HomeMy WebLinkAboutFiscal Year 2020 Annual Road Report City of Atascadero Citizens’ Sales Tax Oversight Committee Annual Road Report Fiscal Year 2020 . i City of Atascadero ELECTED OFFICIALS Heather Moreno, Mayor Charles Bourbeau, Mayor Pro Tempore Roberta Fonzi, Council Member Susan Funk, Council Member Heather Newsom, Council Member Gere W. Sibbach, City Treasurer CITIZENS’ SALES TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Robert “Grigger” Jones, Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, Chairperson Jason Anderson, Atascadero Kiwanis Debbie Argano, Escuela Del Rio Catherine Bianchi, At Large JoeAnn Bruzzo, Atascadero Chapter Quota International Ben Cornejo, At-Large Don Giessinger, Atascadero Rotary Club Richard Shannon, North San Luis Obispo County Association of Realtors Committee Member, Vacant . Measure F-14 Sales Tax Projects Fund* Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………………1 Financial Statements…………………………………………………………………………………..5 Certification of Citizens' Sales Tax Oversight Committee Chairperson…………………………6 Balance Sheet…………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………..7 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance………………………………………………...……...………………………………………..8 Detailed Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance- Fiscal Years 2015 through 2020………………………………………………...……...……………………………………….. 9 Revenues Summary………………………...………………………………………………………………………………12 Revenues from State of California……………………………………………………………………………13 Attachment 1 2019 Pavement Rehabilitation…………………………………………………………………………………….25 2020 Pavement Rehabilitation…………………………………………………………………………………….161 2021 Pavement Rehabilitation…………………………………………………………………………………….255 *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund audited financial statements. CITY OF ATASCADERO TABLE OF CONTENTS June 30, 2020 ii . 1 Executive Summary Revenues In November 2014, Atascadero voters approved Sales Tax Measure F-14, increasing the City sales tax rate by 0.5%. The additional half-percent sales tax revenue is the subject of this Annual Report. Retailers within the City limits of Atascadero began collecting the approved 0.5% sales tax on April 1, 2015. These retailers are required to submit sales tax revenues directly to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) on a monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting basis (as determined by the State). After the CDTFA has processed the payments and reports from the Retailers, the CDTFA remits payment to the City. The City generally receives these payments from the CDTFA about 60 days after the end of the month in which the sales took place. Although the flow of the cash does take extra time to get to the City’s account, the sales tax revenue is counted in the period when the sales took place. For example, the City received a sales tax payment from the CDTFA in late September 2018 for the sales that took place during the month of July 2018. The City counts that as July revenue, although it was received much later. The total Measure F-14 Sales Tax Revenue that was earned for the period July 2019 – June 2020 was $2,483,243. Expenditures Expenditures for repairing and maintaining neighborhood roads and other roadways involve a process designed to provide transparency and fairness. The City has implemented a “Critical Point Management” methodology. This methodology selects road segments whose conditions are such that if repairs or maintenance is not performed in the near future, the road will deteriorate into a condition that will require more extensive and costly repairs to bring it to a similar state of good condition that less costly repairs and maintenance could realize if done sooner. The end result of Critical Point Management is prioritization of road repairs and maintenance with the objective of providing the lowest life cycle costs and optimizing the overall pavement conditions of the roadway system. Once selected, road segments are compiled into resurfacing or rehabilitation projects, which are designed and then advertised for construction to local contractors and throughout California in accordance with public contracting laws. Sealed bid proposals are received and evaluated, and then a contract is awarded to the lowest responsive bidder. Council approves contracts, if necessary, per the City’s purchasing policy. The contracts are executed and bonds and insurance provided by the Contractor. Construction begins and City staff provides project inspection and oversight. Once the project is ready to be publicly bid, construction typically begins approximately 60 to 90 days later. A total of $2,391,189 was spent on three projects during the 2019-2020 fiscal year (7/1/19 to 6/30/20). It is difficult to have all costs for individual projects to occur during a single fiscal period given the time needed to design, bid, and construct roadway projects. In addition, the fiscal year ends June 30th during the middle of peak roadway construction season, which typically splits construction costs over two fiscal . 2 Executive Summary (continued) Expenditures (continued) periods. A summary of the projects that incurred costs during the reporting period are included below. 2019 Pavement Rehabilitation Project This project incurred $2,084,707 in expenditures during the reporting period and includes the following road segments totaling 3.28 centerline miles: Road Segments in Measure F-14 2019 Rehabilitation Project Road Segment From To Length (ft.) Width (ft.) Area (sq. ft.) 2019 PCI Balboa Rd Graves Creek Rd San Fernando Rd 6,900 22 151,800 29 Monterey Rd Campo Rd Del Rio Rd 3,135 25 78,375 53 Del Rio Rd Monterey Rd San Gregorio Rd 715 23 16,445 57 San Gregorio Rd Del Rio Rd Garcia Rd 600 21 12,600 26 Garcia Rd San Gregorio Rd Santa Cruz Rd 2,695 24 64,680 49 Navarette Ave San Marcos Rd Santa Lucia Rd 3,290 21 69,090 26 Total: 17,335 392,990 Expenditures during this reporting period were mostly related to the construction phase of the project. Project design costs were largely performed during the previous two reporting periods (totaling $206,365) and completed in June 2019, at which time the project was solicited for public bids. Six bid proposals were received on July 26, 2019, ranging from $2,072,826 to $2,299,946 with the low bid submitted by Souza Construction, Inc. of San Luis Obispo. The City Council awarded the construction contract to Souza Construction, Inc. on August 13, 2019, and allocated an additional $274,700 in Measure F-14 fund balance to the project budget of $2,525,300 for a revised project budget of $2,800,000. This revised budget included project construction contingencies of $292,174. Balboa Road and Navarette Road were fully reconstructed using the full-depth reclamation method with subgrade cement treatment. Monterey Road, Del Rio Road, San Gregorio Road and Garcia Road segments were rehabilitated using a combination of microsurfacing, localized pavement digouts and asphalt overlay, depending upon roadway conditions. A substantial error on the bid form schedule of values was discovered shortly after construction award that overestimated the quantity of microsurfacing work by a factor of three. This error allowed the contractor to renegotiate the price for microsurfacing work, and was to be performed by a subcontractor to Souza Construction. At that time, the City was preparing bidding documents for the 2020 Pavement Resurfacing Project that involved a large amount of microsufacing work. Microsurfacing and pavement marking work for Monterey Road and Garcia Road were removed from the 2019 F-14 Project via change order (credit of $425,285) and added to the 2020 Pavement Resurfacing Project. Other work on Monterey Road and Garcia Road, such as pavement digouts, were completed with the 2019 F-14 Project. . 3 Executive Summary (continued) 2019 Pavement Rehabilitation Project (continued) Construction for the 2019 F-14 Project was completed in January 2020 and final construction costs totaled $1,803,780, or $269,046 less than the contract award price. Work for the 2020 Pavement Resurfacing Project, that included microsurfacing work for Monterey Road and Garcia Road, was awarded to Souza Construction and completed in June 2020. The final construction cost for the F-14 portion of microsurfacing on Monterey Road and Garcia Road totaled $66,702, and is included in the total 2019 Pavement Rehabilitation Project cost of $2,291,072. This total project cost was less than the original budget amount of $2,525,300, and much less than the revised budget of $2,800,000, resulting in a project surplus of $234,228 (below original $2,525,300 budget) remaining in Measure F- 14 fund balance. 2020 Pavement Rehabilitation Project This project incurred $274,576 in expenditures during the reporting period and includes the following road segments totaling 4.24 centerline miles: Road Segments in Measure F-14 2020 Rehabilitation Project Road Segment From To Length (ft.) Width (ft.) Area (sq. ft.) 2019 PCI Gabarda Road Curbaril Ave End 2,303 22 50,666 29 Junipero Avenue El Camino Real End 3,590 22 78,980 36 Palomar Avenue El Camino Real Castano Ave 4,013 22 88,286 33 Pueblo Avenue El Camino Real Sombrilla Ave 1,210 27 32,670 40 Robles Avenue Santa Ysabel Ave Sombrilla Ave 440 22 9,680 38 Sinaloa Avenue Pueblo Ave Curbaril Ave 1,255 22 27,610 36 Sombrilla Avenue Curbaril Ave End 3,504 21 73,584 28 Sonora Avenue Valle Ave Pinal Ave 1,425 16 22,800 14 Valle Avenue Curbaril Ave End 4,693 22 103,246 36 Total: 22,433 487,522 Expenditures during this reporting period are related to performing final design and preparing construction plans for the project. Prior year work involved a small amount of geotechnical testing work ($4,555). Construction plans and specifications were completed in April 2020 and issued for public bid solicitation. A public bid opening occurred on May 27, 2020, and six bids were received ranging from $2,167,515 to $3,041,848 with the low bid received by Ferravanti Grading and Paving of Paso Robles. The City Council awarded a construction contract to Ferravanti Grading and Paving on June 9, 2020, and increased the project budget amount of $2,650,000 by $250,000 to cover construction contingencies for the project. Work began at the end of July 2020 and is expected to be completed in January 2021. . 4 Executive Summary (continued) 2021 Pavement Rehabilitation Project This project incurred $31,906 in expenditures during the reporting period and includes the following road segments totaling 3.81 centerline miles: Road Segments in Measure F-14 2021 Rehabilitation Project Road Segment From To Length (ft) Area (sf) 2019 PCI Alegre Ave Atascadero Ave End 460 9,200 33 Coromar Ave** Marchant Ave Portola Rd 3,621 76,041 26/43/41** La Paz Ln Atascadero Rd End 2,175 39,150 24 Marchant Way Pismo Ave Santa Rosa Rd 1,700 45,900 17 Marchant Ave* Coromar Ave Atascadero Ave 1,962 41,202 55/42* Old Morro Rd East Hwy 41 (West) Hwy 41 (East) 2,850 57,000 42 Pismo Ave Hwy 41 Marchant Way 874 19,228 42 San Diego Rd* Atascadero Ave Hwy 101 Ramps 3,111 65,331 53/12* San Guillermo Ln San Gabriel Rd End 920 18,400 11 San Rafael Rd San Gabriel Rd Los Osos Rd 2,450 51,450 43 *Two segments per PMP. Total 20,123 422,902 **Three segments per PMP. 3.81 miles Expenditures during this reporting period are related to geotechnical testing and evaluation work. This work is used to determine pavement sections and underlying soil conditions for use in pavement design. Request for proposals were issued for professional engineering services to perform final design and prepare construction plans and specifications in July 2020. The City Council approved a professional services agreement with Rick Engineering Company of San Luis Obispo for $183,220 to perform this work. The project is expected to be publicly bid in April/May 2021 and construction begin in June/July 2021. The total project budget is $2,550,000. Fund Balance The amount of $4,239,525 remained in the Measure F-14 Sales Tax Projects Fund at the end of the fiscal year and will carry forward to the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Fund balance reserves from completed projects and higher than expected revenues are programmed to future roadway projects on the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP is updated in conjunction with the budget process every two years. Estimated costs for CIP projects are updated and additional roadway segments are selected with any remaining fund balance. All Measure F-14 revenue is to be spent on roadway project costs. . CITY OF ATASCADERO MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2020 *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund audited financial statements. 5 . . 2020 2019 ASSETS Cash and investments 3,786,943$ 3,712,786$ Receivables: Due from State of California 449,460 367,499 Interest receivable 9,420 9,084 Total assets 4,245,823 4,089,369 LIABILITIES Accounts payable 6,298 97,411 Total liabilities 6,298 97,411 FUND BALANCE Restricted 4,239,525 3,991,958 Total fund balance 4,239,525$ 3,991,958$ *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund audited financial statements. CITY OF ATASCADERO BALANCE SHEET MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* June 30, 2020 and 2019 7 . 2020 2019 Revenues: Sales tax 2,483,243$ 2,351,012$ Use of money and property 155,513 111,922 Total revenues 2,638,756 2,462,934 Expenditures: Capital Outlay: 2018 Pavement Rehabilitation - 1,270,679 2019 Pavement Rehabilitation 2,084,707 181,064 2020 Pavement Rehabilitation 274,576 4,555 2021 Pavement Rehabilitation 31,906 - Total expenditures 2,391,189 1,456,298 247,567 1,006,636 Fund balance - beginning of fiscal year 3,991,958 2,985,322 Fund balance - end of fiscal year 4,239,525$ 3,991,958$ *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund in the City's audited financial statements. Net change in fund balance MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* CITY OF ATASCADERO For the Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2020 and 2019 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 8 . 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total as of June 30, 2020 Revenues: Sales tax 472,278$ 2,095,116$ 2,119,420$ 2,307,369$ 2,351,012$ 2,483,243$ 11,828,438$ Interest Income 54 11,165 27,947 31,805 63,112 74,140 208,223 Adjustment to Fair Market Value 203 19,621 (21,377) (31,251) 48,810 81,373 97,379 Total revenues 472,535 2,125,902 2,125,990 2,307,923 2,462,934 2,638,756 12,134,040 Expenditures: Alamo Avenue (Rosario Ave to Barrenda Ave)3,288 36,893 - - - - 40,181 Honda Avenue (Traffic Way to Barrenda Ave)3,287 37,809 - - - - 41,096 2016 Pavement Resurfacing Arena Road (San Benito Rd to San Anselmo Rd)- 4,163 84,297 - - - 88,460 Arena Road (San Anselmo Rd to Yerba Ave)- 1,488 30,115 - - - 31,603 Castano Avenue (Curbaril Ave to Palomar Ave)- 2,102 42,548 - - - 44,650 San Vicente Avenue (San Jacinto Ave to North end)- 1,303 26,380 - - - 27,683 Yerba Avenue (Estrada Ave to Dolores Ave)- 1,657 33,534 - - - 35,191 2016 Pavement Rehabilitation Cascabel Rd (North end to Santa Lucia Rd)- 38,504 455,955 10,850 - - 505,309 Los Gatos Rd (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd)- 33,444 396,042 9,425 - - 438,911 San Andres Ave (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd)- 21,541 255,087 6,072 - - 282,700 San Clemente Ave (Portola Rd to San Marcos East)- 21,938 259,784 6,183 - - 287,905 Valle Ave (Curbaril Ave to Palomar Ave)- 17,120 202,731 4,826 - - 224,677 2017 Pavement Resurfacing Colorado Ave (San Rafael Rd to San Diego Wy)- - 41,643 2,364 - - 44,007 Estrada Ave (San Anselmo Rd to San Jacinto Ave)- - 29,361 1,667 - - 31,028 La Linia Ave (West end to El Dorado Rd)- - 39,430 2,239 - - 41,669 Navajoa Ave (Santa Ynez Ave to Curbaril Ave)- - 95,736 5,438 - - 101,174 Serra Ave (Atascadero Ave to San Andres Ave)- - 13,100 743 - - 13,843 Sycamore Rd (Hidalgo Ave to Miramon Ave)- - 11,067 628 - - 11,695 Alcantara Ave (Marchant Ave N to Marchant Ave S)- - 11,061 128,405 - - 139,466 Carmelita Road (Curbaril Ave to Portola Rd)- - 17,967 208,576 - - 226,543 Carmelita Road (Portola Road to San Gabriel Rd)- - 31,087 360,884 - - 391,971 Cortez Ave (Maleza Ave to Curbaril Ave)- - 7,777 90,281 - - 98,058 Monterey Road (Campo Rd to San Anselmo Rd)- - 53,445 620,430 - - 673,875 Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2020 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE CITY OF ATASCADERO MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund in the City's audited financial statements. . 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total as of June 30, 2020 Expenditures (continued): 2018 Pavement Rehabilitation Capistrano (Sycamore to West Mall) Resurface -$ -$ -$ 43,946$ 148,131$ -$ 192,077$ Nogales Ave (Dolores Ave to San Jacinto Ave)- - - 34,972 222,187 - 257,159 Nogales Ave (San Jacinto Ave to Dulzura Ave)- - - 5,760 36,510 - 42,270 Rosario Ave (Traffic Way to Alamo)- - - 3,446 49,701 - 53,147 Rosario Ave (Alamo Ave to Gancho Ave)- - - 15,107 217,791 - 232,898 Rosario Ave (Gancho Ave to Bajada Ave)- - - 7,995 143,437 - 151,432 Rosario Ave (Bajada Ave to Fresno Ave)- - - 13,179 32,301 - 45,480 Rosario Ave (Fresno Ave to Olmeda Ave)- - - 8,713 27,518 - 36,231 Rosario Ave (Olmeda Ave to El Camino Real)- - - 11,837 70,113 - 81,950 San Benito Road (Colima Road to Traffic Way)- - - 36,686 131,056 - 167,742 Tunitas Ave (Bajada Ave to Traffic Way)- - - 18,391 191,934 - 210,325 2019 Pavement Rehabilitation Balboa Road (San Fernando Rd to Graves Creek Rd)- - - 10,554 69,940 856,027 936,521 Garcia Road (Santa Cruz Rd to San Gregorio Rd)- - - 4,497 29,800 438,823 473,120 Monterey Road (Del Rio Rd to Campo Rd)- - - 5,446 36,110 139,860 181,416 Navarette Ave (Santa Lucia Rd to San Marcos Rd)- - - 4,804 31,832 449,569 486,205 Del Rio Road (Monterey Rd to San Gregorio Rd)- - - - 7,577 114,943 122,520 San Gregorio Road (Del Rio Rd to Garcia Rd)- - - - 5,805 85,485 91,290 2020 Pavement Rehabilitation Gabarda Road (Curbaril Ave to Tampico)- - - - 284 17,018 17,302 Gabarda Road (Tampico to End)- - - - 190 12,325 12,515 Junipero Avenue (El Camino Real to End)- - - - 739 44,336 45,075 Palomar Avenue (El Camino Real to Castano Ave)- - - - 826 49,560 50,386 Pueblo Avenue (El Camino Real to Sombrilla Ave)- - - - 306 18,340 18,646 Robles Avenue (Santa Ysabel Ave to Sombrilla Ave)- - - - 91 5,434 5,525 Sinaloa Avenue (Pueblo Ave to Curbaril Ave)- - - - 258 15,499 15,757 Sombrilla Avenue (Robles Ave to End)- - - - 286 24,131 24,417 Sombrilla Avenue (Robles Ave to Curbaril)- - - - 402 17,176 17,578 Sonora Avenue (Valle Ave to Pinal Ave)- - - - 213 12,799 13,012 Valle Avenue (North End to Escarpa Ave)- - - - 278 40,940 41,218 Valle Avenue (Escarpa Ave to Curbaril Ave)- - - - 682 17,018 17,700 MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (continued) Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2020 CITY OF ATASCADERO *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund in the City's audited financial statements. . 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total as of June 30, 2020 Expenditures (continued): 2021 Pavement Rehabilitation Alegre Ave (Atascadero Ave to End)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 694$ 694$ Coromar Ave (Marchant Ave to Curbaril Ave)- - - - - 708 708 Coromar Ave (Curbaril Ave to Via Tortuga)- - - - - 2,657 2,657 Coromar Ave (Via Tortuga to Portola Rd)- - - - - 2,372 2,372 La Paz Ln (Atascadero Rd to End)- - - - - 2,954 2,954 Marchant Way (Pismo Ave to Santa Rosa Rd)- - - - - 3,463 3,463 Marchant Ave (Coromar Ave to Curbaril Ave)- - - - - 1,445 1,445 Marchant Ave (Curbaril Ave to Atascadero Ave)- - - - - 1,663 1,663 Old Morro Rd East (Hwy 41 West to Hwy 41 East)- - - - - 4,300 4,300 Pismo Ave (Hwy 41 to Marchant Way)- - - - - 1,451 1,451 San Diego Rd (Atascadero Ave to Colorado Rd)- - - - - 1,686 1,686 San Diego Rd (Colorado Rd to Hwy 101 On Ramp)- - - - - 3,243 3,243 San Guillermo Ln (San Gabriel Rd to End)- - - - - 1,388 1,388 San Rafael Rd (San Gabriel Rd to Los Osos Rd)- - - - - 3,882 3,882 6,575 217,962 2,138,147 1,684,344 1,456,298 2,391,189 7,894,515 Net change in fund balance 465,960$ 1,907,940$ (12,157)$ 623,579$ 1,006,636$ 247,567$ 4,239,525$ Fund Balance- beginning of year - 465,960 2,373,900 2,361,743 2,985,322 3,991,958 - Fund Balance- end of year 465,960$ 2,373,900$ 2,361,743$ 2,985,322$ 3,991,958$ 4,239,525$ 4,239,525$ STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (continued) Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2015 through June 30, 2020 CITY OF ATASCADERO MEASURE F-14 SALES TAX PROJECTS FUND* *This fund is a sub-account of the General Fund and will be included with the General Fund in the City's audited financial statements. . Sales Check Check Month Date Amount July 2019 9/24/2019 251,192$ August 2019 10/24/2019 237,262 September 2019 11/25/2019 137,897 October 2019 12/24/2019 233,008 November 2019 1/24/2020 250,019 December 2019 2/25/2020 228,921 January 2020 3/25/2020 213,236 February 2020 4/24/2020 159,695 March 2020 5/26/2020 121,292 April 2020 6/24/2020 201,262 May 2020 7/24/2020 245,872 June 2020 8/25/2020 203,587 Total Revenue 2,483,243$ Measure F-14 Sales Tax Revenue Summary . THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMAHK - VlbW A I AN ANULt»•3i(E^La[?®@Ria^ 62-STm'^THE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THEIDENTIFICATION NO.FUND NO. FUND NAME0094 RETAIL SALES TAX4197600MO. I DAY I YR.09 ;24 ;201990-1342/121162518204TO: 518204CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93422:DOI-LARS,.; CENTS'$«251191^67B^TTYT'YEE ^BCALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER1:1 a It 134 E3i: &35lBEDl<fluIDETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS;1ISSUE DATE: 09/24/2019CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 9/18/2019 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: 419PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS JUL 2019 90,'491.67CURRENT ADVANCE JUL 2019 160,700.00PRIOR CREDITS 0.00!sII!IBALANCETOTAL PAYMENTJUL 2019251,191.67251,191.67TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 1ST QUARTER 2018DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 4TH QUARTER 2019TOTAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS (AS ABOVE)7^9.391,038.8782,563.916,139.850 . 35-90,491.67IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 32'i-3000 OR NAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 9^2879, SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0027. THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK - VIEW AT AN ANGLEWARRANT NUMBER62-798109H THE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THEIDENTIFICATION NO.FUND NO. FUND NAME0094 RETAIL SALES TAX4197600MO. I DAY I YR.10 :24 '201990-1342/121162798109TO: 798109CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93422^D0LfcARS:,tCENTSl^^•x237:It:l:|i6;i=5>'B^TTYT'.YEECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER£Iis|i: I 3 I ll.3l« ?3«: & Epqa lDL)3irDETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS62-798109ISSUE DATE: 10/24/2019CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 10/18/2019 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: 419PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS AUG 2019 76,561.66CURRENT ADVANCE AUG 2019 160,700.00PRIOR CREDITS 0.00BALANCETOTAL PAYMENTAUG 2019237,261.66237,261.66TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 1ST QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION <'»TH QUARTER 2019TOTAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS (AS ABOVE)2,583.22228.356,392.3567,356.2^1.5076,561.66IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0027^!. i nt artt^r. ur i nio UU^UIVIOM i i^ui'j IMII^OV'/ARRANT NUMBERt'"7'*'iii3£!S'y _...._ FUNDNO. FUNDNAMEH THE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THE 0094 RETAIL SALES TAX63-0426434197600MO. I DAY I YR.11:25 :2019I90-1342/1211630^2643TO: 042643CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93<'t22w?"B©LLj|Bg^:;iN;W(millllllllllllll•!fW'TTY T'. YEECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER!IIsi:lElLL3i,S3i: &:l0i,3&i<3flirDETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS63-ISSUE DATE: 11/25/2019CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 11/19/2019 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: ^19PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.TOTAL DUE 3RD QTR 19PRIOR CREDITSPRIOR DISTRIBUTIONS 3RD QTR 19PRIOR ADVANCES 3RD QTR 19COST OF ADMIN632,7<40.450.00167,053.33-321,<400.00-6,390.00-BALANCETOTAL PAYMENT3RD QTR 19137,897.12137,897.12TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 1ST QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 4TH QUARTER 2019TOTAL DUE CAS ABOVE)^,212.223,076.3789,753.01535,643.2655.59632,740.45IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC; 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 9^279-0027. WARRANT NUMBER63-272753H THE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THEIDENTIFICATION NO.FUND NO.0094FUND NAMERETAIL SALES TAX4197600MO. I DAY I YR.12 ;24 :201990-1342/121163272753TO 272753CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93422! E01;L?LBgai:!iji1|i;|.::dEia'J;S|•;^:^.:'::FS'TTYT'.YEECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER!IIIS; I ?l lli3i< 33>: &3 E7 E753 lin'DETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS63'ISSUE DATE: 12/2^/2019CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 12/18/2019 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: 419PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS OCT 2019CURRENT ADVANCE OCT 2019PRIOR CREDITS27275376,507.75156,500.000.00BALANCETOTAL PAYMENTOCT 2019233,007.75233,007.75TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 2ND QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 4TH QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2020TOTAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS (AS ABOVE)5,292.891,241.8665,889.014,083.8^0.1576,507.75IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 9^279-0027. IMtHAtJKUh I MIB LJUUUMfcN I UUN I AINH AN AH I IhlUIAL VVA I bHIVIAHK. - VlhVV A I AN ANULt.3" 48^315iANT NUMBER9H THE TREASDRER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THEIDENTIFICATION NO.FUND NO. FUND NAME0094 RETAIL SALES TAX4197600MO. I DAY I YR.01;24;202090-1342/121163^83109TO: 483109CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93^22.©Obl-ARS';: '•:-;.i3E8'rS];:|:|X2:50:0;::1;.811S5'^:B^TTYT'.YEECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER?s?,»sIIsji:: 12 I I l3»< 33i: &3lifl3 lOq Sli'iDETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS63'•48.3.0,ISSUE DATE: 01/2t/2020CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 1/17/2020 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: tl9PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS NOV 2019 93,518.5'4CURRENT ADVANCE NOV 2019 156,500.00PRIOR CREDITS 0.00BALANCETOTAL PAYMENTNOV 2019250,018.51250,018.5^TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 2ND QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 4TH QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2020TOTAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS (AS ABOVE)23,395.777,62<4.1<^11,040.6951,'457.730.2193,518.54IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 9^+279-0027. 1Mb UAIJK U^ I MIS UUI^UIVItlN I UUN I AINU AN AM I IhlUIAL VVA I tMIVIAHK - VltVV A I AN AIMULfcs'WARRANT NUMBER63-689280FUND NO. FUND NAMETHE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THE 0094 RETAIL SALES TAXIDENTIFICATION NO.7600 MO-;DAY;YR-02;25;2020 6368928090-1342/1211ucTO: 689280CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93422;,D©)-i,.K^S;-::;:^EN!1SSI^i;«X2';t8:9211t;tl:IQ:BETTY T'. YE ECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER[I•:lElll3t,33i: &3&ac1EB03ii'1DETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS;f»ibJ'•68.9280ISSUE DATE: 02/2S/202QCALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 2/19/2020 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: ^19PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.TOTAL DUE '+TH QTR 19PRIOR CREDITSPRIOR DISTRIBUTIONS ''•TH QTR 19PRIOR ADVANCES <4TH QTR 19COST OF ADMIN718,337.590 .00170,026.29-313,000.00-6,390.00-BALANCETOTAL PAYMENT4TH QTR 19228,921.30228,921.30TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 2ND QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 2NDDISTRIBUTION 3RDDISTRIBUTION <iTHDISTRIBUTION 1STQUARTER 2019QUARTER 2019QUARTER 2019QUARTER 2020TOTAL DUE (AS ABOVE)27,897.009,746.8082,178.04598,514.6^1.11718,337.59IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR NAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 9^2879, SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0027. I Mfc tirtU!\ Uh [ t-llti LJUL/UlVllzlNJ 1 \^UN I Ml ING Ml\; MFi I iD^lrtL VVrt I cniV[Mnr\ - view MI nil niM\ji-WARRANT NUMBER1^ 63-896150FUND NO. FUND NAMETHE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THE 0094 RETAIL S^LES TAXIDENTIFICATION NO.7600 MO-;DAY;YR-03;25;2020 638961EIO90-1:142/1211To 896150CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93422S@,3iS_@.£t,11^1,11111 lllllBETTYT'.YEECALIFORMA STATE CONTRO_LER!I0Ii: I El I l3i< E3i: & EiaE1& I 50 7ii1DETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS63-89.6150ISSUE DATE: 03/25/2020CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 3/18/2020 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: 419PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS JAN 2020CURRENT ADVANCE JAN 2020PRIOR CREDITS71,03<,.50142,20(1.00(1.00BALANCETOTAL PAYMENTJAN 2020213,23^.50213.23fc.BOTOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONPRIOR TO 3RD QUARTER 20193RD QUARTER 2019<4TH QUARTER 20191ST QUARTER 20202ND QUARTER 2020TOTAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS (AS ABOVE)'+20.70382'. 3 964,122.566,110.85(1.0071,036.50IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0027I*}. ?£,'nc on^r\ ur i nio UUL/UIVIIZIN i (-/UIN i MII^O niN Mn i ID^IML. VVM i cniviMnn. - vii^vv MI MII /-MI^L-C:WARRANT NUMBER1^ 64-117704FUND NO. FUND NAMETHE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THE Q09<4 RETAIL SALES TAXIDENTIFICATION NO.7600 MO-;DAY;YR-0<^;24;2020 6^11770^90-1342/1211!s!TO: 117704CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93422|B®L;14 BS'^fa^iiilllllllll^^B^TTYT/YEE ^CALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLERIIill 21 ll3l<33i: &L. t ITTQii&irDETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS64-117704ISSUE DATE: 04/24/2020CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 4/20/2020 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWNJURIS CODE: 419PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS FEB 2020CURRENT ADVANCE FEB 2020PRIOR CREDITSBELOW45,895.01113,800.000 . 00BALANCETOTAL PAYMENTFEB 2020159,695.01159,695.01TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION <+TH QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2020DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2020TOTAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS (AS ABOVE)20.61^10.362,333.3843,125. 125.5^t<i5,895.01IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 32^-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, NIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 9^279-0027. IMtL»AUr<Ut- I Mlto UUL/UIVIfclMI L/UIN 1 AII^S AIM Mri I It-IL/lrtL VVA I l=[-i!VIAt-l[\ - V1CVV A I MIM MIMULdWARRANT NUMBER^\[Ul[pl(U53Kia^\ 64-325670Th^E TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THE 0094 RETAIt-SALES TAXIDENTIFICATION NO.7600 MO-;DAY;YR-05;26'2020 6432567090-1342/1211TO: 325670CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93^22jl^l^sM^B^TTYT'.YEECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER!sIjI|;l 2 I ll3i< 33i: E,i<3a5&703n*DETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS64-325.670ISSUE DATE: 05/26/2020CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 5/19/2020 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: 419PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.TOTAL DUE 1ST QTR 20 500,053.62PRIOR CREDITS 0.00PRIOR DISTRIBUTIONS 1ST QTR 20 116,931.51-PRIOR ADVANCES 1ST QTR 20 256,000.00-COST OF ADMIN 5,830.00-BALANCETOTAL PAYMENT1ST QTR 20121,292.11121,292.11TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 4TH QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2020DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2020TOTAL DUE CAS ABOVE)803.0<41,269.2870,59<4. 04427,381.595.67500,053.62IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 9<+279-0027. ISWARRANT NUMBER^64-605793FUND NO. FUND NAMEy THE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THE 0094 RETAIL SALES TAX7600 MO-;DAY;YR-06:24'202090-1342/12116<4605793TO: 605793CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93-422DQLIABS; CENTS:$xx2Ql26l|.6QBEiTTYT'.YEECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER=&•igl3lll34E3i: &liE,05?c135iiilDETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS64-605793ISSUE DATE: 06/2t/2020CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 6/18/2020 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: 419PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS APR 2020CURRENT ADVANCE APR 2020PRIOR CREDITS97,161.60104,100.000.00BALANCETOTAL PAYMENTAPR 2020DISTRIBUTION 4TH QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2020DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2020DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2020TOTAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS CAS ABOVE)201,261.60201,261.60TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO 4TH QUARTER 20193,930.76858.5591,3<-i6.791,025.500.0097,161.60IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 94279-0027. THEBAUKUI- I HIH UUUUMfcN I UUN IAINS AN AH I IhlUIAL WA I tMMAMK - VlbVV A I HIM ftllULtKWARRANT NUMBER64-758093FUND NO. FUND NAMEI.) THE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THE Q 0 9'4 RETAIL SALES TAXIDENTIFICATION NO.7600 Mo''' DAY1 YR- 90-1342/121107;24;2020 6'4758093TO: 758093CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93^22_@OUARS_;:CENTS|$»K245872J,34aB^TTYT/.YEECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLER?BIsIIIC!l E I 1134E31: &l,75aoq33lrDETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS64-758093ISSUE DATE: 07/2t/2020CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 7/20/2020 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE; <4l9PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS MAY 2020CURRENT ADVANCE MAY 2020PRIOR CREDITS81,272.3416^,600.000.00BALANCETOTAL PAYMENTMAY 2020245,872.3^245,872.34TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD;DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO <4TH QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 4TH QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION 1ST QUARTER 2020DISTRIBUTION 2ND QUARTER 2020DISTRIBUTION 3RD QUARTER 2020TOTAL CURRENT DISTRIBUTIONS (AS ABOVE)7,375.25360.879,311.3864,224.840.0081,272.3<'iIF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 324-3000 OR MAIL:CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 9^279-0027. ?&'mTHE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS AN ARTIFICIAL WATERMARK - VIEW AT AN ANGLEWARRANT NUMBER|[PI(D[F3Na^ 64-988172FUND NO. FUND NAMETHE TREASURER OF THE STATE WILL PAY OUT OF THE Q 0 9 '4IDENTIFICATION NO.MO. I DAY I YR.08 '.25[2020760090-1342/12116^988172TO 988172CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.6500 PALMA AVENUEATASCADERO CA 93422:DOtJl-A.RS;J'CENTS|^^swsisi^^i.B^TTYr.YEECALIFORNIA STATE CONTROLLERg:=5>'•'.1:1 2 II 131, a3«: E.i.qflB l72ci,ir64-988172DETACH ON DOTTED LINEKEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDSISSUE DATE: 08/25/2020CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONSTATEMENT OF DISTRICT TAX DISTRIBUTIONDATE: 8/19/2020 FOR THE PERIODS SHOWN BELOWJURIS CODE: ^19PAYEE: CITY OF ATASCADERO T & U TAXADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIR.TOTAL DUE 2ND QTR 20 656,031.28PRIOR CREDITS 0.00PRIOR DISTRIBUTIONS 2ND QTR 20 178,433.9t-PRIOR ADVANCES 2ND QTR 20 268,700.00-COST OF ADMIN 5,310.00-BALANCETOTAL PAYMENT2ND QTR 20203,587.3''*203,587.34TOTAL DUE BREAKDOWN BY PERIOD:DISTRIBUTION PRIOR TO <4TH QUARTER 2019DISTRIBUTION <^TH QUARTER 20191ST QUARTER 20202ND QUARTER 20203RD QUARTER 2020ABOVE)DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONTOTAL DUE (AS12,124.682,2^6.251<41,<437.''»5^99,685.^6537.^4656,031.28IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CONTACT CDTFALOCAL REVENUE BRANCH BY PHONE AT (916) 32^-3000 OR MAIL:ICALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATIONLOCAL REVENUE BRANCH, MIC: 27PO BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CA 9<4279-0027lis-—I.