A A A A A A Auto Dealers (New and Used) and CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.163 Supplies Auto Repair and Services CUP A A CUP A A 9-6.168 Bar/Tavern CUP CUP CUP A Bed and Breakfast CUP CUP CUP CUP A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required Nonresidential Zones J Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zones Special CN CP CR CS CT CPK DC DO IF I Regulation(s) Brewery — CUP CUP A A Production Broadcast Studios A A Building Materials and Hardware w/ outdoor sales or CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.165 storage area 10,000 sf or greater Building Materials and Hardware w/ outdoor sales or A A A A A A 9-6.165 storage area less than 10,000 sf Business Support A A A A A A A A Services Caretaker's Residence/ CUP CUP CUP Employee Unit Childcare Center A A A CUP 9-6.125 Churches and Related Activities CUP CUP 9-6.121 Collection Stations A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 9-6.130 Contract Construction A A A A Services (Indoor) Contract Construction CUP CUP CUP Services (Outdoor) Data and Computer Services Center AUP AUP CUP A A Day Care A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required Nonresidential Zones ❑ Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zones Special CN CP CR CS CT CPK DC DO IP I Regulation(s) Drive -Through Sales or Services CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-4.122 Eating and Drinking Places A A A A A A A A A A Farm Equipment and Supplies w/ outdoor storage or CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP sales area 10,000 sf or greater Farm Equipment and Supplies w/ outdoor storage or A A A A A sales area less than 10,000 sf Farmers' Market CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP A A Financial Services and Banks A A A A A A CUP A Fuel Dealer A4 CUP A4 A4 9-6.129 General Retail A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 General Retail Greater than 50,000 CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP sf Government Offices and A A A A A A CUPS A A A Facilities Health Care A A A CUP A CUPS A Services Horticultural Specialties w/ outdoor storage or CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.116 sales area 10,000 sf or greater A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required Nonresidential Zones = Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zones Special CN CP CR CS CT CPK DC DO IP I Regulation(s) Horticultural Specialties w/ outdoor sales or A A A A A 9-6.116 storage area less than 10,000 sf Hotels, Motels CUP A A A CUP Indoor Recreation Services CUP CUP CUP A A CUP CUP CUP Kennels CUP A 9-6.111 Large Family Day CUP, CUP, 9-6.125 Care Large Scale Ag Manufacturing CUP CUP A 9-6.103 Laundries and Dry Cleaning Plants A A A A Laundromat/Coin- Operated Laundry CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP A A Libraries, Museums A A A A A A Live/Work Unit A' Manufacturing and Processing — High CUP CUP AUP AUP Intensity4 Manufacturing and Processing — Low CUP CUP A A A A Intensity Medical Extended Care Services: 6 CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.134 Residents or Less A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required Nonresidential Zones -1 Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zones Special CN CP CR CS CT CPK DC DO IP I Regulation(s) Medical Extended Care Services: 7 CUP 9-6.134 Residents or More Medical Research CUP A A CUP A A Membership A A CUP CUP Organizations Microbrewery — A CUP A A A A A A A A Brewpub Mini -Storage CUP CUP A A Mobile Eating and Drinking Vendors6 A A A A A A A A Mixed -Use CUPI CUPI CUPI CUP' A' A' Development Mortuary Services A A A A Multifamily CUPI CUP2 CUP2 CUP2 A' A' Dwelling Offices A A A A A A CUPS A Outdoor Recreation Services CUP CUP A AUP 9-6.123 Parking Lots AUP AUP AUP AUP AUP AUP AUP AUP AUP AUP Parks and A A Playgrounds Personal Service Restricted A CUP CUP Personal Services A A A A A CUP A Printing and CUP CUP A4 A4 A4 Publishing A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required Nonresidential Zones ❑ Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zones Special CN CP CR CS CT CPK DC DO IP I Regulation(s) Public Assembly and Entertainment CUP CUP A CUP CUP RCFE — Assisted Living CUP 9-6.135 RCFE — Independent CUP CUP CUP 9-6.135 Living/Senior Apartments RCFE — Retirement Hotel CUP CUP CUP 9-6.135 Recreational Vehicle Parks A 9-6.180 Recycling and CUP CUP 9-6.131 Scrap Recycling Centers CUP CUP 9-6.132 Research and CUP A A CUP A A A Development Residential Care: 6 AZ AZ 9-6.135 Residents or Less Retail Sales — Restricted A CUP CUP Sales Lots CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.139 Schools A A A CUP CUP 9-6.125 Schools — Business and Vocational A A A A CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.125 Service Stations CUP CUP CUP CUP 9-6.164 Single -Family AlAl A Dwelling A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required Nonresidential Zones ❑ Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zones Special CN CP CR CS CT CPK DC DO IP I Regulation(s) Single -Room CUP 9-6.184 Occupancy Units Small Family Day A8 A8 As A8 A8 Care Social and Service Organizations A A A Sports Assembly CUP CUP A Storage, Recycling and Dismantling of Vehicles and CUP 9-6.131 Material Tasting Room A CUP A A A A A A A A Telecommunication CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Facility Temporary Events A/ CUP A/ A/ A/ A/ A/ A/ A A 9-6.177 CUPS CUPS CUPS CUP3 CUPS CUPS CUPS Temporary Offices A A A 9-6.176 Temporary or A A A A A A A A A 9-6.174 Seasonal Sales Transit Stations CUP CUP A CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Towing Servicesi0 C Vt' A10 A10 9-6.167 Utility Facilities CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Utility Infrastructure A A CUP A A A CUP CUP A A Vehicle and Equipment Storage A CUP A4 A4 9-6.183 (Indoor)4 Notes: (These notes apply only to Table 3-2). 1 Residential uses allowed only on second and third floors. If a project is required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not have an elevator, one accessible unit may be located on the ground floor in conjunction with commercial space and shall not exceed the greater of: 500 sf; or 10% of the size of the ground floor commercial space not to exceed 1,000 sf. 2 Multifamily dwellings permitted when located on the second floor or above, or within an existing residential structure of historical significance. 3 Temporary events requiring more than 3 days for onsite setup and teardown require the approval of a conditional use permit (Section 9-2.110). 4 Outdoor commercial and industrial sales and storage developments (as defined by Section 9-9.102) of 10,000 square feet or more require the approval of a conditional use permit (Section 9-2.110), even if such a development is listed as an allowable use in a particular zoning district. 5 Handcrafted and artisan food production shall be ancillary to the retail component. 6 Mobile food vending permitted on private property with owner's permission and City review of parking and access on-site. Mobile food trucks used as part of an event may be permitted in the right-of-way with the issuance of an Event Permit. 7 When no overnight stays of animals are included. A Allowed Use, Zoning Clearance Required CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required Nonresidential Zones ❑ Not Permitted Permitted Uses By Zones Special CN CP CR CS CT CPK DC DO IP I Regulation(s) Vehicle and Equipment Storage CUP 4 CUP4 CUP4 9-6.183 (Outdoor)' Vehicle and Freight CUP CUP CUP Terminals Warehousing CUP CUP A A Wholesaling and Distribution AUP AUP A4 A4 A4 A4 Center4 Winery — Boutique A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 Winery CUP CUP A4 A4 Production Notes: (These notes apply only to Table 3-2). 1 Residential uses allowed only on second and third floors. If a project is required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not have an elevator, one accessible unit may be located on the ground floor in conjunction with commercial space and shall not exceed the greater of: 500 sf; or 10% of the size of the ground floor commercial space not to exceed 1,000 sf. 2 Multifamily dwellings permitted when located on the second floor or above, or within an existing residential structure of historical significance. 3 Temporary events requiring more than 3 days for onsite setup and teardown require the approval of a conditional use permit (Section 9-2.110). 4 Outdoor commercial and industrial sales and storage developments (as defined by Section 9-9.102) of 10,000 square feet or more require the approval of a conditional use permit (Section 9-2.110), even if such a development is listed as an allowable use in a particular zoning district. 5 Handcrafted and artisan food production shall be ancillary to the retail component. 6 Mobile food vending permitted on private property with owner's permission and City review of parking and access on-site. Mobile food trucks used as part of an event may be permitted in the right-of-way with the issuance of an Event Permit. 7 When no overnight stays of animals are included. 8 Permitted when in association with conforming and legal nonconforming residences. 9 Allowed on ground floor south of Atascadero Creek. Conditional use permit required on ground floor on Palma, East Mall, West Mall Entrada, Traffic Way and on El Camino Real north of Atascadero Creek as designated in Figure 3-1, subject to all of the following findings: a. The location and setting of the existing building is not ideal for pedestrian uses such as restaurants, retail or related uses. b. The existing building and site improvements are designed exclusively for office uses and could not accommodate other uses. C. The proposed new office use will be a significant contribution to economic development by providing new jobs, pedestrian traffic, and active uses in the downtown. d. The proposed new office will meet parking, accessibility, and property development standards and will not result in new parking along Atascadero Creek, East Mall or West Mall. e. The proposed new office building will provide a storefront and other architectural features that complement the pedestrian scale and retail environment desired within the downtown. 10 Outdoor storage of towing related vehicles, towed vehicles, or accessory storage (other than an approved parking lot for employees or fleet vehicles) over eight thousand (8,000) square feet shall require approval of a Conditional Use Permit. (Section 9-2.110), even if such a development is listed as an allowable use in a particular zoning district. Zoning District Abbreviations CN — Commercial Neighborhood CP — Commercial Professional CR — Commercial Retail CS — Commercial Service CT — Commercial Tourist CPK — Commercial Park DC — Downtown Commercial DO — Downtown Office IP — Industrial Park I — Industrial Figure 3-1 9-3.347 DODO Zone. The following are property development standards for both the DC and DO zoning districts, in addition to those found in Chapters 9-4, 9-6, and other special use regulations found in this title. Requirement by Zoning District DC DO Development Feature Downtown Commercial Downtown Office Minimum lot size No minimum Setbacks Minimum and maximum setbacks required. See Section 9-4.103 for setback requirement, allowed projections into setbacks, and exceptions to setbacks. Front None allowed, except for building insets As required by Section 9-4.106 designed to accommodate outdoor eating when adjacent to a residential and seating areas, and except for East Mall zone, none required otherwise. between El Camino Real and Palma Avenue, where a minimum of 20 feet is required. Sides (each) None required Rear None required Creek To be determined through Design Review Height limit 45 feet not to exceed 3 stories; 18 feet on 35 feet the west side of El Camino Real between Atascadero Creek and the lot line common to Lots 19 and 20, Block H -B, Atascadero Colony Map. Landscaping As required by Section 9-4.124 et seq. (Landscaping, screening and fencing) 9-3.500 Definitions. As used in Title 9, the following terms and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section, unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise. A. Definitions "A" Accessory Storage. The indoor or outdoor storage of various materials on the same site as a principal building or land use which is other than storage, which supports the activities or conduct of the principal use. Outdoor accessory storage is limited to ten percent (10%) of the floor area of the principal building in accordance Section 9-6.103. Adult -Oriented Business. Any business defined by Chapter 9 of Title 9 in the Atascadero Municipal Code, or subsequent code section, as an adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store, adult video store, adult cabaret, adult motel, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, massage parlor (excluding State -licensed massage therapy), sexual encounter establishment, or nude model studio is an adult-oriented business. Age Restricted Housing. Residential multifamily or single-family units that restrict occupancy based on age. This use typically consists of senior housing which restricts age for fifty-five (55) and older. Agricultural Accessory Uses. Residential accessory uses that are part of small-scale and/or hobby agricultural activities incidental to the primary residential use of the property, including structures that are designed to house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock, or other horticulture products. This does not include garages, workshops, or other similar residential accessory structures for nonagricultural uses. Requirement by Zoning District DC DO Development Feature Downtown Commercial Downtown Office Minimum lot size No minimum Off-street parking None required, except as required by As required by Section 9-4.114 et Section 9-4.114 for hotels, motels, seq. residential uses, offices, government offices and facilities, and health care services, and for all development east of Atascadero Creek. Signs See Chapter 9-15 Density 20 24 dwelling units/acre maximum N 24 dwelling units/acre maximum Fire backflow devices (a) Fire Backflow Devices. Fire backflow devices are required to be integrated into the site or building design, are prohibited in any public right-of-way, and must also be accessible to Fire Department and Water Company personnel at all times. (b) Fire Connection Devices. Fire department connections shall be installed in accordance with the NFPA standard applicable to the system design and shall comply with Sections 912.2 through 912.7 of the California Fire Code. 9-3.500 Definitions. As used in Title 9, the following terms and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section, unless the context in which they are used clearly requires otherwise. A. Definitions "A" Accessory Storage. The indoor or outdoor storage of various materials on the same site as a principal building or land use which is other than storage, which supports the activities or conduct of the principal use. Outdoor accessory storage is limited to ten percent (10%) of the floor area of the principal building in accordance Section 9-6.103. Adult -Oriented Business. Any business defined by Chapter 9 of Title 9 in the Atascadero Municipal Code, or subsequent code section, as an adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store, adult video store, adult cabaret, adult motel, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, massage parlor (excluding State -licensed massage therapy), sexual encounter establishment, or nude model studio is an adult-oriented business. Age Restricted Housing. Residential multifamily or single-family units that restrict occupancy based on age. This use typically consists of senior housing which restricts age for fifty-five (55) and older. Agricultural Accessory Uses. Residential accessory uses that are part of small-scale and/or hobby agricultural activities incidental to the primary residential use of the property, including structures that are designed to house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock, or other horticulture products. This does not include garages, workshops, or other similar residential accessory structures for nonagricultural uses. Agricultural Produce Stands. Open structures for the retail sale of agricultural products (except hay, grain and feed sales which are included under "farm equipment and supplies") which are grown on the site in residential or agriculture zones. This does not include farmers' markets or "seasonal sales" located in nonresidential zoning districts, defined under "temporary sales." Agriculture Employee Housing. Includes single-family dwellings, or other lodging accommodations provided as a part of farming operations, as regulated under the California Health and Safety Code, employees on land owned by the owner of the building site on which the lodging is located. Amusement Services. Establishments providing indoor amusement, entertainment, or personal enrichment services on payment of a fee or admission charge, such as: arcades and coin-operated amusements; dance halls, and ballrooms which are principal uses rather than being subordinate to an eating or drinking place; health and exercise facilities including yoga, dance, martial arts and similar small studios that do not include courts or similar facilities; and music and arts and crafts instruction. Athletic facilities with basketball, racquetball or similar indoor participation sports are classified as "indoor recreation services." Card rooms, billiard and pool halls as a primary use are classified as "Personal services—restricted." Animal Hospitals. Establishments primarily engaged in performing services for animals, including veterinary services and animal hospitals. Does not include kennels, which are listed as a separate category. Artisan Foods and Products. An establishment that specializes in artisan food production, art glass, ceramics, jewelry, paintings, sculpture, and other handcrafted items, where the facility includes a retail component. Auto Dealers (New and Used) and Supplies. Retail and wholesale trade establishments selling new and used automobiles, including, but not limited to, light trucks (US DOT Class 1, 2, and 3), boats (FBSA Class A and Class 1 boats (under twenty-six (26) feet in length)), recreational vehicles, recreational/utility trailers, motorcycles and mopeds. Also includes establishments selling new parts and accessories within a building for the above. Does not include establishments dealing exclusively in used parts. Includes automobile repair shops only when maintained by establishment engaged in the sale of vehicles on the same site. Does not include "service stations," which are separately defined. Auto Repair and Services. Service establishments primarily engaged in the repair, alteration, painting, washing or waxing of automobiles, and lube services. May also include rental of cars, trucks or trailers; leasing of cars and trucks. Does not include repair shops which are subordinate to and maintained by a vehicle dealership. Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Computerized, self-service machines used by banking customers for financial transactions, including deposits, withdrawals and fund transfers, without face-to- face contact with financial institutions personnel. The machines may be located at or within banks, or in other locations. B. Definitions `B" Bar/Tavern. Establishments where alcoholic beverages are sold for on-site consumption, which is not part of a larger restaurant. Includes bars, taverns, pubs, night clubs, and similar establishments where any food service is subordinate to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Does not include adult entertainment businesses or uses defined under microbreweries or tasting rooms. Bed and Breakfast. Transient lodging establishments primarily engaged in providing overnight or otherwise temporary lodging for the general public. Such establishments provide limited meal service, generally breakfast, for lodgers. Brewery—Production. An establishment which produces ales, beers, meads, hard ciders, and/or similar beverages on site. Production breweries are classified as a use which requires a Class 01 type licensure from Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC). Breweries may also serve beverages on site, and sell beverages for off-site consumption in keeping with the regulations of the Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Broadcasting Studios. Commercial and public communications uses including radio, television broadcasting and receiving stations and studios with facilities entirely within buildings. Does not include antennas and towers, which are defined under "telecommunications facilities." Building Materials and Hardware. Retail trade establishments primarily engaged in the sale of lumber and other building materials, including paint, wallpaper, glass, hardware, nursery stock, lawn and garden supplies. Includes all such stores selling to the general public, even if sales to contractors account for a larger proportion of total sales. Establishments primarily selling plumbing, heating, and air conditioning equipment and electrical supplies are classified in "wholesaling and distribution centers." Business Support Services. An establishment or business located entirely within a building that is open to customer visitation and with limited or no storage, which provides services to other businesses including, but not limited to: Blueprinting and reprographics, copying and quick printing services; Computer related services, repair and rental; Private mail and mailbox service not affiliated with Federal mailing agency; C. Definitions "C" Caretaker Residence/Employee Unit. A permanent residence that is secondary or accessory to the primary use of the property, and used for housing a caretaker employed on the site of any nonresidential use where a caretaker is needed for security purposes or to provide twenty-four (24) hour care or monitoring of plants, animals, equipment, or other conditions on the site. Does not include housing for caretaker -type employees in the Agriculture Zone which is defined as "agriculture employee housing." Cemeteries. Interment establishments engaged in subdividing property into cemetery lots and offering burial plots or air space for sale. Includes animal cemeteries and cemetery, mausoleum and columbarium operations. Excludes funeral parlor and related facilities which are listed under "mortuary services." Churches and Related Activities. Religious organization facilities operated for worship or for promotion of religious activities, including churches and religious Sunday -type schools. Other establishments maintained by religious organizations, such as educational institutions, hospitals and other operations that may be considered commercial in nature if not run by the religious organization (such as a recreational camp) are classified according to their respective activities. Collection Stations. Facilities for the temporary accumulation and storage of recyclable discarded materials, which are subsequently transported to recycling centers or solid waste disposal sites for further processing. Does not include automobile wrecking yards or any recycling processing facilities, which are listed under "recycling and scrap." Does not include temporary storage of toxic, mutagenic or radioactive waste materials. Common Interest Development. A common interest development is a real property development where property owners share a common set of financial obligations, property and easement rights established in a set of recorded restrictions (commonly referred to as "CC&Rs"). Common interest developments may include, but are not limited to, condominiums, planned developments, stock cooperatives, and small lot single-family and multifamily developments along with commercial or mixed- use developments. Contract Construction Services (Indoor). Office uses with or without indoor storage facilities operated by, or on behalf of, a building contractor, exterminator, janitorial service or similar. Can include the indoor storage of materials used for repair and maintenance of contractor's own equipment and for use by the contractor. All uses must be located within an approved, permitted building. Outdoor storage of construction related vehicles, fleet, or accessory storage (other than an approved parking lot for employees or fleet vehicles) is limited to ten percent (10%) of the floor area of the fully enclosed building utilized for the business. Contract Construction Services (Outdoor). Office uses with outdoor facilities operated by, or on behalf of, a building contractor, exterminator, janitorial service, or similar. Outdoor uses may include storage of large equipment, vehicles, and/or other materials commonly used in the individual contractor's type of business and can include the storage of materials used for repair and maintenance of contractor's own equipment. May also include accessory buildings or structures for uses by the contractor. An on-site office building is required. All applicable development standards listed in the code as well as standards for outdoor storage uses must be met. D. Definitions "D" Data and Computer Services/Center. A use where the majority of the space is occupied by computers and/or related equipment and where information is processed, transferred, and/or stored (also commonly referred to as "server farms.)" Data and computer services/centers may contain data technology centers, internet service providers (ISPs), network operation centers, web hosting facilities and other similar establishments primarily engaged in providing direct access through telecommunication networks to computer -held information. Day Care. Facilities that provide nonmedical care and supervision of individuals for periods of less than twenty-four (24) hours. These facilities include the following, all of which are required to be licensed by the California State Department of Social Services or successor agency. Day car_ a uses include the following: • Child Care Center. Child day care facilities designed and approved to accommodate fifteen (15) or more children. Includes infant centers, nursery schools, preschools, sick -child centers, and school- age day care facilities. These may be operated in conjunction with a school or church facility, or as an independent land use. • Large Family Day Care Home. As provided by Health and Safety Code Section 1596.78 or successor provision, a home that regularly provides care, protection, and supervision for seven (7) to twelve fourteen (14children, including up to twe (2) children under the age often (10) years who reside in the home, for periods of less than twenty-four (24) hours per day, while the parents or guardians are away. • Small Family Day Care Home. As provided by Health and Safety Code Section 1596.78 or successor provision, a home that provides family day care for six (6) or fewer children, including two (2) children under the age of ten (10) years who reside in the home. Adult Day Care Facility. A day care facility providing care and supervision for adult clients. Drive -Through Sales or Services. A facility where food or other products may be purchased or where services may be obtained by motorists without leaving their vehicles. Examples of drive-through sales facilities include fast-food restaurants, drive-through coffee, photo -stores, pharmacies, etc. Examples of drive-through service facilities include drive-through bank teller windows, automated teller machines (ATMs), dry cleaners/laundromats, etc., but do not include service stations or other vehicle services, which are separately defined. E. Definitions "E" Eating and Drinking Places. Restaurants and other establishments selling prepared foods and drinks for consumption on the premises, as well as facilities for dancing and other entertainment which are secondary and subordinate to the principal use of the establishment as an eating and drinking place. Also includes lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared goods and drinks for immediate consumption. Restaurants, lunch counters, and drinking places operated as subordinate service facilities within other establishments are not included here unless they are operated as leased departments by outside operators. Does not include establishments with drive-through facilities or uses defined under "adult-oriented business." EV Charging Site. Electric vehicle (EV) charging site includes level one, level two, and level three charging sites that are an accessory use to a primary use, such as a parking lot, building, or multifamily residence. These charging sites are incidental uses and may or may not charge a fee for use. Does not include stand-alone EV charging station as defined in "service stations." F. Definitions "F" Farm Animal Raising. The keeping, feeding or grazing of animals as an avocation, hobby, or school project, subordinate to the principal residential use of a property, includes species commonly considered as farm animals as well as exotic species, but does not include household pets. This includes the raising or feeding of beef cattle, sheep and goats by grazing or pasturing. Does not include uses defined as "livestock specialties." Farm Equipment and Supplies. Establishments primarily engaged in the sale or rental of agricultural machinery and equipment for use in the preparation and maintenance of the soil, the planting and harvesting of crops, and other operations and processes pertaining to work on the farm; also dairy and other livestock equipment including trailers. Includes agricultural machinery, dairy farm machinery and equipment, irrigation equipment, poultry equipment and frost protection equipment; hay, grain and feed sales. Farmers' Market. The temporary and intermittent use of a public or private property for the outdoor sales of food and farm produce in compliance with California Food and Agriculture Code Section 1392 et seq., and artisan products or similar farmers' markets products that include multiple sales vendors. Financial Services. Service establishments primarily engaged in the field of finance, including: banks and trust companies; credit agencies other than banks; brokers and dealers in securities and commodity contracts; security and commodity exchanges; holding (but not predominantly operating) companies; and other investment companies. Fuel Dealers. Retail trade establishments primarily engaged in the sale to consumers of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), propane, bottled or other fuels in bulk. Does not include accessory uses as part of a service station. G. Definitions "G" General Retail. Stores and shops selling either many lines of merchandise, or specialized type of merchandise, where the retail sales are conducted primarily within a building. Examples include, but are not limited to: Antique stores, second hand stores, jewelry stores, hobby materials, specialty stores; Art galleries, art supplies, collectibles, hobby materials; Bicycles, toys, games, sporting goods and equipment; • Department stores, drug stores, pharmacies, supermarkets, groceries stores, specialty food markets, membership warehouse clubs; Florists, house plant stores (indoor sales), small house wares; • Home furniture stores, consumer electronic/audio visual goods, bookstores, home and/or office appliance stores (excludes wholesale sales not open to the general public); New clothing, shoes, and accessory retail stores; Stationery, dry goods, fabric stores and sewing supplies, and variety stores; • Stand-alone convenience markets (excludes fuel sales), warehouse retail stores, building supply hardware stores where outdoor sales are limited to under ten thousand (10,000) square feet. Pawn shops and retail stores that sell smoking, tobacco and vaping products as the primary use are included in "retail sales—restricted." Government Offices and Facilities. Administrative, clerical, or public contact and/or service offices of recognized local, State, or Federal agencies. Includes post offices, City Hall, municipal corporation yards, etc. H. Definitions "H" Health Care Services. Service establishments primarily engaged in furnishing medical, mental health, surgical and other personal health services including: medical, dental, and psychiatric offices (mental health) related services, including various types of counseling practiced by licensed individuals other than medical doctors or psychiatrists, medical and dental laboratories; outpatient care facilities; and allied health services. Associations or groups primarily engaged in providing medical or other health services to members are included. Also includes hospitals and similar establishments primarily engaged in providing diagnostic services, extensive medical treatment including surgical and other hospital services; such establishments have an organized medical staff, inpatient beds, and equipment and facilities to provide complete health care. Nursing homes and similar long-term personal care facilities are classified in "residential care." Home Occupations. The gainful employment of the occupant of a dwelling, with such employment activity being subordinate to the residential use of the property. Horticultural Specialties. Businesses engaged in the production of ornamental plants, tree farms, and other products, grown under cover or outdoors. Also includes establishments engaged in the sale or on-site production of such product. Hotels, Motels. Commercial transient lodging establishments, including hotels, motor hotels, motels, tourist courts, or cabins, primarily engaged in providing overnight or otherwise temporary lodging for less than thirty (30) days, with or without meals, for the general public. Such establishments shall not provide kitchen facilities in more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the units. I. Definitions "I" Indoor Recreation Services. Facilities for various indoor sports and recreation, including: bowling alleys; ice skating and roller skating; gymnasiums, health and athletic clubs; tennis, handball, racquetball and similar indoor sports; shooting and archery ranges; recreation and community centers. Smaller fitness studios without courts are classified as "amusement services." J. Definitions "J" K. Definitions "K" Kennels. A lot, building, structure, enclosure or premises where four (4) or more dogs or cats (four (4) months of age or older) are kept or maintained, including the keeping of such animals for sale, for commercial breeding or for lodging and care. Does not include dogs and cats kept for noncommercial purposes. L. Definitions "L" Large Scale Ag Manufacturing. The large scale processing of agriculture products subsequent to their harvest, with the intent of preparing them for market or further processing including: alfalfa cubing; hay baling and cubing; corn shelling; drying of corn, rice, hay, fruits and vegetables; grain cleaning and custom grinding; custom grist mills; custom milling of flour, feed and grain; sorting, grading and packaging of fruits and vegetables; tree nut hulling and shelling; cotton ginning; and wineries in excess of one thousand (1,000) square feet in total use area. This does not include the growing, harvesting, and production of medical marijuana, or legally approved uses of marijuana by either the State of California or Federal Government. Laundries and Dry Cleaning Plants. Service establishments primarily engaged in high volume laundry and garment services, including: power laundries (family and commercial); garment pressing and dry cleaning; linen supply; diaper service; industrial laundries; carpet and upholstery cleaners. Does not include coin-operated laundries or dry cleaning pickup stores without dry cleaning equipment, which are classified in "personal services." Laundromat/Coin-Operated Laundry. Facilities providing washing and drying machines for use by customers for a fee as a primary use. Dry cleaning pick-up stores are classified as "personal services." Libraries, Museums. Permanent public or quasi -public facilities generally of a noncommercial nature such as libraries, museums, art exhibitions, planetariums, aquariums, botanical gardens, arboretums and zoos. Also includes historic sites and exhibits. Livestock Specialties. Agricultural establishments primarily engaged in commercial livestock keeping or feeding as a principal land use which, because of operational characteristics, may generate dust, odors or visual impacts which could have an adverse effect upon adjacent properties. Such uses include dairies; chicken, turkey and other poultry farms; animal specialties (such as rabbit farms and other fur -bearing animals); other specialties such as bee farms, aviaries, worm farms, etc. Live/Work Units. An integrated housing unit and working space, occupied and utilized by a single household in a structure, either single-family or multifamily, that has been designed or structurally modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work activity, and which includes: Complete kitchen space and sanitary facilities in compliance with the Building Code; Working space reserved for and regularly used by one (1) or more occupants of the unit; Working space includes uses that are permitted within the zoning district. M. Definitions "M" Manufacturing, Repair, and Processing—High Intensity. A facility or establishment that accommodates manufacturing processes that involve and/or produce building materials, fabricated metal products, machinery, and other similar manufacturing uses, where the intensity or scale of operations is determined to be greater than those classified under "manufacturing and processing—low intensity," but where impacts to surrounding neighborhoods, businesses, and the community may cause a significant impact. Uses may have an indoor setting, however uses may also be conducted outdoors. Examples of manufacturing and processing uses that are considered high-intensity include the following, but are not limited to: Machinery manufacturing that makes or process raw materials into products; • Metal fabrication and welding shops engaged in the production and/or assembly of metal, and other similar metal shops; • Manufacturing that cuts, shapes, and/or finishes building materials used in home or nonresidential construction; Chemical product manufacturing that produces or uses basic chemicals and other establishments creating products predominantly by chemical processes; Product manufacturing that produces bulk concrete, asphalt, and other paving materials; • Paving and roof materials manufacturing of various common paving and petroleum-based roofing materials including bulk asphalt, paving blocks made of asphalt, creosote wood, and various compositions of asphalt and tar; Plastics, other synthetics and rubber manufacturing; Primary metal industries engaged in smelting, refining of ferrous and nonferrous metals; Other similar heavy intensive uses. Manufacturing, Repair, and Processing—Low Intensity. A facility or business that engages in the assembly, fabrication, and conversion of already processed raw materials into products, where the operational characteristics of the manufacturing process and the materials used are unlikely to cause significant impacts to the existing surrounding neighborhood or businesses in a indoor setting. Examples of manufacturing and processing uses that are considered low intensity include the following, but are not limited to: • Artisan manufacturing and production where no retail component exists; • Production, assembly, and/or repair where no raw materials are manufactured; • Production and assembly of precision electronics and scientific instruments, including on-site offices; • Producing or processing of foods and beverages for human consumption where no retail component exists and does not include noxious odors or excessive noise and no slaughter occurs on site; Repair and service of small consumer products; • Small scale manufacturing where assembling and/or manufacturing is completed by hand or precision tools; • Small product manufacturing not classified in another major manufacturing group. Medical Extended Care Services. Residential facilities providing nursing and health-related care as a primary use with in-patient beds. Examples of these uses include: board and care homes; convalescent and rest homes; extended care facilities; and skilled nursing facilities. Long-term personal care facilities that do not emphasize medical treatment are included under "residential care." Medical Research. Establishment related to medical and/or dental research, testing and analysis, including, but not limited to, trial and clinical research. Biomedical and pharmaceutical research and development facilities are not included in this definition. Medical research does not include the storage or use of quantities of hazardous materials nor any toxic gas. Additionally, medical research may include storage and use of etiological (biological) agents up to and including Risk Group 2 or Bio Safety Level 2 (Center for Disease Control). Typically uses are a part of a campus -like setting such as a business park or stand-alone building. Membership Organizations. Organizations operating on a membership basis for the promotion of the interests of the members, including: business associations; professional membership organizations; labor unions and similar labor organizations; civic, social and fraternal organizations (not lodging); political organizations and other membership organizations. Micro-BreweryBrewpub. An establishment that produces ales, beers, meads, hard ciders/and or similar beverages to serve on site. Sale of beverages for off-site consumption is also permitted consistent with the regulations of the Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Food service for on-site consumption is allowed as an ancillary use. Brewpubs and microbreweries are considered small operations consistent with ABC license Type 23, 40, or 42 or State similar licensures. Mini -Storage. Buildings containing individual storage areas rented or leased to the general public. Does not include warehousing or exterior storage facilities. Mixed -Use Development. A development that has a vertical separation of commercial and residential land uses in a building. Residential units within a commercial district are subject to compliance with.allowed density and shall not be located on the ground floor. Mobile Eating and Drinking Vendors. Any vehicle, wagon, or pushcart that is self-propelled or can be pushed/pulled down a street or sidewalk, on which food is displayed, prepared, or processed for the purpose of selling food or drinks to a consumer. Mobile Home/Manufactured Home. A modular structure that is transportable in one (1) or more sections, that is certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, is tied down to a permanent foundation with wheels removed and skirted. A mobile home on a permanent foundation is considered a single-family dwelling. Mobile Home Park. Any site that is planned and improved to accommodate two (2) or more mobile homes used for residential purposes, or on which two (2) or more mobile homes, as the term "mobile home" is defined in California Civil Code Section 798.3 or successor provision of the California Mobile home Residency Law, for non -transient use, are rented, leased, or held out for rent or lease, or were formerly held out for rent or lease and later converted to a subdivision, cooperative, condominium, or other form of resident ownership, to accommodate mobile homes used for residential purposes. Mortuary Services. Establishments with facilities for the preparation of the dead for burial, cremation and for the holding of funeral observances and services. Accessory facilities may include a cemetery, columbarium or mausoleum. Includes: funeral homes and parlors, mortuaries and related facilities. Multiple -Family Dwelling. Two (2) or more primary attached dwelling units located on a single lot within a residential zoning district, each occupied by a single housekeeping unit; includes buildings or groups of buildings designated as apartments, duplexes, triplexes and condominiums, but not including motels, hotels, dormitories, or RV parks as herein defined. Also includes transitional housing and, supportive housing where people live as independently as possible with the assistance of social services tailored to each person's needs as defined in Section 9-9.102 of the Zoning Ordinance. This also does not include accessory dwelling units or urban dwelling units. N. Definitions "N" O. Definitions "O" Offices. Establishments engaged in performing a service in a professional office including: engineering, architectural and surveying services; real estate agencies; noncommercial educational, scientific and research organizations; accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services; authors, writers, artists, etc.; advertising agencies; photography studios and small commercial art studios; employment agencies and stenographic services; reporting services; data processing and computer services; management, public relations, and consulting services; detective agencies and other similar professional services; attorneys; co -working spaces, incubator -type services that provide office -type working spaces for a fee, and counseling services provided by individuals other than licensed psychiatrists, which are included under "health care services." Organization Houses. Residential lodging houses operated by membership organizations for the benefit of their constituents and not open to the general public. Also includes fraternity and sorority residential houses and religious residential retreats. Outdoor Recreation Services. Facilities for various outdoor sports and recreation, including: amusement and kiddie parks; golf courses, golf driving ranges and miniature golf courses; skateboard parks; go-cart and miniature auto race tracks; tennis courts, swim and tennis clubs and facilities; play lots, playgrounds and athletic fields; recreation and community centers. P. Definitions "P" Parking Lot. An open area, excluding a street or other public right-of-way, for the exclusive use of parking as a primary use for automobiles and available to either the public or patrons of adjacent buildings or structures. Parking lots can either be free for use, or may charge a fee for compensation. Long-term parking and storage of inoperable vehicles is classified in "vehicle and equipment storage." Parks and Playgrounds. A public outdoor recreational facility that may provide a variety of recreational activities including playground equipment, open space areas for passive recreation including hiking and biking trails, zoos, picnicking, and sport and active recreation facilities dedicated for use to the public. Personal Cannabis Cultivation. As defined by Chapter 9-17. Personal Services. Service establishments primarily engaged in providing nonmedical services as a primary use and may include accessory retail sales of products related to the services provided. These uses include the following: beauty shops (includes permanent makeup when less than ten percent (10%) of overall sales), barber shops, day spas and massage therapy where each massage therapist is certified/licensed by a State -recognized organization, shoe repair shops, dry cleaning pickup stores, clothing rental, tailors, tanning salons, pet grooming services, nail salons, and other similar uses. Personal Services—Restricted. SeB, ee establishments that m hm,e a blighting cmd detefiafa�ing egaet upen the stiffetinding area whieh may need to be dispefsed in or -def to minifnize their ad -verse imp Service establishments providing the following uses: Examples of these uses ifieltide, btA are 'ifnite' to, the f flowing: check cashing and/or payday/same day loans; fortunetellers, psychics; palm, tarot and card readers; card rooms, billiard and pool halls as a primary use; and tattoo and body piercing services; and hot pubs and saunas tha are of an aeeessefy to , o,.mi fte , Printing and Publishing. An establishment engaged in printing letter press, lithography gravure, screen offset or electrostatic copying and other establishments serving the printing trade such as bookbinding, typesetting, engraving, photoengraving, and electrotyping. The use also includes establishments that publish newspapers, books, and periodicals; establishments manufacturing business forms and binding devices. "Quick printing" services are included in the definition "business support services." Public Assembly and Entertainment. Facilities for public assembly and group entertainment such as: public and semi-public auditoriums; exhibition and convention halls; civic theaters and meeting halls; motion picture theaters; legitimate theater facilities for live theatrical presentations or concerts by bands and orchestras; amphitheaters; meeting halls for rent and similar public assembly uses. Q. Definitions "Q" R. Definitions "R" Recreational Vehicle Parks. Transient lodging establishments primarily engaged in renting, leasing or otherwise providing overnight or short-term sites for trailers, campers, or tents, with or without individual utility hookups, but with other facilities such as public restrooms. Does not include incidental camping areas, which are included under "rural sports and group facilities." Recycling and Scrap. Establishments primarily engaged in assembling, breaking up, sorting, temporary storage and distribution of recyclable or reusable scrap and waste materials, including auto wreckers engaged in dismantling automobiles for scrap. Does not include waste disposal sites, which are separately defined. Does not include temporary storage of toxic or radioactive waste materials. Recycling Centers. An establishment, which is larger than a "collection station," that serves as a community -wide center for the collection and/or processing of recyclable materials such as glass, paper, plastic, aluminum and metal cans. Research and Development. Research and development offices, devoted to scientific and engineering research and the design, development and testing of new technology and products; usually includes laboratory space or small-scale manufacturing operations. Residential Accessory Uses. Includes any use that is customarily part of a residence and is clearly incidental and secondary to a residence and does not change the character of the residential use. Residential accessory uses include the storage of vehicles and other personal property and accessory structures including garages, studios and workshops. Residential Care. A single-family or multiple -family dwelling unit that is licensed or supervised by a Federal, State, or local health/welfare agency that provides nonmedical care of unrelated persons who are in need of personal service, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual. Use includes the following: children's homes; halfway houses; rehabilitation centers; self-help group homes. Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE). A housing arrangement chosen voluntarily by the residents or the residents' guardians, conservators or other responsible person(s) where the following occurs: where seventy-five percent (75%) of the residents are at least sixty-two (62) years of age, or, if younger, have needs compatible with other residents; and where varying levels of care and supervision are provided, as agreed to at the time of admission or as determined necessary. RCFE uses may include basic services and community space. RCFE uses include the following: • Assisted Living Facility. A residential building or buildings that also provide housing, personal and health care, as permitted by the Department of Social Services, designed to respond to the daily, individual needs of the residents. Assisted living facilities may include kitchenettes (small refrigerator, sink and/or microwave oven) within individual rooms. Assisted living facilities are required to be licensed by the California Department of Social Services, and do not include medical extended care services. • Independent Living Center/Senior Apartment. Independent living centers and senior apartments are multifamily residential projects reserved for senior citizens, where common facilities may be provided (for example, recreation areas), but where each dwelling unit has individual living, sleeping, bathing, and kitchen facilities. • Retirement Hotel. Establishments primarily engaged in providing lodging facilities limited to the aged where no medical care is provided. Such establishments may provide housekeeping and meals to the residents. Resource Extraction. Uses primarily engaged in resource extraction, including, but not limited to, mining, developing mines or exploring for metallic minerals (ores), coal and nonmetallic minerals, or surface mines extracting crushed and broken stone, dimension stone or sand and gravel. Retail Sales—Restricted. Stores and shops selling products that may have a blighting and/or deteriorating effect upon the surrounding area and may need to be dispersed in order to minimize their adverse impact. Examples of these uses include, but are not limited to, the following: selling smoking, tobacco and vaping products as a primary use; and pawn shops, in which the business of pawn brokering, or the business of lending money upon personal property, pawns or pledges is done. Rural Sports and Group Facilities. Establishments supporting special group activities such as: archery, pistol, rifle, and skeet clubs and facilities; dude ranches; health resorts including outdoor hot spring, spa or hot tub facilities; hunting and fishing clubs; recreational camps; group or organized camps; incidental, seasonal camping areas without facilities; equestrian facilities, including riding academies, schools, stables and exhibition facilities. S. Definitions "S" Sales Lots. Sales lots consist of any outdoor sales area for permanent display of motorized farm equipment, boats (FBSA Class 3 and 4 boats (over twenty-six (26) feet in length)), heavy commercial trucks (US DOT Class 4 through 8), mobile homes, construction equipment, or other heavy equipment; outdoor equipment rental yards. Schools. An institution or establishment that provides a program of instruction and teaching services. Includes: preschools, elementary and secondary schools serving grades K through 12 (or portions thereof); junior colleges, colleges and universities; and similar education institutions. Does not include Sunday schools which are permitted under "churches and related facilities." Schools—Business and Vocational. Business and secretarial schools; vocational schools offering specialized trade and commercial courses; specialized nondegree granting schools, such as: music schools; dramatic schools; language schools; driver education schools; ballet and other dance studios; and establishments furnishing educational courses by mail. Secondary Residential Unit. Second residential units are defined as residential occupancy constructions (R) with a kitchen and full bathroom that is accessory to the primary unit and intended for permanent occupancy by a second housekeeping unit. Service Stations. Retail trade establishments primarily engaged in the sale of gasoline, which may also provide lubrication, oil change and tune-up services incidental to gasoline sales. May also inel a� Does not include a towing service btA does not inel de or storage of wrecked or abandoned vehicles. Does not include uses defined as auto repair and service, or vehicle equipment storage. Single -Family Dwelling. An attached or detached building not to contain more than one (1) kitchen wherein the occupants of the dwelling unit are living and functioning together as a single housekeeping unit, meaning that they have established ties and familiarity with each other, jointly use common areas, interact with each other, membership in the single housekeeping unit is fairly stable as opposed to transient, and members have some control over who becomes a member of the single housekeeping unit. Also includes factory -built, manufactured housing units and mobile homes constructed in compliance with Title 25 of the California Health and Safety Code, or successor provision as defined in Section 9- 9.102 of the Zoning Ordinance; transitional housing and supportive housing serving six (6) or fewer persons as defined in Section 9-9.102 of the Zoning Ordinance. Single Room Occupancy Unit (SRO). A structure that provides separate, single room, residential living units with no on -premises residential medical care. Units within the structure may have individual bathroom facilities, shared bath or toilet facilities for the residents, or any combination thereof. SRO may include structures commonly called rooming houses or boarding houses. SRO facilities shall not be age restricted. Age restricted SRO facilities shall be considered a residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE). Small Scale Ag Processing. The small scale processing of agriculture products grown or produced on site, bottling, canning, or storage of agriculture products grown and processed on site, where the processing or storage shall not exceed one thousand (1,000) square feet (sf) in total use areas. This does not include tasting rooms. Social and Service Organizations. Public or quasi -public establishments providing social services and rehabilitation services to such as counseling centers, welfare offices, job counseling and training centers, or vocational rehabilitation agencies, persons with social or personal problems requiring special services and to the handicapped and the disadvantaged. Also included are organizations soliciting funds to be used directly for these related services. Also includes establishments engaged in community improvement and neighborhood development. Does not include child day care services which are classified under "schools." Sports Assembly. Facilities for spectator -oriented specialized group sports assembly that includes: stadiums and coliseums; arenas and field houses; race tracks (auto and animals); motorcycle racing and drag strips; and other sports that are considered commercial. Storage, Recycling and Dismantling of Vehicles and Material. Establishments primarily engaged in the storage, assembling, dismantling, sorting, and distribution of materials, equipment and vehicles. This use may be located either outdoors or indoors and includes, but is not limited to, auto wrecking yards, vehicle storage areas, vehicle impound lots, recyclable/waste material storage and transfer facilities. This does not include waste disposal sites; which are separately defined, or temporary storage of toxic or radioactive waste materials. T. Definitions "T" Tasting Room. Establishment that allows for beer, wine, or spirit tasting on site with off-site sales directly to the public. Tasting rooms must meet the requirements of the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license type (Type 02, Type 23, Type 40, Type 42 or Type 74 license, or similar). Tasting rooms may operate within a large scale brewing, winery, or distillery facility as an ancillary. Telecommunication Facility. Public, commercial and private electromagnetic and photoelectrical transmission, broadcast, repeater and receiving stations for radio, television, telegraph, telephone, cellular data network, and wireless communication towers (cellular phones), including commercial earth stations for satellite -based communications. Includes antennas, commercial satellite dish antennas, and equipment buildings. Does not include telephone, telegraph, and cable television transmission facilities utilizing hard -wired or direct cable connections. Does not include data processing centers. Temporary Dwelling. Includes the temporary use of a mobile home or recreational vehicle as a dwelling unit, following the issuance of a building permit for a permanent residence while the permanent residence is under construction. Temporary Events. Any use of a structure or land for an event for a limited period of time where the site is not to be permanently altered by grading or construction of accessory facilities. Events include, but are not limited to: art shows; rodeos; relig"...s -evi ..,' ; tent ,.,,m ; outdoor festivals, concerts. Does not include the temporary staging of food trucks or outdoor sales associated with existing, permitted businesses, where circulation and access is not impacted. Temporary Offices. The utilization of a mobile home or recreational vehicle as a temporary office during the period of a construction of a permanent office facility on the same site. Temporary or Seasonal Retail Sales. Retail trade establishments primarily engaged in the sale of Christmas trees or other seasonal items; or semiannual sales of art or handcrafted items in conjunction with community festivals or art shows. Does not include farmers' markets or agricultural roadside stands. Towing Services. An establishment that provides vehicle towing services and accessory temporary outdoor storage for the vehicles it tows, which shall only include: (1) mechanicallyoperable/drivable, licensed vehicles that are to be claimed by titleholders or their agents; and/or (2) wrecked Motor Vehicles awaiting insurance adjustments and transport to repair shops. This term excludes: Auto Repair and Services that have a tow truck on-site, Recycling and Scrap Services, Service Stations; Impound Yards; Storage. Recycling and Dismantling of Vehicles and Material; and Vehicle and Equipment Storage. Transitional Housing. Buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that call for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at some predetermined future point in time, which shall be no less than six (6) months (Health and Safety Code Section 50675.2(h)). This definition excludes housing for halfway houses intended for occupancy by parolees or convicted persons, children's homes, halfway houses, rehabilitation centers, and self-help group homes. Transit Stations. Passenger stations for vehicular, bus, and rail mass transit systems; also terminal facilities providing maintenance and service for the vehicles operated in the transit system. U. Definitions "U" Utility Facilities. A fixed -base structure or facility serving as a junction point for transferring electric utility services from one (1) transmission voltage to another or to local distribution and service voltages, and similar facilities for water supply, natural gas distribution, wastewater pump station, fiber optics junction box, or other similar facilities that are not exempted from land use permit requirements by California Government Code Section 53091 or successor code. Utility Infrastructure. Pipelines for water, natural gas, sewage collection and disposal; and facilities for the transmission of electrical energy for sale, including transmission lines for a public utility company. Also include telephone, cable television, and other communications transmission facilities utilizing direct physical conduits. Does not include offices or service center as defined under "offices" or distribution substations ("utility facilities"). V. Definitions "V" Vehicle and Equipment Storage (Indoor). Service establishments primarily engaged in the business of storing cars, buses and other motor vehicles; recreational vehicles (such as campers, motor homes, boats); construction equipment; and farm equipment. Does not include wrecking yards, which are classified in "recycling and scrap." All uses of the site must be located within an approved, permitted building and outdoor storage shall be limited to ten percent (10%) of the floor area of the building utilized for the business. Vehicle and Equipment Storage (Outdoor). Service establishments primarily engaged in the business of storing cars, buses and other motor vehicles; recreational vehicles (such as campers, motor homes, boats); construction equipment; and farm equipment. Does not include wrecking yards, which are classified in "recycling and scrap." Storage of oversized commercial vehicles is also subject to Section 9- 6.103. Vehicle and Freight Terminals. Transportation establishments furnishing services incidental to transportation, including: freight forwarding services; transportation arrangement services; parking, crating, inspection and weighing services; freight terminal facilities; joint terminal and service facilities; trucking facilities, including transfer and storage; public warehousing and storage. Includes both railroad transportation and motor freight transportation. W. Definitions "W" Warehousing. Uses engaged in storage of manufactured products, supplies, and equipment excluding bulk storage of materials that are flammable or explosive or that present hazards, or conditions commonly recognizable as offensive. Does not include personal storage as defined as "mini -storage." Wholesaling and Distribution Centers. Establishments engaged in selling merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional, farm, or professional business users; or to other wholesalers; or acting as agents or brokers in buying merchandise for or selling merchandise to such persons or companies. Also includes storage, processing, packaging, and shipping facilities for mail order and e- commerce retail establishments. Winery—Boutique. Winery or distillery production for no more than three thousand (3,000) cases of wine per year. Uses include fruit processing, fermentation pressing, barrel and bottle storage, bottling, wine tasting, and direct retail sale of wine. Does not include winery production in residential zones, which is defined as small scale agriculture. Winery—Production. Winery or distillery production of more than three thousand one (3,001) cases of wine per year. Uses include fruit processing, fermentation pressing, barrel and bottle storage, bottling, wine tasting, and direct retail sale of wine. This also includes uses that produce three thousand one (3,001) cases of beverages or less, but do not meet the requirements for "winery—boutique," "winery—production," or "brewery—production." X. Definitions "X" Y. Definitions "Y" Z. Definitions "Z" 9-4.107 Side setbacks. The side setback is measured at right angles to the side property line to form a setback line parallel to the side property line, which extends between the front and rear setback areas, or primary street and secondary street setback areas for double frontage lots. The minimum side setback is to be as follows: (a) A, RS, RSF, LSF and RMF Zones and Residential Uses in Commercial and Industrial Zones. All residential uses except for second story dwellings over commercial and industrial uses shall have a minimum side setback of five (5) feet, except as follows: (1) Aeeessai-y Stniewr-es. A side yar-d may be used for- an aeeessef�, build" than twelve 2) feet in height, previded that it is not used for- human habitation or- the kee, of animals a either (i) T ,,e ted n elosef: than three (3) feet t„ a pFepeft�, line fear -(ii) Leeated on the (iii) Established en the pfepeft�, line as a eammenwall stmetufe pufsuan�te subseetien (a)(4) e this seetion, E)r- as a zefe lot line stfuettwe, provided tha4 all appheable UnifeFm Building Code FeEtuirements afe satisfied f pr-epefty line wall. (21) Common Wall Development. Any two (2) dwelling units, and/or their accessory garages, may be constructed on adjoining lots without setbacks between them provided that: (i) The setback has been eliminated through subdivision map or conditional use permit approval; (ii) A common wall or parry wall agreement, deed restriction, or other enforceable restriction has been recorded; (iii) The side setbacks opposite the common wall property line are not less than two (2) times the minimum width required by this section; and (iv) Common wall construction is in compliance with the Uniform Building Code. ( ) Zero Lot Line Development. A group of dwelling units on adjoining lots may be established so that all units abut one (1) side property line, provided that: (i) The setback has been eliminated for an entire block through subdivision map or conditional use permit approval; (ii) The modified setback requirements for the block are recorded as part of a land division map, deed restriction, or other enforceable restriction; (iii) The side setback shall not be eliminated or reduced on the street side of a corner lot; and (iv) Side setbacks opposite the zero setback property line are not less than twice the minimum required by this section. ( ) Access Easements. All access easements shall have a minimum setback of five (5) feet, measured from the edge of the easement. (54) Additional Height for Buildings in RMF. Multifamily dwellings exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in height shall have a ten (10) foot setback for all portions of the building over twenty-five (25) feet in height. (b) CN, CP, CR, CS, CT, CPK, IP, I and P Zones. No side setbacks are required. Ground floor residential uses are subject to the setback requirements of subsection (a) of this section. (c) L and LS Zones. A minimum five (5) foot side setback is required. 9-4.108 Rear setbacks. The rear setback is measured at right angles to the rear property line to form a setback line parallel to the rear property line. (a) A, RS, RSF, LSF, and RMF Zones and Permitted Ground Floor Residential Uses in Commercial and Industrial Zones. All residential uses except for second story dwellings over commercial and industrial uses shall have a minimum rear setback of ten (10) feet, except as follows: s4eet of a eefner let, may be used for an aeeessefy building ne greatef than twelve (12) feet in height an &tir- hundfed (4 00) squafe feet E)r- leSS, ffevided the aeeessai:5, building is fiet used for- hufaan habitatien ei: the keeping of animals, and is not elosef than three five (3 5) feet to a side of r-eaf! pr-epef:ty line of alley.. (b) CN, CP, CR, CS, CT, CPK, IP and I Zones. No rear setback is required in commercial or industrial zones, except as follows: (1) Adjacent to an Alley. The secondary frontage setback shall be a minimum of five (5) feet, except where the alley provides vehicular access to the interior of the building, in which case the setback. shall be ten (10) feet. (2) Adjacent to Residential Use Zone. Where the rear property line abuts a residential zone or use, no rear setback is required for buildings or portions of buildings which do not exceed twelve (12) feet in height within ten (10) feet of the rear property line. The rear setback shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet for buildings or portions of buildings which exceed twelve (12) feet in height. (c) L, LS and P Zones. A minimum often (10) foot rear setback is required. 9-4.118 Required number of parking spaces. All land uses requiring approval under this title shall provide off-street parking spaces as specified in subsections (b) and (c) of this section: (a) Use of Charts. The charts in subsection (c) of this section determine the number of parking spaces required for each use of land, as follows: (1) Uses Not Listed. For uses not specifically listed in this subsection that do not have parking requirements set by Chapter 9-6, the same parking and loading space is required as for the most similar use of equivalent intensity; except where a use not listed requires conditional use permit approval, in which case the amount of parking and loading space required shall be as determined by the Planning Commission. (2) Parking and Loading Intensity. Parking lot and loading bay intensity describes the rate of vehicle turnover in parking and loading areas. Turnover factors are assigned to each use by the charts in subsection (c) of this section. High intensity areas have rapid turnover; medium intensity areas are those where vehicles are parked from two (2) to four (4) hours; low intensity areas have minimum turnover and few repeat users, such as long-term and employee parking lots. Loading bay intensity is used in Section 9- 4.121. (3) Mixed Use Sites. Where a site contains more than one principal land use (such as a shopping center), the amount of parking required shall be the total of that required for each individual use, except as otherwise provided by Section 9-4.115. (4) Mixed Function Buildings. Where a building occupied by a single use contains several functions, such as sales, office and storage areas, parking shall be as required for the principal use for the gross floor area (total area of all internal functions); except that when storage areas are larger than two thousand (2,000) square feet, the parking requirement is to be determined separately for those areas, as specified for warehousing. (5) Assigned parking. For projects where a parking reduction is granted, assigned parking spaces are prohibited. (6) Terms Used in Charts. (i) Active Use Area. All developed areas of a site and buildings except storage, parking and landscaping. (ii) Floor Area. Gross floor area within buildings. (iii) Site Area. Gross site area. (iv) Use Area. All developed areas of a site and buildings, except parking and landscaping. (v) Number of Spaces. Where subsection (c) sets parking requirements based on building area (square footage), site or use area, the number of spaces is to be as set forth for each footage increment specified or fraction thereof. (b) Company Vehicles. Commercial or industrial uses shall provide one parking space for each company vehicle which is parked on the site during normal business hours. Such space may be located within a building. (c) Parking Requirements by Land Uses. (1) Agricultural Uses. Except for the specific uses listed in this subsection, improved off-street parking and loading spaces are not required for an agricultural use, as long as sufficient usable area is provided to meet the parking needs of all employees, visitors and loading activities entirely on the site of the use. (2) Communication Uses. Broadcasting studios are to provide parking as required for offices (see subdivision (8) of this subsection). Transmission facilities are not required to have identified spaces, as Parking Lot Loading Bay Use Parking Spaces Required Intensity Intensity Ag. processing: packing 1 per 1,000 s.f. of use area Low High and processing Wineries 1 per 1,000 s.f. of active use area Low / Medium High and 1 per 3,000 s.f. of storage, and 1 per 100 s.f. of tasting room Animal husbandry, farm 1 per 500 s.f. of floor area, and 1 Low Low equipment and supplies per 1,000 s.f. of outdoor use (2) Communication Uses. Broadcasting studios are to provide parking as required for offices (see subdivision (8) of this subsection). Transmission facilities are not required to have identified spaces, as long as sufficient usable area is provided to meet the parking needs of all employees entirely on the site of the use. (3) Cultural, Educational, and Recreation Uses. Use Parking Spaces Required Parking Lot Intensity Loading Bay Intensity Active Recreation Facilities Amusement parks/fairgrounds 1 per 75 s.f. of use area Medium Medium Arcades (games) and billiards 1 per 100 s.f. of floor area Medium N.A. Bowling alleys 4 per lane Medium Low Dance clubs 1 per 25 s.f. of dance floor Medium N.A. Dance studios 1 per 200 s.f. of floor area Low N.A. Golf courses 5 per hole plus any required for clubhouse uses Low N.A. Golf driving ranges (separate from golf courses) 2 per tee Low N.A. Miniature golf 2 per hole Medium N.A. Skateboard parks 1 per 500 s.f. of use area Medium N.A. Skating rinks 1 per 400 s.f. of use area Medium N.A. Swimming pools (public or member) 1 per 100 s.f. of pool area, and 1 per 300 s.f. of deck area Medium N.A. Tennis courts, racquetball 2 per court Medium N.A. Libraries 1 per 500 s.f. Medium N.A. Public Assembly Exhibit facilities (including museums) 1 per 150 s.f. of exhibit floor High Low Seated spectator facilities (including a church, theater, other auditoriums and meeting halls, sports assembly) 1 per 4 fixed seats, or 1 per 40 s.f. of spectator area if seats not fixed High Low Schools Preschools, day care As required by Section 9- Parking Lot Loading Bay Use 6.125. Intensity Intensity Elementary and high school As required by Section 9- N.A. N.A. mobile homes) 6.125. Business and vocational As required by Section 9- 6.125. College and University As determined by Planning Low N.A. condominiums and other attached Commission (4) Manufacturing and Processing Uses. Parking lot turnover is low; loading by intensity is medium. Parking spaces are required as follows: (i) One (1) space per five hundred (500) square feet of active use area within a building; and (ii) One (1) space per one thousand (1,000) square feet of storage area within a building; and (iii) One (1) space per two thousand (2,000) square feet of outdoor active use area; and (iv) One (1) space per five thousand (5,000) square feet of outdoor storage area. (5) Residential Uses. Parking Spaces Parking Lot Loading Bay Use Required Intensity Intensity Single-family dwellings (including 2 per dwelling, except 1 N.A. N.A. mobile homes) per dwelling is required where the site is less than 4,000 s.f. in area Multifamily dwellings (including Residential Parking Low N.A. condominiums and other attached ownership dwellings) 1 b.r. unit: 1.5 spaces 2 b.r. unit: 2.0 spaces each additional bedroom: 0.5 space Guest Parking 1 space per 5 units, or fraction thereof Group quarters (including 1 per bed, plus Low N.A. boarding houses, rooming houses, dormitories, and organizational 1 per eight beds houses) (6) Resource Extraction. No improved parking is required, provided that sufficient usable area is available to accommodate all employee and visitor vehicles entirely on the site. (7) Retail Trade Uses. Parking required for a retail use shall be a minimum of two (2) spaces for each use or separate tenancy, except where more spaces are required as follows: Parking Spaces Parking Lot Loading Bay Use Required Intensity Intensity Auto and vehicle dealers 1 per 400 s.f. of Medium Medium showroom, 2 per service bay, 1 per 3,000 s.f. of outdoor use area Building materials and hardware, 1 per 500 s.f. of floor Medium Medium nurseries space, 1 per 3,000 s.f. of outdoor use area Eating and Drinking Places Restaurants and bars (on-site Customer Spaces High Medium consumption. With dancing facilities, are also to meet dance I tai3ie hef patfofi7-per club parking requirements) table, 1 per 2 counter stools, plus Employee Spaces I per 6 tables, 1 per 100 s.f. of kitchen Fast food (includes drive-ins. If 1 per 25 s.f. of kitchen High Medium patron tables provided, use must also meet restaurant customer space requirement) Food and beverage retail sales 1 per 200 s.f. of floor High Medium area, 1 per check stand Furniture, home furnishings and 1 per 500 s.f. of sales Low Medium equipment area, 1 per 1,000 s.f. of storage area General merchandise stores 1 per 300 s.f. of sales Medium Low area, 1 per 600 s.f. of storage area Mail order and vending 1 per 1,000 s.f. of use Low Low area (8) Service Uses. Parking required for a service use is to be a minimum of two (2) spaces for each use or separate tenancy, except where more spaces are required as follows: Parking Lot Loading Bay Use Parking Spaces Required Intensity Intensity Auto repair and service 4 per service bay, 1 per 1,000 Medium Low s.f. of outdoor active use area Equipment rental 1 per 500 s.f. of floor area, 1 Medium Low per 2,000 s.f. of outdoor use area Copying and reproduction 1 per 400 s.f. of floor area Medium Low Contract construction 1 per 500 s.f. of floor area Low Low services Correctional institutions As determined by Planning Commission Financial services 5 per teller window, 3 per High Low service desk Health care 1 space per 200 s.f. of floor High Low area Hospitals 1 per bed, 1 per office space High Low Laundries and Dry Cleaning 1 per 1,000 s.f. of floor area, Low High Plants plus 2 per office space Pick-up 2 per check stand High Low Offices Accounting, advertising, 1 per 400 s.f. Medium N.A. agencies, architecture, government, insurance, law, offices, real estate Other offices 1 per 500 s.f. of floor area Low N.A. Photography studios, 1 per 400 s.f. of floor area Low N.A. commercial art studios Post offices 5 per service window, 1 per High High 500 s.f. of floor area other than customer area Personal Services Barbershops 2 per chair Medium N.A. Beauty shops 3 per chair Medium N.A. Dry cleaners 1 per 500 s.f. of floor area Medium Low Funeral and crematory services 1 per 4 seats in each assembly room, 2 per office or 1 per 40. s.f. of floor area in assembly rooms, whichever is greater Medium Medium Health spas 1 per 300 s.f. of floor area Medium N.A. Laundromats 1 per 2 washers High N.A. Other personal services 1 per 500 s.f. of floor area Medium N.A. Public safety facilities As determined by Planning Commission High High Repair service (consumer) 1 per 400 s.f. of floor area Low Low Waste disposal site As determined by Planning Commission (9) Transient Lodgings. (10) Transportation Uses. Use Parking Spaces Required Parking Lot Loading Bay Use Parking Spaces Required Intensity Intensity Hotels, motels 2 spaces, plus 1 per unit, plus 1 High Low per 10 units (10) Transportation Uses. Use Parking Spaces Required Parking Lot Intensity Loading Bay Intensity Public utility terminals None, provided sufficient Low Low usable area is available to accommodate all employee and visitor vehicles entirely on-site Transit stations and 1 per 20 s.f. of waiting area, 1 High High terminals per 300 s.f. of office space; additional spaces as required for accessory uses (restaurants, etc.) Truck stops 1 per 1,000 s.f. of use area for first 5,000 s.f, 1 per 3,000 s.f. of use thereafter Medium High Vehicle and freight 2 per loading bay, 1 per 300 High High terminals s.f. of office space 1 per 2,000 s.f of use area for Low Vehicle storage None, provided sufficient Low Low usage area is available to s.f. of use area thereafter accommodate all employee 2 spaces for manager office Low Low and visitor vehicles entirely 1 per 1,000 s.fof use area for Low High on-site first 10,000 s.f. of use area, 1 (11) Wholesale Trade. 9-4.123 Driveway standards for single-family residential uses. Driveways for single-family residences shall be improved as follows in order to make adequate provision for access including that necessary for emergency vehicles: (a) Surfacing. Private driveways with an average slope of twelve (12) percent or more shall be surfaced with asphalt or—concrete or-ehip seal while private driveways with an average slope of less than twelve (12) percent shall be provided with an all-weather surface. No driveway shall be allowed to exceed an average slope of twenty (20) percent unless adjusted (Section 9-1.112) upon a determination that no other feasible alternative is available. Plan and profile drawings may be required by the Planning Director in order to determine the average slope. (b) Width. Private driveways shall have a minimum width of twelve (12) feet. (c) Vertical Clearance. Private driveways shall have a vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. 9-4.128 Fencing and screening. Standards for fencing and screening are established by this section to protect certain uses from intrusion, to protect the public from uses that may be hazardous, and to increase compatibility between different land uses by visual screening. Fencing is the enclosure of an area by the materials identified in Parking Lot Loading Bay Use Parking Spaces Required Intensity Intensity Warehousing Commercial storage 1 per 2,000 s.f of use area for Low High first 10,000 s.f, 1 per 5,000 s.f. of use area thereafter Ministorage 2 spaces for manager office Low Low Wholesaling and 1 per 1,000 s.fof use area for Low High distribution first 10,000 s.f. of use area, 1 per 3,000 s.f. of use thereafter 9-4.123 Driveway standards for single-family residential uses. Driveways for single-family residences shall be improved as follows in order to make adequate provision for access including that necessary for emergency vehicles: (a) Surfacing. Private driveways with an average slope of twelve (12) percent or more shall be surfaced with asphalt or—concrete or-ehip seal while private driveways with an average slope of less than twelve (12) percent shall be provided with an all-weather surface. No driveway shall be allowed to exceed an average slope of twenty (20) percent unless adjusted (Section 9-1.112) upon a determination that no other feasible alternative is available. Plan and profile drawings may be required by the Planning Director in order to determine the average slope. (b) Width. Private driveways shall have a minimum width of twelve (12) feet. (c) Vertical Clearance. Private driveways shall have a vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. 9-4.128 Fencing and screening. Standards for fencing and screening are established by this section to protect certain uses from intrusion, to protect the public from uses that may be hazardous, and to increase compatibility between different land uses by visual screening. Fencing is the enclosure of an area by the materials identified in subsection (c) of this section. Screening is the enclosure of an area by a visual barrier, which may include solid fencing or other materials, as specified in subsection (c) of this section. (a) Fencing and Screening—Where Required. Within the urban services line, the uses and areas listed in this subsection shall be fenced and/or screened, as indicated. Unless otherwise specified, fencing and screening are to be a minimum height of six (6) feet. Fencing and screening materials of a height greater than three (3) feet shall not be located within a required primary, secondary, or corner street setback. (1) Utility and Mechanical Equipment. When located outside of a building, support equipment, including all roof -mounted equipment, air conditioners, heaters, utility meters, cable equipment_ telephone entry boxes, backflow preventions, irrigation control valves, electrical transformers, pull boxes, and all ducting for air conditioning, heating, and blower systems air- eonditietii g and heating devi es, but not including plumbing or exhaust vents, or chimneys, shall be screened to the height of the particular piece of equipment, as follows: (i) Roof -Mounted Equipment. To be screened by architectural features from the view of abutting streets. (ii) Equipment at Grade. All exterior support equipment shall be screened or incoEporated into the design of buildings so as to minimize visual impact from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential zones. When leeated on the gr-ound adjaeent to a building, meehanieal equipment shall be ser-eened by landseaping, a solid wall or- feneing fr-em the view of the stfeet or- sur -founding pr-epet4ies. Screening materials shall be consistent with the exterior colors and materials of the building, or shall include evergreen landscaping that will grow to fully screen the equipment within 6 months of installation. This subsection does not apply to single-family residential uses. (a) The Design Review Committee (DRC] may grant an exception to these requirements. In granting a request for an exception, the Design Review Committee (DRC) shall find that screening is infeasible due to health and safety or utility requirements. (2) Outdoor Storage. To be screened on all sides by a wall or fencing. (3) Public Utility Substations. To be screened on all sides in a manner that will provide an effective visual barrier as well as the necessary safety clearances required by order of the California Public Utilities Commission. (4) Side and Rear Lot Lines. The side and rear property lines of all nonresidential uses are to be screened as follows: (i) Adjacent to a Residential Use or Zone. A solid wall or fencing shall be located on side and rear property lines of any nonresidential or nonagricultural use abutting a residential use or zone. (5) Swimming Pools. Yard areas with private swimming pools must be constructed per building code requirements. (b) Exceptions to Fencing and Screening Requirements. (1) Buildings Abutting Property Lines. Required screening or fencing may be omitted along any lot line where a building wall exists immediately abutting the lot line. (2) Location Adjustment. Where property fencing or screening is required, the location may be adjusted by approval of an administrative use permit (refer to Section 9-1.112 of this title), so the fencing may be constructed at or within the setback line, provided the areas between the fence and the property lines are landscaped, or in rural areas, retained in their natural vegetative state. (3) Planning Commission Modification. Any of the requirements of this section may be waived or modified through conditional use permit approval, provided the Planning Commission first finds that specifically identified characteristics of the site or site vicinity would make required fencing or screening unnecessary or ineffective. (c) Standards for Fencing and Screening Materials. All fencing and screening shall be allowed as follows: (1) Height. Fence and screen height shall be permitted as follows: (i) RS/RR/RSF-Z/RSF-Y (with One (1) Acre Net or Larger) Zones. a. Fencing within a required street setback may be up to five (5) feet in height, provided that the top two (2) feet remain a minimum of eighty percent (80%) visibility. The fence shall not impair safe sight distance for vehicular traffic nor result in any other potential adverse impact on human health and safety (refer to engineering standard: Minimum Sight Distance for Driveways and Intersecting Roads with Stop Control). b. Fencing associated with agriculture type activities, including, but not limited to, "deer fencing" and other fencing that is a minimum of eighty percent (80%) visible may be up to seven (7) feet in height. Chain link fencing, wrought iron fencing, and any other decorative type of fencing is not considered "agriculture" type fencing for the purposes of this subsection. c. Fencing within a required side or rear setback may be a maximum of six (6) feet in height. (ii) RSF-Y (Less Than One (1) Acre Net) /RSF-X/LSF-Z/LSF-Y/LSF-X/RMF-10/RMF-20. a. Fencing within a required primary, secondary, or corner street setback can be a maximum of four (4) feet in height. b. Fencing within a required side or rear yard setback shall be a maximum of six (6) feet in height. (iii) Residential Gates. a. Gates are permitted in single-family residential zoning districts for private driveways. b. Gates shall be setback a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way in accordance with engineering standards. c. Gates shall be a maximum of twelve (12) feet in height and shall remain residential in nature. d. Gateposts and other superstructures over site entrances and exits may be up to twelve (12) feet in height. Gates shall comply with emergency access standards. f. Gates shall not swing open toward the street unless the maximum swing is not closer than sixteen (16) feet from the edge of the right-of-way. g. Gates or associated structures shall comply with minimum sight -distance standards. h. A construction permit shall be required for all gates that exceed six (6) feet in height or contain electrical components. (iv) Height Measurement. Fence height shall be measured from the adjacent grade of the downhill side of the wall, fence, or hedge. a. Where fences or walls are located on retaining walls or berms, the height of the retaining wall or berm shall be considered as part of the overall height of the fence or wall if the retaining wall or berm exceeds two (2) feet in height. b. If a retaining wall is terraced and separated by five (5) feet of horizontal space or greater, they shall be considered individual walls for the purposes of measuring height. v7 CN/CP/CR/CS/CT/CPK/DC/DO. a. Barbed wire/ razor wire/ concertina wire shall not be located in commercial zones. This does not apply to agricultural fencing utilized in a low height four (4) feet in height or less within a rural setting to enclose livestock. (vi) IP/I zones. a. Barbed, razor, or concertina wire is subject to approval of the Design Review Committee (section 9-2.107) if findings can be made that it will not negatively impact the health and welfare of the surrounding area and its appearance is consistent with surrounding properties and land uses. (2) The Design Review Committee (DRC) may grant an exemption to the front setback fencing requirement to a maximum of six (6) feet in height if proposed fence would be consistent with the neighborhood character and does not impair site distance for vehicular traffic, as reviewed by the City Engineer. (3) Permit to Exceed Height. A minor conditional use permit approval is required where fencing is proposed to be greater than six (6) feet in height within or outside any required setback, with the exception of fencing described in subsection (c)(1)(i)(b) or subsection (c)(1)(ii)(a). (4) Screening Materials Substitution. Where screening is required to be a solid wall or fence, the following materials may be substituted subject to the approval of the Community Development Director thr-ough ..djustffient see Seed". 9 1.112 e f this title`, except where screening is required adjacent to a residential use or zone: (i) Landscape Screen. Screening plant materials may be substituted for a wall or fence, where: a. Notwithstanding section 9-4.128(a)(1)(ii), proposed plant materials are certified in writing by a registered landscape architect as having the capability of achieving sixty percent (60%) of total view blockage within eighteen (18) months of planting, and one hundred percent (100%) of total view blockage within thirty-six (36) months of planting; and b. The applicant agrees in writing to install solid fencing after the expiration of thirty-six (36) months, in the event that the landscaping has not totally blocked the view of areas required to be screened. (ii) Berms. A landscaped berm may be substituted for a wall or fence, provided that the combination of berm and landscaping is no less than the required height of the fence or wall, and that the berm is constructed with a maximum slope of three to one (3:1), with side slopes designed and planted to prevent erosion, and with a rounded surface a minimum of two (2) feet in width at the highest point of the berm, extending the length of the berm. The berm shall be planted with shrubs, lawn or groundcover. (iii) Chain -Link Fencing. Vinyl -coated, chain-link fencing with evergreen landscape screen planting may be substituted for a solid wall or fence in commercial and industrial zones, except where screening fencing is required adjacent to residential uses and zones 9-6.105 Home occupations. An accessory use of a dwelling unit for gainful employment involving the manufacture, provision, or sale of goods or services is subject to the standards of this section. (a) Appearance, Visibility and Location. The standards of this section determine what physical changes may occur in a dwelling unit to accommodate a home occupation and where on a residential site a home occupation may be conducted. (1) Changes to the Dwelling. The home occupation is not to change the residential character of the outside appearance of the building, either: (i) By the use of colors, materials, lighting, signs or by the construction of accessory structures or garages visible from off-site and not of similar character as the residence; or (ii) By the emission of noise, glare, flashing lights, vibrations or odors not commonly experienced in residential areas. (2) Display of Products. The display of home occupation products for sale, in a manner visible from the public street or adjoining properties, is prohibited. (3) Outdoor Activities. On sites of less than one (1) acre, the use shall be conducted entirely within a principal or accessory structure except instructional activities that may be performed outdoors. Outdoor storage of materials related to the home occupation is allowed only on parcels one (1) acre or larger (except as otherwise provided by Section 9-6.103), where such storage is to be screened from view of any street or adjacent property. (4) Use of Garage or Accessory Structure. The use of a garage or accessory structure is allowed subject to Section 9-6.106, except that the conduct of the home occupation shall not preclude the use of the garage for vehicle parking unless any required replacement parking can be accommodated on site. (b) Area Devoted to a Home Occupation. The home occupation shall be incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the site as a residence. (c) Employees. No person other than members of the household residing on the premises may be employed and working on the site, except that employees, including independent contractors, partners, and similar employee -type relationships, may be permitted through administrative use permit approval (refer to Section 9-1.112) as follows: (1) The number of employees shall be unlimited, if the following criteria can be complied with: (i) The employees do not work at or report to the site of the home occupation during, or immediately before or after, the normal operating hours of the business. (ii) No additional vehicles, equipment, or outside storage shall occur at the residence as a result of the increased number of employees. (2) A maximum of two (2) employees, if the following criteria can be complied with: (i) No additional client vehicles are generated to the premises as a result of the increased number of employees. (ii) The function of the employees in working on the site is to provide direct service to the employer rather than to the clients of the business. (iii) It is necessary for the operation of the business to have the employees working at the site of the home occupation. (iv) Any additional vehicles, equipment, or outside storage can be maintained on the site in compliance with subsection (a) of this section. (v) The allowance of employees will not have any adverse effect on the surrounding residential area. (d) Hours of Operation. Hours of operation are unrestricted except that home occupations which generate sounds audible from offsite shall be limited to the hours from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., provided that such home occupation complies with the standards of Chapter 9-14. (e) Limits on the Kinds of Home Occupations Allowable. Subject to all of the standards of this section, allowable home occupations consist of: (1) Office -type personal or business services (including personal instruction such as music lessons or contracting services not involving on-site storage of materials or equipment) that do not involve the presence of more than one (1) client vehicle at any one (1) time; (2) Handcraft or artwork production, including, but not limited to, pottery and ceramics, artistic glass or metalwork, electronic components, woodcarving and woodworking (except for mass -production operations such as cabinet shops), antique furniture restoration, painting and photography, except when such use involves on-site use of equipment requiring more than standard household electrical current at one hundred ten (I 10) or two hundred twenty (220) volts or that produces noise (refer to Chapter 9-14), dust, odor or vibration detrimental to occupants of adjoining dwellings; (3) The personal sale of cosmetics, personal or household products (except appliances), or other goods or products; when such sales occur on the premises of the purchaser, provided that wholesale sales may occur pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, or occur off the premises in some other approved location; and (4) Small-scale agricultural accessory uses and horticultural specialties. (f) Sale of Products. On-site retail sales of the products of a home occupation are prohibited, except: (1) Garage sales or the sale of handcrafted items and artwork produced on site are allowed not more than twice per year, for a maximum of two (2) days per sale; (2) Home distributors of cosmetics and personal or household products may supply other approved home occupation proprietors; and (3) Agricultural produce stands are permitted consistent with Section 9-6.117. (g) Signing. One (1) identification sign with a maximum area of two (2) square feet may be erected pursuant to Chapter 9-15. A commercial vehicle carrying any sign identifying the home occupation and parked on or adjacent to the residential site visible from the public street is included in determining the maximum allowable area of on-site fixed signs. (h) Parking and Traffic. Traffic generated by a home occupation is not to exceed the volume normally expected for a residence in a residential neighborhood. All parking needs of the home occupation are to be met off the street. For purposes of this section, normal residential traffic volume means up to ten (10) trips per day. This subsection does not apply to garage or handcraft sales pursuant to subsection (f)(1) of this section. Q Oversized/ Head Equipment Storage. Storage of oversized equipment is limited to one item that mqy be stored onsite. Heavy equipment includes but is not limited to self-propelled, self -powered or pull -type equipment and machinery, weighing 5,000 pounds or more primarily employed for construction, industrial, and forestry uses (e.g., water tender, backhoe, mini -excavator, and SWECO tractor). Any on-site storage of heavy equipment associated with a home occupation may only be approved if the following condition are met: (1) Equipment must be entirely screened from the public right-of-way and adjacent parcels. (2) The City Engineer must determine there is adequate access and that the equipment will not unreasonably impact surrounding public streets. 9-6.106 Residential accessory uses. The standards of this section apply to the specific types of residential accessory uses and structures as listed. Standards for agricultural accessory structures are subject to Section 9-6.109. Agricultural accessory structures for the keeping of animals are subject to Section 9-6.112. (a) Swimming Pools. Swimming pools, including hot tubs, spas, and related equipment, may be located within any required side or rear setback, provided that they are no closer than eighteen (18) inches to a property line (additional setbacks may be required by the adopted building code), and provided that they are fenced as required by Section 9-4.128. (b) Detached Accessory Structures. Any detached accessory structure intended for residential accessory uses and accessory storage. (1) Limits on Use. An accessory structure may be constructed or used solely for noncommercial hobbies or amusements; for maintenance of the principal structure or yards; for artistic endeavors such as painting, photography or sculpture; for maintenance or mechanical work on vehicles owned or operated by the occupants; for an approved home occupation; or for other similar purposes. (2) Floor Area. The maximum gross floor area of a detached accessory structure is not to exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the gross floor area of the principal structure, up to two thousand (2,000) square feet, whichever is less. design erileria in subseetion (b)(3) and when additional findings ean be made to Suppeft an inefeased (3) Appearance and Design. An accessory structure that exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the gross floor area of the pFiflcple principal structure shall adhere to the following criteria: (i) Accessory structure shall not be located between the primary structure and the public roadway, unless no purpose of the location limitation is served based on the size, topography, or unique situation of the property; (ii) Accessory structure shall be compatible with the pattern of development in the neighborhood (there are similar structures on adjacent properties, and properties are of a size, nature and topography so as to not create a significant aesthetic impact); (iii) Accessory structure is compatible or complementary with the architectural style of the primary structure; (iv) The floor- area of the aeeessei=y, str-uetur-e is equal or- lesser than the floor- afea of the. +r et (iv) The accessory structure is located on a conforming lot or a lot that is one (1) acre (net) or rg eater; (vii) The accessory structure can be built to avoid substantial grading and the removal of significant native trees; (vii) The accessory structure does not block sunlight for adjacent properties, alter site distance for roads or driveways, nor substantially alter the visual quality of the property; (viii) The accessory structure shall be located no closer than ten (10) feet to the side property line as measured from the nearest roof eave; and (i*viii) The accessory structure shall be located no closer than forty (40) feet to the nearest residential dwelling on an adjacent property. (4) Exceptions. The following exceptions shall apply to the size and/or design criteria limitations: (i) The size of an accessory structure may be increased above the size limitations with an approval of an Administrative Use Permit (ii) If a structure cannot meet the design criteria for an accessory structure exceeding 50% of the gross floor area of the primaa structure, exceptions may be granted throu h the approval of an Administrative Use Permit. (45) Residential accessory structures one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less are exempt from requiring a permit if the structure is incidental to the primary use and meets the following requirements: (i) The structure does not create a nuisance; (ii) The use of the structure is permitted under its zoning; (iii) The structure meets the property's rear and side yard minimum setback requirement of three (3) feet if the structure is less than twelve (12) feet in height; (iv) If the structure is more than twelve (12) feet in height, standard setback shall be required regardless of exemption; (v) The accessory structure is located outside of the required front yard setback; (vi) A minimum (5) foot setback is required between structures. If structures are abutting, the aggregate area of the buildings shall be considered one (1) building and shall require a building permit; and (vii) Hoop Structures/Greenhouses. Limited to two (2) per residential property. Additional structures may be approved with DRC approval. (56) Offices/Art Studio. Offices or art studios are defined as any type of residential occupancy construction (R) with no kitchens, no overnight stays, cooking facilities and/or no bathing facilities (one (1) water closet is permitted). Studios shall be limited to four hundred fifty (450) square feet. Studios greater than four hundred fifty (450) square feet shall be considered accessory or urban dwelling units. Deed restrictions shall be required for any proposed office or art studio with plumbing limiting the use of the studio. (67) Number of Structures. The number of nonexempt accessory structures requiring a building permit shall be limited to three 3 t�we (2) structures. (c) Mini -bike, motorcycle, dirt bike or similar two (2) or more wheel motor vehicle riding is allowed subject to the following limitations: (1) No more than two (2) such vehicles shall be operating at the same time. (2) Operation is limited to a maximum of two (2) hours in a day. Limit applies even if only one (1) such vehicle is being operated. (3) Operation is limited to a maximum of eight (8) hours in a week. (i) This limit applies even if only one (1) such vehicle is operated. (ii) A week shall be measured from Monday through Sunday. (4) Notwithstanding the above, no such use shall be allowed prior to noon on Sundays. (5) Any violations to the above-mentioned limitations are subject to cost recovery for responses to disturbances, as listed in Section 9-14.14. (d) Exceptions to Accessory Structure Standards. (1) Notwithstanding section 9-6.106(b)(4), Ddetached accessory structures that deviate from requirements are subject to the approval of a minor conditional use permit. 2 Minor Use Peril IIL &eq uired: A minor Use Permit shall be required for the followin : (i) Any detached accessory structure in excess of the three 3 twe (2) structures permitted (ii) er-,A,When multiple exempt accessory structures (less than one hundred twenty (120) square feet) are constructed on the premises that are no longer accessory uses to the primary unit as dete f.. fined by the Community Development Dir -e, tef ; ubje t to the (e) Agricultural Accessory Uses. This subsection applies to small-scale agricultural uses that are incidental to a primary use in Residential Zoning Districts. (1) Hobby crop production and processing. Incidental crop production and small-scale processing is permitted subordinate to the residential use of the property. Any accessory structures used for this purpose must comply with accessory structure standards of this section. (i) Agriculture intended for commercial use must also comply with home occupations standards as listed in Section 9-6.105. (2) Produce stands are permitted in compliance with Section 9-6.117. (3) Farm animal raising is permitted in compliance with Section 9-6.112. 9-6.125 Schools, a*d-preschools, and child day care facilities. The provisions of this section apply to preschools and public and private schools providing instruction for preschool through twelfth grade children; business and vocational schools; and to preschools and other facilities including individual homes where day-care services are provided to more than six (6) children. (a) Elementary and High Schools. (1) Location. No closer than one thousand (1,000) feet to CS, CPK, IP and I Zones or five hundred (500) feet from a CR Zone. (2) Parking. Off-street parking is to be provided at a ratio of two (2) spaces for each classroom, and one space for one hundred (100) square feet of administrative or clerical office space. Except that where Section 9-4.114 would require more spaces for an on-site auditorium, stadium, gymnasium or other public or sports assembly facility, the larger number of spaces is to be provided. (b) Business and Vocational Schools. (1) Limitation on Use. Business and vocational schools are allowed in the IP Zones only when the curriculum offered is primarily in subjects relating to industry and/or manufacturing. (2) Parking. Off-street parking is to be provided at a ratio of one (1) space per seat in the largest classroom or instructional area, in addition to spaces required for any proposed auditorium by Section 9- 4.114. (c) Preschools and Child Day Care. The following standards apply in addition to the state licensing requirements in Title 22 of the California Administrative Code. (1) Minimum Site Area — Preschools and Child Care Centers. Six thousand (6,000) square feet where a facility is to accommodate seven fifteen (715) or more children. (2) Site Design Standards. (i) Fencing. All outdoor play areas are to be enclosed with fencing a minimum of four (4) feet high: provided that such fencing is to be solid and a minimum of six (6) feet in height on any property line abutting a residential use on an adjoining lot. (ii) Parking and Loading Requirement. For facilities with six (6) or less children, no requirement other than that normally required for a residence; for facilities with seven (7) to twelve fourteen (124) children, one l) space per employee, two (2) guest spaces, and an off-street drop-off area is to be pr-evided with the eapabilit�,� that can accommodate at least two (2) cars must be provided; in addition to the parking normally required for the residence; to be established through conditional use permit approval for facilities with more than ten -fourteen (104) children. 9-6.135 Residential care facilities. (a) Minimum Site Area. Twent�, Ten thousand (120,000) square feet is the minimum site area for more than six (6) boarders. (b) Fencing. Any play areas for children are to be fenced to prevent uncontrolled access to and from the site. (c) Parking. Non-medical facilities shall meet multi -family parking standards. For facilities with medical care mem than six (6` be ers, parking is to be provided as set forth in Section 9-6.134(b). 9-6.167 Towing Services Establishments defined as towing services are subject to the followinystandards: (a) Location Criteria. The location shall be as follows: (1) Street Characteristics. A towing service shall be approved only on an arterial or collector road. (b) Site Design Criteria. In addition to the other applicable standards of this title the following are applicable to service stations_ (1) A minimum 10 -foot wide landscape setback shall be provided along all street frontages. If the towing service and vehicle storage yard is utilizing an existing building with less than 10 feet between the building and any right-of-way, the provided setback shall be landscaped. (2) All outdoor storage areas shall be screened from the right of way and ad=a� cent properties b minimum six-foot high solid fence or mason1y wall around the entire perimeter of the outdoor storage area. (3) Outdoor storage areas that abut a residential zone shall be separated from such propei1y b a landsca . ing strip, with a minimum width of ten 10 feet. (4) All parking areas are to be surfaced with an asphalt concrete or crushed rock surface. (5) Outdoor vehicle storage shall be limited to 8,000 square feet. A larger outdoor storage area shall be sub'ect to the review and approval of a conditional use permit and shall be at least than 300 feet from a residential zoning district. 9-6.177 Temporary events. Where allowed, temporary events are subject to the standards of this section; except when such events occur in theaters, convention centers, meeting halls, or as part of a City sponsored event on public propeqy athef ,..,blie assembly f eili . Swap meets are subject to the standards of Section 9-6.139. (a) General Requirements. (1) Public Events. No en*i�t permit is required fef admission for free events held at a public park or on other land in public ownership when conducted under the management of a public agency (2) Commercial Entei4aif fnent Events. Temporary Gcommercial outdoor entertainment .,etiv:+:o-s event: __ y uire the approval of a Temporary Event Permit and are subject to the provisions of this section and regulations governing business licenses. (3) Parades. Parades and other temporary events within the public right-of-way are not subject to these Temporary Event standards fequir-emef4s, provided that all requirements of the City Engineer and Police Department are met. (b) Time Limit. A temporary event may iste be held in a single location for a period no longer thane-twen (-1� (20) wive cumulative daysep rte, of fur- byy Q:(^ "'" sueees weekends (Satt ,.day and ,,.,day), unless a longer time period is approved through an Administrative Use Permit. (c) Site Design Standards. (1) Access. Outdoor temporary events shall be provided with a „,:.,:mum of twe "` unobstructed access points, eaeh a minimum of eighteen (18) feet wide, from the event site to a publicly maintained road and must provide adequate access to emergency services throughout the event site, subject to review and approval of the City Fire Marshal. (2) Parking. , eensisting at minimum of an open afea at a Fatia of fouf htindFed (4 00) squafe feet per- ear-, oil a lot free of flammable matefi '. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided for the proposed event, except that temporary events in the Downtown Commercial zoning district shall not require off-street parking. All parking areas shall be on a non-flammable surface. ( 3) Restrooms. Establishment of temporary food services (food trucks) shall have access to approved restrooms on site. Restroom facilities located off-site within 200 feet of the food service may be approved, subject to the approval of the Building Official. (4) Installation of electrical service or fixtures governed by the building code for a temporary event site shall be subject to City review of a construction permit, unless otherwise exempted by the City Building Official. 5 Tents or related structures that are greater than 400 square feet shall require a construction permit, subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal. (i) Seated Speeta4er- Events. One pafking spaee for- eaeh twelve (12) square feet of seating afea. (ii) Exhibit Event. One parking spaee fer- eaeh seventy five (75) squafe feet of exhibit area. (d) Guarantee of Site Restoration. A bond or cash deposit is may be required for approval of a temporary event to guarantee site restoration after use, and operation in accordance with the standards of this title. The guarantee shall cover both operation and restoration and is subject to the provisions of Section 9-2.121. 9-9.102 General definitions. Above grade. Any elevation higher than the natural ground contour. Access. The safe, adequate, usable means of vehicular or pedestrian entrance or exit to a site. Accessory dwelling unit (ADU). ADUs are defined by Government Code Section 65852.2 to mean an attached or detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one (1) or more persons. ADUs shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and shall have a bathroom, and shall be located on the same parcel as the single-family or multifamily dwelling per the standards set forth in this section. An accessory dwelling unit also includes an efficiency unit as defined in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety Code and a manufactured home as set forth in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. Accessory structure. A non -habitable structure located on a residential lot occupied by a primary unit, exclusive of accessory dwelling units. Accessory structures may include, but are not limited to, workshops, garages, pool houses, and art studios. A utility bathroom with shower and heating/air conditioning may be installed subject to design limitations and with a deed restriction that limits the building's use to nonresidential purposes and prohibits overnight stays. Attached structures may be permitted consistent with Sections 9-5.060 and 9-6.106. Agricultural accessory building. An uninhabited structure, designed and built to store farming animals, implements, supplies, or products (not including commercial greenhouses or buildings for agricultural processing activities), which is not used by the public. Agricultural products. Food and fiber in their raw, unprocessed state (except for such field processing that may occur in conjunction with harvesting) and ornamental plant materials. Agriculture. The science and art of farming, producing crops, floriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry. Air contaminant. Any combination of smoke, charred paper, dust, soot, carbon, noxious acids, fumes, gases, or particulate matter. Ambient noise level. The composite of all noises from all sources near and far. In this context, the ambient noise level is the normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location. Apartment. A room or flat occupied or designed to be occupied by one (1) family for living or sleeping purposes with cooking facilities. Apartment house or multiple dwelling unit. A building or portion of a building designed or used for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other and containing three (3) or more dwelling units. Appeal, scope of. The matters to be heard on appeals filed pursuant to this title shall be confined to the project as proposed to the original or first decision maker, without change. However, the applicant, or person appearing on appeal, shall not be prevented from submitting information concerning the unchanged proposal which had not been submitted with the original proposal. Arcade. Any site or business providing in part or as a whole, an amusement service consisting of coin-operated games or devices, where more than five (5) coin-operated games or devices are present or where more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the public area is used for the placement or operation of such games or devices. Archeological resource. Any Native American or pre-Columbian artifact or human remains. A -weighted sound level. The sound level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A -weighting network. The level so read is designated "db(A)" or "dbA." Basement. That portion of a building between the floor and ceiling that is partly below and partly above grade so located that the vertical distance from grade to the floor below is less than the vertical distance from grade to ceiling. Billboard. See "Sign, off -premises." Boardinghouse. A boardinghouse is a structure where lodging and meals are furnished for compensation to at least five (5) persons. Buildable area (developable area). The area of the site in which structures may be located, not including required yard areas (see Figure 9-A). i -� � 6sr artrn. rrbrr as+npa. FIGURE 9-A, BUILDABLE AREA Building. Any structure having a roof supported by columns and/or walls and intended for shelter, housing, and/or enclosure of any person, animal or chattel, but not including tents or mobile homes. Building, accessory. A detached subordinate building the use of which is incidental to that of a main building on the same lot. Building and construction ordinance. Title 8 of this code. Building face. The exterior walls of a building extending vertically from the building line. Building height. The vertical distance from the average level of the highest and lowest point of that portion of the lot or building site covered by the building to the topmost point of the structure, excluding chimneys or vents (see Figure 9-13). w�wC�EI t 6�AIY6li6A16 pFi6HY' 6ak4ESIWOiNg reC:Cx� AVIRA&I OF 4CIG36ft M6'D 6*WtT7 P*iMTS 6.OW S'f V*i x VIGURE 9�-B: BUMDTVG BEIGHT Building, main or principal. A building where the principal use of its lot and or building site is conducted. Building site. The area within a lot of record (or contiguous lots under single ownership) actually proposed for development with buildings or structures, including areas immediately adjacent to the buildings or structures to an extent equivalent to any required setback areas. Carport. A permanent roofed structure with not more than two (2) enclosed sides, which is used or intended to be used for automobile shelter or storage. Channel. The area occupied by the normal flow of an intermittent or perennial stream during non - flood conditions. Combustible liquid. Any liquid having a flash point at or above one hundred (100) degrees Fahrenheit and below two hundred (200) degrees Fahrenheit, including, but not limited to, diesel fuel, kerosene and Jet A. Commercial coach. A vehicle, with or without motive power, including any mobile home or recreational vehicle, designed and equipped for human occupancy. Commission. The Planning Commission of the City. Common wall development. Two (2) residences on adjoining lots, constructed so that they abut each other at their common property line (see Figure 9-C). 57RI IT FIGURE 9-C: COMMON WALL DEVELOnIENT Communication towers. Any tower or other structure erected for the purpose of radio, television or microwave transmission or line -of -sight relay devices. Community sewer system. A sewage effluent collection network, treatment and disposal facilities provided within a prescribed service boundary, which results in the primary, secondary, or tertiary treatment of such effluent. Community water system. A water storage and distribution network for the provision of potable water to the public for human consumption within a prescribed service boundary, operated and maintained by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Construction. Any site preparation, assembly, erection, substantial repair, alteration or similar action, for or of rights-of-way, structures, utilities or similar property. Construction permit. Any or all of the various entitlements established by Title 8 of this code that authorize commencement of construction activities, including, but not limited to, building permits, grading permits, electrical and plumbing permits, demolition permits and moving permits. Convalescent hospital. A place or institution which provides for bed care or for chronic convalescent care for two (2) or more persons, exclusive of relatives, who by reason of illness or physical infirmity are unable to care for themselves. Council. The City Council of the City. County. The County of San Luis Obispo. Coverage. Site or lot coverage means the extent of a lot of record occupied by structures and paving. Crop production. Includes the following crop types and activities and further defined as indicated: (1) Specialty Crops. Strawberries, herb crops, flower seed and cut flower crops (open field), kiwi vines, edible pod peas, bushberry crops, Christmas trees and other outdoor ornamentals, intensive horticulture, sod farms, clover seed, hops, and wholesale nurseries (see separate definition). (2) Row Crops. All vegetable truck crops except edible pod peas. Includes lima and snap beans. (3) Orchards. All fruit and nut tree crops. Does not include kiwi, berry, or other vine crops. (4) Field Crops. Beans other than snap or lima beans, barley, oats, safflower, wheat, grain and hay including alfalfa, silage and grain corn, sugar beets, melons, cotton. (5) Rangeland. Grazing of livestock on grasses without irrigation. (6) Pasture (Irrigated). Grazing of livestock on irrigated grasses. (7) Vineyards. Grapevines. (8) Preparation for Cultivation. Land -contouring, clearing, irrigation construction and other preparation of soil for crops. (9) Field Processing. Mechanical processing of crops in the field at harvest, when such activities do not involve a permanent structure. Such activities include, but are not limited to, hay baling and field crushing of grapes. Dance club or nightclub. Establishment providing for live or recorded music and an area for dancing, including disco. Dance studio or school. An establishment where instruction in the dance arts (ballet, modern dance or any other dance form) is provided students for a fee, except where instruction in predominantly social dance is provided on the premises of a dance club as defined by this title. Density. The measure of the ratio of population to the area of land occupied by that population, which may be expressed as dwelling units per acre, families per acre, persons per acre, or conversely as acres per dwelling unit or square feet per dwelling unit. "Gross density" is the number of lots derived from dividing the area of a site by the area required for each lot or dwelling unit. "Net density" is the number of lots resulting from subtracting the area required for streets from the total area of the undivided site, and then dividing the remaining area by the area required for each lot. Density bonus. A density increase over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density under the applicable municipal code ordinance and Land Use, Open Space, and Conservation Element of the General Plan as of the date of application by the developer to the City (Government Code Section 65915(f)). Density bonuses shall either be in the form of a "State Density Bonus" as defined by Article 30 in Chapter 3, Zoning Districts, or as specified in the Land Use, Open Space, and Conservation Element of the General Plan for exceptionally high design quality. Development. Any activity or alteration of the landscape, its terrain contour or vegetation, including the erection or alteration of buildings or structures. New development is any construction, or alteration of an existing structure or land use, or establishment of a land use after the effective date of this title. Discretionary permit. An entitlement that may be issued under the provisions of this title, but requires the exercise of judgment and the resolution of factual issues to determine if the application and requested entitlement conform with the provisions of this title. Generally, a discretionary permit consists of any entitlement that requires a decision to approve, approve subject to conditions or disapprove, based on the judgment of the Planning Commission after a hearing (see "Ministerial permit"). Drainage facilities. Constructed improvements for the storage or conveyance of storm runoff in drainage channels, including channels, culverts, ponds, storm drains, drop -inlets, outfalls, basins, pumps, gutter inlets, manholes, and conduits. Dredging. Mechanical alteration of the grade of bottom sediments in any body of water. Drive-in restaurant. Any building or structure in which food or drink are prepared for service to customers outside such buildings or structure or to customers occupying vehicles outside such structure, even though food and drink are served to customers inside such building or structure. Shall include self- service restaurants for food take out. Driveway. A road providing access to a site or land use from a street. A driveway serves no more than five (5) separately owned parcels (see also "Road, private"). Dude ranch. Transient guest occupancy facilities incidental to a working ranch, which may include other accessory recreational facilities and common eating facilities open to overnight guests only. Dwelling unit. An independent, attached or detached residential building designed to house and provide living space, including kitchen and bathroom facilities, for an individual family. Entitlement. Authority acquired by an applicant after receiving approval of an application. For the purposes of this title, land use entitlements are the plot plan, precise plan and conditional use permit (see "Zoning approval"). Exploration. The search for minerals by geological, geophysical, geochemical or other techniques, including, but not limited to, sampling, assaying, drilling, or any surface or underground works used to determine the type, extent, or quantity of minerals present (includes prospecting). Extraction. The removal from the earth of oil, gas or geothermal resources by drilling, pumping or other means, whether for exploration or production purposes. Family. A "family" is a "single housekeeping unit" defined as the functional equivalent of a traditional family, whose members are an interactive group of persons jointly occupying a single dwelling unit, and where, if the unit is rented, all adult residents have chosen to jointly occupy the entire premises of the dwelling unit, under a single written lease with joint use and responsibility for the premises, and the makeup of the household occupying the unit is determined by the residents of the unit rather than the landlord or property manager. Family, immediate. Relatives of an applicant or spouse of applicant, limited to grandparents, parents, children, and siblings. Flammable liquid. Liquids with flash points below one hundred (100) degrees Fahrenheit, including, but not limited to, gasoline, acetone, benzene, ethyl ether and ethyl alcohol. Flash point. The minimum temperature of a liquid at which sufficient vapor is given off to form an ignitable mixture with the air near the surface of the liquid. Flood, one hundred (100) year. A flood inundation event, the extent of which has a statistical probability of occurring once every one hundred (100) years. Flood fringe. That portion of the floodplain outside the floodway. Floodplain. Land that has been or may be hereafter covered by flood water, including, but not limited to, the one hundred (100) year flood. Flood profile, storm. A graph or longitudinal profile showing the relationship of the water -surface elevation of a flood event to location along a stream or river. Floodproofing. Any combination of structural provisions or adjustments in areas subject to flooding primarily to reduce or eliminate flood damage to properties, water and sanitary facilities, structures, and the contents of buildings in a flood hazard area. Floodway. The channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved to discharge the one hundred (100) year flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one (1) foot. Floor area. Includes the total floor area of each floor of all buildings on a site, including internal circulation, storage and equipment space, as measured from the outside faces of the exterior walls, including halls, lobbies, stairways, elevator shafts, enclosed porches and balconies. Frontage. A property line of a lot that abuts a street, as follows: (1) Primary Street Frontage. The primary side of the property that abuts a street that typically provides property access, addressing, a front yard space, and is parallel to the secondary frontage and perpendicular to the corner frontage. (2) Secondary Street Frontage. A second side of the property that abuts a street and is parallel to the primary street frontage designed as a double frontage lot. .(3) Corner Street Frontage. A second side of the property that abuts a street and is perpendicular, or at a discernable angle, to the primary frontage. Garage, private. A building for storing self-propelled vehicles that is not open to the public, which may include an accessory workshop. Garage, public. Any premises (except a private garage) used for the storage and/or care of self- propelled vehicles, or where such vehicles are equipped for sale or lease. General Plan. The City of Atascadero General Plan, including all elements thereof and all amendments thereto. Government Code. The Government Code of the State of California. Grazing. For the purposes of this title, grazing means the keeping for commercial purposes of cattle, horses or sheep using feed produced on the site. Guesthouse. Sleeping facilities detached from a principal residence and occupied for the sole use of members of the family, temporary guests or persons temporarily employed on the premises; which may include a bathroom and other living space, but not kitchen facilities. Health Department. The County of San Luis Obispo Health Department under contract to the City of Atascadero. Home occupation. Any use customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling or building accessory thereto and carried on by the inhabitants thereof, which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the structure for dwelling purposes and which use does not change the character thereof and does not adversely affect the uses permitted in the zone of which it is a part. Hospital. An institution providing physical or mental health services inpatient or overnight accommodations and medical or surgical care of the sick or injured. Hotel. A building containing six (6) or more rooms intended or designed to be used, or which are used, rented or hired out to be occupied for sleeping purposes by guests. Impulsive sound. Sound of short duration, usually less than one (1) second, with an abrupt onset and rapid decay. Examples of sources of impulsive sound include explosions, hammering, and discharge of firearms. Inoperative vehicle. Any vehicle which is not currently registered or which is not capable of self - propulsion. Irrigated. A lot having existing wells, water storage, and/or drip irrigation system adequate to support any crop suited to the soil type and climate of a site. Junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU). JADUs are defined by Government Code Section 65852.2 to mean a residential accessory dwelling unit internal to an existing or new primary dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one (1) or more persons. JADUs shall include permanent provisions for living and shall be located on the same parcel and within the same structure as the single-family dwelling. A junior accessory dwelling unit also includes an efficiency unit as defined in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety Code. Junk yard. An area improved or unimproved in excess of two hundred (200) square feet: (1) Upon or in which is stored or kept junk salvage materials, scrap metals, inoperative vehicles and equipment or any combination thereof; or (2) Upon or in which vehicles, equipment or other property is dismantled or wrecked; or (3) Upon or in which salvage materials, inoperative vehicles or equipment, or parts therefrom, or scrap metals, or any combination thereof, is kept for resale. Materials or equipment kept on any premises for use in the construction of any building on such premises, and any materials or equipment customarily used on a farm or ranch, and so situated, shall not be deemed "junk" or "salvage material" within the meaning of this definition. Light source. A device that produces illumination, including incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent and neon tubes, halogen and other vapor lights and reflecting surfaces or refractors incorporated into a lighting fixture. Any translucent enclosure of a light source is considered to be, part of the light source. Loading space. A space used exclusively for loading or unloading of other than passengers from vehicles into the floor area, use area, or storage area of a building. Lot, corner. A corner lot is located immediately adjacent to the intersection of two (2) vehicular rights-of-way, including railroads. Lot depth. The horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines, measured in the mean direction of the side lot lines. Lot, double -frontage. A lot extending between two (2) streets, so that two (2) non-contiguous sides of a property abut a street with one (1) frontage being the primary street frontage and the other being the secondary street frontage (see Figure 9-E). 5 7 R e L T FIGURE 9-E. IDOLMI,1F FR(li!"TAG . aa()'Jr Lot, flag. A lot which lies substantially behind another lot and is served by an accessway or access easement (refer to Figure 9-F). Flag Lat nmy 3 sr:: FIGURE 9-F: FLAG LOT Lot width. Distance between interior property lines measured along the front setback line. Manufactured housing. Residential structures that are constructed entirely in the factory, and which since June 15, 1976, have been regulated by the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 under the administration of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Mined lands. Includes the surface, subsurface. and groundwater of an area where surface mining operations will be, are being, or have been conducted, including all accessory access roads, land excavations, workings, mining waste, and areas where structures, facilities, and surface mining equipment, machines, tools or other material or property are located. Minerals. Any naturally occurring chemical element, compound or groups of elements and compounds, formed from inorganic processes or organic substances, including, but not limited to, coal, granite, limestone, metals, peat,- "redrock" sand and gravel, tar sand and bituminous sandstone, but excluding geothermal resources, natural gas, and petroleum. Mining waste. Includes residual soil, minerals, liquid, vegetation, tailings, abandoned equipment, tools, other materials or physical conditions directly resulting from or displaced by mining. Ministerial permit. Any permit that may be issued under the provisions of this title without review by the Planning Commission or City Council. A ministerial decision involves only the evaluation of a proposal with respect to fixed standards or objective measurements, without the use of subjective criteria. Mobile home. A trailer, transportable in one (1) or more sections, that is certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, which is over eight (8) feet in width and forty (40) feet in length, is tied down: (a) to a permanent foundation on a lot either owned or leased by the homeowner; or (b) is set on piers, with wheels removed and skirted, in a mobile home park and not including recreational vehicle, commercial coach or factory -built housing. A mobile home on a permanent foundation is included under the definition of "Single-family dwellings" in Section 9-3.500. Nonresidential use. All uses of land including agricultural, communication, cultural, educational, recreation, manufacturing, processing, resource extraction, retail trade, services, transient lodging, transportation and wholesale trade uses. Nursery school. See "Preschool." Obstruction in floodway. Any dam, wall, wharf, embankment, levee, dike, pile, abutment, projection, excavation, channel rectification, bridge, conduit, culvert, building, wire fence, rock, gravel, refuse, fill, structure or matter in, along, across, or projecting into any channel, watercourse, or flood hazard areas that may impede, retard or change direction of flow, either in itself, or by catching or collecting debris carried by such water, or that is placed where it might be carried downstream and damage life or property. Occupant. The person occupying, or otherwise in real or apparent charge and control of, a premises. Official plan line. A line adopted by the City Council to indicate the area proposed to be acquired for an enlarged right-of-way. Open area. All areas of a lot not included within the definition of floor area: parking, recreation spaces, passive open areas landscaped areas and other open, unpaved areas of the site. Outdoor activity area. Any part of a site where commercial, industrial, recreation or storage activities related to the principal use of a site are conducted outdoors, except for parking. Owner. The person or persons, firm, corporation or partnership that is the owner of record of a premises identified on the last equalized assessment roll. Ownership. Ownership of one (1) or more parcels of land (or possession under a contract to purchase or under a lease the term of which is not less than ten (10) years) by a person or persons, firm, corporation or partnership, individually, jointly, in common or in any other manner whereby such property is under single or unified control. Parcel. (1) A parcel of real property shown on a subdivision or plat map, required by the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance adopted pursuant thereto, to be recorded before sale of parcels shown on the map or plot, at the time the map was recorded; (2) A parcel of real property that has been issued a certificate of compliance pursuant to Government Code Section 66499.35; or (3) A parcel of real property not described in subsection (1) or (2) of this definition, provided the parcel resulted from a separate conveyance or from a decree of a court of competent jurisdiction which was recorded before the requirement of the filing of the subdivision map by the Subdivision Map Act or local ordinance adopted pursuant thereto. Person. Any individual, firm, co -partnership, corporation, company, association, joint stock association, City, County, State or district; and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or other similar representatives thereof. Planning Department. The City of Atascadero Planning Department, including the Planning Director and all subordinate employees. Planning Director. The Planning Director of the City of Atascadero. As used in this title, Planning Director may include designated staff of the Planning Department when acting in an official capacity. Porch. Outdoor steps, stairs, and/or a raised platform less than one hundred (100) square feet in area, located immediately adjacent to the entry of a building for the purpose of providing pedestrian access from the outdoor ground elevation to a building interior. If the platform portion of a porch, not including steps, is more than one hundred (100) feet, it is considered a deck. Preschool. Any type of group child day care programs including nurseries for. children of working mothers, nursery schools for children under the minimum age for education in public schools, parent cooperative nursery schools and programs covering afterschool care for school children provided such establishments are institutional in character and are licensed by the State or County and conducted in accordance with State requirements. Primary street. The street side of a property that typically provides property access, addressing, a front yard space, and is parallel to the secondary street and generally perpendicular to a corner street. Project. Any land use, activity, construction or development which is required to be authorized by a zoning approval pursuant to this title before beginning construction or establishment of the use. Property line. The recorded boundary of a lot of record. Property line, front. The recorded boundary between the yard of a lot of record and any abutting public or private street right-of-way. Property line, interior. The recorded boundary between two (2) or more lots of record. Property line, street frontage. The recorded boundary between a lot of record and a street right-of- way. Public Resources Code. The Public Resources Code of the State of California. Public utility. A company regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. Reader board. A sign that accommodates changeable copy and which displays information on activities and events on the premises, but not including a marquee. Reclamation. The process of land treatment that minimizes and mitigates otherwise unavoidable or existing water degradation, air pollution, damage to aquatic or wildlife habitat flooding, erosion, and other adverse effects from surface or underground mining operations, including adverse surface effects incidental to underground mines, so that mined lands are reclaimed and restored to a usable condition readily adaptable for alternate land uses and that will constitute no danger to public health or safety. The process may extend to affected lands surrounding mined lands, and may require backfilling, grading, resoiling, revegetation, soil compaction, stabilization, or other measures. Reclamation plan. A mine operator's completed and approved plan for reclaiming the lands affected by mining operations conducted after January 1, 1976, as called for in Section 2772 of the Public Resources Code. Recreational vehicle. Recreational vehicles are defined as any vehicle, coach, camper, travel trailer, boat, or similar movable recreational facility regulated by the vehicle code that does not have a permanent foundation. Recreational vehicles are not permitted to be used as any type of residential unit or residential accessory use. Recycling facility. Any lot or portion of a lot used for the purpose of outdoor storage, sorting, handling, processing, dismantling, wrecking, keeping or sale of inoperative, discarded, wrecked, or abandoned appliances, vehicles, boats, building materials, machinery, equipment, or parts thereof, including, but not limited to, scrap materials, wood, lumber, plastic, fiber, or other tangible materials that cannot, without further reconditioning, be used for their original purposes. Includes wrecking yards for vehicles. Residential additions. Residential additions (additions) are defined as an increase of floor area to a residential unit, including attached uninhabitable space. Habitable residential additions shall have a continuous, logical internal connection of conditioned space that provides for access to all portions of the unit and addition. Doors or other partitions may not be used to create two (2) separate living spaces. The addition shall not have a secondary kitchen; however, a wet bar is permissible as defined herein. Habitable aAdditions must have a minimum ten (10) feet of shared common wall b A r . rrvrccic w'aY or- similar- r-eef eenneetieti of uneaelesed or- uneenditioned spaee, regardless of length, shall n ns:aovoa a residential addition. Uninhabitable additions must have a minimum of ten (10) feet of shared common wall. Structures connected by a breezeway or other open sided elements are considered detached structures. Residential care facility. Any facility, place, or building that is maintained and operated to provide nonmedical residential care or day care, services for children or adults (except for preschools which are separately defined) who are physically handicapped or mentally retarded. Residential multifamily development. A residential multifamily property zoned for multiple primary dwelling units that has been developed to the maximum allowed density and which shares access, parking, and/or amenities regardless of the number of underlying parcels. This may include, but is not limited to, attached or detached residential units, common interest subdivisions, and related residential development on single or multiple lots developed as a single development project with a developable density of at least ten (10) units per acre. Resource extraction well. Any facility constructed or installed for the purpose of extracting minerals from the earth that occur in a fluid or gaseous state, or minerals converted to a gaseous or semifluid state through extraction processes, which involve the penetration of subterranean regions by means of drilling apparatus. For the purposes of this definition only, mineral resources include oil, gas, geothermal steam, or other subterranean deposits, except water. Extraction wells as defined herein may be for purposes of exploration or production. Rest home. See "Residential care facility." Revegetation. Any combination of mechanical or other means by which a graded surface is returned to a condition where it supports significant natural vegetation. Right-of-way. A road, alley, pedestrian or other access right-of-way with width described in recorded documents. Road, private. A road providing vehicular access to five (5) or more lots of record that is not in the City -maintained road system. Road, public. A road providing vehicular access that is in the City -maintained road system. Scrap. Used metal including appliances and machine parts, which can be recycled or reused only with repair, refurbishing, or attachment to other such materials. Sedimentation. The addition of soil materials through erosion to a stream or water body that increases the turbidity of the water. Setback. An open area on a lot between a building and a property line unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided in Section 9-4.103 (refer to Figure 9-17). I 3,FVET wowmru S IVIS OMM r nwa �wwe° tan F - L—AOP Owr,a FIGURE 9-F: SETBACKS AND BUILDABLE AREA Setback, interior. Any open area of a site not within a required street, rear, or side setback area (see Figure 9-F). Setback line. The line formed by the measurement of required front, side, or rear yard areas required by this title. All setback lines together define the buildable area. Setback, rear. A primarily open area without principal structures, extending across the full width of the lot and measured between the rear line of the lot and the nearest line of the building (see Figure 9-17). Setback, side. A primarily open area without principal structures, between the side line of the lot and the nearest line of the building and extending between the required street and rear setbacks (see Figure 9-F). Setback, street (primary, secondary, or corner). An open area without structures, extending across the frontage of a lot abutting a private or public right-of-way. Sign. Any visual device or representation designed or used for communicating a message, or identifying or attracting attention to a premises, product, service, person, organization, business or event, not including such devices visible only from within a building. Sign area. The area of the smallest rectangle within which a single sign face can be enclosed. Sign copy. The information content of a sign, including text, illustrations, logos, and trademarks. Sign, directory. A sign identifying the location of occupants of a building or group of buildings which are divided into rooms or suites used as separate offices, studios or shops. Sign, exterior -illuminated. Any sign, any part of which is illuminated from an exterior artificial light source mounted on the sign, another structure, or the ground. Sign face. The visible portions of a sign including all characters and symbols, but excluding structural elements not an integral part of the display. Sign, freestanding. A sign not attached to any buildings and having its own support structure. Sign, freeway identification. An on-site sign permitted for a highway -oriented use. Sign height. The vertical distance from average adjacent ground level to the top of the sign including the support structure and any design elements. Sign, identification. Any sign identifying an occupant, apartment, residence, school, church, or certain business uses and not advertising any product or service. Sign, interior -illuminated. A sign with any portion of the sign face or outline illuminated by an interior light source. Sign, monument. A self -supported sign with its base on the ground, not exceeding six (6) feet in height. Sign, nonilluminated. A sign illuminated only incidentally by ambient light conditions. Sign, off -premises. A sign directing attention to a business, service, product, or entertainment not sold or offered on the premises on which the sign is located. Sign, political. A sign drawing attention to or communicating a position on any issue, candidate, or measure in any national, State, local or school campus election. Sign, price. A sign on the premises of a gasoline service station, identifying the cost and type or grade of motor fuel only. Sign, roof. Any sign located on, or attached to the roof of a building. Sign, suspended. A sign attached to and located below any permanent eave, roof, or canopy. Sign, temporary. A sign used not more than sixty (60) days, or other period limited by the duration of a temporary use. Sign, wall. A single -faced sign painted on or attached to a building or wall, no part of which extends out from or above a wall more than six (6) inches. Sign, window. A sign displayed within a building or attached to a window but visible through a window or similar opening for the primary purpose of exterior visibility. Single room occupancy unit (SRO). A structure that provides separate, single room, residential living units with no on -premises residential medical care. Units within the structure may have individual bathroom facilities, shared bath or toilet facilities for the residents, or any combination thereof. SRO may include structures commonly called rooming houses or boarding houses. SRO facilities shall not be age restricted. Age restricted SRO facilities shall be considered a residential care facility for the elderly (RCFE). Site area, gross. The total area of a legally created parcel (or contiguous parcels of land in single or joint ownership when used in combination for a building or permitted group of buildings), including any ultimate street right-of-way, existing rights-of-way deeded to the parcel, and all easements, except open space easements, across the site. Site area, net. The gross site area minus any ultimate street rights-of-way and all easements, except open easements, that limit the surface use of the site for building construction. Site area, usable. Net site area minus any portions of the site that are precluded from building construction by natural features or hazards, such as areas subject to inundation. Slope, average. The characteristic slope over an area of land, expressed in percent as the ratio of vertical rise to horizontal distance. Average slope is to be determined based on the most accurate available topographic information for each proposed new lot. One of the following methods for determining average slope is to be used: (1) Basic Method. Where a line drawn between highest and lowest points on a parcel is adequate to represent direction and extent of slope for the entire parcel, the difference in elevation between the high and low points, divided by the distance between the points, will determine the average slope. (2) Sectional Method. Where the parcel contains distinct sections of differing slope, the average slope of each section may be determined according to either the basic method in subsection (a) of this definition or the contour measurement method in subsection (c) of this definition. The average slope of each section is then used in proportion of the section's area to the total area to determine the average slope of the entire parcel. (3) Contour Measurement Method. Where precise measurement of the average slope is required due to varied slope conditions or complex topography, the following formula will be used: S= (2.29 X 10 - 3) I L A Where S = Average slope of parcel in percent A = Total number of acres in the parcel (or section of parcel) L = Length of contour lines in scaled feet I = Vertical distance of contour interval in feet Sound level meter. Any instrument including a microphone, amplifier, output meter and frequency weighing networks for the measurement of sound levels, which meets or exceeds the requirements pertinent for type S2A meters in ANSI specifications for sound level meters, 51.4-1971, or the most recent revision thereof. State Board. The State Mining and Geology Board, in the Department of Conservation, State of California. State Geologist. The individual holding office as structured in Section 677 of the Public Resources Code. Storage area. An area proposed or used for the outdoor storage of supplies or equipment, or goods for sale, lease, or incidental use. Story. Usable floors of a building, except that where this title uses stories as a measurement of a building height. Basements or building floors six (6) feet or more below street level are not included. Structural alteration. Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders. Structure. Any artifact constructed or erected, the use of which requires attachment to the ground, including any building, but not including fences or walls six (6) feet or less in height. .Structure, accessory. A structure, the use of which is incidental to that of a principal structure on the same lot. May be either detached or attached if part of the principal structure. Subject site. A parcel or parcels of land which are the intended or actual location of a land use or land development project which is the subject of an application for zoning approval, construction permit, variance or adjustment, or an amendment to the land use element. Substation. Any public utility electrical substation, pumping station, pressure regulating station, or similar facility. .Supportive housing. Housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the clients of social services, such as persons with medical or mental health conditions, and that is linked to on- or off- site services that assist the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live in and, when possible, work in the community, where no on-site medical care is provided. This definition excludes housing for halfway houses intended for occupancy by parolees or convicted persons, children's homes, halfway houses, rehabilitation centers, and self-help group homes. Surface mining operations. All or any part of the process involved in the mining of minerals or construction materials on mined lands by removing overburden and mining directly from the mineral deposits, open -pit mining of minerals naturally exposed, mining by the auger method, dredging and quarrying, or surface work incidental to an underground mine. In addition, surface mining operations include, but are not limited to: (1) In place distillation, retorting, or leaching. (2) The production and disposal of mining waste. (3) Prospecting and exploratory activities. (4) Extractions of natural materials for building, construction, etc. Temporarily deactivated operation. A surface mine that has been closed down and which the operator has maintained in the expectation of reopening it when conditions justify. Terrace. (1) In the case of a grading or surface mining operation, a terrace is a relatively level step constructed in the face of a graded slope surface for drainage and maintenance purposes. (2) A terrace is also an outdoor living or activity area constructed with tile, asphalt, concrete or other paving laid upon continuous base material or fill, placed directly on grade. Transitional housing. Buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that call for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at some predetermined future point in time, which shall be no less than six (6) months (Health and Safety Code Section 50675.2(h)). This definition excludes housing for halfway houses intended for occupancy by parolees or convicted persons, children's homes, halfway houses, rehabilitation centers, and self-help group homes. Use. The purpose for which a parcel of land, a premises or building is designed, arranged or intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained. Use, accessory. A use accessory to any permitted use and customarily a part thereof, which is clearly incidental and secondary to the permitted use and does not change the character of the main use. Use, allowable. A use of land identified in Chapter 9-3 being appropriate in a given zoning district subject to the standards of this title. Use, approved. A use of land authorized to be constructed and/or established through issuance of an approved plot plan, precise plan or conditional use permit. Use, area. The area of a site used for buildings (main or accessory) and storage area or other incidental use, but not including parking or landscaping. Use area, active. All portions of a site and buildings included in the use area, except storage, parking and landscaping. Use, new. A use of land which is proposed to be established or constructed after the adoption of this title. Use, principal or main. The primary purpose for which a building, structure, or lot is designed, arranged, or intended, or for which they may be used, occupied, or maintained under this title. Use, structural. A use of land accompanied by a building or structure (not including fences), on the same lot of record. Vacation rental. Any habitable structure, or portion thereof, utilized as a short-term rental for stays of thirty (30) days or less. Wall, building. The length of a building wall is the horizontal distance from corner to corner measured from a plan parallel to the appropriate side, rear or front lot lines. Watercourse. The normal channel or limits of an intermittent or perennial stream, or other body of water, during non -flood conditions. Wet bar. A wet bar is defined as a small counter equipped with a sink for running water consistent with the following: (1) A wet bar does not include a stove, built-in microwave, dishwasher, or garbage disposal. (2) A gas line shall not be installed in proximity to a wet bar. (3) A wet bar sink shall have a single trap drain size limited to one and one-half (1'/z) inches maximum. (4) A wet bar shall include a counter with a maximum four (4) foot length and not to exceed twelve (12) square feet of total counter space. Yard. An open space, other than a court, on a lot which space is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward. Zero lot line development. A residential project where dwelling units on individual lots of record are located so they all abut one (1) side property line, without a setback (refer to Figure 9-G). FIGURE 9-G: ZERO 1:OT.LINE DF:VFI,OP'%IF"N'1' Zoning approval. Same as entitlement.